Grayson County TXGenWeb

Denison, the Texas Gateway
Busy, Progressive City with Golden Opportunities
Denison is a hustling, enterprising city of twenty thousand population, located in North Texas, just across Red River, in Grayson County, the richest and most productive county in the Southwest, with a population of eighty thousand, 92 per cent of which is white. The city was surveyed in 1872, just before the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad had reached Red River in its onward march through the Indian Territory into Texas. It was incorporated in 1873, and its history of growth and progress forms a very interesting link in the story of the rise and development of the great Southwest.

The city owes its existence to the building of the M., K. & T. railroad, so it has become one of the most important division points on the entire "Katy" system. Started as a railroad town, it has become one of the most important terminals in the Southwest. Ten diverging lines of railway cover the richest portions of North Texas and Southern Oklahoma, the natural trading territory of Denison. These ten railroads put the city within easy reach of coal, lumber, live stock, grain, cotton, and all the products of this very productive area, and give the city unequalled facilities for distributing the output of its factories, or merchandise of any kind.
Denison has more passenger trains in and out of it, every twenty-four hours, than any other city of its size in Texas, and at the present writing a union passenger station is under way that will accommodate the business that has entirely outgrown the present arrangements for handling it.
Denison has gained rapidly in population in two years. Postal receipts, bank deposits, and trade volume show substantial gains. Building operations for 1907 show an increase of 140 per cent over 1906.
The post office and railroad receipts show rapid gains each year, which is an acceptable index to the city's progress. The gross postal receipts last year [1907] amounted to about $27,000, as against $21,000 five years ago. Nearly $50,000 is paid to railway postal clerks through this office each year, there being seventy-two clerks and substitutes on the local payroll. A total of 155 clerks lay over in Denison. There are no dull seasons in Denison; money is plentiful the year around and the merchants do what is considered a cash business.
The citizens are thoroughly cosmopolitan, the larger number coming from the northern states. They have attained a wide reputation for push and public spirit. Because of this, Denison is known everywhere as the city that "does things". Metropolitan airs are visible in every branch of business in town. Up-to-date stores, with high-grade stocks of goods, make trading a pleasure to patrons.
About 3,000 well-paid railroad employees receive monthly an aggregate average of $250,000.
Denison has an inexhaustible supply of pure soft water this is in all particulars suitable for domestic and steam purposes. An extensive waterworks system furnishes water and gives fire protection over the entire city. The abundance of water adds to the convenience and great sanitary value of the fine sewerage system. The extent of the water supply can be illustrated by mentioning one well, that is used by the M., K. & T. that has been tested to the extent of one million gallons daily.
Water and fuel are twin essential in the development of internal commerce, and Denison has each. Fifty miles north lies the great coal belt of Oklahoma, and almost the entire output of these famous mines comes to Denison and is distributed over the state. This, of course, gives Denison a great advantage in securing coal suitable for steam purposes at a low price.
In addition to its natural business advantages, because of its geographical location, Denison is an exceedingly healthy place. Its elevation is 175 feet above Red River and about 800 feet about the sea level. Its hill tops are covered with a fine growth of hard wood trees and its general situation is picturesque and attractive. The temperature is mild and pleasant the year round, the extremes of heat or cold being seldom experience. In the summer a cool, south breeze prevails, making sunstrokes unknown and the night's rest enjoyable.
Few cities of its size in any state have more churches or better schools. Nearly all the evangelical denominations have good buildings, some of them more than one, and they are aggressive in all lines of Christian activity.
Denison ranks high as an educational center. It was the first city in Texas to erect a public free school building.
The high school graduates are qualified to enter the State University or other similar institutions.
St. Xavier's Academy, a Catholic boarding school, has had a large patronage from Texas and Oklahoma for many years, and the new four-story pressed brick building on the property gives them one of the most extensive and complete institutions of the character in the state.
One of the organizations in Denison that indicates both the culture and public spirit of its people is the XXI Club, an association of women. They own a very fine two-story brick building that is used for library and club purposes, having a large auditorium on the first floor. This is one of the very few club buildings west of the Mississippi River controlled exclusively by women.
Denison's attractive suburbs are reached by electric street car lines. The Denison & Sherman Interurban Electric Railway brings the two cities within a few minutes-ride of each other, at intervals of an hour.
Civic pride, fostered and encouraged by the unusually energetic Board of Trade, is making of Denison a beautiful city. It has revolutionized the appearance of the place in the last few years and has put new life into the business interests. And this same Board of Trade has turned its attention to agricultural development in a way that has greatly enhanced the value of lands and turned the tide of the community from a settlement of buyers to an aggregation of sellers.
Beauty is one of the greatest assets of a city. With this knowledge ever before them, the Board of Trade members, and especially its secretary, Mr. T. W. Larkin, pushed ahead plans to encourage everybody to "dress up". It is actually amazing what has been accomplished along this line. An auxiliary, called the Civic Improvement League, was formed and its destinies placed in the hands of the women. What better place to consign the idea of making a city beautiful?
Less than two years of work by this organization has made Denison a city of homes basking in settings of trailing vines and sweet blossoms. Flowers, flowers everywhere, one might readily cry while driving through the residence streets. From the mansion of the man of wealth to the simple little cottage of the laborer, the same view meets the gaze. Lawns have been leveled and sodded, and dotted all about them are beds of tasty blossoms. Porches are shaded by vines of the blossoming kind, and so numerous are these improvements that the fragrance permeates the entire atmosphere of the city.
What would you think of a city of 20,000 population having more than 100 blooming magnolia trees in its yards? This is Denison. And when those wonderful blossoms come forth, it is like a veritable swelling tide of fragrance, growing out of the milder perfumes of the simple glowers. Truly there is not a spot in the city where one may not feel the effect of that pungent odor, so sweet as to be sought after in all parts of the world.
Other improvements have been encouraged by this organization. Scarcely a city home that has not a concrete walk in front of it, and those not already equipped are in line for the change. The public authorities are fast improving the streets to keep up with individual effort, and the harmony thus engendered will work great good. Much pavement is being laid, and the business section is already highly attractive.
With all this being accomplished by an auxiliary organization, one naturally asks what is left for the parent body to do. A glimpse into its world of usefulness discloses a line of work rarely ever undertaken by this class of public bodies. Realizing that the ultimate success of any city depends in large measure on its agricultural surroundings, the Board of trade has extended its efforts to the upbuilding of that branch of the community. It has taken many wise steps to encourage better farming and a wider diversification, the thing that spells success in that work.
The first thing Secretary Larkin did to start his agricultural campaign was to enlist the aid of the United States Department of Agriculture. From that source he receives large supplies of all bulletins issued that concern that part of the country. These are sent out to an extensive mailing list, every name on that list having been placed there at the request of the farmer himself. That these bulletins are read and heeded has been demonstrated many times over. So great has become the demand that the department at Washington reports it is sending a larger supply of literature to Denison than to any other community in the country.
One of the things discovered by Secretary Larkin early in his work was that Denison had been shipping in large quantities of eggs and butter. He could see no good reason for this, so he bent his efforts to the encouragement of dairying and poultry growing. In the latter industry, he has seen the balance of trade reversed in large measure. As an instance, in 1905, sixteen cars of eggs were shipped into Denison. In 1906, this was changed to one car shipped out, in 1907 twenty-six cars were shipped out, and the indications are that the shipments for 1908 will be forty cars.
The subject of dairying received special mention in the annual report of Secretary Larkin, read before the Board of Trade recently. Here is an excerpt from what he had to say:
Probably the greatest single achievement of the Board of Trade during the past year was the perfecting of arrangements for the establishment of a demonstration dairy farm, the only one of the kind in the United States. It is located three miles east of Denison and is operated by the United States Department of Agriculture, acting in co-operation with the A. and M. College of Texas, the purpose being to demonstrate the practicability and profit of dairy farming the Southwest.
Every month in the producing season (and that means the greater part of the year) the board holds sales-day shows, at which valuable premiums are offered for the best displays of fruit and produce. These of necessity stimulate effort, and higher grade things are the result. About the middle of July, a great peach display was made, proving to all comers that this one kind of fruit reaches a high degree of perfection there.
One of the big drawing cards of the board in the promulgation of its agricultural doctrine is its special lectures by experts. Ten school houses in the vicinity are visited from six to twelve times a year, when meetings of the farmers are held. On these occasions experts from the government bureaus and experiment stations, and such others as can be secured, deliver addresses and answer any questions asked. Open discussions follow these addresses, and much benefit accrues to those attending.
The soil around Denison is of several varieties. There is both alluvial and sandy in the lower places, and the higher land is largely sandy loam with a clay subsoil running from light to red, and far toward the west the soil becomes the very black loam. These things indicate to what a multitude of uses the land may be put. It indicates, just what is claimed for it - that all kinds of produce and fruit will thrive in it. It has shown its worth in growing grain and alfalfa. Climatic conditions are ideal for dairying, poultry raising, and the feeding of hogs. The cow, hen and hog is the combination being preached. Splendid farms may be bought all the way from $15 to $40 an acre.
Denison has two national banks, one state bank, one trust company and savings bank, total capitalization of $350,000, surplus and undivided profits $265,000, deposits $2,191,500. Denison is also the home office of the Southern Surety Company, capitalized at $400,000. Building operations for 1907 showed a gain of 140 per cent over 1905, and this record is made the more notable by reason of the fact that no expensive business structures went up during the period, the improvements for the most part being the building of homes.
Some industries that employ many people and add to the city's prominence are a cotton mill of 12,600 spindles that employs 350 people and uses more than 6,000 bales of cotton annually. There is also a cotton oil mill and a flour mill of 300 barrels' daily capacity. There is a wood working plant, recently installed, that is making a splendid lot of handles from the ash timber that heretofore has been allowed to go to waste. After cutting the magnificent trees to get one log for export, the balance was allowed to decay. It is these remnants that the new mill uses.
The city is open to bona fide industrial propositions of all kinds. Its location is ideal and its business men are awake to the need of adding to the list of industries now in the city. The board of trade will lend every aid to the right aspirants for a new home. But it is made clear by that body that such concerns as home come to be known as bonus seekers need not apply. Every application is closely scrutinized before any answer is given.

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Nelson G. Chamberlain: Bicycles, Gasoline Stoves and Small Machinery Repaired. 117 South Burnett Ave.
Mr. Chamberlain established this business here four years ago [1904], and has enjoyed unusual prosperity ever since by reason of the superior quality of his work, and the modern methods, ideas and high executive skill he has applied to the trade. He is equipped with the best of facilities, and executes the very best class of repairing of all kinds of small machinery, bicycles, gasoline stoves, etc. With twelve years' experience, together with the best of facilities, Mr. Chamberlain is in a position to guarantee all work to give satisfaction. He is a young man, a native of Texas, and a gentleman of excellent character. He solicits your patronage.

City Bottling Works : J. T. Brown, Proprietor, 209 West Woodard St.
Among the numerous establishments of this kind, the City Bottling Works is worthy of special notice, because of the absolute cleanliness that prevails throughout the institution, and the high character and purity of its products, which include high-grade carbonated beverages of all kinds, and Brown's Ice Cream, noted for its purity and delightful flavor. Many of the best known beverages on the market are manufactured and sold by him. Mr. Brown has been established in the business for a number of years, and understands it thoroughly. He is successful, honorable in his dealings, has a large patronage, and is classed among our enterprising citizens.

L. [Levi] B. Moore : Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. [216 West Main St.]
Among the houses of which Denison feels justly interested is that of Mr. L. B. Moore. It has been established for many years, and Mr. Moore has ever occupied a position of conspicuous prominence in the trade. The premises are neatly appointed and tastefully arranged, where is carried one of the finest jewelry stocks in North Texas. It consists of high-grade diamonds, watches, and fashionable jewelry of all kinds. Special attention is also given to repairing the most complicated work being executed with entire satisfaction by skilled jewelers. Mr. Moore is also the watch inspector for the M., K. & T. Ry. and T. & P. Ry. Mr. Moore gives his close personal attention to the details of the business, adopting in his dealings with the public reliable and honorable means which have most favorably commended his establishment to the confidence of his patrons. Mr. Moore is a substantial citizen, and his store may be said to stand in the very front rank as a representative house.

Denison Grain Company : Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.
The varied business interests that have conserved [sic] to make Denison a trade center are conducted and controlled by able, enterprising and public-spirited men of wide experience and high reputation, who have aided the progress and advancement of the city in every line of trade. Although of recent establishment, the Denison Grain Company since June 1908, because of its great volume of business since gained, together with the energy and progressiveness which characterizes its operations, has become recognized as among the leading institutions of its character in North Texas. The Company transacts a large business throughout the entire Southwest, principally Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. The members of the Company include Messrs. C. M. King, E. E. King, Jr., and W. H. Killingsworth, all of whom have had a long practical experience and fully understand every department of the grain business. They have the best of facilities, and [are] prepared to execute orders promptly. They are also proprietors of the Denison Fuel Company, transacting a large retail business. The Company is in every way reliable, deserving of our respect and unlimited patronage.

Denison Transfer Line : Tim Murphy, Proprietor. Safes, Pianos, Furniture, etc., Carefully Moved; Carriages and Baggage Wagons; Orders Given Prompt Attention. 106 W. Main St.
In every city a leading position is held by those engaged in the general transfer business. In Denison this business is controlled by Mr. Tim Murphy under the name of Denison Transfer Line. It is a strictly first-class institution in every particular and is fitted up with facilities of the highest character. The very best services are provided and prompt attention is given to the execution of all orders. The institution is thoroughly reliable and is conducted in a manner that gives general satisfaction to the trade. Mr. Murphy is one of Denison's representative citizens, stands high in business and social circles and takes an active interest in all movements for the good of the community.

E. H. Hanna : Druggist, 110 Main St.
The history of this store is closely interwoven with that of the city, dating back to the pioneer days of 1875, when Denison had but a very small population. Since that time, great changes have come about, and this great drug store has grown unceasingly. Today, as always, it occupies a foremost position among the leading drug stores of the city. Its prominence is due to a certain extent to the excellent line of drugs, chemicals, medicines, sundries, toilet articles, sick room requisites, etc., that are ever kept in stock, but it is also due to the fact that the greatest care is invariably exercised in compounding of prescriptions. The business was conducted for many years under the name of T. B. Hanna & Son, until three years ago [1905]. The proprietor, Mr. E. H. Hanna, has been at the head of the business since 1890 and has been eminently successful in the direction of its affairs. He is an educated and practical pharmacist and sees to it that the greatest care is taken in filling all prescriptions, and all employees are also registered pharmacists. The store is handsomely furnished throughout, contains a modern prescription department, up-to-date soda fountain, and U.S. post office sub-station No. 6.

Chas. E. Fritsch : The Horse Outfitter, Saddlery and Harness; Custom Work a Specialty; Repairing and Carriage Trimming. 206 W. Main St.
For two years this gentleman has been established in Denison. He is an old resident of Texas, however, and has had many years of practical experience in this special branch of trade. He understands the business form the foundation up, and gives special attention to custom work?in fact, the most of the goods he sells are of his own make. He carries a very complete line and anything sold by him is almost sure to give satisfaction. He is a believer in the future of Denison and does all he can for the good of the city.

Elite Catering Company : Wm. R. Hopson, Proprietor, 309 W. Main St.
A recital of the important business houses of Denison would not be complete were a sketch of this establishment omitted. It is the most attractive resort of its character in the city, and here the lovers of dainties delight to congregate to partake of the coolest sodas, the purest ice cram, and the most irresistible candy, chocolates, bonbons, etc. The place is handsomely appointed, fitted up with every necessary convenience for the accommodation of patrons. A specialty is made of the high-class trade, and a large business is done preparing banquets and refreshments for parties, entertainments, etc. Mr. Wm. R. Hopson became proprietor of the business the 20th of January, 1908, and is keeping the establishment up to its old-time honorable reputation. Mr. Hopson is a popular citizen and a gentleman of high standing in business and social circles.

John F. Rennie : Dry Goods, Notions, Waists and Skirts. 318 W. Main St. Old Phone 468.
This is one of the newest mercantile establishments in the city, and, although the business was only launched during the latter part of September of the present year [1908], it is making rapid strides. The proprietor, Mr. John F. Rennie, however, is one of the most widely known citizens of Denison and has had quite a lengthened experience in all branches of the dry goods business. He is a hustler in every particular, and his aim is to conduct a strictly first-class dry goods store, handling the choicest and most attractive goods that can be had. The store is neatly appointed and the stock, which is indeed very select, is unsurpassed in this city for quality, style, and general excellence. The proprietor feels assured that his efforts to sell good goods at living prices will merit him a large trade. Judging from the extensive patronage already gained, we predict for this house a brilliant future. Mr. Rennie invites you to call and examine the stock and prices before buying.

Perkins Bros. Co. : Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]
The story of the rise of this great establishment to the head and front of mercantile enterprises in this city would read more like romance than reality. But "truth is stranger than fiction". The business was established by the Baity Dry Goods Co. some years ago, to which the Perkins Bros. Co. succeeded on the 10th of August, 1908. Perkins Bros. Co. is an old established institution, however; has been established for some thirteen years, and today seventeen stores are being operated in a number of the most prominent cities of the Southwest. The company is incorporated with $200,000.00 capital, its stockholders being Messrs. S. B. Perkins, J. J. Perkins, and managers of the various branches. Mr. W. D. Kemp is manager of the Denison house and is a gentleman of wide experience, having been associated with the company for the past three years. The old Baity Dry Goods Co. enjoyed an excellent reputation and when the Perkins Bros. Co., with its large capital, vast resources, and perfect system of operating, too charge of the business, its facilities were greatly enhanced, and under the Perkins Bros. Co.'s magic touch the business in creasing with great rapidity. Twenty-five clerks are now employed to wait upon the crowds that constantly throng the place. The stock carried comprises the best class of goods, fashionable and up-to-date, sold at prices that cannot be duplicated. Mr. Kemp is a young man, very popular with the trade, and is pushing the business to the front with distinguished enterprise and ability.

Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. : Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
In this review [of] the city of Denison, we desire to give notice to the representative business concerns in all departments of trade, and of leading prominence as hardware dealers stands the house of Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. This house is in every way recognized as the oldest, largest and most important. The business has been established for many years and has for its officers Messrs. Geo. T. Hall, Prest.; Paul W. Leeper, Vice-Prest.; E.C. Waples, Sect. & Treas., and Jno. B. Leeper, Manager. Both a wholesale and retail trade is transacted, and several traveling men cover the territory of North Texas and Oklahoma. The company has always taken an active interest in movements for the upbuilding of the community, and it is with pleasure that we accord a prominent mention of the name of this house in this publication.

C. D. Kingston : Pharmacist, 322 W. Main St.
Mr. Kingston has served the Denison people as a druggist for the past seventeen years, and during all the intervening period has won golden opinions from all with whom he has had business or personal relations. The secret of his success is that he is an accomplished gentleman and a thorough master of his difficult profession. He caters to the best family trade and is equal to all the demands of the most exacting customers with regard to the quality of drugs and skillful preparation of every compound or other articles which he supplies to the public. His merits as a druggist have been so fully discovered by a discriminating public that his business is continually growing, even surpassing the magnificent growth of our city. He has become widely known through his unique sign, "Kingston Has I". Special attention is given to the compounding of prescriptions; also Havana and domestic cigars. At the soda foundation the most popular drinks of the season are served. He has the agency for Lowney's Candies, A. D. S. Remedies, Rexall Remedies, Vinol, The Great Tonic, Kodaks, Kodak Supplies, Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen.

W. H. Robert, Jr. : Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, 431 W. Main St.
The attractiveness of a drug store was never better exemplified than in the establishment of Mr. W. H. Robert, Jr. The proprietor is a druggist of thirty years' experience and a manufacturing chemist of high repute. He came to Denison in 1882, and from that year down to the present time [1908] has occupied a prominent place in the profession. He was for fifteen years president of the late Board of Pharmacy of this district, and was appointed by Governor Campbell on the State Board of Pharmacy, by which board he was elected president of the State Board of Pharmacy, and since August of 1907 the Board has issued over seven thousand permits to druggists and dealers throughout the state. His high character and standing eminently fitted him to assume the responsibilities of his present office, and the manner in which he has discharged his duties leaves nothing to be desired. His store, as we have said, is handsomely appointed and fully stocked with everything usually carried in high-class drug establishments. His remedies include Robert's Tasteless Chill Tonic, Robert's Herb Tea, Robert's Chap-A-Cide, Robert's Herb-O-Lets, [and] Robert's U-Need-A-Quick-Ese Head-Ake Powder.

The People's Pharmacy : 408 W. Main St., Phone 188.
This pharmacy, which is most centrally located, is unquestionably one of the best equipped and most attractive in the city. The interior arrangements of the store are in perfect keeping with the high character of the business. The fixtures are handsome and of modern design, while the general appointments and convenience are all that could be desired. Competent assistants are employed and every care and attention given to patrons. Mr. E.H. Longmire, a druggist of long experience, is the manager. He is a native of Tennessee and came to Texas fourteen years ago, is widely and popularly know. He conducts his establishment according to modern ideas, and everything about it betokens a thorough system and good, practical management. The stock is very complete, prescriptions are carefully compounded, and at the soda fountain the most delightful drinks are served. The store maintains its reputation for pure drugs, prompt services and reasonable prices.

The Reynolds Drug Co. : 225 W. Main St.
This is one of the most reputable drug houses in the city. It maintains its high prestige in the supply of pure drugs, prompt service and low prices. The premises are attractively fitted up with modern wall cabinets, show cases, prescription department and soda fountain. The stock is very complete, comprising everything usually carried by a high-class drug establishment, such as pure drugs and chemicals, toilet articles, perfumes, druggists' sundries, the leading brands of cigars, etc. Prescriptions are accurately compounded by educated and experienced pharmacists. An expert is in charge of the soda fountain, serving all the popular drinks of the season. A number of proficient and polite clerks are employed. Mr. A.G. Reynolds, head of the establishment, is a gentleman of wide experience and is directing the business with success, [and he] also takes an active interest in all movements for the welfare of the community.

Fred Marcus : Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 217 W. Main St.
This house, established for three years, is a very important acquisition to the trade of the city. It is owned and conducted by Mr. Fred Marcus, a gentleman of many years' experience in the jewelry trade. The store occupies one of the most prominent and conspicuous locations in the city, and those familiar with the jewelry trade of the Southwest admit that there are few stores which carry a finer line or more costly stock. The store is very attractive, neatly arranged and fitted up with handsome cabinets and show cases, in which glitter the rarest gems and the most artistically wrought jewelry and watches. The line of Sterling silver and cut glass is quite extensive, beautiful and complete. The stock also includes a wide range of articles useful and ornamental, suitable for wedding, Holiday, and birthday gifts. Mr. Marcus came to the city three years ago from St. Louis, Mo., and as a citizen is liberal and progressive.

Dr. H. F. Stevens : Veterinary Surgeon, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
This the most complete establishment of its character in the city, and has been in existence for several years, during which time a large practice has been built up by Dr. Stevens, who is regarded as a professional man of wide experience and a graduate of University Veterinary College of Kansas City. His hospital is provided with all necessary equipment, which he has a complete supply of instruments and other necessary apparatus for the treatment of all diseases of the lower animals. Dr. Stevens not only stands high in his profession, having the full endorsement of our people, but is also a popular citizen. Day and night calls are answered promptly, and his charges are noted for their moderation.

Stevens Barn : Livery, Feed, Sale and Boarding Stable, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St.
The proprietor of this establishment is Mr. J.N. McEver, who took charge of the business the 11th of September, 1908. He has been a resident of this County for the last ten years, however, and is widely known to the trade. He enjoys a good patronage, because of the excellent accommodations which he provides. In the livery department all kinds of vehicles and fast driving horses may be had at reasonable rates, while in the boarding department, the best of feed and accommodations are provided. Mr. McEver is a native of Georgia, and came to Texas in 1876. In the conduct of his business he adopts up-to-date methods. In soliciting your patronage, he guarantees satisfaction.

J. Alex. Jennings : Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds. 603 S. Armstrong Ave.
This market has been classed among the most prominent in the city for a period of twelve years. It has gained its success and large patronage through the sale of pure meats, also for promptness in filling orders and reasonable prices which prevail. Mr. Jennings is fitted up with the best of facilities; carries a full stock at all times, and is in every way entitled to the fullest confidence and unlimited patronage of all. Give him a trial order and be convinced. He has resided in this city for many years, and is known to be a gentleman of honor and integrity.

Gate City Pressing Club : F.M. Voigt, Proprietor. 114 South Austin Ave.
This business has now been established for the past seven years, and the house has become headquarters for the best character of work in the line of cleaning, dyeing, pressing and repairing all kinds of ladies' and gents' garments. Kid gloves and French dry cleaning a specialty. Mr. F.M. Voigt has had twenty-two years of practical experience, and is regarded as one of the most expert workmen in this line of business in Denison. He makes a specialty of the high-class trade, and executes all work in the most perfect manner without injury to the texture of the goods. His facilities are unusually complete, to which he recently added a new "Hoffman" sanitary pressing machine, which assures a uniform sponging and pressing of the garment. By the ?Hoffman? dry steam process the pure dry steam is applied direct, and when forced through the fabric it leaves it clean and wholesome, with a finish that looks like new. Mr. Voigt keeps up-to-date in every particular, and in patronizing him, you are sure of satisfaction.

C. J. O'Maley : Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and General Merchandise, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc. 120 W. Main St.
This famous house has been a feature of the business interests of Denison for the past fourteen years, and Mr. O'Maley has always been an ardent champion of the city and her brilliant future. It is well that he should be loyal to the up-to-date and ever prosperous city, for Denison has bestowed her bounties upon him with a generous hand. During the fifteen years he has been in business here, he has, by close attention and intelligent management, achieved great success. Mr. O'Maley is an able financier and understands marshalling his assets with judicious skill. In addition to dealing in the above lines of goods, he also does a general loan business, and there is scarcely any one man in the city through whose hands more money passes in the course of a year. He is thoroughly progressive as a citizen and does all he can for the benefit of the community.

John Herbert : Meat Market. 1002 West Crawford St.
This market was recently established, and already a good share of patronage has been built up. It is newly appointed throughout with complete refrigerator facilities, where all meats are kept in perfect condition. Mr. Herbert is conducting the market according to the highest business principles, and is giving perfect satisfaction to patrons through the sale of pure, first-class, high-grade meats. It is his aim to deal in the very choicest of packing house meats that come into the community. The lowest prices also prevail at this market. Mr. Herbert is favorably known throughout the city, having resided here for a period of sixteen years. He was formerly engaged in carpentering and railroad work. He is honorable as a citizen and is thoroughly reliable in the conduct of his business.

W. M. Milburn : Inventor and Sheet Metal Worker. 606 S. Armstrong Ave.
Denison, among other distinctions, has the reputation of being the home of one of the most successful sheet metal workers and inventors in the Southwest in the person of Mr. W.M. Milburn. He has been a resident of the city for two years, although a native of Missouri, and has had fifteen years practical experience at his trade. His latest inventions include an ice cream freezer, which has reduced the science of making ice cream down to perfection and lowest possible expense, as well as great economy, with facilities for making either one, two, three or more saucers for immediate use up to five gallons, at a cost of six cents for ice and salt. He has just secured the patent for this invention and has territory for sale in all sections of the United States. His Oil Burner, an invention of last year [1907], reduced the cost of burning crude oil to three cents per day, and can be fitted into any stove. He has also invented a railroad appliance, keeping rails from spreading, thus preventing wrecks. Mr. Milburn seems to have a natural talent for inventing, and we predict for him a great future in the success of his invention, especially his ice cream freezer, which is the most unique and useful ice cream freezer on the market today. Correspondence invited from interested parties.

J. E. Howard : Real Estate, Insurance, Rental and Collecting Agent. 108 N. Rusk Ave.
In the list of important occupations in every city, we find a prominent place is taken by those who are engaged in the real estate business. In Denison, the name of Mr. J.E. Howard comes favorably to mind. He has been established here for many years, and has been influential in promoting many important transactions and is regarded as one of the best judges of present and prospective values of property in this vicinity. His list of real estate offerings include[s] many attractive bargains, and those who are anticipating the purchase of property in Denison and vicinity should not fail to call on Mr. Howard. He transacts a general real estate business, handling and exchanging all classes of city and country property. He also writes insurance for a number of reliable companies. Mr. Howard enjoys the confidence of all and has always been active in advancing the best interests and developing the resources of Denison.

F. W. Wells : Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Room and Restaurant, 609 S. Armstrong Ave.
Mr. Wells has been directing this special line of business for the past six months. He has been a resident of the city, however, for twenty-four years, and is widely known. Throughout his entire business career it has ever been his aim to deal justly with patrons, and he has thus succeeded in gaining the respect and confidence of all. He is fully successful in the conduct of the above business and is constantly adding to his large list of friends and patrons. He solicits your patronage and in return extends the best accommodations.

Patti & Parlat Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream, 207 W. Main St. Old Phone 166.
This store is very liberally patronized by many of our best citizens. It has been established for the past seven years and has become regarded as headquarters for the choicest of fresh fruit shipments direct from California daily. Here is likewise carried all the leading brands of cigars and tobaccos, while the most delightfully flavored ice cream and soft drinks are served. The members of the firm are Messrs. Mike Patti, manager, and Mr. Sam Parlat, who is connected with the barber shop at the Denison Hotel.

W. M. Boone : Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Food, Canned Goods, etc. 501 S. Armstrong Ave. Both Phones.
This store, which has been established for the past seven years, must indeed be classed among the most representative institutions in this part of the city. Mr. Boone enjoys a large and influential patronage, because of his complete knowledge of the business and his reasonable prices at which all goods are sold. He is fully acquainted with the market, knows how and when to buy and obtains his stock from the best sources. He invites a share of your patronage, and guarantees satisfaction. He is liberal in his dealing and enjoys the fullest respect of the trade.

Alex. Campbell : Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, 830 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Prominent among those who have played a conspicuous part in the commercial advancement of the city may be mentioned the name of Mr. Alex. Campbell, who conducts the oldest grocery in the city, which he established twenty-one years ago. Through this long period there could be no better evidence of the sterling worth of this enterprise than its substantial growth. It has steadily grown in favor with the general public, and taken in all, the establishment indeed reflects credit upon its proprietor and the city that sustains it. The store is splendidly fitted up with every convenience, and the stock is very large, consisting of staple and fancy groceries, teas and coffees, canned and bottled goods, produce, tobacco, cigars, etc. The large patronage requires several delivery wagons. All orders are promptly filled at lowest prices. Mr. Campbell is a gentleman of the very highest personal standing, and is thoroughly honorable in the conduct of his business.

Red Front Meat Market : W. M. Hiser, Proprietor, 111 South Tone Ave.
This market was recently opened, since October 4th, 1908, and is already becoming known as a leading headquarters in this part of the city for the supply of all kinds of fresh meats. The choices of high-class meats are carried. In connection is carried a line of merchandise, including groceries, staple dry goods, notions, cutlery, hardware, tinware, stationery, etc. The proprietor is exceedingly well known throughout this community, having been a resident of Denison for the past twenty-two years. He has been in the railroad service for five years past, and especially solicits the patronage of our railroad citizens and employees.

Diamond Steam Bakery : Alex Mergell, Proprietor, 601 S. Main St.
In writing up the numerous industrial enterprises of the city, a position of prominence must be accorded the Diamond Steam Bakery. It is the most important enterprise of its kind in the city, completely equipped with up-to-date machinery and bake ovens of modern construction. Our reporter recently made a tour of inspection through the establishment and found everything working in a thoroughly systematic manner according to sanitary methods, while absolute cleanliness prevailed throughout The best of ingredients are used, and the products, including bread, cakes and pies, are absolutely unsurpassed for their purity, delightful quality and general excellence. Mr. Alex Mergell has been engaged in the business in this city for thepast eighteen years, and has ever made it his highest aim to please and satisfy patrons. He has had thirty-nine years experience and understands the business thoroughly.

Sugar Bottom Second-Hand Furniture Store and Repair Shop : C. M. Graham, Proprietor, 607 S. Armstrong Ave. New Phone 325.
In this commercial and industrial review of Denison, it is with special pleasure that we call the attention of the public to this worthy establishment. It is the aim of Mr. Graham to do a strictly reliable business, to handle the very best class of goods for the price and to extend every courtesy and consideration to patrons. He is constantly enlarging his stock and has been quite successful in gaining a good patronage. He solicits your patronage, and is a gentleman who will appreciate your trade. Give him a trial.

T. T. McKinney, M.D. : Proprietor, Owl Drug Company. Prescription Druggist, 116 N. Austin Ave.
In reviewing the commercial and business interests of Denison, Dr. T.T. McKinney and his drug store is deserving of special notice, because of his standing, the practice he enjoys, and the popularity of his drug store. The premises are fitted up in a first-class manner with attractive show cases, wall cabinets and prescription department. Prescriptions are here compounded with accuracy. The general stock includes a full line of drugs, toilet articles, perfumes and sundries. Dr. McKinney enjoys the largest practice of any colored physician in the city, and is a graduate of the Meharry Medical College of Nashville, Tenn. He is a native of Grayson County, and has been established as above for four years. He endeavors in every way to conduct his business according to the highest ethics of the profession.

The Denison Hotel : Rates $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per day. Electric elevators, private baths and steam heat; phone in all rooms. M.L. Oglesby, manager. [500-510 West Main Street]
There is no hotel in the Southwest which stands higher with the traveling public than "The Denison", and it also may be said that no hotel in the entire country offers such superior service on the same modest scale of expenditure. The success of The Denison is worthy of the highest popular recognition, and dates from the connection of Mr. M.L. Oglesby as manager six years ago. The house occupies a most commanding position near the business center of the city, all interurban and street cars passing the door. It is a structure of modern architecture and striking design, handsomely furnished throughout. The office, barber shop, billiard parlors and dining room are all tastefully fitted, giving restful comfort and convenience to guests. Every convenience pertaining to modern hotel keeping is in service. Mr. Oglesby is an ideal host, having had a long experience in the hotel business, which has familiarized him with the requirements of guest, and nothing is lacking to please. He is regarded as one of Denison's most progressive and ideal business men.

O. K. Wagon Yard : Corner Chestnut & Fannin Ave.
This is one of the very best wagon yards in the city, providing the very best of accommodations, including good camp houses and cook stoves, plenty of feed, water and fuel. It is a great pleasure to make this yard headquarters, for it is indeed just like being at home and has the reputation of being the most homelike and desirable place of its kind in the city. The proprietor is Mr. W.F. Largin, who while a native of Tennessee, has been a resident of this county for some six years, and is exceedingly well known. He is reliable in his dealings and popular as a citizen. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Patronize the O. K. Wagon Yard and you will not be disappointed.

D. K. Thompson : Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Stoves. 118-120 N. Rusk Ave.
Among the many first-class mercantile institutions in this community, that of Mr. D.K. Thompson is worthy of more than passing notice. It is a leading and prominent establishment, entitled to our utmost support and consideration. It has been established for the past six years, and during this period has been regarded as the most notable headquarters in Denison for high-class furniture of all kinds. The premises are amply suited to the business, and the stock carried is unsurpassed for its completeness and variety. All that is beautiful, substantial and attractive in the domain of artistic house furnishing can be obtained at this establishment. The prices are also as reasonable as can be found, and goods are sold on easy payments to suit the special requirements of each patron. Renting is also a specialty. Mr. Thompson extends every consideration to the trade.

Denison Marble Works : A. P. Chamberlain, Proprietor, 620-622 W. Main St.
This is one of the very oldest enterprises of its kind in north Texas, it having been established for twenty-seven years. A large patronage is enjoyed throughout Oklahoma and Texas, a number of salesmen efficiently covering this territory. The Denison Marble Works are equipped with up-to-date facilities, while the most thoroughly experienced workmen are employed, with the result that the best character of work comes from this establishment. Mr. Chamberlain deals in all kinds of granite and marble monuments, tombstones, etc., all kinds of cut stones and granite work and importer of fine statuary. Estimates are cheerfully furnished and all contracts are executed with promptness and satisfaction. Mr. Chamberlain is classed among the most progressive citizens of Denison, and may be said to stand at the very head of the marble and granite business of the city of Denison and Grayson County.

Waples-Platter Grocer Co. : Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street.]
So much has been said and written concerning Denison and the various industries and mercantile establishments that go to make up its worth, that one would be at a loss for language with which to indulge in further description, did not any institution present itself possessing such individuality and distinctiveness, as to speed the pen to heights yet unattained. It is with infinite pride that writer refers to the well known wholesale house of Waples-Platter Grocer Co. The story of the rise of this great establishment from a comparatively modest beginning to the present high standing among similar houses in the Southwest, reads more like a romance than a reality. But the history not only tells of unqualified success, but tells eloquently of the acumen and business ability possessed by its founders and successors, who have guided the house since its inception. Its history is familiar throughout the entire Southwest, and its growth has been co-existent with the growth and business life of the three cities, in which the company operates three extensive houses. The inception of the business took place in 1872, and from that year down to the present time [1908] the company has steadily forged ahead. Extensive premises are utilized in each city, including immense warehouses, which are necessary to hold the immense stock of goods carried, which includes everything in the line of groceries and table delicacies. The policy of the company has always been to handle the best goods and hence retain their patrons by giving them the best for the least money. Their line of specialties includes the celebrated Wapco Brand, of which they are sole proprietors. Some idea as to the immense business transacted by the house may be gleaned from the fact that fifty traveling salesmen efficiently cover the territory of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado. A rapidly increasing interest in the house has been manifested by dealers, and the facilities for supplying them upon favorable terms are unsurpassed by any similar jobbing house in the Southwest. There is no secret existing in regard to their success; it has been accomplished by the untiring industry and acumen of a conservative, yet liberal management, and the handling and selling goods of acknowledged worth and merit. The Officers are: Paul Waples, Prest.; John G. Waples, Vice-Prest.; A.F. Platter, Vice-Prest.; R.W. Lewin, Treasurer; H.C. Platter, Secretary; A P. Foute, Asst. Secretary; J M. Hanna, Asst. Treasurer.

John Holden : Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St.
To be a good, first-class horse shoer and blacksmith, requires much skill and experience, especially in the department of horse shoeing, which requires the attention of experts, who are careful in the performance of their work and who understand the needs of each horse. Associated with Mr. Holden are two of the most highly skilled horse shoers in the country, including his son, Mr. Charles Holden, and Mr. J.W. Meyer. The shop of Mr. John Holden was established twenty-five years ago, and throughout all of the intervening period it has been regarded as the most prominent establishment of its character in Denison. Every department of his shop is well appointed with the best of facilities, while the very best workmen are employed. All orders promptly executed. Mr. Holden is himself thoroughly versed in every detail of his business, and this, combined with his straightforward dealings, have been the means of his great success. He is a native of Liverpool, England, and came to Denison in 1878, just thirty years ago.

G. W. Moore : Photographer, 210 W. Main St.
A photographer, like a poet, must be born, and though there are thousands of men who understand the mere mechanical phases of photographic art, there are really very few who can lay claim to the right of being styled the photographic artist. We have, however, a Mr. G.W. Moore, a gentleman whose very soul is in his work, and whose productions betray a masterly skill rarely seen in other photographs. He has had thirty years of practical experience, for fifteen years has been established in Denison, and may be said to stand at the very head of the profession in this city. His studio is beautifully fitted up with all the most modern apparatus, scenic settings and the finest of lenses. Here is executed everything in the way of high-class photographic work, and a large city and country patronage is enjoyed. Mr. Moore, while a gentleman of high talent as a photographer, is also successful as a business man.


Sherman, Texas
"Democrat's Denison Page"
March 2, 1911

A Serious Accident
G. W. Moore, Well Known Photographer, Injured.
Fell Down a Long Flight of Stairs-His Hurts Are of a Perhaps Fatal Nature
Denison, Mar. 2. G. W. Moore, the well-known photographer, was seriously and perhaps fatally injured this morning between 7 and 8 o'clock when he fell for some distance down the stairway leading to the yard in the rear of his office at No. 210-1/2 West Main street. He is now in an unconscious condition, though his vitality is very low but he appears stronger than he did earlier in the day when the indications were that he would not survive.

The circumstances surrounding the accident are not known definitely as no one saw it. Mr. Moore was found by a negro employed by Jaccard's cafe. The negro said that he heard some one crying out for eight or ten minutes before he paid any attention. When he went into the back yard, he found Mr. Moore lying in a pool of blood on the ground at the foot of the stairway. This was about 8 o'clock. The injured man was carried to his room in his photography gallery by employees of the Jaccard cafe, and Dr. F. M. Teas was called to attend him. Examination indicated that the most serious injuries are about the head, the left side of which was laid open, either by contact with the ground or some part of the staircase.

After the doctor's arrival Mr. Moore was conscious, but he could not realize his condition and appeared not to know where he was or what had happened to him. Later he lapsed into unconsciousness, and his vitality ran very low. Toward noon he rallied but did not regain consciousness.

When he was found by the negro, Mr. Moore had wrapped about his head a curtain that ordinarily hangs in his photograph gallery to form the bedroom where he sleeps. The curtain was blood-soaked, indicating that he had it when the accident occurred. He was conscious when he was found but he told the negro who picked him up that he did not know how he came to be there but that he believed that his back must have given way and that he had been stricken with paralysis. This was the only explanation that he could offer. The attending physician could get no more information from him.

Many years ago Mr. Moore's back was badly injured at Dallas when he was caught in the collapse of the grand stand at the Dallas fair. His friends believe that this injury may have caused paralysis and that he pulled down the curtain from around his bed and started down the back stairs when he fell. He was at the Funston boarding house at 7 o'clock for breakfast and at that time appeared to be in good health. He is past 60 years of age, which will militate against his chances for recovery. The extent of his injuries cannot be ascertained until further examination is made.

C. C. McCarthy : Real Estate and Loans, Farms and City Property for Sale on Easy Payments - Grower and Shipper of Fruits and Berries -115 W. Main St., New Phone 351, Old Phone, 121.
With the bright outlook that Denison and vicinity enjoys for the future, investments in city property, as well as country property, at the present time, cannot but prove a most valuable medium for investors. Prominently engaged in the real estate business here is Mr. C.C. McCarthy. He has much desirable property for sale throughout city and country. He also does a large rental business. He owns considerable property, which alone is evidence of his faith in the future of the community. He has also built up an extensive business as a grower and a shipper of fruits and berries. He is one of the pioneer citizens of Denison and has ever taken an active interest in all movements for the upbuilding and advancement of the city.

W. A. Peck : The Watchmaker. Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry; High-Grade Repairing a Specialty. [312 West Main Street]
Of the jewelers and watchmakers of this city there is no establishment which bears a higher character among the people for honest, fair dealing and first-class workmanship than the subject of this sketch. Mr. Peck has been in business here for twenty-five years. He is thoroughly practical and reliable, having learned his trade many years ago, at a time when it was necessary to learn every department of the business, instead of just one branch, as is commonly the case nowadays. He therefore stands above the average jeweler in knowledge and experience. No timepiece is too complicated for him to adjust. He also carries a handsome line of watches, diamonds, and fashionable jewelry, and all goods are guaranteed to turn out exactly as represented. Is he your jeweler? If not, why not?

M. Emilstein's Eagle Grocer : 419 W. Main St. Old Phone 196; New Phone 361.
This Store has been established since 1892, and from that year down to the present time [1908], it has ever been regarded as a leader. The store is perfect in its appointment, thoroughly equipped with all conveniences and appliances that are necessary for the conduct of a high-class business of this character. The stock is exceedingly large, comprising the very best grades of staple and fancy groceries, imported and domestic table delicacies, teas and coffees, fresh country produce, feed of all kinds. Polite clerks are employed and every courtesy and consideration is extended to patrons. All Phone orders are promptly filled. Mr. Emilstein conducts the business in a manner that assures him the support of our best people.

The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street]
This institution, established in September 1907, has already achieved a most substantial report, and today stands out prominently among the sound financial institutions of the city. The officers of the bank are Messrs. A.S. Burrows, Prest.; T.A. Murphy, Vice-Prest.; Jno. R. Haven, Cashier, and the gentlemen, together with the following, compose the list of Directors: W.C. Rutledge, R.T. Arthur, G.W. Carver, E. Regensburger [sic] and A.D. Jackson, all of whom are recognized as able business men and good financiers. The bank is equipped with the most modern facilities to conduct a general banking business, receiving deposits, making loans, issuing drafts, attending to collections, etc. The Savings Department, which is a special feature of the institution, pays interest on deposits. The bank is incorporated, is under the supervision of the State Bank Commissioner, and has a capital of $60,000.00. The deposits are constantly on the increase. The bank solicits the accounts of merchants, manufacturers, and individuals, courtesy and accommodation being extended to patrons consistent with sound banking methods. The officers and directors of this institution are well known and take a deep interest in movements for the public good of the community.

W. J. Stanford : Staple and Fancy Groceries, 531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave.
This gentleman has been established here for the past two years, and has built up a trade of large proportions. It is altogether a thoroughly reliable and enterprising establishment, where a choice and select stock of high-grade staple and fancy groceries is carried, also canned and bottled goods and table delicacies in great variety. Orders are promptly filled and delivered at the most reasonable prices. The management of the business is in charge of his son, Mr. J.W. Stanford, a young man of enterprising methods and popularly known. Mr. W. J. Stanford has also earned considerable fame as a truck farmer, owning a farm east of the city limits, where he has wonderful success, raising fruits and berries. His Elberta peaches took the prize at the World's Fair for their delightful flavor and quality, equal, is not superior, to the best grown.

Denison Barber Shop : A. J. Short, Proprietor, 317 W. Main St.
It is indeed a pleasure to visit this establishment, so nice and clean and up-to-date is everything, and so perfect is the service. It is fitted up according to modern ideas, with six chairs, each in charge of a skilled artist. The bath parlors are fitted up with large porcelain tubs, and a bountiful supply of hot and cold water is provided. The proprietor, Mr. A J. Short, is a native of Kentucky, and has had an experience of twenty-one years in the business. He has been in Denison for the past three years, and has many friends and patrons.

V. J. Zienter : Merchant Tailor, 224 W. Main St.
This famous expert in his important art has been engaged in business in Denison for the past fifteen years. During this time he has catered to the best class of customers, and has a list of regular patrons embracing the best dressed gentlemen of the city. He carries a very fine line of suitings and samples, embracing the latest and most fashionable weaves and patterns, and gives employment to a number of highly skilled workers, executing every branch of the tailoring business. Mr. Zienter solicits your patronage, and his long experience and familiarity with the trade is a sufficient guarantee of satisfaction.

The State National Bank of Denison, Texas [300 W. Main St.]
Among the monetary institutions of the country which bear the prestige of years of useful and faithful service to the community wherein located, none stands forth more prominently or possesses in a greater degree the full confidence of the public than the State National Bank. The Bank has been established since 1883, and its history has been one of steady progress and advancement along the lines of conservatism and good judgment; and during all the years of its business career this institution has been responsive at all times to the financial wants of the community, alike in periods of depression as in days of prosperity. The bank is today one of the riches, most influential and most substantial financial institutions in the Southwest. A general banking business is transacted, the bank being equipped with the most modern facilities. It has a capital of $100,000.00 surplus fund of $100,000.00, undivided profits $28,616.62, and deposits $1,083,550.54, according to statement of Oct. 24, 1908.
Its officers include the following prominent gentlemen: Messrs. G.L. Blackford, Prest.; A.F. Platter, Vice-Prest.; Wm. G. Meginnis, Cashier; Geo. Rue, Asst. Cashier; T F. Foley, Asst. Cashier. Directors: A.F. Platter, Vice-Prest., Waples-Platter Grocer Co.; J.B. McDougall, Vice-Prest., Denison Light and Power Co.; A W. Acheson, M.D., M., K. & T. Railway Co.; D.N. Robb, Stockman; W.W. Elliott, Merchandise Broker; E.H. Lingo, Lumber; J.W. Madden, Dry Goods; P.H. Tobin, Treasurer, Denison Crystal Ice Co.; Elihu B. Hinshaw, Real Estate; G.L. Blackford, President, all widely known, and each name inspires confidence. The Bank is surpassed by no institution here, nor is there any institution whose interest in the development and prosperity of this city is keener or more identical. Its great resources stand out conspicuously as one of the great bulwarks of that financial safety and strength which give to Denison is pre-eminent prestige as a leading commercial and industrial city.

F. A. Sherburne : Shoe Factory and Repair Shop, also Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, 116 Main St.
The name of F. A. Sherburne is very familiar throughout Denison and vicinity as having been inseparably connected with the shoe business of this city for the past sixteen years. The history of the house of been one of success form the very day it was founded down to the present time. The shop is equipped with a full line of machinery and the perfect work is executed. All kinds of high-class repairing a specialty. Mr. Sherburne also carries the best line of men's and boys' shoes in the city, and being a gentleman of such complete experience, he is enabled to select solid, durable shoes which he can fully guarantee. He has been at the present location for six years, and gives employment to five people. Mr. Sherburne, aside form his business, is an honorable citizen and does all he can for the good of Denison.

John Stinson : Signs of All Kinds, Display Cards, Bulletin Ad Signs, also Paper Hanging and House Painting, 116 North Burnett Ave. Old Phone.
Mr. John Stinson, Proprietor of this high-class sign writing institution, has become conspicuous as having attained a high reputation as an artist of natural skill in his special work. He has been located in the city of Denison for the past eighteen years, has ever held the position of leadership in the trade, and is regarded as an authority in matters pertaining to modern sign displays. Those who are familiar with his work cannot have failed to notice the difference between his artistic creations and those of others. He has a very extensive patronage, and gives employment to several skilled assistants. As a citizen, he is honorable and progressive.

Brucker Bros. Restaurant, 100 W. Main St.
Among restaurants of the city, that of Brucker Bros. has become recognized among the leaders, receiving a liberal share of patronage from our businessmen and the general traveling public. Everything served is strictly first-class, and the price for regular meals is only 25 cents. Short orders are given special attention and are served at all hours. Open day and night. Skilled cooks are employed, also polite, accommodating waiters. The bill of fare includes everything in season. The proprietors know the business thoroughly and are popular citizens. They also have a number of nicely furnished rooms in connection.

A. A. Nilson : Watchmaker and Jeweler, [324 West] Main St.
It is with pleasure that we refer to Mr. A. A. Nilson in this industrial and commercial review of Denison. Mr. Nilson is a jeweler of thirty years' practical experience and has learned the business of watchmaker and jeweler from the very foundation up. He has been established in Denison for nine years and enjoys a liberal share of patronage. He devotes his personal attention to the repairing department, and it may be said with absolute truth that there is no timepiece too complicated for him to repair. His work gives perfect satisfaction. He also carries a select line of watches and high-grade fashionable jewelry.

P. J. Mullen : Grocer, 422 N. Houston Ave.
Mr. Mullen established his business here eighteen years ago, and has always enjoyed a large and influential patronage. His store is equipped with every modern appliance and convenience in the way of fixtures, the stock being attractively displayed, which makes the establishment an ideal place at which to deal. Mr. Mullen conducts his business along the lines of conservatism and good judgment. He deals in high-class goods, which fully undergo the test of the pure food laws. Patrons are accorded every consideration possible. Mr. Mullen has won a reputation in his line that is indeed enviable, and his trade covers the entire city and vicinity.

H. H. Fatum : The Butcher, 413 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
In this review setting forth the commercial advantages of Denison, it is with pleasure that we call the attention of the public to this well-known gentleman. Mr. Fatum established the business here twelve years ago, and for a period of four years has been at the present location. He has ever enjoyed a liberal share of patronage, derived from among our best citizens. His market is completely appointed with all necessary facilities, including large refrigerators, where all meats are kept pure and wholesome. He deals in the very choicest of all meats and sells at the most reasonable prices. Mr. Fatum is thoroughly honorable as a business man, and is a gentleman with whom it is a pleasure to deal.

C. B. Dunn : Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases, 203 W. Main St.
Among the many stores of Denison, that of C. B. Dunn comes favorably to mind. Although of recent establishment, it has taken a prominent place among the list of our successful clothing establishments, and much of the best trade of the city makes this house its headquarters. Mr. H. A. Tobin is the manager of the business. He is a gentleman of thorough experience, understands the demands of the trade, knows how to buy and has been very successful in putting in a first-class up-to-date stock of fashionable clothing and furnishing goods. No misrepresentation is permitted, and all articles are guaranteed to turn out as represented. This house solicits and appreciates your patronage.

L. A. Lowe's Cash Grocery, 111 South Rusk Ave. Old Phone 182; New Phone 400.
Mr. L. A. Lowe became proprietor of this business the 17th of September of the present year [1908]. He is one of the most widely known citizens of this community, having been a resident of this city and county for a period of thirty-five years. As a traveling salesman he has been associated with the Denison Grocery Company for fifteen years, and is therefore most widely experienced in all details pertaining to the grocery industry. He has a full knowledge of the markets, knows how and when to buy, and in every way is conducting a strictly first-class grocery business. His experience and high-class manner in which he is directing his affairs, should draw to his store the patronage of the most critical families in Denison and vicinity. Mr. Lowe's highest aim is to please and satisfy patrons, while his accommodating disposition makes it a pleasure and delight to have dealing with him. He has complete phone service, and delivers all orders with promptness.

Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co. : [107-109 West Woodard Street]
This company has been established for a period of three years, and may be said to stand at the head of institutions of its character in North Texas. The business is large locally, besides a very large shipping patronage is enjoyed throughout North Texas and southern Oklahoma. The plant is equipped with modern machinery and up-to-date necessary facilities in all departments of the manufacture of high-grade carbonated beverages, extracts, cider, vinegar and pure ice cram. This is also the agency for coke, Jersey Cream, Bruno's King, and Mike's Grape Punch. The company is thoroughly reliable and offers the best inducement to the trade. The products of the company are noted for their purity, delightful flavor, and absolute cleanliness. The proprietors of the business are Messrs. C.H. Lewis and N.L. Moore and W C. Moore, all of whom are esteemed by all, enjoying the full confidence of the public.

J. C. Coker : Pool Hall, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks. No. 113 South Rusk Ave.
This is one of the pleasure centers of Denison, and is very liberally patronized by many of our best known and most popular gentlemen of the city. The place is nicely fitted up with pool tables and all necessary equipment. The stock of cigars is complete, comprising all the best known brands. The best of attention is accorded to each and every patron. It is indeed a real pleasure to visit the place. The proprietor is Mr. J.C. Coker, who, while a native of Mississippi, has been a resident of this county for the past seven years, is well known, highly esteemed, and popular with his friends and patrons. He invites you to make his place your headquarters.

Urb. Bradley : Prescription Druggist, 513 S. Armstrong Ave.
Denison is the home of numerous first-class drug establishments. Indeed it would be hard to find a city of its size so well provided with up-to-date institutions of this character as is our ever progressive city. Among those worthy of notice is that of Mr. Urb. Bradley, who established the business five and a half years ago, and since that time he has gained a large patronage. He has had eight years experience as a druggist, and personally directs the business. He compounds prescriptions with absolute accuracy. The stock carried includes a full line of drugs and chemicals, toilet articles, perfumes, sundries, etc. Mr. Bradley is a native of Kentucky, but has been a resident of Grayson County for twenty-seven years.

M. C. Richardson : Staple and Fancy Groceries, 921 South Armstrong Ave.
It is with pleasure that we call the attention of the public to this store. It is liberally patronized throughout this part of Denison, while special deliveries are made to any part of the city. Their telephone connection is New Phone 348. The store is fully stocked with a complete line of staple and fancy groceries, teas, coffees, canned and bottled goods, notions, stationery, etc. All goods are sold at reasonable prices. Mr. Richardson established the business two years ago [1906]. He is a native of Tennessee, and came to Texas eight years ago. He is a gentleman of excellent business and social standing, enjoys the respect of the entire community, and conducts his business according to liberal and progressive methods.

G. F. Hutchins : Grocer, corner N. Houston and Morton. Both Phones.
Mr. Hutchins has been established here for four years, during which time he has built up a large patronage, because of the unsurpassed inducements which he places at the disposal of patrons. He offers the lowest prices on all goods, consistent with quality, and is liberal in his business methods. The stock is full and complete, comprising everything in the line of staple and fancy groceries, teas, coffees, canned and bottled goods, table delicacies, produce, etc. Mr. Hutchins solicits your patronage, and guarantees perfect satisfaction. As a businessman and citizen he enjoys the respect of all. All orders are promptly filled and delivered. Mr. Hutchins, while a native of Springfield, Mo., has been a resident of Texas for twenty-seven years.

S. P. King & Company : Groceries and Feed, 415 North Barrett Ave.
The firm comprises in its membership, Mr. S. P. King and Mrs. M. F. Abernathy, both of whom have resided in the city for many years, and [are] favorably known. They established the above store the 25th of January, 1908, and because of their complete facilities, high-class service, accommodating disposition, first-class goods, and lowest prices, a good patronage has been enjoyed. The firm is extremely liberal in its dealings, and extends every accommodation to patrons. All orders are promptly filled and delivered. The patronage of the store is constantly on the increase. The firm solicits your patronage and guarantees satisfaction.

Nelms & Carr : Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. 111 South Burnett Ave., first door south of the Palace Hotel.
This is a store at which genuine bargains may be found. The stock is unusually complete, and the most reasonable prices prevail. Those who are anticipating the purchase of anything in home fittings should not fail to look over the stock on exhibition at Nelms & Carr before buying. This firm will treat you right. The members of the firm include Mr. T. R. Nelms, who is ably directing the management of affairs, and W. R. Carr, who resides in Bonham, Texas. Mr. Nelms has been a resident of Denison for the last fifteen years, and is a gentleman of excellent business standing. He is progressive as a business man and a great believer in the future possibilities of the city.

French Kitchen : J. E. Jaccard, Proprietor, 112 South Rusk Avenue.
Mr. Jaccard established the business here in February 1908 and has already built up a very large patronage. He is a gentleman of complete experience, however, having been engaged in this business for the last twenty years. For twelve years past, he has been the chef in the Elite Cafe. He therefore knows the business thoroughly, and gives full satisfaction to patrons. His place is kept neat and clean throughout, and is fitted up with the best facilities. The very best of things are served to eat, the bill of fare containing everything in season. Regular means 25 cents and short orders at all hours. The patronage of ladies given special attention. Special attention is also give to high-class cakes, pies and bakery products. Mr. Jaccard conducts the business according to high-class ideas and solicits your unlimited patronage.

Chris Waltz : Sanitary Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, Electrical Work and Supplies. 303 West Woodard St. Telephone No. 13.
In every commercial center there are certain representative houses that stand out conspicuously and are conducted on such a high plane of business integrity and guided by such sound, liberal policy, that their mere existence imparts character and tone to the entire city. A distinctive example of this class is the up-to-date, successful house of Mr. Chris Waltz. He has been established here for many years, and many important contracts in his department of trade have been executed by him. He keeps strictly up-to-date in all matters pertaining to plumbing, sheet metal work, electrical construction and heating?all contracts being executed to the entire satisfaction of patrons. The best of material is used, while men of practical experience are employed. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Mr. Waltz takes an active interest in the affairs of the city.

Gate City Laundry : Peter & Killebrew, Proprietors, 607 Main St. New Phone 132, Old 368.
This extensive Laundry is one of the most completely appointed in north Texas. The work turned out is undoubtedly the finest and most attractive that can be had. It is fitted up according to modern ideas, with the best of laundry machinery, and a number of highly skilled operatives are employed. Three wagons are utilized in making deliveries. The laundry is an establishment of which our citizens feel proud because of the high character of work and the satisfaction accorded to patrons. The members of the firm are Messrs. R.H. Peter, a native of Kentucky, and who has been a resident of Denison for the past twenty years; and Mr. G.G. Killebrew, a native of Clarksville, Tenn., coming to Denison one year ago. Both are gentlemen of complete knowledge of the laundry industry and are conducting this institution in a manner that assures complete satisfaction to patrons.

Scott & Burch : Furniture, New and Second-Hand, 307 W. Main St. Both Phones 5.
This firm comprises in its membership Messrs. T.M. Scott and J.C. Burch, both well and favorably known to the trade. They have been established for the past two and a half years, and have succeeded in placing their house among the list of our most progressive institutions. Their stock is more than ordinarily complete. It consists of a very large selection of all kinds of fine and medium grade furniture. Goods are sold on the easiest of payments, according to the special requirements of each customer. "A little down on a big bill" is the motto of the firm. They will treat you right, and have a reputation of the very highest in this regard.

Esler's Paint Store : 501 West Main St. Telephones No. 421.
This store has been established for a period of twenty-five years. It stands at the very head of the business in this city. Mr. W.M. Esler is the proprietor, and, being a gentleman of long practical experience, has ever given satisfaction to the trade. His work may be seen in the most beautiful homes and leading commercial establishments of Denison. Twelve skilled workmen are constantly employed in the various departments. He deals extensively in wall paper, room moldings, window glass and painters' supplies. For quality, extent and completeness, the stock is unexcelled. The prices here are also noted for their moderation. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Mr. Esler is a representative city of high standing and extends every courtesy and consideration to the trade.

Brundrett Bros. : Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
This house enjoys the distinction of being one of the most complete establishments of its character is the state. The members of the firm are composed of Mr. Wilfred Brundrett, who for twelve years has resided in Hillsboro, Texas, and Mr. Arnold Brundrett, who has resided in Denison continuously for twenty years. As a firm they have been established since the 23rd of June of the present year [1908]. Both have had many years of practical experience and understand every department of the business. They have the best of facilities for doing all kinds of general repairing, also carry a complete stock of bicycle and automobile sundries. The firm executes all orders to the complete satisfaction of patrons. Both are favorably know to the trade and are men of the highest standing.

W. H. Halton : Funeral Director and Embalmer, 508-510 W. Main St.
This the oldest and leading representative house of this profession in the city of Denison. Mr. W.H. Halton has a finely equipped establishment for the conduct of the undertaking business in all its branches. Here is carried a full line of undertakers' supplies, including everything required on short notice for the plainest or the most imposing funeral. Mr. Halton caters to a first-class patronage, and the most competent assistants are employed. He has the advantage of a long experience in the business, has gained a wide reputation as a competent conductor of funerals, and enjoys the respect and confidence of all. He is one of Denison's representative citizens and takes an active interest in all movements for the good of the community. He also deals extensively in art pictures, moldings, picture framing, pianos, and organs.

E. E. Davis : Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable, Corner Rusk Ave. and Chestnut St. Both Phones No. 55.
In every respect, this establishment is unsurpassed in this community for its complete equipment and high character of livery and boarding service extended to patrons. Mr. Davis commenced the business here fourteen years ago, and has met with decided success from the time down to the present day. His stable is equipped according to modern ideas, provided with all necessary sanitary arrangements; the livery department is stocked with all kinds of light-running vehicles, including a full line of carriages for weddings, balls, parties, etc. Special attention is given to boarding horses, which are given the best of feed and accommodations. Horses are also bought, sold and exchanged. Mr. Davis is a gentleman of straightforward business methods, and the success he has achieved is the result of honorable dealings and providing the best livery service.

Crowdus Bros. & Company : Hides and Wool. [Address not in City Directories, 1907 or 1909]
This is undoubtedly the largest institution of its character operating the South and West. It is also one of the oldest, having been established for the past twenty-five years, and many branches are in operation in the principal cities. The business of the concern has steadily grown year by year, and today is larger than ever before. The company has plenty of capital and is prepared to operate all departments of the business successfully. The Denison house is under the management and able direction of Mr. M.S. Reeves. He was formerly connected with the old Wilson Company. He is, therefore, fully experienced. Mr. Reeves is a native of Virginia, and for the past four years has been in Texas.

J. B. Orr : Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars, Poultry, etc. 405-407 North Armstrong Ave. Both Telephones.
It is our special desire to call the attention of the public to this strictly first-class store, which has been established for the past two and one-half years by Mr. J.B. Orr, one of our well-known citizens. He has made Denison his home for the past twenty-five years, was connected with the American and Pacific Express Companies for ten years and railroad service for a year and a half. During the time he has been established in the grocery business he has been very successful in gaining a substantial patronage. He deals in the very best of pure food supplies, and fills all orders promptly, running several delivery wagons. He solicits your patronage under a guarantee of the best of goods and lowest prices as well as every courtesy and consideration.

Hendricks & January : Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. 120 North Austin Ave. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
This is a neat, clean, up-to-date, first-class store; was established during the early part of the present year [1908], and already the trade has assumed enormous proportions. The proprietors include Messrs. Homer B. Hendricks and Walter W. January, both of whom have had a long previous experience in the grocery business, understand the full requirements of the trade, and conduct their business to the full satisfaction of the patrons. We predict for them a great future, for the never lose a customer through dissatisfaction, and their business is on the steady increase. Both Messrs. Hendricks and January are favorably known, and have many friends and patrons throughout the city and country. They deal in the best of high-grade goods, sell at reasonable prices, and give prompt attention to deliveries.

Electric Supply Company : Electricians, 117 S. Burnett Ave. Both Phones.
Skill, efficiency and general excellence characterizes the work and methods of the Company, of which Mr. R.B. Ellis is the proprietor. He has a thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles of his profession, which has aided him in building up a prosperous business in all kinds of electrical construction work. Being an experienced and thoroughly practical electrician, having commenced the study of electricity twelve years ago, he has a full technical knowledge of its every department, and is prepared to execute the highest character of electrical work successfully. He also carries a full line of supplies. Estimates are cheerfully furnished, and it may be said that no contract is too large or too small for him to handle. As a citizen and business man, Mr. Ellis stands high in the esteem of all, and should feel proud of the success he has achieved as an electrician.

The Wide-Awake Grocery, 1101 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
This establishment is rightly named, for it is indeed a strictly "Wide-Awake" institution, up-to-date in every particular. The store is of ample proportions, fully stocked with a large line of high class staple and fancy groceries, canned goods, teas and coffees, high-class table delicacies, flour, feed, fruits, and produce. While the stock is comprised of high-class goods, the prices are most reasonable. All orders are promptly filled and delivered. The proprietors of the business are: Mrs. Emma Thompson and her son, Mr. Elton Thompson, both favorably known, who endeavor to conduct the store in the manner that insures perfect satisfaction. They established the business six years ago, and the trade has steadily increased.

Harvey Bros. Drug Store :W. J. Harvey, Manager, 312 W. Main St.
This is the newest and one of the most attractively furnished drug stores in the city. It was recently established, and a good patronage has already been gained. The store is fitted up with a view of usefulness and comfort, the stock carried being very large, comprising a full line of pure drugs and chemicals, toilet articles, perfumes, sundries, sick room requisites, and all the usual proprietary remedies of reputation and merit; also a fine line of choice cigars. Special attention is given to the compounding of prescriptions, great care and accuracy being taken. An expert is in charge of the soda fountain, serving all the delightful beverages of the season. Mr. W J. Harvey is a pharmacist of experience and is ably directing the business. The store is most centrally located and we predict for the establishment a brilliant future.

I. X. L. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop : Expert Horseshoeing, also Saw Filing, Gun and Locksmith Work; Scissors, Razors and Clippers Ground. 108 West Woodard St.
Among the well known establishments of this kind in the city, the above is indeed most prominent. It has gained its high place because of the absolute superiority of its work and the promptness with which all orders are execute. The proprietor is Mr. O.U. Wilson, a gentleman of long practical experience. He has been a resident of Denison for twenty-six years, and is known to be an honorable business man and citizen. He endeavors in every way to conduct his business according to the best business methods. In patronizing him, it is with the absolute assurance of satisfaction. The best workmen are employed.

M. T. Mathes : Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, 115-121 N. Rusk Ave. Both Phones 134.
Denison has many up-to-date institutions in which she takes a pardonable pride. Among such the livery stable of Mr. M.T. Mathes deserves mention. It is equipped according to first-class ideas, perfect as to ventilation and sanitary arrangements. A specialty is made of all departments of a general boarding, livery, feed and sales stable. The best feed is provided, with the result that all stock shows up in fine condition. The livery department is provided with all kinds of up-to-date vehicles, also funeral cars and closed carriages for special occasions; reliable drivers are furnished and all calls are promptly answered, while prices are reasonable. Satisfaction is the result of all dealings with this institution. Mr. M.T. Mathes, the Proprietor, is a man of wide experience, and ably directs its every department.

Jos. H. Proskauer Expert Hatter. 111-1/2 N. Rusk Ave.
This gentleman, having been established in Denison for the past eight years, has, because of his wide knowledge and vast experience, become regarded as our leading hatter. He is thoroughly expert in all departments of the business, having learned the trade from the very foundation up. He is a native of Europe, and has been in American since 1870. He was for some years employed in such well known factories as Knox's and Dunlap's. He adopts the very best methods in cleaning, blocking, and dyeing hats in the latest style. Mail orders given prompt attention. His prices are most reasonable. If you want satisfaction, patronize Mr. Jos. H. Proskauer, who will make your old hat look like new. Hats can be sent by mail at the small cost of four cents.

Arthur M. Mosse : Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles and Strap Goods, General Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc.. 416 W. Main St., Horan's Old Stand.
Mr. Mosse has been established in this business for several years past and has succeeded in placing his house at the very head of the list in this line of business in the city. The secret of his success lies in the fact that he has had long experience and desires in every way to give genuine satisfaction to patrons. He deals in the highest character of goods in his line, and gives special attention to high-class harness repairing. His stock is very complete. Mr. Mosse is a well-known resident of the city, and has always been a firm believer in the greatness and future outlook of Denison. He solicits your patronage and is worthy of your fullest support. For anything in this line, "Ask Arthur."

Denison Lumber Company : Dealer in Lumber and Building Material, 600 W. Main St.
This company is recognized as one of the most important and thoroughly reliable in every way associated with the lumber industry. It has been established in the city for the past six years [1902] and has had a very successful run of patronage. Its facilities are the very best, and here is carried at all times an unusually complete stock of all grades of lumber and building material. Estimates are cheerfully furnished, and the most reasonable prices prevail. Mr. Charles Deffebach is the manager, a gentleman of complete experience in the lumber industry, and is directing the affairs of the institution with success.

A. B. Riviere : Real Estate Agent, 228 W. Main St.
In reference to the real estate interests in Denison, we here direct attention to one of the best known and reliable agencies in the city, that of Mr. A B. Riviere. He has been established here for the past four years [1904] and has been very successful. He devotes his attention to the transaction of a general real estate business, buying, selling, and exchanging all classes of country and city property - it makes no difference where located. He has on his books at the present time [1908] a large list of very desirable property for sale, which offers unsurpassed inducements for investment. Mr. Riviere, while a native of Georgia, has been a resident of Denison for the past twenty-four years and takes an active interest in the affairs of the city. He has great faith in the future of Denison and vicinity, and as a citizen is entitled to every confidence as regards responsibility, integrity and fair dealing.

Campbell & Co. : Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave.
This is one of the pioneer establishments of its kind in the city. It has now been in existence for some twenty-five years under the able leadership and guidance of Mr. E.H. Campbell. Mr. Campbell is an expert worker, and is most ably assisted in the conduct of his business by his two sons, Mr. H.J. Campbell and Mr. J.W. Campbell, both of whom are thoroughly practical workmen. They use the very best of material and closely follow plans and specifications in the execution of all contacts. All work is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. Many important contracts have been executed by the firm throughout this city and vicinity, and as a representative institution, as plumbers and electricians, Campbell & Co. is worthy of the highest respect and consideration of the trade. They are conscientious gentlemen and thoroughly honorable and reliable in their dealings. Estimates cheerfully furnished.

Little's Steam Dye Works : Steam and Dry Cleaning, Ladies' and Gent's Clothing, 102 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
This establishment is complete in every particular. It has been established for seven years [1901], and during this time has done work for many of our best citizens. The facilities of the works are such that all orders are executed promptly according to sanitary methods. All calls and deliveries are absolutely free. Prices are reasonable. Mr. H. Little is the proprietor. He takes an active interest in the management of the business and guarantees complete satisfaction. Mr. Little is a native of Paducah, Ky., and during his residence in Denison has gained the respect of all.

Adolph Arn's French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, 214 W. Main St.
There are numerous institutions of this kind which hang out their sign of "High-Class French Dry Cleaning," which are in no want entitled to the distinction. Mr. Adolph Arn, however, is no impostor. He is a gentleman of many years' practical experience, understands the French process thoroughly, being a native of France and having learned the trade in Paris. He has been in Denison for a period of ten years, and has occupied the above location for about one year [1907]. He has amply demonstrated his ability in this city and today enjoys a large patronage among our best-dressed citizens. He does his work at reasonable rates, including cleaning, repairing and pressing all kinds of ladies' and gentlemen's garments. He also makes suits to order and carries an elegant line of sample.

Antler's Cafe and Hotel, 105 W. Main St. New Phone 388.
This place is most conveniently located for the traveling public and is kept open day and night for their accommodation. The hotel contains a number of rooms, all well furnished and fitted up with necessary conveniences. The bill of fare contains everything in season - oysters, fish, chops, meats, cereal foods, coffee, etc. Lunches and short orders are specialties at all hours. Regular meals 25 cents. Mr. Rick Pastore is the proprietor, and is a gentleman of most complete experience. He aims to please and satisfy patrons.

Gates & Melton : Grocers, 800 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Among the numerous representatives of the grocery business in this city, the store of Gates and Melton is indeed prominent as a notable headquarters of high-class staple and fancy groceries, teas and coffees, canned and bottled goods, country produce, fruits, etc. The proprietors, including Messrs. C.V. Gates and C.F. Melton, are both gentlemen of complete experience, having a full knowledge of the business and the requirements of patrons. They carry a very extensive stock at all times, maintain complete telephone service, and are in every way in a position to meet the requirements of the trade to entire satisfaction. They conduct their business on a fair and liberal policy, and are fully entitled to the large trade and standing they enjoy throughout the community.

Hanna Brothers : Lumber, Builders, Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
This is one of the oldest and most substantial business enterprises in the city of Denison. It has been established since 1885, and from that year down to the present time has received its full share of patronage. The firm has filled some of the largest order for lumber in this community. They enjoy the best of facilities, and have unlimited resources, which enable them to conduct every department of the business with success. They also enjoy a large patronage as dealers in fuel, handling the best varieties of coal and wood. A number of wagons are run to all parts of the city, giving prompt attention to deliveries. The members of the firm are Mr. P. Hanna and Mr. H. Hanna, both of whom are widely known in business and social circles, and have always been active supporters of movements for the benefit and future welfare of Denison.

George F. Bauerfeind : Gun and Locksmith, Sporting Goods, Supplies, etc. 428 W. Main St. Both Phones 107.
Mr. Bauerfeind may be said to stand at the very head of this business in this city, because of his vast experience and complete knowledge of its every detail. He has enjoyed great success and has built up a patronage of large extent. The stock carried comprises everything in the sporting goods line, guns, ammunition and fishing tackle, locks, keys, bicycles and bicycle supplies. He gives special attention to repairing, and all work is skillfully and substantially executed. Prices reasonable. Mr. Bauerfeind is a popular citizen and takes an active interest in all movements for the good of Denison.

Mrs. B. E. McDonald's Dining Hall, 406 W. Main Street.
In every city there is some particular dining room looked upon as the Beau Ideal place to eat. This dining room is one that because of its many commendable features is popularly patronized by the people of Denison and by the most fastidious of the traveling public. It has been established for a number of years, has gained a large patronage, and the proprietress has had no trouble in keeping up its reputation as a strictly high-class place. A specialty is made of regular meals at 25 cents, and the service rendered is unsurpassed. Special rates by week or month. The proprietress endeavors in every way to please and satisfy her guests, and full satisfaction is guaranteed.

Ashburn Creamery Co. : Successors to the Royal Creamery. 115 S. Rusk Avenue.
The dairy and creamery business has assumed enormous proportions in this community, and within the past few years have been regarded as among the prominent industries of Denison and vicinity. Among the numerous creameries, that known as the Ashburn Creamery Company has become conspicuous among the leaders. It is now owned and conducted by Mr. W.L. Ashburn, and under his intelligent management the business is being conducted according to the best ideas. Absolute cleanliness prevails in every department of the creamery, and the products include the very purest and best of milk and cream, butter and ice cream. Mr. Ashburn does a very large wholesale business, and his products give general satisfaction. Mr. Ashburn is entirely familiar with the details of the business, and as a representative resident of this community takes an active interest in its affairs.

The Model Market : L. Glidden, Proprietor, 111 North Burnett Ave.
This is indeed a strictly first-class establishment under able management, receiving a good share of the patronage of our best families. The secret of the success of the house lies in the fact that the proprietor, Mr. L. Glidden, has had thirty years of practical experience, fully understanding the requirements of the trade. He is provided with the best of facilities, and deals in a very choice line of all kinds of fresh meats, also groceries, vegetables, and produce. Mr. Glidden came to this city about a year and a half ago from the city of Dallas, where he owns some valuable property. His business is steadily increasing, a sure evidence that he is giving the trade genuine satisfaction.

Ourand's Furnished Rooms : Clean beds a specialty, 109-1/2 W. Main Street. Office second floor. New phone 335.
This place is indeed very centrally located, just one block west of the depot, and offers superior accommodations in the way of well furnished rooms and clean beds. Mr. J. D. Ourand, the manager, has been conducting the place since 1893, and has always received a good share of patronage from the general traveling public. His prices are reasonable, and every courtesy and consideration is extended to patrons. It is indeed a homelike place in which to stop.

A. J. Routon & Co. : Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Sheet Metal Workers, 111 W. Main St. New Phone 265.
This firm is prominently engaged in this special line of trade. It has been established for two years [1906], and within this period an exceedingly large business has been built up. It may be said with absolute truth that no firm in the city enjoys in a higher degree the confidence and respect of the trade. Mr. A.J. Routon is the proprietor, a gentleman of twelve years of practical experience and personally directs every department of the business. He is a native of Kentucky, and for six years has resided in Denison. He is well known and respected by all as a business man and resident. He solicits your patronage and guarantees satisfaction.

List of Illustrations
1. Denison's Busy Main Street (200 and 300 blocks West Main, View West)
2. Cartoon: "I Know Where I' Going, and I'm on the Way": Red River Improvement Put Denison Head of Navigation
3. Prosperity Producers
4. XXI Club and Library [901 West Gandy Street]
5. Denison High School [701 West Main Street]
6. St. Xavier's Academy
7. [St. Patrick's] Catholic Church
8. "Waples Memorial" M. E. Church (South)
9. Cumberland Presbyterian Church
10. First Presbyterian Church
11. First Baptist Church
12. Glimpse of M., K. & T. Machine Shops and Round House, Largest in the Southwest
13. The Denison Hotel [500-510 West Main]
14. First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main]
15. The State National Bank Building [300 West Main]
16. The Ford Building [231 West Main]
17. Main Street [400 block West] Looking East from Denison Hotel
18. Scene Near Denison - Dairying Is a Paying Industry
19. A Bunch of Porkers
20. Strawberry Patch Near Denison
21. Orchard Scene, Near Denison
22. Vineyard Near Denison
23. Denison Has One Hundred Miles of Railroad Trackage Within the City Limits

Index of Businesses (In Order Presented)
Nelson G. Chamberlain - Bicycles, Gasoline Stoves and Small Machinery Repaired. 117 South Burnett Ave.
City Bottling Works - J. T. Brown, Proprietor, 209 West Woodard St.
The Denison Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers. [112-114 North Houston Avenue]
L. B. Moore - Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. [216 West Main Street]
Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.
Denison Transfer Line - Tim Murphy, Proprietor. Safes, Pianos, Furniture, etc., Carefully Moved; Carriages and Baggage Wagons; Orders Given Prompt Attention. 106 W. Main St.
E. H. Hanna - Druggist, 110 Main St.
Chas. E. Fritsch - The Horse Outfitter, Saddlery and Harness; Custom Work a Specialty; Repairing and Carriage Trimming. 206 W. Main St.
Elite Catering Company - Wm. R. Hopson, Proprietor, 309 W. Main St.
John F. Rennie - Dry Goods, Notions, Waists and Skirts. 318 W. Main St. Old Phone 468.
Perkins Bros. Co. = Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]
Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
C. D. Kingston - Pharmacist, 322 W. Main St.
W. H. Robert, Jr. - Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, 431 W. Main St.
The People's Pharmacy - 408 W. Main St., Phone 188.
The Reynolds Drug Co.. 225 W. Main St.

Fred Marcus - Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 217 W. Main St.
Dr. H. F. Stevens - Veterinary Surgeon, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Stevens Barn - Livery, Feed, Sale and Boarding Stable, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St.
J. Alex. Jennings - Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds. 603 S. Armstrong Ave.
Gate City Pressing Club - F. M. Voigt, Proprietor. 114 South Austin Ave.
C. J. O'Maley - Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and General Merchandise, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc. 120 W. Main St.
John Herbert - Meat Market. 1002 West Crawford St.
W. M. Milburn - Inventor and Sheet Metal Worker. 606 S. Armstrong Ave.
J. E. Howard - Real Estate, Insurance, Rental and Collecting Agent. 108 N. Rusk Ave.
F. W. Wells - Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Room and Restaurant, 609 S. Armstrong Ave.
Patti & Parlat - Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream, 207 W. Main St. Old Phone 166.
W. M. Boone - Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Food, Canned Goods, etc. 501 S. Armstrong Ave. Both Phones.
Alex. Campbell - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, 830 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Red Front Meat Market - W. M. Hiser, Proprietor, 111 South Tone Ave.
Diamond Steam Bakery - Alex Mergell, Proprietor, 601 S. Main St.
Sugar Bottom Second-Hand Furniture Store and Repair Shop - C. M. Graham, Proprietor, 607 S. Armstrong Ave. New Phone 325.
T. T. McKinney, M.D. - Proprietor, Owl Drug Company. Prescription Druggist, 116 N. Austin Ave.
The Denison Hotel - Rates $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per day. Electric elevators, private baths and steam heat; phone in all rooms. M. L. Oglesby, manager. [500-510 West Main Street]
O. K. Wagon Yard - Corner Chestnut & Fannin Ave.
D. K. Thompson - Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Stoves. 118-120 N. Rusk Ave.
Denison Marble Works - A P. Chamberlain, Proprietor, 620-622 W. Main St.
Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street]
John Holden - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St.
G. W. Moore - Photographer, 210 W. Main St.
C. C. McCarthy - Real Estate and Loans, Farms and City Property for Sale on Easy Payments?Grower and Shipper of Fruits and Berries. 115 W. Main St., New Phone 351, Old Phone, 121.
W. A. Peck - The Watchmaker. Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry; High-Grade Repairing a Specialty. [312 West Main Street]
M. Emilstein - Eagle Grocery, 419 W. Main St. Old Phone 196; New Phone 361.
The First State Bank-Security Office Building. [331 West Main Street]
W. J. Stanford - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave.
Denison Barber Shop - A. J. Short, Proprietor, 317 W. Main St.
V. J. Zienter - Merchant Tailor, 224 W. Main St.
The State National Bank of Denison, Texas. [300 W. Main St.]
F. A. Sherburne -?Shoe Factory and Repair Shop, also Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, 116 Main St.
John Stinson - Signs of All Kinds, Display Cards, Bulletin Ad Signs, also Paper Hanging and House Painting, 116 North Burnett Ave. Old Phone.
Brucker Bros. Restaurant - 100 W. Main St.
A. A. Nilson - Watchmaker and Jeweler, [324 West] Main St.
P. J. Mullen - Grocer, 422 N. Houston Ave.
H. H. Fatum - The Butcher, 413 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
C. B. Dunn - Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases, 203 W. Main St.
L. A. Lowe's Cash Grocery. 111 South Rusk Ave. Old Phone 182; New Phone 400.
Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co. [107-109 West Woodard Street]
J. C. Coker - Pool Hall, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks. No. 113 South Rusk Ave.
Urb. Bradley - Prescription Druggist, 513 S. Armstrong Ave.
M. C. Richardson - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 921 South Armstrong Ave.
G. F. Hutchins - Grocer, corner N. Houston and Morton. Both Phones.
S. P. King & Company - Groceries and Feed, 415 North Barrett Ave.
Nelms & Carr - Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. 111 South Burnett Ave., first door south of the Palace Hotel.
French Kitchen - J. E. Jaccard, Proprietor, 112 South Rusk Avenue.
Chris Waltz - Sanitary Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, Electrical Work and Supplies. 303 West Woodard St. Telephone No. 13.
Gate City Laundry - Peter & Killebrew, Proprietors, 607 Main St. New Phone 132, Old 368.
Scott & Burch - Furniture, New and Second-Hand, 307 W. Main St. Both Phones 5.
Esler's Paint Store - 501 West Main St. Telephones No. 421.
Brundrett Bros. - Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
W. H. Halton - Funeral Director and Embalmer, 508-510 W. Main St.
E. E. Davis - Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable, Corner Rusk Ave. and Chestnut St. Both Phones No. 55.
Crowdus Bros. & Company - Hides and Wool. [Address not in City Directory, 1907 or 1909]
J. B. Orr - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars, Poultry, etc. 405-407 North Armstrong Ave. Both Telephones.
Hendricks & January - Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. 120 North Austin Ave. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
Electric Supply Company - Electricians, 117 S. Burnett Ave. Both Phones.
The Wide-Awake Grocery - 1101 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
Harvey Bros. Drug Store - W. J. Harvey, Manager, 312 W. Main St.
I. X. L. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop - Expert Horseshoeing, also Saw Filing, Gun and Locksmith Work; Scissors, Razors and Clippers Ground. 108 West Woodard St.
M. T. Mathes - Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, 115-121 N. Rusk Ave. Both Phones 134.
Jos. H. Proskauer - Expert Hatter. 111-1/2 N. Rusk Ave.
Arthur M. Mosse - Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles and Strap Goods, General Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc. 416 W. Main St., Horan's Old Stand.
Denison Lumber Company - Dealer in Lumber and Building Material, 600 W. Main St.
A. B. Riviere - Real Estate Agent, 228 W. Main St.
Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave.
Little's Steam Dye Works - Steam and Dry Cleaning, Ladies' and Gent's Clothing, 102 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
Adolph Arn's - French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, 214 W. Main St.
Antler's Cafe and Hotel - 105 W. Main St. New Phone 388.
Gates & Melton - Grocers, 800 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders, Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
George F. Bauerfeind - Gun and Locksmith, Sporting Goods, Supplies, etc. 428 W. Main St. Both Phones 107.
Mrs. B. E. McDonald's Dining Hall, 406 W. Main Street.
Ashburn Creamery Co.- Successors to the Royal Creamery. 115 S. Rusk Avenue.
The Model Market - L. Glidden, Proprietor, 111 North Burnett Ave.
Ourand?s Furnished Rooms - Clean beds a specialty, 109-1/2 W. Main Street. Office second floor. New phone 335.
A. J. Routon & Co. - Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Sheet Metal Workers, 111 W. Main St. New Phone 265.

Index of Businesses (In Alphabetical Order)
Antler's Cafe and Hotel. 105 W. Main St. New Phone 388.
Arn's, Adolph - French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, 214 W. Main St.
Ashburn Creamery Co. - Successors to the Royal Creamery. 115 S. Rusk Avenue.
Bauerfeind, George F. - Gun and Locksmith, Sporting Goods, Supplies, etc. 428 W. Main St. Both Phones 107.
Boone, W. M. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Food, Canned Goods, etc. 501 S. Armstrong Ave. Both Phones.
Bradley, Urb. - Prescription Druggist, 513 S. Armstrong Ave.
Brucker Bros. Restaurant. 100 W. Main St.
Brundrett Bros. - Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave.
Campbell, Alex. - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, 830 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Chamberlain, Nelson G. - Bicycles, Gasoline Stoves and Small Machinery Repaired. 117 South Burnett Ave.
City Bottling Works - J. T. Brown, Proprietor, 209 West Woodard St.
Coker, J. C. - Pool Hall, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks. No. 113 South Rusk Ave.
Crowdus Bros. & Company - Hides and Wool. [Address not in City Directory, 1907 or 1909]
Davis, E. E. - Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable, Corner Rusk Ave. and Chestnut St. Both Phones No. 55.
Denison Barber Shop - A. J. Short, Proprietor, 317 W. Main St.
Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.
Denison Grocer Co.? - Wholesale Grocers. [112-114 North Houston Avenue]
Denison Hotel - Rates $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per day. Electric elevators, private baths and steam heat; phone in all rooms.
M. L. Oglesby, manager. [500-510 West Main Street]
Denison Lumber Company - Dealer in Lumber and Building Material, 600 W. Main St.
Denison Marble Works - A P. Chamberlain, Proprietor, 620-622 W. Main St.
Denison Transfer Line - Tim Murphy, Proprietor. Safes, Pianos, Furniture, etc., Carefully Moved; Carriages and Baggage Wagons; Orders Given Prompt Attention. 106 W. Main St.
Diamond Steam Bakery - Alex Mergell, Proprietor, 601 S. Main St.
Dunn, C. B. - Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases, 203 W. Main St.
Electric Supply Company - Electricians, 117 S. Burnett Ave. Both Phones.
Elite Catering Company - Wm. R. Hopson, Proprietor, 309 W. Main St.
Emilstein, M. - Eagle Grocery, 419 W. Main St. Old Phone 196; New Phone 361.
Esler's Paint Store - 501 West Main St. Telephones No. 421.
Fatum, H. H. - The Butcher, 413 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
First State Bank-Security Office Building. [331 West Main Street]
French Kitchen - J. E. Jaccard, Proprietor, 112 South Rusk Avenue.
Fritsch, Chas. E. - The Horse Outfitter, Saddlery and Harness; Custom Work a Specialty; Repairing and Carriage Trimming. 206 W. Main St.
Gate City Laundry - Peter & Killebrew, Proprietors, 607 Main St. New Phone 132, Old 368.
Gate City Pressing Club - F. M. Voigt, Proprietor. 114 South Austin Ave.
Gates & Melton - Grocers, 800 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
Halton, W. H. - Funeral Director and Embalmer, 508-510 W. Main St.
Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders, Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
Hanna, E. H. - Druggist, 110 Main St.
Harvey Bros. Drug Store - W. J. Harvey, Manager, 312 W. Main St.
Hendricks & January - Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. 120 North Austin Ave. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
Herbert, John - Meat Market. 1002 West Crawford St.
Holden, John - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St.
Howard, J. E. - Real Estate, Insurance, Rental and Collecting Agent. 108 N. Rusk Ave.
Hutchins, G. F. - Grocer, corner N. Houston and Morton. Both Phones.
I. X. L. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop - Expert Horseshoeing, also Saw Filing, Gun and Locksmith Work; Scissors, Razors and Clippers Ground. 108 West Woodard St.
Jennings, J. Alex. - Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds. 603 S. Armstrong Ave.
King, S. P., & Company - Groceries and Feed, 415 North Barrett Ave.
Kingston, C. D. - Pharmacist, 322 W. Main St.
Little's Steam Dye Works - Steam and Dry Cleaning, Ladies' and Gent's Clothing, 102 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
Lowe's, L. A., Cash Grocery. 111 South Rusk Ave. Old Phone 182; New Phone 400.
McCarthy, C. C. - Real Estate and Loans, Farms and City Property for Sale on Easy Payments - Grower and Shipper of Fruits and Berries. 115 W. Main St., New Phone 351, Old Phone, 121.
McDonald's, Mrs. B. E. - Dining Hall. 406 W. Main St.
McKinney, T. T., M.D. - Proprietor, Owl Drug Company. Prescription Druggist, 116 N. Austin Ave.
Marcus, Fred - Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 217 W. Main St.
Mathes, M. T. - Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, 115-121 N. Rusk Ave. Both Phones 134.
Milburn, W. M. - Inventor and Sheet Metal Worker. 606 S. Armstrong Ave.
Model Market - L. Glidden, Proprietor, 111 North Burnett Ave.
Moore, G. W. - Photographer, 210 W. Main St.
Moore, L. B. - Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. [216 West Main Street]
Mosse, Arthur M. - Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles and Strap Goods, General Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc. 416 W. Main St., Horan's Old Stand.
Mullen, P. J. - Grocer, 422 N. Houston Ave.
Nelms & Carr - Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. 111 South Burnett Ave., first door south of the Palace Hotel.
Nilson, A. A. - Watchmaker and Jeweler, [324 West] Main St.
O'Maley, C. J. - Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and General Merchandise, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc. 120 W. Main St.
O. K. Wagon Yard - Corner Chestnut & Fannin Ave.
Orr, J. B. - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars, Poultry, etc. 405-407 North Armstrong Ave. Both Telephones.
Ourand 's Furnished Rooms - Clean beds a specialty, 109-1/2 W. Main Street. Office second floor. New phone 335.
Patti & Parlat - Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream, 207 W. Main St. Old Phone 166.
Peck, W. A. - The Watchmaker. Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry; High-Grade Repairing a Specialty. [312 West Main Street]
People's Pharmacy. 408 W. Main St., Phone 188.
Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]
Proskauer, Jos. H. - Expert Hatter. 111-1/2 N. Rusk Ave.
Red Front Meat Market - W. M. Hiser, Proprietor, 111 South Tone Ave.
Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co. - [107-109 West Woodard Street]
Rennie, John F. - Dry Goods, Notions, Waists and Skirts. 318 W. Main St. Old Phone 468.
Reynolds Drug Co. 225 W. Main St.
Richardson, M. C. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 921 South Armstrong Ave.
Riviere, A. B. - Real Estate Agent, 228 W. Main St.
Robert, W. H., Jr. - Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, 431 W. Main St.
Routon, A. J., & Co. - Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Sheet Metal Workers, 111 W. Main St. New Phone 265.
Scott & Burch - Furniture, New and Second-Hand, 307 W. Main St. Both Phones 5.
Sherburne, F. A. - Shoe Factory and Repair Shop, also Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, 116 Main St.
Stanford, W. J. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave.
State National Bank of Denison, Texas. [300 W. Main St.]
Stevens Barn - Livery, Feed, Sale and Boarding Stable, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St.
Stevens, Dr. H. F. - Veterinary Surgeon, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Stinson, John - Signs of All Kinds, Display Cards, Bulletin Ad Signs, also Paper Hanging and House Painting, 116 North Burnett Ave. Old Phone.
Sugar Bottom Second-Hand Furniture Store and Repair Shop - C. M. Graham, Proprietor, 607 S. Armstrong Ave. New Phone 325.
Thompson, D. K. - Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Stoves. 118-120 N. Rusk Ave.
Waltz, Chris - Sanitary Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, Electrical Work and Supplies. 303 West Woodard St. Telephone No. 13.
Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street]
Wells, F. W. - Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Room and Restaurant, 609 S. Armstrong Ave.
Wide-Awake Grocery, 1101 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
Zienter, V. J. - Merchant Tailor, 224 W. Main St.

Index of Addresses

Armstrong Avenue
405-407 N. Armstrong Ave. - J. B. Orr - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars, Poultry, etc. Both Telephones.
501 S. Armstrong Ave. - W. M. Boone - Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Food, Canned Goods, etc. Both Phones.
513 S. Armstrong Ave. - Urb. Bradley - Prescription Druggist.
603 S. Armstrong Ave. - J. Alex. Jennings - Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds.
606 S. Armstrong Ave. - W. M. Milburn - Inventor and Sheet Metal Worker.
607 S. Armstrong Ave. - Sugar Bottom Second-Hand Furniture Store and Repair Shop - C. M. Graham, Proprietor. New Phone 325.
609 S. Armstrong Ave. - F. W. Wells - Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Room and Restaurant.
921 S. Armstrong Ave. - M. C. Richardson - Staple and Fancy Groceries.

Austin Avenue
112 N. Austin Ave. - Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff.
116 N. Austin Ave. - T. T. McKinney, M.D. - Proprietor, Owl Drug Company. Prescription Druggist.
120 N. Austin Ave. - Hendricks & January - Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St. - Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders, Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones.
114 S. Austin Ave. - Gate City Pressing Club - F. M. Voigt, Proprietor.

Barrett Avenue
415 N. Barrett Ave. - S. P. King & Company - Groceries and Feed.

Burnett Avenue
111 N. Burnett Ave. - Model Market - L. Glidden, Proprietor.
116 N. Burnett Ave. - John Stinson - Signs of All Kinds, Display Cards, Bulletin Ad Signs, also Paper Hanging and House Painting. Old Phone.
111 S. Burnett Ave. - Nelms & Carr - Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. First door south of the Palace Hotel.
117 S. Burnett Ave. - Electric Supply Company - Electricians. Both Phones.
117 S. Burnett Ave. - Nelson G. Chamberlain - Bicycles, Gasoline Stoves and Small Machinery Repaired.

Chestnut Street
204 W. Chestnut St. - John Holden - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing.
214 to 220 W. Chestnut St. - Stevens Barn - Livery, Feed, Sale and Boarding Stable.
214 to 220 W. Chestnut St. - Dr. H. F. Stevens - Veterinary Surgeon. Both Phones.
830 W. Chestnut St. - Alex. Campbell - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Both Phones.
Corner Chestnut & Fannin Ave. - O. K. Wagon Yard.

Crawford Street
1002 W. Crawford St. - Herbert, John - Meat Market.

Houston Avenue
[112?114 N. Houston Ave.] - Denison Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers.
422 N. Houston Ave. - P. J. Mullen - Grocer.
Corner N. Houston Ave. and Morton St. - G. F. Hutchins - Grocer. Both Phones.

Hull Street
531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave. - W. J. Stanford - Staple and Fancy Groceries

Main Street
[104 E. Main Street] - Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872. Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas.
100 W. Main St. - Brucker Bros. Restaurant.
105 W. Main St. - Antler's Cafe and Hotel - New Phone 388.
106 W. Main St. - Denison Transfer Line - Tim Murphy, Proprietor. Safes, Pianos, Furniture, etc., Carefully Moved; Carriages and Baggage Wagons; Orders Given Prompt Attention.
109-1/2 W. Main St. - Ourand's Furnished Rooms - Clean beds a specialty. Office second floor. New phone 335.
110 W. Main St. - E. H. Hanna - Druggist.
111 W. Main St. - A. J. Routon & Co. - Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Sheet Metal Workers. New Phone 265.
115 W. Main St. - C. C. McCarthy - Real Estate and Loans, Farms and City Property for Sale on Easy Payments - Grower and Shipper of Fruits and Berries. New Phone 351, Old Phone, 121.
116 W. Main St. - F. A. Sherburne - Shoe Factory and Repair Shop, also Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys.
120 W. Main St. - C. J. O'Maley - Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and General Merchandise, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc.
129-131 W. Main St. - Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel.
203 W. Main St. - C. B. Dunn - Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases.
206 W. Main St. - Chas. E. Fritsch - The Horse Outfitter, Saddlery and Harness; Custom Work a Specialty; Repairing and Carriage Trimming.
207 W. Main St. - Patti & Parlat - Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream. Old Phone 166.
210 W. Main St. - G. W. Moore - Photographer.
214 W. Main St. - Adolph Arn's French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment.
[216 W. Main Street] - L. B. Moore - Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty.
217 W. Main St. - Fred Marcus - Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, Watchmaker and Jeweler.
224 W. Main St. - V. J. Zienter - Merchant Tailor.
225 W. Main St. - Reynolds Drug Co.
228 W. Main St. - A. B. Riviere - Real Estate Agent.
300 W. Main St. - State National Bank of Denison, Texas.
[306-308 W. Main St.] Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc.
307 W. Main St. - Scott & Burch - Furniture, New and Second-Hand. Both Phones 5.
309 W. Main St. - Elite Catering Company - Wm. R. Hopson, Proprietor.
312 W. Main St. - Harvey Bros. Drug Store - W. J. Harvey, Manager.
[312 W. Main St.] - W. A. Peck - The Watchmaker. Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry; High-Grade Repairing a Specialty.
317 W. Main St. - Denison Barber Shop - A. J. Short, Proprietor.
318 W. Main St. - John F. Rennie - Dry Goods, Notions, Waists and Skirts. Old Phone 468.
322 W. Main St. - C. D. Kingston - Pharmacist.
[324 W.] Main St. - A. A. Nilson - Watchmaker and Jeweler.
[331 W. Main Street] - First State Bank - Security Office Building.
406 W. Main St. - Mrs. B. E. McDonald's Dining Hall.
408 W. Main St. - People's Pharmacy - Phone 188.
416 W. Main St. - Arthur M. Mosse - Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles and Strap Goods, General Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc. Horan's Old Stand.
419 W. Main St. - M. Emilstein - Eagle Grocery. Old Phone 196; New Phone 361.
428 W. Main St. - George F. Bauerfeind - Gun and Locksmith, Sporting Goods, Supplies, etc. Both Phones 107.
431 W. Main St. - W. H. Robert, Jr. - Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist.
[500-510 W. Main St.] - Denison Hotel - Rates $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 per day. Electric elevators, private baths and steam heat; phone in all rooms. M. L. Oglesby, manager.
501 W. Main St. - Esler's Paint Store - Telephones No. 421.
508-510 W. Main St. - W. H. Halton - Funeral Director and Embalmer.
511 W. Main St. - Brundrett Bros. - Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing.
600 W. Main St. - Denison Lumber Company - Dealer in Lumber and Building Material.
601 S. Main St. - Diamond Steam Bakery - Alex Mergell, Proprietor.
607 Main St. - Gate City Laundry - Peter & Killebrew, Proprietors. New Phone 132, Old 368.
620-622 W. Main St. - Denison Marble Works - A P. Chamberlain, Proprietor.

Mirick Avenue
413 S. Mirick Ave. - H. H. Fatum - The Butcher. Both Phones.
800 S. Mirick Ave. - Gates & Melton - Grocers. Both Phones.

Rusk Avenue
108 N. Rusk Ave. - J. E. Howard - Real Estate, Insurance, Rental and Collecting Agent.
110 N. Rusk Ave. - Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty.
111-1/2 N. Rusk Ave. - Jos. H. Proskauer - Expert Hatter.
115-121 N. Rusk Ave. - M. T. Mathes - Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable. Both Phones 134.
118-120 N. Rusk Ave. - D. K. Thompson - Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Stoves.
111 S. Rusk Ave. - L. A. Lowe's Cash Grocery. Old Phone 182; New Phone 400.
112 S. Rusk Ave. - French Kitchen - J. E. Jaccard, Proprietor.
113 S. Rusk Ave. - J. C. Coker - Pool Hall, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks.
115 S. Rusk Ave. - Ashburn Creamery Co. - Successors to the Royal Creamery.
Corner Rusk Ave. and Chestnut St. - E. E. Davis - Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. Both Phones No. 55.

Tone Avenue
111 S. Tone Ave. - Red Front Meat Market - W. M. Hiser, Proprietor.

Woodard Street
102 W. Woodard St. - Little's Steam Dye Works - Steam and Dry Cleaning, Ladies' and Gent's Clothing. Both Phones.
[107-109 W. Woodard St.] - Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co.
108 W. Woodard St. - I. X. L. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop - Expert Horseshoeing, also Saw Filing, Gun and Locksmith Work; Scissors, Razors and Clippers Ground.
209 W. Woodard St. - City Bottling Works - J. T. Brown, Proprietor.
303 W. Woodard St. - Chris Waltz - Sanitary Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, Electrical Work and Supplies. Telephone No. 13.
1101 W. Woodard St. - Wide-Awake Grocery. Both Phones.

Unknown Address
[Address not in City Directory, 1907 or 1909] - Crowdus Bros. & Company - Hides and Wool.

Index of Persons
Abernathy, Mrs. M. F. - Proprietor, S. P. King & Company - Groceries and Feed, 415 North Barrett Ave.
Acheson, A. W., M. D. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: M.K.&T. Railway Co.
Arn, Adolph - French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Establishment, 214 W. Main St. He is a native of France.
Arthur, R. T. - Director, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Ashburn, W. L. - Ashburn Creamery Co. - Successors to the Royal Creamery. 115 S. Rusk Avenue.
Bauerfeind, George F. - Gun and Locksmith, Sporting Goods, Supplies, etc. 428 W. Main St. Both Phones 107.
Blackford, G. L. - President and Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.].
Boone, W. M. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Food, Canned Goods, etc. 501 S. Armstrong Ave. Both Phones.
Bradley, Urb. - Prescription Druggist, 513 S. Armstrong Ave.
Brown, J. T. - Proprietor, City Bottling Works, 209 West Woodard St.
Brucker Bros. - Restaurant. 100 W. Main St.
Brundrett Bros. - Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
Brundrett, Arnold - Proprietor, Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
Brundrett, Wilfred - Proprietor, Automobile Sundries, Bicycle and General Repairing, 511 W. Main St.
Burch, J. C. - Scott & Burch - Furniture, New and Second-Hand, 307 W. Main St. Both Phones 5.
Burrows, A. S. - Prest., The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street]
Campbell, E. H. - Proprietor, Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave.
Campbell, H. J. - Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave. He is son of E. H. Campbell.
Campbell, J. W. - Campbell & Co. - Plumbers and Electrical Workers, Steam and Gas Fitters, Hot Water Heating, Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty, 110 North Rusk Ave. He is son of E. H. Campbell.
Campbell, Alex. - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, 830 West Chestnut St. Both Phones.
Carr, W. R. - Proprietor, Nelms & Carr - Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. 111 South Burnett Ave., first door south of the Palace Hotel. He resides in Bonham, Texas.
Carver, G. W. - Director, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Chamberlain, A. P. - Proprietor, Denison Marble Works, 620-622 W. Main St.
Chamberlain, Nelson G. - Bicycles, Gasoline Stoves and Small Machinery Repaired. 117 South Burnett Ave.
Cobb, C. S. - Vice-President, The Denison Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers. [112-114 North Houston Avenue.]
Coker, J. C. - Pool Hall, Cigars, Tobacco, and Soft Drinks. No. 113 South Rusk Ave.
Crowdus Bros. - Hides and Wool. [Address not in City Directories, 1907 or 1909]
Davis, E. E. - Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable, Corner Rusk Ave. and Chestnut St. Both Phones No. 55.
Deffebach, Charles - Manager, Denison Lumber Company - Dealer in Lumber and Building Material, 600 W. Main St.
Dunn, C. B. - Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases, 203 W. Main St.
Elliott, W. W. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Merchandise Broker.
Ellis, R. B. - Proprietor, Electric Supply Company - Electricians, 117 S. Burnett Ave. Both Phones.
Emilstein, M. - Eagle Grocery - 419 W. Main St. Old Phone 196; New Phone 361.
Esler, W. M. - Proprietor, Esler's Paint Store. 501 West Main St. Telephones No. 421.
Fatum, H. H. - The Butcher, 413 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Foley, T. F. - Asst. Cashier, The State National Bank of Denison, Texas. [300 W. Main St.]
Foute, A. P. - Asst. Secretary, Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street.]
Fritsch, Chas. E. - Proprietor, The Horse Outfitter, Saddlery and Harness; Custom Work a Specialty; Repairing and Carriage Trimming. 206 W. Main St.
Gates, C. V. - Gates & Melton - Grocers, 800 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Glidden, L. - Proprietor, Model Market. 111 North Burnett Ave.
Graham, C. M. - Proprietor, Sugar Bottom Second-Hand Furniture Store and Repair Shop. 607 S. Armstrong Ave. New Phone 325.
Hall, Geo. T. - Prest., Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
Halton, W. H. - Funeral Director and Embalmer, 508-510 W. Main St.
Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders' Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
Hanna, E. H. - Druggist, 110 Main St.
Hanna, H. - Proprietor, Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders, Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
Hanna, J. M. - Asst. Treasurer, Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street.]
Hanna, P. - Proprietor, Hanna Brothers - Lumber, Builders - Hardware, Lath, Lime, Cement, Shingles, Doors, Windows, etc. Both Phones. Corner Austin Ave. and Woodard St.
Hanna, T. B. - Druggist, T. B. Hanna & Son, until [1905], 110 Main St.
Harvey, W. J. - Manager, Harvey Bros. Drug Store, 312 W. Main St.
Haven, Jno. R. - Cashier, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Hendricks, Homer B. - Proprietor, Hendricks & January - Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. 120 North Austin Ave. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
Herbert, John - Meat Market. 1002 West Crawford St.
Hibbard, W. S. - President and Treasurer, The Denison Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers. [112-114 North Houston Avenue.]
Hinshaw, Elihu B. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Real Estate.
Hiser, W. M. - Proprietor, Red Front Meat Market. 111 South Tone Ave.
Holden, Charles - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St. He is son of John Holden.
Holden, John - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St. He is a native of Liverpool, England.
Hopson, Wm. R. - Proprietor, Elite Catering Company, 309 W. Main St.
Howard, J. E. - Real Estate, Insurance, Rental and Collecting Agent. 108 N. Rusk Ave.
Hutchins, G. F. - Grocer, corner N. Houston and Morton. Both Phones.
Jaccard, J. E. - Proprietor, French Kitchen, 112 S. Rusk Ave.
Jackson, A. D. - Director, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
January, Walter W. - Proprietor, Hendricks & January - Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, etc. Old Phone 836, New Phone 629.
Jennings, J. Alex. - Choice Fresh Meats of All Kinds. 603 S. Armstrong Ave.
Jinks, C. C. - Secretary, The Denison Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers. [112-114 North Houston Avenue.]
Kemp, W. D. - Manager, Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]. Successor to Baity Dry Goods Co.
Killebrew, G. G. - Proprietor, Gate City Laundry, 607 Main St. A native of Clarksville, Tenn.
Killingsworth, W. H. - Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.; and Proprietor, Denison Fuel Company.
King, C. M. - Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.; and Proprietor, Denison Fuel Company.
King, E. E. Jr. - Denison Grain Company - Wholesale Grain, Hay and Feed Stuff. 112 North Austin Ave.; and Proprietor, Denison Fuel Company.
King, S. P. - Proprietor, Groceries and Feed, 415 North Barrett Ave.
Kingston, C. D. - Pharmacist, 322 W. Main St.
Largin, W. F. - Proprietor, O. K. Wagon Yard - Corner Chestnut & Fannin Ave.
Leeper, John B. - Manager, Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
Leeper, Paul W. - Vice-Prest., Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
Lewin, R. W. - Treasurer, Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street]
Lewis, C. H. - Proprietor, Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co., [107-109 West Woodard Street].
Lingo, E. H. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Lumber.
Little, H. - Proprietor, Little's Steam Dye Works - Steam and Dry Cleaning, Ladies' and Gent's Clothing, 102 West Woodard St. Both Phones. He is a native of Paducah, Ky.
Longmire, E. H. - Manager and druggist, The People's Pharmacy. 408 W. Main St., Phone 188.
Lowe, L. A. - Cash Grocery. 111 South Rusk Ave. Old Phone 182; New Phone 400.
Madden, J. W. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Dry Goods.
Marcus, Fred - Diamonds, Watches, and Jewelry, Watchmaker and Jeweler. 217 W. Main St.
Mathes, M. T. - Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, 115-121 N. Rusk Ave. Both Phones 134.
McCarthy, C. C. - Real Estate and Loans, Farms and City Property for Sale on Easy Payments?Grower and Shipper of Fruits and Berries. 115 W. Main St., New Phone 351, Old Phone, 121.
McDonald, Mrs. B. E. - Mrs. B. E. McDonald's Dining Hall. 406 W. Main St.
McDougall, J. B. - Vice-Prest., Denison Light and Power Co. Also: Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]
McEver, J. N. - Proprietor, Stevens Barn - Livery, Feed, Sale and Boarding Stable, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St.
McKinney, T. T., M.D. - Proprietor, Owl Drug Company. Prescription Druggist, 116 N. Austin Ave. Graduate of the Meharry Medical College of Nashville, Tenn. He is a native of Grayson County.
Meginnis, Wm. G. - Cashier, The State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]
Melton, C. F. - Proprietor, Gates & Melton - Grocers, 800 S. Mirick Ave. Both Phones.
Mergell, Alex. - Proprietor, Diamond Steam Bakery, 601 S. Main St.
Meyer, J. W. - Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing, 204 West Chestnut St.
Milburn, W. M. - Inventor and Sheet Metal Worker. 606 S. Armstrong Ave.
Moore, G. W. - Photographer, 210 W. Main St.
Moore, L. [Levi] B. - Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. [216 West Main Street]
Moore, N. L. - Proprietor, Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co. [107-109 West Woodard Street]
Moore, W. C. - Proprietor, Red River Mfg. and Bottling Co. [107-109 West Woodard Street]
Mosse, Arthur M. - Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles and Strap Goods, General Harness Repairing and Dealer in Buggies, Surreys, Carts, etc. 416 W. Main St., Horan's Old Stand.
Mullen, P. J. - Grocer, 422 N. Houston Ave.
Murphy, T. A. - Vice-Prest, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Murphy, Tim - Proprietor. Denison Transfer Line, 106 W. Main St.
Nelms, T. R. - Manager, Nelms & Carr - Dealers in Furniture, Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Matting, Sewing Machines, Clocks and Many Other Things, New and Second-Hand. 111 South Burnett Ave., first door south of the Palace Hotel.
Nilson, A. A. - Watchmaker and Jeweler, [324 West] Main St.
Oglesby, M. L. - Manager, Denison Hotel. [500?510 West Main Street]
O?Maley, C. J. - Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and General Merchandise, Musical Instruments, Talking Machines, etc. 120 W. Main St.
Orr, J. B. - Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Flour, Feed, Produce, Tobacco, Cigars, Poultry, etc. 405-407 North Armstrong Ave. Both Telephones.
Ourand, J. B. - Manager, Ourand's Furnished Rooms - Clean beds a specialty, 109-1/2 W. Main Street. Office second floor. New phone 335.
Parlat, Sam - Patti & Parlat Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream, 207 W. Main St. Old Phone 166. Also connected with the barber shop at the Denison Hotel.
Pastore, Rick - Proprietor, Antler's Cafe and Hotel. 105 W. Main St. New Phone 388.
Patti, Mike - Manager, Patti & Parlat Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream, 207 W. Main St. Old Phone 166.
Peck, W. A. - The Watchmaker. Watches, Diamonds, and Jewelry; High-Grade Repairing a Specialty. [312 West Main Street]
Perkins Bros. - Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]. Successor to Baity Dry Goods Co.
Perkins, J. J. - Stockholder, Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies' Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]. Successor to Baity Dry Goods Co.
Perkins, S. B. - Stockholder, Perkins Bros. Co. - Dry Goods, Clothing, and Shoes, and Furnishing Goods, Ladies Suits, Millinery, etc. [306-308 West Main Street]. Successor to Baity Dry Goods Co.
Peter, R. H. - Proprietor, Gate City Laundry, 607 Main St. A native of Kentucky.
Platter, A. F. - Vice-Prest., Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street.] Also Vice-Prest. and Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas. [300 W. Main St.]
Platter, H. C. - Secretary, Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street.]
Proskauer, Jos. H. - Expert Hatter. 111-1/2 N. Rusk Ave.
Reeves, M. S. - Manager, Crowdus Bros. & Company?Hides and Wool. [Address not in City Directories, 1907 or 1909]
Regensburger, E. - Director, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Rennie, John F. - Dry Goods, Notions, Waists and Skirts. 318 W. Main St. Old Phone 468.
Reynolds, A. G. - Reynolds Drug Co. 225 W. Main St.
Richardson, M. C. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 921 South Armstrong Ave.
Riviere, A. B. - Real Estate Agent, 228 W. Main St.
Robb, D. N. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Stockman.
Robert, W. H., Jr. - Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, 431 W. Main St.
Routon, A. J. - Proprietor, Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, Sheet Metal Workers, 111 W. Main St. New Phone 265. A native of Kentucky.
Rue, Geo. - Ast. Cashier, The State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]
Rutledge, W. C. - Director, The First State Bank-Security Office Building [331 West Main Street].
Scott, T. M. - Scott & Burch - Furniture, New and Second-Hand, 307 W. Main St. Both Phones 5.
Sherburne, F. A. - Shoe Factory and Repair Shop, also Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, 116 Main St.
Short, A. J. - Proprietor, Denison Barber Shop, 317 W. Main St.
Stanford, J. W. - Manager, Staple and Fancy Groceries, 531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave. Son of W. J. Stanford.
Stanford, W. J. - Staple and Fancy Groceries, 531 Hull St., Cor. Mirick Ave.
Stevens, Dr. H. F. - Veterinary Surgeon, 214 to 220 West Chestnut St.
Stinson, John - Signs of All Kinds, Display Cards, Bulletin Ad Signs, also Paper Hanging and House Painting, 116 North Burnett Ave. Old Phone.
Thompson, D. K. - Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Stoves. 118-120 N. Rusk Ave.
Thompson, Mrs. Emma - Proprietor, The Wide-Awake Grocery, 1101 West Woodard St. Both Phones.
Thompson, Elton - Proprietor, The Wide-Awake Grocery - 1101 West Woodard St. Both Phones. Son of Mrs. Emma Thompson.
Tobin, H. A. - Manager, C. B. Dunn - Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Suit Cases, 203 W. Main St.
Tobin, P. H. - Director, State National Bank of Denison, Texas, [300 W. Main St.]. Also: Treasurer, Denison Crystal Ice Co.
Voigt, F. M. - Proprietor, Gate City Pressing Club, 114 S. Austin Ave.
Waltz, Chris - Sanitary Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work, Hot Air, Hot Water and Steam Heating, Electrical Work and Supplies. 303 West Woodard St. Telephone No. 13.
Waples, E. C. - Sect. & Treas., Hall-Leeper Hardware Co. - Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Cutlery, Tools. Everything in iron and steel. 129-131 W. Main St.
Waples, John G. - Vice-Prest., Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street]
Waples, Paul - Prest., Waples-Platter Grocer Co. - Wholesale Grocers, Established 1872, Denison, Fort Worth and Dallas. [104 E. Main Street]
Wells, F. W. - Confectionery, Fruits, Cigars, Tobacco, Pool Room and Restaurant, 609 S. Armstrong Ave.
Wilson, O. U. - I. X. L. Blacksmith and General Repair Shop - Expert Horseshoeing, also Saw Filing, Gun and Locksmith Work; Scissors, Razors and Clippers Ground. 108 West Woodard St.
Zienter, V. J. - Merchant Tailor, 224 W. Main St.

Information About This Document
Citation for this document: "Denison, the Texas Gateway: A Busy, Progressive City with Golden Opportunities." 16pp. Brochure. N.p.: N.d. [ca. 1908].
This typescript and indexes prepared by Mavis Anne Bryant, August 2012.

Denison History

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