Grayson County TXGenWeb

Levi B. Moore
(1837 - 1920)

Denison, Texas

L. [Levi] B. Moore: Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry; Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. [216 West Main St.]

Among the houses of which Denison feels justly interested is that of Mr. L. B. Moore. It has been established for many years, and Mr. Moore has ever occupied a position of conspicuous prominence in the trade. The premises are neatly appointed and tastefully arranged, where is carried one of the finest jewelry stocks in North Texas. It consists of high-grade diamonds, watches, and fashionable jewelry of all kinds. Special attention is also given to repairing the most complicated work being executed with entire satisfaction by skilled jewelers. Mr. Moore is also the watch inspector for the M., K. & T. Ry. and T. & P. Ry. Mr. Moore gives his close personal attention to the details of the business, adopting in his dealings with the public reliable and honorable means which have most favorably commended his establishment to the confidence of his patrons. Mr. Moore is a substantial citizen, and his store may be said to stand in the very front rank as a representative house.

Source: “Denison, the Texas Gateway: A Busy, Progressive City with Golden Opportunities.” 16pp. Brochure. N.p.: N.d. [ca. 1908].

Banking House of Rohrbough & Moore

Denison History

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