Nellie Tilson Webb

1935 Diary

January - June

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




Nellie had "Fearless" by her friend, Mrs. H. G. Fraser,
pinned inside the front of her 1935 diary.



Tuesday, January 1, 1935
A busy day. – I awoke with something like a sick headache in my stomach, head and back. Miserable all day. – The Pierce family, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Lewis, also myself, were Mrs. Dunn’s New Years dinner guests at the Blessing Hotel today. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston immediately after dinner. Found Ruby and her father much worse. – Mr. Pierce kept open house this afternoon. Many friends called. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell among the guests. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Pierce played bridge tonight. Mrs. Smith very tired. – John Henry was too busy to come home.

Wednesday, January 2
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Sides went to Palacios this P. M. Canning business. – Mrs. Chamblee phoned that the xray picture showed Ruby’s condition to be grave. The family have gone to the hospital. – Mrs. Smith and Allen going in her car. – Mrs. Roberts paid her rent this afternoon. Her roomers are leaving soon. – The school board is in session tonight.

Thursday, January 3, 1935
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City. Coming home at 2:30 to attend a library meeting. – Mrs. Smith came up to bring some canned meat put up by Ruby a short time ago. – Lee drove me down to Palacios this morning. I put feathers into a small pillow which I gave to Mary Dean to use in her car. – Mrs. Smith phoned the hospital tonight. Ruby seems better. – Rec’d a card from Mrs. Barton today.

Friday, January 4, 1935
Grand day. – Did the Friday house cleaning. Finished about 3 o’clock. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City early this morning. She is general superintendent of the canning kitchens in this section. – Sent a note to Mrs. Barton this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce and I rode over to Bay City tonight in Mrs. Yeager’s car to hear Miss Maner of Houston speak for the Child Labor Amendment.

Saturday, January 5, 1935
Mostly cloudy. Mrs. Pierce attended a Board meeting at Matthes’ store this forenoon and spent the afternoon in Bay City. – Willie Jones was off after 10:30 this forenoon to attend a funeral. – I put the lunch and supper on the table. Am no good in the kitchen.

Sunday, January 6, 1935
A cloudy rain last night. Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. – A committee met here this afternoon to discuss hot lunches for the school children. – Mr. Pierce and a carload of teachers drove to Bay City this afternoon to see “The Mighty Barnum.” – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Selkirk and I drove over to see the Barnum picture. Stopped in Bay City for a cup of coffee. – Mrs. Pierce is getting papers in order tonight as I go to bed at 11 o’clock for the board meeting tomorrow at Matthes apt.

Monday, January 7
Rainy dreary forenoon, but all sunshine since noon. - Mr. Payne ate lunch here. – Lee took cans to the Palacios cannery this afternoon. – A message came that Ruby was to be operated on this P. M. Mrs. Smith and Allen drove to Houston at once, but a later report said they would operate in the morning. – The board continued in session until 6 o’clock, but Mr. Payne hurried home without dinner. – Lee is attending a party for Mr. Shuey tonight. – Cloudy. – Letter from Mrs. Farwell inviting us to spend Saturday in Palacios it being Mr. Farwell’s 80th birthday.

Tuesday, January 8
Pretty day all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the half day in Palacios showing Mrs. Chappel how to reflange cans. – After lunch I went to Bay City with her. Paid my county tax. They are all paid now. Bought a handkerchief for Mr. Farwell’s birthday gift. Had my shoe sole nailed on and rubber caps put on the heels. Then I sat in the car in front of the cannery and did finger work until 6 o’clock when we came home. Then went to the council meeting for a short time. Did not wait for refreshments. Were too tired. – Ruby’s head was operated on at 3 o’clock this P.M. Mrs. Smith phoned she was doing as well as could be expected.

Wednesday, January 9
A most beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Palacios and the afternoon in Blessing and Bay City. She phoned from Bay City that Geo. Arliss was to be there tonight in “The Last Gentleman.” Mrs. Smith took, Mr. Pierce and I over. – Mrs. Pierce ate supper with the Engles and they were all late coming to the theatre, so Mrs. Smith and I came home and left Mr. Pierce to drive back with Mrs. Pierce. – Lee is attending a basketball game at Gulf tonight. – Card from the Haywoods today.

Thursday, January 10
Dense fog this forenoon, but lovely afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City all day. – I worked some on a blue dress I am making over. – Tonight a delegation from El Maton came to discuss hot school lunches.

Friday, January 11
A heavy fog until almost noon, but a beautiful afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City all day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Dunn came up a few minutes to return a borrowed 25.00. – Mrs. Smith came also. She and I drove out to Live Oak Farm. – The cats, dogs, chickens and home look lonesome for Ruby. – Allen had not yet returned from Houston. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called on their way to Bay City this forenoon. Brought some lovely roses.

Saturday, January 12
Pretty day and a busy one. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce drove down to Palacios about 5:30 P.M., but I waited for Mrs. Pierce to come for me. – About 6:30 she phoned from Landines that she was there having a new tire put on her car, so I walked down to the filling station. – Willie Jones carried the birthday cake. In due time we arrived at the Farwell home and did justice to the good dinner. Oyster cocktail, ducks and guinea fowl, potatoes, tomato salad, etc. cake and coffee. – Wish you many happy returns, Mr. Farwell.

Sunday, January 13
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce was busy. – Mr. Pierce and I went to S. S. – Madge and Hilda delivered a car load of equipment to the school lunch stations this P. M. in Mrs. Pierce’s car. – Tonight we heard Rev. Engle preach. Then most of the congregation came here to hear the annual report read. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce served them drink and cake. – I wrote a long letter to the Haywoods this afternoon.

Monday, January 14
Beautiful afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios and then to Bay City. She took some roses from Mr. Farwell’s garden to the hospital for Mr. Foisey and a Zemanek girl. – I sewed a little on the blue dress and brought the wash in when it dried this afternoon. – Letter from Mrs. Barton today. – Lee began working for the Government this morning. Taking census of some kind. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes tonight. Ruby seems a little better.

Tuesday, January 15
Beautiful day all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon at home working on reports for the canneries. – Spent the afternoon in Bay City. Brought out more supplies and equipment for the El Maton lunch room. – I cut out and partially basted a gray dress for Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – No word from Ruby today.

Wednesday, January 16
Just a beautiful windy day. – Mrs. Pierce worked on her books all day at home. – After lunch I drove down home. Found the Roberts packing up to move Sunday. He has been transferred to another field. – Drove by to see Mrs. Love. Also Mrs. Farwell, but she was attending the Wed. Club. – Tonight we attended a shower for Kathryn Cornelius Davant at the Hotel.


Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cornelius of Blessing announce the marriage of their daughter, Kathryn, to Ted Davant, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davant of Bay City, which was quietly solemnized Sunday afternoon at East Bernard. Mr. Henry Mann of Bay City was the only attendant.

The bride was born and reared in Blessing, attended school there and is a graduate of Baylor, also attended the College of Arts and Industry at Kingsville and was a former member of the Blessing faculty. The groom was born and reared in Bay City, is a graduate of the local school there and is attending the State University at Austin at present.

Mrs. Davant attended the Palacios school in 1928 and has a host of friends here with whom we join in extending congratulations and best wishes.

Palacios Beacon, January 10, 1935

Thursday, January 17
Another windy day after the fog disappeared. – House work and chickens all forenoon – Mending and sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s gray dress after lunch. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee both out on government work. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle and Mrs. Selkirk came over to play bridge tonight. – A letter from Mrs. Bell telling of her daughter’s death in December.

Friday, January 18 – Clinton
Windy, beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee at work. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce is in consultation with the other women regarding the food for the Field Trials men. – Have felt miserable all day. Too much wind, I guess.

Saturday, January 19 – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s 26th Wedding Anniversary
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon at home going to Bay City after lunch. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning. – Lee brought me down to Palacios this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are almost packed up ready to move. I put in the afternoon moving my things back into the front room. Then Mr. Caffall came tonight and said they wanted the front rooms upstairs. – Drank a cup of tea at the Pasal Coffee Shop for supper. – Mr. Roberts was late getting home tonight. – I am so tired I am not sleepy as I go to bed.

Sunday, January 20
Slept rather late this morning. Was too tired to sleep last night. – Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left about 11 o’clock. – I put on a fresh dress and went to the Pasal shop for chicken dinner. – Came home and worked some. Mrs. Caffall came over and we visited awhile. – Soon a wet norther came down upon us. Mercy, how it did pour and the wind blew. – Someone came to my door inquiring for Nellie Webb. It was Ferne, I did not know her. She spent 20 min. perhaps, then left in a terrible rain. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce came for me, but I could not go yet. Real wet norther. Colder.

Monday, January 21 – Mother Passed Away 7 Years Ago
Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – Dreadful night. Deluge of rain which turned to sleet. – I got up about 5 o’clock and opened all of the faucets. The windows and screens were coated solid then. – I got up about 8 o’clock and dressed over my pajamas. Went over to Love’s where I ate breakfast. Then he went over and cut the water off for me. – At eleven o’clock I went over home, packed my bag and went to the depot. There was much sleet on the ground and boards. Very cold. – The sun came out about 11 o’clock, but very cold. – The train was an hour late, but I finally reached the Pierce home. – Very cold strong wind. – Willie away. – Ruby very ill.

Tuesday, January 22 – Blessing
Cold all day, but sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce worked at home all forenoon. – Lee laid off for a time. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. She went to the canning plant to see Mrs. Chappell. – I stopped at home to collect some things I wanted to bring up here, and went over to see the Loves. He is sick. Had to call the Dr. this morning. – Then I went to the Plant and waited for Mrs. Pierce. – We were quite late getting home. – Mr. Pierce spent today at Sargent. 120 cattle perished on the ranch.

Wednesday, January 23
Sunshine all day and warmer tho there was some ice this morning. Most of the sleet melted from the north side of the house this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this morning. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent where they are skinning 150 or more cattle. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston. Went to the hospital. Ruby in pitiful condition. – Mrs. Sides is spending the night here. – Killed the hog this P.M.

Thursday, January 24
Mr. [Alfred] Foisy buried this forenoon. – Bright sunshine, but cold northeast wind. – Mrs. Sides met with the 4-H girls this forenoon and ate lunch here at noon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent this P. M. and Mrs. Pierce to El Maton. – Lee and Brownie cut up the hog and made the sausage this afternoon. – Lee drove me down to Palacios this P. M. I took a roast to Mrs. Love and some lard meat. – Mrs. Smith ate pork dinner here tonight. She stays at Live Oak Farm most of the time. – Ruby very ill.

Friday, January 25 – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell’s 53rd Wedding Anniversary.
Most beautiful day all day. – This forenoon I cleaned the second floor. – Odeal ironing and helping Willie Jones. – Mrs. Pierce detained at home until afternoon. – Madge came to have her school lunch report made out. – This afternoon late, Mrs. Pierce and Gertie Dobson went to Bay City. – Put the laundry away and did some mending this afternoon. – Have a cold, headache and awful sore nose. – Tired tonight.

Saturday, January 26
Another beautiful day. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce busy with Cans lost and found. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell spent an hour here this afternoon. – I cut the hog fat into small pieces ready to try out into lard this afternoon.

Sunday, January 27
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. – Mr. Pierce had to superintend the installment of a hot water heater for the hotel. They were entirely without hot water, so he was marked absent from S. S. today. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Mackay this forenoon. Miss Winston very ill. – We were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see “One Night of Love” in Bay City this afternoon. A most beautiful picture. A grand voice. – Mrs. Smith and I drove down to see Miss Nannie and her sick sister when we came home. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Pierce drove to the cemetery.

Monday, January 28 – Palacios
Beautiful day after the fog departed. – I came down to Palacios this forenoon with Mrs. Pierce. She went to the canning plant and ate lunch with the Farwells. – I found both lavatory pipes in my downstairs bathroom had busted, so Mr. Love had them repaired. Have my things pretty well packed away in the back rooms and did much sweeping and dusting upstairs. Mr. Love has puttied in the tiny glasses in the front window. Am spending the night in the Farwell home. – So very tired. – Card from the Haywoods.

Tuesday, January 29
Beautiful day. – Did not sleep much last night. Was too tired, I think. Went up to my house soon after breakfast and worked hard until 4 o’clock when Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came by for me and brought me to Blessing. – Have the house ready for Mr. and Mrs. Caffall to move in. She said she thought they would move some things tomorrow. The house is swept and dusted clean, but no water used. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Ruby is reported much better. – Tired tonight.

Wednesday, January 30
Nice day for which I am truly thankful. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City early, Houston, I mean. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for me about 10 o’clock and I spent the day in Palacios. Having busted pipes repaired, etc. – The Caffalls moved in today. Trust they will be pleased to stay some time. I have my possessions fairly well stored in the three back rooms upstairs. – Lee came for me at five o’clock. – I ate lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. – Board meeting in progress tonight.

Thursday, January 31
Pretty day, but cold east wind. – Felt quite no account all forenoon from my strenuous day yesterday. – Mrs. Pierce checked up on the colored school this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate dinner here tonight, then we were all Mrs. Smith’s guests to see “David Copperfield” tonight in Bay City. A beautiful picture. – The Field Trials began this morning. – Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in Bay City.


Friday, February 1
Just a cold, raw day. – Mrs. Pierce did not leave home until after lunch. Going to Bay City then. – Odeal did general house cleaning. – I made four pairs of curtains for Mrs. Smith today to use in Ruby’s house. They may bring Ruby home soon. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell stopped a moment on their way home from Bay City this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce working late tonight.

Saturday, February 2
Beautiful day. All sunshine. – Made two door curtains this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City today. – Mr. Pierce entertained three oil men this P. M. (Perhaps they were rice men.) – Then at 5 o’clock the Chamber of Commerce served eggnog to the visitors attending the Field Trials. That was held at the Hotel. – Rec’d my first rent money from Mr. Caffall this afternoon, also a note from the Feathers, also a bill for .80 from Price Lbr. Yard.

Sunday, February 3
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon at Mrs. Vawter’s Shoppe. – I did not attend S. S.  – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate turkey dinner with us today. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston immediately after dinner. – Mrs. Dunn was my hostess to a “Picture” in Bay City.  A message came while we were away telling of Miss Winston’s death. – Mr. Pierce had phoned to Mrs. Pierce in Houston. They will stop at Mackay on their way home. Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove up to Mackay. – Letter from John Henry says he will soon be making a change in his work.

Monday, February 4
The funeral party for Miss Winston will leave Mackay at nine o’clock today to place her body to rest in her home city of St. Louis. A most lovely lady gone home. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City. – After lunch we drove to Palacios where I paid Mr. Love $4.75 for work and material used on my house. – Went to see Mr. Caffall about the paint. He has to get information. – Saw Mr. Feather about the insurance. Will hear from him later. – Drank a cup of coffee with Mrs. Moffatt in Mrs. Pasal’s Shop. – A beautiful day. – Ran out on Mrs. Foster at the Farwell home. My last blunder in that line.

Tuesday, February 5
Another beautiful day. South wind and sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce worked on her books at home all forenoon. – Then after lunch I rode to Bay City with her. Sat in the car and sewed. We took a dressed chicken out to Live Oak Farm. Mrs. Smith was not there at that time. Mr. Jackson and Richard Pierce were painting in the dairy. – Ruby may not come home until Friday. Her stomach is not so good. – Sent a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Farwell this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce sent a telegram to her father from Bay City.

Wednesday, February 6
Not all sunshine today. – Did some repair work for Mrs. Smith today and received a check from her for $6.00 previous work. – Also received $5.25 from the North American Trust Co. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Erickson drove to Victoria today. – Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in Bay City. – Rec’d a note from Mrs. Farwell this afternoon. Spoke to Mrs. Farwell over the phone tonight. She had a cold.

Thursday, February 7
Read hard rain this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce could not drive to El Maton on account of it. But the afternoon was beautiful. – Mrs. Pierce attended the election of Library officers at the Community House this afternoon. She was elected to succeed herself. – Mr. Pierce spent the afternoon at Sargent. – I wrote notes to Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Bell today and mailed them this afternoon. – Must do more road walking. Was tired from that short walk. Left Mrs. Smith’s dress and slip at her door. – Hot bath and to bed.

Friday, February 8
Very heavy fog this morning, but the sun came out later. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City and tonight. – Odeal did a general house cleaning today. – I have done a good deal of mending and repair work. – Killed many mites with kerosene when I fed the chicks this evening. – Mr. Pierce and I drove to Bay City tonight to meet Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Sides at the picture show. They were late. The picture was good. Bing Crosby. – Mrs. Pierce is spending the night with Mrs. Sides. – A norther arrived as I go to bed.

Saturday, February 9
Cold wind all day. – Housework until noon. – Fire in the fireplace all day. – Sewed on some of my old dresses this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce came home in time for dinner completely tired out. Her feet hurting. – Allen brought Ruby home today. – We went down to see Mrs. Smith tonight. She was tired. – Letter from John Henry. His nose and antrum were operated on this morning. – Mr. Pierce called the Dr. tonight. He is doing as well as can be expected.

Sunday, February 10
Mrs. Pierce and I started on our way to Houston this forenoon around 10 o’clock. Stopped in Richmond for lunch. Rained on us most of the way into Houston. Found John Henry in hospital. Seemed to be doing all right after the operation. Nose bleeding some and quite badly swollen inside. We visited him quite a while. Mrs. Pierce brought some magazines for him to read. He may go back to his boarding house tomorrow evening, but must stay under the Dr’s. care for a week or ten days. – Called on Mrs. Mobley. – Came home through a pouring rain. Water everywhere. Hub deep through Rosenberg.

Monday, February 11
Rain continues. Cloudy. Not so terribly cold. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this morning without her breakfast. She worked all day in the cold warehouse with rain dripping through the roof. Kept her books under an open umbrella. – Lee worked at the warehouse this afternoon. Another leaky roof. – Have been cold all day. Going to bed to get warm.

Tuesday, February 12
Rain continues. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Lee working at warehouse moving rice sacks. – A woman from Oklahoma City came to see Mr. Pierce this forenoon. Seeking oil information. – Letter from Mr. Caffall about painting the house. – Mrs. Smith and Allen drove down to Mr. John Pierce’s this P. M. Roads bad. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston. Did not see John Henry. Rain pouring down and no parking place near hospital.

Wednesday, February 13
Dreary day tho the sun came out a few minutes this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce worked on her canning reports at home until 4:30 P.M. Then she took them to Bay City. – My sewing is rehemming face towels, mending, etc. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I went down to the hotel and visited Mrs. Smith an hour. – Miss Webb is sick. – Statement from Feathers. – Insurance raised from 12.00 to 17.40.


Thursday, February 14 – Saint Valentine
Dreary day. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Lee working on the warehouse roof, etc. – Today I moved a bed out of the sleeping porch. Put it up on the third floor. That makes more space for the other beds. John Henry may come home Saturday for a rest after his eye and nose operation. – Letter from Mr. Caffall suggesting the “home loan” as a way to provide money to paint my house. – I was Mrs. Pierce’s guest to see “Anne of Green Gables” tonight. Sweet picture. Thanks. – Set 2 hens on duck eggs and one on hen eggs.

Friday, February 15
The sun came out this afternoon and everything was lovely. – Odeal washed today. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Erickson drove to Victoria today. – Mr. Pierce came home with Mrs. Pierce from Bay City this evening. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith did general house cleaning in the bank building and Mr. Pierce’s office today during his absence. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes tonight. Said she was tired.

Saturday, February 16
Norther blew down upon us about bed time last night. Not bad, but cloudy. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City. – This afternoon I drove to Palacios. Paid $17.40 to Feather Insurance for 1935. – Went to see Mr. Caffall about painting my house. Guess satisfactory arrangements can be made to have it done when the weather clears. – Stopped to see the Loves. – Miss Bennett gave me a pretty handkerchief for a birthday gift. – Mrs. Smith brought John Henry home to spend the night and part of tomorrow.

Sunday, February 17
Very pretty day, but cold wind. – No one attended S. S. today. – Mrs. Pierce did not work today in honor of John Henry being here. He seems normally well. – Mrs. Smith was hostess to the family and Mrs. Dunn this afternoon to see Will Rogers in the County Chairman. Good as he always is. – On the way back we stopped at Markham to look at the new school building being erected after Mr. Payne’s and John Henry’s drawings. – All going to bed cold. No wood to burn.


Markham School c 2013

Monday, February 18
Mrs. Dunn motored to Houston early this morning to meet Winnie and Jane. – John Henry rode in with her. – I went to the P. O. this afternoon to post some letters and spoke to Winnie and little Jane in front of the hotel. The little girl is a cute youngster. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce spent the afternoon in Sargent. – Mrs. Gill called about noon.- Mrs. Beard spent an hour here tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are calling at the hotel as I go to bed. – Fine day all day.

Tuesday, February 19
A most beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce was at home all day. Put the rod up in her closet and aired all of her clothes. He closet looks more comfortable now. She worked all afternoon on a final sheet of last years cans. – Mrs. Smith up a couple of times. – Mr. Farwell phoned that she is sick. Mrs. Minich is in charge. – (Much distress over coming litigation next month.) – Lee at warehouse loading rice out.

Wednesday, February 20
Grand day all day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this morning and to Palacios since lunch. – Mrs. Smith brought some material to make a new cover for Mr. Pierce’s chair and I began work on it since lunch. – Mrs. Pierce called at the Farwell home. Mrs. F. real sick. She thinks I am small. Perhaps I am just that. – Mrs. Dunn, Winnie and Jane came up an hour tonight. – Paul and Mary Dean are playing bridge with them tonight. – Mrs. Smith came up later. – Tired and nervous.

Thursday, February 21
Very strong south wind all day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios early this forenoon. Counting out cans of food. – Mrs. Dunn and Winnie drove to Houston today. – Jane is in school. – Richard Pierce brought a load of dry live oak wood this forenoon.  – Mrs. Smith and Ruby came also and I fitted a paper pattern to Ruby for her red dimity dress. – Sewing on Mr. Pierce’s chair cover this afternoon. – Tonight Mr. Pierce and I helped Mrs. Pierce count cans of food given out by the Palacios Kitchen until 2 o’clock tomorrow morning. Totals did not balance.

Friday, February 22
More south wind. – Mrs. Pierce visited the schools’ lunch rooms and then drove to Bay City where she spent the day. – Mrs. Smith has been in bed all day. A sick head ache. I went to see her since lunch. – Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I went down tonight. She is feeling better. – Mr. and Mrs. Pillsbury of Minneapolis and two daughters called at the hotel and ate lunch. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Phillips spent the day in Houston. Horse races. – A couple of school furniture men came to see Mrs. Pierce tonight. Lockers.


Saturday, February 23
Real cold north wind all day. – Mrs. Pierce and I spent the day in the Palacios canning kitchen. Counting cans. – The Library women were serving dinner in the Library building so we and Mrs. Chappell ate lunch there. Saw Mr. Farwell as he was passing. He reported Mrs. Farwell as some better. – We stopped at Mrs. Vawter’s on the way home. (Eyebrows plucked.) – Mrs. Smith was burning grass this P. M. in town. – Board meeting tonight.

Sunday, February 24
Real cold wind all day and not much sunshine. – No one from this home went to S. S. – Mrs. Pierce spent an hour at Mrs. Vawter’s. – The family and Mr. Withers were Mrs. Dunn’s dinner guests at the hotel at noon. – Mrs. Borden came to the hotel for an hour. – Mrs. Pierce served Rarebit to Mrs. Dunn’s guests about 6 o’clock and then Winnie and Mr. Withers drove to Victoria. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and myself were Mrs. Dunn’s guests to see Broadway Bill in Bay City.

Monday, February 25
A norther blew down during the night and has been growing colder all day. Wind blowing hard tonight. Sleet predicted by morning. – The cow died at noon today. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent where he put the cattle in Caney bottom. – Lee working in the other rice warehouse all day. He has gone to Bay City to see Broadway Bill tonight. – Finished Mr. Pierce’s chair cover tonight. – Set a hen in the laundry this evening. – No washing today.

Tuesday, February 26
A cold day. Roaring fire in the fireplace. – Tragedy at Live Oak Farm. Ruby was here until after lunch. – Bids for the new school building were opened this afternoon. – John Henry came over with Mr. Payne, but they returned to Houston after dinner.

Wednesday, February 27 – My 67th Birthday
Allen [Pierce] died this morning and was brought back to Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Pierce in Palacios and Bay City. – Am spending the night with Mrs. Smith at the hotel. – Mrs. Farwell sent me a birthday card. – Mrs. Pierce gave me 2 prs. of hose. – Such a sad time.

Thursday, February 28 – Live Oak Farm – Allen Buried Today
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith rested real well last night. – This forenoon we drove out to Live Oak Farm. Many beautiful flowers were sent to Allen. Ruby spent last night with her mother. – I came up to Mrs. Pierce’s for lunch. Mrs. Borden came, then Mrs. Pierce and I rode to the funeral in her car. A very large funeral. – Mrs. Borden drank tea with us before she went away. – I am spending the night at Live Oak Farm with Mrs. Smith and Anna.


Friday, March 1
Mrs. Smith slept well last night under the influence of an opiate. – She brought me to Mrs. Pierce’s this forenoon. Then she went to the hotel to try to write letters. – She ate lunch with us. - Mrs. Dunn, Winnie and Jane drove to the Kuykendall Ranch this morning for a few days visit. - I put the second floor in order this forenoon. – This P. M. wrote to Mrs. Hall for Mrs. Pierce and to Mrs. Farwell thanking her for the birthday card. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us, then we drove to Live Oak Farm. She took some workers to Bay City. – I stayed with Anna. – Going to bed without dope.

Saturday, March 2
Windy, but sunshine. – We slept well last night. – Drove to Victoria this forenoon. Stopped at Port Lavaca for fish dinner on the way home. – This P. M. cleaned the lower floor. - Mrs. Pierce had gone to Bay City. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight. Then we drove to Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Smith took the workers to Blessing. – Then Anna’s young man came for her and took her to a party.

Sunday, March 3
Cloudy. Windy. – Mrs. Smith did not sleep so well last night. – After breakfast we walked around some and then came to Blessing. – She ate 12 o’clock dinner here. Then went down to the hotel to write letters. – About 6 o’clock, she and Mr. Withers came up. Mrs. Pierce made rarebit. Then we washed the dishes. Soon Mr. Withers drove us to the hotel where we took Mrs. Smith’s car and are spending the night at Live Oak Farm. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were finishing an extensive report on cans this afternoon. – Wrote to Mr. Caffall to proceed with the house painting when weather is suitable.

Monday, March 4
Mrs. Smith slept better last night. – Mrs. Pierce has lumbago. – The forenoon was rainy, so Odeal did not come. – A strong south wind has been blowing all afternoon and a cheerful sun has been shining. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – I did last week’s mending and some work on a dress for Mrs. Smith. – Anna came for me and we ate dinner at Live Oak Farm. – Mr. Chamblee and boys stopped on their way home from Houston. Ruby to come later. Mrs. Pierce drove out a few minutes tonight.

Tuesday, March 5
Foggy morning. Grand forenoon. Showery afternoon. -  Mrs. Smith did not sleep as well tonight. Cherri restless, too. – Mrs. Smith wrote to Ruby and then brought me to Blessing. – Mrs. Pierce had gone to Bay City. – Put the house in order and the laundry away. – Mrs. Smith came for me after dinner. – Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Beard came out to the farm. Also Mrs. Dunn and Winnie. – Mrs. Smith had some corn planted this afternoon.

Wednesday, March 6
Mrs. Smith awoke with a sick headache. Anna brought me in in the truck. Battery dead in Ruby’s car. – Mrs. Pierce spent part of the day with Mrs. Sides and the club. – Lee made some chicken coops. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch with us today. – The chicken coops and roosts are being treated to a coat of creosote paint. – Did the house work and some mending. – Mrs. Smith came for me after dinner. – A mild norther is blowing.

Thursday, March 7 – Father 1899
Beautiful day. North wind. – Mrs. Smith rested well last night. Brought me in after breakfast. – Mended a dress and slip for Mrs. Smith. – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce and I attending the Library (Social) meeting at the Community House. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and Winnie drove to the Pelton ranch today. Were late coming home, so Mrs. Smith and I left Mrs. Pierce alone when we went to Live Oak Farm. – Wind has stopped blowing tonight.


Friday, March 8
Mostly cloudy, but not much cold. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. – Mrs. Pierce spending the day in Bay City. – Odeal came to do the Friday sweeping. – Mrs. Kuykendall, her daughter Dorothy and her two children came about dinner time to the hotel. – Mrs. Kuykendall will spend the night with Mrs. Smith at Live Oak Farm, so I shall sleep in Mrs. Pierce’s bed tonight.

Saturday, March 9
Real foggy this morning. – Several from Blessing drove to Matagorda today to attend the Federated Clubs meeting. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Lucas, Ginger and myself rode in Mrs. Beard’s car. – Miss Grace Walker took Miss Semple with her. – Some parts of the program were entertaining.. The lunch was good, but limited in volume. – Saw Mrs. Dismukes from Palacios. She said painting had begun on my house.

Sunday, March 10
Not much sunshine, but warm. – Willie Jones was very late appearing this morning. – Odeal came. – Mrs. Pierce cooked the breakfast and began work on the 12 or 2 o’clock dinner for 10 people. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Maggie Kuykendall, her daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Withers were their guests. – Mr. Pierce treated me to a picture show in Bay City tonight. Flirtation Walk. A beautiful picture. – Mr. Engle preached here tonight. Is the reason Mrs. Pierce was not with us. – Mrs. Kuykendall spending the night with Mrs. Smith.

Monday, March 11
Cloudy and a little rain this forenoon, but sunshine later. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City today. – The Palacios Bank trial came up. Was dismissed for lack of evidence. – I think Mrs. Kuykendall is spending the night at Live Oak Farm. – Ruby is at her Father’s home. – Have been working with chickens all day. – Jack made coops, feeding pens, etc. Mrs. Pierce bought 50 baby chicks tonight to add to the 10 we hatched. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were hosts to Mrs. Beard, Miss Semple and myself to see Flirtation Walk again tonight.

Tuesday, March 12
Real cold north wind all day. – Mrs. Pierce and I worked with the chicken coops some this forenoon. Dropped a door on one of the babies and broke his neck. Poor beginning makes a good ending (I hope). – We fitted the gray dress that has been hanging in the closet so long and I cut out a black and white batiste this P. M. – Letter from Mrs. Farwell. – Mr. Payne and Mr. ___ ate dinner here tonight. School business. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. – Mrs. Smith came for me to spend the night at Live Oak Farm.

Wednesday, March 13
A most beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce spent it in Bay City. - Was busy all forenoon with the laundry, mending and chickens. – This afternoon basted the black and white dress ready for fitting. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – Ruby came to Live Oak Farm this P. M. Is spending the night here, also.

Thursday, March 14
A beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith brought me to Blessing this morning. – I changed my dress and went to Houston with her. – She left Cherri at the dog hospital to have her eczema treated. She attended to some business connected with Live Oak Farm and we ate lunch. – Reached Blessing around 5:30 P.M. – Am sleeping at Live Oak Farm. – Ruby’s eyes are not in good condition.

Friday, March 15
Windy day. – After the chickens were settled, I worked on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses. – She and Mr. Pierce were dinner guests of Mrs. Dunn’s at midday. I was included in the invitation, but could not accept. Houston guests were present also. – Fitted Mrs. Pierce’s dresses later in the afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came up for an hour after a very satisfactory conference at Live Oak Farm. – Am spending the night at the Farm. – Mrs. Dunn, Winnie, and Mr. Pierce drove out for an hour. – Winnie leaving tomorrow P. M. – Mrs. Pierce spending the night with Mrs. Smith.

Saturday, March 16
Dreadful wind all day. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. – Put in the forenoon among the chickens. – After lunch I went to Palacios with Mr. Pierce. – Mr. and Mrs. Caffall were away, but the house is being painted a pearl gray. Looked better than the weather beaten boards to me. – Visited Mrs. Love and Miss Bennett while waiting for Mr. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce rode into Houston with Mrs. Dunn and Winnie about 5 o’clock. Winnie going to Florida. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day near Wharton visiting chicken farms. – Mrs. Sides ate supper at Live Oak Farms tonight.

Sunday, March 17
Air filled with dust from the dust storm north of us. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. We arrived before Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were down for breakfast. – I fed the chickens and then went back with Mrs. Smith. – Ruby collected some of her things and we took her down to her brother Clarence’s home. – Then we ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. – Going back to Live Oak Farm for the night. – Spending the night at Live Oak Farm.

Monday, March 18
Spent the day at Live Oak Farm. Packing Ruby’s household goods. She came up early this morning. Her family came later and helped pack. They moved two truck loads. The first one a hen house. – Mrs. Smith came to the hotel as hostess for some of the Kuykendall family, etc. Mrs. Maggie’s people came to take her home. – Mrs. Smith and I ate supper with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce tonight. – When we came back to the farm, the men had come back and loading chickens. Ruby’s.

Tuesday, March 19
Windy day. – Ruby did not come to the farm today. Her sister helped pack. They have everything out of the house and garage now and took some more chickens tonight. – Anna left tonight, but Ruby’s sister gave Mrs. Smith Jiggs, so we have her for protection. Brought two sleeping porch beds out tonight for us to sleep on. From Mrs. Pierce’s home. – We are real tired tonight. Have had two hectic days. – Mr. Matthes made an inventory of the mules and farm equipment today. Mr. Chamblee was present.

Wednesday, March 20
Mrs. Smith and I came in this morning. Picked Mrs. Pierce up and went to Houston. We all did shopping. Separated from Mrs. Smith as soon as we arrived in Houston and did not see her again until about 5:30 when we met and drove to the hospital for Cherri. – John Henry ate lunch with us. We were late getting home and all tired. – I purchased 2 hats, a pair of shoes, two 25’ jars of Ponds cream. My hats and shoes were an Easter gift from Mrs. Pierce. Thank you.

Thursday, March 21
Mrs. Pierce spending the day in Mrs. Sides office. Tonight she is one of a party going to Houston to attend opera. – Came home early this morning. Have been busy all day. – The little chickens require a good deal of attention. – The clothes were to put away.  – The mending to be done. Did not quite finish the stockings. – Lee worked out at Live Oak for his Aunt Pearl. – Mrs. Smith was late coming for me tonight because she stopped at the hotel for a hot bath. Then she dropped to sleep in her chair. So tired. A new electric stove was installed for her today. She is to keep the mules and farm equipment. – Judge and Mrs. Barber called at Live Oak tonight.

Friday, March 22
Windy. – Lee at Live Oak today. – Mrs. Smith did not sleep so well last night. She and Lee ate lunch here today. She drove to Palacios this A. M. – Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce reports a pleasant night at the opera and with Mrs. Sides. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. – Mrs. Dunn was at the Pierce home when we left for Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Smith’s Morris chair was returned to her badly broken.

Saturday, March 23 – Mr. Webb 1918 – 17 Years
We slept better last night. – Worked on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses. Made some dust cloths for Mrs. Smith and a couple of sample curtains for her doors and windows. – Mrs. Pierce met with the 4-H girls at the Community House this afternoon. – Lee worked at Live Oak Farm. White washing, etc. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. Then we drove to Live Oak. Cherri not well. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – Mrs. Runnells visited Mrs. Smith at the Farm this P. M.

Sunday, March 24
Very windy. – Mrs. Smith sent Jiggs to Ruby this morning. Cherri so jealous and not well. – Mr. Pierce and Jack drove to Sargent this P. M. – Mrs. Smith did not bring me home until dinner time today. She would have been alone at the farm. – She and Mrs. Pierce wrote letters, etc. this afternoon. – We ate a stand up snack and then drove to the hotel on errands for Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. From there we went to El Maton. Mrs. Pierce to see Mrs. Havlic. Then we stopped at Live Oak Farm. Did some measuring for enlarging the kitchen. Brought Mrs. Pierce home. Then back to the farm and to bed.

Monday, March 25
Windy. – Came in earlier this morning. – Mrs. Smith went to Palacios to bring Mr. Jackson up. – Worked on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses and Mrs. Smith’s curtains this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City working for Mrs. Sides. – Mr. Pierce in Bay City (Court) (Jonathan). – Lee building a new hen roost out of the cow shed.

Tuesday, March 26
Windy. Mrs. Pierce in Bay City helping Mrs. Sides served lunch to 150 girls. – Jackson working at Live Oak Farm. Mr. Rickaway, also, adding to the kitchen. – Lee helping Brownie brand. Then drove Willie over to Bay City to see the Dr. – Mr. Payne to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Smith moves something out to the farm every trip she makes to Blessing.

Wednesday, March 27
Windy. – Sewed on Mrs. Smith’s curtains a little this forenoon and all afternoon. – Made 6 pr. For windows and 3 pr. For doors. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. – Lee and Jack working on the new hen roost. – Mrs. Smith has almost moved out to Live Oak Farm today. The house is very attractive and will be more so when she is really at home in it. – Mr. Pierce drove me out tonight. – Mrs. Smith is extremely tired. – Very sultry tonight. Norther due to arrive. Meeting at Community House tonight. Miss Webb in charge.

Thursday, March 28
Light norther. – Made the 12 tiebacks for Mrs. Smith’s curtains this forenoon, housework, chickens, mending. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce loaned me her car and I went to Palacios. Saw Mr. Caffall. He will figure on the cost of painting the garage and wood house. – Paid Mr. Love $3.30 for work connected with painting the house which looks very nice, I think. – Mrs. Caffall was not at home, but the little boy was, so I put a bundle of sheets, etc. in my rooms. – Palacios looks very pretty now. – Mrs. Smith drove to Palacios to see Mrs. Lothridge. Then we went to Live Oak. Mr. Rickaway getting the kitchen enclosed and roofed.

Friday, March 29
Rain. A few drops this morning. – Mrs. Pierce attended a luncheon given by a study club in Bay City. – Is attending Mrs. Sides’ annual banquet at the Bay City High School tonight. She and Willie Jones prepared the brown bread, beans and gingerbread. – Mr. Pierce attending the trial in Bay City. (Jonathan) – The Chamblees dipped and moved Ruby’s cattle today. – Lee working at the hen house. Doing fine work, too. – Mrs. Pierce to spend the night in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce spent an hour at Live Oak Farm tonight. Mrs. Smith ate dinner at the hotel tonight.

Saturday, March 30
Rained some last night and this morning. – Beautiful day. – Mrs. Borden phoned this forenoon inviting the kin folks and myself to eat one o’clock tomorrow. – Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s dress this P. M. – She was late getting home from Bay City tonight. – Spending the night at Live Oak Farm. – Mr. Rickaway getting along with the kitchen. – Rain threatens as we go to bed.

Sunday, March 31
Grand day, finally. – A hard gentle rain fell last night making the visit to Mrs. Borden’s impossible, so Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate 1 o’clock dinner here. Lee had gone to Palacios on a picnic.- Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent soon after dinner. – Mrs. Pierce attended preaching services in the Presbyterian Church today. – Just before dark, Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Mrs. Smith’s where we, with Mrs. Dunn, drank a cup of tea. Then Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn came back to Blessing.


Monday, April 1
Beautiful day. – Sewed and put the house in order. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith came for me after dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove out for an hour. – Mrs. Pierce told me of foreclosure proceedings.

Tuesday, April 2
Rev. Engle came this forenoon for communion. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Beard were the communicants present. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. – I have been sewing and messing with chicks all day. Took two hens off and gave them 71 chicks each (incubated) and have some more to add to them. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this P. M. She did not get out of the car. Is feeling better. – Mrs. Smith dining with Mr. Withers and his sister tonight. – Lee brought me out to Live Oak and stayed until Mrs. Smith came home. – Norther came up. Not severe.

Wednesday, April 3
Hot. Sunshine. – Most gorgeous day. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. - Lee and the Rickaways at Live Oak. – Doing chickens, housework and mending today. – Mrs. Smith’s guests to see The Iron Duke were Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Lee, Mrs. Dunn and myself.

Thursday, April 4
Beautiful day. – Sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses. Cut out the silk coat suit. – Put in much time with chickens. – Jack cleaned out the fish pond. Fish were getting sick. – Mrs. Pierce attended a Library meeting this P. M. – Spending the night at Live Oak. – Work progressing slowly on the new buildings. – Mrs. Smith visited at Pierce and Mackay this P. M.

Friday, April 5
Very windy. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City all day. – Lee at Live Oak. – Chickens and sewing for me. – The baby chicks are doing fairly well. Have lost 8 out of the last flock. – Mrs. Smith is dining in Pierce tonight, so Mr. and Mrs. Pierce will drove me out to Live Oak Farm at 8:30 to spend the night.

Saturday, April 6
Beautiful day. – Election of two school trustees today. Hilda and Mr. Matthes re-elected. – Sewing about all day when I was not in the chicken yard. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – Lee out at Live Oak Farm all day. Has gone wolf hunting tonight. – John Henry came home this P. M. for the week end. He and his father and mother spent an hour at Live Oak tonight.

Sunday, April 7
No wolves were bagged last night by the hunters. – Pretty day. – Mrs. Smith and I did not come to Blessing until noon. Ate a good dinner at Mr. Pierce’s table. – About 3 o’clock, Mrs. Smith took Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and myself out to Live Oak Farm. – From there Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City where he took the train back to Houston. – Mr. Pierce came for me about six o’clock and I fed the chickens. Then we all drank tea with Mrs. Smith. – I have just finished reading a peculiar book, February Hill.

Monday, April 8
Lee brought me in this morning. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Bay City.  – Drove Mr. Logan over and back. – Then she went back to Bay City this afternoon and brought some baby chicks home. -  Have been working on her dresses today. Do not get along very fast as the chicks require so much care. – The wind changed to the south this afternoon for which I am thankful. – Mrs. Smith took a bath here before we went out to Live Oak. – Work on the servant’s house is going along slowly. – Board meeting tonight.

Tuesday, April 9
Mrs. Smith and Lee drove to Houston this morning. – I sewed most of the day and nursed chickens. – After supper Mr. Pierce treated Mrs. Pierce to a picture in Palacios. – We again saw Flirtation Walk. Such a beautiful picture. – Lee and Mrs. Smith were late in getting home and quite a mix up resulted.

Wednesday, April 10
Pretty day. – Chickens and sewing. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. Superintending the building of the chicken house addition. – Paul and Mary Deane were host and hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn, Lee and myself for dinner. A most enjoyable meal. Thank you young people. – From there Mrs. Smith and I drove to Live Oak Farm.

Thursday, April 11
Air full of dust from the dust storm north of us. Cold raw wind. Hard on small chickens. – Mrs. Farwell was to have spent the day with Mrs. Pierce, but did not come on account of the disagreeable weather. – Still sewing on the dresses. – Mr. Pierce is to be host to a theatre party tonight. Mrs. Pierce, Paul and Mary Dean. Mrs. Smith and I went to bed like good old ladies. – The moon came be seen thru the dust tonight, but the house is full of it.

Friday, April 12
Dust and north wind continue, but not so bad at sun down. – Finished the sewing Mrs. Pierce is taking with her – After lunch I went to Bay City with her and we brought back 100 fine baby chicks and 74 from our own eggs. – Took some more eggs over this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce packing her suitcases tonight. Ready to go to Houston in the morning. Starting for St. Paul.

Saturday, April 13
Grand day. Dust gone. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Black, Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Beard all drove to Houston today in Mrs. Beard’s car. Mrs. Pierce going from there to St. Paul. – Just a hectic day with the baby chicks and a little house work. – Mr. and Mrs. Love drove up a few minutes this P. M. Mrs. Love is sick. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up later for half an hour. – Took a bath after Mrs. Smith came for me and my bed will be welcome tonight. So tired.

Sunday, April 14
Did not come in so early this morning. – Mrs. Smith ate lunch with us. – Lee went to Portsmouth on a picnic after seeing the picture in Bay City. – After lunch, Mrs. Smith treated Mr. Pierce and myself to the picture in Bay City. – Rev. Engle preached tonight. We had quite a mix up going and coming from Live Oak. All met there finally. Rev. Engle and Mr. Pierce, Pierce Withers and myself.

Monday, April 15 – Mrs. Dunn’s 52nd
Pretty day tho windy. - Came in real early and spent most of the day in the chick yard. – Jack working about all day out there, too. – They continue to die. 8 having died last night and today. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith with some ABC (?) men worked out at the cemetery today. – Mrs. Smith took a hot bath when she came for me. She is exceedingly tired. – Mr. Pierce spent an hour at Live Oak after dinner. – Message from Mrs. Pierce. O.K. Cold.


Tuesday, April 16
Lovely day – Mr. Pierce spent the afternoon at Sargent. – Stopping a few minutes at Live Oak Farm on his way home. – Mrs. Pierce wires that it is cold as Blazes in St. Paul. – Have been with chickens all day. – Took Jack and went to Bay City since lunch. Brought 70 baby chicks home. – Several of the older ones died last night. The incubator man says they have pneumonia. – Mrs. Smith brought us a mess of dewberries this forenoon.

Wednesday, April 17 – My Wedding Day 47 Years Ago
No dead chicks in the coop this morning, but three died during the day. – Dreadful wind all day. Dust on everything. – Working all day with the chicks. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate chicken with us tonight. – Then Mrs. Smith took all of us to see “Life Begins at 40” Will Rogers. It was full of laughs which we all need.

Thursday, April 18
Note from Mrs. Pierce. Cold. Don’t know just when they will move. – Spent the day with the chickens. 8 or 9 died. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Smith brought us a bowl of fine dewberries this forenoon. She picked them on her farm. – M. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove out to Live Oak Farm after he came from Sargent and spent an hour. – Mrs. Smith is making many improvements. A beautiful home.

Friday, April 19 – Good Friday
Windy and sultry all forenoon. – Working with the chicks. Their general condition seems improved. Not quite so many droopy ones. – About 3 o’clock a gentle rain came up from the north, but we got all of the chicks in as the first big drops fell. – The rain will do much good for the gardens, crops and fruit. – Mr. Pierce had as dinner guests the two auditors and Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Smith was to be hostess, but had a sick headache. – Lee drove me to Live Oak Farm after dinner.

Saturday, April 20
Good day. – Saturday general house work and chicks. – After dinner Mrs. Smith came in and took a bath while Mr. Pierce and I drove to Palacios to see Mr. Gus Sisson and Mr. Jackson. Neither party was at home. So we all went to Live Oak Farm. – Dreadful tired.


Sunday, April 21 – San Jacinto Day – Easter
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith and Lee went to Bay City to attend Easter services. – We all met at the hotel for 12 o’clock dinner as Mrs. Smith’s guests. – The Lewises were there. Mrs. Dunn’s guests. – After dinner Mrs. Smith continued her hospitality to Mr. Pierce and myself by taking us to see “Mississippi” in Bay City. – Mrs. Dunn came up for tea. Then drove Mr. Pierce and I out to Live Oak Farm.

Monday, April 22
Pretty day. – Just a day with the chickens and a little house work. – Lee is working every day for his Aunt Pearl, who is having painting and paperwork done now. Mr. Rickaway is still carpentering, too. – Her beautiful furniture, linen, etc. came today. Her box of linen had been wet in some way and a good deal of the contents will have to be laundered. – She ironed much of her linen last night and put it way. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce says Mr. Hall is sick.

Tuesday, April 23
Pretty day. – Turned all of the chicks out today except the orphans. – Wrote a short letter to Mrs. Pierce this P. M. Did some necessary mending and devoted the remainder of the day to the chicks. We counted them this morning. . 418 was the number in the red yard. Some continue to pass out. – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Mrs. Smith’s tonight. Her home is pretty with her own furniture.

Wednesday, April 24
Very windy morning. – Some cloudy, but the sun finally came out and the little chicks enjoyed it. They were out all day except the orphans. – Mr. Pierce brought a young cockerel from Sargent yesterday. He is a very pretty bird. – Jack gave the coop the second coat of paint today. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us tonight. – Then Mr. Pierce drove out and sat with us an hour. – Two tired women tonight.

Thursday, April 25
Some clouds and some sunshine. – Mrs. Smith brought us some fine Irish potatoes from her garden and a big bowl of large sweet dewberries which she picked from her own vines. – No dead chicks in the coops this morning, but the hen pecked two, so they will die and one drowned in the water tub. – Lee has a date. – Mrs. Smith is taking a hot bath. – Card from Mr. Sisson. He will render my tax for me.

Friday, April 26
Grand rain. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. Heavy rain there. – We kept the chicks in their coops all day. There were no mortalities from the rain, but a couple died from weakness. I fear for them unless there is abundant sunshine tomorrow. – The electricity went off at Live Oak Farm early this morning. Transformer burned out. – Clements repaired it soon after dark. – Hard day with the chicks.

Saturday, April 27
Most beautiful afternoon. – Turned all chicks out except the infants. They enjoyed the sunshine as much as I did. – The rain will be a great benefit to gardens, crops and pastures. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us tonight. – I took a bath after dinner. Then Mr. Pierce drove us to Live Oak Farm.

Sunday, April 28
Pretty day tho rain threatened about noon. – Mrs. Stoddard in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. Then she and Mrs. Dunn went to see a picture. I did not go because I was afraid it might rain and drown the chicks. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back since dinner. – Lee played ball. – Mrs. Gifford came. She was hunting Mrs. Smith. – The two girls sat thorough two pictures, so were late getting home. – Then we all, and Cherri, drove to Live Oak Farm and drank a cup of tea. – All tired.

Monday, April 29
A dreadful down pour from the north this forenoon. Almost a cloud burst and a strong wind. – Jack brought young chicks in by the basketful and I dried and warmed them by the gas oven. Only three perished and two of those was in the white coop. – Water knee deep all over the yards. The poor old setting ducks in the water. Took off 9 little ducks today. – Mr. Peirce drove to Sargent since lunch. Not so much rain down there. – Terribly tired tonight.

Tuesday, April 30
Cloudy morning. Beautiful afternoon which all of the chicks enjoyed. Sunshine badly needed for them. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with Lee and myself. – Mr. Pierce and the auditors going to Port Lavaca for fish dinner. – Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Walker drove out to Live Oak Farm and spent an hour or more tonight. – After their visit, Mrs. Smith and I sewed on the bright strips of carpet to make her dining room rug.


Wednesday, May 1
Another cloudy forenoon, but a strong south wind so no rain. – Put the ironing away. “Cleaned up” the house a little and spent a good deal of time with the chicks. – After lunch Mrs. Smith and I drove to Bay City to matinee, but there was no picture at the Colonial, so we did some shopping and came home. – Mrs. Smith came in for dinner and a hot bath. Then we went back to see the picture at the Colonial.

Thursday, May 2
Cloudy all morning. Before noon a heavy rain came up from the north, but we put the chicks all in their pens so did not lose any. – Work began on new school building today. – Sent a few words to Mrs. Stoddard today. – Mr. Pierce brought Mrs. Smith in for dinner tonight. Then he drove us out to Live Oak Farm. – The streets unpaved or graveled are terrible. So much cloudy rainy weather. The crops will be all weeds soon and the chicks will die from confinement, I am afraid. – We made preparation for the incubated chicks that are to come Monday.

Friday, May 3
Cloudy day. Rain threatened to pour down every few minutes, so the poor chicks were shut in their pens all day.  – The water is running off or being absorbed in some way, but the streets are vile – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak tonight. – Wrote a letter to Mrs. Pierce this P. M. – Rec’d $1.50 check from the Central Power and Light Co.

Saturday, May 4
Busy day. – Sunshine most of the day. – Let all of the chicks out today. The orphans were happy, but confused. – About 4 o’clock I put them back in their quarters because we were to have a guest for dinner. – Mrs. Smith brought us beets, beans, new potatoes and lamb for dinner. – Then she brought Mrs. Stoddard out. After dinner she and I took Mrs. Stoddard back to the BayTex. She would not spend the night as she had invited guests for tomorrow.

Sunday, May 5
Dreadful rain last night. – Mrs. Pierce drove out to Live Oak for us in time for dinner. – Then he went to Sargent and about 1:30 Lee took us back to the farm. – Jack promised he would stay around the chickens all P. M. He put some lighted lanterns in their pens as they were cold and four dead. Am surprised no more are dying. – This P. M. Rev. and Mrs. Engle came to Live Oak and insisted on us going to Port Lavaca with them for fish. We had a pleasant time.

Monday, May 6
More rain last night, but by 10 o’clock the sun came and so beautiful I immediately turned all of the chickens out and they had a happy time. – Went to Bay City since lunch with Mrs. Smith’s Marion and brought back 40 chicks. Saw Mrs. Stoddard at the BayTex Hotel for a moment. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mr. Neal Farwell were calling at Mrs. Smith’s when we came back from Bay City. – Mr. Pierce went to Palacios to call on them tonight. – Perfectly grand day.

Tuesday, May 7
Very beautiful day. – Worked all day in the chicken yard. Cleaning and sunning the yards and coops. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – Tonight he phoned the Farwells an invitation for tomorrow lunch. They accepted it for dinner instead. – Never was so tired in my life. – No word from Mrs. Pierce for several days. Hope she is not sick.

Wednesday, May 8
Another most gorgeous day. – Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Cold up there. No date set for homecoming. – Mrs. Smith hurried to Houston with Cherri today fearing she had “black tongue.” The Dr. assured her that there was an infection, but not the dread disease. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and their son ate dinner with us tonight. Mrs. Smith coming home in time to be with us, too. – Mrs. Farwell looks and is very frail.

Thursday, May 9
Rain this morning, but sunshine later. – Willie and Jack canned beans all day. Fine beans from Sargent. – About 4 o’clock a dreadful wind and a little rain came up from the southeast. We hurried the chicks in and I finally put them in their coops for the night. – Mrs. Smith came for me just as Lee was driving out of the garage to take me. – We drove to Bay City to see Mr. Erickson.

Friday, May 10
Rained in the night, but not a storm. – Suppose Mr. Neal Farwell started on his way again this morning. – Much work among the chickens. – A little house work and some mending. – Wrote to Mrs. Pierce, but did not mail the letter after consulting Mr. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith and I were Mrs. Stoddard’s dinner guests tonight and then to see “The Hoosier Schoolmaster.” A very pleasant evening. – Mrs. Stoddard does not look well (to me).


Saturday, May 11
Just Saturday, but a lovely day. – Spent most of the forenoon with the chickens. – After dinner, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. – Mrs. Smith stopped to see Miss Nannie and Mrs. Lothridge. – Mr. Pierce drove me to Mrs. Love’s then he called on Mrs. Farwell. – Mrs. Love is in a pitiful condition. They had been to Houston to see a specialist for her. – Mr. Love has not yet painted the garage.

Sunday, May 12 – Mother’s Day – My Father 92 -  1843-1899 = 56
Letter from Mrs. Pierce. She is coming soon. – Mrs. Smith and I did not come in until noon. – After dinner we and Mr. Pierce drove to Wharton to call on Mrs. Gifford Sr. Then stopped at Mackay to call. Miss Hough and Mrs. Hough are leaving tomorrow. Mrs. Borden’s friend from Houston is coming to stay with her. – Came home in time to eat dinner at the hotel with Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. Engle. Guests of Mrs. Dunn. – Then listened to a good sermon by the Bishop. – Mrs. Pierce is due here Tuesday, 3:00 P.M. or 12:15 A.M.

Monday, May 13
Beautiful day. Hot sun and wind to dry out the fields and gardens. – Odeal washed this forenoon and did some ironing this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith brought in a 5 gal can full of fine green beans for Willie to can for Rev. Engle’s family. They made 18 No. 2 cans. – About 4 o’clock we drove to Palacios. She to see Mrs. Farwell who expects to go to Cuero tomorrow to consult a physician and I stopped to see Mrs. Caffall. My house did not leak on the side walls. Am so thankful. – Mr. Pierce was host to Paul, Mary Dean and myself to see Devil Dogs of the Air tonight and Lee stayed with his Aunt Pearl until we returned. – Letter from Mrs. Massenburg. – Mrs. Pierce expected tomorrow P. M. or midnight.

Tuesday, May 14
Beautiful day all day. – Just a normal day. – Mr. Pierce phoned to Houston and found the train Mrs. Pierce was on to be late causing her to miss the one arriving in Blessing this P. M. So he drove to Houston to meet her. – They saw John Henry a short time then came on to Blessing arriving here about dinner time. – Mrs. Pierce looks well, but am sure she is tired. – We and Mrs. Dunn drove out to Live Oak Farm. They for a call and me for a spell. – Mrs. Smith bought a cow today. – Mrs. Borden called late this evening.

Wednesday, May 15
Beautiful day and Mrs. Pierce at home. – Did the chicken yard work in the forenoon. – Soon after lunch Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City to see Mrs. Stoddard who was leaving on the 5 o’clock train and to attend to some business. – I bought graduating gifts for Margaret Ressler and Marvell Chaddoch. $1.00 each. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to see the new school foundation and then to Live Oak. – Mr. Withers was there. – Mrs. Smith’s cow was delivered this evening. A nice animal.

Thursday, May 16
Beautiful day. – After putting on my chicken clothes, Mrs. Pierce said Jack could do the yard work I had been doing. So I cut out a couple of dresses for her and I worked on them all day except when I went out to look after the chicks and ducks. – Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in Bay City going over with Mr. Pierce who drove Mrs. Dunn’s car to Sargent. – We all went to see “Ruggles of Red Gap” tonight.

Friday, May 17
Pretty day. – Chickens as usual except cleaning the coops in the morning. – Did some more sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses and fitting. – Tonight Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came to dinner and enjoyed a fine red fish Mr. Pierce brought home yesterday. – Mr. Peirce and some men from the Victoria Bank spent part of the day at Sargent. Took their lunch from here. – Tonight we all went to the Community House to see a pageant. Some of the grades.

Saturday, May 18
Terrible wind blew us in the night. A Gulf storm warning was posted. Strong wind all day and quite a hard rain about 8:30 this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce attended the Federation meeting at Van Vleck today. Driving Mrs. Beard’s car. – Letter from Mrs. Bell. – A terrible rain fell here about 4 o’clock. We got the chicks all in and I was caught in the downpour so stayed in the shed with the little chicks until it slacked up. – Made some short curtains for Mrs. Smith’s laundry. – Mrs. Pierce helped me when she came home.

Sunday, May 19
Rather cloudy most of the day. – Mrs. Smith was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. Crain and their son, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Lee, Mrs. Dunn and myself for 1 o’clock dinner. Willie Jones made a cake for her and the ice cream. Her dinner was very nice indeed and everyone enjoyed it. Also her pretty home. – We all attended the Baccalaureate sermon tonight preached by Rev. Engle at the Presbyterian Church. Then we Episcopalians, etc, came up to the Pierce home and ate cake and the ice cream left from Mrs. Smith’s dinner. Mrs. Smith and I drove out to Live Oak Farm later.


Monday, May 20
Most beautiful day. Hot sun. – Wrote a thank you note to Mrs. Hall for the box of candy. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City and Sargent in response to a call from Mr. Taylor (canning kitchens). – Spent most of the day in the chicken yard. – Mrs. Pierce did not come home from Bay City for dinner, but joined Mrs. Smith, Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Walker and myself at the picture theatre where we were Mrs. Beard’s guests to see “Roberta.” A pleasant evening. Thank you Mrs. Beard. – Mr. Farwell came up just as we were ready to leave Blessing. Mrs. Farwell in Cuero. - Sent graduation gifts to Marvell and Katherine.

Tuesday, May 21
Another beautiful day. – Took off a hen and 20 chicks. Also one baby duck. – Put in a good deal of time in the chicken yard. – Sewed a little on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses. – She drove to El Maton, etc. today. Busy with her work. – Mrs. Smith had guests this P. M. – Tonight Mr. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Pierce getting things ready for her dinner tomorrow night. – Dreadful tired.

Wednesday, May 22
Fine day. – Busy day. – Late getting in from Live Oak. – Mrs. Pierce was just leaving for Bay City. – We went on with the preparations for the dinner tonight and she was back by noon. – She served 24 people at card tables, etc. A splendid dinner. After dinner they played hearts. – Mrs. Smith came for me about 9 o’clock. – Mrs. Dunn entertained tonight also.

Thursday, May 23
Rain this morning, but finally a beautiful day. – Spent all the time I could on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses today. – She gave the invocation for the grades tonight. School almost over for the present. – Marion came for me tonight. – Mrs. Smith very tired.


Friday, May 24
Pretty day. Hot sun. – Went to Palacios this afternoon with Mrs. Pierce. Saw Mr. Caffall. The paint and labor for my house amounted to $72.60. The July rent will a little more than finish paying the bill. Then the garage and wash house will come next. $12.00 to paint them. – Saw the Love family. Paid him .40 for repair work on the place. – Drank a cup of coffee with Mrs. Pasal. – Saw Mr. Farwell a moment as we were starting home. Mrs. Farwell in Cuero. – Was Mrs. Smith’s guest to “The Wedding Night” tonight. – School exercises closed tonight.

Saturday, May 25
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Lee working on new school building. – I  mending, mending, mending and no stockings darned yet. – Mr. Pierce brought home a truck load of green corn to be canned at the canning kitchen Monday. – Mrs. Richards sent work to me by Mrs. Dunn that Mr. Strickland is very sick. He has been an invalid for several years. – Mrs. Dunn is taking my place at Live Oak Farm for a time.

Sunday, May 26
Beautiful day. – Slept late this morning. Seemed rather odd to be sleeping in Mrs. Pierce’s home again. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself attended preaching service at the Presbyterian Church night and morning. A Rev. Anderson preached. – After lunch Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Matagorda to see the high water. – Mrs. Pierce loaned me her car and I drove to Palacios to see Mr. and Mrs. Strickland. He is in a very serious condition. I am sure. – Stopped to see the Loves a moment, too.

Monday, May 27
Lovely day. – The canning plant is going full blast canning corn mostly now. Mr. Pierce brings it up from Sargent by the truck load since the beans are gone. – Mrs. Pierce busy with the kitchens here, in Bay City and Palacios. – Sewed on her dresses after working in the chicken yard most of the forenoon. Chicks have sore eyes. Encouraging after the strenuous time I had keeping them alive earlier in the game. – We drove out to see Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn since dinner.


Tuesday, May 28
Hard rain this forenoon, but sunshine this afternoon. – In the chicken yard all forenoon. – In the chicken yard all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce at Community House with Mrs. Sides and 4-H girls this forenoon. In Bay City since lunch. – Mrs. Dunn had a date for dinner with the Lewises tonight, so I stayed with Mrs. Smith until she returned at 8:30. Then she brought me back to Blessing. – Mrs. Smith very tired. – Mr. Pierce brought corn from Sargent to the canning kitchen here today.

Wednesday, May 29
Mrs. Pierce took flowers to the cemetery to plant this forenoon. – I finished one of the three dresses I have been working on for three months or more. – The Pierce household, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and the Yeager family were dinner guests of Mrs. Yeager and Madge tonight. A nice dinner served on card tables on a removable tray the size of the table top. A fine way to removed the final course.

Thursday, May 30 – Memorial Day
Am sure my father’s grave has a flag on it today. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Did darning this afternoon. A stack of it. – An applicant for the position of ____ in the school came to see Mrs. Pierce. She was not here. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for an hour late this evening. – She is felling some better since her return from Cuero.

Friday, May 31
Mr. Pierce drove to Houston today. Mrs. Dunn, also. – Just a regular day. – Tonight Mrs. Smith came in and took Mrs. Pierce and me to see “The Little Minister.” We went in Mrs. Pierce’s car. Very pretty picture. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Dunn were all at Mrs. Smith’s waiting when we came back. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Lucas came back to Blessing with us.


Saturday, June 1
Pretty day. – This forenoon I drove to Palacios to get some canned corn from the kitchen for Mrs. Pierce to take to Bay City after a board meeting at 1 o’clock ta the hotel. – Then I drove to Victoria with Mr. Pierce. Saw the Port Lavaca oil field. Also stopped for shrimp cocktail on the way home. – Then went to Bay City with Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. ___ to see Geo. Arliss in _____. – Mr. Withers stayed with Mrs. Smith until we returned. Then he drove Mr. Pierce and me home.

Sunday, June 2
Mrs. Borden and two guests, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn were Mrs. Pierce’s dinner guests today to eat the ducks. Mr. Pierce was late getting home to eat and he had to hurry away as soon as he had eaten. But he is feeling much relieved in mind and body tonight as a result of a hopeful outlook in his business affairs. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I went to Bay City to see Arliss in ____. Mr. Withers stayed with Mrs. Smith.

Monday, June 3
Terrible rain storm here this forenoon. Flooded the new part of the chicken house. We gathered them into the house and laundry. Lost three or four tho. They are in the laundry tonight. – The underpass was impassable for some time. Many cars waiting to pass thru. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today and had Cherri clipped. – Mrs. Dunn was indisposed tonight, so I am staying at Live Oak Farm tonight.

Tuesday, June 4
Pretty day, but much water on the ground. – The laundry was in a terrible mess form the chicks, but Jack cleaned it all out. – Drove to Palacios with Mrs. Pierce since lunch. Mrs. Caffall was not at home. I hoped to find out if the house leaked much. Saw the Loves, Beatrice, Mrs. Richards. – Spending the night at Live Oak. – Mr. Pierce’s business was satisfactory to him today. So thankful.

Wednesday, June 5
Some rain today. Ground soaked full. – Jack cleaned the fish pool today. All of the large fish swam out Monday when the water was so high. There are only 25 small ones left and one of them died today. – Finished another of the handover dresses for Mrs. Pierce today. – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is coaching her 4-H girls tonight for a play to be given the 21st.

Thursday, June 6
Hard rain this forenoon. – Left Mrs. Smith with a sick headache this morning. – Mrs. Pierce drove out later and found her some relieved. Her tenants moved into the servant’s house yesterday. Hope they will be satisfactory. – Four girls spent the night with Mrs. Pierce last night. – She spent the afternoon in Bay City and tonight drove to Palacios with a load of canning stuff. – Mrs. Smith feeling some better tonight.

Friday, June 7
Rain. Rain. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce entertained at lunch unexpectedly to Willie. – Mr. Smith entertained at 12 o’clock dinner. Mrs. Borden and two guests. – Hectic day all around. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight . Then Mr. Pierce drove us to Live Oak.

Saturday, June 8
Spent the day at Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Mr. Crain, Mr. Milner the sheriff, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Pierce were all callers at the Live Oak Farm today. Mr. Rickaway was working there, too. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Sides drove out to Zemanek’s home tonight.

Sunday, June 9
Pretty day tho some heavy rains passed east of us. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I were Mrs. Smith’s guests at the hotel for 12 o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Dunn also entertained Mrs. Cates, Mrs. Price, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. – Mrs. Pierce’s fryers supplied the meat for the occasion. – Willie did not show up all day. – Mrs. Pierce had a hard forenoon as I did not come in until noon. – Mrs. Pierce driven almost wild with her canning kitchen reports. – Rev. Engle preached tonight. – Then I rode out to Live Oak Farm with them after services. – Wrote three letters today since dinner.

Monday, June 10
Pretty day. – Did house cleaning all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce crazy over the report which she finally finished and took to Bay City just before lunch. – Mended and sewed on collars and cuffs this P. M.  In chicken yard also. – Spending the night with Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Dunn hectic over the oil prospect and leasing her land, maybe?

Tuesday, June 11
No rain. Mrs. Pierce made a flying trip to Bay City this forenoon. – The day was spent preparing for a dinner party tonight. The guests being Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Neal Farwell and Miss Sara Farwell. Also Mrs. Dunn. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Farwell were indisposed and absent. – The dinner was eaten on the porch. A nice dinner. Six of the fryers contributed their share to the menu. – Lee and Sara dropped me at Live Oak Farm as they drove to Bay City to a picture.  Mrs. Pierce traded her car for a later model V8 today. A pretty car.

Wednesday, June 12
Hard rain about noon and all afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce to Bay City and Palacios. – Broke a spring in her new car. – I spent much time with the chicks trying to rescue them between rains. – Mrs. Smith sent for me about 4 o’clock. She had to rest today on account of the rain, so is feeling better tonight.

Thursday, June 13
Cloudy forenoon. Sunshine P. M. – Mending this forenoon. General things this afternoon. – The spring in Mrs. Pierce’s car was not broken. – She drove to Bay City this afternoon. – Rec’d invitation to Arlene’s marriage ceremony today. – Spending the night at Live Oak Farm.

Friday, June 14
Pretty day. – We arose early at Live Oak and I dressed to go to Houston. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Farwell and Sara came by for me. Mr. Farwell and Mrs. Neal [Farwell] following in his car. We drove the travelers to Rosenberg and found that their train would not be running today on acct. of washed out bridges west of here. So Mrs. Farwell and Sara rode to Houston with us. – We all ate dinner with John Henry at Mrs. Mayfield’s. Mrs. Pierce saw John Henry’s Dr. (Trouble in sight for him.) – Arrived at home about nine. – I stopped at Live Oak.

Saturday, June 15
No rain today here, but the Colorado River is expected to be out of its banks soon from the heavy rains above here. – Terrible floods and consequent washouts of bridges on highways and railroads. Mrs. Pierce in Bay City today. Shortage of cans. Kitchens working day and night. – Mrs. Smith took a load of cans to Palacios tonight for Mrs. Pierce. – She took a bath in Mr. Pierce’s tub before going to Live Oak. – I counted 54 hens in the houses, etc. tonight. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent.

Sunday, June 16
Windy. Terrible floods in the west. Much loss of life and property. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner at the hotel and washed her hair. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Sargent. Viewed Baby Doll’s prize bedroom. – Went to Paul and Mary Dean’s camp house. – Helen and her husband were there, too, and were all getting ready to come home. From there to the beach. – A good many bathers, but the tide was high and the water muddy. – Stopped at Live Oak Farm for the night.

Monday, June 17
High wind. No rain. – Odeal washed. – Mrs. Pierce worked on her report all forenoon, but had many interruptions. – Mrs. Farwell phoned to say she had not had a word from Mrs. Neal [Farwell] yet. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City in Mr. Pierce’s truck to bring back cans. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – A very high rise is due in the Colorado River tonight or tomorrow. – The damage from floods in Texas has reached the million mark in dollars.

Tuesday, June 18
Rain threatened, but did not fall. A heavy cloud and much sharp lightning played along the northeast at night. – A false rumor said the B. C. river bridge was closed this P. M. – Cut out a skirt for myself to try a pattern for Mrs. Pierce. – She spent the day with Mr. Pierce’s truck. At night she had a flat, so Mr. Pierce had two new tires put on her rear wheels. – Mrs. Smith came for me while we were at the garage. Mrs. Pierce returned then also.

Wednesday, June 19 – Mr. Webb’s Birthday 1857-1928 = 61
Pretty day all day. This being “Juneteenth.” – Willie Jones took a holiday from the kitchen, etc. – Mrs. Pierce and I (feebly) prepared lunch. – Then did a little cleaning in the kitchen. – About 3:30 we drove to Bay City. The river was about bank full when we went over and when we came back about 7 o’clock, the water had spread out over the lowlands a good deal. A muddy swift current. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak about nine o’clock.

Thursday, June 20
Willie Jones on the job this morning. Tired looking tho. – A windy hot day. – Have been mending, housekeeping and doing chicken yards today. – Christine called on me this afternoon in Mrs. Pierce’s absence. – Mrs. Pierce came home early from Bay City. – Mrs. Smith drove over to Bay City late this evening to see the high water. The river is overflowing the lowlands in its bed, but not over its high banks. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this P. M.

Friday, June 21
Real hot day tho a strong south wind blew until the sun went down. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. – River high, but bridge not closed. River all over Mrs. Borden’s place except where the house stands. Water falling at Wharton tho. – Three lives lost in the Carancahua Bay soon after noon today. Motorboat accident. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City part of the day. – Very hard rain passed east and north of us this P. M. May cause another rise in the rivers.

Saturday, June 22
Pretty day here, but hard rain passed east of us. Rained in Bay City. – River out over the lowlands, but not over the bridge approaches. Seems to be at a stand still. – Mrs. Pierce took some canning equipment to Palacios late this evening. – The bodies of the man and two women who were drowned yesterday have been recovered. Tragedy. – Have worked hard all day house cleaning. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm. – Peach ice cream.

Sunday, June 23
Hot. Hot. Hot. – Mrs. Smith brought me in earlier this morning. – Mrs. Pierce about crazy adding cans. – Trying to correct the blunders made by some of the kitchen (bone head) supervisors. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner with us. Then while Mr. and Mrs. Pierce attended funeral services for Mr. [Ellis] Hamill, she worked on Mrs. Pierce’s canning report. The count is very much out of plumb and is causing Mrs. Pierce much nervous figuring. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and Dunn went to see the picture at Bay City tonight. – Mr. Pierce worked on the cans. I tried to help some, but my brain is too dull.

Monday, June 24
Very hot, but good breeze. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce worked until 2 o’clock this morning and from seven until 3:30 this P. M. on the Cans report. Finally perfecting it. – Mr. Pierce called Dr. Ralston this P. M. The operation on John Henry’s eye will not be performed until Wed. afternoon. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent late this afternoon taking Jack and his bed with him. – Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm. – Then she went to the Community House to sponsor the 4-H girls play practice.

Tuesday, June 25
Hot. Plenty hot. – Just a day. A busy one. – We put up a bushel of peaches fro Mrs. Smith’s orchard. – Mrs. Pierce just tearing around as usual between the typewriter and Bay City. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent, perhaps for the night. – The girls practiced their play tonight. – Seven little pigs at Live Oak.

Wednesday, June 26
Hot and clear. – Mr. Pierce came home soon after 10 o’clock this forenoon. – They ate a lunch and started to Houston by way of Bay City. John Henry’s eye was to be operated on at 3:30 this afternoon. – Mrs. Farwell phoned to inquire for him, but if everything seemed all right, Mr. Pierce would not phone she said. – Mrs. Smith came for me tonight. – Lee went swimming in the canal after supper.

Thursday, June 27
A hot day. – Put the house in order and did mending – Mrs. Farwell did not phone today, but Mr. and Mrs. Pierce came home this P. M. – John Henry has a 50% chance of a normal eye when it heals from the operation. Poor kid. – Mrs. Sides came and borrowed a painting to take to Port Lavaca this P. M. She was to give Mrs. Pierce’s picture talk to the assembled multitude in Mrs. Pierce’s absence. – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak tonight. – Mrs. Smith putting up hay.

Friday, June 28
Hot dry day. Good for Mrs. Smith’s haying. – Just another day. Odeal came to do house cleaning, etc. – After lunch I peeled a bushel of tomatoes from Mrs. Smith’s garden. – Willie canned them. 24 No. 3 cans. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day working on school books. Preparing for the board meeting tonight. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Took bedding today. – Lee continues the hard work on the new school building. 30 hrs. per wk. – He drove me out to Live Oak. – Mrs. Smith had gone to the movie with Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Sabra died yesterday. - Robert and Iris have gone tonight.

Saturday, June 29
Mrs. Smith up early and out to get workers. Found them in bed yet. – After we ate breakfast, she brought me to Blessing. – Mr. Pierce to come from Sargent tonight. – Mrs. Pierce busy at her books and in Bay City. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up an hour just before supper. – Mrs. Smith took me to Palacios tonight. 2 ___ to the canning kitchen. – Much trouble with the old car, so we were late getting back. – Robert and Iris came back tonight.

Sunday, - June 30 – Miss Nannie’s 65th Birthday
Very hot in Houston. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Houston today to see John Henry. Found the bandage off of his eye and he was feeling quite well. Enjoyed the two trays of food. He had several callers while we were there. Mrs. Mobley being one of them. – We were late getting started for Blessing and had to drive slowly on account of so much traffic until we passed El Campo. – Reached Live Oak about 10:15. Mrs. Smith had not gone to bed.



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Jun. 18, 2015
Jun. 18, 2015