Last Updated: July 26, 2021
Isaac &
Naomi (Weaver) Smith Family
1. Smith, Isaac |
Parents: Henry & Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1819 Birth: 9-08-1819 Floyd Co., VA. 1842 Marriage #1: Isaac Smith m. Naomy Weaver 01-20-1842 Floyd Co., VA by Owen Sumner. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, H311: Smith, Isaac 30 yo w/m farmer, b. Floyd, $150, cannot read or write, HOH. Omey 24 yo w/f, b. Floyd, cannot read or write. Rosabell 5 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Sarah J. 3 yo w/f, b. Floyd. 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Floyd Court House PO, H1358: Smith, Isaac 40 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $1,300/678, HOH. Oma 34 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot read or write. Rosabell 15 yo w/f, b. VA. Noah B. 6 yo w/m, b. VA. Flournory 3 yo w/m, b. VA. Mahala 11/12 w/f, b. VA. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville Twp, H318: Smith, Isaac 50 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $900/520, cannot write, HOH. Naomi 44 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot read or write. Rosabel 25 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot read or write. Noah 16 yo w/m, b. VA, on farm. Flournoy 14 yo w/m, b. VA, cannot write. Hala 11 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot read or write. Abendago 6 yo w/m, b. VA. Luanna 3 yo w/f, b. VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville District, H36: Smith, Isaac 60 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, HOH. Noami 54 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, keeping house. Rosa 35 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Noah 26 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, works on farm. Mahala 20 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Abednego 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Luanna 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville District: Smith, Isaac 71 yo. Naomi 65 yo. Rosabelle 46 yo. Luanna 23 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 14, H100: Smith, Isaac 80 yo w/m farmer, b. Sept 1819 VA, parents b. VA, m. 58y, cannot read or write, owns farm, HOH. Naomi 74 yo wife, b. July 1825 VA, parents b. VA, m. 58y, 8 children with 6 living, cannot read or write. Rosabelle 55 yo single daughter, b. July 1844 VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Harman, Louanna 32 yo married daughter, b. June 1867 VA, parents b. VA, m. 0y, 0 children with 0 living. Benjamin 25 yo w/m son-in-law, b. Feb 1875 VA, parents b. VA, m. 0y, farm laborer, cannot read or write. [harman1] 1907 Death: 2-25-1907. 1907 Burial: |
...+ Smith, Naomi
Parents: John & Christina (Tice) Weaver. [Weaver_Other_fcva] 1826 Birth: abt 1826 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Isaac Smith. Death
after 1900: Burial
after 1900: |
...2. Smith, Rosabell
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1844 Birth: 7-27-1844 Floyd Co., VA. Note: Never married. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 46, H148: Harman, Benjaman 35 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 10y, owns with mortgage, HOH. [harman1] Louannie 42 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 10y, 0 children with 0 living. (nee Smith) Smith, Rosabell 65 yo single sister-in-law, b. Pennsylvania, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. Harman, Tuitman 12 yo cousin, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. [harman1] 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Burks Fork District 90, H131: Weeks, Josewash 76 yo w/m, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, owns, HOH. [weeks1] Mahalie 60 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. (nee Smith) Tishie 23 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Smith, Rosebelle 75 yo single sister in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Burks Fork District 3, H60: Mayberry, Emory E. 31 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Litishie A. 33 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA25 yo when 1st married. Weeks, Mahala 70 yo widowed mother in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write.
Smith, Rosey B. 85 yo single aunt, b. VA, parents b.
VA, cannot read or write. 1930 Death: 5-30-1930 Burks Fork District, Floyd Co., VA. Rosabelle Smith, 85y 10m 3d, single w/f, b. July 27, 1844 Floyd, VA. Father: Isaac Smith, b. VA. Mother: Namoah Weaver, b. Floyd, VA. Informant: Abednega Smith of Floyd, VA. COD: chronic myocarditis; senility. Burial: Weeks Cemetery, May 31, 1930. Undertaker: Hylton & Harman, Willis, VA. 1930 Burial: Hylton - Weeks Cemetery, on SR 799 across from Blue Ridge Primitive Baptist Church, Willis, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Researching) |
...2. Smith, Sarah J.
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1847 Birth: abt 1847 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. Cant find anything after 1850 |
...2. Smith, Noah B. |
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1854 Birth: 5-15-1854 Floyd Co., VA. (src: FCVA birth record) 1860, 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1881 Marriage #1: Noah B. Smith m. Darthula Catherine Harman 12-27-1881 at Peter Harman's, Floyd Co., VA by Wilson H. Dodd. He 27 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Naomi Smith. She 24 yo single w/f, b. & Floyd Co., VA, d/o Peter & Sarah Jane Harman. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District: Smith, Noah B. 36 yo. Darthula C. 33 yo. Lewis W. 6 yo. Ephraim C. 5 yo. Ida W. 2 yo. Abel L. 3/12. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 16, H17: Smith, Noah B. 46 yo w/m farmer, b. May 1854 VA, parents b. VA, m. 18y, owns farm, HOH. Darthula C. 43 yo wife, b. Feb 1857 VA, parents b. VA, m. 18y, 5 children with 5 living. Lewis W. 16 yo son, b. Oct 1883 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Ephrem S. 15 yo son, b. Apr 1885 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Ida M. 12 yo daughter, b. May 1888 VA, parents b. VA, school. Abel L. 10 yo son, b. Mar 1890 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. Roscoe C. 7 yo son, b. May 1893 VA, parents b. VA, school. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 47, H81: Smith, Noah B. 55 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 28y, owns farm, HOH. Darthula C. 51 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 28y, 5 children with 5 living. Lewis 26 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Ida M. 21 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, public school teacher. Abel L. 18 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Roscoe P. 16 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. 1911 Death: 1-20-1911. 1911 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750 w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by Wanda Simpkins added by Sammie Wade) |
......+ Smith, Darthula Catherine |
Parents: Peter & 1st wife Sarah Jane (McGrady) Harman. [Harman_Peter_2wives] 1857 Birth: 2-6-1857 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Noah B. Smith. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 94, H12: Smith, Darthula C. 62 yo widowed w/f farm manager, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write, owns, HOH. Roscoe P. 26 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm operator. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east end Indian Valley District 7, H145: Smith, Roscoe P. 36 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Cathrine 73 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. 1935 Death: 5-22-1935 Indian Valley District, Floyd Co., VA. Darthula Catherine Smith, 78y 3m 16d, widowed w/f, b. Feb 6, 1857 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Noah B. Smith. Father: Peter Harman, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Sarah Jane McGrady, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: R. P. Smith of Floyd, VA. COD: diabetes mellites. Burial: Greasy Creek Cemetery. 1935 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750 w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by Wanda Simpkins added by Sammie Wade) |
......3. Smith, Lewis Walker |
Parents: Noah B. & Darthula Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1883 Birth: 10-4-1883 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1914 Marriage #1: Louis W. Smith m. Hopie L. Hylton 9-30-1914 at Abram Hyltons Floyd Co., VA by Q.D. Weeks, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 30 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Noah B. & D. C. Smith. She 17 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Abram & Louisa Hylton. 1918 Registration Card: Lewis Walker Smith, 34 yo w/m of Rt 3, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA; b. Oct 5, 1883; farmer; Nearest relative: wife Hopie L. Smith of same address; medium height & build; blue eyes & black hair. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 92, H86: Smith, Louis W. 36 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mortgage, HOH. Hopie L. 22 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, north west side of Court House District 5, H23: Smith, Louis W. 46 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 30 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Hope L. 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 17 yo when 1st married. Joseph C. ?/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 32-7, Road 744, H68: Smith, Walker 56 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Hope 41 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Joseph 10 yo son, b. VA, completed G3, resided in same house 1935, school. 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 Floyd Co., VA. Louis Walker Smith, 58 yo self-employed w/m of RFD 3, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. Born Oct 4, 1883 Floyd, VA. Mrs. L. W. Smith of RFD 3, Floyd, VA will always know his address. His signature L. W. Smith. 5 7, 145 lbs, blue eyes, gray hair, light complexion. 1969 Death: 8-16-1969 Radford Community Hospital, Radford City, VA but of Rt 2, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. Lewis Walker Smith, 85 yo married w/m farmer, b. Oct 4, 1883 Floyd Co., VA. Veteran: blank. Spouse: Hope Hylton. Father: Noah B. Smith. Mother: Darthula Catherine Harman. Informant: Mrs. L. Walker Smith. COD: urinary tract infection renal failure 1 week; diabetes mellitus, hypertension. Burial: Greasy Creek Ch. Cem., Willis, VA, Aug 19, 1969. Undertaker: Wood Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1968 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750 w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by Wanda Simpkins added by Sammie Wade) |
.........+ Smith, Hope Lou |
Parents: Abram
& Louisa Jane (Slusher) Hylton. [Hylton_Riley_Hannah] 1897 Birth:
8-15-1897 Floyd
Co., VA. 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Lewis
Walker Smith. Biography: (src: Find A Grave; added by
2000 Death: 7-10-2000 at her home Floyd Co., VA. 2000 Obit: Roanoke Times, The (VA) - July 11, 2000 (src: Find A Grave) SMITH, Hope Lou Hylton, 102, of Floyd, passed away Monday, July 10, 2000 at her home. She was the widow of Walker Smith. She was survived by a son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Thelma Smith, Floyd, and a granddaughter. Burial will follow in Greasy Creek Cemetery, Willis 2000 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750
w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. |
.........4. Smith, Joseph Curtis |
Parents: Lewis Walker & Hope Lou (Hylton) Smith. 1929 Birth:
7-26-1929 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1957 Marriage #1: Joseph Curtis Smith m. Thelma Mae Hylton 7-12-1957 Floyd Co., VA by Maurice Strausbaugh, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 27 yo single w/m truck driver, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Lewis Walker Smith & Hope Lou Hylton. She 23 yo single w/f, b. & living in Montgomery Co., VA, d/o Sidney Signal Hylton & Lorraine Faye Coleman. Thelma Mae Hylton, d/o Sydney Signal & Lorraine Faye (Coleman) Hylton. Sydney s/o Henry H. & Ellen Narcissus Sis (Reed) Hylton. [Hylton_Newman_Nancy] 2014 Death:
5-19-2014 Floyd, VA. 2014 Obit: Joseph "Joe" Smith, 84 of Floyd, passed away on Monday, May 19, 2014. He was a lifelong resident of Floyd County and worked as a truck driver for 45 years. He is preceded in death by his parents, Walker & Hope Smith. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Thelma Smith of Floyd; and daughter & son-in-law, Bonnie Smith & Darrell Bailey of Beckley, WV. Funeral service will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at the Maberry Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Roy Turpin officiating. Interment will follow in the Greasy Creek Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6 8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 at the funeral home. 2014 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750
w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
......3. Smith, Ephraim Stanton |
Parents: Noah B. & Darthula Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1885 Birth: 4-1-1885 Floyd Co., VA. (src: delayed birth record) 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910 Residence: Schuyler Co., Illinois, Birmingham District 186, H3: Smith, Ephiram S. 25 yo w/m hired hand, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer working out. 1917 Marriage #1: E. Stanton Smith m. Stella May Lawton 3-14-1917 Hancock Co., IL. He 32 yo s/o Noah B. Smith & Catherine Harmon. She 30 yo d/o Amos D. Lawton & Iona Manning. 1920 Residence: Schuyler Co., Illinois, Birmingham District 195, H122: Smith, Stanton 34 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH, Stella 31 yo wife, b. IL, father b. IL, mother b. Missouri. Duane 1y 3/12 son, b. IL, father b. VA, mother b. MO. 1930 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co., Illinois, St Marys District 35, Summer Street, H127: Smith, E. Stanton 44 yo w/m general public chauffeur & teamster, b. VA, parents b. VA, 32 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Stella 42 yo wife, b. IL, parents b. IL, 29 yo when 1st married. Duane 11 yo son, b. IL, father b. IL, mother b. IL, school. (should maybe read Virginia) Rachel 6 yo daughter, b. IL, father b. IL, mother b. IL, school. (should maybe read Virginia)
Roger 3y 7/12 son, b. IL, father b. IL,
mother b. IL. (should maybe read Virginia) 1940 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co., Illinois, St Marys District 34-35, H87: Smith, Stanton 55 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Stella 53 yo wife, b. Illinois, completed C4, resided in same house 1935, housework. Rachel 16 yo daughter, b. Illinois, completed H1, resided in same house 1935, school. Rogers 13 yo son, b. Illinois, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, school. 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 Hancock Co., IL. Ephraim Stanton Smith, 57 yo self-employed w/m of Plymouth, Hancock Co., IL. Born Apr 1, 1885 Floyd Co., VA. Stella Smith of Plymouth, IL will always know his address. His signature E. Stanton Smith. 5 9, 172 lbs., blue eyes, gray hair, dark complexion. 1967 Death: 7-2-1967. 1967 Burial: Round Prairie, Birmingham, Schuyler Co., IL. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by R&C) |
.........+ Smith, Stella May |
Parents: Amos
D. & Iona (Manning) Lawton. 1889 Birth: abt
1889 Illinois. 1920 Residence: Schuyler Co., Illinois with husband Ephraim Stanton Smith. 1930, 1940 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co.,
Illinois with husband Ephraim Stanton Smith |
.........4. Smith, Stanton Duane |
Parents: Ephraim Stanton & Stella May
(Lawton) Smith. 1918 Birth:
9-21-1918 Plymouth
Village, Hancock Co., Illinois. 1920 Residence: Schuyler Co., Illinois with parents. 1930 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co., Illinois with parents. 1944 Marriage #1: Stanton D. Smith m. Ruth Eleanor Lantz 1944 New Jersey. Ruth Eleanor Lantz, 1917-2001, d/o Knut C. & Josephine (Forsell) Lanz. [no file] 2005 Death:
2-1-2005. 2005 Burial:
Dunedin Cemetery, Dunedin, Pinellas Co., Florida. (src: Find A Grave; photo
added by Jimmy) |
.........4. Smith, Rachel |
Parents: Ephraim Stanton & Stella May
(Lawton) Smith. 1924 Birth: abt
1924 Illinois. 1930, 1940 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co.,
Illinois with parents. |
.........4. Smith, Roger Peyton |
Parents: Ephraim Stanton & Stella May
(Lawton) Smith. 1926 Birth:
9-30-1926 Illinois. 1930, 1940 Residence: Plymouth Village, Hancock Co., Illinois with parents. 1945 Marriage #1:
Roger P. Smith m. Marilyn L. Califf 8-29-1945 Clark
Co., Washington. He 21 yo b. Illinois, s/o E. S. Smith & Stella Smith.
She 19 yo b. Oregon City, Oregon, d/o R. E. Califf
& Reva Califf. Marilyn Lucille Califf, 1926-2019, d/o Raymond Elroy & Reva Irene
(Burk) Califf. [no file] 2007 Death:
10-24-2007. 2007 Burial:
Eagle Point National Cemetery, Eagle Point, Jackson Co., Oregon. (src: Find A Grave; photo
added by Mary J. Griswold) |
......3. Smith, Ida Mae |
Parents: Noah B. & Darthula Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1888 Birth: 5-1888 VA. 1890, 1900, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1912 Marriage #1: Ida m. Frank Clyde Gray abt 1912. Franklin Clyde Gray, b. 6-28-1889 Massachusetts, d. 9-23-1957 Los Angeles Co., CA. Mothers maiden name Bacon. [no file] 1920 Residence: New York City, New York Co., NY, District 676, Manhattan Borough, 25 West 97th Street, H7: Gray, Clyde F. 30 yo w/m music teacher, b. Massachusetts, father b. Maine, mother b. Indiana, rents, HOH. Mae 30 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Elman 5 yo son, b. Arkansas, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA. Franklin 4y 5/12 son, b. VA, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA. 1930 Residence: Los Angeles Co., CA, Montebello District 1180, 443 So. Betty St, H261: Gray, Frank C. 40 yo w/m music teacher, b. Massachusetts, father b. Maine, mother b. Indiana, 23 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Mae 41 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married. Elman C. 15 yo son, b. Arkansas, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA, school. F. Ovide 14 yo son, b. Virginia, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA, school. Ira Zane 9 yo son, b. New York, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA, school. Lova Mae 8 yo daughter, b. California, father b. Massachusetts, mother b. VA, school. 1940 Residence: Los Angeles City, Los Angeles Co., CA, District 60-777, 726 West 18th St, H272: Gray, Frank C. 50 yo w/m music teacher, b. Massachusetts, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, rents, HOH. Mae 51 yo wife, b. VA, completed C3, resided in same place 1935, housework. Ira Z. 19 yo single son, b. New York, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, new worker. Lova M. 18 yo single daughter, b. California, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, new worker. 1965 Death: 11-1-1965 Los Angeles Co., CA. 1965 Obit: The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California 02 Nov 1965, Tue Page 21 (src: 1965 Burial: Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier, CA as Mae Gray & with Franklin. (no photo) |
......3. Smith, Abel Lenard
Parents: Noah B. & Darthula Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1890 Birth: 3-17-1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1912 Marriage #1: A. L. Smith m. E. G. Hylton 1-19-1913 at G. W. Hyltons, Floyd Co., VA by A. N. Hylton, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 23 yo single w/m, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Noah & _. Liona Smith. She 20 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Gilbert W. & Salina Hylton. (cant explain) 1917 Registration Card: 6-15-1917 Floyd Co., VA. Leonard Smith, 27 yo self-employed w/m of Rt 3, Floyd, VA. Born Mar 17, 1890 Floyd Co., VA. Supporting wife & 2 children. His signature Lenard Smith. Medium height & build. Grey eyes & black hair. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 94, H11: Smith, Abel C. 29 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Emazetta G. 26 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Arie L. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Morris B. 3y 9/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Urma C. 2y 3/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Wynetta 6/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Death: 3-23-1930 Maryland. 1930 Obit: The Frederick Post (Frederick, Maryland) Monday Morning March 24, 1930 Pg 5. (src: A. Leonard Smith Abel Leonard Smith died in his home in McKinstreys, near Union Bridge, Saturday night of pneumonia, aged 40 years and six months. He is survived by his wife and the following children, Artie, Maurice, Erma, Wynetta, Ilene and Estella, all at home; also, his mother Mrs. Catherine Smith & the following sister & brothers, Mrs. Clyde Grey, California; Staunton Smith, Plymouth, Ill; Roscoe & Walter Smith, Floyd, VA. Funeral Monday leaving the house at 10 oclock with services at the Brethren church near Union Bridge. Interment Pipe Creek Cemetery. Mrs. K. G. Putnam, funeral director. 1930 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland. (src: Find A Grave; photo with TerriwithaC) |
.........+ Smith, Emmazetta Gay 1st name may be Emberzetta
Parents: Gilbert Walker & Salena Ellen (Bowman) Hylton. [Hylton_Ira_2wives] 1893 Birth:
4-24-1893 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Abel Lenard Smith. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland, Johnville District 40, from McKinstrys to county state road, H253:
Smith, Gaye 36 yo
widowed w/f farm manager, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH.
Artie 15 yo
daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
Maurice 13 yo son,
b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
Irma/Verna? 12 up
daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
11 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
Irene 9 yo daughter,
b. VA, parents b. VA, school.
Estelle 1y 4/12
daughter, b. Maryland, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Carroll Co., Maryland, District 7-25, H159:
Smith, Gay 48 yo
widowed w/f suit factory seamstress, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Carroll
Co., MD 1935, owns, HOH.
20 yo single daughter, b. VA, completed H2, resided in Carroll Co., MD 1935,
suit factory seamstress.
Estelle 11 yo
daughter, b. Maryland, completed G6, resided in Carroll Co., MD 1935, school.
9 yo daughter, completed G4, resided in Carroll Co., MD 1935, school.
1 nonrelated male
hired hand. 1979 Death: 1-20-1979
Sykesville, Carroll Co., Maryland last SSI residence, New Windsor, Carroll
Co., Maryland last SSI benefit. 1979 Obit: The Evening Sun Hanover, Pennsylvania 22 Jan 1979, Mon
Page 32 (src: 1979 Burial: Pipe
Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland. (src: Find A Grave; photo
with TerriwithaC) |
.........4. Smith, Rodney M.
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1913 Birth:
4-4-1913 Floyd Co., VA. Salena Hylton midwife. 1913 Death:
6-11-1913 Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. Rodney Smith, 2m 7d, w/m
infant, b. Apr 4, 1913 Floyd Co., VA. Father: Alirs
L. Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Emmazetta G.
Hylton, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Gilbert Hylton of Floyd, VA. Premature
birth at 7 months. No physician in attendance. Burial: Greasy Creek, VA, June
12, 1913. Undertaker: G. P. Whitlow, Floyd, VA. 1913 Burial: Greasy Creek Church, on SR 750 w. of US 221, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by Wanda Simpkins &
added by Sammie Wade) |
.........4. Smith, Artie L. {f}
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1914 Birth:
10-15-1914 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1:
Arthur Cameron Isenberg. Arthur Cameron Isenberg,
1909-1992, s/o unknown. [no file] 2002 Death: 4-4-2002
Johnson City Medical Center, Johnson City, TN but of 2853 DeVault
Bridge Rd, Piney Flats, TN. 2002 Obit: (src: Find A Grave) Artie L. Isenberg, 87,
2853 DeVault Bridge Road, Piney Flats, died
Thursday, April 4, 2002, at Johnson City Medical Center. ISENBERG -- Funeral services for Artie L. Isenberg, 87, 2853 DeVault Bridge Road, Piney Flats, who went to be with her Lord Thursday, April 4, 2002, will be conducted at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 6, in the Morris-Baker South Chapel with Pastor Rufus Smith officiating. Interment will follow the committal service at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 7, at Happy Valley Memorial Park, Elizabethton, where friends are invited to meet the family for this service. Donations may be made to the John M. Reed Nursing Home, 124 John M. Reed Nursing Home Road, Limestone, TN 37681 or the First Church of the Brethren, 122 Bart Green Drive, Johnson City, TN 37615. Online condolences may be sent to the Isenberg Family via The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Morris-Baker Funeral Home, 2001 Oakland Avenue, Johnson City, (423) 282-1521, is in charge of arrangements. 2002 Burial:
Happy Valley Memorial Park, Elizabethton, Carter Co., TN. (no photo) |
.........4. Smith, Maurice Bernard
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1916 Birth:
4-4-1916 Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1: Katherine (Young?) 1940 Residence: New Windsor, Carroll Co., Maryland, District 7-24, H148: Smith, Maurice N. 24 yo w/m hardware store salesman, b. Maryland, completed H4, resided in Carroll Co., Maryland 1935, rents, HOH. Katherine Y. 26 yo wife, b. Maryland, completed H4, resided in Carroll Co., Maryland 1935, Five & Dime store saleswoman. 1940 Registration Card: 10-16-1940 Carroll Co., Maryland. Maurice Bernard Smith, 24 yo w/m of New Windsor, Carroll Co., MD. Born 4-4-1916 Floyd, VA. Mrs. Kathryn Young Smith, wife, will always know his address. Employed by John S. Hyde, New Windsor, MD. His signature Maurice B. Smith. 5 10 179 lbs., blue eyes, brown hair & a light complexion. 1943 Death:
12-26-1943 Carroll Co., Maryland. 1943 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland. (src: Find A Grave; photo with TerriwithaC) |
.........4. Smith, Erma Catherine
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1918 Birth:
9-25-1918 Floyd
Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1:
Russell L. Logue Russell L. Logue, s/o
Joshua & Helena Frances (Freyman) Logue. [no
file] 2007 Death:
6-25-2007 Sykesville, Carroll Co., Maryland. 2007 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland. (src: Find A Grave; photo
added by TerriwithaC) |
.........4. Smith, Wynetta Lois
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1919 Birth:
6-26-1919 Floyd
Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. 1940 Residence: Carroll Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1: John E. Tenney. 1996 Death: 8-4-1996 1996 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by TerriwithaC) |
.........4. Smith, Ilene Elva
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1921 Birth:
3-5-1921 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1: Sterling Ray Ecker Sterling Ray Ecker, s/o Sterling Keefer & Florence Irene (Strine) Ecker. [no file] 1996 Death:
7-10-1996. 1996 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., Maryland.
(src: Find A Grave; photo
added by TerriwithaC) |
.........4. Smith, Estelle
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1929 Birth: abt
1929 Maryland. 1930 Residence: Frederick Co., Maryland with widowed mother. 1940 Residence: Carroll Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1: Robert A. Moineau. Robert A. Moineau, s/o unknown. [no file] 1990 Death: 8-29-1990 of Arbutus, Maryland. 1990 Obit: The Evening Sun Baltimore, Maryland 31 Aug 1990, Fri Page 53 (src: 1990 Burial: Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore City, Maryland. (not noted as such in Find A Grave) |
.........4. Smith, Alva
Parents: Abel
Lenard & Emmazetta Gay (Hylton) Smith. 1930 Birth:
11-5-1930 Maryland. 1940 Residence: Carroll Co., Maryland with widowed mother. Marriage #1: Alva
m. William Franklin Wilhelm. William Franklin Wilhelm,
s/o unknown. [no file] 2016 Death:
3-8-2016. 2016 Obit: Alva Lavina Wilhelm, 85, of Eldersburg, died Tuesday, March 8, 2016, at Dove House -Carroll Hospice in Westminster, MD. Born November 5, 1930, in New Windsor, MD. , She was the daughter of the late Able Leonard and Emmerzetta Gay Smith. She was the wife of the late William F. Wilhelm, Jr. She graduated from New Windsor High School and Juanita College. She was an Elementary School teacher and was the office manager for Wilhelm Energy Services Inc., a fuel oil dealer. She was a member of Salem United Methodist Church in Hebbville and St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Sykesville. Surviving are children Kimberley and Joseph Pyles, and Lynda Wilhelm, all of Eldersburg; and grandsons William and Thomas Pyles and great-grandson Jackson T. Pyles. She was predeceased by her husband William F. Wilhelm Jr. and son, David B. Wilhelm and her 5 sisters, Artie Isenberg, Wynetta Tenney, Ilene Ecker, Erma Logue, and Estelle Moineau. The Family will receive friends Friday, March 11, 2016 from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at Burrier-Queen Funeral Home and Crematory, P.A. 1212 W. Old Liberty Road, Winfield. Where Funeral Services will take place 11:30 AM Saturday, March 12, 2016. Interment will be in Lake View Memorial Park in Sykesville. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to St. Paul's U.M.C. Memorial Fund, 7538 Main St., Sykesville, MD 21784. 2016 Burial: Lake
View Memorial Park, Sykesville, Carroll Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photo
added by gravedigger) |
......3. Smith, Roscoe Peyton |
Parents: Noah B. & Darthula Catherine (Harman) Smith. 1893 Birth: 5-21893 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1917 Registration Card: 6-5-1917 Hancock Co., IL. Roscoe Peyton Smith, 24 yo single w/m of RFD Plymouth, IL. Born May 2, 1893 Floyd, VA. Farming for A. J. Reed in Hancock Twp. His signature Roscoe Peyton Smith. Medium height & build. Blue eyes & brown hair. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east end Indian Valley District 7, H145: Smith, Roscoe P. 36 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Cathrine 73 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA, cannot read or write. 1940: 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 McDonough Co., IL. Roscoe Peyton Smith 48 yo w/m of RFD 2, Plymouth, McDonough Co., IL. Born May 2, 1893 Floyd, VA. E. Stanton Smith of Plymouth, IL will always know his address. Employed by J. A. Sweisegood of RFD 2, Plymouth, IL. His signature Roscoe Peyton Smith. 5 7, 150 lbs. Blue eyes, brown hair with a ruddy complexion. 1979 Death: 12-22-1979 Augusta, Hancock Co., Illinois last residence; Plymouth, Hancock Co., IL last SSI benefit. 1979 Burial: Rosemont Cemetery, Plymouth, Hancock Co., IL. WW I Veteran. (no photo) |
...2. Smith, Flournoy |
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1856 Birth: 10-19-1856 Floyd Co., VA. 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1877 Marriage #1: Flournoy Smith m. 1st Melissa Adeline Bolling 11-22-1877 at Isaac Smith's, Floyd Co., VA by Wilson H. Dodd. He 21 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Ona Smith. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Patrick Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Henry & Elizabeth Bolling. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville District, H37: Smith, Flournoy 23 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Adeline 24 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, keeping house. Hubert L. 6/12 son, b. November VA, parents b. VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville District: Smith, Flourney 33 yo. Malra A. 33 yo. Elizabeth 9 yo. Nancy N. 7 yo. Ruth A. 6 yo. Samuel H. 4 yo. Irena R. 4 yo. Amos F. 2/12. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC, Leaksville District 72, H299: Smith, Florney 43 yo w/m coring filling, b. Oct 1856 VA, parents b. VA, m. 22y, rents house, HOH. Malicia A. 44 yo wife, b. Mar 1856 VA, parents b. VA, m. 227, 9 children with 6 living. Martha M. 19 yo daughter, b. Feby 1881 VA, parents b. VA, weaving cotton mill. Neoma 17 yo daughter, b. Oct 1882 VA, parents b. VA, weaving cotton mill. Ruth A. 16 yo daughter, b. Mar 1884 VA, parents b. VA, weaving. Samuel H. 14 yo son, b. Dec 1885 VA, parents b. VA, weaving. Amous F. 10 yo son, b. Apl 1890 VA, parents b. VA, can boy. Ashby G. 4 yo son, b. June 1895 VA, parents b. VA. Dickson, Mallie M. 21 yo single w/f boarder, b. Apr 1880 VA, parents b. VA, weaves. (if she is a Dickerson, I cant id her) Hancock, Mary 15 yo single w/f, boarder, b. Apl 1885, VA, parents b. VA, weaves. (d/o Samuel & Rhoda Ellen (Lawrence) Hancock. [hancock]) Floyd 13 yo w/m boarder, b. Jan 1887 VA, parents b. VA, weaves. (s/o Samuel & Rhoda Ellen (Lawrence) Hancock. [hancock]) 1906 Marriage #2: Flournoy Smith m. Ellen Bower 12-20-1906 Floyd Co., VA. He 50 yo widowed w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Mary Oney Smith. She 47 yo widowed w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Jacob Bower. Martha Ellen Bower, 1858-1937, d/o Jacob & Susannah (Smith) Bower. [Bower_Jacob_Susan] She was 1st m. to Joseph Lewis Bower, s/o Daniel & Elizabeth Lizzie (Smith) Bower. [Bower_Daniel_Elizabeth] 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 49, H128: Smith, Flournoy 52 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M2 3y, owns farm, HOH. Martha E. 51 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M2 3y, 0 children with 0 living. Bowers, Susan 77 yo widowed mother-in-law, b. VA, parents b. VA, 11 children with 10 living. [bower2] 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 93, H247: Smith, Flourney 63 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Martha E. 61 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1929 Death of Flournoy Smith: 2-12-1929 Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. Flournoy Smith, 7y 3m 23d, married w/m farmer, b. Oct 19, 1856 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Ellen Smith. Father: Isaac Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Oma Weaver, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Henry Simmons of Floyd, VA. COD: apoplexy. Burial: Family graveyard Feb 13, 1929: Undertaker: G. P. Whitlow, Floyd, VA. 1929 Burial of Flournoy Smith: Family graveyard, Floyd Co., VA. (no image) 1937 Death of Martha Ellen Bower Smith: 11-3-1937 Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co., NC. Mrs. Martha Ellen Bower Smith, 79y 9m 18d, widowed w/f, b. Jan 15, 1858 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Flernoy Smith. Father: Jacob Bower, b. VA. Mother: Susan Smith, b. VA. Informant: Mrs. J. E. Beckner of Winston-Salem, Forsyth Co., NC. COD: bronchial pneumonia. Burial: Boyers Chapel, Nov 5, 1937. 1937 Burial of Martha Ellen Bower Smith: Church of Christ at Boyers Chapel Cemetery, Clemmons, Forsyth Co., NC. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by DeLoss McKnight III) |
......+ Smith, Malissa Adeline
Parents: Henry Tuggle & Elizabeth E. (Burnett) Bolling of Patrick Co., VA. [no file] 1856 Birth: 3-4-1856 Patrick Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Flournoy Smith. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with husband Flournoy Smith. 1906 Death: 1-10-1906. 1906 Burial: Howell Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
......3. Smith, Hubert L. |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1879 Birth: 11-1879 Floyd Co., VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1886 Death: 12-18-1886 Floyd Co., VA. H. L. Smith, 7 yo w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA. Parents: F. & E. COD: pneumonia. 1886 Burial: |
......3. Smith, Elizabeth Martha Maude Mattie |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1881 Birth: 2-1-1881 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 46, H239: Smith, Mattie Maud 29 yo single w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns farm, HOH. Oma 27 yo single sister, b. VA, parents b. VA, no occupation. Ashby 14 yo brother, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1910 Marriage #1: Mattie M. Smith m. Dennis E. Quesenberry 9-18-1910 Floyd Co., VA by P. G. Lester, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 27 yo single w/m carpenter, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Leroy & Cordelia Quesenberry. She 29 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Flournoy & Adeline Smith. Dennis Elbert Quesenberry, 1883-1923, s/o Leroy & Cordelia A. (Hylton) Quesenberry. [Quesenberry_Leroy_Cordelia] 1932 Marriage #2: Eizabeth M. Quesenberry m. Ballard P. Akers 3-31-1932 Montgomery Co., VA. He 70 yo s/o Solomon Akers & Armalinda Lester. She 50 yo d/o Fluney Smith & Melissa A. Bowling. Ballard Preston Akers, 1861-1939, s/o Solomon & 1st wife Arminda (Lester) Akers. [Akers_William_Lydia_MCVA] Ballard was 1st married to Emily Jane Poff, d/o Samuel & Matilda E. (Dewese) Poff. [Poff_Samuel_Matilda] 1950 Death: Feb 23, 1950 RFD #1, Henry, Franklin Co., VA. Mattie Q. Akers, 69y 0m 11d, widowed w/f, b. Feb 1, 1881 Floyd Co., VA, d. Feb 23, 1950 RFD #1, Henry, Franklin Co., VA. Spouse: Ballard P. Akers. Father: Flournor Smith. Mother: Adeline G. Bowling. Informant: Flew W. Prillaman. COD: cardiac failure. Burial: Floyd Cemetery, Floyd, VA Feb 25, 1950 1950 Burial: Jacksonville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA with 1st husband Dennis Elbert Quesenberry.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by LDB) |
......3. Smith, Nancy Naomi May |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1882 Birth: 10-6-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 46, H239: Smith, Mattie Maud 29 yo single w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns farm, HOH.
Oma 27 yo single sister, b. VA, parents b. VA, no occupation. Ashby 14 yo brother, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1922 Marriage #1: Nancy May Smith m. J. A. Bishop 4-7-1922 Montgomery Co., VA. He 61 yo s/o J. & E. Bishop. She 39 yo d/o F. & blank Smith. Joshua Addison Bishop, 1860-1935, s/o Joshua Asa & Elizabeth Betsie (Jewel Bishop. [Bishop_Joseph_Hannah_mcva] Joshua was 1st married to Amanda Catherine Roop, d/o Floyd & 1st wife Mary L. (Blackwell) Roop. [Roop_JamesSr_Elizabeth] 1936 Death: 4-28-1936 Christiansburg District, Montgomery Co., VA. Nancy May Bishop, 53y 6m 21d, widowed w/f, b. Oct 6, 1882 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Adiron Bishop. Father: Flornoy Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Malissa Bowling, b. Patrick Co., VA. Informant: Mattie Akers of Basham, VA. COD: cardiovascular renal disease. Burial: Montgomery Co., Apr 29, 1936. 1936 Burial: Montgomery Co., VA. Exact cemetery not known. |
......3. Smith, Ruth Abigail Abbie |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1884 Birth: 3-3-1884 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1900 Marriage #1: Ruth A. Smith m. F. W. Prillaman Dec 27, 1900 Rockingham Co., NC. He 27 yo w/m. She 16 yo w/f. Fleming Watts Prillaman, s/o Isaac & Elizabeth S. (Via) Prillaman of Franklin Co., VA. [no file] Known children of Fleming Watts & Ruth Abigail Abbie (Smith) Prillaman:
1954 Death: 6-8-1954 Rt 1, Henry, Franklin Co., VA. Ruth Abbie Prillaman, 70y 3m 3d, married w/f, b. Mar 3, 1884 Floyd Co., VA, d. June 8, 1954 Rt 1, Henry, Franklin Co., VA. Spouse: Flem W. Prillaman. Father: Flourney Smith. Mother: Adeline Bowling. Informant: Amos Prillaman. COD: cerebral hemorrhage. Burial: Family Cemetery, Henry, VA. 1954 Burial: Prillaman Farm Cemetery, Franklin Co., VA.
......3. Smith, Samuel Henry |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1885 Birth: 12-18-1885 VA. (src: 1900 census; death record) 1886 Birth: 12-18-1886 VA. (src: 1918 registration card) 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1906 Marriage #1: Sam Henry Smith m. Annie M. Boon 11-8-1906 Floyd Co., VA by P. G. Lester, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 20 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Florney & Malissa A. Smith. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Wm & Mary Boone. 1910 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC, Leaksville District 154, Boulevard St, H174: Smith, Samuel H. 23 yo w/m cotton mill weaver, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 4y, rents house, HOH. Annie M. 24 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 4y, 1 child with 1 living. William J. 2 yo son, b. VA, parent b. VA. 1917 Marriage #2: Samuel m. 2nd Lura Agatha Scanlon abt 1917. 1918 Registration Card: 9-12-1918 Botetourt Co., VA. Sam Henry Smith, 32 yo w/m carpenter of 1 Blue Ridge Springs, Botetourt Co., VA. Born Dec 18, 1886. Employed by J. T. Wilson of Camp Lee, VA. Lura A. Smith of Camp Lee, VA is nearest relative. His signature Sam Henry Smith. Medium height & build, grey eyes & dark hair. 1920 Residence: Roanoke City, VA, District 36, Kimball Ward, 437 5th Street, H63: Smith, Samuel H. 42 yo w/m house carpenter, b. VA, parents b. VA, rents, HOH. Laura A. 36 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. William J. 12 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Francis 2y 1/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. (does read son but should be daughter) 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, VA, District 9, Kimball Ward, 13 3rd Street, H533: Smith, Samuel H. 44 yo w/m house carpenter, b. VA, parents b. VA, 31 yo when 1st married, rents, HOH. Lura A. 46 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 33 yo when 1st married. Francis A. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Mary A. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Frederick S. 3y 6/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA, District 119-48, Jefferson Ward, 615 Elm Ave, H5: Smith, Samuel 54 yo w/m own account contractor carpenter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same place 1935, rents, HOH. Laura 56 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same place 1935, housework. Franscis 22 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, bottling plant stenographer. Mary A. 19 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same place 1935, new worker. Fred 13 yo son, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same place 1935, school. 1951 Death of Samuel Henry Smith: 2-16-1951 at home 3188 Williamson Rd, Roanoke City, VA. Samuel Henry Smith, 65 yo married w/m, b. Dec 18, 1885 Floyd Co., VA. Self-employed carpenter. Spouse: Lura S. Smith. Father: Flenour Smith. Mother: --- Bowling. Informant: Mrs. Francis Smith Assaid. COD: coronary occlusion abt 2 years. Burial: St Andrews, Roanoke City, VA. 1951 Burial of Samuel Henry Smith: St. Andrews Cemetery, Roanoke City, VA. (not noted as such in Find A Grave 2nd wife is but not Samuel) 1975 Death of Lura Agatha Scanlon Smith: 10-1-1975 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Salem City, VA but of 3309 Troy Ave N.W., Roanoke, VA. Lura Agatha Smith, 92 yo widowed w/f, b. June 14, 1883 Blue Ridge, VA. Spouse: Samuel H. Smith. Father: Daniel J. Scanlon. Mother: Molly Foutz. Informant: Ms. Mary S. Gallardo, daughter. COD: cerebral trombosis 5 days. Burial: St Andrews Cemetery, Roanoke, VA. 1975 Burial of Lura Agatha Scanlon Smith: St. Andrews Cemetery, Roanoke City, VA. (no photo) |
.........+ Smith, Annie M. |
William Joseph & Mary (Simmons) Boon. [Boone_Benjamin2]
1885 Birth: Jan 1885 Floyd Co., VA. 1910 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with husband Samuel Henry Smith. 1914 Death: 8-12-1914
Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. Annie M. Smith, 29y 6m
21d, married w/f, b. Jany 22, 1875 VA.
Spouse: not asked for. Father: Wm Boon, b. VA. Mother: Mary Simmons, b. VA.
Informant: Samuel Smith of Rt 2, Floyd, VA. COD: tuberculosis of lungs. Burial:
Goodykoontz graveyard, Aug 13, 1914. Undertaker: L. A. Hylton. (does read
1875 I believe 1885 is the more accurate) 1914 Burial: Goodykoonz Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (not noted as such in
Find A Grave) |
.........4. Smith, William Joseph |
Samuel Henry & 1st wife Annie M. (Boone) Smith 1907 Birth: 8-5-1907 Floyd Co., VA. 1910 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1920 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with father & stepmother. 1930: 1931 Marriage #1: Nettie Irene Powell abt 1931. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA, District 119-24, Jefferson Ward, 1023 Dale Ave S.E., H118: Smith, Joseph W. 32 yo w/m Veteran Facility attendant, b. VA, completed G6, resided in same place 1935, rents, HOH. Nettie I. 23 yo wife, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same place 1935, housework. William L. 7 yo son, b. D.C., completed G1, resided in same place 1935, school. Charles S. 5 yo son, b. VA, completed G0, resided in same place 1935. Guy O. 2 yo son, b. VA, completed G0. Frederick H. 11/12 son, b. VA, completed G0. 1940 Registration Card: 10-16-1960 Roanoke City, VA. William Joseph Smith, 33 yo married w/m of 1135 Tompkins Ave S.E., Roanoke City, VA. Born Aug 5, 1907 Floyd, VA. Mrs. Nettie Irene Smith wife will always know his address. Employed by US Govt Veteran Facility, Roanoke Co., VA. His signature William J. Smith. 5 11 225 lbs, brown eyes & hair with a ruddy complexion. 1966 Death:
10-13-1966 Glenview Hospital, Tarrant Co., Texas but of 3305 Tourist Drive,
North Richland Hills, Tarrant Co., Texas. William Joseph Smith, 59
yo married w/m, b. Aug 5, 1907 VA. Retired Air Force. Veteran WW II. Spouse:
not asked for. Father: Sam Smith. Mother: Annie Boone. Informant: Zella Mildred
Smith. COD: acute myocardial infarction 3 hours. Burial: Mount Olivet
Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas. 1966 Burial:
Mount Olivet Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas. (not noted as such in
Find A Grave) |
............+ Smith, Nettie Irene
Parents: Russell Sproul & Nettie Irene (Givens)
Powell. [no file] 1917 Birth: 6-3-1916 Roanoke City, VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with husband William Joseph Smith. Divorce: William & Nettie divorced. 1951 Marriage #2: Nette Irene
Smith, nee Powell, m. Edward J. Trader 6-16-1951 Roanoke, VA. He 59 yo single
w/m nursery, b. Flint, MI, residence Roanoke, VA, s/o Wm J. Trader &
Margaret Eliz. McLean. She 35 yo divorced w/f emp. ldy.,
b. & living in Roanoke, VA, d/o Russell Sproul Powell & Nettie Irene
Givens. 1973 Death: 8-1-1973 Community Hospital, Roanoke, VA but of
115 Elm Ave, S.W., Roanoke, VA. Nettie
Smith Trader, 57 yo widowed w/f, b. June 3, 1916 Roanoke, VA. Retired
residential manager of Elm Ave Apt. Spouse: Edward J. Trader. Father: Russell
S. Powell. Mother: Nettie Irene Givens. Informant: Todd E. Smith. COD: cor pulmonale; emphysema. Burial: Fairview Cemetery,
Roanoke, VA. 1979 Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Roanoke, VA. (not
noted as such in Find A Grave) |
............5. Smith, William Lee |
Parents: William Joseph & Nettie Irene (Powell) Smith. 1932 Birth: 9-5-1932 Washington D.C. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1955 Marriage #1: William Lee Smith m. Jewell Dean Lee 7-14-1955 Tarrant Co., TX. Jewel Dean Wood, d/o Luther Homer & Louella (McDaniel) Wood. She was 1st married to Manuel Edward Lee. [no file] 1998 Death: 3-20-1998 1998 Burial: Mount Olivet Cemetery, Fort Worth, Tarrant Co., Texas. (src:
Find A Grave; photo added by Debbie Gibbons) |
............5. Smith, Charles Stuart |
Parents: William Joseph & Nettie Irene (Powell) Smith. 1935 Birth: 12-13-1925 Norfolk, VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1954 Marriage #1: Charles Stuart Smith m. Ruby May Conner 2-13-1953 Roanoke City, VA. He 18 yo in U.S. Army, b. Phoebus, VA, residence 360 Albemarle Ave, S.W., Roanoke, VA, s/o William Joseph Smith & Nettie Irene Powell. She 16 yo single w/f S.H. Kress Co. salesgirl, b. & living in Roanoke Co., VA, d/o Ralph Edward Conner & Alphie King. 1978 Divorce: Charles & Ruby divorced 9-11-1978. 1979 Marriage #2: Charles Stewart Smith m. Elsie Pearl Payne, nee Hurt, 6-3-1979 Roanoke City, VA. He 44 yo divorce w/m, b. VA, s/o William Joseph Smith & Nettie Irene Powell. She 52 yo divorced w/f, b. VA, d/o Pearly Lee Hurt & Mattie Josephine Cox. (not of FCVA) This is also her 2nd marriage the last ending July 6, 1966. Elsie Pearl Hurt, d/o Pearly Lee & Mattie Josephine (Cox) Hurt. [no file] Elsie was 1st married to Charles Lee Payne. 2000 Death: 12-13-2000 Vinton, Roanoke, VA. 2000 Obit: Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Friday, December 15, 2000 (src: SMITH, Charles Stewart, 65, of Roanoke, passed away Wednesday, December 13, 2000. He was a son of the late William Joseph and Nettie Irene Smith, was an Army veteran, and a member of the D.A.V. Survivors include his wife of twenty-one years, Elsie Pearl Smith of Roanoke; two daughters, Brenda R. Eagle of Troutville, Molly Kay Cutroni of Goodview; one son, Michael Charles Smith of Salem; two stepdaughters, Nancy P. Prillaman of Vinton, Diane P. Tucker of Roanoke; four grandchildren, Richard Steven Brown, Jr. of Vinton, Melissa Ann Smith of Salem, Carolyn Kay Ridgeway of Vinton, Michael Adam Brown of Goodview; one great-grandchild, Aspen Renee Knott of Vinton; two step grandchildren, Brian K. Prillaman of Vinton, Grattan H. Tucker, IV of Roanoke. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, December 15, 2000 at Oakey's Vinton Chapel with the Pastor Eddie Gilpin officiating. Interment will follow at Sherwood Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Veterans Affairs Medical Center, c / o Voluntary Service, 1970 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, Va. 24153. Arrangements by Oakey's Vinton Chapel. 2000 Burial: Sherwood Memorial Park, Salem,
VA. (US Veterans gravesites) (not noted as such in Find A Grave) |
............5. Smith, Guy O. |
Parents: William Joseph & Nettie Irene (Powell) Smith. 1938 Birth: abt 1938 VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
............5. Smith, Frederick W. |
Parents: William Joseph & Nettie Irene (Powell) Smith. 1939 Birth: abt 1939 VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. |
.........4. Smith, Frances Cecelia Abigail |
Samuel Henry & 2nd wife Lura Agatha (Scanlon) Smith 1918 Birth: 11-23-1917 Roanoke City, VA. 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1944 Marriage #1: Frances Cecelia Smith m. Thomas Odell Assaid 6-11-1944 Roanoke, VA. He 40 yo divorced w/m salesman, Richmond, VA, residence Patrick Henry Hotel, Roanoke, VA, s/o Ellis Assaid & Minnie Bivins. This will be his 2nd marriage. She 26 yo single w/f stenographer, b. & living in Roanoke, VA, d/o Samuel H. Smith & Lura Scanlon. Divorce: Frances & Thomas Assaid
divorced in Baker Co., Florida. [no file] 1979 Death: 2-23-1979 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke
City, VA but of 1610 Patterson Ave S.W., Roanoke City, VA. Frances
Cecicila Smith, 61 yo divorced w/f, b. Nov 23, 1917
VA. Roanoke Distributing Co. bookkeeper. Father: Samuel H. Smith. Mother:
Laura Scanlon. Informant: Fred S. Smith, brother. COD: aortic bypass. Burial:
St Andrew Cemetery, Roanoke, VA. 1979 Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Roanoke City, VA. (not noted
as such in Find A Grave) |
.........4. Smith, Mary Adeline |
Samuel Henry & 2nd wife Lura Agatha (Scanlon) Smith 1921 Birth: 2-24-1921 Blue Ridge, VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1945 Application for Marriage but not used:
12-31-45 between Carson Spenser 21 yo single son, b. Charleston, WVA, s/o
John Willie Spencer & Geneva Zannis Harris
& Mary Adeline Smith, 24 yo single w/f, b. Roanoke, d/o Samuel Henry
Smith & Lura Agatha Scanlon. Carson Spencer signed that he had not used
nor would he use this license March 6, 1946. 1954 Marriage #1: Mary Adeline Smith m. David Gomez Gallando 7-31-1954 Roanoke, VA. He 25 yo single w/m in
U.S. Air Force, b. Los Angeles, CA, residence 39 Whitehall St, New York, NY,
s/o Pedro Gallardo & Manuele Gomez. She 28 yo
single w/f stenographer, b. Roanoke, VA, residence 3118 Williamson Rd,
Roanoke, VA, d/o Samuel H. Smith & Lura Scanlon. David
Gomez Gallando, 1929-1977, s/o Pedro & Manuele (Gomez) Gallardo. He is buried in the Rose Hills
Memorial Park, Whittier, Los Angeles Co., CA. [no file] 1984 Marriage #2: Mary Adeline Gallardo, nee Smith, m.
Paul Evans Calvert 8-22-1984 Roanoke, VA. Registered in Botetourt Co., VA. He
70 yo divorced w/m, b. 9-3-1913 Maryland, residence Daleville, Botetourt Co.,
VA, s/o Emory nmn Calvert & Mary Little. This
is his 2nd marriage the last ending 4-15-1976. She 63 yo widowed
w/f, b. 2-24-1921 VA, residence Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA, d/o Samuel H.
Smith & Lura Scanlon. This is her 2nd marriage the last ending
10-19-1977. Paul
Evans Calvert, 1913-2005, s/o Emory & Mary Emma (Little) Calvert. [no
file] Interesting
Paul Evans Calvert m. 1st Geneva Belle Thomas 7-28-1945 Roanoke
Co., VA. He 21 yo single w/m discharge from Army, b. & living in Rising
Sun, Maryland, s/o Emory Calvert & Mary Emma Little. She 24 yo single
w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Broad Street, Salem, VA, d/o Larkin
Alexander Thomas & Letha Jane Bryant. 2009 Death: 9-20-2009 Salem City, VA. (src: VA death record) 2009 Obit: (src: Find A Grave) Mary
Adeline Smith Calvert, of Roanoke, passed away on Sunday, September 20, 2009.
was born in Blue Ridge, Va., daughter of the late Samuel Henry Smith and Lura
Scanlon Smith. She was
preceded in death by her husband, Paul E. Calvert; her brother, Fred Smith;
and sister, Frances Smith. Mrs.
Calvert graduated from Roanoke Catholic School, then the Cornett School of
Business. She retired from the VA Hospital as a Medical Transcriptionist
after 32 years of service. She
leaves to cherish her memory two dedicated nieces, Mary Smith Fochtman (Louis), and Ava Maria Smith; other nieces and
nephews include, Stormy Bishop (Ray), Lynne Burkholder, Fred Smith (Angie),
Neil Smith (Michelle); 15 great nieces and nephews; three great-great nieces
and nephews; special neighbors, Ray and Mary Lunsford. In lieu of flowers at her request memorials may be made to either, St. Francis House, 345-9090, or the S.P.C.A., 344-4840. Funeral Mass will be held 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 23, 2009, at St. Andrew's Catholic Church, the Rev. Msgr. Thomas G. Miller will officiate. Interment will follow at Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. 2009 Burial: Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Roanoke
City, VA. (no photo) |
.........4. Smith, Frederick Scanlon |
Samuel Henry & 2nd wife Lura Agatha (Scanlon) Smith 1927 Birth: 9-15-1926 Blue Ridge, VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, VA with parents. 1948 Marriage #1: Frederick Scanlon Smith m. Lillian June McKee 10-16-1948 Roanoke, VA. He 22 yo single w/m American Viscose employee, b. Botetourt Co., VA, residence Roanoke, VA, s/o Samuel Henry Smith & Lura Scanlon. She 21 yo single w/f Western Union employee, b. Williamson, WVA, residence Roanoke, VA, d/o Kenton Bernard McKee & Zetta Chapman. Lillian June McKee, 1927-1994, d/o Kenton Bernard & & Zetta (Chapman) McKee. [no file] Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Sunday, November 27, 1994 (src: SMITH, Lillian M., 67, of Daleville, died Wednesday, November 23, 1994 in a local nursing home. Mrs. Smith was a member of St. Andrew's Catholic Church, former owner of Daleville Carpet and Paint Shop, and retired sales representative for Nationwide Homes. She was the widow of Frederick Scanlon Smith. Surviving are her daughters, Ava Smith, Daleville, Mary Smith Fochtman and husband, Louis, Daleville, Stormy Bishop and husband, Raymond, Daleville, Lynne Burkholder and husband, Brad, Goodview; sons, Fred T. Smith and wife, Angie, Daleville, Neil J. Smith and wife, Michelle, Orange Co., Calif.; her mother, Zetta Monroe, Roanoke; sister, Carolyn McKee; and brother, John McKee, Radford; thirteen grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. A funeral Mass will be at St. Andrew's Catholic Church, 11:15 a.m. Monday, November 28, 1994, with interment in St. Andrew's Diocesan Cemetery. Friends may call at Oakey's North Chapel, where the family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. 1991 Death: 5-15-1991. 1991 Obit: Roanoke Times, The (VA) -
Thursday, May 16, 1991 (src: Frederick S. Smith, age 64, died Wednesday, May 15, 1991. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian M. Smith; four daughters and three sons-in-law, Mary and Louis Fochtman, Stormy and Raymond Bishop, all of Daleville; Lynne and Brad Burkholder, Goodview; Ava Smith, Roanoke; two sons and daughters-in-law, Fred and Angie Smith, Daleville; Neil and Chelle Smith, Calif.; one sister and brother-in-law, Mary and Paul Calvert, Roanoke; one half sister, Pauline Boone, Calif.; 11 grandchildren, Jessica Slocum, Samuel and Mickey Fochtman, Evan and Zachary Bishop, Coran, Charlene, and Zek Leonard, Cory and Robert Reid, Tyler Smith. Funeral mass of the resurrection will be from St. Andrew's Catholic Church 11:15 a.m. Friday, May 17 with Rev. Donald H. Lemay officiating. Burial will be in St. Andrew's Cemetery. Rosary services will be at Oakey's North Chapel at 8:00 p.m. Thursday. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Thursday. 1991 Burial: St. Andrews Cemetery, Roanoke City,
VA. (src:
Find A Grave; photo added by Amanda Bishop Burns. |
......3. Smith, Irena R.
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1886 Birth: abt 1886 VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. Cant find after 1900 |
......3. Smith, Amos F. |
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1890 Birth: Apr 1890 VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. Cant find after 1900 |
......3. Smith, Ashby Green
Parents: Flournoy & 1st wife Melissa Adeline (Bolling) Smith. 1895 Birth: 6-30-1895 Floyd Co., VA. 1900 Residence: Rockingham Co., NC with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 46, H239: Smith, Mattie Maud 29 yo single w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns farm, HOH. Oma 27 yo single sister, b. VA, parents b. VA, no occupation. Ashby 14 yo brother, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1917 Registration Card: 6-5-1917 Wyoming Co., WVA. Ashby Green Smith, 21 yo single w/m section hand of Herndon, WVA. Born June 30, 1895 VA. Employed by Guyan Lumber Co., Herndon, WVA. His signature Ashby G. Smith. Short & stout. Gray eyes & black hair. 1920: 1930: 1935 Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1937 Employment: 7-28-1937 Chicago & North Western Railroad Employment Record. Ashby Green Smith, w/m resident of the Starr Hotel, Chicago, IL. Section Gang laborer for C4 NW Ry Co, Chittenden, IL. 42 yo at last birthday. Born 6-30-1895 Floyd Co., VA. His signature Ashby Smith slanted to left left handed?. Canceled 9-1-1938. 1940 Residence: Montgomery Co., VA, Auburn District 61-6, Road 615 & 612, H429: Akers, Mattie Q. 58 yo widowed w/f housework, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH.
Smith, Ashby G. 46 yo single brother, b. VA,
completed G6, resided in Milwaukee, WI 1935, farmer. 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 Montgomery Co., VA. Ashby Green Smith, 46 yo self-employed w/m of Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA. Born June 30, 1895 Floyd, VA. Mrs. Mattie Akers of Pilot, VA will always know his address. His signature Ashby G. Smith. 5 6 165 lbs., Gray eyes & brown hair with a light complexion. 1946 Marriage #1: Ashby G. Smith m. Carrie Lillian Riddell, nee Plummer 5-29-1945 Indianapolis, IN. He 50 yo w/m, b. VA, s/o Flournoy Smith & Adeline Malissee. She 62 yo w/f, b. Hendricks, d/o John Plummer & E. Katherine Gill. Caroline Lillian Carrie Gill, d/o John T. & Elvira Catherine (Gill) Plummer. She was 1st married to Samuel Tilden Riddell & is buried with him in the Fairview Cemetery, North Salem, Hendricks Co., IN. Elvira Catherine (Gill) Plummers parents were John T & Sarah Weaver Gill who were married in Floyd Co., VA in 1836. [Gill] Sarah (Weaver) Gill was a d/o John & Christina (Tice) Weaver. [Weaver_Other_fcva] 1969 Death: 2-22-1969 Roanoke City Nursing Home, Rt 1, Roanoke, Botetourt Co., VA but of 314 A. First St S.E., Roanoke, VA. Ashby Green Smith, 73 yo never married w/m, b. June 3, 1895 VA. Retired farmer. Veteran: blank. Father: Flourney Smith. Mother: Adeline Bowling. Informant: Fred S. Smith. COD: stroke 3 ½ hours. Burial: McKee Family Cem., Bedford Co., VA. 1969 Burial: McKee Cemetery, Bedford Co., VA. (no photo) |
...2. Smith, Mahala
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1858 Birth: 6-17-1858 Floyd Co., VA. 1860, 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1886 Marriage #1: Halah Smith m. Washington Weeks 03-04-1886 at Isaac Smith's, Floyd Co., VA by Q.D. Weeks. He 42 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Alfred & Tetia Weeks. She 26 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Ona Smith. Washington Weeks, 1843-1921, s/o Alfred & Letitia (Thompson) Weeks. [Weeks_ElijahSr_Margaret] Washington was 1st married to Sarah Eliza Hylton, 1840-1884, d/o George & Anna Maria Mary (Harman) Hylton. [Hylton_George_Mary] 1941 Death of Mahala Smith Weeks: 3-9-1941. Cant find a death record for her. 1941 Burial of Mahala Smith Weeks: Weeks Cemetery, on SR 799 e. of Willis, Burks Fork, Floyd Co., VA with Washington.
(src: Find A Grave; photos added by Researching) |
...2. Smith, Abednego
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1864 Birth: 9-17-1864 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1889 Marriage #1: Abignego Smith m. Itura Weeks 06-20-1889 at Q.D. Weeks', Floyd Co., VA by Q.D. Weeks. He 24 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Isaac & Naoma Smith. She 29 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Mathew & Itura Smith. (does read Smith but should probably be Weeks.) 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Jacksonville District: Smith, Abednego 25 yo. Itura A. 30 yo. Dora E. 2/12. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 14, H95: Smith, Abednego 35 yo w/m farmer, b. Sept 1864 VA, m. 10y, owns farm, HOH. Iturea C. A. 40 yo wife, b. Feb 1860 VA, parents b. VA, m. 10y, 7 children with 6 living. Dora E. 10 yo daughter, b. Apr 1890 VA, parents b. VA, school. Roena A. 9 yo daughter, b. May 1891 VA, school. Elza E. 7 yo son, b. Sept 1892 VA, parents b. VA, school. Mathew D. 6 yo son, b. May 1894 VA, parents b. VA. Rosetta F. 3 yo daughter, b. Dec 1896 VA, parents b. VA. Lillian A. 2/12 daughter, b. Mar 1900 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 45, H106: Smith, Abednega 45 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 20y, owns farm, HOH. Iturea A. 50 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 20y, 7 children with 7 living. Dora E. 20 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, public school teacher. Roena A. 18 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Elsa E. 17 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Mathew D. 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Rosetta F. 13 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Lillian A. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Clayton A. 8 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 92, H42: Smith, Abednego 55 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Alice C. 59 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Matthew D. 25 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farmer of rented land. Rosetta F. 23 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, teacher. Lillian A. 19 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Clayton A. 17 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, north central part of Court House District 5, H88: Smith, Abednego 65 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Alice 29 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 29 yo when 1st married. Mathew D. 35 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, WW veteran. Davis, Dada 34 yo widowed niece, b. VA, parents b. VA, cook. Ella G. 2y 4/12 grandniece, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1933 Death: 2-16-1933 Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. Abednego Smith, 68y 3m 29d, married w/m farmer, b. Sept 17, 1864 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: not asked for. Father: Isaac Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Naomia Weaver, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: M. D. Smith of Floyd, VA. COD: Flu & bronchopneumonia. Burial: Rose Hill, Jan 17, 1933. 1933 Burial: Helms Cemetery, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Brushbeater) |
......+ Smith, Iturea Cora Alice |
Parents: Mathew & Iturea A. (Mabry) Weeks. [Weeks_Mathew_Iturea] 1860 Birth: 2-23-1860 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
husband Abednego Smith. 1933 Death: 5-3-1933 Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. Iturea Cora Alice Smith, 73y 2m 10d widowed w/f, b. Feb 23, 1860 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Abednego Smith. Father: Mathew Weeks, b. Bedford Co., VA. Mother: Iturea Mabry, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: M. D. Smith of Floyd, VA. COD: myocarditis & bronchial asthma. Burial: Howard Cemetery, May 4, 1933. Undertaker: Whitlow & Maberry, Floyd, VA. 1933 Burial: Helms Cemetery, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Brushbeater) |
......3. Smith, Dora E. |
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1890 Birth: 4-13-1890 VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Marriage #1: Dora E. Smith m. Preston Cook 5-4-1920 District of Columbia. He 27 yo single w/m, b. U.S. Army. She 27 yo single w/f b. Washington DC. Preston Cook, s/o unknown. I cant see that they had any children. [no file] 1974 Death: 1-9-1974 Hermitage of Northern VA, Alexandrea City, VA. Dora E. Cook, 83 yo divorced w/f, b. Apr 13, 1890 Floyd, VA. Retired Dept of Interior clerk. Father: Abednego Smith. Mother: Alice Weeks. Informant: Mr. Howard D. Marshall. COD: cerebral vascular accident. Burial: National Memorial Park, Falls Church, VA. No burial date. 1974 Burial: National Memorial Park, Falls Church, VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by AlPol) |
......3. Smith, Rowena Ada
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1891 Birth: 5-26-1891 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1915 Marriage #1: Rowena Smith m. Dayton L. Lancaster 9-19-1915 Floyd Co., VA by Elijah Nester, Minister of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 23 yo single w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o L. E. & Cora L. Lancaster. She 24 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Abednego & Allice Smith. Dayton Lafayette Lancaster, 1892-1948, s/o Lowell Everette & Cora Lee (Agee) Lancaster. [Lancaster_Thomas_Susan] 1986 Death: 12-14-1986 Martinsville City, VA. Rowena Ada Smith Lancaster, 95 yo widowed w/f, b. May 26, 1891 VA. Spouse: Dayton L. Lancaster. Father: Abednego Smith. Mother: Iturea Cora Alice Weeks. Informant: Ward Lancaster, son. COD: cardiopulmonary arrest; pneumonia. Burial: Roselawn Burial Park, Martinsville, VA. No burial date. 1986 Burial: Roselawn Burial Park, Martinsville City, VA.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by Bill Carter) |
......3. Smith, Elza Elliott |
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1892 Birth: 9-8-1892 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1917 Registration Card: Elza Elliott Smith, 24 yo single self-employed w/m farmer of R.F.D. #2, Floyd, VA. Born Sept 8, 1892 Floyd Co., VA. His signature Elza Eliott Smith. Medium height & build; black eyes & hair. 1922 Marriage #1: Elza m. Lala N. Epperly abt 1922. (not FCVA) 1930 Residence: Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA, District 1103, Ward 43, 723 W. Russell St, H149: ...... Smith, Elza E. 38 yo w/m grocery house manager, b. VA, parents b. VA, 30 yo when 1st married, rents, HOH. ............ Lola M. 30 yo wife, b. VA, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. ............ Jean S. 7 yo daughter, b. OH, parents b. VA, school. (definitely an S.) ............ Elza Jr 3y 2/12 son, b. PA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd, Floyd Co., VA, District 32-5, 134 Locust St, H134: ...... Smith, Elza E. 47 yo w/m retail grocery merchant, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA 1935, owns, HOH. ............ Lala 40 yo wife, b. VA, completed H1, resided in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA 1935, housework. ............ Jean 16 yo daughter, b. OH, completed H1, resided in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA 1935, commonwealth office stenographer. ............ Elza Jr 13 yo son, b. PA, completed G7, resided in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA 1935, school. 1942 Registration Card: Apr 28, 1942 Newport News, VA. Elza Elliott Smith, 49 yo w/m of 1809 Orcutt Ave, Newport News, VA. Born Sept 8, 1892 Floyd, VA. Mrs. E. E. Smith of above address will always know his address. Employed by Exchange Service, Fort Eustis, VA No.5. His signature E. E. Smith. 5 10 185 lbs.; brown eyes & gray hair with a ruddy complexion. 1971 Death: 4-27-1971 60 Tucker Lane, Newport News, VA. Elza E. Smith Sr, 78 yo married w/m retired manager Post Exchange, b. Sept 8, 1892 VA. Spouse: Lala Epperly Smith. Father: Abednego Smith. Mother: Alice Weeks. Informant: Mrs. Jean S. Marshall, daughter. COD: cardiac arrest. Burial: Peninsula Memorial Park, Newport News, VA. 1971 Burial: Peninsula Memorial Park, Newport News, VA. (not noted as such in Find A Grave) |
.........+ Smith, Lala N.
Parents: Arthur Emanuel & Sally Lou (Dehart) Epperly. [Epperly_Eden_Leah] 1900 Birth: 1-25-1900 VA. 1930 Residence: Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA with husband Elza Elliott Smith. 1940 Residence: Floyd, Floyd Co., VA with husband Elza Elliott Smith. 1980 Death: 3-20-1980 Riverside Hospital, Newport News, VA but of 60 Tucker Lane, Newport News, VA. Lala Epperly Smith, 80 yo widowed w/f, b. 1-25-1900 VA. Spouse: Elza E. Smith, Sr. Father: Arthur Epperly. Mother: Sallie Lou DeHart. Informant: Mr. Elza E. Smith, Jr, son. COD: anoxic encephalopathy; respiratory arrest; pulmonary edema. Burial: Peninsula Memorial Park, Newport News, VA. 1980 Burial: Peninsula Memorial Park, Newport
News, VA. (not noted as such in Find A Grave)
.........4. Smith, Jean Elizabeth
Parents: Elza Elliott & Lala N. (Epperly) Smith. 1923 Birth: 4-26-1923 Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio. 1930 Residence: Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA with parents. 1940 Residence: Floyd, Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1948 Marriage #1: Jean Elizabeth Smith m. Howard D. Marshall 9-10-1948 Williamsburg, VA. Registered Newport News, VA. He 29 yo divorced w/m Prudential Ins Agent, b. Cambridge, Mass, residence 9807 River Rd, Newport News, VA, s/o Howard Chase Marshall & Marjorie Belle Henderson. She 25 yo single w/f Y.W.C.A staff asst, b. Dayton, Ohio, residence 1001 Ferguson Ave., Newport News, VA. Howard D. Marshall, s/o Howard Chase & Marjorie Belle (Henderson) Marshall. [no file] 2006 Death: 12-4-2006. 2006 Obit: Daily Press Newport News, Virginia 06 Dec 2006, Wed Page C7 (src: 2006
Burial: |
.........4. Smith, Elza Elliott Jr.
Parents: Elza Elliott & Lala N. (Epperly) Smith. 1927 Birth: 1-10-1927 Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA. 1930 Residence: Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA with parents. 1940 Residence: Floyd, Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1946 Registration Card: 7-29-1946 Newport News, VA. Elza Elliott Smith Jr, 19 yo unemployed w/m of 1809 Orcutt Ace, Newport News, VA. Born Jan 10, 1927 Philadelphia, PA. Mrs. E. E. Smith Sr of 1809 Orcutt Ace, Newport News, VA. will always know his address. His signature Elza Elliott Smith Jr. 5 11; blue eyes, blonde hair with a ruddy complexion. 1947 Marriage #1: Elza Elliott Smith Jr m. Bobby Michael Johnson 6-28-1947 Newport News, VA. He 20 yo single w/m student, b. Philadelphia, PA, residence 1809 Orcutt Ave, Newport News, VA, s/o Elza Elliott Smith Sr & Lala Epperly. She 18 yo single w/f, b. Lexington, NC, residence 834 B 35th St, Newport News, VA, d/o James H. Johnson & Daisie Michael. Bobby Michael Johnson, s/o James H. & Daisie (Michael) Johnson. [no file] 1978 Marriage #2: Elza Elliott Smith m. Arlene Patricia Richman Zepkin, nee Richman. 1-19-1978 Newport News, VA. He 51 yo divorced w/m. b/ Jan 10, 1927 PA, residence Newport News, VA, s/o Elza Elliott Smith & Lala Epperly. This is his 2nd marriage the last ending Apr 24, 1973. She 56 yo divorced w/f, b. Jan 21, 1922 VA, residence Newport News, VA, d/o Paul Richman & Ruth Lichtenberg. This is her 2nd marriage the last ending Apr 11, 1972. Arlene Patricia Richman, d/o Paul & Ruth (Lichtenberg) Richman. [no file] 1988 Divorce: granted to wife, nee Arlene Patricia Richmon. No children by this marriage. 1996 Death: 9-3-1996 Newport News, VA. 1996 Obit: Daily Press Newport News, Virginia 05 Sep 1996, Thu Page 22 (src:
1996 Burial: Peninsula Memorial Park,
Newport News, VA. (not noted as such in Find A Grave) |
......3. Smith, Matthew Darius |
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1894 Birth: 5-15-1894 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1917 Registration Card: 6-5-1917 Floyd Co., VA. Matthew Darius Smith, 23 yo single w/m farmer for self & father & of RFD 2, Floyd Co., VA. Born May 15, 1894 Floyd Co., VA. His signature Matthew Darius Smith. Tall & of medium build; brown eyes & black hair. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1934 Marriage #1: Mathew D. Smith m. Leanna C. Hylton 9-15-1934 Floyd Co., VA by Q. D. Weeks, M. G. of the Primitive Baptist Church. He 40 yo single w/m farming, b. Floyd Co., VA, current mailing address Floyd, VA, s/o Abednego Smith & Alice Weeks. She 21 yo single w/f b. Floyd Co., VA, current mailing address Willis, VA, d/o D. P. Hylton & Mary Jones. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Burks Fork District 32-3, Road 221, H44: Smith, Matthew D. 45 yo w/m filling station operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, rents, HOH. Leanna C. 27 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. Julian M. 4 yo son, b. VA, completed G0, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935. 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 Floyd Co., VA. Matthew Darius Smith, 47 yo self-employed w/m of Willis, Floyd Co., VA. Born May 15, 1894 Floyd Co., VA. Mrs. M. D. Smith of Willis, VA will always know his address. His signature M. D. Smith. Ht: blank. Wt: blank. Brown eyes & gray hair with a ruddy complexion. 1967 Death: 10-1-1967 Radford Community Hospital, Radford, VA but of P.O. Box 91, rural Willis, Floyd Co., VA. Matthew Darius Smith, 73 yo married w/m, b. May 15, 1894 VA. WWI veteran. Retired Painter. Spouse: Leanna Hylton Smith. Father: Abendago Smith. Mother: Alice Weeks. Informant: Mrs. Leanna Smith. COD: pulmonary emphysema with insufficiency. Burial: Greasy Creek Cemetery, Willis, VA, Oct 3, 1967. Undertaker: Maberry Funeral Home, Inc, Floyd, VA. 1967 Burial: Greasy Creek Cemetery, Willis, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by Wanda Simpkins; added by Sammie Wade) |
.........+ Smith, Leanna Catherine |
Parents: Daniel Peter & 2nd wife Mary Jane (Jones) Hylton. [Hylton_HenryT_2wives] 1912 Birth: 11-22-1912 Floyd Co., VA. (delayed birth record) 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Matthew Darius Smith. 1996 Death: 3-7-1996 Blacksburg, Montgomery Co., VA 1996 Obit:
Roanoke Times, The (VA) - March 9, 1996 (src: Find A Grave) 1996 Burial: Greasy Creek Cemetery, Willis, Floyd Co., VA. |
.........4. Smith, Julian Maurice Julian Maurice Smith Senior 1952 Willis High School, Willis, Floyd Co., VA (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Cindy Akers)
Parents: Matthew Darius & Leanna Catherine (Hylton) Smith. 1935 Birth: 6-30-1935 Floyd Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1955 Marriage #1: Julian Maurice Smith m. June Carol
Gardner 3-12-1955 Hillsville, Carroll Co., VA. He 19 yo single w/m factory
worker, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Rt 3, Willis, VA, s/o Matthew D. Smith
& Leanna Hylton. She 20 yo single w/f, b. Carroll Co., VA, residence Rt
1, Dugspur, VA, d/o William D. Gardner & Cora
Webb. Marriage #2: Ellen Marie Bean. SMITH, Ellen Marie, 79 of Christiansburg died Saturday, January 24, 2015. She was preceded in death by her parents; Charles Edward Bean and Emma Woods Bean, and her first husband; Walter Gilmore. She is survived by her husband; Maurice Smith; sister; Frances Shelton, sister-in-law; Goldie Bean, step-daughter and her husband; Anna and Steve Millirons and her precious step-granddaughter; Rachel. Ellen is also survived by many nieces and nephews. Ellen and Maurice both volunteered for the R.S.V.P. where they met and started dating and then married. Ellen was a member of Edgemont Christian Church and she loved to travel. Ellen was employed by Thompson Hangan Drug Store in Christiansburg for many years. The family will receive friends at Horne Funeral Home on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 from 1-3 p.m. with a funeral service to be held in the funeral home chapel at 3 p.m. with Pastor Peter Anderson officiating. Interment will follow in Sunset Cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family request that memorial contributions be made to The Cribbed Childrens Fund or Edgemont Christian Church. 2017 Death: 12-16-2017 of Christiansburg, Montgomery Co.,
VA. 2017 Obit: (src: Find A Grave) Julian Maurice Smith, 82 of Christiansburg, passed away on Saturday, December 16, 2017. He was preceded in death by his parents, Matthew and Leanna Smith; first wife, June; infant son, Hugh Douglas; and second wife, Ellen. Maurice is survived by his daughter, Anna Millirons and husband Steve; and precious granddaughter, Rachel Millirons. He is also survived by a special cousin, Wanda Dalton, and by a very special friend, Kelly Walters. Maurice was a life member of the Christiansburg Rescue Squad with 50 years of service, as well as being a member of Blacksburg Odd Fellows Lodge #20, Magic City Encampment #33, McDaniel Masonic Lodge #86, Scottish Rite of Roanoke, Shriners of Roanoke, New River Shrine Club, R.S.V.P. (Retired Senior Volunteer Program), McDaniel O.E.S., and the Lions Club of Christiansburg. Maurice understood the importance of service to others, was devoted to helping people any way he could. He enjoyed the fellowship with his lodge and club members and talked frequently of the good old times with the rescue squad including the stretcher races to raise money for the crew. He would frequently run calls all night and get home just in time to prepare to go to work. Rachel was his pride and joy, and you could not escape a visit with him without seeing her latest picture and hearing about her most recent running accomplishment. The family will receive friends on Wednesday, December 20, 2017, from 1-2 p.m. at Horne Funeral Home. Funeral Service with Masonic Rites will begin at 2 p.m. in the Chapel, with Chaplain Gary Kingery officiating. Interment will follow in Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in Maurices honor to Kazim Shriners Crippled Children's Hospital, 622 Campbell Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016. 2017 Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg,
Montgomery Co., VA. (src:
Find A Grave; photo added by Brenda Dudley Eanes) |
......3. Smith, Rosetta Florence |
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1896 Birth: 12-2-1896 VA. 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1926 Marriage #1: Benjamin Harrison Lancaster abt 1926. (not FCVA) Benjamin Harrison Lancaster, s/o Lowell Everette & Cora Lee (Agee) Lancaster. [Lancaster_Thomas_Susan] Benjamin was 1st married to Mary Anna Mollie Bryant. 1936 Death: 12-17-1936 Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. Rosetta Florence Lancaster, 40 yo married w/f, b. Dec 2, 1896 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Ben H. Lancaster. Father: Abednego Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Alice Weeks, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Ben H. Lancaster. COD: toxemia of pregnancy. Burial: Howard Cemetery, Dec 18, 1926. Undertaker: Mayberry Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1936 Burial: Helms Cemetery, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Brushbeater) |
......3. Smith, Lillian Alice
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1900 Birth: 3-4-1900 Floyd Co., VA. (src: delayed birth record noted as 7th child; date from a bible dated 1895. 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1923 Marriage #1: Lillian Alice Smith m. Bruce J. Mccormack 3-19-1923 Danville, VA. He 30 yo single w/m, b. Washington Co., VA, s/o M. H. Mccormack & Mittie Mccormack. She 24 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Abendiago Smith & Alice Smith. Bruce Johnson McCormick Sr, 1890-1963, s/o Milton Haskel & Mittie Ann (Crane) McCormick. [no file] Known children of Bruce Johnson Sr & Lillian Alice (Smith) McCormick:
1983 Death: 10-4-1983 at home 552 Colonial Road, Abington, Washington Co., VA. Lillian Alice McCormick, 83 yo widowed w/f, b. Mar 4, 1900 VA. Spouse: Bruce J. McCormick. Father: Abendigo Smith. Mother: Alice Weeks. Informant: Ruth McCormick, daughter. COD: cerebral thrombosis 2 years. Burial: Knollkreg Memorial Park, Abington City, VA. No burial date. 1983 Burial: Knollkreg Memorial Park, Abington City, VA.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by James Archer) |
......3. Smith, Clayton Abednego ·
Parents: Abednego & Iturea Cora Alice (Weeks) Smith. 1902 Birth: 1-25-1902 Floyd Co., VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930: 1930 Marriage #1: Clayton m. Louannie Frances Gallimore abt 1930. (not FCVA) 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 32-7, Road 741, H82: Smith, Clayton 38 yo married w/m carpenter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Louannie 29 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Francis 8 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G1, resided in same house 1935, school. Katherine 7 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935, school. Harry 4 yo son, b. VA, completed G0. Gallimore, Cornelia 61 yo widowed aunt, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, other work. 1973 Death: 11-6-1973 Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley, Roanoke City, VA but of Rt 2, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. Clayton Abednego Smith, 71 yo married w/m, b. Jan 25, 1902 VA. Retired land surveyor. Veteran: blank. Spouse: Louannie G. Smith. Father: Abednego Smith. Mother: Alice Weeks. Informant: Mrs. Louannie G. Smith. COD: cardiorespiratory arrest; hepatic failure; cirrhosis of liver; gram negative septicemia. Burial: Laurel Branch Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA, Nov 8, 1973. Burial: Maberry Funeral Home, Inc., Floyd, VA. 1973 Burial: Laurel Branch Cemetery, Laurel Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Researching) |
.........+ Smith, Louannie Frances |
Parents: Henry Lee & Margaret E.
(Mayberry) Gallimore. [no file] 1910 Birth:
8-27-1910 Floyd Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Clayton Abednego
Smith. 1992 Death: 4-9-1992 Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. Louannie Gallimore Smith, age 81, passed away Thursday in a Shawsville nursing home. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clayton Smith and a son, Harry Smith. She is survived by one son, Howard C. Smith Sr., Roanoke; four daughters, Frances S. Weeks, Roanoke; Katherine S. Yopp, Elliston; Mary S. Vest, DeRider, La.; Mildred S. Flinchum, Indian Valley; one brother, Early Gallimore, Blacksburg; two sisters, Minta Duncan and Alberta Akers, both of Radford; twelve grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Gardner Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Bryan Childress and Rev. Stanley Hawkins officiating with interment in Laurel Branch Cemetery. The family will receive friends Saturday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Gardner Funeral Home, Floyd. 1992 Burial:
Laurel Branch Cemetery, Laurel
Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. |
.........4. Smith, Frances Cornelia |
Parents: Clayton Abednego & Louannie Frances (Gallimore) Smith. 1931 Birth: 5-3-1931 Floyd Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1950 Marriage #1: Frances Cornelia Smith m. Elmond Odell Weeks 5-13-1950 Floyd Co., VA by C. Reynolds Simmons Jr, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 27 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Rt 2, Floyd VA, s/o Geo. C. Weeks & Polly M. Weeks. She 19 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Rt 3, Floyd, VA, d/o Clayton Smith & Louannie Gallimore. 1970 Divorce: granted to wife Frances Cornelia Smith from Elmond Odell Weeks 5-13-1950 Floyd Co., VA. 1 child under 18 yo affected. Elmond Odell Weeks, s/o George Columbus & 2nd wife Polly Minnie (Weeks) Weeks. [Weeks_ElijahJr_Sarah] 2005 Death: 10-22-2005 Bainbridge, Decatur Co., GA. 2005 Obit: Tallahassee Democrat Tallahassee, Florida 26 Oct 2005, Wed Page 15 (src: 2005 Burial: |
.........4. Smith, Catherine Alice |
Parents: Clayton Abednego & Louannie Frances (Gallimore) Smith. 1933 Birth: abt 1933 Floyd Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1954 Marriage #1:
Catherine Alice Smith m. Samuel Alfred Yopp 4-14-1954 Ironto,
Montgomery Co., VA. He 28 yo divorced w/m hospital attendant, b. & living
Ironto, Montgomery Co., VA, s/o Lewis Warden Yopp
& Elsie Stewart. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Ironto, Montgomery Co., VA, d/o Clayton Abednego Smith
& Louannie Gallimore. Samuel Alfred Yopp, s/o
Lewis Warden & Elsie (Stewart) Yopp. [no file] |
.........4. Smith, Harry Frazier |
Parents: Clayton Abednego & Louannie Frances (Gallimore) Smith. 1936 Birth: 12-2-1936 Floyd Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1959 Death: 8-1-1959 Calcasieu Co., Louisiana. 1959 Burial:
Laurel Branch Cemetery,
Laurel Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo
added by Researching) |
...2. Smith, Luanna |
Parents: Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith. 1867 Birth: June 1867 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1899 Marriage #1: Louanna Smith m. Benjamin Harman 10-19-1899 at Isaac Smith's, Amos, Floyd Co., VA by Q.D. Weeks. He 25 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Ezies A. & Louisa Harman. She 24 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Isaac & Naoma Smith. Benjamin Harman, s/o Esias & Louisa Elizabeth (Smith) Harman. [Harman_Benjamin_Susannah] 1915 Death:10-7-1915 Jefferson Hospital, Roanoke City, VA. Mrs. Louana Harmon, 46 yo married w/f, b. date not known, Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: not asked for. Father: Isaac Smith, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Noama Weaver, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Mr. Benjamin Harman of Floyd Co., VA. COD: cholecystitis; peritonitis. Burial: Floyd Co., VA, Oct 8, 1915. 1915 Burial: Floyd Co., VA. Exact cemetery not known but her husband is buried in the Smith Cemetery so maybe |
End Isaac & Naomi (Weaver) Smith Family.