Grayson County TXGenWeb

M.T. Mathes Livery
Denison, Texas

M.T. Mathes
Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable
115 - 121 N. Rusk Ave.
Both Phones 134

Denison has many up-to-date institutions in which she takes a pardonable price.  Among such the livery stable of Mr. M.T. Mathes deserves mention.  It is equipped according to first-class ideas, perfect as to ventilation and sanitary arrangements.  A specialty is made of all departments of a general boarding, livery, feed and sales stable.  The best feed is provided, with the result that all stock shows up in fine condition.  The livery department is provided with all kinds of up-to-date vehicles, also funeral cars and closed carriages for special occasions; reliable drivers are furnished and all calls are promptly answered, while prices are reasonable.  Satisfaction is the result of all dealings with this institution.  Mr. M.T. Mathes, the Proprietor, is a man of wide experience, and ably directs its every department.

Source : "Denison, the Texas Gateway: A Busy, Progressive City with Golden Opportunities." 16pp. Brochure.  N.p.: N.d. [ca.1908].


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