Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Atkinson Graphic

Jan 9,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Timothy Cross, had cattle rustled. Oliver Holmquist is under arrest.
Mrs Mary S Orcutt, age 56 years, 9 months and 23 days died at her home in Atkinson on Sat, Jan 4 at 10 o'clock. Mary S Barrows was born March 12,1839 in Crown Point, Essex Co, NY and married to S D Orcutt Feb 12,1853. In 1885 they moved to Atkinson, To this union were born three children, 2 sons and 1 daughter.
Keep your dog tied up or it will be killed. A mad dog bit Father Kreltkopf's horse, Henry Schwearing's dog, Rev Barleigh's dog, two of John Brady's dogs, then was killed by Jess Brook. Stuart has killed 15 dogs in the last week.

Jan 16,1896 Atkinson Graphic
While deputy sheriffs and vigilantes were in Atkinson, John Fantan left for Old Mexico via Rock County.
The blizzard of Jan 12,1888, Mattles and the son of Mr Schaaf's froze to death.
Tom Carberry is on trial for Cattle rustling in O'Neill
Michael Tierney is on trial for five counts of counterfeiting.
A ten pound boy arrived at the home of W C Conklin last Friday morning
Will Donnelly is moving his torsorial palace further south on main street, next to the Old Exchange bank, in building formerly occupied by W E Hamlin
In the Blizzard of Jan 12,1888, Mr Fanst's mother-in-law and his two children started for Stuart in a sleigh, found frozen to death two days later
Mary S Orcutt aged 56 years 9 months and 23 days died at her home in Atkinson, Saturday Jan 4 at 10 am, after a lingering illness of over 4 months. She was born March 12,1839 Crown Point, NY. Married S D Orcutt Feb 18,1863. had three children

Jan 23,1896 Atkinson Graphic
J M Campbell has harness and repair shop in the brick building next to the Exchange Bank
Last Sunday in the Catholic Church, Father Breitkopf announced the coming marriage of Donut Segar and Sophia Cramer.

Jan 30,1896 Atkinson Graphic
D P O'Sullivan, an old resident of this county, died in O'Neill last Saturday.
Frank Kazda and Emma Kragen were married last Monday in this city, Hiram Beebe, Justice of Peace officiating.
Donut Segar and Sophia Cramer were married at the Catholic Church by Father Brietkopf at 10 last Monday morning.
Samuel Auger, died Wednesday night of last week, He had reached the age of 76 years. Funeral services were held from his late residence Friday, at 11. conducted by Rev Burleigh and the burial was made in the cemetery at this place.

Feb 6,1896 Atkinson Graphic
John Ingles had a load of corn meal from his grist mill.
Last Friday. W H H Clark and Charles Brook started for Iowa, called there by the death of Mr Clarke's sister. Mr Brook returned Tuesday night.
John Fanton is at Meadow Grove on bail of $1,000.

Feb 13,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Saturday evening last week, C H Walrath received a telegram from Goodland, Ind, that Mrs S J Rinker, sister of Mrs Walrath, was dead. Her parents, C O Bartley, brother State Treasurer C O Bartley, sister Mrs A D Havens
J H Meier, 10 miles northeast of Atkinson will sell at auction and move to Illinois.

Feb 20,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Boy born to Fred Wyss 30th of January
Sarah Bartley Rinkers obituary.

Feb 27,1896 Atkinson Graphic
William Glasgow got 15 years sentence in Omaha for burglary, used to live sw of Atkinson
Frank Dowling going to Coldridge where he leased a blacksmith shop

March 5,1896 Atkinson Graphic
New Bakery - Miss Kate Pruss and Mrs Antone Tomsik have purchased the restaurant and bakery of Mrs Bronk and will be pleased to meet all old customers and many new ones. Good meals at all hours, and fresh bread on hand. They also solicit daily boarders. Everything is first class style.

March 12,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Died Thomas Dowling, aged 64 years, at his home in Atkinson March 5th. He was born in Queens County, Ireland 1832, married Marie Louise Manzy in1852 in Hamilton, Hancock Co, Ill. During the Civil War he was in Company 8, 14th Regiment of Illinois volunteers. Had three sons and three daughters. Funeral services held at Catholic Church.

March 19,1896 Atkinson Graphic
The home of J E Purnell at Emmett was made glad the 10th by the advent of a 10 pound boy.
John Inglis is in the city for the purpose of putting down a well for John Zeimer.
Married March 1st by Rev R Blackburn, Thomas E Maring of Emmett and Myra B Henderson of Atkinson.
Married at Stuart, Saturday, March 14 by Rev Anderson, William Munt and Mrs Nellie Coburn. Mr Munt is an old resident of this county and Mrs Coburn is an old resident of Atkinson.
A creamery in Atkinson, using the Swedish method.

March 26,1896 Atkinson Graphic
A post office is established in Green Valley Township, called Green Valley, with L M Smith as postmaster

April 2,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Someone without the fear of God poisoned John Brady's dog last week.
A boy born at Henry Schwering home

April 9,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Jacob Cramer and Tilly Segar were joined in holy wedlock at the Catholic Church last Tuesday. The ceremony performed by Father Brietkopf.

April 23,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Holt County Wool Growers Association Meeting.
Fena, daughter of Milton Doolittle, died of consumption in North Platte

April 30,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Died, Edith L Meyers, age 20 years 3 months and 13 days, at her father's residence in Lisbon, Iowa, Wednesday April 22. The funeral occurred Thursday April 23 at 2 pm. She graduated from Atkinson high school June 1,1894. She was the eldest daughter of H C Meyers, born in Lisbon Jan9,1876.
Phenia Doolittle died at the home of her parents, M A Doolittle. The deceased was in her 18th year. Funeral services will be held this afternoon, after which the remains will be taken to Onarga, Illinois for interment.
Nathan Spicer, aged 4 years, died at Winnebago City, Minn April 16, on the way to Mazeppa, Minn in company with his parents and Amy Davis. He was a grandchild of James A Davis, living 3 miles southwest of Atkinson.
Holt County Agricultural Society was declared extinct and the Holt County Agricultural and Fair Association was formed. Director B A DeYarmon, W S Griffith.

May 7,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Yesterday afternoon Father Brietkopf joined together in holy wedlock Joseph Sobon and Anna Jonus.
J G Hoteling was in the city last Saturday with a load of evergreens.
Married at the residence of the bride's parents in Ames, Iowa, on Thursday evening April 28, by Rev F J Douglas, Charles W Hodgdon of Hoquiam, Washington and Mary J Sargent of Ames. Bride was a former Atkinsonsite.

May 14,1896 Atkinson Graphic
John Fanton found guilty of stealing Timothy Cross's cattle last December and sentenced to eight years.

May 21,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Last Tuesday morning about 9 o'clock John Carberry, a resident of Stuart, but a former resident of Atkinson, having come through here twenty years ago, walked through his house from the front to the back porch, saw the sheriff coming, placed a revolver to the right side of his head, back of the ear, and fired with deadly effects.
P W Deveson and Alma Price were married at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs Charles Sweet, 207 Williams Street, Monday May 4th by Rev W H Stedman-Champaign, Illinois Daily Gazette

May 28,1896 Atkinson Graphic
The remains of John Carberry were interred in the Catholic Cemetery.
Silas Purdy has hopes of getting the right parties interested in his patent buckles.
The council ordered J W Titus to move his hog pens 200 feet further west. They ordered W E Scott to open up the alley back of his house.

June 4,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Graduating from Atkinson High School were: Maude L Foote, Emma D Greeley, Matilda B Nightingale, Anna L Cross, Lazelle B Sturdevant, Arleigh D Moore and Frank H Morrow.
James Harvey became post master at Stuart.
S W Tower has a curiosity in the shape of a pig which has eight legs, three eyes and four ears. John Ingling is in the process of mounting it.
John Heuton brought to the Graphic office, a pig with eight perfect legs and three ears. The pig was alive when born but the mother laid on it. John Ingling is in the process of mounting it.

June 11,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Married on Wed, June 23, at 1:30 pm, Minnie Guyer of Glenwood, Iowa, and CL Anderson of O'Neill. Ceremony performed by Rev George of O'Neill at the home of the bride's brother-in-law, L B Smith, near Creighton.

July 9,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Charlotte Phillips celebrated her 90th birthday.
The Joe Cross and Co Livery Barn burned. It had been built in Sept 1880, by Put Wheeler, and he hauled the lumber from Fort Niobrara.
A ten pound boy arrived at Myron Thompson home last Tuesday morning.

July 16,1896 Atkinson Graphic
P A Hart came up from Omaha, last Friday on a sad mission. His son, Fred, who has been staying with Pete Youngberg, about 12 miles north of this city, was mysteriously killed July 2, while herding cattle. There was no witness to the accident, but it is supposed that his horse fell on him, he was buried the 3rd at Celia, and his father came up to take the remains to Omaha, but concluded leave the body till fall.

Aug 20,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Word was received in Atkinson last Monday that Tom Carberry had died in South Dakota

Sept 3,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Boy born to George Reis, 11 pounds
Al Miller, mother and sister went to Battle Creek last Saturday to attend the funeral of Howard Miller's baby, which occurred that day.
Christine Obele, mother of Mrs Herman Negienfind, died at 8 am Tue, She came here from Wis last year and was 88 years old. Funeral services were held in the M E Church at 1 am yesterday and were conducted by Rev Burleigh

Sept 10,1896 Atkinson Graphic
A child of Enoch Zener, was riding with its mother in a wagon, and fell out, the hind wheel running over its back

Sept 24,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Married in Atkinson Tue evening, Sept 22, by Judge Beebe, C M Porter of this city and Mrs Fanny Neerhood of Wapello, Iowa

Oct 1,1896 Atkinson Graphic
On Tue occurred the death of Dr Morris, one of Holt County's most esteemed citizens. He was buried yesterday, under the auspices of the Masonic body of which he was a member. Many people from all over the county attended the funeral
Last Monday morning Gilbert Davis and Mary O'Connor were married in the Catholic Church by Father Brietkopf.

Oct 15,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Judge John D Neligh, died in West Point last Friday.
One of James Cannon's twin babies died Sat and was buried in the Atkinson Cem Sunday.

Oct 22,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Married by Rev Blackburn on Wed, Oct 21 at 11 am Charles H Davis and Pauline Mlinar.

Nov 19,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Charley Clark taken before the insanity board, then to asylum at Norfolk.

Dec 4,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Wilson is the druggist.
Mrs Carrie A McDonald died Sat, Nov 28, at the age of 47 years, 2 months and 25 days. Miss Carrie A Wood was born Sept 3,1849 near Niagara Falls, Canada. Married Dr J L McDonald Sept 25,1867 in Picton, Ontario. Died Nov 28,1896 and leaves husband, son and dau.

Dec 10,1896 Atkinson Graphic
C F Englehaupt is butter maker at Amelia Creamery
Died James Henry Perry, at his residence in Atkinson, on Sat, Dec 5 at 9:35 pm, aged 50 years, 11 months, 18 days. Born Dec 17,1845 in Joe Davis County, Illinois. During the Civil War, age 16 years joined the 15th Illinois Volunteers, Co C, was a prisoner at Andersonville prison. Married July 4,1865 to Lucia A Andrews at Lena, Stephenson Co, Ill. Leaves mother, Mrs Mary Perry, a sister, Mrs Lantham, and a brother JC
L P Roy, a well known Holt County citizen, died at 11 o'clock Sabbath morning, Nov 22, at his residence in Fairview Township.
Married by Rev R Blackburn on Dec 9, Francesco Bailey of Stuart and Floyd Davis of Atkinson.
Carrie McDonald, was the daughter of Dr and Mrs H T Wood of Toronto.

Dec 17,1896 Atkinson Graphic
R Musser shot G A Spence. The affair occurred about 20 miles southwest of Atkinson as a result of a quarrel over who should get the corn stocks left from a crop raised by Mr Spence on Mr Musser's place.

Dec 24,1896 Atkinson Graphic
Died Mamie Smith at Scranton, Penn on Wed, Nov 18,1896, aged 21 years and 25 days. She was the daughter of Mary E Smith, and had an operation on her throat where blood poisoning set in.

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