Friday, March 1
Mrs. Smith slept well last night under the influence of an
opiate. She brought me to Mrs. Pierces this forenoon. Then she
went to the hotel to try to write letters. She ate lunch with us.
- Mrs. Dunn, Winnie and Jane drove to the Kuykendall Ranch this
morning for a few days visit. - I put the second floor in order this
forenoon. This P. M. wrote to Mrs. Hall for Mrs. Pierce and to
Mrs. Farwell thanking her for the birthday card. Mrs. Smith ate
dinner with us, then we drove to Live Oak Farm. She took some
workers to Bay City. I stayed with Anna. Going to bed without
Saturday, March 2
Windy, but sunshine. We slept well last night. Drove to
Victoria this forenoon. Stopped at Port Lavaca for fish dinner on
the way home. This P. M. cleaned the lower floor. - Mrs. Pierce
had gone to Bay City. Mrs. Smith ate dinner here tonight. Then we
drove to Live Oak Farm. Mrs. Smith took the workers to Blessing.
Then Annas young man came for her and took her to a party.
Sunday, March 3
Cloudy. Windy. Mrs. Smith did not sleep so well last night.
After breakfast we walked around some and then came to Blessing.
She ate 12 oclock dinner here. Then went down to the hotel to write
letters. About 6 oclock, she and Mr. Withers came up. Mrs. Pierce
made rarebit. Then we washed the dishes. Soon Mr. Withers drove us
to the hotel where we took Mrs. Smiths car and are spending the
night at Live Oak Farm. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were finishing an
extensive report on cans this afternoon. Wrote to Mr. Caffall to
proceed with the house painting when weather is suitable.
Monday, March 4
Mrs. Smith slept better last night. Mrs. Pierce has lumbago.
The forenoon was rainy, so Odeal did not come. A strong south wind
has been blowing all afternoon and a cheerful sun has been shining.
Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. I did last weeks mending
and some work on a dress for Mrs. Smith. Anna came for me and we
ate dinner at Live Oak Farm. Mr. Chamblee and boys stopped on
their way home from Houston. Ruby to come later. Mrs. Pierce drove
out a few minutes tonight.
Tuesday, March 5
Foggy morning. Grand forenoon. Showery afternoon. - Mrs. Smith
did not sleep as well tonight. Cherri restless, too. Mrs. Smith
wrote to Ruby and then brought me to Blessing. Mrs. Pierce had
gone to Bay City. Put the house in order and the laundry away.
Mrs. Smith came for me after dinner. Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and
Mrs. Beard came out to the farm. Also Mrs. Dunn and Winnie. Mrs.
Smith had some corn planted this afternoon.
Wednesday, March 6
Mrs. Smith awoke with a sick headache. Anna brought me in in the
truck. Battery dead in Rubys car. Mrs. Pierce spent part of the
day with Mrs. Sides and the club. Lee made some chicken coops.
Mrs. Smith ate lunch with us today. The chicken coops and roosts
are being treated to a coat of creosote paint. Did the house work
and some mending. Mrs. Smith came for me after dinner. A mild
norther is blowing.
Thursday, March 7 Father 1899
Beautiful day. North wind. Mrs. Smith rested well last night.
Brought me in after breakfast. Mended a dress and slip for Mrs.
Smith. This afternoon Mrs. Pierce and I attending the Library
(Social) meeting at the Community House. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn
and Winnie drove to the Pelton ranch today. Were late coming home,
so Mrs. Smith and I left Mrs. Pierce alone when we went to Live Oak
Farm. Wind has stopped blowing tonight.
Friday, March 8
Mostly cloudy, but not much cold. Mrs. Smith brought me in
this morning. Mrs. Pierce spending the day in Bay City. Odeal
came to do the Friday sweeping. Mrs. Kuykendall, her daughter
Dorothy and her two children came about dinner time to the hotel.
Mrs. Kuykendall will spend the night with Mrs. Smith at Live Oak
Farm, so I shall sleep in Mrs. Pierces bed tonight.
Saturday, March 9
Real foggy this morning. Several from Blessing drove to
Matagorda today to attend the Federated Clubs meeting. Mrs.
Pierce, Mrs. Borden, Mrs. Lucas, Ginger and myself rode in Mrs.
Beards car. Miss Grace Walker took Miss Semple with her. Some
parts of the program were entertaining.. The lunch was good, but
limited in volume. Saw Mrs. Dismukes from Palacios. She said
painting had begun on my house.
Sunday, March 10
Not much sunshine, but warm. Willie Jones was very late
appearing this morning. Odeal came. Mrs. Pierce cooked the
breakfast and began work on the 12 or 2 oclock dinner for 10
people. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Maggie Kuykendall, her daughter Dorothy and
Mrs. Withers were their guests. Mr. Pierce treated me to a picture
show in Bay City tonight.
Flirtation Walk. A beautiful picture. Mr. Engle
preached here tonight. Is the reason Mrs. Pierce was not with us.
Mrs. Kuykendall spending the night with Mrs. Smith.
Monday, March 11
Cloudy and a little rain this forenoon, but sunshine later.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City today. The
Palacios Bank trial came up. Was dismissed for lack of evidence. I
think Mrs. Kuykendall is spending the night at Live Oak Farm. Ruby
is at her Fathers home. Have been working with chickens all day.
Jack made coops, feeding pens, etc. Mrs. Pierce bought 50 baby
chicks tonight to add to the 10 we hatched. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce
were hosts to Mrs. Beard, Miss Semple and myself to see
Flirtation Walk again tonight.
Tuesday, March 12
Real cold north wind all day. Mrs. Pierce and I worked with
the chicken coops some this forenoon. Dropped a door on one of the
babies and broke his neck. Poor beginning makes a good ending (I
hope). We fitted the gray dress that has been hanging in the
closet so long and I cut out a black and white batiste this P. M.
Letter from Mrs. Farwell. Mr. Payne and Mr. ___ ate dinner here
tonight. School business. Mrs. Pierce at home all day. Mrs.
Smith came for me to spend the night at Live Oak Farm.
Wednesday, March 13
A most beautiful day. Mrs. Pierce spent it in Bay City. - Was
busy all forenoon with the laundry, mending and chickens. This
afternoon basted the black and white dress ready for fitting. Mrs.
Smith came for me. Ruby came to Live Oak Farm this P. M. Is
spending the night here, also.
Thursday, March 14
A beautiful day. Mrs. Smith brought me to Blessing this
morning. I changed my dress and went to Houston with her. She
left Cherri at the dog hospital to have her eczema treated. She
attended to some business connected with Live Oak Farm and we ate
lunch. Reached Blessing around 5:30 P.M. Am sleeping at Live Oak
Farm. Rubys eyes are not in good condition.
Friday, March 15
Windy day. After the chickens were settled, I worked on Mrs.
Pierces dresses. She and Mr. Pierce were dinner guests of Mrs.
Dunns at midday. I was included in the invitation, but could not
accept. Houston guests were present also. Fitted Mrs. Pierces
dresses later in the afternoon. Mrs. Smith came up for an hour
after a very satisfactory conference at Live Oak Farm. Am spending
the night at the Farm. Mrs. Dunn, Winnie, and Mr. Pierce drove out
for an hour. Winnie leaving tomorrow P. M. Mrs. Pierce spending
the night with Mrs. Smith.
Saturday, March 16
Dreadful wind all day. Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning.
Put in the forenoon among the chickens. After lunch I went to
Palacios with Mr. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Caffall were away, but the
house is being painted a pearl gray. Looked better than the weather
beaten boards to me. Visited Mrs. Love and Miss Bennett while
waiting for Mr. Pierce. Mr. Pierce rode into Houston with Mrs.
Dunn and Winnie about 5 oclock. Winnie going to Florida. Mrs.
Pierce spent the day near Wharton visiting chicken farms. Mrs.
Sides ate supper at Live Oak Farms tonight.
Sunday, March 17
Air filled with dust from the dust storm north of us. Mrs.
Smith brought me in this morning. We arrived before Mr. and Mrs.
Pierce were down for breakfast. I fed the chickens and then went
back with Mrs. Smith. Ruby collected some of her things and we
took her down to her brother Clarences home. Then we ate dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Going back to Live Oak Farm for the
night. Spending the night at Live Oak Farm.
Monday, March 18
Spent the day at Live Oak Farm. Packing Rubys household goods.
She came up early this morning. Her family came later and helped
pack. They moved two truck loads. The first one a hen house. Mrs.
Smith came to the hotel as hostess for some of the Kuykendall
family, etc. Mrs. Maggies people came to take her home. Mrs.
Smith and I ate supper with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce tonight. When we
came back to the farm, the men had come back and loading chickens.
Tuesday, March 19
Windy day. Ruby did not come to the farm today. Her sister
helped pack. They have everything out of the house and garage now
and took some more chickens tonight. Anna left tonight, but Rubys
sister gave Mrs. Smith Jiggs, so we have her for protection. Brought
two sleeping porch beds out tonight for us to sleep on. From Mrs.
Pierces home. We are real tired tonight. Have had two hectic
days. Mr. Matthes made an inventory of the mules and farm
equipment today. Mr. Chamblee was present.
Wednesday, March 20
Mrs. Smith and I came in this morning. Picked Mrs. Pierce up and
went to Houston. We all did shopping. Separated from Mrs. Smith as
soon as we arrived in Houston and did not see her again until about
5:30 when we met and drove to the hospital for Cherri. John Henry
ate lunch with us. We were late getting home and all tired.
I purchased 2 hats, a pair of shoes, two 25’ jars of Ponds cream. My
hats and shoes were an Easter gift from Mrs. Pierce. Thank you.
Thursday, March 21
Mrs. Pierce spending the day in Mrs. Sides office. Tonight she
is one of a party going to Houston to attend opera. Came home
early this morning. Have been busy all day. The little chickens
require a good deal of attention. The clothes were to put away.
The mending to be done. Did not quite finish the stockings. Lee
worked out at Live Oak for his Aunt Pearl. Mrs. Smith was late
coming for me tonight because she stopped at the hotel for a hot
bath. Then she dropped to sleep in her chair. So tired. A new
electric stove was installed for her today. She is to keep the mules
and farm equipment. Judge and Mrs. Barber called at Live Oak
Friday, March 22
Windy. Lee at Live Oak today. Mrs. Smith did not sleep so
well last night. She and Lee ate lunch here today. She drove to
Palacios this A. M. Sewed on Mrs. Pierces dresses this afternoon.
Mrs. Pierce reports a pleasant night at the opera and with Mrs.
Sides. Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. Mrs. Dunn was at the
Pierce home when we left for Live Oak Farm. Mrs. Smiths Morris
chair was returned to her badly broken.
Saturday, March 23 Mr. Webb 1918 17 Years
We slept better last night. Worked on Mrs. Pierces dresses.
Made some dust cloths for Mrs. Smith and a couple of sample curtains
for her doors and windows. Mrs. Pierce met with the 4-H girls at
the Community House this afternoon. Lee worked at Live Oak Farm.
White washing, etc. Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. Then we drove
to Live Oak. Cherri not well. Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent.
Mrs. Runnells visited Mrs. Smith at the Farm this P. M.
Sunday, March 24
Very windy. Mrs. Smith sent Jiggs to Ruby this morning. Cherri
so jealous and not well. Mr. Pierce and Jack drove to Sargent this
P. M. Mrs. Smith did not bring me home until dinner time today.
She would have been alone at the farm. She and Mrs. Pierce wrote
letters, etc. this afternoon. We ate a stand up snack and then
drove to the hotel on errands for Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith. From
there we went to El Maton. Mrs. Pierce to see Mrs. Havlic. Then we
stopped at Live Oak Farm. Did some measuring for enlarging the
kitchen. Brought Mrs. Pierce home. Then back to the farm and to bed.
Monday, March 25
Windy. Came in earlier this morning. Mrs. Smith went to
Palacios to bring Mr. Jackson up. Worked on Mrs. Pierces dresses
and Mrs. Smiths curtains this P. M. Mrs. Pierce in Bay City
working for Mrs. Sides. Mr. Pierce in Bay City (Court) (Jonathan).
Lee building a new hen roost out of the cow shed.
Tuesday, March 26
Windy. Mrs. Pierce in Bay City helping Mrs. Sides served lunch
to 150 girls. Jackson working at Live Oak Farm. Mr. Rickaway,
also, adding to the kitchen. Lee helping Brownie brand. Then drove
Willie over to Bay City to see the Dr. Mr. Payne to Sargent since
lunch. Mrs. Smith moves something out to the farm every trip she
makes to Blessing.
Wednesday, March 27
Windy. Sewed on Mrs. Smiths curtains a little this forenoon
and all afternoon. Made 6 pr. For windows and 3 pr. For doors.
Mrs. Pierce at home all day. Lee and Jack working on the new hen
roost. Mrs. Smith has almost moved out to Live Oak Farm today. The
house is very attractive and will be more so when she is really at
home in it. Mr. Pierce drove me out tonight. Mrs. Smith is
extremely tired. Very sultry tonight. Norther due to arrive.
Meeting at Community House tonight. Miss Webb in charge.
Thursday, March 28
Light norther. Made the 12 tiebacks for Mrs. Smiths curtains
this forenoon, housework, chickens, mending. After lunch Mrs.
Pierce loaned me her car and I went to Palacios. Saw Mr. Caffall. He
will figure on the cost of painting the garage and wood house.
Paid Mr. Love $3.30 for work connected with painting the house which
looks very nice, I think. Mrs. Caffall was not at home, but the
little boy was, so I put a bundle of sheets, etc. in my rooms.
Palacios looks very pretty now. Mrs. Smith drove to Palacios to
see Mrs. Lothridge. Then we went to Live Oak. Mr. Rickaway getting
the kitchen enclosed and roofed.
Friday, March 29
Rain. A few drops this morning. Mrs. Pierce attended a
luncheon given by a study club in Bay City. Is attending Mrs.
Sides annual banquet at the Bay City High School tonight. She and
Willie Jones prepared the brown bread, beans and gingerbread. Mr.
Pierce attending the trial in Bay City. (Jonathan) The Chamblees
dipped and moved Rubys cattle today. Lee working at the hen
house. Doing fine work, too. Mrs. Pierce to spend the night in Bay
City. Mr. Pierce spent an hour at Live Oak Farm tonight. Mrs.
Smith ate dinner at the hotel tonight.
Saturday, March 30
Rained some last night and this morning. Beautiful day. Mrs.
Borden phoned this forenoon inviting the kin folks and myself to eat
one oclock tomorrow. Sewed on Mrs. Pierces dress this P. M.
She was late getting home from Bay City tonight. Spending the
night at Live Oak Farm. Mr. Rickaway getting along with the
kitchen. Rain threatens as we go to bed.
Sunday, March 31
Grand day, finally. A hard gentle rain fell last night making
the visit to Mrs. Bordens impossible, so Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn
ate 1 oclock dinner here. Lee had gone to Palacios on a picnic.-
Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent soon after dinner. Mrs. Pierce
attended preaching services in the Presbyterian Church today. Just
before dark, Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Mrs. Smiths where we, with
Mrs. Dunn, drank a cup of tea. Then Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn came
back to Blessing.