Nellie Tilson Webb

1938 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum


Nellie clipped this poem and glued it into her 1938 diary.


Saturday, January 1
A busy day. – Making preparations for the guests who are to eat welsh rarebit in the Pierce home tomorrow evening. – Jedie went to Bay City to see a picture this afternoon. – Lee listened to the ball games over the radio. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to see the picture in Bay City. – The rest of us are going to bed early. – The 1st day of the new year.

Sunday, January 2
Mrs. Mobley came out, drove her car, about 11:30 this forenoon and helped finish the “rarebit” lunch which Mrs. Pierce served at 5 o’clock to Mrs. Mobley, Mr. and Mrs. Blake of Houston, Mrs. Borden, Miss Nellie Hough, Dr. and Mrs. Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Hough Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Hall and the Pierce household. – Mrs. Smith has been in bed all day, so did not come to eat rarebit. – Mrs. Mobley is spending the night with Mrs. Pierce.  – We are going to bed tired. – Jedie became sick before the evening was over and went to bed.

Monday, January 3
Sunshine most of the day. – Mrs. Mobley went home after lunch. I was glad to see her again. – Wrote and mailed some letters this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and Lee are playing bridge as the rest of us go to bed.

Tuesday, January 4
Mostly sunshine. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City. She had the broken rear spring in her car replaced with a new one. – This afternoon we old folks drove to Palacios to see the burning oil well, etc. – I paid to Mr. Feather the taxes of my lot (No. 5 Blk 52) and one half the taxes on the property I sold to Mr. Claybourn. He is to pay the other half. He has increased the amount of insurance on the place and for three years.  – Did not see any of my friends as Mrs. Pierce was ready to come home when I had finished my call on Mr. Feather. – Lee and Jedie in Palacios as I go to bed.

Wednesday, January 5
A cloudy and finally rainy day. – Lee drove the truck for Mrs. Smith this forenoon on account of her lame hip. They hauled cattle feed from El Campo. – Mrs. Smith came in awhile about suppertime, but did not stay long as she was to drive Lucille out beyond El Maton to see her sick baby – Rain pouring down as we go to bed. – The oil well still on fire.

Thursday, January 6
An uncertain day. Colder this morning and clear, only to cloud over and mist until late afternoon when the sun came out. – Jedie and Lee Hall spent the afternoon in Palacios. Mrs. Smith spent it here. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce is attending a Library meeting at Mrs. White’s (next door). – Lee and his grandparents are at Live Oak Farm. – Jedie, the baby and I are going to bed.

Friday, January 7
Lovely day. All sunshine. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hall, the baby and I drove to Bay City, Old Gulf and Matagorda. Am almost sorry I saw old Gulf in its desolation. It was a clean, busy town when I saw it before. The pretty white homes are about all sold and moved away. The stores closed, etc. – We came back thru Bay City and brought Mr. Pierce home. – Lee and Jedie went to see Dr. Loos and to a picture show. – Mrs. Borden, her sister Miss Hough, Dr. Hough and wife called a few minutes tonight. They had been to Port Lavaca to eat shrimp.

Saturday, January 8
Cold day. Sunshine and clouds. – Sewed on finger towels for Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith came in and played bridge with Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Lee and Jedie have gone to Bay City to the picture show with Elizabeth (Jedie’s sister) and her beau.

Sunday, January 9
Rainy day. – The family were Mrs. Beard’s dinner guests at the hotel this noon. – Then to Bay City to see a picture. – Jack was off after he did the breakfast work. – Mrs. Smith was Mrs. Runnell’s dinner guest at Pierce today. – Cherri stayed with me. We had lunch and had a very restful time. – Lee and Jedie did not go to Bay City as they had the baby with them.  – Mrs. Smith was very late getting home. We were worried about her (so was Cherri), but she finally came, tired and sleepy.

Monday, January 10
Cold day. Sun shone, tho, so the washing dried. – Did my special laundry this forenoon. – Went to Bay City after lunch with Lee and Jedie. – Lee registered for work at the Registration Office. – Jedie did some shopping. - I bought this diary and got my ring from Tetts jewelry store. Had my ring made larger. – Sewed some on towels tonight.

Tuesday, January 11
A most beautiful day. – I went to town this forenoon and saw Mr. Yeager about the crates for my barrel and box. – Mr. Rickaway had them made, so he brought them up and the barrel is all nailed up. The box is in its crate and partly packed. – I also went to see one of the R. R. agents about routes and fare to Kansas. He brought up a route and the cost tonight. Would much rather go by bus. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce have gone out to Live Oak Farm tonight to visit Mrs. Smith.

Wednesday, January 12 – Mr. Farwell’s 83rd Birthday
Norther on this forenoon. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. Each had a shampoo and manicure in preparation for our dining in Mrs. Borden’s home tomorrow. We were in the McPeak parlor two hours. – Then ate lunch at the White House Cafe. – Then went to see a picture, “Angel,” Marlene Deitrich. – Mrs. Smith spent a couple of hours here tonight. – Mrs. Pierce attending a school board meeting tonight. – Have the finger towels finished tonight.

Thursday, January 13
Cloudy forenoon, but a bright afternoon. – At eleven o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and myself drove to Mackay. Guests in the Borden home at one o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Smith was a guest, also. Mrs. Borden’s house guests are Dr. and Mrs. Hough and Miss Nellie Hough. – The Borden home is a most delightful one in which to be a guest. – Lee went hunting and Jedie and baby spent the day in Palacios. – Mrs. Smith came in for a couple of hours tonight.

Friday, January 14
A pretty day. – Have at last found a trunk which will hold my belongings. Mrs. Pierce found it in the trunk closet and gave it to me. Now I can rope the two trunks. Express one and check one if I go by train. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up an hour this afternoon. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle came over for dinner. – Mrs. Smith came soon after dinner. – Now as I go to bed, they are busy with two tables of bridge. – Lee Hall is asleep. – Mrs. Williams, a county office candidate, called electioneering this afternoon.

Saturday, January 15
Basketball tournament at Blessing High School. Mrs. Pierce spent the day helping the Library ladies serve lunch. – Jedie and Lee saw some of the daylight games and went tonight to see Blessing win from Bay City. – Mrs. Hall and I have been nurses for Lee Hall. – Finished a luncheon set for Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Cleaned the third floor today, also. Have my things about ready to nail and seal up. – No mail for me today. – Going to bed tired, after a hot bath.

Sunday, January 16
A beautiful day after a very foggy morning. – The family, except Lee Hall who was left behind in care of Odeal, ate a most excellent 1 o’clock dinner at Live Oak Farm. – Lee and Jedie, also Mr. Pierce, came back soon after eating, but the “old folks” spent the afternoon looking at the fine stock, the grand live oaks, the beautiful place, visiting, etc. – Mrs. Smith came in since dark and spent an hour. – I have written to Rev. and Mrs. Fraser tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are in Bay City as we go to bed.

Monday, January 17
Very foggy and rainy all forenoon. Odeal washed and the sun came out awhile since lunch, so the clothes dried. – I went to see the ticket agent this forenoon. He will prepare some more information for me about the route, etc. to Kansas. – Mrs. Hall drove to Sargent this afternoon with Mr. Pierce in Lee’s car. – Lee went as far as Bay City looking for a job. – Mrs. Smith brought my North American check for a year this forenoon. Div. for July $7.00 and for Dec. $8.60 - $15.60. Almost enough to buy my ticket to Kansas. – Went to see Grace Moore with Mrs. Smith tonight. – Have some cold. Have taken camphor for it tonight.

Tuesday, January 18 – Clinton died 1934
Heavy fog until noon. Almost a rain. – Housework this morning. – Then wrote a note to Mrs. Borden asking to be excused from spending a day or two with her this week. – Took my letter to the P.O. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Hall walked to town this afternoon and did a little shopping. – I did some mending today. – The ticket agent brought the route he considered best for me to take to Kansas. Connections not very good. – Mrs. Smith came tonight to play bridge. – Mr. Pierce works at his office every night.

Wednesday, January 19 – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s 29th Wedding Anniversary
Rec’d deposit slip from Bank. $25.00. – Much fog all day. Very strange weather. A norther has been reported coming for several days. Am thankful it is delaying its coming so far. – Finished hemming Mrs. Pierce’s towels before dinner. – Mrs. Smith came this afternoon and bought my white iron bed, springs, mattress and pillows. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm for a couple of hours. – Lee and Jedie went to Palacios. I kept the baby. – Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk came a few minutes, then drove on out to Live Oak. – The family have returned and we are going to bed.

Thursday, January 20
Mrs. Pierce and Mr. and Mrs. Hall were to spend the day in the Farwell home, but owing to much going and excitement, Mrs. Farwell was not able to have them today. Tomorrow is set for the day now. – This has been no exception to the many cloudy foggy days that have passed. South wind for which we are thankful. – I did my underwear washing this forenoon and took care of Lee Hall this afternoon while his mother went to Palacios and the family played bridge. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Smith have gone to Bay City.

Friday, January 21 – Mother died 10 years ago
Mostly dreary weather, fog, mist and a shower this P.M. – Went out to Live Oak Farm with Mrs. Smith for an hour this forenoon. She has a most beautiful farm and nice stock of which she is justly proud. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce spent the day at the Farwell home. – Lee and Jedie spent the afternoon in Bay City. Jedie has a drivers’ license now. I kept the baby. We had a good quiet time. – Bought some rope to reinforce the large trunk I am taking to Kansas. – Mrs. Smith came in for an hour tonight.

Saturday, January 22
Mostly cloudy or foggy all day. – Have been home the entire day. – Did some mending and washing this forenoon. – Walter Heffelfinger came to visit his Aunt Pearl this forenoon. They came this afternoon and took my iron bed. – Mrs. Smith is fixing up the servants’ rooms more comfortable. Am glad to sell the bed. The money will be of more use to me than the bed. – Mrs. Pierce and her mother drove to El Maton today. – Jedie had a guest this afternoon—Katharine Barlow. Lee and Jedie are out with Robert and Madge tonight.

Sunday, January 23 – Mrs. Bell’s 79th Birthday
Rained about all forenoon, but the wind changed to the west and the afternoon has been lovely, not cold. – I read all afternoon instead of writing some letters as I should have done. – After eating a standing up lunch in the kitchen, we old folks all went out to Live Oak Farm for a couple of hours. Mrs. Smith had made candy. Walter took a box home with him. – He is still in Houston, tho has not yet found another job.

Monday, January 24
Today Mrs. Pierce mailed the check to Stomers for the ring I gave her Christmas.- This has been a trying day as far as the weather is concerned. A dust storm, which ruined the clothes Odeal tried to dry. – Everyone at home all day except myself. I wrote a letter and took it to the P.O. Was out of breath and strength when I had made the trip. Did not realize the wind was blowing so strong. – Cold tonight at bed time.

Tuesday, January 25 – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell’s 56th Wedding Anniversary – Lee Hall 1 Year Old
The air was heavy with dust all forenoon. A north wind. The sun struggled  thru the dust tho before the day was over. It has been cold all day. A piercing wind that chilled one through. Lee worked at the hotel putting in a repaired water heater. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Hall tried to put Mrs. Pierce’s quilt into the frame, but found the lining too small. – Jedie baked an angel food cake for Lee Hall’s birthday. It was cut at the dinner table tonight with one red candle on it. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce are out at Live Oak Farm as we go to bed. – Letter from Mrs. Richards. Ed Berry passed on.

Jedie Chiles Pierce and oldest son, Lee Hall Pierce

Wednesday, January 26
A beautiful day, but a penetrating wind blowing. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Tandy spent the day here. – Mrs. Pierce had one of her good 12 o’clock dinners prepared. Served fried chicken. The first from the ones Jack raised in the Fall. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Mr. Hall and Mr. Farwell entertained each other. We women served and visited. Mrs. Smith came in for a few minutes. – No mail for me today.

Thursday, January 27
Grand day. – Mrs. Smith came for me this forenoon and I cut out and basted a mattress cover for her single bed and ate lunch with her. Then we looked some dresses over and found out what to do with them. We came back to Blessing and I got a check cashed at Mr. Yeager’s. – Mrs. Hall went back with Mrs. Smith and spent the afternoon. – I finished the cover xcept the snaps and put the collar in the Cudahay dress. – Mrs. Smith came in for an hour tonight. – Lee and Jedie drove to Palacios. – We are going to bed early preparatory to spending tomorrow in Houston.

Friday, January 28
A most beautiful day all day. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Lee and I spent the day in Houston. Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce had a shampoo and manicures before lunch. Lee went to see his Dr. who gave him encouragement for his feet. I did my shopping and some for Mrs. Smith. Then we met at Ship Ahoy and had lunch. We women went to see Wallace Beery and Lee went someplace else. We all met at Sakowitz and came home arriving about 7:30. – Mr. Hall had spent some time today out at Live Oak Farm. – Am extremely tired, but had a most pleasant day. Perhaps my last in Houston.

Saturday, January 29
A cloudy day. Not so cold. Some showers. – Sent a couple of papers to Mr. Fraser. – Worked on Mrs. Smith’s dresses, etc. most of the time. – Tonight Mrs. Smith came in just as we were at dinner. They played bridge. Then Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk came and they played awhile longer. – John Henry came to spend Sunday. Brought a watercolor of Mrs. Smith’s home for her. – A Christmas gift.

Sunday, January 30
A temperamental day. – Early this morning the sun shone awhile. Then the clouds came, but no rain. So Mrs. Hall’s guests went with her to Port Lavaca and at 1 o’clock ate a most delicious fish food dinner. Odeal kept Lee Hall. – There were nine of us in the party—Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Sr. and John Henry went in his car. Mrs. Smith, Lee, Jedie and I went in Mrs. Pierce’s car. Quite a shower fell on us as we came back. – John Henry went back to Houston soon after 5 o’clock just as a norther blew down upon us.

Monday, January 31 – President Roosevelt’s 56th Birthday – Balls
Cold, cold. Then ice. Sunshine all day, but a piercing wind blowing. – Odeal washed and the cloths dried. – This afternoon Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Lee and Jedie went to Bay City. I took care of the baby. – Rec’d a letter from Minnie saying her son Donald and his wife were on their way to Louisiana and Mexico and might stop to see me a minute. They chose a most unfavorable season to come to the Gulf Coast country. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce are out at Live Oak Farm tonight for a game of bridge. – Sears Roebuck for 1 pr of hose.


Tuesday, February 1
Some sunshine and warmer. Wind gone down tonight. – Have worked on Mrs. Smith’s sewing today. – Mrs. Hall sewing all day, too. – Sent a note to Donald Crum today. – Mrs. Smith has been in a couple of times today. – We are invited to eat backbone at her home tomorrow at noon.

Wednesday, February 2
Some sunshine and much warmer. South wind. – The household except Mr. Pierce ate a grand backbone dinner with Mrs. Smith at noon at beautiful Live Oak Farm. – This forenoon I sewed on Mrs. Smith’s coat lining and this afternoon finished it. – Donald Crum called me from Wharton this afternoon to say they were passing thru by way of Victoria to Mexico. Could not stop here as time was valuable and limited. His voice sounded like his father’s, so boyish and full of “pep.” – Another letter from the Frasers. – Think my time of leaving here will be the 21st.

Thursday, February 3
A pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce has worked out of doors all day. Having leaves raked and flower beds spaded. Today I finished the work. – Mrs. Smith had me do for her. – Mrs. Hall is sewing for Mrs. Pierce most of the time—dresses and household linens, etc. – Rec’d my $6.00 dividend from the Central Power and Light Company today. – Mrs. Smith came in to play bridge an hour tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a Library meeting at Mrs. Stadig’s tonight.

Friday, February 4
Another beautiful day.  – Mrs. Pierce and Huie worked in the yard planting, etc. – Mrs. Hall sewed some and spent some time out in the yard. – I have been busy all day. Did some washing and ironing, mending, packing and cleaned my room. A full day. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce went out to Live Oak Farm to play bridge. – Lee put Buddy’s camera in order and we sat up late to see the moving pictures taken by it. They hope to take some of the baby. – Sent the handkerchiefs table cover to Marguerite today. – My father’s handkerchiefs. – 3 yrs vacation from the Farwell house.

Saturday, February 5
A pretty day, but “terribly” windy. – Mrs. Pierce and helpers worked in the yard making stepping stones out to and beside the pool. Trimming trees, planting flowers and seeds. – Mrs. Hall did mending most of the day. – I did some more washing. The corduroy robe was heavy to handle, but it is clean now and smells sweet. – Am still packing my trunks. Closed the crated box today. – Jedie is making candy. – The bridge addicts are playing the rubber as I go to bed. Mrs. Smith did not stop to play tonight. – Felt miserable all afternoon. So tired.

Sunday, February 6
A beautiful day all day. – We slept late as usual on Sunday morning. Had late breakfast and late dinner. – None of us went off of the place until afternoon. Then Lee and his family went to Palacios. – I sent the old family Bible to Beatrice Milam by them. She will see that it reaches the DeTar heirs. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. We all sat on the front porch in the sun. I returned to Mrs. Farwell a small Easter basket she had given mother years ago. – Mrs. Smith and Pierce Withers came for an hour tonight. – Mrs. Smith was sick with headache.

Monday, February 7
Beautiful day. All sunshine. – After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. – I stopped to see Mr. Feather and he gave me the tax receipts for last year. – Then I went to see Mrs. Richards. Had a long visit with her. Next week I hope to go down again and spend more time. There are yet several things I must do before I go away. – Expect to go to Houston tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 8
A day in Houston. – Awoke at 6 o’clock this morning. – Got up quietly, dressed and slipped down to the kitchen where I made a cup of coffee, ate an orange and a slice of toast and was ready to go when Mrs. Smith’s truck brought the milk. – She and I and Cherri was soon on our way to Houston. Left a trailer of corn at El Campo to be ground. – Left Cherri at the hospital for a bath. – Did our shopping. All pecan waffles for lunch, then finished the shopping. – Picked Cherri up and drizzle began falling soon after we started and soon a rain making driving dangerous, but we made the trip in safety. Thank you Mrs. Smith for a happy day, etc. – Mrs. Smith gave me a nice pair of gloves.

Wednesday, February 9
Foggy this morning, but the sun soon came out. – Mrs. Pierce worked in her yard all forenoon. This afternoon Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Lee Hall went out driving to Francitas. They had a blowout and Mr. Hall and Mrs. Pierce changed the tire. Mr. Hall quite lame in his knees tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has gone to a school board meeting tonight. – Mrs. Smith’s slip material came and I cut two slips out. One is basted ready to fit. She sent in material for two blanket covers also. It will rush me to get it finished by the 19th. – Am tired tonight.

Thursday, February 10
Grand day. All sunshine. – Mrs. Farwell came up this forenoon. We women all drove to Bay City this afternoon. Did a little shopping and went to see a picture. Funny picture. – Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here. – Sleeping in my room. I am working on Mrs. Smith’s sewing. – Going to bed tired.

Friday, February 11
Another beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce worked in the yard some. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Farwell and I sewed. Mrs. Farwell did some work on a dress I bought in Bay City yesterday. $1.95, for the ready made dress. Had to be shortened some. – Mrs. Hall worked on general mending and her crochet work. – Jedie went to Bay City. – Lee helping Brownie put up a wind mill. – Mrs. Pierce took Mrs. F. home before dinner. – She and Jedie are attending Totsie Guynes’ shower at Mrs. Duller’s home tonight. – Lee is nurse.

Saturday, February 12
A lovely day. East wind, but sunshine. – I phoned Mrs. Joe Feather this forenoon to inquire for the mother who fell downstairs and fractured her jaw bone, besides other injuries. She is in a serious condition in the Bay City hospital. – Have been sewing very hard all day on Mrs. Smith’s work getting along very well, for which I am thankful. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios this afternoon to attend a shower for Jean Trull. – Going to bed tired. – Jedie not feeling well.

Sunday, February 13
Another beautiful day. – Everyone at home all forenoon, however, I went to the telephone office to pay for my Palacios call yesterday. – This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak Farm. - Lee, Jedie and Lee Hall drove to Palacios. – I kept house and rested on the living room couch. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce have gone to hear Rev. Engle preach. – I am going to bed. Tired out for no reason whatever. – Valentine from Marguerite.

Monday, February 14 – St. Valentine’s Day
Grand day. All sunshine. – Rec’d some valentines. One, a box of candy from Mrs. Pierce. – Am keeping it to eat on my way to Kansas. – Busy sewing on Mrs. Smith’s work all forenoon. – Mrs. Smith came for me and I sat in the truck in her woods where men were cleaning the timber for farming land. I finished one piece of her work out there. We looked at the beautiful farm and fine stock before she brought me and the men home.

Tuesday, February 15
Pretty day. – Worked on Mrs. Smith’s slips and finished them. Also worked on the blanket covers. – Think I shall get them finished, also. – Put the hem in the black flowered dress Mrs. Farwell worked on and pressed it. – Am tired when the days are ended, but sleep and rest well at night.

Wednesday, February 16
Pretty forenoon, tho an east wind was blowing. – I went to see the ticket agent this forenoon. – I must take my trunks down Saturday afternoon and have my ticket made out as the office is not open on Sunday. – The trunks will go out on the 5 o’clock train Saturday. – Then after lunch, we drove to Bay City. I rendered my one lone lot for taxation and had my bank affairs made straight. – Was given a draft for the amount. I am taking with me and my check book balanced. – Then we waited an hour for Mr. Pierce to transact business with Mr. Erickson. – Worked on the blanket covers most of the time. – Misty rain fell as we were coming home.

Thursday, February 17
Not so pretty today. Cloudy, rainy and sunshine. – Went to Palacios by bus this forenoon. – Lee took me out to Billie’s station where I drank a cup of coffee while waiting for the bus which was late. – Rendered my lone lot for taxes. Saw the Loves. Saw Mrs. Baldwin. Inquired for Mrs. Feather. Mrs. Richards and I went up to see Mrs. Strickland. Stopped to see Beatrice, but she was not at home. We three trustees agreed on the disposition of the interest money on hand.  – Jedie came for me at 5 o’clock. – I kept the baby and the family went to the oyster supper at the Community House.

Friday, February 18
Not a pretty day, but a norther. Some sunshine, tho. – Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Mrs. Smith’s this morning where I fitted a new piece into her couch cover. Then Mrs. Smith brought me back and I finished the work on Mrs. Pierce’s machine. Covered a pin cushion for Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Hall put the hem in the last blanket cover. – This afternoon Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to El Campo to have shampoos and corn ground. – The air is quite cool tonight, but the sky is clear. – My trunks are ready to travel tomorrow. – Lee and Jedie are in Bay City tonight. Brownie’s guests at a picture show.

Saturday, - February 19 – Bro. Fraser’s 82th Birthday – Mr. Bell’s 79th Birthday
Real cold day, but all sunshine. – Closed and locked my trunks this forenoon and  Jack and Hughie carried them downstairs and put the straps on them. Soon after lunch, Mrs. Smith came with her truck and two men and took them to the depot where they were weighed. Mr. Lilly brought my ticket and the checks up to the house this evening. – Mrs. Borden, Dr. and Mrs. Hough and Miss Nellie Hough called this afternoon. Came to tell me Bon Voyage they said. – Mrs. Borden seemed to regret my not spending a few days with her at Mackay before leaving Texas. Mrs. Smith paid me $35.00 for sewing today. She is always most generous in her payments.
My ticket was            $16.14
Excess baggage          3.78

Sunday, February 20 – Blessing
Cold, but mostly clear. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up for 12 o’clock dinner and an afternoon. – Walter Heffelfinger came out to Live Oak Farm by bus this forenoon. He came to see the Pierce household this afternoon. He has been quite sick. Flu. – Walter is staying over until Tuesday. – Going to bed tired. – Don’t like to say goodbye to people.

Monday, February 21
Cloudy, rainy day. Wind from the north. – Closed my bags and took a bath after lunch. Mrs. Pierce mailed my rain coat and rubbers for me. – Could not get them into the bags. – Mrs. Smith and Walter came in and we all drank tea in the living room at 4 o’clock. – Then Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Hall drove me down to the depot. Lee came to say “Goodbye Squirrellie.” He was on his way to Bay City. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle came to the depot at Bay City to say God bless you and give me a box of candy and the Saturday Evening Post. I am leaving good friends. – Arrived in Houston 8:40. Still raining. Ate lunch. Sent cards to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce. Train made up in Houston at 11:30, so I got on them. 4 or 5 passengers. They gave us pillows and I slept some before arriving at Palestine at 4:30 A.M.

Blessing Depot on left
Bay City Depot on right

Tuesday, February 22
At Palestine from 4:30 A. M. until 5:45 A. M. The depot is a dirty place, but the red caps are on duty. Slept between Houston and Palestine. – The lights were dimmed in the car for the passengers’ comfort. – Ate breakfast in the coach. Good coffee for which I am glad. – Passed thru Kilgore at 8:15. Oil derricks as thick on the ground as trees. Cloudy. Red clay hills at Sherman. Redbud and Haw. Pines. Sunshine just before we came to Texarkana. Saw mills, brick kilns, telegraph poles, R. R. ties, millions of them piled up at Texarkana. 11 o’clock. Red river very high. Arrived in Little Rock on time and with sunshine. Coffee and pie. A fine waiting room, etc. Sent cards to Mrs. S. and Mrs. P. More passengers. Leaving here at 5 o’clock. Balmy weather. Water everywhere. A river 8 mi wide. Conway. Grand hills. A tunnel. All lowland under water. Sun going down at 6 o’clock a ball of fire. Dark. Speeding thru the night.

Wednesday, February 23 – Kansas
Arrived in Osawatomie at 6:16 this morning. Dark and the ground covered with a 22 inch fall of snow. The walks and streets have been cleared for traffic. – Ate breakfast at the Kresse Hotel Café. A good meal and I was hungry. – Sent Mrs. Pierce a card from here. Waited in the hotel lobby until almost train time. Acquired some tokens. Had a 4 ½ hr wait for the train, but left there at 10:48 for Ottawa. West wind. Beautiful sunshine on the snow. Country hilly. Much timber. Beautiful. – Bro. Fraser met me at the depot and we were soon in the beautiful home of the Frasers. Mrs. Fraser so gracious and kind. My trunks came up soon. Sent cards to Mrs. Pierce, Farwells, Loves. A good dinner was waiting. A good visit followed. Later supper and now to bed in a lovely room

Thursday, February 24
Beautiful sunshine all day. Snow melting. Grand trees. A squirrel ran up one in front of my window this forenoon. – Grand bedroom. Facing west and north. – Slept well last night. Did not hear Mrs. Fraser light my fire this morning. Have not been so waited upon since I was a child. That is what a pure heart makes you do. – Letters from Mrs. Pierce and Beatrice. Have done nothing but rest and eat Mrs. Fraser’s good food today. – The streets go up and down small elevations. Am so glad the country is not flat.

Friday, February 25
Another perfect day. - Mrs. Fraser went down street today to do some shopping. I have not been outside the door yet, but the snow is melting rapidly. – Did some more record-breaking sleeping last night. – Letter from Mrs. Massenburg today. – Put a few things away in the many drawers Mrs. Fraser has provided for me. – I seem to be so quiet and at rest in my innermost being since coming into this gentle Christian home. – Am truly resting mentally and physically. – And now to my good bed.

Saturday, February 26
A beautiful day. Snow almost gone. – Have my belongings about in place in the room in the home Bro. and Mrs. Fraser have offered me and which I am gratefully accepting. It is my prayer that I shall at all times be worthy of their kindness to me and that my health and strength may be increased so that I shall not fail them under any circumstances. – Have not written a letter today. – A Mrs. Foote invited us to eat dinner with her and her family tomorrow. Her invitation was accepted.

Sunday, February 27 – My 70th Birthday
A beautiful day and a happy birthday. A pretty birthday cake. A birthday card. Two pretty handkerchiefs and a dainty cover. Candy greeted me when I sat down to breakfast this morning. – Then Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. A neighbor picked us up on the way. – Enjoyed the class and met many lovely women. Bro. Fraser came to preaching service and we listened to a fine sermon. – Then went home with the Foote family to eat a splendid dinner and enjoy the Christian fellowship – Two rose-colored candles were placed on the table in honor of my 70 years and dainty little candles were on the desert. – The evening has been spent at home in conversation and devotion. – Snow almost gone. – Letters from the Haywoods today.

Monday, February 28
A lovely spring day. – Bro. Fraser and Mr. Walker left here at 9:30 this forenoon going to the farm in Missouri to do some repairing in the house. Bro. Fraser stopped in town to consult with a physician before starting on the trip. – Mrs. Fraser and I have written several letters today and received some, also. – A pair of slipperettes came to me from Mrs. Farwell. A birthday gift. Also a pretty card with such a pretty verse on it. – We are going to bed now. Both real tired from our letter writing. So thankful for kind friends and a comfortable bed. – Good night my birth month.

Co-Workers Class.
Pres. - Mrs. Leeper
Secty-Treas – Mrs. Fraser
Mrs. St. John’s sister Mrs. Hettrick
Mrs. Cubberson
Little German – Mrs. Always
Mrs. Bailey – deaf
Mrs. Keen


Tuesday, March 1
Pretty morning, but clouds came over before noon. – A real cold wind was blowing from the east and some misty rain. - Mrs. Fraser and I went to the Class Meeting this afternoon held at the home of Mrs. Settles  – There were more than 20 ladies present at the meeting, mostly social in nature. Mrs. Reid read a chapter and made a few comments. Good ones. Mrs. Fraser led in prayer with her usual consecration. Our class teacher Miss St. John was present. A fine character. And Mrs. Foote, our last Sunday hostess. Dainty refreshments were served. Coffee, cakes topped with ice cream. Cherry Jello and cream. Mrs. Settles brought us home on account of wet pavements and rain. – Going to bed tired and happy. We miss Bro. Fraser

Wednesday, March 2
In Ottawa, Kansas one week today. This has been a beautiful day. – We slept late this morning and put in the forenoon looking at photographs, etc. – Mr. and Mrs. Blattler called to see Bro. Fraser who was not yet here. – This afternoon Mrs. Fraser and I went to town and then to the social meeting at the church. An Irish program and lunch. – I made my first purchases in Kansas today. Ink, stationery and stamps. – Am sure I shall be happy here and I trust useful, also. – Bro. Fraser and Mr. Walker came home soon after six o’clock after a profitable trip. The good man seems tired.

Thursday, March 3
Cloudy cold day. – Bro. Fraser rather tired after his three hard days travel and work. – Mrs. Fraser did some baking this forenoon for the home and something for a neighbor whose house is one of mourning. – I wrote some letters today and not much else. – The weather man promises us rain or snow tonight or tomorrow. – No fruit trees are in bed here, tho , as they were in South Texas. So cold. Weather is not feared in Kansas on that account. – Going to my comfortable bed now.

Friday, March 4
A cloudy forenoon, but warmer. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended a friend’s funeral this forenoon. – This afternoon Mrs. Fraser and I attended the World Day of Prayer at the Baptist Church. Heard a couple of fine talks. Some violin duets. A Mother’s Choir and some good prayers. The afternoon was all could be desired. Warm and sunshiny. We stopped on the way home to call on a “shut in”. A very cheerful one. – The weather man promises us rain or snow tonight. – Very warm as we go to bed. – Bro. Fraser seems to have some cold in his head and went to bed early.

Saturday, March 5
We awoke to see a light fall of snow covering roofs, etc., but it was melting rapidly before noon. Then the temperature changed and it began growing colder. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce today. – We have not been outside the door except to shake the dust mop. – Bro. Fraser had the battery put into his car this forenoon and made several trips to town for groceries, etc. – Tonight the bath water and bath room are hot, so there is no excuse for going to bed otherwise than clean.

Sunday, March 6
Bright cold morning. West wind which seemed to chill one like the east wind in Texas. – We appreciated the sunshine. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. Miss St. John made the lesson very interesting. Then we joined Bro. Fraser at the preaching service. Listened to Rev. Elliott preach on “River Lives.” The music was good. Fine congregational singing, too. – This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dunn came calling. They are interesting people and made a quite a visit. – We are all tired so are retiring early. – Do not attend night services.  Will when the weather warms up.

Monday, March 7 – My Father 1899 – 39 yrs.
Beautiful wash day, so we did some. – The basement , which is under the entire house, is a fine wash house. – Mrs. Fraser finished the cleaning up down there and I warmed up a dinner she had prepared yesterday. – Mr. Fraser worked in the garden. Set out two peach trees and prepared a bed for his strawberry plants. – This afternoon, Mrs. Fraser and he raked some on the lawn. – Mrs. Seuter called this afternoon and brought half a pie. – We are going to bed tired tonight. – Letters from Mrs. Massenburg and Mrs. Smith today.

Tuesday, March 8
Last night about 10 o’clock we were aroused by a knocking at the door. When Mrs. Fraser answered it, he found three friends from Slate Valley who had been belated getting home. So Mr. and Mrs. Fraser asked two of them, Mr. and Mrs. Swaim, to spend the night here. I slipped into bed with Mrs. F. and the guests were comfortable in my bed. Mr. Holman went to spend the night with a cousin. – They left this forenoon for their home in Slate Valley. – Bro. Fraser went to his Dr. to have a treatment this afternoon. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to the church. She to help prepare for the supper to be served to the M. E. Conference delegates at 5:30 P.M. I mailed the quilt top to Beatrice this P.M. – Mrs. Reed called this evening. – No mail today.

Wednesday, March 9
A rainy day, tho not cold. – We did our ironing this forenoon and after lunch, Bro. Fraser drove us down town. We went to the Bank where I deposited my draft and received a pass book and check book. – Then we all went to the M. E. Church where the Conference is being held and saw a pageant of nursing. The listened to a representative of the Bible Publishing Company lecture on The Romance of the Bible. – Still raining some as we go to bed.

Thursday, March 10
Pretty day. Sunshine and warmer. – We cut seed potatoes this forenoon and this afternoon Bro. Fraser drove us to town. – Mrs. Fraser sent a birthday cake to her daughter Laura. – Then we went shopping for print dresses to wear to the next class meeting. A silver tea at which you are to be fined unless you wear a print house dress. – We found a couple for $1.00 each. – No mail today. Must write tomorrow.

Friday, March 11
A beautiful day after the fog disappeared this forenoon. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce this forenoon and since dinner we planted spuds. The garden earth is in fine condition, but the moon must be in the first quarter if that makes any difference. – Worked on my $1.00 dress today, too. Trying to get it to fit a little better. – We are all tired from the farming and planting and going to bed early. Warm tonight.

Saturday, March 12
Bright, beautiful morning. – We farmers were ready for our breakfasts at 7:30 this A. M., but felt a little lame from the farm work. – Finished my $1.00 dress this forenoon. – After lunch rested on my bed an hour. Then did a little raking in the yard. – Mrs. Fraser carried the leaves to the potato garden. – Mr. Fraser bought 25 blackberry bushes which he planted this afternoon on the south line of his four lots. – Two or three ladies stopped to visit a moment on their way downtown. – We ate supper. Took hot baths and are now on our way to beds. – A very warm day and evening.

Sunday, March 13
We awoke about 2 o’clock this morning to hear loud crashing thunder and see very vivid lightning. Soon a fierce rain storm was upon us and a good deal of hail, but the storm soon passed. It was a trash mover, tho, and many deep washes in the garden. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. Mr. Fraser came later to hear the sermon preached by Dr. A. H. Kenna of the Loveman M. E. Church, Topeka. He is attending the Conference. – Mr. and Mrs. McClelland of the P.O. brought us home from church. – After lunch I wrote some letters and then went with Mrs. Fraser to Mrs. Foote’s home to leave some money for a magazine. – We did not go to church. – Going to bed early. Some tired.

Monday, March 14
Cloudy and misty all forenoon, but sunshine this afternoon. – Mr. Fraser sowed some blue grass seed this forenoon, but as we go to bed, rain is threatened and may wash it out. – No mail today for me. – A near neighbor called this afternoon. A tiny little woman more than 80 years old who used to be a teacher in the University. – This has been rather a raw cold day. – The fire was comfortable to sit by and three hot meals tasted good to all of us.

Tuesday, March 15
Mostly sunshine today, but a cool wind blowing. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser both went to take a treatment this forenoon. – Mrs. Fraser did not sleep last night. The Dr. pronounced her trouble neuritis. She is to continue taking treatments. – This afternoon we went to call on Mrs. Seuter next door, but she was not at home, so we visited the folks downstairs. – Have worked some on a gay apron I bought when we were down town last week. – Mrs. Fraser has her $1.00 dress about ready to wear to the silver tea next Tuesday. – Tomorrow I shall be in Kansas three weeks.

Wednesday, March 16 – 3 Weeks in Kansas
Beautiful afternoon. – Sewed this forenoon. – Finished Mrs. Fraser’s $1.00 dress. – This afternoon we went to the church to hear a talk on World Conditions given by one of the teachers in the University perhaps. He gave a fine explanation of the condition s in the far East—Germany and her conquests and advised the U. S. to beware of “pulling out chestnuts” again. A collection, but no eats. – Then we went down street and bought some post cards. – Our winter coats were not too warm. The furnace fire is still kept going and the gas, also. – No mail.

Thursday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
No fire in the house tonight. – A pretty day all day. – Mr. Fraser hoed the strawberry plants and the black berry vines this forenoon besides going to town for groceries. – This afternoon, Mrs. Fraser and I went calling on Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Reed, and Mrs. Dunn. Mrs. Reed gave us tea and wafers. – The afternoon was a most pleasant one. Mrs. Dunn is a most delightful lady I think. – Rec’d letters from Mrs. Tandy and Mrs. Bell today. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove down town to register this evening. This being the lst day. – No one seemed to be wearing the “Shamrock” today.

Friday, March 18
The jonquils and narcissus are blooming and the leaf buds are almost bursting on the trees and lilacs. – Sent a note and postcards to Mrs. Tandy. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser took treatments this A. M. Mrs. Fraser was quite exhausted when they came home. – The forenoon was a windy one. This afternoon we sewed and helped Mr. Fraser plant garden seeds. – Have a large bed full of lettuce, beets, beans, carrots and parsnips. – A little rain fell just as we finished planting, but as we go to bed, the sky is clear. – The furnace has been out all day and not much fire in the gas stove. – We hope spring is “just around the corner.”

Saturday, March 19
Beautiful day all day. – Mrs. Fraser did some baking this forenoon and I did the housework. – The postman brought the Beacon and a proxy from the Central Power and Light Co. for me to sign. – This afternoon we went calling and visited the Green house where I engaged an Easter lily for Easter. I want to give it to Mrs. Foote. My first Texas hostess after Mrs. Fraser. – Then we made two calls. One on the wee German woman, Mrs. Allways (?_) 90 years old and the other on Mrs. Ray who had gone to the Drs. – The afternoon was grand. – Mr. Fraser spaded some in the garden.

Sunday, March 20
A grand day. Warm and all sunshine. – We went to S. S. this forenoon and Mr. Fraser joined us for preaching service. – The sermon theme “City Lives.” – This afternoon we all went to call on Mrs. ___ and Mrs. Keen?. Then drove out around the University grounds and other parts of town. This is a pretty town. – Tonight we all went to hear the Ottawa University Choir repeat the program they had been giving all week at other places. A full concert given by 32 well trained voices.

Monday, March 21
Windy, but warm and all sunshine. – Mrs. Fraser and I did some washing this forenoon. – Mr. Fraser planted corn and beans today and spaded the little park in the front walls which Mrs. Fraser planted in zinnias. – I went to the bottom of my large trunk this afternoon and did mending. Mrs. Fraser was very tired after the washing and rested this afternoon. – No mail. No letters written. No visitors. – Going to bed tired, but not so worried.

Tuesday, March 22
Mostly sunshine all forenoon.  – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to take their treatments this morning and brought some plants home with them. Rose bush, spirea, pine trees. They planted them this afternoon. – I could not find the iron, so did not do any ironing while they were gone, but did some housework instead. – The Dr. put a supporting plaster on Mrs. Fraser’s side, so it seems less painful. – She finished the ironing this afternoon. – Quite a little shower fell this evening. Good for the tiny garden seeds. Cooler since the shower, too. – No mail today.

Wednesday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1918 – 20 yrs. – 61 when he died. – 4 Weeks in Kansas
A pretty day, but the wind was real cold. – Rec’d the Claybourn deposit slip today. It had been to Palacios and Blessing before coming here. – I wrote the bank asking them to send them here until further notice. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to a meeting at the Northside Baptist Church this afternoon. Rode over in Miss St. John’s and Mrs. Hetric’s car. The program was most enjoyable, also the cocoa and cakes. – Then we were driven several miles out south east of town to see a beautiful country. Valleys and hills. – After supper, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and I went out to the Ottawa University to hear a minister from Chicago speak. – The audience was made up of students who had given the speaker or banquet.

Thursday, March 24
Real crisp air this morning, but the sun shone all day and it was much warmer this afternoon. – I wrote three letters this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser put mulch around the strawberry plants since lunch. It did not do her side any good. – Mrs. Kittredge came this P.M. and brought a bouquet of daffodils and flowering peach blooms. There are many flowers in bloom now. – Tonight we went to the church to hear the University speaker again. His address was fine indeed. The church auditorium was about half filled. The U choir sang.

Friday, March 25
A most beautiful day. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser took their treatments this forenoon. Mrs. Fraser was quite tired when she came home, but rested a little. – The assessor called this forenoon and they gave me in as a new Kansan. – After lunch Mrs. Fraser and I went to Mrs. Rounds home. She being hostess to the Co-workers Class. There was a large attendance and Mrs. Rounds served coffee, ice cream and cake. Mrs. Fraser told a pleasing story, and Miss St. John read an article. – We stopped on the way home and bought a couple of small geraniums from the greenhouse. A red one and a salmon. As we go to bed, the air is cooler.

Saturday, March 26
A cold day. Raw east wind. – Mr. Fraser had his grape vines set out this forenoon, also some more spirea. Mrs. Fraser planted nasturtium seeds in her little round bed in the walk. – Bro. Fraser drove to town this forenoon for groceries. – We just rested most of the day. – Had fire in the furnace all day. – No mail came for me except the Beacon and there was not much city news in it. However, I would miss it if it did not come. – Not much sunshine today. Garden seeds coming up.

Sunday, March 27
A most beautiful day. All sunshine. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. Sat in Miss Rose’s class to hear Mrs. Gillett review Emerson Fosdick’s book “Secret of Victorian Living.” A fine review given in such a limited time. Then listened to the Pastor speak on “Slum Lives.” By far the best lecture I have heard him give. – The anthem was fine, also the solo “Two Lives,” requested by the Pastor. – Just as we finished dinner, a program came on from the Kansas Baptist Convention, Topeka, and a male quartet from the University here sang twice. – We spent the afternoon reading. – Mrs. Fraser and I are up late for us. Going to bed at 9:45.

Monday, March 28
A rainy day. Cold east wind. The rain was needed for gardens if too much does not fall. No wind. – Mrs. Fraser and I did the washing in the basement this forenoon, but left the white clothes in the last rinse water. – Have read about all afternoon. – The furnace is burning and some of the gas stoves. – General rain all over the state. – Not so cold as we go to bed. Hope for sunshine tomorrow.

Monday, March 29
Beautiful sunshiny day. Wind strong from the south. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser took their treatments this forenoon. I dried some of the clothes while they were away to make room for the remainder which we put out before noon. – Mr. Fraser had a man working here today opening the drain from the porch roof and helping him put out some more fruit trees. – Mrs. Fraser’s arm has been very lame since the treatment today. – Wrote to Mr. Lilly today.

Tuesday, March 30
A beautiful day in spite of a shower this forenoon. – Mrs. Fraser and I did our ironing this forenoon and cooked dandelion greens which were too bitter to eat. – Mr. Fraser attended a meeting at the courthouse to find out how to kill “bind” weed and to recognize the pest in the fields. – I sent Mrs. Massenburg some of mother’s towels today. Also a letter. Took them to the P. O. this P. M. – Then Mrs. Fraser and I went to see Mrs. Campbell and give her the money for the “eats” at the last class meeting. – Mr. Fraser is in bed. She is finishing a letter. I am going to bed, also. Cooler weather promised.

Wednesday, March 31
A cold windy day, but all sunshine. – Mr. Fraser and I raked a few dandelions while Mrs. Fraser cleaned her room. – Then after lunch I went to town and got some doughnuts from the bakery. – We did not do any thing this afternoon, but read and sleep. – Tonight we listened to three good talks over the radio. Ex. President Hoover being one. Father Cloughlin another and a Kansas man the other. – The radio is a fine thing.


Thursday, April 1
Cold windy day, but no frost last night. – Mrs. Fraser took her treatment this forenoon. – Wrote to Jack, Odeal and Lucille this forenoon, but have not been out of the house today. – The weatherman promises frost and maybe freeze tonight, so Mr. Fraser covered most of the garden with a wagon sheet and lighted the furnace this afternoon. – Maybe the frost will kill the dandelions if it does the gardens.

Friday, April 2
A freeze last night, but Mr. Fraser’s cover seems to protect the tender plants so they looked all right today. – The sun shone bright, but it has been a terribly cold day. I did not stick my nose outside all day. – Mr. Fraser chopped some dandelions this afternoon and Mrs. Fraser pulled some more dirt up around the grape vines. – The garden is covered again tonight, but it does not seem quite so cold tonight.

Sunday, April 3
A perfectly gorgeous day. Warmer and all sunshine. – The garden does not seem to be hurt, but there is some fear for the pears and cherries. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. There were a couple of members I had not seen before and two or three absent. Mr. Fraser joined us for the preaching service. – After dinner, Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came and took us for a long car ride 18 miles north west of town. We saw their farm of wheat fields, etc. The old dunkard town of Centropoplis settled in 1858 or earlier. Many stone fences and buildings. Many hills and ravines. A creek which can become a torrent between its walls of rock. Much timber, walnut, etc. A most pleasant 2 hrs.

Monday, April 4
Bright morning. Much warmer. Sunshine all day. – We did not wash. So few soiled clothes. – I did some mending this forenoon. – Mrs. Fraser did not feel quite so well. – After dinner we all went outside and worked in the yard. Raking and burning leaves and dandelions. We did a lot of work and helped the appearance of the lot, both front and back. – The garden was not injured by the freeze and the nursery man says only a small percent of the fruit in this section is killed. – No mail today and no letters written either.

Tuesday, April 5
Mr. and Mrs. Hall expected to leave Blessing today. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this forenoon. She took a treatment. He had a hair cut and they expected to vote, but when they stopped at the voting booth, the rain was pouring down, so they came home and went back this afternoon to vote. – The day has been a drizzly one, tho the sun peeped out for a few minutes this P.M. – I did a little sewing and wrote a long letter to Mrs. Smith. – The dandelions have grown well today. – The garden looks well, too.

Wednesday, April 6
A cold day. East wind and cloudy all day. Some rain. – Rev. Manewal called just at noon, so he ate lunch with us. – Mrs. Keeler called for Mrs. Fraser and I about 1:30 and took us to their missionary meeting which was held in the parsonage on the north side (work is being done in the church). There was a goodly number of women present and the program was well done. Mrs. Fraser took part on it. They served popcorn and apples for refreshments. Very wise. – We arrived back at home before 5 o’clock and spread the wagon sheet over the garden. Fearing freezing weather tonight.

Thursday, April 7
No freeze here last night, but this has been a cold drizzly day and some snowflakes fell early in the afternoon. The temperature changed to colder before dark and freezing weather is promised tonight. – No one went to town today. – I wrote to Mrs. Tandy and Marguerite today. The mail carrier picked them up this afternoon. – A cold wave has reached north Texas taking snow along with it. – Perhaps we will awake in the morning looking at a blanket of snow.

Friday, April 8
A real snow storm was in full progress when we awoke. Must have snowed all night. It continued to snow rapidly until 2:30 P.M. Some squally wind, too, which drifted the snow tho it was damp. As soon as it stopped snowing, Mr. Fraser took his snow shovel and cleared the walks. A big job, too. Everyone is expected to keep his sidewalk clean, and everyone around here is doing it. The snow, rain, wind and cold has done much damage all over the U. S. The sun has been shining this P. M. and a bright day is promised for tomorrow. – Letter from Mrs. Massenburg. Card from Mr. and Mrs. Hall in New Orleans on the way home.

Saturday, April 9
A beautiful day. All sunshine. The snow melted very rapidly. The streets and gutters running small rivers. Men and boys are working on the streets keeping the man holes and drainage ditches and sewers open. – Mr. Fraser walked down town and ordered the groceries which were delivered. He said there was plenty of parking space on the streets because many of the farmers could not come to town. The weather is warming as we go to bed, but Mr. R. covered the garden again tonight.

Sunday, April 10
A grand day. Sunshine. The snow almost all melted. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to Sunday School and stayed for the preaching service. Mr. Fraser did not go to church as he did not rest well last night. Had a severe headache. – This afternoon Miss Hall and Mrs. Carlander (sisters) came to call. Both fast talkers. – Tonight we stayed at home and read. The weather has moderated greatly.

Monday, April 11
A most beautiful day. – We washed. Mrs. Fraser rubbed a blister on her lame thumb. – There was no wind and the clothes dried beautifully. After we rested awhile this afternoon, we went to the greenhouse and bought an Easter lily for Mrs. Foote, the woman who entertained  us the first Sunday I spent in Kansas. We took the pretty plant to her home, but she had gone to her mother who is seriously ill in another town. We left the plant. – Tonight we all went to the Baptist Church and heard the Christian D. D. make a fine talk on “The Church, the House of Prayer.” The first of a series of pre-Easter services.

Tuesday, April 12
Another most perfect day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser took their treatments this forenoon. Both were “all in” from the mauling received. – I did some of the ironing while they were away. – After dinner I went down street to get some Easter cards to send away. Found some real pretty ones at the Rexall Store and then went to the P. O. and started them all south. – Found some cupcakes and cookies at the Martha Washington Bakery, too. – Tonight Mrs. Fraser and I attended the service at the First Christian Church. Rev. L. A. Fleming made the talk on “The Christ of Authority.” Not so well done as the discourse last night.

Wednesday, April 13
Rec’d an Easter card from Mrs. Hall this forenoon. I am sending her a card today. They had just arrived in St. Paul. Are at the Angus Hotel and tired from their trip. – Rec’d a letter from Mr. Lilly saying my box and barrel can be shipped collect. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser planted corn and flower seeds this afternoon. The weather is ideal, but rain is predicted for tomorrow. – Tonight we all went to the Methodist Church to hear Rev. Woods speak on “Preparation” the third of the pre-Easter series. – The attendance at these services is quite small considering the memberships of the many churches. - This has been a fine day.

Thursday, April 14
Cloudy about all day, but no rain fell here. – We all felt quite played out this forenoon from the dissipation of last night and the wind today I suppose. – No mail came for me today except the Fundamentalist. – This afternoon I did some mending and put my dresser drawers in a little better order. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser rested some and he chopped weeds and dandelions later. – Tonight we went to the Baptist Church where candlelight communion was observed to the accompaniment of soft piano music interspersed with songs by the congregation. Duets, solos, etc. Reading of the scripture and meditation by the Pastor. When we returned we listened to the president review his message to congress.

Friday, April 15 – Mrs. Dunn’s 55th Birthday
Some sunshine, some clouds, a little rain which was very fine for the garden. – This forenoon Mrs. Fraser repotted most of her plants getting them ready for summer. – This afternoon she and I attended the last pre-Easter service at the Federated Church from 1-3 P.M. There were four ministers to preach and four to conduct devotionals. In all it was good. – Mrs. Fraser and I went on down town and she bought material for a spring coat. Had to have the pattern ordered.

Saturday, April 16
Quite a heavy rain fell early this morning and light showers have fallen all day. – Rec’d Easter cards from Beatrice and Marguerite today. – Mrs. Fraser did baking this forenoon and I did the housework. I felt very no account when I first got up this morning. Too much dissipating perhaps. – This afternoon we finished the pot plants filled the window box. Now they are all ready to grow. – Quite a bit cooler as we go to bed, but a sunshiny Easter is promised for tomorrow.

Sunday, April 17 – My Wedding Day 1888 – 50 years
A perfect day. All sunshine and a gentle breeze. – We all went to church at 10 o’clock this forenoon. The children and young people had the S. S. hour for their program which was fine. Then the sermon and anthems by the choir. Excellent sermon and music. The church was beautiful with its flowers, Easter lilies and ferns. – The Foote household sent us a dish of homemade candy this forenoon. – Easter telegram from Marie Borden. – Tonight we all went to the Baptist Church. Listened to more music by the younger choirs. A sermon by the Pastor and witnessed a baptizing. Mostly Mexican children. – Are going to bed calling this a full day.

Monday, April 18
A grand day. – We washed. – Mr. Fraser had a man come and put the screens in. Then mow the lawn and parkings. – The mailman brought me a volume from Mrs. Pierce. A card from the Engles and my deposit slip from Bay City. – This afternoon I mended my night gown and rested some. – The weather has moderated greatly. I have had my west window up all day and the house seems really sultry tonight. – Going to bed quite early. Quite tired. – The days are growing much longer, too.

Tuesday, April 19
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Fraser did not go to take a treatment this forenoon as she was feeling much better – Mr. Fraser brought home some onion sets, some fine tomato plants and more blackberry bushes which he set out this afternoon. – Miss St. John and Mrs. Hetrick took Mrs. Fraser and I over to the north side Baptist Church to a penny dinner at 5 o’clock. The dinner was splendid and we had a most enjoyable time. A Miss Hamlin went with us. Then Mrs. Hetrick drove us out to one of the cemeteries and around the town some. This is a fine old town. – A bouquet of tulips from Mrs. Kittredge.

Wednesday, April 20
Another ideal day. – I took a baked apple to Mrs. Kittredge this forenoon and thanked her for the bouquet of tulips she sent over yesterday P.M. while we were away. – After lunch, Mrs. Fraser and I went to the church to attend the Ladies meeting. “Gypsies of the Crops.” A woman with a message. – Then we went up town and got the coat pattern. I also purchased some large envelopes and some tablet paper. – When we came home, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser set out some onion sets. – We are going to bed. All tired.

Thursday, April 21
Cold day. Sunshine, but penetrating north wind. Frost predicted for the northeast portion of state in the apple country. – Cut out and worked on a spring coat for Mrs. Fraser today. Seem to be getting along well in view of the fact that I have not sewed for a couple of years. – No mail for me today. – Mr. Fraser did much work in the garden today. – We sat up late for us, to hear a radio talk.

Friday, April 22
No frost here last night. A bright new sun came up over the tall trees and warmed the cold air. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser worked in the garden a good deal today. Planting seeds and cultivating. – The day warmed up and at noon was comfortable. I did most of the housework this forenoon and sewed on the coat since lunch. It looks very well considering the maker. – We did not wait tonight to hear anything over the radio. Are all tired and are rolling in early.

Saturday, April 23 – My 2nd Month in Ottawa, Kansas
Cold windy day. The sun was shining when we ate breakfast, but soon went under clouds and the day has been dreary. – I finished Mrs. Fraser’s coat and it looks well I think. Had good success in pressing it. – Mr. Fraser worked in his yard and garden a good deal today. Is hoping for a light rain tonight. – Mrs. Fraser went to the P. O. to mail an apron to a friend who has a birthday Mon. and was caught in a light shower. A small amount of rain would be good for gardens.

Sunday, April 24
A perfect day. We went to S. S. and church this forenoon and listened to Rev. George W. Wise, Ex. Secty., Topeka make an address. Supposed to be missionary in its appeal. The choir was excellent as always. There were sixteen present in our Co-Workers class and the four absent ones were accounted for. – We rested all afternoon and were intending to go “church visiting” tonight, but Mr. Bailey came to the door and offered us a seat in their car. So we went to the Baptist Church where we listened to Dr. Martin of the University speak. His sermon was good indeed, but heard by a small audience. Later we sat through the Adult Forum.

Monday, April 25
Another perfect day. We did quite a large washing and Mrs. Fraser ironed most of hers this afternoon. I rested, combed and put my hair in condition to have it washed tomorrow if nothing presents my having it done. – Tonight we all went to the Assembly of God Church to hear the beginning of a four days series of sermons. We heard a good discourse and witnessed the laying on of hands and oil anointing to cure diseases. – We did not remain until the close of the ceremony.

Tuesday, April 26
A perfect day. We finished the ironing this forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser worked in the yard some, too. The garden is doing real well. Have eaten twice of radishes. The strawberry plants are full of blossoms and small berries. The potatoes are up to a fine stand. – Mr. Fraser got some cow peas this afternoon which they planted. Trying to keep the ground cultivated and smother the dandelions. – This afternoon I went to town and had my hair washed at the “Angel” Parlor. Paid $1.00 for a good job. Mrs. Fraser was too tired to have hers done today.  – No mail for me today.

Wednesday, April 27
Letter from Mrs. Smith. – Another pretty day here tho there were seven storms not far away and some black storm clouds passed south east of here. – We did some house cleaning this forenoon. Mrs. Fraser downstairs and I upstairs. – Then this afternoon the class met at Mrs. Ansleys. 16 present. Just a social meeting and a short devotional led by Mrs. Kellogg. Refreshments of strawberries, whipped cream, coffee and sandwiches. Very nice. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bailey have gone to the Nazarene Church tonight to hear a Revivalist speak. Mrs. Fraser and I are going to bed. – Cooler tonight.

Thursday, April 28
Real cool this morning, but a bright sun soon warmed the air. Fine growing weather for gardens and the leaves are opening rapidly on the trees. The dead limbs will soon be hidden by the green foliage. This afternoon Mrs. Fraser and I polished the living room floor and did some other work preparatory to entertaining Miss St. John and Mrs. Hetrick at dinner tomorrow night. – Mr. Fraser spent a little time at the dairy stock show, which was held in the courthouse square today. The cattle were fine and a large crowd was in attendance. Letter from Mrs. Tandy. - Warmer tonight, tho there was fire in the heater.

Friday, April 29
Another perfect day. Much warmer and a south wind. We put in a busy forenoon preparing everything for the dinner tonight. Then we rested an hour before the guests came. – Mrs. Fraser sewed a nice dinner which we all enjoyed very much. – Then after an inspection of the garden, we had a most enjoyable visit until about nine o’clock when the guests bade us goodnight. – We washed the dishes and are now going to bed after a happy day.

Saturday, April 30
The perfect weather continues. At noon the sun was really hot and the tender garden “truck” wilted. – Mr. .and Mrs. Fraser set out one hundred sweet potato slips late this evening. – This forenoon we watched the hook and ladder fire company rescue a white kitten from a tall tree top in the yard across the street. Evidently the kitten had been chased up the tree by an enemy and all efforts of its young mistress to coax it down failed. So the second day of its perching brought the fire department and rescue. – Today I have felt quite “bum.” Slept this forenoon. The old tired feeling. Spring fever I suppose. – Goodnight April.


Sunday, May 1
A perfect day. – Mr. Fraser took us to S. S. in the car this forenoon. He rejoined the men’s class. Mrs. Fraser’s knees were lame so she was glad to ride. We enjoyed the lesson taught my Miss St. John. Some of the members were absent. Then the pastor preached a good sermon. After that communion. – Soon after coming home, we had dinner at the table. We were all hungry. Then we rested. – I should have written letters. – Tonight we attended the First Baptist Church and listened to a Cosmopolitan Service.

Monday, May 2
Some cloudy this forenoon. – We did not wash. Did not feel very spry. Too much going to church yesterday, perhaps. – I wrote two letters and a post card today. That made a full day for me. – Mrs. Fraser pulled up dandelions for exercise and tonight is exhausted. We are going to bed ahead of the chickens. – I looked up my father’s discharge papers today as I may make application to join the G. A. R. Daughters Post. – There is quite a large one here.

Tuesday, May 3
Cloudy this forenoon, but no rain. None needed at present. – Mr. Fraser had the lawn mowed this forenoon. It looks pretty. – All vegetation is growing very rapidly and the trees are beautiful. In almost full leaf. – The cut worms are eating Mrs. Barnett’s garden. There seems to be as many pests here as in Texas. – This afternoon I mended an old summer dress preparing for the hot weather soon to come. – Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence called tonight. He is pastor at Slate Valley. – A gentle rain is falling as we go to bed.

Wednesday, May 4
A rainy day and a cyclone in the south part of the city this forenoon. Much wind blew in gusts and many hard showers of rain fell the greater part of the day. – The sun came out for a short time and Mrs. Fraser and I dressed to go to town and perhaps to the Union Meeting at the church, but the weather was so unsettled that we stayed at home. – The wind grew colder and tonight we sat by a fire in the living room, but it was not raining as we go to bed. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce about shipping my little gas cook stove.

Thursday, May 5
A model day. All sunshine, but cool. A little fire in the gas stove all day. – This forenoon I went to town. Had my C. P. and L. check cashed. Bought some necessities—Dobell’s solution, a sanitary apron, a red bathroom glass and a 25c flower for my old hat. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser had the pot plants all out on the porches when I came back. They will be pretty this summer I am sure. – Mrs. Ainsley called this afternoon. – We read tonight until bed time. – Real cold as we go to bed.

Friday, May 6
Beautiful forenoon, but cool. – Mr. Fraser took us to town in his car this forenoon. – Mrs. Fraser and I each bought a $1.00 hat. Hers is white. Mine is red. – Then after dinner Mrs. Fraser and I made three calls. While we were at the first place, it began to rain. The lady, Mrs. Forgay loaned us a couple of parasols and we made two more calls. Mrs. Reed not being at home. – The rain has continued gently up to bed time. Fire in the gas heater tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser gave me a fine Bible today. I call it my Mother’s Day Bible.

Saturday, May 7
A fine day. Warmer, tho the sun has not shone out very bright since early forenoon. – Mr. Fraser has been working on the blinds which are in a bad condition from paint sticking them so they will not turn. – Mrs. Fraser did baking this forenoon. – No mail from anyone or for anyone. – This afternoon we all rested awhile and then Mrs. Fraser and I returned the umbrellas borrowed yesterday from Mrs. Forgy and took her a piece of fresh gingerbread. – Colder tonight.

Sunday, May 8 – Mother’s Day
A sunshiny day, but cold. A northeast wind blew until sundown. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. Mr. Fraser came to church. We listened to a Mother’s Day program. The sermon topic being “Earth’s Golden Milestone.” The music was fine. The church was filled on the ground floor. – Tonight we went back to hear another program strictly a Mother’s Day program and a fine one. Excellent music and good talks. Mostly by the younger generation. – Saw Mrs. Foote. She is coming to see us soon. - We sat for an hour after coming home then ate apples and are going to bed. – Real cold.

Monday, May 9
Beautiful wash day. – Rec’d Mother’s Day cards today from Mrs. Massenburg, Beatrice, Marguerite and John Henry. – Has been warmer all day. – Mr. Fraser planted corn today and worked on the shutters. – Mrs. Fraser suffers greatly from neuritis in her thumb and knees. – Did a little darning today. – Ate the first strawberries today from the bed Mr. Fraser put out this spring. – The city wagon is spraying all trees to kill the bugs that deleaf the trees. Mr. Fraser had his four elms sprayed. .60 each.

Tuesday, May 10
A pretty day, tho a shower fell after dark. – We did the ironing this forenoon. Had quite a large ironing, too, but we were up earlier than usual , so finished easily by noon. – Mr. Fraser continues to work on his blinds. – This afternoon I gossiped with the neighbors on the south side. The cut worms are taking their pansies. All vegetation is two weeks ahead of normal times, so there may not be many early flowers left for “Decoration Day” it is feared. – The weather has moderated greatly.

Wednesday, May 11
Mostly cloudy today and several showers. – Cooler tonight, but not cold. – Worked over my pique coat this afternoon taking some fullness out of the back. – Mrs. Kittredge brought a bouquet of irises this afternoon. Beautiful irises. – Wrote to John Henry thanking him for the Mother’s Day card. – Mrs. Fraser’s dress pattern came this afternoon so we will begin on the dress soon. – Have not felt quite so well today.

Thursday, May 12 – My father was born in 1843 – 1899 – 56. Has been gone 39 yrs.
Just a dreary day. – Not much rain, but no sunshine. So dark I could not cut Mrs. Fraser’s dress, but worked on my pique coat, taking some of the fullness out of the back. – Mr. Fraser made some fire in the furnace to take the dampness out of the house and a fire has been burning in the gas heater all day. – No mail. – I wrote my “thank you” notes for my Mother’s Day cards, but no real letters. – Going to bed after listening to the radio for 30 minutes—Winrod and Booke? Carter.

Friday, May 13
Letter from Amy. – Another dreary day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this forenoon to do some shopping. – I have finished my pique coat. Not it is ready for the tub, but until the weather warms up, I will stock to my winter wardrobe. – Mr. Fraser had a fire in the furnace today to take the dampness out of the house. – The American and Woman’s Home Companion came today.

Saturday, May 14
 A good day. All sunshine this afternoon. – We did some general house cleaning this forenoon and Mrs. Fraser prepared for dinner tomorrow. – Mr. Fraser worked all forenoon on his car. Putting it in order to drive to Missouri next week if all is well. – This afternoon I went to town. Found a small coffee pot. As I am the only coffee drinker, a small pot is better. – The streets were thronged with people and every inch of parking space was occupied, but the stores I was in were not crowded with buyers. – A grand hot bath in the tub tonight.

Sunday, May 15
A most beautiful day. All sunshine and the sun at noon was really hot. – We all went to S. S. and church. Had almost a full class in S. S. – The pastor preached a good sermon. The choir sang inspiring hymns and a visiting young man from Detroit sang a fine solo. – At 2 o’clock we returned to the church to attend the funeral service for Mrs. Wolgast. Beautiful service and flowers. Music by a male quartet. Then we came home to rest. Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came for us to go riding, but it was best for us to rest.

Monday, May 16
Cloudy and drizzly when we awoke this morning and some rain fell during the day, but at 5 o’clock the sun was shining and the sky almost clear. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser had young people callers from Slate Valley this forenoon. – I did a little sewing today. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have been making preparations today to go to Missouri tomorrow if the weather is clear in the morning. – Rec’d a letter from Minnie Crum today. An air mail envelope.

Tuesday, May 17
Cloudy early this forenoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser left very early to drive to Missouri. – I put water on to heat early and tried out the Oxydol as a washing help. It is fine. I did most of the washing and the sun came out before noon, so it all dried beautifully. Have a few pieces in the tub to hang out tomorrow. – Letter from the Lester Williams’ in Chicago. – Have the doors all locked and shall very soon be sleeping the sleep of a real tired woman.

Wednesday, May 18
Awoke at the usual hour after a fine nights rest. Dressed and soon had my breakfast on the table. – Then I put the kitchen in order and my room. – Hung the remainder of the washing on the line and a few small pieces I found this morning. Then ironed. The pieces I put out this forenoon were not dry when I finished, so did them after lunch. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser came about 2:30. Both real tired, but had a pleasant trip. – I went to town then and bought some air mail envelopes. Just did beat the rain back home. – Have written to Mrs. Hall, Pierce, Bell, Massenburg and Mr. Lilly tonight. – A very hard rain has fallen since dark.

Thursday, May 19 – Air Mail Day
Rather uncertain day as to sunshine until noon. Then the sun came out bright. – Did not get my air mail letters to the P. O. in time for them to go out on the plane. Raining too hard. – There were 1500 letters went from this P. O. by special plane. – Cut out Mrs. Fraser’s dress this afternoon and have it ready for machine work.  (It is her Easter gift dress.) – She and Mr. Fraser are quite tired from their 400 mile drive. He took his car to the garage today to have the generator repaired. – Hope for sunshine now for two weeks. – Rec’d deposit slip from Bay City bank today. (Claybourn)

Friday, May 20
A pretty day. – We did the general house cleaning this forenoon and then I worked on Mrs. Fraser’s dress, which I fitted this afternoon and found it too large. (A good failing.) – So took it apart and did some recutting. Have it ready to fit again and think it will be about right now. – Rec’d a little letter from Miss Bennett this afternoon. – Mr. Fraser had the lawn mowed this forenoon.

Saturday, May 21 – Summer begins.
Clouds and sunshine. The ground is thoroughly water soaked and all streams are flowing bank full. – Did general house cleaning today. Washed the congoleum on my floor. It was quite dusty.

Sunday, May 22
Cooler this morning. The sun was shining when we went to S. S., but soon the clouds came over and when church services closed it was raining. – Mr. and Mrs. Blattler picked us up on the way to S. S. – There were 16 present in the class. The pastor brought a well-worded message. The flowers were beautiful. The music fine. The church will miss some of the choir members when the University closes. – We ran out to Mr. Blattler’s car when services were over and they brought us home. – A real rain began falling about five o’clock and as we go to bed, it is falling steadily. There is danger of many river and creek overflows.

Monday, May 23
All night steady rain. – Mr. Fraser went out before breakfast and opened ditches to drain the water from his garden. It did not rain again so hard and by noon the sun was shining. The water runs off very fast on account of the sloping lots if the ditches are open. – Rec’d an air mail envelope from Mrs. Barnett containing a Palacios folder and a letter from Mrs. Pierce. – Went to town this afternoon to mail some candy and letters. Bought some bag material for Mrs. Fraser and a loaf of bread. – The weatherman promises sunshine for tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24
A beautiful sunshiny day. A gorgeous wash day and we did quite a washing. Much warmer. I had my windows open all day. – This afternoon we fitted Mrs. Fraser’s dress. It looks well on her. – Mrs. Reed came and spent a couple of hours this afternoon, so I did not get as much sewing done as I had hoped to. However, I must have the dress ready for her to wear to Gardner next Monday (Memorial Day) if the weather is pleasant. – We sat by the gas fire tonight, tho it was much warmer today.

Wednesday, May 25
A beautiful day all day. Much warmer. – Worked some on Mrs. Fraser’s dress and did my ironing this forenoon. – This afternoon we went to Mrs. Bailey’s to our class meeting. A good attendance was out. The program and eats were good and a pleasant social time was had by all  I am sure. – On the way home, we made a second attempt to call on Mrs. Sleuter (next door), but she was not at home, so we visited Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. Bean. – Mr. Fraser has been working in his garden some this afternoon.

Thursday, May 26
Just a beautiful day. All day. – Worked on Mrs. Fraser’s dress. Have it almost finished. – She went to town this afternoon and bought some lace for the dress and some snaps. – A family stored their household goods in Mr. Fraser’s barn attic this afternoon. They are going to California on acct. of the man’s health. – No mail today. – Hope Mrs. Pierce can find someone to crate my stove. – An insurance agent came to see Mr. Fraser tonight. – Rain threatens as I go to bed. Thunder in the north. – Finished my will today.

Friday, May 27
A more lovely day I never saw. A beautiful day and the storm which threatened last night went around us. – This has been a comfortable day. Windows open and the air balmy. – I entirely finished Mrs. Fraser’s dress this forenoon. Expect to try to press it tomorrow. It is very pretty for her. – This afternoon, Mr. Fraser drove us out to Highland Cemetery. It looks well. All in order for Decoration Day. – On the way home, we all stopped to see Miss Keen. She is very feeble. Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came about 5:30 and took us to see some beautiful rose gardens and to call at our invalid friends’ home. A beautiful rose garden there, too.

Saturday, May 28
A perfect day. Balmy and no rain. – Mrs. Fraser did her Saturday baking this forenoon. – I went down town this forenoon and bought a foot tub to use in the shower bathroom, so I will not splash the wall paper in my room. Bought a bottle of Listerine and some hose supporters. – This afternoon I called on Mrs. Seuter and took her a piece of Mrs. Fraser’s fresh gingerbread. Then we hung some fresh curtains in the living room. – The doors and windows are open as we go to bed. – The heavens are full of stars.

Sunday, May 29
A pretty morning. Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S., but Mr. Fraser waited to let a family finish storing their household goods in his barn. Then he came to church. Our class sat with another class and Miss St. John taught both. – Dr. Evan A. Reiff filled the pulpit. Dr. Elliott being at the Convention. – It was raining when we came home. – Mr. and Mrs. Blattler brought us in their car. – Tonight we attended the Union Memorial Service at the M. E. Church. Only one G. A. R. veteran was there. He is very feeble. There are but two in Ottawa. The other one is sick in bed.

Monday, May 30 – Decoration or Memorial Day
A beautiful day until about 3 o’clock, then it clouded over. The wind came up from the north. Blew hard and quite a rain fell. I closed the windows and brought in the flag. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser came home from Gardner about 4 o’clock. The rain ceased and the sky began clearing. – Mrs. Fraser took flowers from here to decorate her graves at Gardner. – The city seemed quiet all day until the clouds began gathering. Then there was much hurrying home. – I tried out my new bath tub tonight in the shower bathroom. It works fine.

Tuesday, May 31
A grand day. – We washed and the clothing had a fine sunbath. – Mr. Fraser has the grape trellis about finished. – An old friend of his came and spent an hour with him this afternoon. – We expected to do all of the small ironing this afternoon, but Mrs. Ritchie came and spent quite a while discussing church affairs. – While she was here, the rain clouds gathered and a very hard rain fell. It is still raining some as we go to bed. All of us are tired and hope for refreshing sleep. – Card from Mrs. Massenburg. She has moved.


Wednesday, June 1
Terrible rain last night, but most of today has been sunshiny. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce today. My things are all crated ready to ship. Are now waiting for Mr. Slaughter to bring Mr. Fraser’s porch chairs to the depot so all can be shipped together. – Mr. Fraser put up the awning on the front porch downstairs today. It will be much help in keeping the sun out of the front room windows this summer. – We have been doing some house cleaning today. Putting up fresh curtains, etc. Getting ready for Dr. and Mrs. Brenz and a daughter who are coming Friday night. – Paid my board this morning.

Thursday, June 2
Beautiful day. No rain clouds. All sunshine. – We all worked all forenoon getting everything in order for the guests expected tomorrow night. Mrs. Fraser gave her room a thoro cleaning and I did some window washing downstairs. Expect a man to mow the lawn tomorrow. – This afternoon I went to town and had a small check cashed. Bought a few very necessary things and some doughnuts. – We all went to church tonight to hear Dr. Elliott’s report from the Northern Baptist Convention in Milwaukee. We enjoyed his talk. – All are going to bed tired and thankful for the beautiful day.

Friday, June 3
Only a sprinkle of rain today. – Mr. Fraser’s man mowed the lawn today. Dug a ditch between the Fraser lot and the Hutchison lot to carry the Hutchison rain water to the alley instead of to the Fraser garden. – Mrs. Fraser and I have the house in order for the guests arrival. – I picked a fine mess of peas out of the garden and we have the first mess of beets out of the garden. – The guests arrived about 8 o’clock. Dr. and Mrs. Brenz, Miss Bettie and Miss Grimma. Bettie is spending the night with a friend and we are going to bed at 10 o’clock.

Saturday, June 4
A perfect day. We ate breakfast a little late this morning. – Mrs. Brenz not eating at all. She tried to sleep, but the street noise made that impossible. – I went to the bakery for a cake this forenoon. Stepped on the wet brick pavement about a block from home and fell. My hip received a jolt. Thankful no bones were broken. – Mrs. Brenz called on a friend this forenoon. Miss Bettie came home while we were at lunch, but had just finished breakfast. – The Dr. took us for quite a long drove this afternoon. Out north across the bridge, thru the park then the south part of town. We are going to bed earlier because we will be up early in the morning. – The Dr. gave us chiropractic treatments before we went to bed.

Sunday, June 5
A perfect day. – We were up early. The guests were on their way soon after 5 o’clock. Then I went back to bed and slept until Mrs. Fraser called me. – We all went to S. S. and church this forenoon. The McClellan’s brought us home. We were glad to ride because we were tired. – President Martin of the OU preached the sermon. The music was very fine by the OU choir. – We went back to church tonight. – Listened to a long good sermon by Rev. Guy Timmer, Executive Secty., Ills. Baptist Convention. – The evening service was under the direction of the Student Christian Association. Good music again. A string ensemble. - All tired as tired can be tonight.

Monday, June 6
Cloudy when we awoke. – Mr. Fraser took a man out in his car to sell refrigerators today. Did not get home until 6 o’clock. – Mrs. Fraser and I did the washing and ironing today. – A terrible rain fell this afternoon all afternoon, but evidently not so hard a storm here as where Mr. Fraser was. – We were quite relieved when he drove into the yard. – The Beacon came, also a card from the Haywoods. – The rain has ceased as we go to bed. – A card came from Mrs. Brenz, also. Kirksville, Mo. is their destination.

Tuesday, June 7
A pretty day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to the church this forenoon to hear the closing exercises of the OU Commencement. A celebrated speaker from Philadelphia made the address. Then a luncheon was served at one of the hotels and that finished the “doings” for this term. – This afternoon I went to the P.O. and mailed some letters. – All vegetation is lovely on account of the continued rains. – A committee of three women called this afternoon for me to verify my application for membership in the G. A. R. Circle. – In two weeks I shall be invited to “Ride the Goat” they said.

Wednesday, June 8
Rather cloudy all day. – Mr. Fraser went to the dentist’s this forenoon and had a tooth pulled. Will have it replaced soon on a bridge. – Mrs. Fraser is rather under the weather. Her thumb is painful. – I worked some on my white wool coat, taking part of the fullness out of the back. Hope to have it cleaned ready to put away for the summer. – The sun shone out beautifully for a few minutes this P.M., but is cloudy as we go to bed. – No letters today and none written by me.

Thursday, June 9
Rained showers all night and was cloudy and showery all day. More rain than has been in Kansas for 50 years “they say.” – Mr. Fraser attended a funeral service this afternoon. A half-brother of Mrs. McClellan’s. – Mrs. Fraser did some mending, etc. – I finished my white coat repairing and ripped up a black dress. Will use the skirt only with waists. – Repacked my trunk and put a lot of mothballs and newspaper in it. Hope the moths will not find my clothes. – A card from Mrs. Slaughter says the chairs are at the depot. Perhaps everything will be shipped soon. – Read the Life of Marie Curie tonight. Written by her daughter.

Friday, June 10 – Lee and Jedie’s 2nd Anniversary.
Think it rained gently all night and was rainy this forenoon, however the sun came out in all its glory this afternoon, no wind and beautifully balmy. – Sewed some today. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser planted more beans this forenoon. – I put the lower floor in reasonably good order. – No mail came today. So the things to come by freight have not been shipped yet I suppose. – Made a skirt from Mrs. Smith’s dress. - As we go to bed rain is promised by lowering clouds and distant thunder.

Saturday, June 11
A terrific electrical storm came early last night before we went to sleep. Thunder and lightning, the worst I ever saw since I lived in Nebraska 50 years ago. However, the flood of water had almost disappeared this morning. – This afternoon Mr. Fraser drove us down to the river to see the flood water. It was not bank full, but very muddy and full of drift of all kinds. We left the car up street and walked to the river, a block or so, past a sale stable where stock is sold every Saturday. Many stock trucks were there loading the purchased goods. – Am glad this home is on higher ground. – Beautiful forenoon. – No letters today.

Sunday, June 12
Beautiful day, but cooler. – We all went to Sunday School and church this forenoon. Missed the University young people in the choir.- There is much excitement over the increasing flood water in the river. – After dinner we all rested. Then at 3:45 we listened to  short song program by the Gardner Girls’ Choir. Mrs. Fraser’s granddaughter being one of the singers. – Then Mr. Fraser and I drove down to see the river which is slowly rising. Mrs. Fraser does not like to be in such crowds in the car. – Tonight we went to hear the children’s program at the church it being “Children’s Day.” Small congregation.

Monday, June 13
Letter from Mrs. Pierce saying the freight had left Blessing Wednesday. I trust it will come through safely and that by next Monday we may have the little stove in the basement to heat the wash water on. – We were smart today. – Washed and ironed. – The river is badly out of its banks in the business section of town, but is not rising tonight. – Hope the rains are over for awhile. Crops badly damaged. – Mr. Fraser pulled up the pea vines and planted some butter beans. – Mrs. Barnett picked a bushel of snap beans today. She will can them tomorrow. “Smart Guy.” – Warm tonight. Indicates more rain. – Invited to dinner at the McClellan home tomorrow night. – Notified today to appear at Memorial Hall June 24th to be initiated Monday into the G. A. R. Circle No. 60 Ladies of G. A. R.

Tuesday, June 14 – Flag Day
Beautiful day. I arose sick this morning. Stomach out of sorts. Sick headache, etc. – Felt better about 4 o’clock. – We went to the McClellan home at six o’clock and were given a most enjoyable dinner. Creamed meat, mashed potatoes, corn, peas, pickled peaches, cheese, cocktail salad, tea, grape jelly, ice cream and cake. – While we were eating, a heavy rain came up. A real down pour which continued until 9 o’clock when our host and hostess brought us home. – It is still raining, but not so hard. – The river is falling today. – Mr. and Mrs. McClelland witnessed my will tonight.

Wednesday, June 15
Another beautiful day. – The water rain off rapidly and Mr. Fraser planted some more corn this P.M. His first patch is in silk now. Soon have roasting ears. – We did a little window cleaning today in preparation for a visit from the Sissons of Kansas City tomorrow night. – This A. M. Miss Kittredge brought some flowers. A very lovely lily and others. This P.M., Mrs. Fraser and I went to her home and brought back some plants to set out. – Rain is threatened as we go to bed. – The river is falling quite rapidly.

Thursday, June 16
A heavy rain fell during the night, but he sun came out early this afternoon. – The freight from Texas was delivered at our door this forenoon. All came in good condition except a few plates, etc. Freight chgs. $11.84. – I have worked all day opening the things. Was to glad to see them again. – The little cook stove was well crated and came in perfect condition, but was the greasiest filthy thing I ever had my hands on. Have it all cleaned, tho, now and it is connected to the gas main. We are proud of it. – Mr. and Mrs. Sisson, Miss Sisson and Mrs. Sisson Sr. came soon after noon. They and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to mid week meeting tonight. I was too tired. Mr. Fraser paid all of the freight charges.

Friday, June 17
Beautiful day. – The guests spent the forenoon calling on old friends. – Did the finishing touches on the stove and Mr. Fraser put a coat of black enamel on the black part of it. Am so pleased to have it in Mrs. Fraser’s basement. It will be a help to us. – The guests made a few more calls since lunch and then thought best to start on their homeward journey. – Tonight we attended a Temperance lecture at the Christian Church. – A man from Texas spoke, Morris. He broadcasts from Del Rio, Mexico. Good talker.

Saturday, June 18
A most beautiful day. – We put the house in order this forenoon after sleeping late. – Recovering from the visitation. – Mr. Fraser did not go down town today. Has been looking up papers relating to Prohibition. – I went down town since lunch. Not so many in from the country as usual. – I invested in a few necessities after getting a small amt. from the Bank. – Miss St. John came this afternoon to ask Rev. or Mrs. Fraser to teach her class tomorrow. Sickness in her family. – (I called on Miss St. John and Miss Hall tonight.) – Hot bath and to bed.

Sunday, June 19 – Father’s Day – Mr. Webb 1857-1918 61 at death – Born 81 yrs ago
Another lovely day. – We slept a little late this morning, but were present at S. S. on time. – Bro. Fraser taught our class in a most interesting way. Miss St. John’s friend or cousin died last night, so she was not present. – Our dinner was done in the fireless cooker when we came home from church. – Then we all rested a long time. I am taking on some lazy habits, but not much extra flesh. – We are going to bed before nine o’clock.  – Did not seem inclined to go to church tonight. – Did not write any letters, either.

Monday, June 20
Beautiful wash day. The little stove in the basement was a help. We did not have to tote water downstairs. – The Beacon came this forenoon. – The weather here has not yet become hot. Perhaps one reason is the trees. So much grand shade. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser did some planting in their garden late this evening. Beet seed. – I went down to see Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John a moment on my way to town. – They proposed taking Mrs. Fraser and I to see some beautiful hollyhocks, so I came back home. The flowers were grand. We drove to the cemetery first. A beautiful place. A large one, too.

Tuesday, June 21 – Mr. Bell Died
Did the ironing this forenoon. Had quite a washing to my own. – Warmer weather requires more frequent changes. – Went down town this afternoon thru the park. The little folks swimming pool was almost filled with happy youngsters. – Brought up some narrow woven wire for the honeysuckle to climb on. – Tonight we went to hear a lecture on the possibility of the U. S. and Japan going to war. A very impressive discourse illustrated by slides. Quite a choir accompanied him from K. C. He may be a “Holy Roller,” but is a much traveled person.

Wednesday, June 22
Early morning sunshine. Shower before noon, but the sun soon came out and the day was beautiful. Rather sultry until a breeze came up. – We did not do anything in particular today except Mrs. Fraser dyed some goods to make covers for the porch chairs. – I put some of my dishes up in the pantry today and left some in the barrel in the kitchen. – Ripped a cuff off of my sweater and am re-knitting it smaller. – A postcard from Mrs. Hall today. She has been in North Wisconsin with Mrs. Raymond for a few days. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are calling on some neighbors tonight. I have had a hot bath and am going to bed.

Thursday, June 23
Pretty morning, but a hard rain fell during the day. Bad for harvesting. Saw a new “combine” being taken out of town for some farmer or farmers. Would like to see one of those machines in operation. – Mr. Fraser painted the porch furniture today. Green. Getting it in order before the next guests arrive next Tuesday. – Did some mending for myself and some work on some dresses for Mrs. Fraser. – Seem to have lost all of the pep I had during the cooler weather. This is not hot weather, tho by any means.

Friday, June 24
A beautiful, but hot day. The hottest this year. – This afternoon Mr. Fraser took me down to Mrs. Leeper’s home and from there she and I went to the G. A. R. Memorial Hall in the third story of the courthouse where I was initiated into the order of the G. A. R. Circle No. 60 Ladies of the G. A. R. There were about thirty members present out of a membership of 150. Some being sick, some too infirm to attend. Unable to climb three flights of stairs. – After the business session, refreshments of ice cream and cake was served. Am glad I am a member of my father’s Post and have a badge like his.

Saturday, June 25
Rainy looking all forenoon and a rain sure enough this afternoon. The farmers who are in the midst of harvesting must feel discouraged. – Mrs. Fraser put the pads on her porch chairs today. They look very nice and are comfortable, too. I finished lengthening my sweater sleeves and almost made a sash curtain for my north window. – The Beacon came today. Full of news. – I went over to the little store on this street to buy some Ivory Soap this P.M. A nice clean little store. Met Mrs. Happy there. – Real cool as I take a bath and go to bed.

Sunday, June 26
Awoke to see a cloudy cool morning. Pulled blanket and counterpane over me last night. – We attended S. S. and church this forenoon. Mr. Fraser was our teacher again and made the lesson most interesting. Miss St. John is still with her friend most of the time. – Quite a shower fell as we sat in S. S., but it was not raining when we came home. Most of the class members were present. – We have read and rested all afternoon. – Too stupid feeling to go to church, so am going to bed.

Monday, June 27
A most gorgeous wash day, so we washed and ironed both and the little gas stove in the basement helps a great deal. – Mrs. Fraser is making preparations to entertain a couple of friends tomorrow and tomorrow night. – The Stock Market has been going up for several days. Trust it may continue to climb until I can sell for what I put in to it several years ago. – No mail today. – Going to bed early. – Real cool since the sun went down.

Tuesday, June 28 – BYPU Opens in Palacios – 37th Consecutive Session
Awoke to a cool sunshiny morning. – Mr. Fraser had some fire in the gas heater, but it was much warmer by noon. – Everything was in readiness for the guests to eat lunch with us, but they did not appear until we were eating. They had stopped downtown for lunch. Mr. Fraser and Mr. Lawson attended a District Moderators meeting at the University building this P.M. – Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Lawson rested some. – Tonight Mr. Lawson went back to the University. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Lawson and I went to the Forrest Park to hear Gerald B. Winrod, who is hoping for the nomination to the U. S. Senate speak. He is a good talker and we agreed with him.

Wednesday, June 29
Pretty sunshiny morning , but soon the sun was under clouds. – Mr. Lawson and Mr. Fraser attended the closing session of moderators this forenoon. – Then very soon after lunch the guests left to continue their journey into Missouri, etc. They are very fine people if one judges by appearances. – After they departed and we did the dishes, we found ourselves worn out. – Rested most of the afternoon. – Mrs. Stannard called and after dinner Miss Kittredge called, bringing a large bouquet of flowers. – We are taking baths and retiring before dark.

Thursday, June 30
Beautiful summer day. All sunshine and a breeze blowing. – We picked 2 bushel baskets full of green beans this forenoon and took them to a neighbor to can on the halves. – Mr. Fraser says there is another bushel on the vines. – This afternoon Mrs. Fraser and I made some calls. Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Reed (not at home), Mrs. McClellan and Mrs. Alwes. – Stopped at a store and ate ice cream and bought some peaches and soap. – The sun was hot, but there is much shade over the walks from these grand trees. – The peaches were delicious for supper.



Movie posters  courtesy of Wikipedia

Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia

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All rights reserved

Jun 5, 2015
Jun 5, 2015