Nellie Tilson Webb

1931 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935   1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum




Compliments of

A. B. Pierce

Blessing, Texas


Wednesday, July 1 – Blessing
Pretty day, but so hot. Sewing for Mrs. Smith. – Mrs. Pierce’s hand is quite painful. – We all went to a picture show in Palacios tonight. B.Y.P.U. in session.

Thursday, July 2
Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith, Buddy and John Henry went to Houston today. – Buddy to receive his car. – Paid the gas and water bills by check today. – The day has been intensely hot. – Bud’s car is a beauty. He and J. H. arrived at home before supper, so we all drove out to Live Oak Farm to meet Mrs. P. and Mrs. S. when they came.

Friday, July 3 – Blessing
Hot day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this P.M. for her shot. – Sewing on Mrs. Smith’s dresses and doing house work. – We all went for a drive to Palacios. Mrs. Smith to see Mrs. Pybus about making a dress for her. A birthday gift from Mrs. Smith. – Mr. Farwell came up this P.M.

Saturday, July 4 – Blessing
Another hot day, but more breeze. – Made beds, etc. and cut a paper pattern for Mrs. Pybus’ dress. – Mrs. Smith came a few minutes this forenoon. – After lunch I did mending.  – After a pick up supper we all (except Clinton) went to Palacios and were treated to melon by Mr. Farwell. – A large crowd was packed along the water front bathing and dancing. We did not stay late. Another 4th of July is history. – B.Y.P.U. in progress, also.

Sunday, July 5
We went to Mrs. Selkirk’s for vegetables this forenoon. – Just rested all afternoon. – Bud and Clinton went to Sargent fishing. – Mrs. Smith came and spent the P.M. – Mrs. Pierce is not well. Her hand is quite painful. – No letter writing today.

Monday, July 6
So terrible hot. – We helped Odeal some and escaped being caught in the wringer.- Did not go any place today. – Finished Mrs. Smith’s silk dress (making it smaller) and rested this afternoon.

Tuesday, July 7 – Blessing
Another very hot day. – Allen came for Mrs. Smith’s trunk this forenoon. She moved to the hotel yesterday. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Smith went to Matagorda this P.M. to Mr. Culver’s funeral. – Mrs. Gill came.

Wednesday, July 8 – Blessing
Hot, hot. A real hard shower fell just before noon. – Mrs. Pierce, Lee and Clinton went to Houston today. – Mrs. Smith drove me to Palacios this P.M. We washed our heads at my house. – Drank a cool drink at Nester’s. – Stopped to see Mr. Schier about Electric Light stock. – Came home about 4:30. – Went to the hotel since supper with Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Farwell came up a few minutes. He expects to leave for Colorado tomorrow.

Thursday, July 9 – Blessing
Some cloudy today. Hot. – Mr. Schier came up and I took 4 shares in the Electric Light Co. stock. $97.00 each ($388.00) – The Library Association met with Mrs. Pierce this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce and Mrs. Smith drove to Victoria today. – Mrs. Pierce is far from being well. Has no “pep.” – Sent a check for $30.00 to Miss Claire for deposit today. – North American Trust Co. – Buddy and Red Bump went to Sargent on a fishing trip this P.M.

Friday, July 10 – Blessing
Such a terrible hot day. – Mrs. Pierce and Lee went to Bay City this forenoon. – Buddy came home before lunch. Not much fishing luck. – I sewed on shirts—turning collars. – Mrs. Smith ate 6 o’clock dinner with us tonight. – So intensely hot tonight. The wind holds to the north so much of the time.

Saturday, July 11 – Blessing
Hot, hot. – Mrs. Pierce and Buddy went to Bay City this forenoon. – Put the house in order and turned the collars on some shirts. – I went down to the Library this P.M. with Mrs. Pierce. – This was Trade’s Day here. – We all except Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios to see “Always Goodbye.”

Sunday, July 12 – Blessing
Another hot day, but a little more breeze. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. – The Pierce family and Allen and Ruby ate 12 o’clock dinner with Mrs. Smith at the hotel. – Then we all drove to Sargent. The young people all went in bathing. Then we ate sandwiches, etc. and came home after a pleasant day all day.

Monday, July 13 – Blessing
Quite a rain fell between here and Palacios this noon, but only a few drops here. – I have mended all day. So thankful for more breeze today.

Tuesday, July 14
Just a hot day. – Mrs. Pierce, John Henry and Buddy went to Houston this morning to see about a position J. H. may take. – Lee drove me to Palacios to get my iron. – Worked all forenoon putting the house in order. Washed a couple of dresses this afternoon. – We went to a combination meeting at the Community House tonight. Mrs. Martyn, Co. nurse gave a talk. – All tired at bedtime.

Wednesday, July 15
Very hot day tho a real hard rain fell this afternoon. – We have been making preparations to go to Austin tomorrow if the weather permits. – Mr. Pierce has gone to Sargent since dinner tonight.

Thursday, July 16 – Blessing
Thunder and a stormy sky prevented us from getting an early start for Austin this morning, however we were off at 6:30. – Mrs. Pierce, John H., Buddy, Clinton and me. – Such a lovely forenoon for motoring and such a perfectly grand trip for me. – The country between Sealy and Austin is so beautiful. Trees and hills. We ate our lunch before we arrived at Austin. – Parked the car in front of the capitol. Mrs. Pierce at once went to the Supt’s office. We wandered around the capitol, sat in the gallery and looked on the legislature in session until we were bored. Then went out and sat in the car. Saw Mrs. Barton a few minutes. – Threatening clouds caused us to hurry home and we were caught in two very hard rains on the way. Ate hamburgers in Wharton. Arrived at home 10:30.

Friday, July 17 – Blessing
Awoke this morning to the sound of rain falling heavily. – The earth was covered with water, but it did not rain all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce and I went down to listen to our lesson in “nursing.” given by Mrs. Martyn, the County Health Nurse. The class met in the Hotel on account of the walk heading to the Community House being under water. – We met at 2 P.M. A good sized class was present. – As I go to bed a rain is falling tonight.

Saturday, July 18
When we awoke this morning, it was raining, but soon cleared off and Mrs. Pierce, John H., Lee and Clinton went to Houston where they were in rain most of the time. – I cleaned house and rested. – Mrs. Smith came up for a short time this forenoon and again this evening. – The water has almost all soaked into the ground. – John Henry expects to attend officer’s training camp in San Antonio the first of August.

Sunday, July 19 – Blessing
Beautiful day. Good south wind blowing. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Selkirk ate 12 o’clock dinner with Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. – I wrote a letter to Mrs. Shaw this afternoon and began one to Mrs. Farwell. – We (except Buddy who used his own car) went to Bay City tonight to see Dude Ranch. – Could hear them singing in the Baptist Church as we drove up to the theatre.

Monday, July 20 – Blessing
Good wash day. – Mrs. Pierce and I helped rinse the clothes. We were very tired at 12 o’clock. – Mrs. Farwell sent my coat back today. – This afternoon I made a reduction in the pile of mending that is stacking up on the waiting list. – Mrs. Pierce is busy with school work. – The days are not so hot since we have more south wind. – Added a little more to Mrs. Farwell’s letter. – Letters from Mrs. Massenburg and Marguerite.

Tuesday, July 21 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Smith and Lee went to Bay City this forenoon and Mr. Pierce to Sargent. – The splint was taken off of Mrs. Pierce’s hand today, but it is painfully stiff yet. – I darned, etc. all afternoon. – Letter from the Richards today. – We all went to a Picture Show at the Community House tonight. “Tarzan of the Apes” Bud to Francitas.

Wednesday, July 22
Beautiful day. Good breeze all day. – Mended and darned. – Mrs. Pierce busy with school work. – We all (except Clinton who went to the picture show) drove out to Live Oak Farm, the guests of Mrs. Smith to eat watermelon, after dinner. – I came home tired and am going to bed early.

Thursday, July 23 – Blessing
John Henry and Buddy drove to Houston this forenoon to get John Henry’s uniform preparatory to going into Camp in San Antonio. He is 2nd Lieutenant. – Mrs. Smith drove in to Houston this afternoon, also. – We are getting ready for the boy’s party tomorrow night. – Letter from Electric Light Co. in San Antonio.

Friday, July 24 – Blessing
Lovely day. Good breeze. – We hurried all day. Helen Yeager came up to help put the finishing touches to the tables, flowers, etc. She and Lee make a good team. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to the Community House this P.M. to hear the lecture by Mrs. Martyn. – The boys’ guests arrived promptly perhaps 40 of them and seemed to enjoy themselves. 42 and bridge were the games. The players throats were kept moist by drinking punch and eating tiny sandwiches while they were playing. Later were served ice cream and small cakes. – Mosquitoes are almost unbearable. They are here in hoards. – We are all going to be tired, but after a pleasant day. – Mrs. Selkirk and Ruby helped some. – Mrs. Smith had an accident driving to Houston yesterday.

Saturday, July 25 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – Not much doing most of the day except putting the house in order. – Lee is very clever at such things. – Mrs. Pierce and Bud went to see Mrs. Smith. She was not so seriously hurt as she could have been. – The mosquitoes are terrible. In the house, too. – The big boys have gone to Palacios. Clinton plays all day long with C. D.

Sunday, July 26 – Blessing
Mr. Pierce went to Sargent today. -  I tried to write to Mrs. Massenburg this forenoon, but lunch was ready before I finished the letter. – Lee took some young people to Sargent today. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce and I took Buddy’s car and drove out to Jensen’s home. Then down to Pheasant to see another truck driver. – I finished Mrs. Massenburg’s letter and wrote a note to Mrs. Cairnes tonight, also started a letter to Mrs. Fraser. – Rec’d a letter from Mrs. Farwell today. Later finished Mrs. Fraser’s letter. Army man from Gulf came to see John Henry tonight.

Monday, July 27
Grand day. – The mosquitoes are something terrible yet. – Mrs. Pierce and I helped Odeal this forenoon. – We were tired at noon and this afternoon Mrs. Pierce was not able to sit up until late in the afternoon. She has much to attend to concerning the school work. – Mrs. Smith came up and ate a piece of watermelon brought from Sargent. – Weighed 58 lbs. Most excellent melon. – She and Mr. Pierce drove to Palacios to see Mrs. Pybus. – Mrs. Selkirk spent the evening with Mrs. Pierce. Told our fortunes with cards.

Tuesday, July 28 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce, John H., Lee and Clinton drove to Houston today. – Buddy and I kept house as Mr. Pierce ate lunch with Mrs. Smith. – After dinner Buddy drove me to Palacios. Enjoyed the ride very much. Got my mail and left it at home. – Soon after we came back. Mrs. Pierce and the boys came. They found hot weather in Houston.

Wednesday, July 29 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Have been mending and putting the laundry away. – Mrs. Pierce made watermelon pickles and worked on school books. – Cut out a paper pattern for Mrs. Pybus’ dress this P.M. – Mrs. Smith came up since dinner and we walked home with her.

Thursday, July 30 – Pretty day. – Mending, marking and fixing Mrs. Pierce’s dress. – After dinner we peeled a bushel of peaches for sweet pickles. – Mrs. Smith came up a few minutes. – We are going to bed tired.

Friday, July 31 – T. N. G.
Another nice day. – Canned the peach pickles. – Mr. Payne and little daughter ate lunch with us. – We attended the Lecture at the Community House this P.M. – Getting ready for John Henry to go to San Antonio tomorrow.


Saturday, August 1 – Palacios
A hot day, but some breeze. – The troup trains have been coming into Palacios since very early this morning. – Mrs. Pierce, J. H., Lee and Clinton, also a grandchild of Mrs. Gillespie’s started for San Antonio about eight o’clock this morning.  – After I had put the house in order and eaten lunch, Buddy brought me home. – I went to see Beatrice. Her people are with her and Mrs. Richards. – Mr. Somers is living, tho in a serious condition. – Then I did some house cleaning. – Mr. Bruse has fixed the leaky tank. – I also paid the light and water bills. – Am so tired tonight.

Sunday, August 2 – Palacios
Some cloudy and a light rain fell this morning. – I slept well and late! – Went to S.S. and church this forenoon. – Rested all afternoon. – Mr. Love came in a few minutes before supper. – Then I went to church again at night. – Mr. Smith and wife joined the church tonight.

Monday, August 3 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Mr. Love worked on the yard and ditches. – I went to see Mrs. Hockey. She fell and hurt her lip. – Then went over to Mrs. Richards’ to eat Rev. Watson’s birthday dinner. He being 58 years old. – Have been very busy all day and am tired tonight. – The streets are full of soldiers. – Am eating peaches from my trees yet.

Tuesday, August 4 – Palacios
Mr. Love worked on the lawn and ditches today. – I did some washing and ironing and gong to town. – Am certainly tired. – Rev. Haley of Bay City preached at the Christian church tonight. I went over, but the mosquitoes were so bad I came home. – Glad to go to bed in this cool room without any mosquitoes in it. – Buddy came for me, but I could not go until Mr. Love finishes.

Wednesday, August 5 – Blessing
Pretty day. – Mr. Love finished the work this morning. $3.00 worth. I hope he will keep the weeds down now. – Bud came this forenoon and I came to Blessing. – Mrs. Pierce returned from San Antonio Mon. night. – Mrs. Law is here. Mr. and Mrs. Duller invited the Pierce household to eat dinner in their home tonight. – A splendid meal was served to eight people. – Clinton stayed in San Antonio to visit John Warren. – Mrs. Pierce is in Sargent – I sent my electric light check to Miss Claire for deposit this afternoon. $6.00. – 1st Dividend or Int on my Central Power and Light Co. stock.

C. E. Duller

Thursday, August 6 – Blessing
A good breeze all day. – Mrs. Pierce was busy with school work all forenoon. – Mrs. Law and Lee drove out to the cemetery and Live Oak Farm. – I have been darning the entire day. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Law went to the Library Meet. at Mrs. Wheelers this P.M. – After dinner we went down to see Mrs. Smith who has had a headache all day. – Mrs. Duller and Selkirk came up to play bridge later.

Friday, August 7
A light shower awoke us this morning, but the day has been lovely. – Darned all forenoon. – Since lunch Mrs. Yeager and the two girls took Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Law and me down to Palacios to see the Review, but the Gov. failed to come down, so it was postponed. – Mrs. Yeager treated us to a cold drink. – We spent a pleasant afternoon. – Mrs. Smith came awhile after dinner tonight. – Mrs. Law is leaving for Houston tomorrow morning.

Saturday, August 3 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Law left by bus this morning. 7:20. – Mrs. Pierce went to a card party at Mrs. Wagner’s at 9:30 this forenoon. – I cut out and basted up Mrs. Pybus’ dress and then Mrs. Smith took me down to fit it. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Yeager kept the library open this P.M. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Selkirk came up to play bridge tonight.

Sunday, August 9 – Blessing
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and I stayed at home all day. – I wrote to Mrs. Farwell, Mrs. Bell, Harry Swain and the Haywoods. Am very tired tonight. – Lee and five others went to Sargent swimming this afternoon. – Buddy went to Palacios this evening. Mrs. Pierce came home early. - A phone message from San Antonio says Mrs. Beard had an operation for acute appendicitis this morning. – They will send Clinton home by bus in the morning.

Monday, August 10 – Blessing
Lovely day. Plenty of breeze. – Lee and I went to Victoria at 8:30 this morning to meet Clinton. He came home from San Antonio by bus. We drove around some and I saw many familiar homes. – We went and came in 1 hr and 30 minutes. Went by Midfield and Ganado. – Have been sewing on Mrs. Pybus’ dress this P.M. – Clinton is glad to be at home.

Tuesday, August 11 – Blessing
We awoke with a north wind blowing this morning and the sky clear. – Mrs. Pierce went to a large party at Mrs. Barnett’s this forenoon. Then to Bay City this afternoon. – We went to see Mrs. Smith since dinner. – Mr. Pierce took me for a drive down Pheasant road. – I have sewed hard all P.M. on the dress for Mrs. Pybus. – Mrs. Smith is binding the scallops.

Wednesday, August 12 – Blessing
A beautiful day. – Buddy went to Sargent today to work in the Gin. – Lee is working here in the Gin. – Mrs. Hulen and Mrs. Barnett and Mrs. Smith ate lunch with Mrs. Pierce today.

Frances “Frankie” L. Race Hulen & Gen. John Augustus Hulen

Thursday, August 13
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and I went to Houston this morning. – Spent a delightful day, for me at least. – Met Mrs. Perry at lunch time.  – Went to a picture show after lunch. – Came home and stopped at the Community House for supper. – All real tired. – Miss Buddy.

Friday, August 14 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City. – I put the house in order this forenoon and also worked on Mrs. Pybus’ dress. – Went down to the hotel for the collar and cuffs which Mrs. Smith had scalloped for me. – About 2:30 Mrs. Allen Pierce drove me down to Palacios to fit the dress again. It looks very pretty and she seems to be pleased. – Mrs. Pierce is still working on school business. School Board meeting tonight. – T. N. G. Camp broke ranks this PM. Someone dismantled Mr. King’s car.

Saturday, August 15 – Blessing
Lovely day. – I finished the dress this forenoon. – Mrs. Smith will take it to Mrs. Pybus tomorrow. – The wind has been from the northeast all day and I am so tired tonight. – Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Selkirk (and Dorothy), Mrs. Pierce and John Henry are playing bridge, but I came up to go to bed. – John Henry came home from Camp Bullis, San Antonio, this P.M. – Am sure all of the boys are glad to go home. – Buddy came up from Sargent. He and Lee are in Palacios tonight. Katherine Cornelius and Billy Robinson being the skirts.

Sunday, August 16 – Blessing
Mr. and Mrs. Mobley and son and Mrs. Smith ate 12 o’clock dinner with the Pierce family today. – Mrs. Smith is leaving for Minneapolis tomorrow on her way home. – A few drops of rain fell this afternoon. – Mrs. Smith gave me $10.00 for making Mrs. Pybus’ dress. She took the dress to Mrs. Pybus this P.M. – We all went to Presby. Church tonight to hear Rev. Gillespie preach, but he did not appear.

Monday, August 17
Lovely wash day. – Mrs. Pierce and I helped Odeal this forenoon. The biggest washing I ever saw. – In the afternoon I did more resting than anything else. – Sent my $10.00 to Miss Claire to deposit for me. – Buddy went to Sargent early this morning. – I did some ripping on my white voile and basted the neck smaller in the black and white one. – Going to bed early.

Tuesday, August 18 – Blessing
Continued lovely weather. – This afternoon I ripped Mrs. Pierce’s black georgette dress and put the hems in narrow by hand. – A board meeting was held in the Community House tonight. – John Henry, Clinton and I went to Palacios tonight to see “Laughing Sinners.” (Joan Crawford) – Mrs. Selkirk, her brother Mr. Flannigan, wife and daughter, Dorothy, were here when we came home. This is Mrs. Selkirk’s birthday.

Wednesday, August 19 – Blessing
Pretty day tho a little rain fell this morning. – I put a basket full of laundry away and did some darning this forenoon. – Since lunch both worked all afternoon getting ready for Mrs. Selkirk, her guests and the Duller family to eat supper on the porch. – The guests came and evidently enjoyed the nice supper. – They played bridge after supper. – Mr. Flannigan won the prize. A breakfast tray. – Sent my light rent today.

Thursday, August 20 – Blessing
Pretty forenoon. Rained some after four o’clock and is stormy looking tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has gone to Mr. Duller’s to play Bridge tonight. – Mr. Kimball there for the night.

Friday, August 21
Not so sunshiny all day. – Clinton had a house party today. – Mrs. Pierce took them to Palacios this PM for a swim in the bay. – I went to hear Mrs. Martyn’s health lecture. – Going to bed tired and early. – A little rain here this forenoon.

Saturday, August 22 – Blessing
Real hard rain about 11 o’clock. – Clinton and the little King boy rode their bicycles up to Midfield and back today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Lee is busy in the Gin here every day. – Mrs. Pierce has been pounding the typewriter all day. – I have mended things including the lounge cover. – Mr. Farwell came up a few minutes this afternoon. – They arrived in Palacios yesterday from their jaunt. – John H., Clinton, Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City to see the “Black Camel” tonight. Saw a wonderful electrical panorama in the sky going over and returning.

Sunday, August 23 – Blessing
Still cloudy and rained some before day, but not since. – I have not written a letter today. Just fixed myself comfortable on the porch swing and read a book all afternoon. Not a very high class book either, being “French Leone.”

Monday, August 24 – Palacios
Pretty day. – Busy all day. – Finished Mrs. Pierce’s black georgette dress. – This seemed to be her reception day. So many came. Mr. Payne came to see John Henry. – After dinner Bud came home from Sargent for a day. – Rain had stopped cotton picking. – He and Lee had dates. – The balance of us came to Palacios to see the “Miracle Woman.” I stayed at home tonight.  – Nice cool room though dusty.

Tuesday, August 25
Busy day. – Slept late. – Rooms delightfully cool and distressingly dusty. – Paid Mr. Love $1.50 for mowing yard, etc. and Miss Bernett? $1.00 for Xmas cards. – Went to town and to see Mrs. Houghton. – Ate lunch at Teague’s. – Mr. Richards came twice about church affairs. Paid him $2.00 on $5.00 acct. at lumber yard. – Revival to begin tomorrow night. Do not approve of it. – Bud and his skirt came for me about 5 P.M. so I am in Blessing tonight.

Wednesday, August 26
Cloudy morning. – Bud went to Sargent to gin, but came home. Too much rain for cotton picking. – Mr. Pierce took William and a party of men out in the boat today. – We put up scads of sandwiches for the picnickers. – Went to town this PM to received instructions from Mrs. Selkirk for the party tomorrow night.

Thursday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s birthday—46
Mrs. Pierce and all of the boys except Lee went to Houston today. – So the party for Mrs. Pierce’s birthday came off on time. – When they arrived at home about 7 o’clock, the party had all assembled to greet her. – Super was served on the porch to 17. – Then three tables played Bridge.

Friday, August 28 – Blessing
Pretty day. – I could hardly get up this morning. Am so lame from my hustling around yesterday and last night. – Went to the health lecture this PM and to hear the nurse again tonight. – Time wasted, I am thinking.

Saturday, August 29 – Blessing
Beautiful day, but very hot in the sun. – We worked hard all forenoon. – Mr. Nance came this forenoon for conference with Mrs. Pierce. – I mended shorts until 4 o’clock this afternoon. – Then went to the Library with Mrs. Pierce. – Mr. Farwell came in a few minutes. – After dinner, John Henry, Clinton, Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City to see a couple of hot reels. – Tired tonight.

Sunday, August 20 – Blessing
A busy forenoon. – The three boys and their girl friends took their lunch and went to the woods. – We rested a little after dinner at 12 o’clock. – The boys came home about 5 o’clock to freshen their toilets and started off again. – I was too sleepy to sit up, so am going to bed early. – The Newsoms came back last Tuesday PM.

Monday, August 31 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – Household quite upset today. – Lee was using his mother’s car last night and on the way home from Bay City he and Katherine went to sleep out by the “Y.” They collided with another car and damaged both of them quite badly. – Mrs. Pierce’s car will cost $100.00 to repair. – They were all fortunate to have escaped being injured. – Buddy went to Sargent this afternoon to Gin. – Lee is busy in the Gin here.


Tuesday, September 1
Windy day. – We put up some pears this forenoon. – Since lunch, Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City with Katherine Cornelius. Her car will be repaired tomorrow evening. – I mended hose most of the PM. – We all went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. He and Mrs. Selkirk came up to the house awhile after services.

Wednesday, September 2
Just a busy day. – Mrs. Pierce and boys went to Houston today. – I have been mending and made the scallops on my dress. – Mr. Farwell came up to inquire about the wreck Sunday night.

Thursday, September 3
Lovely day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. – Mrs. Pierce’s car is not yet finished. – We rode over to Mrs. Yeager’s with Mrs. Duller to attend the Women’s Meeting. The first of 12 chapters of the life of Washington was made by Mrs. Pierce.

Friday, September 4
Hot day. – Mrs. Pierce drove to Sargent with Katherine Cornelius to see Buddy. – Mr. Pierce Withers ate lunch with Mr. Pierce. – At two o’clock, Mrs. Pierce and I walked down to the Community House for the last Health Lecture. – We went back at 5 o’clock to see a panorama of the Holy Land. – Going to bed just plain tired.

Saturday, September 5 – Blessing
Another hot day. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon with Mrs. Cornelius to get her car which was finished while she waited. – She canned some pears before lunch. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent since lunch. – Mr. Farwell came up since lunch. – Mrs. Pierce not being at home, we drove to the end of the cement 10 miles north of the underpass. – Tonight John Henry drove his mother, Clinton and me to Bay City to see “Broadminded.”

Sunday, September 6
Hot day. – The boys invited their girl friends to eat 12 o’clock dinner with them today. – Then they went to the opening of the airport at Wharton. – Mrs. Pierce, Selkirk and me went to Matagorda vicinity this P.M. Had such a lovely ride, but arrived back home too late for Rev. Gillespie’s sermon.

Monday, September 7 – Blessing
Hard wash day. – Mending this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce went down to the Community House tonight to keep the door for a show to be here all week. – Going to bed before she comes home. – Letter from Mrs. Newsom. – Sent water rent ($2.55) Some mistake.

Tuesday, September 8
Plenty hot day. – John Henry sent his airport drawing off today. Hot time getting it tied up and into the PO on time. – Darned stockings all afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce used the typewriter. – She went to the Women’s Council meeting tonight. – Mr. Pierce is in Sargent. – Buddy came home, freshened up a bit and went to Palacios. To go back to Sargent tonight.

Wednesday, September 9 – Blessing
Real hot day. – John H., Mrs. Pierce and I went to Bay City this forenoon. The car has never been right since the wreck. – Saw Mr. Pierce in Bay City. He was going back to Sargent. – John H. sketched the Soldiers’ Monument in the square this forenoon. – Note from Mrs. Mitchell. – Darning and mending all afternoon. – Boys on a date tonight. – Mrs. Pierce at typewriter. – All tired.

Confederate Soldiers' Monument on Matagorda County Courthouse Square

Thursday, September 10 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce, John H. and Clinton went to Houston today. – Note from Mr. Richards. Revival still in progress. – Threatened rain today. Heavy shower down Palacios way. – Put the house in order this forenoon and fixed some corsets this afternoon. – The family were all here tonight except Buddy. – Board meeting tonight. – Sewed on my pink slip a little tonight.

Friday, September 11
Mrs. Pierce spent some time in Bay City. Teachers’ Institute. – Had to leave her car in the shop. – John H. drove a borrowed car home and she came with someone else. – Mr. F. came up. - John H. and I went sketching out by the Live Oak Farm. – Lee went to Bay City tonight. – Will bring his mother’s car home.

Saturday, September 12
Mrs. Pierce and four other members are spending the day in Gulf. Federation Meeting. – Mrs. Beard phoned this morning saying she had come home. – After dinner, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Beard, John Henry, Clinton, John Warren and me went to Bay City to see East of Borneo. Good picture for its kind. – Buddy and Lee are out on dates. – Very severe wind storm blew up suddenly at noon. Not much rain, only wind.

Sunday, September 13 – Blessing
Beautiful day, but scorching hot sun. – The boys and their dates went to Sargent for a boat ride. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went also.  – Clinton ate lunch at King’s, so I was alone in my glory. – The Mobleys came for a moment as Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were leaving. – Mrs. Beard came up tonight.

Monday, September 14
Mrs. Pierce and three boys went to Houston today. – Buddy finished his work at Sargent Gin Sat. night. – Lee finished here tonight. – Odeal did not come to wash. – Has gone to cook in the rice fields. I changed the water on the clothes several times today. – The Houston visitors were very tired when they arrived at home rather late. Clinton had to go over his lessons tonight so he could go to school tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 15 – Blessing
We did the washing. Mrs. Pierce, two boys and myself. We think we are smart. – Buddy had a small pus sack opened on his back today. – Mrs. Pierce packed the boys’ trunks this afternoon.  – Lee’s sweetie left on the noon train. – Bud has gone to Palacios. – The other boys are seeing a picture show at the Community House.

Wednesday , September 16
Busy day getting ready for Buddy to go to Austin. – We helped Mary iron all day. – So tired tonight. – Boys all out tonight. Farwell frolic for them.

Thursday, September 17 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce, John H. and Buddy went to Austin today. – Did not expect to return until tomorrow, but came rolling in at 8:30 pretty tired. Had a good trip. – Lee and Clinton went to a local picture show. – Mr. Pierce went to bed very early and did not know that the folks had returned until the boys came home. – Lee drove me to Palacios after lunch. – Mary finished the ironing and washed some.

Friday, September 18
Have had several showers today, but they were local. – We have just hustled all day. – Put the house in order this morning and then did the ironing that Mary washed yesterday. – Mrs. Pierce is troubled some with hay fever. – We went to the local picture show and then to the Teachers’ Reception at the Community House tonight. Bridge, 42, punch and cake. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent. Lots of cotton there.

Saturday, September 19
Mrs. Pierce and the boys have gone to Houston. They will leave there at 10 o’clock tomorrow. – I worked very hard until three o’clock putting the house in order. – Check for $12.00 came from Mrs. Newsom. – Rained a little this forenoon. – Mr. Farwell came up to inquire for the family. – Clinton went to the local picture show. – William has gone for the night. – Very quiet house.

Sunday, September 20
Beautiful morning. – Breeze and some cloudy. – Mr. Pierce did not come home last night. – Clinton and I held the fort. – He went to S. S. – The house and the dinner table seemed very quiet and lonesome. – Mrs. Pierce came home before dark, having dinner on the way home from Houston. – Alone. – Mr. Pierce came from Sargent later. She and I went to church tonight. – Rev. Gillespie preached.

Monday, September 21 – Blessing
Pretty wash day. – Mrs. Pierce and I did our’s and went to Bay City after lunch. – Mrs. Selkirk went with us. She had her teeth xrayed at the Loos Hospital and Mrs. Pierce had a hay fever shot at Dr. Morton’s. – We were not as tired when we arrived back at home as when we started.

Loos Hospital - 2202 Marguerite Street Bay City - 2013

Tuesday, September 22
Beautiful day. – We did our ironing this forenoon. – This PM went to Palacios to PO and bank. – Called on Mr. Farwell. – Saw Mr. Schier about the washing machine. – Came home quite rested. – Mrs. Beard and John Warren spent an hour here since dinner. – Going to bed early.

Wednesday, September 23 – Blessing
Mr. Pierce went to Sargent early this morning.  – Sent check to Mr. Richards, Love, Light Co. today. – Mr. Brooks Mobley called this forenoon. – Put the house in order.  – Sewed on several garments. – Finished my pink slip. – Ripped the shoulders of Mrs. Pierce’s jersey dress. – Went to the Medicine Show, but did not see it through. – Too tired to stay. – Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce sent a package to Buddy.

Thursday, September 24
Beautiful day. – We drove out to Mr. Gillespie’s farm since lunch. He was not at home. – Mrs. Pierce’s hay fever is quite troublesome. – Clinton studies at home. – Seems to be getting on at school.

Friday, September 25 – Blessing
Beautiful day. – We worked hard all forenoon. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce went to a bridge party at Mrs. Faubion’s home. – I went home. – Opened the house. – Visited with Mrs. Newsom. – Paid my box rent, and went to see Mrs. Richards. – Mr. Somers and the daughter were there. – After supper Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and we three went to Palacios to see “The Last Flight.”

Saturday, September 26
Real hard showers forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Beard and the two small boys went to Houston this morning. – Were real late getting home. – So much had to be done in John Warren’s mouth. – Mr. Pierce in Sargent

Sunday, September 27
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S. – This afternoon we just visited and Clinton got his lesson. – William did not show up all day.

Monday, September 28
Wash day and lovely day. – William came in at the usual time and announced he was quitting. – We did the washing and part of the ironing today. Cooking, also. – Mrs. Pierce and others drove to the City tonight. (Austin)

Tuesday, September 29
Finished the ironing and did the housework. – Went to Bay City this P.M. Mrs. Selkirk, also. – Then to a shower for Lulu Van Watson tonight. – Mrs. Beard is quite sick. Her mother came. – Mr. Pierce came home this evening.

Wednesday, September 30
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce washed her car and Buddy’s today. – Mr. Pierce is feeling very miserable, but went to Sargent this evening. – We drove to the PO in his car just before he left. – Mrs. Beard is quite sick yet. – Mrs. Barnett phoned that Mr. Pybus, who has been sick so long, died this morning.


Thursday, October 1 – Blessing
Mrs. Pierce drove down to Palacios this forenoon, but not to the funeral – The Ladies met here this afternoon. – Served coffee and cakes and Mrs. Powell read the second book on Washington. There were 12 present not including four children.

Friday, October 2
Lovely day. – Mrs. Pierce and I were out running around about all forenoon. – As usual, I was learning to drive her car. – Mrs. Beard is not improving much. Her mother hopes to go home for a day coming back Sunday. – Mr. Pierce is very miserable. His stomach and Mrs. Pierce has hay fever. – Clinton went on a S.S. picnic this afternoon. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Duller went to a Tea in Bay City. – I made a cover for Bud’s car.

Saturday, October 3 – Clinton’s birthday. – 13 yrs
Mr. Pierce is sick, but went to Sargent. – Mr. Nance spent the forenoon here going over school business. – After lunch, we went to town. Found it was Trades Day. Came back for tickets, but drew a blank. – After dinner, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Yeager, Duller, Cornelius and me drove to LaWard to be present at the dedication of a beautiful school building. Mr. Payne architect.  – Arrived at home soon after 11 o’clock.

LaWard School - Courtesy of Sylvester Walleck

Sunday, October 4 – Mother’s birthday
Wonderful day. – Mr. and Mrs. Mobley came while we were eating breakfast. – He went to his farm, but Mrs. M. went to S. S. with Mrs. P. and ate lunch with us. – After lunch we did up the work. Then Mrs. Pierce and Clinton began his lessons which lasted until 5 o’clock. – Mr. Farwell came a few minutes. – Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent about dark. – Mrs. P. and I went to hear Rev. Gillespie preach tonight.

Monday, October 5
Washed today. – Quite a heavy rain fell just before noon, but the sun came out later and dried the clothes beautifully. – We ironed some this afternoon. – And are tired tonight. – Mrs. Pierce has to help Clinton with his lesson each day.

Tuesday, October 6
Shower today soon after lunch. – Finished the ironing. Mrs. Pierce helped with the lessons as soon as Clinton came home as we went to hear Rev. Engle preach tonight. – He and Mrs. Selkirk came up to visit awhile after the sermon. – Letter from Mr. Richards today. – Wrote to the PM for my gas statement.

Wednesday, October 7
Beautiful day. – We cleaned in the kitchen all day. – Old Jim worked the yard. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and back today. He is feeling some better. – Mrs. Pierce’s prospective S. S. Class met here tonight to organize. She gave them cocoa and cookies for lunch. – Tired tonight.

Thursday, October 8
Another cleaning day. – Jim worked in the yard and barn. – Mr. Pierce has been home today. Not feeling well. – Mr. Nance came this afternoon. School business.

Friday, October 9
Did not do much cleaning today. – Mr. Nance came again on school work. – He and Mrs. Pierce drove to Bay City this PM. – I mended hose this afternoon. – Mrs. Selkirk, Cornelius, Pierce, Little Joel, Clinton and I went to Bay City to show. “Wallingford.”

Saturday, October 10
Busy day. – Some sweeping and dusting, cooking, dishwashing. – Went to Library this P.M. – Drove Mrs. Pierce’s car a little. – Went to Palacios to see “Cheyenne Kid.” (Fairbanks) – Mrs. Pierce treated John W., Johnnie Harris, Clinton and me to the show.

Sunday, October 11
Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S. – We all ate dinner at the hotel. – Mrs. Pierce wrote letters all afternoon. Had a severe pain in her shoulder when she went to bed. – Clinton went to a picture show with Mrs. Cornelius and her boy this P.M.

Monday, October 12
Lovely day. – We did the washing and most of the ironing today. – Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Webb came tonight to work out a program of study with Mrs. Price. – Mr. Pierce seems much better the past two days.

Tuesday, October 13
Drove to Palacios since lunch, but had to be home by three on account of Clinton’s lessons. – Saw Mrs. Pybus a moment. Went to P.O. Saw Mrs. Newsom. – Went to Community House tonight. – Joined the YWCTU. – Finished the quilt blocks down there. – Mrs. Powell is President. The State Secy was there also.

Wednesday, October 14
Up early and off to Houston. Bought myself a new lid. – Had a lovely day. Saw Greta Garbo in Susan Lemon. – Arrved at home about seven o’clock. – Found some shrimp at the Hotel.

Thursday, October 15
Lovely day. – We have been eating shrimp today. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent and back this afternoon. – Package came from Cleveland, Ohio today. – Am feeling tired tonight from my trip to Houston yesterday.

Friday, October 16
Pretty day. – We were busy all forenoon preparing for Mrs. Pierce’s class party tonight. – She went to Bay City this P.M. to attend a Health meeting. – The children froze the cream after school – They all seemed to have a good time at the party. 12 in all . Then Mrs. Pierce took them home.

Saturday, October 17
Beautiful day. – Just a busy day. – Went to Library this P.M. and to Palacios tonight to see “Riding for Trouble

Sunday, October 18
Beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S.S. – We all ate dinner at the hotel. – Went to Bay City to see Will Rogers in “As Young As You Feel.” – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to hear Rev. Gillespie tonight. Clinton and I did not go.

Monday, October 19
Beautiful day. – Odeal washed and ironed today. – After lunch Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Midfield to take a school picture for exchange perhaps. – Mr. and Mrs. Corbett and Mr. Farwell came this afternoon. – Weather much cooler mornings and nights. – Rec’d rent from the Newsoms today.

Tuesday, October 20 – John Henry’s birthday – 22
Pretty day. – We went to town this forenoon. – To El Maton and Ashby since lunch to deliver pictures to the schools. – Went in Buddy’s car. I am doing a little driving now. – Sent $5.00 to Central Baptist today.

Wednesday, October 21
Another beautiful day. – Did housework this forenoon. – Helped Mrs. Pierce get the pictures ready to send to the schools. – Her S. S. class met here tonight for mid-week study. – Wrote to Mrs. Love and sent check for $1.25 for mowing lawn, etc.

Thursday, October 22
Beautiful forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce worked at her desk all morning. – Mr. Pierce came home at noon and went to bed. – Rained a little after 2 o’clock. – Rec’d 2 pr stockings from Mrs. Hall and so glad to have them. It was certainly thoughtful of her. – Mrs. Beard and John W. spent the evening here. – Cloudy tonight, but not raining.

Friday, October 23
Rained a little last night and this morning real hard. – Mr. Pierce is still in bed, but not suffering so much. – Mrs. Pierce did not take her car out today. Quite an unusual thing – Mrs. Lucas brought a little red jacket for me to work button holes in. – Beautiful sky tonight. – Mrs. Beard and John W. went to Eagle Lake since school closed this P.M.

Saturday, October 24
Pretty day. – We were busy all day. – Then after supper Mrs. Pierce, Clinton and me went to Palacios to see Reckless Living (very poor). – I worked the button holes in the little red coat and John took it to Mrs. Lucas. – We three washed our hair this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce went to the office late this afternoon. His stomach seems some better.

Sunday, October 25
A lovely day. Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S. – Mr. Pierce and Mr. Otto to Sargent while I drove Buddy’s car down to S.S. and Church in Palacios. – Went to P.O. – To Teague’s Cafι for lunch and stopped at home a few minutes. – Arrived here about 2:15 and went to Bay City with Mrs. Pierce and Clinton.- Have written to Mrs. Hall tonight.

Monday, October 26
This forenoon there were several showers, so the wash did not dry, but this P.M. was beautiful. – Mrs. Pierce had eleven visitors today. Truly a strenuous day. – Mr. Pierce not feeling quite so well this evening.
The kid for pecans
Mrs. Martyn
The man to haul the trash
Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Cornelius
The Kid
Mrs. ___ The Post Dispatch woman
Mr. Parwell
Mrs. Selkirk
The cleaner

Tuesday, October 27
Lovely day. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. Gave a barbecue to his tenants. – Mrs. Pierce and Odeal finished the ironing this forenoon while I mended the curtains in Mrs. Pierce’s room. – Mr. Rickaway put the 400 hour clock in order and it is now running. – Mrs. Pierce went to a meeting of the women at the Community House tonight. They discussed hot lunches for the school children this winter. – A Negro man was found murdered under the bridge, on the Simpsonville road. Another Negro has confessed to the deed.

Wednesday, October 28
Some cloudy today. – Just before dark, storm clouds formed in the north and some rain fell. – Mr. Glaze, from the El Maton school, was here this morning. – Mr. Pierce came downstairs to drink some milk and we all sat up until about 12 o’clock. – His stomach is troublesome again. – I mended this afternoon. Mrs. Pierce worked at her desk a good deal today. – Tonight it is much cooler. – Northeast wind and cloudy day.

Thursday, October 29
Pretty day, but northeast wind. – Mrs. Pierce and Mr. Duller went to Pheasant on school business this P.M. – Tonight Mr. Pierce treated the family and Mr. ____, bank inspector, to the Picture, Penrod and Sam, at Palacios. Poor Penrod I wept with him.

Friday, October 30
Clinton was not well this morning and came home at noon with some fever. He did not go back to school – Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios this forenoon. One of the judges of the Fine Arts exhibit at the Fair. – Tonight the family went to a carnival at the Community House for the High School. – I seem to be taking cold, so sat by the fire in the fireplace at home. – Old Joe slept on the front porch, so I was not afraid.

Saturday, October 31
Beautiful day tho cold in the house. – I kept a little fire in the fire place all day. – Mrs. Pierce took Mrs. Yeager, Clinton and John Warren to Houston today. – I kept house. – Mr. Pierce ate nothing downtown for lunch. – Tonight being Halloween, the boys were out. – We sat up until about 11 o’clock. Clinton came in soon after. He will sleep in my room tonight. The porch being too cold.


Sunday, November 1
Lovely morning. I was to drive Bud’s car to Palacios this morning to church, but found the battery dead. –So went to S. S. here with Mrs. Pierce. Mr. Duller being my class teacher. – Ate dinner at the Hotel. – Mr. and Mrs. Walker of El Maton spent a couple of hours here this P.M. Mrs. Beard, also. – Went to tell Jim to come and milk so John has gone to Houston. – Did not go to church. (Clinton’s lessons)

Monday, November 2
Beautiful wash day. – Mrs. Pierce tried to do a little house cleaning today with Jim’s help, but she is sick. Cold and hay fever. – Going to bed tonight feeling miserable. – Mr. R. brought us some persimmons this P.M. – Thank goodness I am feeling quite well. – Mr. Pierce is sick, too.

Tuesday, November 3
Lovely morning. – Odeal came to finish the ironing. – Mrs. Pierce was quite miserable all forenoon and finally had to lay down. – I finished her room after lunch, but she said she was feeling better so did not go to bed. – She got up after Clinton came from school and at bed time is some better. – Clinton has a severe cold, too, so they are both taking medicine tonight. – Old Jim was here all day.

Wednesday, - November 4
Beautiful warm day. – Mrs. Pierce has been feeling better today, tho she has a severe cold. – Mr. Pierce is better, too. – Mr. Farwell drove Mrs. Pierce and me over to Buckeye this afternoon to see the oil well being put down there. – They are down 5045 feet. – Mrs. Stoddard is due to arrive any day.  – Trust they may find oil in paying quantities. (Check from Electric stock today. My 2nd. $6.00)

Thursday, November 5
Another beautiful day. So warm and balmy. – Jim washed windows, etc. today. – The Women’s Council and Library Association met here this P.M. 13 present. – Rev. Engle preached tonight. – Mr. Pierce not quite so well tonight. – After preaching service, Rev. Engle, Mrs. Selkirk and Mrs. Cornelius came up to the house for an hour or so.

Friday, November 6
Lovely day. – Busy all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this P.M. – The Girl Reserves gave a party at the Community House tonight. Invited the Women’s Council, etc. We had a most enjoyable time.

Saturday, November 7
Another grand day. – I did not feel quite as well. Took a pill last night. – Mrs. Pierce went to the Library this P.M. – I went to sleep on the couch at home. We and Mrs. Beard went to Palacios tonight to see a bum picture. Reckless Riding. – Mr. Pierce went to Sargent tonight to be gone until tomorrow.

Sunday, November 8
Another beautiful day. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S.S. here and I drove Buddy’s car to Palacios. – Went to my house first and opened the windows. Then went to Church. Gave checks to Miss Claire $21.00. – Came back to Blessing and read this afternoon. – Mr. Farwell came up a few minutes. – Clinton prepared his lessons tonight. Mrs. Pierce has written several letters this P.M. and tonight. – I wrote to the Frasers today. – Sent gas check. $5.00 to church $4.02 to Billie’s Garage.

Monday, November 9
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce worked on the school report all forenoon. – After lunch I drove her car to Palacios to see Mr. Morgan about my gas bill. – Could not find him, but Mrs. Newsom will see him for me tomorrow. – Brought my light weight coat up with me.

Tuesday, November 10
Cloudy all day, but not much rain fell. – Mrs. Pierce worked on the school books all day until Clinton came from school to get his lessons. – Mrs. Martyn came just after lunch to talk about the Immunization act on the school children tomorrow. I walked to the P.O. after lunch.  Joe went along.  – Expected a deposit slip for $21.00 from Miss Clair. – Mrs. Pierce and I went to the Mothers’ Council meeting tonight. – Walked down.

Wednesday, November 11 – Armistice Day
More sunshine today. – Mrs. Pierce helped the Dr. and his nurse give the kids their shots this forenoon. – This P. M. she worked on school books and I darned hose. – Clinton went to Bay City to see a circus. – Dance at Community House tonight. – We put the quilt into the frame this evening, too. – Letter from Mrs. Stoddard in Bay City.

Thursday, November 12
Pretty day. – Just busy all forenoon. – Mrs. Pierce has her school books finished and her report to Mr. Corbett in reference to the pictures given the schools of Matagorda [Co.] by the Gulf Sulphur Co. almost finished. – We planted lily bulbs this afternoon and I took a few stitches in the quilt. – Mrs. Pierce made cookies while we were getting supper. Her S. S. class met here tonight to study their S. S. lesson. – She gave them cookies for refreshments. – Rec’d my deposit slip this morning.

Friday, November 13
Rather dreary day and a hard shower fell this P.M. – Mrs. Pierce and Jim worked in the flower beds all forenoon. This afternoon she went to Bay City on Red Cross business. – I quilted some and answered the telephone.

Saturday, November 14
Pretty day. Just like a spring day. – Mrs. Pierce, Beard, John W. and Clinton went to Houston this morning. – Came home very tired. – I quilted quite a while this afternoon. – My fingertips are getting sore.

Sunday, November 15
Cloudy and some rain this forenoon. -  I expected to go to Palacios this morning, but the clouds prevented. So went to S. S. with Mrs. Pierce. – Letter from Mrs. Shaw and note from Mrs. Newsom. – Rained quite a shower just after 12 o’clock. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – A travelling minister preached. – After dinner Mrs. Pierce took three of the teachers and me to Bay City. We went to see Mrs. Stoddard and the teachers went to the Picture Show. – Went to hear Rev. Gillespie preach tonight. – Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent.

Monday, November 16
Some rain this forenoon so the clothes did not get dry. – I drove Mrs. Pierce’s car to Palacios this afternoon to see what Mr. Morgan said about the gas. Hit a dog coming home. – The Chevrolet sales house in Palacios was closed Sat. night. – We went to see and hear a lecture at the Community House tonight . Indian Civilization.

Tuesday, November 17
Pretty day. – Odeal came to iron, but was too sick. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City soon after lunch on business and to have Bud’s car put in order. – She was one of a committee to serve refreshments to the Eastern Stars at Palacios tonight, so she is not at home yet. – Helped Clinton a little with his lessons. – Mr. Pierce took Otto for a ride tonight.

Wednesday, November 18
Lovely day. – Cleaned house today. – Jim and Odeal helped. – Tonight we hurried to Palacios to have Clinton’s hair cut before going to see Jack Holt in “Fifty Fathoms Deep,” but the barber shops were closed when we got there. – Mr. Pierce and Otto went in his car and he treated all of us to the Picture.

Thursday, November 19
Rained some this P.M. – Jim worked all day and we had the lower floor in good order before the Ladies met at 2:30 in business council. – I quilted all afternoon and have the border half finished. – Tired tonight and the back of my neck is lame, but I love to quilt.

Friday, November 20
Not such a beautiful day. A rain last night made the streets muddy. – The Dr., etc. gave the school children the 2nd dose of immunization dope this forenoon – This P.M. we prepared for the S. S. class party which came off tonight. – 11 children seemed to have a good time. – Mrs. Pierce is almost exhausted as we go to bed at midnight.

Saturday, November 21
Busy day. – Put the house in order after the party. – This afternoon I quilted. We were at home all evening.

Sunday, November 22
Cloudy this forenoon. I did not go to Palacios this forenoon on that account, but went to S. S. here. – Ate dinner at the hotel. – Went to Palacios to picture show after dinner. “The Sky Raiders.”  - Mr. and Mrs. Lucas rode down and went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Kimball. – Mrs. Beard and John W. came up tonight. – Mr. Pierce spent the day in Sargent. – Met the Bordens and Mrs. Stoddard as we came home.

Monday, November 23
Pretty day. – Mrs. Pierce has been busy all day with school work vaccination and immunization of pupils. Then to Bay City with a picture report this afternoon. – Then Clinton’s lessons and finally she and Mr. Pierce went to El Maton to call on the Walkers tonight. – Clinton and I are going to bed. – A lovely moonlight night and a million dogs barking. – Letter from the Beacon and one from Mrs. Love.

Tuesday, November 24
A norther blew down upon us today. Real cold and windy tonight. Fire in the fire place since dark. – Jim killed the big Thanksgiving turkey today. – Mrs. Pierce hired a woman to work in the kitchen for a month or so. So our fingernails could grow out again. – Her class met here tonight to study their S. S. lesson. – Buddy will be home tomorrow we hope.

Wednesday, November 25
Cold, cloudy, windy day. Fire in the furnace. – Buddy came on the 4 o’clock train. Looks well. – Mrs. Beard and John W. came up tonight. – Bud went to Palacios a short time. – The family talked with Mrs. Smith tonight.

Thursday, November 26 – Thanksgiving Day
A real pretty day tho cold. – We were busy all forenoon getting dinner. – It was just like all of Mrs. Pierce’s dinners, good. – Buddy was here. He is such a fine young man. – Mr. Farwell ate here, too. – Visited and listened to the Football game all afternoon. – Went to Bay City to see “Trader Horn” at night. – Much to be thankful for.

Friday, November 27
Buddy and Wheeler went duck hunting early this morning. Hunted all day, but did not have any success. – Mr. Pierce has been sick all day. Too much turkey and pecans. – We did a good deal of sweeping, etc. this forenoon.  – I sent checks for Beacon another year. Also a note to Mrs. Love. – Have been quilting all afternoon. – Went to P.O., etc. with Mrs. Pierce after lunch.

Saturday, November 28
Rainy, cold, east wind. – Mrs. Pierce, Miss Webb and Clinton went to Houston this morning, but were home again at 6 o’clock. – Was busy all forenoon with housework. – Buddy went hunting early, but no luck. – Washed his stump socks and on account of rain and fog, Mr. Pierce had to start the furnace to dry them. – Quilted some this afternoon. A man who lives at Collegeport brought two ducks and a goose about 5 o’clock, so the cook, Bessie, and I picked on them until supper time. – Going to bed tired.

Sunday, November 29
Foggy morning. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton went to S. S.  – I felt too stupid to go. – Buddy went hunting. Shot some ducks and geese which he took to Austin with him. – About one o’clock, Miss Cobb and a young man from Bay City went with him. He was to pick a young man up at Victoria, also. – A heavy load. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce were to go to Sargent with the Walkers of El Maton this P.M., but Mr. Pierce was not able to go. He went to bed soon after Buddy left. – Mr. Farwell came up and visited him awhile. – Mrs. Farwell may be home soon. – I expected to go to Palacios this P.M., but the clouds looked like rain, so I stayed at home. – Was real tired anyway.

Monday, November 30
Rainy forenoon, but cold and windy. – Odeal did the washing and ironed some this A.M. – Dr. Morton came to see Mr. Pierce this forenoon. Said he had an ulcer in his stomach. Recommended strict diet and to stay in bed a month. He is real sick. – I have been quilting all afternoon. – Sent a note to Mrs. Stoddard. – Hope Buddy and his load reached Austin safely.


Tuesday, December 1
Cold, windy, cloudy day. – Quilted most of the day. – Mr. Pierce some better. Many people came to the house today. – Mrs. Pierce did not go off the place. – Mrs. Yeager and her family came over tonight to shell pecans for the Federation dinner Sat.

Wednesday, December 2
Dreary, cloudy, drizzly day. – Quilted a little this forenoon and darned stockings, etc. – Mr. Pierce had a bad spell about 5 this morning, so Mrs. Pierce for Dr Morton. He seems to be resting quite comfortably tonight. – Drove to Palacios this P.M. to take some books to Mr. Dismukes to have the programs printed on the backs for the Federation meeting Sat. – Mrs. Newsom gave me a check for rent.

Thursday, December 3
Much pleasanter day than yesterday. – Mr Pierce has seemed better today. Had a good many visitors. – I finished quilting the xmas quilt last this evening. Now for the binding. – The women all very busy getting ready for the club meeting Saturday.

Friday, December 4 – Mr. Pierce’s birthday. - 58
Wonderful day. Bright sunshine and much warmer. Have south door open. – This has been a busy day for the household. – Mr. Pierce has entertained 14 visitors today. Says it does not tire him to talk to his friends. He seems to be feeling better, but is very weak.
Mary Deane
Billy Linder
Mr. El Maton Deddick [Dedek?]
Mr. Hurd
Mr. Hurd
The woman and husband
Dr. Morton
Mr. O’Bannon
Mr. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Duller
Willie Jones
Mrs. Pierce went to the Hotel and Community House this P.M. Convention tomorrow.

Saturday, December 5
Not a beautiful day. Too cloudy and a northeast wind. – The Federation Meeting came and went . A good time is reported. – Mr. Pierce did not have so much company today. – Mrs. Pierce brought Mrs. Fincher, Mrs. Stoddard and Mrs. Stinnett up to see him. – I have been putting new skirts on a bed pad this P.M. – Seem tired tonight. Hope to go to Palacios tomorrow.

Sunday, December 6
Such a rainy day. – No S. S. in Blessing on account of the cold drizzly rain. – Bessie the cook came. Mrs. Pierce was not expecting her. – Not so many visitors today. Mr. King, Mr. Duller, Mr. Logan, Jr. and  Sr., and Mr. Rickaway. – Mr. Withers came and is spending the night. – I have written to Miss Mitchell, Minnie Crum and the Bells today. – Mr. Pierce seems much better tonight.

Monday, December 7
Rain again. – Odeal did not come. – Mr. Pierce has had many visitors today. – Mr. Payne is spending the night here. – We had ducks for dinner tonight. – I worked on the smock for Mrs. Stoddard this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce seems to be feeling better each day, but is very weak.

Tuesday, December 8
Cloudy day, but Odeal did the washing and it is dry. – Dr. Morton came over and was pleased with Mr. Pierce’s condition. Added eggs, etc. to his diet. – I finished the smock xcept the buttons. – So glad it is warmer.

Wednesday, December 9
Most beautiful day. South wind and sunshine. – I worked on the quilt all afternoon and evening. Have it half bound. – Mr. Pierce had another busy day with men coming and going . – The Red Cross committee met here tonight and added Mr. Matthes to their number. – There seems to be a good deal of need among the population.

Thursday, December 10
A hectic day for Mr. Pierce. – Men without number to talk to him. – Trustee meeting in the afternoon. – Mostly sunshine all day and very warm. – Streets are drying up quite fast.

Friday, December 11
Such a rainy day. A little sunshine, but mostly showers. – Worked the button holes in the smock this afternoon. – Went to town this forenoon to P.O. and drug store. – Ordered some rubbers from Murphy’s.  – This afternoon Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City to attend a health or Red Cross meeting. – Mr. Pierce had callers all day, and tonight they are still coming.

Saturday, December 12
Arose early this morning. – The sun shone most of the afternoon, but the streets are muddy. – Mrs. Pierce, Clinton, Mrs. Beard, John Warren, T. W. Rhodes and Helen Yeager went to Houston – Mr. Pierce put his dressing gown on and went downstairs when Mary Deane came. – They worked on cotton figures all day until 5:30. Was raining then. The O’Bannons were among the callers today. – The Houston visitors did not get home until 8:30. – Rained on them most of the way home. – Mr. Pierce seems much better today. Trust he did not over do today. – Did not send the smock today.

Sunday, December 13
Late getting up this morning. – Dreary morning. Mud everywhere. – Helen will teach Mrs. Pierce’s class today. – We did a little house work this forenoon. – Mr. Pierce went downstairs this forenoon and worked on his cotton books all day, but had a good many interruptions by visitors. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton worked in the toy room after lunch. Mrs. Beard came up and joined the toy room party. – The Dullers came tonight.  – Mr. O’Bannon ate lunch here. – Did not write any letters today. – Norther.

Monday, December 14
A real norther. Dry. North wind all day. – Washing done. – Mr. Pierce downstairs all day in dressing gown. – I did some mending today. – Went to Bay City tonight to see Seth Palmer in Way Back Home. – Splendid picture would have stayed to see it twice if we could have done so. – Otto sat with Mr. Pierce while we were gone. – Sent the smock today.

Tuesday, December 15
Cloudy morning. East wind. Very little sunshine today. Real gloomy. – Mr. Pierce has been downstairs most of the day, but is not feeling so well tonight. – I went to town this afternoon. Rec’d card from Mrs. Shaw. – Pattern from Mrs. Lucas. – Rev. Engle was here this forenoon. – Did some mending today and washed out a few pieces to put away for the winter. – Will take them to Palacios the next time I go. – Mr. Pierce was not so well at church time, so Mrs. Pierce did not go. – Mrs. Beard and I being the congregation. There were no services held.

Wednesday, December 16
Such a rainy day. I expected to drive to Palacios if the roads permitted, but the Blessing streets are very muddy. – Mary Deane took me down town and back this P.M. I bought a pair of rubbers from Murphy’s. – Mr. Pierce did not have so many callers today on account of the rain, perhaps. – He is feeling some better today.

Thursday, December 17
Pretty day. – Busy this forenoon. – Mrs. Farwell came home at noon. – The streets are muddy so they went directly home from the depot. – Mrs. Pierce met her and Mr. F. – This afternoon I drove Mr. Pierce’s car to Palacios. Spent quite a while at home trying to find some material and failed at last.  Went to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes. – The Dullers came to see Mr. Pierce tonight. He has had many callers today.

Friday, December 18
Rained last night. Streets very bad again. – Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon. – Saw Mrs. Stoddard. – The Red Cross committee met here tonight. – Mr. Yeager brought a package to me from Mrs. Stoddard which was sent to Palacios. – I covered some Christmas boxes for Mrs. Pierce’s S. S. class this afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell were to drive up this P.M., but the streets were too muddy. – Mr. Pierce is just about holding his own. He sat up today until 4 o’clock. - Went to bed tired.

Saturday, December 19
Rainy day and cold. – We did a little house work this forenoon. – Tied up Christmas gifts this afternoon. – Mr. Pierce did not have so many callers today and did not go downstairs until after supper. Then for a short time. – The cook did not come back to cook supper. She was not well. – Mrs. Pierce and Clinton are making and addressing cards tonight. – Clear and warmer tonight.

Sunday, December 20
Beautiful day. All sunshine. – We were busy all forenoon. – Tied up Christmas packages, etc. – After lunch, Mrs. Pierce went down to the Community House to meet the children who are to be in the pageant. – Mr. and Mrs. Trull called on Mr. Pierce while she was away. – Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon, too. – Mrs. Beard invited me to attend the picture show in Bay City this P.M. Also one in Palacios tonight. Clinton went tonight. – Mrs. Pierce read aloud for us. – Finished “A Fortune to Share.”

Monday, December 21
Beautiful day. – This forenoon I went down to Palacios. – Stopped at Mrs. Love’s for my Christmas cards. – Paid Mr. Love $1.00 for lawn work. – Took some canned things to the Houghtons. – Brought Clinton’s trousers from the cleaners. – Met Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. Farwell on the street. – Drank a cup of coffee at Teague’s Cafι. – Went to the bank for a few dollars. – Mr. Appleton gave me a calendar. – The Partain-Skinner baby died last night. [Melba Ruth Partain]

Palacios Beacon, December 24, 1931

Tuesday, December 22
Another grand day. – Have been busy with Christmas work all day. – Put up the tree and green decorations this afternoon. – Mr. Allen Pierce brought a goat and her kid in this afternoon for Mr. Pierce to try goat’s milk. – Have been receiving and sending some Christmas cards this week. -  Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes this P.M. – Buddy came home tonight for his xmas vacation.

Wednesday, December 23
Pretty day. Very warm. – Just a busy day. – Mrs. Pierce has been receiving and sending Christmas cards most of the day. – I have been remembered, too, and have sent a few to intimate friends mostly. – The goat is not doing much in the milk line. Guess she is home sick. – Mr. Pierce has been downstairs a couple of times today. He is feeling better again. – School closed for the Christmas holidays today. – Seems good to have Buddy at home.

Thursday, December 24
Beautiful day. – Busy all day – Mr. Pierce had a restless night last night. – Dr. Morton came over this forenoon. Mrs. Morton and Maryanna are in Houston to receive a diamond ring won by Maryanna. I was down town to mail a bunch of cards and bring  steak for dinner. Have received a good many cards. – I, Buddy and O. went down to the Community House this P.M. and helped fill boxes with candy and nuts for the tree there tonight. – After supper Mrs. Pierce and I trimmed the small tree for the dining table. – Later when Buddy came home we trimmed the home tree. – Mr. Pierce came down stairs and we finished our work about 1 o’clock.

Friday, December 25
A beautiful Christmas Day. – Mrs. Pierce had a splendid dinner served today. – Mr. Pierce served eggnog to quite a host of friends this forenoon. Then he sat at his table and ate his diet dinner with his family and Mr. and Mrs. Farwell as guests. He also handed the gifts from the tree this morning. – My gifts from the family were such a surprise to me and so lovely I had to cry. – Am sorry I am so childish. – After dinner many neighbors and friends came to call. – Dr. and Mrs. Morton and others. – Mrs. Pierce is tired tonight.  – Buddy out on a date. – The pooch and Joe each had a sausage for xmas gifts. And poochie wore two gold bells all day. A happy, sad day.

Saturday, December 26
Pretty winter day. Mostly sunshine. – I washed my hair this afternoon. – A few guests came in to play bridge tonight. – Delayed gifts came from Minnesota today. – Mr. Pierce seems to be improving every day.

Sunday, December 27
Rather cloudy forenoon. – Did not go to Palacios today. Too cloudy this forenoon. – Soon after dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Mobley came and made a long visit. – Buddy went out hunting with Poochie. – He was just ready to take his father out for a drive when Mr. and Mrs. Corbett came. – As soon as they left, we all went for a drive in Buddy’s car up Midfield way. – Then Mrs. Pierce went to church. – Buddy to a waffle party at the Yeager home.

Monday, December 28
Pretty day after fog raised. – Mrs. Pierce took Clinton and T. W. Rhodes to Houston today. – Odeal was sick, but washed. – Buddy drove his Father down to Palacios this P.M. – Mrs. Duller and a daughter called. Also Dr. Morton. – Wrote a few thank you notes this P.M. and tonight. – Mr. and Mrs. Pierce played a game of Cribbage tonight.

Tuesday, December 29
Cloudy all forenoon, so I didn’t go down home to air my rooms. – Mr. Pierce had many callers today. – Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Cornelius went to Bay City this P.M. – Mr. Pierce and Buddy went for a drive. – I sent a number of thank you letters today.

Wednesday, December 30
Norther blew up this forenoon and the sky cleared. So I went down home after lunch. – Opened the windows and aired the rooms well. – Took some magazines over to Mrs. Houghton. – Went to the P.O.  Paid the box rent. – Found some goods to make a dress for a little girl up here. – Stopped at the Hockeys, but they were not at home. – Mrs. Newsom was working this P.M. – Found a doll door stop on the stairs for me from Mrs. Newsom.

Thursday, December 31
A bright day, but real cool. North wind. – Sent Mrs. Shaw a few Beacons today. – Did a little mending for Buddy. – Mr. Pierce spent most of the day in his office. The Red Cross committee met here tonight to discuss ways and means. – Mrs. Pierce and I sat up until the clock struck 12 o’clock. – Then she put the turkey in a slow oven to begin cooking for dinner tomorrow.  – Now we are going to be in 1932.




Background courtesy of lorij576
Movie posters courtesy of Wikipedia


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All rights reserved

May 8, 2015
May 8, 2015