1770 Henry-Jefferys Map
1870 Finch Map
1870 CSE Corps
Scotts Map
JoLee's Deed Map
for Gregory, Bigger, and Saunders properties
1870Census District Map
by JoLee Gregory Spears
1895 Rand McNally Atlas
Boydton (county seat)
Buffalo Junction
Chase City
La Crosse
South Hill
Union Level
Abbeville (#1) / name changed Feb. 1828 from Marshallville
[faint ink:" discontinued ... to Oakley" date not shown] / [listed in 1832-1844
range] / [see also Marshallville, Abbyville (#2)]
Abbyville (#2) / April 1866 - Jan. 1908 / David P. Pool first PM / to Jeffress
[see also Marshallville, Abbeville (#1)]
Antlers / Jan. 1881 - Nov. 1927 / Betty M. Gill first PM / to Boydton
Aspen Mount / March 1836 - Jan. 1839 / Joseph P. Simmons first PM
Averett / Aug. 1882 - July 1933 / Willie W. Averett first PM closed March 1887 -
Jan. 1889 / to Buffalo Junction
Barnesville / [listed by accident] "in Charlotte County"
Barry's Bridge / Jan. 1855 - Oct. 1855 / came from
Lunenburg and moved back to Lunenburg
Baskerville / est. June 1890 / Sterling
N. Hutcheson first PM open in 1970
Beechnut / May 1897 - July 1906 / Eddie A.
Winn first PM to Clarksville
Blackridge / changed Feb. 1942 from Black Ridge
/ open 1970 [see also Black's Ridge, Black Ridge]
Black Ridge / changed Jan.
1893 from Black's Ridge / changed Feb. 1942 to Blackridge [see also Black's
Ridge, Blackridge]
Black's Ridge / est. Aug. 1874 / Henry C. Taylor first PM
changed Jan. 1893 to Black Ridge [see also Black Ridge, Blackridge]
Boydton /
changed Nov. 1817 from Mecklenburg / open 1970 [see also Mecklenburg]
/ changed July 1900 from Saint Tammany's / open 1970 [see also Saint Tammany's]
Buffalo / est. Feb. 1824 / Hezekiah Overby first PM / changed Oct. 1827 to
White House [see also White House]
Buffalo Junction / est. June 1890 / David R. Lee first PM / open 1970
Buffalo Lithia Springs / changed Oct. 1874 from
Buffalo Springs (#1) / changed July 1930 to Buffalo Springs (#2) [see also
Buffalo Springs (#1) and (#2)]
Buffalo Springs (#1) / est. June 1874 / Thomas
W.J. Baptist first PM / Oct. 1874 changed to Buffalo Lithia Springs [see also
Buffalo Lithia Springs, Buffalo Springs (#2)]
Buffalo Springs (#2) / changed
July 1930 from Buffalo Lithia Springs / closed Dec. 1953 / to Buffalo Junction
[see also Buffalo Springs (#1), Buffalo Lithia Springs]
Cabbage Farm / June
1857 - March 1895 / Joshua E. Walker first PM / closed Oct. 1866 - May 1872 (?)
/ to Brodnax [Brunswick County]
Cedaria Jan. 1853 - July 1856 John B.
Tunstall first PM
Cephas Dec. 1900 - Jan. 1910 Cora B. (?) Lawson first PM to
[not shown]
Chase City / changed May 1873 from Christiansville / open 1970
[see also Christiansville]
Christiansville / est. [not given] / Samuel
Christian first PM appointed Jan. 1801 / May 1873 changed to Chase City [see
also Chase City]
Cisco / Jan. 1893 - Nov, 1906 / Joseph A. Lane (Love?) first
PM / to Reddirt
Clarksville / changed Feb. 1826 from Roanoke / open 1970 [see
also Roanoke]
Clifton / est. Nov. 1878 / Bascom Morse first PM / Sep. 1883
changed to Swepson [see also Swepson]
Crayon / Jan. 1897 - July 1907 / Peter
B.R. Moss first PM / to Boydton
Cuscowilla / changed Nov. 1875 from
Custowilla / closed April 1879 - Aug. 1880 / closed Jan. 1940 / to Phillis see
also Custowilla]
Custowilla / est. Nov. 1875 / Henry F. Jester first PM Nov.
1875 changed to Cuscowilla [see also Cuscowilla]
Davis's / est. [not given] /
changed to Vineyard [date not given] [see also Vineyard, Whittle's Mill]
Dockery / April 1903 - June 1914 / William H. Ryland first PM to South Hill
Dorinda (#l) / est. Oct. 1899 / George R. Clark first PM / never opened
Dorinda (#2) / July 1904 - Dec. 1905 / Howard B. Crenshaw first PM / to Reddirt
Drapersville / July 1837 - Feb 1914 Lewis Williams first PM / closed June 1866 -
June 1868 to Chase City
Egmont / July 1897 - June 1914 / Edward Schaefer
first PM closed June 1906 - April 1908 / to South Hill
Ferry Hill / Feb 1812
- April 1843 / William Birchete first PM / closed Feb. 1824 - June 1842
(Fields) / Aug. 1882 - July 1906 / Michael Murphey first PM / to Clarksville
Finchley / Nov. 1890 - Aug. 1954 / John G. Barnett first PM to Clarksville
Finneywood / June 1877 - Aug. 1937 / J.S.P. Burwell first PM closed Jan. 1880 -
April 1883 / to Chase City
Forksville / est. Oct. 1831 / Philip Pennington
first PM / closed July 1866 - July 1867 / open 1970
Fraternity / March 1885 -
Sep. 1890 / Benjamin T. Wartman first PM / to Cabbage Farm
Goldleaf / March
1904 - June 1929 / Loula V. Morse first PM to Manson [North Carolina]
Goode's Ferry / est. April 1890 / Mary Baskerville first PM / Jan. 1894 changed to
Goodes Ferry [see also Goodes Ferry]
Goodes Ferry / changed Jan. 1894 from
Goode's Ferry closed Feb, 1920 / to Palmer Springs
Greensboro / Greensborough
/ Sep. 1812 - Dec, 1843 Alexander B. Puryear first PM
Guy / Nov. 1885 - Jan.
1888 / Charles H. Pearson first PM / to Cuscowilla
Gypsy / June 1897 -Nov.
1903 / Vela A. Perkinson first PM closed Sep. 1898 - Aug. 1900 to Redlawn
Hailstone / Oct. 1825 - [Feb.?] 1837 William H. Dodson first PM
Hammeville / April 1835 - Nov. 1841 / George Jefferson first PM
Hanford / Aug. 1880 - Jan. 1910 / John Y. Richards first PM / to Skipwith
Highpoint / est. Jan. 1885/ Charles W. Finch first PM / did not open
Inca / June 1890 - April 1909 / Frank W. Goode first PM / to Boydton
Invermay / Sep. 1893 - Mar. 1937 / Mary M. Priest first PM / to Bracey
Jeffress / Sep. 1890 - Dec. 1953 / John E. Weston first PM / to Clarksville
Joyceville / Aug. 1853 - Nov. 1920 / Richard J. Joyce first PM closed July 1866 - Aug. 1874 / to Bracey
Jumbo / June 1908 - Aug. 1919 / Robert A. Stewart first PM / to Goodes Ferry
Keetonsville / Mar. 1821 - [-] 1823 / William James first PM
Keats / March 1888 - March 1926 / Robert E.L. Moss first PM to Goldleaf
Kimono / Feb. 1904 - Aug. 1913 / Edward G. Dowling first PM to Antlers
Lacrosse / changed May 1894 from La Crosse (#1) / April 1947 changed to La Crosse(#2)
[see also La Crosse (#1) & (#2)]
La Crosse (#1) / est. May 1890 / D'Arville H. Northington first PM /
May 1894 changed to Lacrosse [see also Lacrosse, La Crosse (#2) ]
La Crosse
(#2) / April 1947 changed from Lacrosse / open 1970 [see also Lacrosse, La
Crosse (#1) ]
Lambert / July 1884 - May 1904 / Paul F. Lambert first PM / to
South Hill
Locust Hill / Feb. 1833 - Jan. 1836 / John C. Bugg first PM
Lombardy Grove / March 1819 - Dec. 1888 / George D. Baskerville first PM /
closed 3 times - Sep. 1857 - Oct. 1857, July 1866 - May 1867, Aug. 1876 - Dec.
1876 / to Union Level
Maleria / Feb. 1887 - Dec. 1890 / James W. Hagood first
PM / to Black's Ridge
Malva / March 1900 - March 1906 / Walter T. Gillespie
first PM to Blackstone [Nottoway County] [why Nottoway ?]
Marengo / Feb 1859
- Sep. 1948 / Peter M. King first PM / closed July 1866 - July 1872 / to
Marshallville / est. Aug. 1801 / James Wilson first PM / Feb. 1828
changed to Abbeville [see also Abbeville (#1), Abbyville (#2) ]
Mecklenburg /
est. Sep. 1794 / Richard Boyd first PM / Nov. 1817 changed to Boydton [see also
Boydton ]
Medon (?) / Nov. 1860 - Feb. 1861 / F.L. Smithson first PM
Mill Grove / est. 1818 / John M. Yates first PM / Jan. 1839 relocated to Lunenburg
County and renamed Yatesville
Mount Hope / July 1860 - Aug. 1866 / Peter A.
Piercy first PM
Muckross / Feb 1885 to May 1907 / Minta.(?) Augustus Williams
first PM / to Boydton
Nelly / March 1894 - March 1895 / Isaac M. Burton first
PM / to Black Ridge
Nelson / est. March 1894 / Anderson H. Nelson first PM /
open 1970
North View / "formerly in Giles Co. " [the post office clerk may
have noted the fact that this name was formerly used in Giles County] / Aug.
1871 - Oct. 1962 / John D. Petty first PM / to Union Level
Norvello / Aug.
1899 - April 1956 / John R. Mallette first PM / to Boydton
Nunn / May 1898 -
Dec. 1907 / Walter J. Atkins first PM / to Clarksville /
[According to local
legend, Shiney Rock got its name from miners looking for gold in the area in the
1800's but all they ever found was "shiney rock." Also, if memory serves me
correctly, the country store at Shiney Rock also served as a post office under
the name of "Nunn, VA" in the very late 1800's and early 1900's. Shiney Rock is
located on Shiney Rock Road approximately 1 mile south of Union Chapel Baptist
Church and approximately 1 mile north of the Virginia/North Carolina border. --
Glenn Powell, Vienna, VA, July 2002]
[Shiney Rock - Area south of
Clarksville, Virginia, and west of U. S. Highway 15, just north of the Granville
County, North Carolina, area known as the Grassy Creek Community. Around Union
Chapel Baptist Church. -- J. Marshall Neathery, June 1999]
Oakley / April 1832 -
June 1905 / A. S.(or G?) Jeffress first PM to Jeffress
Oakview / Dec. 1897 -
Feb. 1907 / Lee R. Butler first PM / to Chase City
Ogburn / Dec. 1900 - Feb.
1935 / Samuel F. Bugg first PM / to Union Level
Opie (map shows Opa) / Dec.
1891 - June 1918 / Mollie R. Land first PM / to South Hill
Orgainsville / May
1879 - May 1907 / Thomas A. Orgain first PM to Jeffress
Otter Hill Nov. 1860
- Sep. 1866 / Reps 0. Robertson first PM
Otter Mills April 1903 - March 1910
/ Onieda B. Robertson first PM to Chase City
Overland / June 1888 - June 1905
/ Charles L. Paxson first PM to Buffalo Junction
Palmer Springs / changed
July 1893 from Palmer's Springs open 1970 see also Palmer's Springs ]
Palmer's Springs est. Feb. 1827 / Edwin Paschall first PM closed Sep. 1866 -
Sep. 1868 / July 1893 changed to Palmer Springs [see also Palmer Springs ]
Phillis / Jan. 1894 - April 1956 / Joseph E. Lett first PM / closed 1921 but
rescinded / to Boydton
Portia / April 1902 - Dec. 1916 / Marshall J. Vaughan
first PM to Lacrosse
Push / April 1888 - May 1905 / William L. Pool first PM
/ to Virgilina [Halifax County]
Radcliffe / May 1892 - Jan. 1967 / Elvira A.
Moore first PM / to South Hill
Randolph Macon College / Jan. 1851 - Sep. 1866
/ David Duncan first PM
Reddirt / Jan. 1904 - April 1916 / Jesse D. Borden
first PM / to Chase City
Redlawn / April 1902 - Nov. 1951 / Joseph O.D.
Gholson first PM / to Bracey
Reekes / Aug. 1902 - Aug. 1930 / Clara L. Reekes
first PM / to North View
Reformation / Feb. 1825 - June 1828 / Alexander
Clausel first PM
Ridge Grove / March 1837 - July 1837 / Charles G. Ogburn
first PM
Riggan / changed June 1887 from Riggan's Store / closed Jan. 1891 /
to Joyceville [see also Riggan's Store ]
Riggan's Store / est. April 1887 /
Edmund H. Riggan first PM June 1887 changed to Riggan [see also Riggan ]
Roanoke / est. Mar. 1822 / Robert Hester first PM / Feb. 1826 changed to
Clarksville [see also Clarksville ]
Rose Level / Dec. 1860 - Sep. 1866 /
George T. Gregory first PM
Royster / June 1902 - June 1905 / Rosa L.
Stembridge first PM to Redoak [Charlotte County]
Saffolds / April 1892 - Oct.
1906 / Laura E. Smith first PM / to Ogburn
Saint Tammany's / est. [not given]
/ John C. Courtney first PM appointed Oct. 1795 / July 1900 changed to Bracey
[see also Bracey ]
Scott's Cross Roads / Sep. 1871 - Nov. 1901 / Rebecca W.
Almond first PM / to Chase City
Shaws Store (Shaw's Store) / Aug. 1874 - Sep.
1913 / William H. Shaw first PM / to Bracey
Shelton's Springs / June 1857 -
June 1859 / David Shelton first PM [probably first PO at Buffalo Springs]
Siddons / May 1891 - Jan. 1905 / Robert E. Callahan first PM / to Nelson
Skipwith / est. Sep. 1883 / Henry B. Pope first PM / open 1970
Smilax / Sep. 1900 - Sep. 1928 / Margaret H. Tanner first PM / to Norlina [North Carolina]
Smith's Cross Roads / Aug. 1872 - June 1914 / Henry E. Smith first PM / to South Hill
Soudan / June 1888 - Mar, 1943 / Henry W. Bouldin first PM / to
South Hill / est. April 1814 / James Nolly first PM / closed Oct.
1866 - July 1867 / open 1970
Spanish Grove / June 1813 - [-] [into ledger for
1832-44] / William Garner first PM / closed Jan. 1824-April 1824
Spring Hill / Nov. 1860 - June 1892 / James A. Gregory first PM to Chase City
Stony Cross
/ May 1856 - Aug. 1921 / James W. Edmondson first PM / closed Oct. 1866 - Nov.
1872 to Baskerville
Swepson / changed Sep. 1883 from Clifton closed Oct. 1911
/ to Redlawn [see also Clifton ]
Sycamore Grove / Feb. 1817 - [-] 1819 /
Alexander Clausel first PM
Tanner's Store / May 1830 - June 1873 / Benjamin
Tanner first PM / closed Oct. 1866 - Aug. 1872
Tanny / Jan. 1898 - Nov, 1906 / James J. Martin first PM / to Boydton
Tarry's Mill / Jan. 18 78 - Feb 1911 / Thomas A. Park first PM to Keats
Terryville / est. [not given] - James
Whitlow first PM appointed April 1804 not active in 1832
Union Level / est.
Jan. 1836 James C. Bridgeforth first PM closed 3 times Oct. 1843 - Dec. 1844,
Oct. 1866 - Feb. 1873, Oct. 1874 - [listed as open on 1877 list], open 1970
Vineyard / changed [date not given) from Davis's / James Wilson first PM
appointed Oct. 1809 / Dec. 1827 changed to Whittle's Mill [see also Davis's,
Whittle's Mill ]
Void / Sep. 1898 - March 1902 / Joseph W. Carroll first PM / to Bracey
Wayside / Feb. 1860 - June 1871 / William T.Z. Finch first PM closed Oct. 1866 - July 1870
Westland / March 1824 - - (?) [ not active in
1832] Alexander Clause] first PM / closed [date not given] - Feb. 1826
White House / changed Oct. 1827 from Buffalo / closed 2 times Sep. 1840 - April 1847,
Jan. 1872 - April 1872 discontinued April 1874 [see also Buffalo ]
Whittle's Mill / changed Dec. 1827 from Vineyard / by October 1872 was located in
Lunenburg County [see also Davis's, Vineyard]
Wightman Jan. 1888 - March 1960 / Robert H. Johnson first PM to Palmyra [?] [Fluvanna County]
Woburn / June 1893 - July 1906 / Andrew C. Jones first PM to Clarksville
Source: The SouthSider: Local History and Genealogy of Southside Virginia,
Volume XVII, Number 1, 1998.
The Southsider is published quarterly by the Charlotte
County Branch of The Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities,
Post Office Box 104, Charlotte Court House, VA 23923-0104. Although The
SouthSider reserves all publishing rights, permission was granted by the editor,
Gerald T. Gilliam, for use on this Mecklenburg County VAGenWeb website.
Taylor's Ferry existed prior to 1776, now gone, at Roanoke River, about five miles southwest of Boydton, Va. and some five miles northeast of Townville, N.C., near Tarry lands. -- J. Marshall Neathery
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