Last Updated: January 16, 2023
Researchers of surname
Mac McNiel
William Burrell McNiel Family
(2 known wives)
1. McNiel, William Burrell |
Parents: Jacob & Elizabeth (Aldredge) McNiel. [McNiel_Jacob_Elizabeth] 1823 Birth: 10-31-1823 Franklin Co., VA. 1850 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, H59: ...... McNeal, Wm B. 26 yo w/m tanner, b. Franklin, $100, HOH. ………… Samuel 17 yo w/m, b. Franklin, apprentice to tanner. [McNiel_Samuel_Sarah] 1853 Marriage #1: William McNeil 1st m. Elizabeth Martin 2-3-1853 Montgomery Co., VA. She d/o Lydia Martin. 1860 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Simpsons PO H207: ...... McNiel, Wm B. 36 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $800/400, HOH. ………… Elizabeth E. 27 yo w/f, b. VA. ………… Ann Jane 6 yo w/f, b. VA. ………… Nancy E. 4 yo w/f, b. VA. ………… Martin L. 2 yo w/m, b. VA. ...... Conner, Eliza 23 yo w/f domestic, b. VA. (may be Eliza
Mahala Conner, d/o Aaron M. & Kesiah (Cole)
Conner but if so, she is also noted with her parents. [Conner_Aaron_Kesiah] 1867 Marriage #2: William B. McNiel m. 2nd Rebecca Link 06-24-1867 at Rebecca Likens', Floyd Co., VA by John B. Gibson. He 43 yo widowed tanner, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Jacob & Elizabeth McNeal. She widowed 50 yo, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Jonas & Lydia Lykins. Rebecca Likens, d/o Jonas & Lydia (Wilson) Likens. [Likens_Other_fcva] Rebecca was 1st married to Henry Link. [Link_Henry_Rebecca] 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River Twp, H193: …… McNiel, William B. 46 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, $700/320, HOH. ………… Rebecca 53 yo w/f, b. VA, keeping house. …… Likens, Isabel 17 yo w/f domestic servant, b. VA. (I believe she was a d/o Sarah Likens before her
marriage to Thomas Pugh/Hale. [pugh]) …… McNiel, Ann Jane 16 yo w/f, b. VA, without occupation. ………… Nancy Em 14 yo w/f, b. VA, at home. ………… Martin L. 12 yo w/m, b. VA, at home. ………… Lydia Biar 10 yo w/f, b. VA, at home. ………… James Bently 7 yo w/m, b. VA. 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District, H3: ...... McNiel, William B. 56 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, HOH. ………… Rebecca 63 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, keeping house. ………… M. Luther 22 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. ………… Lydia Abia 19 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. ………… James B. 17 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. ........... Sidney H. 22 yo single nephew, b. VA, parents b. VA, works tan yard. [McNiel_Other_fcva] ...... Martin, P. Lydia 84 yo widowed mother-in-law, b. VA, both parents b. New York. [no file] ........... Phebe Jane 50 yo single sister-in-law, b. VA, parents b. VA, assists in housekeeping. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District: ...... McNiel, Wm B. 66 yo. ........... Rebecca 74 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 17, H18: ...... McNiel, William 76 yo w/m farmer, b. Oct 1823 VA, parents b. VA, m. 33y, owns farm, HOH. ........... Rebecca 83 yo wife, b. Oct 1816 VA, parents b. VA, m. 33y, 0 children, cannot read or write. ........... Bennett J. 37 yo widowed son, b. Dec 1862 VA, parents b. VA, farmer. ........... Hubbard J. 8 yo grandson, b. Sep 1891 VA, parents b. VA, school. ...... Spangler, Bertie E. 21 yo single granddaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. (Roberta Ellen “Bertie” Spangler, d/o Isaac Anderson & 1st wife Ann Jane (McNiel) Spangler. Spangler_DavidP_2wives]) 1905 Death of William Burrell McNiel: 1-13-1905 Floyd Co., VA. 1905 Burial of William Burrell McNiel: Hoback-Rutrough Cemetery, Bethlehem Church Rd, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. 1910: where’s Rebecca? 1912 Death of Rebecca (Likens) McNiel: 11-3-1912 Floyd Co., VA. 1912 Burial of Rebecca (Likens) McNiel: Hoback-Rutrough Cemetery, Bethlehem Church Rd, Floyd, Floyd Co., VA. |
…+ McNiel, Elizabeth Ellen |
Parents: P. Lydia Martin. [no file] Possibly Barlett & Lydia (Hall) Martin m. 1828 MCVA. Lydia is in MCVA 1850 with Phoebe, Elizabeth & Martha. There is a Bartlett Martin in Missouri in 1850 but unknown if same Bartlett as husband of Lydia (Hall) Martin. 1832 Birth: 8-16-1832 VA. 1860
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband William Burrell McNiel. 1865 Death: 7-29-1865. (src: Find A Grave) 1865 Burial: Piedmont Cemetery, Montgomery Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Angi Weast Shepherd) |
...2. McNiel, Ann Jane |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1854 Birth: abt 1854 Floyd Co., VA. (src: 6 yo in 1860, 16 in 1870, parents m. 1853) 1856 Birth: 5-28-1856 Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave) 1860
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1875 Marriage #1: Ann Jane McNiel m. Isaac Spangler 09-16-1875 at J.L. Weaver's, Floyd Co., VA, by J.L. Weaver. He 23 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o David & Permelia Spangler. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o William B. & Elen E. McNiel. Isaac Anderson Spangler, s/o David Palmer & 2nd wife Permelia “Amelia” (Booth) Spangler. [Spangler_DavidP_2wives] 1879 Death: 9-1-1879. (but she is noted with Isaac in the 1880 census – can’t explain) 1879 Burial: Piedmont Cemetery, Montgomery Co., VA.
...2. McNiel, Nancy Emily (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Donna King Harmon) |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1856 Birth: abt 1856 VA. 1860
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1870 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1879 Marriage #1: Nancy Emily McNiel m. William Robert King 01-01-1879 at William B. McNiel's, Floyd Co., VA by A.W. Boone. He 20 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o Joseph & Sarah Ann (Clingenpeel) King. She 22 yo single w/f, b. Montgomery Co., VA & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o William B. & Elizabeth Ellen McNiel. William Robert King, s/o Joseph D. & Sarah Ann (Clingenpeel) King. [King_Henry_Sarah] 1936 Death: 1-26-1936 Dustin, Hughes Co., OK. 1936 Obit: (src: Find A Grave) Nancy Emily McNeil King,
daughter of William Burrell and Elizabeth Ellen Martin McNeil was born in
Floyd, Virginia April 28, 1856. She departed this life January 26, 1936 in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the home of her daughter Mrs. Fred (Nell) Hahn.
Mrs. King married William Robert King, son of Joseph and Sarah King, January
1, 1878 in Floyd Virginia. 1936 Burial: Fairview Cemetery, Dustin, Hughes Co., OK. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Susan Hill) |
McNiel, Martin Luther |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1858 Birth: 4-17-1858 Floyd Co., VA. (src: tombstone) 1859 Birth: Apr 1859 VA. (src: 1900 census) 1860
Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1884 Marriage #1: Martin Luther McNiel m. Nancy E. Vest 12-25-1884 at Peter Vest's, Floyd Co., VA by A.W. Boone. He 26 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o William B. & Ellen McNiel. She 23 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Peter R. & Charlotte Vest. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District: ...... McNiel, Martin L. 32 yo. ............ Nancy E. 28 yo. ............ Carrie E. 4 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 19, H131: ...... McNiel, Martin L. 41 yo w/m lunatic, b. Apr 1859 VA, parents b. VA, m. 15y, owns farm, HOH. ............ Nanie E. 38 yo wife, b. Jan 1862 VA, parents b. VA, m. 15y, 4 children with 3 living, farmer. ............ Carrie E. 13 yo daughter, b. Dec 1886 VA, parents b. VA, school. ............ William P. 8 yo son, b. June 1891 VA, parents b. VA, school. ............ Jasper E. 7 yo son, b. Feb 1893 VA, parents b. VA. 1910: 1917 Death: 1-8-1917 Southwestern State Hospital, Marion, Smyth Co., VA. Martin Luther McNiel, 57 yo married w/m farmer, b. date not given, Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: not asked for. Father: Wm B. McNiel, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: not given, b. Floyd Co., VA. COD: arteriosclerosis. Hospitalized: 23y 11m 21d. Burial or removal: Christiansburg, VA, Jan 10, 1917. 1917 Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
......+ McNiel, Nancy Ellen |
Parents: Peter Riley & Charlotte (Shockey) Vest. [Vest_Littleberry_2wives] 1862 Birth: 1-15-1862 Floyd Co., VA. 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband Martin Luther McNiel. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Locust Grove District 52, H12: ...... McNiel, Nancy E. 48 yo w/f farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 35y, 4 children with 3 living, owns farm, HOH. ............ Carrie E. 24 yo single daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. ............ Jasper E. 17 yo single son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer. 1920 Residence: Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 114, H111: ...... McNeil, William P. 29 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. ............ Nancy E. 57 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Pilot Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 14, H51: ...... McNiel, Willie 39 yo w/m R.F.D. mail carrier, b. VA, parents b. VA, 37 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. ............ Ruth 27 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married. ............ Aberdeen 6/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. ............ Nancy E. 68 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Pilot Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 61-17, H53: ...... McNiel, Nancy E. 77 yo widowed w/f, b VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. (alone but sons William & Everett nearby) 1948 Death: 9-27-1948 Pilot, Auburn District, Montgomery Co., VA. Nancy Ellen McNiel, 86y 8m 12d, widowed w/f, b. Jan 15, 1862 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Martin Luther McNiel. Father: Peter R. Vest, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Charloette Shockley, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: William P. McNiel of Pilot, VA. COD: myocarditis; pellagra. Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA, Sept 28, 1948. 1948 Burial: Wilson’s Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
......3. McNiel, Carrie Etta |
Parents: Martin Luther & Nancy Ellen (Vest) McNiel. 1884 Birth: 12-9-1884 Floyd Co., VA. (src: death record; SS Appl. & Claims) 1885 Birth: 12-9-1885 (src: tombstone) 1886 Birth: Dec 1886 Floyd Co., VA. (src: 1900 census) 1890, 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with mother. 1910 Marriage #1: Carrie E. McNiel m. Noah F. Poff 10-2-1910 at Nancy E. McNiel’s Floyd Co., VA by P. R. Vest, Minister of the M. E. Church. He 26 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o J. H. & M. M. Poff. She 24 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o M. L & Nancy E. Poff. Noah Flemon Poff, s/o John Henry & Mary Magdalene (Bird) Poff. [Poff_WilliamB_NancyA] 1966 Death: 3-22-1966 New Altamont Hospital, Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA but of Rt 1, Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA. Carrie McNiel Poff, 81 yo widowed w/f, b. Dec 9, 1884 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Noah A. Poff. Father: Martin Luther McNiel. Mother: Nacy Etta Vest. Informant: Flemon Poff. COD: influenza complicated with lobar pneumonia. Burial: Huffville Church Cemetery, Pilot, VA, Mar 24, 1966. Undertaker: Wood Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1966 Burial: Huffville Cemetery, Huffville, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; pj |
McNiel, William Peter |
Parents: Martin Luther & Nancy Ellen (Vest) McNiel. 1890 Birth: 6-21-1890 Floyd Co., VA. (src: death record; tombstone) 1890 Birth: 6-31-1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1891 Birth: 6-21-1891 Simpsons, Floyd Co., VA. (src: 1900 census; 1917 registration card) 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910: 1917 Registration Card: 6-5-1917 Locust Grove District, Floyd Co., VA. William Peter McNiel, 26 yo single w/m self-employed farmer, b. June 21, 1891 Simpsons, VA. Mother is partly dependent on him. His signature William Peter McNiel. Medium height & slender. Brown eyes, black hair. 1920 Residence: Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 114, H111: ...... McNeil, William P. 29 yo single w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. ............ Nancy E. 57 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1927 Marriage #1: Wm P. McNeil m. Violet Ruth Willard. He 36 yo s/o M. L. & Nancy E. McNeil. She 24 yo d/o R. H. & Jennie Willard. 1930 Residence: Pilot Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 14, H51: ...... McNiel, Willie 39 yo w/m R.F.D. mail carrier, b. VA, parents b. VA, 37 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. ............ Ruth 27 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 24 yo when 1st married. ............ Aberdeen 6/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. ............ Nancy E. 68 yo widowed mother, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1940 Residence: Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA, Christiansburg District 61-17, H52: ...... McNiel, William P. 49 yo w/m R.F.D. mail carrier, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. ............ Ruth 37 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. ............ Aberdeen 10 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G4, resided in same house 1935, school. ............ Roncevert 8 yo son, b. VA, completed G1, resided in same house 1935, school. ............ Marshall L. 5 yo son, b. VA, completed G0, resided in same house 1935. 1942 Registration Card: 4-27-1942 Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. William Peter McNiel, 51 yo of Pilot, Montg. VA. Born June 31, 1890 Floyd Co., VA. Employed by self & U.S. Post Office Dept. Mrs. Ruth McNiel of Pilot, VA will always know his address. His signature. W. P. McNiel. 5’ 8” 145 lbs, hazel eyes & brown hair with a light complexion. 1981 Death: 1-18-1981 Pulaski Community Hospital, Pulaski Co., VA but of 875 McHenry St., Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. William Peter McNeil 90 yo married w/m retired mail carrier, b. June 21, 1890 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Ruth Willard McNiel. Father: Martin L. McNeil. Mother: Nancy Vest. Informant: Ruth W. McNeil. COD: bilateral pneumonia – 2 wks. Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg, VA. 1981 Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Cindy Akers) |
.........+ McNiel, Violet Ruth |
Robert Henry & Virginia “Jennie” (Hudgins) Willard. [no file] 1903 Birth:
3-7-1903 VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA with husband William Peter McNiel. 1995 Death: 7-28-1995 Montgomery Co., VA. 1995 Obit: Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Sunday, July 30, 1995 (src: MCNIEL, Ruth Willard, of Christiansburg, passed away Friday, July 18, 1995. She was preceded in death by her husband, William Peter McNiel and a son, Roncie McNiel. She is survived by two daughters, Vivian McNiel, Christiansburg, Aberdeen Vest, Check; two sons, Alfred McNiel, Christiansburg, Marshall ''Beeb"" McNeil, Pilot; ten grandchildren; and eleven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be 11 a.m. Monday, July 31, at the Richardson-Horne Funeral Home Chapel, conducted by the Rev. Kimball Jones and the Rev. Leon Alley, with burial in Sunset Cemetery. Mrs. McNiel was very fond of flowers and in her honor, floral remembrances will be appreciated. Friends may call anytime Sunday at the Richardson-Horne Funeral Home, where the family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday evening. 1995 Burial: Sunset Cemetery, Christiansburg, Montgomery Co., VA. |
.........4. McNiel, Aberdeen |
William Peter & Violet Ruth (Willard) McNiel. 1929 Birth:
9-21-1929 Pilot,
Montgomery Co., VA. 1930, 1940 Residence: Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA with parents. 1950 Marriage #1: Aberdeen McNiel m. Horace David Vest 3-4-1950 Rogers, Montgomery Co., VA. He 27 yo single w/m farmer, b. Floyd Co., VA, residence Check, VA, s/o John Henry Vest & Palestine Tice. She 21 yo single w/f, b. Montgomery Co., VA, residence Pilot, VA, d/o W.P. McNiel & Ruth Willard. Horace David Vest, 1922-2013, s/o John Henry Vest & 2nd wife Agranda Palestine “Pallie” (Tice) Vest. [Vest_Samuel_Sarah] 2002 Death: 6-10-2002 of Check, Floyd Co., VA. 2002 Obit: Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Wednesday, June 12,
2002 (src: VEST, Aberdeen McNiel, 72, of Check,
Virginia, passed away on Monday, June 10, 2002. She was preceded in death by
her parents, William and Ruth W. McNiel and a brother, Roncerverte McNiel.
She is survived by her husband, Horace D. Vest; daughter and son-in-law,
Connie and Maurice Quesenberry, Floyd; sons and daughters-in-law, Clay and
Ellen Vest, Pilot, Tim and Gennell Vest, Check, Doug and Angie Vest, Check;
sister and brother-in-law, Vivian and Buddy Dickerson, Radford; brothers and
sister-in-law, Marshall and Judy McNiel, Pilot, Alfred McNiel, Salem; seven
grandchildren, Megan Quesenberry, Michelle Quesenberry, Marc Quesenberry,
Jessica Vest, Charity Vest, Matthew Vest, and Hannah Vest; brothers-in-law
and sisters-in-law, Ralph and Irene Vest, Ted and Audrey Lee, Allene Sweeney,
Hugh and Dot Vest, Allie Vest, Rusha Epperly. Funeral services will be held
Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 11 a.m. at Gardner Funeral Home with the Rev. Michael
Vest officiating. Interment will follow in Wilson Cemetery. Friends may call
after 1 p.m. on Wednesday at Gardner Funeral Home where the family will be
from 6 until 8 p.m. Arrangements by Gardner Funeral Home, Floyd. 2002 Burial:
Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
.........4. McNiel, Ronceverte “Roncie” |
William Peter & Violet Ruth (Willard) McNiel. 1931 Birth:
6-28-1831 Pilot,
Montgomery Co., VA. 1940 Residence: Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA with parents. 1955 Marriage #1: Roncevert McNiel m. Rusha Rebecca Perdue 7-22-1955 Montgomery Co., VA. He 24 yo single w/m brick mason, b. Pilot, VA, mailing address Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA, s/o William P. McNiel & Violet Ruth Willard. She 24 yo single Sam Moore Chairs upholsterer, b. Ironto, VA, mailing address Ironto, Montgomery Co., VA, d/o Elbert Watkins Perdue & Mary Lucy St Clair. Rusha Rebecca Perdue, 1931-2018, d/o Elbert Watkins & Mary Lucy (St. Clair) Perdue. [no file]
(src: Find A Grave; photo added by
James) 1992 Death: 5-9-1992
VA Medical century, Salem City, VA but of 2327 Mowles Dr, Salem City, VA. Ronceverte McNeil, 60 yo married w/m
brick mason, b. June 28, 1931 VA. Veteran: yes. Father: William P. McNiel.
Mother: Violet Willard. Informant: Rusha Perdue McNeil. COD: chronic
lymphocytic leukemia. Burial: Sherwood Memorial Park, Salem, VA. No burial
date. 1992 Obit:
Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Sunday, May 10, 1992 MCNEIL, RONCEVERT Mr. Roncevert McNeil,
age 60 of Salem, died Friday night at the V.A.M.C. after a lengthy illness.
He was a member Bethel Baptist Church, and a retired brick mason. He was a
veteran of the Korean War, and a member of VSW Post No. 4318. He is survived
by his wife, Rusha Perdue McNeil; two daughters and sons-in-law, Loretta and
James A. Gresham; Rebecca and Roger M. Bennett; a grandson, James L. Gresham,
II; a granddaughter, Rachel Gresham; his mother, Ruth McNeil; two brothers,
Marshall McNeil and Alfred McNeil; and two sisters, Aberdeen Vest and Vivian
Richardson. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews. Funeral services
will be conducted at 3:00 p.m Monday at Bethel Baptist Church with the Rev.
R. Stuart Carlton officiating. Interment will be in Sherwood Memorial Park.
The family will receive friends at the John M. Oakey & Son Funeral Home,
Salem. 1992 Burial:
Sherwood Burial Park, Salem City, VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by
Amanda Bishop Burns) |
.........4. McNiel, Marshall Lee “Beeb” |
William Peter & Violet Ruth (Willard) McNiel. 1935 Birth: abt
1935 VA. 1940 Residence: Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA with parents. 1957 Marriage #1:
Marshall Lee McNeil m. Judith Imogene Light 11-29-1957 Montgomery Co., VA. He
22 yo single w/m farmer, b. Montgomery Co., VA, mailing address Pilot,
Montgomery Co., VA, s/o William P. McNiel & Violet Ruth Willard. She 18
yo single w/f, b. Montgomery Co., VA, mailing address Pilot, Floyd Co., VA,
d/o Roy Light & Norma Vaught. Judith Imogene Light, d/o Roy Henison
& Norma (Vaught) Light. [Light_HenryWSr_Nancy] |
......3. McNiel, Jasper Everett |
Parents: Martin Luther & Nancy Ellen (Vest) McNiel. 1893 Birth: 2-1893 VA. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with mother. 1921 Marriage #1: J.E. McNiel m. Nora Flinchum 12-28-1921 Montgomery Co., VA. He 28 yo s/o M. L. & N. E. McNiel. She 19 yo d/o J. W. & C. Flinchum. Lenora Elizabeth McNiel, 1903-1985, d/o Jacob Wilson & Cynthia Susan (Burke) Flinchum. [no file] 1941 Death: 7-28-1941 Western State Hospital, Staunton, VA. Jasper Everett McNeil, 48y 5m 15d, married w/m farmer, b. Feb 17, 1893 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Mrs. Jasper E. McNiel. Father: Martin Luther McNeil, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Nancy Ellen Vest, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Hospital Records. COD: chronic myocarditis; myocardial degeneration; manic depressive psychosis. Burial or removal: Christiansburg, VA, Aug 4, 1941. 1941 Burial:
Huffville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
...2. McNiel, Lydia Byah “Liddie” |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1860 Birth: 6-10-1860 Floyd Co., VA (src: birth record) 1860 Birth: Lydia Byah McNiel, b. 7-21-1860. (src: tombstone) 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother as Lydia Biar in 1870 & Lydia Abia in 1880. 1881 Marriage #1: Lydia Cego McNiel m. Sidney H. McNiel 11-24-1881 at William McNiel's, Floyd Co., VA by A.W. Boone. He 24 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o William K. & Nancy McNiel. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o William B. & Ellen McNiel. Sidney Hamit McNiel, 1857-1946, s/o William Kennett & 1st wife Nancy (unknown) McNiel. [McNiel_Other_fcva] 1946 Death: 4-20-1946 Court House District, Floyd Co., VA. Lydia Biak McNiel, 85y 8m 29d, widowed w/f, b. July 21, 1860 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Sidney H. McNiel. Father: William B. McNiel, b. Franklin Co., VA. Mother: Ellen Martin, b. Montgomery Co., VA. Informant: Mr. Bernard McNiel of Floyd, VA. COD: myocarditis. Burial: Jacksonville Cem., Floyd Co., Apr 22, 1946. Undertaker: Maberry’s Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1946 Burial: Jacksonville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA.
(src: Find A Grave; photos added by LDB) |
...2. McNiel, James Bennette |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1862 Birth: 12-8-1862 Floyd Co., VA. 1870, 1880 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother as James Bentley in 1870 James B. in 1880. 1889 Marriage #1: James B. McNeel 1st m. Alie E. Sisson 05-14-1889 at P.R. Vest's, Floyd Co., VA by P.R. Vest. He 20 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o William B. & Ellen McNiel. She 21 yrs 6 mon, widowed w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o J.W. & Emeline Hall. 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District: ......McNiel, Jas 27 yo. ............ Alie E. 22 yo. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 17, H18: ...... McNiel, William 76 yo w/m farmer, b. Oct 1823 VA, parents b. VA, m. 33y, owns farm, HOH. ........... Rebecca 83 yo wife, b. Oct 1816 VA, parents b. VA, m. 33y, 0 children, cannot read or write. ........... Bennett J. 37 yo
widowed son, b. Dec 1862 VA, parents b. VA, farmer. ........... Hubbard J. 8 yo
grandson, b. Sep 1891 VA, parents b. VA, school. (does read Hubbard) ...... Spangler, Bertie E. 21 yo single granddaughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. (Roberta Ellen “Bertie” Spangler, d/o Isaac Anderson & 1st wife Ann Jane (McNiel) Spangler. [Spangler_DavidP_2wives]) 1905 Marriage #2: James B. McNiel m. Dora Shank 11-23-1905 Floyd Co., VA by J. B. Peory, Minister of the M. E. Ch. South. He 42 yo widowed w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o W. B. & Ellen. She 38 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o Jowel & Nettie. Eudora E. “Dora” Shank, b. 2-17-1867, d. 10-7-1947, d/o Joel & Mary Antoinette (Wickham) Shank. [Shank_Henry_Susan] 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 50, H72: ...... McNiel, James B. 47 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, M2 4y, owns farm, HOH. ........... Dora E. 43 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, M1 4y, 1 child with 0 living. ........... James H. 18 yo son, b. VA, parents b. VA, home farm laborer, school. ........... Clara E. 14 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 97, H83: ...... McNiel, James B. 57 yo w/m blacksmith with own shop, b. VA, parents b VA, owns, HOH. ........... Dora E. 53 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east Little River District 9, H113: ...... McNeil, Bennet 67 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 25 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. ........... Dora E. 63 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 38 yo when 1st married. ...... Graham, Rausles 19 yo w/m boarder, b. VA, parents b. VA, farm laborer. (may be Ransles vs Rausles) 1933 Death of James Bennett McNiel: 9-16-1933 Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. James Bennette McNiel, 71y 0m 8d, married w/m farmer, b. Dec 8, 1862 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Dora E. McNiel. Father: William McNiel, b. Franklin Co., VA. Mother: Ellen Martin, b. unknown. Informant: Mrs. Dora E. McNiel, Check, VA. COD: carcinoma of liver; carcinoma of stomach; chronic myocarditis. Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Dec 17, 1933. Undertaker: Whitlow & Maberry, Floyd, VA. 1933 Burial of James Bennette McNiel: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) 1940 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 32-12, State Road No. 639, H225: ...... Wright, William W. 53 yo w/m farm operator, b. VA, completed G6, resided in same house 1935, owns, HOH. ........... Glynne 55 yo wife, b. VA, completed G7, resided in same house 1935, housework. ........... Glynette 12 yo daughter, b. VA, completed G6, resided in same house 1935, school. ...... Watkins Agatha 28 yo widowed daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same house 1935, other. ........... William 3 yo grandson, b. VA, completed G0. ...... Whitlock, Denton 26 yo son in law, b. VA, completed H4, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, local hauling truck driver. ........... Mildred 25 yo married daughter, b. VA, completed H4, resided in same house 1935, other. ...... McNiel, Dora E. 73 yo widowed sister in law, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, unable to work. 1946 Death of 2nd wife Dora E. (Shank) McNiel: 9-5-1946 Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. Dora E. McNiel, 79y 6m 18d, widowed w/f, b. Feb 17, 1867 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: James B. McNiel. Father: Joel Shank, b. Botetourt Co., VA. Mother: Mary Antoinette, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: G. D. Whitlock, Floyd, VA. COD: apoplexy with right hemiplegia – 1 wk. Burial: Wilson Cem., Floyd Co., Sept 6, 1946. Undertaker: Maberry’s Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1946 Burial of 2nd wife Dora E. (Shank) McNiel: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
......+ McNiel, Alie E. |
Parents: Jesse W. & Emmaline Virginia “Emma” (Showalter) Hall. [Hall_David_Abigail] 1867 Birth: 12-2-1867 Floyd Co., VA. 1883 Marriage #1: Alie E. Hall m. 1st David J. Sisson 06-21-1883 at Jesse W. Hall's, Floyd Co., VA by George H. Thomson. He 21 yo single w/m blacksmith, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o David & Sarah Sisson. She 16 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o James W. & Emeline Hall. David Jackson “Jackey” Sisson, s/o David Slone & Sarah Magdalene (Coon) Sisson. [Sisson_Ludlow_Catherine] 1890 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband James Bennett McNiel. 1896 Death: 12-5-1896. 1896 Burial: Hall/McNiel Cemetery, on SR 654, so of Simpsons, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
......3. McNiel, J. R. |
Parents: James Bennette & 1st wife Alie E. (Hall) McNiel. 1890 Birth: 4-25-1890 Floyd Co., VA 1890 Death: 5-22-1890 Floyd Co., VA. 1890 Burial: Hall/McNiel Cemetery, on SR 654, so of Simpsons, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by H. Bruce Prillaman) |
......3. McNiel, James Herbert (indexed as) aka ......3. McNiel, James Hubbard |
Parents: James Bennette & 1st wife Alie E. (Hall) McNiel. 1891 Birth: 9-30-1891 Floyd Co., VA. 1900 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with widowed father as Hubbard J. but paternal grandparents HOH. 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1914 Marriage #1: James H. McNiel m. Lura M. & N. Richards 9-26-1914 Floyd Co., VA by J. K. Rumburg, Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He 22 yo single w/m farmer, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o James B. & Alie E. She 19 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o James W. & Ollie E. (In one place Lura’s name is written as Lura M. and in another Lura N.) 1917 Registration Card: 6-5-1917 Floyd Co., VA. James H. McNiel, 27 yo married w/m self-employed farming of Simpson, VA. Born Sept 30, 1890 Floyd Co., VA. Supporting wife & child. Do you claim exemption from draft? (specify ground) “Can serve the nation better as a farmer than as a soldier.” His signature: James H. McNiel. Short & stout. Blue eyes & light hair. 1920 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 97, H82: ...... McNiel, James H. 28 y w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, owns, HOH. ............ Lura N. 24 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA. ............ James R. 2y 11/12 son, b. VA, parents b. VA. ............ Helen E. 3/12 daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA, east Little River District 9, H114: ...... McNiel, Herbert 38 yo w/m farmer, b. VA, parents b. VA, 23 yo when 1st married, owns, HOH. ............ Lura 34 yo wife, b. VA, parents b. VA, 19 yo when 1st married. ............ James R. 13 yo son b. VA, parents b. VA, school. ............ Helen E. 10 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. ............ Garnet I. 7 yo daughter, b. VA, parents b. VA, school. 1937 Death: 4-26-1937 Little River, Floyd Co., VA. James Herbert McNiel, 45y 6m 26d, married w/m farming, b. Sept 30, 1891 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: Laura N. McNeil. Father: James Bennet McNeil, b. Floyd Co., VA. Mother: Alia E. Hall, b. Floyd Co., VA. Informant: Mrs. Ray Janney, Copper Hill, VA. COD: had been drinking whiskey for several months and got without whiskey and could not find any and died at noc supposed from heart failure. Burial: Wilson Cem., Apr 27, 1937. Undertaker: Maberrys Funeral Home, Floyd, VA. 1937 Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
.........+ McNiel, Lura Nannie |
Parents: James William & Ollie Elizabeth (Dobyns) Richards. [Richards_John_Martha] 1895 Birth:
11-24-1895 Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with husband James Herbert/Hubbard McNiel. 1940 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA, Little River District 32-11, Road 614, H14: ...... McNiel, Lura 44 yo widowed w/f
doing housework, b. VA, completed G6, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, rents,
HOH. ............ Irene 17 yo daughter, b.
VA, completed H3, resided in Floyd Co., VA 1935, school. 1963 Death:
9-27-1963 Jefferson Hospital, Roanoke City, VA but of Route 1, Pilot, VA.
(county blank) Lura Nannie McNiel, 67 yo widowed w/f,
b. Nov 24, 1895 Floyd Co., VA. Spouse: James Herbert McNiel. Father: James W.
Richards. Mother: Ollie Elizaebeth Dobbins. Informant: Mrs. Raye Janney. COD:
shock irreversible – 48 hrs; myocardial infarction – 48 hrs. coronary
thrombosis – 48 hrs; previous coronary thrombosis 7-14-63. Burial: Wilson
Cemetery, Check, VA, Sept 29, 1963. Undertaker: Wood Funeral Home, Floyd, VA.
1963 Burial: Wilson Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by MOW) |
.........4. McNiel, James Ralph |
Parents: James Herbert & Lura Nannie (Richards) McNiel. 1917 Birth:
3-9-1917 Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940: 1941 Marriage #1:
James Ralph McNeil m. Daphne Louise Wimmer 7-12-1941 Copper Hill, Floyd Co.,
VA. He 24 yo single w/m rigger, b. Floyd Co., VA, P.O. address Pilot, VA, s/o
J. H. McNeil & Lura N. Richards. She 20 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA,
P.O. address Pilot, VA, d/o Edgar H. Wimmer & Claude Ridinger. Daphne Louise Wimmer, 1921-2011, d/o
Edgar Hamilton & Lela Claude (Ridinger) Wimmer. [Wimmer_Hosea_Christina_mcva] 1992 Death: 12-31-1992
Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke City, VA but of 4607 Fishers View Rd,
Pilot, Montgomery Co., VA. James Ralph McNiel 75 yo w/m farmer, b.
Mar 9, 1917 VA. Veteran: yes. Spouse: Daphne Wimmer McNiel. Father: James
Herbert McNiel. Mother: Lura Nannie Richards. Informant: Daphne W. McNiel.
COD: respiratory/CV arrest; effects of cerebrovascular accident. Burial:
Sherwood Cemetery, Salem, VA. 1992 Obit:
Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Friday, January 1, 1993 (src: McNIEL, James Ralph, 75, of Pilot, died
December 31, 1992. He was born on March 9, 1917, in Floyd County, Va. He will
be greatly missed by his family. Surviving are his wife, Daphne Wimmer
McNiel; a son and daughter-in-law, Dan and Mary McNiel, Christiansburg; four
daughters and sons-in-law, Sue and Terry Altizer, Pilot; Carol and Stan
Clower, Roanoke; June and Frank Wallace, Issaquah, Wash.; and Betty McNiel
and Kevin Killeen, Bellevue, Wash.; nine grandchildren, Rick Clower, Janine
Bower, Lance Altizer, Tim Fisher Poff, Scott Altizer, Jim Poff, Suzanne
Altizer, Alana Killeen and Trevor Killeen; two sisters, Helen Janney, Copper
Hill and Irene Wimmer, Pilot. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Mary
Ann Poff. The family will be receiving relatives and friends on Saturday, January
2, 1 to 5 p.m. at the home, 4607 Fishers View Road, Pilot. No service will be
held. The family has requested no flowers. Remembrances may be made to the
American Heart Association or the Floyd County Rescue Squad-Station 3. 1992 Burial:
Sherwood Burial Ground, Salem City, VA. (not noted as such in Find A Grave
& Daphne is buried in the Huffville Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. |
.........4. McNiel, Helen Elizabeth |
Parents: James Herbert & Lura Nannie (Richards) McNiel. 1919 Birth:
10-11-1919 VA. 1920, 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1936 Marriage #1:
Helen E. McNeil m. Raye Janney 6-1-1936 Floyd Co., VA by J. M. Dickerson,
Minister of the Baptist Church. He 22 yo single w/m clerk in store, b. Floyd
Co., VA, P.O. address Floyd, VA, s/o Luther Janney & Mincie West. She 21
yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, P.O. address Floyd, VA, James McNeil &
L. N. Richards. Charles Raye Janney, 1913-1997, s/o
Luther & Mincie E. (West) Janney. [Janney_William_Sarah] 2018 Death: 3-7-2018. 2018 Obit:
(src: Helen Elizabeth McNiel Janney passed
away Wednesday, March 7, 2018. She was a lifelong resident of the
Check community of Floyd County. Helen was the daughter of the late
James Herbert McNiel and Lura Nannie McNiel, and the widow of the late
Charles Raye Janney. She was preceded in death by a brother, James
Ralph McNiel; and a sister Garnet Irene Wimmer. She is survived by three
daughters, Esther Raye Janney, Eleanor Louise Janney, and Barbara Ann
Goodwin; two grandchildren, Julie Wilburn and Chip Goodwin; and two
great-grandchildren Bailey Wilburn and Morgan Wilburn. The family would like to extend their
thanks to her loving caregivers. At Helen’s request, a private ceremony
will be held at a later date. There will be no visitation at the funeral
home. An online guest book is available for family and friends
at Memorial
contributions can be made to Floyd County EMS, 120 West Oxford Street, Floyd,
VA 24091. Helen proudly lived 98 years in service
and love to her family and community. We are at peace knowing she
is now reunited with her husband and those who went before her. 2018 Burial: Vest
Cemetery, 432 Cypress Dr S.E., Floyd Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by
Karen Wilson) |
.........4. McNiel, Garnet Irene |
Parents: James Herbert & Lura Nannie (Richards) McNiel. 1922 Birth:
12-27-1922 Floyd Co., VA. 1930 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with parents. 1940 Residence:
Floyd Co., VA with widowed mother. 1942 Marriage #1:
Garnett Irene McNeil m. Elbert Winston Wimmer 10-24-1942 Floyd Co., VA by J.
M. Dickerson, Minister of the Baptist Church. He 19 yo single w/m farmer, b.
Floyd Co., VA, mailing address Pilot, VA, s/o E. H. Wimmer & Claude
Ridinger. She 19 yo single w/f, b. Floyd Co., VA, mailing address Pilot, VA. Elbert Winston Wimmer, 1923-2007, s/o
Edgar Hamilton & Lela Claude (Ridinger) Wimmer. [Wimmer_Hosea_Christina_mcva] 2003 Death:
3-11-2003. 2003 Obit:
Roanoke Times, The (VA) - Wednesday, March 12, 2003 (src: WIMMER, Garnett Irene 80 of Pilot went
to be with the Lord Tuesday, March 11, 2003. In addition to her parents, she
was preceded in death by her brother, Ralph McNeil and son, J. E. Surviving
are her loving husband of 60 years, Winston Wimmer, daughter, Margaret W.
Gearhart and husband, Larry of Greenville, SC, son, Cline Wimmer and wife,
Diane of Pilot; grandchildren, Melissa Gearhart, Chad Gearhart, Jennifer
Wimmer, and Stacy Mann and James, great-grandchild, Torri Bower. Step
grandchildren, B. J. and wife Connie Chafin, Matthew Chafin, step
great-grandchild, Drew Chafin. She was a member of the Huffville United
Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the
Huffville United Methodist Church with Pastor Dan Walker and Pastor Elbert
Lee Naff officiating. Interment will follow in the Huffville Church Cemetery.
The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday at
the Horne Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Floyd County Rescue
Squad, Station 3 at Locust Grove, P. O. Box 33, Floyd, VA 24091. The Wimmer
family is being served by Horne Funeral & Cremation Service,
Christiansburg. 2003 Burial: Huffville Cemetery, Terrys Fork, Floyd Co., VA.
......3. McNiel, Clara Ellen |
Parents: James Bennette & 1st wife Alie E. (Hall) McNiel. 1896 Birth: 11-29-1895. 1900: 1910 Residence: Floyd Co., VA with father & stepmother. 1917 Marriage #1: Clara E. McNiel m. Archa P. Naff 8-26-1917 at J. B. McNiel’s Floyd Co., VA by Wm H. Naff, Minister of the Brethren Church. He 22 yo single w/m farming, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, s/o A. T. & Eliza A. Naff. She 21 yo single w/f, b. & living in Floyd Co., VA, d/o J. B. & Ala E. McNiel. Archie Preston Naff, 1894-1980, s/o Andrew Tazewell & Eliza Ann (Howery) Naff. [Naff_Daniel_Lydia] Archie will m. 2nd Melissa Martin. 1924 Death: 4-12-1924 Camp Creek, Little River District, Floyd Co., VA. Clara Naff, 28y 4m 14d, married w/f, b. Nov 29, 1895 West Virginia. Spouse: Archie P. Naff. Father: Bennett McNiel, b. VA. Mother: Ella Hall, b. VA. Informant: Archie P. Naff, Camp Creek, VA. COD: peritonitis; miscarriage. Burial: Red Oak Grove, Apt 14, 1924. Undertaker: J. W. Brammer, Floyd, VA. 1924 Burial: Red Oak Grove Cemetery, Floyd Co., VA. (no photo) |
...2. McNiel, Mary Elizabeth |
Parents: William Burrell & 1st wife Elizabeth Ellen (Martin) McNiel. 1865 Birth: 4-22-1865 VA. 1865 Death: 8-3-1865 VA. 1865 Burial: Piedmont Cemetery, Montgomery Co., VA. (src: Find A Grave; photo added by Angi
Weast Shepherd) |
End William Burrell McNiel Family – 2 known wives.