Nellie Tilson Webb

1935 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum



Nellie had "Fearless" by her friend, Mrs. H. G. Fraser,
pinned inside the front of her 1935 diary.



Monday, July 1
Hot. – Just a busy day. – Have a dotted long dress ready for Mrs. Pierce to fit. – Mr. Pierce and Jack went back to Sargent this morning.  – Mrs. Pierce buzzing around getting her 4-H girls whipped into line for their play tomorrow night. They rehearsed tonight. – Willie Jones drove me out to Live Oak in his Chevrolet tonight. Lee working on the afternoon shift now. – Mr. Pierce sent Mrs. Smith 2 baskets of figs tonight. We peeled and ate a lot of them. – Mrs. Sides called and ate some, too.

Tuesday, July 2
A hectic day for Mrs. Pierce. Getting ready for 4-H girls play tonight. – Mrs. Farwell came up to spend the night. – Willie Jones took me out to Live Oak tonight. – A wheel came off Mrs. Smith’s old car when she was bringing me in this morning. The wheel jumped the fence into a hay meadow but Mrs. Smith was equal to the occasion.

Wednesday, July 3
Storm clouds passed us by. – Came in with Marian this morning. – Mrs. Smith going to Houston. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Farwell, Lee and Wheeler brought the trappings for the play home this forenoon and the house was soon back to normal. Darned and patched all afternoon – Mr. Black came this P.M. – Mrs. Dunn spent an hour in Mrs. Pierce’s room. Plans for a 4th of July afternoon at Sargent were discussed. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – Mr. Farwell came for her. – Mr. Pierce expected home sometime tonight.


Thursday, July 4
Beautiful afternoon. – Quite a rain fell this forenoon, but Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Pierce and myself drove to Sargent after lunch to celebrate the Grand and Glorious Fourth of July 1935. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith drove in Mrs. Dunn’s car. – Mrs. Pierce and I and most of the supper in her car. Mr. Pierce went in his car. We inspected the camp and canning kitchen to be. Then drove to the beach where the three youngsters went in bathing. Ate supper and came back. – Mrs. Pierce and I stopped to see Go Into Your Dance in Bay City.

Friday, July 5
Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. – Lee drove to Houston this morning to see a ball game and John Henry. – Mrs. Pierce working at home all day. – Mrs. Smith came since lunch to tell Mrs. Pierce that she had a new mowing machine. – Have done several kinds of sewing today. Don’t seem to have a particle of pep for it tho. – Mrs. Borden’s 4-H girls gave a Mexican supper tonight. No one attended from here. – Mrs. Pierce had no car. Mrs. Dunn is sick. Mrs. Smith had had her car washed and did not want to put it over the muddy roads. – Rain today. – Mrs. Smith came for me tonight.

Saturday, Jul 6
Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Lee working. – I finished remaking the white coat suit Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Pierce gave me. – Very beautiful afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce was down town on the way out to Live Oak Farm with me when Mrs. Smith drove in. She took her V8 out from Billie’s and I drove the old car. – Very sultry tonight. – Mr. Pierce expected home tonight. – Mrs. Pierce using the adding machine in his office.

Sunday, Jul 7  - 7-14 BYPU
A very hot day. North and west wind. – Mr. Pierce at home or in his office all day. – Mrs. Pierce working on cans. – At 5 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and I were Mrs. Smith’s guests at a fish dinner in Port Lavaca. Very hot driving down, but delightful coming home. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce called on the Farwells on the way home. Then they drove me to Live Oak Farm. – Mrs. Smith came back with a severe headache. – BYPU in session.

Monday, July 8
Frightfully hot. Such a scorcher. – After lunch I went to Bay City and Sargent with Mrs. Pierce. – The canning plant is being put in working order. Mrs. Pierce went down to see about placing tables, tubs, shelves, etc. in the plant. Splendid location on the bank of Caney. – Lee working on the Midfield highway. – Jack was left in Blessing to put the lawn in order. – Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak tonight. We brought 3 sacks of corn to the plant for Mr. O’Bannon. – Workman overcome with heat at the new schoolhouse today.

Tuesday, July 9
North wind. Terrible hot. – The 4-H Club girls met with Mrs. Pierce this P. M. making preparations for their Rally Day Friday in Bay City. – Two men came this P. M., also. Perhaps from Austin. – Board meeting tonight. – Dusty norther blew down upon us followed by rain about seven o’clock. – Mrs. Smith came in for me. – Much cooler tonight to sleep.

Wednesday, July 10
Mrs. Pierce and some of her club girls drove to Houston today. She phoned me from there that John Henry had just boarded the train for Blessing. So I phoned Mary Dean asking her to meet him at 3 o’clock which she did. He seems to be feeling well. Cannot yet determine how much improved his eye will be eventually. – Mrs. Smith came early in the evening, but Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove me out to Live Oak later.

Thursday, July 11
More breeze today. – Plenty hot tho. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day except a woman’s meeting on the corner this P. M. – The P. W. A. (or some other combinations of letters) [Probably W. P. A.] auditor came this forenoon.  – I drove Mrs. Pierce’s car to town on an errand for her this A. M. The first time my hands had been on a V8 since I wrecked Mrs. Smith’s. – Mr. Pierce came up from Sargent a few hours today. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this evening. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – We peeled peaches tonight for pickles.

Friday, July 12
More breeze today. – 4-H girls rally day at LeTulle Park today. – Mrs. Pierce and other sponsors spent it with them. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston and back this forenoon. Wallpaper. – Jack helped me band 39 of Mrs. Pierce’s extra fine chickens this evening. – Willie Jones drove me out to Live Oak Farm in his Chevrolet Coupe. – Mrs. Smith took a shower bath tonight.

Saturday, July 13
Not so hot. North wind tho. – Busy day for Mrs. Pierce. – A clock drummer demonstrated a school clock this forenoon to Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Matthes and Mrs. White. – Mr. Patton came and spent part of the day helping Mrs. Pierce on her school budget. – Mrs. Pierce traded in 2 machines for an electric this P. M. – Mrs. Smith ran in for a moment. – Lee and quite a party have gone to Sargent for an over night picnic. – Mrs. Smith drove in for me later. – Then Mrs. Pierce and John H. spent an hour at Live Oak. – Mr. Pierce expected home tonight.

Sunday, July 14
North wind and more of it. – Missed Lee today. – Mrs. Pierce typing and working on her school books all day. – Mrs. Smith did not come to eat dinner here today. Very sore mouth. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove out to see her this afternoon. – Dr. and Mrs. Lund called from 12 noon until 1:30 P. M. Then Mr. Withers took her to Port Lavaca for fish dinner. – Mrs. Dunn drove me out before they returned, but the house was open.

Monday, July 15
Plenty hot. North wind. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce left Blessing for Sargent about nine o’clock, but were detained in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith phoned me about eleven to go to Sargent with her in her truck. – I met her at Billie’s. We ate lunch at her home then I drove her old car to Bay City for new cushion covers. We went to Sargent in the truck. Mrs. Pierce passing us on the way. – The men loaded a binder onto the truck at Sargent and we started home. At Bay City I left the truck and drove the car to Live Oak. – Mrs. Pierce spending the night at Sargent. – Canning kitchen being put in order. – Mrs. Dunn and John Henry drove me out to Live Oak.

Tuesday, July 16
Real hot. North wind. – Nothing in particular doing today. – Put the house in order this forenoon. – Lee has quite a severe cold this morning and something in his eye. – Mrs. Pierce came from Sargent in time for dinner. Then her 4-H girls me with her to elect their delegates to the A & M Short Course. – Mrs. Smith, John Henry and I drove to Palacios for peaches, but could not find any.

Wednesday, July 17
Mrs. Pierce busy with reports all day. School board meeting tonight. Mrs. Pollard met with them. – Mr. Pierce came up from Sargent late this afternoon. Ate dinner at home. Then I rode out to Live Oak Farm with him. – Mrs. Smith entertained at dinner tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Yeager, Paul and Mary Dean and Mrs. Dunn.  – Mrs. Scarborough and a daughter called a few minutes also. – Mr. Pierce stopped long enough to eat a plate of ice cream. – Not so hot tonight.

Thursday, July 18
Not so hot. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce on many kinds of business. John H. for a haircut. I went to get information for Mr. Love, but it was very unsatisfactory. – School board meeting at the high school building at 1 P.M. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Palacios since dinner. – Mrs. Smith sent her old car in for me to drive out in tonight. – (Mrs. Pierce and John H. drove out to Live Oak after coming from Palacios, but the gate was locked.)

Friday, July 19
Breeze blowing. Not so hot. – Came in in Mrs. Smith’s car this morning. Had quite an experience trying to find Lucy. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day on the road and attending  woman’s picnic at LeTulle Park. A large crowd attended. – About eleven o’clock I drove to Palacios in Mrs. Smith’s car. Saw Mr. Caffall. There will be some rent money coming to me next month for which I am thankful. Saw many old friends. Drank a glass of iced tea with Mrs. Pasal. Came back about 4:30. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Mrs. Smith and I drove to the cemetery tonight.

Saturday, July 20
Very hot day. – Put the house in order (?) this forenoon. – Finished Mrs. Pierce’s polka dot dress today. – Cut out the blue one by the same pattern and have it ready to fit. – Mrs. Pierce at her desk all day. – Lee gone from early morn till night, working on the highway west from Midfield. – Tired tonight. The weather takes the pep from me.

Sunday, July 21
A hot day. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce today. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I watched a baseball game this P. M. – Then later, Mr. Pierce took me out to Live Oak Farm. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called here, but no one was at home. They called at Live Oak Farm, also.

Monday, July 22
Hot forenoon and some rain. – This morning, Jack, stopped working for Mrs. Pierce. – Willie and I put the chicken yard in order. – Mrs. Pierce was busy in Blessing all forenoon. Then she and Christine went to Bay City. – John Henry and I were Mr. Pierce’s guests and Mary Dean’s passengers to Victoria this afternoon. We stopped at Port Lavaca for sea food dinner on the way home. Several showers fell on us going over. – The cow was out of the lot this morning. Has not been located tonight.

Tuesday, July 23
Real hot and showery. – Put the house in order this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Austin today leaving here about 7 A. M. and coming home about 10 P. M. They had a pleasant trip. – Mrs. Pierce getting the information she needed. – I tore off a skirt and partially pleated it this P. M. for Mrs. Smith. – Rev. Engle called this P. M. Also the Farwells who made a standing up visit. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this P. M. on a truck load of poison.

Wednesday, July 24 – Mr. Hall’s 72nd Birthday
Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Houston today, to have his eyes inspected, with Mrs. Smith. – I drove to Palacios since lunch and sat with Mrs. Lothridge while Mrs. Smith brought Miss Nannie up to Live Oak Farm for a little outing. – We were caught in a couple of showers on the way home, but it had not rained in Blessing.

Thursday, July 25
A hot day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City before lunch. – This afternoon I did mending and put the pleats in the dress I am trying to make for Mrs. Smith. – The heifer was absent when we left Live Oak Farm this morning, but Robert found her in another pasture. – Mrs. Smith came in early this evening and read to John Henry until Mrs. Pierce came home. – Mr. Pierce drove up from Sargent for a short time tonight.

Friday, July 26
Hot. – Mrs. Pierce worked on a statement and consulted with Mr. Matthes until 10:30. Then she and John Henry drove to Palacios. Came back for late lunch. – She met the Paynes out at the new school building, but came back home as the 4-H girls came about 2 P. M. – Mr. and Mrs. Payne ate dinner in the Pierce home. Then a school board meeting and demonstration by the scenery salesman. – Mrs. Smith came for me.

Saturday, July 27
Very hot forenoon. – Lee not working until Monday. – Mrs. Pierce worked hard on school papers this forenoon. – Since lunch she drove to Bay City. Took some of the 4-H girls to receive last admonitions from Mrs. Sides on how to conduct themselves with “grace and propriety” while attending the short course. – A grand fain fell late this afternoon. Hope Mrs. Smith did not have silage down. – Willie Jones furnished the transportation for me to Live Oak.

Sunday, July 28
Not so hot today. – Mrs. Smith did not have her hay down yesterday. – Mrs. Pierce made a hurried run for church this forenoon. Arrive in time for the collection. – Lee away playing ball. – Mrs. Selkirk at dinner here today. – Mr. Pierce very proud of the cotton fields. – The 4-H girls went by bus to the A and M. Short Course at College Station this morning. – Hard rain soon after dinner. – Mrs. Pierce and John H. drove to Sargent about 6 o’clock to spend a few days. – Mr. Pierce took me out to Live Oak. Mrs. Smith had gone to Port Lavaca with Mrs. Withers for fish dinner.

Monday, July 29
Heavy rain this morning. – Lee did not go to work. – Mr. Pierce is proud of his cotton crop at Sargent. Ginned their first bale last week. Using a great amount of poison for leaf worms. Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. Sent more poison down. – Mrs. Smith sent the car in early by Marian. I was her guest to the picture show in Bay City tonight. – Much cooler tonight. Fine for sleeping. – Did much housework this forenoon and until 2 this P. M. – Worked on Mrs. Smith’s dress then.

Tuesday, July 30
Not so hot today. – Odeal washed. – Willie Jones killed three of the young ducks for dinner tomorrow night. – I had asked Mrs. Smith to come and help eat them. – Mrs. Pierce phoned from Bay City this P. M. and said “invite Mrs. Dunn, too.” – The sun was hot at noon, but the day cooler comparatively. – Mrs. Smith had nine men cutting cane today. Too wet to use the binder. – Willie Jones drove me out in Lee’s car. Lee having gone to Sargent on a “steak fry” picnic. – Mrs. Smith took me with her to see Mr. Rieves and then down the Palacios road almost to Palacios to get watermelons for the men at noon tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 31
Good day. $5.00 from Mrs. Smith on acct. – Just another day. – Put in the forenoon cleaning the chicken house. – Washed my hair after lunch and rested an hur. Put away the first basket of laundry and did mending.- Mrs. Dunn came about 6 o’clock. Mrs. Pierce and John Henry soon after. We ate the ducks. – Lee was not here as he went to work at noon. – Mr. Pierce had not come when I went out to Live Oak. – Mrs. Smith was with her hay harvesters all day. – Did not eat duck.


Thursday, August 1
A very good August day. Hot sun, but south wind. – Mr. Pierce in Blessing all day. – Lee working on the highway almost up to Ganado. – John Henry at home all day. – Mrs. Pierce at the Palacios canning kitchen most of the day. – I finished the mending and the laundry is put away for this week. – Mrs. Smith’s silo was filled today. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry took me out to Live Oak Farm. She stopped to look at the new school building on the way out.

Friday, August 2
No rain in Blessing. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent this forenoon to be gone from home until tomorrow night. – Mr. Pierce down to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Smith and three helpers worked in the cemetery all day. – Accomplished a great deal. – Mrs. Dunn drove out to Live Oak just after supper so she and Mrs. Smith went to see a picture. – Marion brought the little car in for me. – John Henry is alone for supper as Lee always has a date. – Have felt quite miserable all day.

Saturday, August 3
Fine summer day. Good south breeze. – Texas National Guards moving into Camp today for two weeks of intensive training at Palacios. – Housework until 3 P. M. – Went to the P. O. and retrieved the C. P. L. Cos. dividend. Also a statement and check from Mr. Caffall. The painting is all paid for now. – Lee worked 4 or 5 hours at the school building today. – Mrs. Pierce was late getting home from Sargent tonight. – Mrs. Grace Pierce Scarborough was calling on Mrs. Smith when I arrived tonight. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight.

Sunday, August 4
Beautiful day. – I was a little late coming in this morning. Mrs. Smith did some work at home and some errands on the way in in preparation for the 12 o’clock dinner she was hostess to at Live Oak Farm. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, the two boys, Mrs. Dunn and myself were her guests. – We spent the afternoon with her until six o’clock. – Mrs. Pierce working on her canning kitchen reports every minute. – We came back to Blessing. Ate a lunch and then drove to Palacios. She went with us to the Army Camp. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith to a picture in Bay City.

Monday, August 5
A hot sun today. Fine for washing. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City about 10:30, but came back early to meet some of the board and contractor out at the new school building. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. 11 bales have been ginned at his gin this season so far. – Lee working 11 hours today. – Mrs. Smith drove to Palacios this P. M. – She came for me early and with Mrs. Pierce and John Henry we drove out to Tidehaven. A most beautiful resting home.

Tuesday, August 6
Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston in Mrs. Pierce’s car this morning. – Lee not working today. – Housework, mending, going to P. O. this P. M., chickens. – Very little time for real sewing. – Brought Mrs. Smith’s little car from the garage when I came from the P. O., so drove it out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – The Houston shoppers came in soon after dark. Tired. – Mrs. Smith brought me material for a white slip.

Wednesday, August 7
Very hot day. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City this morning. – Lee went to Houston with Brownie. – Did most of the mending and put the laundry away. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent for dinner and just as it was served. – Mr. Edwards, San Antonio, and his grandson, Mr. Fontaine, from Houston, drove up. They are Mrs. Pierce’s relatives. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry came just as we had finished, and Lee, also. – Mrs. Smith came for me and we drove to Midfield to cool off.

Thursday, August 8 – 13 years ago today Mother and I left Palacios for a visit in Iowa, Neb. and Ala. Returned Dec. 9, 1922.
Very hot sun. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day away. Counting cans, etc. – After lunch Mrs. Sides came for John Henry and they went out landscaping. – Mrs. Smith came for me about 2:30 and drove to Palacios where I visited with Mrs. Lothridge while she and Miss Nannie went to see Mrs. Sartwelle and Miss Helen. Enjoyed my visit very much. Caught up on many old friends and their whereabouts. – Mr. Pierce came home exhausted. – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm tonight.

Friday, August 9
Hot. Hot. Hot. Hotter. Hottest. My, such oppressive heat. North and west wind. Storms reported west of Mexico. – Hen came off with 6 stolen chicks. – Cut out Mrs. Smith’s slip today. Thought this was Thursday. Have it ready to fit. – Mrs. Pierce in Palacios all day counting cans. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent tonight. – Mrs. Smith came in and took a real bath tonight. Then visited a while.

Saturday, August 10 – T. N. G. Camp one week today.
Very hot day. – Letter from the Haywoods this morning. Just a day. Nothing except a most welcome letter from the Haywoods. – Mrs. Pierce busy doing cans. – She and John Henry went to Bay City this afternoon and tonight. They have gone to Sargent to spend the night on the beach. – A very beautiful night it is. All moonlight, but hot. – Lee and his crowd are down there, too.

Sunday, August 11
Real hot day. – Mr. Pierce did not sleep on the “shifting sands” last night, but in his bed on the sleeping porch. – Mrs. Smith brought me in by way of Brown’s where she arranged to borrow a hay rake tomorrow. – Mrs. Pierce came in time for dinner, but John Henry stayed with the young fry until dark. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn attended a Cornelius barbecue today. They came here later and from here attended church tonight. Rev. Engle, his daughter and son came over. – Mrs. Smith and I rode out to Live Oak with them tonight. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this P. M.

Monday, August 12
More breeze. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – John Henry and Lee drove over to the swimming pool this afternoon. – I finished Mrs. Smith’s dress this afternoon. – Mailed a long letter to the Haywoods which I wrote yesterday – Mrs. Smith brought some goods for a bed spread which I made this evening. She put a single bed on the side porch and will sleep in it tonight. Mrs. Dunn invited Mr. and Mrs. Pierce to see a picture in Bay City tonight. – Lee drove me out to Live Oak tonight.

Tuesday, August 13
Terrible hot sun, but a little breeze. – Mrs. Pierce tried on some of her dresses which I am renovating a little. Also a long blue one which is in the making. Have put in a good day sewing (for me). – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City late this afternoon. No, I mean Palacios. – The man they went to see was not there, so they inspected the new pavilion and called at the Farwell home. – Mrs. Smith came for me early and we burned some piles of grass on the west side of the highway.

Wednesday, August 14
Hot sun again. - A fine gentle rain fell at Live Oak Farm before daylight this morning. – Did not feel quite up to snuff today. Took a pill last night is the reason tho. – Dorothy Duller is helping Mrs. Pierce catch up on her books. Worked here this P. M. – Did not accomplished much today. Slept all forenoon and rested all afternoon – Board meeting tonight. – Mrs. Smith came for me. - The boys in Palacios to see a boxing match at the army camp.

Thursday, August 15
Hot. – Mrs. Pierce and board members spent the day in Victoria. District meeting of boards. – Did not do very much sewing as John Henry and I went to Bay City this forenoon in Mrs. Pierce’s car. We did not get back to Blessing until 12:30. – Dorothy worked on the books. – Mrs. Smith sent the car in for me. – Mrs. Dunn was calling at Live Oak when I arrived. – Mrs. Smith very tired.


Friday, August 16
Hot day. – Went to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce this morning. I did a little shopping and had my shoe heels repaired. We ate salad and drank iced tea at Etie’s and then she went back to Taylor’s office on more business. – We got home about four o’clock. Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith went to the Review, but Mr. Pierce was waiting for her, so did not see it. – Mrs. Smith was hostess to Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Pierce and myself to see “Oil For the Lamps of China” tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove back to Sargent. – John Henry went to the Colonial. – Mrs. Barton called this A. M. Sorry to miss her.

Saturday, August 17
Real hot. Need rain. – Did house cleaning until afternoon. – Dorothy worked on the books today. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City this P. M. – Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie called this forenoon. – John Henry working on mural for the new school building. – Mrs. Smith sent the car for me tonight. – Mrs. Dunn was at Live Oak when I arrived. – Mrs. Smith very tired. Been burning stumps, etc. all day. - Iris sick.

Sunday, August 18
Little late getting in this morning. – John Henry was feeding the chickens when I arrived. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate chicken dinner with us today. – Mrs. Pierce hard at work on her books, etc. – After we ate our night lunch, Mr. Pierce went back to the office. – Mrs. Pierce, John H. and I drove out to Mrs. Smith’s to ask her to go to see “Caliente,” but she had gone. So we went anyway. – Were late getting back and very tired. – She had been to Palacios.

Monday, August 19
Hot all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. John Henry going over with her, but coming back by Van Vleck to do some landscape sketching for Mrs. Sides. – Lee working at the gin. – Sewed this P. M. Cut out my 15’ black and white dress and worked on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses – Dorothy working on the books. – Mrs. Smith sent the car for me and then we went for a cooling off ride up to Midfield.

Tuesday, August 20
Letter from Mr. Caffall this morning. Giving up the house Sept. 1st. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Houston today. Took Mrs. Lucas with them. – Put away clothes, mended and sewed after giving the second floor a good cleaning this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce drove me out to Mrs. Smith’s tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry had not returned when we left. – Am distressed at losing my tenant. The paint is paid for tho Thanks goodness.

Wednesday, August 21
Gentle shower fell this afternoon. Pastures and gardens are in need of rain. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. She and Dorothy have been working on the books. – Mr. Sorrell, telephone mgr. at Palacios came about renting my house this P.M. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Dunn drove me out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – Mrs. Walker’s son-in-law, Mr. Williams, died last night.


Thursday, August 22
Mr. Pierce drove up from Sargent this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this morning. She on canning business and I to see about renting my house.– Spent the day at the house. – Mr. Matthew Burton and his bride want the house, also, and they seemed to be Mr. Caffall’s choice. – Mrs. Sorrell and daughter called to look at the house, but I think the Burtons will be better. They came this P.M., also. – Mrs. Smith came for me at Miss Nannie’s. – We went to see Les Miserables tonight.

Friday, August 23
Intensely hot. – Spent the day in Palacios cleaning house. – John Henry drove me down and Mrs. Smith came for me. – Met her at Miss Nannie’s. – Am tired tonight. – Willie Jones tried to take me out to Live Oak Farm tonight, but his car failed about a mile this side of the farm. Mr. Cornelius came along and hauled me the rest of the way. The Jones car is not real reliable.

Saturday, August 24
Hotter than ever. – Lee drove me to Palacios this morning. – Worked in the house all day. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – Card from Mrs. Stoddard. – The weather is intensely hot. North wind and none of it. – Have the house about in order except the rooms Mr. Caffall is sleeping in. – Will do them Monday. – The Burton’s expect to move in then, I think. – The water in Palacios is grand. So soft. – Mrs. Smith washed her hair at Miss Nannie’s this afternoon. – We drove to Markham with Mrs. Pierce tonight.

Sunday, August 25
Another hot dry day. – This forenoon I went to church. Paul and Mary Dean brought me home. – Very soon after dinner, Mrs. Smith and I drove to Palacios. She brought Miss Nannie to Bay City to see “Shanghai,” and I sat with Mrs. Lothridge. – She came for me later. To go out to Live Oak.

Monday, August 26
Not so hot. More breeze from the east. – Finished my  house cleaning in Palacios today and the Burtons moved in. Gave me a check for $15.00. – Mrs. Smith met me at Miss Nannie’s at five o’clock and brought me home. – Then came for me later. We are both very tired tonight. – Am so thankful the house is rented at once. Trust the young couple can occupy it a long time.

Tuesday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s 50th Birthday
A hot day. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. – Mrs. Chappell called this forenoon. – We did quite a bit of cleaning off of tables in the living room this morning. – John Henry has moved his canvas down to his father’s bank building. A much safer place than the porch here was. – This P. M. I let a dress down for Mrs. Smith and worked some on Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress. – We drove out to Zemanek’s after dinner and then to Live Oak Farm.

Wednesday, August 28
Mrs. Pierce called a meeting of the scholarship board in Bay City this forenoon and spent the day over there. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this evening to bring Mrs. Pierce some birthday cake. – She had not returned from Bay City, but after dinner she and John H. drove to Palacios. – Today I mended and worked on Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress. I do get so sick of garments hanging on so in the making. – Robert came for me tonight. Mrs. Smith tired. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this P. M.

Thursday, August 29
Very hot sun, but more breeze. – Mending and sewing today. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City and at school house this P. M. – Mr. Payne and family here this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came for me early and took me to see “The Black Room” (Karloff) in Bay City. – Lee had taken a carload to Sargent in his mother’s car, so we went in Mrs. Smith’s two cars. – She has a very lame leg.

Friday, August 30
Board meeting tonight. – Went to Bay City this forenoon with Mrs. Smith hoping to have my ears irrigated, but Dr. Loos was operating, so did not see him. – Went back this afternoon with Mrs. Pierce and found the Dr. in his new office over the Matagorda Pharmacy. He washed the mold from my ear and it feels much more comfortable tonight. – Mrs. Smith came for me early. She ate some of Willie’s gingerbread. – We drove around the farm inspecting burning stumps and out to the cemetery. A beautiful place.

Saturday, August 31
Not so hot except in the sun at midday. – Just a Saturday. The usual picking up, etc. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City since lunch. – I mended and sewed this afternoon. Working on a dress for myself. – Mrs. Smith came for me rather late. – Mrs. Kuykendall is coming to spend a week or two with Mrs. Smith so I will be spending my nights in Blessing again.


Sunday, September 1
Not so hot. – Mrs. Smith went to Austin this morning to meet Mrs. Kuykendall. Cherri spent the day with us. They arrived at home about 4 o’clock P. M. Making a quick trip. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I, with Cherri, drove out to the original Gaines Fig Farm this P. M. to see a rodeo. We were late, but saw enough for me as it was bum. Well trained horses, but nothing for them to do. – Cherri seemed to like the unusual sight and watched the bucking steers with the cow bells on them. – John Henry made a beautiful watercolor sketch of the old hotel in Francitas on the way home. – All tired tonight.

Monday, September 2
Good breeze Monday all day. – Did a hundred odd jobs this forenoon and finished my letter to Mrs. Bell. – Mrs. Pierce went down to the hotel to interview a prospect Home Economics teacher and from there to Bay City where she spent the day. – After lunch I did some watering and took a few stitches on my dress. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall ate dinner here tonight.

Tuesday, September 3
Not so hot. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school work and canning reports. – I rode to town with her since lunch. We stopped at the old school building which is being repaired. – Then Mrs. Pierce went to Pierce’s office to work on her reports, etc. – Did not see Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall today. – Going to bed tired. – Leaving Mrs. Pierce at her books.

Wednesday, September 4
Norther came up about 4 o’clock this morning. A gentle shower came with it. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Mrs. White and Mr. Black drove to Houston today to see about equipment for the new school kitchen. – They were late getting home tonight. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent this P. M. Brought shrimp. – I strolled down town this afternoon. Bought some calico for a dress from the Dullers. – This has been a fine summer day. Sun very hot. Hard shower fell about 4 o’clock.

Thursday, September 5
A few showers during the day. – Just the usual routine. – Lee spent the day and part of the night on a picnic at Sargent. Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent after dinner. – Mrs. Pierce in and around Blessing all day. – John Henry sketching plans for different things. – Mrs. Cornelius’ mother [Liddie Cale Roberts] died today.

Friday, September 6
Pretty day Friday, tho rain threatened. – The Friday house cleaning. Pearl came to help. – Mrs. Pierce in Blessing until 3 o’clock. Then with John Henry and myself, she drove to Bay City and transacted business until 5:20 when we went to Sargent. There we met Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Kuykendall and Mrs. Dunn to have a picnic dinner on the beach with Mr. Pierce. Nellie, his cook, went along.  The beach was grand. The water warm and just enough waves to be all right. – Stopped in Bay City to see “Old Man Rhythm” on the way home.

Saturday, September 7
Nice rain. – Dorothy Duller helping Mrs. Pierce today. – Fine rain this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall came a few minutes this forenoon. – For fear the fish pond would over flow and the rest of the fish swim way, John Henry built a board frame around the outside edge of the pool. – I was showing him where the board were to build the frame out of when I stepped on a spike. Hurt my foot. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight.

Sunday, September 8 – The Haywood’s Birthday
A fine day. – Willie Jones failed to appear today, so Mrs. Pierce cooked breakfast and we went to the hotel for dinner. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall were there. – After dinner we visited awhile. Then Mrs. Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. K. went to see a picture in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith drove someone to Palacios to see Mrs. Lothridge and Miss Nannie. – John Henry and I went to watch a ball game which did not play. Then we went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight.

Monday September 9
Rainy day. – Mrs. Pierce and Hilda drove to Houston today. Purchasing for the new school building. – There has been plenty of rain today. Just about finished the cotton crop, I suppose, unless a top crop comes on later. – Willie Jones was here this morning on his job. – My foot is swollen yet, but am wearing one of Mrs. Pierce’s old slippers .- John Henry did some more painting on the mural for the new school building. – Mr. Pierce at home all day.

Tuesday, September 10
Rainy night last night and mostly cloudy today. – Mrs. Smith came a moment this morning. Brought eggplant and greens. – Mrs. Dunn is sewing for Mrs. Kuykendall today at the hotel. -  Mrs. Pierce at home and in Bay City, busy with school work. – Mr. Black spent the afternoon here with figures. – Board meeting tonight. Reading the budget at Community House. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this P. M. – John Henry painting on school picture.

Wednesday, September 11
Mostly sunshine today. – Dorothy came to help Mrs. Pierce, who drove to Palacios this forenoon. – Had the 4-H girls meet. here this P. M. – Also went to the Depot to meet Miss Warrington, a teacher who came to inspect and be inspected by the board. She was hired. – The two Clapp daughters are spending the night here. Mrs. Pierce was hostess to them. – John Henry and myself to see a movie in Bay City tonight. – Mr. Pierce was here when we returned. – Lee drove to Weimar with Walter Allen this P. M.

Thursday, September 12
Pretty day. Mrs. Pierce and two of the new teachers took a group of 4-H girls to Houston today. They went on a shopping and sightseeing tour. – Mrs. Pierce was very late getting home. She stuck in the mud taking the Clark girl home. – I felt wonderful well all day. – Fed the chicks for the first time since my foot has been lame. – Did the mending and put the house in order. – Mrs. Smith phoned about Mr. [Clive] Runnell’s death. – She is going to Chicago Sunday.

Friday, September 13
Just a day. – I awoke sick, dizzy, etc. Could not get up any pep until almost night. – Mrs. Pierce on a run all day long. Finally went to sleep at the dinner table and the boys put her on the living room couch. – Shall be glad for her when the new building is dedicated and some of the burdens lifted from her shoulders. – Dorothy helping type all day.

Saturday, September 14
A beautiful day and a busy one. – The supper served on the porch was very nice. – There were sixteen served. Mr. Pierce was late getting home, so did not eat, and Lee had a date, so he could not wait. – The beautiful school building was dedicated with an appropriate program. The auditorium was filled with an admiring audience. – Mr. Patton is spending the night here.

Sunday, September 15
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith brought Cherri in this morning. She went to Houston to take the train for Chicago this forenoon. Will meet Mr. Withers there. – Mr. Patton went home before lunch. – This P. M. Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Cherri and I drove to Sargent. He went in swimming. Is not feeling well. – We met Mrs. Gifford and her youngsters at the beach. – The children were swimming. – We stopped in Bay City to see “She” on the way home. – All tired. – Met Mr. Pierce coming home as we went down.

Monday, September 16
Wash day. – School opened. – John Henry and Lee enrolled for a commercial course. Mary Dean, also. A full house. – Mrs. Pierce and I went out and attended to the milk and cream. Brought in a churning. Took Cherri along. Cherri seemed to be quite comfortable last night. No scratching or moping around. – Mrs. Pierce still on the school house job. – She drove to Bay City tonight to hear a lecture on early Texas and Texans. – The boys were out on a Bat.

Tuesday, September 17
North wind and a rainy day generally. – The shrubs and trees came for the school house yard this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce and I went out for the milk this morning. Left Cherri at home on account of rain. – Mrs. Pierce out at school building all afternoon. – The boys spent part of the forenoon in school. – Lee gone to Palacios on a date. – John Henry out at Kopecky’s. – Mr. Pierce struggling with cans and school work. – Cherri and I are going to bed at 9:30. – Mr. Pierce at Sargent.

We drove out to Live Oak to attend to the milk and cats. Then to Palacios. – I called at the Feather office, on the Love’s and Mrs. Burton. – Mrs. Caffall is returning and they will again keep house in the Wagner cottage, so gossip reports. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight. – Mrs. Pierce busy as usual. – I have the mending finished and laundry put away for this week. – Mrs. Pierce attended a shower at the Matthes home for a Bridges girl. – The boys and I went to see “Laurel and Hardy” (Scotchmen) in Bay City.

Thursday, September 19
Most beautiful day. – Mr. Pierce received a letter from Mrs. Smith written in the hotel. They arrived in Chicago Monday P. M. Found cold weather. – She may go to Minneapolis for a few days. – Have been house cleaning some today and a very little sewing. – School work continues. – We drove out to get the milk this morning. – Tonight, Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Lee and his “Pie” and myself drove to Bay City to see “China Seas.” All came home tired. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. Cherri kept house alone. – Mrs. Dismukes and Mrs. Martyn called this evening. – Rec’d 30c refund from Feather’s Co.!

Friday, September 20
Pretty day. Hot sun. – Dorothy and I drove out to get the milk this morning. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school insurance man. – Called a board meeting this P. M. to discuss it. – The boys are real school kids. Attend a class before noon and one in the afternoon. – The janitor service at the new school building is not very satisfactory  yet. – Mrs. Pierce and the boys are attending a reception for the teachers at the Community House tonight. – Mrs. Pierce read a letter from Mrs. Smith today.

Saturday, - September 21
Cherri and I went out to bring the milk in this morning. – Mrs. Pierce wrote to Mrs. Smith this afternoon. She, Mrs. Smith, is in Minnesota, Wayzata with Mrs. Heffelfinger. – This has been a busy day. Sweeping, etc. – Dorothy typed until 4 o’clock. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove out to Kopecky’s and parked an hour or more. – Mr. Pierce came while we were away.

Sunday, September 22
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove out for the milk this forenoon. – Mrs. Dunn came up to eat dinner here. – Mrs. Yeager, Mary Dean, Madge ad Helen came up about 2:30 and we went out to inspect the new school building. Mr. Yeager, Mr. Braden and Mr. Thompson were at the building when we arrived. – Tonight we were Mrs. Dunn’s guests to see ____. Going over in Mrs. Pierce’s car. Stopped at Woolsey’s for a drink on the way home.

Monday, September 23
Shower this morning. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Houston today in Mrs. Dunn’s car. – Mrs. Pierce and I went out for the milk this morning. Then she drove to Palacios to oversee the cleaning of the canning kitchen. – Sewed some this afternoon. – Mrs. Beard came up an hour tonight. – Mrs. Dunn expects to drive up to her Ranch tomorrow. Taking Mr. Rickaway along to do some carpenter work.

Tuesday, September 24 – Buddy’s Birthday – 24th – Mrs. Beard’s 35th
Rain. – We brought the milk home in a hard rain. Cherri sent along. – Mrs. Pierce has been working at home all day. – Tonight we (except Lee who went to Palacios) all ate dinner with the Bohemian Catholics at the Community House. – Then the family stopped at the hotel to listen in on the prize fight between a white man and a black man. [Max Baer-Joe Louis] – I came home and did a little sewing.

Wednesday, September 25 – Mrs. Farwell’s Birthday
Sent a birthday note to Mrs. Farwell. – Very hard rain all night. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce Cherri and myself drove to Houston to meet Mrs. Smith who returned from her journey to Chicago and Minneapolis. Sick. – (She spent an hour or more with Mr. and Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Van Bergen.) – We came out of Houston in a rain and soon a perfect deluge, which continued all the way home. – Mrs. Smith stopped at Live Oak. – Robert came in with us and took me back in Mrs. Smith’s old car. – Going to bed tired. The rain continues to pour.

Thursday, September 26
Mrs. Smith feeling better this morning. – Robert brought me in. – Mrs. Smith drove to Houston to meet Mr. Heffelfinger today. – She took Cherri with her. – Very rainy day. Ground soaked full of water. – Mrs. Smith, Mr. Heffelfinger and Mr. Pierce met in Bay City tonight when Mrs. S. and Mr. H. arrived from Houston. – Robert came for me and I put flowers in the vases for Mrs. Smith.  – Iris had done general house cleaning. – Willie sent some fresh cookies out which Mr. Heffelfinger enjoyed with 2 glasses of milk before he went to bed.

Friday, September 27
First norther of the fall blew down upon us early this morning. – Mrs. Smith and I ate our breakfast and Robert brought me in before Mr. Heffelfinger awoke. – They spent the day in Bay City. – Then came to the Pierce home for dinner. – Mrs. Smith took a nap and we drove out to Live Oak. Stopping on the way for fresh oil and gas. – Mrs. Pierce sick with hay fever. Has it very bad.

Saturday. September 28
Real cold. – Mrs. Smith and Mr. H. drove to Houston this morning where he took the train for Minneapolis. She returned about 4 o’clock and brought us some “honey” melons and a bag of candy. Came back later and took a hot bath. Then we went to Live Oak and to bed early. – Mrs. Pierce took some 4-H girls to Bay City. Christine was instructed in mattress making. Brought one home with her.  – The grand pavilion opening in Palacios has been postponed on account of cold weather. – Have put in a full day and am tired tonight.

Sunday, September 29
Cold wind. – Mrs. Smith awoke with a bad headache this morning. - Robert brought me in. – We hoped she would come in for 12 o’clock dinner, but she did not. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios to inspect the new pavilion late this afternoon. – When they were ready to come home, the car had a flat so they were late coming. – We then drove to Live Oak Farm hoping to take Mrs. Smith to see “Steamboat Round the Bend,” but she was not able to go. – An oil man and a man from Houston (buyer) were at Live Oak today. – “Steamboat Round the Bend” is a refreshing picture, but one has a sad feeling as they watch Will Rogers in his last picture.

Monday, September 30
Warmer today. Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith sick all night. – Terrible headache and sick stomach. – Robert brought Fannie out before I came away this morning. – Did a lot of work in the chicken yard this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City since lunch. Taking the lame boy to the Dr. I rode out to Mrs. Smith’s with her. Then came back to dinner in Mrs. Smith’s old car. – Mrs. Smith seems to be feeling some better tonight. Not so nauseated, but head still aching. – Mrs. Pierce drove out after dinner for an hour.


Tuesday, October 1
Warmer today. – Letter from the Haywoods. – Mrs. Smith was very much more comfortable this morning tho she was sick yet. – I came in in the old car and went back about eleven o’clock taking a couple of baked potatoes and a tomato. She ate her lunch and felt still better. I sat with her this P. M. (did the darning). – Mr. Withers came. Also Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. – Mrs. Beard drove in just behind me tonight and spent an hour. Mrs. Smith thinks she is almost well. – Check for $15.00 from the Burtons for October rent.

Wednesday, October 2
Grand day. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock duck dinner with us today. – Mrs. Pierce very rushed all forenoon getting ready for a gas meeting at the school house at 2 o’clock. -  The bids were to be opened at 4 o’clock, but Mr. Payne did not arrive until 4:15, so they could not be opened. Will have to be advertised again. – Mrs. Dunn came home from her ranch in Hays County this P. M. – Tonight Mrs. Smith was hostess to Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn, John H. and myself to see “Bishop Misbehaves.” – Mrs. Smith has been driving a great deal today. She seems entirely well.

Thursday, October 3 – Clinton would be 17 years old today
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith’s cow was very sick when Robert went to milk this morning. – She sent for Dr. Pickel who put in most of the day doctoring the sick bossy. At night she seemed much better and as we go to bed, she is eating and drinking, tho not on her feet yet. – Went to the hotel this P. M. and brought a dress home (which Mrs. Dunn had made for Mrs. Kuykendall while she was here) and made 3 bound button holes for her. – Returned the dress when Mrs. Smith came for me at night.

Friday, October 4 – Mother’s birthday-91 – 1944-1928 = 84
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Smith brought me in. – The cow improves. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. – Mrs. Smith drove to Victoria this forenoon. When she returned after lunch, she, Mrs. Pierce and myself drove to Bay City. They to see Dr. Simons in regard to medicine for Mary’s boy “Rabbit” who they are taking to the hospital in Galveston tomorrow. – I bought some material to make two pajama coats for Mr. Pierce and Mrs. bought him a readymade pair. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called tonight.

Dr. James E. Simons

Saturday, October 5
Mrs. Smith and I arose early this morning. – She and Mrs. Pierce took the boy, Rabbit, to the hospital in Galveston. – I did much house cleaning today and washed my winter dress (the blue wool). It was covered with mildew. – Cherri spent the day here. Had the pleasure of putting the cats up a tree a couple of times. – I also shrank some blue broadcloth out of which I am to make a sample pajama coat for Mr. Pierce. – Mrs. Smith and I are retiring early.

Sunday, October 6
Robert brought me in this morning. – Mrs. Smith saying she was going to spend the day at home doing only the things she wanted to do. – Mrs. Pierce worked on Can reports all day as she has to meet the Bossman in Bay City in the morning. – I put the house in Sunday order this forenoon and did some resting this afternoon. – The north wind simply wears me out. tho this has been a lovely fall day. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce, John H. and I went to see “Top Hat” while Mr. Pierce was in Mr. Erickson’s office. – I stopped at Live Oak on the way home. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith saw the picture this P. M.

Monday, October 7
Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to Bay City on legal business this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce went on canning kitchen business. – The boys went to school. – Pearl mashed her thumb in the wringer. – Tonight Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith ate pork chops with the family. – Mrs. Smith having bought them in Bay City. – After dinner, John Henry and us women folks drove to Bay City to be present at the organization of the Matagorda County Historical Society. – Major Selkirk being the most aggressive sponsor.

Tuesday, October 8
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. – Mrs. Pierce spent part of the forenoon in Bay City. – Mr. Pierce at home all day. – After the housework was finished, I cut out a pajama coat for Mr. Pierce and did some other sewing. – Tonight the Women’s Council and Girl Reserves have a meeting at the Community House. – We drove to the hotel and left Mrs. Pierce. Then Mr. Pierce took me out to Mrs. Smith’s where he did some official work for her. – Mrs. Dunn stopped on her way home from Houston.

Wednesday, October 9
Dorothy helping Mrs. Pierce. – After three o’clock, Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and myself drove to Palacios. We stopped to see Mrs. Carlton Crawford’s new home which is in process of construction. – From there to my home which was closed, so I could not do my errand. – Then to the city hall to see Mr. Sisson about my taxes, but it was closed. Also too late. – From there to the pavilion which is fine from the outside. – The to the shrimp buildings, etc. – Finally to Blessing. – Mr. Pierce and John dropped me at Live Oak on their way to Sargent tonight.

Thursday, October 10
Small amount of rain fell today, but the day was lovely. – Dorothy helped Mrs. Pierce type today. – This P. M., the Council elected officers. Mrs. Pierce was present. – Tonight the 4-H girls have Achievement Day. Going from one home to another in cars. – I made a pajama coat today. My maiden effort in that particular line. – Mrs. Smith came for me tonight.

Friday, October 11
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Expecting to be home for lunch, but everything detained her so we ate a piece of pumpkin pie and drank coffee and tea in Bay City. Then she continued business until 2 o’clock when we went to see the “Anna Karenina” picture. A sad picture. – Mrs. Smith came for me. – Mrs. Dunn drove out to insist on Mrs. Smith attending her dinner party tomorrow night. – Mrs. Smith and the Brown’s drove to Sargent this P. M. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent tonight.

Saturday, October 12
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce was one of a group who drove to Freeport to attend a Woman’s Council and Girl Reserves convention today. – They arrived back in Blessing about 5 o’clock, in time for Mrs. Pierce and John Henry to attend the dinner party. – Mr. Pierce was late, but came in time to go to Palacios with them to the pavilion opening. – Mrs. Smith and I drove out to Live Oak and went to bed early.

Sunday, October 13
Grand forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I went to S. S. this forenoon. – Lee had work to do in the warehouse .- The crowd at the pavilion opening was not so great as was expected. A good orchestra is reported as a drawing card. – Mrs. Pierce is suffering terribly from hay fever. – We were intending to drive up to Mackay this P. M., but when Mrs. Pierce phoned Mrs. Borden, she said she was driving to Blessing. She, her friend, and two teachers came about six o’clock. – We had to go to church, so they did not stay long. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak after preaching service. – Mrs. Smith was at home resting all day. – Mrs. Dunn up this P. M.

Monday, October 14
Mr. Taylor and a young man from his office came this morning to take Mrs. Pierce with them to invoice canning kitchen equipment. They went first to Palacios, so I rode down with them and paid my city taxes. – The two men ate lunch here then they drove to Sargent leaving Bay City for the last kitchen. – Mrs. Pierce came home in time for dinner. Sick with hay fever, but went back to Bay City with Mrs. Dunn to attend the historical meeting. – Mrs. Smith came for me and we drove to Markham where she saw Mr. McSparran who is very sick. – She is very tired tonight, too. – Cutting, sawing and delivering wood to the schools.

Tuesday, October 15
Mrs. Smith brought me in by truck this morning. – Lee working at gin and warehouse. – John Henry supervising the laying of a new roof on the warehouse. Both of them going to classes, also. – Dorothy typing for Mrs. Pierce. – Did a little sewing and mending today. Working on a white dress Mrs. Smith gave me. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce dropped me at Live Oak Farm on his way to Sargent. Mrs. Smith sick all afternoon. – She is cutting and hauling wood to the schools. – Grand weather every day.

Wednesday, October 16
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce at home all forenoon. Hay fever terrific. – After lunch she and Mrs. Dunn drove to Sargent to Mr. Freeman’s. – Mrs. Smith came this P. M. report the delivery of all of the wood to the schools according to contract. – Mr. Pierce at Sargent. – John Henry drawing plans for Billie’s store at the “Y.” – Did most of the mending and sewed some on my white dress. – Robert came for me. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn had not yet returned when I left the house.

Thursday, October 17
A little rain this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. She is not well. Upset stomach, etc. – Mrs. Pierce in Blessing all day. Hay fever very bad. – I sewed some on the white dress Mrs. Smith gave me this afternoon. – John Henry working on Billy’s building drawing. – Lee at warehouse all day. – John Henry drove me out to Live Oak Farm tonight. – Mrs. Smith not well.

Friday, October 18
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce spent part of the day in Bay City working for Mrs. Sides. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent for the weekend. – Did some repair work and general mending this afternoon. – Mary Dean came for sheets, pillows and pillow slips to take to Sargent tomorrow for their weekend birthday party for John Henry. – The boys are enjoying a wiener roast tonight. Miss Warrington is hostess to her S. S. class and others. – Robert came for me. Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston this A. M.

Saturday, October 19
Beautiful day. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Smith sent in three cords of wood for Mr. Pierce today. – The birthday picnic party got off about 4:30 this afternoon, going first to Palacios for Bobbie Louise Price. Helen and her husband had a previous date so they did not join the party. – Mrs. Smith came for me about six o’clock. We ate supper at Live Oak and then drove to Bay City with pecans for the Engles, but they were absent so we set the nuts inside the door and came back home.

Sunday, October 20 - John Henry’s 26th Birthday
Windy. – Mrs. Smith was somewhat indisposed this morning, so I came in to look after the chickens, tho Willie had fed the grown ones. – Then we made a cake and just loafed until almost noon when I came in and ate my dinner at the hotel and took a plate out to Mrs. Smith. – Then we loafed some more. – Mr. Withers came about six o’clock. Ate Sunday night supper and visited until 10 o’clock. Suppose the picnic party are on the way home by this time.

Monday, October 21
Mrs. Pierce drove up to Bay City yesterday forenoon to hear Bishop Quinn preach. – Mrs. Smith and I thought of going, but did not feel equal to the effort, so she did not dress all day. – This has been a fine day tho a few drops of rain fell this afternoon – John Henry very busy drawing plans for Billy’s buildings out at the “Y.” - I have the white dress almost finished. Sewing seems to tire me terribly nowadays. Getting old. – Robert came for me tonight. – Mrs. Smith very tired tonight.

Tuesday, October 22
Pretty day. Hot sun. – We overslept at Live Oak this morning. – Mrs. Smith is haying. She brought a ton of baled hay to Mr. Pierce this afternoon. – The workers are all excited over the circus to be shown in Bay City tonight. – Mrs. Pierce at home all day. – Mr. Pierce was using her car. His being in the shop. – They and John Henry drove me out to Live Oak tonight. Made a pleasant call and went back home to work.  – J. H. busy on Billie’s plans tho Mr. Rickaway has started the work.

Wednesday, October 23 – Mrs. Hall’s Birthday – 69
Damp noreaster blew down this morning and the day has been quite unpleasant. – Lee is the happy one on the place tonight. He has a new V8. – Mrs. Pierce busy all day preparing for a board meeting tonight. – Robert came for me tonight.

Thursday, October 24
Mrs. Smith and I spent the day in Houston. I drove her little car in to Billie’s garage this morning. She followed with the other one and we at once started to Houston. Left Cherri at the hospital for a bath, then to Sears for a tire and coffee. – Mrs. Smith had a hair wash and her numb toes examined. – We saw Barbary Coast at the theatre. Lovely picture. – Ate lunch at the Forum and dinner at Mrs. Mayfield’s. Were late leaving Houston and Mrs. Smith had difficulty keeping awake.

Friday, October 25
Beautiful fall day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Garwood today to attend their fair and listen to speakers. The El Campo band furnished plenty of music. We drove 16 miles on the wrong road after leaving El Campo, so were late arriving at Garwood. No speaking until after the fish dinner tho. We inspected the display of poultry, cattle sheep and everything. Garwood hopes to build a new $66,000 school building in the near future. It is badly needed. – Mrs. Smith came in and took a hot bath tonight.

Saturday, October 26
A little cloudy and rain threatened. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. – Mr. Pierce and Willie Jones drove to Sargent early and took part of the makings for the Thanksgiving feast. – Mrs. Pierce and I followed later and had the back of the car full of buns, coffee, etc. – The picnic was held in the pecan grove back of the ranch house. 200 or more were served hot dogs, coffee, ice cream and ginger snaps. A stuffed happy crowd thanked Mr. Pierce for his hospitality. – The boys drove to Austin to see a football game – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I went to see “Freckles” tonight.

Sunday, October 27
Pretty day all day. – This forenoon Mrs. Smith and I drove out to the cemetery before she brought me to Blessing. We took some flowers to the graves. – She ate ducks with us today. This finishes our ducks. – Lee was not here. Perhaps he was visiting Wanda Ruth who is here over the weekend. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and I drove out to the cemetery and then to Ashby to see Mr. McKissick, but he was not at home. Mrs. Smith stopped at her home as he came back and I drove her car out later. – Mrs. Dunn ate gumbo with her tonight. – Going to bed tired.

Monday, October 28
Pretty day real warm. – Mrs. Gill received a message this morning that her son [Charles O. Bruner] is dead. – Mrs. Pierce drove out this forenoon and again this afternoon. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Pierce were going to Bay City to attend the Matagorda Co. [Historical Society]. – I rode with them to Live Oak Farm expecting to spend the night with Mrs. Smith, but Mrs. Kuykendall had just arrived to spend some time with her, so I rode to Bay City, attended the Historical Meeting and saw “Call of the Wild

Tuesday, October 29
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce drove out to the Gill home this forenoon. – Poor Mrs. Gill. She is weak in body and heart sick. Just why so much sorrow has to come to us in the sun setting time of our lives. I do not understand. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall came for a hot bath tonight. – Mrs. Sides ate a bowl of hot soup. Mrs. Beard and Miss Warrington came for Halloween fixings to use in the school carnival tonight. – Have felt terribly bum all day. So weak and trifling.

Wednesday, October 30
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove out west of town this morning to attend a highway dedication.  – Two or three women drove out to the Gill home this afternoon and held a short service for her son who was buried in Penn. at the same hour. – Mr. Brinkley (school furniture). – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall ate dinner here tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since dinner. The boys and Mrs. Pierce are attending a Halloween carnival at the Community House.

Thursday, October 31
Rain fell early this morning and continued most of the day. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove to El Campo this afternoon and met a very heavy rain which continued while we were there and we came home in a real down pour as far as Midfield. – John Henry went to inspect Helen’s stairway. – Tonight the boys are off to Bay City. John Henry went to Palacios for Bobbie Louise Price while Lee took a carload from here. – Mrs. Pierce is cleaning the third floor. – Am not feeling so good yet.


Friday, November 1
A rainy beginning for the month. – Mrs. Pierce house cleaning the third floor all day. – I have been sewing and mending today. – The new school building leaked quite badly yesterday afternoon during the bad rain. – Tonight the boys have gone to Markham to see a football game. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent soon after 6 o’clock. Had not rained so much down there.

Saturday, November 2
Rainy forenoon. – Just a Saturday. – My rent money came this P. M. also a bill from Mr. Richards for $1.50 for repair work. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City, etc. which included a visit to the Markham Baptist Church Fair. – Tonight we drove out to see Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall. Found them at the hotel taking baths. – Then we drove to Live Oak Farm and listened to a Will Rogers Memorial program over Mrs. Smith’s new radio. His intimate friends gave his favorite numbers in song and others paid tribute in eulogies.

Sunday, November 3
Dreary rainy afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce, John H. and I went to S. S. this forenoon. – Mrs. Kuykendall ate 12 o’clock dinner with us, but Mrs. Smith was real sick in the night, so could not come. Mrs. Pierce sent out some dinner to her by Robert. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent since dinner. – Mrs. Pierce took Mrs. Kuykendall out to Live Oak Farm then drove to Palacios to see the Farwells. Mrs. Young is not with them yet. – Mrs. Smith was feeling better, but is in bed yet.

Monday, November 4 – Will Rogers Day – His 56th Birthday Anniversary
Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City to have some blue prints made, but he found he had left his drawings in Lee’s car in Blessing. – The roof man came to see about the leaks in the new school building. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce attended a meeting of the “Hysterical” Society in Bay City tonight. – The boys in Palacios at the pavilion, guests of the Palacios Chamber of Commerce. A free for all blow out. – Norther promised. – Rec’d my $1.50 Central Power and Light dividend today.

Tuesday, November 5
Norther arrived about 4 o’clock this morning. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry spent part of the day in Bay City. – About 3:30 this afternoon, Mrs. Pierce drove me down to Palacios where I paid my school tax and $1.50 to Mr. Richards for plumbing repairs. – I had a pleasant visit with Mrs. Partain and Mrs. Richards while waiting for Mrs. Pierce to see Mr. Malier, which she failed to do until we came back to Mr. Woolsey’s filling station and found him there. – Saw Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Kuykendall as we drove into Blessing. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight. – Real cool wind tonight.

Wednesday, November 6
Warmer tonight. Fire in the fireplace all day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Kuykendall, Mrs. Sides and Mrs. Williams drove to Houston today. A busy day for all of them. They bought paper to redecorate the Lovelady house. – Putting the laundry away. Mending. Beginning work on a black dress Mrs. Smith gave me which she has out grown. – Had many callers. Many telephone calls, etc. – So my day has been a busy one, too. – No rain today, but not much sunshine, either. The north wind has dried the mud very much. Several ponds in the chicken yard yet. – Boys at a basketball game at school building tonight.

Thursday, November 7
Good day. – Mrs. Smith brought some work for me to do. Her “jodhpurs” and a couple of black dresses to make smaller. She is to take Mrs. Kuykendall part way home tomorrow. Her daughter will meet her part way. – Mrs. Pierce met with the women this P. M. to decide what to feed the men during the Field Trials here. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since dinner tonight. – Lee in Palacios. – Mr. Bickley, the school furniture man, spent some time here this forenoon.

Friday, November 8
Pretty day. – Sewing and mending all day. Finished the “jodhpurs” and took a few stitches on my own black dress. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school books, etc. – Billie’s store and cottages moving along very slowly. – Basketball game at school gym tonight. – Lee busy at gin when he is not in Palacios. – Mr. Pierce came down late. – Mrs. Smith came for me to spend the night with her. She drove Mrs. Kuykendall to LaGrange where her daughter met her.

Saturday, November 9
Wind blowing a gale from the south all day. – Mrs. Smith brought me in this morning. – The boys drove to Houston to see a football game today and tonight, I suppose. – Mr. Pierce at home running the gin for Lee, I guess. Have been working on Mrs. Smith’s dresses today. – Mrs. Pierce working on school books. – Tonight Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce drove me out to Live Oak Farm after dinner. She will be alone tonight unless the boys come back early.

Sunday, November 10
Fine day, but some cloudy. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. this forenoon. – The boys did not get home from Houston until this morning. – Mr. Pierce did not come home from Sargent today. – Mrs. Smith ate 2 o’clock dinner with us, but she went home early to rest. – The boys and some of the staff worked on the school paper this P. M. – Lee in Palacios tonight. – Rev. Engle preached, but Mrs. Smith did not feel equal to coming to hear him, so John Henry took me out to Live Oak Farm early.- Mr. Pierce came home in time for preaching.

Monday, November 11 – Lee’s 22nd Birthday – Armistice Day
A wet norther blew down upon us early this morning. – Mrs. Smith brought me in. – Fires in the fireplaces look good and feel good. – This forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself attended the Armistice Day program given by some of the high school pupils in the new auditorium. Also received a copy of the first edition of the school paper. The program was good. The paper is fine, also. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dun ate dinner here tonight in honor of Lee’s birthday. Willie made a fine  angel cake for him.

Tuesday, November 12
Cold, but clear. No frost as was predicted. – Mrs. Smith and I ate breakfast on a card table in front of a live oak fire in the fireplace in the living room. - This was a most beautiful sunshiny morning, but cold all day. A north wind to dry the mud. – Mrs. Pierce stood beside the living room table all day working on school books. – Subscribed for the Hi-School paper today. 50c for the school year. – John Henry was to drive me out to Live Oak Farm tonight, but we saw a light in Mrs. Smith’s room, so stopped at the hotel and found her almost moved in. – We spent the night at Live Oak and slept cold under plenty of cover.

Wednesday, November 13
Perfectly grand day. Wind changed this forenoon. – We ate breakfast in the living room in front of a roaring fire. Slept cold last night under a weight of bedding. – Mrs. Smith decided to finish moving in today and sleep at the hotel tonight. – So I shall be under the Pierce ceiling day and night again. I hope I appreciate all of my blessings. – Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were hosts to Miss Warrington, John Henry and myself to see “I Live to Love” in Bay City. – Lee stayed at home tonight. – Very much warmer as we retire.

Thursday, November 14 - Blessing
More clouds, but no rain. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. – Finished the mending and put the laundry away. – Had many telephone and door interruptions. – Mrs. Smith came in as we were eating dinner. She was very tired, but had finished filling her silo and saved the last cutting of silage. – She lay on the couch and went to sleep. Is glad she is staying at the hotel nights. So much warmer. – Mr. Pierce came home.

Friday, November 15
Cold wind all day. – Lee drove to Troup today. Wanda Ruth Martin being the magnet. – Odeal came this morning to help house clean. – The north bedroom and the southwest bedroom were the ones operated on. – Mrs. Pierce attended some kind of a demonstration this P. M. at a Guynes home. – We are turning the chintz side curtains upside down. A smart trick. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry were working on the Lovelady cottage this P. M. and a while since dinner. Shingling the roof. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to see basketball games at the gym.

Saturday, November 16
Cold. – Mrs. Pierce worked all day on school books. Tired to death tonight. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent and back this P. M. After they came back, John H. drove to Palacios to see what was going on at the pavilion. – Did not see Mrs. Smith today.

Sunday, November 17
Last night John Henry came upon a wreck as he was going to Palacios. He carried an injured woman to a Dr. Later heard a Negro was killed in the collision. – Mrs. Pierce, John H. and I went to S. S. – Then to the hotel for dinner as Willie was funeralizing the Negro pastor this P. M. – Then to Bay City to see “Mutiny on the Bounty.” Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and Miss Warrington came home, but Mr. Pierce and I waited to see “Flirtation Walk” again. – Think I have seen it 4 times. Improves with age.

Monday, November 18
Rainy morning and drizzly all day. – After lunch, several women met in the home economics room to cut out gymnasium suits for the basketball girl team. – Red corduroy trunks and white blouses. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City to attend a meeting of the Matagorda [County] Historical Society. Mrs. Matthes rode over in Mrs. Pierce’s car also. – Lee reports a fine trip to Troup.

Tuesday, November 19
No rain today. – Mrs. Pierce worked all forenoon in the nursery putting dresser drawers in order, etc. house cleaning. – After lunch we met with other women in the Home Economics room and worked on uniforms. – Tonight we were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see Katharine Hepburn in “Alice Adams.” – Mrs. Pierce is cutting out numerals for the girls’ blouses as I go to bed.

Wednesday, November 20
Fine day. – Odeal has been helping house clean today. – I made the valance for the hall windows on the 2nd floor this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in the home Economics room sewing on uniforms. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and myself drove to Bay City to see “Heirs to Romance” Nino Martino and Madam Schumann-Heink.  Splendid I thought.

Thursday, November 21
A good day. – Put away laundry and did mending this forenoon. – After lunch we met in the Home Demonstration room and sewed on the uniforms. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Dunn left for Eastern points this forenoon. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I attended a Francitas home talent play at the Community House. “The Turn of the Tide.”

Friday, November 22
Fine day. – House cleaning. Odeal helped. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City immediately after lunch to meet the “Boss Canner” from Houston. All kitchens are ordered to open today. Short notice. – Mr. Tetts came this P. M. to see Mr. Pierce about the oil leases which have been completed finally. He may drive to Sargent tonight as Mr. Pierce is there. – A phone from Mrs. Pierce in Bay City said she would spend the night in Sargent with Mr. Pierce, who was in Bay City then. – Also a message for Hilda.

Saturday, November 23
Real cold. Furnace all day. – Just a Saturday. Housework until 3 P.M. – Mrs. Pierce came home while I was washing the sweeping and dusting grime from my face and invited me to drive to Palacios with her. – She went to see Mrs. Chappell at the canning kitchen. I sat in the car and enjoyed the National Geographic. – Tonight she went out to the high school where an all day basketball tournament is being held. – Mr. Pierce came home tonight.

Sunday, November 24 – Buddy died 3 years ago
Not so cold. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I attended S. S. and church this forenoon. The minister was called to Houston to attend a funeral service this P. M., so the night sermon was not preached. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came a few minutes this afternoon. – Tonight Mr. Pierce was host to a theatre party. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Miss Coalie, Miss Warrington, John Henry and myself to see “Shipmates Forever.” A beautiful picture. Mrs. Pierce treated us to coffee after the picture.

Monday, November 25
Mostly cloudy. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Palacios. Collected a car load of workers, took them to Bay City, then back to Palacios. Came home at dark, tired and hungry. – Mr. Peirce drove to Sargent since lunch. – He closed the gin for this season. 502 bales ginned. – The boys have gone to Matagorda to a basketball game. – Mrs. Smith came to bring some sweet potatoes and butter this P. M.

Tuesday, November 26
Cloudy. – Card from Mrs. Tandy in Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce in Palacios and Bay City this P. M. – After dinner tonight we drove to Palacios to leave some cans at the Farwell home for Mrs. Chappell. – We brought home shrimp and oysters which we dressed tonight. – On the way home we stopped to see Mrs. Smith. She had a severe headache. Ate too much pork. – I recovered the linen box today and made a cotton pad for the nursery bookcase. – No fire in the house today. – Going to bed at 10 o’clock.

Wednesday, November 27
Clouds and sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day on the job. – Odeal came and we did house cleaning. – Mr. Pierce drove to Rockport for Admiral Mertz. They ate supper at Port Lavaca. – Tired tonight, but am so thankful for health and a reasonable amount of strength.

Thursday, November 28 – Thanksgiving Day
A pretty day. – The guests arrived in due time. Mrs. Farwell came from Gulf where she had been visiting Noble Hayes family a couple of days. Mr. Farwell came up from Palacios. Mrs. Smith from the hotel. The dinner was all that could be desired. Mr. Pierce and the Admiral drove to Collegeport, etc. after dinner to locate a shooting field, but failed. No ducks. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell spent the afternoon. Mary Dean, Paul and Helen called this P. M.

Friday, November 29
Mrs. Pierce on the job early this forenoon and did not come home until 6:30 P.M. – Mr. Pierce took Admiral Mertz to Sargent, Gulf and other places today. They came back about 4:30 and the admiral took a nap. – Willie Jones gave us a duck dinner tonight. The ducks having been brought by the admiral from his hunting club. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner here and spent the evening. – A most wonderful day. All sunshine. I washed by hair this P. M.

Saturday, November 30
An early start for Mrs. Pierce going to Palacios first. – About nine o’clock, Mr. Pierce and the admiral left for Rockport. – I changed the beds and cleaned the house. Finished about 2:30. A little tired, but the day has been most glorious. – So balmy. The house all open. – Telegram from Miss Winters announcing her marriage. – A Miss Billie Linder ran into the rear of Richard Pierce’s car Thurs. or yesterday night and seriously injured a boy who was riding on the tire rack. There was no tail light.


Sunday, December 1
Not so sunshiny. – We slept late – Did not attend Sunday School. – Mrs. Smith came up and ate duck dinner. Then spent the afternoon. – Mr. Pierce brought the ducks from Rockport yesterday. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent this afternoon. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I went to Bay City to see “It’s in the Air.” A bum picture.

Monday, December 2
Real cold north wind, but all sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce off to work early. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. – I worked on the slip cover for the bookcase seat pad and did some ripping on Mrs. Pierce’s dress besides working on the coat Mrs. Hall sent me.

Tuesday, December 3
A real cold day. Mostly sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Houston today. – Had a bad blowout 16 miles this side of Rosenberg. Driving quite fast when a bang came and the car began to struggle to the left. Mrs. Pierce was quite the master of the situation and we are here to tell about it. – Had a busy day or half day as it was. 11:30 when we drove into a parking lot. – Mrs. Pierce did a little Xmas shopping and a pr of $2.65 shoes. – Stores crowded. – Check from Burtons.

Wednesday, December 4 – Mr. Pierce’s birthday – 61st
Sunshine and clouds. – Just a busy day. – Housework and putting laundry away all forenoon.  – After lunch, wrote a long letter to Mrs. Pierce’s parents because she has not had time to write to them. Took the letter to the P. O. – Tonight we were guests of Mrs. Beard and Miss Warrington at the hotel. – It being Mr. Pierce’s birthday, we took his cake with 61 candles down there. The dinner was nice. Then all of the guests which included Paul and Mary and Mrs. Smith did not go. Went out to see Blessing basketball teams beat the Sweeny teams.

Thursday, December 5
Some sunshine, tho it rained a little last night. – Mrs. Pierce up and away early this forenoon. – Pearl house cleaning today. – Did the house work this forenoon and sewed this afternoon. – Sent a card to Mrs. Burton acknowledging the receipt of rent for Dec. – Lee gave me a box of candy. He won it at the Woolsey Filling Station.

Friday, December 6
A dreary day. – House work all forenoon. – Mending all afternoon. – Odeal house cleaning the pantry and cellar. – Mrs. Pierce up and away early. – Raining a little all day. So dreary. – Tonight we all, except Lee who was attending a ball game, ate chicken dinner with Mrs. Smith at the hotel. Mrs. Smith not well. – Madge came over tonight to work on reports. – Mr. Matthes and Mr. Bickley came too, on business. – Mrs. Pierce very tired and worried.

Saturday, December 7
Lee off early to Austwell ball game. Went to Houston instead. – John Henry planned to go to College Station to see a game, but the rainy weather changed his mind. – Mrs. Pierce made an early start to Houston with a carload of Federal workers to be given instructions in their various duties. – There were terrible rains in Houston and along the highway. A detour at the Rosenberg underpass. Houston bayou district flooded. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry “pulled a party” Miss Warrington and Grace Walker. – Saw Mrs. Smith tonight. She had a headache. – Mrs. Pierce and passengers reached Blessing about 1 o’clock.

Sunday, December 8
Good day. Beautiful afternoon. – John Henry and I went to Sunday School this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce and Madge worked most of the day on canning reports which some of the supervisors had messed up. – Mrs. Smith gave Mrs. Pierce her pretty blue dinner dress today. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I listened to Rev. Engle preach on the text, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – After the service Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Pierce and the Rev. discussed economic conditions at length.

Monday, December 9
Clouds and sunshine. – A busy day. – Mrs. Pierce off for Palacios and Bay City early. – Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon and brought a quantity of canned fruit and jellies for the Pierce family. A part of her Christmas for them she said. – She fitted a couple of dresses and I finished one of them this P. M. also some sewing for Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Smith paid me $5.00. Most thankfully received. – Tonight the boys went to the basketball game at the gym. – Mrs. Pierce and the Selkirks to the Historical Meeting in Bay City. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and I to see “She Married Her Boss.”

Tuesday, December 10
Sunshine and clouds. – The Burtons may buy a home and vacate mine. Then the Central Power and Light man wants it. – House work and sewing. – Went to the city this P. M. to deliver Mrs. Smith’s two black dresses. – She was not in, so called on Mrs. Lucas and her wrecked husband. – Bought a spool of thread from Mrs. Duller. – Mrs. Pierce late getting home. She ate a little supper then went to the Community House. The Council or Girl Reserves monthly meeting. – Mr. Pierce calling on Mrs. Smith. – The boys working on the school paper out at the building. – I am going to bed.

Wednesday, December 11
Hard rain last night. Ground almost covered with water this morning and the rain continued most of the time until 4:30 P. M. – Mrs. Pierce sat up until 4 o’clock this morning correcting the supervisors’ mistakes in their reports. She left early this morning for Bay City, etc. – John Henry went over to Bay City this P. M. to go to a duck supper in Eagle Lake. He was Rev. Engle’s guest to a man’s meeting. An Episcopal affair. – A phone call from Mr. Love telling of another applicant for my house.

Thursday, December 12
Mostly clear. Cool wind. – This morning I went to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce. – Did a little shopping. Bought myself a hat $2.50 and a few other articles. – Sat in the office where she and others were writing. – Saw the sewing room and the store room. – We ate lunch at a lunch cafι. – Came home in time for dinner. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry went to Palacios to see a “Federal Housing” film. – Miss Coaley and Miss Warrington came up tonight. – Miss Warrington to learn to play cribbage.

Friday, December 13
Busy day. – Mrs. Pierce spent the forenoon in Palacios. – This P. M. she and Mrs. Smith poured tea for Mrs. Borden. – I did a lot of sewing today. Mrs. Smith brought some repairing. – Cherri stayed with me this afternoon. – John Henry, Lee and “Pie” have gone to Bay City to see a football game.

Saturday, December 14
A happy day thanks to Mrs. Pierce and Lee. – Mostly cloudy all day. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee and I drove to Houston this morning in Lee’s car. – Had a swift safe trip over and did our Christmas shopping before 12 o’clock. – Then drove out to Epsom Downs where we saw all of the races except the last one. – Mrs. Pierce and I each lost $1.00 on the horse we bet on. The races were quite exciting, but to me they were simply a gamble, not an honest race. – We ate before leaving Houston and arrived in Blessing in time for Lee to go out to the high school and see the final basketball game.

Sunday, December 15
Real cold north wind. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. Very small attendance. Some of the teachers were out at the high school building cleaning up after the tournament and hamburgers. – I addressed my Christmas cards this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Austin to see Mrs. Dorothy today, but she had gone home from the hospital, so they drove to the ranch. Found her doing well. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this P. M. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I went to Bay City to see “Page Miss GloryBum

Monday, December 16
Mostly sunshine. Warmer. – I put in a hard forenoon cleaning the house. After a two day’s neglect, it was dirty. – Mrs. Pierce off to her work early. – Did sewing of several kinds this afternoon. – Made an eye shield for John Henry and repaired a slip for Mrs. Smith. – Tonight went with Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Selkirk to the Historical Society committee meeting. – Mrs. Selkirk is sick. – Rev. Engle and the major made suggestion as to placing markers. – Arrived at Blessing about 12 o’clock. – Cold tonight.

Tuesday, December 17
Cold. – Just a busy day. – Worked on my Xmas present dress. (made the skirt shorter) – Finished Mrs. Smith’s slip and white dress. – Did the housework. – At night went down to Mrs. Smith’s to deliver her mending and fit the black skirt which is a little too short. – Mrs. Pierce working all day except time enough off to attend with Mr. Pierce, Mr. [James Walcott] Rugeley’s funeral. 

Matagorda County Tribune

Wednesday, December 18
Cold wind all day. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce off to Houston this morning. Cherri spent the day up here. – Did mending and sewing today. – The boys attended the Girl Reserves Christmas tree tonight. Lee being Santa Claus. – Mrs. Pierce packed the Van Bergen Christmas box tonight. – We are going to bed after midnight. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. – A little red calf arrived in the barnyard tonight.

Thursday, December 19
Dreary day, but not so cold. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City early. Later phoned that a meeting in Wharton called for tonight had been changed to 2:30 this P. M. – I phoned Hilda and called Mrs. Hall in Palacios. – Worked from 8:45 until 3:15 on T. I. C. K. for Lee, the cloudy day made ____ hard and slow, but it is very pretty, I think. Basketball game tonight. – Mrs. Pierce very late leaving Wharton. – Mr. Pierce made cheese sandwiches for Paul, Mary Dean and Miss Warrington tonight. – The little calf died. – Beatrice’s daughter born today.

Friday, December 20
Cold wind. – Busy day. House cleaning and finishing the floors. – Mrs. Pierce visited the four canning kitchens today. – Lee, Santa Claus for the grade school today. – Mrs. Smith brought us a sample of her candy tonight. – Some of the teachers left this evening. Others going tomorrow morning for their yuletide vacation. – Air feels like rain tonight. – Wrapped my few gifts this afternoon.

Saturday, December 21
Rain. Rain. – A busy day and a wet one. – Odeal came and cleaned silver until noon. – Mrs. Pierce at the canning plants all day. – The boys tried to find a Christmas tree this forenoon, but were rained out. Came home drenched and brought a couple of yaupon branches. – Mrs. Pierce witting up late wither reports.

Sunday, December 22
Mostly sunshine, but a cold north wind. – Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner with us. – Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent since 12 o’clock to get mistletoe for decorating. Cannot find a vine. – Mrs. Pierce baked fruit cakes this afternoon. – As I go to bed at 11:30, Mrs. Pierce is working on her canning reports. – John Henry just now came home.

Monday, December 23
Bright, beautiful morning. – A gorgeous day. House all open. Put the furnace fire out. – Cleaned the house this forenoon. – Sewed a little this afternoon. – Brownie Rhodes and Lee brought a truck load of most beautiful yaupon this forenoon. – Have received many Xmas cards. – Mrs. Pierce came home a little earlier tonight. Christmas tree at the Community House tonight. – Lee was Santa Claus. – Mr. Pierce having candy bags filled for the Sargent workers’ children.

Tuesday, December 24
A busy day all day. – Mrs. Pierce at home most all day. – She prepared to attend the [Emma] Kuykendall funeral, but it was postponed. – The gifts are all tied up. The boxes all opened and all gifts under the tree waiting for Santa’s appearance in the morning. – The boys have gone to Palacios. A dance at the pavilion. – Mr. Pierce has his egg nog under way. – This has been a most beautiful day. – We go to bed tired.

Wednesday, December 25 – Christmas Day
Lee wrecked his new car last night out at the Army Camp. Ran off the curve. He is quite shaken up and lame from the jolt, but not doubt is thankful to be alive. – The dinner guests were Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. The dinner was perfect. – A number of guests came in for egg nog during the forenoon and a few later in the day. – My gifts were many and very nice indeed. – Lee went to see the picture at Bay City with Brownie and Jack. We went in Mrs. Pierce’s car.

Thursday, December 26 – Mrs. Smith’s 63rd Birthday
A cold, windy day. – Mrs. Pierce off to work early. Palacios  and Bay City. – There was an extra amount of cleaning up this forenoon after the Christmas festivities. – The boys slept late catching up on lost sleep. – Lee was about recovered from his wreck. – Has driven his mother’s car to Palacios tonight. – Mrs. Smith, Paul and Mary Dean came up tonight to eat red fish with the Pierce’s. Rev. Engle came also. e was Mrs. Smith’s guest.

Friday, December 27
Mrs. Smith and John Henry drove to Houston today. – Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce to the canning plants. – Lee is doing the walking act now and is heartsick about his car. – Mary Dean is giving a bridge party tonight. Lee attending. John Henry too late getting home from Houston to attend. – Cold drizzly day, but warmer tonight. – Wind more in the east.

Saturday, December 28
Drizzly morning and a cold cloudy day, tho it is much warmer tonight. – Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Bay City. Mr. Pierce drove over, too. – John Henry doubled over a drawing table all day. – Lee on the trail of a trade in or some other way to get a new car. He is out with Brownie tonight. – Took a boiled hen down to the hotel for Cherri this forenoon. Would get great satisfaction out of bending a poker over a wooly head I know. – Mrs. Studeman phoned for the house. They hope to move in Thursday. - Mr. Mullins died.

Sunday, December 29
Up late this morning. – Writing letters all day. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us. Then she drove to Pierce to see Mrs. Runnells. – Mrs. Pierce typing all day. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since 12 o’clock dinner. – Lee went to Palacios in his mother’s car, but came home in time for John Henry to have a date tonight. – Lee and Pie have gone with Brownie and Jack. – Am very, very tired from writing so much.

Monday, December 30
 Cold, raw east wind. – I came to Palacios with Mrs. Pierce early this afternoon. – The Burtons could not move until tomorrow as their house was not quite ready. So I put in the forenoon visiting the Loves, Beatrice and her new baby girl, also Mrs. Moore and Florence. Mrs. Moore very sick. Miss Florence in bed with a sprained back. – This P. M. I moved my things around to make room for the furniture the Studemans will not need.  – Am sleeping on my single bed in the little room upstairs. Eating at the Helander Cafι. – Raining.

Tuesday, December 31 - Blessing
Rainy, raw day until afternoon. – Busy. – The Burtons moved out today. Ate coffee and toast with the Burtons this morning. – Hard rain all last night. – Had to get Mr. Bruse to repair the tank upstairs. Always something to be done. – Finished all I could do in the moving line this forenoon. – Mrs. Studeman came over and said they would finish carrying things up when they moved in. They brought me up to Blessing this P. M. – They may not move until next week on acct. of the mud. – Prepared the egg yolks for the egg nog tomorrow. – Goodnight 1935.




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