Equity Court Abstracts

Book DHH-1 - circa1898

Frederick County, Maryland

These are abstracts from Equity Court Records of Frederick County, Maryland, many times providing family data on the defendant and sometimes on persons not mentioned on the docket. Some of the listings are quite informative while others, being dismissed, may only have the date and name of plantiff and defendant. However, the cases brought before the judge consisted of sworn testimony and each one holds a story. Perhaps you will find a story connected to your search.
[Records Located at Maryland State Archives]

Estate of Martin L. NICODEMUS - #6945 - 1898 Martin L. NICODEMUS d/ Mar 1898 intestate, leaving widow - Lucinda, now dec'd and 12 children 1. Clinton C. NICODEMUS and w/ Sallie M. 2. Henry C. NICODEMUS and w/ Alice (Allie) 3. Barbara Ann w/o Samuel E. HARN 4. Olivia A. w/o John H. ETZLER 5. Augusta A. w/o Nimrod W. ETZLER 6. Fannie W. w/o Edward F. LINDSAY - Montgomery Co, MD 7. Alice L. w/o Bradley T. NICODEMUS 8. Pauline M. w/o Howard M. LEASE 9. Clara C. widow/of William PITTINGER 10. Albert C. NICODEMUS and w/ Buelah G. 11. William T. NICODEMUS 12. Martin L. NICODEMUS Jr. LAND - 94 acre farm under two deeds - - from Thomas P. WILLIAMS on Oct 22, 1853 [ES-3, 623] - from Valentine NICODEMUS on Jan 21, 1861 [BGF-6, 402] However, in 1889, he incurred two mortgages - - to R. Nelson NORWOOD on Mar 18, 1889 for $1600 (later held by Charles A. NORWOOD) - to Charles B. SAPPINGTON on Aug 11, 1889 for $1,800. Also indebted to Bradley T. NICODEMUS. Trustees were Clinton C. NICODEMUS and Bradley T. NICODEMUS SALE was held 31 Dec 1898 at Clarence A. LINDSAY's Store in Unionville and advertised in the "Banner of Liberty"; high bidders were: - Norman DANNER for a 5-acre wood lot - Henry S. BOYLE for the rest of the estate at $52.30/acre. Total Sales, $4,544.97. Filed Mar 1899.

To Be Continued

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