
Biographies: David Briggs, Memoir of John Rowzee Garrison II, John Carter Stark, John Bowie Gray, Henry Peyton, John Dickerson, Henson Family, William Bradshaw, Sudduth Family, Tolson - Shacklette Family, Colonel Willis, Christopher Windsor Family | Fredericksburg News Article- Shacklette-Tolson family | Gantt Letter | Heflin Family Records | Shacklett Notes 1920 | Tolson Store Receipt |Biographies of Church Wardens and Vestrymen in Overwharton Parish 1757 | Pritchart/Pritchett |Patteson | Deposition Names |


I have the following receipt from W. A. Botts & Bro., Stafford Store, VA:

W. A. Botts & Bro.,
Dealers In  Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, etc., etc. Stafford Store, Va. April 3, 1882
Rec'd of Mrs. Daniel Tolson Two dollars and Twenty Three Cents in full to Date
W. A. Botts & Bro.


Contributed by Donna Blaney Tolson