Nellie Tilson Webb

1934 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




Blessing, Texas






The poem at the right was pinned in
the front of the diary.



Sunday, July 1
Showers on the BYPUs. July 1 – 8 B.Y.P.U. - Several fine showers today. - A very quiet Sunday in the Pierce home. - Three letters from Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Van B. is better. Her blood count is down. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this forenoon. - Suppose Mrs. Smith is in Buda today. This is the second lap of her journey to Minneapolis. – (Mr. Pierce talked with her tonight?) She had gone to Austin. - Wrote to Marguerite and Mrs. Pierce this afternoon.

Monday, July 2
Good breeze. - A busy day. - Mrs. Borden came for me this forenoon to go to Palacios with her. - We went to the BYPU grounds 1st. Mrs. B. found the place for her picnic Wed. - Then we went to the Clements home. Then to the Farwell home. Then back to the BYPU kitchen for dinner. Then to the Moffett farm. – Mrs. Moffett went with us back to Greens to engage peaches. Then returned Mrs. Moffett. Then another visit to see Mrs. John Pierce. - Then to Bay City to see Mrs. Robbins. Then to see Dr. Storey and Mrs. McLean. Back to Blessing. A most enjoyable day. - Lee took Girl Reserves to Houston. - Fire in Midfield. Phone from Mr. Payne.

Tuesday, July 3
Pretty hot. - Just a busy day. - Worked the button holes in the panties. - Did much darning. Finished the Sunday letter to Mrs. Pierce. – Cut out my nightgowns. - Sewed some tonight. - Blessing is decorating Lee’s car to haul the representative young beauty and the Bathing Girls Review at Palacios tomorrow. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce.

Wednesday, July 4
Hot windy day. - Mr. Pierce went to Palacios early to see that “Miss Sargent” was properly exhibited. - Lee went down in his decorated car to transport Miss Blessing. - John Henry and I went down at 9:30. Saw the parade. Then he took me over to the BYPU Grounds where I listened to Rev. M. M. Wolf explain 3-4 chapters of Hebrews. - Then I ate dinner at the Kitchen. A big crowd was on the Grounds. More than 1100 were in classes. – About 2 o'clock I went up to the Farwell home where I was to meet J. H. - Mr. Pierce came then, too, and after an hour's visit, Mr. Pearson came home leaving J. H. to see the ballgame. - After he came home and we ate a lunch in the kitchen, Mr. Pierce took us to see “David Harum” and Bay City. A most pleasant ending for a happy day for me. - Lee and a young woman from McAllen, came up for his bathing suit and the top to his car.

Thursday, July 5
Pretty hot, breeze tho. - Mr. and Mrs. Skinner came to see me this forenoon on the way home from the Encampment. They look as young as they did when they came to our home bride and groom perhaps 20 years ago.- This has been just another day. - John Henry had to go back to Houston. Went by bus. He will see his Dr. soon and tell us the result. - Board meeting and Mr. Pierce's office tonight. - Going to bed tired. - Send a note to Mrs. Farwell this forenoon.

Friday, July 6
 Water things all forenoon. So painfully dry and no promise of rain. - Sewed some this afternoon and more tonight. A good breeze is blowing. - Letter from Mrs. Smith and Saint Louis written the 4th. She and Dr. Wallis drove over 500 miles the day before. - May not leave St. L. until Thur. 5th.

Saturday, July 7
Good breeze, but hot. - A busy day. - Mr. Pierce received a telegram from Mrs. Smith saying she had arrived in Wayzata, O.K. last night. The trip was a frightfully hot one. I recd a letter from her written in St. Louis where she and Cherri were sitting under a fan and almost prostrated from the heat. - A short letter from Mrs. Pierce also. - Mr. Payne met with the school board at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Payne came up to the house. - I ate dinner with us. - Letter from John Henry to his father. He is taking serum. - Not very favorable. - Tonsillitis the trouble.

Sunday, July 8
BYPU finis. - Very hot sun. - Just as we were ready to eat 12 o'clock dinner, Mr. Cash and Mr. ___ drove up. They ate with us. - Lee was a dinner guest at Mr. Sanford’s. A farewell dinner perhaps for the daughter who is married and leaving on a honeymoon trip.- Before sundown Mr. Pierce and I started to Palacios to see the Farwells. - Met them on the highway, but we all drove on coming back by Dunbar. - Pretty country which I had never seen before.

Monday, July 9
Small shower this A. M. - Sewed this afternoon. – Cut out a wraparound dress for myself. - Wrote to Mrs. Pierce. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for a few minutes just after sundown. - Lee working on the Gin yard. – Mrs. Love sent a box of peaches from my trees.

Tuesday, July 10
A real rain began falling at 12:30 P.M. and gentle showers have fallen all day. Such a wonderful rain after the long drouth. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce all doing well up there. She may come home next month. - Have been selling this afternoon. - This is the first real rain the young chickens have seen. - Am sure they must enjoy it as all vegetation and the birds do

Wednesday, July 11
Rain, gentle rain. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Lee working in the Gin putting it in order for work. - I plentiful rain has fallen. The cracks in the ground of closed. - Mr. Pierce recd letters from Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce today. - The new chicken yard and coops are fine for dry weather, but quite worthless in rainy weather. Had this rain come when the chicks were small, we would have lost all of them.

Thursday, July 12
No rain last night and the sun came up smiling this morning. - Mr. Pierce went to the Ginners Convention in Richmond this morning. From there into Houston where he and John Henry at supper together. (Returned on the midnight train.) A beautiful day. - Lee working at the Gin this afternoon. – Helped Odeal do some cleaning in the cellar this forenoon.

Friday, July 13
Fine day. - Such a grand day after the fine rain. - Housework this forenoon. – Sewing since lunch. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce announcing the arrival of guests real soon. Frederick Van B. and a friend, Paul Keller.

Saturday, July 14
Beautiful day. - Just a normal Saturday. - Mr. Pierce and Lee attended a Ginners and Planters meeting at the Community House this P.M. where they were informed as to the Bankhead Bill etc. - Mr. Walker came home with Mr. Pierce for late dinner. - Lee is waterworks man now. - John having gone to California on a 20 days vacation. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce setting one week from today as her arriving at home date.

Sunday, July 15
Beautiful day. - A quiet forenoon. - Rested most of the afternoon. - No letters written. – About 4:15, Mr. Pierce took me down to see Mrs. Farwell. She seems much better. It's doing her work. Is expecting her boy and his wife next month. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. The two tourists began their journey to Texas Wed.

Monday, July 16
Beautiful day. Hot sun. - Busy forenoon. - After lunch Lee me down home. Went to the cemetery first. It is not well kept. - Been to Mrs. Love’s for my key. Found him real sick. Then over to my house to get some peaches. - Then back to Blessing. - Frederick phone from Alvin that they were there and would be in Bay City in the morning. Mrs. Pierce may be home Sat.

Tuesday, July 17
Grand day.- Immediately after early breakfast, Lee drove to Bay City to bring the boys out. They were quite travel stained and enjoyed a bath, clean clothes and breakfast. - Lee was host all day. - Mr. Pierce going to Sargent early. - The tired boys retired early and I am sure they will enjoy their bed.

Wednesday, July 18
Another fine day. Hot sun. Breeze. - The visitors were up early and soon after breakfast they began cleaning the fish pond. - Rescued the two large fish and the three small ones.  They get a first-class job of the cleaning and the fish are now happy in clear water. - Fred has accumulated some creeping specimens. - Mrs. Pierce assures us she will be home Saturday. - Tonight Mr. Pierce gave one of his wild parties at Port Lavaca. - Mrs. Walker being the honored guest. Miss Esther and I going along. We all enjoyed Mr. Pierce’s hospitality greatly. - Letter from Mrs. Stoddard.

Thursday, July 19
Another clear day. - The visitors have been working in the yard most of the day. - Lee took them out to Brownie’s pastor to bring in a. They have several crawling things in coffee cans. Their trunk came today. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this evening. - Lee and the boys went to hear and see the Old Maids Club at the Community House tonight.

Friday, July 20
Beautiful day. - Boys working in yard this forenoon. - Mr. Pierce took them to Sargent since lunch. - They were very late getting home. Stuck in the mud at Sargent. - Busy all day trying to put the house in presentable condition for Mrs. Pierce to see when she comes home. - Mrs. Yeager said some things to Mr. Pierce's office, which Willie had to go and bring home. - Mrs. Braden, Sr. returned the ice cream freezer this forenoon. - Lee in Bay City.

Saturday, July 21
 Fine day all day. - Mrs. Pierce missed the train in Houston, so she and John Henry came out on the one arriving here at 12:30 at night. - Lee and Hinie? drove to Alvarado this forenoon. - Lee going over to Houston early this morning. - The visitors have been mowing the lawn etc. today.

Sunday, July 22
Lovely day. - Just a pretty day. - We ate the first of our home-grown chickens for 12 o'clock dinner today. - This forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called. - After dinner, Mrs. Pierce, the boys and myself drove to Palacios and the Army Camp. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – Miss Lee around the house.

Monday, July 23
Fine weather, but hot. - Lee came home this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce and I with John Henry at the wheel spent the forenoon in Bay City. - I had Mrs. Smith’s check cash and made some very necessary purchases. Also had my shoe heels repaired. - Let the seams out in the blue and white house dress Mrs. Van B. sent me this P.M. - Mrs. Sanford came this P.M. Board meeting tonight and Mr. Pierce's office. Mr. Payne present. Mrs. Payne and the girls waited here. John Henry went back to Houston with them.

Tuesday, July 24 -  Mr. Hall’s 71st Birthday
Just another day, but a very trying one.  – North east wind. Very high. A storm in the Gulf approaching the Gulf Coast. Perhaps our immediate section.  - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this afternoon.  - Mrs. Pierce joined in a board meeting down town this forenoon. School building proposition hot.

Wednesday, July 25
Terrible Gulf storm.  - We owe woke this morning early with the Gulf storm raging.  - I ran out and fed the fowls. The wind and rain beating terribly. No chicks were drowned, but all dripping wet. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent early. - About 11 o'clock I went to Palacios and Mr. Matthes’ car. Found my house where it on the north and east walls downstairs. A south windowpane broken out. - Pulled off with paper all P. M. - Spent the night in the Farwell home.

Thursday, July 26
Sunshine and wind.  - Opened my house quite early this forenoon. Continue to pull off paper. Mr. Love replaced the glass. Ate lunch at the  Pasal Coffee Shoppe. - Mrs. Love picked up a tub full of peaches from under my trees.  - Much damage done in Palacios by storm. Am so thankful for my blessings. - Sargent covered by a tidal wave. Terrible loss of crops etc. and some loss of life.  - Mrs. Pierce came for me this P.M. We reached Blessing in time for 6:30 dinner.

Friday, July 27
Mostly sunshine.  - The destruction of crops, livestock etc. at Sargent is complete and is yet 2 persons are known to have been drowned.  - This forenoon I rode to Palacios with Mrs. Pierce. Made some inquiry about material to use in my house.  - This P.M., Mrs. Pierce, Paul and I drove to Bay City. - Mr. Pierce and Sargent.

Saturday, July 28
 No rain. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. - Have been doing some sewing for Mrs. Pierce. Getting things ready for her trip to College Station.

Sunday, July 29
Real nice day, tho rain threatened all forenoon and a heavy shower fell soon after Mrs. Pierce left the house. - Busy all forenoon cleaning up the house. - Early dinner so Mrs. Pierce could get an early start to Bay City where she left her car to be worked on while she is in College Station until Saturday. - I wrote a long letter to Mrs. Smith telling her what I would like to do to my house and asking her for the money if my bonds would be satisfactory security for her. - Took my letter to the P.O. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since dinner attending a Red Cross meeting there. They are to establish a camp there with a woman in charge.

Monday, July 30
Good day. Hot sign.- Suppose Mrs. Pierce is in College Station. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning prepared to stay several days. Fences to be salvaged etc. not a pleasant work I am sure. - The boys all spent the forenoon at Brownie’s pasture. - Much house cleaning to be done this forenoon and until late afternoon. - Tired tonight. – Odeal washed most of the day. Clothes all day. – (Jones is not well. Too much poison whiskey and gambling perhaps.)

Tuesday, July 31
Pretty day, tho rain threatened. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. - Willie Jones sick. - I cleaned up his dishes and kitchen this forenoon. - Andrew and Roland Jr. got dinner under his directions and did the dishes. – Odeal’s daughter has a very bad I, so friends to Iranian Willie to Dr. Wagner this P.M. Ptomaine poison. - A woman named Millie came to cook while Willie is sick. Odeal is to help her. - Card from Mrs. Pierce.


Wednesday, August 1
A good day. Sunshine.- Mrs. Farwell spent the day with me and we sewed on her brown blouse and white dress.  - The Millie woman and Odeal get along fairly well. They both ironed this afternoon and finished what Odeal washed Monday and Tuesday. - Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent tonight tired out. - The boys are on a picnic given by the Girl Reserves.  - Willie reported no better.

Thursday, August 2
Hard rain this morning. - The day has been generally fair. Odeal and Millie have washed and cooked and ironed all day.  - Willie came back this forenoon, but is far from well. He is staying in his room. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Blessing. He looks absolutely worn out. Surely this must be the last calamity for this family. - Letter from Amy.

Friday, August 3
Good day. - Card from Mrs. Pierce. – Odeal and Millie washed and ironed today. They together are good workers. - Letter from John Henry. Send him some squares and triangles this P.M. - Frederic captured what he calls a coral snake this forenoon. - Shower tonight for Mrs. Lance Williams (Miss Sanford) at Mrs. Cornelius’ home. I did not attend and did not send a gift. - The boys all out.

Saturday, August 4
No rain. My son. - Mary Dean came for Mrs. Pierce's typewriter this morning to take to Sargent. - They finished the ironing today and I mended and put the clothes away. – Odeal did the 1st floor and I second. - Mrs. Pierce arrived at home about 4:30. Then she had to go immediately to El Maton. Frederick and I went with her. - Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent tonight. - After dinner, Mrs. Pierce took Willie and Irene to Dr. Wagner.

Sunday, August 5
Pretty day. - Just a busy forenoon. - Mr. Pierce at home all day. He slept about all afternoon. – Willie went to Bay City to stay with some of his people until he is well. - Letter from Mrs. Smith. She cannot help me in my home repairing at present. - Frederic with the Selkirk Island today with Mr. and Mrs. S.

Monday, August 6
A light rain this A. M. - Housework all forenoon. - Went to Bay City after lunch with Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. White and Mrs. Bowers. Had my dividend checks both cashed. Bought some goods to make John Henry and apron. - We hurried home and into dry clothes. Then rushed down to the Farwell home where we were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Neal Farwell who arrived in Palacios yesterday evening.

Tuesday, August 7
Fine day. Shower. - Just a day. - Frederic went to Selkirk Island with Mr. S., but did not find any snakes. - Mrs. Pierce busy with school work and conferences. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - Mrs. Farwell Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Farwell were evening callers. Getting stuck in the mud a couple of times when they started home. - Lee home tonight. - Paul being out of his car with Sister. - Mrs. Pierce too tired to type tonight. – Ginned 4 bales this P.M.

Wednesday, August 8
Pretty day. - Put the house in order this forenoon and began the mending as it came up. - After lunch, drove to Bay City with Frederick and his car. Did some errands for Mrs. Pierce. - Frederic is spending the night at the Ackerman home. Going down after 5 o'clock with Mrs. Selkirk. - Mr. Pierce came home for lunch. Going back to Sargent at once.

Thursday, August 9
Real rain this early P.M., but sunshine later. - Housework this forenoon and mending. - Board meeting at 2 P.M. lasting until six o'clock. - Have not felt so hot today. - Sleepy and unusually stupid. - Washing and ironing today.  – Miss Frederick. - Lee at the gin. Some cotton coming in. – Mrs. Sides called a moment about 7 o'clock. - Willie Jones not doing so well. Millie seems satisfied to have his job.

Friday, August 10
Rain. Rain. Rain. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Sargent this forenoon leaving here about 11 o'clock in the rain. The further we drove the harder it rained until we were almost in Sargent. - We found Mr. Pierce busy and well. Ate lunch with him and his camp. Saw some of the destruction left by the storm. - Came home, stopping in Bay City for some time on business. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Farwell Jr. were dinner guests in the Pierce home tonight. – The Capt. and Mrs. Farwell leaving in the morning.

Saturday, August 11
Beautiful day. - Just a Saturday forenoon. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce, Paul and I drove to Bay City. - Mrs. Pierce and I attended the Report meeting of the delegates to the short course at College Station. It being Mrs. Sides birthday, the delegates and members present gave her a shower. I was not a member or delegate. - Bought myself a pair of $2.98 shoes at Penneys. - After dinner we drove over to see the Selkirk's. Mrs. Pierce stopping to see Mrs. Lucas on the way home. - Mr. Pierce home all day. - Lee at gin.

J. C. Penney store building - Bay City - as it appears in 2015

Sunday, August 12
Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Stoddard. - Card from Mrs. Stoddard. - Quiet forenoon. - After lunch or 12 o'clock duck dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and me drove out west of town to see the bridge being built across the Kronkaway (Carancahua) Creek. We stopped at the Clapp , also Zemanek home. - Were all intending to drive to Palacios, but it was late, so Paul and I went down. He to get his Kodak pictures and I to inquire for Mrs. Farwell who was not at home. - We came back and were in plenty of time for church services (Rev. Engle).

Monday, August 13
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heffelfinger may be on the way to Blessing today. - Mrs. Pierce spent the P.M. in Bay City. - Mrs. Lucas and Ginger rode over with her. Ginger having her foot lanced. - Board meeting tonight. - Frederic came home from his snake hunt at Collegeport and Portsmouth, a guest in the Ackerman home. - Did some mending and sewed the snaps on my black and white dress. – (Ginning a little now.)

Tuesday, August 14
Very good day. - Just a busy forenoon. – Odeal and Millie ironed and prepared lunch and dinner this forenoon as they were going to a funeral this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce drove Mrs. Lucas, Ginger and myself to Bay City since lunch. - Ginger's foot seems better, Dr. Loos said. - Mrs. Pierce and I put dinner on the table and fed the chickens. - John milked. - Then we drove to Mrs. King’s to make final arrangements for going to Houston tomorrow. She, Mrs. King, is to take her small child to the Dr.

Wednesday, August 15
Generally a fine day. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. King, her sick baby, her little boy and myself drove to Houston this morning. - A little rain fell on us soon after leaving Blessing, but the day was fine for the trip. Attended to Mrs. King's business relative to taking her baby to the hospital there. Then left her and the children with her sister. - Ate lunch with John Henry. Took his accordion into his room which is very pleasant. - Mrs. Pierce attended too much school business. We did not leave Houston until late, arriving in Blessing at about 9 o'clock. - Mr. Pierce is spending the night at home.

Thursday, August 16
Pretty day all day. - Mary Dean drove Mr. and Mrs. Pierce to Victoria this forenoon. - The boy guests went to Palacios. So lee and I were the luncheon diners today.  - They all returned in time to drive up to the Borden home for 6 a clock buffet supper and be entertained by the Mexican girls who attended the short course at College Station.  - Mr. and Mrs. Borden seemed to be quite in their element entertaining and feeding their many guests.

Friday, August 17
Pretty day.  - This forenoon Mrs. Pierce, Paul, Frederick and myself drove out to Tidehaven and put the cemetery lot in order. - A man, Marion, was cutting the grass all over the cemetery. The storm of July 25 broke branches from many of the beautiful live oak trees. - This afternoon I was tired and sleepy, so I took a nap on the porch swing.  - Mrs. Pierce worked on her school books down in Mr. Pierce's office this afternoon and tonight. - Fred and Paul are in Victoria calling on their most recent attractions. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent. - Letter from Mrs. Massenburg. She is moved to San Antonio.

Saturday, August 18
Good day.  - Mrs. Pierce working on school books this forenoon.  - After lunch went to Bay City. School meeting of some kind. An Allred speech at Community House this P.M. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heffelfinger due tomorrow. - Darned white sox all afternoon. - Mr. Pierce came from Sargent early. He and Mrs. Pierce in his office tonight. School books .  - The boys getting ready to travel tomorrow.

Sunday, August 19
Beautiful day.  - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. King, Frederick, Paul and myself drove to Houston today leaving Blessing about 7:40 this morning. The physician sent for Mrs. King. Her baby is so sick they could not keep it in the hospital. (So she brought it home to die). - We left the pilgrims in the freight yard. - They were expecting to leave for Shreveport, La. very soon. Both seemed depressed. Am hoping they make the journey to St. Paul in safety. - We drove back to John Henry's boarding house and ate 12 o'clock dinner with him. Then we three went to see Treasure Island. John Henry looks quite well, but was too quiet. - We reached home about 8:10. Ate a little and went down to see Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heffelfinger who came today. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell had been here this P.M.

Monday, August 20
Another lovely day. - Doing housework all forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce shipped the box of snakes and the boys’ trunk this forenoon. - She has been working on the school books all day. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. - Lee working at gin everyday. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heffelfinger ate fried chicken with us tonight. They had driven to Victoria this afternoon. - Rev. Engle called on Mrs. Pierce this P.M. while she was working in Mr. Pierce's office. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. H. drove to Bay City as soon as they had finished dinner. - Mr. Pierce has not come back from Sargent. - Wonder where the tourists are.

Tuesday, August 21
Pretty day. - Did a little sewing for Mrs. Heffelfinger today. Making dresses smaller thro the hips. – Cherri seems indisposed. She has been clipped and does not seem like herself. Her bark is the only thing left of the original pretty dog. - Mrs. Pierce in Bay City most of the day on school business. - Mrs. Smith in Bay City this forenoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Mrs. ___ were calling at the hotel tonight and invited Mrs. Pierce myself down. Mike came up for us, but we walked home. - Beautiful moonlight. - Mr. Pierce has not yet returned from Sargent.

Wednesday, August 22
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Heffelfinger started early this morning for Houston on Cherri’s account and to Galveston where Mrs. Heffelfinger is to embark for the East. Going by boat. – Cherri had to be left with the veterinarian as she is bad off. - Mrs. Smith returned from her trip exhausted. - About three o'clock I drove to Sargent to take a message to Mr. Pierce. - Mrs. Joe Smith went with me to find him in Sargent. - I stopped in Bay City to bring some papers to Mrs. Pierce from Mr. Erickson.- School board meeting tonight. - Mr. Pierce came home.

Thursday, August 23
Fine day. - Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove in Victoria today. - After dinner Mrs. Smith drove Mrs. Pierce and me out to Tidehaven. The cemetery looks very pretty. Most of the ruined the trees have been removed. - Mrs. Pierce very busy doing school writing. - I mended some darned stockings and worked on the jacket suit Mrs. Hall sent me. Over casting the seams, putting in hems and made the sleeves longer. - Tired tonight. - Mrs. Smith misses Cherri.

Friday, August 24
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Smith drove to Victoria this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. School business. - After lunch we drove to see Mrs. King and her sick baby. - Canceled a date for the 4-H Club girls to me at Mrs. Pierce’s Sat. - saw Mrs. Smith. She was tired. Had not heard from Cherri. - Called at the lumber yard to order paint for the schoolhouse inside. - Try to find Mr. Vawter. - Posted notice of public reading of school (?) at Community House tomorrow night. - Mrs. Smith ate fried chicken with us for dinner.

Saturday, August 25
Fine day. Small shower. - Bunch of papers from Mrs. Shaw today. - Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce busy with school books all day. - Board meeting at 7 o'clock in Mr. Pierce's office. - Public reading of Budget in Community House 8 o'clock. - Mrs. Pierce completely exhausted tonight. - Message from Mrs. Van Bergen saying boys had arrived safely 1:30 A. M. Saturday. So glad they made the trip in safety.

Sunday, August 26
Beautiful day. - Just rested all day. - Mrs. Smith ate ducks with us at noon. - Then we were her guests to see Will Rogers and “Handy Andy” in Bay City at night. – My ears are giving me a lot of trouble, same as they were last year. Seem stopped up and sometimes it is hard to breathe thro my nose.

Monday, August 27 - Mrs. Pierce's Birthday – 49
A storm raging in the Gulf. Fears all along the coast that it may come in at that particular point. - Mr. Pierce drove the Sargent this morning. Came back about dark, but returned to Sargent about 10 o'clock at night on account of the frightened tenants who remained on the farm. - We went down to sit with Mrs. Smith a while tonight. She had been working men in the cemetery all day and was very tired. - High north wind.

Tuesday, August 28
Heavy clouds and strong north wind all day. Storm seems to be lost in the Gulf for the present. - Mrs. Pierce and I have been working on the porch and furniture most of the day. Preparing for several guests tomorrow night at a banquet supper. We washed the porch and furniture. Trust the wind may not be blowing tomorrow night. If so, all our extra effort in that line will be lost and will have to eat in the house.  - Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight.

Wednesday, August 29
Very windy and cloudy until late afternoon. Then the sun came out in the north wind was calm. - The guests all came—Mrs. Smith, Rev. and Mrs. Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Mr. and Mrs. Borden, Miss McClure, Mrs. and Miss ____ from Houston (Mrs. Borden’s guests), Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. - The porch looked very pretty with its new furniture covers. The tables with pretty covers and silver and glass. The dinner was most excellent and seemed to be enjoyed by the guests. They stayed late. Talking and playing 42. - We are going to bed tired. - Mrs. Farwell brought Mrs. Pierce a pretty teapot.

Thursday, August 30
Good day. Shower this forenoon. - Much cleaning up this forenoon after the party last night. - This afternoon Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City. She on school business. I went to the hospital to have Dr. Loos Gary gave my ears which he said were mouldy. - Mrs. Smith and crew have been working in the cemetery all week. - Mr. and Mrs. Yeager called tonight. - Mrs. Dunn is expected in Blessing soon.

Friday, August 31
Good day. - Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. - Lee at Blessing gin. - Mrs. Pierce worked in the cemetery this forenoon. - After lunch we drove to Palacios. She to see Mr. Jensen about mowing the teacherage in El Maton. I went to the lumber yard and to see Mr. Love. He is to re-shingle my back “lean to” as soon as he wants to. - Called at the Farwell home a few minutes. - Mr. Payne ate dinner here and attended a Board meeting tonight. - Letter from Walter H. mailed in El Paso.


Saturday, September 1
Very nice day all day.  - Mr. Walker of El Maton came this forenoon. “The Teacherage.” - I worked in the chicken yard and hour this morning. It has been put in order for winter quarters now. – Odeal has a lame ankle, so Irene was doing her work today. – The 4-H Club girls met with Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. - John Henry slipped in by train this afternoon. - Glad to see him. - We drove down to see Mrs. Smith where she was having the grass mowed around the house across from Landine’s Garage. Visited her tonight at the hotel also.

Sunday, September 2
Fine day. - Mrs. Smith drove to Houston this P.M. to bring Cherri home from the hospital. - Mr. Pierce and John Henry drove to Sargent since dinner (12 o’clock). - Lee at a ballgame this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to El Maton late this afternoon to see Mr. Walker. The teacherage, the school building and the window shades. - Found the Farwell's card in the door when we returned. - Mrs. Pierce worked on the adding machine tonight and on the school books until after midnight. – Young Clement brought a survey map to Mrs. Pierce tonight.

Monday, September 3 – Labor Day Holiday
Rain.  - Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to El Maton this morning to see about the teacherage.  - Then Mrs. Pierce went to the high school building to inspect the repairs going on there. – Rose the cow is sick. Got into the feed bin yesterday afternoon and over ate. - John Henry went back to Houston by train this evening. To be ready for work in the morning.

Tuesday, September 4
Pretty day. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Houston today. She did a full day's shopping for the El Maton school and teacherage. - We ate lunch uptown with Mrs. Payne. - Did not leave Houston until 6 o'clock, so we were late getting home. - Looked at wallpaper at Belles, but did not find any suitable for our purses.

Wednesday, September 5 - Austin
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and I came to Austin today leaving Blessing soon after 7 o'clock. We arrived here about 1 P.M. Came to the Driscoll Hotel where Mrs. Pierce took instruction in Rehabilitation work. - I sat in the lobby or rotunda and read most of the afternoon. - We ate dinner in the Coffee Café and then went to see a picture. Came back to our room and went to bed. Sent some postal cards from Lockhart on the way up.


Driscoll Hotel Lobby

Thursday, September 6
Beautiful day. Hot sun. - Mrs. Pierce attended the final session of instruction this forenoon. Then we ate lunch. She made several more visit in the interest of the School Bonds before we started home. - Picked up a young man on the way and gave him a lift. - Came home by way of Edna (where they were putting on a “style show”) to see a man, but he could not be found in the crowd. So we came home. - Mrs. Pierce tired almost to death.

Friday, September 7
A fine day. - Just a busy day. - Mrs. Smith brought some sewing for me to do (For Cherri) and tried on the garden suit I am copying. - Mrs. Pierce busy with school work all day. - The gas man came this P. M. Looked at the thermostat. - After dinner tonight Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. Saw Mr. Love. Left word for Mr. Walton. Saw Mrs. Vawter. Called at the Farwell home a few minutes. Came home.

Saturday, September 8
Fine day. - Mr. Love and Mr. Walton came up to see about papering and painting the inside of the El Maton teacherage. Also the cottage across from Landine’s. - We spent the forenoon figuring etc. - They have the teacherage work and maybe the cottage from Mrs. Smith. - Mr. Pierce went to Houston this morning and we took his gang over this afternoon to see a ballgame. - I finished Cherri’s mattress cover and fitted a white dress for Mrs. Smith this P. M. - The dress is too large. – Odeal quit work for a time. It is to cook for Rice hands. – The cane is being stacked

Sunday, September 9
Pretty day until 4 a clock. Then a gentle rain fell. - We were at home on forenoon. After lunch we drove over to see Mr. Cornelius. His broken ankle is getting well slowly. - Then we went to see Mrs. Dunn who drove in last night. She is looking well. - Mr. and Mrs. Vawter came out to look at the cottage. - Mrs. Smith came back from Wharton this P.M. – Rev. Engle came over to hold services tonight, but his congregation was so small he and Mrs. Engle came here and visited a while.- Lee came home tonight from his Houston trip.

Monday, September 10 – School Opened
Good forenoon, but rain late P.M. - Mrs. Pierce and I did not wash today, but spent the day in Bay City instead. I took my ears to Dr. Loos. One is well. The other must be swabbed a few days more. - We drank a cup of coffee and eight of buried bum sand which about 1 a clock. - Came home by El Maton. Mr. Love and Mr. Walton are working there. I paid Mr. Love $3.00 for putting the new roof on my kitchen and bathroom. - Also gave him $10.00 for the Price Lumber Co. which he said he would take to Mr. Price tonight. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Lee at gin. - Mrs. Pierce and I went down to see Mrs. Smith tonight.

Tuesday, September 11
Rain. - We washed this forenoon, but on account of rain did not get any of the clothes dry. - I worked on Mrs. Smith’s white dress and did mending this afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce drove to El Maton to see about the green paint to be used on the inside of the house. - Mr. Sloan, from Edna, came to see Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. (Rehabilitation) - Mrs. Pierce attending the Council business meeting tonight.

Wednesday, September 12
Rain. Sunshine this P.M. – Rained this forenoon. - I cut out Mrs. Smith’s garden suit this forenoon. – Basted it this P.M. - Mrs. Pierce hung the clothes out this afternoon and they are all dry tonight.- Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn ate dinner with us tonight. Mrs. Dunn has a severe cold. - Mrs. Smith fitted her garden suit tonight. - A board meeting hurried the guests away, but they enjoyed their dinner.

Thursday, September 13
 Pretty day. – Recd receipt from Price Lbr. Co. for $10.00 today. - Did the ironing this forenoon and worked on Mrs. Smith’s suit since lunch. - Mrs. Pierce busy here, there and yonder. - Mr. Walton and Mr. Love came by this evening ready for the El Maton paper.  - Mrs. Dunn real sick with cold. - All going to bed early.

Friday, September 14
Some rain. Some sunshine. A norther blew up tonight. - Mrs. Pierce planted some in her garden this forenoon. - Willie dipped the cows. I did a little rehabilitating in the chicken yard. Repairing the damage the hogs did during their occupancy of the yard and pool. - Sewed on the garden suit this afternoon. Have it almost finished. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to El Maton this P.M. - The family attended the Teachers Reception at the Community House tonight. Not I. – Rev. and Mrs. Engle came over also.

Saturday, September 15
Federated Clubs met in Palacios today. - I went down with Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Braden and Mrs. Matthes. - The meeting was held in the M. E. Church, so they all stopped there and I went to Mrs. Love’s for my key. Opened my house and then drove out to the cemetery. Men were working there and it is looking very nice. Then I drove to Mrs. Pasal’s and had lunch. Took the car back to the church and went home where I worked hard until Mrs. Pierce came for me. - Am extremely tired tonight.

Sunday, September 16
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. A good attendance as the school teachers were there also.  - Then we went to the hotel. Mrs. Smith’s 12 o'clock dinner guests. Then we, Mrs. Pierce and I, were her guests to see “You Belong to Me” in Bay City. - Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin ate Welsh rarebit here tonight. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith spoke to Palacios tonight to see Mrs. Vawter.

Monday, September 17
Perfect day. - We washed this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith having the cottage on the corner put in order for the Vawters. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City with the Selkirk's. - I ironed my wearing clothes and did some housework. - Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn played bridge while tonight. None of them seemed very enthusiastic about the game. - Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Tuesday, September 18
Grand today. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today bringing home many needed things to use in the Vawter cottage. - My medicine cabinet also for my house. - I drove to Palacios early and worked in my house all day. Filled the pillow ticks for the El Maton teachers’ beds. - Saw Mr. Stadig at the lumber yard. - Was almost sick all day. - Stopped a moment to see Mrs. Farwell when I started home.

Wednesday, September 19
Fine  will will day. - A woman came to help iron today. Mrs. Pierce ironed until almost noon. Then had to go see about the work on the Vawter cottage. We finished ironing after lunch. - Sewed on the garden suit a little and did mending. - Went down to see Mrs. Smith tonight. She is almost sick. Aches all over. - Tired as can be tonight.

Thursday, September 20
Beautiful day. - Letter and $5.00 from Paul Kelley. - Went over to El Maton with Mrs. Pierce early this forenoon. They are getting along beautifully with the teacherage.- This P.M. I did the things I should have done this forenoon, also some mending and repaired the back of Mrs. Smith’s dimity dress. - Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon in El Maton. - She and I ate chicken dinner at the Community House this evening. Then more Mrs. Smith's guests to the picture show in Bay City. Mr. Pierce in Sargent.

Friday, September 21
Man working on thermostat. - Mrs. Pierce fixing floors in the El Maton teacherage all day.- Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent this afternoon. He is sick. Ate beef that was too old. - Mr. and Mrs. Engle and Mrs. Selkirk came over to play bridge tonight. Mr. Pierce not well and Mrs. Pierce too tired to hold her eyes open. - Mrs. Smith indisposed. Worried about her brother John's crop failure. Rain and Sargent.

Saturday, September 22
Mrs. Smith took her garden suit this morning. - Mr. Pierce sick all night, but drove to Sargent and back today. - Mrs. Pierce spent the day in the El Maton teacherage, but did not entirely finish her work. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up for a short while late this P.M. bringing a letter from Charles who is now on the high seas. - Mrs. Smith took me to Bay City with her tonight in a quest for trace chain covers. Did not find them, so bought cotton flannel instead. - Lee in Bay City buying himself work pants. - Everyone tired and sleepy.

Sunday, September 23
Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. Very small attendance. - Then the family and myself were Mrs. Dunn’s dinner guests at the hotel and later to a picture show in Bay City.- When we came back, Mrs. Pierce, Miss Webb and myself drove Ashby, stopping at the teacherage in El Maton to leave a couple of dustpans. - A busy day and a beautiful one.

 Monday, September 24 – Buddy’s Birthday
Mrs. Pierce did the washing. Ran me out of the laundry because I made her nervous. There was nothing for me to do except housework. - Then we drove to Bay City. - I took my darning along and sewed up the holes in the family hose as I sat in the middle of the street, parked, while Mrs. Pierce attended to business. - We bought a small birthday gift for Mrs. Farwell. - Mr. Engle’s father died this P. M.

Tuesday, September 25 – Mrs. Farwell’s Birthday
Mrs. Farwell spent the day with Mrs. Pierce. Willie served a real nice 12 o'clock dinner in honor of her natal day. - We drove around town from this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce attending to school business. - After dinner (12 o’clock) we all rested. Mrs. Pierce all afternoon. Her hay fever is getting in its work.- Mrs. Beard called a few minutes after school. - Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here.

 Wednesday, September 26
Lovely day. - Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Gill and myself drove to Palacios this forenoon to attend funeral services for Rev. Engle’s father. Bishop Quinn read most of the beautiful service. - They will drive to Houston and from there go by train to Penn. where they will place his remains in the old family burying ground.-  Mrs. Farwell did not come back with us. - Have been mending all afternoon. - Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent since lunch. Not coming home tonight. - Mrs. Pierce working hard on school work.

Thursday, September 27
Rain this P.M. – The King baby died this morning and was buried this afternoon at Tidehaven. Mr. Engle is a way having taken his father's remains to Penn. for burial, so Bishop Quinn read the service. A good many friends met at the home in spite of the heavy rainfall which ceased before they reached the cemetery. - Mrs. Pierce took the family in her car. Brownie Rhodes drove for her. - Mr. Pierce did not come home from Sargent tonight. Streets very sloppy.

Friday, September 28
Fine day. - Mrs. Ruthven suggested a possible tenant for my rooms. - Just a busy forenoon. House cleaned until noon. Did some ironing pieces I brought up from home. - Mrs. Pierce in Bay City. School etc. work. - After lunch we drove to Palacios. - Mr. Love putting canvas on my house. - I truly dread the ordeal of putting the rooms in order for tenants. - Called at the Farwell home a minute, also at Mrs. Vawter's. - Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Black and I drove to Bay City tonight. Hot school lunches. - Went to see Have a Heart. - Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us.

Saturday, September 29
Shower in the morning. Beautiful day. - Drove to Palacios this morning. - Mr. Love putting on canvas. - The poor old house is a dirty site to look at now. - I worked real hard. Took the bedstead down. Put it in the wood house and the mattresses in the closet. Brought some things back with me to wash. - Drank a cup of coffee at the Pasal Coffee Shop. - Saw Mrs. Ruthven about Professor Orchard. He had gone to bring his wife to Palacios. – Saw Beatrice a few minutes. Blanch stopped to say they would move into the Blair house. - Mrs. Love came over just as I was ready to leave. So I visited her while. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith at the Vawter’s cottage all day. - Lee in Houston. - Mr. Pierce came home at noon. - Very tired tonight.


Palacios Beacon, December 21, 1933

Sunday, September 30
Dreadful hard rain this forenoon which continued in showers all day. Water everywhere. - Willie gave us duck for dinner. - Mrs. Smith was Allen and Ruby's guest today. Am sorry she missed the duck. - I took this opportunity to read this story in the Ladies Home Journal which I had been wanting to read for some time. - Have been exceedingly lazy all day. - Mrs. Pierce at her desk or typewriter all day. - Am ashamed not to have written many letters.


Monday, October 1
Beautiful fall day. - The first one to greet us with this morning was Walter Heffelfinger who came into the dining room just as we sat down to breakfast. - Most of the water from yesterday’s down pour had disappeared this morning. - Mrs. Pierce painting at the Vawter cottage all day. - After lunch I drove down to Palacios. - Mr. Love continues to canvas.  - I did a lot of sweeping while there. A Mrs. Menefee has applied for the house? - Drove by to see Mrs. Farwell, but she was at Mrs. Sisson’s. - Did not wash.

Tuesday, October 2
Another fall day. - Such a grand day. - Did housework this morning. – Odeal came and did the washing and ironing. - After lunch I drove to Palacios where the men are working on my house. - Went to the lumberyard. - Mr. Price has ordered some more storm paper. - The teacher has rented the Fields’ home, but a Mr. and Mrs. Roberts talk like renting my rooms. - He is with U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. - I did a good deal of cleaning etc. while I was down there. - Mrs. Pierce painting etc. at the Vawter house all day. - Her hay fever trouble.

Wednesday, October 3 – Clinton’s Birthday – 16
Sent to Sears for curtains today. $1.99 - Spent the afternoon in Palacios cleaning where I could. Paper hangers at work. - Several applicants for the house, but the Roberts seemed to be the ones who will take it. - Tonight we were Mrs. Smith’s guests to see Blind Date.

Thursday, October 4 - Mothers Birthday – 1844 – 90 yrs.
Spent the afternoon of Palacios. - Mrs. Pierce had her hair done by Mrs. Vawter. - I did more sweeping after the paper hangers and brought a few feet of baseboard and a roll of tarpaper from the lumberyard. - We sat with Mrs. Smith and Howard tonight. – Mrs. Newsom called.

Friday, October 5
Most beautiful day. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jno. Pierce drove to Houston today. - Busy all forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce painting at Vawter house. - We drove to Palacios after lunch. - Mrs. Pierce put the first coat of paint on my kitchen. - Mr. Love finished his job and I paid him. $13.90. - Mr. Richards came to see about fixing the leak in my bathroom toilet tank. - Mr. Walton and son hope to finish papering tomorrow.

Saturday, October 6
 Another lovely day. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this morning. She painted the bedstead a first coat. Also the inside of refrigerator. - Mr. Richards came up and fixed the leak in the toilet pipe. Paid him $1.50 for it also. - Gave Mr. Walton and $12.00 on the $22.00 he charged me for his work. - We came home about 11 o'clock this afternoon. Attended a kitchen shower given to Mrs. Vawter at the hotel by Mrs. Smith and the Walkers.

Sunday, October 7
A grand Sabbath day. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. Then down to see Mrs. Smith a few minutes. She and Walter are driving to Houston this P.M. to see Mrs. Lund, who is quite sick, but hopes to begin her homeward journey tomorrow to Philadelphia. - Paul, Mary Dean, Robert, Madge and Mrs. Dunn came up to eat Spanish macaroni tonight. - They stayed to play bridge. - The Bordens drove up to the gate just before sundown, but did not come in.

Monday, October 8
A most beautiful day. - Washing this forenoon. Grand day. - I drove to Bay City this forenoon to get shades for my windows. - After lunch, Mrs. Pierce and I went down to Palacios. She painted and I cleaned house. I also paid the Price lumber bill. - Mrs. Farwell stopped a moment just before we came home. She has been spending the past week in Cuero. - Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Mary Dean and Mrs. Dunn did today in Bay City. - Rice coming into Mr. Pierce's warehouse now. Lee in charge.

Tuesday, October 9
Beautiful day. - Saw by the Houston Post that Mr. Corbett had been injured in an auto accident near New Gulf. - Mrs. Pierce and I spent a hard day in Palacios. She finished the painting and then helped clean house. - We have the dirty dirt pretty well moved out. - Are tired almost to death tonight . - Rather expected John Henry tonight. - We went to the bus station to meet him, but he did not come. - Mrs. Smith and Mr. Pierce were in Bay City. - Brought Mr. Vandenburg in her car. Then Walter drove into Victoria.

Wednesday, October 10
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Smith went alone to Galveston today to see her Dr. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Mrs. Pierce and I worked all day in my house. Polishing furniture, floors etc. The rooms begin to look very pretty. Mrs. Roberts came over and hung some curtains. Her friend in Mrs. Foster's apt. came in a while, too. – Blanch and Beatrice called this P.M. - we are very very tired tonight. – Saw Miss Nannie Pybus as we were coming out of Palacios.

Thursday, October 11
Grand day. - Spent the day in Palacios working in my house. It looks very clean and comfortable. Mr. Love mowed the lawn and helped move the heavy furniture downstairs. Several old friends called today. The Hockey girls, Mrs. Miller, Mr. Stadig, etc. Two women came to rent rooms, also. Mr. Richards moved the gas stoves downstairs, but did not connect the kitchen stove. Mrs. Roberts may want it moved to the tune of $5.00 paid by her hubby. - Drove Walter out to Live Oak Farm before I went to Palacios. - Mrs. Smith came home tonight.

Friday, October 12
Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to Palacios this forenoon. After she ate lunch, she came back home. - Drove to Markham where she met John Henry who had come up with Mr. Payne. - They drove back to Palacios for me later. We stopped a few minutes to see Mrs. Farwell. - The home is about in order for the young people, but my upstairs is in a dreadful mess. - Mr. Black and Miss Sample came up tonight to play bridge. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Victoria today.

Saturday, October 13
Lovely day. - Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove to Palacios this morning where we finished up all we had to do for the Roberts. They brought some of their things over, but are not moving in until Monday. The house looks sweet and clean. Mr. Love will put the garage roof on as soon as the paper comes. Monday I hope. - Mrs. Farwell stopped a moment on her way home from Bay City where she had bought a new hat. - We came home in time for lunch and spent the afternoon housecleaning, mending and writing. - Did not see Mrs. Smith today. - Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent, I think.

Sunday, October 14
Perfect day. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. this forenoon. - After lunch or 12 o'clock dinner, we were all Mrs. Smith’s guests to see “The Barretts of Wimpole Street.” Laughton – Norma Shearer, etc. in a most beautiful picture. - From there Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove to New Gulf to see Mr. Corbett, who is recovering from a car accident in the hospital there. - We arrived at home after dark. I greatly enjoyed the picture, also the drive. - Mrs. Pierce is smoking green coffee to reliever hay fever suffering temporarily.

Monday, October 15
Grand day. - Mrs. Smith drove me down to Palacios this morning where I worked all day upstairs. Cleaning. Put up my new paper shades, also. They are swell. - Mrs. Roberts finished moving in today and had the utilities all turned on. Mr. Love put the roof on the garage today, so I hope they are all set for quite a spell. - Mrs. Pierce John Henry 5:30. I was very tired but did quite a bit of work toward putting the upstairs in order since it is been so depleted. - Letter from Alice. Francy gone.

Tuesday, October 16
Another fine day, tho a bank of clouds lay in the north all forenoon and looked very much like a norther. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mary Dean, John Henry, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn all went to Bay City this forenoon. - Lee drove me to Palacios this morning where I worked all day. Attempted to pay my bill at the Price Lbr. Yard, but a mistake has been made in some way, so will pay it later. - I did much dusting and moving around, also washed the floors. Ate lunch with Mrs. Roberts. - Lee came for me a about 5:30.  - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Mr. Payne ate dinner here. - Board meeting tonight. - John Henry went back to Houston with Mr. Payne tonight.

Wednesday, October 17
Beautiful day, but windy. - Spent the day in Palacios. Drove Lee’s car down. - He went to Sargent in his father's car. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith were at home all day. Ready to answer a summons from Bay City. None came. - Today I set the old wooden bedstead up and did much polishing of furniture. - When I first arrived in Palacios, I paid my bill at the Price Lbr. Co., which was $11.60. The tarpaper for the walls and the garage roof. - I hope that finishes my expenses down there, so I may save the rent as it is paid and repay Mrs. Pierce the $50.00 I borrowed. - Am extremely tired tonight.

Thursday, October 18
Another fine day. - Spent the day in the house putting it in order and did mending this afternoon. Mrs. Pierce did a little housecleaning on the third floor late this afternoon. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and brought home a pail of shrimp which we dressed tonight. - Lee has been getting ready to drive to Dallas to the Fair and Alvarado tomorrow. - Washed and polished his car and ginned a bale of cotton this afternoon. Went to a Palacios picture showed tonight, too.

Friday, October 19
Lovely fall day. - Message came saying Mr. Borden died at 5 o'clock last evening in St. Louis. - Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and Walter were 12 o'clock dinner guests here today. The shrimp were splendidly prepared and greatly enjoyed by all. - This forenoon I spent with Mrs. Smith trying on dresses to be let out a little. Worked on them today and she fitted some of them tonight. She and Mrs. Dunn spent an hour here since dinner. - Mrs. Selkirk came later, also. - The case, Palacios Bank versus Blessing Bank has been postponed until March. - Walter drove Mr. Crain to Victoria late this evening. - Lee left early this morning for her central Texas. A visit to his date.

Saturday, October 20 – John Henry’s 25th Birthday
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston this morning. - They met the Borden funeral party at the depot there. Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove up to Mackay this afternoon. - John Henry came home with his Aunt Pearl [Mrs. Smith] and his mother for a few days vacation. They reached home soon after dark. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes late this afternoon. - I have been busy. Housework this forenoon. - Sewing on Mrs. Smith’s dresses this afternoon. - Mrs. Smith may go north the latter part of next week taking Walter as far as Indianapolis on his way to Minneapolis. - Mrs. Smith presented Mrs. Pierce with a hat and coat suit.

Sunday, October 21
A beautiful Sabbath day, but not observed by me as such. - Willie Jones was overcome this morning. Having spent the night and morning until 8 o'clock having a good time. - Mrs. Pierce had compassion on him and sent him to bed. She prepared a good dinner for her family, but was about all in when the kitchen work was at last finished. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Mackay after 6 o'clock. - I finished Mrs. Smith’s black net dress this evening so she could wear it to the funeral tomorrow. - We miss Lee.

Monday, October 22
Another grand day. - A busy forenoon. Housework. - Walter came up for Mrs. Smith’s net dress this morning. Then she and Walter drove to Mackay to arrange the flowers sent to the Bordens home. - Mrs. Farwell phoned to say she could not spend the day with me, so I went with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry to Mackay. - A very impressive and unusual funeral. Many people were there. Mostly relatives. Mr. Borden’s on Mexicans were his pallbearers and a group of them saying very sweetly. “Some Day the Silver Cord Will Break.” A long procession of cars followed the hearse to the Wharton Cemetery where we left all that was mortal of Mr. Borden. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and John Henry attended the house warming at the El Maton teacherage tonight.

Tuesday, October 23 – Mrs. Hall’s Birthday
Beautiful day. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - I have been sewing on Mrs. Smith’s dresses all day. - Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City this afternoon.- Mrs. Smith and Walter drove over, also. - Mrs. Smith came up to fit a couple of dresses and brought some snaps. – The El Maton teachers returned the card tables this afternoon. - Mary Dean came to inquire about tickets to the ballgame in Houston Sat. (John Henry has some extra tickets.)

Wednesday, October 24
Beautiful day. A shower fell this forenoon. - John Henry rode into Houston today with Mrs. Dunn. - Finished Mrs. Smith’s dresses and pressed them this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce attended Achievement Day doings at Mrs.Shulers? and Etta Celia’s homes this afternoon.  - Mrs. Baird came up for an hour tonight.

Thursday, October 25
Beautiful day. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent today. - Mrs. Pierce did a little housecleaning this afternoon. – Mrs. Reed? called. - Mrs. Smith came up a moment. - She took Allen Pierce to the Loos hospital last night fearing appendicitis, but he is better today. - Mrs. Smith is having the “Gold Fish Bowl” at the hotel put in order. - Mrs. Maggie Kuykendall may come to visit her. - Have worked on two georgette handkerchiefs for Mrs. Smith and did a little on some of Mrs. Pierce's dresses. Renovating, etc. - Mrs. Pierce was one of the matrons who accompanied the 4-H girls to Collegeport tonight. They went in the school bus.

Friday, October 26
Fine fall day. - A day of housecleaning. Sleeping porch, nursery, stairway, downstairs rugs. - Tonight Mrs. Pierce attended the School Carnival at the Community House. - Lee came home this evening from his central Texas trip. Sunburned but happy – Billy Robinson - I read “Mother’ by Kathleen Norris tonight. A very sweet story. - Mr. Pierce came from Sargent this evening late.

Saturday, October 27
The beautiful day. Hot sun. - Mrs. Pierce and Lee left early for Houston. (The Football Game) - Mrs. Smith phoned early for me to go with her down to her brother John's to measure his porch swing. - We drove down there and did the measuring. Then to Bay City for material to cover it. - Mrs. Smith had someone shrink it and very soon after lunch we drove back to Mr. Pierce’s where I fitted and pinned the cover. - Mrs. Smith had two women cleaning house for Mrs. John, also. - Mrs. Pierce and Lee did not reach home until about midnight.

Sunday, October 28
Beautiful day. Hot sun. - Lee did not go with us. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Miss Semple and me drove to Sargent this forenoon. - We took abundant lunch and fish poles. - Ate dinner beside the river and tried very unsuccessfully to catch some fish. - Crabs were abundant and devoured our shrimp bait. - The day was so beautiful, the roads so good, the woods so pretty, the plowed fields so good to look at, that the fishing failure was a small disappointment. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to old Indianola and ate dinner and Port Lavaca.

Caney Creek at Sargent

Monday, October 29
Another lovely day. - Just housework this forenoon. - Mrs. Lucas came up for an hour. – Odeal helped with the washing today. - Mrs. Pierce did some closet cleaning. – This P.M. Mrs. Smith took Ruby and her butler to Palacios where they bought oysters. - I went along and we stopped at Mr. John Pierce’s on the way back while I measured a couple of chairs to make slip covers for. Worked on the porch swing cover before and after going. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to see the Farwell's tonight. - Stopped at Mrs. Smith’s room on the way home.

Tuesday, October 30
Ideal day for housecleaning. - Simply housecleaning. – Odeal finished ironing been helped in the house. - I did not sew on the swing cover today. - Mrs. Smith and Walter drove to Houston. She brought material for two chair covers for Mr. John Pierce's chairs, also some material for Mrs. Pierce's room. - Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk spent the evening here. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent.

Wednesday, October 31 – Hallowe’en
 A beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce and Odeal did housecleaning today. - Mrs. Dunn entertained at luncheon today. - I worked on the porch swing cover this forenoon. – At 3:30 Mrs. Smith took me down to Mr. Pierce's home where we sewed on snaps, but Mrs. Pierce's machine was out of fix, so I could not do the machine work to finish the cover there, but have it all finished tonight. - Lee drove his father over to Bay City early this morning where he took the train for Houston.


Thursday, November 1
Beautiful day, but windy. - Mrs. Smith drove me down to Mr. John Pierce’s this forenoon where we put the new slipcover on the swing and then I fitted the other chair cover.  - Mrs. Smith came for me about 5 o'clock. - She brought a little girl (a grandchild of Mrs. Pierce’s) along for the drive and took her back she went to bring Lucy and Fannie home. - The weather is ideal. - Mr. Abel Pierce burned his hand with boiling floor polish. Mrs. Smith took him to Bay City to have them dressed.

 Friday, November 2
Rain. - Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon and helped sew on the chair covers. I have worked on them and a little repair work for Mrs. Smith all day. - Mrs. Pierce hard at housecleaning. - Mr. Pierce and Walter drove to Victoria today and Mrs. Smith’s car. - A very hard rain storm and much thunder and lightning visited us tonight. Rain fell in torrents and is still falling as we go to bed.

Saturday, November 3
Norther and sunshine. - Worked all forenoon putting up curtains etc. - Mrs. Pierce pressed the drapes down in the living room. The different arrangement of the furniture is fine. - Mrs. Smith took the burned hands to the Drs this forenoon. They are better. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. - Water everywhere when we awoke, but it disappeared rapidly. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Braden Sr. attended a Co. meeting and Bay City this P.M. - We all went down to the hotel and spent an hour and Mrs. Smith room tonight.

Sunday, November 4
Grand sunshiny day. Cooler today. A hoar frost was visible early this morning Mrs. Pierce said. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and myself went to S. S. this forenoon. - Then Mrs. Smith and Walter ate tame duck  dinner with us. - After dinner, Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Collegeport etc. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up for an hour this P. M. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Walter and I went to Bay City tonight to see “Monte Christo.” A good picture. - Real cool tonight.

Monday, November 5
Beautiful day. All sunshine. - Did the housework this forenoon and some mending.  - Mrs. Pierce helped Odeal. - One of Geo. Harrison's girls was injured in an auto accident at ___ city yesterday. - Mrs. Smith took me down to Mr. John Pierce’s  since lunch and we finished the slipcovers for the upholstered chairs. (This was Mr. Pierce’s 66th birthday.)  - I have some cushion covers to make and a couple of pillow slips for them. - On the way home Ruby told us that Mrs. Lothridge was very low. So Mrs. Smith went to Palacios at once. - Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City since lunch where she met Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Robinson and they drove to Mackay to see Mrs. Borden. - Board meeting tonight. - My Central Power and Light check came today.

Tuesday, November 6
Beautiful cool day. - Working on the chair cushions all day. Finish them except the snaps. - Mrs. Smith, Walter and a stationery drummer ate pig ribs with us for lunch. - Mrs. Smith spent the night with Miss Nannie [Pybus] and her sick sister. And it's gone back to Palacios tonight to be with them. She had a hospital bed sent out from Houston. – Has delayed starting north for a few days. - A phone message from Penn. To Mrs. Smith telling her that Mrs. Lund is very low. - Mrs. Beard came up a few minutes tonight.

Wednesday, November 7
A fine day. - Mrs. Smith spent the night at Miss Nannie’s. – Housework. Putting laundry away. Sewing. - Mrs. Farwell spent the day here. - Mrs. Smith took me down to her brother John’s late this evening and I put the cushions on the wicker chairs. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. Is spending the night there. - Mrs. Smith to be with Miss Nannie and her sick sister tonight. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Farwell and myself, with Willie Jones at the wheel, went to Bay City tonight to see “Man With Two Faces.”

Thursday, November 8
 Fine day. - Did the housework. - Mrs. Pierce waxed the den and hall floors this forenoon. - Mrs. Farwell worked on Mrs. Pierce's coat and dress all day. – This P.M. Mrs. Pierce went to the Canning Club meeting (which did not meet). Mr. Farwell came up late this evening and took her home. - Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I went down to see Mrs. Smith a few minutes before she went to Palacios to sit with Miss Nannie’s sister tonight.

Friday, November 9
Grand day.- I am tired tonight. - Made the porch swing pillow slips this forenoon for Mrs. Smith. - This afternoon I went down to put in any stitches needed while she was packing, but she had to go to Bay City on business. Was very tired and excited over business matters when she returned just before dark.  - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn helped pack. Tonight she is driving to Palacios to see Miss Nannie and the sick sister. Will stop on her way home to see her brother John. She and Walter expect to leave for Penn. early in the morning. - Mrs. Pierce is attending a Mothers and Daughters social meeting at the Community House. - Mrs. Smith paid me $22.00 today for work (sewing).

Saturday, November 10
Grand day - Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Downer and others drove the Houston today. - Mrs. Smith and Walter were on their way to Penn. at five o'clock this morning. - Lee spent the day in Bloomington. - I did some laundry work for myself and washed my hair. - Just a busy day. - Walter drove thru to Penn. with his aunt instead of going to Minneapolis.

Sunday, November 11 – Lee’s Birthday – 21 years old – Armistice Day
A beautiful day.  - Mrs. Pierce was the only one from her home who attended S. S. today. - After dinner Mr. Pierce was host to a theater party to see Will Rogers in “Judge Priest.” Mrs. Pierce, Miss Simple, Miss Grace Walker and myself were the fortunate guests.  - On the way home we stopped a few minutes in front of Mr. Erickson's house. - A blaze produced from a cigarette stump caused a fire in Mr. Pierce's waste paper basket this forenoon. A hole in his rug is the result. He was not in his office at the time. – Tonight Rev. Engle preached. Mrs. Selkirk's girl choir helps greatly with the singing. - The Farwell left their card as we were in Bay City.

Monday, November 12
Rather cool. North wind. - Mrs. Pierce helped Odeal this forenoon. - I did some mending and worked my black dress over. Also did some repair work on my coat. - Word for Mrs. Smith (in Kentucky Sat. night). - Mr. Pierce and Sargent today. - This is Armistice Day as designated by the Gov. or President. - Sent a note to Mrs. Roberts, also Mrs. Caffall, a future tenant perhaps.

Tuesday, November 13
Splendid day. Cool. - Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Pierce drove to Bay City this forenoon.- I finished the black dress to wear to the Turkey Trot. - Mrs. Roberts came up asking for another bedroom. So after lunch I drove Lee’s car to Palacios and put the front room upstairs in order for her. - They are to pay me $22.00 per month now. - Stopped a moment to see Mrs. Love and Mrs. Farwell. - Mrs. Pierce attended a shower in the country. - Mr. Pierce and Lee drove to Victoria. - Council meeting at Community House. Mrs. Pierce there.

Wednesday, November 14
Fine day. - Mrs. Pierce spent today in Houston. - Mr. Lucas was a passenger both ways. - Mr. Pierce drove to Richmond this P.M. - I spent the day getting the house in order to leave early tomorrow morning. - We are all tired tonight. - Mrs. Pierce and me going to bed early.

Thursday, November 15 – Turkey Trot
Rain. - When we awoke at 6 six o'clock a gentle rain was falling, but we took our lunch and overnight bags and drove to Cuero. Stopping at Palacios to take Mrs. Farwell on. Arrived in Cuero about 10 o'clock where the weather was ideal for the celebration. - We made Mrs. Young’s house headquarters. - Witnessed the Turkey Trot (8000 birds) and a good parade of floats etc. 4 bands. - After lunch we visited the exhibit hall and heard the incoming? governor speak. That finished the day for us so we came home by way of Port Lavaca where we stopped for seafood dinner. – Hard showers on us from Victoria to Blessing. A happy day. Thanks to you Mrs. Pierce.

Friday, November 16
No rain, but cloudy. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Houston. – Mrs. Pierce worked on the 3rd floor. – Letter from Mr. Hall saying Mrs. Van Bergen is to take x-ray treatments of the bones. Nauseating after effects. – We drove down to receive my rent late this evening, but the boat had just come in so the checks could not be cashed. – We went to see Mr. Farwell to tell him we left Mrs. F. in good spirits and good hands. – Working on Mrs. Pierce’s dresses today.

Saturday, November 17
A fine day here. – Just the regular Sat. house work. – Then we worked on the 3rd floor. About 4:30, we drove to Palacios hoping to receive my rent money. – It had not been left with Mrs. Love and the Roberts were not at home, so we came back without it. – We drove past Mr. Farwell’s. He was working in the yard. Stopped long enough to let a heavy shower fall on the car while we visited with him. – Tonight we went to the hotel. Mrs. Pierce to see Miss Webb. I took my hemstitching and sat in the Lobby. – Lee out for the night duck hunting. – Mr. Pierce home from Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce recd a letter from her sister.

Sunday, November 18
No rain today. - Mrs. Pierce went to S. School. - After 12 o'clock dinner, Mr. Pierce was host to a theater party in Bay City to see “The Merry Widow.” - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Walker, Paul and Mary Dean (who provided the car) and myself. The picture was beautiful. - When we came home we found Mrs. Storey and Mrs. Mobley here. - Paul and Mary Dean came up, too, and Mrs. Pierce made rarebit for us.

Monday, November 19
Rainy day. Showers. - We all were at home all day. - Sewing on various things and visiting. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley went down to the Community House after lunch to help dust the Library books. - After dinner Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley drove to Bay City to see The Merry Widow. - Finished my tenth plate doily tonight.

Tuesday, November 20
Cloudy mostly. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Houston. - We were at home all day. - Mrs. Pollard and Mr. ___, inspector, ate lunch here. - Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Beard and Mrs. Walker came up tonight to play hearts. - Mrs. Storey and I sewed to entertain ourselves.

Wednesday, November 21
Pretty day. Cool. – Mrs. Storey and Mrs. Mobley went home early this forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce began at once on the school papers which she had to rewrite and was working on them until 2:15 P.M. when we drove to Bay City. - I had a couple of checks cashed while she attended to her affairs. - Then we drove to Mr. Corbett's home and made a short call. He is in bed most of the time, but is improving.- From there we called on Mrs. Cobb. - Came home, ate dinner, and Mrs. Pierce had a school board meeting. - Then she wrote until the early morning of tomorrow.

Thursday, November 22
Beautiful fall day. - A hectic forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce did not finish her school writing even tho she worked on it until 2 o'clock this morning. – Mrs. Sides came for 4-H work at the Community House. Mrs. Pierce attended that. Mrs. Sides ate lunch here. – At 2:30, Mrs. Pierce and Miss Webb were due to start for Houston to be gone until tomorrow P.M. - Lee went hunting to be gone all night. - Mr. Farwell came up to bring Mrs. Pierce a rose price list. She had gone. - Mr. Pierce had a dinner date tonight so he drank a cup of hot tea and departed. - Good fire in the fireplace.

Friday, November 23
 Lovely fall day. - Busy day. Did the Friday cleaning. - Lee came home from its own might hunting trip with “fisherman’s luck.” - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent, coming home in time for the pictures show in Bay City “Mrs. Wiggs” etc. where he was host to the Selkirks, Miss Webb, Mrs. Pierce and me. We rode over with Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk who deposited at the picture show. They went to the Episcopal Church (?).  – Mrs. Pierce and Miss Webb came from Houston in time for the picture. Then Mr. Pierce treated us to the midnight show. Mexican. Beautiful.


Saturday, November 24 – Buddy 1932
Good day. Cold. - Roaring fire in the fireplace all day. North east wind. - Just busy all day. - Helped Mrs. Pierce stretch some of the doilies on the drying frames tonight.  – Miss Lee. Suppose he saw a thrilling game in Houston.  - Was to have killed a pig today, but was afraid of rain and warmer weather soon.

Sunday, November 25
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S. this forenoon.  – Mrs. Matthes gave a fine talk on stewardship.  - About  3:30 P.M., we drove to Mackay, taking Miss Simple along.  - Found Mrs. Borden well. Mrs. Hough is with her while Miss Nellie Hough and Miss Winston are away.  - The clouds were heavy looking as we drove up and we were over persuaded to visit too long. The rain began pouring down and we hurried into the car only to get stuck in a barpit. And have several men push us out. Stopped in El Campo for coffee.

Monday, November 26
No rain today.  - Did some trying on and I sewed all forenoon.  - After lunch helped Mrs. Pierce or little. She worked in the Butler's pantry all day washing dishes.  - Sewed on addresses this P.M. - After dinner wrote to Mrs. Stoddard and then to bed. - Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent.

 Tuesday, November 27
Cloudy all day. A light rain this forenoon.  - Worked in the Butler's pantry all forenoon. - Mrs. Pierce spent an hour with the 4-H girls at noon. - Sewed on dresses this afternoon. - Rev. and Mrs. Engle and Mrs. Selkirk came over tonight to play bridge.

Wednesday, November 28
 Fine day. - Just getting ready for tomorrow. - Mrs. Roberts came out to see about getting a small stove, gas heater and an extra leaf for the table. She is having guests tomorrow.- After lunch I started to Palacios to get the oysters, but met Mr. and Mrs. Farwell bringing them up. -  Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. - A change in the weather is evident tonight.

Thursday, November 29 - Thanksgiving day
Heavy rain during the night and a real downpour this forenoon until about 9 o'clock. The sun shone this afternoon. – Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Mobley and John Henry arrived first. Came through a downpour to El Campo. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came soon after. - All the answer went to the kitchen to help Willie (Odeal did not come.) Prepare a bountiful dinner. - After dinner we visited in some play poker. - Mr. Mrs. Farwell went home at 5 o'clock. Mrs. Mobley, my mother and John Henry are spending the night. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Crawford, her guest, came up tonight for bridge. One table.

Friday, November 30
Bright, pretty day. - Mrs. Storey, Mrs. Mobley, Mr. Pierce and John Henry all went to Houston early this morning. - Mrs. Pierce busy all day with her picture talk for the Canning Club to be given in Bay City tomorrow P.M. - She and Mr. Pierce are Mrs. Dunn’s guests tonight for dinner and bridge complementary to Mr. and Mrs. Crawford. - Mr. Crawford-day-old to return from Houston, so Lee was drafted at the last moment to take a hand at bridge. - Mr. Pierce was late for dinner.


Saturday, December 1
White crisp frost this morning. Bright sunshine. Beautiful day. - Mrs. Pierce worked on her picture talk all forenoon. - After lunch she went to Bay City to deliver it. - I put fresh straw in all of the hens’ nests and made some new nests for the red pullets. - Not an exciting day. - Mrs. Farwell phoned to ask about the trip Mr. Pierce and Mr. Farwell are to take to Corpus Christi tomorrow. Mr. Pierce has a cold.

Sunday, December 2
Rainy day. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Farwell drove to Rockport this forenoon to visit Admiral Mertz. – Mrs. Pierce went down and brought Mrs. Farwell up to spend the day and night here. They came back in time for S. S. – I took care of a pill all afternoon. – After dinner Mrs. Pierce baked a pound cake and we picked out pecans – Mr. Pierce returned about 6:30 and we all, also Mrs. Dunn, were Mr. Pierce’s guests to see Garbo in “The Painted Veil” in Bay City tonight.

Monday, December 3
Beautiful day. Cool. – Mr. Farwell came up for her this morning.  – Odeal did the washing and most of the ironing today. – Mr. Pierce brought home several ducks yesterday. They were given to him at Rockport. Willie dressed them today. – We have been busy all day getting ready for Mr. Pierce’s 60th birthday dinner tomorrow night. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove to Bay City since lunch. – Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Hough called this afternoon. – Mrs. Sides and Mrs. Chappell called tonight. Mrs. Pierce decorated the pound cake tonight. – Mrs. Borden brought Mr. Pierce a turkey. A birthday gift.

Tuesday, December 4 - Mr. Pierce's Birthday – 60 yrs
A busy day, but Mr. Pierce's birthday party was a success. - Mrs. Dunn came up and helped in the forenoon, but had a previous date in Palacios for the night. - John Henry came home, but Mrs. Mobley could not come. - The dinner guests were Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Selkirk, Paul and Mary D., Helen, Mrs. Beard, John Henry, Lee and myself. 12 at the table. - Others came later for the evening and were served drinks and the three birthday cakes. Mrs. Sides came for Mrs. Pierce about eleven o'clock and took her to Bay City. - From there she will go to Houston in the morning and then on to Dallas. - Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here.

Wednesday, December 5
Good day. - A busy day. “The day after.” - Mr. Farwell came for her this forenoon. - The dishes, house, flowers etc. had to be put in order and I have not finished entirely tonight. - Went to Palacios since lunch. Mrs. Roberts paid me the rent. - I paid $4.50 to Traylor store for the small gas stove for the apartment. Also paid my city and school tax. $36.00 total. (21.60 + 14.40) Stopped to see Mrs. Love a moment. - She is not well. - Going to bed early. Did not sleep much last night. – Killed a hog.

Thursday, December 6
Cloudy day. Cold. - The hog was cut in various sized pieces today. - Sausage made etc., but the job is not finished. - I did the kitchen work since lunch so Willie could help with the meat. - Expected to take Mrs. Farwell a bit of pork, but it was too late when I could leave the house. - Card from Mrs. Pierce written in Houston. Her feet are hurting her.

Friday, December 7
A rain was falling when I awoke this morning. - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. - Willie took the cows, etc. to the dipping vat. This is their last dip. - Lee finished stuffing the sausage casing this forenoon, but the weather was raining and the yard wet, so they postponed making the lard until tomorrow. - The sun came out this afternoon and a strong north wind was blowing. Real cold. - Mr. Pierce met the midnight train to bring Mrs. Pierce home. - Real cold tonight. - A freeze I am sure. - Mrs. Pierce tired from her Dallas trip.

Saturday, December 8
Most beautiful sunshine all day, but a cold wind blew. - A delegation from Blessing attended the Federation Meeting at Wadsworth today. Mrs. Matthes, Mrs. Braden, Miss Webb, Miss Grace Walker, Miss Semple, Mrs. Lucas, Ginger, Mrs. Pierce and me. - Not a large number were present. Many clubs not represented. New President and Secty. were elected from Van Vleck. They were not present and may not accept the honor. – Miss Moore of county health nursing and hygiene was the star speaker.


Sunday, December 9
Beautiful day. - A busy day. - Sunday school and a Presbyterian sermon this morning. - Mrs. Dunn, dinner guests. A courtesy she immediately returned by taking Mrs. Pierce and myself to see “Lady by Choice” in Bay City. - We all went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – He and Mrs. Engle ate Rarebit before he preached. Then ate rocks and wine before they went home. - Wrote to Mrs. Fraser today.

Monday, December 10
Cold, windy day. - Mrs. Pierce met with the school board and Mr. Payne this forenoon. - Mr. Payne and Mr. Snyder (who works in the office) ate lunch here. Then they all returned to more board meeting. Mr. Payne had borings made to determine the distance down they would have to dig for the foundation bed. - Word was circulated today that Mrs. Smith had died, but it was Mrs. Lunn, Mrs. John Pierce’s sister. - Mrs. Smith has been with her a great deal during her last sickness.

Tuesday, December 11
Beautiful sunshine, but cold. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. – Rev. Engle called up to ask if Lee was going to the Bishops dinner with him today. He had failed to receive Lee’s letter of regret? - Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. - Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn returned in due time looking like Santa himself. - I have the side curtains almost finished for Mrs. Pierce's bedroom windows. Cold tonight.

Wednesday, December 12
Beautiful sunshine. South wind. White frost this morning. - A busy day. Sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s lounge cover. – Have it almost fitted and stitched. - Next the pleated flounce. – Miss Carter called and interrupted the cake baking this forenoon. - Then Mrs. Pierce had to go to Bay City immediately after lunch and did not return until time to go to the Community House to eat oysters and play bridge. - A very good-sized crowd attended and the food was O.K.

Thursday, December 13
A perfect day. - Working on the cover and curtains this afternoon. - Mrs. Pierce aching fruit cakes. - White frost this morning, but a grand day. - No heat in the house xcept the fireplace. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up a few minutes this evening. - Mrs. Pierce attended some kind of meeting at the Community House. She read her picture talk again. - Sewing on finger bowl doilies tonight.

Friday, December 14
Beautiful day. - No fire except in the fireplace. - Mary Dean and Helen came to borrow silver to use tomorrow P. M. when they pour tea in honor of the Cobb daughter who is to be married soon. - Mrs. Pierce baked some more fruit cakes this forenoon. - I have sewed on the bedroom covers and curtains about all day. - Lee drove to Houston this morning to be gone a day or two. - Mr. Pierce and Mr. Erickson went and also.

Saturday, December 15
Fine day. - Working on the bedroom covers this afternoon. Have them almost finished. - Word was received this evening that Ruby Pierce, her father and brother, were very seriously injured in an auto wreck as they were driving in to Houston early this morning. All of them are in the Methodist Hospital in Houston. Mr. Chamblee is supposed to be fatally injured. Ruby is unconscious and her condition is very serious. The brother has a broken hand and an injured spine.  – The Yeager mother and daughters tea was a success this afternoon.

Sunday, December 16
Pretty forenoon. - Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent this morning. Car broke down. - Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and myself were Mrs. Borden’s guests at Sunday School in Mackay this forenoon. Then we ate lunch in the Borden home. – Mrs. Hough is leaving in the morning, but Miss Hough and Miss Winston are coming (an hour before Mrs. Hough leaves). - We were caught in a hard rain coming home. - Mrs. Borden and her guests drove to Port Lavaca and then stopped here for Rarebit supper. - Lee has not yet come home from Houston. - The injured ones in the hospital or some better today.

Monday, December 17
Rain. Rain. Rain. - Just a rainy wash day. - Finished the bedroom slips and curtains. - They are all in place tonight. - Christmas boxes are arriving from Mrs. Smith for the family. - I read a card from Minnie and Aunt Carrie. - Mrs. Pierce has baked fruit cakes, plum puddings, kumquat marmalade and many other things. - We worked on finger bowl doilies tonight. Have six finished.

Tuesday, December 18
Some sunshine. - Put in most of the day helping Mrs. Pierce pack Christmas boxes for her home folks and Mrs. Smith. - She sent the St. Paul box, but is holding Mrs. Smith’s as she may come, on account of Ruby's accident. - Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Lee were Mrs. Dunn's guests. Dinner and bridge. Also, the Palacios Club were her guests. - I finished the finger bowl doilies except one [that] Mrs. Pierce took with her. - A real norther has blown up since dark. - Going to bed about 11 o'clock.

Wednesday, December 19
Beautiful. All sunshine. Cool. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce spent the day in Houston. Found the Chamblee family all some better. Very critically ill yet. - Lee drove me down to Palacios this forenoon. Mrs. Roberts paid the rent. I stopped a moment to see Mrs. Farwell. She was packing Christmas boxes. Mrs. Minich is helping her. - This afternoon I worked on my green dress. Am trying to finish it for Xmas. - This has been a most wonderful day.

Thursday, December 20
Grand day. - A day of instruction for Blessing. - Mrs. Valeria Parker, one of a group organized to reform the world, instructs the innocent young in ways of right conduct etc. etc., spent the day in this village. She was a luncheon guests in the Pierce home. - Have been working on my green dress this afternoon. - Wrote to Mrs. Bell tonight.

Friday, December 21
All one could desire in a day. - I drove to Sargent with Mr. Pierce this forenoon. He took the children's Christmas tree to them. (Colored school) - Mrs. O'Bannon is better. Up walking around. We drove to the drawbridge which is now receiving its paint. The house for the tender is well underway. Many cars were parked there. Many boatloads of fishermen on the canal. The Gulf was raging because it could not quite, over the bank. I saw it from the canal only. Several hundred contented cattle were resting or feeding on the plentiful grass. I spent a happy day. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to the Community House to watch the square dancers who failed to appear.

Saturday, December 22
Some cloudy today. - We put up the Christmas greens and trimmed the tree today. - Mr. Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and myself drove to Bay City after dinner. Were Mr. Pierce's guests to the picture show and later we drank coffee. - Bay City was busy tonight.

Sunday, December 23
Wonderful day. - Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Sanders and Mary Louise Sanders brought John Henry home this forenoon. They were 12 o'clock dinner guests. The ladies throwback to Houston this afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell were afternoon callers also.

Monday, December 24
Foggy morning. - A busy day. - Mr. Pierce drove to near Corpus Christi this morning to bring his old friend Admiral Mertz to Blessing to spend Christmas with him. He went in w Mrs. Dunn's car. - They arrived here soon after lunch having stopped in Port Lavaca and Palacios. - Mrs. Pierce and John Henry drove to Bay City tonight to midnight communion. - After the Admiral had retired, Mr. Pierce helped me arrange the Xmas gifts under the tree. - Lee came home in time to help some, too.

Tuesday, December 25
Real good day. - Wire from Mrs. Smith. She is on her way to Texas, on Ruby's account, no doubt. - A Happy Christmas. - Mr. Pierce was Santa Claus immediately after breakfast. - All received many gifts. Then a few guests for cocktails. - Later came dinner. A bountiful wine. The Borden turkey graced the board. Mr. Mrs. Farwell, Rear Admiral Mertz and John Henry were guests. - During the afternoon Mr. Pierce served eggnog to many callers. - He and Mrs. Pierce made some calls, also. - John Henry went back to Houston on the 5:30 train. - Mrs. Farwell is spending the night here. - Mrs. Selkirk drove we three to Bay City tonight to see Shirley Temple in “Baby Take a Bow.” Pretty picture. We were Mrs. Pierce's guests.

Wednesday, December 26 – Mrs. Smith’s Birthday – 62
Misty forenoon. - Mrs. Farwell went home this forenoon. - Mr. Pierce and Admiral Mertz drove to Sargent this forenoon. They returned early this P.M. - A norther blew up before noon but it is not very cold. - Mrs. Dunn came up and ate duck with us tonight. - She had been to see Miss Winston, who is quite sick in Mrs. Borden's home. - Mr. Pierce is enjoying the Admiral’s visit very much. - This sky threatens rain as I go to bed.

Thursday, December 27
 Rainy forenoon, but sunshine all afternoon. - Rained about all night and was raining when Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Admiral Mertz, Mary Dean and myself “set out” for Rockport and Bay Port Club where the Admiral is located during the duck shooting season. - We went and Mary Dean's car. The rain continued until we had passed through Port Lavaca where we drank a cup of coffee. The rain had fallen heavily all the way, but when we left the highway, the road was sandy and in fine condition. - The clubhouse was deserted except for the caretaker, tho 30 guests are expected tomorrow. - Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Lee are attending Laverne Cobb’s wedding in Bay City.

Friday, December 28
Very good day. - Busy forenoon. Cleaning up. Mr. Cash ate lunch here. - Mrs. Smith drove into Blessing about 2:30 P.M. Is tired, but looks well. - Lee drove her out to Allen’s tonight. She ate dinner here. - Mrs. Pierce and I spent the afternoon in Bay City. - Have written some thank you letters tonight. Am tired. - Mrs. Dunn drove to Victoria this P.M.

Saturday, December 29
A cloudy day. - A busy day. – Cut out nightgowns for Ruby and have just finished the third one. - Tired tonight. - Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce and Odeal did some housecleaning for Allen this forenoon. - Eighteen of Mrs. Pierce's thirty girls met here this afternoon. They seemed to enjoy themselves. - Lee has gone to Palacios. - Mr. Pierce is spending the evening with his sister, Pearl.

Sunday, December 30
Dreary day. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to S. S.  - this afternoon I have written many notes. 14 to be exact. - Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drank a cup of tea with us tonight, then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn went to Bay City to a picture show. - Am very tired from letter writing and going to bed at 10 o'clock.

Monday, December 31
A little sunshine. - Made it dimity nightgown for Ruby today. Watched it and Odeal pressed it. - Mailed 14 notes and letters this forenoon. - Took the ornaments off of the Christmas tree this P.M. - Lee took the tree down. – Rec’d a novel New Year's card from Mrs. Farwell. - Mrs. Pierce was one of a large luncheon party given by Mrs. Robbins at the BayTex Hotel this noon. – Darned my own host tonight. - Mr. Pierce reported Mrs. Smith’s car robbed in Houston today as it stood in front of the hospital. - Mrs. Pierce and I heard the old year rung out and the new one rung in. - Goodnight 1934. You have been good to me.




Movie posters and Driscoll photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia


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