Last Updated: May 31, 2022
Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed Family
1. Reed, Michael |
Parents: Andrew & Mary (unknown) Reed. 1801 Birth: abt 1801 Floyd Co., VA. 1825 Marriage #1: Michael Reed m. Delila Reed 01-27-1825 Montgomery Co., VA. 1840 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, pg183: Reed, Michael 1 male 30 thru 39 yo (1801 thru 1810) 1 female 30 thru 39 yo (1801 thru 1810) 1 female 5 thru 9 yo (1831 thru 1835) 2 males 0 thru 4 yo (1846 thru 1840) 1 female 0 thru 4 yo (1846 thru 1840) ~~~~ 1 person employed in agriculture. 4 free white persons under 20 2 free white persons 20 thru 49 6 total free white persons 4 total persons - free white, free colored, slaves 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, H638: Reed, Michael 49 yo w/m farmer, b. Floyd, $0, cannot read or write, HOH. Delila 45 yo w/f, b. Floyd, cannot read or write. Susannah 16 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Sarah 11 yo w/f, b. Floyd. Andrew 10 yo w/m, b. Floyd. Sam 5 yo w/m, b. Floyd. Griffith 2 yo w/m, b. Floyd. Reed, Kitchura 25 yo w/f, b. Floyd, cannot read or write. 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Wills Ridge PO, H1055: Reed, Michael 59 yo w/m miller, b. VA, $0/42, cannot read or write, HOH. Delilah 54 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot read or write. Sarah 21 yo w/f, b. VA. Andrew 20 yo w/m, b. VA, school. Saml 15 yo w/m, b. VA, school. Griffith 13 yo w/m, b. VA, school. Henry 9 yo w/m, b. VA, school. Ross, Keturah 35 yo w/f domestic, b. VA, cannot read or write. (Ross or Reed but probably same Kiturah as noted in 1850 with same family) 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge Twp, H140: Reed, Michael 68 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $0/180, HOH. Delilah 65 yo w/f, b. VA, cannot write. Griffith 22 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA. Henry 19 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District, H236: Reed, Andrew J. 39 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Sarah 33 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Samuel P. 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Michael 10 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Delila 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Richard 7 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Sarah 3 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Michael 78 yo widowed father, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, cannot
write. 1881 Death: 9-20-1881 Floyd Co., VA. COD: (not given), Age: 80. Parents: Andrew & Pollie. 1881 Burial: |
+ Reed, Delilah |
Parents: Humphrey Sr & Permelia (Reed) Reed. (src: 1829 land grants listing Delilahs husband Michael as heir.) 1805 Birth: abt 1805 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Michael Reed. 1876 Death: 1876 Floyd Co., VA 1876 Burial: |
2. Reed, Lucinda Susannah |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1835 Birth: Apr 1835 Floyd Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1860 Marriage #1: Lucinda Reed m. William R. Akers 06-20-1860 Floyd Co., VA by Andrew A. Reed. He 22 yo single farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Greenberry & Polly (Reed) Akers. She single 24 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Michael & Delilah Reed. William R. Akers, s/o Greenberry & Mary (Reed) Akers. [Akers_GreenberrySr_2wives] Death after 1910 |
2. Reed, Sarah |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1838 Birth: 8-11-1838 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1860 Marriage #1: Sarah Reed m. Thomas Reed 10-24-1860 Floyd Co., VA by Andrew A. Reed. He 19 yo single farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Andrew A. & Nancy (Duncan) Reed. She single 21 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Michael & Delilah Reed. Thomas Reed, 1842-1893, s/o Andrew A. & 1st wife Nancy Wray (Duncan) Reed. [Reed_Andrew_2wives] 1925 Death: 5-6-1925 Ontario, San Bernardino Co., California. 1925 Burial: Sarah is buried in the Bellevue Cemetery, Ontario, San Bernardino Co., California.
2. Reed, Andrew Jackson |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1840 Birth: 8-6-1840 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1866 Marriage #1: Andrew Jackson Reed m. Sarah Dulaney 05-03-1866 at Samuel Dulaney's, Floyd Co., VA by Andrew A. Reed. He 24 yo single farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Micael & Delilah Reed. She single 18 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Samuel & Martha Dulaney. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge Twp, H141: Dulaney, Samuel 59 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $1600/570, HOH. Docea 58 yo wife, b. VA, keeping house.
Reed, Andrew J. 27 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, $0/300.
Sarah 22 yo w/f, b. VA, without occupation.
Sam Perry 4 yo w/m, b. VA.
Michael 2 yo w/m, b. VA. Radford, Rose Ellen 17 yo w/f, b. VA, domestic servant. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District, H236: Reed, Andrew J. 39 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Sarah 33 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Samuel P. 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Michael 10 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Delila 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Richard 7 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Sarah 3 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Michael 78 yo widowed father, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, cannot write. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District: Reed, Andrew J. 49 yo. Sarah 42 yo. Saml P. 23 yo. Michael 21 yo. Delilah 19 yo. Richard 15 yo. Sarah 12 yo. Griffith O. 6 yo. Enoch 3 yo. Jesse J. 8 mo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 10, H109: Reed, Andrew J. 59 yo w/m farmer, b. Aug 1840 VA, parents b. VA, m. 34y, owns farm, HOH. Sarah 52 yo wife, b. Aug 1847 VA, parents b. VA, 9 children with 8 living. Sarah 22 yo daughter, b. Aug 1877 VA, parents b. VA. Griffith O. 16 yo son, b. Feb 1884 VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Enoch 12 yo son, b. Oct 1887 VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Jackson 10 yo son, b. Dec 1889 VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 41, H148: Reed, Andrew J. 60 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 43y, owns farm, HOH. Sarah 62 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 43y, 9 children with 8 living. Sarah 32 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Griffith O. 25 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Enoch 21 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Jessie J. 19 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, Willis Riner Road, H84: Reed, Andrew J. 72 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Sarah 72 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Enoch 32 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Jesse J. 30 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. 1924 Death: 1-14-1924 Alum Ridge District, Floyd Co., VA. A. J. Reed, 83y 5m 8d, married w/m, b. Aug 6, 1840 VA. Spouse: Sarah Reed. Father: Michael Reed, b. VA. Mother: Delilah Reed, b. VA. Informant: S. P. Reed, Floyd, VA. COD: apoplexy. Burial: Reed Cemetery, Jan 15, 1924. Undertaker: blank. 1924 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (Called Reed Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA by Find A. Grave)
+ Reed, Sarah |
Parents: Samuel & 1st wife Martha (Reed) Dulaney. [Dulaney_Samuel_2wives] 1847 Birth: 8-13-1847 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Andrew J. Reed but her parents
HOH. 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Andrew J. Reed. 1930 Burial: 4-24-1930 Alum Ridge District, Floyd Co., VA. Sarah Reed, 82y 8m 11d, widowed w/f housewife, b. Aug 13, 1847 VA. Spouse: A. J. Reed, Jr. Father: Samuel Dulaney, b. VA. Mother: Mattie Reed, b. VA. Informant: S. P. Reed, Floyd. COD: chronic lung trouble probably tubercular. Burial: Reed Cemetery, Apr 21, 1930. 1930 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Angie Weast King) |
3. Reed, Samuel Perry |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1867 Birth: 2-1-1867 Floyd Co., VA. 1870 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with parents but
maternal grandparents HOH. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1895 Marriage #1: Samuel P. Reed m. Laura Ellen Reed 08-10-1895 at Eli Reed's, Floyd Co., VA by Harvey Reed. He 27 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Andrew J. & Sarah Reed. She 18 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Eli & Delilah Reed. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 10, H60: Reed, Samuel P. 33 yo farmer, b. Feb 1867 VA, parents b. VA, m. 4y, owns farm, HOH. Laura E. 23 yo b. Oct 1876 VA, parents b. VA, 3 children with 3 living. Emmet A. 4 yo son b. Apr 1896 VA, parents b. VA. Delilah S. 2 yo daughter, b. Mar 1898 VA, parents b. VA. Mattie E. 0 yo, b. May 1900 VA, parents b. VA. Hill, Thomas 13 yo w/m boarder, b. Aug 1886 VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer, school. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 41, H146: Reed, Samuel P. 43 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 15y, owns farm, HOH. Laura E. 33 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 15y, 6 children with 5 living. Emmet A. 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Delila S. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Herman F. 8 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Jessie C. 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA Andrew W. 2 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, Willis Riner Road, H85: Reed, Samuel P. 52 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Laura E. 43 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Herman F. 18 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Jessie C. 14 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Andrew W. 11 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Delilah S. 21 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Bertha S. 7 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, west part of Alum Ridge District 1, H85: Reed, Samuel P. 63 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 28 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Laura E. 53 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married. A. Waitman 21 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. Bertha S. 17 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 32-2, St Rd 739, H132: Reed, Samuel P. 73 yo w/m farm operator but unable to work, b. VA, completed H3, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Laura E. 63 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. 1948 Death: 7-5-1948. 1948 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA.
+ Reed, Laura Ellen |
Parents: Eli Reed & 1st wife Delilah (Booth) Reed. [Reed_Jesse_Delilah] 1876 Birth: 10-6-1876 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Samuel Perry Reed. 1964 Death: 1-6-1964 1964 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Emmitt Austin |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1896 Birth: 4-30-1896 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1917 Registration Card: Emett
Austin Reed, 21 yo single w/m, b. April 30, 1896 Floyd Co., VA. Employed as a
farmer for J. P. Reaver, Palmyra Trap Lee Co. Medium ht & build, blue
eyes & light hair. Registered in Palmyra, Lee Co., Illinois. 1920: 1921 Marriage #1: Helen Loran abt 1921. 1930 Residence: Lee Co., IL, Palmyra
Twp, District 31, H183:
Reed, Emmitt 34 yo w/m
farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 25 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?:
no, HOH.
Helen 32 yo wife, b. IL,
parents b. Irish Free State, 23 yo when 1st married.
Marion 1 yo daughter,
b. IL, father b. VA, mother b. IL. 1940 Residence: Lee Co., IL, Palmyra
Twp, District 52-33, H214:
Reed, Emmitt 43 yo w/m
farmer, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Lee Co., IL 1935, rents, HOH.
Helen 42 yo wife, b.
IL, completed G7, resided in Lee Co., IL 1935, housework.
Marion 11 yo
daughter, b. IL, completed G5, resided in Lee Co., IL 1935, school.
John 7 yo son, b. IL,
completed G1, resided in Lee Co., IL 1935, school. 1980 Death: 2-7-1980. 1980 Obit: Contributed by Melva L.
Taylor The Daily Gazette, Sterling-Rock Falls, Illinois February 8, 1980 -
Friday, pg 4 EMMETT REED - 83, formerly of 901 W. 6th St., Sterling, died Thursday evening (07 Feb 1980) in the Sterling Care Center, following an extended illness. Funeral services will be Saturday with a prayer service at 10:30 at the Grennan Funeral Home with Mass of Resurrection at 11 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sterling with burial in Calvary Cemetery. He farmed his entire life in the Prairieville area. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Holy Name Society and Council 662 of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Reed was united in marriage to Helen Loran and she preceded him in death on April 28, 1973. He is survived by one son, Jack of Sterling, and one daughter, Mrs. Fred (Marion) Witbrod of Mount Prospect, several brothers and sisters not of the area, 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. There will be no visitation. 1980 Burial: Calvary Cemetery,
Whiteside Co., IL. |
+ Reed, Helen |
Parents: 1897 Birth: 5-24-1897 IL. 1930, 1940 Residence: Lee
Co., IL with husband Emmitt Austin Reed. 1973 Death:
April 1973. 1973 Burial: Calvary Cemetery, Whiteside Co., IL. |
5. Reed, Marion (f) |
Parents: Emmitt Austin & Helen (Loran) Reed. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 IL. 1930, 1940 Residence: Lee
Co., IL with parents. Marriage #1: Fred
Witbrod. Death after 1980 |
5. Reed, John S. Jack |
Parents: Emmitt Austin & Helen (Loran) Reed. 1932 Birth: 10-22-1932 IL. 1940 Residence: Lee
Co., IL with parents. Marriage #1:
Alice Vock aft 1940 1980 Death: July
1980 Sterling, Whiteside Co., IL. 1980 Burial:
Sacred Heart Cemetery, Sterling, Whiteside Co., IL. |
+ Reed, Alice T. |
Parents: 1934 Birth: 1934. Death aft 2013 |
6. Reed, William F. |
Parents: John S. Jack & Alice (Vock) Reed. 1958 Birth: 7-11-1958. Marriage #1: William m. Tanya L. Bartz 7-19-1980 Sterling, Whiteside Co., IL. 2013 Death: 4-12-2013. 2013 Obit: STERLING, IL ~ William F. Reed
was born July 11, 1958, in Sterling, son of Jack and Alice Vock Reed. He
married Tanya Bartz July 19, 1980, in Sterling. Surviving are his mother, Alice;
wife, Tanya; daughters, Sarah (Jarrod) Johnson, Emily (Ben Spotts) Reed and
Margaret Reed; grandchildren, Grace and Sawyer Johnson; sisters, Dianne
Graham, Debbie Reed, Christine (Albert) Saliba, Joan (Mike) Capp and Nancy (Jim)
Hoffman and several nieces and nephews. 2013 Burial: Oak Knoll Memorial Park Cemetery, Sterling, Whiteside Co., IL. |
4. Reed, Delilah Stella |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1898 Birth: 3-23-1898 VA. 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co.,
VA, Jefferson Ward, District 30, H137:
Reed, Herman F. 28 yo
w/m rayon mill foreman, b. VA, parents b. VA, 26 yo when 1st
married, owns, vet?: no, HOH.
Gladys E. 23 yo wife,
b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married.
Wallace A. 1y 3/12 son,
b. VA, parents b. VA.
Stella A. 32 yo sister, b. VA, parents b. VA,
rayon mill finisher. 1940 Residence: 1257 Colonial, Roanoke
City, Roanoke Co., VA, District 119-50, H65:
Reed, Herman F. 38yo w/m
rayon textile mill foreman, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935,
owns, HOH.
Gladys P. 33 yo wife,
b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework.
Wallace A. 11 yo son,
b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school.
Marvin D. 6 yo son,
b. VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935.
Stella D. 42 yo single sister, b. VA,
completed G7, resided in same house 1935, packer in rayon textile mill.
Bertha S. 26 yo
single sister, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house 1935, laundry
checker. 1962 Death: 8-31-1962. 1962 Burial: Pleasant Valley
Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Mattie Edna |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1900 Birth: 5-29-1900 Floyd Co., VA. 1900 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Death: 7-5-1900 Floyd Co., VA. 1900 Burial: Reed Cemetery, Floyd
Co., VA.
4. Reed, Herman Farney |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1901 Birth: 5-17-1901 VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1927 Marriage #1: Gladys Pearl
Phillippi abt 1927. 1930 Residence: 1257 Colonial, Roanoke
City, Roanoke Co., VA, Jefferson Ward, District 30, H137:
Reed, Herman F. 28 yo w/m
rayon mill foreman, b. VA, parents b. VA, 26 yo when 1st married,
owns, vet?: no, HOH.
Gladys E. 23 yo wife,
b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married.
Wallace A. 1y 3/12
son, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Stella A. 32 yo
sister, b. VA, parents b. VA, rayon mill finisher. 1940 Residence: 1257 Colonial, Roanoke
City, Roanoke Co., VA, District 119-50, H65:
Reed, Herman F. 38yo
w/m rayon textile mill foreman, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house
1935, owns, HOH.
Gladys P. 33 yo wife,
b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework.
Wallace A. 11 yo son,
b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school.
Marvin D. 6 yo son, b.
VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935.
Stella D. 42 yo
single sister, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, packer in
rayon textile mill.
Bertha S. 26 yo
single sister, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house 1935, laundry checker. 1986 Death: 6-1-1986 of Roanoke
City, Roanoke Co., VA. 1986 Obit: Published in the
Roanoke Times June 2, 1986 Herman F. Reed, age 85, of Roanoke died Sunday following a brief illness. He was born in Floyd County, and was the son of the Rev. S.P. and Laura Reed. He was a former Viscose Foreman and was the owner of Reed's Frostee Freez. Mr. Reed was a member and Deacon at 9th Street Church of the Brethren, and a former member of the Roanoke County Water Authority. Surviving are his wife, Gladys P. Reed, two sons, Wallace A. Reed, Roanoke, Marvin D. Reed, Falls Church, six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be conducted at Oakey's Vinton Chapel at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday. Interment will follow in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. The family suggest in lieu of flowers memorial contributions in Mr. Reed's name be made to the Williamson Roan Life Saving Crew. Arrangements by Oakey's Vinton Chapel. 1986 Burial: Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA. (no pic) |
+ Reed, Gladys Pearl |
Parents: Conley Canady & Lelia Regina (Hounshell) Phillippi. 1907 Birth: 4-6-1907 Wythe Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with husband Herman Farney Reed. 1997 Death: 4-2-1997 Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA. 1997 Obit of Gladys Phillippi Reed:
Published in the Roanoke Times; Fri., Apr. 4, 1997. Gladys P. Reed, 89, of Roanoke, died Wednesday, April 2, 1997. She was a member of the Ninth Street Church of the Brethren for over 60 years. She was preceded in death by her husband, H. F. Reed whom she was co-owner of Reed's Tastee Freez. Surviving are her sons and daughters-in-law, Wallace A. and Jacqueline Reed, Roanoke, Marvin D. and Patsy J. Reed, Falls Church; six grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; a brother, Everett Phillippe, Roanoke; sisters, Mrs. Aretta Browdy, Silver Springs, Md., Mrs. Ruby Pillaphant, Franklin, N.C. Funeral
services will be conducted from Oakey's Vinton Chapel at 1 p.m. Saturday,
April 5, 1997, with the Rev. John L. Huffaker and the Rev. Graham Sowers
officiating. Burial will be in Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens. Friends may call
at Oakey's Vinton Chapel, where the family will receive friends from 7 to 9
p.m. Friday. 1986 Burial: Blue Ridge Memorial Gardens, Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA. (no pic) |
5. Reed, Wallace Arnold Wally |
Parents: Herman Farney & Gladys Pearl (Phillippi) Reed. 1929 Birth: 1-3-1929 Roanoke, VA. 1930, 1940 Residence:
Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with parents. Marriage #1: Jacqueline Anne Jackie Britt. 2012 Death: 12-28-2012 Roanoke, VA. 2012 Obit: Wallace (Wally) Arnold Reed, 83, of Roanoke, VA, passed away peacefully after a long illness at Roanoke Memorial Hospital on Friday, December 28, 2012. His parents, Herman Fahrney Reed and Gladys Pearl Phillippe precede him in death. Wallace served in the Naval Reserve in the 50s between his college years at Bridgewater College and Roanoke College. Wallace graduated from Roanoke in the early 60's after going to work full time at Burlington Weaving in the late 50's. He took over his father's ice cream business and for many years ran two restaurants as Reed's Frostee Freez and Wally's Frostee Freez. Wallace finished up his working career as a security officer with Hollins College for many years. Wallace served as a volunteer with the Roanoke City Auxiliary Police force for over 20 years, rising to the rank of Captain for many years. Wallace was a lifelong member of the Ninth Street Church of the Brethren in Roanoke, VA. Wallace will be greatly missed and his memory cherished by his family and friends. In Roanoke, he is survived by wife of 63 years Jacqueline (Jackie) Anne Reed (Nee Britt), his sons and Daughters in law, Brett and Rita Reed of Roanoke and Barry and Jo Reed of St. Louis, MO, and daughter and son in law Betina and Scott Alls of Roanoke. He was "Granddaddy" to three grandchildren, Devin, Daniel and Melissa and great-grandchildren Mac and Harper. Wallace also is survived by his brother, Marvin D. and Patricia Reed of Purciville, VA. A funeral service will be held at 12 noon on Monday, December 31, 2012 at Oakey's Vinton Chapel with A.J. Scott and Rev. Lester Reed officiating. Interment will follow at Sherwood Memorial Park, Salem, VA. 2012 Burial: Sherwood Burial Park, Salem City, Roanoke Co., VA. (no pic) |
5. Reed, Marvin D. |
Parents: Herman Farney & Gladys Pearl (Phillippe) Reed. 1934 Birth: abt 1934 VA. 1940 Residence:
Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with parents. |
4. Reed, Jesse Clarence |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1904 Birth: 12-14-1904 Floyd Co. VA. 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1928
Marriage #1: Clarence Reed m. Alvah Lester 7-5-1928 Floyd Co.
VA by H. L. Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 23 yo single w/m
farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o S. P. Reed & Laura Reed.
She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Sowers, VA, d/o John N.
Lester & Delia B. Lester. 1930 Residence: 1003 Peachin Ave,
Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA, Jefferson Ward, District 30, H131:
Reed, Jesse C. 25 yo
w/m rayon mill spinning, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st
married, rents, vet?: no, HOH.
Alvah R. 22 yo wife,
b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married.
Lois I. 10/12
daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: 1054 Morgan Ave,
Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA, District 119-50, H266:
Reed, Clarence J. 35
yo w/m rayon textile mill spinner, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house
1935, rents, HOH.
Alvah J. 32 yo wife,
b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house 1935, housework.
Lois I. 10 yo
daughter, b. VA, completed G4, resided in same house 1935, school.
Lester F. 8 yo son,
b. VA, completed G2, resided in same house 1935, school. 1993 Death: 7-24-1993 Roanoke City,
Roanoke Co., VA. 1993 Burial: |
+ Reed, Alvah Jewell |
Parents: John Henry & Delilah Belle (Reed) Lester. [Lester_JamesT_Cloah] 1907 Birth: 4-28-1907 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with husband Jesse Clarence Reed. 1998 Death:
1-20-1998 Roanoke City, Roanoke Co.,
VA. 1998 Burial: |
5. Reed, Lois I. |
Parents: Jesse Clarence & Alvah Jewell (Lester) Reed. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with parents. |
5. Reed, Lester G. |
Parents: Jesse Clarence & Alvah Jewell (Lester) Reed. 1932 Birth: abt 1932 VA. 1940 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA with parents. |
4. Reed, Andrew Waitman |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1908 Birth: 4-8-1908 Floyd Co., VA. 1910, 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with
parents. 1940 Residence: Rockford, Winnebago
Co., IL, 3rd Ward, District 101-25, H212:
Reed, Andrew W. 33 yo
w/m manufacturing co. shop work, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Sterling,
(Whiteside Co.,) Illinois 1935, rents, HOH. (alone) 1964 Death: 11-18-1964 Rockford,
Winnebago Co., IL. 1964 Burial: Pleasant Valley
Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Bertha S. |
Parents: Samuel Perry & Laura Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1913 Birth: abt 1913 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: 1257 Colonial, Roanoke
City, Roanoke Co., VA, District 119-50, H65:
Reed, Herman F. 38yo
w/m rayon textile mill foreman, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house
1935, owns, HOH.
Gladys P. 33 yo wife,
b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework.
Wallace A. 11 yo son,
b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school.
Marvin D. 6 yo son,
b. VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935.
Stella D. 42 yo
single sister, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, packer in
rayon textile mill.
Bertha S. 26 yo single sister, b. VA,
completed H2, resided in same house 1935, laundry checker. 1955 Marriage #1: Ira
Martin Hylton 11-10-1955. Ira,
b. 1-1-1907 Floyd Co., VA, d. 6-2-1980 Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA,
s/o Gilbert Walker & Salena Ellen (Bowman) Hylton. 2001 Death:
4-3-2001 2001 Burial:
Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. |
3. Reed, Michael |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1868 Birth: 12-20-1868 Floyd Co., VA, d. 1949. 1870 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with parents but
maternal grandparents HOH. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1893 Marriage #1: Michael Reed m. Mollie E. Akers 03-30-1890 at the bride's residence, Floyd Co., VA by Samuel P. Reed. (all other dates in register are in 1893 so should maybe read 1893) He 24 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Andrew J. Jr & Sarah Reed. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Lewis & Mary Ann Akers. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 16, H24: Reed, Michael 32 yo w/m farmer, b. Dec 1867 VA, m. 7y, owns farm, HOH. Mary E. 29 yo wife, b. Apr 1871 VA, parents b. VA, 3 children with 2 living. Cecil E. 6 yo son, b. Dec 1893 VA, parents b. VA. Crigi T. 10/12 daughter, b. July 1899 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 47, H73: Reed, Michael 41 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 17y, owns farm, HOH. Mollie E. 38 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 17y, 4 children with 3 living. Cecil C. 16 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Carcin T. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Ella M. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 94, H93: Reed, Michael 51 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Mollie E. 48 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ella M. 15 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east end of Indian Valley District 7, H144: Reed, Michael 61 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: blank, HOH. Mollie E. 58 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Poff, John R. 24 yo w/m son in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Ella M. 25 yo married daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Lloyd S. 1 yo grandson, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 32-9, Co Rd 750, H32: Reed, Michael 71 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Mollie E. 68 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Poff, John R. 34 yo w/m son in law, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, farm laborer. Ella M. 35 yo married daughter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, other work. Lloyd S. 11 yo grandson, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school. 1949 Death: 1949 1949 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA.
+ Reed, Mary Ellen Mollie |
Parents: Lewis & 1st wife Mary Ann (Chafin) Akers. [Akers_AndrewJ_Susannah] 1871 Birth: 4-17-1871 VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Michael Reed. 1960 Death: 10-23-1960. 1960 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Cecil Calvert |
Parents: Michael & Mary Ellen "Mollie" (Akers) Reed. 1893 Birth: 12-29-1893 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1914 Marriage #1: Cecil C. Reed m. Clarris A. Hylton 2-22-1914 Floyd Co., VA by A. N. Hylton, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 20 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Michael & Mollie E. Reed. She 19 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o G. W. & Salina Hylton. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 94, H7: Reed, Cecil C. 26 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Clarris A. 25 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Merlin B. 3y 10/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Ina M. 2y 3/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Gleeta O. 5/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, north central part of Court House District 5, H82: Reed, Cecil C. 36 yo w/m RFD mail carrier, b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Clarris A. 35 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married. Merlin B. 14 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Ina M. 12 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Gleeta O. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Twila A. 6 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Treva J. 2y 11/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 32-7, US 221, H131: Reed, Cecil 46 yo w/m US mail carrier, b. VA, completed H1, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Clarris 45 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Twila 16 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house 1935, school.
Treva 12 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G6,
resided in same house 1935, school. 1984 Death: June 1984 Floyd Co., VA. 1984 Burial: Laurel Branch Cemetery, Laurel Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Jim Slusher Jul 2021) |
+ Reed, Clarris A. |
Parents: Gilbert Walker & Salina Ellen (Bowman) Hylton. [Hylton_Ira_2wives] 1894 Birth: 10-29-1894 Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Cecil Calvert Reed. 1990 Death: 3-21-1990 Floyd Co., VA. 1990 Burial: Laurel Branch Cemetery, Laurel Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. |
5. Reed, Merlin Bretherd |
Parents: Cecil Calvert & Claris A. (Hylton) Reed. 1916 Birth: 2-10-1916 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Carroll Co., MD, Westminster District 7-19, Washington Rd, H240: Eyler Murrey W. 39 yo divorced w/m machine thresher, b. MD, completed G7, resided in same place 1935, rents, HOH.
Merlin B. 24 yo single w/m lodger, b. VA, completed H4, resided in Floyd Co.,
VA 1935, mechanic. Pullen, Bessie L. 35 yo divorced w/f, b. VA, completed C1, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, supervisor L. Grutz. [hylton_ira] Bevins H. 3 yo lodger, b. VA, completed G0. Aft 1940 Marriage #1: Dorothy unknown, b. 1919. 1987 Death: 1-7-1987 1987 Burial: Pipe Creek Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Union Bridge, Carroll Co., MD.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
5. Reed, Ina M. |
Parents: Cecil Calvert & Claris (Hylton) Reed. 1918 Birth: abt 1918 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Reed, Gleeta O. |
Parents: Cecil Calvert & Claris (Hylton) Reed. 1920 Birth: abt 1920 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Reed, Twila A. |
Parents: Cecil Calvert & Claris (Hylton) Reed. 1924 Birth: abt 1924 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
5. Reed, Treva J. |
Parents: Cecil Calvert & Claris (Hylton) Reed. 1927 Birth: abt 1927 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Reed, Bretherd C. |
Parents: Michael & Mary Ellen "Mollie" (Akers) Reed. 1893 Birth: 2-11-1896. 1897 Death: 7-19-1897. 1897 Burial: Akers Family Cemetery, 1658 Sawmill Rd NW (SR 631), Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo by
Diane Wells Whitlock & added by Sammie Wade Jul 2011) |
4. Reed, Carsie Tanna |
Parents: Michael & Mary Ellen "Mollie" (Akers) Reed. 1899 Birth: July 1899 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1919 Marriage #1: Carsie T. Reed m. Luther D. Bowman 9-24-1919 Floyd Co., VA by A. N. Hylton, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 20 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Daniel & Arlina Bowman. She 20 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Michael & Mollie E. Reed. Luther Daniel Bowman, s/o Daniel B. & 3rd wife Orlena F. (Weddle) Bowman. Rev Luther D. Bowman, Ordained minister in the Brethren Church in 1921. Served the Laurel Branch Church until 1969. [Bowman_DanielB_2wives] 1977 Death: 1977. 1977 Burial: Laurel Branch Cemetery, Laurel Branch Road NW, Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
4. Reed, Ella Mae |
Parents: Michael & Mary Ellen "Mollie" (Akers) Reed. 1904 Birth: 8-15-1904 Floyd Co., VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1926 Marriage #1: Ella Reed m. John Poff 12-28-1926 Floyd Co., VA by A. N. Hylton, Minister of the church of the Brethren. He 21 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Albert & Nancy Poff. She 22 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Michael & Mollie Reed. John R. Poff, b. 9-12-1905 Floyd Co., VA, d. 1-24-2000, s/o Albert Joshua & Nancy Ellen (Hylton) Poff. [Poff_Anthony_Sarah] 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east end of Indian Valley District 7, H144: FCVA1926_0083 Reed, Michael 61 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: blank, HOH. Mollie E. 58 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Poff, John R. 24 yo w/m son in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Ella M. 25 yo married daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Lloyd S. 1 yo grandson, b. VA, parents b. VA. (b. 5-21-1928, d. 3-8-1998 Salem City, Roanoke Co., VA) 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Indian Valley District 32-9, Co Rd 750, H32: Reed, Michael 71 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Mollie E. 68 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. Poff, John R. 34 yo w/m son in law, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, farm laborer. Ella M. 35 yo married daughter, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, other work. Lloyd S. 11 yo grandson, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, school. 1999 Death: 9-6-1999 1999 Obit: Ella Mae Reed Poff, age 95, of Salem, VA, formally of Floyd County, d. Monday, 9-6-1999. She is survived by her husband of 72y, John R. Poff. 1999 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. (with husband & son, Lloyd S. Poff)
3. Reed, Delila |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1871 Birth: 2-1871 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1896 Marriage #1: Delilah Reed m. Peter Boothe 10-31-1896 at the bride's residence, Floyd Co., VA by Sam'l P. Reid. He 24 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Peter & Mary Boothe. She 25 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o And. J. & Sarah Reed. Peter Samuel Booth, 1872-1940, s/o Peter Emet & Mary Polly Dulaney) Booth. [booth] 1957 Death: 1957 1957 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Richard |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1873 Birth: 8-1873 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1898 Marriage #1: Richard Reed m. Virginia E. Reed 04-02-1898 at the bride's residence, Floyd Co., VA by S.P. Reed. He 23 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o And. J. & Sarah Reed. She 20 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Harrison D. & Sarah Reed. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 10, H108: Reed, Richard 26 yo w/m farmer, b. Aug 1873 VA, parents b. VA, m. 2y, owns farm with mort, HOH. Virginia E. 22 yo wife, b. July 1877 VA, parents b. VA, 1 child with 1 living. Clara C. 11/12 daughter, b. June 1899 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 41, H147: Reed, Richard 36 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 12y, owns farm, HOH. Virginia E. 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 12y, 2 children with 2 living. Clara C. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Essie M. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, Willis Riner Road, H82: Reed, Richard 46 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns farm, HOH. Virginia E. 42 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Clara C. 20 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, public school teacher. Essie M. 15 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, central part of Alum Ridge District 1, H164: Reed, Richard 56 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married, owns farm, HOH. Virginia E. 52 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married. Weeks, John E. 30 yo son in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, 20 yo when 1st married, farm laborer. [weeks1] Essie M. 24 yo married daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school, 24 yo when 1st married. Edward L. 4y 5/12 grandchild, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 32-2, Rd 705, H103: Reed, Richard 65 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G2, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, owns, HOH. Virginia E. 61 yo wife, b. VA, b. VA, completed G0, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. 1974 Death: 1974. 1974 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Virginia Emazeta |
Parents: Harrison D. & Sarah Frances (unknown) Reed. [reed_emory] 1874 Birth: 7-1877 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Richard Reed. 1963 Death: 1963. 1963
Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant
Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Clara C. |
Parents: Richard & Virginia Emazeta (Reed) Reed. 1899 Birth: 6-29-1899 Floyd Co., VA. 1900,
1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd
Co., VA with parents. 1923
Marriage #1:
Clara C. Reed m. J. C. Bishop 11-27-1923 Botetourt Co., VA. He 31 yo single
w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o C. W. & Susan Bishop. She 23 yo single w/f, b.
Floyd Co., VA, d/o Richard & Virginia Reed. James
Clayton Bishop, b. 8-12-1892, d. 2-21-1943, s/o Charles William & Susan
Rachel (Duncan) Bishop. [Bishop_Samuel_mcva] 1985 Death:
1-24-1985. 1985
Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the
Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. (with James)
Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
4. Reed, Essie Myrtle |
Parents: Richard & Virginia Emazeta (Reed) Reed. 1905 Birth: 9-9-1904 Floyd Co., VA. 1910,
1920 Residence: Floyd
Co., VA with parents. 1930 Marriage #1:
Essie Reed m. J. E. Weeks at S. P. Reeds 2-19-1930 Floyd Co., VA by S. P.
Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 29 yo single w/m farmer, b.
Floyd Co., VA, residence Sowers, VA, s/o Fort Weeks & Matilda Lester. She
23 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Richard Reed &
Virginia Reed. John
Everette Johnnie Weeks, b. 1-20-1898 Floyd Co., VA, d. 3-19-1975, s/o Fort
Monroe & Matilda May C. (Lester) Weeks. [Weeks_George_Nancy]
1993 Death: 7-24-1993. 1993 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, on SR 750 beside Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
...5. Reed, Edward Laverne |
Parents: Essie Myrtle Reed. 1924 Birth: 9-22-1924 Floyd Co., VA. Edwards mother m. John Everette Johnnie Weeks 1930 Floyd. [Weeks_George_Nancy] In 1930 he is noted as Edward L. Weeks and out of their house in 1940. Cant find a VA death record for him either as Edward Lavern Reed or Weeks.1987 Death: 7-21-1987. 1987 Burial: Harrison D. Reed Cemetery, 4064 Alum Ridge Rd (Mitchell Dairy Farm) Alum Ridge District, Floyd Co., VA. (src: photo by Jim Slusher Aug
2021 & added by Tracy C.) |
3. Reed, Sarah |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1877 Birth: 8-24-1877 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1912 Marriage #1: Sarah Reed m. General C. Reed 4-16-1912 Floyd Co., VA by Oliver Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Staunton & Parthena Reed. She 32 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o And & Sallie Reed. General Crockett Reed, 1889-1956, s/o Stanton T. & Parthena (Weeks) Reed. [Reed_Emory_Miriam] 1949 Death: 12-14-1949. 1949 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Andrew H. |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1882 Birth: 2-14-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1882 Death: 2-27-1882 Floyd Co., VA. 1883 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Griffith Oliver |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1884 Birth: 2-23-1884 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1912 Marriage #1: G. Oliver Reed m. Susie V. Adams 3-13-1912 Botetourt Co., VA. He 28 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o Andrew J. & Sarah Reed. She 32 yo single w/f, b. Botetourt Co., VA, d/o George W. & Susan E. Adams. 1920: 1930 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA, Amsterdam District 12-5, H41 Reed, Griffith O. 56 yo widowed w/m county land surveyor, b. VA, completed C1, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Athea M. 23 yo single daughter, b. VA, completed C2, resided in same house 1935, public school teacher. Adams, Delia B. 60 yo single sister in law, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. 1949 Death: 6-29-1949 Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA. Rader Funeral Home records 1949 Burial: Daleville Cemetery, Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA. (no photo) |
+ Reed, Susan Virginia Susie |
Parents: George W. & Susan E. (Meets) Adams. 1875 Birth: 8-8-1975 Botetourt Co., VA. 1929 Death: 5-16-1929 Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA. Rader Funeral Home Records 1929 Burial: Daleville Cemetery, Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA. (no photo) |
4. Reed, Althea |
Parents: Griffith Oliver & Susan Virginia Susie (Adams) Reed. 1916 Birth: 6-3-1916 Botetourt Co., VA. Marriage #1: Chester Elliott Spangler, b. 12-22-1914 Floyd Co., VA, d. 8-23-2010 Scottsdale, Maricopa Co., AZ, s/o James Samuel & Martha Ellen (Reed) Spangler. [spangler2] Published in Roanoke Times on
October 1, 2010 Chester Elliott Spangler, born on December 22, 1914, passed away peacefully on August 23, 2010, in Scottsdale, Ariz., where he has lived for the past five years with his daughter, Debbie, at his side. He was preceded in death by his parents, James and Martha Spangler; and his wife beloved wife, Althea Reed Spangler. He is survived by his daughter, Debbie Johnson, her husband, Ned Johnson, of Phoenix, Ariz.; grandson, Peter and his wife, Eleanor Johnson, and great grandson, Peter Marc Johnson Jr., of Roanoke, Va., and granddaughter, Ginny Johnson, of Austin, Texas; his daughter, Sherrie Spangler, of Smithfield, Va.; his grandson, Christopher Hopkins and his wife, Kathy, and great grandson, Aidain, of Petersburg, Va.; granddaughter, Kira Wongroski and her husband, Bobby, of Smithfield, Va.; granddaughter, Catherine and her husband, Jontea; and great-granddaughter, Althea, of Smithfield, Va. Chester retired from the Army as a Master Sergeant. He loved his country and his time in the Army. He spent 22 years in the service. He was a welder for Roanoke Iron and Bridge Works before his retirement. His family was very dear to him and he enjoyed being with them. Graveside Service will be held 2 p.m. on Sunday, October 3, 2010, at Daleville Cemetery. The Reverend Bill Harris will be officiating. Arrangements by Rader Funeral Home of Daleville, Va., 540-992-1212 1971 Death: 4-16-1971 VA. Rader Funeral Home records 1971 Burial: Daleville Cemetery, Daleville, Botetourt Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added
by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Enoch |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1887 Birth: 10-6-1887 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910, 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1921 Marriage #1: Enoch Reed m. Bessie Mannon 11-6-1921 Floyd Co., VA by Michael Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 34 yo single w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o A. J. & Sarah Reed. She 19 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. F. & Pollyanna Mannon. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District, H122: 1973 Death: Feb 1973. 1973 Burial: |
+ Reed, Bessie Ola |
Parents: James Fleming & 2nd wife Polly Ann (Hurt) Mannon. [mannon] 1902 Birth: 4-13-1902 Floyd Co., VA. 2005 Death: 7-4-2005 Glasgow, Rockbridge Co., VA. 2005 Obit:
Published in the Floyd Press BESSIE OLA MANNON REED GLASGOW-Bessie Ola Mannon Reed,
103, went home to live with our Heavenly Father on Monday, July 4, 2005. She
was born in Floyd County and was the daughter of James Fleming Mannon and
Polly Ann Hurt. Mrs. Reed graduated from Radford College, taught school in a
one-room schoolhouse in Floyd County, and retired from James Lees Carpets in
Glasgow after 31 years of dedicated service. She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, Enoch, her son James Darwin Reed, Sr. and her daughter-in-law, Carol D. Reed. She is survived by: her son Cline Elvin (Seaweed) Reed and daughter-in-law, Yvonne of Glasgow; sister, Elsie M. Graham of Floyd; grandchildren, Kenneth W. Reed, Debbie R. Wagaman, James D. Reed, Jr., Kelvin D. Reed, Monica R. Snow and Julia R. Snow; six great-grandchildren and numerous relatives and friends. Mrs. Reed loved the Lord. She live a full and blessed life as a faithful member of the Glasgow Baptist Church and an active member in Rockbridge County's Senior Citizen Center. You could always find her sewing, gardening, canning, and caring for her stray cats. We are truly blessed for our time with her on earth and will hold her in our hearts until we meet again Heaven. May we all meet again in Heaven by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Funeral service was conducted at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 8, 2005 at the Glasgow Baptist Church with Reverend William Thomas officiating. Burial followed in Glasgow Cemetery. Contributions may be made to Glasgow First Aid Crew or Glasgow Fire Department. Harrison Funeral Home and Crematory, Lexington, handled arrangements. 2005 Burial: Glasgow Cemetery, Glasgow, Rockbridge Co., VA. (no pic) |
4. Reed, Cline Elvin Seaweed |
Parents: Enoch & Bessie Ola (Mannon) Reed. 1933 Birth: 2-13-1933 Floyd Co., VA. 2011 Death: 2-5-2011 Vinton, Roanoke Co., VA. 2011 Obit:
Published in the Rockbridge Weekly & The Alleghany Journal. Cline Elvin (Seaweed) Reed Cline Elvin (Seaweed) Reed, 77, of Glasgow, Va., died Saturday, February 5, 2011, in Berkshire Assisted Living, Vinton, Va. Born February 13, 1933, in Floyd County, Va., he was a son of the late Enoch and Bessie Mannon Reed. Mr. Reed was a member of Glasgow Baptist Church and was a retired instructor with the Natural Bridge Learning Center. He also was a barber for many years at Buck's Barber Shop and was a veteran of the Korean War. Surviving are his wife, Yvonne Lotts Reed; two daughters, Monica Snow and Julia Snow, both of Glasgow; sons-in-law, Mike and Tim; two grandchildren, Timothy Snow and Ella Snow. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, February 9, 2011, at Glasgow Baptist Church with the Rev. Timothy Stalnaker and the Rev. Jeremy Kilgore officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to Glasgow Baptist Church or Freedom Center Church. The family will receive friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, February 8, 2011, at Harrison Funeral Home and Crematory, Lexington Va. 2011 Burial: Glasgow Cemetery, Glasgow, Rockbridge Co., VA. (no pic) |
3. Reed, Jesse Jackson |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Sarah (Dulaney) Reed. 1889 Birth: 12-20-1889 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1917 Registration Card:
Jesse Jackson Reed, 27 yo single w/m of Floyd Co., VA. Born December 20, 1889
Floyd Co., VA. Farming for A. J. Reed Floyd Co., VA. Claimed exemption:
Church of the Brethren. Medium ht & build. Blue eyes & light brown
hair. Registered Booths Mill, Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1922 Marriage #1: Jackson J. Reed m. Emma J. Reed 6-14-1922 Roanoke, VA. (recorded in Floyd Co., VA) He 31 yo single w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o A. J. & Sarah Reed. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Carthage, VA, d/o *A. D. & Sarah E. Reed. (does read A. D.) 1930 Residence: 1040 Morgan Street, Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA, Jefferson Ward, District 30, H15: Reed, Jackson J. 39 yo w/m rayon mill foreman, b. VA, parents b. VA, 31 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?: no, HOH. Emma Z. 29 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Jessie B. 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Hayes H. 41 yo single brother in law, b. VA, parents b. VA, box shop in rayon mill. [reed_sarah_widowofGeorge] 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA, Amsterdam District 12-5, H141: Reed, Jackson J. 50 yo w/m textile mill foreman, viscose silk drying, completed H2, resided in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA 1935, owns, HOH. Emma Z. 39 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, completed H2, resided in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA 1935, housework. Jessie B. 15 yo son, b. VA, completed H1, resided in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA 1935, school. Anna M. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H2, resided in Roanoke, Roanoke Co., VA 1935, 1975 Death: Sep 1975 Salem City, Roanoke Co., VA. 1975 Burial: |
.+ Reed, Emma Zetta |
Parents: Burdine D. & 2nd wife Sarah Ellen (Hurt) Reed. [reed_sarah] 1901 Birth: 12-1-1900 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA. with husband Jesse Jackson Reed. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with husband Jesse Jackson Reed. 1978 Death: 3-4-1978. 1978 Burial: |
.4. Reed, Jessie B. |
Parents: Burdine D. & Sarah Ellen (Hurt) Reed. 1925 Birth: abt 1925 VA. 1930 Residence: Roanoke City, Roanoke Co., VA, with parents. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with parents. |
.4. Reed, Anna Mae |
Parents: Burdine D. & Sarah Ellen (Hurt) Reed. 1931 Birth: abt 1931 VA. 1940 Residence: Botetourt Co., VA with parents. |
2. Reed, Samuel |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1845 Birth: 1845 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1861 Burial: 4-30-1861 Floyd Co., VA. COD: fever Age: 16y. 1861 Burial: |
2. Reed, Griffith D. |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1847 Birth: 8-3-1847 Floyd Co., VA. 1850, 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1877 Marriage #1: Griffith D. Reed m. Adeline Isabel Reed 11-23-1877 Floyd Co., VA by Andrew A. Reed. He 30 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Michael & Delilah Reed. She 19 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Andrew J. & Polly Reed. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District, H208: Reed, Griffieth D. 32 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Isabelle 21 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, keeping house. Oreona E. 1 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Henry 30 yo single brother, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District: Reed, Griffith D. 42 yo. Adeline 31 yo. Aurora E. 11 yo. Ure Q. 6 yo. Minnie A. 8 yo. 1892 Death: 1-19-1892 Floyd Co., VA. COD: fever. Age: 46y. 1892 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Adeline Isabel |
Parents: Andrew Jackson & Mary (Otey) Reed. [Reed_Griffith_Olive] 1858 Birth: 6-26-1858 Floyd Co., VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Griffith D. Reed. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 10, H175: Reed, Adaline I. 41 yo widowed farmer, b. June 1858 VA, parents b. VA, 5 ch & all living, owns farm, HOH. Aurora E. 21 yo daughter, b. Feb 1879 VA, parents b. VA. Minnie A. 19 yo daughter, b. Apr 1881 VA, parents b. VA, school. Eura Q. 17 yo son, b. Nov 1882 VA, parents b. VA, school, farmer. Delilah 13 yo daughter, b. Mar 1887 VA, parents b. VA, school. Urdie 8 yo daughter, b. Apr 1892 VA, parents b. VA, school. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 41, H117: Reed, Adaline I. 52 yo widowed w/f farmer, b. VA, 5 children with 5 living, cannot write, owns farm, HOH. Aurorora 30 yo daughter, b. VA, home farm laborer. Urie Q. 26 yo son, b. VA, home farm laborer. Griffith I. 18 yo daughter, b. VA, home farm laborer, school. Hurt, Elmer 18 yo single w/m, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1920 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, Willis Riner Road, H127: Dulaney, Ephriam 38 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. Effie R. 40 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Lindon G. 4y 3/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Leslie B. 3y 10/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Pennie 10/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. Dulaney, William H. 85 yo widowed father, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Reed, Isabel A. 61 yo widowed mother in law, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 1, H36: Reed, Uria Q. 46 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 29 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Cora M. 39 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Seth D. 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school, farm laborer. James G. 10 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Modine V. 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Maud C. 4y 11/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Isabelle 72 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940: 1947 Death: 8-24-1947. 1947 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Aurora Esther |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1879 Birth: 2-1879 VA. 1880, 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900, 1910 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with widowed
mother. 1913 Marriage #1: Arrora E. Reed m. Ephram G. Dulaney 9-14-1913
at Richard Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Richard Reed, Minister of the Church of
the Brethren. He 32 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA,
s/o William & Ellen Dulaney. She 34 yo single w/f, b. & living in
Floyd Co., VA, d/o Griffith & Isabell Reed. Ephraim G. Dulaney, 1881-1965, s/o William Hiram & Sarah Ellen (Cooper) Dulaney. [dulaney] 1946 Death: 4-28-1946. 1946 Burial: Sowers Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added
by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Minnie A. |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1879 Birth: 4-15-1881 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1904 Marriage #1: Minnie A. Reed m. Harry H. Fark 11-12-1904 at Henry Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Henry Reed, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 24 yo single w/m machinist, b. & living in Pittsburg, PA, s/o F. W. & Mary Fark. She 23 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o G.D. & Isabelle Reed. ( indexed as RUD) 1968 Death: 11-4-1868. 1968 Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg, Floyd Co., VA.
(src: Find A Grave; photo added
by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Virginia |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1883 Birth: 11-14-1883 Floyd Co., VA. (src: birth record) |
3. Reed, Uriah Quinton |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1882 Birth: 9-19-1882 Floyd Co., VA. (src: 1918 registration card) 1882 Birth: Nov 1882 VA. (src: 1900 census) 1883 Birth: 1883. (src: tombstone) 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1900, 1910 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with widowed
mother. 1913 Marriage #1: U. Q. Reed m. Cora May Sumner 6-11-1913 at Jacob Sumners Floyd Co., VA by I.N. Munsey, Minister of the M. E. Church South. He 29 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Griffith D. & Isabel Reed. She 22 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Jacob J. & Mary E. Sumner. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, H24: Reed, Uri Q. T. 36 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mortgage, HOH. Cora M. 25 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Seth 5 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 1, H36: Reed, Uria Q. 46 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 29 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. Cora M. 39 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Seth S. 15 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school, farm laborer. James G. 10 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Modine V. 8 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Maud C. 4y 11/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. A. Isabelle 72 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 32-2, H45: Reed, Uriah Q. 56 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Cora M. 49 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. James G. 20 yo single son, b. VA, completed C2, resided in same house 1935, school. Madene 18 yo daughter, b. VA, completed C1, resided in same house 1935, school. Maud C. 15 yo daughter, b. VA, completed H2, resided in same house 1935, school. 1997 Death: 1997. 1997 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Cora May |
Parents: Jacob J. & Mary Emily Belle (Simmons) Sumner. 1890 Birth: Dec 1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Uriah Quinton Reed. 1975 Death: 1975. 1975 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Seth Sumner |
Parents: Uriah Quinton & Cora M. (Sumner) Reed. 1914 Birth: 12-11-1914 Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1938 Marriage #1: Seth S. Reed m. Eva Louise Mitchell 5-12-1938 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Dickerson, Minister of the Baptist Church. He 23 yo single w/m filling station employee, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Floyd, VA, s/o U. Q. Reed & Cora Sumner. She 23 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Floyd, VA, d/o Leonard Mitchell & Hattie Thomas. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 32-2, H155: Reed, Seth D. 25 yo w/m gasoline filling station attendant, b. VA, completed H4, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, owns, HOH. Louise E. 25 yo wife, b. VA, b. VA, completed G7, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. 1955 Death: 7-30-1955 1997 Burial: Birchlawn Burial Park, Pearisburg, Giles Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Eva Louise |
Parents: Thomas Leonard & Hattie Ray (Thomas) Mitchell. [mitchell] 1915 Birth: abt 1915 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Seth Sumner Reed. |
4. Reed, James Griffith |
Parents: Uriah Quinton & Cora M. (Sumner) Reed. 1920 Birth: 3-12-1920 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1997 Death: 11-25-1997. 1997 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
4. Reed, Modine V. |
Parents: Uriah Quinton & Cora M. (Sumner) Reed. 1920 Birth: abt 1922 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
4. Reed, Maud C. |
Parents: Uriah Quinton & Cora M. (Sumner) Reed. 1925 Birth: abt 1925 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. |
3. Reed, Delilah Belle |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1887 Birth: 3-1887 VA. 1890: 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1906 Marriage #1: Dela B. Reed
m. John H. Lester 7-26-1906 the brides residence Floyd Co., VA by S. P.
Reed, Minister of the G. B. Brethren Church. He 25 yo single w/m farmer, b.
& living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Ira & Emeline Lester. She 19 yo single
w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o G. D. & Isabella Reed. John Henry Lester, s/o Lynch Ira & Susan Emaline (Reed) Lester. [Lester_JamesT_Cloah] |
3. Reed, Erdia |
Parents: Griffith D. & Adeline Isabel (Reed) Reed. 1892 Birth: 4-6-1892 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with widowed
mother. 1913 Marriage #1: Erda Reed m. Everett Lester 7-13-1913 Richard Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Richard Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 18 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o L. N. & Elmetta Lester. She 19 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Griffith & A. I. L. Reed. Harrison Everett Lester, b. 5-5-1895 VA, d. 10-23-1951, s/o Luther Naamon & Elmetta (Reed) Lester. [Lester_Lindsay_Caroline] 1983 Death: 4-5-1983 Heritage Hall Health Care Center, US Rt 640, Blacksburg, Montgomery Co., VA but of 200 Starlite Drive, Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. Erdie Reed Lester, 90 yo widowed w/f, b. Apr 6, 1892 VA. Spouse: Harrison Everett Reed [sic]. Father: Grisfia [sic]Reed. Mother: Isabelle Reed. Informant: Aluvia Jennings. COD: sepsis due 2 urinary tract infection 1-2 days. Burial: Pleasant Valley Church Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. No burial date. 1983 Burial: Pleasant Valley Cemetery, SR750, Alum Ridge, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
2. Reed, Henry |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1850 Birth: 10-12-1850 Floyd Co., VA. 1860, 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District, H208: Reed, Griffieth D. 32 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. Isabelle 21 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, keeping house. Oreona E. 1 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA.
Henry 30 yo single brother, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. 1885 Marriage #1: Henry Reed m. Martha E. Booth 11-12-1885 at Mary Booth's, Floyd Co., VA by Noah R. Boothe. He 35 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Michael & Delilah Reed. She 22 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Peter & Mary Booth. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District: Reed, Henry 39 yo. Martha E. 26 yo. Polly E. 2 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 10, H33: Reed, Henry 49 yo w/m farmer, b. Oct 1850 VA, parents b. VA, m. 15y, owns farm, HOH. Martha E. 36 yo wife, b. Aug 1863 VA, parents b. VA, 5 children with 5 living. Mary E. 12 yo daughter, b. Jan 1888 VA, parents b. VA, school. John P. 9 yo son, b. Sep 1890 VA, parents b. VA, school. Delilah A. 8 yo daughter, b. May 1892 VA, parents b. VA, school. Jesse M. 6 yo son, b. May 1894 VA, parents b. VA, school. Henry C. 3 yo son, b. Apr 1897 VA, parents b. VA. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 42, H33: Reed, Henry 59 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 25y, owns farm, HOH. Martha E. 46 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 25y, 5 children with 5 living. John P. 19 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, no school. Delilah A. 17 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Jessie M. 16 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, no school, US mail driver. Henry C. 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1914 Death: 9-25-1914 1914 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Martha E. |
Parents: Peter Emet & Mary Polly (Dulaney) Booth. [booth] 1863 Birth: 8-8-1863 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Henry Keith. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 88, H3: Reed, Martha E. 56 yo widowed w/f, b. VA, parents b. VA, no occupation owns with mortgage, HOH. Lila A. 26 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. Jesse M. 24 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farmer. Henry C. 22 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, lumber mill laborer. Yearout, Mary S. 13 yo granddaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Thomas H. 8 yo grandson, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 1, H105: Booth, Jesse A. 30 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 25 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Mandy E. 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Virgie M. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Martha E. 66 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. Jesse A. 0/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1935 Death: 4-17-1935 Floyd Co., VA. 1935 Burial: Reed Family Cemetery, Ό off SR 730, past & same side of road as New Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren, SR 730 going west off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Mary E. Polly |
Parents: Henry & Martha E. (Booth) Reed. 1888 Birth: Jan 1888 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1906 Marriage #1: Pollie E. Reed m. James Yearout 1-7-1906 at Henry Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Henry Reed, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Thomas & Susan Yearout. She 18 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Henry & Martha E. Reed. James Walter Yearout, d. 2-13 1912, s/o Charles Thomas & 1st wife Susannah Susan Susie (Holt) Yearout. He is buried in the Red Oak Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. [yearout] |
3. Reed, John Peter |
Parents: Henry & Martha E. (Booth) Reed. 1890 Birth: 9-22-1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1913 Marriage #1: John P. Reed m. Flora I. Mannon 10-8-1913 Floyd Co., VA by J. F. Mannon, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 23 yo single w/m saw milling, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Henry & Martha. She 24 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. F. & Frances E. Mannon. 1917 Registration Card: John Peter Reed, 26 yo married with 1 children of Floyd Co., VA. Born September 22, 1890 Floyd Co., VA. Exemptions claimed: Church of rhe Brethren & support of wife & children. Tall & Slender. Gray eyes & brown hair. Registered Booths Mill, Floyd Co., VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 87, Willis Riner Rd, H114: Reed, John P. 29 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns with mortgage, HOH. Flora I. 27 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. Alvis H. 2y 11/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. Nellie V. 5 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Pennsylvania Ave, Bel Air Town, Harford Co., MD, District 10, H291: Reed, John P. 39 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st married, rents, vet?: no, HOH. Flora I. 37 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Nellie V. 15 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Alvis H. 13 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Ophal M. 2y 1/12 daughter, b. MD, parents b. VA. Bulah V. 4/12 daughter, b. MD, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Rutledge Rd, Harford Co., MD, District 13-18, H87: Reed, John P. 48 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, completed G4, resided in Harford Co., MD 1935, owns, HOH. Flora I. 46 yo wife, b. VA, completed G5, resided in Harford Co., MD 1935, housework. Alvis H. 23 yo son, b. VA, completed H1, resided in Harford Co., MD 1935, truck driver on farm. Obel M. 12 yo daughter, b. MD, completed G4, resided in same place 1935, school. Buelah V. 11 yo daughter, b. MD, completed G4, resided in same place 1935, school. Flora R. 7 yo daughter, b. MD, completed G1, resided in same place 1935, school. 1954 Death: 1954 1954 Burial: Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Glen Arm, Baltimore Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Flora A. |
Parents: James Flemon & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. [mannon] 1891 Birth: Oct 1891 Floyd Co., VA. (src: 1900 Census) 1893 Birth: 1893 Floyd Co, VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband John Peter Reed. 1930, 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with husband John Peter Reed. 1978 Death: 1978 1978 Burial: Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Glen Arm, Baltimore Co., MD. |
4. Reed, Nellie V. |
Parents: James Fleming & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. 1915 Birth: abt 1915 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930 Residence: Harford Co., MD with parents. |
4. Reed, Alvis H. |
Parents: James Fleming & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. 1917 Birth: 1-30-1917 VA. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1930, 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with parents. 1998 Death: 6-29-1998 MD. 1998 Burial: |
4. Reed, Opel M. |
Parents: James Fleming & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. 1928 Birth: abt 1928 MD. 1930, 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with parents. |
4. Reed, Buelah V. |
Parents: James Fleming & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 MD. 1930, 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with parents. |
4. Reed, Flora R. |
Parents: James Fleming & 1st wife Frances E. (Booth) Mannon. 1933 Birth: abt 1933 MD. 1940 Residence: Harford Co., MD with parents. |
3. Reed, Delilah A.Lila |
Parents: Henry & Martha E. (Booth) Reed. 1892 Birth: 5-19-1892 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1921 Marriage #1: Lila A. Reed m. Robert L. Beamer 3-6-1921 at Martha E. Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Jesse Booth, Minister of the Brethren. He 44 yo widowed w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA & residing in Forest Hill, (Harford Co.) MD, s/o John & Elizabeth Beamer. She 28 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Martha E. Reed. Robert L. Beamer, b. 4-18-1876 Floyd Co., VA, d. 1957, s/o John N. & 2nd wife Elizabeth E. (Martin) Beamer. 1974 Death: Sept 1974 Red Lion, York Co., PA. 1974 Burial: Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Glen Arm, Baltimore Co., MD. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Jesse Michael |
Parents: Henry & Martha E. (Booth) Reed. 1894 Birth: 5-9-1894 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1920 Marriage #1: Jesse M. Reed m. Mandy E. Reed 2-18-1920 t W. P. Reeds Floyd Co., VA by Jesse Booth, Minister of the Church of the Brethren. He 25 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Henry & Martha Reed. She 22 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o W. P. & Druzella Reed. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Alum Ridge District 1, H105: Booth, Jesse M. 30 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 25 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Mandy E. 32 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 22 yo when 1st married. Virgie M. 9 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Martha E. 66 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. Jesse A. 0/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 32-7, Road 730, H100: Booth, Jessie M. 45 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. Manda 41 yo wife, b. VA, completed G5, resided in same house 1935, housework. Virgie 19 yo single daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same house 1935, other work. Jessie A. 10 yo son, b. VA, completed G2, resided in same house 1935, school. 1957 Death: 6-23-1957. 1957 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by CHECK) |
+ Reed, Manda Ellen |
Parents: W. Paris & Drucillia Nancy (Reed) Reed. [reed_emory] 1898 Birth: 1-29-1898 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Jesse M. Reed. 1988 Death: 2-23-1988. 1988 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. |
4. Reed, Vergie Mae |
Parents: Jesse Michael & Manda Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1921 Birth: 11-23-1920 Floyd Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Marriage #1: Vergie Reed m. James Weeks 6-26-1940 Floyd Co., VA by A. N. Hylton, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 20 yo single w/m, b. Floyd Co., VA, s/o George Weeks & Janie Gathercole. She 19 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, d/o Jesse Reed & Amanda Reed. Both parties residing in Floyd Co., VA. James Clinton Weeks, s/o George W. & Mary Jane Jannie (Gathercole) Weeks. [weeks3] 2011 Death: 8-15-2011 Salem City, Roanoke Co., VA. 2011 Obit:
Published in Roanoke Times on August 18, 2011 Vergie Mae Reed Weeks, 90,
formerly of Floyd, was born on November 23, 1920, and passed away on Monday,
August 15, 2011, at Lewis-Gale Hospital, Salem, Va. She is preceded in death
by her parents, Jesse Michael and Manda Ellen Reed; her husband, James
Clinton Weeks, whom she married on June 26, 1940; and her brother, Jesse
Arthur Reed. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law, Michael Allen
and Janet Shaver Weeks, of Danville, Va.; grandson and wife, Matthew Braden
and Karen Davis Weeks, of Sunnyside, N.Y.; and special friends, Linda Gatson
and Diane Anderson. 2011 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added
by CHECK) |
4. Reed, Jesse Arthur |
Parents: Jesse Michael & Manda Ellen (Reed) Reed. 1930 Birth: 3-8-1930 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 2006 Death: 1-3-2006. 2006 Burial: Beaver Creek Cemetery, SR 730 off SR 8, Floyd Co., VA. (with Essie J. unknown)
(src: Find A Grave; photo added
by CHECK) |
3. Reed, Henry Clinton |
Parents: Henry & Martha E. (Booth) Reed. 1897 Birth: Apr 1897 Floyd Co., VA. 1900, 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1921 Marriage
#1: Henry C. Reed m. Toy B. Reed 12-14-1921 at W. P. Reeds,
Floyd Co., VA by Jesse Booth, Min of the Brethren. He 24 yo single w/m, b.
Floyd Co., VA, s/o Henry & Martha E. Reed. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Floyd
Co., VA, d/o W. P. & Drusilla Reed. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Court House District 5, H54: Reed, Henrey C. 33 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married, owns, vet?: no, HOH. Toy B. 29 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 21 yo when 1st married. Glades M. 6 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. Herbert H. 1y 6/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Hartford Co., MD, Abington, District 31-1A, H30: Reed, Henry C. 44 yo w/m farm laborer, b. VA, completed G2, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, rents, HOH. Toye 39 yo wife, b. VA, completed G3, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. Gladys 16 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, housework. Herbert 22 yo son, b. VA, completed G3, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. Margie 9 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G3, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. Myrtle 6 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G0, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. |
+ Reed, Toy B. |
Parents: W. Paris & Drucillia Nancy (Reed) Reed. [reed_emory] 1900 Birth: 7-16-1900 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Henry Clinton Reed. 1940 Residence: Hartford Co., MD with
husband Henry Clinton Reed. 1990 Death: 12-8-1990 Maryland. 1990 Burial: |
4. Reed, Gladys M. |
Parents: Henry Clinton & Toy B. (Reed) Reed. 1924 Birth: abt 1924 VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Hartford Co., MD with
parents. |
4. Reed, Herbert H. |
Parents: Henry Clinton & Toy B. (Reed) Reed. 1929 Birth: abt 1929 VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence: Hartford Co., MD with
parents. |
2. Reed, Infant |
Parents: Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed. 1852 Birth: 5-6-1852 Floyd Co., VA. 1852 Death: 5-6-1852. Sex not noted. 1852 Burial: Reed Cemetery, Intersection St Rd 730 & 750, Willis, Floyd Co., VA. |
End Michael & Delilah (Reed) Reed Family.