Nellie Tilson Webb

1937 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum






Blessing, Texas



Given to me by
Mr. Pierce



Thursday, July 1
Another beautiful day. – Louise the maid had today off. Mrs. Hall seemed to enjoy being without her. – We did some sewing, darning, etc. – Mr. Hall brought home some “chow mein” which we enjoyed for dinner.  – Did not wash the dishes. – Mrs. Pierce watered the flowers some this twilight. – We listened to Major Bowles Amateur Hour tonight. (Then went to bed under a blanket.)

Friday, July 2 – White Bear Lake – Birchwood
Warmer today. None of us felt real well this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce cut out her net blouse. I basted some on my white dress. – Rested this afternoon a little while. – Dick and Nancy brought Jane Lee out soon after lunch. – Rec’d a letter from the Haywoods. – Played mahjong with Jane Lee after dinner. Some tired tonight, but do not have to rest so often.

Saturday, July 3
Beautiful day until late this evening, then a strong wind and hard rain came. It did not last long, and a rainbow soon appeared. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I drove to White Bear for groceries and to post some letters. Then to North St. Paul to meet Dick and Nancy. – After dinner tonight, the youngsters and Mrs. Hall played mahjong. The rest of us read. – Going to bed at 10:30. – Many firecrackers are snapping tonight.

Sunday, July 4 – 162nd Year of Independence
Beautiful day. – We slept late this morning. – Then at 12:30, we ate a fine dinner. – Mr. Van Bergen did not come out today and Frederick is in camp and on duty all day, so he could not come either.  Mrs. Mills and two of her girls drove out this afternoon. The girls went swimming. Mrs. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce played bridge. – There has been much shooting of firecrackers all day and tonight many fireworks, also. Tho the real celebration is supposed to be tomorrow.

Monday, July 5
Pretty day until afternoon, then a thunder shower came up. Quite a rain fell, but a rainbow soon appeared and then the sun. – Mr. Van Bergen came out for 12 o’clock dinner. Also Frederick and Audry. – They, the kids, shot fire crackers while the elders played bridge. – At night they shot fireworks and finally all went home. – Fred having to go back to camp. – The house seems quiet as we go to bed. All tired.

Tuesday, July 6
Beautiful day, but warmer. - Mrs. Harper washed and ironed. We all did a little sewing. Mrs. Pierce working on a black net waist. – Letters from Mr. Pierce say it is terribly hot and dry down there. He is supposed to have gone on a camping and fishing trip today with a large party going to Corpus (?), guests of Mr. Ben Cash. – The house has seemed quiet today without any young people in it.

Wednesday, July 7
Beautiful day, but the hottest since we have been here. – I have done quite a bit of sewing today. – Made a waist to wear with my pique suit out of a while voile dress Mrs. Smith gave me several years ago. – Mrs. Pierce did not sew today. She worked in the flowers and rested. – She wrote to Mr. Pierce and John Henry and I wrote to J. H.

Thursday, July 8  - 2nd Week in Minnesota
A splendid night to sleep. Such a fine breeze came in at my window. I awoke refreshed this morning. – Tonight it is more sultry. Have had a fan running all day. Mrs. Hall suffers from the heat. – Louise had today off, so Mrs. Hall gave us macaroni salad and strawberries for lunch and chow mein for dinner. Both fine eating. – We listened to Major Bowls Amateurs and Amos and Andy tonight. – Did not write a letter today.

Friday, July 9 – BYPU Closes
A hot day. – I did not feel well all forenoon. Short of breath and a little pain. – We all rested this afternoon and I feel better tonight. – Hemmed Mrs. Pierce’s dress this P.M. and hemmed a napkin. – Jane Lee is out for the week and Dick and Nancy brought her out. – Letter from Mrs. Massenburg today.

Saturday, July 10
Hot today, but a strong breeze has been blowing until sundown. – Mrs. Pierce and Jane Lee have been in bathing twice today. Once to wash Jane’s hair. – Mr. Hall has been at home today. Busy around the house and cottages. – I am hemming napkins and plate doilies. – Mrs. Hall gave me a dozen hair nets today. – Going to bed a little tired. – Card from Aransas Pass. Mr. Pierce who is there fishing. And a letter from Mrs. Bell.

Sunday, July 11
Good breeze all day, but It was a hot breeze. – Mr. Van Bergen and Dick came out for 12 o’clock dinner. – Then Jane Lee went home with them before dark. – We had such a good dinner. A leg of lamb and watermelon for dessert. – Did not write a letter today. Just loafed and read some. – Going to bed at 10 o’clock. The twilight lasts into the night very delightful.

Monday, July 12
Hot day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to St. Paul today. Left White Bear Lake about 10 o’clock. She did a lot of shopping, but I purchased only a hose supporter.- Had a collision on the street. A man backed onto Mrs. Pierce’s car’s front fender and bent it badly. Knocking her car on to the rear bumper of a car on the other side. A crowd of men and a policeman untangled us and each went on their way. – We drove out to the Van Bergen home. Took a dress out for Jane Lee. – Were home in time for dinner. – Hemmed a dress for Mrs. Pierce, etc. and are going to bed some tired.

Tuesday, July 13
Another hot day, but Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Wayzetta and ate lunch with Mrs. Heffelfinger, Miss Nancy and Mrs. Jane Winston. Also Mrs. Mary Pierce. – The lunch was very simple, but nice and the china and crystal were pretty. – The young people went swimming after lunch and we visited with Mrs. H. They have a beautiful home on the lake shore. A much larger lake than White Bear Lake. – Tonight Dick and Nancy came out to swim. Mrs. Pierce went with them. – Mr. and Mrs. Mertz are here playing cards as I go to bed.

Wednesday, July 14
A real heavy rain fell early this morning and showers continued all day. All vegetation looks fresh and clean. – Mrs. Pierce finished weeding the flower bed today and wrote a long letter to Mrs. Smith. I enclosed a note, too. – We have all been sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s table linen today. – I was stiff, sore and lame when I awoke this morning. Think I must have taken a little cold during the night, and the two days dissipation did not help any. Am brand new tonight, tho. – More rain threatens.

Thursday, July 15 – End of 3rd Week in Minn
Did not rain last night, but was much cooler this morning. Grand. I have worn a jacket all day. Cloudy all forenoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I went to the Village this afternoon and stopped on the way home to see Mrs. Chambers. – This was Louise’s day off, so we ate scraps for lunch. Good scraps, too. – And for dinner ate a grand steak. – Then we were Mr. Hall’s guests to see Parnell in the Village. (Clark Gable and Myrna Loy, Edna May Oliver). A fine picture.

Friday, July 16
Today the Claybourn money was deposited in the bank by Mr. Feather. – Awoke early and pulled the blanket over me. Real cool. – Mrs. Hall is delighted. She and Mrs. Pierce drove to St. Paul today. Shampoo, etc. for Mrs. Hall. They came home early this evening. – Louise and I kept house. – Tonight it was raining some, but is not cold in the house. The windows are all closed on the porch. – I wrote to Lee and Jedie and Mrs. Heffelfinger today. – Have hemmed napkins today. – No mail came for any of us today.

Saturday, July 17 – Birchwood
Real cool all forenoon. Slept under a blanket and a quilt over my feet last night. – Wore my sweater all forenoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to the Village. The sun shone all afternoon and it was delightful. – Mrs. Pierce and “Prebee” worked in the yard this forenoon. I wrote to Mrs. Borden. – After dinner tonight, we all went boating. Mrs. Pierce rowed first and Mr. Hall brought us home. A lovely trip.

Sunday, July 18 – Birchwood, Minnesota
Mrs. Hall awoke sick this morning. Stomach out of fix. – She did not stay up until dinner time. Then lay on the couch all afternoon. Seems better as we go to bed tonight. – None of the Van Bergens came out until late. Then Frederick and Audry came. They ate Sunday night lunch will us. – Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. Barnes came this afternoon. Mr. Raymond is not well. – The weather has moderated to warm tonight a little rain fell this afternoon. – No letters written today.

Monday, July 19
Beautiful day. Much warmer. – Rec’d letter from Mr. Feather today. – The sale has progressed far enough that he has deposited $233.00 + in the Bay City bank to my credit. Rec’d a deposit slip from bank, also. The Claybourns have paid the July payment, also. But something remains to be done to prefect the title. Don’t understand it.

Tuesday, July 20
A happy day. – We attended the meeting of the South Shore Club today. Held at Mrs. Chambers home. A large group of ladies attended. Members and visitors. A review of the play or book “You Can’t Take it With You” was given by Mrs. Stewart. A fine reader. – We took sandwiches and Mrs. Chambers served coffee and tea.

Wednesday, July 21
Much warmer today. – Have been hemming linen all day. – Quite a heavy rain fell this afternoon cooling the air. – Wrote a couple of letters this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce took her car to the White Bear shop before noon. – After dinner Mr. Hall sent we three women over to get it in a taxi. – The radiator was leaking, etc. – Hope it will be all right now. Carnival in White Bear.

Thursday, July 22 – 4th Week in Minnesota
Mrs. Pierce worked at her typewriter today. – Mrs. Hall and I sewed, tho both took a nap this afternoon. – I have the table linen almost hemmed. Mrs. Hall is putting the rickrack on it and is working on the quilt. – A gentle shower fell this afternoon. Bad for the Fireman’s Carnival being held in White Bear.  – At 4:30, we started to “The Porch,” Mr. Hall’s guests and ran out of gas. A young man came to our rescue. We ate a fine dinner and then went on to the village and saw the picture “They Gave Him a Gun.” – Thank you Mr. Hall.

Friday, July 23
Pretty day all day. – Sewing most of the day. – Mrs. Hall working on Mrs. Pierce’s ancient quilt. We hope to have it all whipped and washed before we go home. – Mr. Van Bergen brought Jane Lee out to stay a couple of weeks while he is off on his vacation.  – Mr. and Mrs. Renstrom came calling since dinner. They stayed to play bridge, eat popcorn, cookies and drink various soft drinks. – Cool tonight. – Mrs. Pierce went swimming this P.M.

Saturday, July 24 – Mr. Hall’s Birthday – 1863 – 74
Pretty day, but hard rain after dark. Hard on the Firemen’s Carnival. – Sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s quilt. – Did not feel so well this afternoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I drove to the Village for Mr. Hall’s cake and a carton of cigarettes. – Mrs. Hall gave us a splendid dinner. Mr. Hall’s birthday celebration. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce gave him a chair. – Jane Lee some small cigars. – We played mahjong tonight.

Sunday, July 25
Mr. and Mrs. Renstrom ate one of Mrs. Hall’s good 12 o’clock dinners with us today. – Then Mrs. Pierce and Jane Lee went with them out to the Girl Reserves Camp at Lake Elmo to see the Remstroms’ daughter. – The Van Bergen boys and their sweet hearts came out this P.M. and all ate sandwiches. – The Halls and Renstroms played bridge this afternoon. – I am reading “Gone with the Wind” again.

Monday, July 26
Beautiful day. – Worked on the quilt. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall did not rest well last night. Too much company yesterday, I expect. – Rec’d a reassuring letter from Mr. Feather today. – So shall not worry about the sale of the house any more for awhile at least. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I went to see “Another Dawn.” A real sad picture.

Tuesday, July 27
Good day. – Mrs. Harper did the washing. – We finished the quilt today. Are proud of ourselves. – Some cement workers repaired the steps today. – Mrs. Pierce has had a very lame back today. – Mrs. Hall gave it a thorough rubbing with Sloan’s liniment tonight. – No mail today.

Wednesday, July 28
Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and I drove to St. Paul today. Jane Lee to have her hair trimmed and to meet Fred and Audry to go to the circus. – We shopped around a good deal. I borrowed $10.00 from Mr. Hall and bought a couple of dresses and a belt. All for $7.00. – We came home quite tired. Mrs. Pierce has a lame hip. – Dick and Nancy brought Jane Lee out tonight. – Mrs. Johnson is here playing bridge as Jane Lee and I go to bed.

Thursday, July 29 – 5th Week
Happy day. Mr. Hall was host to Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee and myself on a boat trip 20 miles down the Mississippi River. Thru two draw bridges and one lock. Soon after passing thru the lock, the boat turned around and brought her cargo of 1600 people back to the St. Paul dock. We ate lunch on the boat and stopped on the way home for giant hot dogs which we brought home to eat. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Hall.

Friday, July 30
Pretty day. – Have been sewing on quilt lining and the two dresses bought in St. Paul. – Frederick came out this P.M. and took Jane Lee to her appointment with the dentist. Then after dinner the boys, their sweethearts, Jane Lee and Jane Lee’s friend, Verna, who is to spend a couple of days with her, came out. Some of them went in swimming tonight. – Quite cool tonight. Getting out blankets to sleep under. – No mail today.

Saturday, July 31
Fine day. – Sewed this forenoon. - After lunch we women drove to White Bear. Mrs. Hall did her marketing. Then we drove to a riding stable where the two girls hired horses for an hour’s ride. We went with them in the car. Then came home. Ate dinner and were all Mr. Hall’s guests to see “Charlie Chan at the Olympics.” A good picture.


Sunday, August 1 – Mrs. Mobley’s Birthday
Quite hot today, tho a good breeze has been blowing. – We have been at home all day. A restful time. – Jane Lee and her guests spent some time down at the lake out in the canoe. – The Van Bergen boys and their sweethearts came out at dark and went swimming in the lake. – Am still reading “Gone with the Wind.”

Monday, August 2
Fine day. No rain, but quite warm. Mrs. Hall thought it almost unbearable. – We slept late this morning. Mr. Hall having gone when we awoke. – We sewed all day. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Renstrom came for Verna. We shall miss her. She is a very attractive little girl. – Wrote a card and letter today. Rec’d a card from Mrs. Barnett and a letter from Mrs. Smith.

Tuesday, August 3
Very hard rain and wind last night and early this morning. – Mrs. Harper washed. – At 12 o’clock Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I went to the “Porch” to attend a meeting of the “South Shore Club.” The lunch was served by the “Porch.” The program was a reading by Mrs. Perry of Negro poets and some of their compositions. – The sun came out by 10 o’clock and the afternoon was beautiful. – Much cooler tonight.

Wednesday, August 4
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce drove Jane Lee out to Bald Eagle Lake to spend the day with a friend—Katherine. – Then she made some raspberry and apple jelly. – After dinner Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to White Bear to see the “Californian.” Drove by and picked Jane Lee up when we came home. – No mail today.

Thursday, August 5 – 6th Week in Minn.
Another warm day, but more breeze. – This was Louise’s day off, so we were cooks, etc. – Mrs. Pierce worked on a couple of porch chairs ready to paint. When she came in for lunch she was almost sick. Not feeling well as she goes to bed. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Tandy. – Finished reading “Gone with the Wind” this afternoon. (2nd reading). A fascinating book and much of it true.

Friday, August 6
Warm day. – Mrs. Hall was very uncomfortable. – Mrs. Pierce not well, so she was too warm, also. – We sewed on various things today. – I received my C P and L Co. check for $6.00. – A letter from Mrs. Stoddard mailed at Oslo, Norway. – Also one from Mrs. Richards relative to the $500.00 recently paid by the Tabernacle purchasers. – Jane Lee’s little friend came to spend the night with her. From Bald Eagle Lake.

Saturday, August 7
Warm day. Hectic also. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce drove to White Bear marketing this P. M. – Frederick and Dick came out this P.M. Are spending the night. – Mrs. Pierce, the boys, Jane Lee and her guest and myself went to see “Between Two Women.” Real good picture. – Rec’d a letter from Marguerite. – She and the boys are leaving for Miami today to be gone until the 17th. – We raced home ahead of a rain tonight. So much thunder and lightning.

Sunday, August 8
Beautiful day. Not so warm. – The Van Bergen boys ate dinner here. – Jane Lee’s guest went home this forenoon. – After dinner, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jane Lee, myself and Dick, who did the driving, went out farm hunting. – We drove through Stillwater and up to Taylor’s Falls. Went one side of the river and came back on the other side. The Minnesota and Wisconsin. The St. Croix River is most beautiful. Saw some very fine farms, too, and a beautiful lake. – All up and down hill. Grand trees and rock formations. – The cliffs along the St. Clair River are magnificent. Saw a fishery, also. A state project.

Monday, August 9
Some cloudy and a little rain. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce were Mrs. Raymond’s guests to lunch at the Porch and then to play bridge at her home on Bald Eagle. – Jane Lee washed her hair in the lake this afternoon while I sat on the wharf and sewed on a napkin. – Jane Lee is a real fish in the water. A fine swimmer. – After dinner, we women drove to White Bear to see “The Emperor’s Candlesticks.” William Powell and Luise Ranier. – Rec’d my statement from the bank today.

Tuesday, August 10
Cloudy early this forenoon, but the sun came out before noon, so the clothes dried. – Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s things today. – Jane Lee and I went down to the lake this P.M. She swan and I sewed on napkins. – No mail and no letters written. – Mr. Van Bergen came home from his vacation last night, so Frederick came for Jane Lee this evening. We miss her. –Mrs. Johnson came up to play bridge tonight.

Wednesday, August 11
Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to St. Paul today. – Each had a shampoo and after lunch did some shopping. – I bought a pair of stockings and a summer corset $2.19 total. My shampoo was $1.25. It included a restful massage, too. – We were back home about 5:30 and ate a good dinner. Mrs. Pierce is on a liquid diet for a couple of days. – No mail today.

Thursday, August 12 – 7 Weeks
Fine day. – Sewing all day working on Mrs. Hall’s ready made dresses. – This being Louise’s day off, we were cooks. Ate a good lunch. – Mrs. Mills came out with Mr. Hall and we ate a good dinner. – They have been playing bridge all evening. – I worked on napkins. – Wrote a note to Marguerite in Miami, Florida. – No mail for me today. – Mrs. Mobley due here Sunday morning.

Friday, August 13
Fine day. – Finished Mrs. Hall’s dresses today. – We drove to the Village this forenoon. Mrs. Hall bought a dresser and did marketing. I sent a letter to Mrs. Dismukes. – This afternoon we sewed some and Mrs. Pierce put the east room in order for Mrs. Mobley. – After dinner Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mills and I took a long walk out east. – Tonight they played bridge while I sewed on the napkins. – Letter from Mrs. Borden.

Saturday, August 14
Pretty day. – Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Pierce washed the car this forenoon. – After lunch Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to White Bear marketing. Mrs. Mills preferred to rest. – After that they played bridge. Mrs. Mills’ son and another boy came out for Mrs. Mills. – They played and all ate dinner before going home. – Mr. and Mrs. Chambers came over and played bridge until 10:30. I worked on table linen today.

Sunday, August 15
Warm day. Windy, tho. – We were all up a little earlier this morning. – Mr. Hall and Mrs. Pierce drove to St. Paul to meet Mrs. Mobley at 7:45. – After a good dinner, we all rested all afternoon. – No guests. – Then ate tea wagon lunch about 7 o’clock. – We were delighted to see Mrs. Mobley. – Going to bed early tonight.

Monday, August 16
Real warm day. – Some cloudy and no wind. – Some preparations were made today for the Club meeting tomorrow. Washed dishes, polished silver, etc. – We all rested some this afternoon. – Tonight we are going to bed early. – Card from Marguerite in Miami.

Tuesday, August 17
Fine day. The South Side Club met here this P.M. – Mrs. Hall’s porch and rooms were most inviting. The tables attractively set for the 24 seated members who brought their lunches. Mrs. Hall provided the relishes, coffee and tea. – The entertainment was a musical program given by three women musicians. Mrs. Christianson, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Nelson. – Mrs. Christianson has a beautiful voice with which she is most generous. The members report this to be the most enjoyable meeting of the year.

Wednesday, August 18
Some cloudy and much cooler. – This afternoon we women drove to the beautiful cemetery where Mrs. Van Bergen is buried. Then took a long way back to Birchwood. A beautiful country. – Mr. Van Bergen and a Mr. Cullin came for a few minutes just as we were eating lunch. – We stopped at White Bear Village on our way home. Mrs. Mobley bought some post cards.

Thursday, August 19 – 8 Weeks
A pretty day. A happy day. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mobley and I left Birchwood this forenoon and drove to St. Paul. – Visited Como Park, saw Monkey Island, etc. A beautiful place. Then drove to the Van Bergen home. Saw Frederick and the cook. Jane Lee not at home. – Then to Fort Snelling and from there to Mendota and ate lunch at the Sibley House. Visited the old home and saw the antiques, etc. – Drove back to St. Paul where we picked Mrs. Chambers up and brought her home. Stopped to see her flowers a moment. Came home and rested until 5:30. Dressed and were Mr. Hall’s guests to dinner at the Auto Clubhouse and to the picture show later. A full day.

Friday, August 20
Pretty day. Cooler. – Mr. Hall took a flat tire off of Mrs. Pierce’s car this morning. He left it at North St. Paul to be mended and brought it back this afternoon. – We put in most of the day sewing. Mrs. Pierce cut out a black cloth coat, but did not get far on it. – Rec’d the deposit slip from the bank today. – After dinner, Mr. Van Bergen and Miss Pratt came out for an hour. – The family and Mrs. Mobley played bridge tonight. – I am still sewing rickrack braid on table linen. – All going to bed at 10:15 tonight.

Saturday, August 21
Cool today. Wore a sweater all day. – Changed beds, etc. this forenoon and wrote some cards. Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses. Repair work. – Mr. Hall at home. Busy around the yard and house. – This afternoon we “women folks’ drove to White Bear Village where Mrs. Hall did marketing. – Came home and did some more sewing. – Mrs. Pierce has hay fever good and plenty. – Tonight the family played bridge. All going to bed to get warm.

Sunday, August 22
Cold. – A quiet day. Nothing in particular to record except a good dinner and a comfortable room. A little fire in the furnace to take the chill off of the house this forenoon. – We sat on the porch this afternoon. – Are going to bed early tonight. Will sleep under blankets.

Monday, August 23
Warmer. – Beautiful day. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley drove to St. Paul today. – I had the ear ache last night and it was “jumping” this morning, so the best place for me was at home. – Worked some on the napkins, etc. and at 3 o’clock dropped down on my bed trying until 5 o’clock to go to sleep. – The family returned and I got up. – Mrs. Hall put some medicine in my ear tonight. It feels better. – Letter from Lee today.

Tuesday, August 24
Warmer tonight. – Ear still hurting this morning, but as the day grew warmer, the ear felt better. – We all sewed today. Mrs. Mobley worked on finger towels she bought yesterday. Mrs. Pierce on her coat, etc. I have the linen about finished. – Tonight we went to see “Saratoga.” Jean Harlow’s last picture. We enjoyed it very much even tho the beautiful girl is dead. Life and death are so closely woven. One instant life, the next death. We were Mrs. Mobley’s guests, tho I hoped to make it my party.

Wednesday, August 25
Warmer today. - Louise took off today and the “harem” drove to St. Paul to attend a luncheon given to two tables of bridge and myself by Mrs. Chambers and Mrs. Brown. – The luncheon was served in the Ladies Club dining room and the bridge played in the parlor. The luncheon was fine and the game was enjoyed to the limit. – Why I was included in the hospitality, I do not know. Also was presented with a handkerchief—a visitor’s gift. – We all spent a happy day and are going to bed tired.

Thursday, August 26 – 9 Weeks
Much warmer. – Busy all forenoon. Cleaning house, washing dishes, etc. Arranging flowers. Preparing for guests tomorrow honoring Mrs. Pierce’s birthday. – The house looks spick and span. Killed many spiders and brushed down many webs woven over night. – All going to bed early and hope for a cooler day tomorrow.

Friday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s Birthday – 52
Another warm day, but a happy one for the Hall household as we helped Mrs. Pierce celebrate her natal day. – The forenoon was a busy one. Then at 1 o’clock the luncheon prepared under Mrs. Hall’s direction and excellent. – After that, two tables of bridge were played until 5:30 when the guests went home—Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Keller. – Mrs. Brown won 1st prize, Mrs. Chambers low. Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Pierce and I each received pretty handkerchiefs. – Tonight the Van Bergen youngsters and Audrey came out. – We are going to bed after a “full day.”

Saturday, August 28
A pretty day, but we were all tired out from yesterday’s dissipation and spent the time resting, eating and writing letters, cards, etc. – None of us had a needle in our hands. – Mr. Hall spent the day at home. Did a few odd jobs and slept most of the afternoon. – After dinner, they tried to get up enough energy to play bridge, but as I listened to them it seemed to be a game of argument and contradiction.

Sunday, August 29
Cloudy forenoon, but a fine day. – Truly a day of rest for this household. – We all spent a good deal of time on our beds. – No letters written. – No guests. – A good 12 o’clock dinner. A cantaloupe and ice cream lunch at night. – Early to bed.

Monday, August 30
Awoke to the patter of a gentle rain. – Rained some most all day. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mobley and myself drove to St. Paul this forenoon. Stopped in North St. Paul to order some tires. – I went immediately to the Golden Rule, bought some cotton yarn and took an all day knitting lesson (from Mrs. Olson) on a dress. – Mrs. Mobley loaned me her circular needles. – Did not knit an inch while in St. Paul. – The family met Jane Lee and they did shopping. After lunch they all went out to the Van B. home. – Have been knitting tonight. – Card from Mrs. Massenburg. Lucy in hospital.

Tuesday, August 31
A cloudy day and a little rain. Not a good wash day. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Mobley and Mrs. Pierce attended the South Shore Club meeting today held at Mrs. Pfeifer’s home just across the street. – I have been sick today. Stomach went bad. Am sure it was from knitting too hard yesterday. – Feel better tonight, but quite squeamy in the bread basket yet. – Knit some on my dress tonight. – Letter from the Haywoods.


Wednesday, September 1
Pretty day. Felt too weak to attend the luncheon given by Mrs. Andrews today, but rested all day. Knit some this afternoon and tonight. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley came home about 5 o’clock. Reported a pleasant day. – They made some preparations tonight for the luncheon Mrs. Hall is giving tomorrow. – My stomach is not sick as I go to bed tonight. – Letter from Mrs. Bell.

Thursday, September 2
Pretty day, tho some cloudy and hot. – Busy all forenoon getting ready for the luncheon Mrs. Hall gave today at 1 o’clock followed by an afternoon of bridge. – Three tables played. They seemed to have spent a happy time. – I knit on my dress all afternoon and tonight. Have about six inches of the 30 finished now. – Fell well again. Some weak yet. – No mail today.

Friday, September 3
A hot day until sundown. Then a cool wave came. – Knitted about all day. – No one slept last night on acct. of an electric storm. Going to bed early.

Saturday, September 4
Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mobley and myself drove to Lake Itasca today. The car was packed full of us and baggage. Stopped at Brainard for pork sandwiches, then came on to Douglas Lodge. Mr. Van Bergen, Miss Eleanor Pratt and Jane Lee came in his car. – Our cabins are close together overlooking the beautiful Lake Itasca. The boys came ahead and had fires built in the cabins as the air is crisp. Can see our breath in the air. Will sleep under blankets. Have worn our coats all day and they were comfortable. Visited the Commissary Store tonight. Saw some Indian work. Coats made of blankets pleased me the most. – Ate a good dinner at the Lodge tonight. – We women, eight in all are to sleep in one cabin. The four men in the other. Raining a little as we go to bed. Speedometer shows 240 mile trip. 17 ½ gal gas.

Sunday, September 5
The sun came up bright this morning. We all slept well last night and were routed out of bed in time to eat nine o’clock breakfast. – The young fry went out in a boat fishing and caught a fine large fish. – The middle fry stayed at the cabin. – The old folks went for a boat trip on the lake. 12 miles. – Then ate lunch. – After that, drove around the park. Saw the buffalo, deer, etc. And finally found the source of the Mississippi River where it comes out of the lake in a small stream and begins its journey to the Gulf. – The opening made by the river is much larger than it was when I saw it several years ago. Then dinner, visited and are going to bed. All tired. Saw some pictures taken by Mr. Carl Wagner of Des Moines. He took ours on the boat this forenoon.

Monday, September 6 – Labor Day
Awoke to the patter of rain on the cabin roof. – Mr. Hall called us early. We were sleepy, but rolled out promptly. Packed the car and then all ate breakfast around 8:30 A.M. Ate the fish the boys caught yesterday. – They were bidden Bon Voyage by the younger crowd and were on our way in the drizzling rain. – Ate lunch at Brainerd and saw the rock garden in the basement of the hotel. – The rain continued more than halfway home. Stopped at the trading post at ___. The traffic was very heavy on account of Labor Day, but we made a safe journey. Saw one car wreck. – Are all going to bed tired. 20 gal. gas. 1 qt. oil. Speedometer registered 252 miles home. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Hall for a pleasant trip.

Tuesday, September 7
The day after. – All tired out today. We did not have an excess of pep, but were all content to sit and sew or wok on rugs. – I knitted on my skirt. – Mrs. Pierce finished hooking her rug. – Mrs. Mobley worked on doilies. – Mrs. Hall did the mending, etc. – Going to bed rather early for us.

Wednesday, September 8
A pleasant day again. - We four women drove to Minneapolis this forenoon. Ate lunch at the Young and Quinlan Tea Room.  Wandered around the beautiful store. Then drove out past Mary Pierce’s home and past the office where Mr. Van Buren holds forth. Mrs. Mobley found the office where her friend works, but he was out of town, also his wife. – We came home after a pleasant day and found that Mr. Hall had fallen in town and hurt his knee. No bones broken, but he feels lame all over.

Thursday, September 9 – 11 Weeks
A quiet day. – Knitted all day on my skirt. – Mrs. Pierce packed a trunk which Mrs. Mobley will take to Tex. on her pass. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley paid some calls around the village this afternoon. – Louise was off today, so were cooks. – Mr. Hall is quite lame all over, but went to his office just the same. – A shower fell just as we came up to bed.

Friday, September 10
Beautiful day. – A truck driver came for the trunk this morning. He took it to White Bear depot. We four women followed. Checked the trunk to Blessing on Mrs. Mobley’s pass. Then we drove to Taylor’s Falls. – Stopped at a café in ___ and ate frog legs. – Then drove to the beautiful Taylor’s Falls Park. Saw the potholes--some many feet deep. A rock bank is being built at a point where we drove the car close to the river when we were there before. The wood piling rotted out and a great deal of the river bank caved in. It is a grand spot in Minnesota. A very happy day.

Saturday, September 11
Good day. – We four women drove to St. Paul this morning to start Mrs. Mobley on her journey back home. – Were sorry to have her leave. Then I went to take a lesson on my blouse knitting. – Mrs. Pierce did some errands. – Mrs. Hall had a shampoo and manicure. – Then we went to the Angus where Mrs. Hall reserved an apartment for the winter and we ate lunch in the coffee room. - Mrs. Hall went to see Dr. Hall about the pain around her eye. – Mr. and Mrs. Raymond came calling tonight.

Angus Hotel - St. Paul, Minnesota

Sunday, September 12
Cooler today. – We changed the beds this morning. Were late getting up. - Miss Mrs. Mobley. – After 12 o’clock dinner, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I went to White Bear to see “The Good Earth.” A fine picture. – Then we drove around some trying to find “Nettie” who raises gladiolas, but failed to locate her home. – Came home, ate lunch, read awhile and are now going to bed. Shall sleep under all of the covers tonight.

Monday, September 13
Cool day. A little fire in the furnace. – Mrs. Pierce has been working on family history all day. – I have done nothing but eat and knit on my dress. – Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Morrison spent some time here this afternoon. They are both good for the blues. – Mr. Hall does not seem to be feeling quite well. – Going to sleep under a blanket.

Tuesday, September 14
Warmer today. – Mrs. Harper washed and did most of the ironing. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce attended the South Shore Club meeting at Mrs. McGregor’s this P.M. – A bridge party strictly. – I have been knitting all day on my dress. – Mrs. Johnson came over tonight to play bridge. We are going to bed at 1030. – Letter from Lee.

Wednesday, September 15
Misty this forenoon. Fire in the furnace. – We three women drove to St. Paul this forenoon. – Stopped at the Van Bergen home. Found him still in bed from an infected foot which he might have picked up at Itasca Park. Went to Mrs. Mills’ for 1 o’clock luncheon where we met Mr. Morrison and Mrs. Benjamine. – After luncheon, a couple of games of bridge were enjoyed by the players. As usual, I was a dummy, stupidly knitting. Mrs. Mills had a little fire in her furnace tho the sun came out and the day was beautiful. – Mr. Hall seems to be feeling better tonight.

Thursday, September 16 – 12 Weeks in White Bear
Frost last night on the garage roof. – Mrs. Pierce fell down the east steps this morning, bruised herself pretty severely and broke a vase. But, has been sewing all day. Hope she will not be too lame tomorrow. – We had fire in the fireplace all day and the house closed, but it is warmer tonight and raining some. – This was Louise’s day off, so we were cooks, etc. – Mrs. Hall served a grand dinner tonight. – A phone message from the Van Bergen home said he was better today. – Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Hall from Mrs. Mobley. – I have knitted all day. – Am tired tonight. – We expect to go to St. Paul tomorrow.

Friday, September 17
Cloudy forenoon. Up and away to St. Paul at 9 A.M. – I went at once to the Golden Rule where Mrs. Oleson had me ravel out about 5 inches of my back and make it smaller. – Finished that and took a lesson on one side of the front. – Mrs. Pierce took a lesson on a pair of pants for Lee Hall. – We ate lunch at the Golden Rule. – Mrs. Pierce visited the Dr. Had a large plaster put on her back. It seems to help it some. – Mr. Van Bergen in bed yet, but better perhaps. – Mr. Hall had a dizzy attack since dinner tonight. Is asleep as we go to bed. – Letter from Mrs. Strickland.

Saturday, September 18
A perfect day. – Mr. Hall at home today. He had his “handy man” put some of the storm sashes into the windows today. That is his first preparation for winter and leaving the lake home until spring. Am sure Mrs. Hall is anxious to go back to the hotel and less strenuous living for her. – After lunch, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Sunset Cemetery. It was at its best with the grass all mowed to velvety smoothness. The flowers so lovely and the bright sunshine over all. – We came home by the village and did some marketing, etc. I bought some soap, stationery and a carton of cigarettes. Still knitting on the dress. – No mail.

Sunday, September 19
A beautiful day. Fire in the furnace. – Did not write any letters. – This afternoon Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and me went to White Bear to see “The Toast of New York.” Came home, ate lunch of sandwiches, eggs, cake, ice cream, etc. and then read until bed time. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I took a walk on the old right of way of the street car track this forenoon. – Jane Lee called tonight. Her father expects to go to work tomorrow. His foot is better.

Monday, September 20
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and I spent it in St. Paul. I was in the knitting room all day. – We ate lunch together in the Golden Rule lunch room. – A hungry mob has been there each time I have been there. – Mr. Hall advanced me $20.00 for which I gave him a check when I came home. Bought some cards for going away gifts. Getting along with my dress. – Letter from Mrs. Smith.

Tuesday, September 21
Beautiful day. Windows open. – Mrs. Harper washed. – Mrs. Pierce used her typewriter this forenoon after she took her car to the N. St. Paul garage. – I wrote to Mrs. Dismukes. – About 3 o’clock I went with Mrs. Pierce to get her car. We stopped at Mrs. Chambers, but she was not at home. I left a pack or 2 packs of cards for her. My thank you gift. – Have knitted a good deal on my dress today. – Mrs. Chambers called me on the phone. For thanks. – Mr. Van Bergen’s foot not so well tonight.

Wednesday, September 22 – Last day of summer
Another beautiful day. – Warmer than yesterday. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce drove to St. Paul to spend the night in the Van Bergen home. – Mr. Van B. is in bed again. – Mr. Hall talked with  the physician today and discovered that Mr. Van B. was in a very critical condition when he first called the Dr. and he must be extremely careful for several months if he hopes to entirely recover. – No mail today. – We miss Mrs. Pierce. – Am going to bed soon after 9.

Thursday, September 23 – Autumn Begins – 13th Week
Beautiful forenoon. 90o. This was Louise’s day off, so Mrs. Hall and I got ourselves some lunch. – I wrote to Mrs. Smith this forenoon. No mail. Wonder why my deposit slip from the bank doesn’t come. (Claybourn’s deposit) – Quite a rain fell this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce came in it. – The wind blew hard, too.  – Knitted this afternoon. – Mrs. Hall worked on her quilt. – We cooked dinner and piled up the dishes. – Mr. Van Bergen in bed yet. – Going to bed tired.

Friday, September 24
Sent a letter to Lucy today. – Real cold all day and some cloudy. – Did a little knitting this forenoon and took a bath. – At 1 o’clock, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and myself went across the street to be Mrs. Olm’s luncheon guests and the card players enjoyed a table of bridge during the afternoon. – I was knitting dummy. – Mrs. Pfeiffer was a guest, also. – Tonight Mrs. Pfeiffer gave the Hall family a lesson in Rummy.

Saturday, September 25
Cold today. – At home all day. – Packing this forenoon. – Sewing and knitting this afternoon. – No mail for anyone. - Mr. Hall at home. – They are playing rummy now as it can be a three handed game. – Louise went home tonight to visit a sister who came this afternoon.

Sunday, September 26
Bright sunshine, but a cold wind. – The household were at home all day. I wrote to the Frasers. – Mrs. Hall gave us a fine 1 o’clock dinner. Then Louise went home for the afternoon. – The Van Bergen boys, Jane Lee and Nancy came out. – Mrs. Hall made Welsh rarebit for us. – Mr. Van Bergen is up and at his office now. His foot much better. – We listened to the Ford concert tonight.

Monday, September 27
Cloudy this forenoon, but we women drove to St. Paul. The sun came out by 12 o’clock. – Mrs. Hall had a manicure, a shampoo and curl, a foot treatment and visited her Dr.  – Mrs. Pierce went with her and did a little shopping. – I spent my time in the knitting room and have my waist finished. – Knit on the skirt tonight. Am trying to finish it here. – Mrs. Hall’s eye pain Is quite severe.

Tuesday, September 28
Very cloudy, drizzly day. – Mrs. Harper came tho. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I went to the Community House about 12 o’clock. Took our lunch and met a large group of the South Shore Club women where we listened to Mrs. Remington of Minneapolis speak on foreign and domestic affairs. A smart woman and good talker. – No mail. – My dress about finished.

Wednesday, September 29
Cloudy forenoon, but the sun finally shone out. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to St. Paul this forenoon. – I finished my dress and left it with Mrs. Olson to have it blocked. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce went to the Dr. who gave Mrs. Hall encouragement about the pain in her face and eye. – We arrived home about 3:30. – Mrs. Pierce had a letter from Mr. P. saying Lee would move back into the parental home. The long drawn out suit has been decided and the houses go to Johnathan.

Thursday, September 30 – 14 Weeks
Mostly cloudy and cool. – We have been sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s clothes all day. Mending and altering. – No mail came for me today. – Mrs. Pierce called Mrs. Heffelfinger this afternoon. Mr. H. had just returned from Texas. – We listened to Major Bowles Amateur Hour tonight. – All are going to bed early.


Friday, October 1 – Mr. Van Bergen’s Wedding Day - Mr. Van Bergen and Miss Pratt married.
Mostly cloudy and a little rain. – Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to St. Paul this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce had a shampoo and the plaster renewed on her back. – Then we ate lunch. Then did some shopping. – I enjoyed tramping around with Mr. Hall. She is so familiar with the city and stores. – We drove out to see a sick friend of Mrs. Pierce’s, but she had been taken to the hospital. – Then to Mrs. Mills’ home. She was absent. – Then to the Van Bergen home. Saw Jane Lee. – Then back down town where Mr. Hall gave us a good dinner. Creamed codfish. – Going to bed tired after a happy day.

Saturday, October 2
Cloudy and a little rain. – Mr. Hall worked at the cottages all day getting them ready to leave for the winter – He wanted to put the storm sashes up to the house windows, but the shower drove Preeby home. – Mrs. Pierce packed all forenoon. Has about finished. – Mine is all done, too. – I set up a blouse for Mrs. Pierce today. Have been knitting on it. – Some fire in the furnace, tho not so very cold.

Sunday, October 3 – Clinton’s Birthday
Beautiful day. Warm. – Mrs. Pierce still packing. – Mrs. Hall gave a grand 1 o’clock dinner to us and the Van Bergen children. – After dinner, some Kodak pictures were taken of the family and guests. – Dick has a bad eye. Has had two operations on the tear ducts. – The children went home before dark and we ate sandwiches later. – Listened to the radio awhile. – Mrs. Pierce wrote some letters and all are going to bed early.

Monday, October 4 – Mother’s Birthday
Mostly cloudy and some rain fell. – The packing was finished this forenoon and at 2 P.M. “Preby” came and carried it all downstairs. Mrs. Pierce directed the packing of the car and it was truly packed. – Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Morrison came out for an hour since lunch. Mrs. Hall gave them each a sample of pumpkin pie. – Mrs. Hall gave us a grand dinner tonight. Our last in Birchwood this trip. – Then we listened to the President over the radio while he made a short address to several thousand people in St. Paul. – His train stopped for a few minutes.

Tuesday, October 5 – Des Moines, Iowa
Drove out of Birchwood about 8:40 A. M. – Ate of the lunch Mrs. Hall gave us at Owatonna. – Stopped at Mason City to have clutch tightened. Lost 45 minutes. – Drove on to Des Moines. Put the car in a parking station up town and after drinking “tea and toast” at a near by café, we went to see “Thin Ice” at the Des Moines. Beautiful picture. – We then drove out to tourists’ camp on the south side of the city where we are spending the night. We have driven 287 miles today.

Wednesday, October 6 – Two miles south of Carthage, Mo.
Hamilton Inn. – We slept cold last night, tho there was kindling, coal and a large stove in the room. Made a fine fire this morning. Ate a good breakfast at the Camp Café, but found we were not in the right camp. – Too dark to see well last night. – Left Des Moines at 8:10. The forenoon was quite cool. – Ate lunch at Cameron at noon. Wrote cards to Mrs. Hall. – Then were on our way and are spending the night at a fine camp two miles out of Carthage, Mo. south. -  This is the finest camp we have been in. Stone cottages. All modern and new. We are tired. Mrs. Pierce ate supper at the Café, but I was not hungry. – Drove 355 miles today.

Thursday, October 7 – Chandler, Ok. – Gibson’s Court
Ate breakfast at the Hamilton Inn after a good night’s rest in a clean bed. – Leaving at 8 o’clock, we stopped out of Joplin, Mo. near Baxter Springs for rock specimens. – Ate lunch at Miami, OKLA, leaving there at 1 P.M. – Drove into Claremore, Will Rogers home at 3 P.M. Coal is mined there at 15 feet. Many high mounds, but not Indian Mounds. At Baxter saw a wonderful collection of Indian relics—arrow heads, etc. – Many stands along the highway exhibiting all kinds of minerals from the mines. Some 500 feet deep. We took a few specimens. – Then drove to Chandler, Ok. Where we are in a clean camp. Many of the cabins are built over the garages. We are over our car tonight. – Cards written to Mr. and Mrs. Hall.

Friday, October 8 – Dallas, Texas – Bon Air Courts – 2811 Ross Ave.
269 miles today. – Breakfast at Gibson’s Court. – On our way about 7:15. Stopped in Oklahoma City and visited the museum an hour. Oil wells across the street from the beautiful capitol building. – Many, many wells in the city. State owned. – Stopped at Norman, Oklahoma to look at pottery. Many colors. – Paul’s Valley at noon for lunch. – 91 miles yet in Oklahoma. – Then came to Turner Falls after a steep climb up a long hill near Davis. Stopped there 30 minutes. A most gorgeous falls. This is a state park. One looks down a gorge on a lovely home built like a castle. Many, many winding steps leading down it. The falls are many feet high. Most gorgeous view. A bronze Indian statue seems to guard it. The Arbuckle Range. Limestone boulders, walls, straight furrows of rocks as tho plowed by a giant plow near Springer. Crossed Red River at 3:30. Dallas at 6:15. Bon Air Courts.

Saturday, - October 9
Breakfast at Toddle House, Dallas. – Hard rain last night. We leave in a drizzle at 7:15, but the sun shone at Corsicana where we ate lunch. Much hilly country. – The pines appeared between Centerville and Huntsville. – At Huntsville we stopped an hour visiting the Sam Houston home, boathouse, kitchen, law office. Also the beautiful museum containing many relics and designed by Harry Payne of Houston. John Henry’s former employer. Then drove on to Houston. Reached there late, perhaps 6:30. Traffic fierce. A ball game had been played. A Tiger mascot on the streets. Ate a hot dog and came to Blessing arriving about 9:30. Mr. Pierce and John Henry and Lady greeted us. Tired folks. 347 miles today.

On the road home from St. Paul 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Miles 1475
Gas 86 gals and 1 quart of oil - 15.78
Food                                               7.15
Rooms                                            8.00
Misc.                                               7.16

Sunday, October 10
Pretty day. – Slept rather late. – After eating Jack’s good breakfast, John Henry drove us over to see Lee’s family. Poor Lee. Jedie and the baby are all right. – Then we came back and unpacked the car. The cargo had come through well. – It is in the house, but not unpacked. – Mrs. Smith came to bring the milk. She looks ill. The hot summer and worry have been hard for her. – Lee’s family ate dinner here. – Mrs. Smith gave us a leg of lamb and Jack cooked it well. – I took a nap after dinner. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up. – Mrs. Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Gifford of Houston came, too. – John Henry went back to Houston tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove over to Bay City tonight. – Rev. Engle is preaching, but we did not attend. – Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk and the Engles came here after preaching.

Monday, October 11
Pretty day, hot, tho. – Mrs. Pierce and I have been busy all day. I unpacked my belongings today and most of Mrs. Pierce’s. The washing was done and some of the ironing. – Jack helped at the warehouse this afternoon so Mrs. Pierce prepared dinner tonight. Jack coming home in time to finish it. – Mrs. Smith brought the milk in tonight. She is thin and worked and worried down. – Mr. Pierce went back to his office since dinner. – Mrs. Pierce reading as I go to bed tired.

Tuesday, October 12
A beautiful day, but a hard one. Mrs. Pierce and I are too tired to talk. – I washed quite a few under garments that had come home soiled. Then ironed them. – Jack had to help at the warehouse, so Mrs. Pierce cooked dinner. We ate a scrap lunch. – Then Mrs. Pierce ironed this afternoon. Jedie helped. – A large rug was washed to put down in the west room to be occupied by Lee’s family. – Lee at the gin and warehouse. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent all day. – Mrs. Lucas spent most of the afternoon here. – I rested. – Too tired to write to Mrs. Hall tonight.

Wednesday, October 13
A busy day. – I wrote a note to Mrs. Hall this forenoon. – The Lee Pierce’s moved in today. – A rain came up this afternoon which delayed them some, but they are here tonight. – Mrs. Pierce used the vacuum cleaner and furniture polish on everything before it was brought into the house. – Mrs. Pierce is very tired tonight, but her back is better, otherwise, she could not have worked as she has done today. – Am going to bed to read awhile. Dog tired.

Thursday, October 14
Rained this forenoon and last night. – Lee finished moving everything except the ice box and sideboard today, but it will take some time to get everything put away. – Am sorry my trunk is in the studio as much of theirs could be stored in there if it was empty. – Mrs. Smith came in about noon and ate a piece of fresh pork roast. She is having her troubles also. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Harper and Louise today. – Did some sewing. – Tonight the hot water heater or tank sprung a leak, so the house will be without that luxury for awhile. Going to bed early.

Friday, October 15
A beautiful day. Quite warm. – Busy all forenoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce, Jedie, Lee Hall and I drove to Bay City. – I left my watch to be repaired. Had two pr. of shoe heels repaired. – Tried to have my tooth replaced, but will have to have some new ones made. – Left a dress and white coat to be cleaned. – Rec’d a card from Mrs. Richards calling me to Palacios soon. – The Tabernacle money I suppose. – Am going to bed. – Very tired. – Bought some material for curtains and couch cover for this room.

Saturday, October 16
Some rain today. – Lee baled some cotton today. – The women of the household worked all day putting things away and did not make much impression on what remains to be done. – Mrs. Smith and Walter Heffelfinger Jr. came a few minutes this P.M. Then came again tonight to visit. – Walter is working in Houston. – Mrs. Smith seems dragged out all of the time.

Sunday, October 17
Rain, rain, rain most of the day. – Jack did not appear today. He wanted more money for his work, but Mrs. Pierce did not think he was worth more. – We got along all right today with the work, but I expect it will get quite monotonous after while. – Lee and Jedie went to see a picture this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone tonight. – Walter Heffelfinger went back to Houston this afternoon. – I have not written a line today. Was too tired this afternoon.

Monday, October 18
A beautiful day after a foggy morning. – Jack came back this morning. Was only detained at home yesterday on acct. of illness in his household. – Odeal came to wash. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City. She attended to some business, had her car washed, etc. and I had the first performance (impressions) done in my mouth relative to having new store teeth made. This initial act cost me $25.00. Some more to be squandered later. – The day has been hot. I wore a georgette dress. - Lee and Mr. Rickaway have been working on the bursted hot water tank today.

Tuesday, October 19 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Jedie drove me to Palacios this afternoon. Mrs. Richards had gone to Bay City for a couple of hours, so I went on to Loves. They were at home. Had a pleasant visit there and went back to Mrs. Richards where I am spending the night. – The town seems rather quiet. Not much noise about oil, tho there are a good many oil people in town. – Apartments are generally full, I guess. – My old house is vacant. – I hope I did right in selling it. – Very tired tonight.

Wednesday, October 20
Beautiful day. – Hot sun at noon. Had a good night’s sleep and rest in a good bed in Mrs. Richards’ home last night. – After breakfast Mrs. Ira Richards drove us up to Mrs. Strickland’s home where we discussed the Tabernacle business and placed the money to the best of our knowledge. I trust we did right. – Then Mrs. Richards and I walked back to town and ate lunch at the City Café. – From there we went to Mrs. Richards’ home and filled out the checks. – Then Mrs. Ira drove us to town and we saw Mr. P. – I stopped to greet Mr. Feather. – Mrs. Pierce soon came for me at Mrs. Richards’ and drove me out to the cemetery. – Then to Blessing. Tired.

Thursday, October 21
A beautiful day. – Working all day putting the house in order. Changing hangings and slip covers. – I should have written many letters before now, but there is no time to write during the day and am too tired at night. – Lee and Jedie have gone to a ball game. - Mrs. Pierce is nurse. – May go to Bay City tomorrow. – Tired, tired.

Friday, October 22
Pretty day, but cooler. – Did housework all forenoon. – This afternoon Lee drove his mother and me over to Bay City. Mrs. Pierce on business. Lee looking for a job and I to have my teeth fitted. The upper set felt comfortable, but the lower ones were quite inclined to roam around in my mouth. Hope they will become less active after I wear them awhile. – Lee and Jedie are in Bay City at a football game. – Mr. Pierce there on business. – Mrs. Pierce typing.

Saturday, October 23 – Mrs. Hall’s Birthday  - 1866
Cold, windy, sunshiny day. – Housework all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce gave Jack this afternoon off so we had baked beans and brown bread for dinner tonight. A good dinner. – Mrs. Smith ate with us. – This afternoon I made a dress longer and smaller for Mrs. Smith. – Lee did some ginning today. – Mrs. Pierce is spending the late evening out calling. – Lee and Jedie are asleep. – I am going to read awhile.

Sunday, October 24
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. Lee and friends went fishing. – Jedie and son went to Palacios. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and I ate 12 o’clock dinner here and then drove to Bay City to see a picture. – Everyone is at home now. Some in bed. – Have written several letters tonight and am now going to bed.

Monday, October 25
Beautiful day. – Busy at housework until 10:30, then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I drove up to Mackay. Invited by Mrs. Borden to be guests at her 71st birthday dinner. We were the only guests and did full justice to a scrumptious turkey dinner. – After dinner we were driven over the farm and to see the Mexican school buildings and grounds. Up to date play equipment is being installed. – We then came home arriving at 5:30. - Lee and Jedie are in Palacios.

Tuesday, October 26
A busy day. – Ironing. – Mrs. Pierce ironed. Jedie ironed and I pressed the side curtains I had finished for the windows in my room and hung them. – Worked on the couch cover, but did not finish it. – Mrs. Smith ate chicken salad with us tonight. Then she drove to Palacios to see Miss Nannie Pybus. – Lee went back to the warehouse after dinner to receive rice tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has gone calling in the hotel. – Jedie and Lee Hall have gone to bed and I am on the way.

Wednesday, October 27
Grand day. – Sewing on couch cover this forenoon. Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City after lunch. – Took Jack’s wife to Dr. Loos. He reported her cured for the present. – Mrs. Pierce had a tooth filled by Dr. Sholars and I received my new set from Dr. Heiman. They seem to be quite settled onto my gums quite solidly. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Mrs. Smith’s tonight. Took Lee Hall.

Dr. Samuel R. Sholars

Thursday, October 28
Grand day. – Sewed on the couch cover this forenoon. – This afternoon, Mrs. Pierce drove me to Bay City to have my plate smoothed out some. My lower gums are tender and sore. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk were hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith and I to see the Life of Emile Zola by Paul Muni. A grand picture.

Friday, October 29
Beautiful day. Warm. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in the kitchen baking pies for the school carnival and food for the family. – This afternoon she mended curtains, etc. for Lee’s room. – I am still working on my new covers. – Tonight Lee and Jedie are attending the carnival. – Mrs. Pierce is nursing.

Saturday, October 30
Another grand day. – Lee and party went to Houston today to see a ball game. – Nothing in particular to report except my very sore mouth. – Worked on my covers and worked the white window curtains over. Taking out holes, etc. – Going to bed early.

Sunday, October 31
A beautiful day. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent . – My mouth so painful all forenoon. – Wrote several letters during the day. – Jedie went to see a picture this afternoon. – Lee out on a hunting trip. – Mrs. Smith came a couple of times today. – Going to bed early. So tired. No account.


Monday, November 1
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City since lunch. She attended to some business, but did not have dental work done as Dr. Sholars was ill. – Dr. Heiman did some smoothing on my plate which makes my mouth more comfortable. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith have gone to see Shirley Temple in “Heidi” tonight. – I went to town this forenoon. Bought some Xmas cards. Finished the repair work on Mrs. Smith’s dress.

Tuesday, November 2 – Mrs. Fraser’s Birthday
Another grand day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Lee drove to Houston. – I worked all day on my variously stored belongings. Gave Odeal a load and a stained mattress to Jack. – Ironed my curtains and hung them. – Am tired tonight.

Wednesday, November 3
Another ideal day. – Finished my couch pillows today. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedi finished the ironing this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came for me since lunch and we spent a couple of hours in her pasture, at the cemetery and her home. I brought back a little repair work for her. – Tonight we wasted money to see a very poor picture. Speaking for myself. Never again.

Thursday, November 4
Wonderful day. – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Hallmark and I drove to Bay City to hear Mrs. Calhoun of Victoria review “And So—Victoria.” I think she is a fine speaker. – Tonight Mrs. Stoddard called Mrs. Pierce from Bay City. She came Tuesday or Wednesday. Am glad she is in Texas again. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie at the council meeting.

Friday, November 5
Cloudy and some light showers today. – Finished my feather bed today by making two pillows for my white iron bed upstairs. – Wrote to Mrs. Massenburg and mailed my letter. – Mrs. Smith and Walter came in while we were eating dinner. – Mr. Pierce and Walter went to see a ball game in Bay City. Lee and Jedie went, too. – Mrs. Smith spent the evening with Mrs. Pierce and I. – We are going to bed at 11 o’clock. – Lady has a family tonight.

Saturday, November 6
Pretty day. – Mrs. Smith and Walter Heffelfinger ate fish 12 o’clock dinner here. – Mrs. Smith brought Lucille in to help Jack wash dishes. – Jack has Saturday afternoon off now. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie drove out to see the “bottom” Mrs. Smith is having cleared and to the cemetery where Mrs. Smith is having work done. – Supper is over and the dishes washed. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are going out to Live Oak Farm calling. – The rest of us are going to bed.

Sunday, November 7
Another nice day. – Mrs. Pierce went out to Mrs. Smith’s this forenoon and they made caramels. – Then Mrs. Smith and Walter went to Bay City for 12 o’clock dinner. – Mrs. Pierce came home and later we went to make a party call at the Borden home. – From there we drove Walter to Pumpkin’s home in Wharton and came back by Bay City. – Mrs. Stoddard was at Mrs. Borden’s for the week end. – Lee and Jedie went to Palacios tonight. – Mrs. Smith came in for an hour tonight.

Monday, November 8
A good day, tho windy. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City to see our dentists this afternoon. – My plate was ground down some and is very much more comfortable tonight. – Rec’d a letter from the Haywoods. They were leaving for a new field the next day. – Wrote to Sunset Home tonight and to Mrs. Richards.

Tuesday, November 9
Real hard rain today. It was thankfully received by everyone. More would be appreciated. – Rec’d a cute hospital card from Lucy Massenburg today. She hopes she is better. – Mailed my letter to “Sunset Home” today. – Have been working on Mrs. Smith’s breakfast room curtains today. – Mrs. Pierce has been cutting out Christmas sewing today. – Mrs. Smith is building a cattle shed.

Wednesday, November 10 – Jedie’s Birthday – 17
Not a pretty day. Cloudy and windy. – Mrs. Pierce visited her dentist this P.M. – Jedie had a guest. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Lee working at Live Oak Farm. – I finished the sash curtains for Mrs. Smith tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall may eat Christmas dinner in Blessing.

Thursday, November 11 – Armistice Day. – Lee 24
Grand pig barbecue at Live Oak Farm for the workers. We drove out late this afternoon and brought some meat home for dinner tonight. It was very fine. – Took Mrs. Smith’s sash curtains to her and received liberal pay for the work. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to a picture show in Bay City tonight. – Lee and his family have gone to bed and I am on the way also.

Friday, November 12
Pretty day. – Did some washing. Washed the starch out of summer dresses getting them ready for winter storage. – Mrs. Pierce went to Collegeport to attend a committee meeting relative to the Federated Clubs Concert in Bay City Monday night. – Mrs. Smith spent a short time here at the dinner hour. – Lee and Jedie at a picture show in Bay City. Baby bawling.

Saturday, November 13
Mostly sunshine. – General Sat. housework. – Mr. Pierce at Sargent. – Lee at Live Oak Farm. – Jedie at Y. M. C. A. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee Hall and I at the house. – At 5:30, Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Live Oak Farm where we were joined by Mrs. Smith and at the BayTex were Mrs. Stoddard’s dinner guests. Joined by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Pierce. – After a pleasant visit, we dispersed, thanking Mrs. Stoddard for her hospitality. She goes home Thurs. afternoon.

Sunday, November 14
A pretty day. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner with us. – Mrs. Pierce kept the baby and Lee and Jedie went to the picture show. – Tonight Rev. Engle is preaching. Mrs. Pierce attending. – Mr. and Mrs. Neal Farwell were expected to arrive in Matagorda Co. today for a three days visit – Going to bed at 8 o’clock.

Monday, November 15
Windy warm day. – Wash day. Made sheets longer today. (antiques) – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in Bay City. – Tonight Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Duller, Mrs. Pierce and myself went to Bay City to hear Carrol Ault in concert song given under the auspices of the Federation of Clubs.

Tuesday, November 16 – Mr. and Mrs. Hall to leave St. Paul Dec. 15th coming to Texas
Colder this morning and real cold tonight. Fear frost as the wind is going down. – Jack mowed the lawn today. – Mr. Pierce at Sargent in Lee’s car, but without the duck. – Lee working at Live Oak Farm. – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Bay City to learn about the “Vacancy Issue.”  - Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are eating dinner in the Farwell home. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neal Farwell, who arrived last night.

Wednesday, November 17
Real cold all day, but is warmer tonight. Frost this morning. – Busy all day getting ready for Bishop Quinn’s visit tonight. – He and Mrs. Quinn drove to Palacios this forenoon where he preached. Then they came here for 6 o’clock dinner and he preached here tonight. – I kept the baby and the family worshipped (the Bishop). Rev. Paul Engle ate dinner here, also. – Mrs. Pierce made a visit to her dentist this afternoon, but came home early and finished the dinner.

Thursday, November 18
Warmer today. – Mrs. Smith sick in bed. Head and stomach. Mrs. Pierce drove out to see her this forenoon. Then came back and helped finish 12 o’clock luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. Farwll Sr. and Jr. and Mrs. Stoddard. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Farwell Jr., Mrs. Stoddard, Jedie and son drove to Bay City to take Mrs. Stoddard home to take the 5 o’clock train for Ohio. – Then Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Farwell drove to Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce coming to Live Oak Farm to relieve me from spending the night there as the Farwells were on their way to Houston and home.

Friday, November 19
Cold day. – Mrs. Smith up and hard “at it” this forenoon. – We spent the day putting the upstairs in order for occupancy. Have the middle room about finished and a good start made on the west room getting ready for Mr. and Mrs. Hall. – Received a letter from Sunset Home today. Some obstacles in the way at present. – Going to bed very tired tonight. – Bank deposit slip for $25.00 today.

Saturday, November 20
Cold day, but hot sun. – Saturday housework. – After lunch, we did some more work on the third floor. Another day may finish it. – Mrs. Law will not spend Thanksgiving in Blessing. Dental work preventing. – Lee working at Live Oak Farm. – Going to bed early. Tired. – Mr. Pierce not yet at home.

Sunday, November 21
Cold day. – A day in the house. – Fish for 12 o’clock dinner. – Walter Heffelfinger is spending the weekend with Mrs. Smith. – Her gas heater failed to function for a couple of days, so she has been cold. – A sick cow and new calf is causing her distress tonight. – Lee and Jedie went to see a picture this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone tonight. – Have written two letters this P.M. – Tired.

Monday, November 22 - Lee Hall's first tooth
Cold, rainy day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today. – Rained on her all day. – Odeal did not come to wash. – Mrs. Smith’s invalid cow and her young calf are under shelter tonight. – Today I knitted long cuffs onto my green dress sleeves. – Too cold for elbow sleeves.

Tuesday, November 23
Cold, rainy day. – No washing. – Made scrim curtains for the two west windows on the third floor and put the fastenings on my green blouse today. – Mrs. Smith has been in several times today. – The cow and calf seem OK. – We are to eat turkey at the BayTex Thanksgiving. Mrs. Smith’s guests.

Wednesday, November 24 – Buddy died 1932
Beautiful sunshine all day. Much warmer. – Odeal washed. – Mrs. Pierce worked on Christmas sewing all day. – Lee carpentering at Live Oak Farm. – I hemmed finger towels and did a little washing. – Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  I have much to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 25 – Thanksgiving Day
A most beautiful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pierce and son, John Henry Pierce from Houston, Walter Heffelfinger from Houston and myself were Mrs. Smith’s guests to eat Thanksgiving dinner at the BayTex in Bay City. Mr. Pierce , Lee and Jedie stopped to see a picture. We all came back. – Tonight the crowd and Pierce Withers ate lunch here. John Henry went back to Houston tonight.

Friday, November 26
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce finished the third floor this afternoon. – I moved some more of my things upstairs. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Hall. Took it to the P. O. and brought up some scrim for curtains on the third floor windows. Made some of them tonight. – Mrs. Smith and Walter called tonight.

Saturday, November 27
Another pretty day, tho a norther blew up this afternoon. – Finished and pressed the third floor curtains and hung them tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this afternoon. I went to the dentist’s office to have my plate ground some. Looked for a rug at Taylor’s, but did not find one. – Left Mother’s jet bracelets at Tetts to have them restrung. – Mrs. Smith and Walter spent an hour here tonight. – Tired.

Sunday, November 28
Real cold all day. – No dinner guests. – Lee away hunting. – Mrs. Smith spent an hour here this P.M. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Lee and Jedie went to see a picture this evening. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell spent an hour here late this evening. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone to see a picture tonight. – Lee and Jedie have guests. – Wrote a couple of letters today. – Baby has a cold.

Monday, November 29
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce made and baked her fruit cakes today. – I carried my dishes up to the third floor from the studio today. – Am hoping to pack them in a barrel Mrs. Pierce gave me. – Then I went to the P.O. to post a letter to the Frasers. – Mrs. Smith came for an hour tonight. – The baby’s cold seems better tonight.

Tuesday, November 30
Not a pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston alone. – The baby is sick. – I worked all day cleaning my belongings out of the studio. – Have my possessions pretty well assembled in the middle room. Now to condense them for the last time. – Am intensely tired tonight. Worn out.


Wednesday, December 1
Very good day. – Have worked at packing my things away all day. Have the barrel about full of china, glass, etc. Hope to clean the silver before I pack it. – There was much to burn. Also many relics of the past which I must put out of my mind as far as possible from now on. I did not like to burn my old doll. – Mrs. Pierce and Odeal cleaned the china pantry today. – Jedie took the baby to Dr. Loos. He seems much better. – Note from Mr. Feather

Thursday, December 2
A pretty day. Not so cold. – Mrs. Smith and Lee drove to Houston today. – Mr. Pierce out of the city, also. – The baby has the cold yet, but perhaps not so severe. - I have sewed a little and felt miserable all day. – Mrs. Pierce and Jedie made preparations to entertain the Library Association which is meeting here tonight. – Tired, and the bed will feel good to my old bones. – Mr. and Mrs. Studeman called a few minutes about noon. – They now live in a hotel apartment in Eagle Lake.

Friday, December 3
Some cloudy most of the day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today. Were late getting home. – Today I put clean papers in the drawers and on the shelves in my room. That much ready for Mr. and Mrs. Hall who should be here two weeks from today. – Lee working on Mrs. Smith’s cow barn.

Saturday, December 4 – Mr. Pierce’s Birthday – 63
A very hard rain fell this afternoon, but the weather is no colder as I go to bed. – Mrs. Smith came in to eat dinner with Mr. Pierce, and sample his birthday cake baked by Jedie. – No letters today and I wrote only one to Mrs. Skinner and sent a set of finger towels to Katherine. A wedding gift.

Sunday, December 5
Rainy, cold windy forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce had as 1 o’clock or 2 + guests. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Corbett of Bay City and Mr. and Mrs. Trycler of New Gulf. A quite elaborate dinner was prepared yesterday and this forenoon. The sun came out soon after noon and the weather was warmer. – Lee and Jedie went calling and to the picture show soon after dinner. – Mrs. Pierce is nurse.

Monday, December 6
Sun came up bright on a cold morning. – Odeal did the washing. – The general house cleaning after Sunday was done. – Did some sewing for myself. – Mrs. Pierce made her best dress shorter. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Richards enclosing several thank you letters from those receiving from the Tabernacle money.

Tuesday, December 7
Dreary morning. – Mrs. Pierce making candy to sell in Houston. – Lee still working on Mrs. Smith’s stock barn. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I drove out to Live Oak Farm to take a sample of the candy. – It is too soft to sell, so we may try cooking it more. – Much rain has fallen today, and tonight as we go to bed. It is cold and rainy.

Wednesday, December 8
Cold day. Misty, windy, and tonight it is cold. Freeze predicted. – We re-cooked and rewrapped candy this forenoon. – Jedie and I went to Bay City after lunch. I could not see the dentist. He was too busy. – Saw about my taxes. My bracelets were not finished (old jets). – No new rug samples, so that will have to come from Houston. – Board meeting tonight. Mrs. Pierce attending. – Wrapped candy tonight.

Thursday, December 9
Cold day. Cloudy, misty. – Wrapped caramels this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith brought some this afternoon. All wrapped. – Went to town this afternoon and had a check cashed at Murphy’s preparatory to going to Houston tomorrow. – Saw Mrs. Stadig. He does not look well and I do not feel well.  Rec’d a nice letter from Mrs. Skinner. – Cold tonight.- Guess Mrs. Dunn is in town.

Friday, December 10
Spent this cold day in Houston with Mrs. Pierce. Ate lunch at the Rice cafeteria with John Henry. – We shopped intensely and are tired tonight. – Found a rug for the room I have occupied for the past 5 or 6 years. Like it very much. – Took some candy to Mrs. Mayfield’s Tea Room. Hope it will sell. – Going to bed tired.

Saturday, December 11
Cold, cloudy, misty day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Markham attending the Federation meeting. She reported a good meeting and attendance. – Jedie’s sister came from Brenham and they spent the day in Palacios with the parents. – I worked on a table cover Mrs. Pierce is making for Mrs. Smith. Finished it tonight. – Some warmer tonight and raining a little.

Sunday, December 12
Dreary and cloudy A. M. – Lee went hunting. He has a swelling on the side of his knee. Brought home ducks and quail. – Rainy afternoon. – Mr. Engle came to preach, but no congregation, so he came here awhile. – Lee and Jedie went to a picture show. – I kept the baby. He went to sleep. – Real cold as I go to bed.

Monday, December 13
Dreary day. No sunshine. –Odeal washed and most of the clothes dried (by wind). – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City and Jedie and I went to Palacios. – Mr. Feather was in Bay City, so I did not see him, but found out the amount of my city and school taxes. – Had to visit with Mrs. Richards in John’s place of business which he is adding to to make a most comfortable home and shop. – Stopped at Loves. He was sick. – Started up to Mrs. Strickland’s, but Jedie picked me up and we came home. – Sleeping in my new quarters tonight.

Tuesday, December 14
My bed is fine and I slept that way, too. – Some sunshine and most welcome. – Odeal cleaning house today. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall’s room is ready for them to occupy Friday night. – Jedie went to Palacios to have a permanent wave. Her mother’s Christmas gift to her. – Tonight she and Mrs. Pierce are attending the Woman’s Council meeting. – Lee is nurse. – I should write some letters, but feel too tired tonight. – Have not seen Mrs. Smith today. – Mrs. Dunn has been in town several days.

Wednesday, December 15
A rainy day, tho not so cold. Damp and fires all over the house. – I cleaned most of my flat silver this forenoon. It is ready to pack away. Hope to clean all of the silver pieces I have before I pack them. – Mrs. Pierce baked a white fruit cake today for the Van Bergens and made candy for them. We wrapped it tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove to Houston today. – I sent a letter to the Frasers. – The rain is pouring down as I go to bed.

Thursday, December 16
Rainy day. Ground covered with water this morning. Much on the ground yet. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee drove to Houston this morning. Lee to see his foot Dr. He came home tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is spending the night with Mrs. Mobley and will meet her parents tomorrow forenoon. Then they will come out by train. – Odeal has been here today. The house is in fairly good order for the guests. – I am too tired to take a bath. – Going to bed dirty.

Friday, December 17
A beautiful day. All sunshine. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall came out on the noon train with Mrs. Pierce. They look fine, but are tired. Am so glad to see them again. – Mrs. Smith has been in a couple of times. We drove out to Live Oak Farm this P.M. to see it and the barn and stock. A grand farm and a grand owner. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Somers.

Saturday, December 18
Beautiful day. – General housework. – Odeal is hired by Mr. Hall as house girl. – Mrs. Pierce packed and shipped the Van Bergens Christmas box today. – I wrapped some of my gifts and mailed some cards. – Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I went for a short drive late this afternoon. – Lee and Jedie are in Palacios tonight. – Lee ran over one of the pups this evening. Badly hurt.

Sunday, December 19
Another beautiful day. After 12 o’clock dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself drove to Sargent and the beach. The Gulf was calm. – We picked up a few shells and drove home. – A pleasant trip. Probably my last one to Sargent. – Rec’d a deposit slip from the bank. $25.00 on the Claybourn note.

Monday, December 20
Beautiful day, tho a little colder. – We were all Mrs. Smith’s dinner guests at Live Oak Farm today at noon except Lee. He and Mr. Rickaway were at Sargent. – After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce and I got to old jet bracelets and left a ring to be made larger. – Mrs. Smith came in tonight for a couple of hrs. – Lee and Jedie are out at the school house. A Girl Reserves party.

Tuesday, December 21
Misty and cooler all day. – Went to town this forenoon and finished my Christmas shopping. Went back this afternoon and exchanged something. – Saw Mrs. Smith on the street on the way to Palacios to deliver wood to Mrs. Chesshire. Went with her and ____. We brought a load of shell back and stopped a minute to see Miss Nannie and Mrs. Lothridge.  – A have my packages all tied up and marked. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Fraser today. Also more Christmas cards.

Wednesday, December 22
More sunshine today. – Finished the napkins for Mrs. Pierce’s gift this A. M. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Hall put up the greens this P. M. and the tree is all trimmed. – Late this afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Pierce, Jedie and Lee Hall drove to Palacios. – They found Mrs. Farwell up and Mrs. Hall says “looking as well as she did 20 yrs. ago.” – Mrs. Pierce and I tied up her Xmas packages tonight. – Am so tired.

Thursday, December 23
All sunshine this forenoon, but no rain this P.M. - Pressed the luncheon set for Mrs. Smith this forenoon. It is pretty. –  Mrs. Pierce’s rugs came. Wrong color. Had to send them back. – A busy day tying up more packages. Putting the gifts under the tree. Cleaning up the general muss. – Jack and Lucille went to Bay City before dinner tonight. Hope he shows up for breakfast. – John Henry came. – Mrs. Smith and Walter came a moment tonight. Lee and Jedie gone to the dance in Palacios tonight.

Saturday, December 25 – Christmas Day
A long to be remembered day. A happy day. The regular routine was followed all day. Breakfast. Distribution of gifts. Everyone was ladened with useful and beautiful tokens of remembrance from someone. Then Mr. Pierce made his eggnog. A few friends came in to drink with him. A beautiful dinner was served about 2 o’clock to Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Smith, Walter Heffelfinger, John Henry, Lee, Jedie, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself. We visited until 4:40 and then the Farwells went home. Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Hall drove to the cemetery with wreaths. Going to bed very tired.

Sunday, December 26
The day after. – So tired all day. All of us. – Walter came to say goodbye. He went back to Houston with John Henry around 4 o’clock. Has lost his job, but is hoping for another soon. – We have been at home all day xcept Lee went hunting this morning. – Then he and Jedie went to see a picture this P.M. – No visitors, and a quantity of eggnog in the ice box. – Did not write a letter today. Too bum feeling. - Some more cards came.

Monday, December 27
A very little sunshine this wash day. – Everyone seemed to be tired today. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Jedie went to Bay City to exchange her Christmas shoes. – I polished most of the old silver and have it packed in the barrel. All ready for the crate. Maybe I shall never see it again. – Did not write a letter today. – Am very tired tonight. – Mr. Love phoned this evening and wants me to come down and cut out Mrs. Love’s new dress next week. – I hope to be able to go.

Tuesday, December 28
Not much sunshine. – Was in bed most of the day. Too tired and ate too many oysters, I think, - Slept most of the day. Dressed finally and ate dinner at the table. – Lee and Jedie ate lunch in Palacios with her parents. – Mr. Pierce in Bay City. – I am going to bed very early. So weak.

Wednesday, December 29
Not much sunshine today. Real warm, tho. – Have felt much better today. – Been busy all day. – Getting my things in order slowly. – Gave Odeal and Jack some bedding and each a picture. Brought my “Cock Robin’s Funeral” upstairs, also one of my pet oil paintings. – Wrapped up father’s overcoat and hope to send it to Mr. Bell in a few days. – Wrote a couple of short letters tonight.

Thursday, December 20
A warm day. – Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City today to have a shampoo and manicure. – I mailed my father’s overcoat to Mr. Bell today. – Wrote a letter or two. – Heard from Mrs. Pierce’s rug. Another one will soon be here. The correct color this time. – The Yeagers called on Mr. and Mrs. Hall tonight. – Have worked all day with my things trying to condense them.

Friday, December 31 – The last day of the year 1937
Joys and sorrows about evenly divided perhaps. – Today we had sunshine and showers. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Smith and myself drove to Bay City. Mrs. Smith took her truck to have it serviced. – We all went to see a picture while waiting for it. Then drove back to Live Oak Farm and stopped to see the baby lambs. Then home to eat dinner. – Mr. Pierce not at home yet. – Lee and Jedie have gone to Palacios to see the old year out and the new year in. – Good night old year. Welcome new year.




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