Whatcom County Obituaries

Surnames Beginning with "Wa-Wh"

WADE, Harvey (d. 1925)

Harvey Wade, aged 82 years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry C. Powell, 2400 Grant street, Monday morning, August 31, after an illness of two months. Mr. Wade had been a resident of Bellingham for the past twenty-three years and was a G. A. R. veteran, serving with company B, Fifty-eighth Indiana infantry the entire period of the war, and holds membership in J. B. Steedman post No. 24, of this city. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, Whatcom lodge No. 19. Besides the many friends who deeply sympathize with those bereaved, he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. H. C. Powell, Mrs. Lillian Staggs and Mrs. Ethel Watson, all of Bellingham, and eight grandchildren. The remains are resting at the O. R. Hollingsworth funeral home and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 31, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

WADE, Samuel (d. 1904)

Tuesday morning Samuel Wade died at his home on Fourth street after a gradual decline extending over many years. He was born in Miami county, Ohio, February 28, 1829, making him seventy-five years of age at the time of his death. While he was yet an infant his parents moved to southwestern Indiana, where his father soon afterward died. Four years later his mother died, leaving Samuel alone in the world. He was bound out and at seventeen years of age was released by a defect in the bonds under which he was held. At that age he entered the academy at Milton, Wisconsin, and by the most prudent economy and diligent application completed his course of study. On the 18th of April, 1850, he married Miss Margaret Merrington, at Madison, Wisconsin. Two years later he removed to West Union, Iowa, where he engaged with unusual success in business as an architect and builder. In 1859 he moved to Esterville, Emmet county, Iowa, where he was elected to the office of county clerk. He enlisted in the Federal cause at the outbreak of the Civil war, and was sent with his troop to guard the frontier against the hostile Sioux. He was commissioned first lieutenant of volunteers in 1865 and assigned to company A 2nd U. S. V. composed of enlisted prisoners of war, from the prisons at Rock Island, Illinois. His company was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. where he served till the end of the war. After being mustered out he resumed his former business, but on account of disease contracted in the service he was obliged to give up contracting, and devote his entire time to architecture and superintending. He superintended the erection of several noted buildings in Missouri, Kansas and Texas. His health still remaining poor, he sought relief in the mountains of Colorado, where he arrived in 1874. The next year he became interested in mining in San Juan county and met with a fair degree of success. In 1880 he closed out his mining interests and removed to the town of Pitkin, then in the county of Gunnison, where in concert with Governor Pitkin he succeeded in having a daily mail and post office established. He then removed to Delta county, and selected a site on the north fork of the Gunnison river at what is now known as Paonia. There he was said to have the most beautiful and best stocked fruit ranch in the state of Colorado. He received a medal at the World's Columbian Exposition for the best and finest display of apples, and on October 12, 1889, he received first prizes at Colorado State Fair for the best and largest variety of apples and for the best grapes. In 1894 Mr. Wade sold his fruit ranch and moved to Blaine, having during his stay in Colorado represented the counties of Gunnison, Pitkin, Montrose, Delta and Mesa in the lower branch of the legislature.

Mr. Wade's first wife died in Paonia, Col. He was married to Mrs. A. M. Blue in Paonia, October 12, 1892. During his stay in this city Mr. Was has held and improved considerable real estate, some of which he sold and the rest was retained by him. His residence on Fourth street is one of the handsomest homes in the city. Mr. Wade was a Mason of high standing. He was a true friend and firm believer in Blaine even during the hard times and has linked his name inseparable with our early history. He has served his God faithfully. He was a true patriot, a faithful soldier, and enterprising and progressive citizen and a true friend and devoted husband. The example of the life but now gone out, we may all well look. He leaves mourning him a bereaved wife. The remains were taken to Paonia, Col. for interment.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 18, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.

WADHAMS, E. A. (d. 1900)

Last Wednesday the citizens of Blaine were shocked by the intelligence received from Portland, Ore., of the unexpected death of Mr. E. A. Wadhams, of this City. Although he had been seriously ill for some time previous, he had so far recovered as to be removed from Vancouver, B.C., where he had been stopping for some time, to Portland, and news had been received here that he had stood the journey to that city exceedingly well arriving there on Sunday the 14th.

Mr. Wadhams arrived in Blaine during the year 1891 and has been recognized since that time as one of its most progressive citizens. Shortly after his arrival here he leased land at Point Roberts of Mrs. Waller and erected the first cannery ever built in these waters. This he conducted for two years and then joined with the A. P. A. Co., finally selling his interests in the business to them. In December 1895 he was elected Mayor of Blaine for one year and again in 1897. At this time he built a canner at Rivers Inlet, B.C., which has occupied his attention since that time. Strictly upright in all his dealings with mankind, charitable to all an enemy to none and the Golden Rule for his motto, the communities loss in the death of Mr. Wadhams is hard to overcome. Mr. Wadhams was about 67 years of age at the time of his death and leaves seven children to mourn his loss as follows: Edward, Will, Charles, Arthur, Laura, Chester and Mrs. Hutchinson, of Ladners Landing. The funeral will be held at Vancouver, B.C.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 19, 1900) Submitted by site coordinator.

WAHL, Madge B. (d. 1934)

Funeral services for Mrs. Madge B. Wahl, aged 55 years, beloved wife of Carl Wahl, 2430 Humboldt street, who passed away at a local hospital Thursday, February 22, after a lingering illness will be held from the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Hone, 210 Prospect street, Sunday, February 25, at 2 p.m. with Rev. O. J. Ordal, pastor of Our Savior's (sic) Lutheran church, officiating, and interment will be made in Greenacres Memorial Park. Mrs. Wahl had been a resident of Bellingham for the past twenty-five years and was a member of the Lutheran church of Norway. Aside from a host of friends, who will mourn her passing, she leaves to survive her the husband and one daughter, Mrs. H. W. Stahley; one son, Aslund Wahl; four brothers, Norman Dahl and Edward Dahl, of this city; Torvald and Tolmar, of Norway; two sisters, Ragna Dahl and Mrs. Matilda Clausen, of Norway, and one grandchild. Active bearers will be P. Sylte, E. E. Duke, G. Larson, E. L. Schernick, A. Myrseth and O. M. Jevning. Honorary bearers, G. Tallackson, M. Henderschott, J. Rindall and E. Gerdrun.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 23, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.

WAITE, Oscar S. (d. 1934)

Oscar S. Waite, 67, resident of Clipper for the past twenty years, was found dead in his home Friday, Nov. 23. Death was believed due to natural causes, probably from a stroke. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 27, at 1:30, with the Rev. B. W. Rinehart, pastor of the M. E. church at Delmar, Wash. officiating. Mr. Waite had lived in Clipper and vicinity for the past 28 years and leaves to survive besides his widow, Mrs. Eliza Waite, 3 brothers, M. L. Waite, Pomona, Cal., E. G. Waite, Seattle, L. R. Waite, Bellingham; 3 sisters, Mrs. J. B. Strausbaugh, Bellingham, Mrs. J. F. Edgeette, Augusta, Mich.; Mrs. Jennie Maxwell, Washington, Mich.
(From The Deming Prospector, November 30, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALKER, James (d. 1906)

James Walker, father of Mrs. Patrick Hayes of Blaine, Wash., died at their home Saturday morning April 21st 1906. His remains were interred in the Blaine cemetery, April 23rd 1906, the Rev. Father Boulett conducting the services at the St. Ann Catholic church of Blaine. He was born near the town of Irvinstown, county of Farmanah (sic), Ireland, on Fe. 8th 1820 and was eighty-six years old on the 8th of last Feb. He came to Upper Canada (now Ontario) with his parents in 1831 settling in the Township of Ops, close to the town of Lindsay in what is now Victoria County, where he grew to manhood and lived there until the year 1870, when he moved to Platte County, Nebraska, with his family. He remained here only about two years, when he moved to Lansing, Michigan, and later on to Sioux County, Iowa, where he remained for many years. During the time he lived in Canada he filled offices of trust for many years, at the same time attending to his farming interests. About two years ago, feeling the infirmities of old age were gaining fast on his once rugged and strong constitution and being a widower for some years previous, he finally concluded to come west to this place and spend the balance of his remaining days with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hays. He was married on Feb. 8th 1842 to Ann Bennett, who predeceased him a few years. He raised a large family of sons and daughters, nearly all of whom are living and settled in various parts of the United States. His sons are Philip Walker of Bellville, Wash.; W. T. Walker, Cripple Creek, Cal.; Samuel Walker, Denver, Col.; Frank Walker, of Lansing, Michigan and Andrew Walker, of Sacramento, Cal. His daughters are Mrs. James Deweyer, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. David Walker, of Lansing, Michigan, and Miss Anna Walker of Lansing, Michigan. His living brothers are John, of Humphrey, Nebraska; William, of Sheldon, Iowa; David, of Linday, Ontario, Canada and Andrew, of St. Thomas, North Dak. He had two sister, Mrs. Patrick McHugh and Mrs. James Sceabby, of Linday, Ontario, both of whom died before him. His brother, Andrew, has been here for some time and also attended his funeral. James Walker had many friends. His faults were few and he was strictly honest in all of his dealings with his fellow men.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 27, 1906) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALKER, John T. (d. 1907)

WALKER, Margaret (d. 1905)

Mrs. Margaret Walker died last Thursday morning, May 11th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed O'Neil, two miles west of this city. The funeral was held Friday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. Mrs. Pearl Storrey. Interment was made in the Lynden Cemetery. Mrs. Walker was born in Ireland about ninety-two years ago. She came to this country when a young lady and came to this state in the year 1776 (sic). For the past ten years she has made her home with her son in Vancouver, B. C., until about five months ago when she came to live with Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil. She leaves four grown children to mourn her death. One son, James, lives at Aldergrove, B. C., and another son, John, resides in Vancouver. Mrs. Walker died of asthma and old age infirmities. She has been ill since last August. Her husband died twenty-two years ago.
(From The Pacific Pilot, May 18, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALLACE, Joseph L. (d. 1928)

Joseph L. Wallace, aged 47 years and a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-nine years, passed away at a local hospital Saturday, March 31, after a brief illness. He leaves to survive him one sister, Mrs. Anna L. Young, this city. The body rests at the O. R. Hollingsworth Funeral Home, where private funeral services will be held Tuesday, April 3 at 2 p.m. Rev. Lee L. Totten, pastor of the First Presbyterian church officiating, and interment will occur in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 2, 1928)

WALLACE, Maud (d. 1915)

One of the county's most popular teachers, Miss Maud Wallace, died yesterday morning at the family home at Enterprise. Miss Wallace is a sister of Will D. Wallace, present county auditor. According to Miss Keeler, county superintendent of schools, Miss Wallace was one of the finest instructors the county ever had. For a number of years she taught in the rural schools or [of] the county and then took a position in the Franklin building of this city, later teaching in the Lynden schools. Up to three months ago, Miss Wallace was a member of the state board of school examiners, when she resigned on account of her failing health. Miss Wallace leaves her mother, one brother, Will D. Wallace, and two sisters, Mrs. S. E. Barrett, of this city, and Miss Dorothy Wallace, of Custer. The funeral will be held at the family residence Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, May 27, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALLACE, Rosa (d. 1933)

Wednesday, February 8 marked the passing of one of Whatcom county's pioneers, Mrs. Rosa Wallace, who suffered a severe stroke of paralysis January 26, and had been very ill since that time. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the Monroe chapel, with Rev. C. B. Seeley officiating. Interment will be made in the Enterprise cemetery. Pallbearers for the funeral will be Guy Hadfield, Dave Beatty, James Brown, Ed Brown, Charles Howey and John Aitken.

Miss Rosa Dempsey was born near Gulph, Ontario January 6, 1845. When just a young girl, she moved to Toledo, Ohio and later to Fort Dodge, Iowa, where on April 26, 1869, she was married to David Wallace. They took up a homestead in Pocahontas county and lived there till 1886, when they came to Ferndale and settled in the Enterprise district. An interesting incident of the journey westward was the trip from the mouth of the Nooksack river to Ferndale in an Indian canoe, a novel experience for a family accustomed to the prairies' country. Mrs. Wallace is survived by one son, Will D. Wallace of Los Angeles, Calif.; two daughters, Mrs. S. E. Barrett of Bellingham and Mrs. J. Gotchy of Ferndale; five grandchildren, Rosamond, Wallace and Gordon Barrett; David Wallace and Mrs. Harris McIntosh. There are also five great grandchildren. Mrs. Wallace was active until within a few months of her death, and took a keen interest in the community life around her.
(From The Ferndale Record, February 9, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALLER, Kate (d. 1901)

Many there are in this city who were pained to learned (sic) of the death of Mrs. Kate Waller. She was a resident of Point Roberts and Blaine for years and was universally loved by all. Of her the Post-Intelligencer has the following: Mrs. Kate Waller, widow of Capt. John Waller, who was drowned in Bellingham bay in 1884, and one of the best known pioneer women of the lower Sound country, died at her residence, 122 Sixteenth avenue north, yesterday afternoon from pneumonia, aged 63 years. Mrs. Waller had just completed the home in which she died and was up to the time she was stricken with pneumonia in apparently perfect health. Probably the death of no pioneer in the lower Sound district will be noted with more general regret than that of Mrs. Waller. She settled with her husband, who came from California, at Point Roberts in the early sixties and lived there continually until 1892. Capt. Waller instituted trap fishing in Puget sound, establishing one of the largest fishing industries in the region. After her husband's death Mrs. Waller remained at Point Roberts until 1892, when she removed with her family to Blaine. In 1896 she came to this city, where she has remained ever since. Among the Indians of the early days Mrs. Waller was revered universally. She commanded the esteem and loyalty of the natives to a degree seldom acquired by white persons. Her ability to influence their doing was proverbial. She also had an extensive acquaintance among the older pioneers of the lower Sound and was a prominent factor in all their annual reunions. She possessed a charitable disposition and many persons, both whites and Indians, can recall the many ministrations and substantial assistance of which they were the recipients during her long residence among them. Mrs. Waller is survived by five children, two sons and three daughters. The latter were educated at New Westminster and are residents of this city.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 13, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALRATH, Jacob H. (d. 1905)

(Special to The Herald.) Sumas, Aug 2.--Jacob H. Walrath died at his home on Second street Monday morning after a very severe sickness of nearly three years. The funeral took place yesterday. The Masons, of which order he was a member, had charge. Mr. Walrath arrived in Sumas fourteen years ago and since had been an active citizen in the upbuilding of the town. He was the postmaster here for the past seven years, having been appointed under McKinley. He was born at Utica, New York, May 30, 1841. In early manhood he moved to Arlington, Iowa, where he lived until coming here. He served in the army in the civil war; first as private in company F, 385, Infantry, and later as captain of a colored regiment from the same state. In 1867 he married Miss Charity E. Hill, of Brush Creek, Iowa, who survives him. They have three children, two sons and one daughter. The sons, Lester and Ellis, are living in Tacoma, and the daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Fry, is living here.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 2, 1905) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

WALTERS, William J. (d. 1936)

William John Walters, 2518 Woburn street, for twenty years an employee of the Pacific American Fisheries, died Friday, June 26, at Naknek, Alaska, where he was employed. The cause of death was pneumonia. Mr. Walters was 38 years of age and was a graduate of Whatcom high school, class of 1917. The body will be brought to Bellingham. Mr. Walters is survived by his widow, Mrs. Grace Walters; three children, Eugene Keith Walters, William John Walters and Hazel Laverne Walters; two brothers, Paul Walters, Bellingham, and Howard Walters, Salem, Ore., and one sister, Mrs. Hazel Grimson, Salem, Ore.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 29, 1936) Submitted by site coordinator.

WALWORTH, Jane (d. 1903)

Mrs. Jane West Walworth died December 30, 1903. She was born at Rome, New York, June 25, 1819. In 1839 she was married to H. J. Walworth at Cape Vincent, N. Y. She and Mr. Walworth lived near Kingston all their married life. She survived her husband 20 years. She came to Whatcom county in September 1886. Here she acquired land with her nine children. She was an earnest Christian and member of Weslyan Methodist church all her life. Five of her children survive her.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 8, 1904) Some members of the family died of small pox in Oct. 1888; see Blaine Journal extractions elsewhere on this website; also WALLWORTH.

WAMPLER, Alexander H. (d. 1920)

Alexander H. Wampler, 78-year old Civil War veteran, and a pioneer of the Lynden district, passed away at his home north of town Saturday evening. He was born in Illinois Feb. 24, 1841. He came to the territory of Washington in 1890, and moved to the Lynden district in 1884. Mr. Wampler was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and of the Christian Church. He enjoyed a reputation of being a worthy citizen of sterling character, and his passing is mourned by a wide circle of friends. He is survived by four sons, Mortimor, Edward, Daniel and Henry, and four daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Smith, Mrs. Estella Foster, Mrs. Ariadne Saterswaite and Mrs. Nina Heathers. Funeral services were conducted in Knapp's Parlors Wednesday afternoon by the Rev. W. O. Benadom and the ritual ceremonies of the G. A. R. were followed at the grave in the family plot in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 22, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

WAPLES, Annie E. (d. 1918)

Funeral services for the late Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Waples were held Monday afternoon in the presence of many friends at Knapp's funeral parlors. The Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. A host of beautiful floral pieces surrounded the casket at the services. Special music was provided by a quartet composed of Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Benadom, Mr. George Hall and Mr. Mark Hammond, with Mrs. H. H. Jamieson as accompanist.

Mrs. Waples was born June 1, 1853 in Angola, Delaware. She was the oldest daughter of Parker and [typing error] her girlhood life in Delaware. She was married to Magnus Waples on Mar. 1, 1874 in the city of Philadelphia. In 1880 the family moved to Chicago and made their home there until 1889 when they moved to Washington, locating at Montesano. In 1896 the family moved to Bellingham. Mrs. Waples' husband died at Lynden Dec. 24, 1914. She was the mother of seven children: five of them survive her -- William H., and George M. of Lynden; Mrs. Roberta E. Lane of Snohomish, Miss Edna R. Waples of Bellingham and Mrs. Jennie T. Olson of Sumas. Mrs. Waples has one brother, Robert J. Robinson of Elma, and three brothers and two sisters living in Delaware. She had seven grandchildren. Early in life, she united with the Methodist Church and has been an ardent church worker and earnest Christian.
(From They Lynden Tribune, June 13, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.

WAPLES, Magnus (d. 1914)

Lynden was saddened by the death of another of its prominent citizens Christmas week, when Mr. Magnus Waples, one of the pioneers of Washington, passed away on December 24, at the family residence. The fact that Mr. Waples was the oldest member of the Knights of Pythias lodge in this state was the cause of a large delegation of representatives of that lodge coming out from Bellingham to attend the funeral services held at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon, Rev. Paul Ashby, of Lynden, officiated. Mr. Waples was a native of Delaware, and had resided in Washington since 1889. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Anna Waples, two sons, William H. and George M. Waples, all of Lynden; and three daughters, Mrs. R. R. Lane, of Snohomish; Miss Edna Waples, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Albert Olson, of Sumas. Interment was made in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 2, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARD, Alverta (d. 1939)

Aged 88 years, Alverta Peters Ward, resident here eight years, died Sunday at the home of her son, Sam Ward, city councilman. She had been ill eight months and had attended the St. Paul's Episcopal church. Mrs. Ward was a Northwest pioneer, coming to Oregon from Missouri in the late 1850's, using the covered wagon as a mode of transportation. Shortly after the Civil war she was married and moved to Tumwater and then to Olympia, where she resided until the death of her husband in 1904. Surviving is another son, George F., of Spokane; one sister, Mrs. W. F. Fayle, of Portland; eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Private funeral services will be held in the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home Tuesday at 3 p. m. The Rev. DeWitt Tanner will officiate, followed by cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 15, 1939) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARD, Marietta (d. 1920)

Mrs. Marietta Ward, mother of Mrs. Lina Richbaw of this city, passed away Friday last at the age of 85 years, 11 months and 8 days. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock in the Free Methodist church, Rev. J. E. Herrin officiating. Mrs. Ward was born Nov. 7, 1835, in Ohio, and came to Blaine 26 years ago. She leaves three sons, Alen of Flint, Mich.; Hartman of Mt. View, this county; and William of Vancouver Island, B. C. and one daughter, Mrs. Richbaw, besides 14 grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 22, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARE, Martin (d. 1892)

WARNER, Alanson (d. 1917)

Mr. A. Warner passed away on Monday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. E. Lockhead. He was eighty-four years old and had lived in Nooksack Valley for a number of years. He leaves a sister and two brothers, and several grandchildren living in Everson. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church, the Rev. F. S. Thomas officiating, the interment being at the Nooksack cemetery, on Thursday afternoon.
(From The Bellingham Herald, Everson section, November 21, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARREN, Albert (d. 1920)

Albert Warren was born March 13, 1835 in Cattaraugus county, New York, and died at Blaine, Wash., Sept., 24, 1920. He received his elementary education in the common schools in Illinois and Iowa. Later he matriculated in the academy at Greenfield, Ill., and still later became a student in the Wesleyan University at Bloomington, Ill. In 1854 he became the first student at the Garrett Biblical Institute at Evanston, Ill., and for one week was its first and only student with three instructors.

In 1860, during the Pike's Peak gold excitement he crossed the plains to Colorado, remaining in that state several years. In 1866 he joined the St. Louis conference of the Methodist Episcopal church and remained in Missouri for several years. Again in 1883 he crossed the plains to California and traveled for two years as an evangelist. Coming to Blaine in October, 1885, he served a pastor of the church his first year, also in 1887 and six months in 1889 and 1890. During these years and afterward he did much successful work along evangelistic lines in the Puget Sound country. Along about 1890 he became interested in real estate in Blaine and for many years thereafter was a large property owner.

On the 17th of September, 1898, he was united in marriage to Charlotte Lunetta Moore of Blaine, who survives. Deceased served as mayor of Blaine in 1890 and in 1891 served as a city councilman, also serving on the Blaine school board. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. Dr. J. M. Canse, district superintendent, officiating, assisted by Rev. Bates of Ferndale and Rev. Squire, the new pastor at Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal October 1, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARSING, Delilah (d. 1915)

Mrs. Delilah Warsing, age 73 years, passed away at a local hospital Thursday, March 18, after an illness of only a few weeks. Mrs. Warsing was a pioneer resident of Whatcom county, coming with her family to South Bellingham in 1890, where she resided until the death of her husband, Samuel Warsing, in 1907, since which time she resided with a daughter in Seattle and her sons at Goshen. She was a member of the South Bellingham Presbyterian church, and is survived by three sons, C. E. and U. S. Warsing of Goshen and F. M. Warsing of Nome, Alaska, but who, with other members of the family, was at the bedside of his mother at the time of death. Two daughters, Mrs. Dennis Doyle of Seattle, Mrs. John Bulluck, Lake Samish road; two brothers, David Prough, Kirkwood, Mo., and James Prough of Seattle, and one sister, Mrs. Susan Warsing of Farmington, Mo., also survive. Funeral services will be held Saturday, March 20, at 1:30 p. m., from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. James M. Wilson officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery beside the body of Mr. Warsing.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 19, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.

WARWICK, Hannah (d. 1925)

Mrs. Hannah Warwick, aged 89 years, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Medhurst, 315 Grand Avenue, very suddenly early Friday morning, February 6. Mrs. Warwick had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-five years, and leaves many friends to whom she has endeared herself during her long residence here. She was a member of the Church of England. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Medhurst and Mrs. Alice Legoe of Bellingham, and four sons, Thomas Warwick and James Warwick of this city; John Spedding of Everson, and Joseph Spedding of England. The body is resting at the home of Mrs. Medhurst and funeral announcements will be made later by the Harlow mortuary home, Holly and Forest streets.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 6, 1925)

WATERMAN, Annie (d. 1921)

Miss Annie Waterman, aged 43 years, passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. W. Jessup, 2418 Williams street, after an illness of five months. Miss Waterman had resided in this city for the past thirty-seven years. She was a member of the Church of the Assumption and besides Mrs. Jessup she is survived by another sister and one brother, Mrs. A. A. Lassell, Dallas, Tex., and Richard Waterman, of this city. The remains are being cared for at the service parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, May 17, at 9 o'clock a.m. from the Church of the Assumption, with Rev. Father James F. Barrett, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 16, 1921)

WATERS, John (d. 1907)

Civil War Veteran Dies at Nooksack
Nooksack, Jan. 12. - John Waters, one of Nooksack's most highly respected citizens, died on Monday, at 7:30 a. m., surrounded by a number of his relatives. Mr. Waters was 74 years of age. He was born in Cattauraugus county, New York, on April 20, 1823. He was a volunteer in the Civil war, enlisting in Company L, 3rd Colorado Volunteer Cavalry. He was married in Hamberg, Iowa, to Miss Sarah Dew. He was a member of the Christina Adventist church, uniting with that body in Nooksack.

Mr. Waters has resided in Nooksack 15 years. Mr. Waters was the father of seven children, two of whom are dead. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow, Mrs. Sarah Waters, seven children, Mrs. Belle Rowland, Mrs. Katy Foster, Len Waters, Mrs. Nellie Hicks, of Vancouver, B. C., Mr. Jake Waters, Mr. Fred Waters, Mrs. Josie Hamilton, besides eleven grandchildren and a host of friends. The funeral occurred at 1:30, on Wednesday, at the Presbyterian church. The G. A. R., of Everson and Nooksack attended in a body and acted as pallbearers. Rev. A. Roy Thompson took charge of the services, which were largely attended. The W. R. C., of Bellingham [type error] insigna by telephone. However, because of the lateness of the offer, and the early hour appointed for the funeral, their kind offer could not be accepted. Rev. E. H. Carman delivered the funeral address. After the services the G. A. R. took charge of the services.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 12, 1907) Submitted by Nancy Parker

WATERS, Pearl (d. 1927)

After being confined to her home with a lingering illness for the past few months, Mrs. L. W. Waters passed away last Sunday evening and was buried in the Nooksack cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. Pearl Sckenck [Schenck] was born at Watsonville, near Santa Cruz, California, on March 31st, 1879, and died on June 5th, 1927, being 48 years old. She came to O'Brian, Washington, in an emigrant wagon with her parents at the age of one year, where she lived until 18 years of age, then came to Whatcom county, settling near which is known as Liberty, northeast of Nooksack. She was united in marriage to Leonard W. Waters in 1901. To this union were born two children, Vivian and Wilbur. She has also two grandchildren. She united with the Advent Christian Church in Nooksack in 1912, and was a faithful member to her death.

Her husband and children mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother, and the community a dear friend. Two sisters also survive her. Funeral services were held from the A. C. Church on Tuesday, June 7th, 1927. Rev. S. P. Hayward, by her own request, gave the sermon, assisted in the service by her pastor, Rev. J. B. Keepers. A large gathering of friends and relatives paid their last respects, and many were the floral offerings. She sleeps sweetly in the cemetery on the hill awaiting her Master's call to an eternal life.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, June 9, 1927) Submitted by Nancy Parker

WATERS, Philip F. (d. 1905)

Phillip Francis Waters died at his home in this city Sunday, March 12th, after an illness of about five months with Brights disease. The funeral was held from the Methodist Church in this city Monday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. B. W. Rinehart. Interment was made in the cemetery west of town. Mr. Waters was born in Ardee, County Loeth, Ireland, Sept. 5, 1863, being forty-one years, six months and seven days old at the time of his death. He came to America in the year 1887, and finally located in Blaine, this state. He was married to Miss Grace Johnson at Westminster, B. C., on the 30th of June, 1903, who survives him. They came to Lynden about one year ago and for a time he was interested in the Superior Market. He later severed his connection with that concern and for the past few months has not been physically able to attend to any kind of business. During his long illness he suffered a great deal. Mr. Waters was a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge of Blaine, several of whom attended the funeral here Monday. The widow is extended much sympathy in her bereavement.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 16, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

Philip Francis Waters Died at Lynden Sunday Noon After Long Illness -- Funeral Monday -- Interment in Lynden Cemetery
In the death of Phil Waters at Lynden Sunday occurred a loss to all those who had known kindly, honest Phil. He had many friends in this city. Poor Phil was his own worst enemy, and about his only one. And in view of his inability to let drink alone, it is better for Philip Waters and all concerned that the end has come. But in spite of his of his weakness, Mr. Waters was a loveable man, honest as the day and with a kind true heart. He never spoke a unkind word when he was himself, and was always ready to do a favor. His death Sunday was the direct result of his pernicious excesses and came after a long illness of much suffering. He was an Irishman by birth, being born in county Louth in 1863. He came to America in 1887 and settled in Blaine. He followed business here, both for himself and employed by P. A. Wolten in the grocery store. In 1903 he married Miss Johnston, of Hall's Prairie, who survives him. He moved to Lynden and opened a butcher shop there in 1904 and has lived there since that time. The funeral occurred at the Methodist church in Lynden Monday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. W. B. Rineheart officiating. The good sized church was filled with people who came to pay their last token of respect to the departed. The interment was at the Lynden cemetery. At the grave, the pastor said a few last words, and the mixed choir beautifully sang "God be With You, Till We Meet Again."
(From The Blaine Journal, March 17, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

WATERS, Sarah (d. 1917)

Death Calls Pioneer of Nooksack
Miss Sarah Dew was born in Mason Co. Illinois May 16, 1839. [She] was united in marriage to John Nelson Waters at Hamburg, Iowa February 10, 1867. To this union nine children were born two of which died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Waters made their early home in Nebraska living there until 1862 [1892] when they moved to the present family home in Nooksack, Wash. having spent twenty years of noble service for her family and neighbors in this place. She has been called the "Grand old Lady." She was united with the Baptist church in her early girlhood.

Mrs. Waters has always borne her trouble bravely. Her faithful husband answering the call of death ten years ago and since that time one son Fred Waters and one daughter Mrs. Kate Foster. In the last year two brothers Robert Dew, and Jake Dew, Ex-governor of Nebraska have been called by death. Grandma fell asleep in the old home Wednesday April 4, 1917 at 1 a. m. She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs. Mary Carmen, and five children, Len Waters and Mrs. Josie Hamilton of this place, Mrs. Nellie Hicks and Jake Waters, of Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Belle Roland of Bellingham. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church Friday afternoon. The body was laid in the family lot in the Nooksack cemetery.
(From The Nooksack Reporter April 6, 1917) Submitted by Nancy Parker

WATKINS, Richard (d. 1916)

Pioneer of City To Be Laid to Rest in Bay View Cemetery; Services Will Be Held From the Cissna Home.
Richard Watkins, pioneer of Bellingham, will be buried from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Cissna, 1810 Eldridge avenue, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The services will be conducted by the First Church of Christ Scientist. Mr. Watkins died Thursday, at the age of 81 years. With the passing of Mr. Watkins death took the first white man to make his home on the shores of Lake Whatcom.

Born on April 15, 1836, in Maesteg, Lamorganshire, South Wales, Mr. Watkins came to the United States in 1866, leaving New York for California in the same year. In 1868 the family came north to Victoria, B. C., where they remained for one year, in 1869 coming south again as far as Bellingham bay, as it has been described by Mr. Watkins, was made entirely by canoe, an Indian squaw having paddled his wife and himself the entire distance. Coming to Bellingham in 1869 to look into the coal mining situation as it existed in the mines which were under operation in the central portion of the settlement on the bat at that time, Mr. Watkins did not become connected with them definitely, it was said today, as he found the mines flooded upon his arrival and the situation very discouraging. After filing on the Lake Whatcom homestead, in the Geneva locality, as it is known today, Mr. and Mrs. Watkins returned to Victoria, where they made their home for twenty years. At the end of that time they again came to Bellingham and established their home at the old homestead location on the lake. Mr. Watkins is survived by three daughters - Mrs. James Caldwell, of Nanaimo, B. C.; Mrs. Sydney Langdon, of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. Charles Cissna, of Bellingham. For the past nine years Mr. Watkins has made his home with Mrs. Cissna at 1810 Eldridge Avenue.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, December 1, 1916) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

WATROUS, Cora R. (d. 1917)

Wife of Local Postmaster Passes Away at Hospital Early This Morning - Health Had Been Failing for Many Years.
Mrs. Cora Rose Watrous, wife of Postmaster George H. Watrous, died at a local hospital at 7:15 this morning, after a useful life in charity, fraternal and church circles. Although in ill health for years, she had been confined to the hospital for only two days and her death was unexpected by her immediate family, every member of which was present at her death. Her feeble health never prevented her from carrying on her work in the three fields mentioned and she has been active in them during her entire resident on Bellingham bay, which dates from September, 1890. She was a member of the Pythian Sisters on the south side and attended St. James Presbyterian church, where she was one of the most valued members of the Laides' Aid society.

Mrs. Watrous was born in Bath, N. Y., fifty-four years ago and came to this city from Naples, N. Y., where Mr. Watrous was for some time assistant postmaster. She is survived by her husband, one son, Willis H. Watrous, two daughters, Mrs. Mary F. Herrold and Miss Genie I. Watrous, all of this city; by one sister, Mrs. Ida A. Edward, of South Bellingham, now visiting in California, and one brother, John S. Buck, of Naples, N. Y. The funeral announcements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 23, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

WATROUS, George H. (d. 1921)

After an illness lasting since April, 1920, when he contracted influenza, George H. Watrous, postmaster of Bellingham since March 9, 1916, when he was appointed by President Wilson, died at his home, 1208 Gambier street, at 7:10 o'clock yesterday morning, at the age of 59 years. Mr. Watrous had been in bad health for months, though for the last few weeks he had shown improvement. A week ago yesterday he contracted a cold on an automobile ride and after that grew worse. The week before he had made daily trips to the postoffice, where he always insisted on appearing as long as he was able to do so.

Mr. Watrous had lived in Bellingham more than thirty years, coming here from New York in the summer of 1891 and settling in what was then Fairhaven. He had filled a postmastership at Naples, N. Y., and during Cleveland's last administration he was postmaster at Fairhaven. He was reappointed to the Bellingham office by President Wilson in 1920, but the appointment was not confirmed. Six weeks ago he resigned, but no recess appointment having been made, he was still in charge of the local office. His death calls for the appointment of an acting postmaster and inspectors are expected to arrive in Bellingham today to check up the postoffice and to prepare recommendations to the postmaster general. Meanwhile, Assistant Postmaster Matthew Mark is in charge.

Mr. Watrous is survived by two daughters, Miss Gene Watrous, who is assistant in physical education for women at the Normal school, and Mrs. Mary F. Herrold, also of Bellingham; one son, Willis H. Watrous, of Berkeley, Calif,; two sisters, Miss Francis Watrous, Bellingham and Mrs. Florence Flansburgh, of Genesco [Geneseo], N. Y.; one brother, Henry Watrous, of Los Angeles, and five grandchildren. Mrs. Watrous died here on November 23, 1917.

Holding membership in two lodges and as many clubs and twice a member of the city park board, Mr. Watrous was an active fraternal and community worker. He was a charter member of Fairhaven Lodge, No. 56, Knights of Pythias, and was an Elk, belonging to Bellingham lodge, No. 194. He was a member of the old Fairhaven Industrial club and later of the Kulshan club. Mr. Watrous was always a faithful attendant at the park board's meetings and took a keen interest in its work. He served one year recently as its chairman. Politically Mr. Watrous was a democrat and he served his party faithfully. In Bellingham he was one of the democratic leaders and his counsels were always sought by his political colleagues.

By profession, Mr. Watrous was an expert accountant and for years he was in the real estate, insurance and mining business in this city. He was a man of industry and had a conscientious conception of duty. As postmaster he worked eight hours daily as long as his health permitted and thereafter labored as long as he could. He often found it hard to face the day's work, but he never winced, and frequently he was at the office when he ought to have been in bed. He included in his work the postoffice's accounting and he never spared himself at any time. The funeral will be held at the residence Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., with the Rev. James Wilson, pastor of St. James Presbyterian church, officiating. Interment will be under Harry O. Bingham's direction. Recognition of Mr. Watrous' death was given at this morning's assembly of the Normal school and the sympathy of the school was extended to Miss Gene Watrous of the faculty.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 10, 1921) His picture appears on the front page.

WATSON, Derinda (d. 1920)

Mrs. Derinda Watson, aged 75 years, passed away at the home of her son, R. L. Watson, 2317 Pacific street, this city, at an early hour last evening. Mrs. Watson had lived in this community for the last seventeen years, where she had made many friends who will mourn her loss. Surviving are four sons and one daughters, Alonzo, Robert, Charles and James Watson, and Mrs. Almer Casto, all residing in this city. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon, April 11, 1920 at 2 p.m. from the chapel of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street, with Mrs. A. W. McDonald of the Fairhaven Gospel Mission, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 10, 1920)

WATSON, Oren H. (d. 1931)

Oren H. Watson, for 30 years a resident of Deming passed away at his home just west of town on Friday morning, March 13, 1931, at 10 o'clock, death being caused from a paralytic stroke a few days prior to his death and the end was not unexpected. Mr. Watson was born in Vermont in 1849. He moved with his parents, Charles and Martha (Prindle) Watson to Wisconsin when one year old. Early in the 60's they returned to Vermont, where both passed away. Mr. Watson received a public school education and spent his boyhood days on a farm. Starting out for himself in life he became a steam engineer and was employed in mills and on the railroads. He came west to Union, Ore., in the spring of 1877 and was followed in the fall by his wife, Emma and two children, John and Eugene. Three children, Ella, Fred and Ivy Watson were born in Oregon. The family moved to Seattle in the nineties and in 1900 came to Deming. Here Mr. Watson purchased a tract of 46 acres in the vicinity of the town and has resided upon it ever since, making many improvements and disposing of a part of it. He was a progressive farmer, a good neighbor and was universally liked by all who knew him.

Mr. Watson was married May 1, 1871 to Miss Aileen Imogene Landy of Wisconsin, from which union five children were born, all of whom survive him. They are: Eugene and Fred Watson, of Deming, Mrs. Ella Griffen, of Bellingham and Mrs. R. L. Dale, of Deming. {only 4 listed} Funeral services were held in Bellingham Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. John Frazier officiating, which were attended by a large number of friends of the family. The body was cremated.
(From The Deming Prospector, March 20, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.

WATSON, William S. (d. 1937)

WEAGRAFF, Henry (d. 1932)

Henry C. Weagraff, who for years was member of company K, Fourteenth infantry, United States army, died today at his home, Bellingham route 3, aged 85 years. He took part in a number of Indian wars. He had lived here many years. Mr. Weagraff is survived by one son, C. E. Weagraff, Cleveland, Ohio, and one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Juell, Parker's Landing, Pa. Funeral announcements will be made by the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 29, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEAR, Newton W. (d. 1931)

WEBB, Edith M. (d. 1920)

The funeral of Mrs. Edith M. Webb, who died in Bellingham Saturday last, was held in the Baptist church here Monday afternoon, Rev. Ed. C. Cofer officiating. Deceased was born in Rathdrum, Idaho, Oct. 7, 1895, came to Blaine with her parents in April, 1889, and was married to C. W. Webb at Sardis, B. C., Oct. 11, 1911. She had a genial disposition and made friends wherever she went. Besides the surviving relatives, she is mourned by a large circle of friends.
(From The Blaine Journal, July 23, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEBER, Casper H. (d. 1909)

Failing to note the approach of a swiftly-moving Bellingham Bay & British Columbia locomotive, Casper H. Weber, 58 years old, was run down and killed yesterday morning near Carolina and Humboldt Streets. The unfortunate man was driving a light wagon at the time of the accident. his body was dragged some eight or ten years and horribly mangled. The wagon was dragged over a block by the locomotive and smashed to kindling wood, but the horse escaped uninjured.

Mr. Weber resides at 2516 Humboldt Street with his son, W. V. Weber, a member of the firm of the Pickering Hardware Company, 1317 Commercial Street. Mr. Weber was engaged in some garden work at home for recreation and was going after a load of fertilizer with his wagon when the accident occurred. Accounts of the accident given by the trainmen and those related by eye witnesses differ widely regarding the speed of the locomotive. The engine was backing into the city, after having helped the outbound logging train over steep grade. According to spectators, the engine was running at an exceedingly high rate of speed, estimated at from twenty to thirty miles an hour. The train men declare that they were not going more than ten miles an hour. The engine, No. 4, was in charge of Engineer W. S. Storey and Fireman J. A. Freisheim, both of this city. The fireman was the first to see Weber as he was sitting on the left hand side of the engine, which was backing up.

The B. B. & B. C. railroad tracks cross both Humboldt and Carolina Streets near the point where these two cross both streets at an angle, making it a dangerous crossing but there was a full view of the tracks from Humboldt Street for nearly a block in the direction in which Mr. Weber was driving. The unfortunate man was driving south on Humboldt and had approached within less than 100 yards of the crossing when the fireman noticed him. Following the arrival of Coroner Wear on the scene, the remains were removed to the undertaking establishment of W. H. Mock & Sons on Elk Street. The remains were so badly mangled that identification was necessary from the clothing. The victim's son, W. V. Weber, identified his father's hat, rubber shoes and other articles of wearing apparel that were on the body. The decedent came to this city a year ago from Port Angeles, Clallam County, Wash. He was a native of Toldeo, O., but had resided in the West for many years. Besides his widow, Caroline Weber, who is an invalid, he is survived by one son, W. V. Weber. The funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but it probably will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
(From The Morning Reveille, April 7, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEBER, Mathias D. (d. 1903)

M. D. Weber, a well known resident of Fairhaven, died from stomach trouble at 4 o'clock this morning at his home on Donovan avenue, near Ninth street. He was fifty-four years old. With his family he came to Bellingham Bay fifteen years ago, locating in the old town of Bellingham where he opened a small general store. Since then he has been in business in Fairhaven. Six months ago the illness developed which ended fatally today. A widow, one son, W. J. Weber, and three daughters - Augusta, Josie M. and Lilie F. - survive him. Funeral arrangements will be completed after the arrival from Seattle of J. B. Weber, a brother of the deceased.
(From The Evening Herald, November 2, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEIDEMEYER, Claude L. (d. 1916)

WEIDKAMP, Mattie (d. 1917)

Mrs. Frank Weidkamp, who had been suffering from a long and severe illness, quietly passed away at her home Monday evening at 9:30 o'clock. The body was sent to Seattle for cremation. Mrs. Theodore Weidkamp, Mr. Hoffman and Frank Weidkamp left for Seattle Tuesday morning to attend the funeral services. Mrs. Weidkamp will be greatly missed by all, and remembered long for her many kindnesses. She was a member of the Fraternal Union Aid and was a Past Noble Grand of the Rebekah Lodge, No. 35, I. O. O. F. Many beautiful floral pieces were sent by both orders and friends to the services.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 17, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEIHE, Florence (d. 1913)

Mrs. W. A. Weihe passed away at 10:30 o'clock Wednesday night after lingering for several weeks in a serious condition resulting from blood poison. She was taken sick February 1st, but after two weeks her condition improved so much that hopes for her recovery were entertained. The sympathy of the entire community will go out to the bereaved husband and the three little girls who have lost a wife and mother. A mother, Mrs. Tilden, two brothers and a father are also left, the first three residing here. The funeral services will be held in the Congregational church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. O. P. Avery officiating.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 28, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEIHE, Marie (d. 1937)

Marie Weihe, aged 76 years, 219 North Commercial Street, beloved mother of Mr. Frederick A. Weihe, city and Louise A. Weihe, Eugene, Ore., passed away Sunday morning, January 17, after about one year's illness. Mrs. Weihe had resided in Bellingham for the past forty-six years and was a member of the German Lutheran Church of this city. Aside from many friends who will mourn her passing she also leaves to survive one sister, Mrs. A. Bartell, of Seattle, Wash., and three grandchildren. The remains are resting at the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home, 210 Prospect Street. Funeral announcements later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 18, 1937) Submitted by Karen F. Hulford

WEIHE, Robert M. (d. 1928)

WEISENBURGER, John J. (d. 1901)

This city, state and nation has lost an honored and upright patriot, a brave and fearless soldier and a loved and respected citizen. Yesterday at 4:10 p. m. surrounded by his beloved family, Col. J. J. Weisenburger passed from this life and all its activities out onto the great unknown sea of eternity. With the fortitude and patience which has characterized his whole life, he stood the awful agony and pain of his final illness; always pleasant cheerful with his friends and smiling and hopeful with those he loved. Even in the shadow of death no complaint of suffering came from this "hero of Santa Anna." He was conscious at intervals in the morning, but towards noon drifted into unconsciousness and it was known that the end was near.

At present it has not be definitely settled whether a public funeral will be given, but in all probability the demand for a public funeral will be listened to and the ceremony will be held on Sunday afternoon. All flags on public buildings will be at half mast until after the funeral in honor of the nation's loss. Death resulted from spinal meningitis from which he had been suffering for several months, and intensely so for the past few weeks. His death came as a shock to the community, as hopes had but lately been held out for his recovery. Not later than Decoration day he expressed the hope that he would soon be able to be out again.

Col. Weisenburger was a distinguished soldier and a man of most exemplary character. He held a place high in the esteem of all who knew him. He was a man of modest demeanor, but undoubted courage and ability as a soldier, and the people were proud to own him as a fellow townsman.

Arrangements for the funeral are not yet completed. It is understood that it is the wish of Mrs. Weisenburger that the remains of her gallant husband be given a military funeral and that the same will be held Sunday. Captain Geo. B. Lamping of the National Guard arrived here last night to confer with Col. E. M. Day of the guard, regarding the funeral arrangements. Deceased was also a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias lodge, and it is expected that they will participate in the funeral exercises. Mrs. Weisenburger has the sympathy of the entire community and of many prominent citizens of the state to support her in her sad bereavement.

Col. Weisenburger inherited a taste for military life. His grandfather was a soldier in Napoleon's army and his father served in the German army until he emigrated to America. He was born in Hollowayville, Ill., February 4, 1855. While yet a child he came to California with his parents and received his education in the public schools of Nevada City, California. He chose the law as a profession but always envinced a deep interest in the National Guard and was elected lieutenant of the Nevada City Light Guards when only 18 years of age. In 1883 he came to Whatcom, took up the practice of law and became quite prominent in politics. He was a member from this county of the constitutional convention, later served as mayor of this city and on different occasions as city attorney, which position he held at the time of his death. He was at one time nominated by the Republican party for the office of superior judge and was defeated only by a very slender majority by Judge Winn. In 1890 he organized Co. F, of the National Guard of Washington, of which he was elected captain, and in 1894 became acting major of the First Regiment. When the state guard was formed into one regiment he was appointed major of the First battalion. In 1898 when the call for volunteers to fight in the war with Spain came, he offered his services and was appointed as major of the First Washington Infantry, U. S. V. He was mustered in at Camp Rogers, May 9, 1898, and on May 14, accompanied his regiment to San Francisco. October 28 he sailed with his regiment for Manila arriving there November 26th. The Washington regiment soon came into prominent notice for its fighting qualities and Major Weisenburger for his conspicuous gallantry, for which he was recommended for promotion. He was very popular with his men.

He returned home with his regiment in 1899, arriving in this city on Nov. 8, and was tendered a grand ovation and reception, befitting his distinguished career. At the time the National Guard was reorganized, he was appointed Colonel of the National Guard of Washington, which position he held at the time of his death.
(From The Weekly Blade, June 6, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELCOME, Bessie M. (d. 1937)

WELCOME, Charles (d. 1933)

WELCOME, Claude (d. 1927)

WELLS, Alvah (d. 1916)

Death of A. Wells
A. Wells passed away last Friday afternoon following an illness of two weeks. The deceased has resided in Blaine for 20 years, lived a peaceful, upright life, and held the respect of all who knew him, which includes most everyone in the community. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon and interment made in the Blaine cemetery. Alvah Wells was born in Dayton, Ohio June 12, 1837. When 12 years old he emigrated with his parents to the state of Wisconsin, where he lived until called upon to serve his country at the outbreak of the Civil War. He enlisted in the 13th Wisconsin Regiment and served 13 (sic) years in the war. In 1867 he went to Iowa and was married to Miss Lucy A. Potter August 2, 1868. Three children were born to this union, Nora F. Taplin, Roy C. Wells, and Alvah Eugene Wells, all residing in Blaine. There are also eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and one daughter, Miss Zella Wells, by adoption. In 1896 with his family, he moved to the state of Washington, where he resided continuously until his death. He was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church in 1889 and has been a faithful member ever since. The bereaved wife and children have the sincere sympathy of all in the loss of husband father.
(From The Blaine Journal, August 11, 1916)

WELLS, Catherine (d. 1914)

Mrs. Catherine Trainer Wells was born in Philadelphia, Pa., September 29, 1852 and died January 13, 1914, at 10:30 p. m. at her home four miles east of Blaine, from heart failure. She was married to Edward Wells in Stanley county, South Dakota, April 2, 1910. In the spring of 1911 they moved to Washington and for two years resided on the Wolten ranch between Blaine and Lynden. Later they moved to Blaine and last fall they moved to their ranch, four miles east of the city. Funeral services were held in the Catholic church Friday last, conducted by Rev. Father Boulet, and burial made in the Blaine cemetery. Deceased is survived by a brother a Catholic priest, residing at Alexandria, South Dakota. She was possessed of a kindly and loving disposition, and won the friendship and love of all with whom she came in contact. To the kind friends and neighbors who rendered us assistance and expressed sympathy during the time of our great bereavement, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 23, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELLS, Hamilton C. (d. 1910)

Lacking but fifteen days of entering his sixty-ninth year, Hamilton C. Wells, for twenty-three years a resident of Bellingham and the man who cleared the ground for the original townsite for the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company, died at his residence, 818 Indian Street, at 6 o'clock last evening. Mr. Wells is survived by his widow, one son, Grant R. Wells; three daughters, Mrs. J. W. Hershey and Mrs. T. L. Basford, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Mamie Wood, of Woodenville. A sister, Mrs. S. E. Eckerson, resides at Corooran, California, while two brothers, W. S. Wells, of Boulder, Colorado, and S. M. Wells, of Salt Lake City, survive him. Mr. Wells was a member of the G. A. R., and a charter member of the first organized post of Bellingham. For years Mr. Wells has been a well known figure in Bellingham where hundreds mourn his death. Funeral services will be arranged later. The remains are now at the undertaking parlors of Harry O. Bingham, at 1319 Dock Street. The Rev. Fred Alban Weil, pastor of the Unitarian Chapel will officiate.
(From The Morning Reveille, May 3, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELLS, Lucy A. (d. 1926)

Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy A Wells, widow of Alva Wells, Civil war veteran, who preceded her in 1916, were held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family home on Bobblet street under the direction of Undertaker H. B. Potter. The services were conducted by Mrs. Lucille Winter of Bellingham and consisted of Scripture readings and correlative selections from the Christian Science Textbook, Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and from Unity of Good by the same author. Miss Dorothy Lapidus, accompanied on the organ by Miss Edith Pratt, sand the Christian Science hymn "O Gentle Presence" by Mrs. Eddy and solo "Thy Will be Done" by Peter V. Grant. The pallbearers were James Laytham, Earl Bullock, Louis Nelson, and Jack Bulger. Interment was made in the Blaine cemetery. The funeral services were well attended and floral offerings were many.

Miss Lucy A. Potter was born in Iowa, May 2, 1853, and was united in marriage to Alva Wells August 3, 1868. Three children were born to them, a daughter and two sons. About thirty years ago, they came West and settled in Blaine, making their home here since that time. Mrs. Wells was a life-long member of the W. C. T. U. and being the daughter of a Methodist Minister, she was an ardent worker in and lover of that church for many years. In 1907 she became interested in Christian Science and has been active in this denomination since that time, being both a member of First Church of Christ Scientist, Blaine and of the The Mother Church, in Boston, Mass. She passed away quietly the evening of July 5th while enroute to Bremerton to visit relatives. Besides leaving a host of friends and neighbors who will miss her greatly, she leaves to mourn her passing, her daughter, Mrs. Nora Taplin, of Blaine, an adopted daughter Mrs. Zella Logan of Bellingham, one son, A. E. Wells of Ketchikan, Alaska, two brothers, George Potter of Blaine and Frank Potter of Aberdeen, one sister, Mrs. Charles Berr of Lincoln, Nebraska, nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, July 15, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELSH, Roy (d. 1917)

Darting out from behind J. W. Austin's school wagon Wednesday afternoon shortly after four o'clock, Roy Welsh, 8 year old son of Mrs. Mary Welsh, was struck by an auto driven by B. C. Crabtree of Lynden, and was practically instantly killed. The accident occurred on the Guide Meridian road north of Austin's store. The boy, who lived with his mother on the Parks place, was being taken home on the school auto, and had just alighted. The little boy was standing talking to some other boys as Mr. Crabtree approached. His back was turned to the Crabtree machine, and Mr. Crabtree slowed down to pass by. Just as he was within a few feet of the boy, the youngster turned to run across the road, and was struck by the fender of the car. The boy died twenty minutes later.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 20, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELSH, Stephen D. (d. 1934)

A Whatcom pioneer, who through his later years watched the development of a county he helped settle and witnessed the passing of many old-time comrade settlers, joined them in final rest Tuesday when funeral services were held for Stephen Douglas Welsh, 79, of 3002 Birchwood avenue.

Born in Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, April 29, 1854, of pioneer Wisconsin settlers, Stephen Welsh became a pioneer himself, settling in the Ferndale district prior to the nineties. With his wife, the former Annette Hallock, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh came West in 1889 and landed at Sehome dock November 11 with a carload of cattle. There were no roads in those days and the couple herded the cattle over the trail to Ferndale through one foot of snow. A haystack in the William Hallock barn at Ferndale provided the first night's rest for Welsh. Pioneers did not purchase homes in those days. They built them. So did "Doug" Welsh and after residing in the Ferndale district for seventeen years the family moved to a farm at Barrett lake, where they lived for sixteen more years before taking up the present residence on Birchwood avenue. Old-timers will recall that Mr. Welsh was a deputy sheriff for twenty years, serving under Sheriffs Will Brisbin and Andrew Williams, both now deceased.

A staunch Republican throughout his years, Mr. Welsh only recently recalled that when he was nine years old when Lincoln was assinated. He was working working with his father on their farm at Iron Ridge when a messenger on horseback brought them the sad them the sad tidings. The deceased's mother, now 101 years of age and in good health, still resides on the original homestead at Loyal, Wisconsin, and observed her 101st birthday by preparing a dinner for fifty guests. Funeral services for Mr. Welsh were held Monday at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home. Interment occurred in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 10, 1934; picture) Submitted by site coordinator.

WELTER, Joseph (d. 1932)

WENTZ, Etta N. (d. 1922)

The community was rudely shocked last Saturday morning on learning that Mrs. Fred Wentz had been suddenly called the night before about nine o'clock by the angel of death, due to apoplexy. She had apparently been in usual health up to the final summons, hence the end came as a crushing blow to the family and many friends. Funeral services were held at the home in charge of the Christian Science society on Monday afternoon. Etta Nina Avery was born in Arkansaw, Pepin county, Wisconsin, on March 22, 1871, the third in a family of seven children--Mary, Belle, Nina, Esther, Deward, Edith and Gertrude. Of these, Mary--Mrs. Bert Jones of Everett--Belle--Mrs. Geo. Grist of Yakima--and Miss Gertrude Avery, with the mother--Mrs. Dulana A. Ervin of Seattle--survive her. At the age of five years her parents removed to Lake City, Minn., where she resided for ten or twelve years, when the family moved to Washington. She resided here till the time of her demise, March 17, 1922. For 17 years Etta Nina Wentz was the loved and loving wife of Fred Wentz of this city, and for six years the people of Blaine have known Mrs. Wentz for her charitableness, friendliness, kindliness, sincerity and singleness of purpose. She was a devoted member of the Christian Science church, which organization conducted the last solemn rites and ceremonies. Her husband, Thales F. Wentz, and her two daughters, Mrs. Mamie B. Perrigone of Tolt, and Mrs. Frances G. Wentz of Blaine, and scores of friends mourn the passing on of the soul of a loving wife, a devoted mother, and a loyal neighbor.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 24, 1922) Submitted by Gary Young.

WERDEN, Melville G. (d. 1896)

WERDEN, William A. (d. 1911)

Mr. William A. Werden died January 23, aged 76 years, at the family residence, 1425 C street. Mr. Werden has been a resident of Bellingham for the past twenty-seven years. For a number of years was a practicing dentist of Old Whatcom, giving up his practice about 8 years ago on account of failing health. Mr. Werden is survived by Mrs. Werden, of Bellingham, and one brother, residing in California. The funeral services will be held Wednesday, January 25, from the funeral parlors of Stokes & Wickman, 1146 Elk street, at 2 o'clock p.m. Rev. Charles H. Burdick, pastor of the First Congregational church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery under the direction of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. The funeral car will leave the corner of Holly and C streets at 1:45 with the relatives and friends.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 24, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEST, Andrew J. (d. 1910)

Andrew James West, who resided in Blaine from 1886 to 1890, and will be well remembered by many old settlers, died in the Tacoma hospital Monday of last week, October 24, at the age of 61 years, 5 months and 26 days. The deceased was a veteran of the Civil War and has made his home at Orting in the Soldier's Home since leaving Blaine. While out on a furlough a short time ago he was found on the streets of Tacoma, seriously ill, and taken to a hospital, where he passed away. His relatives and friends knew nothing of his illness until the notice of which appeared in the papers. He was born in Ontario, Canada, Dec. 28, 1848, and leaves five sons, Lewis, Reuben, John, William and Edwin, and one daughter, Mrs. Gill, of Lynden, also two sisters, Mrs. Eliza Bennett, of this city, and Mrs. Angeline Davis, who resides in the state of New York. The burial took place at Orting on Saturday last.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 4, 1910) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEST, Caroline A. (d. 1922)

Caroline Amelia Allard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allard, was born in New York state Aug. 5, 1849, and was called to her reward March 14, 1922, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ney Newcomb, at Hoquiam, Wash., at the age of 72 years and 8 months. She was united in marriage to William H. West Nov. 6, 1865. To this union were born three children, Albert N., Addie R. and Winnifred E. About the year 1870 she and her husband moved to Wisconsin and located in what was then a wilderness, enduring the hardships and privations of frontier life. In the fall of 1886 the family moved to Port Moody, B.C., and to Blaine, Washington Terr., the following spring, where she made her home until the Master called her to Himself. She was preceded to the better land by one daughter, Addie R. West, who died in Wisconsin April 21, 1881, and her husband, who died in Blaine Oct. 28, 1908. She was converted in early life and united with the M. E. church. She lived a consistent Christian life to the close of her pilgrimage, respected by all who knew her. She was a faithful and loving wife and mother, ever ready to deny herself for her family. Since the death of her husband she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Newcomb. She has been failing in health for some time, but was not taken ill until three weeks before she died. With her the journey is ended, her toils and sufferings are over. She rests from her labors and her works follow. She leaves to mourn their loss one son, Rev. A. N. West of Seattle, and Mrs. Winnifred Newcomb of Hoquiam, and a large number of relatives and friends. The funeral services were held from the Free Methodist church Friday afternoon last, with the pastor, Rev. Mrs. Douglass in charge, assisted by Rev. Squire and Rev. Mower.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 24, 1922) Submitted by Gary Young.

WEST, Henry D. (d. 1897)

The funeral services of Henry D. West were held at the M. E. church last Sunday morning. Deceased was born at Rome, Oneida county, N. Y., Feb. 5th, 1814, and died at his home in this city Jan. 30th, 1897, in the 83d year of his age. He was married to Miss Cross, who survives him, in 1834, his married life thus extending through a period of over 62 years. He came to Blaine in 1887, where as a citizen he has lived, respected by all who knew him. Being both ambitious and resolute, he was always known as very determined in his character. It was often said of him that he had many friends and no enemies. He has had failing health for over a year, and his death at this time was not unexpected. He has five children now living, three sons and one daughter, Mrs. Charles Bennett of this city, and one living in New York state. One daughter, the wife of Schuyler Van Luven, died some years ago. There were children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, making four generations, at the funeral. One of the grandchildren, Rev. Albert West, is pastor of the Free Methodist church of this city. That "Father" West was much respected was shown by a large concourse of neighbors and friends at the funeral.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 5, 1897) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEST, John A. (d. 1938)

Dr. John A. West, pioneer of this county, passed away at the family home Saturday morning following a long illness. He had been active in all public affairs for the past 38 years. He has served as Justice of the Peace, Township Clerk, and on the election board for many years. He was instrumental in organizing the Townsend Club, No. 1 in this county. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon with Rev. D. H. Muyskens officiating. Cremation followed.

Dr. West was born in 1854 in Charring Cross, Ontario, but moved to this country, while very young. After graduation from medical school, he practiced medicine in several southern states before going into the U. S. Army. Due to an accident he lost the sight of one eye while stationed at Vancouver. He retired from active practice at that time and soon after moved to Whatcom County where he has resided for the past 38 years. His widow, Mary D., and two children, Edmund, of Seattle, and Mrs. Jack Sherrin of Deming, survive him as well as a sister, Mrs. Olive Thomas, North Manchester, Indiana, and three brothers, W. A., of Pacific Beach; George H., of Grand Rapids, Michigan; Charles S., of St. Petersburg, Florida, and three grandchildren, Jack, Marion and David Sherrin.
(From The Deming Prospector, December 9, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.

WEST, Lydia (d. 1887)

WEST, William H. (d. 1908)

William Henry West was born in the town of Lime, Jefferson county, New York, October 26, 1843. He spent the most of his life in that state until he enlisted at 19 years of age in the Tenth New York artillery under Captain Kitz. He served three years in behalf of his country, after which time he returned to his home in Worth, N. Y., and was soon married to Miss Caroline Amelia Allard, also of that place. After a few years he and his family moved to Wisconsin where they remained until they came west. He arrived in Blaine in 1887, 21 years ago, when this city was in its infancy and here he has toiled faithfully for the city's interests and has been loved and respected by all. The past year he has failed rapidly in health and Wednesday morning, October 28th, he was taken from us to meet with children and loved ones above. While it pains us to part with out dear brother, yet we know that our loss is his eternal gain. Rev. Reely and Rev. Dexter conducted the funeral services at the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, after which the remains were interred in the Blaine cemetery. A wife and two children, A. N. West, now pastor of the Free Methodist church at Everett, and Mrs. Winnie Newcomb, are left behind to mourn. Our brother was an earnest and trusting Christian and his heart's thought and desire was to uplift the cause in which he so faithfully labored.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 6, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

WESTBY, Roy (d. 1923)

WHALEY, Louellin S. (d. 1902)

Mrs. Louellin S. Whaley, aged about thirty-three years, wife of one of the proprietors of The Leader Dry Goods store, died at 10 o'clock this morning at the family home in Walnut street, Whatcom, after an illness of some six weeks of typhoid fever. Although her condition had occasioned grave apprehension for a week or more, her case was not considered without hope until the last day, and the news of her untimely death of the young wife and mother comes as a sad surprise to the entire community.
Deceased came to Whatcom with her husband from Hannibal, Mo., last may, when Mr. Whaley took an active interest in The Leader, with Mr. P. O. Smith and decided to make his home on Bellingham Bay. Although a resident of the city less than a year, Mrs. Whaley had won a large and admiring circle of friends, attracted by her sterling worth, and the many amiable qualities of her heart and character.
The surviving husband and two children have the profound sympathy of the entire community in the loss of the devoted wife and mother. The funeral will occur at the late home Monday at an hour to be announced later.
(From The Fairhaven Evening Herald, April 5, 1902) Submitted by Linda Lawson.

WHARTON, Lillian (d. 1901)

Mrs. W. S. Wharton died in her home on the corner of Thirteenth street and Taylor avenue, Fairhaven, on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, from the effects of an attack of la grippe following closely after recovery from an operation performed in the Sisters' hospital recently. She leaves a husband and two small children. Funeral services were held at the residence at 1 o'clock this afternoon and were attended by a large number of friends. The untimely death of Mrs. Wharton is one of the saddest that has occurred in this community. She was a popular and esteemed member of Fairhaven social life and had been a resident of the Bay for about 11 years. Among the mourners are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Woodin, her sister, Miss Mina Woodin, and her brothers, Frank and Harry Woodin, who are engaged in business in Colfax, Wash., and who are here to attend the funeral.
(From The Weekly Blade, January 30, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHEELER, George A. (d. 1925)

Friends all over Whatcom county and in Deming and vicinity especially will be saddened by the news of the death of George A. Wheeler at his home in Greenacres, Wash., on the afternoon of June 24th. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wheeler, who for many years were residents of Deming, and with his father, operated the U. S. shingle mill and conducted a general merchandise store. In December, 1902, he was married to Carrie Griffen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Griffen. Later the family removed to Greenacres where they were again associated in the mercantile business. Mr. Wheeler leaves besides his parents and widow a son, Avery, and a daughter, Frances, to mourn his passing from the family circle. Mr. Wheeler's illness was of long duration but borne with patience and fortitude, and to his family and legion of friends he leaves an example of a well spent life and many precious memories.
(From The Deming Prospector, July 10, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHEELER, John D. (d. 1901)


J. D. Wheeler died this morning at 8:10 o'clock at his residence in the Werden building on C street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. He had been unwell for several months, but had been confined to his bed for about three weeks before his death. The cause of his death was Bright's disease. He will be buried in the Enterprise cemetery and funeral services will be held at the Ferndale M. E. church Saturday at 2 o'clock.

Mr Wheeler came to Whatcom county in 1883 and located in Ferndale, where he was engaged in running a general merchandise store and subsequently engaged in the hotel business, moving to Whatcom about a year ago where he purchased the Little Cigar Store on Holly and D streets and which he lately sold. Mr. Wheeler leaves a family of children and wife and aged mother. He was at one time quite prominent in democratic circles.
(From The Weekly Blade, July 3, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHEELER, Nancy (d. 1902)

Mrs. Nancy Wheeler, mother of Geo. Ames died this morning at an early hour at the residence of her daughter in Happy Valley, at the advanced aged of 88 years. The immediate cause of her death was old age, Mrs. Wheeler was born in Grand Isle county, Vermont, November 28, 1814 and passed away August 16, 1902. She had been a resident of Fairhaven for the last twelve years. She leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn her lost (sic). The funeral will occur from the resident at 2 p.m. tomorrow and the interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Weekly World-Herald, August 22, 1902) Submitted by Linda Lawson

WHELAN, Merritt (d. 1916)

Mr. Merritt Whelan, age 61 years, passed away at a local hospital Friday, December 15th, after a few days' illness. Mr. Whelan had been a resident of Goshen for the past thirty-three years and is well known as one of the pioneers of Whatcom county. He was a member of the Catholic church of Goshen, and is survived by Mrs. Whelan, three sons, Joseph P., of Vallejo, Cal.; James and Emmett Whelan, of Goshen. There are also two step daughters and two step sons. Funeral services will be held Tuesday, Dec. 19th, at 11 o'clock a. m. from the Church of the Assumption, Bellingham, with Rev. Father Boulet, of Ferndale, officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 18, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHIPPLE, Alnetta (d. 1920)

Funeral services for the late Mrs. Alnetta Whipple were conducted on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock by the Rev. George Brundage of Bellingham. The opening and closing remarks were made by Mr. John Hartley of Sumas. Interment was in the Lynden Cemetery. Mrs. Whipple passed away at her home at Northwood Thursday afternoon of Paralysis, with which she has been suffering for five years. She was born in Illinois Jan. 28, 1855, and spent a large part of her life in her native state and in the neighboring states of Minnesota and Wisconsin. She was married to Mr. G. H. Whipple June 22, 1865. Mrs. Whipple's passing is deeply mourned by a wide circle of friends, as she spent the last seventeen years of her life in the Lynden district. She is survived by her husband, George H. Whipple, five sons, Joseph, Fred, Arthur, George H. Jr., and Mark, all of Lynden, and six grandchildren, Roy, son of F. L. Whipple, Chester and Neva, children of Arthur C. Whipple, and Mrs. Vesta Weir and Miss Alline Whipple of Lynden, and Clifford Whipple of the U. S. Navy, stationed at Honolulu on the "Brooklyn." The latter are the daughters and son of J. W. Whipple.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 29, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHIPPLE, Jennie A. (d. 1938)

WHITAKER, Caroline (d. 1912)

Caroline Snow Whitaker, aged 77 years, passed away at her home, 604 High street, this Monday morning at 5 o'clock, after an extended illness. Mrs. Whitaker came to this city with her family eight years ago from Lincoln county, Washington, where she had resided for more than twenty-two years. Mrs. Whitaker was a pioneer of the State of California, coming around Cape Horn in 1858, and later settling in Tahama county, California, where she made her home until 1880. Mrs. Whitaker is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Frank Schiefer, of San Diego, Cal.; Mrs. S. E. Harper and Miss Luella Whitaker, residents of this city, and Mrs. Angie Harmer, who lives at Boise City, Idaho. Mrs. Whitaker also leaves two grandchildren residing in this city, Floyd and Miss Ella Sirginson, who made their home with their grandmother, also one sisters, Mrs. Ellen Redon, of Andrews, Ore. Funeral services will be conducted at the new funeral chapel of Mock & Hill, 1051-1055 Elk street, Wednesday afternoon, June 19, at 4 o'clock, the Rev. Fred Alban Weil, minister of the Unitarian society, officiating. Mrs. E. T. Mathes will have charge of the music. The body of Mrs. Whitaker will be shipped to Harrington, Wash., Wednesday evening, where interment will be made by the side of her husband, who passed away at Harrington eight years ago. Miss Luella Whitaker, Floyd and Miss Ella Sirginson, will accompany the body of Mrs. Whitaker to its destination.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 17, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITCOMB, Aretas (d. 1888)

WHITCOMB, Lydia (d. 1898)

After a lingering illness Lydia Whitcomb departed this life, Sunday night, Sept. 25th, 1898, at 10:05 o'clock. She was born in New Hampshire, August 27th, 1804, hence at the time of her death was 94 years and 20 days of age. When 14 years old - 80 years ago - she was converted, through the instrumentality of the Christian church. Until 26 years ago, she was a member of the Free Will Baptist church, since which time she has been a faithful and consistent member of the M. E. church. In 1825 she was married to Aretas Whitcomb, with who she lived happily for 63 years. She was the mother of four children two of whom survive, Mrs. Boblett of this city, and Mrs. Hotchkiss of Colorado.

Grandma Whitcomb knew much of the hardships of a pioneer life. She has traveled, practically, across the continent in a wagon, leaving New Hampshire many years ago on her western journey. She was in Wisconsin in an early day in the history of that country, having cooked in the first hotel ever erected in the city of Milwaukee. She has been a resident of Washington for 28 years.

The funeral services were held in the First M. E. church last Tuesday at 1:30 p. m., the pastor, Rev. J. W. Kendall, officiating. The sermon, an impressive one, reviewed the life of the deceased - her long Christian service, and the beautiful lesson taught by those years of unselfish devotion and fidelity to the Christian cause - if the reward was limited to the labor performed in the Master's vineyard, what a glorious reward would be hers.
(From The Blaine Journal, September 30, 1898) Submitted by site coordinator. Relative Robert Mix

WHITE, Emerson E. (d. 1906)

Emerson E. White, on the the best known educators in the Northwest, died at 11 o'clock this morning at St. Joseph's hospital, where he was taken about ten days ago for treatment for typhoid fever. The news of his death came as a shock to his host of friends in this city. It was known that he had been unwell for some time past, but there was no cause for alarm until about the first of last week when he determined to go to the hospital. A day or two ago he began to sink rapidly, and not until this morning did his illness seem to border on anything serious. His physical condition had gradually become somewhat emaciated by weeks of fighting off the attack of typhoid.

Virgil Peringer, Mr. White's law partner, says that about three months ago he first heard Mr. White complain. Gradually he began to change. Always active and vivacious, full of life and buoyancy, Mr. White was noticed by Mr. Peringer to be changed. Mr. Peringer says he seemed to have a worried expression which was due to a general breakdown of the nervous system. Mr. Peringer says he did not complain much until about three weeks ago when he went about his work in the office in a way as if he had no strength to do anything.

At the time of his death Mr. White was 44 years of age. He came to this city from Finlay. O., about fifteen years ago. He entered the practice of law immediately upon arriving here and in the following year was elected to a position as professor of a department of the Whatcom High school, and in 1894 was elected principal of the High school. He served in that capacity until 1898 when he was elected city superintendent of schools, which position he held until the fall of 1903 at which time he resigned to enter the practice of law. A partnership was formed under the firm name of Peringer, White & Llewellyn. Later Mr. Llewellyn withdrew to enter the law first of Newman & Howard, and the business was conducted up to the time of his death under the name of Peringer & White. In September, 1905, Mr. White was appointed as one of the trustees of the Whatcom Normal, by Governor Albert E. Mead. Mr. White was secretary of the Whatcom county republican central committee. He was a graduate of Ada college, Ada, Ohio. His law partner, Virgil Peringer, who was an intimate friend of Mr. White, speaks of him in highest terms as a citizen, business man, and a man of sterling integrity. He was always active in matters of education. Said Mr. Peringer, "He was a man of those excellent traits that go to make up a good character. He always tried to meuleate (sic) into the minds of young men and women, especially, to live up to the highest standard in the line of integrity and morility (sic). He was naturally gifted with executive ability, a man of commanding presence, very careful and methodical in business affairs, and withal a good citizen."

He leaves a widow and three sons to mourn his loss, Coral, recently graduated from the University at Seattle, is now employed in the county Courthouse in Seattle. Hal, who resides in this city, the former being sons of a former wife, who passed away a few years ago, and Emerson E., jr. He was a member of the Whatcom County Bar association and a member of the Knights of Pythias, of this city. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 18, 1906) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

WHITE, Ernest (d. 1908)

Young Farmer and Pioneer of the Birch Bay District Instantly Killed

News of the accidental killing of Ernest White at his farm at Hillside reached Blaine late Wednesday afternoon - the report merely stating that the young man had been crushed by the overturning of a large stump. Young White was working on a contract for the Welever shingle mill and was getting out a lot of bolts. Some time ago he cu up a large windfall on his farm and had piled the bolts against the stump which, like many in this country had been turned out and was standing on edge. For the purpose of getting the bolts to the road he was using a double ended sled and early Wednesday morning drove to this windfall, unhitched his team and commenced o load the bolts onto the sled. He had placed five bolts on the sled and was in the act of taking the sixth and last bolt away from the overturned stump when it tipped over on him, breaking his neck and crushing out his life. A man by the name of McBride, who has been assisting White, was working only a short distance away but did not hear the noise made by the falling stump. From the position of the dead man's body it is evident that he had seen his danger and had attempted to escape, as he was lying face down with his arms outstretched. If he could have taken one more step he would have been out of harm's way, or if he had been one step slower it is quite probable that the heavy mass of roots that struck him in he back would have struck the ground and kept the main weight of the stump off his body. At noon White's team came home as also did McBride. Mrs. White asked about her husband and McBride said he supposed he would com in a little while. Mrs. White told McBride there was something wrong as Mr. White would not allow the team to get away from him and come home alone. Near neighbors were notified and John Logan and Charles Kley started for the place where White was known to have been at work. When they reached the stump they quickly realized what had happened. Other friends quickly gathered and the body was removed to his home.

Ernest White was born in Cornwall, England, May 11, 1876, and came to America with his mother and brothers twenty-seven years ago, reaching Blaine in July of that year. He was well known in this country and had a large circle of friends. In October, 1905, he was married to Miss Katie Fair. He leaves a widow and one child, a little girl, his mother, two brothers, Alfred of Blaine, and Thomas, of Alaska; two half-brothers, Otto and Grover Vogt, and a half-sister, Miss Amy Vogt. The funeral will be conducted at one o'clock this afternoon by Rev. Seely, of the M. E. church, and the remains will be buried in the California creek cemetery under the auspices of Basswood Camp No. 531, W. O. W. of Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 31, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Henry A. (d. 1938)

Henry A. White, of Sumas, passed away May 2 at the age of 84 years, 4 months and 4 days. Besides many friends he leaves to mourn his passing his widow, Laura May, of Sumas; two daughters, Mrs. Thomas Izard, of Santa Barbara, Calif., and Mrs. Hazel Rinsland, of Olympia; one son, Bert R. Lewis, of Tacoma, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, May 6, at 2 o'clock from the Gillies Mortuary Home in Sumas. Masonic services in charge of Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 44, F. & A. M. Burial will follow in Bay View Cemetery, Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 5, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Henry K. (d. 1906)

Death of Rev. White
The Well Known Retired Clergyman Expired Yesterday
Rev. H. K. White, the well known and popular retired clergyman, died suddenly at 7 yesterday morning as the result of apoplexy. The stroke came without warning, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. A. Crossman, 2204 G street. When other members of the family arose, he complained of not feeling well. A few moments later he called to his daughter and she found him helpless. He died soon after the arrival of a physician. Rev. White was prominent in the G. A. R. Red Men and order of Ben Hur. He is survived by three children, Mrs. D. A. Crossman, of this city, Mrs. E. E. Follett, of Seattle, and Morris S. White, of High Grove, California. He also leaves five sisters and one brother, all being residents of the East with the exception of his brother, E. J. White, who lives here. The body will remain at the private receiving rooms of W. H. Mock & sons and the funeral arrangements will be announced as soon as a message can be received from the son in California.
(From the Bellingham Reveille, March 10, 1906)

WHITE, Hildegarde (d. 1912)

Grim Reaper Makes Call
Mrs. S. C. White passed away at her home here about four o'clock Tuesday morning from blood poisoning after a short illness. The news of her death came as a distinct shock to the entire community as she was a young woman in the prime of life and enjoying the best of health. The funeral services were conducted from the Congregational church Wednesday afternoon, Rev. O. P. Avery officiating and the burial made in the Blaine cemetery.
Hildegarde Erickson was born in Osage City, Kansas 33 years ago. In 1902 she was married to Sam C. White at Granton, Missouri, and in 1908 they came to Blaine, since which time Mr. White has been in business, at the present time being a member of the grocery firm of White & Burton. In addition to the husband, three children, Louise aged six years, Paul aged three years, and Margaret, a baby 10 days old, are left to mourn the loss of wife and mother. A mother, brother, and aged grandmother still reside at Osage City, Kansas.
Out of respect to a fellow business man, all of the business houses were closed on Wednesday afternoon between the hours and 1:30 and 4.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 26, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, John M. (d. 1908)

J. M. White, aged 72 years, died of cancer at 4:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his son-in-law E. D. Clark, 2124 Henry Street, after an illness of five months. Mr. White had lived here for eighteen years and is survived by a number of children and grandchildren. Following are the names of the surviving daughters:
Mrs. E. D. Clark, Bellingham; Mrs. Della Harsh, Seattle; Mrs. Hattie Layton, Fairbury, Nebraska, and Mrs. Maize Kuntz, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Among the sons surviving are:
Charles White, Lynden; Ernest and Luin White, Seattle; Benjamin White, Rockfield, South Dakota, and Will White, Oakland, California.
The funeral services will be held at the parlors of Bingham & Stokes on Elk Street Saturday morning at 9 o'clock after which the body will be shipped to Sumas for interment.
(From The Morning Reveille, May 8, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Lewis P. (d. 1903)

A telegram was received in Whatcom last Thursday bearing the intelligence of the death of L. P. White, manager of the Bank of Whatcom, at his old home in Terra Alta, W. Va., where Mr. White had gone with the hope that his health would be restored. Mr. White had been in poor health since the first of last year, and while it was known that the change had not benefited him materially, still the news of his death was unexpected by his friends here. Few men have as many friends as had Mr. White in this city, friends made by his upright and generous conduct toward his fellow man.

Mr. White came to Whatcom in 1897 and organized the Bank of Whatcom, of which institution he was manager at the time of his death. He was also chairman of the board of trustees of the Normal school and vice-president of the state bankers' association.

Lewis P. White was born at Gladesville, Virginia, now West Virginia, December 20, 1856. He received his education in the public schools of Terra Alta, West Virginia, and at an early age began clerking in his father's store at that place. At about the age of 21 years he took a position as clerk in the office of the Davis Coal Company at Elk Garden, West Virginia, and in a few years afterward started in the mercantile business for himself in that town. He had a successful career as a merchant and in 1892 moved back to Terra Alta and established the Terra Alta bank, became its first cashier and remained at the head of this institution until he removed in 1897 to this city.

In politics Mr. White was always a democrat and while engaged in the mercantile business at Elk Garden, was appointed postmaster by President Cleveland. He always took an active part in politics until his health failed last January. He ran for state senator in a district in West Virginia that was over 1500 Republican and was defeated by less than 100 votes.

He married Miss Burke of Terra Alta, a sister of G. B. Burke, cashier of the Henry Andrews & Co. bank of Fairhaven, and leaves his wife and eight children who reside in this city and his mother and a brother and a sister in the old home in Terra Alta. Mr. White's father belonged to one of the oldest families in Virginia, his great grandfather having been identified with the development of the western portion of that state as far back as 1790. His mother's maiden name was Davis and she came from one of the oldest families of the shores of Virginia.
(From The Weekly Blade, July 15, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Morris E. (d. 1913)

Morris E. White, former county probation officer and a pioneer of this city, died Saturday afternoon at his home, 1605 E street, after an illness of five months. Mr. White came to Bellingham twenty-three years ago and for a number of years has conducted a small carpenter shop on West Holly street. He was a veteran of the Civil war and a member of the J. B. Steedman post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic. The surviving relatives are the widow, one daughter, Mrs. Dr. Benedict, formerly Miss Nettie White, of Seattle, and one sister, Miss Susan White, of Worcester, Mass. Funeral services for Mr. White will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Bingham's undertaking parlors, the Rev. Warren Morse, of the Congregational church, officiating. The G. A. R. ritualistic services will be held at the parlors. The body will be shipped to Seattle for interment.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 15, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Oliver (d. 1914)

The funeral services for Oliver White, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White, were held Saturday morning from the Baptist church, Mr. VanLiew, of the Bible Students' association of Bellingham, conducting the services. Exquisite autumn flowers were massed about the casket and bore mute testimony of the esteem in which the young man was held in the community that had been his home for the past twenty-six years, and of the sympathy felt for the sorrowing family. The pallbearers were chosen from among the young men associates of the deceased and were Robert Sorensen, Lee Guy, Kenneth Stockton, Ed Dameron, Io Burgess and Fred Singleton.

Oliver White was born in Gordon county, Ga., September 4, 1886, and died September 29, 1914, after but a four days' illness at Anacortes at the age of 28 years. Word of his illness reached here but a few hours before his death, which occurred while his mother and brother were on their way to his bedside. He was to have been married to Miss Jennie Johnson, of Marysville, on Christmas day and his fiancee accompanied the body to this place, remaining until after the burial. Members of the immediate family are the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. White; three brothers, Furman White, of this place; William White, of Mineral, Wash., and Howell White, of Big Timber, Mont., and one sister, Mrs. Dora Oltman, who resides at Laurel. The bereaved family the the sincere sympathy of the community.
(From The Bellingham Herald, Laurel section, October 10, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Samuel J. (d. 1916)

Samuel J. White, aged 58 years, passed away at his home, seven miles north of Bellingham, on the Axton road, at a late hour Monday, April 3, after an illness of several months. Mr. White was an attorney at law, practicing in Snohomish county for twenty-five years and where he was a member of the bar association. When failing health caused him to retire from active work he took up his residence in the country near Bellingham. Those who survive him are Mrs. White, one daughter and three sons, Miss Beatrice M. White, of Seattle; Dunbar E., of North Yakima; Bernard J., and Everett L. White, residing at the family home. Funeral services will be held Thursday, April 6, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. The funeral car will leave from Silver Beach at 1:30 o'clock p. m. for the convenience of the relatives of Mr. White. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Members of the Whatcom County Bar association are invited to attend.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 5, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITE, Wilda (d. 1896)

WHITE, William B. (d. 1918)

The remains of Private William B. White, who passed away at base hospital No. 50, France, November 6, 1918, will be received this evening, January 15, at 8:15 o'clock, by Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect street. Private funeral services will be held tomorrow, January 16, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the service parlors of Harry O. Bingham, with Rev. Ivan O. Miller officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Private William B. White will be remembered as a young man who attended the Bellingham public schools and left many warm friends who have deeply mourned his loss. His surviving relatives are his mother, Mrs. Frederick Schuh, 2007 G street; three brothers and four sisters, Clarence G. White, of this city; Harry S. and Lewis P. White of San Francisco; Mrs. Scott Post, Mrs. Warren Sheedy, of Seattle; Mrs. Zelotes Howard, Denver, Colo., and Miss Virginia White, of Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 15, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITEMARSH, Charles (d. 1905)

Charles Whitemarsh, aged 38 years, a prominent citizen of Everson, died at his home in that place, Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock, after an illness extending over a period of several years. He had been a resident of Everson for ten years. A wife, two sons and a daughter survive him. Mr. Whitemarsh was a member of the Everson Camp, Woodmen of the World. The funeral will be held this afternoon at Everson. Interment will be made in Nooksack cemetery. George W. Mock, the funeral director of this city, will go to Everson today to assist at the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, September 21, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITFIELD, Alfred J. (d. 1915)

Aged Pastor Passes Away at Geneva
At the age of 74 years the Rev. Alfred J. Whitfield, a retired Methodist minister, died at his home at Geneva yesterday, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Whitfield’s last charge was at Lynden, though he occasionally preached at Geneva. He was a brother to the Rev. Wilmot Whitfield, of Seattle, once presiding elder of the Northwestern Washington district. He was a member of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church and of the G. A. R. Lynden post, at the time of his death, also of the Masonic order, holding his membership at Parkersburg, Ia. Mr. Whitfield is survived by his widow, one son, William J. Whitfield, of Seattle; one daughter, Mrs. May Lewis, of Knight’s Island, Alaska, all of whom were at his bedside when he passed away; and one brother, the Rev. Wilmot Whitfield, of Seattle. Funeral arrangements will be made by Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 25, 1915) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.

WHITFIELD, William (d. 1921)

William Whitfield, aged 74 years, 7 months and 25 days, passed away at an early hour this morning at the home of his son, Undertaker James W. Whitfield. The deceased had been sick for the past two months. William Whitfield was born at Bradford, England, May 20, 1846. He was united in marriage April 16, 1870, to Elizabeth Hargreaves, and to this union five children were born. In July, 1879, he came with his family to the United States, settling in the state of Iowa, where he resided until 1900, when he moved with his family to Montana. Mr. Whitfield had spent forty-five years of his life in the manufacture of woollen goods, superintending mills at Maquoketa and Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Lenark, Ill., and Big Timber, Mont., retiring from business about 8 years ago. Two years ago he came to Bellingham to make his home with his son, who is engaged in the undertaking business at 1146 Elk street. Mr. Whitfield's wife and three children have preceded him to the great beyond. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for about thirty-five years and had always shown a great interest in the work of the church. The surviving relatives are two sons, James W., of this city, and Fred H. Whitfield, of Sunnyside, Wash., and nine grandchildren. Funeral arrangements have not been completed at the present time but will be announced later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 15, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITFORD, Charles H. (d. 1922)

Charles Hazen Whitford, nearly 93 years of age and an old Grand Army man, passed away Tuesday morning at the home of his son who lives south of Haynie corners. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from Potter's undertaking parlors under the auspices of the G. A. R. of which he was a respected member. Mr. Whitford was born in New York state and came to this state some 10 or 12 years ago with his wife, who preceded him to the beyond several years ago. He was a man respected by everyone who knew him.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 3, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITFORD, Clarinda (d. 1914)

Mrs. Clarinda Whitford, the wife of C. H. Whitford, passed away last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Driggett, who resides east of the city. She was 87 years of age. The funeral services were held at the Driggett home Saturday afternoon, conducted by Rev. G. W. Escher, pastor of the Free Methodist church. Interment was made beside the remains of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie Cram, who passed away six years ago.

The deceased was born in the state of New York, in 1827, and was married to C. H. Whitford on June 30, 1850. They had lived together sixty-four years. She leaves two sons and two daughters, all of whom were at her bedside when she passed away. They are Frank Whitford of Blaine, Wallace Whitford of Everett, Mrs. Daniel Driggett of Blaine and Mrs. Ben Howland of Michigan.
(From The Blaine Journal October 2, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITLEY, Elizabeth (d. 1921)

It is with a feeling of sincere regret that friends record the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Whitely which occurred at her son's home near Ferndale November 21, after an illness of five weeks. Despite all that medical aid and loving care and attention could do, she gradually sank, surrounded by her entire family. She passed peacefully away.

Mrs. Elizabeth Hargin was born December 21, 1848, at Berry, Ontario. Married to John Whitely Dec. 24, 1867. Five children were born to this union, one having died in infancy; three daughters and one son are left to mourn her loss: Mrs. Bert T. Reeve of Howard S. D.; George E. Whitely of Ferndale; Mrs. M. L. Adkins, Madison, S. D., and Mrs. Emily Bame of Ferndale. The husband died Dec. 21, 1913. The deceased leaves three brothers and two sisters to mourn her loss. They are: John Hargin, a brother, living at Peterolia, Ont.; Andy Hargin, a brother living at Scott, Sask.; Noble Hargin, a brother, living at Gravity, Iowa; Mrs. Margaret Erwin, a sister, living at Gravity, Iowa; Mrs. Eliza Stewart, a sister, living at Gravity, Iowa. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by friends, societies and relatives. The funeral was held Wednesday forenoon at the Methodist church in Ferndale, conducted by Rev. Jones. The remains were taken to Olds, Alberta, for burial by the son, George Whitely and daughter, Mrs. Bert Reeve.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 9, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITMAN, Charles (d. 1903)

WHITMAN, Hannah A. (d. 1913)

Mrs. Hannah Amanda Whitman died at the family home in Ferndale on Monday, the 22nd of September. The funeral ceremony took place from the residence on Wednesday the 24th, Rev. Harrison, of this city, officiating, and the interment was at Enterprise cemetery. Deceased was born July 19, 1826, being 87 years, 2 months and 3 days old. Deceased moved to Whatcom county in the year of 1894, and has continuously resided here since that time. She made many friends by her kind, genial nature and her loss is felt by a large circle indeed.
(From The Ferndale Record, October 3, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.

WHITMAN, Jennie M. (d. 1920)

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