Nellie Tilson Webb

1932 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




A. B. PIERCE, Agent

Blessing, Texas


Friday, July 1
Pretty day. Good breeze. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn today. Cut out a batiste dress for Winnie and fitted it on Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee, Clinton and the Rhodes boy went to Houston today. Came home early. – John Henry in Bay City. – Buddy went to Danevang. – Received the Wearever utensils Buddy ordered for me, today. – Mailed a letter to Feather and Son today (Insurance business). Owe Mr. Love $1.25 for mowing lawn.

Saturday, July 2
Beautiful day. Hot. – We were busy this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce did quite a washing this forenoon. Testing out a mangle. Put it on trial. – After lunch, Buddy went to Palacios to demonstrate in Mrs. Farwell’s home. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove down in Mr. Pierce’s car later. – I paid Mr. Feather for my Ins.—vacancy permit. – Found my gas statement. Says I did not pay my may bill. Something wrong. I was in Palacios the early part of the month.

Sunday, July 3
Pretty day. – This forenoon, Clinton went to S. S. – We put the house in order and made ready to go to Sargent. – About 2:15, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up and we were soon on the way. – The Pierce family, the Farwells, Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Cornelius, Brother and me. The water was rough, but we all went in except Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. Then we ate supper and came home. – Several showers had fallen on the road, but it was cement. – Work is going on on the Sargent to the beach road.

Monday, July 4 – The day we celebrate
Lovely day. – We all went to Sargent today. Leaving here about 10:15. Were joined by the Mortons at the beach.  After picnic dinner, we all went in bathing. – Spent a happy day and came home after eating picnic supper at which we were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Sisk and daughter.  – BYPU opened in Palacios.

Pierce family at the Sargent beach a few years before Nellie visited with them.

Tuesday, July 5
Fine day. – Odeal washed today. – Since lunch I did sewing and mending. – Mrs. Pierce was busy as a bee all day. – John Henry in Bay City. – Buddy went to Palacios. – House painting still going on. – Mrs. Dunn had to take her car to Houston today, so we did not sew. – Sent a check to the gas co. today. A “double header.” – Mr. Traylor died suddenly in his store this morning.

Wednesday, July 6
Lovely day, but hot. – Mrs. Dunn did not return from Houston last night, so we did not sew today. – The house is full of mosquitoes. Fierce ones. The screens are off being painted. – I have been sewing on Mrs. Pierce’s dress and mending today. – Took my papers down to Mr. Pierce’s vault today. Mrs. Pierce gave me a tin lock box to put them in. Then put them in her safety box. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes late this evening. He and she went to San Antonio, Austin and other places today. We miss them. – John Henry in Bay City all day.

Thursday, July 7
Hot sun. Pretty day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn today. – Mrs. Pierce busy about school business this forenoon. – John Henry in Bay City all day. – Mrs. Dunn came up to eat watermelon tonight. – The boys returned from their trip this evening. – Have gone to Palacios tonight. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard about her sewing.

Friday, July 8
Hot day. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn all day.  – John Henry took a box to Mrs. Stoddard this morning containing her unfinished sewing and a couple of books Mrs. Pierce had borrowed. – Board meeting tonight. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to Palacios this P.M. – Hair cut for Clinton. – Shall not be sewing for Mrs. Dunn tomorrow.

Saturday, July 9
Beautiful hot day. – Just a busy day. – Did not sew a stitch except to mend a little for myself. – Washed some underwear, a black dress which had mildew on it, and my rayon general utility dress which was full of sea salt. – We did general house cleaning, but the painting is still going on, also. The scraping of old paint. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Dunn drive up to Mackay to night. – The boys to Palacios.

Sunday, July 10
Lovely day. – We went to Sargent after lunch. Took our supper. Mrs. Dunn had Mrs. Lucas as her guest. The water was grand. Not so rough. Came home after dark. – Mr. Pierce took John in his car. – BYPU closed tonight. I did not go to Palacios during the convention.

Monday, July 11
Beautiful day, but hot. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. – Working on a quilt for Winnie. Recovering it. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell this evening.

Tuesday, July 12
Pretty day. North wind. Hot. – Sewed for Mrs. Dunn. – Did not quite finish the quilt for Winnie. – Both tired out with it. – Mr. Pierce went to Bay City and Sargent this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school work. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Lucas brought the buttermilk bottles up for Mrs. Pierce to have refilled in Houston tomorrow. – The boys are on Palacios dates tonight. – Check for $16.00.

Wednesday, July 13
Hot, hot. North wind. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, John Henry and some of the girl Reserves drove to Houston today. – I helped Mrs. Dunn finish the quilt, except the hem or hemstitching. – The Houston visitors arrived at home before dark all tired out, so hot. – The house painting continues feverishly.

Thursday, July 14
Housework. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Matthes spent some time in El Maton this forenoon trying to locate a new site for the school building. – Have been mending this P.M. – At 6:15, we all went to Mackay. Mrs. Dunn using her car and Buddy drove his. Mrs. Borden was giving Mr. Borden a family? (I was the maverick) party. – A very enjoyable evening was spent by the large crowd and we came home glad to be living. – Dance at Community House.

Friday, July 15
Terrible hot day. North wind. – Sewing and mending most of the day. – After supper we went to see and hear colored slide lecture at the Community House given by Mr. Robertson (Son-in-law of the Clements), a missionary on leave from the Congo.

Saturday, July 16
Scorching hot day. – General Saturday work. – Mrs. Pierce and I were scarcely able to move all forenoon. – The heat seems to take all of one’s energy. – She did not dress until just before dinner. – Had a board meeting tonight. – Mr. Walker brought Mr. Smith over from El Maton. – I wrote a note to Mrs. Smith today asking about the North American Trust dividend. – Sewed some this afternoon.

Sunday, July 17
Hot day. – Mr. and Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Dunn ate lunch here. Then we all drove to Sargent. Mrs. Pierce and I in Mrs. Dunn’s car. – Soon after we had the tent (Mrs. Dunn’s) up, Mr. and Mrs. Borden, Miss Hough and two young girls arrived. – Mr. Pierce had as his guest Mr. Walker of El Maton – The surf was grand. A stinging nettle wrapped itself about Mrs. Payne’s ankle causing pain. – We came home after supper, just ahead of a heavy rain which caught Mr. Pierce.

Monday, July 18
After lunch, I did mending and finished Mrs. Pierce’s blue dress. – At 6 o’clock, Mrs. Pierce and I met Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Miss Hough at the hotel for dinner. Guests of Mrs. Dunn. – Mr. Pierce came in from Sargent just as we were seated. – Rain threatened so the guests departed early. Mr. and Mrs. Borden going by Bay City to see Mrs. Stoddard who will be leaving soon. – Mrs. Dunn, who is to spend a couple of days at Mackay, and Miss Hough going directly home. – Tired.

Tuesday, July 19
Hot again. – Did housework all forenoon. – Did mending this P.M. – Mrs. Lucas sat with us an hour this afternoon. – Party at C. H. for dish fund.

Wednesday, July 20
Hot. – Mrs. Scarborough and her two daughters, Grace and Mary, ate lunch with the family today. - After lunch, Buddy took me to Palacios. – I paid Mr. Love $1.50 for yard work. – Stopped to see Mrs. Houghton. – Went to drug store and bank. – Paid light bill. – When we came back, found Mr. and Mrs. Farwell here. They told me the Traylors might want my rooms, so I went back with them. Saw the Traylors. They will know the last of the week. – Then Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove me back to Blessing. – We went to Community House tonight.

Thursday, July 21
Hot. – Mending today. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City since lunch. I bought some ready made dresses. – We called on Mrs. Stoddard, who is leaving for the East tomorrow. The well has not yet come in. – After dinner we all went to Bay City to see the “Red Headed Woman.”

Friday, July 22
Mending most of the day. – Made one of my new dresses shorter. – Suppose Mrs. Stoddard is in Houston tonight on her way north. Going by boat. – Mrs. Pierce has worked at the Community House today. Cleaning and varnishing.

Saturday, July 23
Hot. – Letter from Mrs. Smith enclosing $7.40 interest on my investment. Thankful for that even. – A busy forenoon. Mrs. Pierce worked in the children yard. – Mites. – After lunch I pressed the shirts, etc. which had been renovated and at 5:30 P.M. laid off. – Took a hot bath and felt fine. – John Henry continues his work in Bay City. – After dinner Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, John and I drove to Palacios where Mrs. Farwell joined up and we watched the dancers on the Pavilion for an hour or more.

Sunday, July 24
Mr. Pierce went to Sargent early this morning. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Lee, Clinton and I drove to Port Lavaca, Alamo Beach, Miller’s Point and Indianola. Wonderful drive over the new Scenic Highway, going by the T. N. G. Camp grounds, south. The causeway on entering Port Lavaca is a beauty, three miles long. – Many fishermen and women were tempting the fishy tribe from the bridge.  We saw some of the concrete foundations and cisterns left from the storm which wiped Indianola off the earth. 1888

Monday, July 25
Pretty day. Hot. – Odeal did a large washing. Had several assistants. – This afternoon about 2 o’clock, Mrs. Duller’s mother [Minnie Corse] (who had been ill a long time) passed on. Slept away. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and Lee and I went to the Community House. Mrs. Pierce worked with the library books. – An orchestra from El Campo gave a dance program, but there were very few dancers on the floor.

Tuesday, July 26
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Duller’s mother was buried in Palacios Cemetery this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce attended. – I made a couple of my new dresses smaller this afternoon and did mending. – The boys are building a boat. Buddy being the master workman. – The house painting is nearing completion. – The boys were all away. – Mr. Rickaway repairing broken water main. – William taking his afternoon siesta, so I was entirely alone in the home this afternoon.

Wednesday, July 27
Hot pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce took quite a load to Houston today. Dorothy Murphy going over to buy some bridal finery. They had a blow out going over and ran into a cow coming home. Fortunately the only injury was to the car. – Mr. Black called to see Mrs. Pierce. School business. – I sewed since lunch. Mostly on my dresses. – The boys are working industriously on the boat. – John Henry continues to work in Bay City. – Mrs. Pierce, Buddy and Clinton are all suffering from summer colds. She brought me a beach pajama suit.

Thursday, July 28
Mrs. Pierce has been sick all day. – Took medicine. – Boys working on their boat industriously. – A school bus was brought up for Mrs. Pierce’s inspection this P.M. – Mrs. Sue Lunn came to the house this evening. A fine looking woman. – A note from Maude saying they would stay with mother Traylor for a while. – Sewing hard all afternoon. – Tired. – The hot days.

Friday, July 29
Mrs. Dunn phones while we were at breakfast that Mr. Abel Borden was sick. She and Mr. Pierce left for Mackay as soon as possible, but Mr. Pierce came back about noon. Mr. Borden feeling much better. – Mrs. Pierce was busy at the school building, etc. most of the forenoon. – After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I called on the Duller family. – The weather is very hot and dry. – Water pipes breaking all over town as a result of the ditching machine tearing them up. – Lee working at Gin putting it in order for business soon.

Saturday, July 30
Hot, hot, hot. – Changed beds and did general house cleaning until 5 o’clock. – Took a hot bath and rested until after dinner. – Felt equal to another days work. – The house painting is at last finished. – Lee and Mr. Rickaway are putting the gin in order. Buddy working on his boat which is rapidly looking like the real thing. – John Henry goes to Bay City every day. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this evening. – Mr. Borden is much better.

Sunday, July 31
Hot sunshiny day. – Busy all forenoon preparing lunch for tonight on the beach. – Mr. Pierce went down early. After lunch Mrs. Pierce took Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Selkirk and Jackie Flannigan, Clinton and me in her car with about 500 lbs of luggage. – The boys brought two Robinson girls and another girl in their car. – The water was fine. We went out to the sand bar where the bottom is sandy. Ate our picnic lunch by starlight, almost, and came home tired, but happy. – Washed out the suits, put the clothes to soak, washed the picnic dishes and went to bed after midnight.


Monday, August 1
Hot. – Just a hectic day. Washing, ironing, sail making. – The boys working on their boat. – So hot and dry. – The grader opening ditches all over town stirring up dust, but hoping the water will not flood the town when the next heavy rain falls.

Tuesday, August 2
Strong wind blowing from the south. – Finished the sail this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce preparing to entertain a few less than 100 guests for Dorothy Murphy’s shower tomorrow afternoon. – Buddy put his boat in Billie’s pool this afternoon, then he and Lee took me and the sail to Palacios. – A Dr. Clements phoned me about my rooms this P.M., but I find that he wants them furnished. – Saw Mrs. Houghton a moment. Brought up some things for Dorothy’s shower, perhaps. – Board meeting tonight. – The Nesters cashed my Pennsylvania check this A.M. – Rec’d check for $6.00 from Central Light and Power Co. Also my gas bill.

Wednesday, August 3
Pretty day, but so hot. – Dorothy’s shower was a success judging from the amount of gifts she received. – The day has been ideal. – Mrs. Dunn went back to Mackay after dinner tonight. – Mr. Borden is better, but far from well. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to call on the Yeagers tonight (Madge is waiting).

Thursday, August 4
Hot, bright day. – Sewing this forenoon and this P.M. until 2 o’clock. – Then we made ready to go to Mary Dean’s home to be present at the kitchen shower given Dorothy Murphy. A pretty shower. – The boys took their boat to Palacios just before supper, so when John Henry came from Bay City, he drove his mother, Clinton and me down to the launching. – They were too late to put the sail up so shoved the boat into the water and stored the sail until tomorrow. The boys had a date and we went to see Radio Police movements.

Friday, August 5
A hot, windy day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. Attended a luncheon to something at Mrs. Pollard’s. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent and back this forenoon. – Buddy and Lee went to Palacios this forenoon and launched their boat. Came home for lunch very enthusiastic over its performance. They went back this afternoon to sail some more and are charmed with the craft. – All three have gone to a Bridge party at the hotel for Dorothy tonight. – Note from Mrs. Love about renting my room during the soldiers’ encampment. I do not think I will rent it.

Saturday, August 6
T. N. G. assemble in Palacios. – Hot, windy day. – After lunch I went down to Palacios with the boys. – Did my bill paying for water and gas, but the bank was closed, so I gave Mr. Love $1.35 to pay the gas bill Monday. – Also paid him $.75 for yard work and asked him to make a new cut off box in my backyard. – The soldiers finished assembling this P.M. and the town seems to be full of them. – Mrs. Ruthven said most of the apartments, etc. are full. – Buddy and Clinton came home about 8 o’clock, but the other two had dates. – Buddy is sick. His throat is sore. – My rooms are real dusty. No rain for so long a time.

Sunday, August 7
Hot. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent early. Buddy has a very bad tonsil. – The boys spent most of the day in their boat, but on account of Buddy being sick, none of them had a date tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is not well. Just tired out. We are at home all day. – A couple of Mrs. Pierce’s former maids called on her this P.M. – Bud and Mr. Pierce are sleeping on the porch downstairs tonight. – Buddy not feeling equal to the climb up stairs.

Monday, August 8
Grand wash day. – Mrs. Pierce and I helped Odeal all day. – Buddy is real sick. Dr. Morton came over this forenoon. Says there is an abscess on his tonsil. – Mrs. Dunn came up a few minutes tonight, but is going back to Mackay tomorrow. – Mr. Borden is better. – Mr. Gifford called to see Mrs. Pierce this P.M. He is one of the soldiers camping at Camp Hulen.

Tuesday, August 9
Hot, dry day. – Working on Mrs. Pierce’s dress part of the day. – She made the wedding cake for Dorothy’s wedding breakfast today. – We worked until midnight tonight putting on decorations. – Buddy real sick. Suffering greatly. Dr. Morton came over this forenoon. – Dance at Community House tonight. – El Campo orchestra: - Lee working at gin.

Wednesday, August 10
Mrs. Pierce went to Houston – About 9 o’clock, Buddy felt that he must have something done for his throat at once, so William took him to Dr. Loos who sent him to Dr. Morton for anti toxin. Then he came home and by four o’clock his temperature had reached 103. So Mr. Pierce phoned for advice. Aspirin, cold pack on head and hot one on puncture which soon reduced his temperature. – Mrs. Pierce came home tired out, but put the roses on the wedding cake and Lee drove her down to Dorothy’s with it. A very beautiful cake. – Buddy is on the porch on the lower floor. A comfortable side room.

Thursday, August 11
Hot, but a good breeze. – The family, except John Henry and Buddy, attended the wedding and reception. Wm was the butler. – Dr. Morton came this forenoon and administered antitoxin to Buddy. He is evidently much better tonight. Throat clearing up, but painful yet. He seems to have a severe cold. – Mrs. Cornelius came for a conference with Mrs. Pierce this P.M. A party for Mrs. Selkirk is in the making. – We are all dead tired tonight. – Prepared a basket of tomatoes for sauce making.

Friday, August 12
Hot, dry day. – Buddy is better. No temperature to amount to anything serious. – Plenty of school business for Mrs. Pierce. Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Lee at gin every day. – Finished the blue voile dress. – Three soldier boys came up to see Buddy tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came, also.

Saturday, August 13
Sky indicated storm. Gulf storm warnings out. – A busy day. – Finished the blue voile coat this P.M. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. – Soon after noon, the air was filled with fine mist coming from the north and by six o’clock, a storm was approaching. – Mrs. Pierce moved Buddy’s bed into the living room. – A terrible wind storm was raging by midnight. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Watson came in then and the two boys came later from a Palacios date.

Sunday, August 14 – Palacios
This has been a beautiful day. – There were some storm clouds in the sky this morning, but they were all gone by noon. – The boys brought me home this forenoon. I found the home in good condition after the storm of yesterday and last night. – Rested most of the afternoon. Did not go to church. – A good many trees have been uprooted around town, but no serious damage done in Palacios. – Reports of great damage done in West Columbia, Brazoria and other places.

Monday, August 15 – Palacios
Beautiful day. – Busy all day. – Mr. Love fixed the water cutoff in my yard, which was out of commission. – Had visitors in and out all day. – The boys called to see if I was ready to go home with them. – Went to the bank to have my electric check cashed. – Then ate lunch and went to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes. – Have the lower floor all cleaned again and did a little work in the yard. – Tired tonight.

Tuesday, August 16
Came up on the bus this morning. Lee was at the Terminal to meet me. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were eating breakfast when I arrived. – She went to Bay City with Mrs. Martyn on business and called on Madge and her son at the hospital. – Came home about 2 o’clock. – Busy all forenoon. – Rested some this afternoon. – Find I was tired from my busy time in Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school business. – Buddy seems almost well again, but is too pale.

Wednesday, August 17
Beautiful day. – I put the porch in order today after the storm. The covers had to be laundered, etc. – Did some mending this afternoon. – Buddy and Lee went to Palacios. Put the boat in order and took a sail this afternoon. – Mrs. Cornelius and Mrs. Pierce went to the depot to meet Mrs. Dunn, who has returned from  a trip to the Valley, guest of Mrs. Crawford. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight. Brought a large fish. – Buddy gave us a moving picture of St. James School games. Also an airplane picture taken in the air by him.

Thursday, August 18
Pretty day. – Just a day. Quiet after the storm. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Cornelius gave Mrs. Selkirk a small “talk fest” tonight in honor of her natal day.  – A light (?) lunch was served and a birthday cake cut. – We sat in the porch and there was no breeze blowing. Hot, but not so scorching as in the Valley according to Mrs. Dunn.

Friday, August 19
Showery in the P.M. – Busy cleaning the porch (after the party this morning). – Call from Mrs. Farwell. Invitation to attend a social meeting at their home complimentary of the army women.  Mrs. Dunn drove us down.  Saw Mrs. Barton and others. Ate salad, etc. Then out to the camp to watch a Review. – Very hot and a shower or two. – Camp breaking up in the morning. – All tired tonight. – Buddy still not allowed to go out nights. Throat better.

Saturday, August 20
T. N. G. disband. – A day of mending and darning only. – Mrs. Pierce worked on the school books all day, so we did not Saturday work except to change the beds. – After dinner tonight, we drove down to Mrs. Duller’s store on school business. – Then the boys took the car and went to Palacios. – Buddy is having his first night date since he was sick. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent.

Sunday, August 21
Pretty day. – A quiet day for us. – The boys took lunch and went to Palacios to sail their boat. – Mrs. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Dunn and I drove to Sargent on an S.O.S. call to Mr. Pierce concerning cotton pickers. The storm has damaged the cotton a great deal. – About 150 pickers are in Sargent tonight.

Monday, August 22
Just wash day and a hard one at that. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I drove to Palacios tonight to get some light globes and my mail. – Called a moment at the Farwell home. Buddy went to Sargent this afternoon work at the gin.

Tuesday, August 23
Pretty day. – Did some housework this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce washed her hair. Then was busy with school work, getting ready for the Board meeting which is now in progress. – She ate 6 o’clock dinner at the Hotel. (Mr. Pierce was in Sargent). With Mrs. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Borden—a guest of theirs, also. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes late this morning. – Buddy in Sargent. – The boys in Palacios tonight. – Gave Mr. Farwell my light bill to pay. Thank you sir.

Wednesday, August 24
Beautiful day. – Went to Houston today. – Mrs. Pierce took Clinton, Rhodes and myself over, but Mildred King came back with us. – Had a pleasant day, but everything has to be done in such a hurry in order to get home at a reasonable hour. – Ate lunch at the Forum, a crowded place. – I did not buy a thing except my lunch. – Too poverty stricken.

Thursday, August 25
Pretty day. Some cloudy. – Darned this forenoon. – After lunch went to visit Mrs. Dunn while Mrs. Pierce attended to some school business down town. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Lucas came up a few minutes after dinner. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent tonight. – Very sultry tonight.

Friday, August 26
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce and I put in some time working for Sterling today. – Put out some literature and some talk. – Went to see Madge and her son this afternoon, also. – Did a little ripping and sewing today, also. – Everyone is going to bed early.

Saturday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s birthday – 47
A pretty day. – We did the house cleaning this forenoon. – After lunch went to the Library. – Mrs. Pierce finished arranging the book shelves. Hilda was librarian today. – After dinner tonight, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Selkirk, Jackie and their guest, Mrs. Cornelius and Kathryn surprised Mrs. Pierce with a birthday party. – The boys were here, too. Buddy and Mr. Pierce coming from Sargent early in the evening. – Cotton going up.

Sunday, August 28
Rained some today. Showers. – Have been very indolent all day. Just rested. – We were intending to drive to Palacios this evening, but the showers prevented us doing it. The streets are quite muddy. – The three boys went to Palacios to sail. Were caught in quite a squall on the bay. – Mr. Withers spent a few hours here before and after supper. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent at dusk.

Monday, August 29
Letter from Alice Brown. – A wash day. – Odeal had a call to the rice field as she will be absent for a time. – I helped Mary iron today. Mrs. Pierce used the mangle after supper. – Buddy did not go to Sargent. Cotton practically all ginned. Much damage done to the crop by storm. – He and Lee spent the day with their boat in Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I drove down to the Community House in search of an envelope. Finally found in the aluminum box.

Tuesday, August 30
Mrs. Pierce, Hall and Lee, went to San Antonio this morning and were back home about nine o’clock tonight. Tired. – The day has been pretty. – I went to the P.O. this P.M. and did some mending this afternoon. – Washed a couple of dresses this forenoon.

Wednesday, August 31
Beautiful day. – Busy all day until after lunch. – Then Buddy drove his mother and me over to Buckeye to see the Stoddard oil well which came in about nine o’clock this forenoon. – After dinner, three boys, Mrs. Pierce and me went to Palacios. Saw “Rider of Death Valley,” and called on the Farwells who had guests—Mrs. Young and daughter. – Mrs. Farwell had been sick.


Thursday, September 1
Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Mrs. Pierce in Bay City this forenoon. Teacher institute. – Library meeting this afternoon. – I cut out a white crepe dress for Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – Letter from Mrs. Smith saying she is starting south Saturday. – This has been a sultry day and a hot sun. Northeast wind. – Tonight Mrs. Pierce and I went down to the Community House to watch the dancers. A small crowd. Too hot, I should think. – Wrote to Alice.

Friday, September 2
Rainy day. – Worked on the white dress most of the day. – Rained about all afternoon. Showers until late then a hard rain. – Sewed on the quilt after dinner. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent tonight. – Mrs. Pierce expected to attend a program for the teachers in Bay City tonight, but the threatening clouds prevented.

Saturday, September 3
Rain all day. – Have cleaned all forenoon. – Unpleasant weather for Mrs. Dunn’s guests. – Did not sew any today. Too much dampness for silk. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce, the three boys and me went to Bay City. The boys to a picture show. Mrs. Pierce and I to a future demonstration for canning, etc. at the court house. – Brought John Henry home with us. Then Mrs. Pierce hurried to a dinner given at the Hotel for her guests (Mrs. Dunn’s). – Much mud in the streets. – Cup for Madge’s box.

Sunday, September 4
Pretty day. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Dunn and her four guests drove to Sargent this forenoon for a swim in the Gulf. – They all ate porch supper with Mr. and Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Buddy not very well, so did not go to Palacios with John H. and Lee tonight. – Much damage being done by Rio Grande River in the Valley.

Monday, September 5
Hard rain last night. – Mrs. Pierce and Odessa did the washing which is not all dry yet. Showers all day. – I marked the boys new garments forenoon and helped iron some this P.M. – Buddy and Lee went to Sargent fishing today. A small red fish was their reward. – The rivers are all up and much damage being done to life and property. – The Newsom baby born today. Anita Carroll.

Tuesday, September 6
Fine day. – Mrs. Pierce helped Odessa in the laundry all forenoon. – I put the house in order and took a bath before lunch. – Then worked on the white silk dress this P.M. – Buddy took a car full of C. E. [Christian Endeavors] over to Bay City tonight. – Mrs. Pierce went in the Duller car to see Mrs. D. ride the goat in Bay City. – Lee and John Henry had dates in Palacios. – Clinton went to bed early. Was not feeling well. – Mrs. Dunn phoned tonight. She had heard that Mrs. Smith was to arrive tomorrow. – False alarm evidently. – Letter from Mrs. Haywood.

Wednesday, September 7
Beautiful day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. John Henry rode to Bay City with him. – The other two went out touring with the Robinson girls and their guest. – Mrs. Pierce attended the get ready lecture given at the Community House this afternoon. – Then we drove to Bay City to bring John Henry home. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove over to the Yeagers’ home. They presented a silver cup to the little grandson.

Thursday, September 8
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Houston today. – Buddy took me to Palacios this afternoon. – Paid gas and water bills and had water and lights cut out. – Went to see Mrs. Richards and rescued the letters which should have been sent to Boulder long ago. – Did some business at the bank for Mrs. Pierce and myself (closed accts). – Called o Mrs. Farwell who has been in bed since Tuesday. – Mrs. Minich is nursing her. – Love $2.00

Friday, September 9
Beautiful day. Cooler. – Wrote Mr. Morgan asking meter to be taken out. – Sent letters to Boulder. – Finished and pressed Mrs. Pierce’s white dress this forenoon. Helped her duplicate a quantity of letters this P.M. – Went to P.O. this forenoon. – Made two trips to town this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce in Bay City this P.M. Health meeting. – Mrs. Smith due to arrive tomorrow. In Houston tonight. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to see Mrs. Farwell. She is real sick yet. – The Robinson girls and guest were here when she came back. – Buddy on a date with Kathryn.

Saturday, September 10
Wonderful day. – Mrs. Pierce and others spent the day in Collegeport. – Federation meeting. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Lee at the gin. – Mrs. Smith came about 6:20 P.M. driving alone from Wayne, Pa. She ate dinner with us tonight.

Sunday, September 11
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce hoped Mrs. Smith would eat lunch with her today, but she was too tired to make the effort. – I wrote a long letter to Mrs. Haywood today. – Late this afternoon, Mrs. Smith (Cheri), Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios. Mrs. Smith stopped to see Mrs. Pybus and Miss Nannie and we went to see Mrs. Farwell. Found her some better. – Came home and went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – John Henry has worked two nights, all day to day and will work tonight on his Problem.

Monday, September 12
Lovely day. – Small shower about 5 o’clock. – Buddy went to the hospital this forenoon. Had his tonsils removed. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce were with him. – Both at home tonight. – John Henry finished his problem and shipped it this forenoon. – Rested this P.M. – First day of school. Some kids glad, some sorry. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn came a few minutes this evening, also Mrs. Beard. – School board meeting in progress as I go to bed. – Sent a note to Mrs. Newsom at the Hospital.

Tuesday, September 13
Splendid fall day. – Buddy came home from the hospital this forenoon with the Powells. His throat is very sore, but he is glad the tonsils are out. Says he did not sleep any last night. He seems reasonably comfortable tonight on the couch in his mother’s room. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Markham this P.M. where she delivered a gift to a prospective bride (a shower). Then we drove to Bay City. She called at Mr. Keller’s office and the Tribune office. Also on Mrs. Sargent. – I went to the hospital to visit Mrs. Newsom and Anita Carroll. – Mrs. Pierce picked me up there. – She went to a council meeting at the Community House tonight. Teacher’s party Friday night.

Wednesday, September 14
Lovely day. – Drove to Palacios to deliver some soup to Mrs. Farwell. She seems some better, but is very weak and still taking strong medicine. – Darning hose for Buddy this P.M. – Mr. Payne of Houston phoned today wanting John Henry to come to him for a couple of weeks or more. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this P.M. – Mrs. Beard too Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I out to El Maton since dinner to see how far the El Maton school building had been moved on the way to the new location. – Buddy’s throat real painful yet. – Billy called on him tonight. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent.

Thursday, September 15
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and I drove to Houston today. John Henry has work with Mr. Payne for a while. – We did some shopping and located John Henry. – Ate lunch at a Coffee Shop. – Drove out to Mrs. Mobley’s and she came back with us. – Buddy seems to have had a very good day. His throat is some better. – I have enjoyed the day, but it was not long enough by several hours.

Friday, September 16
Good day. – Quite a wind blew up late this P.M. Dust only. – Mrs. Mobley and Mrs. Pierce did the necessary errands this forenoon and made preparations for the teachers party tonight. – I finished putting Buddy’s socks and underwear in order since lunch. – Wrote a note to Mrs. Farwell. – The household are at the Community House tonight.

Saturday, September 17
Busy day. – Putting the last touches on Buddy’s clothes, etc. – After lunch, Mrs. Mobley, Mrs. Pierce, Buddy and I went to Bay City. Dr. Morton approved of Buddy going back to school. – We drove home by way of Mrs. Mobley’s farm. – A very heavy rain fell in Bay City, but not much here. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Dunn came up for an hour or two tonight. – John Henry and Brooks Mobley came out tonight. – Buddy and Lee went to Palacios on a date. – Buddy’s throat is sore.

Sunday, September 18
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce drove Mrs. Mobley and Brooks out to their farm this forenoon. – Then this afternoon, Mrs. Pierce drove Mrs. Mobley and me to Palacios. – We stopped at my house and I opened the windows. – Then we went to see Mrs. Farwell. She has had a real bad time and is very weak. We could not talk to her very long. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and back this afternoon. – The Mobley’s and John Henry drove to Houston about 4:30. – Enjoyed Mrs. Mobley’s visit. – Buddy went back to school today. – Lee went as far as San Antonio with Buddy on his way to Austin.

Monday, September 19
Just a hectic day. – Washing and ironing. – No visitors except Mr. Schier. – And no visiting. – Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today.

Tuesday, September 20
Beautiful day. – I made a hurried trip to Palacios this forenoon to take some meat to Mrs. Farwell which Mr. Pierce bought in Houston. – Then about 2:00 p.m., Mrs. Pierce and I drove to San Antonio arriving at Mrs. Woodruff’s home about 6:30. Were quite tired, but had a splendid trip through most beautiful country after we passed Nursery. – My first visit to San Antonio. – We went to a picture show.

Wednesday, September 21
Another fine day. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Austin today to see Buddy. Arrived there about one o’clock. Found Buddy at his rooming house. He is looking better, I think, than when he left Blessing Sunday. – Mrs. Pierce was very tired driving back from Austin. She stopped by the roadside a moment to close her eyes. – The Woodruff family are reasonably well and quite comfortably situated in San Antonio, which I think is a beautiful city. – Saw the Alamo. – Mrs. L___ went to a roof garden party tonight.

Thursday, September 22
Grand day. – Mrs. Pierce, Miss Woodruff, Lee and I visited the Governor’s Mansion. – Then Mrs. Pierce and Lee went to see Lee’s Dr. at noon. He said Lee might come home today, but was to go back to San Antonio in a couple of weeks. – So we bade the kind Woodruff’s goodbye soon after 2 o’clock and arrived here in Blessing at six.


Friday, September 23
Beautiful day. – Put the house in order this forenoon. – Darned stockings until four o’clock. - Mrs. Pierce pulled Johnson grass in her garden. – Then drove down to see Mrs. Smith who is not well. Tired and has a blister on her toe. – Mr. Jackson is painting and papering her rooms yet. – We drove down to see Mrs. Farwell who is real sick. So weak. – Mrs. Minich is faithfully nursing her. – Dorothy Duller spent an hour with us since dinner.

Saturday, September 24 - Buddy’s 21st birthday.
Beautiful forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Bay City this forenoon. – Bought a little gift for Mrs. Woodruff. A bread and butter offering. Also a gift for Mrs. Farwell. Her birthday being tomorrow. – Soon after lunch, a hard rain fell. – Mrs. Smith came up to eat pork roast for dinner tonight. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent since dark. – Lee in Palacios. – Rain falling as we go to bed.

Sunday, September 25 – Mrs. Farwell’s birthday-75
Rainy day. – Put the house in order and Mrs. Pierce then did some of her Tribune Column before lunch. – After lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Lee and I drove to Palacios to see Mrs. Farwell and hand her the nightgown gift. – I also went to see Mr. Houghton, who has been very sick, but is better today. – Mrs. Farwell seems better, also. – We drove in the rain all the way down. – Stopped at the hotel to see Mrs. Smith a moment on our way home. – Drove to Bay City to see Marx Bros. in Horse Feathers.

Monday, September 26
Beautiful forenoon. – Odeal washed? – At eleven o’clock, I went to the “Strong Box” to get my electric light certificates. The numbers are required. – We finished the ironing this afternoon. Real tired. – Lee has been sick all day. Stomach upset. – Mrs. Smith and Cherri came up a few minutes after dinner. – Mr. Pierce went back to the gin tonight. They are loading a car of cotton seed. (Mr. Rickaway is sick.) – Rained some this P.M.

Tuesday, September 27
Rainy day. All day. – We prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Borden as guests tonight. Fish dinner. – But on account of rain at Mackay, they could not come. So the Duller family, Mrs. Beard and John Warren, who were to come tomorrow night, came tonight. – After dinner Helen Yeager and Kathryn Cornelius came to play bridge. Mrs. Pierce served one of her excellent dinners. – Lee and I drove to Palacios soon after lunch for the fish, oysters and shrimp. – Stopped to see Mrs. Farwell, who had a real bad attack about four o’clock this morning, gas. She was better this P.M. – Mr. Houghton is better. – Mrs. Hunt cannot come and the Perry boys may not, either. – Raining tonight. Showers.

Wednesday, September 28
Cloudy, rainy day. – We prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Borden, their guests, Miss White and Mr. Lecky, during the forenoon. – They, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn arrived about 5:30. Streets very bad from hotel up here. – Mrs. Pierce had a most excellent dinner prepared and they seemed to enjoy the chicken substitute for fish. – After dinner dominoes and cribbage were played. The guests departed early on account of muddy roads. – Lee stopped at the hotel to play bridge. Mrs. Beard’s guest.

Thursday, September 29
Beautiful sunshine this P.M. Colder. – Cleaned the house poorly and then cut out Miss Nannie’s dress this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce washed and put away the china and glassware used last night. – Mrs. Smith and Cherri brought some cabbage plants this forenoon. – Lee washed his mother’s car. – After lunch Lee drove us down to see Mrs. Farwell. She seems to be improving slowly. – After dinner went to the Community House to hear a lecture (?) on sanitation. – John Henry came home this evening. He and Lee are in Palacios tonight.

Friday, September 30
Beautiful day. Cool. – Worked on Miss Nannie’s dress some this forenoon. – After lunch went to see Mrs. Smith about the thread. – Rode around town with Mrs. Pierce an hour or more, but finished basting the dress this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell came up to see Roland. – Mrs. Farwell improves a little—very weak. – John Henry in Bay City. Lee at the gin. – Mrs. Selkirk, Mrs. Flannigan and Mrs. Smith played bridge with Mrs. Pierce tonight. – Mr. Withers spent the evening here, too.


Saturday, October 1
Splendid day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Beard and the boys to Houston today. – Did the general housework this forenoon. – After lunch, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lucas and I drove to Palacios. – Mrs. Lucas visited Nellie Phillips. Mrs. Smith and I went to Mrs. Pybus’ home where I fitted Miss Nannie’s dress. – Then I went up home and brought my Texas map to Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Love has mowed my lawn recently. – Mr. Pierce did not go to Sargent today. - 15 bales of cotton were ginned here today. – Mrs. Pierce is sick with hay fever. – I went to see Ruby with Mr. Pierce to get cream.

Sunday, October 2
Beautiful day. – Felt quite bum this forenoon. Headache. – Mr. Farwell came up for the meat Mrs. Pierce brought them from Houston. Said Mrs. Farwell seemed a little better. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn and Ruby ate 12 o’clock dinner with us today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. – About three o’clock, Buddy drove up. Came home sick. Pain in his back. – Dr. Morton came over and prescribed medicine. Dr. Keating in San Antonio prescribed rest and nourishing food. He is suffering severely tonight. – Pleuriatic pains. – Mr. Pierce has not come home yet.

Monday, October 3 – Clinton’s 14th birthday.
Buddy had a restless night. – Mrs. Pierce slept on the porch. We did the washing this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith sat with Buddy and mended out of my pile while we ironed all afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce is suffering from hay fever and anxiety because Hall may be developing an abscess—pleuriatic. – Mrs. Farwell spent an uncomfortable day yesterday. So much gas. – Mr. Pierce came home at noon. – Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today. Brought the lamb for Buddy who is suffering greatly tonight. – Tired in my feet.

Tuesday, October 4 – Mother’s Birthday 1844
Rainy day and a norther blew up since noon. A heavy rain fell, but seems to be clearing off tonight. – Buddy has seemed better today. Slept about four hours. Dr. Morton came this P.M. and could not find evidence of an ulcer or abscess. – The household are rejoicing. – Mrs. Smith spent the day here. – I caught up on the stocking mending. Have been at them all day. – Have not felt quite up to snuff today, so am taking Black Draught tonight.

Wednesday, October 5
Cold, windy day. North wind. – We prepared snap beans for canning this forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce put up 14 No. 3 cans. – This afternoon the county demonstrator taught canning at the Community House. – Mrs. Pierce went down for an hour or two. – Mrs. Smith’s furniture came today and was unloaded. She came up a few minutes tonight, but was very tired. – Talked to Mrs. Minich this P.M. – Mrs. Farwell is better. – Buddy has had a real hard day. – He moved into his mother’s bed this morning. – The porch was so cold. – The Yeagers called tonight. – Did some mending this afternoon.

Thursday, October 6
Cold forenoon. South wind this P.M. – Just a busy day. – Buddy about the same. Dr. Morton came this forenoon. – Have been using Lee’s sun lamp on Buddy’s back today. – It seems to relieve him for a time. – Mrs. Pierce has been canning beans today. – Mrs. Smith spent the afternoon with Buddy. – I cut out and basted a quilt block for Mrs. Selkirk this P.M. and night. – She and Mrs. Flannigan came up tonight. – Billie came to see Buddy tonight.

Friday, October 7
Beautiful, cool, sunshiny day. – Put the house in order, did some mending , snapped some beans to can, drove to town for the maid, groceries and to see Mrs. Smith who has had a sick headache since last night. Was some better this evening. - Buddy has slept more today than since he has been sick. He is suffering tonight. We moved one of the twin beds into Mrs. Pierce’s room for her to sleep on while Buddy is in her bed. – Miss Kathryn, Mrs. Yeager and Mary Dean, Dorothy Murphy, Mrs. Beard and Billie Linder, also Ruby, came to see Buddy today. – The El Maton school house is finally in its new location.

Saturday, October 8
Beautiful day. – Did general housework this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith and Cherri spent most of the day with Buddy. He seemed better this afternoon. Slept a good deal today. – Dr. Morton came to see him this A.M. – Darned some, worked on Mrs. Pybus’ dress some and on the quilt tonight. – Cotton ginning is still going on—15 bales today. – Seems strange not to receive water, gas and light bills.

Sunday, October 9
Most beautiful day. – Buddy coughing some last night and this morning. – Mrs. Beard brought a bouquet of zinnias. – Kathryn sent chrysanthemums to Buddy. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes this forenoon. She was dining with Allen and Ruby. Then going down to her brother John’s. – Dr. Morton came this P.M. Discovered a spot on Buddy’s lung. A very sick boy. – Mr. Farwell and Mrs. Dunn were callers for Buddy this P.M. Mrs. Farwell slowly improving. – Mrs. Smith came again tonight after consultations with the Dr. and a nurse has been phoned for. – I went to hear Rev. Engle tonight.

Monday, October 10
Wash day. – Some cloudy. – Buddy seemed better today. The nurse came at noon. Miss White from Houston. This afternoon Buddy and the nurse moved into the north bedroom. More quiet. – Phoned to Mrs. Farwell about noon. She is improving. Walking some with Mrs. Minich’s assistance. – Mrs. Pierce’s hay fever seems better since she is relieved of so much anxiety and care. Dr. Morton came over late this evening. – Board meeting tonight. – Norther blew up about nine o’clock. – Buddy resting quietly. Temperature lowered.

Tuesday, October 11
Beautiful cool day. Norther. - Buddy has had a good day. Dr. Morton came over this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith came up this forenoon. A telephone message came to her saying Aunt Jane Pybus was very sick. She drove down immediately, then came back home and I went to Bay City with her where she tried to find something Mrs. Pybus was wanting. She is in Palacios tonight. – I have been working on a black dress for Mrs. Smith this afternoon. Lengthening it. – Sewed on the quilt tonight. – Mrs. Pierce is suffering from hay fever. Severe cough, etc. – Have earache tonight. Real painful.

Wednesday, October 12
Wonderful day. – Buddy did not seem so well this forenoon, but has improved during the day and tonight seems quiet and no great amount of pain. The nurse has not allowed him to have any callers today. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this afternoon on school business. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mr. O’Bannon and Mrs. Jones brought flowers. – Mrs. Pybus is very low. – Mrs. Smith spent last night there and is there tonight.

Thursday, October 13
Pretty day. – Better day for Buddy. The Dr. did not come today. Was in Houston. – Have been sewing some today, but this afternoon a cold developed in my head and I had a terrible headache. – Mrs. Smith has been back and forth to Palacios to see Mrs. Pybus, who is very sick. – This morning I drove out to Ruby’s for milk. – Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce all drove to Palacios tonight to inquire for Mrs. Pybus.  – John Henry and Lee are on a date. – Mrs. Dunn prescribed for my cold.

Friday, October 14
Cloudy day. – Was feeling quite bum when I awoke this morning, but after getting warmed up, I have been well as usual. – Cold much better tonight. – Put sleeves in my gray dress today. – Went to Palacios late this evening with Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Pybus seems better. – Buddy has suffered a good deal of pain today. The Dr. Seemed pleased with his chart and his general condition this morning. – Mrs. Pierce has not suffered quite so much from her hay fever today. - Mr. Pierce has gone to Sargent tonight. – The Stoddard oil well and lease is on the market for $20.000000.

Saturday, October 15
Sunshine all day. – Mrs. Pierce spent part of the day in Bay City attending a reporter’s convention. She lunched with John Henry. – Dr. Morton came over this forenoon. Said Buddy doing pretty well. – This afternoon Miss White attempted to rest awhile, but she had not fallen asleep yet when he began coughing and raising mucus. She phoned the Dr who said it was a favorable symptom. He seems to be resting quietly tonight, not suffering as much, but coughing some. – Mrs. Smith was called to Palacios this morning. Mrs. Pybus seemed to be passing. Have not heard tonight how she is. Mrs. Smith phoned about 5 o’clock that she was unconscious. – John Henry and Lee are I Palacios tonight. – Well today. – Mrs. Dunn was not.

Sunday, October 16
Lovely day. – Ruby brought some milk this morning. – I rode to the P.O. and brought he mail up. Sent it by John Henry and Lee who were returning from an unsuccessful hunting trip. – Stopped at the hotel to see Mrs. Smith, but she had not returned from Palacios.  – Later she came up a moment to see Buddy. Mrs. Pybus very low. – The Dr. came over this forenoon. Buddy about the same, he said.  – Mrs. Pierce and Miss White drove to Palacios since lunch to see Mrs. Farwell and give Miss White some air. – Later I drove down to see Mrs. Richards about prospective tenants. Don’t think they will do. – Stopped to see Mrs. Farwell a moment. She was sitting up, but is very weak. – Buddy is coughing tonight.

Monday, October 17
Beautiful day. Warmer. – We did the mammoth washing this forenoon and started the ironing, but the electricity failed. – Clements came up and fixed the lights so they lasted until 5 o’clock when they went out all over the house. - We ate dinner by candlelight. – Then Mrs. Mrs. Shearer came and fixed them again. – Mrs. Pybus died yesterday evening about seven o’clock. Will be buried at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon. A gentle soul passed on. – Rev. Engle called to see Buddy this afternoon. Also the Dr. came. He seems about the same to me has a pain in the other side now.

Palacios Beacon, October 20, 1932

Tuesday, October 18
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pybus was buried this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to the funeral. I did not go, but helped the nurse with Buddy. He did not seem so well soon after they went away. The Dr. came and his face was very grave. – Tonight, as I write at nine o’clock his condition is critical.

Wednesday, October 19
Beautiful day. – Buddy very sick last night. Dr. and nurse very grave. The family was up all night anxious.  Dr. stayed late and was called again before morning.  An extra nurse came out at noon as Miss White was exhausted. Miss Silvernail.

Thursday, October 20
John Henry’s 23rd Birthday – Beautiful day. –Buddy very sick. Dr. Morton anxious. – Drove to Palacios late this afternoon with Mrs. Smith. An errand only. – Mr. Farwell called to inquire. Mrs. Farwell sitting up. – Buddy much loved. Dr. Keating came tonight from San Antonio. Consultation. If his heart can only hold out, he will recover. – Mrs. Smith and Miss White drove to Bay City this P.M.

Friday, October 21
Lovely day. – Dr. Keating went home just before lunch. His visit cheered Buddy.- Dr. and Mrs. Morton came over after lunch. All are very hopeful of Buddy’s recovery. – Sent a note to Mrs. Farwell this noon.

Saturday, October 22
Beautiful day. – Buddy about the same. – We did a large washing and ironing today. – Then I drove to Palacios. Brought some oysters to Buddy and some shoe polish for Miss Silvernail. – Went to see Mrs. Farwell who sits up some now. – Arrived home just before dark.

Sunday, October 23 - Mrs. Morton’s Birthday
Lovely day. – Buddy about the same this forenoon. (Doctor came over before lunch.) After lunch he did not seem so well all afternoon. Temperature up and down. – Ironed jackets this P.M. – John Henry and I went to El Maton to bring Odeal. – Odessa giving up the work. – Then I went to Palacios with Mrs. Smith. – Miss Nannie had gone to Velasco. – Mr. Withers came late this evening. – Went to the Hotel with Mrs. Smith.

Monday, October 24
Beautiful day. - Odeal washed today. – Mrs. Warner came and Miss Silvernail departed. Buddy had a remarkable day. Everything as near normal as possible. – All going to bed with a relaxed feeling in our minds, for the present at least.

Tuesday, October 25
Pretty until 4:30 when a norther came. – Did housework and mending this forenoon. – Buddy had to be given sleeping medicine last night. Coughed a great deal. So has been drowsy all day. Kidneys slow. – After lunch I went to Palacios to finish up the mess of having my gas meter taken out. – Stopped to see Mrs. Farwell. She is very weak yet. – Had the spare tire put on in Palacios. – Mrs. Pierce and John Henry read to Buddy tonight. He seems to be less sleepy at bedtime.

Wednesday, October 26
Real cool wind all day. – This has been Buddy’s good day, but not so good as we would have liked it to be. He coughed a good deal and had a smothering spell late this evening. – Have been putting up snap beans today. – Drove Odeal over to see her daughter this evening. Found her much better.

Thursday, October 27
Cool fall day. – Miss White spent the day in Houston. Going and returning by bus. – Buddy had a very good day in spite of a smothering sensation this afternoon. – Mrs. Warner is proving to be a real nurse. – Phone message from Mrs. Mobley. – Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Stoddard in reply to one Mrs. Pierce received from her this morning. – Mrs. Smith was going to Palacios this evening to induce Miss Nannie to spend the night with her. – Dr. and Mrs. Morton called this P.M.

Friday, October 28
Beautiful day. – Buddy had an extra good day, but is very tired tonight. He has smothering attacks every day. Sat propped up in bed to eat his supper. Nurse thought it too much exertion for him. – Hallowe’en Carnival at the Community House tonight. The big boys came home early, but Clinton saw it through. – Mending. – Mrs. Pierce located the pieces on the last block of her quilt tonight.

Saturday, October 29
Lovely day. – Busy at housework all forenoon. Ironed some this afternoon. – Buddy not so well today. Changed his mattress this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith and Miss Nannie Pybus came a few minutes this evening. Miss Nannie is spending the night with Mrs. Smith. – The boys went to Palacios. Lee for a hair cut.

Sunday, October 30
Grand day. – Just the usual round of housekeeping except washing and ironing. – Buddy not so well today. – Wrote to Mrs. Bell this forenoon. Post it since lunch. – Mr. Farwell and Mr. Salsbury of Palacios overtook me as I was coming home to inquire for Buddy. – Mrs. Farwell is gaining strength slowly. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn were here a few minutes this evening. – Mrs. Beard called after S. S. this forenoon.

Monday, October 31
Windy P.M.. Norther. Dry. – Washed and ironed all day. – Buddy had a good night and a good day. – Clinton out with the boys tonight. Hallowe’en.


Tuesday, November 1
Cool. North wind. – Sewed a little on Miss Nannie’s dress and on one for Mrs. Smith this forenoon. – Buddy about as yesterday. – After lunch I went to Palacios. – Mr. Love had mowed the lawn and ditches so the place looked all right. – I brought some winter things home with me. – Saw the Loves. – Went to see Mrs. Farwell. She is slowly gaining strength. Has been out in Mrs. Minich’s car twice. – Mrs. Minich leaves for San Antonio Thursday A.M. – Buddy resting quietly tonight.

Wednesday, November 2
Beautiful, cool day. – Housework this morning.  – Went to town early for groceries. – Buddy better all day. – Mrs. Pierce gave a salad demonstration at the Community House this P.M. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s gingham dress repairs and sat with Buddy an hour this afternoon. – He seems much better as we go to bed. – This makes three good days in succession.

Thursday, November 3
Beautiful day. – Buddy had a very good night and has seems as well today as yesterday. The Dr. said this morning that his lungs were clearing up again.  – Since lunch, Ruby drove Mrs. Smith and me to Palacios. I was to fit Miss Nannie’s dress, but the Guild was meeting with her, so I went to the P.O. and found my Central Power & Light dividend in the box. Also another statement from the Gas Company. – Saw Mr. Farwell and gave him the statement to take care of. He said he had taken Mrs. Farwell out for a drive this forenoon. – We came back past the John Pierce home. A beautiful place on the creek. – Mrs. Pierce was at the Community House. Mrs. Gill’s quilt. – The Bordens came to inquire for Buddy. Brought him satsumas.

Friday, November 4
Buddy had a fairly good day. – Mrs. Smith drove me to Palacios this P.M. to fit Miss Nannie’s dress, but we could not get a response from rapping at the door. – Came back by Mr. John Pierce’s home to get chickens. – Saw Mr. Hood there. – After supper, Mrs. Smith drove Mrs. Warner and I down as an outing for Mrs. Warner. – We stopped at Miss Nannie’s and found she had been in her backyard all P.M. – Mrs. Pierce cut out and sewed on a shirt for Clinton this afternoon.

Saturday, November 5
Buddy had a restless night. Perspired and had gas. His day was not so good either. – Went to Palacios this P.M. and fitted Miss Nannie’s dress. – Came back by Mr. John Pierce’s and bought eggs. – Mrs. Beard spent a couple of hours with us tonight. – Phone message from Dr. Keating says he is coming tomorrow to see Buddy. – Put the radio into Buddy’s room today.

Sunday, November 6
Wonderful day. – Dr. Keating, Dr. Davis and Dr. ___ came from San Antonio this forenoon. Took x-rays of Buddy and had them developed in Bay City. No bone trouble. – They took more pictures after lunch and took them to San Antonio for development. – I went to see “Rebecca of Sunny Brook Farm” with Mrs. Beard this P.M. [in] Palacios. – Then to Bay City tonight with Mrs. Pierce and boys to see “Smilin’ Through.” – Buddy very much exhausted from his exertion today.

Monday, November 7
Fine day. – Just a busy day. – Odeal was called to her father this P.M., so Mrs. Pierce and I ironed all afternoon. – Found Joe too lame to get up this morning, but he is some better tonight. – Mr. Pierce drove Lee to El Campo this morning where he took the bus for San Antonio to see Dr. Keating. – Buddy has been very tired and sore all day from his exertion of yesterday.

Tuesday, November 8
Wonderful day. – Trip to Austin and San Antonio.  Mrs. Smith, Cherri and I left here for Austin at 5:40 A.M. Arrived in Austin 10:30? Packed Buddy’s things and had the trunk taken to depot and checked.  Then left Austin for San Antonio about noon.  Stopped out of Austin for lunch and arrived in San Antonio about 2:30 P.M. Picked Lee up at Mrs. Woodruff’s and arrived here about 8 o’clock tonight. – Splendid day for the trip. – Space forbids recording many things important.

Wednesday, November 9
Fine day. – Buddy has seemed better today. Miss White took her departure this afternoon. – Dr. and Mrs. Morton called since lunch. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called late this P.M. – Mrs. White came this forenoon to sew on the “Mrs. Gill” quilt. – Mrs. Smith took Mrs. Warner for a few minutes drive since dinner. – Did some slaughtering at Live Oak Farm preparatory to a canning demonstration tomorrow. – Lee at Community House tonight. Rehearsing for “Miss Blue-Bonnet.”

Thursday, November 10
Windy day. – Odeal did a large washing today. – Mrs. Pierce drove out to the demonstration at Live Oak Farm this forenoon, but did not stay. – Mrs. Warner rested a short time this afternoon and Mrs. Smith sat with Buddy. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee and I have been doing some house cleaning this P.M. – Are to move Buddy into his mother’s room to have more sunshine. He was not quite so well today. Perspired from midnight until noon today. Fever came up this P.M. – Clinton has gone to a picture show with Mrs. Beard and the big boys are in Palacios. – Lee is not in “Blue-Bonnet.”

Friday, November 11 - Lee’s 19th Birthday – Armistice Day
Cold, windy day. – Moved Buddy into his mother’s room late this evening. He seemed pleased and made the journey without pain. – Lee took some basketball players to Bloomington today. – Rec’d check from Gas Co. today for meter.

Saturday, November 12
Cold. Frost last night. – House cleaning and moving furniture. – Mrs. Smith brought extra help today and much was done. – Buddy seems better. Less moaning and less pain. He seems to be contented in the south room. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called a few minutes this P.M. – All tired tonight.

Sunday, November 13
Cold day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. – Buddy about the same all day. Suffered with his back this P.M. Dr. Morton came over since lunch. – Mrs. Smith and I drove down to see Miss Nannie this evening. – Went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight.

Monday, November 14
West wind and cold. Buddy had a poor night and a poor day until about 6:30 P.M. Then he was relieved of much gas. Has been spitting up much mucus today, but he and his nurse are sleeping quietly now. – Mrs. Pierce is down at the Community House where they are rehearsing “Blue Bonnet.” – Have been feeling bum today. Bowels cranky.

Tuesday, November 15
Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Lee drove to Bay City this forenoon. Found a hospital bed for Buddy. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came while they were away. Brought roses. – Buddy seems about as usual. Not so much fever and has a very good appetite. – A very sick boy tho. Dr. Morton came this P.M. and as we go to bed, he is coughing and quite uncomfortable. – Mr. Pierce started the furnace tonight.

Wednesday, November 16
Norther. – Buddy has a very bad night. Temperature high. Pulse weak and fast. Mrs. Warner died not sleep all night. He seemed to revive since lunch this afternoon and Mrs. Pierce sat with him most of the day. Mrs. Warner rested a short time this P.M. A hospital bed came for him, but nurse thought him too weak to make the change today.

Thursday, November 17
Cold, rainy all day. – Buddy had another poor night. Much coughing, but not so high temperature. Changed him to his hospital bed this morning. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Dunn drove to Houston today to get a bed sheet for him. He had a severe coughing attack this P.M. but is resting quietly at bed time. – Mrs. Smith is staying here tonight.

Friday, November 18
Clear and cold. Windy. – Buddy seemed bright and alert this morning in spite of a hard night. He has slept a great deal today. Has not eaten since breakfast. Very weak. Nurse rested a couple of hours this P.M.

Saturday, November 19
Warmer. Sunshine. – Buddy very sick all day. Nurse did not rest at all. Dr. came over this P.M. Phoned Dr. Keating for advice to reduce the gas distension in the bowels and stomach. Morphine seems to be his only relief.

Sunday, November 20
Lovely day. South wind. – Buddy awoke this morning apparently better than yesterday. He has had a quiet day, but took very little nourishment. Mrs. Pierce sat with him this afternoon while Mrs. Warner took a much needed rest. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell called this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith spent the P.M. – Dr. Morton came, also. – Mrs. Beard came a moment. – The boys spent the afternoon in Palacios and have not yet returned.

Monday, November 21
Wonderful day. – A hard night for Buddy and his nurse. – Severe coughing all night, but this morning he really seemed better than yesterday.- Mrs. Pierce sat with him much of the day. – Mrs. Corbet and Mrs. Huston called this forenoon. Also Mrs. Martyn. – The boys are seeing “Blue Bonnet” at the Community House tonight.

Tuesday, November 22
Lovely day. – Buddy had another hard night. Very hard to breathe from 3 until 6 A.M., but later in the forenoon he seemed much better. Dr. Morton came this morning. Mrs. Pierce sat with him a good deal today, but he nurse did not rest much. Mrs. Pierce is with him now, 10:30 P.M., and nurse is resting in the room. – Mrs. Smith is spending the night here. – Mrs. Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came this P.M. – I took a walk this P.M.

Wednesday, November 23
Norther. – Buddy real bad off all day. Breathing with difficulty. Enjoyed being read to, but was very much exhausted when nurse had to change his bed in any way. We are not going to bed tonight. Mrs. Smith, Mr. Pierce, Mrs. Pierce and nurse are with Buddy.

Thursday, November 24
Buddy passed away at 5:30 this morning. A sad day followed. The knowledge that he is not suffering is the only comfort the family have at present. Time is a merciful healer of sorrowing hearts. He is resting tonight in the Den. A handsome form for his friends to remember.

Friday, November 25
Just a sad day. Many callers and many messages.

Saturday, November 26
Buddy sleeping under a mass of beautiful flowers in old Hawley Cemetery. – Mrs. Mobley is to spend the week end with Mrs. Pierce. – Bishop Quinn – Rev. Engle.

Sunday, November 27
Another beautiful day. – Slept rather late. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Mobley spent an hour with Mrs. Smith at the hotel this forenoon. – After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up and we all drove out to the cemetery. The flowers are beautiful yet. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent this P.M.

Monday, November 28
Pretty cool day. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mobley and I drove over to Mrs. Mobley’s farm this forenoon. – Mrs. Mobley went home on the 4 o’clock train. – Then Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I drove to the cemetery and carried a beautiful bouquet of roses sent by Joshie’s widow. – Stopped to see Mrs. Smith as we came home.

Tuesday, November 29
This afternoon we disinfected the laundry and went to the cemetery. – Mrs. Beard went with us.

Wednesday, November 30
Beautiful day. – House cleaning. – We put in the day preparing for disinfecting the entire house. – Worked on third floor all afternoon. – Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Young came calling late this P.M. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce drove out to Hawley just before dark. – Mrs. Beard came since dinner. – Clinton at Boy Scouts meeting tonight.


Thursday, December 1
Lovely day. – Continued preparations for disinfecting until 4 o’clock, then lighted the candles and three pounds of sulphur in the kitchen. – We are staying at the Hotel tonight. – Lee went hunting this afternoon and brought home four ducks. – I think we are very tired, but there is much to do yet—putting the house in order later on. – We bought some chances on the quilt (Mrs. Gill’s) tonight. – Drove to El Maton to take Odeal home. Stopped at Hawley, also.

Friday, December 2
Drove down to Palacios this forenoon. Willie Jones’ daughter in trouble—cutting affair. Stopped a moment to see Mrs. Farwell. She was decorating a birthday cake for Sara (to send). – Staying at Hotel tonight. Oyster supper, etc. at Community House tonight. We ate Lee’s ducks for dinner tonight. – We came up to the house this afternoon and opened it up to let the fumes out. It burned our eyes and throats. Mr. Pierce stayed up until dark and then closed the house – We drove out to Hawley before dinner.

Saturday, December 3
Beautiful day. – Busy day. – Mrs. Smith came to help. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and Clinton went to Houston this morning. After breakfast, I came up to the house. Willie was here. Lee went for Odeal and Lucille and we did all we could at house cleaning, etc. Put the bedding and rugs out to air and sun. – Did not accomplish as much as I had hoped to. The say was too short. – Mrs. Pierce was late getting home. So many errands. – Mr. Love brought my Xmas cards this evening.

Sunday, December 4 - Mr. Pierce’s 58th Birthday
Pretty day. – Mr. Pierce spent his birthday in Sargent. – I was painfully lazy all day. Tired, I guess. – Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Hawley this P.M.  Stopped at the Hotel on the way back. – I wrote to Mrs. Hall tonight. – The Dullers spent the evening here after Young Peoples’ meeting. – The boys were in Palacios this P.M. – Rain down there.

Monday, December 5
Windy day. Rained a shower. – Odeal and Lucille washed all day. – The wind blew a howling gale all day. – Enough to drive me goofy. – Is blowing as we go to bed and a freezing norther is reported to be on the way. – John Henry is working in Bay City yet. – Lee is going to class every day for Physics only. – We were in the house all day. – Sewing most of the time. Cut out some underwear suits for Xmas gifts, etc. – Mrs. Beard came up after school to report on her sale of chances for the little sunbonnet girl quilt. – Lee went duck shooting this afternoon. Brought home three ducks.

Tuesday, December 6
Cloudy, dark morning. – Not a pretty day at all. – Just housework and some sewing, mending, etc. – Mrs. Smith set up a bed jacket for me to knit on. It is for Mrs. Hall. – The boys are in Palacios tonight. – A strong south wind is blowing and a cold norther is predicted.

Wednesday, December 7
Pretty, bright day. – The norther predicted has not yet arrived, thank goodness, but an east wind is on. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. Making a skirt for Susana. – Mrs. Smith is knitting bed jackets day and night for Mrs. Heffelfinger’s shop. – Mrs. Pierce and I are trying to make a few things for Christmas. The time for us is painfully short. – I received a good long letter from Mrs. Shaw today. – Times are hard with them, too. No work and no money. – Odeal finished the week’s laundry today.

Thursday, December 8
Dreary. – Mr. Jackson came up this forenoon to paint Mrs. Pierce’s room and the northwest room, closets and bathrooms. – The house is in confusion as Odeal and Lucille are house cleaning downstairs, too. – The living room is in order tonight except the white curtains. Am hemming new ones. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes this afternoon. Mrs. Pierce and I went down to visit her and knit tonight. – The boys are in Palacios.  – Has been dreary and misty all day, but not very cold.

Friday, December 9
Cold, misty day. – Painting and house cleaning were going on all day. – Put hems in new curtains for living room today. – Mrs. Smith came up to eat backbone and ribs tonight. – Clinton is spending the night with John Warren. Mrs. Beard is in Austin.

Saturday, December 10
Mrs. Pierce went to Houston with the Cornelius family today. – Did some Christmas shopping. – Mr. Jackson finished painting the rooms and bathrooms. – Mrs. Smith came up and with Mr. Rickaway, Odeal, Lucille and Willie to help, we moved Mrs. Pierce’s furniture back into her room and the green furniture into the west room. Waxed the floors and put the 2nd floor in good condition. Mrs. Pierce said she was pleased and that paid in full the labor spent. – She is sleeping in one of the twin beds tonight. – Is not able to occupy the old room yet. – Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Young drove to Thomaston yesterday.

Sunday, December 11
Such a dreary day. – Mrs. Pierce brought some chrysanthemums from Houston yesterday and made a beautiful wreath for Buddy’s grave. We took it and some green boughs from the yard out to the cemetery this forenoon and made the mound look sweet. – The boys went to Bay City to see Will Rogers this P.M. – Mr. Pierce drove to Sargent. – The entire family went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – Misting rain as we go to bed. – Mrs. Pierce coming down with a severe cold, I think.

Monday, December 12
Cold, windy, misty day. – Mrs. Pierce in bed all day. – Bromo quinine seems to have checked her cold somewhat. – She knitted on little Jane’s bed jacket most of the day. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes this forenoon. She is almost in bed, too. Headache and lame back. Knitting too hard I suspect. – I finished the living room curtains today and knitted tonight on Mrs. Hall’s bed jacket. – Have a white one on the needles for Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Pierce is not suffering so tonight from headache. – Mrs. Beard, Mr. Wooten and Mr. Black were callers.

Tuesday, December 13
Cloudy, windy, cold day. – Knitted all forenoon on the blue bed jacket. – Mrs. Pierce dressed for lunch. She is feeling better. Has been sewing all day. – After lunch I went to the hotel to get some instructions about knitting. – Miss Nannie spent the day with Mrs. Smith, so I fitted her poor dress once more. – Then Lee drove me to Palacios. – I opened all of the faucets and tried to find my lace braid. – Have a statement of my city and school taxes. – Did not see Mrs. Farwell.

Wednesday, December 14
Cold, gloomy dy. – Have been knitting on a white bed jacket all day and it is almost finished. – Spent a couple of hours with Mrs. Smith this forenoon. She has knitted many jackets this fall and winter. – Mrs. Pierce is feeling some better, but has quite a cold yet. – Finished a lace bed sack for her sister Jane tonight. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes late this evening.

Thursday, December 15 – Three weeks—Buddy
Cold, cloudy day. – Knitted all day for Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Pierce better and busy sewing for Christmas. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Young came up this P.M. Boys attending a party at the Hotel tonight.

Friday, December 16
Cold, windy day. – Sewed all day for Mrs. Dunn. Made a waist for Suzanne. – Finished a pink knitted bed sack for Mrs. Smith’s order. – Almost freezing temperature tonight.

Saturday, December 17
Beautiful sunshine. – Read cold this morning. Water froze thick in Rosa’s drinking fountain. – Took the pink sack to Mrs. Smith this forenoon and she set a white one up for me to do. – Made the button holes in Susanna’s white waist while I was there. – Helped Mrs. Pierce on her Xmas sewing and worked on Miss Nannie’s dress. Mrs. Smith paid me. – The three boys went to Houston and had their Xmas purchases stolen from the car.

Sunday, December 18
White frost everywhere. – Pretty day. Sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce has not been outside the door for more than a week, but she is busy in the house. – Lee and I drove out to Hawley this P.M. Found the mound and flowers in excellent condition. – Mrs. Beard and Miss Webb came for an hour this P.M. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent.

Monday, December 19
Cloudy, cold day. – Finished the blue bed sack for Mrs. Hall today and knitted the first 30 stitches on Mrs. Smith’s white one. Also have Miss Nannie’s dress finished. A white collar and cuffs to be made next. – The boys are in Palacios tonight. – Rec’d a Xmas box from Mrs. Stoddard today.

Tuesday, December 20
Much warmer. Foggy. – Mrs. Smith has been in bed all day with sick headache. Knitting too much. – I finished a bed sack which she was making for Mrs. Pierce (a present to the Laws). – Clinton has been here at home today. Cold. – Mr. Borden sent the Pierce family a Christmas turkey (by Mrs. Dunn). – The boys are attending a party at Cornelius’ tonight.

Wednesday, December 21
Mostly cloudy. – Today has been much warmer. – Mr. Pierce cut off the furnace pilot light tonight. – When Lee went to school this morning, I rode to Bay City with him and made my Christmas purchases (?).  – His school closed today for the holidays. – Made the collar and cuffs for Miss Nannie’s dress this P.M. – Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Smith drove to Houston today. Cherri stayed with us. – Worked on a white bed sack for Mrs. Smith tonight.

Thursday, December 22 – 4 weeks
Warmer, cloudy, misty. – Pressed Miss Nannie’s dress. Did some knitting. – Put the lower floor in order. – After lunch drove to Palacios. – Opened my house for a short time. – Did, or tried to do, a little more Christmas shopping. – Saw Mrs. Love for a moment. – Drove Buddy’s car. – Finished the white bed jacket for Mrs. Smith since dinner. – Clinton without fever all day. – Mrs. Pierce made sand cookies this P.M. – Boys in Palacios tonight.

Friday, December 23
Rainy day. Not cold – Lee put the Christmas tree up today. – Clinton dressed and went over to see the tree in his room at school. He seems about well today. – Mrs. Pierce made candy, etc. today. – Lee went to the Community House tonight to help decorate the tree. – John Henry is finishing a watercolor of his grandmother Pierce. – A gift for Mrs. Smith.

Saturday, December 24
Cloudy, but warmer. – We did some housework and baking this forenoon. – Since lunch and until midnight tonight, I have been finishing a bed sack for Mrs. Smith (a gift from Mrs. Pierce). Lee made and put the tree up. Then tonight, he and his father decorated it. Put the gifts on the floor and went to bed tired. – Mrs. Pierce filled the boys’ stockings with switches and small things. – Clinton attended the tree at the Community House. John Henry had a vacation this P.M. Worked on the portraits he is doing for Xmas.

Sunday, December 25
Beautiful day. – Christmas day. – The pretty gifts were distributed after breakfast. Plenty for all and then some. – The family drove out to Hawley to place the wreath (from St. Paul) on Buddy’s grave. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came to dinner. Mrs. Smith and they were the only guests to a splendid dinner. – The boys spent the afternoon and evening in Palacios. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Clinton called on the Duller family, who were not at home, and on Paul and Mary Dean. – Mrs. Smith was sick all day. Headache.

Monday, December 26 – Mrs. Smith’s 60th Birthday
Very little sunshine today, but quite warm. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce, John Henry, Lee and I down to Palacios this forenoon. – Dr. Elliott gave Lee his first shot of the medicine Dr. Keating prescribed for his feet. – Mrs. Smith then drove to Mackay for the day. – Odeal and William took their holiday today. I drove Wm and Fanny to Palacios this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. The boys went hunting. Brought home three ducks. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and I spent a couple of hours with Mrs. Smith late this evening.

Tuesday, December 27
Cloudy until afternoon. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Pierce and the boys worked in the yard some. – I finished knitting a white sweater for one of the Laws (?). (Mrs. Pierce gave the other white one to Mrs. Smith.) – The boys are in Palacios. – Mrs. and Mrs. Pierce went calling on the Duller family tonight. – Mrs. Smith is making preparations to entertain eighteen guests at dinner (12 o’clock) tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28
Beautiful day all day.- I finished the white bed sack for the Laws tonight (crocheting) and it is the very best I have done. – Mrs. Pierce is having some trouble with varicose veins. On her feet too much no doubt. – Mrs. Smith’s guests all appeared and her dinner was a success. – She came up tonight and played bridge with Mrs. Pierce and the boys.

Thursday, December 29
Rain. – We awoke to a rainy morning. – Lee went hunting very early. Brought home 3 ducks. – Such a rain y day. – Mrs. Farwell was to have spent the day here, but the rain prevented. – Worked some on a new white bed sack for Mrs. Smith. – Rain prevented me from getting the sleeves cast on tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has made war on the bugs all day. – I wrote a good many letters this afternoon.

Friday, December 30
Sun came up bright. – By strenuous work, I finished the bed jacket and Mrs. Smith mailed 4 to Mrs. Heffelfinger. She taught me to cast on stitches. – Lee and Clinton went to Bay City tonight. Football picture. – Mr. Pierce became interested in putting a picture puzzle together. – Mrs. Pierce was crocheting and I knitting, so we listened to a radio concert from Chicago until 2 A.M. tomorrow morning. – Mrs. Crawford is a guest for Mrs. Dunn. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner at Ruby’s tonight.

Saturday, December 31
Misty sunshine. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee took the tree and decorations down this forenoon. – I worked on a bed sack to finish, but Mrs. Smith could not get hers ready to send, so I put mine down and helped put the house in order for calls from Mrs. Borden, Miss Hough and Miss Winston this P.M. – Mrs. Smith ate dinner with us tonight and watched the old year out and the new one in. – The boys were in Palacios. – We are all going to bed at 3:30 this morning. Jan 1st, 1933. Happy New Year




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