Nellie Tilson Webb

1931 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936  1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




Compliments of

A. B. Pierce

Blessing, Texas


Thursday, January 1 – Blessing
Such a beautiful day.  Mrs. Pierce served a sumptuous turkey dinner. Mr. Ethan Duller and a boy friend of his ate dinner here. Clinton is the only one of the boys at home during the holidays this year. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios tonight to visit Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – Clinton and I played with the electric train. I also read and did some crocheting, scallop on wash cloths. – Have been busy all day. Trust it may continue all through 1931.

Friday, January 2 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – We took the Christmas decorations down today and cleaned the house. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this P.M.  – Mrs. and Mr. Pierce treated his office force and myself to a picture show in Bay City tonight. “Moby Dick” A thrilling whaling story.

Saturday, January 3 – Blessing
Another real Texas day. We expected to go to Palacios today, but Mrs. Pierce had to go to Bay City this forenoon to see about paintings for the schools. – Then Mr. Pierce had to go to Sargent after lunch. – Mrs. Pierce has no car, so we went down to the Community House. Kept the Library open and took the decorations from the tree. – The Legion men, who met there at 4 o’clock to organize a Post, took the tree down. – We are alone tonight.

Sunday, January 4
Foggy this morning. Sunshine later. North wind. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up to help eat a 5 lb. fish at 12 o’clock dinner. Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Came home about dark. – Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren spent the evening until 9:30 o’clock. – Clinton went to bed. – About 10 o’clock, Mrs. Beard called Mrs. Pierce. She and Mr. Pierce went immediately. Mr. Beard had passed on. – Mrs. Farwell and I sat up and kept the house warm until 4 o’clock when they returned.  – A sad, sad time. All going to bed. – Wrote to the Haywoods today.

Palacios Beacon, January 8, 1931

Monday, January 5 – Blessing
A beautiful day. Mrs. Pierce spent most of it at the Beard home. – No school today. Mrs. Beard being one of the teachers. A number of relatives of the family came last night and this morning. At 2:30 a short service was held by Father, who has a room in the Beard home and the remains were taken to Eagle Lake for burial tomorrow. – Sent check for gas bill today.

Tuesday, January 6 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Eagle Lake to be present at Mr. Beard’s funeral service. – Mrs. Farwell and I sewed. I finished lining Mrs. Stoddard’s chamois coat. – We went down town this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell came for her about 5:30. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce came at 6:30. – Notice from West and Co. – credit of $65.50 dividend. – To bed 10 o’clock.

Wednesday, January 7 – Blessing
Beautiful day. Sewed all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce received a telegram saying Buddy has pleurisy.  Not dangerously ill. – We drove down to Palacios this afternoon and took the measurements for a cover for Mrs. Pybus’ couch. – Went to PO and found quite a lot of mail. – Someone seems to be sending me the Saturday Evening Post. Am glad of it. – Went to my house a moment or two and to the Farwell home. Mrs. Pierce drove Mrs. Beard’s car. – We are going to bed early tonight.

Thursday, January 8 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Sent Mrs. Stoddard’s coat to her this P.M. – Joe the bulldog went with me to the P.O. – Cut out the couch cover and helped Mrs. Pierce clean the butler’s pantry. – Sewed some (this forenoon). – Have written to Mrs. Stoddard, Miss Mary and Mrs. Smith tonight. – Mrs. Beard came home today for a short time. She took some clothing, etc. Back to Eagle Lake. – Will return to Blessing in a couple of weeks. Madge Yeager is supplying in her room.

Friday, January 9 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Worked on couch cover this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. – This afternoon I went (in Mrs. Beard’s car) with Mrs. Pierce to do some shopping, paying bills, etc. – I took my crocheting along and almost did a washcloth sitting in the car. – Rec’d a dress and two pr. Woolen hose from Mrs. Stoddard today. – Played “books” with Clinton until he was sleepy. – Mr. Pierce not at home tonight.

Saturday, January 10 – Blessing
Rain all day, but not a downpour. – Did some housework this forenoon and some sewing this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce kept the Library open this P.M. – Several small boys came to play with Clinton this P.M.  – Mr. Pierce came home. – The cow is real sick tonight. – A flying machine from San Antonio carrying serum to a patient in the Bay City Hospital was forced to land out west of the house last night about dusk. – Finished the trip by car and took off for home by plane this forenoon.

Home of Abel Brown Sr. and Adelaide Hall Pierce - Blessing

Sunday, January 11 – Blessing
Rained all night and most of today. Not a ray of sunshine. – We did not get up early. – After lunch we read and wrote letters. Ate supper on small tables in the living room. – About 8 o’clock Mrs. Smith phoned that Buddy was worse and had been taken to the hospital. Physicians did not know why he was suffering so in his back. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce made preparations to leave by the 3 o’clock train tomorrow morning. We all went to bed, but not to sleep much. – It was raining when they left the house walking to the depot. William carrying the luggage.

Monday, January 12 – Blessing
Beautiful day, but real cool. North wind. – Odeal did the washing. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up late this evening and will spend the night here. – Have been busy all day. No word came from Buddy today. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are on their way to him.

Tuesday, January 13 – Blessing
Another lovely day and not so cold. – Have done some cleaning out of Christmas Boxes, etc. on the 3rd floor today and have the couch cover ready to fit. – Mrs. Farwell stayed within hearing distance of the phone, but no message came. I read a card from Mrs. Pierce written in Houston last night. – Mr. Farwell went home this morning, but came back tonight.

Wednesday, January 14 – Blessing
Went down with Mr. Farwell this morning. – Finished the couch cover for Mrs. Pybus. Did not see anyone except Mrs. Newsom. – Much water in the fields along the highway. – Word came from Mr. Pierce that Buddy is better. – Mrs. Beard came back for a few hours and took more of her things to Eagle Lake. – Tired tonight.

Thursday, January 15
Good day tho rain threatened. – Finished house cleaning the 3rd floor today. - Mrs. Farwell cut out two pajama coats. One for me. – Sent for samples for trousers. – No message from Buddy today. Card written in St. Louis by Mrs. Pierce said they were to xray his back Tuesday. – Mr. Farwell came up to spend the night. Mrs. Farwell is not real well since dinner. Stomach out of order. – We played Books with Clinton tonight.

Friday, January 16 – Blessing
A rainy day. – Mrs. Farwell went home with him this morning. – Clinton helped me put the playroom in order this forenoon and I mended, etc. this  P.M. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce and Miss Myles about Clinton’s clothes. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came back in the rain this evening. – Rec’d long letter from Mrs. Shaw today. – We all sat up until 10 o’clock to hear Amos n Andy. – Rain pouring down as we go to bed.

Saturday, January 17
Ground covered with water this morning, but the clouds were broken and the sun came out early. – Mr. Farwell left his car here and caught a ride home. – Did some house cleaning and went to town today.  – Clinton had wet feet four times today. – Rec’d a letter from the Haywoods. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Stoddard. – Very tired. – Mr. Pierce may return tonight.

Sunday, January 18 – Blessing
Mr. Pierce came home last night. – This has been a good day. – A message to Mr. Pierce said there is an abscess in Buddy’s back. Some pus drawn from it. – Have written six letters today. – Real tired tonight. – Clinton not feeling real well today.

Saturday, January 19
Mostly cloudy. – Odeal washed, but did not iron. Clothes did not dry enough. – Clinton is feeling better. Orris? and John W. came to play with him after school. – Mr. O’Bannon ate lunch here. – Mrs. F. and I have been sewing all day. – Message from Mrs. Smith saying Bud not so well. Perhaps pneumonia. Consultation by specialist. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce.

Sunday, January 20
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce talked with Mrs. Smith tonight. Buddy very sick. Pus to be drawn from his lungs tonight. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce written Friday. – Letters from Mrs. Stoddard and Miss Myles. – Clinton’s things came today from the Fairhope school. – Mrs. Beard came a few minutes this evening. – Mr. Farwell came up with Noble Hayes and took his car home.

Monday, January 21 – Blessing
Three years today since Mother passed away. Good little mother. – Beautiful day. – Message from Mrs. Smith 11:30 o’clock PM said Buddy’s left side has been tapped and ½ pint of liquid drawn. He was resting them. A telegram today said he was improving, but very weak. – Sent a letter to Mrs. Pierce today. – Sewing all day. – Mr. Farwell came up and took her to Bay City this forenoon. – Mrs. F. is working on her quilt.

Thursday, January 22 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – We did some house cleaning this forenoon. – Soon after lunch Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios with Mrs. Minich. – A shower and program was given at the Presbyterian Church for Aspacia Glaros who will be married Sunday P.M. – I sewed some, read some, pulled up some dead flower stalks, etc. – Mrs. Dunn called up to ask about Buddy – After dinner we played games with Clinton. – Telegram from Mrs. Smith says Buddy is brighter and eating better. – A letter from Mrs. Stoddard expressing sympathy for Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. – Did not write a letter today.

Palacios Beacon, January 22, 1931

Friday, January 23 – Blessing
Telegram this noon saying Buddy is better. – Cloudy most of the day. Sewing on pillow slips. Doing housework and writing to Mrs. Bell. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent tonight since dinner. – We played “Books” with Clinton until eight o’clock then he went to bed and we read. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren drove to Egypt this afternoon.

Saturday, January 24 – Blessing.

$2.96 on hose order. Miss Bertha Maas (agent). – Pretty day. We did some housework and sewed a little. – This afternoon I finished my blue and tan dress. – Mrs. Farwell fixed her velveteen to wear to the Glaros wedding ceremony. – We went to see the Priest’s house and to the Drug store guarded by “Joe” the bulldog. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent about dark. – Telegram saying Buddy seems better. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Buddy a very sick boy yet. – No mail for me today. – Mr. Farwell came up this afternoon.

Sunday, January 25 – Blessing
Some cloudy today and a light shower just after lunch. – This was Mr. and Mrs. Farwell’s 49th wedding anniversary and we prepared a real nice lunch expecting him today, but he did not come. Could not get a car. – Mr. Pierce drove Mrs. F. down after lunch. – Buddy continues to improve. – The Glaros wedding came off this evening. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren came up a while this evening. – I wrote several letters today.

Monday, January 26 – Blessing
Not all sunshine today. The washing dried tho. – We sewed all day after doing the housework. – I am making over the dress Mrs. S. sent me. Worked on pillow slips. – Message from Mrs. Smith. “Buddy is improving.” – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this P.M.

Tuesday, January 27
Cloudy all day. – Just sewing. – Mrs. Farwell went home with Mr. F. for an hour this afternoon. – Wrote to Mrs. Stoddard.

Wednesday, January 28 – Blessing
It is 2:30 Thur morning. – Mrs. Farwell has been sick all day. Seems to have taken cold. I phoned Mrs. Burk to see Mr. Farwell and tell him. Later the Dr. came up and left medicine to be given every hour until 2 o’clock this morning. Mrs. Yeager spent the afternoon with us. – Buddy is better. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce telling some about his condition. Very serious yet. – Mrs. Farwell slept a good deal between medicine. I am going to bed now.  – Mr. Pierce drove to Houston this P.M.

Thursday, January 29 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce. Sent it by Air Mail. – Mrs. Farwell sick yet. The medicine not done much for her. Mr. Farwell came up a few minutes this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce came home since dark. – Check from West and Co. – Mrs. Farwell seems better tonight.

Friday, January 30 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Mrs. Farwell did not seem so well this afternoon, so Mr. Farwell, who came up to lunch, phoned the Dr. to come. – He gave her medicine which relieved her face and head at once. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Bud better. – Clinton is sitting up until 10 o’clock to hear Amos n Andy. – Gas bill today.

Saturday, January 31 – Blessing
Word from Buddy is good. – Mrs. Farwell did not seem so well today. Was glad to see the Dr. come this P.M. He gave more medicine for the pain in her face. – Mr. Farwell came up with some of the Chevrolet boys. Went back with Mrs. Minnich, who is moving to Palacios tonight. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton were out with the “Tigers of the Alley.” Until 10’oclock. – After listening to Amos n Andy, they are going to bed. – Sent my insurance to Feather’s and the gas check to Houston.


Sunday, February 1 – Blessing
Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. Before going he read us letters from Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. – They feel sure Buddy is better. – Mrs. Burk came up this afternoon to visit Mrs. Farwell who is in bed yet. She slept well last night and seems better today and tonight. – Mr. Farwell did not come up today. – Domino Gang

Monday, February 2 – Blessing
The clouds seemed to open early this morning and when we awoke, everything on the ground was covered or surrounded with water. – My stomach was feeling quite bum this morning (from the effects of Williams chicken dressing yesterday) and demanded some attention. – Mrs. Farwell dressed and went downstairs. She seems to be feeling better. – Mr. Pierce went to Victoria. – Mr. Farwell caught a ride up this P.M. – Am taking a big dose of castor oil tonight after laying around all day. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce. – Rec’d Ins. Receipt from M. R. Feather and Son.

Tuesday, February 3 - Blessing
Lovely morning. – Odeal washed and ironed. – Mrs. Farwell and me both felt somewhat under the weather this morning, but better after lunch. – Mrs. Yeager and Mr. Farwell came this P.M. – Mrs. Beard took John Warren to Eagle Lake Sat. morning. He had a very sore throat. She has not yet returned. – Letter and check from Mrs. Newsom. – No word from Buddy today. – Played Books with Clinton tonight.

Wednesday, February 4  – Blessing
Most beautiful day. – Working on pillow slip scallops. Have four pair to do. – Mrs. Farwell is working on her quilt. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Bud is improving. – Played Books with Clinton and listened to a good radio concert. – Mrs. Beard has not yet returned. – I seem to have quite a cold tonight.

Thursday, February 5 – Blessing
Letter from Mrs. Stoddard, but none from Mrs. Pierce which we take for good news. – This has been a most beautiful day. – We are not feeling real well yet. I have a dreadful cold and Mrs. Farwell is not well. – We listened to John McCormick tonight. – Mr. Farwell drove his new Chevrolet up this afternoon.

Friday, February 6 – Blessing
Pretty day, but damp. – Mr. F. came up and took Mrs. Farwell to Bay City with him to get his 1931 auto license. They went to Palacios and spent a few hours before coming back to Blessing. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. No prospect of Buddy coming home before June. – Mr. Pierce drove to Houston today, arriving back in Blessing this P.M., thanks to the highway. – Goods came for Mrs. Stoddard’s pajamas today.

Saturday, February 7
Mostly cloudy. – Deposited 75.00 in Blessing Bank today. – Phone call from Rev. Reynolds. – Letters from Penn. Bud slowly improving. – Letter to Mrs. Stoddard today.

Sunday, February 8 – Blessing
Cloudy day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – The Powell children are sick. – Mr. Farwell and Jesse S. drove up this forenoon. – William gave us a good 12 o’clock dinner.

Monday, February 9 – Blessing
Windy wash day. – Mr. Pierce went to Houston. – I attempted to cut the pajamas for Mrs. Stoddard, but lacked goods for sleeves. – Clinton spent the day with John Warren, who is recuperating from sore throat. – We sewed all day.

Tuesday, February 10 – Blessing
Lovely day. – Mr. Pierce came home from Houston last night. – I went home on the 12:15 o’clock train today. Felt quite a stranger in my hometown. The house and lawn are badly in need of attention. – Gave my rooms a good airing. Took a big washing to Mrs. Bonner. Went to see Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Houghton. – Rendered my city and school tax. Took my accumulation of papers and put in my safety deposit box in Bank. – Made a purchase or two and at 4 o’clock came back to Blessing with Mr. Farwell. – Tired tonight. So much walking.

Wednesday, February 11 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Just sewing. – Mr. Pierce out of town all day. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove to Bay City this afternoon. – No word from Buddy. – So lame from my walking yesterday that I could hardly get up this morning. – Took a long walk out west of the house tonight to limber my joints.

Thursday, - February 12
Very little sunshine today. Have been making pajamas for ourselves today. – I worked on scallops, too. – Mr. and Mrs. Burk came up, also Mr. Farwell. – Mrs. Smith is recovering from intestinal flu.

Friday, February 13 – Blessing
Such a misty, foggy morning. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent to spend the night. – Mr. Farwell came up and took Mrs. Farwell to a party at Mrs. Nester’s this afternoon. – Clinton, John Warren and me went to a play “Wild Oats Boy” given by the Palacios athletic Club at the Community House. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren came up home with us to spend the night. – Found Mr. Pierce had returned. – A brisk norther has blown up, but is dry.

Saturday, February 14 – Blessing
Pretty Valentine Day. – Clinton received several. – I cleaned the house today. – Real tired. – Quite a lot of territory to cover. – John Warren played with Clinton until noon. – Real cold norther all day. – Mrs. Farwell came back this afternoon. – Mrs. Beard attended a Teachers’ Institute in Bay City today.

Sunday, February 15 – Blessing
Cold northeast wind and a drizzly rain began falling about noon. – After lunch Mr. Pierce went to and returned from Sargent. Thanks to cement. – Mr. Powell and Mr. Frouch drove to Galveston to Mardi Gras. – Just sat by the fire and read today. – Heavy rain is falling at bedtime.

Monday, February 16
Dreary day. – Sent a letter to Mrs. Pierce and money order for Mrs. Farwell. Mrs. Beard wanted us to go to Palacios to a picture show, but Mr. Pierce was not here and Mrs. Farwell is saving her strength for tomorrow’s party. So we did not go. – Mrs. Beard and John W. spent the evening with us.

Tuesday, February 17
Most beautiful day. – Cut out and am sewing on Mrs. Stoddard’s pajamas. – Mrs. Farwell went to Mrs. Tandy’s party. – Mrs. Beard and John W. are spending the night here.

Wednesday, February 18 – Blessing
Just a beautiful day. – Mrs. Farwell came home this afternoon and tonight Mrs. Beard took all of us to Bay City to see “Girl of the Golden West.” – I enjoyed it greatly. – Valentine box of candy came to me from Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce came home soon after we did.

Thursday, February 19
Such a wonderful spring day. Sewed on pajamas today. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove to Bay City this P.M. – Mr. Hayes Sr. died yesterday. – Bud improves.

Friday, February 20 – Blessing
Lovely day, but I have been quite miserable. Dizzy head and turbulent stomach. Took two Rexall orderlies and a dose of soda last night and the combination evidently was not pleasant to my insides. – Have slept most of the day, but am feeling better tonight. – Mrs. Mobley came a few minutes this forenoon.

Saturday, February 21
Nice day tho windy. – Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Farwell took the boys to Houston today. Making the trip from 7:`5 am to 6:30 pm. – A telegram from Mrs. Pierce says she is leaving Philadelphia Sunday and will arrive here Tuesday night. – Sent pajamas to Mrs. Stoddard today.

Sunday, February 22 – Blessing – George’s Birthday
Lowering sky all day. – Clinton went to S. S. – Mr. Farwell came up and ate lunch. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren were with us, too. – Message from Mrs. Pierce saying Mrs. Smith is quite sick so her coming is postponed. – Mrs. Beard took Miss Webb, Miss O’Bannon, Miss Walker and myself to Eagle Lake this afternoon. Such a downpour of rain I never saw. It began to rain before we reached Wharton and continued until we reached home after dark. – Mrs. Beard is a most excellent driver.

Monday, February 23
Just a rainy day. – We have sewed all day. – Is not raining at bedtime.

Tuesday, February 24
Pretty day after the dreary ones. – No mail from Penn., so hope the sick are improving. – Milk toast for supper.

Wednesday, February 25
Some cloudy today. – Mrs. Beard came over a few minutes after school. – Mr. Farwell came this afternoon. – No word from Mrs. Pierce.

Thursday, February 26 – Blessing
Clouds and sunshine. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. – Mr. Farwell brought my Saturday Evening Post this afternoon.

Friday, February 27
My 63rd birthday and a rainy one. – I have three pair of pillow slips embroidered. – Mr. Pierce was in Blessing today. – Mrs. Farwell was to have gone to a Masons Banquet, but the rain prevented. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce says Bud improves, but Mrs. Smith is quite sick. Bladder trouble.

Saturday, February 28 – Blessing
Beautiful spring day. – We cleaned house today and were pretty tired, so rested a long time after we finished. – Mr. Farwell brought the Beacon and gas bill. – Letter from Mrs. Smith to Mr. Pierce says she is real sick. – Mrs. Pierce will not leave her until she is much better. – I am thankful to say I am feeling “brand new” once more.


Sunday, March 1  – Blessing
Rained all forenoon. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton drove to Collegeport and Palacios this afternoon. – Mrs. Farwell and I simply loafed all day around the fire place. – Did not write a letter. Rec’d one from the Seth Parker Company tonight.

Monday, March 2
Cold windy and cloudy. A real norther, but the sun came out some since lunch. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce, says Bud and Mrs. Smith are improving. – Mr. Pierce drove to and from Sargent today. – Mr. Farwell came up and took Mrs. Farwell down home a short time. – Sewed on pillow slips all day.

Tuesday, March 3
Perfectly grand day. – Mr. Farwell came up this forenoon and took her down home to spend the day. – Mrs. Lucas came this afternoon. Also Mrs. Beard. – Went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – Mrs. Farwell was too tired to go. – Real good congregation to hear him, - Bishop Quinn will speak here next Tuesday night.

Wednesday, March 4 – Blessing
Perfect day. South wind. – We sewed all forenoon. – After lunch went down street. – Paid Miss Esther’s bill and went to P.O. – Mr. Farwell found us at the P.O. He had brought Mrs. Tandy and her niece Miss Jones to visit me. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton went to a picture show in Palacios. – Good radio concert tonight.

Thursday, March 5 – Blessing
Cold windy day. – We put the house in order and then sewed a little. – I got my washing from Mrs. Bonner’s. – Saw Mrs. Newsom at the Drug Store. – M home looks quite dilapidated with weeds and grass.

Friday, March 6 – Blessing
Cloudy all day. – Mr. Farwell brought Mrs. Kimball and her little girl up to visit us this afternoon. – A norther blew us about 8:30 tonight. – Mr. Pierce talked to the family tonight. Buddy was moved out to Mrs. Smith’s yesterday. Mrs. Smith real sick yet. Examination next week to determine the cause. – Mr. Farwell brought the Beacon today. – Mrs. Dunn came home today.

Saturday, March 7 – Blessing
Letters from Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Stoddard. – Cleaned house this forenoon. Sewed since lunch. – Windy, but all sunshine. – Working on my made over blue dress. – On last pillow slip.

Sunday, March 8
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios this afternoon to hear Bishop Quinn preach. I wrote three letters. – Clinton made a kite. – Mr. Pierce took us and the Powells to Bay City tonight to see “Cimarron.” A wonderful play. Hope to see it again some time.

Monday, March 9 – Blessing
Mrs. Farwell went to Edna to an Eastern Star confab. – Bishop Quinn ate dinner with us. He seemed to enjoy William’s food. – Mrs. Farwell did not come home until midnight, so I did not hear the Bishop speak as Clinton would not go and I would not leave him alone. – Conditions unchanged at Mrs. Smith’s home.

Tuesday, March 10
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Farwell went down to Palacios this forenoon to attend a meeting at Mrs. Pybus home. – Rec’d a package from Mrs. Pierce to make buttonholes in. – Clinton and I pulled weeds out of the flower beds today. – Feel very tired, but must stay out of doors more. – William spaded the seed bed today. Very wet.

Wednesday, March 11
Balmy day. So fine in the sunshine. – Mrs. Yeager spent a couple of hours with us this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell brought me a letter from Lee. – Mr. Pierce almost sick from indigestion. Could not eat dinner.

Thursday – March 12 – Blessing
Splendid day. – Worked in the flower beds this forenoon. – Mrs. Farwell went home a couple of hours this forenoon. – I did some mending and worked buttonholes this P.M. – Mr. Pierce still sick. – Have finished the last one of four pair of pillow slips.

Friday, March 13
Cloudy this forenoon, but no rain. – Went to Palacios on the 12:15 train. Found some beads for Mrs. Farwell’s pigs eyes and some things I needed for myself. – Left money at P.O. to pay my next quarter box rent. Did some shopping for Mrs. Farwell. Visited Mrs. Newsom at Drug store. – Aired my rooms and came back to Blessing with Mr. Farwell. – Mrs. Smith not improving.

Saturday, March 14
Pretty day all day. – did housework and made pigs this forenoon. Took a bundle of letters to the PO to forward to Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton were ready to go to Bay City to a movie when Mr. Forehand phoned Mr. Pierce that a couple of children who lived on his Collegeport ranch had been drowned in the bay. He and Clinton went to Palacios instead. Mr. Pierce hoping to be of some service to the Father in finding the children’s bodies. They had not been found when he came home. [Grady Penland and Tressie Huffhines]

Sunday, March 15 – Blessing
Rainy day. – Mr. Pierce went to Palacios early this morning to help in the search for the children’s bodies. – A cold rain has been falling all day. Wind from the northeast. – We have kept indoors all day. – William brought the mail. – Mr. Pierce came home before dark. The search had to be given up on account of the weather. He was cold and tired. – We ate supper around the fireplace. – Conditions about the same up at Mrs. Smith’s.

Monday, March 16 – Blessing
Pretty day, but muddy streets and roads. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce this forenoon and received one this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith more comfortable. Buddy gained 4 lbs the first week he was at home. – Took my letter to the PO this afternoon. Lovely day for walking. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon and to Palacios this afternoon. – The little girl’s body was found three miles from where she left the boat.  – Mrs. Farwell is working on the Pigs today.

Tuesday, March 17- Blessing
Beautiful day. – We did some housework this forenoon then went to the kitchen to cook lunch so William could work on the pasture fence. – Had a good lunch. – Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios this afternoon to get some material for her pigs. -  I sewed some on my striped dress making it smaller. – Mr. Pierce went to Palacios since dinner tonight to see if the little boy’s body had been found. It had not. – The little girl was buried at Collegeport this afternoon. – St. Patrick’s Day.

Wednesday, March 18 – Blessing
No word from Mrs. Pierce. – I finished my blue and white dress and worked some on the old blue one. – Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce went, also. The little boy has not been found. – We made pig troughs after dinner tonight.

Thursday, March 19 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Did some dusting, etc. and some mending. – Went to P.O. since lunch. Mrs. Selkirk gave me a couple of beautiful rosebuds. – Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios about 4:30 to attend a 42 party at Mrs. Gray’s given by her and Mrs. Brandon. – Mrs. Beard took me and the boys to Bay City to get her car and attend a picture show. The Pay Off – They are spending the night here.

Friday, March 20
Rained hard after midnight. Muddy streets. – Mr. Farwell brought her as far as the hotel and William met her there in the white steamer. – I was to go to Palacios and take some of my boxes home, but the rain prevented. – The sky cleared from the north before noon and it is real chilly. – Mrs. Beard left before breakfast as she had to drive five miles into the country and then take a carload of children to the County Meet at Palacios. – The little boy’s body was buried yesterday. – Mr. Pierce is attending the Blessing Chamber of C meeting tonight.

Saturday, March 21
Cold north wind, but sunshine. – Card from the Haywoods. They are in Safford, Arizona. – Strong wind has dried the streets greatly. – Mrs. Farwell left her drove of pigs on the third floor this afternoon and did some darning by the fireplace. – Am taking machine made hems out of sheets and putting them in by hand. – We sat up late tonight listening to a radio concert.

Sunday, March 22 – Blessing
Rested all forenoon. – Mrs. Farwell went for a drive before lunch. – I wrote five letters this afternoon. – Clinton and Mr. Pierce went to a Bay City picture show tonight. – Good radio concert.

Monday, March 23
Windy, but sunshine. – Did housework. – Went to the PO since lunch and visited Mrs. Lucas. – Sewed some on the old blue dress. – Mr. Farwell came up, but they are not going to attend the Chamber of Commerce banquet tonight. – Mr. Pierce went to Houston today, then to the Banquet at Palacios tonight.

Tuesday, March 24
Not so windy today. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce wanting some of Bud’s shirts sent to him. – Rec’d check from Mrs. Newsom. The school money was late this month. – Mr. Farwell took her to Bay City this afternoon to get clay for her pig factory. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton went to Palacios to see Billy the Kid. – Sent Beacons to the Haywoods.

Wednesday, March 25 – Blessing
Pretty day after a fog. – Sewing and making pigs. – Mr. Pierce came home at three o’clock and went to bed. Stomach upset. – Mary Dean went to Sargent for him.

Thursday, March 26 – Blessing
Heavy fog. Almost a rain. – Mr. Pierce feeling better after the rest of yesterday afternoon. – The sun came out before noon and the day was lovely. – Deposited the Newsom check today. – After lunch Mrs. Farwell and I went to town. Saw the vase painting demonstration. Bought some paint and vases.  – Mr. Farwell came up. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton went to a bum picture show at Palacios tonight. – No word from Pa.

Friday, March 27- Blessing
Cold windy day. Have done a little housework and sewing today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and back since lunch. – Mrs. Farwell went to Bay City shopping. Bought a hat for me and a girdle. – Mr. Pierce called Phil. tonight. Mrs. Pierce has been real sick with Flu. – Tick was there also. She may start home next week. – Mr. Pierce is sick again. Stomach trouble.

Saturday, March 28 – Blessing
Beautiful day, but cold. - I went to Palacios this noon for some much needed things. Went to see Mrs. Hockey, Mrs. Houghton and the Loves. Did not go down street. – Mr. Farwell brought me back to Blessing at 4:00. – Rec’d a card from Mrs. Stoddard. She is in Bay City and Buckeye. – Mr. Pierce went to Houston by train this P.M.

Sunday, March 29
Such a lovely day. – We were at home all day. – Mr. Farwell brought the son’s letter up for Mrs. Farwell to read. – After lunch I wrote to the Skinners and Frasers. – Then we read and heard a radio concert. – Ate picnic supper in the kitchen. - Rev. Gillespie preached here tonight. I went to hear him. His theme was the “Kindliness of God.” – There were between 35 and 40 present.

Monday, March 30 – Blessing
Rainy morning. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. He received a letter from Mrs. P., but no date for her homecoming. – Sewed all afternoon. – Went to Palacios with Mrs. Beard to see “Southerner.” Quite a crowd went down from Blessing. – Saw Mrs. Pierce. She said my lot adjoining hers was being used for a pasture.

Tuesday, March 31 – Blessing
Real cold, windy day. Wind from the north. – Mr. Farwell came for her quite early this forenoon. She took the Pigs. They are for the Wed. Club banquet. – Mr. Pierce is sick. Has been on the couch about all day. – Mr. Powell came up after banking hours and took him to town for a shave. – He went to bed early. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren came over after church to spend the night. – Wish Mrs. Pierce was here. Mrs. Dunn phoned about her sewing next month. So tired tonight.


Wednesday, April 1
South wind and plenty of it. – Odeal did the washing today. They were terribly whipped by the wind. – Mr. Pierce went to see Dr. Morton today. He put him on a milk, lime water and calcium diet and a stay of several days in bed. – Mrs. Farwell came back this afternoon. – Planted the flower seeds at last. – Clinton and Mr. Powell went to Palacios to see the “Big Trail” tonight. – Tired from my seed planting this afternoon. – Mrs. Stoddard wanting me to sew for her. – Pd $2.96 on Hose order given Jan. 24th.

Thursday, April 2
Sunshine all day, but a strong south wind, too. – Hemming sheets most of the afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell went to Bay City this afternoon. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Stoddard. – Mrs. Selkirk gave me some roses. – Mr. Pierce is feeling some better. We used his room for a sitting room tonight. – Mrs. Parks Jr. brought me a hat on approval. Not made for me.

Friday, April 3 – Blessing
Cloudy, foggy morning, but no rain today. – Mr. Pierce seems better. – Mary Dean came up this forenoon and took some letters. – A letter to me from Mrs. Pierce said she had been in bed nine days and was feeling very miserable when she wrote. – I went to the telegraph office and sent her a reassuring message about Mr. Pierce’s condition. – Mr. Walker came to visit him since dinner and they both came down to the living room to hear Amos n Andy.

Saturday, April 4 – Blessing
Windy day from the north. – Dyed Easter eggs for a picnic. – Clinton attended this afternoon. - Cut out and basted up a dress for myself this afternoon. – Mr. Barnett came to visit Mr. Pierce this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce called Philadelphia tonight. They are all better. – Mrs. Pierce hopes to come home soon. – Mr. Pierce is better, but is keeping quiet.

John Franklin Barnett

Sunday, April 5 – Blessing – Easter
Another windy day. – Clinton went to S.S. Seemed to enjoy it. He opened the Easter boxes from his Grandmother and Aunt after breakfast. Mrs. Farwell had saved one of the Pigs for him, too. – Mr. Pierce dressed this morning and went to town before lunch. – Mr. Farwell ate lunch with us. – After resting a while, Mr. Pierce went to Palacios. Came back home and immediately went to Sargent. Says he is feeling fine. – Mr. and Mrs. Mobley came to see him while he was away. – Wrote to Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Smith since lunch. – Tired tonight.

Monday, April 4 – Blessing
Such a wonderful day. – Mr. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon and has not yet returned. Suppose he went to Sargent. – Mrs. Farwell went down to Palacios an hour this afternoon. – I bought a wrap around apron from a Bay City woman this afternoon. – Selling for the Episcopal Church fund.

Tuesday, April 7
Another pretty day. – Telegram this morning saying Mrs. Pierce started South last night. Will be in Blessing tomorrow night. – The Highway Commission is meeting in Palacios in Banquet tonight. Mr. Pierce is there. – William polished silverware today. – I went to the Drug store to find out the Bus schedule. May go to Bay City Thursday. So tired tonight.

Wednesday, April 8 – Blessing
Pretty day and windy. – Mr. Pierce and Clinton went to Houston this morning to meet Mrs. Pierce. – We did housework. Sewed and mended. – Mr. Farwell brought some roses up in honor of Mrs. Pierce’s homecoming. – William prepared a good six o’clock dinner, but they did not come until 10 o’clock. – They ate supper with the Mobleys in Houston. – We are all tired and going to bed at once. – Visit tomorrow.

Thursday, April 9 – Blessing
Mr. Pierce did not get up until noon today. Just tired out. – Mrs. Pierce was up all forenoon, but rested all afternoon. – Beatrice came up to see me this afternoon. Brought some beautiful roses. – She drove me to town and we ate cream at the drug store. – Mr. Price is having a road committee meeting in his office tonight.

Pierce office - Blessing

Mr. Pierce on steps of his office

Friday, April 10 – Blessing
Pretty day. – I went to Bay City by bus. Left King’s Drug Store at 7:20 and reached Bay City at 8. – Ate breakfast with Mrs. Stoddard at the Rice. – Rendered my State and Co. tax. – Bought a hat, some gloves and some white broadcloth for a jacket. – Enjoyed being with Mrs. Stoddard until 11:20 when I came back by bus. – Cut out the jacket. – Mrs. Farwell went to Palacios to a party. – Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Yeager visited us this afternoon.

Saturday, April 11 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – We did the housework. Mrs. Pierce did some baking. – William mowed the lawn. – I went to town after lunch and mailed some shirts. – Visited Mrs. Lucas. – Went to bank . – Saw Mary Dean and Mr. Powell. – Mr. Farwell came up and took Mrs. Farwell and her belongings and some of mine to Palacios. – I shall go home soon to sew for Mrs. Dunn. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent in time for dinner.

Sunday, April 12 – Blessing
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Sargent. Clinton to S.S. – I did the housework and changed the beds. – William prepared a fine 12 o’clock dinner. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up this afternoon. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren spent the evening with us. – Wrote to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Stoddard, but did not get the letters mailed. – Read “September.”

Monday, April 13 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce wrote letters all forenoon. I sewed on my print dress and let the hem down in Mrs. Pierce’s green silk dress. – She went to Bay City this afternoon. – A hat came for me from Mrs. Parks at Penneys. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. Brought lovely roses for Mrs. Pierce. – Clinton has gone to Palacios with Mrs. Bone to picture show.

Tuesday, April 14 – Palacios
Pretty afternoon, but rained this forenoon. – I did some sewing for Mrs. Pierce this forenoon. Then she and Mrs. Beard brought me home tonight. – Plenty of dust in my rooms. – Going to bed early because I am so tired and have a hard day before me tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 15 – Palacios
Foggy morning but the sun shone later in the day. – I have cleaned house as fast as I could all day and am so tired tonight. – Went to town late to get some groceries. Then up to Prayer Meeting. Preacher uncertain. – Suppose Mrs. Dunn will be here tomorrow. Note from Mrs. Stoddard. - Check from Mrs. Newsom. – Would love to know about Bud and Mrs. Smith. – Mr. Foster died one year ago today.

Thursday, April 16 – Palacios
Lovely day. – Mrs. Dunn came promptly. (Mrs. Tandy made me a short visit.) – We put a dress together to send to Winnie to see if it fits Susanna. – Sewed hard. Mrs. Dunn took lunch with Mrs. Price. – Mrs. Farwell came a moment just before supper. – Easter card from Minnie Crum.

Friday, April 17 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Dunn came early. We sewed until 5 o’clock. – Then I dressed and went to the P.O. From there to 6 o’clock dinner at Mrs. Tandy’s. – Such a good visit and dinner – The fire alarm called us out to investigate just before dark so I came on home. – Read awhile and now to bed.

Saturday, April 18 – Palacios
Pretty day tho rain about noon. – We began sewing at 8 o’clock. – At 5 we stopped and I went to the store for groceries. – Real tired, but the sewing seems to be going on beautifully.

Sunday, April 19 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Slept late. Went to S.S., then down to the “Do Drop Inn” for 12 o’clock dinner where Mrs. Tandy was my guest. – We came up home and after resting awhile we visited. – I walked home with her later and rested a few minutes. – Came home, drank a cup of hot tea and went over to the M. E. Church to hear Rev. Ozmond. – Saw many friends who seemed pleased to see me. Very tired.

Monday, April 20
Beautiful day and we sewed real hard until 5 o’clock. – Went up to see Mrs. Hockey after supper. - No mail.

Tuesday, April 21 – Palacios
Norther blew down at 3:15 this morning. Cold wind all day until the sun went down. Fire all day. – Mrs. Dunn brought Mrs. Lucas down to spend the day with Mrs. Kimball. – Took some measurements of Mrs. Houghton to send to Mrs. Hunt. – Card from Mrs. Fraser

Wednesday, April 22 – Palacios
Much warmer today and not so windy. – Sewed diligently. Mrs. Dunn is kept busy faggoting and rolling and whipping ruffles. – Went up to the Tabernacle to hear Rev. Watson preach. A prospective pastor.

Wednesday, April 23 – Palacios
Much warmer. – Took dinner at the Inn. Mrs. Dunn went to a party at Mrs. Barnett’s this afternoon. – I went over to Mr. Richards after supper to discuss Rev. Watson as pastor.

Grace L. Barnett

Friday, April 24 – Palacios
Some cloudy and rainy all day. – Mrs. Dunn came early, but was not well. – Slept a couple of hours this afternoon. – Sewing going on well. Ate my supper at the Teague Cafι. – Tired.

Saturday, April 25 – Palacios
Pretty day. – No fire all day. – We sewed until 5 o’clock then cleaned up some of my supper and went to town shopping for next weeks goods. – Came home. Washed my hair. Dried it by the gas heater. – Going to bed.

Sunday, April 26 – Palacios
Very lovely day until after 8 o’clock. – I slept late, but went to S. S. Then down to the Cafι for dinner. – At 2:30 went over to the Episcopal Chapel to hear Rev. Engle preach. – Mr. Farwell brought me a bunch of Sweet Peas as I was starting to S. S. – Mrs. Farwell went out to the Bolling Ranch this PM with Mrs. Gray and the Brandons. – Went to M. E. Church tonight. Sat with Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Crawford.

St. John's Episcopal Church

Monday, April 27 – Palacios
Quite a rain fell last night and a cook north wind has been blowing all day. – Mrs. Dunn came. – Went to P.O. since supper. – Rec’d a card from the Haywoods. – Did some washing since supper. – Had a fire this forenoon.

Tuesday, April 28 – Palacios
Continued cloudy weather, tho no rain today. Strong south wind.- Mrs. Dunn came and we sewed until 5. – I washed two dresses tonight. – Sent the real washing to Mrs. Bonner. – Wrote to Mrs. Stoddard.

Wednesday, April 29 – Palacios
Cloudy. – Sewed until 5. – Mrs. Farwell came a few minutes this forenoon. – Went to prayer meeting. – Long letter from Rev. Watson relative to accepting the pastorate of this church.

Thursday, April 30 – Palacios
Cloudy dreary day. – Sewed all day and finished the work Mrs. Dunn had planned for us to do. – All dresses for Susan and the little sister Jane. – Rec’d letter from Mrs. Stoddard about her work. – Went to see Mrs. Farwell a moment. – Mrs. Love came to visit tonight. – Tired. Tired. Tired. - $26.00 from Mrs. Dunn.


Friday, May 1 - Palacios
Rainy this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell took Mrs. Farwell and me up to Mrs. Pierce’s this afternoon where we sewed on Mrs. Farwell’s wrap. – Mrs. Pierce was putting up dewberries and getting ready to keep the door for a dance at the Community House tonight. – Mr. Farwell came for us at 5 o’clock. – I wrote a letter to Mrs. Stoddard, getting it off on the night mail asking her to come Tuesday afternoon by bus. – I am to do part of her sewing here. – Tired tonight. – No mail except the Beacon.

Saturday, May 2 – Palacios
Pretty day. – My, how I have worked cleaning house, etc. – Ate supper at the Teague Cafι. – Going to bed. Too tired to sit up. – The Newsoms expect to stay in Palacios next year. – Also to keep my rooms.

Sunday, May 3 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Went to Sunday School. – Ate dinner at home. – Went for a long drive with the Hockeys after dinner. Out west of Turtle Bay. Flowers are beautiful. Roads good. Crops late and quite weedy. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard saying she will be here Tuesday. – Beatrice made me a visit this afternoon after I came from the drive. – Went to M. E. Church tonight.

Monday, May 4 – Palacios
Such a lovely day and a busy one for me. – Took my washing to Mrs. Bonner and then cleaned house as hard as I could until 5:30 – Went to P.O. Letter from Mrs. Neal Farwell, sending some towels to be marked. – Went to supper. Ate with Mrs. Pierce, then she took me for a drive. – Dreadful tired, but have moved a good deal of dust today. – Mrs. Stoddard comes tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 5
Busy day and a lovely one. – Mrs. Stoddard came by bus. We ate lunch at Teague’s and supper at home. Then went to see “Whoopee.” Good show to make one laugh. – We did not commence sewing today. – Mrs. Price spent an hour with us this afternoon.

Wednesday, May 6
Beautiful day. – Working on a dark blue voile dress. – Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes on her way to the Wed. Club (to which Mrs. Kimball invited Mrs. Stoddard and me). – We ate supper at the Cafι and called on Mrs. Farwell. – I went up to the Tabernacle to prayer meeting and to arrange for light housekeeping in a couple of the parsonage rooms for Rev. Watson who has been called as pastor.

Thursday, May 7
Beautiful day. – Just sewing. – Mrs. Stoddard cooked lunch and we went to Mrs. Sandusky’s for six o’clock dinner. – Then took a long walk and stopped at the picture show. – Letter from the Haywoods and a picture of their gospel car with them standing beside it.

Friday, May 8
Lovely day. – Sewed all day. – Ate six o’clock dinner with Mrs. Price and spent the evening with her. – Mr. Bowden drove us home.

Saturday, May 9
Cloudy forenoon and rained a hard shower. – Mrs. Price and Mrs. Stoddard went to Bay City, coming home soon after lunch. – No rain in Bay City. – I cut out a dress and slip. – Ate supper at Teague’s and went to see “Fair Warning” a good clean show (if there is such a thing).

Palacios Beacon, May 7, 1931

Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day. – A beautiful day. – Marguerite put flowers on Mother’s grave today. – Went to S.S. – Then Mrs. Stoddard and me listened over Mr. Newsom’s radio to a sermon by Dr. Hill of San Antonio. – We cooked a good dinner at home and then rested awhile. – Finally went for a long walk. Stopped at Mrs. Elder’s for lettuce and at the drug store for ice cream. – Did not go to church.

Monday, May 11 - Palacios
Just sewing and eating. – Went for a long walk after supper and then played Anagrams. – Mrs. Stoddard winning the game as usual.

Tuesday, May 12 - Palacios
Lovely day. – Sewing. – Mrs. Farwell came up to say that Josh Pierce died at Tulsa, Oklahoma this morning. I may have to go to Blessing on that account. – We went to see the Baby pictures at the movie house and saw “Common Clay,” also. – Mrs. Price brought us home after the show.

Wednesday, May 13 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Sewing. – Mrs. Stoddard went home by bus this afternoon. – I picked up a little after she left at 4:20 and then went to Teague’s for my supper. – Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes. – Then I went to prayer meeting. – Dreadful tired.

Thursday, May 14 – Palacios
Lovely day. – Cleaned house a little. – Did some washing and ironing. – Sewed on Mrs. Stoddard’s dress. Made myself a slip. – Patched Mrs. Nester’s dress. – Went to P.O. and supper. – Called at the Farwell home and found it vacant. – Then went to see Mrs. Hockey. The women were working on the parsonage today getting it ready for the pastor to keep batch in for awhile. – I loaned a pair of bed springs and two kitchen towels.

Friday, May 15 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Came up to stay a few days with Mrs. Pierce while he is away on account of Josh’s death. – Mrs. Farwell brought sewing along and we sewed for her going away trip. – Mr. F. came for her at 5 o’clock. Then I helped Mrs. Pierce transplant and water flowers until dark.

Saturday, May 16 – Blessing
Still sewing for Mrs. Farwell. She spent the day here. – This was Trades Day in Palacios. Mrs. Pierce went down. – Note from Mrs. Stoddard. She needs me next week.

Sunday, May 17 – Blessing
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce played the processional for the three graduates this morning. Rev. Ray from the1st Church in Palacios preached the sermon. – After lunch, Mrs. Beard took Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Selkirk, the two small boys and me up to Eagle Lake. We spent some time in her mother’s home. (Mrs. Westmoreland) Then drove to the cemetery, the big high school building which is fine, and the Lake. – Came home arriving in Blessing after dark. – All ate supper in Mrs. Pierce’s kitchen. – A tired bunch who had spent a most delightful day.

Monday, May 18 – Palacios
Sewed for Mrs. Farwell and helped Mrs. Pierce until after lunch. – Mr. Farwell came up to Blessing for some of Mrs. F.’s things and to see about her route and ticket. – The rain poured down, so he waited until after lunch and I came home with him, stopping at his house and helping Mrs. Sisson and Mrs. Farwell sew until six o’clock. – Jesse Strassner brought me up home. – Then I took my washing to Mrs. Bonner. – Drank a cup of coffee at Mrs. Helander’s Tamale shop. – Went up to Mrs. Hockey’s for milk and am now tired and going to bed. – Mrs. Farwell goes Wed.

Tuesday, May 19 – Bay City
Came up on the train since lunch. – Am at Mrs. Stoddard’s apartment—Mrs. Hurley’s home. – The Home Economics teacher from Palacios came up on the train, going to her home. – Ate supper at the Rice, then went to see “Millie,” a bum movie.

Wednesday, May 20 – Bay City
Suppose Mrs. Farwell is on her way to Washington tonight. – I sewed all day. Ate lunch at Dooley’s. – This is a pleasant room. Private bath. – We are to take turns sleeping on the couch. – Went to see “The Millionaire.” Geo. Arlis. Most excellent picture. – Beautiful day.

Thursday, May 21, - Bay City
Another lovely day. – Mrs. Stoddard went to the ranch on the 11:15 train and came back by train about five o’clock. – I have been sewing all day. – Lunch at Dooley’s. – Did some tucking on the Pevoteaux machine in the Van Shi Inn. – Sent a nice leather purse bag to Mrs. Beard today. – Went to graduating exercises at the High School tonight with Mr. and Mrs. Hurley. Saw Pearl Love.

Van Shi Inn - 2400 Ave F - Bay City - 2013

Bay City High School - Bay City Junior High - John H. Cherry Elementary

Friday, May 22 – Bay City
Just a busy day. – Breakfast at the Rice. Lunch at Dooley’s. Dinner at the Rice. – Saw Mozelle’s gifts. – Mrs. Stoddard hired Mr. Lewis to take us for a drive after dinner. We went out the cement highway to the Filling Station. Lovely ride. – We are so tired.

Saturday, May 23 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Breakfast, lunch and dinner as usual. – Finished the dresses. Very unsatisfactory working at sewing without a machine by hand. – Came home by bus, leaving Bay City 8:30 a few minutes late and arriving here about 9:30 or earlier. – Mrs. Stoddard will leave for Cleveland Monday afternoon. – Glad to be at home once more. – Bought a pair of shoes at Moore’s.

Sunday, May 24 – Palacios
Lovely day. – Slept late in my own bed. – Went to S.S. Pastor not come yet. – Parsonage looks nice and ready. – Ate lunch and then went for a drive to Francitas with the Hockeys. Woods lovely. – Then I went to M. E. Church to hear the last one of a protracted meeting sermons. – Sat with Nora Mae Boyd Turk. She has a beautiful boy.

Monday, May 25 – Palacios
Busy day. – Went up to the Tabernacle to help the women put the final touches on the parsonage. – Hoping the pastor may be there by next Sunday. – Mrs. Brown gave me a mess of new potatoes and snap beans. Also some plums. – Took my washing to Mrs. Bonner.

Tuesday, May 26 – Palacios
Lovely day. – Embroidered six F’s on Mrs. Neal Farwell’s towels and mailed them to her this afternoon. – Saw Mr. Farwell in the P.O. Mrs. Farwell has arrived in Washington and had a pleasant trip. – Am trying to get some of my old dresses in a wearable condition and hope to make some new ones. – May have to help Mrs. Pierce, too.

Wednesday, May 27 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – I washed and ironed some things that I did not want to send to Mrs. B. – Mr. Houghton did a little more work in the ditches. – I hope to get my lawn in a little better condition while I am at home. – The Newsoms will be going to Greeley, Colorado next week for a 10 weeks stay. – Rec’d a letter from Bennett Skinner thanking me for the graduating gift. – Went up to prayer meeting. – Mrs. Richards has gone to the Valley. Pastor not around yet.

Thursday, May 28 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Mr. Houghton helped me do some work on the lawn this forenoon. – We worked until 12 o’clock, then I got some lunch Took a hot bath and rested until 4 o’clock. – Called on Miss Mitchell, Mrs Owert and Mrs. Boyd and Nora Mae. - Went over to Mrs. Houghton’s trimmed her hat. – Came home and cooked a fish supper. Mr. Newsom had been off on a fishing trip. – Talked to Mr. Morgan about the gas.

Friday, May 29 – Palacios
A beautiful day. Quite warm. – I have put in most of the day copying into this book from small note books I have been using all year. – Am tired tonight as writing is tiresome for me. – Went to PO about 5 o’clock. Got the Beacon and some groceries. – Mr. Richards has been to see me a couple of times today about the Pastor. I think Mr. Baldwin will go for him tomorrow. Am hoping it is for the best. The church is painfully small and weak.

Saturday, - May 30 – Palacios – Decoration Day
Rather cloudy all day. – I took flowers to the cemetery this forenoon. Mr. Houghton gave me some and I divided them with Mrs. Perry’s grave and Mr. Webb. – There were a good many flowers out there and the grass had been mowed. The caretaker is very carless about injuring the markers and walls. – Have been sewing some since lunch. – Mrs. Lacy Pybus died last night or early this morning. – Mr. Baldwin brought the Pastor and his library about six o’clock this morning.

Sunday, May 31 – Palacios
This has been a good day tho a rain fell about noon. – Rev. Watson preached twice today. Congregation small. – Mrs. Pybus was buried this afternoon. A large funeral. – Mrs. Pierce came to see me this afternoon. She and Mr. Pierce attended the funeral. – Have been at home all day other than going to church. – Mrs. Brown’s son, his wife and daughter are visiting her a few days. – Have not written a letter today, but am tired tonight.


Monday, June 1 – Palacios
Pretty day. – I have been sewing some for myself today and darning stockings. – Mr. Strickland brought me a mess of corn today. I fried it with butter –old timey. The first I have eaten in years. – The Newsoms will soon be leaving for Colorado for 10 weeks. – I paid my gas bill at the Bank today. – Don’t see why I am so tired all of the time. – Sent quilt pieces to Marguerite today.

Tuesday, June 2 – Palacios
Lovely day.  Real warm. – I fixed a black vest in my crepe dress taking out the rose colored one. – Then I worked on the white one have it almost finished. The Newsoms were busy as bees all day getting ready for their summer trip. – Mr. Houghton brought me a mess of carrots and beets, also one ripe tomato. – Wrote to the Haywoods and Marguerite today.  – No company and no mail.

Wednesday, June 3
Pretty day. Sun hot of noon. – I washed a little, but my real day’s work has been looking through letters, cards, etc., and boxes and drawers. Sorting out much which I have burned. I don’t seem to be able to locate anything since I moved upstairs. The Newsoms continue to make ready for their 10 weeks stay in Colorado. – Mrs. N. paid me three months rent in advance today. Sent a note to Mrs. Pierce. – The Bank has been closed today for some reason. – Went to Prayer Meeting tonight.

Thursday, June 4 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Have been serving a little for myself. Mending, etc. Doing housework going to town. Washing. – Went to see Mr. Love to get him to figure the cost of recovering the front porch roof. – The Newsoms hope to start on their trip tomorrow. The Newsoms hope to start on their trip tomorrow. – The peaches on the tree wood house are ripe, but the other tree seems later. – Mr. Newsom took Celia and Winifred out to their brother’s this morning.

Friday, June 5- Palacios
Lovely day. – Mr. Love almost finished shingling the porch roof today – The Newsoms started on their trip early this morning. – I have worked in the back yard all day and it looks more normal tonight than it has for two years.  -  I am some tired tonight, but a glad tired, for the yard was badly needing my attention. – Letter from Mr. Neal Farwell enclosing a check for $2.00 for the towels I marked. – No other mail except the Beacon. – No visitors today and no visiting either. – May have Mr. Love fix the porch floor, too.

Saturday, June 6 – Palacios
Another lovely day. The sun is pretty hot at noon, but generally it is comfortable. – Mr. Love finished shingling the porch roof and did some other odd jobs around the house. I paid him $11.00. – He will repair the porch floor next week if the weather permits. – I have worked very hard today. – Washed, ironed, etc. Have missed the Newsoms. The house seemed so quiet. – Mrs. Love came over and visited an hour about supper time. – Am very tried tonight.

Sunday, June 7 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – I went to S. S. and church in Palacios this forenoon. – Ate dinner at Teague’s. – After dinner I packed my suitcase and made ready to come to Blessing by bus, but Mrs. Pierce drove down after me about 4 o’clock. Then we went to hear Rev. Gillespie preach up here. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning and has not returned at bed time.

Monday, June 8 – Blessing
Splendid day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Farwell, Clinton and I sent to Houston today. Mrs. Pierce has her new car. – Mr. Farwell drove all of the way over and back except in the city. – She took Clinton to his dentist. She went to a hair dresser. Mr. Farwell to an occulist. While I just tagged along. – Clinton and I went to a picture show. – We were all real tied when we got home, but had a pleasant day.

Tuesday, June 9 – Blessing
Lovely day. Plenty of wind to be cool in the shade. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton painted porch furniture and I darned until 4 o’clock. Then we drove to Bay City. Mrs. Pierce for a shot, but Dr. Morton had gone. – I bought a white hat. – After drive, we all drove to Palacios to the Picture Show, but it was free night and we could not get in. – Stopped at Mr. Farwell’s a few minutes.

Wednesday, June 10 – Blessing
Such a fine day. Plenty of wind. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Victoria this morning. Gone all day. – I finished hanging the curtains and fastened the pads on the chairs. – After dinner, Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and me went to Palacios to the Picture Show “A Wise Child.” – Did not go to the Post Office.

Thursday, June 11 – Blessing
Another windy day. – Have been mending and taking sleeves out all day. – Helped Mrs. Pierce water the flowers after dinner. – Then we read until bed time.

Friday, June 12 – Blessing
Have been making pads for the porch chairs today. Green pads for the yellow chairs. – At 4 o’clock we went to Bay City for her hay fever shot. – Mrs. Morton gave it. – We visited a short while. – Mrs. Pierce had a board meeting tonight. – Sent check for $11.80 to Mr. Love for porch floor.

Nurse Genevieve Morton, wife of Dr. Albert Searce Morton

Saturday, June 13 – Blessing
Another fine day. – Cut out a white silk dress for Mrs. Pierce and have it ready to fit. – She kept the Library open this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell brought up a basket of peaches since dinner. – We worked in the flower beds some since dinner, watering, etc. – Mrs. Lucas is not well.

Sunday, June 14 – Blessing
Such a lovely day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton to S School.  – I was lazy. – After lunch we went to the hotel to see Mrs. Lucas, who was not well. – She was able to go out for a drive. We went to Palacios. I brought a few clothes and Mrs. Pierce and Ginger picked up some ripe peaches in my back yard. – Dreadful dusty. -  I had quite a lot of mail in my box, too.

Monday, June 15
Fine wash day. – Did some mending for the washing and then sewed on other things. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Palacios tonight to see Mary Pickford in the pictures.

Tuesday, June 16
Fine day again. – Made a short jacket to wear with the white silk dress. – Went to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce this P.M. She took her car to have the oil changed, etc. – I bought some stockings and cheap material for a black and white dress. – The boys are on the way home by train. – Car trouble caused them to abandon the trip that way and now they are disappointed.

Wednesday, June 17 – Blessing
Lovely day, but hot. – This morning early, Mr. Farwell came up. Then he and Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and Mrs. Morton went to Houston. – The boys arrived in Houston about 4:30 PM. Then they all arrived here in Blessing about 8:30. The boys look well. Buddy uses his leg well and looks much better than I was expecting him to. The family are all at home for the first time in two years.

Thursday, June 18
Real summer day. – The boys are glad to be at home. Are men in stature, but boys yet in heart. – We all went to Bay City this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee to have a hay fever shot. Clinton to have a tooth pulled. I to get my shoes at the repair shop. The other two boys went for company. – Mr. Bussell died this morning.

Friday, June 19 – Blessing – Emancipation
Beautiful day. – This was William’s day off, so Mrs. Pierce gave us a nice lunch and dinner. – I cleaned up the house this forenoon and almost finished the chair pads this afternoon. – After dinner we all went out to the Mobley Farm to watch the Negros dance, but saw a wrestling match instead. – Came home tired and ready for bed.

Saturday, June 20 – Blessing
Hot windy day. – Made the balance of chair pads today. – This was Trades Day in Blessing, so we went down to the “drawing” at 4 o’clock. Mrs. Pierce drawing a $1.00 check on a cafι. – There is a good breeze blowing tonight so the mosquitoes will not bite. – Made preparations to go to Sargent tomorrow today.

Sunday, June 21- Blessing
Still dry and dusty. – We all went to Sargent today. Met the Mobley family there. Ate dinner in the O’Bannon yard under the splendid trees. – Then after resting awhile, drove to the beach. They all went in swimming except Mr. Mobley, Mrs. Mobley, brother and me. – Had a wonderful day.

Monday, June 22 – Blessing
A hot day. – We have been busy as bees all day. – Cleaned the 3rd floor and did a little on the 2nd. – Mrs. Smith is to arrive tomorrow P.M. or night. She loves to have things in order. – I moved upstairs in honor of the guest. Am sure of we will be more comfortable than in the same room. – Mrs. Pierce is attending a “Y” meeting tonight. – We are all sunburned from yesterday’s outing.

Tuesday, June 23 – Blessing
A few drops of rain fell this afternoon. – We hustled around this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith phoned from Houston that she would be out by the night train. – Buddy drove me to Palacios this afternoon. I brought back a few more things. – Mr. Farwell came up this evening. – The four boys and me went to Bay City to see “Only a Gigolo.” Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since dinner. – Mrs. Smith came. She is tired and thin.

Wednesday, June 24
Rained a little this forenoon. – Have been darning a little and doing many other things. – Weather so hot. – Washed and ironed a couple of dresses for myself. – Sent $1.92 for light today.

Thursday, June 25
Went to Houston today—Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, John H., Clinton and me. – Rec’d letter from Mrs. Farwell today. – Mr. F. came up a few minutes since dinner. – All tired tonight, but I had such a good day. – Had lunch at Mr. Payne’s expense.

Friday, June 26 – Blessing
Rained some today for which everyone is thankful. A storm is in the Gulf, but we hope it does not come inland on our immediate coast. – Have been working on Mrs. Smith white (old) dresses today.

Saturday, June 27 – Palacios
The Gulf storm did not reach land yet, but a heavy rain fell this early morning. – Reports that it would come in between Corpus Christi and Matagorda frightened us, so the boys brought me down home after dinner tonight. -  The storm reported to come in about 10:30, but no indications yet at 10:45, so I am going to bed.

Sunday, June 28 – Blessing
A strong east wind blew all night, but nothing unusual. – Went to church in Palacios this morning. Gave $6.00 to the pastor’s salary. – Ate lunch at home. – Went to P.O. – Later, the boys drove down for me and I came back to Blessing. – The storm was not severe. Came in near Corpus.

Monday, June 29 – B.Y.P.U.
Cloudy wash day, but did not rain. – We women were helping Odeal get the tremendous washing done and Mrs. Pierce caught her hand in the wringer. – I went with her to see Dr. Morton. He put it in a splint. Found a broken bone. She suffered terribly from the accident.

Tuesday, June 30 – Blessing
Cloudy partly and so hot. – Mrs. Pierce went to have an xray taken today. Found a bone broken as Dr. Morton said, but he wrong finger. Splints on both of them now. – She suffers from them, but don’t say anything about it. – Mrs. Smith went out to the Live Oak Farm for a few days. – We all drove out to see her tonight.



Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia

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All rights reserved

May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015