The Daily Reveille
Bellingham, WA

Extractions by Susan Nahas

April 9, 1907:

Clarence MALLORY, colored, died of pneumonia yesterday afternoon. He carried insurance for a sum between $2,000 and $3,000. His mother is living in Oakland, California. MALLORY worked for years as a bootblack for Charles RICHENDERFR. The funeral arrangements have not been yet arranged.

April 11, 1907:

Dread spinal meningitis has overtaken three of Bellingham's most promising young men within two days ... Marvin CADE, Jack CISSNA, two high school students, and Will TERRILL, son of W. E. TERRIL, lie cold in death. None ... suffered for any great length of time. All three ... were popular ... Jack CISSNA was the son of former Banker Charles CISSNA and Marvin CADE was the son of City Jailor H. M. CADE ...

Thursday, May 16, 1907:

Japanese Infant Dead.
An infant named Mak-Murata died last evening in the local Japanese colony. The babe was removed to MAULSBY's funeral parlors, where a short funeral service in the Japanese form was held at 9:30 o'clock a. m. today. Interment took place in Bay View cemetery.

Wednesday, May 29, 1907:

-The funeral of John McPHERSON, who met death in a burning bunk house at the Clipper shingle mill last Sunday night, took place at the Presbyterian church here Tuesday. The Rev. R. M. SHOOK preached a beautiful and touching sermon, after which the remains were interred in the Odd Fellows cemetery at this place.
-O. E. PLUMB, who for some years past has been connected with the mercantile establishment of H. B. NILES, has purchased a tract of land at Saxon, where he will erect a building in the near future and conduct a general merchandise store.
-The Deming-Bellingham stage line changed hands last Tuesday, Wm. MASON disposing of his interests to Mr. J. P. PENNEY, who will continue to run the business the same as heretofore.
-Miss Lois PEBLEY closed a very successful term at the Bell Creek school last Monday and is now at home with her parents.
-J. F. JOHNSON, the automobile stage man, moved his household effects and family to Deming Wednesday. He expects to be ready to put two new machines on the road between Bellingham and Deming some time during the coming week.
-Arthur OWEN went up to Saxon on Wednesday to assist Mr. PLUMB in preparing to start his new venture as soon as possible.
-Russell UPSON and Mr. FARNUM, of Blaine, were visitors at the Good Templars' lodge here Wednesday night. Mr. UPSON is making a tour of the various lodges of the district in the interest of the Good Templar lodge at Blaine.
-The local lodge of Good Templars has installed its new set of officers for the ensuing term as follows:
C. T., Burt PITTENGER; P. C. T., Harvey MARSHALL; V. T., Gordie HAMILTON; Sec., May STODDARD; Asst. Sec., Earl MAHAN; F. S., Matie PITTENGER; Treas., Paul MARSHALL; M., Bert HAMILTON; D. M., Margaret GRIFFITH; Chap., Rhoda GRIFFITH; Guard, Florence HAMILTON; Sentinel, Will STRAHL.

Saturday, July 6, 1907:

          "Jake" TERRY is dead. The reputed bandit of the Northwest and terrorizer of the frontier town of Sumas, after many escapades, was shot and instantly killed by A. L. LINDLEY, known as "Gus" LINDLEY, at Sumas yesterday noon after TERRY had crossed the border of the international boundary line and attempted to secrete himself in the house of Mrs. LINDLEY, an alleged former wife of the self-confessed bandit, train robber, smuggler, and all-around bad man.
          Two shots from the pistol of the man who claims that his home was wrecked by TERRY killed him instantly. A post-mortem examination late yesterday afternoon disclosed two bullet holes in his head. Either of them was fatal. LINDLEY, the slayer, after a preliminary examination was placed under $7,000 bail to appear in the Whatcom County superior court to answer for the crime. His bond was supplied in about twenty minutes and he was released from custody.
          For more than a year and a half TERRY has been a fugitive from justice. At the point of a gun he terrorized the entire town of Sumas, drove LINDLEY from his home about two years ago, and made himself particularly obnoxious to the residents of the border town. Pursued by a mob bent on stringing him up to the nearest telegraph pole, Sheriff WILLIAMS, unable to cope with the situation, took TERRY from underneath the protection of the Stars and Stripes and hurried the malcontent to the Canadian side of the line. Charges with assault with a deadly weapon TERRY was taken before the Whatcom County superior court and released on bail. When his name was called for the following term of court he was safely across the line. Whatcom County residents had almost lost track of the notorious character when word was conveyed to this city yesterday that TERRY had been killed.
          TERRY during his lifetime was the hero of many an inspiration for a dime novel writer. According to his own statements, and one of them which is borne out by the records of the state penitentiary, he has done almost everything which any bandit might be supposed to do in order to be real up-to-date. He has robbed trains, after sticking them up, smuggled opium and Chinamen and been an all around bad man for years aside from being a partner in crime with the notorious Bill MINER, who is now serving a term in prison for train robbery in Canada.
          LINDLEY, the slayer of TERRY has been a resident of Sumas for a number of years and claims that TERRY has been the means of breaking up his home on account of the attentions the outlaw paid his wife. TERRY was killed in the LINDLEY home as he was about to step across the threshold of Mrs. LINDLEY's bedroom. Mrs. LINDLEY was not at home at the time of the killing.

Tuesday, July 9, 1907:

Outlaw is Buried
The body of Jake TERRY was buried in Bay View cemetery yesterday and all that remains of the notorious outlaw have been laid in the last resting place. It was found that TERRY had about $20 coming to him for work he had done for the brick company on the British side of the line, and this added to the value of the watch found in his pockets brought enough money to buy a lot in the cemetery and give him a decent burial. Hundreds of persons views the remains as they lay in the A. R. MAULSBY morgue yesterday.

        Despondent and tired of living, John T. WALKER, who has been a resident of this county for about forty years, placed a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver in his mouth Sunday morning, on the ranch of Edward O'NEILL near Lynden, and sent a bullet crashing through his brains. WALKER evidently premeditated taking his life, and in the last two weeks has told several persons that he intended to commit suicide.
        According the the evidence gathered by Acting Coroner MARTIN, WALKER excused himself from the breakfast table in the home of his sister and brother-in-law yesterday morning about 7:30 o'clock and went to the barn. Mrs. O'NEILL went to look for him about twenty minutes later and found him lying on his back on the floor with his mouth filled with blood and a revolver clutched in his right hand. One of the shells in the gun was empty and there was no doubt as to the cause of death.
        WALKER had evidently gone to the barn where he had fixed up sleeping quarters, arranged the bed-clothes neatly, took off his shoes, the then placed the barrel of the revolver in his mouth and pulled the trigger.
        The dead man was a brother of James WALKER, a prosperous rancher on the other side of the boundary line, north of Lynden, and one of the best known characters in the county. So far as is known he is a bachelor. For some time his mind is said to have been in a feeble condition, and the suicide does not come as a surprise. He leaves no property or money.

Saturday, August 31, 1907:

Peter COSTINDA, an employe of HEATON Bros., one mile west of this town, was drowned this afternoon while working on the log boom of the company. He fell from the stick which he was running and was unable to regain his footing. His plunge was not observed, but his struggles were noticed before he went under for the last time and in a very few minutes his inanimate body was drown out from between the logs. Dr. MOULDER of Lynden was at once sent for, but he pronounced the case hopeless on his arrival. COSTINDA is a single man and has no relatives in this county. He came from the east about a year ago.

Tuesday, September 17, 1907:

It is believed by Sheriff WILLIAMS that James LOGAN, who mysteriously disappeared from his home near Maple Falls a few months ago, was murdered for his money. The sheriff is now in possession of facts that will likely clear the mystery within a short time. He has been investigating the case, devoting what time he could find aside from the ROPER case, to ferret out facts pertaining to LOGAN's disappearance. As soon as the present murder trials are finished WILLIAMS expect to bring the LOGAN case to a speedy trial.

Man Died By the Roadside.
Frank RADKER, aged 72 years, was found dead beside the road about half a mile from his home above Everson, last night. He had been ill for some time and at about 9 o'clock arose from his bed while in a delirious condition and wandered away. He has resided near Everson for the last few years.

Sunday, October 6, 1907:

-Mrs. LUDWICK died Saturday last at her home near Sumas, at the age of 35 years, leaving three sons and one daughter. Interment took place at the I. O. O. F. cemetery Monday, after a brief service at the home conducted by Mr. MAYNARD of Bellingham.
-Harris ROGERS arrived here Monday from Colville, where he has spent the summer.
-Miss Elsie KELSIE who has spent the past three weeks with friends here left Thursday for Tacoma, where she will soon leave for her home in White Horse, Alaska.
-Mr. and Mrs. SCHOONOVER and son from Kansas, are the guests of Mrs. SCHOONOVER's sister, Mrs. Fred SAAR and family.
-Miss Mary HICKS visited her sister, Mrs. R. U. LEITCH and family, in Bellingham the first of the week.
-Mrs. Mark OWEN of Bellingham was the guest of her nephew, R. OWEN and wife, Sunday.

-James BRECKENRIDGE attended encampment at Lynden Wednesday night.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacARTHUR have moved from Central to their home in Everson.
-Roy CALLERMAN, of Bellingham, spent Sunday at the home of his father-in-law, A. H. WARRINER.

A family reunion took place last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BELL, the occasion being Mrs. BELL's sixty-second birthday. All the members of the family, numbering twenty-two, were present, as follows: J. W. BELL and family of Bell Creek; W. E. and C. E. BELL with their families of Deming.

Sunday, October 20, 1907:

-Mrs. James MATHES, mother of S. G. MATHES, is visiting relatives here. She is from Frazee, Minn.
-On Monday, October 14, Mr. J. R. HARRISON and Miss Maggie WILBORN of Leeper, Mo., were united in marriage. They are at home at Mr. HARRISON's place just east of town.

-Miss Norm (sic) MacCANNEL of Kamloops, B. C., is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. A. LOCHBAUM and family this week.
-Mrs. F. W. SOLLOWAY and daughter Marian of Mission City were Sumas visitors Tuesday.
-Miss Sidney WALTER is again at home after having spent the summer with friends in St. Louis, Mo.
-Word has been received here Wednesday that the body of Paul JACOBS, who died in Alaska a few weeks ago, had reached his parents' home near Clearbrook, and funeral services would take place on Thursday. The parents were residents of Sumas for about three years and the family are well known here, and have been residents of Whatcom County for many years.
-Mr. and Mrs. Russ THOMAS drove to Northwood on Sunday to attend the funeral services of the little 8-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie HEATHERS. The funeral took place at the homestead at 2 o'clock; interment at the Lynden cemetery.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jackson WELLS entertained Mrs. WELLS' sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William McNAIR over Sunday last.

-John NEFF, recently from Missouri came over from south Bellingham and spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. J. W. KELLY.
-Mr. and Mrs. Alexander HAMILTON arrived Monday from Leavenworth, Washington, and after a short visit with relatives here expect to make their home at Kendall.
-Mrs. J. W. KELLY went to Bellingham Monday for a week's visit at the home of her brother Webb NEFF.
-Mrs. Maud TUTTLE and little daughter Alberta, of Wickersham, visited Mrs. TUTTLE's mother, Mrs. L. C. THEBO this week.

Tuesday, October 22, 1907:

Andrew JOHNSON, proprietor of the Union bar, who went to Harrison Hot Springs one day last week to recuperate, died in convulsions on Saturday. The body was brought to Bellingham yesterday by George H. MOCK. Arrangements for the funeral, which will be under the auspices of the Eagles' Lodge, have not been completed.

Dr. and Mrs. Harry THOMPSON, of Everson, are the proud parents of an eight and a half pound heir, born Sunday. THOMPSON is a son of Coroner THOMPSON and conducts a pharmacy at the metropolis of the Nooksack Valley.

The funeral of Agnes M. JOHNSON, the only daughter of Olof and Annie JOHNSON, 2321 Knox Street, who died Sunday, will take place at 2 p. m. today at the chapel of W. H. MOCK & Son, Rev. John NELSON officiating.

Friday, October 25, 1907:

Youth Starts to Walk Into Stall When the Animal Suddenly Throws Leg Out.
NOOKSACK, Friday, Oct. 25. - Suffering from kick of a vicious horse, Walter LIEBHAM [LEHMAN], the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles LEIBHAM [LEHMAN], living one mile east of Nooksack, died this morning at 6 o'clock at the home of his parents. The blow that caused the death of the youth was delivered at an early hour yesterday morning. Walter started to go into the stall where the horse was tied when the animal suddenly kicked backward, the steel shod hoofs striking the boy squarely in the stomach. All through the day he suffered intense pain, the blow having caused severe internal injuries. This morning at 6 o'clock the lad died. LIEBHAM [LEHMAN], the boy's father, is a well-known and prosperous rancher in the vicinity of Nooksack. The parents are almost prostrated by the death of their son.

Mrs. Thelma SIMMONS, wife of A. W. SIMMONS, of Ferndale, died yesterday of pneumonia. Mrs. SIMMONS' parents reside at Pipin, Wis., to which point the body will be shipped today.

Ozro H. WOODY, a newspaperman, formerly of this city, but lately engaged in that line of work in Okanogan County, arrived in the city yesterday with his family and will reside here during the winter.

Sunday, October 27, 1907:

Fifty Years of Wedded Life Commemorated
Much of the social interest of the week has centered in the celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. HOPKINS, which took place at their home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. HOPKINS celebrated the event by keeping open house during the afternoon and evening, and during the receiving hours 200 of Bellingham's pioneers and others who have made the acquaintance of this couple within the last few years called. ... David Logan HOPKINS and Sophronia A. CRAMER were united in marriage at Washington, Indiana, October 22, 1857. Mr. HOPKINS was enrolled August 1, 1862, in Company I, 65th Indiana Regiment of Volunteers and served to the end of the war. At it's conclusion Mr. and Mrs. HOPKINS moved to Kansas, residing there ten years, and later moving to Colorado. In 1889 Mr. and Mrs. HOPKINS came to this city, where they have since resided.

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