Holt County NEGenWeb Project

The Atkinson Plain Dealer

Jan 12,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mrs R R Dickerson died at her home in this city, Wed evening at 7:15 of uremia. A week ago Tuesday she gave birth to a son.
The Atkinson Plain Dealer is now owned by Judge Woods. E Eves is retiring.
Slaymakers took top prizes with their onions.
William Fagan and Alvaretta Husted were united in marriage Friday afternoon Jan 7. Ceremony was performed by County Judge Selah in his office.

Jan 19,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Judge Selah granted marriage licenses to the following couples of Green Valley, Joseph A Mlinar and Louise Kupert, John B Jonas and Barbara Mlinar and John Wedige and Marie Stenhauser.
Born to Myron Thornton last Wednesday, a ten pound boy
Fred Martin rejoices over a 8 pounds boy born last Friday

Feb 3,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
John Jonas and Barbara Mlinar, both of Green Valley, were married by Justice Tulk at his home, Tuesday, Jan 25.
Jess Brook won the Medal at the Atkinson Gun Club

Feb 10,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
John Wedigee and Marie Steinhauser were married at the Catholic Church at Stuart, Tuesday. Father Klemenz officiating.
J C Kunsh made proof of his timber claim in Rock County
Joseph Mlinar and Libuse Kubart of Green Valley were married at the Catholic Church in Atkinson on Tuesday morning. Father Klemenz officiated. After the wedding the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride where a bountiful spread had been prepared.
A $200 Steer - a replevion suit wherein P Barrett of Dustin sought to recover possession of a steer from John Robertson was heard before Justice Beebe, Thursday and Friday. The jury returned with the verdict in favor of Robertson.
Wash Chapman made final proof on his land claim
A new settler arrived at the home of T A Moss on Feb 4 and announces his intentions of remaining permanently.

Feb 17,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Frances Knopp and John Kusick were married Wednesday of last week at Stuart. Father Klemenz performed the ceremony. They left for Vexnta, near Lincoln, their future home.
Mr Kelly, the young man who runs the experiment farm at O'Neill accidentally killed himself Sunday. He was going through a wire fence with a shotgun. He was 22 or 23 years old.

Feb 24,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Pete Carberry of Stuart arrested on charges of stealing cattle.
Mattie Haines and John Jansen were married Monday, Justice Beebe performed the ceremony at his office.
Born to Paul Seger Tuesday Feb 22, a daughter.

March 3,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
D O Cole married Maude Anthony of Howard County at Central City.
Will O'Brien of Charter Oak, Iowa got a girl, born Feb 24.
J E Allison sold his interest in the implement business to J E Stillson - Havens and Stillson

March 10,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
D Cotton is the father of a bouncing 11 pound baby girl
Ed Bennett, former barber here will start from Red Lodge, Montana about the first of May with a bunch of horses for the Klondike.
I N Neher is here visiting his brother, Ben, I N runs a $2 a day hotel at Dell Rapids, SD
Mattie Copp of Atkinson and Wilbur Leslie of Boyd County were united in marriage Saturday afternoon by Justice Beebe at his office.
Good red blood means good health, our sarsaparilla makes red blood and is just what you need to put your blood in condition for spring. It is not a patent medicine, we give you the formula by which it is made on every bottle- Wilson, druggist
H R Kelly and wife of Fountain Valley were in Atkinson, Monday
Fred Schmedake, Jr has purchased back their old homestead which Mr Schmedake sold several years ago to John Erbes. Consideration $1200.
Nick Wedige has this week bought a quarter of land from John McGrew, consideration $1200. The piece contains no improvements, and is raw prairie land.
Cards are out to announce the marriage of Mabel Henry to George Tomlinson at the home of the bride in O'Neill at noon today. Miss Henry is the daughter of County Treasurer Henry.
If you have hides for sale bring them to the meat market. I am paying 7 cents per pounds - Peter Bonenberger.
Mark Tewksbury, formerly a resident of Atkinson, has moved back to Holt County and has settled near Chambers.
J R Jarvis and W G Dick of Cass Co, Iowa arrived in Atkinson yesterday noon, having come overland. They expect to settle here permanently. Mr Jarvis is a brother-in-law of J M Bennett
Uncle Jim Clark, who left his home in Dustin some four years ago to find a more congenial place to bury his bones, stopped over in Atkinson Sunday night on his way back to his Holt County farm and will probably remain there until he passes in his checks to the world beyond from whence no traveler ever returns.

March 17,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Mary Newbaur is proving up Mathias Newbaur, deceased, land claim
Washington I Chapman is proving up his land claim.
Shutt's Racket store has just received a nice line of clocks and a general line of new spring goods.
Mrs Senator Thurston, who was with her husband in Cuba, died suddenly Monday morning while on board the yacht Anita at Sagua Le Grand.
A letter from Sherm Miller to his brother, Alf
Jas Morrow arrived from Sparta, Wis Friday and will live on his old home place about 7 miles west of town.
Ed White, brother-in-law of Will Dickerson, has returned to Atkinson and will occupy the Dan Taylor house. Mr White used to run a meat market here.

March 24,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Trans Mississippi Edition by the Atkinson Public School
A report reached us telling of the sad death of T R Galvin, a former principal of Atkinson High School , at his brother's home in Newark, NJ
Elmer Allison is moving to Iowa to work in a bank.
Ross, the infant son of Robert Jones, living 2 miles west of town, died Wednesday at 4 o'clock am. Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The Construction car of the FE and MV has finished putting in the new railroad scales at the stock yards this week.
Mr Galleher, former storekeeper of Stuart will move his store to Atkinson and occupy Mrs Nightengale's building on Main Street.

March 31,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
George Blake and Jacob Hahn secured the contract of building a 40 barrel flour mill on Beaver Creek for Max Babl.
While going home Monday night of last week, Jas O'Connell got lost, spent the night in a deserted house without any doors or windows, freezing one hand and both feet.
Mrs Mary Davis received word of the death of her daughter, Birdie Railsbach at Sturgis, SD on the 22nd. The deceased leaves a husband and four children

April 7,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Maschil Manning proved his land claim
Mary C Nester died at the home of Timothy Cross Monday evening after a long and painful illness. She was 86 years and 14 days old. She was born in Tuam County, Galway, Ireland on March 29,1812. In 1865 she came to American with 2 sons and a daughter, Hanna Cross, who died after a brief illness on Jan 10,1893. Funeral services held at the Catholic Church.

April 14,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Leo Loggerwell of Celia, became a parent of a baby boy, born last Friday, named William McKinley.
John Matejka bought the Nels Anderson place in Green Valley, last Saturday, paying for it $800.
F H Bitney and Lucy Russell both of Atkinson were married Wednesday night at 8 o'clock at the home of the groom. Rev Ball officiating.

April 21,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
William T Fisher married Metta DeBow at the home of the bride in Coleridge at noon April 14. She is the daughter of H S DeBow. They will locate at Randolph.
Fred Walso is the newly appointed post master at Dustin.
Harry Loufborough got a baby boy Thursday morning.
Albert Scheinost of Ainsworth has located in Atkinson and opened up a harness and shoe shop in Nightengale's blue front

April 28,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
The five month old child of Ed White died last Friday at 2:30 pm. Funeral services were held Saturday at 11 am from the home and conducted by Rev Ball

May 12,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
The county has brought suit against Cleveland Township, the object of which is to compel Cleveland township to take care of General Bastedo, a feeble minded person.
Mr and Mrs William Munt of Doty visited with Mrs Munt's parents, Mr and Mrs Searis this week.

May 19,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Peter W Duffy proved his land claim
Nils Stromberg proved his land claim.
The infant child of John Segar died Tuesday evening. The funeral will be held today from the Catholic Church.

May 26,1898 Atkinson Plain Dealer
Stuart graduating class members-Frank Humphreys, Oscar Whitehead, Lulu Galleher, Nellie Whitehead

This is the end of the 1898 papers, as far as I can find on microfilm.

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