By Thelma Greene Reagan

Today we walked where others walked
On a lonely, windswept hill;
Today we talked where other cried
For Loved Ones whose lives are stilled.

Today our hearts were touched
By graves of tiny babies;
Snatched from the arms of loving kin,
In the heartbreak of the ages.

Today we saw where the grandparents lay
In the last sleep of their time;
Lying under the trees and clouds -
Their beds kissed by the sun and wind.

Today we wondered about an unmarked spot;
Who lies beneath this hollowed ground?
Was it a babe, child, young or old?
No indication could be found.

Today we saw where Mom and Dad lay.
We had been here once before
On a day we'd all like to forget,
But will remember forever more.

Today we recorded for kith and kin
The graves of ancestors past;
To be preserved for generations hence,
A record we hope will last.

Cherish it, my friend; preserve it, my friend,
For stones sometimes crumble to dust
And generations of folks yet to come
Will be grateful for your trust.

Matagorda County Cemeteries - Find A Grave

Headstone Emblems

Matagorda County Obituary and Cemetery Index

AA - African-American Cemetery
NOTE: Matagorda & Palacios Cemeteries also have AA burials.



Allen, Basil Family Memorial Site, AA, Live Oak

Matthews Cemetery, see Caney

Allenhurst Cemetery, AA, SE Van Vleck
Historic Texas Cemetery

Midfield Cemetery, Midfield
Historic Texas Cemetery

Andrews Cemetery, Caney Area

Morgan Graves

Ashby Cemetery, Ashby Community

Morris Grave - Don Tol, Wharton County


Mt. Olivet Cemetery, AA, Ashwood

Bay City Cemetery, Bay City see Cedarvale Cemetery

Mt. Pilgrim Cemetery, AA, Caney Area

Berean Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement

Myers Grave, Decrow's Point

Bethlehem Cemetery, AA, Cedar Lake


Bowie Cemetery, Cedar Lane

Nolte, Frank Grave Matagorda Peninsula

Bundick Family Cemetery, Markham Area

Norman Family Cemetery, AA, Live Oak

Burial Association Cemetery, AA, Van Vleck



Oaxaca Burial Site - Gulf of Mexico
Texas State Archeological Landmark

Caney - Matthews Cemetery, Caney

Old Bethlehem Cemetery - Don Tol, Wharton County

Cedarvale Cemetery, Bay City


Chastun - Hanson Family Cemetery, Ashwood

Palacios Cemetery, Palacios

Collegeport Cemetery, Collegeport
Historic Texas Cemetery

Partain Cemetery, NE Blessing
Historic Texas Cemetery

Cornelius Cemetery, Midfield

Petteway Cemetery - AA, Cedar Lake


Phillips Graves, Matagorda Peninsula

Deadrick Cemetery, AA, Wilson Creek Community

Pleasant Green Cemetery, AA, E Bay City

Downer Grave, Tin Top Area

Poole, see Grimes

Duffy Cemetery, Blessing Area


Duffy Graves, Matagorda Peninsula

Rainey Cemetery, Van Vleck

Duncan, John Cemetery - Ashwood

Red Bluff Cemetery, W Bay City


Reinke-Tobeck Cemetery, Bucks Bayou Community

Eastview Cemetery, AA, Bay City 

Richardson Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement

Edison Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement

Robbins Family Cemetery

Edison Cemetery #3, AA, Vann Settlement

Roselawn Memorial Park, Van Vleck

Edison-Powell Cemetery, AA, Berean Community

Rugeley-Hawkins Cemetery, Van Vleck

Elliote, Thomas W. Grave, W Bay City

Rugeley, John Cemetery, Sugar Valley


Farris Grave, Cedar Lane

Sargent Cemetery, Sargent


Savage Family Cemetery, S Bay City

Gainesmore Cemetery, see Williams, Kit

Scholten Grave, Citrus Grove Community

Gatson Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement

Sexton Cemetery

Green Family Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement

Shamblee Grave, Palacios area

Grimes-Poole Cemetery, Trespalacios
Historic Texas Cemetery

Shiloh Cemetery, AA, Cedar Lane

Grove Hill Cemetery, AA, Pledger

Smith Cemetery - AA, Cedar Lake


Smith Family Cemetery, SW of Bay City

Hardeman Cemetery, Van Vleck Area

St. Francis Cemetery, SW Wadsworth

Hardeman Graves, Van Vleck Area

St. John Cemetery, AA, N Van Vleck

Harris Family Cemetery, Bay City area

St. Mark Cemetery, AA, E Cedar Lane

Hawkins Cemetery, Hawkinsville

St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery, Blessing

Hawley Cemetery, Blessing Area
Historic Texas Cemetery


Hudson Family Cemetery, Bay City Area

Thompson Family Cemetery, Bay City

Hudgins Cemetery, AA, Pleasant Green

Tobeck Cemetery, see Reinke


Jefferson, Antwine Cemetery, AA, Wilson Creek Community

Union Baptist Church Cemetery, AA, Ashwood

Johnson Cemetery, Bay City

Union Baptist Church Cemetery, AA, Pledger

Jones-Jackson Cemetery, AA, Pledger
Historic Texas Cemetery



Vine Grove Church Cemetery, AA, Live Oak

Kehrer (Huebner) Cemetery, Bay City Area


Keller Cemetery - Midfield area

Warren Cemetery, Caney Area

Kelley Cemetery - Wadsworth Area

Wheeler, Daniel Cemetery, Blessing Area

Kenner Cemetery, Sargent Area

Williams Family Cemetery, AA, Live Oak

King Van Estate Cemetery, AA, Vann Settlement
Historic Texas Cemetery

Williams Grave - Grisham Road

Kuykendall Cemetery, Clemville Area

Williams, John Aaron Cemetery - Matagorda Peninsula


Williams, John Thomas Cemetery, Wilson Creek Community

LaBauve Cemetery - Francitas, Jackson County, Texas

Williams, Kit (Gainesmore) Cemetery, SE Cedar Lane

Lacy (or Tres Palacios) Cemetery, Blessing Area

Williams, Thomas Jefferson Cemetery, Wilson Creek Community

Lee Family Cemetery, Bay City Area - location unknown

Wilson Creek Cemetery, AA, Wilson Creek Community

LeTulle Cemetery, Markham Area


Live Oak Cemetery, AA, Live Oak

Yeamans Cemetery, Cash's Creek


Yeamans Grave, Cash's Creek

Markham Cemetery, AA, Markham


Matagorda Cemetery, Matagorda
Historic Texas Cemetery


Mathews Cemetery, Van Vleck Area


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Copyright 2004 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Dec. 2, 2004
11, 2017