Grayson County TXGenWeb
O. K. Wagon Yard
Denison, Texas
corner of Chestnut St. & Fannin Ave.

This is one of the very best wagon yards in the city, providing the very best of accommodations, including good camp houses and cook stoves, plenty of feed, water and fuel. It is a great pleasure to make this yard headquarters, for it is indeed just like being at home and has the reputation of being the most homelike and desirable place of its kind in the city. The proprietor is Mr. W. F. Largin, who while a native of Tennessee, has been a resident of this county for some six years, and is exceedingly well known. He is reliable in his dealings and popular as a citizen. A hearty welcome is extended to all. Patronize the O. K. Wagon Yard and you will not be disappointed.

Source: “Denison, the Texas Gateway: A Busy, Progressive City with Golden Opportunities.” 16pp. Brochure. N.p.: N.d. [ca. 1908].

Denison History

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