Nellie Tilson Webb

1938 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum


Nellie clipped this poem and glued it into her 1938 diary.


Friday, July 1
Another beautiful summer day. Sun hot, but a cool breeze. – We picked some more beans this forenoon for the neighbor to can. – This afternoon Mrs. Fraser and I went to town. The sun was hot, but there is so much grand shade, one doesn’t not need to carry a parasol. Mrs. Fraser bought a tie for Mr. Fraser and a curtain for the hall window. – I bought a curtain for the closet window and made and hung it at once. She will finish hers tomorrow. – This is a hot night. The breeze seems to have gone down and left the sultry air for us to breathe.

Saturday, July 2
The breeze came up during the night and made sleeping comfortable. – This has been a beautiful day, but a hot sun has poured down on the harvesters. The grain is now ripening faster than it can be cared for. – We all felt very miserable all forenoon, so tired, but managed to do the necessary house work. This afternoon I went up to the neighborhood store and bought a package of Flakes and three little cups of ice cream. Hardly enough to cool your throat. – The lawns all look beautiful and green. No doubt the sun will eventually burn turn brown, tho. Sultry as we go to bed. A little breeze from the south.

Sunday, July 3
A hot day, but some breeze. – Bro. Fraser drove us to S. S. and church this forenoon, so we were not so warm when we arrived. – There were many fans in the pews and in the classroom the electric fan was turned on, so it was comfortable. – Several of the members were absent. The pastor made a fine talk on “Our Nation’s Greatest Problem.” – Miss St. John was welcomed back by her “girls,” but Bro. Fraser was elected permanent supply. – This afternoon I studied the Ritual of the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. It is truly a grand organization. Am glad to be a member. – Pretty close as we go to bed at nine o’clock.

Monday, July 4 – The Day We Celebrate
Young America did his share in the way of shooting firecrackers all day. – No particular celebration here other than the closing of stores, etc., but there was an almost constant popping of crackers. – The neighbor across the street, northwest, died this forenoon. He died on the way down town. A most gratifying way to end his life. No prolonged suffering nor weary watching and waiting by friends or attendants. – We did not leave the premises today, just washed and tried to keep cool. It was a grand wash day. – Tonight some of the neighbors had a little fireworks display for the children. – Not so hot as we go to bed as it was last night.

Tuesday, July 5
A calm after the celebration. – Card from Mrs. Massenburg and the Beacon came this forenoon. – We did the ironing this forenoon and reported the streets quiet. – This afternoon mail brought a letter from Marguerite telling of her father’s sudden death the 21st of last month. He was stricken on the street down town and died that night. A grand man gone to his reward. Mrs. Bell went to Miami with one of the boys. She is feeble. – Poor Marguerite. I am so glad she has her four fine boys to be a comfort to her. – This has been a warm day tho there has been a breeze.

Wednesday, July 6
 A hot day, - I awoke sick this morning and was lying on the bed most of the day. Stomach upset by Marguerite’s letter I suppose. I could not write her today, but hope to tomorrow. Poor lonely girl. – Mrs. Fraser went to the class meeting at Mrs. Leeper’s this afternoon. The last meeting this summer, I believe. – She said they had a good attendance and meeting. – I feel better tonight. Hope the breeze may come up before long.

Thursday, July 7 – BYPU Closes
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser were up very early this morning and dug a couple of bushels of potatoes before a fine shower fell about 6 o’clock. It came from the north and soon the air was so cool I put my sweater on and wore it until after supper. – I wrote to Marguerite and Mrs. Tandy today. – Am feeling much better in my stomach, but dreadful weak yet. – The sun came out late this afternoon and everything looks beautiful. – Mr. Fraser went to see the Dr. this P.M. who told him to slow down on acct. of his heart. – Very delightfully cool as we go to bed.

Friday, July 8
A beautiful day. The sun very hot, but a cool breeze. – This was the regular meeting date for the GAR Circle, but I did not feel equal to going. My knees still threaten to “buckle” under me. – The Ladies Home Journal came today and I have just about read it thru. – Darned some stockings and ate some tomatoes. Some of the first to ripen on the vines in the garden. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser took some beans and corn to Mrs. Hetrick tonight. Miss St. John is still spending the nights with Mrs. James. – Cool tonight.

Saturday, July 9
A letter from Mrs. Massenburg. A saucy happy one. Gupton has bought a cottage and they have moved in to it. This is the first real home she had had since I have known her 26 years. – This has been a real hot day, tho there has some breeze blowing all day. – We did the necessary house work this forenoon and rested all afternoon. I lay on the floor in front of the window and a gentle breeze blew over me. – No mail came from Blessing. I wish Mrs. Pierce or Mrs. Smith would write. – Feel uneasy about Mrs. Smith since she had her tonsils out. – Am more steady on my knees today.

Sunday, July 10
Very hot day all day. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. and church, but Bro. Fraser thought best for him to stay in out of the heat. Miss St. John had 16 in her class. The pastor preached a good sermon, now it is for me to profit by it. Will we? – Spent the afternoon keeping cool. – Bro. Fraser went to the Methodist Church (union services) and said he heard a good sermon, but found it very exhausting walking down and back. – Wrote to Mrs. Skinner. – (Mrs. Pierce and John Henry went to Ingram for a week vacation today.)

Monday, July 11
Fine hot day. Good for washing and bleaching clothes. – I had an extra amount in the suds this week and will have  a few pieces extra to iron. Washed them during the week. – This afternoon I rested. Find I can do that better since the days are so hot and long. – Miss Kittredge came this evening and brought a beautiful bouquet of zinnias. – I went up to the little store this evening and got some lemons. Was so thirsty and craved acid in my stomach.

Tuesday, July 12 – Mrs. Farwell started for the East and Neal today.
Hot sun, but some breeze. We finished the ironing this forenoon. Found the basement a much cooler place to iron in than the kitchen and out of the way, too. – This afternoon I lay on the floor in front of my windows a couple of hours. – Studied my Sunday School lesson. Deborah was a woman worth while. – Mrs. Reed came to visit a while late this evening. She is a remarkable woman. 84 years old. Smart physically and mentally. – Going to bed tired. No excuse for it except hot weather.

Wednesday, July 13
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser finished digging their potatoes this morning early. Then have about three bushels I think. They spread them out on the floor in the middle room in the basement. – This has been a hot day. Good for the wheat harvesters I suppose. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came and took Mrs. Fraser and I for a drive since supper. – Mr. Fraser did not go. He was reading some Winrod literature. – We drove to Highland Cemetery where Mrs. H. and Miss St. J. watered the flowers in their box. – Then we sat by the road side quite awhile and cooled off. – The little breeze seems to be from the north tonight as I go to bed. – Mrs. F. is sleeping downstairs, too.

Thursday, July 14
Hoped to have been awakened by rain on the roof last night, but was not. – The day was quite warm and most of the breeze came from the north. – I took the sleeves out of my georgette coat and put them into the dress. Will hem the coat sleeves and make it shorter to wear when the weather cools a bit. – No mail for me except magazines. – Am not doing much writing either. – The lawns are showing the effect of the hot sun. The weather man promises rain. – We listened to Winrod tonight as he answered the accusations made in the circular by his enemies.

Friday, July 15
Grand morning. Jack Frost tried to cool us off during the night, so much so that some bed covers were welcome. The day has not been uncomfortably warm. North breeze mostly. – I did some house cleaning this forenoon. – Mr. Fraser drove us to town and brought home a few peaches. They are in the market now. $1.25 per bushel I believe. – Mrs. Fraser mentioned canning some. – This afternoon I have been reading the story “Night Must End.” A serial in the “Companion.” –A fine Jewish character is one of the prominent features. – We sat outside until the mosquitoes drove us in to bed.

Saturday, July 16
A gentle rain began falling about 7 o’clock this morning, reviving the thirsty gardens and lawns. It continued intermittently all day. All vegetation looks clean and happy. The corn fields are rejoicing, but the unharvested wheat and oats would prefer sunshine awhile yet. – No letters came for me today and I have not written any. – Did a little sewing and a good deal of resting this afternoon. Resting is becoming easy in this warm weather. – Mr. Fraser walked down town this afternoon. Said the streets were crowded with people.

Sunday, July 17
Much cooler. Cloudy, but no rain. – Mr. Fraser and another man drove out in the country this forenoon. Visited a couple of churches to raise money for a boys’ camp. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to church and S. S. There were seventeen in our class. We studied about “Deborah.” Pity there are not more like her today. – Mr. Fraser attended a men’s meeting this P. M. in the church. The “Miami Assembly.” – I studied my S. S. lesson for next Sunday this P. M. and later went for a long walk. – There are some pretty homes and sorry ones not far from here, but the trees are all grand. – The campus at the University is very beautiful. The trees are being trimmed. – Real cool tonight.

Monday, July 18
Cool. Grand wash day. Mrs. Fraser ironed some this afternoon. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Pierce written at Rio Vista Lodge, Ingram, Texas, where she and John Henry were spending a week of his vacation. – They went out the 10th of this month. Am glad they ran away for a week. – I sent her a note this P.M. asking that she send my cot at her convenience. It would be useful here and is of no use there. – Mr. Fraser went down to the City Park tonight to hear a young Catholic lecture and answer questions asked by any one. – Comfortably cool as we go to bed.

Tuesday, July 19
Beautiful day all day. – Mr. Fraser did not sleep last night. Too much lecture I suppose. So he rested this forenoon. – I finished the ironing (mine) this morning. We iron in the basement now. – Expected a deposit slip from the bank for the Claybourn payment, but it did not come. – Mr. Bailey called on Mr. Fraser this forenoon. Mrs. Bailey came home from a trip today. – We sat on the north porch and watched the cars pass until the mosquitoes drove us in. Then we soon decided to go to bed. The day is quite long enough from 6 A. M. until 9 P.M. for me.

Wednesday, July 20
Grand nights to sleep. Pull the sheet up during the night. – Went to the neighborhood store this morning for a package of Ivory Flakes. Nice little store. – We did not do much work this forenoon. – After lunch, Mr. Fraser drove us down town. We did a little shopping. Ate some ice cream and went to the Woman’s Union Meeting at the Baptist  church. It was a children’s program mostly. Saw Mrs. Foote and many others that I know. – We stopped to visit Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John on our way home. This has been a nice cool day.

Thursday, July 21
A beautiful day, but the sun was hot. – This forenoon I went down to tell Mrs. Leeper that I would not attend the Social Meeting of the G. A. R. on the north side tomorrow afternoon. Would wait until I had attended another business meeting. – When I started home, I walked quite a distance east from her home and then came south and finally west to 703 So. Cedar. Enjoyed the walk immensely. – Did mending and rested this P.M. – One is glad to go to bed early. – Mr. Fraser has gone to the Park to hear the Catholic students explain their religious belief. - Marguerite sent me Mrs. Bell’s address. Sent a birthday card to Mr. Hall and a joke to Mrs. Pierce. – Dep. Slip came today. Had been to Blessing first. Bank statement came also.

Friday, July 2
Beautiful day. Good breeze, but very hot sun. – We did some Friday house cleaning this forenoon. – This afternoon we rested until three o’clock then made sandwiches to take to the Picnic. – We left here about 4 o’clock and drove over to Forest Park where the two Baptist churches had a picnic. The young people (there were very few there) enjoyed the swimming pool. The older people visited until about 6 o’clock when the tables were spread and a very bountiful and attractive dinner was enjoyed by all. The attendance from the 1st church was small.

Saturday, July 23
All sunshine. A hot sun, but some breeze all day. – Felt real tired this forenoon from the picnic I suppose, tho all we did was sit. – We did the dusting and mopping this forenoon. – I rested most of the afternoon. Find I am getting to like it these long warm days. – Mr. Fraser’s ably written defense of Gerald B. Winrod appeared in the local paper this afternoon. – We may drive out in the country to attend preaching services tomorrow forenoon.

Sunday, July 24 – Mr. Hall’s Birthday – 1863 – 75 yrs.
After a hot bath last night and a cool night’s sleep, we awoke to a fresh, cool, bright morning. – At 9:30 A. M. we drove out to Tauy Church, a few miles east and north of Ottawa. Bro. Fraser taught the Bible class in S. S. There was quite a bunch there. The minister and his wife came later from Kansas City and she presided at the piano for preaching services. He read the 51st Psalm and preached from the first three verses. – Then we came home. Failed to receive an invitation to dinner in the country, tho I had my mouth all set for fried chicken. I enjoyed the trip. The country is all rolling. Some fine barns and good looking milk cows. – Going to bed after hearing Sue Capper speak. I am in disgrace.

Monday, July 25
Beautiful wash day. – Then I rested most of the day. Was so sleepy. Dropped down on my bed and went to sleep. – Mrs. Fraser called me for lunch and I thought it was morning. – Have felt quite stupid (normal) all day. Am so conscious of my shortcomings. Perhaps am stunned into unusual dumbness. – This evening Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came to take us for a drive, but we had made plans for something else. Went over to Mr. Rector’s. She gave Mrs. Fraser some plants of different kinds. – The primary in Texas was a landslide against Roosevelt. Governor elected by primary vote.

Tuesday, July 26
Beautiful day. Hot sun, but a good breeze. We did the ironing this forenoon. Cool in the basement and not much ironing. – There was a collision of cars this noon at the corner just east of here. No lives lost, but cars damaged. – All vegetation is asking for rain, tho most of the lawns are green yet. The gardens seem to be drying up and Mrs. Fraser waters her flowers every night. – There have been several people here today electioneering for themselves or others and some came for information on Rev. Winrod. – Not hot tonight as I go to bed.  – No mail any more. Should answer my letters.

Wednesday, July 27
A grand gentle rain fell here this morning about 6 o’clock and showers fell at intervals all day. All vegetation seems grateful. – I have been working on a dresser cover today. Ripped up a short skirt or pettacoat, she called it (mother) and am using it and the lace it was trimmed with. Also some very small rickrack braid which was in her sewing basket to make it. – No mail came for me today. Am anxious to hear that Mrs. Pierce has started the cot on its journey to Kansas. – Going to bed a little tired, not raining now, but some cloudy.

Thursday, July 28 – Miss St. John’s Birthday
A beautiful forenoon. Not all sunshine. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended Miss Keen’s funeral service at the Lamb parlors this forenoon. – This afternoon we seemed to be keeping open house. The callers were Mrs. Foote, Miss Kittredge, Mrs. Hetrick, Miss St. John and Mrs. Reed. – We enjoyed them all greatly. Miss Kittredge seems to be failing a good deal. We are all growing old, but not all doing it so gracefully as she is. – This will be a good night for sleeping. Cool.

Friday, July 29
Letter from Mrs. Farwell. She is safe and happy in N. Y. or L. I. with her son, granddaughter and great granddaughter. – This has been a fine day. Hot sun at noon, but a breeze all day. – This is much excitement over the election this year. The political atmosphere is truly charged heavily waiting for a spark to set it off. – Am thankful I am nearing the end of my journey rather than at the beginning of it. – One of the aspirants for the Governorship of Kansas spoke in the park tonight.

Saturday, July 30
Renewed my sub. to the Fundamentalist. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Smith this forenoon containing  a check from the North American Co. for $6.00. Not much, but small favors are thankfully received from them. Enjoyed Mrs. Smith’s letter very much. As usual, she is in hard luck. Colorado River on a rampage so “Nellie” has to go to home to see about her home. – Went to town this forenoon. Cashed a check of my own and deposited my N. A. check. – Have finished my dresser scarf and did some bleaching on it this P. M. Find I cannot do very nice needle work any more. – Went up to the little neighborhood store this P. M. Purchased a bar of Ivory Soap and a pound of grapes.

Sunday, July 31
A beautiful morning. Sunshine all day and a little breeze. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to Quenemo this forenoon for S. S. and then he preached to them. – I went to S. S. and church here. There were 17 in our class. – We supposed someone in Quenemo would be host to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser for the noon meal, but they drove in just as I sat down to my salad. So they ate at home. – Tonight Mrs. Fraser and I attended union services in the M. E. church. A small congregation listened to a long discourse on “Testing the Spirits” (not alcoholic, however) – This will be a cool night to sleep.


Monday, August 1 – Mrs. Mobley’s Birthday
A splendid wash day. Hot sun and a little breeze. – Was glad to receive my Central Power and Light dividend this morning. It will just pay my organ pledge and my G. A. R. dues for this year. – This afternoon Mrs. Fraser went to a birthday party. - I went to town and took a long walk on the way home. Bought some material to make a coat hanger bag for Miss St. John. A belated birthday gift. Also enough to make one for Mrs. Foote, who’s birthday is the 5th of this month. – The excitement over election seems to be increasing as the Zero Hour tomorrow approaches. – Quite warm as I retire at 8:30 (with the chickens.)

Tuesday, August 2 – Primary Election
Bro. Fraser was the first to cast his vote at the polls this morning. Mr. F. was a close second. They were immediately followed by other anxious voters. – The radio report as we go to bed is only partial, but the lines will be busy all night as usual. – This has been a hot day in the sun. Men pass here who evidently have work in the open as they are tanned brown as Mexicans. – Today I made three coat hanger bags. Two of mine and one for Mrs. Fraser. – Did some remodeling on a shirt, by converting it into a jacket. – Going to bed tired and hoping for favorable election returns in the morning.

Wednesday, August 3
Winter cool delivered this A. M. Scorching hot sun, but a fine breeze. This summer so far has been very like the summer out at White Bear Lake, Minnesota. – I finished ripping up and washing the pieces of another white petticoat (many years old) and hope to make another dresser scarf out of it. – Rec’d a card of thanks from Dr. Elliot for my contribution to the organ fund. The organ is being repaired now. – Mrs. Fraser attended a meeting of the White Cross workers this afternoon at the church. They made bandages, etc. – Took a coat hanger bag to Mrs. St. John and Mrs. Hetrick this forenoon. Birthday for Miss St. J.

Thursday, August 4
A good breeze came up last night as sleeping was most comfortable and the breeze has kept up all day. Hot sun, tho. – Swept and dusted some. Mrs. Fraser finished her tomato butter, 2 quarts and gave Miss Kittredge a small jar of it, also. – I worked some on my dresser scarf. – Mrs. Fraser almost finished the birthday apron for Miss St. John. – Since supper we drove out to the Blattler home. They had just finished milking and were separating the milk when we arrived. Have been adding to and redecorating their home. They have a nice country home for two people. – Washed my hair this P.M.

Friday, August 5 – Mrs. Foote’s Birthday
Took Mrs. Foote the old “Grape” plate for a birthday gift. – This has been a hot day, tho a breeze has been blowing. – Felt quite bum when I awoke this morning. The heat gets me whether in Texas or Kansas. I feel so utterly exhausted al of the time. – Mrs. Fraser finished the little birthday apron and this evening took it to Miss St. John. – I went up to Mrs. Smith’s and practiced a couple of hymns that she is to sing Sunday A. M. out at Quenemo for Mrs. Fraser. – My poor stiff fingers are to attempt to play her accompaniment.

Saturday, August 6
Awoke to hear a northeast wind blowing thru the trees and clouds came up out of the north and east, but no hoped for rain came to us today. – We did some house cleaning. I washed my floor. The road dust that blows in from the pavement is almost as fine as flour and is black. No way to get it up except with water. – The Beacon came today. – This afternoon I went up to Mrs. Smith’s and practiced the two songs she is to sing tomorrow. – After supper I went down to Mrs. Hetrick’s and left my “organ fund” contribution for her to put in the plate tomorrow. – Trust the wind may blow some tomorrow.

Sunday, August 7
This has been the prize hot day of the year so far. – Very warm this morning. No breeze. The only comfortable place was in a bath tub. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Smith and myself drove to Quenemo, leaving here at nine o’clock. We were there (15 miles out west on street) in time for S. S. – Then Bro. Fraser preached a good sermon and Mrs. Smith sang two beautiful solos. – We arrived at home at 1 o’clock. – The two assembly girls who were to spend the night here came about 3:30 P.M. from Arkansas City, but later decided to sleep at the dormitory.

Monday, August 8
Grand wash day. All finished by 10:30. – Rec’d a postal card from Mrs. Bell in Miami, Florida. Poor, lonely soul. Her family all gone. Daughter first and then Mr. Bell. Time eventually heals many of our sorrows. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser had a couple of women callers from Arkansas City this P.M. They had brought their sons up to attend the Assembly now in session at the University grounds. – The day has been pretty hot, tho a breeze has been blowing about all day. – Tonight promises to be a hot one until after midnight. Then the air seems to cool. Not much dew falls during the night.

Tuesday, August 9
A hot day. – Did my ironing this morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended a lecture on Revelation given at the University each forenoon during the Assembly. – There seems to be a couple of hundred young people here. – Tonight we went up to vesper services. A sweet service. Most everyone sat on the ground on a rug of some kind. A little incline on the campus makes a good amphitheater.

Wednesday, August 10
Again, hot in spite of quite a breeze all day. With it might rain. The country needs it to finish out the corn crop. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended the Revelation lecture this forenoon. – I went down to Mrs. Leeper’s to be sure about the G. A. R meeting date. – Then went on to the P.O. to mail a long letter which I wrote to Mrs. Smith this morning. - Finished another dresser scarf this afternoon. Made from an old petticoat. – Mr. Fraser went to the vesper service tonight. – Mrs. F. and I were too tuckered out to go any place except to bed. – Cooler weather tomorrow.

Thursday, August 11
A fine cool morning. North breeze. Seems to give one a new lease on life. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went up to the University this forenoon to hear the lecture. – I wrote quite a long letter to Mrs. Hall and received one from Mrs. Strickland. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Massenburg this afternoon. – Have a good many unanswered letters which will receive attention right away if the cool spell lasts. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have gone to the University tonight to vesper services. – They are evidently visiting some place as they have not yet returned as I go to bed.

Friday, August 12
Grand night to sleep. I was glad to pull the sheet over me during the night. This morning was perfect. More like September, but by noon the sun was hot. – We all went to the University this A. M. to hear the lecture on Revelation. A fine discourse. Mr. Fraser spoke to the class. – Mr. Fraser had the dead branches cut out of his trees today. – The American and Companion came this forenoon. – At 1:45 P.M. I went down to Mrs. Leeper’s home and from there we went to the 3rd floor of the courthouse where the Ladies of the G. A. R. met in Memorial Hall for their regular business meeting. – Not many were present, but it was my first business meeting and I enjoyed it. – Paid my dues for a year.

Saturday, August 13
After a good nights sleep, I awoke feeling very miserable this morning. So tired and stupid. – Mr. Fraser was sick during the night. Perhaps from cantaloupe. – He and Mrs. Fraser went up to the University and he was delivering his lecture when he became sick. Things went black before his eyes. – They brought him home. A Dr. met them and came with them. He said his blood pressure was a cause again and brought med. Said for him to be quiet. – The medicine perhaps had a sedative in it as he slept all afternoon. – Sat up a few minutes just before going to bed. – Good breeze tonight.

Sunday, August 14
Mr. Fraser did not rest very well last night and he was nauseated this morning. Ate some breakfast, tho. – I went to church and S. S.  The S. S. hour was taken by Mrs. ___ who had seven young people give a program on “Is Jesus Essential in Our Lives?” Then Dr. Dana, who has been expounding Revelation, preached a good sermon. Mrs. Blattler brought me home. A bouquet was sent to Bro. Fraser by the pulpit committee. – Rested all afternoon. - Mr. Fraser had many callers, but seems to be improving on it. – Tonight I went to the park and heard Dr. Ackley speak on missionary work in the Philippines. He is a returned missionary and teaches a class in the Assembly. – His talk was interesting. – Two Holman girls are sleeping here tonight.

Monday, August 15
A most welcome rain began falling here about two o’clock this morning and has continued intermittently all day. – The sun bursting thru the clouds once only. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove down town since lunch to do marketing. – The cool weather seems to have helped him greatly. – We did not wash today. – The Beacon came this forenoon. – Rev. Bailey called while Mr. F. was in town. – Wrote to Amy this P.M. – Letter writing seems to be a hard job for me and the longer I put it off the harder it becomes. – We are going to bed ahead of the chickens tonight. All are tired from doing nothing.

Tuesday, August 16
An inch of rain fell during the night. All vegetation looks grateful for the drink and bath. – We washed this forenoon and the clothes dried beautifully. A blistering hot sun shone on them part of the time. This has been a beautiful day. Cool breeze. – I rested a couple of hours this afternoon. Then Mrs. Fraser and I went to see Mrs. Smith (the songbird). Mrs. Fraser took a little night gown for the expected guest. – Mr. and Mrs. Dunn came tonight, calling. He brought some rock, etc. specimens, recently received, to show us. – Going to bed later tonight. 9:15 P.M.

Wednesday, August 17
After a grand sleeping night, we awoke to a cool, clear morning. – Did the ironing this forenoon. – Rec’d a letter from Marguerite and wrote to Mrs. Pierce this P.M. – This afternoon I did some mending and read my magazines lying on the bed. – I seem to loaf quite easily sometimes. – Mr. Fraser hoed some this morning while it was cool and this afternoon he entertained Mr. McD. Thompson who borrowed the American. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Dunn took us to see Mrs. Bucklin on Oak St. who has a house full of novelties, antiques, etc. An interesting woman and her interesting home.

Thursday, August 18
Grand morning. – Wrote to Minnie Crum and did a little darning. – This afternoon I rested until 2 o’clock then went to town. – Bought some paper, envelopes and some half soles for my shoes. – When I returned, Mrs. Fraser and I went to call on Mrs. Keen, but she was not at home. – Stopped at the Rose home a moment. Called on a cousin of Mrs. Fraser’s who was not at home. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John picked us up and brought us home where we found three ladies from Arkansas City. Mrs. Reynolds, Brown and Abelson. They are spending the night here. Came up for their sons who have been attending the Assembly.

Friday, August 19
Mrs. Reynolds slept with me last night. We all awoke to a cool lovely morning. A good breeze from the south. – After breakfast, Mrs. Brown and Abelson went up to the University, but Mrs. R. stayed here and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser until after lunch. – Then she went to the University about 2:30. They all came by to get their community suitcase and were on their way home taking their three big sons along. – I have felt very miserable all day. So week and “dopey.” – Quite a strong wind has blown all day, but not a hot wind. – Mr. Fraser has gone up to visit Mr. Bailey. – Mrs. F. and I are tired so we are going to bed.

Saturday, August 20
After a fine nights rest in a cool room on a soft bed I awoke feeling quite bum and did not feel any better until after lunch. – The hot weather has taken my “pep,” but fall is on the way. I am now tipping the scales at 95 lbs. – No mail today. None until Mon. – Mr. Rector fixed the leak in the kitchen room this forenoon. Had to have new ridge pole. – There is always some repair work waiting to be done. – Mrs. Dunn called this afternoon. Made a long visit. – She promised to “bring her little colored girl to sing for us some time.” Rain clouds are in the sky as we go to bed.

Sunday, August 21
Much threatening in the sky last night, but  no rain. – Mr. Fraser drove to Quenemo to preach this forenoon. Taught the Bible class, also. – Mr. Claxton went with him and did the driving. He was home at 12:30. – Mrs. Fraser and I attended S. S. Mrs. Foote supplied for Miss St. John (who had company). Then we listened to a good sermon by Mr. Hastie of the M. E. who supplied for Mr. Elliott who is preaching in St. Paul today. (on his vacation). – Tonight we went to the park. Heard the CCC chorus directed by Mr. Hastie sing several numbers. Then Miss Nadine Bowlby gave a dramatic reading “The Last Word: by Henry Van Dyke. A large audience was present.

Monday, August 22
A grand wash day.  – Letters from Mrs. Tandy and Mrs. Massenbug. Also a card from the Haywoods. Mrs. Massenburg wrote a saucy reminiscent letter of years of long ago. Lucy still resting. – Have been lazy this afternoon. Rather done up from the heat, I guess. – Am making over some night gowns. Perhaps wasting my time, but they should be worn out rather than be allowed to rot out. – We are going to bed a little in advance of the chickens tonight. – Many cars passing this corner all of the time. Goodnight today.

Tuesday, August 23
A perfect day. Hot sun, but delightful, never the less. – We did the ironing this forenoon and house work. Not much house work to do. – After dinner I took a letter to the P. O. One I had written to the bank in Bay City making inquiry about my deposit slip being so delayed. – Then I walked out in West Ottawa across the R. R. track. Many pretty houses and so many very large houses, beautiful lawns and trees. Not many flowers. The alleys are paved and look almost as well as the streets. Saw Mrs. Morgan the G. A. R. Commander. Did not know I was passing her home. – Pleasant night to sleep.

Wednesday, August 24
A hot day. What little air there has been came from the north. Depressing heat like South Texas. – Have felt quite miserable all day, but finished my made over night gowns. – Mrs. Fisher, the neighbor on the north, mowed and raked her lawn today. – Mr. Rector mowed the Fraser lawn today. I would love to trim it up and cut the grass away from the walks, but I feel too weak to do it now.- Rain is quite badly needed and this north wind is so drying. – I walked a couple of blocks a short while before bed time. – Feel so extra stupid today.

Thursday, August 25
The night was not hot to sleep. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this forenoon. Mrs. Fraser to see the Dr. about the condition of her mouth. He gave her some medicine and will give her a diet later. I rode down with them. – Sent a birthday letter to Mrs. Pierce and called on Mrs. Leeper to say I thought best not to attend the G. A. R. social meeting tomorrow. – The wind has been from the south today. A great relief. – Did a little ripping and planning today to make a short, long sleeved jacket to wear with short sleeved dresses this fall. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have gone to the church to see slides and hear Miss Horn speak on Mather School, So. Carolina.

Friday, August 20
A fine cool morning after a good night to sleep. – We drove out to the Blattler home at 1130 and there met Rev. and Mrs. Haggard. Mrs. H. and Mrs. Blattler are sisters. – Soon we sat down to a fine chicken dinner, all the fixings to go with chicken, iced tea, grape jelly and a fruit gelatin. Everything so well prepared. – Mr. Blattler has had a second operation and is feeling quite down, so Mrs. B. came in with us and will take the 4:30 bus to K. C. to spend a few hours with him. Her sister and husband will keep the home fires burning while she is away. – Did not attend the G. A. R. meeting . A social affair. Mrs. Lambden. - Mrs. Hetrick, Miss St. John and Mrs. James took me for a drive this evening. They went to the cemetery to water the flowers.

Saturday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s Birthday – 53
Awoke to a real fall feeling morning. The sun at noon was hot, but on the whole the day was grand. – The Beacon came. Very welcome to me. – Did general house cleaning this forenoon. – Sweeping and dusting. – Have been tired all day, tho. Don’t think visiting and feasting agrees with me so well. – Mrs. Blattler might come home this P.M. by bus, then Mr. Fraser was to drive her out home, but she did not come. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser did some raking in the garden since supper. Getting the ground ready for rain which we home will soon come. – Real cool as we go to bed, but no rain clouds visible.

Sunday, August 28
Fine cool morning. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. Miss St. John taught us, but she has hay fever and was uncomfortable. – A good many of the class were absent. $1.00 was voted by the class to apply on a “Shower” for Mrs. Smith who is expecting the Stork. – Mrs. Blattler came in on the bus in time for S. S. He is not so well as she had hoped to find him. – We listened to a sermon by Rev. Arthur Ryman, who was at one time a student in the O. U. – Mr. Fraser came to church. – Rested this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have gone to the auditorium to listen to a Jew, Catholic and Protestant speak. – I think it will be a “joke” only. – Am going to bed.

Monday, August 29
Cloudy when we awoke, but no rain. – Washed and the clothes had a beautiful day to dry in. – The leaves are beginning to fall from the trees. Maybe it is on account of the weather. I shall be sorry to see Fall approaching, because winter will soon be here, also. – Received a letter from Mrs. Richards. She has much grief caused by her family. – Palacios had a cyclonic gale a few days ago which did a great deal of damage to Allen’s Tourist Camp and entirely demolished Silver Court across the street.

Tuesday, August 30
Did our ironing this forenoon. Not much of a job. – Have not accomplished anything else except to write to Mrs. Richards. Did not get her letter off today. – Have felt quite bum warm weather and bilious to boot. – We are much in need of rain. – The county fair opened today in Forrest Park so that may bring showers. – Gardens are drying up, but the corn crop is made. – Going to bed with the chickens. Taking Black Draught, maybe.

Wednesday, August 31
A day at the fair. – Did not take the Black Draught last night. – We went to the fair. No admission. Saw the fine calves judged. They were beauties. Black Polled Angus and Herefords. The Shorthorns were judged before we arrived, but we saw them in the shed. A fine exhibit of poultry. Many hot dog stands. We ate lunch in the car. Mr. Fraser treated us to Orangeade and ice cream cones. Then Mrs. R. and I went to see the 4-H exhibit. Fairly good. The corn exhibit was fine. Then we listened to a Republican speech at the band shell and a concert by the high school band which was good. Then we came home tired. – Goodnight August.


Thursday, September 1
Rec’d letter from Mr. McDonald saying the Claybourn deposit was made Aug. 20, 1938. Don’t know why the deposit slip is not here. – This has been a grand day. Much cooler. – Wrote a volume to Mrs. Farwell today. Took it to the mail box this P.M. so it would be sure to leave Ottawa today. -  Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove to town this forenoon. – Since dinner I have been ripping the short sleeves out of one sweater to knit cuffs on another sweater. Time will soon be here, I think. – Mr. Fraser went to the park this afternoon to hear the Governor speak. The fair closes today. The Ottawa Herald gives it a big puff. – Have taken Black Draught.

Friday, September 2
Was awakened after midnight by rain falling. A most welcome sound. Got up and closed the unprotected windows and was again asleep until morning. Medicine made me some sick. – It has been misty all day and rained a little. Am glad the weather was fine for the fair. The paper reports a record crowd in attendance. – Have been knitting on the cuffs of the black sweater this afternoon. - Did house work this forenoon. – No mail came for me today and I did not write any letters. – Real cool tonight. Some of the windows are closed.

Saturday, September 3
Rainy last night. A gentle rain. The sun came out this forenoon and the day has been ideal. – We did the necessary house work etc. this forenoon. – After dinner I rested a short time and then went down town to buy some Ivory Soap at a bargain. Made my purchase and then went walking in the west part of town. Saw many vines of clematis in bloom, a dainty white blossom, and many pretty homes. Some old timey ones. Dormer windows, gingerbread work, decks, etc.  I enjoy walking slowly and staring at them. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John called this evening.

Sunday, September 4
A beautiful day. – After a grand night to sleep, we awoke to an ideal day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and Mr. Manewal (a son of the minister) drove to Quenemo this forenoon to attend S. S., after which Mr. Fraser preached to the congregation. – I went to S. S. Took up the collection for Mrs. Fraser and listened to a good sermon by Dr. Martin of the O. U. – Many of the students and teachers were out this forenoon, tho the University does not open until next week. – Tonight closes the Union Meetings for the summer. We are not attending. Real tired all of us. – Going to bed early. The days are much shorter now.

Monday, September 5 – Labor Day
Rain early this morning. Which no doubt dampened the spirits of many an individual who had planned a grand frolic this holiday, but the sun came out in all of its glory by 9 o’clock, so many must have had a joyful day, finally. We did not wash, for which I am sorry. – I finished repairing my sweater today. Now I have a black sleeveless one, also. – Mrs. Fraser called on a friend this afternoon whose husband has recently died. Then after an early supper, we drove out to inquire for Mr. Blattler. He is doing well, but has not yet been discharged from the hospital. – Mr. and Mrs. Haggard have gone home, but a neighbor spends the night with Mrs. Blattler.

Tuesday, September 6
A perfect day. We washed and the clothes had a grand bleaching. – Rec’d a cared from Mrs. Borden, who is in Sewanee, Tennessee, a guest of her sister, Nellie Hough until the last week in Sept. She certainly has a fine time thanks to Miss Nellie. – Also a letter from Sunset Home. There may be a vacancy this fall. I answered the letter and took it to the P.O. this afternoon. – Drank a glass of orange juice while I was down town. – A shower was held at Mrs. Owens’ this afternoon for Mrs. Smith (Stork). We did not attend. Our class contributed. – This has been such a beautiful day, tho the sun was hot at noon. – The nights are perfect for sleeping.

Wednesday, September 7
We did the ironing this forenoon. Not much to iron. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bailey drove to the country this forenoon in the interest of neglected and negligent churches. They returned at 12 o’clock. – Felt very bum all forenoon, but after drinking a cup of coffee and eating dinner, I “came to” and sewed all afternoon. Making a bolero coat out of a black waist. – Took a bath and put on fresh clothes before supper so am clean tonight. – Mr. Fraser has gone out to Mr. Manewal’s revival meeting tonight. He went with a young Mr. Manewal. – We are going to bed. Mrs. F. is sleeping upstairs tonight.

Thursday, September 8 – The Haywood’s Birthday, but I didn’t remember it this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to town this morning and brought home some medicine for her neuritis. – She brought a waist pattern, also, and I cut out and basted the waist this afternoon. – The weather has been quite debilitating for several days. – I feel so tired and weak all of the time. Am not gaining much weight, either, and 94 now. – We sat indoors tonight. – Mr. Fraser had been up to see Mr. Bailey. – Mr. Bayles called on him this P.M. The old retired ministers are like the old G. A. R. veterans were. They love to recount old times.

Friday, September 9 – G. A. R. Circle
Sent “Kansas Jew Conscious” to Mr. Hall this A. M. – Don’t think this has been such a hot day as some during the past week. More breeze. I have felt quite miserable all day. Think it must be the heat. – Mrs. Fraser took a birthday gift to Mrs. Dunn this afternoon. The birthday being tomorrow. – Have not sewed a stitch today on Mrs. Fraser’s blouse. – The Ladies Home Journal came this morning, but no letters for me. – Perhaps I had better answer some that are waiting on my desk. – Did not attend the G. A. R. Circle this afternoon.

Saturday, September 10
Last night was splendid for sleeping. Am so thankful for the complete oblivion sleep affords. – This was a sultry depressing morning. A few clouds in the sky and a hot sun. – We did the necessary Saturday forenoon work. – Rested awhile after dinner, then I sewed some on Mrs. Fraser’s waist. – The wind came up from the southeast for a while this afternoon and was most refreshing, but as we go to bed it seems to have gone down. However, it will be cool enough to sleep well. – No mail today for me. I miss the Beacon when it fails to come.

Sunday, September 11
A most beautiful day. Good breeze, but hot sun at noon. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to Tauy this forenoon. Had two punctures on the way out. A young man picked them up and took them to the church. Then someone brought them home. – I went to S. S. and church. Had a good lesson and 10 members present. Sat in church with Mrs. Reed. Mrs. McClelland brought us both home. Dr. Ackley preached this morning and tonight. Dr. Elliott preaching in Wichita today. – We attended preaching tonight. The parlor of the church was well filled and the young minister spoke on “How to Deal With Fear.” The male quartet sang.

Monday, September 12
A beautiful rain began falling about seven o’clock this morning and has continued showering all day. – Did not wash, but have been working on the blouse. – The Beacon came. Much news that I was glad to read and much that I did not know about. – All vegetation is very lovely now. So clean and fresh from the gentle showers. – Mr. Fraser’s turnips are growing by leaps and bounds. The lawn is looking shaggy again, but suppose Mr. Rector will mow it soon. Mr. “Uncle Henry” sowed grass seed  on his lawn this afternoon. – Sent a letter of inquiry to Mr. McDonald today.

Tuesday, September 13
Rainy morning, so did not wash. Cloudy most of the day and a real trash moving rain fell this forenoon, but the water runs away almost as fast as it falls. – Mr. Rector worked on the lawn until the downpour stopped him. – Miss St. John came this afternoon to get from Mr. Fraser a list of the Co-Workers S. S. Class. – Have been working on Mrs. Fraser’s blouse some this afternoon. Feel very miserable forenoons. – Mr. Fraser received word from his nephew that he could take them to Texas next month. The 15th being set as the time to leave here.

Wednesday, September 14
Awoke to feel a norther coming in at the north window. Cloudy most of the day, but no rain. Real cold, tho, however, we have not had a fire, but he doors and windows have been closed. – School children were wearing sweaters and coats to school. – Received a letter and some literature from the Haywoods today. They are busy, but not preaching. Mrs. Haywood is not well. Under two Drs. care. – I took Mrs. Dunn’s book home this afternoon before supper and she gave me some more to read. – The American and Companion came today. – We sat inside tonight and had a little fire in the stove.

Thursday, September 15
A cool beautiful fall day. The doors and windows were closed most of the day and tonight Mr. Fraser lit the gas stove for an hour after supper. We listened to Gerald B. Winrod speak tonight. – This forenoon Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to town. She bought new curtains for my room and we hung them after dinner. – Then I went to town and brought up some curtains for her windows. So we each have fresh curtains. – Received a letter from Marguerite today. Mrs. Bell is going back to Anniston soon.

Friday, September 16
The afflicted old gentleman who lived two doors east of us died this forenoon. – This has been a lovely fall day. Cool enough to keep the house closed, but no fire during the day. – I finished a very short coat or bolero to wear with short sleeved dresses this afternoon. Made it out of an old black silk waist. – The mail this afternoon brought a letter from Mrs. Pierce, also the bill of lading for my cot, etc. which she has been trying to ship for some time. – Hope it will arrive early next week. – Mrs. Dunn called today. She wants me to knit a pair of white sleeves for a sweater for her. Perhaps I can do it.

Saturday, September 17
A grand forenoon and up until 2:30 P.M. Then a black cloud came over and a little rain fell. We did the washing this forenoon because Mr. and Mrs. Fraser expect to attend the old gentleman’s funeral Mon. A. M. – The Beacon came today. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this P. M. She bought some ruching for her new blouse. – I went for a walk after they came home. A shower drove me home, but I went again later. Took a long walk and got caught in a shower a block from home. Did not get wet. – We sat by a fire tonight. Starlight now. Looks frosty.

Sunday, September 18
Real cold. I dressed for church beside a fire in my stove. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Claxton drove to Quenemo where Mr. F. preached this forenoon – Mrs. F. and I attended S. S. and church. Listened to a sermon by the pastor, who has just returned from his vacation. – There were many O. U. students present. – We rode to church and home again with the Blattlers. – Had dinner ready when Mr. F. returned and were all hungry. – Mr. and Mrs. Dunn called this afternoon. – To night we went to church. The pastor preached a good sermon and a student sang for us. – Real cold as we go to bed. – Much anxiety felt for war or peace in Europe.

Monday, September 19
Cold this morning, but sunshine. No washing, but we ironed the Sat. wash. – This afternoon I went to town. Cashed a check and sent Mr. Pierce the money for my crate lumber and the making and delivering the crate to the depot. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended Mr. Benedict’s funeral. Mr. Fraser and Dr. Elliott speaking. Mr. Fraser went with them to the cemetery and closed the service. – Mrs. Dunn brought some yarn for me to knit sleeves for her sweater this P. M. I will take a lesson on them from Miss Carr who has a shop. – Real cold tonight. Feels like front in the air.

Tuesday, September 20
Lovely day. Warmer. – This afternoon I took the yarn down to Miss Carr and began knitting Mrs. Dunn’s sleeves.  Miss Carr’s shop is anything, but attractive, and her stock is low, but she seems to fully understand her business. – Stopped on the way home to see Mrs. Dunn about the work and stopped on the way down to inquire of Mrs. Leeper where Miss Carr was located. – Mrs. Fraser had her feet worked on this P. M. They are less painful now. – Rec’d duplicate dep. Slip for Aug. deposit.

Wednesday, September 21
Beautiful day. – Washed the two patchwork blankets mother made many years ago. I had them to line the barrel I shipped my dishes and silver in. Am so glad I have them here. – This afternoon I went to Miss Carr’s to take another lesson on Mrs. Dunn’s sleeve. Am getting along well, I think. – The day has been too grand to stay indoors, tho. Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bayles spent the day in the Quenemo territory today. – Mrs. Fraser worked on her sash curtains. – We are going to bed tired. – The deposit slip for Sept. came this P. M.  – Letter from Mrs. Richards this A. M.

Thursday, September 22
A perfect day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser attended the Baptist Convention today held in the 1st Church here. – I did not attend until tonight. – Went up to the little store this forenoon and made a few purchases. Ate lunch alone. The house was quiet. – This afternoon I knitted on Mrs. Dunn’s sleeve. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to church tonight. – A couple of guests came home with us to spend the night.  Mrs. Collins and Miss _____. – Wrote a short letter to Mrs. Richards this A. M.

Friday, September 23 – G. A. R.
The cot came this morning. $3.49. The truck brought it up. Mrs. Fraser and I unpacked it and set it up in Mr. Fraser’s room. – It looks very pretty and will be comfortable for Mrs. Fraser to sleep on. – Mr. Fraser attended the Convention today coming home for lunch. – Mrs. Fraser was too tired to attend today. – The guests said they rested well last night. – I went to the G. A. R. Circle meeting this afternoon. A good attendance was out. Much business was discussed . – Then I took my watch to a jewelers to have the set screw fixed, but had to leave it as the workman is out of town.

Saturday, September 24
A perfect day. – No mail. – Miss the Beacon dreadfully when it fails to arrive on Saturday. – We did the usual stunts for Saturday forenoon. – This afternoon I sent a note to Mrs. Pierce telling her of the arrival of the cot. – Spent from 2:30 until 4:30 at Miss Carr’s shop knitting on Mrs. Dunn’s sleeves. We fear they may be too large. – Tonight we took hot baths In the bath tub. A much appreciated treat occasionally. – Am going to read awhile after I got to bed. Am tired.

Sunday, September 25 – Mrs. Farwell’s Birthday – Miss Kittredge
One more perfect day. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bailey drove to Quenemo where Mr. Fraser preached this forenoon. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. and preaching here. Were picked up on the way by Mr. and Mrs. Blattler and brought home by them, also. We had a large attendance in class and a fairly good-sized congregation to hear Dr. Elliott preach.  – We rested and read all afternoon. Too tired to attend preaching tonight. – I did not write any letters today as I should have done. – Did not send Mrs. Farwell a gift.

Monday, September 26
Another perfect day. Sun hot at noon. – We washed a two weeks washing this forenoon. The clothes dried and bleached in the hot sun. I had mother’s two initial sheets in the washing. Had been using them on my bed as they had been packed away for 10 years. – Have my grandmother’s sheet on my bed now. – Have been knitting on the second sleeve for Mrs. Dunn this P. M. and night. – Hitler seems to think he must have a war. He claims to have spoken his ultimatum this afternoon. – The Beacon came today.

Tuesday, September 27
A perfect day. – I finished the sleeves for Mrs. Dunn today, but did not take them to her as Mrs. Fraser and I went down town this afternoon. She bought a hat and some twin bed counterpanes. I bought some relishes and a jar of grape jelly for the pot luck dinner tomorrow. Also some bread for sandwiches. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bayles spent the day in the country investigating rundown churches. – The papers are full of war talk. I trust Hitler will not force it upon the world, for I am afraid the U. S. may become involved, too.

Wednesday, September 28
A perfect day. – This forenoon I went to see if Mrs. Morgan would go with us to the potluck dinner at Mrs. Stannard’s. She could not go this time. Bro. Fraser drove Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. Easley and myself to Mrs. Stannard’s home at 11 o’clock this forenoon where we met the balance of the Co-Workers Class for potluck dinner. Our beloved teacher Mrs. St. John could not be present on acct. of severe cold. I think there were 18 members and two visitors present. After dinner we had a good program and reports. Also a fine talk by Mrs. Stannard. We all greatly enjoyed the meeting and our hearty thanks are due Mrs. Stannard for her hospitality. – Letter from Mrs. Bell.

Thursday, September 29
The grand days continue. – Took Mrs. Dunn’s sleeves to her this forenoon. She will bring me some more yarn tonight to make the collar. – She gave me two white geranium cuttings for Mrs. Fraser. – This afternoon I sent my watch and a letter to Mr. Tetts. I hope he can repair it. – Stopped to see Miss St. John, but they were away, so I suppose she is much better. – Mrs. Dunn brought the yarn. I wound half of it and hope to begin work on the collar tomorrow. – From the radio report tonight, the war clouds in Europe are dissolving without blood shed.

Friday, September 30
A real summer day. – This forenoon I took Mrs. Dunn’s yarn to Miss Carr who set up the collar for me. – Called to inquire for “teacher’s” health and I went down. She is better, but still has cold. – I finished the collar and took it to Mrs. Dunn before “supper time.” She may want the sleeves a little longer and may want some pockets made, too. – No mail came today. – The world in general seems to be rejoicing that war is averted, for awhile at least. – Very warm tonight.


Saturday, October 1 – Mr. Van Bergen’s Wedding Day - 1st Anniversary
A perfect day. – We did the general Saturday cleaning. Mrs. Fraser moved a trunk upstairs from the basement in which the clothing, bedding, etc was getting musty. No doubt all basements are musty unless there is heat in them most of the time. – The Beacon did not come today. I miss it greatly. – Am reading a book loaned to me by Mrs. Dunn. “John Brown’s Body” by Stephen Vincent Benet. – We are going to bed early as Mr. and Mrs. Fraser will be attending an all-day meeting at Quenemo. A hard day. – Miss St. John came up this evening and asked me to eat dinner with them tomorrow.

Sunday, October 2
A perfect day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mr. ____ drove to Quenemo this forenoon where Mr. Bailey preached this forenoon and Mr. Fraser preached this P.M. and baptized a woman. – I went to S. S. and church this forenoon. Took the class collection for Mrs. Fraser. Listened to the lesson well taught by Miss St. John and a sermon well delivered by Dr. Elliott. – Then I helped Miss St. John take care of the communion service. After which I went home with her where Mrs. Henderson and I were dinner guests. And such a splendid dinner as it was. After eating we visited until about 4 o’clock when Mrs. Hetrick took us and Mrs. ____ out to see Mrs. Gillett who is quite feeble. Mrs. ____ went into the house, but we sat in the car and talked with Mr. Gillett. Then she brought us home after a most happy day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser had just returned from a happy day at Quenemo. – All going to bed a little tired.

Monday, October 3
Such a grand day. – We did the washing and the bright hot sun helped to bleach them. This is very miserable water for washing. Is hard and makes the clothes yellow if they stand in it. – This afternoon I wrote a volume to Mrs. Tandy and was exhausted when I had finished. Letter writing is hard for me and after washing, is not easier. However, one must write in order to receive and this is letter writing week over the nation. – Going to bed early.

Tuesday, October 4 – Mother’s Birthday 1844-1928 – 84
If mother were living, she would be 94 yrs old today. – Did the ironing and wrote some letters today. – Mr. and Mrs. Blattler called this afternoon. She is a very alert woman. Well versed in Baptist doctrine. Miss St. John came this afternoon saying they were making plans to drive to Concordia Thursday. At least drive part way. Mrs. Leeper can go then. – If the weather continues favorable. I shall be glad if we can go. May be disappointed and may be pleased.

Wednesday, October 5
A perfect day. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to town this forenoon. I had to get a little money out of the bank to use on our trip to Concordia tomorrow. – Stopped to see Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John on the way home. If the fine weather continues, we hope to have a pleasant trip. – We were too tired from our forenoon down town to attend the Union Meeting at the church this afternoon. – Am taking a hot bath and going to bed early. – Mr. Claxton has been trying to fix Bro. Fraser’s car, but has not succeeded yet.

Thursday, October 6
A beautiful day. – Miss St. John, Mrs. Leeper, Mrs. Hetrick and myself left Ottawa at 9 o’clock in Mrs. Hetrick’s car, bound for Concordia. We drove over fine highways, thru beautiful valleys, hills on either side as far as one could see, wheat fields and alfalfa, corn and forage crops, good farm buildings and stock. Petunias!! Our first large city was Lawrence where we saw the beautiful University buildings from the campus. We looked back over the Kaw Valley thru which we had driven. A bed of gorgeous scarlet geraniums gave color to the campus. Beautiful winding highways. Did not see the Indian school located there. Much corn in shocks. – Next came to Topeka at 10:45. Stopped at the museum for an hour. Mrs. Barnes showed us the vault containing much historical data. We hope to return to the museum and spend a full day feasting our eyes on the treasures stored there. – Lunched at Pennant Café. The courthouse does not compare favorably with the one at Austin, Tex. Crossed the Kaw River bridge. Beautiful highway. Stopped at Manhattan for root beer. Fine high school building. Bicycles. (A beautiful farm house of stone, terraces, all out buildings of stone). Near Clay Center, where we spent the night in a fine tourists’ camp “Cedar Court.” Ate supper in the Court Café. Took a short walk after eating, but found we were a little tired, so turned back to the court and clean beds. – A happy day. Mrs. Hetrick is a fine driver.

Friday, October 7
Beautiful day. – After a fine night’s rest in the clean camp and beds, we backed our “Friend” out of her stall and were under way at 7:30 A. M. We ate breakfast at Hawley’s Café, a clean place, and then drove to Utility Park. Grand stone formations and heavenly blue moon vines. Passed an amusement park on the way out of Clay Center on a tarvia highway for a distance. Hills and valleys continue in grandeur. Prairie fires had passed over hills right. Rocks protruding from hilltops and sides. (Scurrie and underpass) Snow fences, black cattle, Hereford cattle. Pastures dry, but stock fat. – Threshing, cutting forage crops, shocking corn. Valley of farms. Deep cut limestone. Government beautification project as we approach Concordia at 10:00 A. M  - Drove up the hill and approached the solid substantial looking brick “Sunset Home.” Mr. Graves was on the porch to greet us. The household were attending Chapel service, so we sat in the reception hall and walked around. Soon Mr. and Mrs. Erickson came and we were shown the cottages, etc. by him. Dear little homes. The guests of the home were delighted to have visitors and friends of former days. Our visit seemed to bring joy to all we saw and it was a pleasant and instructive visit for us. We were dinner guests of the Home. Perhaps we shall all meet there again. It is a clean home at least. There were six patients in the hospital. We left the Home about 1:30. A strong west wind made driving tiresome, but our gritty little girl did not complain. Our next stop was at Minneapolis where we called on Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Cary. Leaving there at 4:30 we passed wheat fields needing rain and saw a stake and rider fence. Much traffic as we approach Salina where we are camping for the night at “Follow the Swallow” Camp. A noisy camp. Trains and trucks. Clean beds and good food.

Saturday, October 8
Grand day. Leaving “Follow the Swallow” Camp at 7:30 A.M. We drove uptown and ate our breakfast at Lamer Coffee Shop, a clean place. – We left Salina at 8 A. M  A grand morning. Passed the Kansas Weslyan School. Level wheat fields and good farm buildings. Many flocks of turkeys getting fat for Thanksgiving eating. Many cattle, all fat. Wheat fields look better. Stone fences. Sheep. Saw a train load of Hereford calves on the track at Herrington. – A flock of wind geese flew over us. We stopped at Council Grove and made some purchases at a grocery store. A hospital there. Conservation Camp. Saw the “Pioneer Mother” monument at this place. Grand valley on either side of highway. Winding road. Hereford cattle fat. Very tall corn. Turned to left before reaching Quenemo and came nine miles on a fine dirt road. Soon saw the “Old Mary” Valley on our right and realized we were approaching the end of our journey. Rattlesnake Hill. Cattle around water tanks at noon. Arrived in Ottawa at 1 P.M. 416 miles of most excellent highway in a fine car with a most capable drive and travelling companions that can not be excelled. That has constituted  never to be forgotten trip for me.

Sunday, October 9
A grand day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to Quenemo in time for Sunday School, then he preached at 11 o’clock. – I went to Sunday School here and took up the collection. There were 14 in the class. – Slept until Mrs. Fraser called me to eat breakfast, but did not feel any ill effects from the grand trip. – Dr. Elliott preached a fine sermon. – We all arrived at home about the same time. Have rested all afternoon. – Tonight we went to hear Dr. Thomas W. Butcher make a political talk to the young people.” Money versus Communism”, tho the theme advertised was “Making the Most of Your Life.” This closes a grand day.

Monday, October 10
We washed this forenoon and just did get the clothes dry before a shower came down upon the thirsty earth. – After dinner I went down to see Mrs. Leeper. She had not felt quite so well after her trip, but was able to wash today. – Then I stopped to see the other girls. They had washed, too, and all of us again decided we had had a grand trip. – I learned some things about Sunset Home that were very encouraging to me and other things that changed my ideas entirely. (Am sure I do not want a cottage—living alone. That is final, but could be satisfied in the Home I am sure.)

Tuesday, October 11
A fine day. Was awakened this morning by the announcement that “We are going to Lawrence today” to attend the Kansas Baptist Association. – We dressed, ate breakfast and with Mr. Hagerman as a passenger, we were off about 8:30 A. M Over the fine road we arrived half an hour late for the opening of the Women’s Meeting held in the First Baptist Church. Listened to a good program until noon. Then we went to lunch in a café on Main Street. – Back to the church at 2 P.M. and listened to more good programs until 4 P.M. when we assembled at the car and drove home. A beautiful day well spent. – Cor. 8 and Kentucky Sto. 1st Baptist Church

Wednesday, October 12
Glad we went to the Association yesterday because it rained most of the forenoon today and is much cooler tonight. The sun came out awhile this afternoon and the sky is clear tonight with promise of frost in the northwest portion of state. – We did ironing this forenoon. I did mending this afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Fraser put most of the pot plants in the basement. – Getting ready to take a trip to Texas. – Trust the weather will be pretty for them. – Sent a note to Miss Mary about changing the Journal address.

Thursday, October 13
This has been a pretty day and a busy one, too. – We have been doing some house cleaning. Making it pretty for young Mr. Brenz and his wife when they come to spend Sat. night with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. – No mail came today except a magazine. – Miss Kittredge came this afternoon for an hour. I went home with her to bring back a bouquet and the book “The Life Beautiful” which Mr. and Mrs. Haywood gave me years ago. – Miss Kittredge has a very bright mind for a woman in the 80s or for anyone many years younger. We listened to Winrod paint a drab picture for the U. S. tonight. No doubt he is right.

Friday, October 14
A beautiful day. Hot sun at noon. – Busy all forenoon doing more housework and making ready for the overnight guests. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Rector did some work on the shower upstairs. Quite a job it turned out to be. – At 2 o’clock, I sent down to Mrs. Leeper’s and we, with Mrs. Waddell, went to Memorial Hall in the courthouse to attend G. A. R. Circle meeting. A goodly number were out and a dinner was planned for the 28th of this month to be served and eaten in the basement. A potluck dinner. – Met Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John on the street. They are driving to Kansas City tomorrow P.M.

Saturday, October 15
Another beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this morning making last minute preparations for their trip. – The Beacon came today. Almost every issue of the paper notes the passing of some one of the older citizens that I know. – We waited supper for Mr. and Mrs. Brenz, but they did not arrive until 7:30, then Mrs. Fraser warmed it over for them. They were tired. Had tire troubles and lost their highway No. in Kansas City, but they are here now and we are all going to bed. – Mrs. Reed came this evening and invited me to eat lunch with her Tuesday. Mrs. McClelland and Mrs. Jacobus are invited, also. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John drove to Kansas City to spend Sunday. Returning Monday.

Sunday, October 16
Grand day. – Up at 6:00. Breakfast at 6:30. They were off around 7 A. M. – Mrs. Fraser had “cold feet” when she got up this morning, so I am looking for her to turn back at Arkansas City and be in Ottawa in a few days. – I went to S. S. and church. Heard Dr. Martin make a good talk. Mrs. Foote taught our class. Miss St. J. being in Kansas City. – Then I went home with Mrs. Leeper and ate a grand dinner with her and her granddaughter. – We visited until four o’clock and then went to see Mrs. Wright, a G. A. R., also member of the Co-Workers Class. She is in a very serious condition, but was sitting up in her chair. Visited a few minutes with Mrs. Morgan as I came home. – Going to bed monarch of all I survey. Trust the travelers had a fine trip.

Monday, October 17
Lovely day. – Washed and the sun helped bleach the clothes. Mrs. Hutchison gave me some milk and I made a bread pudding. Baked it in the little stove in the basement. Was real tired when I finished washing as I put in some dresses just to wash the starch out of. Mrs. McClelland came this forenoon to say she and Mrs. Jacobus would call for me tomorrow to go to Mrs. Reed’s. - Did not cook much dinner, but made up at supper time. Went to the little store for a loaf of white bread. – Opened the box of mother’s old receipts [recipes] and found some I want to try if I can. Do not understand the oven very well, tho. – Read until 8:30. Now on the way to bed. Real tired. – Hope Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are resting today in Arkansas City.

Tuesday, October 18
Pretty day, tho not so much sunshine. Slept well last night. Was tired. – Did the ironing this forenoon. Put the board up in the kitchen as it seemed too dark in the basement. – At 12:15, Mrs. McClelland and Mrs. Jacobus came by for me and we drove to Mrs. Reed’s. The dear woman had everything ready and it was indeed a nice lunch. We ate and ate. Then cleared the table and stacked the dishes in the kitchen. Had a happy time. Mrs. Sweet and a friend called, too. – Then we came home. Miss St. John and Mrs. Hetrick came very soon and took me for quite a long ride.

Wednesday, October 19
A pretty day, tho the sun was not so bright all day. Slept well last night and after breakfast of flapjacks, I put the boiler on and did a little extra washing for myself. – Then after dinner I varnished the kitchen congoleum. It looks pretty and I hope will be all right. – Then I went to town and bought a hat at Townsend’s for $1.00. Some hat. – By the time I came home, the wind was real cold. – Then I ran over to see how Mrs. Reed was feeling after the “Dining.” She was all right and sitting close to her fire, sewing  on her patchwork. – Ate supper of toast and tea and read the paper sitting by the fire. – Covered the plants for fear of frost. – Good night.

Thursday, October 20 – John Henry’s 29th Birthday
Real cold today except at noon. The sun was warm then. I did not get up early this morning. The warm bed was fine. Had some good pancakes for breakfast and coffee, ditto. – Wrote a short letter to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and the postman took it. – Was busy all forenoon. Went up to the little store and bought a quart of milk and 10¢ bottle of pickles. Made some Angel Cream and this afternoon took half of it to Mrs. Reed. It is nice. I ate of it for my supper besides toast, too. – Rec’d the Claybourn check today and a letter from Mrs. Bell. – Wrote a longer letter to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser tonight. – Moved the porch chairs into the basement today. - Warmer tonight.

Friday, October 21
A perfect day. Did not get up until 7 o’clock. Ate my breakfast, then wrote to the Frasers finishing the letter I sent yesterday morning. – Did the housework. Then went up to Mrs. Reed’s. Found her all ready to go down town with me. We ate our dinner at the Coffee shop and then took  a bus ride to the north side and back home. She visited me until 3:30 then went to see a neighbor. We had a happy day. – Miss
Kittredge came soon after she left and brought me a bouquet. We had a good visit. She looks very frail. – I then ate some Angel Cream and listened to the radio a few minutes. Now am going to bed. No mail.

Saturday, October 22
Much cooler today. Cold, sharp north wind. Did not leave my warm bed until 7 o’clock this morning. Then ate flapjacks and coffee, also an egg. – Baked a lemon pie and divided it with Mrs. Bean and Mrs. Hutchison to get even with them for the quart of milk. – Then I did a little housework. – Rather expected Mrs. Reed, tho it was too cold for her to venture out. – Ran down to clinch the dinner date with Mrs. Leeper for tomorrow. – Card from Mrs. Fraser at Ganado. They stopped there. - Moved the swing inside and put the two porch boxes into the kitchen. Am sure there will be ice tonight. – Going to bed before 8 o’clock.

Sunday, October 23 – Mrs. Hall’s Birthday
Still sharply cold this morning. Late getting up. Went to S. S. 17 in class. Heard a good sermon by Dr. Elliott and believe it or not he called me by name at the church entrance. – Mrs. Leeper and I ate turkey dinner at the Silver Leaf Café. A small place, but a good dinner. Stopped at her home a few minutes on the way home and we took a class gift to Mrs. Reese. (Plate, cup, saucer and small dish.) She was asleep. – Then I came home and lit the gas heater and have written one of my volumes to Mrs. Richards and Mrs. Strickland. – My shoulder is hurting as I go to bed at 9 o’clock after a happy day. – Tomorrow will be warmer I hope. Do not know Mrs. Hall’s address, so could not send her a card.

Monday, October 24
Cold as anything this morning. Ice froze last night, more than Sun. night. I awoke cold in bed. Made a fire in the stove to dress by. The house seemed clammy, but after I ate my breakfast of good old oatmeal and coffee, I was thawed out. – Did not wash. – Had to go to the P. O. with letters to forward to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser and get some stamps. – Invited Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John to be my 12 o’clock dinner guests tomorrow. – Card from Frasers at Ganado. They go to Victoria to meet the children when they return from the Valley. – Much warmer tonight, but I have been sitting by the fire tonight. Put the plants out in the sun about noon, but put them back inside before sundown. – Am tired tonight. Going to bed early.

Tuesday, October 25 – Mrs. Borden’s Birthday – 72
Much warmer and a grand morning. – Mrs.
Kittredge came to see me this forenoon at 11:45. Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came and we went to the North American Coffee Shop for lunch. – Not so good as the diner at the Silver Leaf Café. – We walked around town a little and Mrs. H. bought some buttons for a coat she is making. Also looked at hats. – They brought me home and visited a while. – Then Mrs. Reed came by and I walked down to the Library and back with her. The Library is pretty and well stocked. – I brought the plants in again tonight, tho it is very much warmer. Have not lighted the fire since I ate my supper.

Wednesday, October 26
A perfect morning. Warmer. I had the house all open all forenoon. Was busy as a bee and really could not see what I had accomplished finally.  – Mrs. Fisher did much spading and planting besides raking her yard and using the hose liberally. – At 2 o’clock, Mrs. Hetrick came by and I joined several others in her car on the way to Mrs. Ainsley’s to our class meeting. There were 15 present and a social time was enjoyed. Mrs. Kellogg, the devotional leader, is fine. She always has a good contribution. Her theme or topic today was “Who is My Neighbor?” Refreshments of coffee, Jello with whipped cream and doughnuts were served. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. They expect to leave Victoria on the Kansas bound trail today, but will stop a few days in Slate Valley. – The Halloween kids presented me with two yard chairs between 10 and 11 o’clock last night. The owner came for them this P. M.

Thursday, October 27
A perfect day. I again had flapjacks for breakfast and then did some washing. Did it upstairs because I cannot hear anyone at the door from the basement. – No mail for me. – Mrs. Bean brought me two cinnamon rolls and a container of cottage cheese for my dinner. – Was just about ready to sit down to eat and was tired. – After I ate my dinner, I ironed and then went up to the store for some butter and eggs. – Then went to Mrs. Leeper’s. She was not at home, but I left my things in her kitchen. – Stopped to say “howdy” to the “Girls.” They were entertaining a man. I did not stop long, but came home and rested a while. – Have now eaten my supper and am truly tired. – Have listened to Major Bowes Amateur Hour.

Friday, October 28
Another perfect day. – Up at 7 A.M. after a restful night. Had the windows open, but a blanket over me. – At 9 o’clock I went down to Mrs. Leeper’s. She had the loaf in the oven baking merrily. I helped her finish her kitchen work. Then we waited awhile for her daughter to come and we all went to the courthouse basement where quite a crowd had gathered. We each took a plate, cup, knife, fork and spoon. The food was put on a table and we helped ourselves to a fine “covered dish” meal. The old veteran of the Civil War was there, another man, who was a guest, and the North Side Baptist Minister. – The balance were Circle members and their guests. Mrs. Leeper and I came home at 4:30 tired, but had a happy day. – Mrs. Fisher, across the street is a G. A. R.

Saturday, October 29
A lovely day and a busy one. Had been away from home so much that there was plenty to do today. House work all over the house and I did not get up until 7:30 A. M. The freezing weather killed the leaves on the trees all at once, so they are falling rapidly, but are beautiful for a short time only. – Mrs. Barnett has been down working at the Rummage Sale for three days for the Baptist Church. – I went up to the store this afternoon and got a loaf of bread and some sugar. Ate boiled potatoes and a boiled egg for my supper. – Have been sitting by the fire since supper. - Studied my S. S. lesson for tomorrow. – The Halloween kids are roaming the streets.

Sunday, October 30
A perfect day. Cool this forenoon, but the sun was quite hot at 12 o’clock. – Lazy about getting up this morning, but I made and ate my batter cakes and coffee. Put the kitchen and my room in order and was early to Sunday School. – There were 16 in our class. Miss St. John gave us a fine lesson. Then Dr. Elliott followed with a good sermon. The kidlets choir sat in the balcony and had a part in the singing. – Had my dinner. Then set the plant boxes out on the back porch until almost sundown. Opened the house to let the warm air in. – Read some. Then ate my supper. – Mr. and Mrs. Dunn came and sat while tonight. – Had a fire in the stove.

Monday, October 31 – Halloween
Lovely forenoon, but this afternoon has been blustery. The gusts of wind shaking the beautiful leaves down in quivering clouds. Truly, “The melancholy days have come, the saddest of the year, with wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and seer.” – I went down town at eleven o’clock. The park trees are so lovely with the autumn colors on the trees. – Did some mending this afternoon. Went up to the store for a bar of soap. – Miss Kittredge called on me on her way down town. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came about 5 P.M and took me for a ride. There is much going on down town tonight celebrating Halloween. The ruffians do not seem to be prowling the streets as I go to bed at 12 P.M. – Am leaving the light on in the living room.


Tuesday, November 1
A most blustery day. Not much bright sunshine. Sky hazy. – Miss Kittredge made me a visit this forenoon. She is a remarkable 82 year old lady. – The wind is whipping the leaves off of the trees at a rapid rate. Some of them are almost bare and a few others are perfectly green yet. – Went up to the store this P.M. and bought some eggs, salt pork and milk. – C. P. & L. check came today. No mail from the Frasers today. I call it shabby treatment if you ask me. – Miss St. John stopped by to see how I was coming on. – Ate oatmeal for my supper. Had fine cream for it. – Have been reading John Brown’s Body tonight. A wartime tale of North and South. – Going to bed at 8 o’clock. – Wind still blowing, but not so hard.

Wednesday, November 2 – Mrs. Fraser’s Birthday
A windy night. Trees look so naked. – Card this A. M. saying the wanderers would be home the latter part of the week. Enclosed it in a note to Mrs. Johnson of Gardner and mailed it this P.M. – At 1:45 Mrs. Hetrick’s car came for me and I joined Mrs. Leeper, Miss St. John  and Mrs. Hendrix to drive out to the cemetery (Highland) to meet the funeral train bringing the remains of Mrs. Stannard’s son here for burial. – The wind blew a gale. The dust was stifling. The floral pieces and flowers were very beautiful. Dr. Elliott repeated several scriptures and prayed. Then the Co-Workers class and close friends spoke to Mrs. Stannard before we went to the cars. We then stopped at the church for the Union Meeting. – Mrs. Leeper and I went to town from the church. I found a green shade for Mrs. Fraser’s drop light in the bedroom downstairs. – Wrote to Mr. Tetts.

Thursday, November 3
Awoke to the patter of a gentle rain on the roof this morning. – Card from the Frasers saying they will be home at noon Saturday. – The friends who are bringing them home will return immediately after dinner, so Mrs. Webb, some kind of a dinner is up to you. – The rain has been a blessing and so gentle after the three days of violent wind blowing. It has rained all day and most of it has been absorbed by the thirsty ground. – No callers today. – Went up to the little store about 4 o’clock to get some canned beef to have on hand for the luncheon Saturday noon. – Did some work in the pantry this forenoon. The mice have been having possession for some time.

Friday, November 4
Real cold all day and cloudy until about 4 o’clock. The sun came out and I think it is warmer tonight – Have the dinner for tomorrow as far along as I could do it today. - Miss Kittredge came this forenoon on her way home from the Drs. Then she came just before dark to bring a bouquet of chrysanthemums. – Went to the store for a pint of milk and a loaf of brown bread. – Ripped along this afternoon on the couch cover which I hope to use for side curtains on my windows. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John called to see if the Frasers had returned yet. – Am sitting by a fire tonight, but I do not think there will be frost.

Saturday, November 5
The sun shone for a while this forenoon, but most of the day has been cloudy and rather chilly outside. – The Frasers and their guests arrived about 11:30 A. M. and “bless Patty,” I had dinner on the table at 11:45. They were ready to eat and since hunger is the best sauce, they said the meal was OK. We visited and rested all afternoon. Mrs. Lauvor is not well at all. Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Lauvor went over to see Mrs. Manewal a few minutes. – We are going to bed tired and the guest have to be up and away early in the morning.

Sunday, November 6
Rainy, but the rain had not yet started falling when the guests departed soon after 4 o’clock this morning, but at 7 o’clock, a lovely gentle rain was making the farmer happy. It continued about all day. – Mrs. Fraser was just ready to go to S. S. when a real downpour came, so we all stayed at home. It was not feeling very well. – About 5 o’clock, Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came to see if someone was sick. – When they went away, the steps were frozen over, but it was not raining. – Have had some fire in my room all day.

Monday, November 7
We awoke to see everything covered with snow and it was still snowing. Looked very lovely. – Mrs. Fraser came to my door to tell me to not get up for 15 or 20 minutes. Said Mr. F. was in the basement starting the furnace.  Well almost at once, the smoke began pouring out around the chimney hole in my room. Soon things were covered with soot.  – I dressed in the sewing room and we opened my windows and the hall window. – The paper around the thimble hole is ruined, but Mrs. Fraser has some new to cover it. – The furnace will be fixed tomorrow, I think. I am to sleep in the other room tonight. – Card from Mrs. Hall.

Tuesday, November 8 – Election Day
Warmed up today. Snow all melted. I am not sorry. – This has been a real cleaning day. Soot, soot every place. I mopped and cleaned the paper all that I could. – This afternoon Mr. Walker came and repapered the chimney so it is all fresh and clean again. He put a thimble in the flue opening and papered over it. Then I had to wash the smoke off of the woodwork, etc. – Am to sleep in the other room tonight, while the new paper dries. – Good night.

Wednesday, November 9
A much finer day. - Mrs. Fraser did quite a large washing this forenoon. Clothes they used on their trip. – I cleaned my room again. Washed the woodwork and everything that was exposed to that greasy smoke. Then I cleaned downstairs. – Mr. Walker came this evening and put fresh paper on the chimney so it will be as good as new. – I am to sleep in Mrs. Fraser’s room again tonight because mine is damp. – Mr. Fraser took the awnings down today. Much warmer weather and better in the house with furnace heat.

Thursday, November 10 – Jedie’s 18th Birthday
A fine winter day. – I did the sheets, table cloth, etc. and my washing this forenoon while Mrs. F. did her ironing. – The wind was high, but did not whip the sheets because the houses broke the force of it. – Sunshine most of the day. – Worked on my side curtains tonight and at bed time took a hot bath beside a hot stove. Should sleep like a “bug in a rug.” The lawns, where you can see the grass for fallen leaves, are green. – Mr. Fraser began pulling up dead vines, etc. out of his garden today. – Getting it ready to be plowed.

Friday, November 11 – Lee’s 25th Birthday – Armistice Day – G. A. R. Circle
A beautiful day all day. Much warmer. Had a fire to dress by, but no more all day in my room. – Did not go to G. A. R. Circle meeting this afternoon. My back has been aching for a couple of days. – Finished the side curtains for my windows. They look queer. Am hoping pressing will help them. – Mrs. Fraser went to call on a Miss Lawrence this afternoon and made three calls before she came home. – This has been a quiet day in Ottawa. Many people went out of town for their entertainment. Paper reports colder weather by morning.

Saturday, November 12
The weather prognosticator guessed wrong about the weather in yesterday’s report because this was a warm morning. A south wind blowing strong. – The sky has had clouds in it all day, but no rain. More sunshine. – I pressed by side curtains this forenoon and hung them. They still have a queer look, but I may get used to them. – No mail. – Not even the Beacon today. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John called this evening and gave us an invitation to eat Thanksgiving dinner with them. That will be fine we think. – Mrs. Fraser made some grand waffles for supper tonight. As full as I ever ate. – We took baths tonight. – Goodnight.

Sunday, November 13
A beautiful bright day, but real penetrating wind. – Mr. Fraser went to New Hope with Mr. Bales. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. and church. There were 18 in our class. Then we listened to a good sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Blattler brought us home and soon after they left us, they had car trouble. This was their 32nd wedding anniversary. – This afternoon Mrs. Hetrick, Miss St. John and Mrs. Henderson came by for me and drove out to Williamsburg (15 miles) to see Mrs. Topping, an old friend of theirs. I enjoyed every moment of the afternoon. – We are not going to church tonight. A play, “The Outstretched Hand,” is to be given. I believe I like Sunday night sermons better than plays.

Monday, November 14
Such a beautiful day. All sunshine. Real crisp wind from the south, tho. We did some washing this forenoon and ironed after lunch. The furnace heat keeps the house quite comfortable. Bro. Fraser says his coal is good this winter. – The Beacon came today, but not much news in it. – Have gone thru my trunks today to find something to give to the cold school children. My raspberry colored wool dress seems to be about my limit. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have gone over to the Manewal home to attend the cottage prayer meeting held there tonight. I felt quite tired, so did not go with them.

Tuesday, November 15
A beautiful day all day. – The Co-Workers class met here today and finished a comfort made by members of the class. – Mrs. Morgan was first to arrive. Followed soon by Mrs. Leeper. We put the blocks together by machine. Did not get them quite finished by 12 o’clock when Mrs. Fraser called us to lunch. – By 1 o’clock others came and put the lining into the frames. Soon the top was finished, and we all “tied” them together. Then Bro. Fraser conducted the devotionals. Then we ate doughnuts and drank coffee. The comfort is all finished and ready to keep someone warm. – Seventeen of the class were present.

Wednesday, November 16
Just a beautiful day. – Mrs. Fraser attended a 204 Tea at the 1st Baptist Church this P.M. The general reports were made at that meeting. – I relined the fronts of Mr. Fraser’s coat today. Finished it except patching the sleeve linings. Find I am quite clumsy about sewing. Am out of practice. – After Mrs. Fraser came home, we took the comfort the ladies made to Mrs. Jones. She seemed glad to get it. – Mr. Manewal came to see Mr. Fraser this P. M. – My watch came this P.M.  Am so glad to have it again.

Thursday, November 17
A bright lovely morning and a grand day. – Finished the coat this forenoon and the cleaner took it this evening. – This forenoon I took my strawberry dress to the Joneses Trust they can fix it for the girl. – This afternoon I went to town. Had my C. P. and L. check cashed. Sent $1.00 to Mr. Tetts for repairing my watch. Bought some Thanksgiving cards and some writing material. – Stopped to see Miss St. John and Mrs. Hetrick a moment. – Mrs. Reese’s funeral is to be Monday A. M. Waiting for a son to come from Cal. – We went to mid-week meeting tonight. Held in the parlor. About 40 present, I guess. – Wind from the north now. Not cold yet.

Friday, November 18
Clear and colder when I awoke. – We ate pancakes for breakfast. They filled me up for a good forenoon’s work in my room cleaning the soot which seemed to have escaped my former scrubbings. Am quite sure I have all of it now. – Mrs. Fraser made a gingerbread loaf this forenoon from mother’s receipt [recipe]. The sample is fine. – This afternoon Bro. Fraser drove us to town. I bought a couple pounds of breakfast bacon for Sunset Home. Wish I could have bought an immense ham for them. – Real cold outside as we go to bed. Freeze I am sure.

Saturday, November 19
White frost this morning, but a perfect day followed. – Not much to record today except that the Beacon did not arrive to give me the Palacios happenings. – Mr. Manewal called this forenoon on his way to Slate Valley to hold a final service tonight and tomorrow. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser had invited Virginia Holman and another school girl to eat dinner with them tomorrow, but they reported today that they could not come. – Hot tub bath tonight.

Sunday, November 20
Bright beautiful morning. The entire day was perfect. – We all went to S. S. and church this forenoon and took our pounds for Sunset Home. Do not know whether there were many pound contributed or not. I hope they were, tho. – Mr. and Mrs. Dunn came just as we were eating our evening meal. They stayed until church time. Then we all went to hear the Spirituals sung by white folks. – Dr. Elliott talked on Negro songs and spirituals. – Mrs. Morgan walked home with us tonight.

Monday, November 21
Real cool wind all day, but sunshine, too. – Mrs. Fraser and I attended Mrs. Reese’s funeral at 10:30 this A. M. It was held from the Lamb undertaking parlors. Our class attended in a body. Chairs being reserved for us. They were not all present. This was the first time I had been in the parlors. It is very nice indeed. There were several beautiful floral pieces—chrysanthemums. Mrs. Fraser went out to the cemetery (Hope), but I went to the P. O. to mail my Thanksgiving cards. – We all attended the cottage prayer meeting tonight on Main Street near the McClelland home.

Tuesday, November 22
A cold day. The coldest this winter. I washed out some underwear and when I hung it on the line it froze before I could put the pins in it. – My fingers felt numb from the cold. It is better, tho, than the sultry coast country. – I sent a short letter to Mrs. Tandy this afternoon. Am afraid she is sick. She is usually so prompt to answer letters. – Have been mending all afternoon. – Tonight Mrs. Fraser and I went to the church to hear the Ottawa University School of Music give their Fall Concert. It was fine, I thought. The church was almost full. We were real cold when we arrived at the church, facing the north wind.

Wednesday, November 23
A cold day and not “mebby.” North wind which froze wet towels hung on the line this morning. – Did some hose darning and a little house work this forenoon. Bro. Fraser went to the Dr. for a neck and shoulder treatment this forenoon. – Rec’d a fat envelope from Mr. Haywood containing the texts and the final examination for his Bible school class to be given out in a couple of weeks. – Put in the afternoon toasting my toes over the register. – Have had some fire in my room for a couple of hrs. before I came up to bed. Grand weather, tho.

Thursday, November 24 – Thanksgiving Day – Buddy died 1932
Mrs. Fraser and I were up in time to attend the Thanksgiving services in the Christian Church at 9:30 this morning. The church was full and the service very impressive and appropriate. – At 12 o’clock we went down to eat Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John and their other guests—Mrs. James, Mr. Hart, Mrs. Henderson and her friend Miss ____, Miss Childress, (Rev. and Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. Webb). A perfect dinner served, so well from a beautifully appointed table and side tables. The turkey was golden brown. The centerpiece of bittersweet berries in a glass bowl stood on a mirror wreathed with ivy. A perfect day spent with most congenial friends. – Not so cold as we go to bed.

Friday, November 25 – G. A. R. – Did not attend.
Cloudy, not much sunshine today, but the wind did not blow, so it did not seem so cold. – Not many women were on the street and the ones who were seemed to be dressed warm. – Mr. Fraser took his car to the garage to have some repairs made on it and while there he tripped on something and fell to the concrete floor. Skinned the ends of the fingers and sprained his left hand quite severely. I suppose he was lucky not to have injured himself worse. – I took Mrs. Dunn’s books home this evening, but she was not there to receive them, so brought them back to me. – Waffles again for supper.

Saturday, November 26
Cold wind blowing today, but the sun did his best to warm the atmosphere. The icicles hung from the top sash in the west window in the kitchen. – The paper says ice 2 inches thick froze on still water last night and it has been freezing all day. – I did a little ripping today, but put n the afternoon reading. – Bro. Fraser took his wrist to the Dr. this forenoon. He told him to continue the hot water treatment and to add salts to the water. The hand seems better tonight. – I have not been off of the place today, but the house can be kept comfortable with the furnace. – Have a gas fire in my room as I undress for bed. Too cold in the bathroom to take a bath, so just too bad.

Sunday, November 27
A perfect day. Not so cold, tho it was freezing this morning when I hung my washcloth on the line. – Mr. Fraser preached at New Hope this forenoon. Mr. Claxton drove the car for him. – Mrs. Fraser and I attended S. S. and church here. – Rode down and back with the Blattlers. There were 14 in our class. Dr. Elliott preached a fine sermon the text being “Sir, we would see Jesus.” – Mrs. Fraser had our dinner in the fireless cooker so it was all ready when we came home. – Mr. Fraser soon came. – I began a letter to Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. It will be a volume when I finish I think. – We all went to the church to hear Miss Frances Greenough speak of student work for the denomination. – Not so cold tonight.

Monday, November 28
A perfect day. All sunshine. – We washed and the clothes dried beautifully. The first ones froze a little on the line, but the sun soon stopped that. – I received a letter from Mrs. Tandy today. Was glad to get it as I was afraid she was real sick. She does not get over the flu. – The Beacon came also. – There were no visitors this afternoon. – Tonight we all attended the cottage prayer meeting at the Allison home. There were 13 present. The next meeting will be held at the Bailey home Monday night. – The weather is warming up greatly for which we are all thankful.

Tuesday, November 29
A perfect day. Much warmer. – We did the ironing this forenoon. – Mr. Fraser and Mr. Bailey drove out to New Hope community this forenoon to see about the church affairs. – Mrs. Fraser and I went down street soon after we ate lunch. Did a little shopping and Mrs. Fraser ordered groceries. The stores are putting up their Christmas goods and decorations.  The streets are all decorated. Electrically and with cedar trees strung with electric light bulbs. – No mail came for me today. – Tonight I finished a four and a half typewriter letter size sheets letter to Mrs. Pierce. Had not written to her since I had been to Concordia.

Wednesday, November 30
Another perfect day. – Mr. Fraser had his garden plowed today. The ground is black as tar. It is to lay just as it is now until planting time in the spring. – I ripped the collar off of my brick color dress and will try to fix it more comfortable for winter wear. – Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John called this evening. – Mrs. Fraser cleaned his suit this afternoon.  – We ate some of Mrs. Fraser’s good waffles for supper tonight. – Much warmer.


Thursday, December 1
Cloudy almost all day, but no rain or snow. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser transplanted some little fruit trees this forenoon and trimmed the rose bushes. – I had a stomach time this morning, but it gradually felt better. I took soda and did not eat anything until about 10 o’clock . – Went to town this afternoon. Was pretty weak, but made it all right. – No mail came for me today. – Mr. Lawrence of Slate Valley is spending the night here. – Went down town to see the parade. Very good and many people on the streets. The store and street decorations were attractive. All electrical. Several Santas on the floats.

Friday, December 2
Cloudy forenoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went to town and treated themselves to new shoes and a hat this forenoon. – I gave my room a thoro cleaning and washed out a few things. – This afternoon I wrote a long letter to Mrs. Hall and took it to the P. O. Then I walked down main street and had a better chance to see the window decorations than I did last night. They are very lovely. – We four old girls did not go to Lawrence to eat a fish dinner today. The weather was too unfavorable looking. – Real warm tonight. – Bought some T. B. stamps from Miss Kittredge.

Saturday, December 3
Still cloudy weather, tho not so much as yesterday. – Did quite a lot of house cleaning this forenoon. The hall and stairs, living room and dusted the front room. – Both Mr. and Mrs. Fraser are having a painful time with their feet – Rec’d a long letter from Marguerite yesterday. – This afternoon I took quite a long walk. Stopped to see Mrs. Reed, but she was not at home. – Mrs. Fraser sent her a pair of big apples. – Colder as we go to bed.

Sunday, December 4 – Mr. Pierce’s 64th Birthday
Awoke to a beautiful, bright morning. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to New Hope where he preached. They took Mrs. Anthony with them. Her daughter lives out there so they all ate dinner with the daughter. – I went to S. S. Took the collection, then listened to a fine sermon by Dr. Homer Huff of K. C. He and Dr. Elliott exchanged pulpits. – Ate dinner by my lonesome. – Then at 2:30 Mrs. Hetrick and Miss St. John came for me and we drove to Williamsburg to see Mrs. Topping. Enjoyed an hour of more with her. Then came home. – I was anxious to hear the orchestra concert at the church tonight, but he drizzling rain kept me at home. Was going with Mrs. H. and Miss St. J.

Monday, December 5
Cloudy and some colder this morning, but the sun came out this afternoon. – I did not feel like much this forenoon. Stomach temperamental. – Mr. Fraser visited Rev. Bayles this forenoon and this P. M. drove out to New Hope. He is raising money to have the church out there lighted. – Mrs. Watkins called this afternoon to collect a class bill for flowers. – Tonight we attended the cottage prayer meeting at Mr. Bailey’s home. Not so many present on account of a debate in town which some of the congregation preferred to attend.

Tuesday, December 6
Beautiful day, but cold wind. – We washed a few necessary garments this forenoon. – My stomach is feeling better. Not so sick all of the time. Guess I eat too much, but am hungry at meal time. – Did some darning this afternoon and made out checks to send to Palacios and Blessing. For taxes and otherwise. Will send a P. O. money order to Bay City for taxes as the amount is so small .98. – Was in the house most of the day. – Warm enough to let the furnace fire go down and use the gas stove only. – Sitting up late tonight almost 9 o’clock as we retire.

Wednesday, December 7
A lovely day all day. – Finished up my letters and checks this forenoon and this afternoon when Mrs. Fraser went to the Women’s Union meeting in which she is an officer.  - I went to town. Posted my letters. Put the P. O. money order in the one to Bay City and then finished by Christmas shopping. – There are many pretty things to see and buy in the stores. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to see Mrs. Thomas who was not feeling well enough to attend the meeting this P. M. She is better. – A short note came from Mrs. Hall this P. M. Says she will write a letter soon.

Thursday, December 8
Real chilly wind. Quite strong at times. – Worked some on Mrs. Fraser’s green dress. Making it over. – Mrs. Williamson came this afternoon inviting us to ride up to Lawrence tonight to hear the Jew Dr. Michaelson speak. Mr. Fraser had been out to New Hope this forenoon, so they thought best not to go, but I went and heard my first Jew plead for his people. – Took some notes so I could tell some of it to Mr. and Mrs. Fraser. The church where he spoke was filled to the gallery and he had a respectful hearing.  – Arrived home at 10 o’clock. Found a fire in my room and an extra cover on the bed. – Thank you folks.

Friday, December 9 – G. A. R.
Beautiful day. All sunshine, but a keen wind. – Sewed a little this forenoon. – At 2 P. M. went down to Mrs. Leeper’s and from there to the G. A. R. Hall where 23 members met and elected officers. All officers except Mrs. Leeper and Mrs. Lowe were changed. – Am sorry to give Mrs. Morgan up as President. She has been so fine. – Heard the new chimes in the Baptist Church this afternoon. A gift from Mr. Lamb and the pastor, Dr. Elliott. The organ is finished and paid for. Will be used Sunday. – Went down town with Mrs. Leeper after G. A. R. The lights were on as I came home. The electrical display is grand.

Saturday, December 10
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Fraser went down town this forenoon. – Did the Saturday work and this afternoon wrapped my small Christmas gifts. Am thankful to be able to give even small gifts, tho. – No mail came for me today. – Mrs. Fraser did some “Ritting” this afternoon. Something to use in the green dress.  – Tonight we studied our S. S, lessons. – The weather man promises rain or snow tomorrow. The weather seems unchanged as we retire at 8 P. M. – Am postponing my bath until morning. Goodnight.

Sunday, December 11
A beautiful day.  – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. and preaching service. – Bro. Fraser and three others went out to New Hope where he preached. – The chimes in the Baptist Church rang while I was dressing and the organ was used in the preaching service. The entire service was beautiful including sermon. – Mrs. Reed and I went home with Mrs. Leeper. Dinner guests. – Then we all went to the church at 4 P. M. to hear the Christmas vesper service. That was truly grand. Portions of Handel’s Messiah and the string ensemble. – We sat in the gallery. Splendid location to hear and see. The concert was one I shall not forget ever.

Monday, December 12
My tax receipts came this A. M. – We did our washing this forenoon. Had a gorgeous drying day. The clothes almost froze when they were first hung up . So I made the bluing water hot and it was not so hard on ones hands. – We did not iron except a few necessary pieces. – Tonight we went over to Mr. Claxton’s home to attend cottage prayer meeting. There were not many out. Next Monday night they meet here. – We had some good waffles for supper tonight. – Mrs. Williamson brought us home from prayer meeting tonight.

Tuesday, December 13
Grand day. – Ironed this forenoon and went down town. – Finished my Christmas shopping except something for Mrs. Reed. – Put my money in the bank. (What I had sent up from Bay City.) – Wrapped my little gifts since dinner and worked some on Mrs. Fraser’s skirt. – She and Mr. Fraser made up the annual class report this afternoon. – Mr. Fraser talked with Mr. Manewal late this evening at his home or trailer room. – He is ready to begin preaching at New Hope tomorrow night. – We ate biscuits made from Bisquick flour for dinner tonight. – Read Michelson’s book “Jesus at the Bar” tonight.

Wednesday, December 14
Most beautiful day. – Mr. Fraser drove out to the New Home Community this forenoon. Paving the way for the Manewal services. – This afternoon the Co-Workers class met In out President’s home, Mrs. Leeper. The Christmas party and exchange gifts. There were 19 present. Mrs. Reed read the Christmas chapter and a short prayer was made. Mrs. Hetrick read a poem, “I Do Not Want a Roof Tonight.” Gifts were distributed by Mrs. Hetrick, our Santa Claus. Officers were re-elected and elected. Yearly report given by Secty.-Treas. Plum pudding and hot coffee were served. A sweet afternoon was spent. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went out to New Hope tonight. The beginning of Mr. Manewal’s 10 days meeting.

Thursday, December 15
Beautiful clear morning. - Did a little mending and some work upstairs this forenoon. – This afternoon worked on Mrs. Fraser’s green dress. Found more ripping to do, but am sure it will be a dress when it is finished. – Mr. Fraser did some resting this afternoon. Found he was tired. – Miss St. John delivered some Christmas cards I had asked for, since dinner. – Mrs. Williamson came to say she would take a car load out to New Hope tonight. So we went to hear Bro. Manewal preach. He spoke earnestly to a handful of people, but more of them than heard him the night before. – The night air was crisp, but the church was warm and the room was warm when we reached home.

Friday, December 16
Cloudy all day. Damp chill out of doors. – Cleaned my room quite thoroughly this forenoon and took some Christmas cards to Mrs. Reed. She was sitting by her fire all wrapped up in her bathrobe. – After dinner Mrs. Fraser and I went down town. Browsed around looking at the many pretty things attractively displayed. We made our purchases and came home tired and hungry. The streets and stores are crowded with Christmas shoppers. – Bro. Fraser went out to New Hope tonight with Smith. Not much increase in the attendance. Very discouraging for the evangelist.

Saturday, December 17
A pretty day, but real cool. – Did some housework this forenoon and took Mrs. Dunn’s books home. Had a short visit with her. – Went to town this afternoon. Mailed out my small Christmas gifts. So thankful I can send even small ones. Was just about tuckered out when I reached home. – Mrs. Fraser has been mending this afternoon. – Mr. Fraser going to town and getting ready to attend Mr. Manewall’s services at New Hope tomorrow. – No mail today.

Sunday, December 18
Beautiful sunshiny day. – Mr. Fraser drove to New Hope this forenoon. Took some men with him.  The meetings are taking on more interest. – Mrs. Fraser and I went to S. S. and rode down with Mrs. Morgan and her daughter, Mrs. Cates. There were some absent from the class—out of town. – Soon after we went into the church auditorium, my throat began to burn and I had to cough cough, so I came home. I seem to have taken some cold. – Mr. Fraser expected to drive to New Hope tonight. Mr. Claxton to drive for him, but a fuse burned out of his car so he could not use it. – Mr. ____ came by with his car and Bro. Fraser rode out with him. - Mrs. F. and I are now going to bed.

Monday, December 19
Cold seems better. – Went up to the little store this forenoon and got some buttermilk to use in my suet pudding. Then went down town to get the suet. Did it all before noon. – Brought home some beautiful looking steaks for dinner, but they were tough as leather when cooked. – Rec’d a handkerchief and card from Mrs. Hall. Card from the Williams’. Calendar from Mrs. Borden. Deposit slip from the bank. – Put my pudding ingredients together this afternoon as far as I could. Am sorry I tried to make the pudding. Am fearful of results. – The cottage prayer meeting met here tonight. Few out. Too many other attractions. – Black Draught tonight.

Tuesday, December 20
Cloudy all day. Chill in the house. – Put the poor old pudding together and steamed it until I hope it is done. More sorry than ever that I tried. – Wrote some letters this forenoon and some this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Fraser drove to town this afternoon. – Rec’d some post cards today. Christmas and otherwise. – Am not sending many cards, but have written letters instead. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Fraser went out to New Hope church. Mr. Manewall’s meetings closed. Not an entirely satisfactory revival. Too much Christmas excitement perhaps.

Wednesday, December 21
Bright sunshine all day, but a real crisp breeze. – Have felt quite bum all day. In fact went to bed this afternoon beside the fire. Felt better after the baking. – My cold is just like the one I had in Texas which I did not try to cure early enough and resulted in the “Flu.” AM really getting after it this time. A goodly batch of cards came today and a note from Mrs. Pierce in which she tells how much they miss me. Am thankful I am no longer a member of that household, tho my sincere love for Mrs. Pierce will continue forever.

Thursday, December 22
Awoke to the gentle patter of rain on the roof. A most welcome sound on account of the shortage of water for farmers, stock and fields. – While it has been cloudy all day, very little rain has fallen and it has not been cold, tho snow is falling west of here and the weatherman promises it colder tonight. – A box came to me today from Mrs. Pierce which I will not open before Sat. P.M., but one came from John Henry which I could not resist opening and in it was a fine black scarf. Trust him to select something appropriate for the wearer. – My cold seems better tonight. - Cough loose and not as often. More in my head. -  Cards came today, too.

Friday, December 23 – G. A. R.
A perfect day. – My cold is too bad yet for me to go among a group of people. Am so afraid Mr. and Mrs. Fraser will contract it. – This noon or immediately after lunch, I went to the P. O. to mail some cards, but did not attend the G. A. R. My cold germs were plentiful. Besides, I find am real weak and the three flights of stairs are no joke for a well woman. – Cards continue to come and some packages. – Going to bed early.

Saturday, December 24
Grand day, but misty. Not cold. – Mrs. Fraser took my little gift to Miss Kittredge this afternoon. The frail little woman has a cold like mine. She liked the shoulderette and sent me a card and holly spray. – More gifts came today. – I opened mine this afternoon. They are all lovely. Am so thankful I could send a few to the friends I am most fond of. – Bro. and Mrs. Freer seemed pleased with the small gifts I had for them. – Going to bed feeling bum.

Sunday, December 25 – Christmas
A perfect Christmas Day which I spent on the bed or couch. – Bro. Fraser drove to New Hope. – Mrs. Fraser went to S. S. and church. “Teacher” gave us all a pretty Christmas card. – Just lay on the bed all day. – Mrs. Fraser had a nice Christmas dinner. Baked ham and everything else. I could not eat much. Stomach temperamental. – No services in most of the churches tonight. – Christmas at home Dr. Elliott suggests.

Monday, December 26 – Mrs. Smith’s Birthday
Awoke to clouds, mist and north wind. Cold, colder, coldest coming. Warnings sent out to cattlemen to protect their herds. – The rain did not amount to anything and the sun has been shining, but the north wind is freezing all shallow water and colder promised. – I have not been out of my room today except to the bathroom. – My cold seems better, I think and I have eaten more today. Have imposed on the Frasers I am sure, but perhaps I can square accounts with them some day. – A very unpleasant Legal Christmas. – We missed the daily paper and the weekday commotion on the street.

Tuesday, December 27
A bright beautiful day, but a very keen air. The windows were beautifully decorated lst night by Jack Frost, but his pretty work had melted by noon and the icicles were falling from the roof, too. – Two or three cards came today. No doubt they wind up the accumulation. – I have been I my room all day. – Think my cold is better, tho the cough is harsh yet. – Mr. Fraser brought a dozen small grapefruit this forenoon. I am enjoying them and my food, also. Some better.

Wednesday, December 28
In bed today. A Dr. Eoff came and gave me an osteopathic treatment this forenoon. Found some congestion in one lung. Cough continues, but am raising much mucus and my nose is discharging at a great rate. – Cute card from Miss St. John and a call of inquiry from Mrs. Hetrick. – Head feels too large and empty.

Thursday, December 29
Bright beautiful morning, but a crisp air. – Another treatment by Dr. am to receive another tomorrow. Seems a queer way to treat a cold, but time will tell whether or not it is the correct way. – My cough was very stubborn about loosening up this morning. Seemed almost to strangle me. – Food does not taste like much yet. Too full of cold. – Trust I may have a good nights rest.

Friday, December 30
Beautiful sunshine all day, but a cold breeze. – The skaters are enjoying the shallow pools, but the river is unsafe. – The Dr. did not dismiss me today. Had too much fever. He gave a most thorough treatment and after he had gone I think I had quite a fever. The reaction to the treatment perhaps. – Did not have a good night last night. Hope for better tonight.

Saturday December 31 – 4 treatments
A perfect day. – Still in bed and being treated rough. – Good night old year. You have been good to me.




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