Grayson County TXGenWeb 

Waples - Platter Company
Denison, Texas

The Sunday Gazetteer
Sunday, September 27, 1885
pg. 10

is the leading wholesale grocery house of Denison, and do an immense trade in the North Texas and the "B.I.T."  They keep several gentleman constantly employed on the road, and they send in large orders all the time, proving conclusively that they do an immense wholesale trade.  Their large two-story store, one hundred feet front at foot of Main Street is packed to its utmost capacity with a large and fresh stock of goods.  They have been established here since 1872, and are the pioneer grocery house of Denison and North Texas....we would say to our country merchants when they want to buy a bill call on Hanna, PLatter & Waples.

104 East Main St.

Located next to the railroad tracks at 104 East Main Street, this large, elegant warehouse was built in 1885 for the Waples-Platter Grocery Company. That year, Andrew Fox Platter had formed a partnership with Edward B. Waples and his two sons, Paul and John. Founded in Denison, the company became one of the largest wholesale grocery firms in the Southwest, with its salesmen covering five states. 

Waples Platter moved all their operations into the old White Swan building at 112 South Houston, when they sold their Main Street office to Griffin.  White Swan had already been moved to Dallas in 1929.  The Waples Platter Co. continued their business in Denison until 1959, when all operations were moved to Fort Worth.

Grayson County Collection
Frontier Village

Waples-Platter History

 Denison History

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