Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Atkinson Plain Dealer

Jan 26,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
C Williams bought the George E Boheme livery.
L A Huston makes stamp photos, cost 25 cents
Mr Hanlon, janitor of the court house, died of apoplexy, on Monday last week.
Messrs Beebe and Havens are going to fill the rink with baled hay
Frank J Rosenbery and John C Ingils proved their land claims

Feb 2,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Ira Lapham sold his interest in the Ogden hotel to E Perry
The Walrath Corner is going to be cleared of the shoe shop and barber shop, and a fine new building will be erected by John McNichols.
The funeral of Mrs Carpenter occurred on Saturday morning and she was buried in the Chambers cem.

March 23,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Ted Woods and Inez Patrick of Laurel, were married in Laurel last week.
Henry Gilg, Fay W Scripter, and William B Ashton proved their land claims

March 30,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Lee Henry of Mineola has purchased the Plain Dealer.
May King, aged 18 years, daughter of J J King, of O'Neill, died at her home Friday
John R Gay proved his land claim
The little daughter born to Peter Bonenberger Friday morning only stayed to brighten their home a few short hours and passed on to the great beyond at an early hour Sunday. The funeral took place Tuesday.

April 6,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs F L Smith died in Auburn, California
W Francis bought one of the Slaymaker farms in Green Valley

April 13,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs George A McArthur died at Evanston, Wyoming a week ago last Sunday and was buried at Norfolk a week ago Tuesday.
Married at the home of Houser on Thursday of this week, Carey Smith of Volga, SD and Caroline Runk of Mt Vernon, Ohio. Rev Houser officiating.
Marriage license issued to George Sanders of Scottville and Nellie Stanton of Mineola.
List of land that the Atkinson and Northern Railroad will cross
Letter from R F Cross

April 20,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Ted Connaughton has been freighting between Butte and Atkinson
George Sanders and Nellie Stanton were married with Rev Hutchinson officiating. They will reside on the McAllister place on the Red Bird - Boyd County Register
A telephone message from Basin, from J P Fritchoff, Holt County Commissioner, The southern span of the Grand Rapids bridge has been condemned and warns the public not to attempt crossing that bridge.
Atkinson will have three saloons, John McNichols will occupy his new one on the corner, Carson will occupy McNichols old building, and Schanebaum and James will occupy the building now occupied by the post office.
The post office will move to the Sage building on State Street.

April 27,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
New meat market - PP Gaughran
Joe Vrzal got a baby girl.
Married at St Joseph Church, in Atkinson on Tuesday April 25, Shemon Veskrua and Fanny Soufall. Rev Father Klemenz officiating.
Robert Blackburn was run over by the wheel of a wagon hauling wheat.

May 4,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Howard Havens, former employee of this paper went down to O'Neill to join the Independent force of compositors.
John R Gay proved his land claim

May 11,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
A E Root came to visit his parents. He had been with the 3rd U S Engineers in Santiago, Cuba.
Mrs Frank Perry died yesterday of that dreaded disease consumption. She leaves a husband and five young children. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the M E Church. Rev O V Kenaston officiating -- Butte Gazette
R O Miller, arrested in Atkinson a few weeks ago for stealing clothes from Sturdevant's store and confined in the county jail, escaped.
Application for pardon for John Fanton.

June 1,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
D Stannard of O'Neill erected monuments for John Heeb and James Cannon.
Thomas Dickerson arrived back in town with two small children. He is going to stay.
John Sullivan of O'Neill and Rose Ann Smith of this place were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the St Joseph Church, in Atkinson, last Wednesday morning.
T J Smith is going to run a newspaper at Perry. He used to live here when it was a shanty store and a small blacksmith shop.
Arthur Cruise sold his ranch to a German from Custer County.

June 8,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Della Stearns filed for divorce from William G Stearns.
Once up a time, (Last Thursday) an aggregation of baseball cranks from a railroad center in the western part of Holt County (Atkinson) sallied forth from their native heath to a small village about ten miles up the Elkhorn valley, known by the name of Stuart, to lock horns on the bloody sands of the arena with another band of cranks said to be quartered at that place. And they did it. They met the enemy and they were his. For three long and lonely hours did they tussle, and when it was over and the dust had cleared away, behold the red shirts of Atkinson were butter side down. It was sad, very sad, but it couldn't be helped after it was too late. The main feature of the game was the absence of good playing, which, alone was enough to make it very uninteresting. The same aggregations are billed to meet again in a week or two, and no one who is a lover of the national game should miss its execution as the Reds have agreed to skin them fully as badly the next time as they did before. The gentle (?) wind that was blowing from the south and the excellent (?) eye of the umpire all tended to increase the interest. Oh, but it was grand, and would have reminded you of a funeral procession. Amid the darkness there was one bright spot, just one for our boys, Ira Burleson made a star play in right field. John Sturdevant did the same for them in the left. Most of the crowd remained for the dance in the evening enjoyed a fine time and returned in the rain.

June 15,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
N B Bisbee died at his home three miles west of Chambers yesterday of consumption. Funeral occurs today at Chambers
H Chambers has moved his restaurant from its old location on State Street to his own building, formerly occupied by the post office, on the west side of Main Street.
Ed Jay accused of stealing a span of horses from Bell Cattle Co, preliminary hearing in Ainsworth.
William Gregg died at Omega, Illinois on Saturday, June 3rd.
Will Miller received a telegram Monday evening of the death of his father of apoplexy at Holstein, Iowa.
Jacob Kraft lost 25 head of cattle to thieving.
George W Traver of Amelia who has been away looking for a more favorable location than Holt County for the past five years, and after looking over 14 different states and territories concluded to return to this land of plenty this week,, and declares his intention of remaining.
William O Feezer proved his land claim

June 22,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Twins born to William Stephenson of Francis Township this week

July 6,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
On last Saturday evening one of the old residents of the Mineola country in the northeastern part of the county, D C Powell died at the home of his son, B A Powell, and was probably buried at the Mineola cemetery Tuesday afternoon.

July 27,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
J H Hopkins takes his place as warden of the state penitentiary on Aug 1. C W Spence, an all around newspaper man, and a democrat from Omaha, has been appointed chief clerk under him.
DeYarmon barn burns in O'Neill
Gen White died at his home in Keya Paha County and was bro't here for burial last Tuesday. Interment was made Wednesday in the Catholic Cem.

Aug 10,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
William Logan born Troy Township, Richland Co, Ohio March 13,1834, died at his home one mile south of Atkinson July 30,1899, He married Emma Ruth Coe of Troy Township, Morrow Co, Ohio on March 23,1858. she with one son and two daughters survives him. He was a veteran of the civil war, Co K 9th Ohio Cavalry,
A baby girl came to brighten the pleasant home of J J Harrington Tuesday morning.

Sept 14,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Tuesday morning little Elile Trout, the three year old son of E V Trout, died, after an illness of several months. The body was shipped to Sac City, Iowa Wednesday for burial and was accompanied by the sorrowing family and Mrs Trout's mother, Mrs Hailet, of that place.
Friday morning, an east bound special returned this morning with Con Cannon whom they found a mile or two down the tracks unconscious, having been struck by a train sometime last night. He is badly cut about the head and may not recover as his skull is fractured. He had been drinking in town and had a supply of liquor with him when struck by the train.
On account of the ten dollar license required in South Dakota this year, nonresident chicken hunters are over running northern Nebraska.

Sept 21,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
A baby girl arrived at the home of A Miller of this place.
Eber Leek, was in O'Neill Monday, taking measurements and figuring on bidding on the furnishing of the court house with a steam heating apparatus.

Sept 28,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Welsh and Begley were found guilt of rape on a frail German woman with six small children. Both got ten years in the State Pen.

Oct 5,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Silas Smith and Alberta Uttley were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Judge Selah at the home of I R Smith last Sunday.
Harry Prouty is a full fledged U S Soldier, Co E 39th U S A, Fort Crook, Nebr.

Oct 12,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Harvey Bentley, an old resident of O'Neill, passed away last week and was buried at that place last Friday. Rev Lowery preached the funeral service and the Royal Highlanders conducted the burial services. Clansman Bentley had been in the employ of Krotter and Co and was a member of the Castle at that place.
Mrs Alex Hart received a telegram Saturday informing her of the death of her oldest brother at Indiana, Penn.

Oct 26,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Will and George Mullen came to O'Neill for the funeral of brother, Johnny who died Friday and was buried Sunday. He was a member of the Dalkeith Castle of the Royal Highlanders of O'Neill.
Ruth Radcliffe, wife of Louis Radcliffe, died last Wednesday at her home in Stuart township and was interred in the cem here on the following Friday from the Presbyterian Church, where the funeral was held, Rev Haner delivering the funeral sermon.
Oct 17, there was born a bran new boy of the usual weight to George Harvey and upon whom has been bestowed the name of John Skirving Harvey.
Fay Scripter and Minnie Bruder were married at the Catholic Church here last Tuesday morning.
Claude Blair and Harry P Dowling were married at Eldarado Springs, Mo Tuesday, Oct 3.
On last Saturday evening at the residence of county judge Selah, were united in marriage Henry Waterman and Mrs Alice Scott, both of O'Neill
Louis, the 15 year old son of C J Viquest of Ray, Nebr, left home today and any information in regard to him will be thankfully received by his parents. He wore blue overalls and had on a black cap, has light hair and is blind in one eye.
E M Ogle went down to the Hub last Friday to make final proof on his timber claim. The ne ½ 4-28-15, taking as witnesses T B Walker and Nels Tuller.

Nov 16,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs Samuel C Sample of Butte and daughter Alice came in on the passenger Sunday evening from South Bend, Indiana, where they had been to attend the funeral of husband and brother. They departed for Butte Monday morning.
Samuel C Sample, died at the Merchant's hotel in Omaha at 11 am on the 7th. His remains were taken to South Bend, Indiana and were interred. Born in South Bend 44 years ago.
John F Jones and Pauline Pacha of Green Valley were quietly married at the Methodist Parsonage last Wednesday morning. Rev Talley officiating.

Nov 23,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
O A Deming and May Sexton of Dustin were married at O'Neill Thursday. Co judge Selah officiating.-Stuart Ledger
Dr J L McDonald and Christina Weller were united in Holy Bonds of Matrimony in the City of Omaha last Thursday Nov 16 by Rev Chas W Savidge.

Nov 30,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Thomas Coyne living 9 miles north of O'Neill was fatally injured on the way home from O'Neill.
Died Wednesday evening Nov 29 at his home in Atkinson, J W Marrail. A veteran of the civil war, member of GAR, leaves 3 sons and 2 daughters. Funeral will be held at M E Church tomorrow.
Joseph Musil of Inman township made a complaint charging David Stamp, 15 year old son of Wm Stamp having forcibly committed a criminal assault upon his 8 year old daughter, Anna. David was sent to the State reform school until age 21 years.
At Ainsworth last night, Judge Westover performed the ceremony that joined for life H M Uttley and Mary Payne

Dec 14, 1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
New hose house was built for $200.
Fred Archerd, bookkeeper in the state auditor's office, died and was buried last Thursday at his former home in Iowa. Fred used to reside in Atkinson and was one of Holt County's foremost school teachers
J H Blenkiron, shot by editor Harris of Belden. Funeral held at Randolph and remains interred in the cemetery at that place.
Brown's Livery Barn in Atkinson
Edward Graham of Shields township was buried at O'Neill last Sunday.
Mrs M E Chesner died the first of the week at the home of her son-in-law N D O'Brien in Kansas City, Mo
Simon Benish and Dilli Voigd, both of Stuart, were united in marriage at the home of John Skirving in this city Tuesday, county Judge Selah officiating - O'Neill Frontier

Dec 28,1899 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Married Sunday evening Dec 34 at the M E Parsonage in Atkinson, James Churchill of Tarko, Mo and Flora Withers of this place. Rev Talley officiating. (34 was the date in the paper)
Picture of Chas J Wilson store
Frank Kozicek of Green Valley, passed away at his home this morning. The funeral will take place at Atkinson on Saturday next.
Probate notice of John R Orenduriff

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