Nellie Tilson Webb

1930 Diary

July - December

Nellie's Biography

1929   1930   1931   1932   1933
1934   1935  1936   1937    1938

Courtesy of
Palacios Area Historical Association
City By the Sea Museum



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United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company

A. B. Pierce & Co.

Blessing, Texas
Phone 31


Tuesday, July 1 – Buckeye

Very hot day. - Expect Buddy Pierce was operated on to day.- Getting along real well with Mrs. Stoddard’s sewing.


Young Hall Edwards "Buddy" Pierce in wheelchair with brothers, cousins and friends


Wednesday, July 2

Hot, hot. - We drove to Bay City this forenoon. Mrs. Stoddard took her first inoculation for hay fever. Then we shopped until noon. Ate lunch at the Rice. Then more shopping etc. Finally the clouds began gathering and we fortunately ran across Mr. Dunbar who drove us home after a hard rain in Bay City. Had only sprinkled out here. - We went out to Mrs. Muir’s soon after coming home. - Strenuous day. - Went to see Mrs. Matchett.


Thursday, July 3 – Buckeye

Not so hot. - We drove down to Brown’s for a fat hen after breakfast. Mrs. S. having invited the Lamberts and their two friends to dinner tomorrow night. - Mrs. Stoddard went to the office this P.M. Something unusual for her now. - Later Mr. Ford took us to see some of the cotton fields, etc. - Tonight the Lamberts and their guests, the Petersons of Houston, came to say they could not eat with us tomorrow. They are going to Palacios. Celebration there in honor of cement streets around the square. - Card from Mrs. Shaw.


Friday, July 4

Real 4th of July weather. Hot and some cloudy. - We drove to the store for oil. Then delivered dresses to a couple of new babies and a cap to the little 2 yr old Powell boy. - Mr. Ford ate dinner with us. Mr. Lambert called this morning. - Just as we were eating our late supper, Mrs. Pevoteaux and her daughter drove up. - We cut a watermelon. They and Mr. Ford helped eat it. Wonderful moonlight nights. - Expect Palacios is weary from much entertaining today.


Saturday, July 5

Hot morning. We were out in the car this morning. Intended going to Bay City this PM for another hay fever treatment, but a hard rain storm came up from the north just after 12 o’clock. - Mr. Ford and a Mr. Kelley drove over to Markham for ice. New grade at  Markham. Very bad from the rain.


Sunday, July 6 - $107.20 Dividend

Quiet day. Took a pill last night. Felt quite all in this forenoon. - Mrs. Stoddard had the little folks come here for S.S. this forenoon. They seemed to enjoy it. - Read hard shower since noon. Just rested all day. - Took a nap after 5 o’clock. My medicine made me feel so weak.


Monday, July 7

Mrs. Stoddard went to Bay City this forenoon to take an inoculation. Mr. Dunbar drove the car. Roads bad at Markham. - I sent my dividend check to (Bank) Miss Claire this P.M. and another to Mrs. Smith. - Sewing. Cloudy and rain threatened this forenoon. - Letter from Mrs. Barton in Austin where they have been transferred. - Went for a short drive after supper.


Tuesday, July 8 – Buckeye

Cloudy day  and some rain. - Recd a letter from Mrs. Smith. Wrote to her and to Mrs. Pierce. - We walked out to Mrs. Muir’s when we went to down to mail our letters. - Made some grape juice. - Read until bed time.


Wednesday, July 9 – Buckeye

Rainy day until evening. - Mrs. Stoddard went to Bay City by train to take her hay fever shot. - Rained just before the afternoon train came in, so I took her rubbers to the depot. - My deposit slip came from Miss Claire today. - Mrs. S. brought me two print dresses from Bay City. - Sewing on purple voile dress.


Thursday, July 10

Did not rain today, but roads are very bad at Markham on the new grade. - Mr. Ford went to Bay City for ice tonight. - Finished reading “Mirthful Haven” tonight. No mail for me today.


Friday, July 11 – Buckeye

Mrs. Stoddard went to Bay City by train this noon. - Miss Lillian Pevoteaux came home with her to spend the week end. - Card from Mrs. Newsom


Saturday, July 12 – Humble Oil Arrived – Buckeye

Very hot day. North wind! - Returned a dress to Bay City which was sent me on approval. - Did not go to Bay City tonight. Miss Lillian trying to rest. - Sewing all day.


Sunday, July 13 – Buckeye

Not so hot, but plenty hot. - Mrs. Stoddard and me went to Bay City to church and to the hospital for her treatment. - Young Brown preached a good sermon and a surprisingly large congregation heard him. - Paula had dinner almost ready when we returned. She is a joy. - Roads at Markham very rough over new grade. - Just rested all afternoon. Played croquet after sundown. - Did not write a letter.


Monday, July 14

No rain today. Hot and sultry. - Miss Lillian went home by train this noon. - Mr. Ford and Mrs. S. drove to Bay City this P.M. where Mrs. S. addressed the Commissioners’ Court now in session. - Cut out pink gown this P.M. - Wrote to Aunt Mira and the Houghtons tonight.


Tuesday, July 15

Both cloudy and sunshiny this forenoon. - “Prospect” from Kansas City brought out by Houston agents this forenoon. - Phone message from Mrs. Farwell wanting me to meet her in Blessing today to pack and send some linen to Mrs. Pierce. - Could not go until tomorrow. - Mrs. S. and me started to Bay City this P.M. for her inoculation but the sky was so threatening that we turned back at the Knowles house. It rained several times this PM. - Letters from Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Pierce. Sent check for $52.20 to Mrs. Smith. I now have 100 shares in the North American Trust Co. - Buddy doing well.


Wednesday, July 16

Mrs. Stoddard and Mr. Ford drove to Bay City this forenoon (Hospital). - I went to Blessing on the noon train. Mr. and Mrs. Farwell met me at the depot. - We packed and sent the boxes to Mrs. Pierce and I came back on the 4 o’clock train. - A hard rain fell at Blessing just after lunch and a fierce looking cloud came up from the north at train time, but it was a dry norther. - Mrs. Lucas’ two granddaughters went home this P.M. - Started a letter to Mrs. Pierce tonight. Too tired to finish.


Thursday, July 17 – Buckeye

Busy day and a warm one. - Company came unexpectedly for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robins, Mrs. Lewis and daughter and Mr. Foulks of Houston. Much flying around for eggs, potatoes, bread, etc. Gathering fresh flowers, etc. Result—a good lunch. - Soon after lunch the three ladies went home. The men and us drove over the Ranch. - Mr. Foulks went home on the 4 o’clock train. Mr. Robins rode in with Mrs. Stoddard and me to Bay City. - We went to the hospital, then to Rice for supper, then to Picture show. Unmentionable. - Mr. Dunbar drove us home.


Friday, July 18

Pretty day, but hot. - We did not go out of the yard today. - I sewed on pink gowns. Mrs. Stoddard worked at her desk and rested. - To bed early. No mail.


Saturday, July 19

Real hard sun shower this forenoon.  We were to drive to Bay City this forenoon, but the rain prevented. - Mrs. S. going on train instead. - Finished gowns. - Drove out to Mrs. Muir’s after sundown to deliver some things from Bachman’s. - Read after supper early to bed.


Bachman I. G. A. Store - Bay City


Sunday, July 20 – Buckeye

Pretty day. - Had Sunday School at Mrs. Stoddard’s home. Then we drove to Markham. Rev. Maxwell of Beaumont is holding a meeting there in a tent. Not much of a crowd to hear him preach. - Read and rested all afternoon. Glad to be quiet sometimes.


Monday, July 21

Pretty day. - Mrs. Stoddard spent the day in the office. - Have been sewing on a collar appliqué work. - Drove Mrs. S. to the office after lunch. - Paula is doing good cooking. - No mail today. - Going to bed early.


Tuesday, July 22

Letter from the Houghtons. Things seem all right at home. - Went to Bay City this forenoon. Rain threatened. Came home with chains on the car, but were glad not to need them. - Sewed on collar and lace front this afternoon.


Wednesday, July 23 – Buckeye

No rain today. - Still sewing on collars and pants. - Drove Mrs. S. to office this afternoon.


Thursday, July 24 – Buckeye

$47.00 from Mrs. Stoddard. - Went to Bay City this forenoon for Mrs. Stoddard’s treatment. - Stayed to attend a missionary meeting. Ate lunch at the Robins home. - Had a pleasant day tho did not expect to be in town all day.


Friday, July 25 – Buckeye

No rain yet. - Poisoning cotton tonight. Worms everywhere. - Mrs. Stoddard spent most of the day at the office. Getting ready to leave Buckeye soon. - I sewed on underwear all day.


Saturday, July 26

Went to hospital. Did some shopping. Came back home before noon and cut out the purple dress this P.M. - No mail today.


Sunday, July 27 – Buckeye

Pretty day, but hot and dusty. - We went to Bay City to church after S. S. in Buckeye. - The car went bad just as we were within a block of the Presbyterian church, but we coaxed it to the church. - Mrs. S. phoned an S.O.S. to Buckeye and Mr. Dunbar came for us after church. He took the roadster to the garage and brought us home in the truck. - We will be leaving here soon so will not have the car sent out again.


First Presbyterian Church - Bay City


Monday, July 28

Very hot day. - Sewing on purple dress. - Mrs. S. went to Bay City this afternoon with Mr. Ford. - We miss the little car.


Tuesday, July 29

Hot day. Real summer. - Just sewing all day. No excuse to be out riding . No car. - Rain threatened this afternoon. - The haying began yesterday, but the baler broke down this morning, so no grass was cut today. - Deposit ticket came from Miss Claire today. - She has been away on a week’s vacation. - Silk for purple dress came today.


Wednesday, July 30 – Buckeye

Sewed very hard on the purple dress today. - Such a scorching hot day. Mrs. Stoddard went to Bay City this forenoon. Her last trip to the Drs. She is getting her trunk packed and things in order to leave tomorrow. - The Pevoteaux girls and a couple of young men came out tonight to eat of the watermelon that grew on the Rambo’s hedge. - Mr. Dunbar and Mr. Ford took the sewing machine to Bay City tonight. - Letters from Williams and Haywoods today.


Thursday, July 31 – Buckeye

Hot again today. - Finished the purple dress in time for it to be packed in the trunk. - Mrs. S. left on the 4 o’clock train for the east—New York. - Paula is staying with me tonight. - Mrs. S. is at the Lamar in Houston tonight. - A storm seems to be coming up from the northwest. Cotton is opening a little.


Lamar Hotel - Houston, Texas



Came up to Buckeye May 18. - Spent all of June and all of July in Buckeye.


Friday, August 1 – Palacios

Hot day. Just a sprinkle of rain fall in Buckeye last night. - Paula helped me put the house in order. Then Mr. Ford drove me to Markham to take the train for home. - Arrived here soon after 12. Mr. Sanders brought me up home and as soon as I had opened the rooms, I went back to Mrs. Sandusky’s for dinner. - Mrs. Brandon and Thomas brought me home. - I worked around a little and had just put the hose on to water the flowers and wash the porch when Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up. - I went to Blessing with them to send some things to Mrs. Pierce. - When we came back, we went to Nester’s for a sandwich. - Came up home and just about dark, the Newsoms drove in. Was surprised to have them come so soon. - Glad they are here. - So tired and nervous.


Saturday, August 2 – T.N.G. Camp

Soldiers came to camp today. - Went to see Mr. Bentler this noon .He will paper the ceiling in the Newsoms’ bedroom Monday. - The Gas man came today. He located the line to the meter (from the Christian Church) (Mr. Monogham) - Been trying to clean my rooms a little. - Am so tired tonight. Could not sleep last night. So tired. Must rest now. - Soldier trains coming in all day. - Letter from Mrs. S. written in Houston.



Sunday, August 3 – Palacios

Beautiful but hot today. - No one from the house went to S. S. or church this forenoon. I lay in my bed and watched Central S. S. assemble and dismiss. Small bunch. - Went to PO just before dusk. Stopped a moment to see the Loves, Miss Bennett and Miss Pearl. Miss B. is living here now and Miss Pearl is home from summer school.


Monday, August 4

Mr. Bentler and Mr. Neff papered the ceiling and Mr. Holliday hung the French doors this forenoon. - So Mrs. Newsom has her rooms almost in order tonight. - Her sister, Celia, is to live with her this year and attend school. - Have not done much in my rooms today. - Paid my bill at the Price Lumber yard and took my washing to Mrs. Bonner. - Note from Mr. Ford.


Tuesday, August 5 – Palacios

Did a little staining on some of the bare wood in my rooms today. - Mrs. Newsom went to work during the Camp. - Went to see Mrs. Hockey tonight. She is quite feeble.


Wednesday, August 6

Beautiful day today and hot. - Did a little more painting and some ironing today. - Went to prayer meeting tonight. Very few in attendance. Am sorry the church is in such a condition. Too much Nazarene influence. - Town noisy with Soldiers, etc.


Thursday, August 7 – Palacios

The Gas line was put into the yard today. Came across the street. - No rain yet. Cotton being picked. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce today. - Went for a short walk after dusk. Town full of soldiers. Streets dotted with stands. - Still trying to put my rooms in order tho the dust seems to blow in almost as fast as I can wipe it up. - Mended some this P.M. - So tired my feel swell and are painful. Such hot weather I guess.


Friday, August 8 – P

Took Mrs. Pierce’s letter down for Mrs. Farwell to read this forenoon. - Almost too weak and tired to get home. Guess I must be relaxing from the past 6 weeks. Constant going and doing. - Ironed a little and did a little painting. Home one week this P.M.


Saturday, August 9 – Palacios

Hot dry day. - Cleaned the house some. Ironed some dresses. Pressed the lace for Mrs. Stoddard’s bed jacket. - Extremely hot weather during the day, but cool nights.


Sunday, August 10 – Palacios

Went over to see Mrs. Chaddock a few minutes this forenoon. The family came down this morning to spend the day with Wiley and Bee. - Then went to Sunday School. Very few present. - Rested all afternoon. - Went to M. E. Church tonight. - Chaplain Broadus of the T. N. G. Camp preached.


Monday, August 11

Just another hot day. - Washed and ironed a few pieces. - Mrs. Farwell came to day that Mrs. Pierce wanted some more things sent to her. - Tired tonight. So much hot, dry, dusty weather. Am thankful there is not so much travel on this street since the cement road has been put down. - Sent Popular Mechanics today. Order for 12 mos. Beginning with October.


Tuesday, August 12 – Palacios

Darned and mended all forenoon. - Went to Blessing with the Farwells about 1:30. Found a few more things for Mrs. Pierce. Willie will send them tomorrow. - Then we drove out past the underpass as far as the road is open. Past Mrs. Smith’s farm (Live Oaks) and over the Tres Palacios bridge. The new highway is such a blessing. - Came home tired, but after supper went out to the Camp to hear a band concert with the Newsoms. - 8000 soldiers here this year.



Wednesday, August 13

Letter from Mrs. Shaw today. - Took my shoes to have the heels straightened and returned Mrs. Farwell’s book, “The Four Feathers,” but did not find her at home. - Went to prayer meeting. 8 present. - No rain yet. Cotton coming in rapidly. Cotton pickers wanted. The hot dry weather is opening it very fast.


Thursday, August 14 – Palacios

Worked on Mrs. Stoddard’s bed jacket this P.M. - Letter from Buckeye. The Guests have gone home. - Weather continues dry. So good for the boys in camp. - Not so tired tonight.


Friday, August 15 – Palacios

Hot day, but good breeze. - Finished Mrs. Stoddard’s bed jacket today. Will send it to Cleveland tomorrow. Did some mending for myself. Am sure my clothes are getting a surprise by being put in condition to wear. Ironed a couple of dresses. - Went down to see Mrs. Farwell about going to Buckeye. - They took me along with them for a long drive. Stopped at El Maton for Coco Cola. - Am feeling so much better since I am resting some. - Troops will be moving out of camp tomorrow. Fine weather for them.


Saturday, August 16 – P

Very hot sun, but a good breeze flowing. - Mailed the bed jacket to Miss Mary’s address. Note to Buckeye. - Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. We can not go to Buckeye before Wed. - Mrs. Love is taking care of the chicken I am to have for our picnic lunch. - Been working on a couple of slips for myself today. - Soldiers all gone except the cleaning up squad. - Card from Mrs. Barton.


Sunday, August 17 – P

Good breeze all day. - Went to S. S. this forenoon. Wrote to Bro. Williams and Mrs. Stoddard. Was writing to Mrs. Bell when the Farwells came by for me to go out riding. - We started to Blessing and when almost to the Y, met Mr. Pierce and Abel Jr. so came back. I visited a short time and came home. Buddy’s leg is not doing so well they found when the cast was taken off. But another cast was put on the limb hoping a solid joint would yet grow. - Am sorry indeed for all of them. Poor Buddy. - Did not go to church tonight.


Monday, August 18 – Palacios

No rain. Cattle suffering from shortage of water and pasture. - Sewed some for myself today. Sleep so late mornings that the days are short. Am feeling much better and rested in spite of the heat. - Cotton coming to gin rapidly. Visited Mrs. Bunton, Mrs. Hockey and Mrs. Boyd this evening. - Note from Lyall. Glad I sent the magazine.


Tuesday, August 19 – P

Mr. Bruse came to see about the Gas. The stove Mrs. Newsom is getting will be in tomorrow. So Mr. Bruse will wait until it is in the house before he begins work. - Went to town this forenoon to see Mrs. F. as to the time of our going to Buckeye. - Miss Pearl killed the chicken for me and I dressed it this P.M. - Washed my hair and a few garments. Mrs. Brown bought me some Norris papers to read. - Did not sew or mend today. Mrs. Newsom and Celia are varnishing and putting their rooms in order. - Am hoping the Gas will prove a comfort to all of us.


Wednesday, August 20 – Palacios

Pretty day but hot and dry. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and I went to Buckeye this forenoon. Ate our picnic lunch in the dining room at the ranch house. - Missed Mrs. Stoddard. - Found everything in the house all right. - After lunch and we had rested awhile, we drove to Bay Coty. Looked at many pretty dresses at Miss Hardy’s. Drank a cool drink at Dooleys and came home arriving just after sundown. - Went to prayer meeting. Have had such a good day all day. - Mr. Bruse worked on the Gas pipes today.


Thursday, August 21 – Palacios

Another pretty, but hot day. - Mr. Bruse came this morning to work on the gas. - I went to Blessing with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell about nine o’clock. We put John Henry’s clothes in order so he is starting to Philadelphia tomorrow. Driving his mother’s car. - When I came home, I found that Mrs. Newsom’s stove was set up and tested out and mine had come and was set up, but did not get tested out today. Mrs. Newsom cooked supper on hers. Am hoping they will give us all good service and be a comfort. - No mail today. - A few drops of rain fell in Blessing today.


Friday, August 22  - P

A light shower fell today this P.M. Settled the dust for a short time. - The Newsoms went fishing since lunch. Expect to be away until tomorrow afternoon. - I have been working very hard all day—cleaning house, taking up dust and trying to put things in order somewhat. - My stove was tested out today and seems to be all right. - Cooked supper on the old oil stove tho. Am almost sorry to give it up. - Seems I am growing entirely away from former things. Suppose I am different, too.


Saturday, August 23 – P

Pretty day. - Used the little gas stove to cook my meals today. Suppose it is all right. - Long letter from Mrs. Bell. - The Newsoms came home this forenoon. Did not have a very pleasant trip. Mosquitoes too bad. - Paid for my stove today. $18.00. Also paid Mr. Bruse $24.00. Making my gas bill, for both floors and including my stove amount to $86.15. - Bought a piece of cake and some cookies at the Methodist ladies food sale this P.M. - Forgot to vote for or against Ma Ferguson until it was too late.


Sunday, August 24 – Palacios

Still dry tho clouds appear in the sky. - Went to S. S. this forenoon. Very few in attendance. No pastor, no preaching. - Did not write a letter today. - Went for a drive with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell this evening. - Then Mrs. F. and me went over to the 1st Baptist Church to hear a Sacred Concert. - Stopped on the way home for a limeade at Nester’s. - Uncle Billings is quite bad off. So frail in body and mind.


Baptist Church - Palacios


Monday, August 25 – P

Such a lovely little rain fell today. Settled the dust for a time then this evening the wind blew up from the north and tonight it is delightfully cool. - Mr. Newsom went night fishing this P.M. - Mrs. Farwell brought a negligee for me to finish for her. She is going home with Lulu Newton Thursday morning. - Am enjoying the Good Housekeeping and National Geographic magazines which belong to Mrs. Barton, but all being put in my box. - Check to the Haywoods today. (15.00 Tithe money)


Tuesday, August 26 – Palacios

Such a delightedly cool morning. Washed some this forenoon and did my house work. - Put the hose on and washed the front porch and watered the flowers. Since lunch finished Mrs. Farwell’s negligee. - Then came for me to go to Blessing about five o’clock. Willie went with John Henry east. - Mr. Newsom came home this forenoon with an enormous catfish. The meat was fine. - Am to go to Blessing with Mrs. Farwell in the morning to send some things to Mrs. Pierce.


Wednesday, August 27 – Mrs. Pierce’s Birthday – 48? – P

Pretty day. Real cool this morning. - We went to Blessing. Found that Willie had not had time to put the kitchen in order so we were busy until noon. Found everything that Mrs. Pierce wanted this time. - Came home as hungry as wolves and ate cold dinner at Mrs. Milam’s. - I rested a couple of hours this afternoon. Then finished my curtains for the kitchen. Later went to the P.O. (no mail) and finally to prayer meeting. Mr. Lewen was leader. Had a good meeting. Real tired tonight. Hope to sleep well. Saw Mr. Guy Perry on street. - Mr. Jim is not doing well.


Thursday, August 28 – Palacios

Another north wind this morning delightfully cool. - Mrs. Farwell went home with Lulu Newton this morning for a visit. - I have been making curtains, cushion covers, etc. out of the material Miss Mary gave me. - Took a long walk since supper and then read. - Mr. Taylor came to the door to inquire where Mrs. Foster was. He hoped to get this run to Wharton, but since coming here found that another man would bump him, so he will go back home. Such is R.R. life.


Friday, August 29 – Palacios

North wind again. So dusty and dry. Am trying to keep my “hepaticas” alive so they will bloom all fall. - Mr. Newson’s sister may come to spend this school term with them. Making two young women in the house. - The Newsoms are fine young people. I took a walk after supper. Stopped at Mrs. Richards for quite a visit. So dry and dusty. West or north wind most of the time. Mr. Guy Perry is here for a few days. - Mrs. Brown came for a few minutes. Brought me some Fundamentalists to read.


Saturday, August 30 – Palacios

West wind this morning and a hot sun. - Have my curtains all up now except a small one in the bath room. But there is so much more I would like to do. Expect I had better go to work next week tho, have had such a good vacation. - Circus in town this afternoon and tonight. - Mrs. Taylor and her small son came in this afternoon to visit Mrs. Foster. She was not at home just then so she came here to inquire. Mrs. T. looks well and has a fine boy. The girls stayed in Wharton. - Mrs. Newsom is working this P.M. and tonight. - Strong south wind tonight. Will be cool to sleep. - No mail.


Sunday, August 31 – Palacios

The last day of August. Hot sun, but a good breeze from the south all day. - I went to S. S. this forenoon. Better attendance than last Sunday. Mrs. Somers is sick, but better. - Mrs. Traylor, Mrs. Latson, Johnne and June came to see me this P.M. Mrs. L. looks well and seems just the same good neighbor that I enjoyed when she lived in mother’s cottage. - Went for a long car ride with the Hockeys. Had a flat, but the girls were fully equal to it and we were on the way again in a few minutes. - Many acres of splendid unpicked cotton out west of town. - Went to preaching at the tabernacle tonight. A Rev. Blair just happened in for S. S. and did the preaching. Quite a congregation for us.



This has been my first vacation since I spent two months in Ala a year ago in September. Do not feel the need of a rest now as I did a year ago. Have been doing many things for myself this month. - Gas installed and being used. - Began using my gas stove Aug. 23.


Monday, September 1 – Fall begins – Fall begins - P

Pretty day, but dry and dusty. - Mr. Farwell came up this forenoon bringing a letter from Mrs. Pierce needing more things from home. - We will try to send them tomorrow. - Baked a lemon pie in my new gas oven today. Baked beautifully. - Went up to see Mrs. Brown a few minutes this afternoon. Took her a piece of pie. - No mail. - Went to the tabernacle to hear Rev. Blair preach again. His brother sang a solo. Very pretty. - Mr. Newsom’s sister came this afternoon to spend the school year with them. - This is labor day. A National Holiday. - Mrs. Taylor went home today.


Tuesday, September 2 - P

A shower fell this afternoon. Enough to settle the dust for a short time and to wash the trees and grass. - Mr. Farwell, Mrs. Burk and myself went up to Blessing this forenoon and packed 5 sheets and a pattern to send to Mrs. Pierce. John Henry took the wrong ones for his bed at school. - This PM I did a little sewing for myself and a bit of ironing. - Went to the PO to mail a letter to Mrs. Pierce on the 1 o’clock train. - Saw a crew cutting rice as we went up to Blessing. Am sure the rice farmers hope for dry days now. - Went to church at the Tabernacle tonight. Rev. Blair preached. - County teachers’ reception was given at the BYPU grounds tonight. Institute in Progress.


Wednesday, September 3 - P

Such a splendid rain fell here today. Quite remarkable to have such a gentle rain after the intense heat and long drouth. Much more is needed tho to keep the trees, hedges, flowers, etc. from dying. - I went to see Mr. Feather about my insurance since the gas is installed. He pinned a permit on my policy at a small expense. - Went up to the Tabernacle again tonight to hear Rev. Blair preach. This closes his sermons for us as he will be leaving soon. - Baked a bread pudding in my gas oven today. - Mrs. Love was here. She is taking up Miss Mitchell’s work. I bought a dress pattern and material from her. - Threatens rain tonight.


Thursday, September 4 – Palacios

So cool and delightful to sleep last night. North wind but no rain. - Letter from the Haywoods today. Paid Mr. Feather .40 for the gas permit attached to my insurance policy called 10468 Gas Explosion Endorsement. - Wrote a long letter to Mrs. Shaw tonight. Mr. Richards came to see me a while this forenoon to talk about church affairs. The preachers take the noon day meal at his home today. - I washed and replaced every dish, etc. in my china cupboard today. It was a long job which had been neglected for many months. - Took quite a long walk since supper and am tired. - The nights are delightfully cool. - Answered the Haywoods letter today.


Friday, September 5 – Miss Lillian Pevotaux Birthday – 23 – P

Cool night. No mosquitoes to molest. - Mailed my long letter to Mrs. Shaw this A.M. - Met my next door neighbor face to face. She was looking at something in the far distance, so did not observe my small person. - Nothing in particular happened today. I washed and ironed a few things and did a little sewing and mending. - And this afternoon walked out to the Cemetery. Found things looking as well as could be expected considering the extremely dry hot weather. - Came back by Mr. Strickland’s and stopped for a visit. Was very tired when I came home.


Saturday, September 6 - P

A gentle rain fell last night, but not much. - This has been a pretty day. I have cleaned my rooms today and they will not be so dusty tomorrow. - Am quite tired tonight. Have not had any visitors today. Card from Mrs. Farwell in San Antonio. - Also catalogue from Sears and Roebuck. - Mrs. Newsom is working every day at Nester’s. - I must go to sewing next week.


Sunday, September 7 – P

Real hard rain fell this forenoon just at S. S. time. - But there was an unusually large attendance at the Tabernacle. - After S. S. we had a business meeting relative to calling a pastor, etc. - Rested all afternoon. At night went to Presbyterian church. Heard a Salvation Army man speak. Very small congregation. - The Yeagers were there from Blessing. Should have written some letters, but did not do it.


Monday, September 8 – The Haywoods’ Birthday – P

A pretty day tho rain threatened this forenoon. -  Have been fixing some of my dresses today. Making them longer in the skirt and shorter in the waist. - Recd a letter from Aunt Mira today. - Took a walk tonight. Stopped at Mrs. Richards a few minutes. - The moon is full and the night’s lovely.


Tuesday, September 9 – Palacios

Pretty day. - Took some washing to Mrs. Bonner this forenoon. Worked on my blue and tan dress. - This afternoon wrote a long letter to Marguerite. Sent my cape and a coat to her this forenoon. As I was coming from the PO this evening, the Hockeys came by and took me for a long ride out Cronkaway [Carancahua] road. Am ready for a good sleep tonight I think.


Wednesday, September 10

Beautiful day. Have been sewing for myself all day. Was so tired at 5:30 that I could hardly get my supper. Felt better after eating tho. - Went up to the tabernacle to prayer meeting. Mrs. Margerum was leader. Had a good meeting. - Shall be glad when Mrs. Farwell returns from her San Antonio visit.


 Thursday, September 11 – P

Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Buddy’s operation a failure after all of his suffering. The surgeon and Buddy want to try it again. - Wrote and mailed a long letter to Mrs. Pierce this P.M. - Ripped up my black jacket to cut it over smaller. - Took a long walk since supper. Went to Mrs. Hockey’s for some milk. - Real tired tonight. Am enjoying the daily paper. - Wrote to Aunt Mira this forenoon. Brought the washing from Mrs. Bonner.


Friday, September 12

Mrs. Richards came this forenoon. - We have to send to Blessing to meet the Rev. Reynolds who is coming to preach in the Tabernacle Sunday night. - I did a little mowing on the lawn this evening. - Mrs. Maude Taylor and Evelyn Latson drove up to the front for a moment. Mrs. Maude has a fine little girl. - Recd a letter from the Haywoods today. (Globe, Arizona) - Too tired to walk tonight. Took a bath, ate supper and am ready for bed. Such a cool night after the hot day. - Mr. Newsom gone fishing.


Saturday, September 13 – P

Still dry but a good breeze all of the time so it seems cooler. - Washing a little this forenoon. - Enjoying the Chronicle so much. - My jellies, butters and some canned things in my cupboard that soured so I cooked them all over this forenoon. Quite a job. - Ironed a little this afternoon. Went to town, but found the stores closed on account of funeral. (Mr.    ) So went back later. - Recd a long letter from Mrs. Stoddard and a coat lining sample from Sears Roebuck. - Bought a piece of cake from the M. E. Ladies.


Palacios Beacon, September 18, 1930


Sunday, September 14 - P

Good strong wind blowing this morning bringing plenty of dust into the house. - Went to S. S. this morning. Mrs. Brown not present. Went to inquire the reason and found her sick. Bad cold. Took her some of my dinner. - Rested all afternoon then went to P.O. - Recd a long letter from Marguerite. The package had arrived. - Went to the M. E. Church tonight. -Wind has blown quite hard all day. Dusty but not so hot. -   Did not write any letters today. - Mrs. F. went away in her car early this morning.


Monday, September 15 - P

Pretty day. Worked hard all day. Cleaned some in the house and did a lot of it in the back yard. - Mr. Houghton came over and did some chopping of grass and tied up the peach tree. - Then I went to the P.O. No mail today. - Tonight went to the Tabernacle. Rev. Reynolds from Dallas preached. A terrible storm came up and was very threatening at church time so the congregation was small, but the talk was most excellent. Wish we could call him as our Pastor. - The storm passed around only a light shower fell here. - Wind came up from the north. Comfortably cool.


Tuesday, September 16 – Palacios

Cool this morning, but by noon the sun was pretty hot. - I did some more work in the yard today and some on my blue dress. Making it a one piece dress. - No mail today except magazines. - Went to see Mrs. Brown a few minutes tonight. She is better of her cold. - The Huddlestons are having improvements made in their house and gas connections.


Wednesday, September 17 – Palacios

Real cool this morning. A fine night to sleep last night. - Has been a beautiful day. I sewed most of the time. - Bought some goods for Teds. Cut them out. Cut the pillow slips for Mrs. Pierce. Took my tan coat and had it cleaned and pressed. Ripped my heavy coat and basted it smaller. Wrote for lining material for it. - Went to see Mrs. Brown before prayer meeting. She is better. Mrs. Richards too sick to come out tonight. - Real tired. No letters.


Thursday, September 18 – Palacios

A very beautiful day. - Sewed all day. Bought dress goods at Brandon’s for 19 cents per yd this forenoon. Cut it out and fitted it. - Went for a walk after supper. Met Mrs. Hale, Dr. and we exercised together. - Saw Mrs. Minnich and Mrs. Lucas while in town. - Put the balance of my papers in my safety box today. - Mrs. Foster and a woman came home this evening. - Letter from Minnie Crum.

Brandon's Dry Goods Store - Main Street - Palacios

Palacios Beacon, September 5, 1919


Friday, September 19 – Palacios

Pretty fall day. Hot sun at mid day. Cloudy tonight as tho it might rain. - Mrs. Farwell came home from San Antonio yesterday afternoon. Went to see her this forenoon. Says she feels 100 per cent better than when she left here three weeks ago. She brought me material for a print dress. Finished my 10 cent dress this evening. Mrs. Love brought the material I ordered from her. Shall have a few dresses if I get them all made up and made over. - No mail xcept Beacon.


Saturday, September 20 – Palacios

Beautiful fall day. Have been busy, so busy. - Had to make two trips to town today. Washed a little, ironed a little, sewed a little. The material came for my coat lining. (Sears Roebuck) - The man read the gas meter this P.M. - I brought up a hat from Muriel’s Shoppe tonight. May keep it. Remodeled two of my old ones today. - Bought a lemon pie from the M. E. Ladies this P.M. - Am so tired tonight . - Sold my oil stove today for $3.00 to Mrs. Holliday.



Sunday, September 21 – Aunt Mira died this morning. – Palacios

Another pretty day. Went to S. S. this forenoon then stopped at the Christian Church for preaching. Rev. Haley the new pastor preached. - Came home, ate my dinner. (Such a good dinner considering the cook.) The lemon pie is excellent. - After dinner read the Chronicle until the Hockeys came for me to go driving. Took a long drive up to Blessing, out to the Underpass and back through Dunbar, etc. Roads in excellent condition, but pastures are dry and brown. - Went over to the Christian Church last night. Heard a sermon and saw a crayon picture drawn. “The Little Brown Church in the Dale,” by the Pastor, Rev. Haley.


Monday, September 22 – Palacios

Beautiful day. A little shower this P.M. settled the dust for a short time. - Have been sewing all day. - Paid for a hat at Muriel’s Novelty Shop. Mrs. Love bought a pattern, which was ordered with the dress, so I went to town and bought some goods to try it on before cutting the better goods. - Had my eyes tested for new glasses this forenoon also (Bowden). - Sewed on teds tonight. Dreadful tired. - Wrote a letter to Mrs. Stoddard this morning.



Palacios Beacon, July 23, 1926 - above


Palacios Beacon, July 2, 1931 - at right


Tuesday, September 23 – Palacios

Such a good rain fell about midnight. There was little puddles standing in the street this morning and this afternoon another good rain fell, but not enough yet to fill the cracks in the ground. - Have been sewing for myself, but not accomplishing very much. - No mail today except Mrs. Barton’s National Geographic Magazine.


Wednesday, September 24 – Palacios

Just a beautiful day. - Mrs. Margerum was here a few minutes this forenoon. - Mrs. Craige Moore visited a while in the yard this P.M. - I smoothed the ridge made by the gas pipe on the front lawn this P.M. The rain having softened the clods so they pulverized. - Went to prayer meeting tonight. Mrs. Baldwin leader.  - Sewing some for me. - Tired tonight. - Good breeze all of the time now. - No mail. Paid box rent.


Thursday, September 25 – Palacios

This has been another lovely fall day. - Mrs. Farwell came up soon after noon to ask me to eat waffles with them tonight. I did not seem to care to accept, was feeling so depressed some way. - Gave for my excuse a large ironing this P.M. - But when I went to the P.O. as soon as the mail was up. I found a letter from Amy telling of Aunt Mira’s passing. I felt almost as tho it had been mother passing again. Aunt Mira was the last one of Mother’s old group of intimate life long friends. - She died Sunday A.M.


Friday, September 26 – Palacios

Good rain today and cooler also. - Sewing for myself. - No mail today. Should have written to Amy, but could not yet. - Aunt Mira Swain was 91 years old the 23 of July. A ripe old age. - The Beacon tells us to day that Oct. 17th has been designated as the day to celebrate the Good Roads work which benefits this particular section of the country.


Saturday, September 27 – Palacios

Beautifully cool last night and this morning. Terrible storms in many places during the past 10 days. - This has been a wonderful day. - Finished my green calico dress and wore it to town this evening. - Mrs. Lucas came to see if I would give Monday to Mrs. Dunn. - Went down to see Mrs. Farwell a few minutes tonight. She had been here and left some cookies and persimmons for me. - Mrs. Pierce expects to come home about the 18th of Oct. - Got my glasses this P.M. Bifocals. $15.00


Sunday, September 28

A beautiful day. Mrs. Farwell came up to say she had found Mrs. Smith’s address. - I went to S. S., but did not go to church any place. - Rested all afternoon. Expected to go to church tonight, but it looked so much like rain and sprinkled a little also, so I did not go. - It has not rained tho at bed time. - Should have written to Amy and the Haywoods today.


Monday, September 29 – Palacios

A pretty day tho some cloudy. - Mrs. Dunn came this forenoon.  We did some ripping and fitting on her dress, then she went home. - Sewed until 4 o’clock. Then she came at 5 and fitted again. - Went to P.O. No mail except Water rent notice. - Sewed some for myself tonight. - Real tired. - September almost gone.


Tuesday, September 30 – Palacios

Another month gone. Finished Mrs. Dunn’s dress, but she did not come for it. - Sewed some on my coat lining this afternoon. - Sewed on Mrs. Pierce’s pillow slips tonight. - My Gas statement came this P.M. First ones to be sent out in Palacios. $1.35 the  - minimum. - Worked in the yard a little just before dark. Mr. Newsom is trying to get rid of the small ants. The ground seems full of them and they are a pest in the house. - Wrote to the Haywoods and Amy this forenoon.



From the 23st of August until the 20th of Sept. my gas bill was $1.35. The minimum. I had used 020.0 hundreds feet. - Aug and Sept were my vacation months this year. Aug 1st to Oct. 9, 1930


Wednesday, October 1

Such a beautiful fall day. The wind comes from the north every morning. - Mrs. Dunn came for her dress this afternoon. Has another to make over she said. - I finished relining my coat this afternoon. - Went to Blessing for a drive with Mr. and Mr. Farwell. - Saw Mr. Pierce. She is expected home tomorrow. Coming by train from Alabama where she put Clinton in school. (Fairhope) Willie to drive the Ford home. - Went to prayer meeting at Tabernacle. Splendid meeting. Mrs. Richards leader. - Mr. Pierce gave me a bottle of honey.


Thursday, October 2 – Palacios

Pretty day. -  Mrs. Farwell spent the forenoon with me. I worked on my black satin jacket. - After dinner Mr. Houghton and me went down to my lot and worked until 4:30. - Then I came home, took a hot bath and went to Blessing with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. - Mrs. Pierce had not come yet. Willie came in today. - She will probably come tomorrow. - We drove out to the underpass where they are finishing the concrete highway at the Tres Palacios bridge. - Am tired tonight.


Friday, October 3 – Cloudy tonight – Palacios

This has been a pretty day, but some cloudy. - Mr. Houghton and I worked on the lot until noon, then went back and worked another hour. It looks better, but nothing to brag about yet. - This is all I can afford to do to it now. - Mrs. Jno. T. is having her west side apartment downstairs cleaned and renovated as she and her mother are to occupy it. - I don’t think I was ever more tired than when I came home this P.M. Had been burning trash and was so smokey smelling. - Washed my hair and took a hot bath. - Mrs. Farwell came to say that Mrs. Pierce would be home tomorrow night. - Am very tired. So thankful for a good bed.


Saturday, October 4 – Mother’s birthday 1844. Passed away 1928. She would be 84 years old.

Some cloudy today and a few drops of rain fell. I washed a few garments this forenoon and ironed them this afternoon.  - Recd check from Mrs. Dunn by mail and the rent from Mrs. Newsom. - Went down to Mrs. Farwell’s this evening. She was just coming in from driving with Mrs. Ehlers, so Mr. and Mrs. F. took me with them for a drive. - Sprinkled a little as we came home. - The Newsoms have gone to Bay City tonight. - We may go up to Blessing in the morning to see Mrs. Pierce.


Sunday, October 5 – Palacios

Went up to Blessing this forenoon with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. Mrs. Pierce came home last night. Am so glad she is at home for a short time at least. - A hard rain fell while we were there and we stuck in the mud between the Pierce home and the Duller home. Willie Pulled us out with Mrs. Pierce’s Ford. - Came home in a hurry when we drove on the cement road. - Went to see Mabel Haynes this P.M. Uncle Billings was laid to rest this P.M. I did not go to his funeral. Miss Louise was there. I was so glad to see her. - Went over to Mrs. Richards a few minutes this afternoon. - Finally went to M. E. church tonight.


Palacios Beacon, October 9, 1930


Monday, October 6 - Palacios

Such a fine rain this evening. - We are so fortunate not to have a terrible storm after the intense heat and drouth of the summer. The grass is looking green and all vegetation is revived. - Took Mrs. Farwell’s jelly glass home and some paper bags. She was cleaning her kitchen cupboard. - I sent my gas check to Houston this forenoon. - Sewed this afternoon and tonight. Don’t seem to accomplish much for myself. - Such fine cool nights for sleeping.


Tuesday, October 7 – Palacios

Beautiful day. - Mrs. Love brought a large horned toad to me this forenoon so I set about sending it to Geo. Connor at Anniston. - Mr. Stoddig gave me a wooden box and Mr. Pybus cut a hole in the cover and covered it with wine cloth. I put the toad in the box with some cotton and crumpled tissue paper and Mr. Aubin sent him by express at one o’clock. - Sewed this afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came by and took me for a drive. They are rejoicing because their son is to come tomorrow (by airplane) and will visit them until Saturday. - Sewed on teds tonight.


Wednesday, October 8 – Palacios

Much warmer today. Hot midday sun. - Washed a little and ironed a little. Cleaned the front rooms and stairway. Listened all day for Mr. Neal Farwell’s airplane, but did not hear it. - Received a letter from Mrs. Pierce wanting me to come to her rescue tomorrow. Sewing to be done before she goes back east. - Asked the Chronicle boy to not deliver any more papers until I return. - Took Mrs. Pierce’s letter down to Mrs. Farwell, but she did not seem to be at home. - Went to prayer meeting tonight. Mr. Baldwin leader. A good one, too. - Real tired tonight.


Thursday, October 9 – Blessing

Was busy this forenoon. - Mr. Neil Farwell arrived by air this forenoon. - I came up to Blessing on the 1 o’clock train. - Have been doing small jobs this P. M. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce have gone down to the Farwell home to eat dinner with them and Captain Neal. - They may be late getting home so I am going to bed. - Very warm day.


Neal Farwell


Friday, October 10 – Blessing

Another hot day. - Am not cutting any new goods, yet. Many garments repaired. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Captain Neal ate dinner here tonight. Mrs. Pierce had such a good dinner for all of us. Then we visited until nine o’clock when they had to go home as Captain was expecting a telegram from his pilot who is in San Antonio. - Captain Neal looks some older than when I last saw him. - He goes homeward tomorrow P.M.


Saturday, October 11 – Blessing

There have been a good many clouds in the sky today and a shower this forenoon, but more sunshine since noon. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to the T. N. G. aviation field right after lunch to see Capt. Farwell and his pilot start on their homeward trip. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, Mr. and Mrs. Barnet and Robt. Price and his family were there, too. - We all had a close up of the plane and watched it until it was lost in the clouds. - We stopped a short time at the Farwell home and then came to Blessing. - Have been finishing some coat sleeves. Making them shorter. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent tonight. - Real warm. No breeze tonight. - Mrs. Pierce’s hay fever very bad.


Sunday, October 12 – Blessing

Slept late this morning. - After lunch Mrs. Beard came up and visited until train time. Then she and I went to the depot with Mrs. Pierce. She went to Bay City. Was to meet Mr. Pierce at Dr. Martin’s [Morton’s?]. - Mrs. Beard and I drove out to the underpass, but hurried back because the clouds threatened a hard rain storm. - It only sprinkled here finally. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce came home about then and we are all tired and ready for bed.


The Dr. Martin mentioned by Nellie was most likely Dr. Albert S. Morton, who lived at the corner of 4th & Avenue G in Bay City


Monday, October 13 – Blessing

Very pretty day. - Have been sewing on many things today. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up since lunch. Brought an Ogden paper from Amy telling of Aunt Mira’s death and funeral. - Mr. Pierce has gone to Palacios to a committee meeting relative to the grand celebration next Friday in Palacios. - Mrs. Pierce has gone to bed, sick from her hay fever. - Mrs. Beard spent the evening with us.


Tuesday, October 14 – Blessing

Beautiful day. - Have been doing mending, altering, etc. all day. - Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this afternoon to take a hay fever inoculation, but the Dr. was out and the house locked so she could not even get her medicine. She bought something else from the drug store and used it tonight. Her hay fever is something terrible. - Going to bed. Real tired. Don’t see why I am so thin. Weigh 100 even. Have a good appetite and am not working hard, nor worrying about anything. Guess I will leave to take bottled sunshine.


Wednesday, October 15 – Blessing

Pretty day. - Just sewing. - Mrs. Pierce’s hay fever seems some better today. - After dinner tonight Mr. Pierce drove us out through the underpass. Just opened today. Can hardly realize that we actually have cement highways out of Palacios, Blessing, etc. - Rather expected the Farwells up this P.M., but they did not come.


Thursday, October 16 – Blessing

Lovely day. - Finished a white blouse for Mrs. Pierce to wear tomorrow. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up this evening. - Great preparations being made for the celebration at Palacios tomorrow. - Celebrating the coming of the cement highways.


Friday, October 17 – Blessing

Good day for Palacios and Matagorda Co. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to Palacios this forenoon. I stopped at home to get some things to wear to Victoria Tuesday, and she drove down for Mrs. Farwell, then came back for me. We saw the Parade and then parked the car near the Barbecue grounds. They went to hear the speaking at the auditorium, but I stayed in the car. After dinner we all went to the Farwell home and watched the boat races. - Later were Mr. Pierce’s guests at the Green Lantern for a shrimp supper. Then back to see the fire works, then to see the street dance. Then Mr. Pierce’s guests again at Nester’s drug store. Then home and to bed tired after a full day. - Letters from Mrs. Stoddard and Mrs. Shaw.


Green Lantern - Palacios


Saturday, October 18 – Blessing

North wind continued today. - Sewing. Mrs. Pierce went to Bay City this forenoon. - After dinner Mr. Pierce allowed us to drive his car down to Palacios to the Picture show. “Holiday.” Good picture. - We did not see any one that we knew. Enjoyed the trip so much. - The cement road is a source of unending joy for all of us. - Sent a short letter to Mrs. Stoddard. She expects to come to Buckeye next month. Real cold all day.


Palacios Beacon, October 16, 1930


Sunday, October 19 – Blessing

Beautiful day. - William was sick. Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. - Mr. Pierce and I worked hard until 4:30, then we went to Palacios. -   I found a long letter from Marguerite in the P. O. - We called on Mrs. Kimball. - Mr. Pierce went to see Mrs. Pybus also. Then we went to the Farwell home and ate grapes which had been sent to them from Calif. - Then we came home. Found Mr. Pierce had not come, so we are alone tonight. - A light shower fell as we were coming home. Real cool tonight.


Monday, October 20 – Blessing

Pretty day. Sewing all day. - Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. Will stay here tonight, so we can get an early start to Victoria in the morning. - William went to Yoakum this morning, so Mrs. Pierce has been cook today. - Mr. Pierce has not come home yet at bedtime. - We are tuning in early as we hope to get up early in the morning. - $13.00 from Mrs. Pierce up to and including Saturday.


Tuesday, October 21 – Victoria Fair – Blessing

Such a beautiful day. - We got up at 5:30. Ate breakfast and were on our way soon after 6 o’clock. - Mrs. Mathis [Matthes?] went with us. - We drove to Victoria in an hour and 32 minutes. On account of Mrs. Pierce being one of the Fine Arts judges, we were all allowed to go into the grounds early and looked through the Hall before the parade. Then we drove down town and saw the parade. Splendid for a place no larger than Victoria. Then we went back to the grounds and paid our entrance fee. Mrs. Pierce was busy until 10:30. Then we went to see the cattle and fowls. Then ate our dinner at the Lutheran Ladies Booth. Splendid dinner. Wandered around some more to side shows. Ate hot dogs and then drove down town again. Went to the Catholic Church. Mrs. Mathis drove home. - Ate supper. - Now in bed.


Wednesday, October 22 – Blessing

Lovely day. - Just sewing all day. - Mrs. Farwell was real tired this morning from our trip yesterday. - Mr. F. came for her about 5:30 this evening. - Mr. Pierce spent the day at Sargent. - After supper Mrs. Pierce and I drove down to Palacios for a pattern at Mrs. Farwell’s and my black dress at my home. Saw the girls at the Newsom home, but the Mr. and Mrs. were not at home. - Went to P.O., but there was no mail in my box.


Thursday, October 23 – Blessing

Cloudy rainy day. - Sewed. Cut out a pongee dress. Helped put the winter slip covers on the furniture. - A norther has blown down upon us this afternoon and it is real cold tonight. - Mrs. Pierce sold her car today.


Friday, October 24 – Blessing

Cold windy day. Had a fire in the fireplace. - Letter from Mrs. Connor, the horned toad reached Anniston in safety. - Sewing all day. Went to a reception for the teachers at the Community House tonight. - Went over to see Mrs. Lucas a few minutes before the reception. - They served coffee, cocoa and cake after playing 42. About 60 present. - Mrs. Pierce is taking the hot water bottle to bed with her. - Mrs. Beard came for us and brought us home in her car.


Teachers at the Blessing Community House c 1920


Saturday, October 25 – Blessing

Such a cold raw day. A northeast wind blowing. - Have sewed all day. Seem to have taken cold. Snuffles. - Mrs. Pierce worked in the cellar all day. Cleaning and having partitions moved. - Since the gas is in she will not have so much coal dust. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up a few minutes about dusk. - Have finished reading “The Strange Death of President Harding.” (Gaston Means)



Sunday October 26 – Episcopal board meeting here this P.M.

Beautiful day. South wind. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this morning. - We cleaned the house. Willie cooked dinner. - The Catholics had a big meeting and barbecue here today. Mr. and Mrs. Beard drove Mrs. Pierce and I down to look on awhile tonight. - They were eating and dancing, but no boisterous confusion. They are mostly Bohemians. - Rain threatens tonight. - Mr. Pierce not at home, yet.


Monday, October 27 – Blessing

Rained real hard last night and most of today. - Mrs. Pierce and Jimmy cleaned the laundry today. - Mr. Clement installed the thermostat today. - Have just been sewing. - Mr. Pierce came home at supper time. We listened to the program presenting the Silver Service to the cruiser Houston tonight. Very good. - My cold is better tonight and Mrs. Pierce’s hay fever seems better, too. - Letter from Geo. Connor thanking me for the horned toad.


Tuesday, October 28 – Blessing

Rainy day. - Odell came to wash, but had trouble getting the clothes dry. - Men still working in the basement, cleaning cellar, stopping leaks in the wall, etc. - The heating plant seems to be a success since the gas has been installed. - The pictures for the Arts exhibit came, but Mrs. Pierce sent them on to Palacios. - Just sewing.


Wednesday, October 29 – Blessing

Pretty day, but real cool. - The committee at Palacios can not handle the Art Exhibit so they phoned Mrs. Pierce this forenoon. Poor little woman. She will have to show them here finally. The men are working in the cellar yet and she is as busy as a bee. - Have been sewing in order to have a Board meeting tonight. - Mrs. Pollard, and Mr. Pane, from Houston, ate dinner here tonight and will spend the night here. - Am tired as can be for no particular reason. - We hope to go to Palacios tomorrow P.M.


Thursday, October 29 – Blessing

A most beautiful day. - After lunch Mrs. Pierce and I went to Palacios. Mrs. Duller, Mrs. Selkirk and Mrs. Pierce attending a bridge party at Mrs. Wagner’s. - I did some important errands at home. - Got my mail, including a letter from Mrs. Stoddard saying that she would be at the ranch about the 10th of November. - That will give me a chance to help Mrs. Pierce until she leaves next Monday A.M. 4 o’clock. - Hung the pictures at the Community House this forenoon.


Friday, October 31 – Blessing

Lovely day. - Sewing. - Mrs. Pierce spent the afternoon at the Community House. Pictures. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up a few minutes. - Just sewing. - Sent a note to Mrs. Stoddard this morning.



Went to Blessing Oct 9th. - Went home Nov 3rd. - Read: The Strange Death of President Harding (Gaston Means). Also The President’s Daughter (Nan Britton).



Saturday, November 1 – Blessing

Real cool weather yet. North wind. - Mr. Farwell brought Mrs. F. up this forenoon. We are busy getting Mrs. Pierce ready to leave Monday A. M. 4 o’clock. - Went down to the Community House tonight to pack pictures, but a good many came in to look at them so we did not do any packing. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent this forenoon. Has not returned, yet. - All going to bed tired this first night in November.


Sunday, November 2 – Blessing

A busy day. - Worked at the Community House all forenoon packing the pictures. 30 of them. - After lunch we were packing, etc. all afternoon. - Just before dark we drove out to Live Oak Farm, but Mrs. Allen Pierce was not at home, so we did not get out of the car. - Mrs. Pierce will leave at 4 o’clock tomorrow morning. - Mrs. Farwell very tired tonight.


Monday, November 3 – Palacios

Wonderful day. - Mrs. Pierce began her journey to Philadelphia this morning at 4 o’clock. - We did not sleep much last night. Company came after supper and stayed late. Then Mrs. Pierce had letters to write and bills to pay, so it must have been one o’clock before she went to bed. - Mr. Pierce took her to the train then he went to Sargent. - We cleaned the house and put it in good order. Then about three o’clock, Mr. Farwell came for us. - I am glad to be at home again even for a short time.


Tuesday, November 4 – Palacios

Pretty day. All sunshine. - Did quite a washing and went to town. - Began work on some of my old winter dresses to put them in order to wear. - Mrs. Hockey and the girls spent a couple of hours with me after supper. - Mrs. Jno. T. came also to have me line a coat she has made. She ran a piece of glass into her finger so she can not sew much and is in a hurry for her suit. - Tired tonight.


Wednesday, November 5 – Palacios

A lovely day. I spent it at Mrs. Opal Price’s home sewing for her. She brought me home at quitting time. Did not quite finish the lining in her coat so brought it home. - Went to prayer meeting tonight. A good meeting. A pastor has been called. Rev. Reynolds. He will be here to investigate the field next week. - Wrote to the Frasers for Mrs. Hockey.


Home of Opal Price as it appeared in 2011


Thursday, November 6 – Palacios

Another lovely day. - Took Mrs. Price’s suit to her this morning. - Then came home and worked in the yard until Mrs. Farwell came up this afternoon. I was so glad to see her and too tired to stand up. Took a hot bath and then we had such a good visit until almost dark. - When she went home I went to the P.O. Got the Beacon and some samples from Houston. Have been sewing a little tonight. Quite tired. - Sprinkled the clothes. I washed Tuesday. Hope to iron tomorrow. - Mrs. F. received a card from Mrs. Pierce mailed in St. Louis. - Buddy to be operated on tomorrow I suppose.


Friday, November 7 – Palacios

Another beautiful day, but cool enough to have a little heat in the house if one has a stove up. - Hope to get one tomorrow. - Been sewing on some of my dresses today and did my ironing, too. - Paid for the Beacon for another year. - No letter from Mrs. Stoddard today.


Saturday, November 8 – Palacios

Pretty morning, but quite cloudy this P.M. - Went to town this forenoon. Sent a dress to be cleaned, dyed and pressed. (Model Laundry). - Bought a gas heating stove $17.00 from Mr. Traylor. He sent it up and had it put in working order. I am so glad to have it tonight because it is raining a gentle rain, but is cold and damp in the house. - Recd a letter from Mrs. Stoddard. She will be in Buckeye Monday. - Went to see Mrs. Farwell a moment. Took a $5.00 tithe to Mr. Richards. - Saw Mrs. Tandy. She said she would come to see me tomorrow afternoon. - Saw Mrs. Minnich. She said Buddy was operated on Thurs. Doing all right. Poor boy and mother.


Sunday, November 9 – Palacios

Such a rainy day. - Went to telephone office at 9 o’clock. - Talked to Mrs. Stoddard at Bay City. We are to meet in Buckeye tomorrow. - Did not go to church today. Went to see the Loves and Hockeys and to P.O. - My gas heater is a joy. Was comfortably warm in my little living room and dining room. - It has drizzled all day. Cold and dreary.


Monday, November 10 – Buckeye

Came up to Buckeye today. - Rained all day. - Mr. Claybourn took me to the depot at home. - The mail carrier transferred me at Blessing. - Mr. Ford and Mr. Dunbar were at the depot here and I came up in the truck. - Mr. S. arrived at noon and the fire in the fireplaces took the damp out of the house. - Have oil stoves upstairs, too. - Paula was here and Leonitis.


Tuesday, November 11 – Buckeye

Rainy day all day. - Have been mending, etc. today. Getting settled, etc. - Wrote to Amy and Mrs. Bell tonight then played Anagrams. - Good fires in the fireplaces all day. - Not cold, but so damp. - Armistice Day.


Wednesday, November 12 – Buckeye

Continued to rain gently all day until almost dark. - Some of the children came to see us a few minutes this evening. - Sewed all day. Mending. - Played Anagrams since supper. - Weather seems warmer tonight. - Had the door hung leading into the northwest room and the partition put up cutting off the north end of the hall.


Thursday, November 13 – Buckeye

Much warmer today and the clouds broke in places this afternoon letting the sunshine a little. - Mrs. Stoddard kept to her bed until about 5 o’clock. Such a severe cold, but is feeling better tonight. - Played Anagrams and took castor oil and a pill about 10 o’clock. - Going to bed now. – Hope for a pretty day tomorrow. - Road between here and Markham almost impassable.


Friday, November 14 – Buckeye

Some sunshine today and the stars are shining tonight. - Sewing and ripping today. - Mrs. Stoddard’s cold seems some better. She came downstairs for lunch and wrote some letters this afternoon. - We played Anagrams since dinner and read the Houston Post Dispatch.


Saturday, November 15 – Buckeye

Cloudy and rained a little this morning. No sunshine all day tho the clouds were a little broken at times. - We cut out the little blue dot dress for the baby and I sewed on it today. - Mrs. Stoddard’s cold seems much better. - We played Anagrams and read the papers (the Beacon came today) after supper. - A norther has just blown down upon us as we go to bed at 10:40. - A strong wind came from the south and east all day. - Middle of November today.


Sunday, November 16, Buckeye

Lovely day. North wind. - Sunday School - Letter writing and a walk after lunch. -  More letter writing after supper.


Monday, November 17 – Buckeye

Grand day all day. - Mr. Spence came on the noon train. - Prospects from Houston came to inspect the Ranch this afternoon. - We are real tired after a strenuous day and are going to retire early. - Sewing a side line today.


Tuesday, November 18 – Buckeye

Not such a fine day. Cloudy and almost rained all day. - Sewing on baby dresses and cutting out. - Helping Paula cook dinner. Made lemon pie. - Mr. Spence seems to enjoy his food. - Mrs. S. stays at the office most of the time.


Wednesday, November 19 – Buckeye

Cloudy this morning. No rain last night, but it rained from the north since dark. A norther blowing up. - Worked on doll clothes today. Cut out teddys. One wrong. - Sent for samples hoping to match the crepe. - Letter from the Frasers. They hope to go to Palacios Thanksgiving. May occupy my rooms. - Played Anagrams tonight. - New stove came today.


Thursday, November 20 – Buckeye

One week more until Thanksgiving.  - Real pretty day. Cold but mostly sunshine. - My dress cam down from the Model Laundry today. Dyed black looks very well. - Mr. Ford ate dinner with Mr. Spence tonight. After dinner we played Anagrams. - Not exactly exciting, but it is a good game to go to bed from. - Sewing on doll things today. Borrowed Paula’s sewing machine for a few days. - Real cold tonight.


Friday, November 21 – Buckeye

Real cold day, but not cloudy. - Mrs. Stoddard spent most of the day at the office. - Have been using Paula’s machine today. Mostly sewing on doll clothes. - We made a sweet potato pie for lunch. Very good. - Mrs. S. and I read tonight. Mr. S. and Mr. F. are working in the office. - 10:30 going to bed.


Saturday, November 22 – Buckeye

Cold day. Cloudy and some rain late this P.M. - Mrs. S. did not go to the office today. - Sewing on doll clothes. - Mr. Spence and Mr. Ford are working late at the office tonight. - Going to bed with hot water bottles. 10:30


Sunday, November 23 – Buckeye

A much more pleasant day, but cold. North wind, but no rain. Some sunshine since noon. - Mrs. S. has been in bed all day from her cold, but is better tonight. - Mr. Spence went to Houston this afternoon, but will come back to Buckeye. - Wrote to Mrs. Newsom this P.M. - So lonesome downstairs. I am going to take a bath and then to bed. So glad it is warmer tonight.


Monday, November 24 – Buckeye

My such a cold windy day, but generally sunshiny. - Mrs. S. kept in her bed all day. Her cold is better. - I sat in her porch this PM and we both sewed on doll dresses. - Letter from Mrs. Farwell inviting me to eat Thanksgiving diner with her. We had to decline.  - Mrs. S. may have to spend that day in Houston.


Tuesday, November 25 – Buckeye

Pretty day. Wind came up from the south and the afternoon was delightfully balmy. - Mr. and Mrs. Borden and Mrs. Borden’s aunt came to spend a couple of hours with Mrs. Stoddard so she went downstairs and arranged the many flowers Leonitis gathered for the occasion. She served tea and cupcakes to the guests. - Mr. Spence came home on the 10:30 train P.M.


Wednesday, November 26 – Bay City

Wind in the north again this morning, but not as cold as it was Monday. - Mrs. S. ate her breakfast in bed, but came down early to a conference with Mr. Spence. - I made a pumpkin pie for tomorrow’s dinner and was back in the kitchen about three o’clock making a raisin pie when Leonitis discovered the roof on fire just over Mrs. Stoddard’s room. - We immediately began moving things out and in a remarkably short time the yard and house was full of helpers. Much was saved and much burned as the house was a mass of smoking embers in half an hour. - The contents saved was moved over into the bungalow. We all worked until dark. Then Mr. Ford drove Mrs. S. and me here to the Rice Hotel. Mr. Spence to sleep in the office and Mrs. Ford at the Dunbar home. - Mrs. Stoddard is a marvel. I never saw such composure and ability to direct before. - We are so tired tonight.


Palacios Beacon, December 4, 1930

Rice Hotel - Bay City


 Thursday, November 27 – Thanksgiving Day – Bay City

After a restless night, Mrs. Stoddard and I went out to Buckeye with Mr. Keller. She went over the situation with Mr. Spence and Mr. Keller. Then we worked some among the things in the bungalow. Finally Mrs. S. went to the office and I made an inventory of the salvaged goods.- A party of interested prospects came out from Houston who detained them until after 12 o’clock. I ate dinner with the Dunbars. Good dinner. Was Hungry. - By that time Mrs. Stoddard came. The prospects intended to picnic at the lake, so Mr. Ford drove Mr. Spence down to the lake, too. - Then Mr. Dunbar brought Mrs. S. and me back to Bay City. We brought more luggage, too. - Ate our turkey dinner tonight. - Mrs. Capps and Roberta came up since supper. Mrs. Stoddard has gone to bed tired out. - Am tired, too, and going to bed almost 11 o’clock. No. 25   


Friday, November 28 – Bay City

Sewing in my room all day. - Mrs. S. went to Buckeye for the day. Things are getting in order down there. - Mr. Ford will live in the bungalow. - Letter from Mrs. Pierce. Buddy left the hospital Saturday. Is getting along all right. - I have written to her tonight about the fire. - Wrote to Mrs. Farwell this forenoon. - Rained a little today.


Saturday November 29 – Bay City

Rainy day. Wind from south. - Mrs. S. felt quite bum this morning so she had Dr. Livengood come and give her a treatment. - Mr. Spence came in at noon. He is spending the week end with his sister at Collegeport. - Have been sewing all day. - Mrs. Stoddard went up street after lunch. Mrs. Capps came and spent some time this afternoon. - Mrs. S. and I played Anagrams since dinner. - I wrote to Mrs. Love to send my stockings and to Mr. Dismukes to send the Beacon.


Sunday, November 30 – Bay City

Cold day, cloudy and north wind. - Went to Baptist church this forenoon. - Mrs. Stoddard did not get up until 5:30 this evening.  Took a treatment from Dr. Livengood this forenoon. - I went to bed after 12 o’clock dinner and read myself to sleep. Real tired I found. - Since dinner we listened to a Radio Concert down in the lobby. - I glanced over the Houston paper and saw a notice of Dr. DeLay’s funeral yesterday. - Sent a note to the family tonight. - Am going to bed real tired in spite of my rest this afternoon. - Mrs. S. has not yet come upstairs.





Buddy Pierce operated on Friday the 7th. - Came up to Buckeye Nov 10th. - Ranch house burned Nov. 26th.


Monday, December 1 – Bay City

Pretty day tho cold this morning. - Mr. Spence came in this forenoon and went to Houston this P.M. - Mrs. Stoddard was busy with business until about 4:30, then we went out for a walk. - She stopped at Dr. Livengood’s office for a treatment and I came back to the stores. - Bought a pair of shoes at Simons. - We are a hearty 6 o’clock dinner. Then Mrs. Capps and Mrs. Jamison came and sat awhile. - Mrs. Stoddard is reading herself to sleep and I am ready for bed.


Simon Bros. store is visible near the left side of the photo in the 1700 Block of Avenue F - Bay City


Tuesday, December 2 – Bay City

Pretty day tho cool. - Have been sewing on the small dresses today. - Read a letter from Mr. Love about my stockings. Also one from Mr. Farwell. Regrets for the fire and commenting on the Citrus Grove gas well. - Hope a new oil field may be found there and that Taylor No. 1 may be revived. - Mrs. Stoddard had a call to Houston so she went over on the afternoon train. Hopes to return tomorrow night. - I have been in the house all day except going to the bank for Mrs. Stoddard this P.M. - There was all sunshine today. But north wind.


Wednesday, December 3 – Bay City

Cold rainy day. - Missed Mrs. Stoddard last night. Went to bed early and rested well. - Put the room in order and then sewed all day except to wash out some hose this forenoon. - Have gotten along well with the sewing today. - No mail. Sent a short note to Mrs. Farwell this forenoon. - Been indoors all day except to go next door and get a bar of Ivory soap. - Mr. Ford did not come for the laundry today. Suppose the roads are too bad from Buckeye to Markham. - Hope Mrs. S. will come home tonight.


Thursday, December 4 – Bay City

Three weeks until Christmas - Such a rainy, sloppy day. Did not go outside the hotel today. Have no rubbers is the good reason. Got along beautifully with the sewing today. - Sent $5.00 Tithe to Mr. Richards. Sent to Buckeye for my one rubber rescued from the fire. Hope to send to Houston for a pair. - Heard from Mrs. Stoddard (Lamar Hotel) by phone and letter. She may be away a couple of days yet. - Just heard from Mrs. Stoddard and Mr. Spence. They will be in tonight. Read a letter from the Frasers. They spent 2 days and nights in my rooms.


Friday, December 5 – Bay City

Such a lovely day. All sunshine. - Mr. Spence and Mrs. Stoddard went to Buckeye today. Mr. Spence went home this afternoon when Mrs. S. came back to Bay City. - I have been sewing. Went down street after lunch and bought some elastic for the little girls’ bloomers. - Stopped at the Courthouse and found out the amt. of my State and Co. Tax. - Mr. Ford came this P.M. and took Mrs. S.’s laundry to Paula. - Mr. and Mrs. Shultz came tonight. He is he contractor who is making the estimate for the Insurance Co. on Mrs. Stoddard’s home at Buckeye.



Saturday, December 6 – Bay City

Real cool today. North crisp wind. - Sewed and helped Mrs. Stoddard made out her list of lost and saved furniture, furnishings, clothing, etc. (Insurance requirement) - We went shopping this afternoon late. After dinner played Anagrams. Mr. Ford brought the mail from Buckeye and laundry from the fire. - I have some hemstitching ready for Monday. - Letter from the Richards today. Rev. Reynolds holding meeting in Tabernacle this week. - Prepared check to send to Gas Utilities tomorrow.


Sunday, December 7

A pretty day. Not so cold. - Mrs. Pevoteaux went away this forenoon, but the girls gave a special dinner (wild goose) to the regular boarders and Dr. and Mrs. Morton and daughter. An excellent dinner. So well prepared an so tastily served at a decorated table. (Christmas tree and place cards.) - Soon after dinner Mr. and Mrs. Borden came to the Hotel and invited Mrs. Stoddard and me to drive to Palacios with them which we gratefully accepted. Stopped a few moments to see Mrs. Farwell. She has been sick. - Did not stop any place else. Heard a fine concert tonight over the Radio. - Have been reading the books I am giving for Christmas gifts.


 Mrs. Genevieve Morton was the first nurse in Bay City

Monday, December 8 – Bay City

Very pretty day. Sunshiny most of the day. - Mrs. Stoddard went to the Ranch on the 11:30 train. - Mr. Ford brought her home. - I moved into No. 29 this forenoon. Mrs. Stoddard moved into 31 yesterday forenoon. - Have been sewing all afternoon. Have the doll clothes pretty well finished and most of the little girls’ dresses also. - Mrs. Stoddard read a letter from her sister, Kate, telling that their brother, Mr. Van Ausdal, had been operated on Friday morning.  - Letters and a telegram came today. His operation was serious. Mrs. S. will leave here as soon as she can.


Tuesday, December 9

Lovely day all day. - Mrs. Stoddard went to Buckeye. I just about finished the doll and baby dresses today. - It has been pretty slow as so much was made by hand. - We ate dinner with Mrs. Capps and Mrs. Jamison. - Mr. Oertling and Mrs. Bruner were guests, also. - Such a splendid dinner. Well cooked and served. - Wrote to Mrs. Love and Mrs. Newsom this forenoon. - No news from Mrs. Van Ausdal today, so trust he is doing well.


Wednesday, December 10 – Bay City

A rainy day. - Mrs. S. went to Buckeye. I sewed and did not go out of the Hotel all day. Have been working on teds. Sara’s is finished and three move cut out. - Mrs. Stoddard found some more relics from the fire. My glasses case. The top to my toothbrush tube, some patterns, etc. - She was packing things to send to the children. Barrels and bedding, etc. - Mr. Ford is occupying the bungalow now.


Thursday, December 11

Beautiful day. - I made several trips down street today for hemstitching, etc. Mrs. S. went to Buckeye. - This PM, Mr. and Mrs. Farwell drove up in their new coach. - Brought a beautiful bouquet of roses for us. - Mrs. F. and I went shopping. (window shopping) - Mrs. S. gave a quail dinner party tonight. Mrs. Capps, Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Pevoteaux and daughters guests. - Very tired tonight.


Friday, December 12 – Bay City

Letter and check from Mrs. Newsom - Mrs. Stoddard went to Buckeye today. - I have everything ready to send away except one voile dress for Paulina. - We went to town before dinner tonight and bought boxes and paper. Then since dinner we wrapped a good many packages. - Mrs. Pevoteaux and Mrs. Lillian went to Houston late this evening to return tomorrow. - We are real tired tonight.


Saturday, December 13

Beautiful day. - Mrs. Stoddard did not go to the ranch today. Was busy most of the day about her Christmas things. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Pierce came over this PM. Just a short visit. - I have not sewed much today. Been helping pack Xmas boxes and been shopping with Mrs. S. We tied up packages tonight until almost eleven o’clock. Expect to go to Mackay tomorrow to see Mrs. Borden. - We are very tired tonight. A bath and to bed.


Sunday, December 14 – Bay City

Such a lovely day. - Mr. Oats came for us at 8:30 and drove us out to Mackay. We were there in time for the program at the chapel. Conducted by Mrs. Borden. Following that program the Mexicans held their S. S.  We waited a few minutes to hear them sing. - Then went to the Borden home where we listened to a Radio sermon by Rev. Hill of San Antonio. - Then lunch and more radio. Then the return home trip in the Borden car. Coming by New Gulf where we stopped to see the engineer. - Finally home after a most delightful day.


A. P. Borden Ranch - Mackay, Texas


Monday, December 15 – Bay City

Real cold north wind. - Mrs. S. went to Buckeye. - I cut out a night gown and bed jacket. Almost finished the jacket. (for Mrs. Muir) - This forenoon I paid my State and Co. Tax at the Courthouse. $24.00 - Since dinner we tied up Christmas packages. - I am giving the three little girls at Buckeye books. Leona Dunbar, Marguerite Shultz, Flora Woods. - Going to bed at 11:30. Not so tired as I was last night tho.


Tuesday, December 16 – Bay City

Cold day. - Mrs. S. did not go to Buckeye today. - I finished the bed jacket and took the pink night gown down to Mrs. Matchett’s to stitch this afternoon. - Mrs. S. took me to see Geo. Arliss in “Old English” tonight. - The air is so crisp tonight. Going to bed at 10 o’clock tonight.


Wednesday, December 17 – Palacios

Such a lovely day until four o’clock. Then a fog or mist came over. - I finished all of the sewing this forenoon. Mrs. S. went to the Ranch with Mr. Dunbar. - This PM Mr. and Mrs. Farwell and Mrs. Pierce drove to Buckeye. Brought Mrs. Stoddard back to Bay City and then brought me home. - Am glad to be at home, but shall miss Mrs. Stoddard. - Mr. Newsom came up to see me a few moments just as I sat down to eat some supper. - Then I went up to the Tabernacle to prayer meeting. - We have called a pastor, Rev. Reynolds. He will come the 1st Sunday in January.


Thursday, December 18 – Palacios

A rainy day until late this afternoon. Then the sun came out for a while. - Did not accomplish much today other than putting the things away which I brought home yesterday. So glad I came home yesterday instead of waiting until today. - Went to town this PM to get a few more groceries, etc. - The lining from Mrs. Stoddard’s leather coat has come, so that is some more sewing for me. - Saw Mrs. Tandy and a friend who is spending the winter with her. - Went over to Mrs. Love’s for my stockings and Christmas cards and up to Mrs. Hockeys for some milk. - Tied up Mrs. Farwell’s and Mrs. Pierce’s gifts tonight.  - Going to bed tired. Have had my gas heater burning all day.


Friday, December 19 – Palacios

Such a beautiful day. All sunshine. - Have just been busy all day doing innumerable things. Finished tying up my small Christmas gifts. Visited Mrs. Houghton. Went to town twice. Went to Hockey’s for my milk and that always means a visit. - After supper I read awhile. Mr. Newsom has a terrible cold. - Recd my first Christmas card today from Minnie Crum. I mailed a good many today. - Saw by the Beacon that Beatrice was sick so went to see her. She has been real sick, but is better now. Marvel is staying with her. - To bed. Tired.


Saturday December 20 – Palacios

Cloudy morning, but the sun shone most of the day and it has been warmer today. -  Made a lemon pie for Beatrice. She is getting along very well. - Cleaned my sitting and dining room this P.M. Went to the P.O. - Long letter from the Haywoods in Glencoe for a rest. - Bought a small roast to try my oven out. Have partly roasted it tonight. - Going to bed quite tired. - Saw Mrs. Farwell in P.O. - Washed my hair and dried it by the gas heater. Put the stove up on a table. Fine. Fine. Fine.


Sunday, December 21

Rainy day. - Went to S.S. The children all were given a treat. The older folks  apples, etc. - My oven roasted my meat beautifully and I ate a very good dinner considering the cook. - Went over to see Beatrice this PM. Was raining going and coming. She was sitting up. - I dried my feet as soon as I got home, so do not seem to have taken cold. - On account of the rain, I suppose the pageants at the two churches may be postponed. - Going to bed with a quart jar of hot water. - My hot water bottle burned at Buckeye.


Monday, December 22 – Palacios

The shortest day in the year, but a very lovely one. - I did a little washing and ironing today and baked an apple pie. - Went to town, read some cards, called to see Mrs. Farwell, went to see Beatrice. - Cooked some supper and am thoroughly warm after facing the brisk north wind. - Saw Mrs. Lucas, Minnich and Dunn, but not within speaking distance. - Expect it will freeze a little tonight. The sky is clear, a new moon and a north wind. - Finished mailing my Christmas cards today.


Tuesday, December 23 – Palacios

A beautiful day. Cold but all sunshine. A white frost covered everything this morning. - I took a borrowed handkerchief home to Mrs. Chesshire this forenoon. Added one for her mother and one for herself to it. - Read a good many Christmas cards so far and a letter from Mrs. Massenburg today also. - Made a short call on Mrs. Bell on my way to town this P.M. Mr. Houghton brought me a piece of fruit cake, sent them by Mrs. Hunt. - Have kept the gas heating stove burning all day while I was in the house. Burned my trash and straightened up the wood house today. - Am real tired tonight. - Returned Mrs. Borden’s book, "Professor Lou,” today.


Wednesday, December 24 – Blessing

Pretty day. I came up here this afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Farwell. - Mrs. Pierce is making preparations to serve a Christmas dinner tomorrow. - Mr. and Mrs. Newsom expect to go to Houston tonight after she is through work at the store. - We went to a tree and program at the Community House tonight. The house was jam full. Then we trimmed the tree here. Stuffed the turkey, etc. Mrs. Pierce addressed many cards this P.M.


Thursday, December 25 – Blessing

Christmas day and a rainy one. I was surprised to awake early and hear a rain falling. - After breakfast the gifts were presented. Santa was good to me. - Mr. and Mrs. Farwell came up with Mr. Sanders the mail carrier. They and the Beards ate of the splendid dinner served at Mr. Pierce’s table. - After dinner we made badges for the dance. - Then we ate supper and the Beards took Mr. and Mrs. Farwell down to the Hotel to be taken home by Mr. Sanders. - Mrs. Pierce and I went to the dance. A good many were there from Palacios. El Campo band. Tony Martino leader. - Mr. Pierce came and visited to walk home with Mrs. Pierce and me. - A long busy Christmas day.


Hotel Blessing


Friday, December 26 – Blessing

Much prettier day then yesterday. Streets very muddy. - Mrs. Pierce went to Episcopal service this forenoon. I put the house in order as far as I knew how. - Since lunch I worked on her green velvet dress. - We played with Clinton after dinner tonight. - Electric train, croquet and puzzle pictures. Then listened to Amos n Andy. - Going to bed 11 o’clock.


Clinton Pierce

Saturday, December 27 – Blessing

Just a busy day and not a very pretty one. Very little sunshine, but no real rain. - Did some mending, and have the green velvet dress ready to fit. - Clinton has a cold. Was in bed until just before six. He went down to hear Amos n Andy and ate dinner. Then we played golf and listened to a Radio program. - Going to bed early tonight. 10:30. - Tomorrow will be Sunday. - Mr. Pierce expects to go to Sargent in the morning.


Sunday, December 28 – Blessing

Pretty day but cold and the streets muddy. - Mr. Pierce went to Sargent. - Mr. and Mrs. Powell, the two children and Mr. Otto Frosch ate dinner here. The Powell children are dears. Clinton was not feeling very well as he did not get up until this afternoon. - We played games with him and built him a windmill tonight. - Mr. Pierce has not come home at 10 o’clock. - One of my teeth fell out today. A calamity, but they have served me for about 14 years.


Monday, December 29 – Blessing

A pretty day. - I sewed on the green velvet some, but a phone message from Mr. Mobley said his two sons and a wife were on the way up here for hunting. Mrs. Pierce expected them all afternoon. - We made quite a stir about it. Finally at 3:30 a message said they would be here tomorrow. - Mr. Gray and daughter made a business call on Mrs. Pierce this P.M. - We played Check and Double Check with Clinton tonight. He is about well. - Mr. Pierce came home from Sargent tonight. - I am sleeping upstairs tonight.


Tuesday, December 30 – Blessing

The company did not come today. Don’t know why. - Mrs. Pierce and I drove to Palacios this forenoon. - I had my tooth replaced. Went  to P.O. Recd a good many cards and a letter from Mrs. Bell. - Went up home and brought Mrs. Stoddard’s coat to reline. Also Mrs. Pierce’s quilt to quilt. - We got some groceries and oysters. Had the green dress hemstitched and stopped a moment to see Mrs. Farwell. -  The Dullers came over a few minutes tonight. - Mr. Buller was drowned in the Bay Saturday. His boat sank. He was found in it.


Palacios Beacon, January 1, 1931



Wednesday, December 31 – Blessing

The last day of the old year. - Very raw cold north wind. - Have been sewing all day. - Mrs. Pierce has the joy of all “thank you” letters being written today. - She and Mr. Pierce ate dinner and played bridge at Mr. Dullers tonight. Mary Dean and Mrs. Duller hostesses. - Mrs. Yeager having gone to her mother who was injured in an auto accident. - Clinton and I played games until bed time. - Mr. Pierce gave me another day book.



Houston Trunk Factory–Main and Rusk - Beautiful day. Turkey dinner. - Mr. Ethan Duller and friend ate dinner. - Mr. and Mrs. Pierce went to Palacios tonight. - Crochet, read, ran the train. - Busy all day. Trust I may be busy all of the time during 1931.




Background courtesy of lorij576


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