Mill Grove / est. 1818 / John M. Yates first PM / Jan. 1839 relocated to Lunenburg County and renamed Yatesville. Source: Mecklenburg Post Offices furnished by Gerald Tate Gilliam.
"South Fork of the Meherrin River"
dividing Mecklenburg County on the south, and
Lunenburg on the north, and
touching Charlotte County on the west.
This is a small section of an 1839 map of Virginia (755 1839 p5, LVA) places Mill Grove Store and Post office.
Later maps show both Mill Grove and Yatesville on the Lunenburg side. On the 1871 Hotchkiss map of Lunenburg, both Mill Grove and Yatesville appear. Perhaps Mill Grove remained a community or business even after Yatesville became the post office for that area.
(Finneywood, seen on the map over the Mecklenburg line in Charlotte County, would not be the same exact location as the Finneywood that later became a post office and depot in Mecklenburg near the South Fork of the Meherrin. It was in Mecklenburg but nearer the Charlotte County line than Mill Grove.)
Mill Grove Post Office & Store was on the road that runs between
Christiansville in Mecklenburg County (now Chase City) and Lewistown (Lunenburg
Court House) in Lunenburg. The bridge that crosses the Meherrin River at that
point was about a century ago called Cox's Bridge. It has been called Tucker's Mill Bridge.
Mill Grove was a post
office 1819-1839 per Life by the Roaring Roanoke, page 132, Bracey.
Families who were
listed and served by Mill Grove were, no doubt, served by Yatesville, and later
Contributed by JoLee Gregory Spears
"Each of the ledger pages is headed, in large letters, 'MillGrove,' with the year shown. This ledger dates from the same period of time that mail came here [then the Josephus Gregory home, now occupied by E. Jack Gregory]addressed to 'Mill Grove Post Office'." --E. Jack Gregory
Almond, Rebecca
Asher, Newman
Bacon, Capt. D. A.
Bailey, Edward S.
Bailey, Thomas
Bigger, Dr. John
Booth, Mary
Booth, Partrick
Boswell, James
Boswell, Thomas
Bragg, Capt. R. W.
Brame, John D.
Bruce, Samuel A.
Buford, John R.
Burwell, A. A.
Burwell, Benjamin P.
Burwell, Jane
Burwell, Peyton R.
Burwell, Jr, Lewis
Claiborne, M. M.
Claiborne, Mary
Clopton, David R.
Couch, William T.
Craddock, Edward A.
Craddock, Felix
Craddock, John
Craddock, Nancy
Cunningham, James
Cunningham, John
Dance, E. Stephen
Dance, M. M.
Dance, Matthew
Davidson, John
Dobyns, Boler
Elam, R. I.
Ellis, Ellison W.
Ellis, Joseph F.
Ellis, William
Evans, William
Fowlkes, Joel
Gayle, Thomas
Gennings, James G.
Gregory, Josephus
Gregory, Roderick R.
Hailey, Isaac T.
Hardy, Ralph C.
Harris, Giles
Harris, Robert B.
Hendson, Charles
Hepburn, E. M.
Hepburn, Ebenezer M.
Hudson, Charles
Jennings, James G.
Jordan, William P.
Keen, Edward
Keen, Gen. Abram
Lipscomb, Edward B.
Lipscomb, Richard
Lipscomb, Tempy
Marable, Hartwell
Mason, Capt. D. A.
Neathery, Daniel
Oliver, Dr. William W.
Oliver, James
Oliver, John G.
Overton, Mary
Pattillo, John P.
Phillips, Capt. Richard
Poindexter, George C.
Poindexter, W. H.
Puryear, R. C.
Robertson, Jonas
Robertson, Mary
Russell, Bernall
Russell, Paschall
Saunders, Hyde
Saunders, John H.
Saunders, Robert
Seaker, William
Smithson, Sterling T.
Stone, Daniel
Thompson, David
Thompson, Jr., David
Toon, Jackson
Tucker, Elizabeth
Tucker, Henry
Tucker, William
Wallace, Anderson
Wallace, Benjamin
Watson, A. J.
Watson, J. W. M.
Watson, Joseph A.
Weatherford, Hilery
Weatherford, John
Wilson, James
Wilson, John G.
Wood, Christopher
Wood, William M.
Yates, E. R.
Yates, John M.
Yates, William M.
Yates, Jr., J. Murray
There were also entries made for loans to customers.
apple brandy - 5/8 gal. - .58
Beckwith Pills - 1 box - .63
brown sugar - 60 lb. - 9.15
buttons - 1 doz. - .06
calico - 2 yards - .75
cambric - 1/2 yard - .09
chisel (1/2*) - 1 - .20
coffee - 5 pounds - .75
coffee pot, 3-pint - 1 - .30
cotton handkerchief - 1 - .25
cup and saucer - 1 set - .30
curry comb - 1 - .25
fine belt - 1 - .50
fine hosiery - 2 pair - 1.50
fish hooks - 1/2 doz. - .06
German linen - 3 yards - 1.56
hair brush - 1 - .63
hooks and eyes - 2 boxes - .13
indigo - 1 oz. - .19
kid gloves - 1 pair - .50
large cotton umbrella - 1 - 3.00
man's slippers - 1 pair - .62
molasses - 1/2 gal. - .31
palm leaf hat - 1 - .38
paper - 2 quires - .50
parsails vest - 1 - 1.00
pocket knife - 1 - 1.13
printed muslin - 12 yards - 6.00
pumps - 1 pair - 1.25
rhubarb - 1 vial - .12
saddle blanket - 1 - .63
sail duck - 1 yard - .25
scissors - 1 pair - .56
shaving can - 1 - .06
sheep shears - 1 pair - .56
shoes - 1 pair - 1.75
silk handkerchief - 1 - $1.25
silver thimble - 1 - .25
spirit of turpentine - 1 bottle - .32
suspenders - 1 pair - .37
table spoons - 1 set - .75
thread - 1 spool - .08
thread - 1 spool - .06
tin bucket - 1 - .25
vest buttons - 1 doz. - .38
whiskey - 1/2 gal. - .31
Contributed 1999 Jul 19 by E. Jack Gregory
Copyright © 1996 - The USGenWeb® Project, VAGenWeb, Mecklenburg County