Thursday, January 6, 1887:
Jas. H. MILLHOLLIN and family moved into their new quarters last Monday. The Blaine school, Maggie BANNESTER teacher, commenced on Monday with an attendance of 21 scholars. Mr. F. L. DEMENT of Waterbury, Dakota, son of our genial friend, Dr. G. D. DEMENT, arrived in this burgh last Saturday. Mr. J. C. BERTRAND contemplates the building of a fine dwelling house, 16x24, adjoining his mercantile establishment. Messrs. BANNISTER & ROBERTSON will construct the building. A lyceum was organized in Excelsior district, Monday, December 27th, 1886, with J. W. KAGER president and Ed. THOMAS secretary. Meets every Thursday at 7 o'clock p. m. Last Thursday they debated upon Woman Suffrage; decided that women should vote. This (Thursday) evening they will debate the Chinese question. An interesting shooting match took place on New Year's day, in which a continual firing was kept until late in the afternoon. B. F. HURD, James BERTRAND, John BARBER, R. RULIN, Ed. SMITH, John ROPER, Oliver MILLER and many others participated. The distance was about sixty yards, and a very good average of shots was made, notwithstanding the darkness of the day. Mr. HURD and B. RULIN made the best average shooting, while Ed. SMITH made two center shots. In view of forming a company for the conveyance of water to this place for the use of mills, steamboats and other purposes, a committee was appointed consisting of Messrs. P. McPHERSON, E. A. BOBLETT and A. W. STEIN. On last Monday the committee made a preliminary view of the proposed water route. They report having found a practical route from the large springs on the farm of A. A. HART, adjoining the boundary line, about one and one half miles from this place. MARRIED - At the home of the bride's parents, in Sumner, W. T., on December 30, 1886, by Rev. R. PATCH, Mr. Orville ESPY to Miss Maggie STEWART. Mr. F. EDWARDS and wife have gone to Oregon. Mrs. EDWARDS will remain for a few months visiting her mother. Mr. Chas. HUNT of Semiahmoo, is building a large smoke house, which he intends to use for smoking meat and fish. Mr. Chas. STOOPS re-elected road supervisor of road district No. 15; W. G. SIVYER elected supervisor of district No. 14. Messrs. KIRBY & McMILLIN of Semiahmoo, are building a workshop. They will build boats of all kinds, supplying the demand. Leave your orders. Last Sunday, whilst Alfred TARTE was in the act of leaping from the upper deck of the pilot house of the steamer Brick to the wharf, his footing slipped and he was thrown violently upon the lower rail of the steamer, cutting his chin wide open, crushing his side and breaking out several teeth. The doctor dressed the wounds, and at present Alfred is getting on nicely.
The Blaine literary society met last Tuesday evening. Question for debate: Two young men of equal ability start in life; one with $100,000 and the other with a finished education. Resolved, that the one with the education is best prepared to meet the world. On the affirmative, Messrs. B. F. HURD, A. W. STEIN, E. A. BOBLET and S. P. HUGHES; negative, A. BARICLAW [BARRICLAW, BARRACLAW], P. C. McPHERSON, E. M. ADAMS and Chas. MOORE. The judges decided in the affirmative. Reading by Miss Maggie BANNESTER and Dan BANNESTER; song by Curtis MARR; speech by S. P. HUGHES; song by Mrs. Byron KINGSLEY; song by Mrs. B. KINGSLEY and Miss BANNESTER. Thursday, January 13, 1887: Mr. M. C. WYNKOOP, justice peace elect, at present residing on Dakota creek, will move into town, and act in his official capacity on the 1st Monday in March. Mr. Charles O. YOUNG, who has been acting as chief engineer in the Blaine sawmill for the past six months, departed for Seattle on Tuesday. His family will remain in Blaine. We regret his departure, and hope he will return in the spring. The new telegraph line is now in thorough order for the transaction of business. Mr. M. McDOUGAL informs us that it is the intention of C. H. McDOUGAL, superintendent of the telegraph company, to establish an office at this place. Mrs. Katharine KINGSLY [KINGSLEY], of the W. C. T. U. of this place, has been circulating a petition asking congress to vote the surplus cash in the national treasury for the aid of the common schools. The W. C. T. U. throughout the United States are circulating these petitions, and it is quite probable that some good may result therefrom. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. HUGHES entertained their numerous friends at their residence last Friday evening. Dancing was the order of the evening, which was kept up until almost the crowning of the new day. Everyone was delighted with the kindness and hospitality of the host and hostess, and unanimously express themselves well pleased with the occasion. The Reveille of the 7th inst. says: On Monday morning last about six o'clock the store building and residence of W. R. MOULTRAY were destroyed by fire, with nearly all their contents. Only the goods in the warehouse were saved. The fire caught from a terra cota stove pipe between the ceiling and roof soon after the fire was built in the stove. The building and stock was partially covered by insurance, which with the goods saved will cover the liabilities. Mr. MOULTRAY is now in Seattle consulting with his creditors SCHWABACHERS, and will probably resume business at the crossing if he can so arrange.
-There was a rather small attendance at school last week, on account of the snow and ice. -At the annual road election, Jan. 3d, D. McDOUGAL was elected road supervisor. -Mr. BOOTH, from near Lynden has been visiting at Mr. NORTON's. Thursday, January 20, 1887: Mrs. B. FERRIS, of the north arm of the Fraser river, British Columbia, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. BOBLETT. Mrs. F. will remain for some time. The planking for the Washington avenue bridge has been laid, and is now in a passable condition. A singing school is about to be organized in town, with Prof. GRIFFIN as instructor. Rev. A. WARREN received by the Evangel on last Monday a box containing 200 books, consigned to the M. E. Sunday school at Blaine. Some are singing books and others are for the library. They were received from the Methodist book concern of San Francisco, and some are new and some second hand. Yesterday morning Marian CAIN's house, on his place on California creek, was burned, with all its contents. There was no one at home but Mr. CAIN's ten year old son Frank, and he was at work in the field when the fire started. It is thought the fire originated in the chimney. This is a serious loss to Mr. CAIN. Word reached this place yesterday that an old and respected man named HARRIS has on Monday been found dead in his cabin, near Ladner's Landing, B. C., under circumstances indicating he had been murdered. His throat had been cut and the body bruised and cut with an ax. The cabin was locked from the outside. One day last week, while Lawrence SAVINGS was handling a gun catridge (sic), prepatory to loading a gun, the catridge (sic) exploded, resulting in setting fire to his clothing, the shot passing closely to his face and through the ceiling of the house, and the shell somewhat larcerating (sic) his hand. Too much care cannot be taken with these explosive articles. Small boys beware.
Hear thy loss, we deeply feel; But tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal." Mr. Chas. PAUL, arrived in Blaine with his family last Monday, from Los Angeles, Cal., and will make his future home here. Mr. PAUL, we learn, has secured a lot from Mr. E. A. BOBLETT, and will soon as possible erect a residence thereon, and at some time in the near future will probably either go into business in Blaine or buy a farm in this vicinity. Mr. PAUL is accompanied by his father, an aged gentleman. January 27, 1887: C. A. CRABB has been appointed postmaster at Hillsdale. J. A. MARTIN has a full supply of school books, slates, paper, ink, etc., at his store in Semiahmoo. Arthur M. WHITE, appointed customs inspector by Capt. BEECHER, has been removed by Collector BROOKS. Mrs. Ferris left on Friday last for her home near New Westminster, after a visit of several days in Blaine. Miss Emma EVANS, daughter of Wm. EVANS of Blaine, was married in Seattle a few days ago to a Mr. HANN, of Nooksack. A meeting will be held at the school house, on Monday, at 7 p. m., for the purpose of effecting an arrangement for a district cemetery. Citizens are respectfully invited to attend. B. N. MUSSER of Ferndale, brought a wagon load of bacon and cured hams to Blaine yesterday for sale. The meat was bought by Mr. STAEUBLI. Mr. MUSSER says he can "do more business" by coming to Blaine than going the other way. He thinks that a regular meat wagon on the road between here and Ferndale next summer, would pay. Mr. Amos DEXTER and wife were in Blaine yesterday making out a quit claim deed to a parcel of land in Colorado which Mr. DEXTER sold over twenty years ago, and which has since passed through several hands without an error being detected until a few days ago, wherein forty acres of the tract intended to be conveyed was omitted from the deed. DIED - At nine o'clock Tuesday evening, January 25th, 1887, George, infant son of S. P. and Charlotte HUGHES, of lung fever. Aged four months and eleven days. The funeral was at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, and was attended by many of the friends of the afflicted parents. Mr. and Mrs. HUGHES have the sympathy of the entire community in their sorrow. Thursday, February 3, 1887: When Marion ROGERS came home from Puyallup last fall he brought with him a set of blacksmith tools, and built a shop at his home on Dakota creek, where he now works at his trade, with profit to himself and the community. Rev. Mr. PRICE, Christian Evangelist, arrived in Blaine last Tuesday on a tour of the Sound. If the weather will permit Mr. PRICE will hold a series of meetings at Excelsior and perhaps in Blaine. Mr. John MILHOLLIN and wife have removed from over the JOURNAL office, in the CAIN Brothers' building, where they have lived since their arrival in Blaine, sixteen months ago, to Peter McPHERSON's new house; and ye editor and editress now occupy the premises vacated by Mr. and Mrs. M.
DIED - At her home in Blaine, Jan. 30th, 1887, Mrs. Lucretia CAIN; aged 71 years, 10 months and 5 days.
"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." Thursday, February 10, 1887: Miss Sarah ELLIOTT of Blaine, that was, has been Mrs. LOVELL of River Falls, Wis., for two months. Last week's Reveille publishes on authority of C. E. CLINE, that Fred JACKMAN of Lynden, was burned to death in his cabin on the 1st. Mrs. Peter CUSTER, a new arrival and a sister-in-law of Assessor elect CUSTER, will teach the remainder of the winter term of the Enterprise school. There will be a dance at the Blaine school house on the "evening of Birthington's Wash day," we are told, the proceeds to go into the district school fund. Tickets, $1. The public school was dismissed for the week on Monday, on account of sickness of the teacher, Miss BANNISTER. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH are yet very unwell, and Mr. E. A. BOBLETT has also been confined to his room for several days. Mr. D. S. RICHARDS, wreckmaster elect, has declined the office and will not qualify. The reason given is that in justice to himself he cannot afford the possibility of a non-profitable office interfering with his ferry business at the place.
-Thermometer stood 2 degrees below zero; the river froze over Tuesday night. The steamer Edith came up the river Monday, and is now frozen in. -George MONROE closed his school for a few days, on account of cold weather. Thursday, February 17, 1887: A. J. AGNEAW is telegraph operator at Ferndale. Carpenters were at work yesterday on the ceiling of the public school house. Louis HOFERCAMP returned to his home in Sehome on Tuesday, after six weeks' employment as typo in this office. Old Mr. UTTER, of Whatcom, died on Friday last. He was an old resident, a member of the Masonic order, and a highly esteemed citizen. BERTRAND last week bought a load of bacon and hams of Henry SHIELDS of Ferndale, and a quantity of feed of C. H. STOLTENBERG of Custer. M. A. McPHERSON of Lynden, was in Blaine last week, on business. Mr. McPHERSON is going into the stock raising business on his farm. David KITZEL, mentioned two weeks ago as having had a fight with Joseph BARTSCH, has since paid his fine inflicted by the justice of the peace and portion of the costs, and withdrawn his appeal to the district court. Mr. ELLIOTT arrived home last Tuesday by the steamer Evangel from River Falls, Wisconsin where he has been since last fall. When told that he was not expected home so early in the year he answered, "Why, didn't you think I'd come back here out of the cold as soon as I could get here?" A. S. WILLIAMS, assistant superintendent of construction, and V. HALL division superintendent of the Postal telegraph company were in Blaine last week on a trip over the line, establishing offices. The Blaine office was put into BERTRAND's store, on account of proximity to the wharf. The instrument was connected with the line about eight o'clock Friday evening, and as soon as the connection was made it was found that Portland was calling this office. H. FORD will remain here as operator until further orders. The line will not be open for general use until the first of March. Thursday, February 24, 1887: Mr. John STINGER [STENGER] and Miss Clara FOUTS were married at Whatcom on Monday evening. Amos DEXTER is elder and Marion ROGERS is deacon in the new Christian church organization at this place. The public school re-opened Monday morning, after two weeks' vacation on account of sickness of the teacher and improvements to the building. Austin ORVIS and Andrew R. SMITH were granted a license by the county commissioners for a ferry across the Nooksack river on the Guide Meridian road. New arrival on Sunday morning, at the home of Rev. J. W. KAGER, a voter - 21 years hence - unless Judges TURNER and LANGFORD ere that time find an opportunity to work off a disfranchising decision on another class of citizens. Mr. MISSMER arrived in Blaine this week from Snohomish, and will have charge of the Postal telegraph office at this place. Mr. FORD, who was stationed here temporarily, until a permanent operator was sent here, is awaiting orders and expects to go to the front again on construction work.
-Mr. CLIFTON will remove with his family into Mr. ALBERT's house on California creek for the summer. Mr. CLIFTON intends to work for Mr. UPSON this summer. Thursday, March 3, 1887: Mr. Chauncy REAM, a brother-in-law of J. N. RUCKER and Mrs. LINDSEY, arrived last week from Nebraska. B. F. HURD is putting the lumber on the ground for a tenement house on a lot between Mr. BOBLETT's and Mr. STEIN's houses. J. A. MARTIN was severely hurt this morning, we learn, by a heavy crosscut saw falling on him in his warehouse at Semiahmoo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SHANNON, of Clover Valley, returned home on Tuesday, after several day's visit at Semiahmoo with Mr. and Mrs. MARTIN. Mr. FELESEANNA, of Dakota creek, while cutting wood one day last week had the misfortune to cut his hand very badly, severing three fingers we are told. Mrs. C. O. YOUNG left on Tuesday for Seattle, with her two children, to join her husband, who is employed as route agent on the Daily Voice. Mr. YOUNG was formerly engineer in the Blaine sawmill, and owns a very neat little cottage here. Many friends here regret their departure. Mrs. YOUNG's sister, Miss Callie HONN, accompanied her, and expected to remain in Seattle about a week. W. L. ROGERS has, we understand, promised to donate to the public a piece of land for cemetery purposes, and on next Saturday afternoon at four o'clock a public meeting of those interested will be held at the Blaine school house to appoint trustees to take charge for putting the ground in proper shape, and such other business as may come up.
-Ferndale is to have a brass band.
-Miss ROGERS' term of school closed on Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. AITKEN of Enterprise are visiting in this neighborhood. Thursday March 10, 1887: Tommy and Jenks BERTRAND who have been suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, are improving slightly. At the public meeting last Saturday E. A. BOBLETT, A. W. STEEN and Byron KINGSLEY were elected a board of trustees to take charge of the public cemetery. Richard A. BUTLER has been appointed inspector of customs for Blaine, Semiahmoo and Birch Bay. Mr. BUTLER is one of our most honored and respected citizens and will undoubtedly make an efficient officer. Collector BROOKS has added to the customs force an honest and competent man, and the people of this locality will be gratified that our local inspector is a resident citizen, instead of an imported stranger, as heretofore. Semiahmoo boasts a new industry, in the establishment of the "Pacific coast fruit syrup company," in which Mrs. Lina MOORE and Miss GILMORE are principals. They are putting up an article one bottle of which will make lemonade enough for an evening party, and as good a beverage as can be concocted of lemon juice, oranges, sugar and water. The Excelsior Sunday school was on last Sunday organized for the summer and the following officers were elected: M. MANEVAL, supt.; Chas. STOOPS, asst. supt.; Miss Alice SAVINGS, sec; Harry SAVINGS, treas; Harry THOMAS, librarian. The arrangement for the summer is as follows: Sunday school every Sunday morning at ten o'clock; following the S. S., on the second Sunday of each month Rev. GRIGGS, and on the third Sundays Rev. BAKER, will preach; the remaining Sabbaths in each month the S. S. will be followed by class meeting. The afternoon and evening hours to be filled by any and all preachers - making their own appointments. Thursday, March 17, 1887: Mrs. J. C. BERTRAND and Mrs. L. D. FRANK are still under the care of the doctor, though it is to be hoped that their recovery will not be prolonged. Mr. M. C. HUGHES of Tacoma, is visiting his brother, S. P. HUGHES of this place. We are informed that the two brothers have not heard of each other for over seventeen long years, and their meeting the other day was indeed a gleeful one. Thursday, March 24, 1887: Arthur BARRICLAW [BARRACLAW, BARRICLOW] of Blaine, is working in Seattle. A. E. McINERNY, formerly of Ferndale, is teaching in the Indian school at Neah Bay. Rev. J. W. KAGER received word a few days [ago] that his father at Utica, Nebraska, was stricken with paralysis. At Ferndale, last Friday, Wilbur FOLLETTE, fourteen years of age, sustained a very severe fracture of the ankle by attempting to hand onto the hind end of a passing wagon and falling into the wheel. Dr. THORNTON set the broken bones. Mr. A. W. STEEN sold an acre of land of his property in Blaine to Wm. H. WEST this morning. We understand that Mr. WEST will build upon his property as soon as he can procure lumber, and will probably build a second house in the near future. Thursday, March 31, 1887: Eggs are a minus quantity in the Blaine market, and are in demand. David MILLER put a new roof on his house and made some improvements on his barn last week. Whooping cough has made its appearance in Excelsior school district. The family of Mr. THOMAS is affected. Valentine SORENSON, an employee of Mr. MILHOLLIN, has gone to Minnesota, whether he goes on account of sickness of his father. A. W. STEEN yesterday put a crew of men at work preparing the camp at Inspector BUTLER's place on Drayton Harbor for operations during the logging season this summer. Last Monday Miss Lydia WEST, the sixteen year old daughter of Jabez and Nancy WEST, died at Port Moody, B. C., of fever accompanied by symptoms of quick consumption. The body was brought to Blaine for interment by the sorrowing parents, who arrived on the Evangel this morning, with their family. The funeral service was held in the public school house at half-past ten o'clock this morning, Rev. A. WARREN preaching the sermon, after which the body was laid to rest in Mr. CAIN's orchard, by the grave of Grandmother CAIN. Mr. WEST is an immigrant, from Clear Lake, Wis., who came last fall to Port Moody, with his family, in a company of emigrants, including his brother, W. H. WEST, and Messrs. WALWORTH and MERRELL, who came here a few weeks ago, on his way to this locality for the purpose of securing a new home. The entire party tarried at Port Mood for a while, and here Miss Lydia was taken sick. The young lady was very highly esteemed by her friends. She was a trusting Christian, and before her death she told her mother she was perfectly willing to go if it was the Lord's will. Friends here, who had been notified by telegraph, met the bereaved family at the steamer, and citizens here showed their sympathy by a full attendance at the funeral. Thursday, April 7, 1887: Mr. J. WEST has moved his family into Mr. HURD's little house, near Mr. STEEN's. Mrs. BUTLER, wife of inspector BUTLER, is in very poor health, her many friends will regret to learn. On Wednesday of last week, Teddy, the 14-year old son of Mr. WADE, of Surrey, B. C., was accidentaly drowned while trying to cross the Serpentine river at that place on a small raft. The body was recovered the next day by means of grappling hooks. The winter term of the public school in Blaine closes to-morrow. Miss BANNESTER [BANNISTER] is so far as we know generally liked in the district as a teacher. She has been engaged to teach the summer term of school in the Union district, which will commence about the first of May. Wesley MAYFIELD of Ferndale arrived home a few days ago from Illinois, after an absence of several weeks. He was married while away, and brought his wife home with him. Mr. MAYFIELD is one of the most respectable and respected young men in Whatcom county, and the JOURNAL, with other friends extends congratulations. General Mustering - Officer M. M. HOLMES, of Seattle, on Tuesday evening, the 5th, organized a Grand Army post in Blaine, with fifteen charter members, and the following officers: Post Com., S. P. HUGHES; S. V. C., A. J. LOOMIS; J. V. C., J. W. BARBER; Aju't., W. H. WEST; Q. M., Jas. CAIN; Surg'n, I. M. SCOTT; Chaplin, J. N. LINDSEY; O. D., R. M. ROGERS; O. G., Wm. LOGAN; S. M., D. ARNDT; Q. M. S., Wm. EVANS. Reynolds was the name chosen for the new post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Issues from April 14 through August 11 are missing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, August 18, 1887: Dr. M. J. ROSTEL, the dentist will only remain in Blaine until the 24th. Mr. BLAIR, father of Mrs. ROHART, left last Tuesday for a trip to Seattle and Olympia. Arthur and Chas. BARRICKLAW [BARRACLAW, BARRICLOW] arrived home from Seattle last Thursday for a week's visit with their parents. Mr. F. EDWARDS, of Semiahmoo was presented by his wife with another daughter on Tuesday evening. Thursday, August 25, 1887:
-Miss Alice SMITH spent a few days with friends in Semiahmoo last week. -Mrs. HOLCOMB, of Enterprise, left on Monday for Dakota, where her daughter is seriously ill. -Mrs. Edd BROWN, of Enterprise, is spending a few days with her parents in Mountain View. -Mr. WHEELER, the Ferndale merchant, has gone to Seattle for medical treatment. Harry THOMAS will hobble through the balance of his life on nine toes, as he slashed off one Tuesday evening. J. H. MULLHOLLIN [MILHOLLIN]commenced work on the Birch bay wharf last Friday, timber having arrived on the ground. He expects to finish the pile driving in about a week. Thursday, September 1, 1887: William DAILY, of Bertran's prairie has divided his affections with a fine young lady who is too young to care for herself yet, as she came to his house only last Sunday. Both mother and daughter are doing well. Last Friday R. E. HAWLEY, of Lynden, went down to Whatcom calculating to go out to Whatcom Lake on Saturday and inspect BARTLETT's sawmill with a view to purchasing it if satisfactory arrangements could be made. Early Saturday morning, however, word was brought to Whatcom that the mill had burned Friday evening. Tuesday forenoon fire burst through the floor of the residence of Mr. Wm. EVANS, four miles east of here. Mrs. EVANS and several small children were at home, but the husband was absent, having gone to the hop fields. The lady endeavored to save what she could, but only succeeded in getting out a little clothing, a few dishes and some of the bed clothing, almost everything else going. Mrs. EVANS made a last strong effort to get out her sewing machine, but just as she had nearly reached it she saw it settle through the floor into the glowing furnace below, when she was obliged to retire. When outside Mrs. EVANS discovered that her dress was on fire, her straw hat, which was a tall crowned one, was burned almost down to the rim, and her left hand terribly roasted. She never left over her efforts until she found the upper floor pressing down upon the door. We bespeak a little kind assistance for the unfortunate family, which if handed to Rev. J. W. KAGER, will reach them. Mrs. HAMM, of Ten Mile came up Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. W. EVANS, but arrived just in time to find her parents burned out of house and home. Thursday, September 8, 1887:
-We regret to learn that Mr. ESPY has retired from the Journal.
-Mrs. Robert McCOMB who has been spending the summer with her children in this vicinity, will leave next week for her home in the Nappa (sic) Valley,California. -Mrs. WOOD, of Lynden, is visiting her mother, Mrs. DEEDS. -Orsy NORTON will attend the Normal Academy at Lynden.
B. F. HURD is about to commence the erection of a new barn to be 36x40feet in size.
The District Court will convene in Whatcom on Monday, Oct. 10. Following
is the list of jurors:
On Sunday, September 4th, at her home in Semiahmoo, died Rosanna MARTIN,
wife of John MARTIN, aged 32 years 11 months and 7 days. Mrs. Rosanna MARTIN
came to Semiahmoo June 15, 1883, two months after her marriage, which occurred
on April 18th of that year, and resided here up to her death. She had been
a member of the M. E. church in Canada and joined the society here soon after
her arrival, of which she has been an honored member. Mrs. MARTIN was also
an active member of the W. C. T. U. She leaves a bereaved husband, and an
aged mother and two sisters, who have only within the last year come from
Canada to remain permanently with the beloved daughter and sister. She also
left other relatives here and in Canada. .... The funeral service, early
Tuesday morning was held at the Blaine school house. ... The services were
conducted by the Rev. ZELLERS, assisted by Revs. WARREN and KAGER. ... Thursday, September 15, 1887: A man named NIXON, from Kansas, has bought one half of CLINTON's placeat Birch Bay for $200. S. C. TRACY, of Birch Bay, has a very neat two-story store building, neatly painted and making a nice appearance, fronting on the center of the bay. He carries a well selected general stock. A short distance to the south is the new wharf, now nearing completion. The communication with this wharf will be by a new road to be soon constructed from Mountain View. Mrs. James BUCHANAN, of Custer, is visiting her parents at FortLangley. Mrs. H. B. STRAND, of Sehome, is perhaps the first lady on Puget Sound to avail herself of the recent ruling which permits married ladies to take timber land. Grandpa CARTER, of Sehome, is sinking slowly away.
Widow BROWN, mother of the BROWN Brothers, of Custer, is very sick,
and it is feared she will not recover with so many years upon her
head. Thursday, September 22, 1887:
-A party of young folks were entertained at the home of Mrs. SMITH on Saturday, the 17th, in honor of Miss Nellie's eighteenth birthday. Charley WALWORTH is suffering with some sort of blood poisoning, which has been making him miserable for some days. Mr. BUCHANNAN says that on his trip up Tuesday he met a wagon with a couch prepared on it upon which lay J. D. WHEELER, of Ferndale, on his way to Sehome for medical treatment. J. W. LOWERY, of Delta, has ordered lumber for a new house, which he will put up as soon as the Lynden mill, which is running night and day, will furnish the materials. A letter from Professor GRIFFIN says there are twenty-eight students attending the Normal Academy at Lynden. Orville ESPY has resigned the editorial chair of the Blaine Journal to accept a position on one of the Seattle papers. Mr. H. A. WHITE has ordered the instruments for the Lynden Cornet band. Mrs. JENI, of East Ferndale, has donated two acres for a cemetery. John DAVIS, of Seattle, an old pioneer and property holder of Whatcom county, came to Ferndale on the stage Tuesday.
Died - near Custer, Whatcom county, Washington Territory, at 1 o'clock p.m. Sunday, September 18th, 1887, Mrs. Mary BROWN, aged 68 years, two months and 26 days.Mary M. LUCAS was born in County Terone (sic), Ireland, June 22d, 1819. She was married June 21st, 1840 to Robert BROWN, and they moved to Canada about forty years ago, and in 1866 they went to Iowa and soon after to Nebraska, from which state they came to Puget Sound in 1879. Mrs. BROWN was left a widow on July 2nd 1875, when her husband, Robert BROWN, died in Saline county, Nebraska. She has lived at her home near Custer about eight years. For twelve months mother BROWN has been a patient sufferer. She assured her friends and children that this was her last sickness, and she was only waiting the call of Him in whom she trusted. For a long time her friends have seen her gradually growing weaker until they felt that she was right and a few more days would end her stay with them. It seemed as though she was slowly entering the spirit world, and like some vessel sailing away, away in the distance, her being was separated from those about her until the moment of passing through the mist cloud into the glorious light beyond she whispered back a faint "good bye," and softly said "God, of heaven come and take me," when the mists closed in and she was gone. So died a Christian mother at 1 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. BROWN goes to meet a husband, and leaves eight children to revere her memory on earth: Theresa, John, James and Edward, of Custer; Sarah BOTHWEL, of Phillamore, Neb.; George BROWN, of Cholame, Cal., and Maggie WHEELER, of Seattle besides many warm friends in this county. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon, and she was buried in Enterprise cemetery. Rev. George BAKER, of Ferndale, preached the funeral sermon. A gray haired Mother's passed away.
Died - In Sehome, Washington Territory, on Saturday afternoon, September 10, 1887, of paralysis, Thomas CARTER, aged 82 years, eleven months and 18 days. Thursday, September 29, 1887: Mrs. Florence HOLTZHEIMER, of California creek, was visiting in Blaine-Drayton yesterday. W. M. SYSSON [SISSON], of Ferndale is spending a month's vacation in California and various other coast points. While the steamer Edith has been tied up at Ferndale waiting for more water Captain RANDOLPH has been on the sick list, but is now on the mend. H. ROESSEL is building a new barn about 30x40 in size at his place on the Blaine-Ferndale road. He already has one large barn. Jacob METZ has erected a fine barn on the banks of the Nooksack. The building is about 40x60 feet in size and contains seventy-five tons of baled hay. That hay will represent a value of at least $1500 to the owner the coming winter and spring. Judge JONES has granted a temporary injunction against the Ferndale hotel enjoining them from running a free boat across the river for their patrons. The petitioner was Mr. HARDAN, who owns the licensed ferry. The case will have a further hearing in the courts before a final settlement is reached. It threatens to be an interesting and expensive case. F. M. SEVIER has been spending a week at his Blaine place. C. M. CLIFTON reports a bouncing boy at his Birch Bay home. The little fellow came there last Friday. Mr. David KITZEL came to Blaine yesterday with a happy smile on his face, the cause of which cheerfulness was the arrival at his place last Friday of a little girl baby. Someone has been good enough to place a public water trough about three miles this side of Ferndale on the Blaine road. Another good place for a well would be at Robert SHIELD's place. The Blaine school will be opened next Monday with Miss Day BUTLER as teacher. We notice that Cousin Bob SHIELDS has about finished his new residence on the Blaine-Ferndale road. Elmer MESMER, our telegraph operator, and Miss Anna BERTRAN [BERTRAND], are to be married this evening, we believe. VOGT and WHITE, of Birch Bay intend starting a logging camp this fall on their timberland east of Birch Bay. Wes, one of the most familiar characters in Whatcom county, passed through Blaine yesterday on his way to the fishing grounds at Mud bay. Wes is an Indian, who was the servant of Mrs. TENANT before she married the Rev. John TENANT. Mrs. TENANT was the daughter of a chief, and when she married Mr. TENANT Wes still remained with them and has ever since. Thursday, October 6, 1887: As per announcement Miss BUTLER opened school Monday with sixteen pupils in attendance. Byron RULAND has moved to his place at Custer. Mrs. CUSTER, of Custer returned last Saturday from a visit to friends in Indiana. Mr. Isaac SCOTT's folks moved upon their place at Excelsior Monday. Mrs. EGAN informs us that a short time ago she received a letter from her brother, John MORGAN, of Ponty Pool, Ontario, stating that he had recovered his health. He reports a terrible drouth all over that country.
Last Thursday evening, September 29th, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. James BERTRAN [BERTRAND], parents of the bride, were married Mr. Elmer MESMER and Miss Anna BERTRAN, Rev. George BAKER, of Ferndale, officiating.The bride is the daughter of one of the oldest residents of Whatcom county, and has lived in this vicinity all her life, coming to Blaine about a year ago from the BERTRAN settlement ten miles east of here. Mr. MESMER has been our accommodating telegraph operator since early last spring, coming here from Snohomish. H. E. FAZON, of Yager, killed a large black bear near his place on Thursday of last week. Married, in this city, Monday September 26th, at the Congregational parsonage, by the Rev. Joseph WOLF, Prof. Geo. M. SORELLE to Miss Belle HAMER of Eddy, Texas. Charley TAWES, of Ferndale, while skinning a cougar he had shot, heard his dog bark, going to investigate, he found a large buck at bay, which he also killed. Thursday, October 13, 1887:
-Mr. B. H. BRUNS, of Birch bay, was one of the first to shake hands with us in the exposition building at Whatcom Friday. -Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY fitted in very nicely as superintendent of the fancy work department. -Miss Rillie FOUTS and others displayed some beautiful embroidery, including and elegant easy chair, slippers etc. -Grandma BOWMAN, an old lady seventy-one years old, exhibited some beautiful quilts and coverlids. -Mr. ADAMS, the photographer, brother of our E. M ADAMS, had quite a number of very perfect shadows on exhibition. -A beautiful article was a butter cone from Aunt Rachel SMITH, of Lynden. -On one table we saw thirty Yellow Danvers onions, raised by Mr. DALY, of Lummi, which would average five inches in diameter. -We must not omit to mention the cabinet of Mr. J. Y. COLLINS, containing rare specimens of fossils, birds and skeletons. -There were 164 exhibits ticketed at the fair. BROWN Bros., of Custer, have bought a new stage. Mr. McDONOUGH, at the mouth of the Nooksack, has put up sixty barrels of salmon the past season. M. M. CLOTHIER, of Ten Mile, president of the Whatcom County Veterans' Reunion club, shook hands with us at the exposition Saturday. Mr. I. H. GRISWOLD, of Seattle, came across from Whidbey island, where he has been engaged in building operations, to spend a few weeks with his brother-in-law Mr. S. P. HUGHES. Mrs. Minnie S. JULIEN has returned to New Westminster after a long stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. BRUNS, of Birch bay. Her mother accompanied her and will remain with her some weeks. Z. H. ROBBINS, of West Ferndale was walking along the streets of Sehome last Wednesday evening, when a light flashed in his eyes just as he approached a dangerous place in the sidewalk. Falling a distance of three feet, and striking upon his side, he fractured three ribs. Miss Jennie WEST had a bad fall last evening. In stepping among some poles beside the road she stumbled, at the same time the gossamer which she wore caught upon a stick and pulled over her arms in such a way that she was unable to save herself and fell heavily upon her shoulder and neck, giving her a severe wrench and strain, from which she will not wholly recover for sometime. Twelve miles east of Blaine, on Bertran creek, GANNON brothers are starting a logging camp. We understand that they intend to carry on extensive operations. The logs will be driven in the creek to the Nooksack. Mr. KEESLING has just finished a new residence on his place between Lummi and Whatcom. The husband and relatives of the late Mrs. J. A. MARTIN were pleased, but grieved very much by receiving a large $14 family bible, ordered by the deceased lady some three or four weeks before her death. A suitable gift to leave behind. [Note:This reminds one of the movie "Paper Moon" starring Ryan O'Neal and his daughter Tatum.]
Thursday, October 20, 1887: This issue is a duplicate of the Oct. 13, 1889 issue. Thursday, October 27, 1887: Mrs. C. C. SMITH had a stroke of Paralysis, on Saturday last, from which she is still suffering. Joseph CROSS and family, of Kansas, arrived in Blaine Tuesday. They will remain here permanently.
---Items From The Reveille (Whatcom)---
-John Harris, an old gentleman over seventy years of age, died at the Terminus Hotel Wednesday morning.-Capt. BAKER, north of town, is preparing to build a new residence 20x30, two stories high, with six rooms. M. C. LATTA is contractor. -Frank Miller, who lives north of Ten Mile, lost cabin and nearly every article of household goods and wearing apparel by fire a few days ago. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. JAMES' little boy was seriously hurt on Sunday last by falling from an upstairs window in the building at Chuckanut. He was immediately brought to town for medical treatment, and at last accounts was doing finely.
-Rev. Mr. OSBORN, of the M. E. church Whatcom, will preach once a month in the school house. -The Hon. Mr. BARNES and wife of Stockton, Kansas, made a short visit with their old school mates, Mr. and Mrs. NORTON. Born - To the wife of R. A. WILSON, in Blaine, on the 21st inst. a eleven pound son. Thursday, November 3, 1887: The new bridge across the ravine near Mr. BERTRAND's store is a new and valuable improvement to the city of Blaine. Mrs. C. O. YOUNG, of Seattle, is visiting her sister, Miss HON, at the City hotel. New green postage stamps will soon take the place of the red ones for letters. Little Maude AIKEN, of Custer, died at her home last Thursday. A sidewalk now connects Whatcom and Sehome.
The report for the first month of Blaine school has been handed in by the teacher. She is well pleased with the general deportment and standing of the school, but is sorry that so many parents are careless about the attendance of the pupils. Every parent should, in justice to both pupil and teacher, prevent all absences and tardiness. No pupil can advance as fast if lessons are not learned and recited every school day. Neither can the teacher keep up the pupils' interest in lessons when recitations are omitted frequently. Every parent should bear in mind that no money in after years can take the place of lack of early education. Miss BUTLER, the teacher, has prepared the following roll of honor for deportment:
Thursday, November 10, 1887: We are pained to learn that Rev. John TENNANT, of Lynden, was stricken with paralysis on Sunday evening last, the entire right side being affected. D. M. McDOUGAL is building a new house on his farm two miles west of Ferndale. The main part is 24x16, story and a half high with an L 22x14 one story high. Mr. McD. is his own contractor, having served many years as master workman at the carpenter business. E. S. PROUTY has opened his hotel at Ten Mile to be known as the Yager House. The jail proposition will be a matter of consideration for the county commissioners at next week's session. It is sincerely hoped that the commissioners will favorably regard the recommendations of the grand jury and take steps to the early building of the jail. Mr. and Mrs. WHEELER returned from Seattle last week, where they have passed a few weeks so that Mr. WHEELER could be near his physician, Dr. JORDAN. He is feeling better since his return and quite hopeful. The Excelsior Sunday school was reorganized last Sunday by the election of M. MANEVAL as superintendent, and W. L. ROGERS as assistant. The Sunday school has continued to have good attendance, and is soon to make an effort to purchase an organ. D. S. BROWN, of Hall's Prairie, has just finished a fine new barn, we believe 40x50 in size. J. W. KAGER, W. L. ROGERS and L. M. SCOTT have gone to Whatcom to prove up on their claims, near Excelsior. William RAY, of California creek, has been on his farm the past week, arranging matters for a departure to Port Townsend, where he is employed on important contracts of plastering. Thursday, November 17, 1887:
---Items From The Reveille, 11th (Whatcom)---
-There is not a vacant house in Whatcom.-Mrs. D. ROGERS, of the Ferndale Hotel, is very sick, under the doctor's care. -Mr. and Mrs. T. J. SMITH, of this city, celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Sunday evening last. -Henry GRAHAM, of Tenmile (sic), is seriously sick; overwork and exposure are the principle causes of his affliction. -D. WIGHT, of Nooksack, was in town Monday, and informs the Reveille that with a view to giving the currant wine industry a test, he has put out 800 plants. -Carr BAILEY, while at the outer end of the wharf during the intense darkness that prevailed Friday night, deliberately walked off the dock into about thirty feet of wet salt water. -Wm PRATT, of Lynden, broke his left clavicle last week. Fred WEISE, who lives nine miles east of Blaine, was in town Saturday. He informed the Journal that school district number 24 would commence the erection of a new school house on Monday. There are twenty-six pupils attending the Blaine school. Mrs. J. W. DORR has returned to her home on Wiser Lake after three weeks spent in Blaine. Mr. MAYBERY on the Blaine-Lynden road about eight miles east of here, is putting up a new house. Mrs. J. E. FREESE, of Dakota creek, who is suffering from ill health, has gone to New Westminster for a long stay with her daughters. The Semiahmoo people have commenced the erection of a school building and secret society hall near the old CLARK residence. The building will be two stories high, the lower story used for school, church and other public purposes, and the upper one for secret societies of various kinds. Joseph RITCHIE, of the Nooksack Valley, raised an Early Rose potato which tipped the scale at five pounds. Thursday, November 24, 1887: John BIRTSCH received a fine new wagon by the steamer Evangel from H. B. STRAND, of Sehome.
-----Items From The Reveille, 18th (Whatcom)----
-W. R. MOULTRAY, of Nooksack, is building a new house.-A new baby at Hugh McAULEY's, Licking precinct; also one at Dr. WELCH's at Ferndale. -Mr. A. M. GERMAIN and Miss Annie BERG were married in Whatcom on Friday last. -Miss Mamie LYSLE, one of Whatcom county's most popular young ladies, will be a candidate for enrolling clerk of the next legislature. -Mrs. BAYNE, Mr. HILTON and Mr. MATTHEWS have just commenced dwelling houses in Lynden. -KENOYER brothers are shipping cedar lumber from Ten-Mile to Seattle.
-----Items From The Democrat, 16th (Sehome)----
-ANDERSON & WALSH will open a saloon at Ferndale next week.-The Whatcom house is the first patron of the water works, getting a good supply through three spigots. -We regret to announce that the fifteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. SCHONORBUSS, of Sehome, is quite sick with scarlet fever. Richard RYAN is an interesting character now in Whatcom county. He stole 75 cents out of FOUTS' store in Whatcom, and it cost the county $443.30 to convict him. Mrs. L. A. CAMPBELL, of Ferndale, has been spending several days in Blaine and Semiahmoo. At Custer last Thursday were married Henry PYATT [PYEATT], of Ferndale, and Laura FERGUSON, of Custer, Rev. Geo. BAKER officiating. D. A. SMITH, of Snohomish, has secured a place near Hall's Prairie, on which we understand he will clear twenty acres immediately. School district No. 24 will hereafter be called the Thompson district, after the man who donated the plot. The district has raised $36 for the purchase of stove, windows etc. Albert CAREY some time ago took up a homestead at Lincoln, about twelve miles above Whatcom on the upper Nooksack. He built a cabin and went to work clearing up the place. A few weeks ago his money ran out, and it appeared that something must be done to bring in a little revenue to buy groceries and clothing for the family. The father or mother must leave home and go to look for wages. Both were willing, but it was finally decided that the mother should go, and thus enable the father and husband to remain at home and put in all his time in clearing up land for the spring planting. The brave little English woman came to Seattle and at once found employment at general housework for Prof. O. S. JONES. She was getting along first rate and seemed well pleased with her situation until yesterday morning, when she received a letter from her husband stating that during the gale of Friday a large tree fell across the house, killing the only daughter and seriously injuring two of the boys. The cabin and all the contents were burned. The poor woman was nearly broken down with grief. Mrs. DUBOIS and Mrs. Captain TAYLOR, hearing of this sad case, went around and raised a purse of $46, which they handed the poor broken hearted woman just as she took her departure for home. The good neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. CAREY turned in after the accident and cleared up a five-acre piece of ground on which they can erect a new cabin out of the range of falling trees. (from Seattle Post Intelligencer) Thursday, December 1, 1887: The dead body of Dr. W. R. HANNA was found in his cabin near Gera, W. T. It is supposed that he committed suicide.
-John HARDAN and wife have returned from east of the mountains. -Professor SWIM commenced school on Monday. -Rev. Mr. OSBORN passed through town on Tuesday to officiate at the marriage of Miss Laura FERGUSON, of Enterprise, and Mr. Henry PYEATT, near Lynden. Mr. P. is a nephew of John TENNANT. Mr. ACHELIS expects his family this evening from Dakota. Frank ROBERTSON is finishing up a fine new root house for Mr. DEXTER. Miss Clara PARR went up by BROWN Bros. stage for a visit with friends in New Westminster. Several men are now working on a wharf 60x100 feet in size at Mr. FREESE's place on Dakota creek. The Journal some weeks ago was a little to soon in publishing the death of Vet CLARK, he says he isn't dead, and is getting well, so we are informed by M. T. GEE, who has seen him within a few days. While Mr. George KREEMER was up sound last week holding a mutual admiration society with the newspaper men, he learned in some way that Miss Mary ROPER was married, to whom we have not learned; also that Christena OLSON had married a young man who has been stopping in the Whatcom hotel named JOHNSON, and has gone to California to reside.
-Mr. BARTON and Mr. LEWIS, who are working in Seattle, spent a few days with their families last week. -Mr. GRIFFITH, of Ten-Mile, will teach the winter school commencing on Monday, the 28th. A few more patent seats have lately been added to the school room. -Orsy NORTON, who is attending the Lynden academy, spent several days with his parents last week, as the teachers were attending the institute in Whatcom. -Measles has finally taken hold of the Indians and several children have died lately on the reservation.
---Items From The Democrat, 23d (Sehome)---
-G. H. SINGLETON, of Yager, informs us that it is his intention to have a sawmill in operation by the first of April.-D. N. HYDE and son, of Seattle, propose to start a stock ranch near Lynden. -C. S. KALE will soon erect a new dwelling on his farm near Roeder.
---Items From The Reveille, 25th (Whatcom)---
-According to Assessor CUSTER's report there are 812 fighting men in the county.-Nine Chinamen were camped in an old house on M. T. GEE's place two or three days during the late storm. -Nooksack will protect one thousand feet of the north back of the river by piling and brushing it. -George KREEMER, of Blaine, was in the city Monday. Mr. KREEMER has been engaged at his trade, that of bricklayer, in New Westminster for several months past. He reports that New Westminster people are anxious for railway connection with Bellingham bay, and that many business men of that city contemplate investing in Whatcom real estate. W. C. WYNKOOP has resigned his position as justice for this precinct, and we suppose the next thing in order is a special election to fill the vacancy. The Evangel is a good ship, and now she has a full compliment of officers. Captain TARTE's first mate (Mrs. TARTE) presented him with a wee second mate weighing ten pounds on November 17th.
DEMOTTE--At her home, just east of Blaine, Monday, the 28th of November, at midnight, Abigal DEMOTTE, (better known as Grandma WARREN) after a long and wasting illness.The subject of the above notice was born in Vermont October 1st, 1812. Converted at the age of 13, she united with the M. E. church, of which she remained an honored and consistent member to the hour of her death. She was married to Walter B. WARREN in the year 1827, with whom she lived until 1855. In 1858 she married John L. DEMOTTE, who also was taken from her in 1863. Thus for a quarter of a century she had been a widow. By the first marriage there were born eight sons and three daughters. Five sons and one daughter have died; two of the remaining sons are ministers of the Gospel, viz, William, who is a pastor in California, and Albert, who is pastor at Blaine. The other brother, DeWitte M., lives in Michigan. The sisters are Mrs. HOPKINS, of Olympia, and Mrs. GEARY, of Illinois. The funeral services yesterday were conducted by J. W. KAGER. Thursday, December 8, 1887:
----Items From The Reveille, 2d (Whatcom)----
-George A. JENKINS, of this city, is now night watchman on the steamer Washington.-Capt. Alex WOOD, formerly mate on the steamer Washington, now master of the Fleetwood, was married on the 21st ult. to Miss Mary Jean BROWN, of Seattle. -Peter HARKNESS has been appointed to succeed Morris McCARTY as operator of the Pacific Postal telegraph line. -Ed. ROLLER, wife and four children have located on the upper Sumas. T. G. NICKLIN was reelected clerk of the territorial house of representatives on Monday. Jasper RUCKER has moved on the MURNE place at the mouth of California creek, and will carry on logging operations there this winter. Mrs. B. H. BRUNS returned from New Westminster, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. JULIEN, by BROWN Bro.'s stage Thursday evening last. J. W. KAGER, assisted by R. S. JACKSON and Charley STILWELL, is making good progress on the new hall at Semiahmoo. The building stands at the southwest corner of Fifth and Commercial streets about the center of the spit. It is 24 by 40 feet in size and two stories high. Mr. Fred BRUNS, of Birch bay, has purchased 160 acres of land of his father, and we understand will commence raising thoroughbred stock. Mr. GEE sold the first fresh meat at his shop to-day. We predict that Blaine will erect more buildings the coming year than are now in it. Mrs. HENSPETER, of Birch bay, has been spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY. Mr. Oliver PAUL, of Los Angeles, a brother of C. C. PAUL, of Drayton, is here to spend the winter with his relatives. Mr. BUCHANAN is putting in this week improving the road between Ferndale and Lummi. We understand that the people of Whatcom subscribed $25 for the work. Mr. BARRACKLAW has sent for a stock of leather and will open up a harness shop in a few weeks. He will be prepared to turn out good work in that line, a thing that everyone about Blaine will be glad to hear. Thursday, December 15, 1887:
----Items From The Democrat, 7th (Sehome)----
-The MONROE Bros., of West Ferndale, will soon put a planer into their
mill at the place.-The roof of the court house began leaking very badly last week. County Commissioner KEESLING is having the matter attended to. -Miss Melisa ANNAUD, formerly of Birch bay, was recently married to a Mr. McDONALD, of Victoria.
----Items From The Reveille, 9th (Whatcom)----
-Mr. J. F. CASS, ex-clerk of the district court, now located on a ranch at Avon, Skagit county, was in town this week.-Mr. W.J. LOOLIN, of Sehome, who has been mining in Montana for the past two years, returned home last week. -Mrs. H. A. FAIRCHILD was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday evening.
--Johnny AITKENS and Bob SHIELDS are taking a weeks hunt at Lake Terrill. They killed six coons and one wild cat in that vicinity last week in two days.
--BISHOP & WIGHT are having their oats and barley manufactured into chop feed at Tuxedo mills.
--Mr. J. HOPE has completed his fine large barn. --Mr. C. SHUEY has recently completed the work of remodeling and finishing Morris McCARTY's residence on 13th street. --A six-pound trout taken from the waters of the south fork of the Nooksack was sent in to W. M. LEACH, by A. A. GALBRAITH last week. The publishers of the Journal will give a town lot in a suitable locality to any man who will come to Blaine and build and operate in good faith a well equipped blacksmith shop. W. J. BAKER, representative from Whatcom county, was born in Bartholmew county,Indiana, in February, 1841; left there in the fall of 1882; came directly to Puget sound, and settled in Lynden, Whatcom county; is a merchant, a bachelor, a Democrat; liberal in religious convictions and this is his first office. (Post Intelligencer) Henry ROEDER, Democratic member of the council from the twelfth district, was born in Germany sixty-three years ago, and at six years of age he came to America with his father, who had served against Napoleon at Waterloo, and who was determined that his son should escape compulsory service in the German army. They located in Erie county, Ohio, where the child grew up to cast his first vote for James K. POLK. He went to Sacramento, Cal., in 1850, and to Olympia in 1852, where he took a canoe and paddled to Whatcom, where he still resides, and where he erected the second sawmill on Puget sound. This is the sixth time he has served as a member of the legislature. He has been commissioner of Whatcom county several terms. It was Mr. ROEDER of whom the story was told that he came from Whatcom to see the first train come in direct from the east, the thing he had been looking for for thirty-five years. A strange coincidence with regard to him is that he is stopping here in the same room wherein he was married thirty-three years ago. It was then the parlor of YOUNG's hotel, but is now a sleeping apartment. M. Z. GODELL (sic), who was a witness to the marriage, called upon Mr. ROEDER there and revived the memory. Mr. ROEDER has no preferences in religious matters. He is lusty and active beyond his years. John TARTE, engineer of the Evangel, laid off this trip to spend Christmas with his family in Custer. Governor SEMPLE, in his report to the interior department at Washington, gives Whatcom county 10,000 acres of coal land. Mrs. McTEAGUE and little son came up on the Evangel Tuesday. The little one will remain with his grandfather PRUTHRO at Hall's prairie, while Mrs. McTEAGUE returned to Seattle. The family of Mr. MARSHAL who were lately residing in Mr. CLARK's house on the spit, have removed to a piece of land a few miles east of Ferndale, which they will secure from the government. It is about three months since we had been in Lynden, but we believe there are at least ten new buildings which have been erected in that time, including a very nice and comfortable sized hotel. Mr. Alva BROCKWAY, from Duluth, Minnesota, arrived in Blaine by the steamer Evangel Tuesday. He reports the Thermometer at 35 degrees below zero when he left Minnesota. Mr. BROCKWAY is a relative of Mr. A. STEEN. We met F. A. BRUNS, of Birch bay, in Semiahmoo Tuesday and he informed us that he believes he owes his life to Mr. LOPAS who came so promptly to his assistance. He was leading his fine Holstein bull into Mr. WHEELER's stable when the animal charged on him and threw him down, where he was preparing to grind him to atoms when Mr. LOPAS came to his rescue. Mr. MALTBY, of Lynden, has been unlucky in a way lately. He had $10,000 worth of property destroyed by fire in Minnesota a few months ago, and the other day, after he had got the lumber on the ground to erect a new residence, preparatory to sending for his family, he received a telegram stating that an accident had happened by which Mrs. MALTBY had fractured an arm and a leg. He immediately started for his old Minnesota home, where he now is. Last Friday in Sehome died I. S. KALLOCH, after a long struggle for life with a stubborn disease. Only a few weeks ago it was thought that he had stopped the inroads of the destroyer,but the ailment was too deep seated for medicines to reach, and carried the sufferer away. Nearly everybody on the Pacific coast is familiar with the career of Dr. KALLOCH to a certain degree. We believe he was originally from Maine, at any rate, he was one of the most popular and eloquent preachers who ever filled a pulpit on these shores, and his church in San Francisco, the Tabernacle, was always crowded while he officiated there. He was the idol of the laboring classes in that city, and about seven or eight years ago was elected mayor by an overwhelming majority. He was also an able editor, and for some time ran a paper in San Francisco which circulated extensively. His removal to Sehome about three years ago has always been something of a mystery, though he came with the B. B. & B. C. railway agitation, and it is said, invested everything in that enterprise. He leaves a widow and four children, two sons and two daughters. His son, I. M. KALLOCK (sic), the attorney, is most extensively known, and is a general favorite wherever he goes. The Democrat says several benches have been placed upon the Whatcom wharf at an expense of $5, borne by a philanthropic quaker lady, Mary L. GILPIN by name. O. L. FOSS, of Delta was in Blaine Monday and took a bill of goods out to his Delta farm. Mr. F. RUNGE has been suffering for several weeks with erecipelas in hisarm. It seems to be a quite stubborn attack, and very little improvement is perceptible. Married -- In Seattle, at the Scandinavian Baptist church, December 6th, by the Rev. K. NELSON, S. J. JOHNSON and Christine M. OLSON, both of Whatcom. (Seattle Post-Intelligencer) Petitions are now in the postoffices at Blaine, Semiahmoo, Whatcom, Custer, Birch Bay, Ferndale and Lynden, for international connection of mails at Blaine. The British Columbians are moving in this matter, petitioning their government for the same, and it is hoped to have international service, which is much needed, before many months. Every resident should sign the petition. Building roads is an interesting theme just now, and now is a good time to see how they should be constructed for permanent highways. In many places between here and Lynden the roads are in terrible condition simply because they were not made right in the first place, where they could have been made properly about as cheaply as they were made. A little narrow trail is not quite the thing; neither is ten-foot corduroy laid upon the ground. Much of the latter is now floating, and in many of the narrow places the bottom is washed out. No doubt there will be much more volunteer road work done in Whatcom county. Advice is cheap. The Journal advises volunteers to build road beds thirty feet wide with ditches on each side and plenty of tail drains and culverts. Use long corduroy, not lain on stringers but on dirt, and covered with same. Thursday, December 22, 1887: News comes from Sumner, W. T., that Mr. Eddie STEWART and wife have been blessed with a new daughter. Mr. McEVANS, who has been living on California creek for a few days, came up to Blaine yesterday looking for lots on which to build a house for his family to live in. He is lately from Texas. Frank McCALL, lately of Seattle, but formerly of Winnipeg, came to Blaine Tuesday and assumed the duties of telegraph operator. He has been in the employ of the Postal company ever since it started. Mr. Leo R. HAWLEY returned from Seattle on Friday bringing the machinery for a shingle mill to be established near Wesley. W. J. MARTIN, who in connection with Mr. EDWARDS conducted the Bellingham hotel during the time the mill was running, was shot and killed at Ione, California, a short time ago.
----Items From The Reveille, 16th (Whatcom)----
-The SCRIMSCHER brothers of Ten-Mile have shot nineteen deer and numerous other game this season.-PARK- Rev. D. S. CAIN is building a comfortable house on his farm. Also is Mr. NELSON who had his house destroyed by fire last summer. Mr. CLARK, of Kansas, came up last week and located six miles from Park on the Nooksack. Mr. BUTLER tells us that H. C. RICHARDSON and Audley BUTLER have gone to work in the mines in the Big Bend country. Frank ROBERTSON and Mr. BOBLETT last week finished a thorough repairing of the old HARRINGTON residence for W. H. BROOKS. They also built a wood shed for him. Superintendent GRIFFIN call a county institute of teachers for the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month, to be held at Lynden. He says the people of Lynden will entertain free all teachers in attendance, and urges all to be present. J. W. WALDO was in Blaine Saturday and Sunday. He came over from Pomeroy, W. T., where he now lives, to look after affairs on his California creek farm. He is coming back here to live next year, at least he said he was coming when the railroad reached Blaine, which event the Journal has fixed for next fourth of July. A floating saloon was one of the luxuries afforded the people of our harbor for a few days last week and Sunday of this. We are glad to state, however, that only a limited number took advantage of the opportunity offered to embeastualate themselves, though a few disabled ones were reported. The undesirable acquisition took its departure Monday morning to bless the people of Orcas island with its annihilating presence. We understand that the skipper threatens to come here again Christmas. Every good Christian will sincerely pray that our beautiful bay may not again be defiled by the presence of any such craft. U. S. Commissioner ROGERS tells us that the proprietor of such an institution is liable to prosecution under U. S. statutes when he casts anchor and commences sale inside the spit. The Reveille complains that the Whatcom school building is crowded 117 pupils being in attendance, and calls for a tax election to furnish more room. We understand that after Christmas the Rev. G. R. OSBORN, of Whatcom, is expected in Blaine to assist in a series of revival meetings which are to commence here as soon as those on the spit are concluded. Dr. DEMENT has become an enthusiastic advocate of the artichoke as a food vegetable for hogs. At least he has fenced off a good sized piece of ground on which he proposes to plant that nutritious tuber. The doctor says after the roots get well started he expects to be able to turn in several pigs, and be bothered no more about feed for them.
-Mr. Albert MILLER has materials on hand for building a fine house. -Mr. C. H. STOLTENBERG has just completed some nice buildings for the hog department. -The RAY place is occupied by two families instead of one. The more the merrier.
Thursday, December 29, 1887: Inspector BASS has received word of the death of Mrs. Narcissa BROWN, of Salem, Oregon, on December 12th. Mrs. BROWN was wife of a prominent merchant there, and sister of Supreme Justice WALDO and Hon. Wm. WALDO, of that state. She had lived in that state since 1842. One of the best pieces of road in the county is between Ferndale and Ten Mile, or at least it is not so bad as some others. Mr. Jacob KAMMERER, who resides near Delta, returned by the Evangel Tuesday, and brought materials with him to fix up his house for the winter. We see by the Clifton, Kansas Review that a gentleman named F. M. CAVENDER, of that place, has started with his family for Lynden, Washington territory. John WAGNER, who is engaged in mining east of the mountains, but who is one of the oldest settlers of Blaine and Whatcom county, returned Tuesday to spend a season in this neighborhood. East Ferndale is without a postoffice now. Mrs. KELLY, the late postmistress, has gone to Whatcom and resigned, so now the people on the east side must cross the river for their mail. Mrs. KELLY will hereafter keep the Chicago house in Whatcom. Robert ELLIS, of Ferndale, has traded a part of his Vashon island farm for a piece of land fronting on Wiser Lake.
---Reveille, 23d, (Whatcom)---
-W. N. LAWRENCE, the merchant farmer, from Lynden, is in the metropolis this week. He reports the towns of Wesley and Lynden as having combined, and both working for the general good and upbuilding of a prosperous town and community.-W. H. PENFIELD, of Nooksack, has returned from east of the mountains after an absence of nearly two years. -Thos. ELLIS, of Enterprise, has traded his young cattle to J. D. WHEELER for a span of horses. -Married, in Seattle, at the St. James hotel, December 18th, by the Rev. K. NELSON, Thomas ELWOOD, of Whatcom, and Miss Marilda ORCHARD, of Portland, Oregon. -Died, Dec. 22d, of whooping cough, Ernest, infant sone of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. MULLEN. One of the first duties of the newly elected road directors should be to go along the principle traveled highways with a big pair of rubber boots on after one of our heavy dews and stake out the water levels in the slough holes so that they may be properly filled next season. We can think of about three bad places between Blaine and Ferndale, one between California creek and Mr. STOLTENBERG's, one along his west line fence, and another just north of Mr. PARR's place. It is well enough to have lots of private roads, but good main lines are better. How many more would a good road from here to Whatcom benefit than any small neighborhood road. That line would be used by the stages, as well as the people of Blaine, Birch Bay, Excelsior, California creek, Custer, Enterprise, Ferndale, Whatcom and people in British Columbia. Tail drains, culvers, good foundations and ditches with a road bed twenty feet wide will do the business. See how easy it's done. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Copied by Susan Nahas 2001
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