1870 Map Details by Section
Section 1
- FD (good)
- Goode's Road (part)
Section 2
- Allens Cr
- Mrs. Almand
- Bacons qtr
- Mrs. Mary? [about where T. Bacon appears on an earlier map]
- Col. Bacon (see Ten Oaks Plantation)
- Bigger
- J. Boswell
- Mrs. Boswell (maybe the old John Bigger place)
- Boyd
- Brydie
- R. Burton
- Burwell's Mill - earlier site of Gregory's Mill
- Burwell's qrs
- Burwell's Road [at Spanish Grove, extends into sect.6]
- Col. Burwell
- Dr. Burwell
- J. Burwell
- J. Carrington
- Christiansville - The City [now Chase City, earliest known as Raine's Tavern]
- City Road - present State Rt 49
- Coleman
- Concord CHS
- Concord Rd
- Couch
- J. Cunningham
- Elam's Mill
- Finch
- Finch's Store
- Finney Wood Cr
- Finneywood Rd
- Mrs. Gale
- Goode's Rd
- Grier
- Hals Pond
- Hardy (earlier map)
- Mrs Hays
- Hepburn's Mill
- W. Jo___?
- Keysville Rd
- Mason
- Meherrin River, South Fork of
- Middle Bluestone Cr [E. of Spanish Grove, see section 2]
- Mill Grove Br & Fd (good)
- Mill Grove Rd
- Morton Oliver's qrs [l. of word Millgrove]
- J. Oliver
- J. Olivers qrs
- Mrs. Wa
- J. J. Phillips
- Reynolds
- Roberts [probably William T. Roberts or Elam's Mill ]
- R. Robertson
- Rocky Mill
- Saunders Fd
- Scott
- Scotts qrs
- Smithson
- South Fork of Meherrin River
- Spanish Grove
- Spanish Grove Rd - on 1864 Gilmer appears to follow Burwell Rd south of Spanish Grove,
and to the north, bearing nw intersecting with City Rd just beyond the railroad
- Trotter
- Tucker
- Vac.
- Vacant
- Wagstaff
- Wood
For details of the section east of Mill Grove Road, see
"Scotts Map"
of J. Marshall Neathery's Cattail Creek and Scott's Crossroads.
Section 3
- ____les, T.C
- ____ Mill
- Barber _____
- Blackstone Cr.
- Boswell
- Boyd
- Bragg
- Brown, J.
- cabin (2) .
- Colley, C. House
- Concord Chs.
- Craddock
- Crenshaw
- Crenshaw, D.
- Crenshaw, Mrs.
- Crow
- Crowder's Mill
- Drapersville P.O.
- FD very bad
- Finch's Store
- Gill
- Gregory's BR. good
- Hardy, J.
- Hay, ____trs
- Johnson
- Keyden(?), Mrs.
- Mason
- Meherrin (River)
- Mt. Horeb Ch.
- Ogborn
- Parris, Mrs.
- Phillips, J.J.
- Reace
- Rocky Mill
- Walker, Mrs.
- Wilson Mill
- Wilson (?), J.
- Wilson, Dr.
- Wmns (?) qrs
- Wood, F.D.
Section 4
- Andrews, J.
- Br. good
- cabin
- FD good (2)
- Harpers Old Br.
- Harris Mill
- Ogborn
- Saffold Br.
- Smith, J.
Section 5
- Bluestone Ch.
- Boyd
- Boyd, R.
- Br. good
- Brame, T.
- cabins
- Charets (?), B.
- Crawd (?) "Crowder" on the 1864 Gilmer map]
- Crews, Mrs.
- D(oggett), Mrs. [cut off]
- Doggett
- Farline
- Good
- Graves
- Jeffress, Mrs.
- Lester
- Loafman
- McCargo
- McKatchin
- Mill
- Moody
- Moody, F. [T. Moody on 1864]
- Priest
- Puryear, R.
- Richards
- Royster (2)
- Sm(ith), Dr. [cut off]
- Stembridge
- vac.
- Venable, P.C.
- Weatherford
- Yancey
- Yerby (Cr.)
Section 6
- ______, J. R
- _____brady
- ___bridge
- Abbeyville Road
- Algood [above St James Ch]*
- Archer [that is Archer Smith]
- Armistead Cr. [crosses Clarksville Rd]*
- Baptist, Mrs.
- Baptist, Mrs.
- Barton, Wm.
- Betchwn's(?) (road)
- Bethel Ch. [now on E. side #609]
- Bethlehem Ch. [originally on Couch prop.]
- BS (2)
- Burton
- Burton [below New Hope Ch]*
- Burton, Mrs.
- Burwell's [road]
- Butcher's Creek
- Butler
- cabin
- cabins (3)
- Centenary Ch.
- Chambers qrs.
- City/Christian's Road
- Clarksville Road [in part]
- Coleman
- Collier*
- Couch
- Daves, Mrs.
- Davis qrs
- Dedman (2)
- Dedman's Grocery
- Dodson
- Doggett, Mrs.
- Emory's FD good
- Evans, Mrs.
- FD good (3)
- FN (2)
- Gillespie
- Gillespie, L.
- Goode (3)
- Goode, E.
- Goode's Mill
- Graves (3)
- Gregory
- Gregory, A.
- Gregory, G.
- Gregory, J. [under Richards fr 1864 map]*
- Gregory, L. [below G. Gregory]*
- Gregory, Mrs.
- Gregory's Store [see below]
- Hardy's qrs.
- Harris
- Hutcheson [above Chambers qrs]*
- Keen, F. [E. Keen on 1864]*
- Lawson (2)
- Love, W.
- Middle Bluestone Cr.
- Moody
- Moody, R.
- Morton
- Moseley's Ferry Road
- New Hope Ch.
- New Road
- Pettus, Mrs.
- Pettus
- Projected Roanoke Valley R.R.
- Puryear
- Puryear, T.
- Raines
- Rainey*
- Rainey, L.*
- Richards
- Rittenhouse
- Roberts
- Roberts, G. [r.of E.Keen on 1864]*
- Rogers, J.
- Roth [W. Rolfe 1864 map]*
- Ryland
- Sampson (?)
- Scotis(?) Shop
- Sint (?)
- Smith, A.
[below Gregory's Store]* If this is correct for Reveille,
coordinates should be: 36° 46' 17"N, 78° 29' 28"W
- Smith, Archer
- Smith, Dr.
- Smith, J.(?) [A. Smith on 1864]
- Smith, Mrs.
- Smithson? [below Spain]*
- Spain
- Spain (?)
- Spanish Grove [not at junction of #47, #684 & #609]
- St. James Ch.
- Stearns
- Thomas
- Tisdale
- vac.
- Wagstaff
- Walker, Mrs.
- White, Mrs.
- wi___s
- Winn, W.[T.Winn on 1864]*
- Woodpecker Cr.
Gregory's Store
Deeds are being studied [2007] to try to place this. It may be near, or
the same as, what is known as "Spring Hill." Chase City and Its
Environs, p. 70, shows Spring Hill was built by James Alexander Gregory,
son of Robert S. Gregory. It served as a U. S. Post Office in the early
1800s. Ms. Lillian Ward says the place burned in 1940's while owned by
Judge Edward W. Hudgins. The house was replaced. She said the Fred Wards
bought the place about 1955. The house of Ms. Lillian Ward is about .2
mile from the main house, which is about .4 mile from #49. The entrance
at #49 is about 36° 46' 36"N, 78° 29' 57"W (NAD27). The drive-way
labeled Spring Hill Road is not the Spring Hill original site, but a
Green place built on part of the old tract, per Lillian Ward.
Section 7
- Allens Creek
- barn (2)
- G. Bing farm photo [George Bing - 1870 Census, p. 294]
- W. Bowen
- br good [bridge across Laytons and/or Let Alone Creek]
- br good [bridge across Thomsons Creek]
- bs (2)
- Buckhorn Creek
- Buckhorn Road
- W. Burton [see map #6]
- cabin (4)
- cabin [see map #6]
- cabins (2)
- Chappell
- Mrs. Cole [Ann Eliza Beal Cole, widow of Edward Thomas Cole - 1870 Census, p. 288]
- Coleman
- Cook
- Cox Road
- Crab Creek
- Crenshaw
- Cross
- D. Crowder [David H. Crowder - 1870 Census, p. 294]
- Mrs. Crowder
- Mrs. Cumby [Martha Curtis Cumby, widow of Thomas Cumbia - 1870 Census, p. 293]
- M. Dance
- Davidson
- Drumwright
- Dry Creek [Headwaters on old Thomas Nethery lands near Scotts Crossroads. 1765 or earlier. -- J. Marshall Neathery]
- Easter Church
- Ebenezer Church
- El Bethel Church
- Evans
- W. Evans
- fd bad [ford across Laytons Creek]
- fd good [ford across Allens Creek]
- fd good [ford across Dry Creek]
- P. Ferguson [see map #11]
- fn (2)
- Mrs. Gale
- Mrs. Garner
- Greensboro
- Gregory's Store
- J. Gwathney
- Hatcher
- B. D. Hatcher
- Hawkins
- G. Hays
- J. Hays [James Hays, Jr. - 1870 Census, p. 292]
- Hightorn
- J. Holmes
- Mrs. Holmes [Susan F. Holmes - 1870 Census, p. 294]
- Hutcheson (2)
- Johnson
- H. Johnson
- Mrs. Johnson
- T. Jones
- J. R. or J. B. Lane
- Laytons Creek
- Mrs. Leaker
- Let Alone Creek
- Dr. Lett house photo
[Dr. Peter Edward Lett - 1870 Census, p. 293]
[J. Lett - Jane C. Lett, nee Lett, widow of Joseph A. Lett, Sr. 1870 Census, p. 294]
- Long Branch
- J. Macasey
- Miles Creek [see map #8]
- Miller
- Minge
- Moss
- C. Nanny
- C. Ogborn
- Dr. Oliver
- E. Patillo
- J. Powell
- H. Puryear
- P. Puryear
- qrs (2)
- B. Ramey
- Mrs. Reace
- Ryland [see map #6]
- Saffolds Road
- B. Sally
- Sculthorp
- sh
- Sprugens RS [cannot determine]
- J. Simmons
- W. Simmons
- B. Smith
- J. Stone
- Stony Cross
- Stony Cross Road
- store
- Tabbs Road
- tannery
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson [in the dark portion, verified by the 1864 Gilmer map]
- Thomsons Creek
- G. Tower [I think this should be Bowers]
- Tunstall
- Union Level
- vac (2)
- J. Walker
- S. Wells
- Whitermore [in the dark portion, verified by the 1864 Gilmer map]
- Winn
- Zion Chur
Section 8
- Andrews, J.
- Bab (?) Cr.
- Binford's Store
- Black Spring
- Boles, W.
- Bucks Horn [road]
- Bugg
- Bugg, R. (2)
- Burnett
- Butterworth
- cabin (4)
- cabins
- Cole, Mrs.
- Creedle
- Crenshaw, J.
- Crowder (2)
- Crutchfield (4)
- Davis
- Davis, J.
- Dortch
- Drumwright
- Edmond, W.S.
- Evans
- Farren, Mrs.
- Feilder
- Ferguson
- Gay
- Gee
- Gregory
- Gregory, B.
- Gregory, Dr.
- Gregory's Mill, Dr.
- Harper's Old Br.
- Harper's Road
- Harris
- Harris Mill
- Hatch, B.D.
- Hawthorne, Mrs.
- Hazelwood
- Hite
- House, Mrs.
- Hudgin [gravemarker]
- Hutcherson
- Hutsons Mill [Hudson]
- Lambert (3)
- Little Miles Cr.
- McAdden
- McAllden
- McCargo, J.
- Mill Cr. [should be Miles Cr.?]
- Miller
- Mosely
- Moss
- Mountain Cr.
- Nanny
- Nash (2)
- Nash, J.
- Nicholson
- Northington
- Ogborn, C.
- Ogborn, J.
- Old store
- Peary, J.
- Philips
- Philips, J.
- Pierce, Mrs.
- Piney ______ [road]
- Powell, J.
- Powers
- Providence Ch.
- Pulley
- Rainey, J.L.
- Reace, Mrs.
- Salem Ch.
- Smelley, T.
- Smelley, W.
- Smith, D.
- South Hill Ch.
- Speaks
- Stone
- Store
- Suamon (?)
- Taylor
- Taylor's Cr.
- Thomas (2)
- Tucker, Mrs.
- vac. (4)
- Wal______
- Walker
- Warren's Qrs.
- Whitmore, Mrs.
Section 9
- Aaron's Creek
- Abbyville
- Arrington
- barn
- Big Bear (Cr.)
- Big Buffalo Creek
- Binford, A.
- Blanks Ferry
- Blanks, J.
- Blanks, T.
- Bole, W. (?)
- Boswell
- Br. Bad (over Stone Creek)
- Buffalo Ch.
- Buffalo Creek
- Buffalo Springs
- cabin
- Carrington
- Clarksville
- Cow Road
- Crowder
- Dan River
- Daniel, J.
- Durham, D. M.
- Elam, D.
- Glasscock
- Gold
- good Br.
- Halifax County
- Hardy's Store
- Ha[rris]
- Harris
- Howerton, Dr.
- Jameson
- Jeffres, Dr.
- Jones?, J. T.
- Jones, Mrs.
- Jones, T.
- Jones, W.
- Jones, W.
- Leigh, W.
- Lencave, I. (?)
- Little [Buffalo] Cr.
- McPhail (?)
- Mill
- Moore, Mrs.
- Morton
- Neal, J.
- Nelson's Isd
- Newman, J.
- Overby (White House)
- Overby's Ferry
- Overby's Quarters
- Owens
- Pooles's Store
- G. Poole's Mill
- W. Poole's Mill Br
- Roberts
- Royster
- Russell (2)
- Russell, R.
- Shelton, Dr. (2)
- Shelton, Mrs.
- Sizemore
- Skipwith
- Skipwith, G.
- Skipwith's Ferry
- Skipwith's Isd.
- Spencers
- Stone Cr
- Talley, A
- Toone's Store
- vac. (2)
- Vaughn (2)
- Vaughn, G.
- Venable, G.
- Waller, H. H.
- Watkins
- Watkins, J.
- Williams Mill
- Wood
- Yancey
Section 10
- Algood
- Allen, Mrs.
- Allgood
- B.S. (near some cabins)
- Bowers, J.
- Boydton (town)
- Boydton Dirt Road
- Boydton Plank Road
- BR good
- BR good
- BR. good
- BR. good
- Brown
- Butcher Cr.
- Butler
- Butler
- cabin
- cabins
- Carter, W.__.
- Clarksville (town)
- Clarksville Road [in part]
- Cleburn
- Cogbill
- Field, Dr.
- Finch, Dr.
- Dabney
- Daves FN
- Garish ?
- Gary
- Gilgal Ch.
- Goode, COL
- Goode, J.T.
- Hardy's Store
- Harris
- Hays, Mrs.
- Island Cr.
- Jones, Dr.
- Jones, Dr. qrs.
- Keyton
- Liberty Ch.
- Line, J.(J. Love on 1864 Gilmer Map)
- Little Bluestone Cr.
- Mallory, Mrs.
- Mason
- Mason
- Moss, C.
- Moss, T.
- Nelson, Mrs. Overton
- Pride, H.
- Pulliam
- Puryear, Mrs.
- Randolph-Macon College
- Richardson, Mrs.
- Riggins, Mrs.
- Roanoke (road?)
- Sandy Cr. (NE of Clarksville, name is corrupted, looks like S.LV..)
- Skipwith
- Skipwith's Ferry
- Spencers
- Stuart
- Tate's Cr.
- Taylors Ferry Road
- Toons
- Towns qrs.
- Towns, W.
- vac.
- Wall, T.B.
- Waller, R.
- Warren
- Wilson
- Wood?, J.
- Wooten
- Wooten, J.
Section 11
- __ Moss
- ___ander's Ferry (road)
- ___yrer, S. Sr.
- Adams
- Alexander, M.
- Alexander's qrs.
- Allen's Cr.
- Bardy
- barn
- Baskerville, Dr.
- Boydton Plank Road
- BR & FD
- BR bad
- BR down no FD
- BR good (3)
- BS
- Bugg
- cabin
- cabins
- Co. Poor Ho.
- Coleman's Cr.
- Coles (2)
- Cox Creek
- Darby Br(anch)
- Daves, Dr.
- Evans Dockery Cr.
- Farrer, P.
- Farrer, S.
- Farrer's Mill
- FD good
- FN
- FN ____ Road
- Foundry
- Garish(?) W. Baker
- Gill, Mrs.
- Goodes Mill
- Griffis' Mill
- Hull, J.
- Johnson
- Jones, T.
- Laird, Mrs.
- Long (Cr.)
- Love, Mrs.
- Manning, Mrs.
- Miles Cr.
- Mill
- Moss Mill
- Moss qrs.
- Moss, C.
- Moss, Mrs.
- Moss, T.
- New Road
- Newell, Mrs.
- Norfolk & Great Western (R.R.) Proposed & Surveyed
- Pine(?) Cr.
- Poplar Springs Ch.
- Puryear
- Rolti (?), E.
- Rolti (?), H.
- Rudd, A.
- Sharon Ch.
- Simmon
- Smith, M.
- Sowell
- Speed's Br. (Br. of Miles Cr S. of Darby's Br.)
- St. Andrew's Ch.
- Steam Mill
- Steam Mill
- Tabbs (road)
- Tannery
- Thrower
- Vansa(?), Col.
- Watson
- Willard's Store
- Winkler
- Young, Mrs.
Section 12
- ____field Road
- ___apon, Mrs.
- Ames
- B_______, J.
- Bardy Grove
- barn (2)
- Baskerville
- Baskerville, Mrs.
- Baskerville, Mrs. qrs.
- Baytoms(?), F.
- Birnet
- Blacks Road
- Bracey, Dr.
- Bracey, J.
- Bracey, Mrs.
- Cheatham
- Crichton
- Crowder
- Crutchfield (2)
- Dockery Cr.
- Evans
- Evans, Mrs.
- Evans, W.
- FD good
- Fenell, Mrs.
- Goode's Ferry Road
- Harris
- Harris, Dr.
- Harris, Mrs.
- Hatcher
- Hatcher, J.
- House, Mrs.
- Hughes Cr.
- Jackson, A.
- King, R.
- Malone's____
- Marengo P.O.
- Masonic Hall
- Mat______, J.
- McAdam
- mill
- Moore, S.
- Moss Mill
- Nickerson, J.
- Ogborn, Dr.
- Overby, J.
- Plank Road
- Pine Pond Road
- Poplar Cr.
- qrs.
- Rainey (2)
- Reams
- Roberts
- Rodney
- Smith
- Smith, E.
- steam mill
- store
- Tammany Road
- Tanner, Col.
- Tanner's Store
- Taylor
- Thomas (2)
- Thomas, Mrs.
- Turner, G.
- Vaughn (3)
- Walke, D.
- Walker, Dr.
- Walker, J.
- Walker, W.
- Waller
- Wartman, Mrs.
- Watson
- Winkler
- Woodward
- Wright (2)
- Yancy
Section 13
- _____, B.
- Aaron's Creek
- Apple, A. N.
- Averitt
- Averitt, H.
- barn
- Beaver Pond Cr.
- Belcher
- Buchanan, R.
- Calahan, J.
- Chandler
- Chandler, J. T.
- Chandler mill
- Clark
- Clark, A.
- Creath, Mrs.
- Daniel, J.
- Daniel, S.
- Gardner, L
- Garner
- Gordon
- Griffin, Mrs.
- Hall
- House Road
- Jones
- Jones, D.
- Lewis
- Lewis Ch.
- Lewis Mill
- Liggon, J.
- Lloyd, Mrs.
- Malone, H.
- Mineral Spr.
- Monroe
- Neal, J.
- Nelson, H.S.
- Nelson, J.
- Newton
- Newton, Mrs.
- Overby, A.
- Overby's Mill
- Oxford Road
Pelcher (see Belcher)
- Phillips, J.
- Phillips, Mrs.
- Phillips, O.
- Potter, Mrs.
- Puryear, A.
- Ramsey
- Red House Road
- Royster
- Smith, J. A.
- Snead, J.
- Talley
- Throckmorton, J.
- Tucker, W.
- White
- Williams, J. R.
- Williams, N.
- Wilson, Mrs.
Woodstup Wood shop
- Yancy
- Yancy, B.
- Yancy, T.
Section 14
- Averitt, Mrs.
- Baskerville
- Beaver Pond Cr. (part of)
- Booker, D.
- Br. good
- Burwell's Mill
- Butcher's Cr. (part of)
- Cabin
- Coleman, H. (or R.)
- Davis, Dr.
- Field, J.S.
- Fields Fy
- Fields Isds
- Fields qrs (2)
- Hughes, W.
- Lewis Ch.
- Lewis Mill
- mill (2)
- Mill Cr.
- Monroe
- Morsoil (?) & ___?____
- Morton, W.
- Nelson, J.
- Pollard, F.
- Pool, H. B.
- Rainey (?)
- Ramsey
- Rins (?) Cr.
- River Road
- Strum, H.J.
- Sydnor, A.[instead of L.]
- Sydnor's Mill [instead of Sydnar]
- Tarry, G.
- Tarry, S.
- Tarry's qrs
- Taylor's Ferry Road (part of)
- Tellerson, Mrs.
- Tucker
- Vac
- Valley R.R. Torn Up Good??
- Vansant, Col.
- Welds Ferry private (may be Fields)
- Wilson, W.
Section 15
- ________ Cr.
- Alex(ander)(road)
- Alexander, J.
- Alexander, N.
- Alexander's Ferry was located from 1741 until at least 1836 apx. 2 1/4
miles (as the crow flies) north-northeast by northeast of Kerr dam, on the south
side of the Roanoke River. There is still a road located there which points
north and stops apx. 1/2-mile south of the riverbank, called Alexander's Ferry
Road. -- J. H. Alexander
- B.S
- Brownlee (?), J.
- Bugg
- Bugg's Island
- Chapman, W.
- Coleman's Ferry
- Cotton Cr.
- Davis, A.
- Eppes(?), V. M.
- Flynn
- Goode
- Goode, Col.
- Goode's Old Ferry no roads
- Hendrick, Mrs.
- Jeffers, Dr.
- Johnson
- Jones Mill
- Jones, Mrs.
- Jones, P.
- Lamply(?), J.
- Meacham, F.
- Meade, W.
- mill (2)
- Newton
- Nicholson
- North Bend
- Nut Bush Cr.
- Palmer
- Penuel Ch.
- Rawlings qrs
- Rawlins, F.
- River (road)
- Roanoke River
- Robinson
- St. Luke's Ch.
- Shortfalls
- Spain, H. (or B.)
- spring
- Stegall
- store
- Tarry, G.
- Tarry's qrs
- Towns, Birnet W.
- Union Ch.
- Walthrop, Mrs.
- Winkler
Section 16
- ____, A. B
- barn
- Barely fordable at low water
- Black's Road
- Blanton, Mrs.
- Bowden
- Boyd, A.
- Boyd's Mill (below A. Shaw)
- Cannon, Mrs.
- Cabin
- Carrington
- Childress
- Cole, J.R.
- Davis, Mrs.
- Ellington
- Floyd
- Hall
- Hendrick, T.
- Hendrick's Mill
- Hinton
- Hinton (2d one)
- Hinton, P. (below St. Tammeny)
- Hinton's Mill
- Hughes Cr. (part of)
- Jiggett, Mrs.
- Jones, J.A.
- Jones, W.
- Kidd, Mrs.
- King
- King, E.
- King's Mill
- Lambert, Mrs.
- Lambert, P.
- Plummer, E.
- Rehoboth Ch.
- Ridout
- Riggins, Dr.
- River Road
- Roanoke River
- Rose, Dr.
- Shaw, A.
- Smith Cr.
- St. Tammeny (Ch.)
- Tanner, R.
- Taylor
- Thomas
- Thomas, Mrs.
- Thornton, N.
- Tudor
- Vac
Transcribed and contributed 2000 Feb 21 by Ed Waller