Whatcom County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "Br - By"
BRADLEY, Jamina (d. 1933)
Private funeral services for Mrs. Jamina Bradley, aged 65 years, beloved mother of Elizabeth S. Bradley, who passed away at the family home in Bennett Addition Sunday, May 28, after a lingering illness, will be held Wednesday, May 31, at 10 a. m. from the Bingham-Dahlquist funeral home, 210 Prospect street, with the Rev. Thomas DeWitt Tanner officiating and interment will be made in the family plot in Woodlawn cemetery. Mrs. Bradley had been a resident of this community for twenty-three years and is a member of the Ladies of Maccabees, of Vancouver, B. C. She leaves to survive her one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Bradley, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. William Mitchell and Mrs. William Button, of Canada; two brothers, Robert Armstrong, of Minnesota, and William Armstrong, of Montana.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 29, 1933; WGS Collection)BRADLEY, Silas H. (d. 1917)
S. H. Bradley passed away at his home yesterday afternoon following an extended illness. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at one o'clock at the home.
LYNDEN PIONEER IS LAID TO REST In spite of unpleasant weather and muddy roads, a large crowd of friends gathered at the family residence Friday afternoon to pay their respects to S. H. Bradley, pioneer of the Lynden district. The Rev. Paul Ashby conducted the services, while the rites at the cemetery were in charge of the Lynden Lodge of Knights of Pythias. A group of pioneers of the county, who had known Mr. Bradley since he came with his wife to Lynden 30 years ago, were in attendance. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful. Mr. Bradley was born in Franklin County, Virginia, and at the age of eight, moved to Missouri. Thirty-three years ago, he was married, and three years later came to Lynden. He is survived by Mrs. Bradley, and ten children. A brother lives at Bucoda, Wash. He was affiliated with the Knights of Pythias and the Fraternal Union.
(From The Lynden Tribune February 1 & 8, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.BRAND, Annie (d. 1908)
Mrs. Annie Brand, wife of James Brand of 2405 Lynn Street died suddenly yesterday morning just before 10 o'clock, of rheumatism of the heart. Though now well, Mrs. Brand had not regarded herself or been regarded by her family as sick until yesterday. Mrs. Brand was born in Indiana sixty-three years ago. After the marriage the family drove across the plains and first settled in Oregon. After a few years' residence there, they removed to Eastern Washington, and seventeen years ago they came to Bellingham. The surviving relatives are the husband, James Brand, and the sons and daughters, Matthew D. Brand of this city, Robert R. of Lynden, Andrew H. of Blaine, George Edwin and Mrs. J. Wayland Clark and Nellie J. Brand of Bellingham and Fred M. Brand of Lewiston, Idaho.
(From The American Reveille, May 21, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.BRAND, Perlina J. (d. 1921)
Perlina Jane McFarland was born near Lewistown, Fulton county, Ill., May 21, 1842, and died at her daughter's home near Ferndale at midnight July 27. She was 79 years, 2 months and 6 days of age. She was married to Elijah Brand Oct. 6, 1864 and to them were born seven children, two sons and five daughters. Of these one son and two daughters are now living: Harry Brand, of Granger, Wash., Mrs. Geo. E. Prevost, of Ferndale and Rev. Mrs. E. M. Douglass of Blaine. She also leaves 10 grandchildren. She was the last of her father's family. She resided for a number of years in Southern Iowa, where her husband died. She came with the family to Ferndale in 1903. Here she resided until her home was destroyed by the flood of 1909. Since then she has made her home with her daughter.
She was converted in early girlhood and united with the Methodist church. She was a devoted Christian and had marked characteristics of patience and benevolence. She had been in failing health but was a well as usual. She attended the camp meeting Wednesday evening and after the meeting arranged with her daughter to come for her so that she might return to Blaine on the morrow. On reaching home she prepared to retire, knelt by her bed and prayed. Then retiring, she fell into a sleep and in a few minutes was gone without a struggle. Her words were, speaking of the lateness of the hour: "It won't be long until the morning." These are considered almost prophetically comforting to those who are left. The funeral was held from the local Baptist church with Rev. Wilson, district elder of the Free Methodist church, officiating, and several pastors, friends of the family assisting. Interment was in Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 5, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.BRANDT, Albert H. (d. 1931)
Albert Henry Brandt, age 19, beloved son of Mrs. Minnie Brandt and brother of Ben, Walter, William, Oscar, Helen Brandt and Mrs. Clyde *Wilson , Acme, Wash., and brother of Ernest Brandt, Wickersham, passed away at the home of Mrs. Lunde, route 3, Bellingham, Thursday, December 10, after an illness of one year. Previous to his illness Mr. Brandt had been a student of Mount Baker high school and had been a resident of Acme during his entire life. Funeral services were held on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 12, at 2 o'clock from the Acme Presbyterian church, with Rev. Thorndyke officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in the Saxon cemetery, followed by a large number of friends and relatives. *Wiles not Wilson
(From The Deming Prospector, December 18, 1931) Submitted by Jeanne (Brandt) ArntzenBRANDT, Minnie H. (d. 1932)
Mrs. Minnie H. Brandt, prominent Saxon district resident, died at her home Monday afternoon. She was 62 years of age and had lived in that region thirty-four years. Mrs. Brandt was a member of the Acme Presbyterian church and a former member of Rebeckah lodge No. 188, Acme. Funeral announcements will be made by the Homer Mark mortuary. Surviving relatives are six sons, Walter and Ben at home; Oscar and Arthur, Robe, Wash.; Ernest, Wickersham, and William, Saxon; two daughters, Miss Helen, at home, and Mrs. Emma Wiles, Bow; one sister, Mrs. Amelia Peterson, Melville, N.J., and two brothers, Julius E. Ulrick [Ulrich], Pateros, and Otto Ulrick [Ulrich], Deming.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 1, 1932) Submitted by Jeanne (Brandt) ArntzenBRANDT, Oscar (d. 1914)
Oscar Brandt, of Acme, died at 5:30 o'clock p.m. July 4, 1914, in St. Luke's Hospital, Bellingham, the cause ...(unreadable).. The deceased was born in the province of Posen, Germany, in *1877, he therefore, being past 36 years of age. He came to America in his early manhood, living a short time in Pennsylvania, and on leaving there came to Washington, settling near the town of Acme, where he lived until death, he having been moved to the hospital only a few hours before he died. He was an honest, upright citizen, a hard working man, and was honored and respected by all who knew him. His death was a shock to the community. The funeral services were held Tuesday in the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. Nitz of Bellingham, and the body was buried in the Saxon cemetery. He leaves a wife and nine children, a number of relatives and a large number of friends to mourn his sudden death.
(* He was actually born in 1867)
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 11, 1914) Submitted by Jeanne (Brandt) ArntzenBRANIN, Ezra H. (d. 1897)
BRAUER, Julia (d. 1924)
Mrs. Julia Brauer died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Josephine Bottiger, in Sedro-Woolley on Saturday, August 9, at 4:30 p. m. Mrs. Brauer lived in Prairie and Maple Falls for forty years, coming to Washington from Illinois. She was born in Germany, February 3, 1837, thus having reached at the time of her death the age of eighty-seven years and six months. She leaves a daughter, two grandchildren, Mrs. L. E. Haggard of Maple Falls and Mrs. F. E. Bottiger of Glacier, and six great grandchildren, Henry, Josephine and Fred Haggard and Francis, Leslie and Janis Bottiger.
The impressive funeral rites of the Catholic church of which she was a member were conducted by Rev. Father Smith of Mount Vernon at St. Mary's church at 10 o'clock on Monday morning, will all the immediate relatives in attendance. The graveside in the Sedro-Woolley cemetery was a mass of beautiful floral tributes from sympathetic friends. Pall bearers chosen among the friends of the family were D. M. Donnelly, J. C. Wicker, John Lashipell, Frank Fritsch, John Herbert and Terry Cook.
(From The Deming Prospector, August 15, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.BRECKENRIDGE, Hugh (d. 1914)
Hugh Breckenridge, one of Lynden's old and highly respected citizens, who came here in the early summer of 1888, died at his home on Front street Monday afternoon, march 30, at the age of 84 years, 3 months, and 1 day. The deceased had been bed-ridden for eighteen months, and the end was not unexpected. Mr. Breckenridge was a patient sufferer, but was ready to answer the summons of death. Many times during his illness, when news of the death of younger persons had been brought to him, he expressed regret that the call had not come to him instead.
Hugh Breckenridge was born on December 8, 1829, in Kentucky. He was a son of Preston Breckenridge, who was the representative of Sangamon county, Illinois, in the state legislature in 1851-52. In the convention the elder Breckenridge was opposed for the nomination by Abraham Lincoln, whom he defeated. Mr. Breckenridge was married on February 22, 1855, to Miss Sarah M. Randolph. They were the parents of two children, Herbert C. and Edith A., who with their mother, preceded him to the beyond. He is survived by three brothers, five sisters, a large number of other relatives, and many friends.
The deceased enlisted in the Civil war on October 10, 1861, for a term of three years, being a member of Company B, 10th Illinois Cavalry, and re-enlisted as a veteran in January, 1864, serving the full term, and receiving an honorable discharge on January 6, 1886, at Springfield, Illinois. Coming to Lynden twenty-six years ago, Mr. Breckenridge established the first flouring mill in this vicinity, and was afterwards engaged in various other enterprises. He gave his best efforts to the development of town and valley, and was ever ready to lend a helping hand, and to contribute liberally to public endeavors which made for the betterment of the community. The deceased was a member of the Christian church. He was also a member of the G. A. R., and a charter member of Lynden lodge No. 56, Masons. For the past three years, his nephew, C. A. Breckenridge, and family have resided in Lynden with the deceased. The funeral service was held at the Methodist church yesterday afternoon, at two o'clock, Rev. Herbert Jones officiating. Interment was made in the family lot in Lynden cemetery, where the flower-laden casket was laid beside that of wife and son. The services at the cemetery were conducted by the Masonic fraternity.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 2, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.BRECKENRIDGE, James (d. 1930)
James Breckenridge, 52, Whatcom county pioneer, committed suicide at his home yesterday by drinking poison. Depression resulting from several months of ill-health was given as the reason for the act by Dr. H. M. Ross, attending physician. According to Dr. Ross' statement, Breckenridge went to the barn at his home about 11:45 a. m. and there drank an undetermined quantity of the poison. He was found by his wife, Mrs. Lillie Breckenridge, a few minutes later. Dr. Ross and Dr. E. S. Sarvis, of Sumas, were called, but were unable to save the man. Declaring the case clearly one of suicide, Dr. N. Whitney Wear, county coroner, said last night that no investigation would be conducted. An autopsy was not performed, the cause of death being evident, Dr. Ross said.
The deceased had been a resident of the county for fifty years. Besides the widow, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mary Breckenridge, of Everson; three children, Jimmy, Mary and Frances, at home; three sisters, Mrs. Butterfield, of Seattle; Mrs. Sarah English, of Bellingham; Mrs. Ruth Getchell, Everson; one brother, Ed Breckenridge, Sweet Grass, Mont.; four nieces and two nephews. The deceased was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge of this city. The body is at the Gillies Mortuary at Sumas. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(Interment in Nooksack Cemetery; sisters: Mrs. I. E. Butterfield, Mrs. A. A. English)
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 7, 1930; WGS Collection)BREEN, Evert (d. 1921)
LYNDEN MOURNS LOSS OF REV. EVERT BREENImpressive funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon for the late Rev. E. Breen, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church of Lynden, who passed away Saturday evening following a long illness. A representative gathering of the citizens of the district was in attendance at the services, as Rev. Breen held the affection of his congregation and the esteem of the community. At one p.m., a short service was conducted at the parsonage by Elder J. Slotemaker. At 1:30, services began at the Christian Reformed Churchy. Rev. H. K. Pasma of the First Reformed Church of Lynden read Romans 8, and led in prayer. Rev. F. J. Drost of Oak Harbor spoke on Col. 3:3, and Rev. C. Vriesman took as his text Hebrews 13:7. At the cemetery, Rev. A. J. Brink spoke and led in prayer. The Choral Society of the Christian Reformed Church made the services at the cemetery impressive by singing, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again."Rev. Breen had been ailing for two years, ever since the "flu" had attacked him, and grew weaker and weaker. This undoubtedly occasioned the development of the cancer growth, which caused his death. Last summer, he was affected with severe attacks of headaches, the signal that the last enemy had begun to work in deadly earnest. These began August 4, while he was attending a Mission Festival at the Lynden Fair Grounds.
Rev. Evert Breen was born in Iessel, Netherlands, Jan. 5, 1863. At the age of three, he came with his family to America. The Breen family settled in Graafschap, Mich., and up to 1883, when he was twenty a living from the soil. He then went to Grand Rapids to prepare himself for the ministry of the Gospel at the Theological School of the Christian Reformed Church. In 1889, he was graduated from the Theological Department and entered the ministry. His ministry covered six particular localities, as follows:
From 1889-91, he was home missionary.
From 1891-1894, he was pastor of the Firth, Nebraska, church.
From 1894-1903, he served the church of Orange City, Iowa.
From 1903-1909, he served one of the Christian Reformed churches in Chicago, Ill.
From 1909-1914, he served one of the churches in Grand Rapids, Mich.
From 1904-1921, he served in Lynden.There mourn for him a widow and eight children, two of whom are married, and four grandchildren; also thousands of friends throughout the country, and the officers and students of the Theological School and Calvin College of the Christian Reformed Church, at Grand Rapids, Mich., of whose Curatorium (Board of Trustees) he was president for this year 1920-1921. His six sons are John, Quirinus, Adrian, Paul, Anthony and Oliver, and his two daughters are Mrs. Nellie De Jager of Grand Rapids, Mich., and Johanna Breen of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 20, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.BREITKREITZ, Frank (d. 1926)
Frank Breitkreitz, aged 65 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Louise Breitkreitz, passed away at the family home, 2900 Elizabeth street, in Bellingham, Tuesday morning, October 19, after a brief illness. Mr. Breitkreitz had been a resident of Bellingham for the past three years, during the four previous years having resided at Maple Falls, and prior to that having resided at Anacortes for fourteen years. He had been employed during the past two years as janitor at the North Bellingham public library and leaves many friends to mourn his sudden taking away. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louise Breitkreitz, two sons, Wm. Breitkreitz of Maple Falls and Charles Breitkreitz of Anacortes; three daughters, Mrs. Emma Gilhousen and Mrs. Anna Ferry of Maple Falls and Mrs. Nettie Gilhousen of Anacortes, and fourteen grandchildren. The remains were shipped to Anacortes Thursday morning and funeral services held that afternoon from the Hougan undertaking parlors. Interment was made in the Anacortes cemetery. Many friends in this section join us in sympathizing with the bereaved relatives.
(From The Deming Prospector, October 29, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.BREMNER, James (d. 1887)
Mr. James Bremner, the worthy and efficient post master of Delta, died Saturday, March 19th, at 5 p.m. Mr. Bremner's loss is a severe one to his neighborhood. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn the death of a kind husband and a loving father. His loss will be felt by them severely. Mr. Bremner was a Republican in politics with a tendency towards reform, and was always found to front of all the leading issues of the day notably those of temperance and woman suffrage.
(From The Whatcom Reveille, March 25, 1887) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BRENTON, Clifford L. (d. 1939)
Funeral services for Mr. C. L. Brenton, who passed away at his home at Birch Bay on Thursday October 5th, were held Monday afternoon from the Purdy & McKinney Chapel at 2 o'clock. Rev. Bertram Robins of Stanwood and Rev. Francis Groth of Blaine officiated and favorite hymns were rendered by the Choir of the Methodist Church with Mrs. Groth at the piano. Many friends gathered at the chapel and the floral offerings were beautiful. Interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery. Pallbearers were Messrs. M. Sheedy, E. H. Burns, Elmer Shulmier, R. J. Roaney Fred W. Agee and W. J. Burton.
C. L. Brenton was born in Nova Scotia, July 19, 1874, and as a young boy moved to eastern Ontario, where he was later married. He established himself in eastern Ontario as a farmer, but owing to bad health, found it advisable to sell his farm and came west. He resided in Vancouver, B.C. for three years and then spent a year on the Canadian prairies. In 1912 he moved to Blaine and purchased land in the vicinity of Birth Bay on which he had lived continuously until his death. His daughters had urged him to quit the farm and to make his home with one of them, but he loved his farm and his neighbors, that he had known for more than a quarter of a century. He had been an active member and supporter of the Methodist church during all the years of his residence here.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 19, 1939) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BRENTZ, Lloyd (d. 1939)
"BILL" BRENTZ KILLED IN HUNTING ACCIDENTGun of Hunting Companion Was Accidentally Discharged Killing Victim Instantly.Lloyd Brentz, old time resident of Blaine, and member of the city council for the past three years, was instantly killed by an accidentally discharged gun late Tuesday afternoon; and his son Keith suffered a slight flesh wound from the same charge of twelve buckshot which went hurtling through the chest and heart of his father. Dr. Hulbush, County Coroner, who made an investigation of the accident yesterday morning, held that the tragedy was purely accidental, and that an inquest would not be necessary. The accident, which so suddenly snuffed out the life of Councilman Brentz, occurred in the woods north of Haynie but a short time after the party had arrived in the territory. John LaRock, had discovered deer signs in that territory earlier in the day and had come to town to organize a party for a short hung. "Bill" Brentz and his son Keith, Charles Cooper and Henry Levein joined LaRock; and when they arrived at the favored spot, LaRock hurried to a "stand" while the remainder of the party made a "drive". While the drive was on LaRock said a deer went by, but that it was being chased by dogs, and that he stoned the dogs away and let the deer to. When the party reached him they gathered in a huddle as he started to tell them of the deer that he had seen; and pointing with his gun, it went off, grazing Keith's abdomen and killing his father instantly. The accident was so unexpected and death was so sudden that the entire party was stupefied for the moment. LaRock has been rocked with grief since the accident as he and the deceased were the closest of friends, and had hunted together for many years. Funeral services are being held this afternoon from the Purdy & McKinney Chapel with Rev. G. M. Baergen of the Baptist church officiating. Surviving are his wife, Ethel, his son Keith of Blaine, and three brothers, Claude of Point Roberts, Prior of Bellingham, and Lora Gischer of Bremerton. Interment will be made in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From the Blaine Journal, October 19, 1939) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BREUER, Doris Marie (d. 1920)
Miss Doris Breuer, aged 15 years, passed away at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Breuer, residing at Goshen, on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 20, after an illness of several weeks. Miss Breuer, with her parents, had resided at the place of death for the past eight years. She was born in Bellingham, her parents having been residents of Whatcom county for thirty-years. Besides the father and mother, she is survived by three brothers and one sister, Peter B. Breuer, residing at Tacoma; Leo B. and William B. Breuer, of Goshen; Mrs. W. W. List, also of Goshen. Funeral services will be held Friday, April 23, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street, with Rev. L. C. Shultz, pastor of the South Bellingham M. E. church, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 21, 1920 p. 12) Submitted by site coordinator.BRIER, Jacob W. (d. 1914)
DRUMMER BOY OF SHILOH IS CALLED BY DEATH Death took away another of the Civil war veterans residing in Bellingham when J. W. Brier, the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh" passed away at his home, 1310 Iron street, Saturday night at 11 o'clock. The end came after months of suffering. Last summer Mr. Brier went through a serious operation, which was apparently successful. Later when he seemed on the road to complete recovery, he was stricken with paralysis of the lower limbs and for months has been lying helpless in his bed. The resulting effects of the paralysis finally brought death.Funeral services for the beloved veteran were held in the funeral parlors of Mock & Harlow this morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. J. R. Macartney preached the funeral sermon and the members of the J. B. Steedman post, G. A. R., carried out their ritualistic services there. A group of veterans acted as pallbearers and the audience was made up in a large part of gray haired men and their wives, who have known and loved the departed for years. There was a mass of flowers, brought by friends, banked up on the casket bearing the remains of the dead veteran. A quartet of ladies from the choir of the First Presbyterian church rendered several songs during the services at the parlors.
I. O. O. F. Takes Charge. At the conclusion of the services at the parlors the Rising Star lodge, I. O. O. F., took charge of the funeral and their ritualistic service marked the ceremonies at the grave. Up to the last Memorial day, Mr. Brier never missed taking part in the annual celebration of the local veterans for their dead comrades. He was a drummer of marked ability and was the leader of the drum and fife corps that has been heard in many Memorial day celebrations here. At one time he was department drummer in the Washington and Alaska department of the veterans organization. In the battle of Shiloh he led the drummers and distinguished himself for his service there. Up to the time when he was stricken with his fatal ailment he took care of his drums and often entertained his guests with the old calls that stirred his comrades in days of war. Mr. Brier was in his seventy-first year, having been born May 10, 1843. He has been a continuous resident here for the last seventeen years. He leaves besides his widow, two sons and two daughters, Drs. U. G. Brier and E. C. Brier, both of Seattle; Mrs. M. C. Harrington and Mrs. E. L. Noyes, both of this city.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 26, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.BRIGGS, James M. (d. 1926)
Maple Falls Pioneer Passes at YakimaNews of the death of James M. Briggs which occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Laura Elzea, in Yakima, on Friday, July 30, was received here Saturday. Mr. Briggs was 70 years of age and was born in Litchfield, Illinois. He came with his family to Washington thirty-three years ago, locating the first few years in South Bellingham and Blaine, after which they came to Maple Falls and they have been residents here for more than twenty years. The kindly presence of "Uncle Jimmie" will be missed on our village streets and much sympathy is extended the family in their bereavement. The funeral was held on Sunday in Yakima under the direction of the Odd Fellows lodge of which order Mr. Briggs had been a member for a great many years, and interment was made in the Odd Fellows cemetery in that city. Besides his widow, Mrs. Fannie Briggs, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Laura Elzea and Mrs. Eva LaDuc of Yakima, and Mrs. Lona Heffernan of Hoquiam; a brother, John Briggs of Maple Falls, and several grandchildren.
(From The Deming Prospector, August 6, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.BRIGGS, John E. (d. 1935)
John E. Briggs, aged 77 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Ella Briggs, passed away at the family home 1817 Wilson street, Sunday evening, December 29, after an illness of about seven years' duration. Mr. Briggs had been a resident of Bellingham for the past seventeen years, and was a member of the Christian Missionary Alliance. He leaves to survive besides his widow two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Sutherland, city; Mrs. Cecile Pierce, route 2, Everson, Wash.; two sisters Mrs. Mary Bennett, Jackson, Michigan; Mrs. Jennie Baumgardner, Centerville, Michigan; one niece Mrs. Alma Taylor, Seattle, Wash.; and three grandchildren. The body rests at the Homer Mark mortuary, where funeral services will be held in the Cathedral Chapel Thursday afternoon, January 2, at 3 o'clock, with the Rev. L. H. Pedersen, pastor of the Birchwood Community church officiating, followed by cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 30, 1935)BRIGHAM, William O. (d. 1931)
W. Brigham, former Lynden resident, who lost his life last Thursday while on a short visit to the home of his brother-in-law, Frank Yount, was laid to rest Saturday in the Lynden cemetery. Funeral services were conducted from Knapp and Knapp's parlors, the Rev. Walter Laetsch of the Lynden Baptist Church officiating. Brigham was a resident of Mt. Vernon, was killed when the car he was driving skidded on a gravel road near the Hans Berthusen place, west of Lynden, and went into a ditch, pinning the driver beneath it in two feet of water. Persons who were near by reached the wrecked automobile and succeeded in removing Mrs. Brigham, who was riding with her husband. She suffered minor injuries. Brigham was badly wedged in the machine and considerable time elapsed before he could be removed. A local physician was summoned immediately, but Brigham was dead when he arrived. Accounts of the accident vary, but those who were closest to the Mt. Vernon man's machine say that he lost control of it while passing another car on the graveled road. The couple were on their way to the Frank Yount home when the tragedy occurred.
Mr. Brigham lived in the Lynden district about fifteen years ago. His wife is a sister of Frank Yount, whom the couple had driven to Lynden to visit. Mr. Brigham was born in Michigan on October 6, 1872. He was fifty-eight years, four months and thirteen days of age at the time of his death. On April 16, 1897, he married Miss Clara Yount. Nine children were born, six of whom are living. Two children died in infancy and a third son, William Ira, lost his life during the World war. Brigham was a member of the Lynden camp of the Modern Woodmen. Surviving relatives include the widow, four daughters, Mrs. Maude Schlafer of Burlington, Hazel, Freda and Nellie of Mt. Vernon, and two sons, Ray and Carl of Mt. Vernon.
(From The Lynden Tribune, February 26, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.BRIGHTON, Zachary J. (d. 1924)
Zachary J. Brighton of Ferndale, died after a brief illness Sunday evening at the family home here. He was 74 years of age and a native of Indiana. The deceased had lived in Washington since 1888, coming first to Bellingham. Later he moved to the rural section of the county and came to Ferndale in 1907, where, with his family, he has since made his home. Brighton was married in Kansas in 1875 and his widow, Mrs. Martha Brighton, survives him. To them were born 11 children, six of whom are now living. The surviving children are: Mrs. Ida McLellan and Mrs. Gertrude Martin, of Ferndale, J. C. Brighton, of Acme; Edward A. Brighton, of Seattle; Jasper F. Brighton, of Ferndale and Walter E. Brighton, of Blaine. The deceased belonged to the First Christian church in Bellingham. The funeral was held Wednesday at 2 o'clock, with Rev. T. W. Harris officiating and interment was made in the Woodlawn cemetery, George A. Monroe directing.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 28, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.BRILL, Antonia (d. 1926)
BRISBIN, Ella S. (d. 1933)
BRISBIN, Jeremiah (d. 1908)
Jeremiah Brisbin, ex-councilman, member of the city park commission, war veteran and pioneer, died at his home, 2009 D street, shortly after midnight last night of cancer of the liver. Although his affliction was known to his many friends throughout the city and county for the past nine weeks, death came unexpectedly. Few men were better known in this section of the state than the deceased, who was 64 years old. The immediate members of his family were at his bedside last evening. He had been confined to his room less than three weeks. Mr. Brisbin has been a resident of Bellingham for thirteen years, but he first came to the county in October, 1890. He was a native of the State of Ohio, being born in Cincinnati, in 1844. At the age of 23 he married Miss Mary Neal in Iowa. He moved to Nebraska in 1871 and later resided for twelve years in Smith county, Kansas, where he served as sheriff for two terms. Later he again moved to Franklin county, Nebraska. After coming to Bellingham he was generally connected with public enterprises, and served the city as councilman from the Second ward in 1901. He also acted as republican state committeeman from Whatcom county eight years ago. At the time of his death he was a member of the park commission and superintendent of the Nooksack fish hatchery, where he spent all of his time until his late illness.
During the Civil war he served two years and six months in the Thirty-ninth, Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and he allied himself with the J. B. Steedman post. His last request was to have the G. A. R. direct his burial services, and he is the first to be buried since the roster was called marking the close of the past year on Memorial day. He was an active fraternity man also, being a member of the Masonic lodge and the A. O. U. W. Mr. Brisbin is survived by his widow and the following children: Mrs. F. H. Drake, of Oakland, Cal.; Mrs. A. S. Crosslin, Mrs. C. A. Wyatt, W. I. Brisbin, Don Brisbin and Jerry Brisbin, of this city. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock under the direction of Bingham & Stokes, under the auspices of the G. A. R., William Orr Wark, of the First Congregational church, officiating. Interment will be made at Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 12, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.BRISTOL, Etta (d. 1928)
Etta Bristol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Williams, formerly of Deming, Washington, but now of Gilmore City, Iowa, passed away at the Anacortes hospital last week and funeral services were held from the Methodist Church here and interment made in the Nooksack cemetery last Saturday. She was born on September 6th, 1897 and married Glen Bristol on October 5th, 1915, at Yakima, Washington. Her husband was a Nooksack man and his parents are still residents here. To this union were born four children: Lois, 10 years; Carol, 8 years; Jane Nadine, 4 years, and Junior, 19 months. She is survived by her husband and four children; mother and father of Gilmore City, Iowa, four sisters and two brothers. Sisters, Mrs. Florence Sorensen of Gilmore City, Iowa, Mrs. Sue Pebley, Everett, Wash.; Mrs. Alta Varang, Bellingham, Wash. Brothers: Joe Williams, of Yakima, Wash.; and James Williams, California. She spent her childhood days in the Deming district and besides her relatives she leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss.
(From The Nooksack Sentinel, February 16, 1928)BRISTOL, Inez (d. 1906)
BELLINGHAM BRIDE DIES SUDDENLYMrs. Inez Marie Bristol, wife of R. H. Bristol, died at St. Joseph's hospital early this morning, at the age of 23 years. Mrs. Bristol had been ill for some time, and about a week ago was removed from her home, 707 Elk street, to the hospital. Mrs. Bristol was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wilcox, of 1503 G street, this city. Besides her parents she is survived by her husband, to whom she was married less than a month ago, and one sister, Mrs. Lottie G. Boyd, of Sedro-Wolley, (sic) Skagit county. Mrs. Bristol had resided in Skagit county over eighteen years, coming with her parents from the State of Pennsylvania. The funeral services will be conducted from the mortuary chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons, 1055 Elk street, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. O. J. Nelson, pastor of the First Unitarian church, officiating. Interment is to be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 5, 1906) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BROCK, Harry (d. 1917)
LYNDEN MAN KILLED WHEN CAR JUMPS BRIDGE APPROACH Harry Brock, age 27, was killed Monday evening shortly before six o'clock, when his automobile bumped into the railing on the approach to the Guide Meridian river bridge near the Bridgeview farm, and dropped over to the ground below. Brock was caught beneath the machine. He was brought to Lynden on the six o'clock stage, but he was dead before he could reach medical assistance. The body was taken to Knapp's funeral parlors, and later removed to Bellingham for burial. It is thought that Brock was driving at a lively clip, and that when he struck one of the railing posts at the side, he found that it was impossible to swing his machine back into the road. The accident was witnesses from the Bridgeview farm.. Brock had rented the Mutchler farm on the river. He is survived by his parents, one sister and a brother. He was unmarried.
(From The Lynden Tribune, April 26, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.
Funeral services for Mr. Harry E. Brock, who met his death by automobile accident, on the evening of Monday, April 23, will be held Thursday, April 26, at 10 o'clock a.m., from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street. Mr. Brock was 26 years old at the time of his death and had been a resident of Bellingham and Whatcom county the entire time. He is survived by parents, Mrs. Eliza M. Brock, of Everett; Mr. V. S. Brock, residing in Oklahoma; one sister and one brother, Mrs. William Dunn, Everett, and Mr. Edwin S. Brock, of Bellingham, besides a large circle of friends. Interment will be made in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The American Reveille, April 25, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.BROGAN, Sarah (d. 1921)
Mrs. Sarah Brogan, aged 96 years, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bridget Healy 714 High street, after an illness of three weeks. Mrs. Brogan had resided in Bellingham and Whatcom county for the past thirty years. She was a member of the Church of the Assumption, and is survived by Mrs. Healy, one sister, Mrs. P. Halloran, of Edison; also two grandchildren, Timothy Healy, student of the University of Washington, and Miss Mary Healy, Bellingham. The remains are being cared for at the service parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect street.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 22, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.BRONSON, Adelle (d. 1889)
DIED. - In this city, on Wednesday, May 1st, 1889, of blood poisoning, Mrs. F. N. Bronson, aged 28 years. Mrs. Bronson was a lady of culture and refinement, an artist of more than ordinary ability, and although a resident of this city [Whatcom] for little more than a year, had by her many pleasing traits of character, endeared herself to a large circle of friends, who sincerely regret her sudden and untimely death. A heart-broken mother and sorrowing husband are left to mourn their loss and care for her helpless infant, babe, which has thus been robbed of a mother's loving care and protection. The funeral took place yesterday, at 3 o'clock, from the family residence on I street.
(From The Bellingham Bay Reveille, May 3, 1889) Submitted by site coordinator.BROOK, Charles Eslinger (d. 1930)
BROOKS, Jabez H. (d. 1910)
Funeral services over the remains of the late J. H. Brooks, who death occurred at the Edwards flats Friday afternoon were conducted at the chapel of Mock & Hill in the Maple block yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, the Rev. A. W. Cheatham, of St. Paul's Episcopal church officiating. The Pythian Sisters attended the funeral in a body, and members of Whatcom lodge No. 109 acted as pall bearers. Interment took place in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 31, 1910; WGS Collection)BROOKS, Mary (d. 1902)
BROOKS, Maurice J. (d. 1921)
Maurice J. Books, Fatally Shot Last Friday Night Near His Home.Extensive newspaper coverage April 10-12
The Brooks funeral service will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the chapel of Harry O. Bingham's establishment on Prospect street. The Rev. William R. Marshall, pastor of the Congregational church, will officiate. Interment will take place in Bay View cemetery and it is possible services will be conducted at the grave by the Junior Order of American Mechanics. Brooks is survived by his widow, Mrs. Anna M. Brooks; one daughter, six years old; one son, three years of age; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Momard S. Brooks, and one brother, Francis A. Brooks, all of this city. He was 26 years of age October 1, 1920. He was an automobile mechanic and was assistant secretary of Whatcom Council No. 1, Junior Order of American Mechanics, of which his father-in-law, J. M. Riddle, has long been a prominent member. Mr. Brooks was born in Crystal Falls, Mich., and came to Bellingham with his parents when he was 12 years of age.
(From the WGS Collection)BROOKS, Medora A. (d. 1931)
Lynden Pioneer Citizen Is Summoned By Death.Sorrowing friends gathered at Knapp and Knapp's Parlors Saturday to attend final rites for Mrs. Medora A. Brooks, 79, Lynden pioneer and former resident who passed away last Wednesday at her home in Tacoma, after a lingering illness. The Rev. Walter Laetsch, pastor of the Baptist Church, officiated. The pallbearers, all of whom were old friends of the deceased were Carl Fullner, Casper Sailor, Charles Davis, George Zurn, Ivan Hutchens, Gerrit Noteboom. Interment was made in the Greenwood cemetery beside the grave of her husband, Philip A. Brooks, who died in 1916.Mrs. Brooks was born in Indiana on December 28, 1851. She was married to Philip A. Brooks in 1867. From Indiana, the family moved to Iowa and in 1892 they came to Lynden and settled on the place now known as the P. A. Van Dyk farm in the Greenwood district. From there, they moved to the Riverside district to the farm now occupied by R. C. Shumway. After Mr. Brooks' death on January 3, 1916 at the age of seventy, Mrs. Brooks moved to Tacoma with her sons, Edgar and Earl. She had resided in that city since that time. Surviving relatives include three sons, Edgar C. of California, B. Clarke of Bellingham and Earl P. of Tacoma; two daughters, Mrs. Ottie Mabry and Mrs. Laura Alton of Tacoma; one brother, George Durkee of California; thirteen grandchildren, fifteen great grandchildren, and four great great grandchildren. One son, Charles W. and one daughter, Mrs. Lottie Colyer passed away several years ago.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 19, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.BROOKS, Philip A. (d. 1916)
Funeral services for the late P. A. Brooks, civil war veteran, who passed away Monday, were held Thursday morning at Knapp's Funeral Parlors, the Rev. Paul Ashby officiating. Members of the G. A. R. acted as pall bearers. Many friends were in attendance, as Mr. Brooks was held high in the esteem of the community. He was born Dec. 3, 1844. On Jan. 1, 1867, he was married to Madora A. Durkee at Crown Point, Ind. Twenty-two years ago the family moved to Lynden. Seven children were born to the couple, five of whom are living, E. C. and E. P. Brooks of Lynden, B. C. Brooks of Nooksack and Ottie DeFies of Tacoma and Laura Alton of Greenwood.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 6, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.BROOTEN, John (d. 1935)
BROUGH, David (d. 1916)
BROWN, Alma H. (d. 1933)
BROWN, Andrew J. (d. 1928)
A. J. BROWN, SUNRISE STORE KEEPER, PASSES SUDDENLYA. J. Brown, well known storekeeper at Sunrise between Blaine and Lynden, was found dead in a house at Index, Wash., last Tuesday where he had been visiting friends. It is supposed that heart failure was the cause of death. Mr. Brown was a pioneer of the county and had conducted the store at Sunrise for many years. He was highly respected in the county. Funeral services were held at Lynden last Friday and interment made in the Lynden cemetery. Deceased left a wife and four daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Neidhart, of Index, and Bonna, Eloise and Avanelle at home.
(From the Blaine Journal-Press, July 26, 1928) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BROWN, Catherine (d. 1929)
BROWN, Elijah (d. 1920)
Elijah Brown, aged 48 years, passed away very suddenly while at work Tuesday morning, March 30, 1920. Mr. Brown had made this city his home for seventeen years, prior to his going to St. Louis, Mo., four years ago, from which place he returned here on the 6th of this month. Mr. Brown was a member of the Church of the Advent, the Modern Brotherhood of America and the Lathers' union of St. Louis. He leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Clara Brown; two sons, Milton and Ralph Brown; his father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown, of St. Louis, Mo.; three sisters and one brother, Mrs. Addie Croy, of this city; Mrs. Mary Stone, St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Kate Hairgrove, Saxon, Mo., and Harry Brown, St. Louis, Mo. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, April 1, 1920, at 2 p.m. from the parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street, with Rev. A. W. Merritt officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 31, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.BROWN, Etta (d. 1904)
Mrs. Walter B. Brown died at her home in this city Friday evening, March 25th, after an illness of but four days. The funeral was held Monday forenoon from the Mission church, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mrs. Storrey, assisted by the local M. W. A. lodge. Interment was made in the cemetery west of the city. Mrs. Brown, whose maiden name was Etta Clark was born August 10, 1874 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She was married to Walter B. Brown in Menomonie, Wis., on December 19, 1900. In April 1903 they moved to Hoquiam, this state, where they lived until last December when they came to Lynden. They built a new home here in which they have resided but a few weeks. She leaves to mourn her loss a devoted husband and an eighteen-months' son Paul. Her mother, Mrs. Irene Fineoult, and brother, Fremont Craig, live at Seattle and came up to attend the funeral. A sister lives in the state of Idaho. In a few months that Mrs. Brown had lived here she made many friends. She was of a lovable disposition and always eager to lend her assistance when she could help a person. The bereaved relatives are extended the sympathy of people of the city.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 31, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.BROWN, George W. (d. 1928)
George W. Brown, aged 69 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Hattie A. Brown, Star Route, South Bellingham, passed away after a brief illness at Blanchard Sunday April 1. Mr. Brown had been a resident here about twenty-seven years, and besides his widow is survived by eight children, Mrs. E. Zobrist, of Seattle; Mrs. E. Hanna, Mrs. K. Larcom, Miss Irene Brown, Earl, George, Lewis and Malcom, all of Bellingham; nine grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Eliza Hanson, Mrs. Annie Collings and Mrs. Jane Collings, of Marysville, New Brunswick. The body rests at the Harlow Mortuary Home, Holly at Forest, where funeral services will be held Wednesday, April 4, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. A. O. Quall of the Fairhaven Methodist church, officiating, and interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 2, 1928) Submitted by Linda LocheedBROWN, Jessie S. (d. 1891)
BROWN, Joel (d. 1913)
At. Nooksack, Wn., April 14, 1913, Joel Brown, formerly of Ringgold Co., Iowa, where he settled in 1855. He was born in Warren Co., Ind., Dec. 8, 1830. He was married to Avaline Cox in 1850; from this union there were born 9 children, Wm. D., Rebecca, who died in infancy, Isaac R., Clarissa J., Elwood and Olive, twins, who died in infancy, Louisa L., Philip J. and Chas. N. The mother of these children died in Aug. 1874.
Mr. Brown was married the second time to Mrs. Edith A. Carrothers in 1876; from this union there was no issue. Funeral services were conducted by Elder E. H. Carman in the A. C. church and the service at the grave was conducted by the Masons of which order he was a member. He was survived by a wife and five children, three of whom were at the funeral, Isaac R. and Chas. N., of Nooksack, and Mrs. Louisa Green, of Col. There were also eight grandchildren present.
(From The Nooksack Reporter April 18, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.BROWN, John E. (d. 1918)
John E. Brown, aged 72 years and a resident of this city for the past eight years, passed away very suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nellie Johnson, 1017 High street, at an early hour Friday afternoon, May 24. He leaves to survive him two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Johnson and Mrs. C. B. Franklin, both of this city, and one son, Richard Brown, of Walla Walla, and five grandchildren. Mr. Brown was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal church of this city. Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon, May 27, at 2:30 o'clock from the chapel of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, with the Rev. D. M. McPhail officiating, and interment will be made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 25, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.BROWN, Marion (d. 1938)
Mrs. N. W. L. Brown, a resident of the Sumas vicinity for about 20 years, died in a hospital at Rochester, Minn. Sunday, November 20, after an extended illness. Her daughter, Imogene, was with her at the time of her death, and her sons were able to visit her several times while she was in Rochester, where she was taken about two months ago. She will be buried at Washelli Cemetery, Seattle, Thursday of this week. Mrs. Brown, with her husband and family, came to Sumas from Georgia in 1918, and she had made her home here since that time, except for two years that she was in Seattle while her sons were attending the University. Besides her daughter, Imogene, she is survived by her husband, N. W. L. Brown, who is employed in the Wenatchee vicinity; another daughter, Frances of Sumas, and three sons, Davenport, Elliott and Malcolm. Mr. Brown came to Sumas after learning of his wife's death and with Miss Frances Brown went to Seattle Tuesday morning where they were to meet Miss Imogene as she arrived with the body from Minnesota.
(From The Deming Prospector, November 25, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.BROWN, Mary Lucas (d. 1887)
BROWN, Thomas B. (d. 1905)
T. B. Brown, aged 59 years, residing near Mountain View, died Wednesday evening of peritonitis, after an illness of several months. He leaves a wife and nine grown children, L. D., Martin, John, Leslie, George, Oscar, Mrs. O. Mencer, Mrs. H. Hughlett, Miss Ona, to mourn his loss. Mr. Brown has resided in the vicinity of Ferndale for a number of years and had a wide circle of friends, who join with the bereaved ones in mourning the loss of their loved one. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. C. J. Kallgren at 10 o'clock today at the family residence. The remains were interred in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record February 10, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.BROYLES, John (d. 1921)
JUDGE JOHN BROYLES, WHATCOM PIONEER SUMMONED Judge John Broyles, about thirty years ago police judge and justice of the peace in New Whatcom, now a part of Bellingham, died at Bow late last night and the body was brought to Bellingham today for burial. Judge Broyles, who was 88 years of age, was a Civil war veteran and was one of the pioneers of this section, coming here sometime in the eighties. He was a member of J. B. Steedman Post, No. 24, G. A. R., and of Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 44, F. & A. M.; Ladies of the G. A. R., No. 59, of Bow, and of the Christian church at Bow. The survivors are the widow, Mrs. Lou J. Broyles, of Bow; one son, James W., of Spokane, and three sisters, Mrs. B. K. Davis, Philadelphia; Mrs. Hannah Moore, Oklahoma City, and Mrs. Frona Homer, Denver. Judge Broyles resided in Whatcom county thirty-three years and had lived at Bow about two years. He had been ill several months.Founder of Shuksan. Judge Broyles took an active interest in the development of the Mount Baker mining district, where he owned a number of claims. He was the founder of the townsite of Herman or Shuksan as it is more commonly called, to which point the forestry department has recently completed a road that is designed to open Mount Baker to motorists. The judge was a familiar figure in Bellingham and was one of its most sociable and likeable characters. The body arrived in Bellingham this afternoon, accompanied by the widow, who is a guest at the home of Bertha G. Stocker and Edna P. Stocker, 2014 A street, old friends of the family. The funeral will be held Saturday at 1 p. m. at Harry O. Bingham's parlors, with Rev. S. Long, pastor of the Christian church, at Bow, officiating.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 13, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.BRUCE, Samuel M. (d. 1931)
S. M. BRUCE PROMINENT ATTORNEY PASSES ONSamuel Marcus Bruce, aged 76 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Olive M. Bruce, passed away at his resident, 1012 High street Bellingham, Sunday afternoon, May 3, after an illness of some six weeks. Surviving him is his widow, Mrs. Olive M. Bruce and one brother, Marshall E. Bruce of Baring, Wash.
Mr. Bruce's death was received with regret by the legal fraternity, by whom he was held in high esteem. For more than 40 years he had been recognized as one of the leaders in his profession in this part of the state, and that recognition extended far beyond Bellingham, and included the State Supreme Court.
Born in Ohio, Mr. Bruce came originally from Virginia lineage. He had lived in Bellingham and on his ranch near Maple Falls about forty three years and leaves many sorrowing friends to mourn his demise. Private funeral services were held at the Homer Mark mortuary at 2 p.m. Tuesday, the Rev. Cannon E. B. Smith officiating. Cremation followed.
(From The Deming Prospector, May 8, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.BRULAND, Richard (d. 1926)
DICK BRULAND INSTANTLY KILLEDWord was received here Sunday night that Richard Bruland, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bruland of Blaine, had been electrocuted while working as electrician's helper at Wenatchee for the Puget Sound Power & Light Co. He was spending the week-end with his brother, Raymond, and family, and while there heard of some emergency work to be done on the main line between Ellensburg and Wenatchee, and accepted the work. After he had climbed the pole, finished the work, and was descending, it is thought his foot slipped and he fell across a wire carrying 33,000 voltage. No one saw his plight until one of the workmen turned and saw the body suspended on the wires enveloped in flames. Funeral services will be held this (Thursday) afternoon at 3:00 o'clock at the Norwegian Lutheran church at Pleasant Valley and burial made in the family plot in the church yard. The Blaine Mortuary has charge of arrangements. Blaine people wishing to attend the funeral will form in a line of autos in front of the Blaine Mortuary and proceed together to the Pleasant Valley church.Richard I. Bruland was born in Boone county, Neb., July 13, 1901, coming to this section with his parents in 1905, where they settled on a farm at Pleasant Valley, living there until two years ago when they removed to Blaine, residing here since. He attended high school at Ferndale, where he won a name for himself as a football star and when attending the Normal school at Bellingham in 1923 and 1924, he was acclaimed by the coach there to be one of the greatest athletes ever to wear the Blue and White. Besides his parents, who both survive, he leaves to mourn his passing five brothers and four sisters; Robert C. and Ole, both of Sarwell, Minn., Raymond of Wenatchee, Andrew of Bellingham, and Theodore of Blaine; Mrs. O. J. Wagelie and Mrs. T. D. Rutherford, both of Blaine, Mrs. Thos. Long of Pleasant Valley, and Mrs. C. W. Miller of Bellingham. The family will have the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad loss.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, October 28, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.BRUNNER, DeWitte C. (d. 1908)
Another pioneer and a member of the first Kansas colony, which came to Whatcom county in 1882, Dewitte Clinton Brunner, died at the family homestead, corner of Eldridge avenue and Williams street, early this morning of acute stomach trouble. Mr. Brunner held claim to the distinction of sawing the first cedar shingle in the county, in 1882, when the Colony mill, later purchased by Captain Henry Roeder, stood on the banks of Whatcom creek, the first mill built in this section of the Sound country. He likewise was the first man to lose a finger in operating a shingle saw here. He was a resident of the city and county for twenty-seven years, and well acquainted with the many citizens of the county in all walks of life. He was proud of his record as a pioneer lumberman, and followed his calling for many years. he was 56 years old. Having never married he made his home with his aged mother, Mrs. Matilda DeHaven, widow of Isaac DeHaven, who still survives him. He was greatly devoted to his mother, his own father having died when he was but 3 years old. One half-sister, Miss Jessie DeHaven, well-known as a clerk in the postoffice, has always made her home with her mother also. Two half-brothers, T. H. DeHaven, deputy sheriff of this county, and Louis R. DeHaven, a resident of California, also survive him. The body lies at the Maulsby undertaking parlors and the funeral will be held from the same chapel at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, William R. Wark, pastor of the First Congregational church, officiating. The K. of P. order will attend in a body and use the ritualistic ceremony at the interment in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 16, 1908; WGS Collection)BRUNS, Bernhardt H. (d. 1909)
B. H. Bruns, a pioneer of the Birch Bay district, passed away last Friday at the home of his son, F. H. Bruns, at the age of 86 years and 7 months, after suffering some time from dropsy. The funeral services were held from the family home Saturday at 11:30 o'clock, Rev. C. B. Seely officiating, and the burial made in the Enterprise cemetery. The deceased was born in Westphalen, Germany, February 22, 1823, and came to this country when 14 years of age. He came to Whatcom county in 1870 with his family and hewed out a home in the primeval forest, and has been identified very closely with the progress of the county since its organization, especially in the matter of opening trails in the early days and later in the construction of good roads. One brother, Henry Bruns of Chicago, two sons, E. H. and F. A., and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Morgan of Birch Bay, and Mrs. E. P. Julien of Bellingham, survive him. The brother came west this summer for a visit and this was the first meeting of the two brother in 40 years.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 1, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.BRUNS, Frederick A. (d. 1928)
F. A. Bruns Passes Away; Came Here 57 Years AgoFrederick A Bruns, one of the earliest pioneers of this section, passed away in a Bellingham hospital last Thursday following a stroke of paralysis. He had not been in robust health for some months but his last illness was brief. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Purdy & Sons chapel, Rev. Lauren A. Sheffer officiating, and burial took place in the Enterprise cemetery. The pallbearers were all old residents who had known the deceased for many years. They were M. Sheedy, Harry Carter, Ed Brown, Robert Shields, Wm. Tarte and T. J. Quirt. Mr. Bruns was born April 11, 1857, in Chicago. He came to Birch Bay with his parents Feb. 22, 1871, and had spent most of his life since here. He is survived by one brother and one sister, E. H. Bruns and Mrs. Emma Morgan, both of Birch Bay.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press April 12, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.BRUSH, Margaret E. (d. 1925)
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret E. Brush, age 24 years, was held Wednesday afternoon from the Catholic church, Rev. Father Hoen officiating. Interment took place in Enterprise cemetery, under the direction of George Monroe. Mrs. Brush was the wife of Edward Brush, and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton F. Janitscheck of Mt. View. She is also survived by four brothers, Raymond of Ferndale, Leo, Anton and Stanley at home; two sisters, Caroline and Vera at home, and a nephew, Albert Callopy.
(From The Ferndale Record, Oct. 15, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.BRYAN, Mary E. (d. 1902)
Mrs. Mary E. Bryan died at her home near Custer, Wn., on the night of July 31st. Her death was caused by infirmities of old age. She was born in Warren county, O., in 1820, and lived in that state until '79, then removed to Missouri, where she liven until '98, when she came to Custer Wn., where she has since lived. She was born and raised a Quaker, but died a Spiritualist, a firm believer in the life beyond. She was aged 82 years, one month and two days. She leaves two daughters and four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren to mourn her loss.
(From The Fairhaven Weekly World-Herald, August 8, 1902) Submitted by Linda Lawson.BRYSON, Ann (d. 1908)
BUCHAN, Delia Ann (d. 1908)
BUCHANAN, Joseph F. (d. 1917)
Joseph F. Buchanan, civil war veteran and resident of Whatcom county for the last thirty-two years, was found dead in his bedroom at his home of Flynn avenue, Silver Beach, yesterday morning by a neighbor. Mr. Buchanan had not been feeling strong for some time, but on Saturday spent several hours digging potatoes, but whether his death was due to overexertion it is not known. He was 85 years of age and was a member of the G. A. R. and the Silver Beach M. E. church. He is survived by two daughters and one son - Mrs. May Truman, Goshen; Mrs. Jennie Murchy, Van Zandt and John Buchanan, of Bellingham. The funeral will be held tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at the Silver Beach M. E. church, Rev. James M. Wilson, pastor of St. James Presbyterian church, officiating. Under the direction of Harry O. Bingham the remains will be shipped to Seattle for cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 23, 1917) Submitted by Lottie HendricksBUCHANAN, Molton M. (d. 1924)
Moten (sic) M. Buchanan, who came to Bellingham in August, 1923, from Proctor, North Carolina, died at his home, 2230 Woburn street, Thursday evening at 7:30 at the age of 78 years. He was a member of the Baptist church at Wilmington, N. C., and among his survivors are twenty-eight grandchildren and twenty-seven great grandchildren. The other survivors are the widow; three sons, Mack and Wylie Buchanan, Bellingham, and Daniel Buchanan, of Holly, Wash., and two daughters, Mrs. Sarah Ducket, North Carolina, and Mrs. Lucy Welsh, Chattanooga, Tenn. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:45 at Arthur C. Harlow's mortuary, with the Rev. Fred Vander Mei officiating. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery.
Note: Funeral notice adds that he was a confederate soldier. (From The Bellingham Herald, May 9, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.BUCHANAN, Sophia J. (d. 1912)
MRS. S. J. BUCHANAN IS CALLED TO RESTMrs. Sophia Jane Buchanan passed away at the family residence, corner Adams and Bennett streets, at 10 o'clock yesterday morning after suffering for several months with rheumatism. She was 75 years old at the time of her death. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss. These are: Joseph Buchanan, to whom she was married in 1856, Mrs. May Truman, Mrs. Jennie Merchy and John Buchanan.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 9, 1912) Submitted by Lottie HendricksBUCHANAN, William (d. 1893)
BUCKINGHAM, John E. (d. 1911)
J. E. Buckingham, who has been making his home with C. M. Keen, fell dead suddenly Wednesday morning of this week from heart failure shortly after rising in the morning. He had been accustomed to rising about five o'clock and preparing breakfast and it is supposed that he followed his usual custom. Shortly after six o'clock Mr. Keen was awakened by a loud noise and, getting up, discovered Mr. Buckingham lying on the floor in the next room. He spoke to him but received no answer and immediately notified Geo. Pennington, a neighbor. Drs. Sims and Reeves were called but pronounced the man dead. Coroner Wear was notified but on learning the facts instructed Undertaker Potter to take charge of the remains and prepare them for burial. The dead man was about 48 years of age, was never married, and has lived with Mr. Keen for the past three winters, generally being away all summer working as telegraph lineman. He is survived by a brother, Elias Buckingham, of Bryant, Indiana, and two sisters, also of that place. They were notified of their brother's death at once. The funeral services will be in charge of the county undertakers in Bellingham and will occur today.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 27, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.BUCKLEY, C. E. (d. 1903)
This community was shocked Tuesday morning to hear of the serious accident that had befalled Mr. C. E. Buckley the evening before at the Frazier & Buckley shingle mill three miles northwest of the city. It seems that the mill was rushed with work and Mr. Buckley had charge of the night crew and Mr. Frazier of the day force. About nine o'clock Monday evening Mr. Buckley went under the main floor to adjust a belt on a pulley of the main shaft. 'Twas there the accident occurred and no one saw what happened but he was discovered a few minutes later, lying unconscious under the pulley, with his head badly bruised. He was immediately taken to the nearby camp and medical aid was at once summoned. But he never regained consciousness and died the next morning, despite the efforts of skilled practitioners. Coroner Gifford prepared the body for shipment and it was taken to Everett, his old home, for burial. His parents reside in that city.
Mr. Buckley leaves a widow and two small sons, who, with his brother-in-law, A. Frazier and family, are the only relatives residing here. Messrs. Frazier and Buckley came to this place less than a year ago and located a shingle mill in the best cedar timber district about here. The mill has been running but a little more than six months. Both of the proprietors were energetic hard-working men and were very successful in their undertaking. The accident is a particularly sad one and the entire community will feel the loss of the gentleman. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the legion of friends in their affliction.
(From The Pacific Pilot, August 27, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.BUCKLEY, Margaret (d. 1920)
NORTHWOOD, Dec. 10. - A large gathering of friends was in attendance Wednesday at the funeral services for the late Mrs. Maggie Buckley, who passed away at the Sumas hospital Sunday evening at the age of 38 years and eight months. The funeral was under the direction of Undertaker John Gillies, of Sumas, and Rev. Kanaar, of Lynden. The beautiful floral offerings spoke the loving sympathy of the friends and neighbors of the bereaved family. Maggie Wampler [WAMPOLE] was born at Fairchild, Wis., March 23, 1882, and died at Sumas December 5, 1920. February 6, 1898, she was married to Dennis Buckley. In 1909 the family moved from Wisconsin to Washington, and since 1910 have lived at Northwood. Besides her husband, she is survived by nine sons and one daughter, her aged parents and three brothers and three sisters. A devoted wife and mother, she worked untiringly for her family until her strength failed and she was unable to rally from an operation she underwent a week previous to her death. Interment was at Lakeside cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 10, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.
FRIENDS GATHER AT SERVICES FOR LATE MRS. DENNIS BUCKLEYA large number of friends gathered at the Northwood Grange Hall on Wednesday morning to attend the funeral services for the late Mrs. Dennis Buckley, who died Sunday at the Sumas hospital. Rev. J. E. Kanaar conducted the service using as his test, "Behold I Stand at the Door and Knock." Maggie Wampole was born at Fairchild, Wis., March 23, 1882. In February, 1898, she was married to Dennis Buckley. They lived in Wisconsin until 1909, when they moved to Washington. After residing a year in Lynden, they moved to Northwood, where their home has been since that time. Mrs. Buckley was a member of the Willing Workers and the Northwood Grange. She is survived by her husband and ten children, Albert, George, John, Merton, Peter, Earl, Harley, Angie, Bernice and Eugene, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wampole of Fairchild Wisconsin, three brothers and two sisters, also of Wisconsin, and a sister, Mrs. Wm. Tennant of Northwood. A devoted wife and mother, she worked untiringly for her family until her strength failed. Many beautiful flowers were in evidence at the services--a large floral piece from the family, a wreath from the Northwood Grange, and floral pieces from the Sunday Schook, Willing Workers, and Lakeside W. C. T. U. Interment was in the Lakeside cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 9, 1920) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BUCKNER, Irene H. (d. 1913)
One of the most largely attended funerals ever held in Blaine was that on Sunday last when the last respects were paid to Mrs. Thomas Buckner, a bride of but a few days, who died from the effects of burns received while on her honeymoon. Rev. R. C. Hartley preached the funeral sermon to a gathering which overflowed into the street. The floral decorations were simply grand and in great abundance. Irene H. Sullivan was born in Lima, Ohio, August 24, 1896, and came west with her parents from Paulding, O., five years ago, locating at Blaine. Her mother died in February, 1909. She leaves a father, Miner Sullivan, of Paulding, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Messer, of Paulding, Ohio, and Mrs. Mable Ives, of Blaine, besides an aunt, Mrs. D. Frasure, and an uncle, J. A. Neher, both of this city. She was a young lady of beautiful character and loving disposition and an honor to her parents and relatives. It is indeed sad that her young life should be so suddenly terminated at a time when she was entering a life of usefulness and happiness. The young husband and relatives have the sincere sympathy of all in their sorrow.
(From The Blaine Journal, July 4, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.BUCKNER, Mary E. (d. 1934)
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Buckner, aged 79 years, were held Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Purdy chapel with the Rev. C. B. Seely of the Methodist church officiating. Favorite hymns were rendered by Mrs. James Bowles, Mrs. Carl Lary, Mrs. Stephen Draggoo, Miss Leota Bice and Mr. Bowles, with Mrs. Robert Shaw at the piano. Mrs. Buckner departed this life at her home on Sunday afternoon, May 6th, after a long illness. She was born in Arcadia, Missouri and had lived in this city for the past twenty-seven years. Surviving relatives are her husband, James R. Buckner; four sons, Charles of San Francisco, California; Andrew of Blaine; Edward of Haynie and Brady of San Bernardino, California, and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Brakhane of Blaine and Mrs. J. L. Thompson of Vitoria, B.C.; seventeen grandchildren, also one sister, Susan Nance of Grandden, Missouri. A loving mother, a good friend and neighbor, Mrs. Buckner will be greatly missed by many. The floral offerings were many and very beautiful. Interment was made in the family plot in the Enterprise cemetery. The pallbearers were R. Hoover, A. E. Calhoun, L Brents, Joe LaRock, Fred W. Agee and James Bowles.
(From the Blaine Journal, May 10, 1934) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BUCKNER, Robert A. (d. 1936)
ROBERT BUCKNER IS LAID TO FINAL RESTDeath Caused by Pneumonia After Short Illness; Resident of Blaine Since 1919; Was Native Missourian; Long Baptist Church MemberRobert Andrew Buckner, a resident of Blaine since 1919 and well known throughout this section, was buried in Enterprise cemetery in Ferndale, Saturday, February 22, from the First Baptist church with the Rev. J. R. L. Haslam officiating. Mr. Buckner died Wednesday in a Bellingham hospital of pneumonia, following a short illness. He was born at Arcadia, Missouri, January 31, 1878 and in September of 1914 married Miss Nettie Boswell, also of Arcadia. The couple then moved to Lancaster, New York, where they made their home until moving here in 1919. Mr. Buckner became a member of the Baptist church in 1905 and was a faithful member of the First Baptist church of Blaine until the time of his death. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nettie Buckner; one son, Stanley; a daughter [at least one line of type is missing] James Buckner, of Blaine; three brothers, Charles W. Buckner, San Francisco; G. E. Buckner, Blaine; and J. B. Buckner, San Francisco; two sisters, Ada E. Brakhane, Blaine; and Mrs. Kara Thompson, Victoria. Pass bearers were Messrs. Lee Holmes, Adams, Calhoun, Hoover, and Brintz.
(From the Blaine Journal, February 27, 1936) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BUIZER, Lysje (d. 1922)
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the First Christian Reformed Church for the late Mrs. Lysje Buizer, who passed away Friday at her home. The Rev. Edward Joling and the Rev. P Jonker conducting the services in the presence of a large gathering of friends. Mrs. Buizer was born in Holland Nov. 13, 1852. She came to America thirty-one years ago, and had made her home in the Lynden district for nine years. She leaves to mourn her loss six sons and daughters: C. Ooms of Griffith, Indiana, William Ooms, Miss Cornelia Buizer, Arthur Buizer, Mrs. Ben Hendricks and Mrs. Cornelius Buizer, all of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 5, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.BULL, Alfred J. (d. 1943)
BULMER, Jane (d. 1908)
BUNKER, Fanny (d. 1914)
On Wednesday, May 28 the death of Mrs. Hiram Bunker occurred at the home of her daughter Mrs. D. McCallum after an illness of more that two years. Fanny Pierce was born in Delaware County, New York in 1831. Fifty-eight years ago she was married to Hiram Bunker and to them were born seven children, four boys and three girls. In 1864 she with her husband left their [New],York State home for Michigan residing in that state until 1898? when they moved to Washington and settled in Deming later moving to Nooksack and has resided in this vicinity ever since with the exception of about a year she spent in Oregon.
Besides her aged husband she leaves a sister, Mrs. John Castor, of Goshen, and a brother, Gaylord Pierce, of Bellingham and five children, George Bunker, of Lebanon, Oregon, Otis Bunker, of Cedarville, Wash., Albert Bunker and Mrs. Saunders who reside in Mich. and Mrs. D. McCallum of Nooksack. Mrs. Bunker leaves many warm friends who sympathize with the family in their sorrow. The funeral services will be held at the M. E. Church Saturday morning at 10:30 and interment will be made in Nooksack cemetery.
(From The Nooksack Reporter May 29, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.BUNKER, Hiram (d. 1919)
NOOKSACK, Nov. 29 - Funeral services for the late Hiram Bunker, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. McCallum, on November 21, were held at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. J. M. Hixson, preaching the sermon. Interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery beside his wife, who was laid away several years ago. Mr. Bunker was 89 years of age.
(From The Bellingham Herald, Nooksack Section, December 1, 1919) Submitted by site coordinator.BURCHELL, Mrs. Charles (d. 1901)
BURGY, Edna C. (d. 1935)
BURKE, Alice (d. 1891)
BURKE, Eric (d. 1938)
BURKE, John (d. 1903)
John Burke, a railway contractor, met an awful death near South Westminster Sunday afternoon. Burke and a companion drove to that city on Sunday to takea pile-driving outfit to the railway construction camp near Cloverdale. Apparently they had some time to spare after they arrived in town, and this was spent with a couple of boon companions and a couple of bottles of whiskey. They started for Cloverdale in the afternoon with a heavily-loaded wagon and very much befogged minds. Going up the hill at South Westminster, the wagon lurched and Burke fell off unnoticed by his companions. One of the rear wheels passed over his head, and all back and left side of the skull was crushed. J. F. Coulthard and E. A. Dalziel happened along about that time, and the injured man was removed to a nearby hotel, but he expired five minutes later. Monday morning Captain Pittendrigh the coroner, held an inquest,and after hearing the evidence, a verdict of accidental death while under the influence of liquor was recorded. Provincial Constable Spain cross-examined the teamster, Kopke, with a view of finding out who supplied the liquor,but the fellow was wary and stated that he was too drunk at the time to remember anything. The deceased was 46 years of age, of Irish descent. He has well-to-do brothers living in Superior, Wis. He was a railway contractor, and recently came from Whatcom and was given charge of number three camp of the new railway from Cloverdale to Ladner. When sober he was an excellent worker.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 27, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.BURLEY, Gynavere (d. 1935)
BURLEY, Mary J. (d. 1926)
Mrs. Mary Jane Burley, aged 37 years, beloved mother of Vonavon, Gwynavere and Dorothy Burley, passed away suddenly at her home on the Marietta road Saturday afternoon, September 4, after a residence in this vicinity all her life. Besides her children she is survived by five sisters, Mrs. A. H. Zane and Mrs. Frank Bogle of this city; Mrs. E. G. B. Brown of Edison; Mrs. W. Knoell, McCleary, Wash., and Mrs. W. C. McIvor of Yakima, and one brother, R. Charles of Sedro-Woolley, besides many friends who will sympathize with those bereaved. The body is resting at the Harlow mortuary home, Holly and Forest streets, and funeral announcements will be made upon the arrival of relatives.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 6, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.BURNHAM, William T. (d. 1933)
William T. Burnham, aged 87 years, 1318 High street, this city, passed away at an early hour this morning, November 21, after about one month's illness. Mr. Burnham had resided in this city for the past forty years and was a member of the First Baptist church and was a veteran of the Civil war, having served as a private in battery No. 25, light artillery, Indiana volunteers. He leaves to survive him one brother, John Burnham, Portland, Ore.; and one sister, Mrs. Hattie Fairell, Eugene, Ind. The body is resting at the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home, 210 Prospect street, where funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, November 23, at 2 o'clock, with Rev. Samuel Brown officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 23, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.BURNS, Robert H. (d. 1925)
Well Known Logger Dies at HumptulipsRobert H. Burns, who was a resident of Maple Falls for a number of years while working in Chinn Timber camp, died at Humptulips last week. The following newspaper clipping was sent us by James Conner, who is working there. "Robert H. Burns, 44, well known woodsmen of Grays Harbor county and recently foreman of Camp No. 6 of the Polson Logging company, died in a local hospital yesterday after several months' illness. Mr. Burns was born in Tennessee and had resided in Grays Harbor county for about 10 years. He was foreman of a camp producing spruce for the wartime air service during the war. He is survived by his wife and four children. He was a member of the Moose and Eagles lodges. Funeral services will be held from the Pinnick chapel at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, with Rev. Joseph Owens, logging camp evangelist, officiating. Interment will be made in Humptulips cemetery."
(From The Deming Prospector, February 6, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator. Relative Thomas LeeBURNSIDE, Margaret (d. 1931)
Mrs. Margaret Burnside, age 79 years, passed away at a Bellingham hospital Thursday, July 23, after a short illness. Mrs. Burnside had been a resident of Bellingham for the past twenty years and was a member of the First Christian church. Aside from a host of friends, who will mourn her passing she is survived by four sons: W. I. and Charles of Bellingham; Millard, of Randall, Washington, and Ira of Newton, Illinois. She also leaves three daughters: Mrs. Anise Wenz, Mrs. Iola Smith and Mrs. Elizabeth Carr, all of Bellingham, and six grandchildren. Mrs. Burnside is well known in the Maple Falls community, where her daughter, Mrs. Wenz and son, Millard, formerly resided. Funeral services were held in Bellingham on Sunday, July 26, with Rev. Earl Hanson Fife of the First Christian church officiating.
(From The Deming Prospector, July 31, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.BURROUS, Emeline C. (d. 1918)
Mrs. Burrous Dies at Local Hospital as Result of Recent Severe BurnsMrs Emeline C. Burrous, who was recently burned severely about the limbs, died at the local hospital Monday afternoon, March 18th. Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church Wednesday March 20th at 2 o'clock, Rev R. L. Sprague officiating. She was buried in the Mt. View Cemetery. Emeline C. Payne was born in Ohio, August 30, 1838. At the age of 16 she was married to Stephen Douglas Burrous. In 1865 they moved to Iowa where they lived 2 years. From there they moved to Kansas in 1805 (sic) where her husband died. Six years ago Mrs Burrous came to Ferndale where she has resided since. She leaves to mourn her loss Mrs. Hattie Bockover, S.D. Burrous, Mrs Sarah Keller, Mrs Minnie Meekins, Charles Burrous, and Drue Burrous, all of Ferndale, and Mrs Lucy Atwood, of Galena, Kansas. Mrs Rosa Bedford of Houston, Texas, Lewis Burrous and John Burrous, of Bronson, Kansas, Mrs Dollie Chamberlin, of Portland, Oregon. She also leaves 43 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren. "Grandma" Burrous as she was familiarly known, was loved by all who knew her, and the entire family are respected by the whole community who extend their sympathy to the bereaved in their loss.
(From The Ferndale Record, March 22, 1918) Submitted by Steve D. BurrowsBUSBY, George W. (d. 1920)
Funeral services for George W. Busby, who passed away at Seattle April 15, will be held Tuesday, April 20, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 120 Prospect street, with Rev. T. E. Elliott, pastor of the Garden Street M. E. church, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery. Mr. Busby had resided in Seattle about four years prior to which time he resided in Bellingham for eighteen years. Mr. Busby is survived by one sister and one brother, residing in Iowa. Also an uncle, H. B. McCormick, of Bellingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 19, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.BUSSARD, Charles O. (d. 1925)
Lynden May 1 - Word has been received in Lynden of the death, at San Jose, Cal. of Charles O. Bussard, who left here last winter in search of health in a sunnier climate. For a time this spring his health seemed much improved but for the past month he has been very ill in a San Jose hospital. He will be brought to Lynden for burial. His sister, Mrs. Mae Bussard Beach will accompany the remains from California. Funeral services will be held at Knapp's parlors Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Bussard came to Lynden with his parents when he was less than two years of age and had spent most of his life here. In 1907 he was married to Miss Nancy Thompson. To them were born two daughters, one of whom passed away in 1914, Mrs. Bussard died in 1918. Mr. Bussard was forty-two years nine months and eighteen days of age. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Arlene Radonski, of Clipper; his father J. O. Bussard; a brother, Victor D. of Lynden; and two sisters, Mrs. Mae Beech, of Oakland, and Mrs. Ethel Sackett, of Los Angeles, California.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 1, 1925)BUSSARD, Lucretia S. (d. 1918)
After many weary months of intense suffering patiently borne, Lucretia S., wife of John O. Bussard passed away Wednesday morning. Lucretia S. Boyd was born near Lyme, N. H., Aug. 17, 1851, thus being at the time of her death 67 years, 1 month and 1 day old. Her girlhood was spent in New Hampshire and Vermont where she commenced teaching at the age of eighteen. In 1871 she went to Iowa, passing through Chicago while the city was wrapped in the flames of the "Great Chicago Fire." After teaching in Iowa four years, she returned to Vermont and taught one year. The year 1877 found her teaching in Nebraska where she met Mr. Bussard who engaged her first as a teacher and then as a life companion. They were married March 20, 1879. To this union were born six children, three sons and three daughters, one son, Leroy, dying in infancy.
Together they came to the Pacific Coast, locating near Lynden in April, 1884. The following winter, she taught school in the log schoolhouse which until burned a few years ago, was an old landmark. Coming as she did in those early days, she had all the experience of pioneer life, fleeing before the forest fires carrying her baby in arms, and leading her children. She ever had an interest in all work of reform. She was secretary of the first W. C. T. U. of Lynden, of which organization she was always a member. She was a member of the S. D. A. church, and as long as health permitted, was a devoted and faithful worker. During her long and painful illness, she surprised her many friends with her brave endurance, ever having a pleasant greeting for her friends. Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss two sons and three daughters, and nineteen grandchildren. The children are Mrs. Mae A. Beach of Oakland, Cal., Charles O. Bussard, Mrs. Birdie Day, Victor Bussard, of Lynden, and Mrs. Ethel Sackett of Tillamook, Ore. She also leaves four sisters, Mrs. Julia Chaplin of Newport, Vt., Mrs. Annie E. Cudney, Mrs. Carrie R. Moon of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Emma Snow of Warburton, Australia.
(From The Lynden Tribune, September 19, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.BUSSARD, Nancy A. (d. 1918)
Many friends gathered Sunday morning to attend the funeral services at the Lynden cemetery for the late Mrs. Charles Bussard, who passed away Friday, a victim of the influenza. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services. Mrs. Nancy Angela Bussard was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Thompson. She was born March 14, 1887, in Gordon County, Georgia. She was married to Charles Bussard December 17, 1906. She was the mother of two daughters, Arlene Angela, and Margaret Charlotte, who died at Wenatchee four years ago. She is survived by her husband, daughter, Arlene, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, and four sisters, Mrs. J. W. Coleman, Mrs. D. Carlow, Mrs. Parke Griswold, and Mrs. Fred Thompson.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 12, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.BUSSARD, Pearl M. (d. 1918)
Funeral services for the late Mrs. Victor Bussard, who passed away on Monday of pneumonia, will be held on Sunday, providing her parents can arrive here by that time from Iowa. Mrs. Pearl Mina Crabtree Bussard was born at Dows, Iowa, April 19, 1889. In 1908, she came to Lynden and taught here for four successive terms in the Lynden public schools. On Aug. 3, 1910, she was married to Victor Bussard of Lynden. She was kind and loving wife and mother, and had a host of friends in the district. Besides her husband and three little children, she leaves to mourn her loss her father, mother, one sister, and five brothers.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 12, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.BUTLER, P. A. (d. 1923)
P. M. Butler, once a farmer in the Mountain View district, died July 4, after an illness of about 15 years, at him home in Mercer, Penn. Word of his passing came in a letter from the widow this week to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fitzgerald, who were neighbors of the Butlers in Mountain View. Both the deceased and Mrs. Butler are remembered by many of the old settlers of Ferndale and Mountain View. Mrs. Butler was a school teacher here in the early nineties, having been Miss Elizabeth Pew. She was married to Mr. Butler Sept. 4, 1892, at the Griffin home and there probably are pioneers in Ferndale who attended the wedding and remember the occasion well. Mrs. Butler, before her marriage, was instrumental in the formation of a ladies aid society of the Congregational church, and she was prominently mentioned in the history of the aid written some months ago by Mrs. Mary Murray, of Ferndale. The Butlers had many friends here who held them in high esteem and who are regretting the news of his passing. Mrs. Butler resides at 629 Beaver Street, Mercer, Mercer county, Penn.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 20, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.BUTLER, Richard A. (d. 1907)
Richard A. Butler who met instant death February 23, 1907, by a fall which caused him to strike the third rail of the Interurban car at Renton Junction, Washington, has been a resident of Renton only since November, 1906. He was born December 29, 1834, at Allegheny Arsenal, Pennsylvania and was a son of Maj. John B. Butler and Cathrine S. Gazzam. Three sisters and one brother survive him; Mrs. Harriet McMillan, St. Paul, Minnesota, Mrs. Carrie Day and Mrs. George Tilden, Milden, Massachusetts and Gen. John G. Butler, Washington D.C.
For many years he was engaged in the wholesale business in Cincinnati, Ohio, coming west in 1885. He moved to Seattle from Blaine about 8 years later, since which time he has resided in Seattle until a few months ago. Mr. Butler has been retired from active business life for many years. His love of flowers and shrubs of all kinds were the indirect cause of the accident, as he was returning home from the nursery at Renton Junction with a large package of plants when he stumbled and received the fatal fall. His wife, formerly Lydia Howe Davis of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania survives him; also four children, Mrs. Chas. T. Moore, Day Butler, Grace I. Butler and one son, Audley Butler.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 1, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.BYAM, Roy A. (d. 1920)
Ray A. Byam, aged 28 years, passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. P. J. Snyder, 829 High street, at a late hour Monday evening, March 15, after a brief illness. Mr. Byam had been a resident of Seattle for the past two years and came to Bellingham only four days ago to visit his sister. Surviving him are his father, F. E. Byam; two brothers, Elwyn and H. W., and three sisters, Mrs. H. A. Lauer and Mrs. M. A. Johnson, all of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Snyder, of Bellingham. At the time of his death, Mr. Byam was a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 92, and had taken his Fellowcraft degree in Westgate lodge No. 128, F. U A. M., both of Seattle. The body is being cared for at the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, and funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon, March 18, at 2 o'clock, at the chapel, with the Rev. A. Baker officiating, after which the body will be taken to Minneapolis, Minn., leaving Bellingham at 5:30 Thursday evening by Great Northern, for interment in the family plot at that Place.
(From the Bellingham Herald, March 17, 1920) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.BYER, Quinne A. (d. 1933)
BYERS, Roscoe H. (d. 1939)
Funeral services for Roscoe H. Byers, aged 42 years, of Ferndale, who passed away at a local hospital Wednesday, May 17, will be held in the Ferndale Baptist Church Saturday afternoon, May 20 at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. Orville Martin, pastor, of the First Lutheran Church in Bellingham of which Mr. Byers was a member. Burial will follow in the Enterprise Cemetery under the direction of the Monroe Mortuary Home of Ferndale. Mr. Byers is survived by his widow, Mrs. Clara Byers, two sons, Harold and Ralph, two daughters, Doris and Barbara Ann, his mother, Mrs. Minnie Byers, all of Ferndale; three sisters, Mrs. Bjorney Alstead, of Sherrill, New York; Mrs. Lillian Armistead, of Oneida, New York; Mrs. Ella Nordby, of Ferndale; three brothers, Wilbur, John and Paul, of Ferndale. Mr. Byers had lived in Ferndale his entire lifetime, served in the U.S. Navy during the World war and was a member of the Kulshan Post, American Legion, Ferndale.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 18, 1939) Submitted by site coordinator.BYERS, W. J. (d. 1928)
The funeral of W. J. Byers was held this afternoon at the Christ church, Mt. View. Interment took place in the Mt. View cemetery under the direction of George A. Monroe. Mr. Byers was born in Pittsburg, Penn., in 1855. In 1857 he went with his parents to Missouri, moving from there to Washington in 1883, locating in Mt. View on a farm where he has been for forty years. He was married to Minnie L. Cissna in 1887, to this union being born nine children, six boys and three girls. Besides his wife, eight of the children survive him, who are: Charles S. of Bellingham; Wilbur R. of Mt. View; John of Laurel; Roscoe H. of Mt. View; Paul J. of Wenatchee; Mrs. Lola Jones of New York; Mrs. Lillian Armistead of Delaware, and Mrs. Ella Norby of Ferndale. Seven brothers and two sisters, one sister being with him in his sickness, also survive him. He also leaves sixteen grandchildren and a host of friends.
Mr. Byers was well known in the community, being active in all community interests. He was instrumental in organizing the West Mt. View school district, serving several years on the school board. He also served several years as road supervisor. He was converted in 1904 and united with the Mennonite Brethren in Christ church in Mt. View and served for more than twenty years as its deacon. He was faithful to the church and its interests until the last. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Pall bearers at the services were: Dave Shilleto, Ole Hanson, Mr. McDaniels, Mr. Marks, Mr. Morehead and Mr. Grout.
[Note: The Bellingham Herald of Jan. 28, 1928 identifies the sisters as: Mrs. Jennie Piner, Missouri and Mrs. Mary Bradshaw, Mount Vernon; the brothers as: Robert, Frank, Walter, James and Francis, Missouri, Garritt, Seattle and Gilbert, Montana.]
(From The Ferndale Record, February 2, 1928; also Bellingham Herald, January 28, 1928)BYRNE, Michael (d. 1911)
Michael Byrne, aged 53 years, died suddenly at his home 1309 Indian street, July 21. He is survived by his widow, three daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Annie; one son, Patrick; also by three sisters, two in Ireland and one in England. Mr. Byrne is a pioneer of this city, having lived here for twenty-three years, and for that time was been employed by the B. B. & B. C. railroad as a section foreman. He is a member of the Hibernians and the Catholic Order of Foresters. The funeral will be held from the Church of the Assumption at 9 o'clock Monday morning, Father Smith officiating. The funeral car will leave the corner of Holly and Indian streets at 8:30 a. m. to convey the family and friends to the church. Interment in Bay View cemetery under the direction of A. G. Wickman, 1146 Elk street.
(From the WGS Collection)BYRON, Horace C. (d. 1914)
CHIEF OF POLICE SUCCUMBS TO ILLNESS At the city hall the flag is at half-mast and municipal officials pursue their daily routine work with sorrowing mein and subdued manner, for the sudden death of Chief of Police Horace Byron has cast a pall of gloom over all which refuses to be dispelled before the order of daily necessity. The flag will remain lowered until after the funeral, and it is planned to adjourn next Monday night's council meeting immediately after convening, as a tribute of respect to the memory of the late chief of police. None of the officials is more visibly affected by the sad occurrence than Mayor J. P. deMattos, who appointed Chief Byron early this year. ... mayor's tribute ... The sudden and unexpected death of Chief Byron occurred at 3:40 o'clock yesterday afternoon at St. Luke's hospital, where the chief was taken early Sunday afternoon. Until breakfast time Sunday morning the chief was in the best of health and spirits. An attack of intestinal trouble seized him suddenly while he was eating his morning meal and a few hours later he submitted to an operation at the hospital. It was thought that the operation was successful, until noon yesterday, when he began to sink rapidly and, although everything possible was done to rally him, he succumbed while surrounded by relatives and friends early yesterday afternoon. ...The official was born at Linneus, Maine, on September 1, 1867, and came West with his brother, X. S. Byron, 24 years ago, settling at Spokane. After remaining about six months in Eastern Washington the two brothers came to this city. He married Miss Nellie Rickerson here 19 years ago. For a time he worked as a clerk and then entered the grocery business with his brother under the firm name of Byron Brothers. After following this business for seventeen years Mr. Byron sold his interest in the firm five years ago and moved to his ranch near Deming, where he lived for about one year. Four years ago he accepted a place as traveling salesman for the Albers Brothers Milling company of Seattle, and he followed this vocation until appointed chief of police by Mayor J. P. deMattos, on January 6 of this year.
Horace C. Byron, age 46, passed away at a local hospital Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, after a brief illness. Mr. Byron is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nellie Byron, and one daughter, Miss Loma, residing at 2610 Eldridge avenue; his mother, Mrs. Susan Byron, now visiting relatives at Mars Hill, Me.; one brother, X. S. Byron, of this city, and two sisters, Mrs. H. H. Jamieson, of Lynden, this country, and Mrs. Will D. Pratt, of 510 East Holly street, this city. Funeral services will be held from the First Christian church, on C street, Friday afternoon, June 19, at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Otho H. Williams officiating, assisted by Rev. Edwin N. Askey, pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal church. A double quartet will provide the music. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery under the direction of Mock & Harlow, 1051-1055 Elk street. The pall-bearers will be as follows: A. C. McKenzie, S. B. Headrick, O. E. Armstrong, J. L. Gilfilen, S. E. Booker, C. E. Daw. A special car will leave from the corner of Elk and Holly streets, Friday at 1:30 p. m., for the convenience of friends who desire attending the funeral services.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 17, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.BYRON, Josiah B. (d. 1908)
FORMER COUNCILMAN OF WHATCOM DIES The death of Josiah B. Byron, one of the most prominent residents of the city occurred at the family residence on East Holly street at 8 o'clock this morning. He was 64 years of age, having been born in Linneus, Me., November 12, 1844. At the early age of 19 he enlisted in company M of the Second regiment, Maine cavalry, and was sent very early in the war to New Orleans, where he met with an injury, which was the direct cause of his death today. At the close of the rebellion he returned to his old home in Maine, where he married Miss Susan Richardson, who survives him in this city. He then engaged in general merchandise business, but early in 1876 he made a trip to Skagit county, where he spent two years. Returning to Maine, he again started in business, but was not satisfied with the old environment, and returned West in 1890. He then located in Bellingham with his family.During the past seven years he has held a number of positions of trust in the affairs of the city, and was councilman from the old Fourth ward for four years, during which time he was accredited great honors for his excellent services. He was a member of the James B. Steedman post, G. A. R., and of the Masonic order of Houlton, Me. Besides his widow, he leaves two sons, H. C. and X. S. Bryon, grocers, and one daughter, Mrs. Will D. Pratt, all of this city, and a second daughter, Mrs. Hugh Jamieson, of Lynden. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bingham & Stokes chapel on Elk street, with Rev. J. R. Maccartney officiating. At the interment in Bay View cemetery the Steedman post will conduct the burial ceremony.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 9, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.BYRON, Susan H. (d. 1925)
Mrs. Susan H. Byron, aged 78 years, widow of the late Josiah B. Byron, Civil war veteran, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will D. Pratt, 510 East Holly street, at an early hour Saturday morning, May 30, after several weeks' illness. Mrs. Byron had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-five years, and had been an active member of the Garden Street Methodist Episcopal church during those years. She has been a life long member of the Methodist church and will be greatly missed by her many friends. She was also a member of the Woman's Relief Corps of Bellingham, and also an active member of the Ladies' Aid and Missionary societies of the church. Surviving relatives are two daughters, Mrs. Cena M. Jamieson and Mrs. Will D. Pratt, both of Bellingham; one son, X. S. Byron of Everett, Wash., and one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Nellie Byron, wife of the late Horace Byron. Also six grandchildren, Mrs. Charles Park, W. C. Byron and Ivan Jamieson, all of Bellingham, Mrs. Ellis Faunton of Portland, Ore.; Cecil B. Jamieson of Chicago, Ill., and Marlyn Byron of Hollywood, Cal. The body is resting at the Homer Mark mortuary, where funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon, May 31, at 2:30 o'clock, with the Rev. J. C. Harrison, pastor of the Garden Street Methodist church, officiating. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery beside the body of Mr. Byron, who passed away about twelve years ago.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 30, 1925) Image 1, Image 2BYRON, William C. (d. 1938)
Funeral services for William Carleton Byron, aged 43 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Marie L. Byron, 2518 Park Drive, who passed away at the Veterans Hospital, Portland, Oregon, Wednesday morning, September 7, after a six weeks' illness, will be held in the Cathedral Chapel of the Homer Mark Mortuary, Saturday afternoon, September 10, at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. A. E. Wolfe, pastor of the Garden Street Methodist Church officiating, followed by the ritualistic services of Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 44, F. and A. M. Interment will be made in the family plot in Bayview Cemetery with the ritualistic services of Albert J. Hamilton Post No. 7, American Legion. Mr. Byron had been a resident of Bellingham his entire lifetime, and was a member of the Garden Street Methodist Church. He was city councilman of the First ward. Mr. Byron was past master of Bellingham Bay Lodge No. 44, F. & A. M., associate patron of Sehome Chapter No. 17, Order of Easter Star, and a charter member of Albert J. Hamilton Post No. 7, American Legion. He was an employe of the State Highway Department. Surviving relatives besides the widow are one brother, Marlyn Byron, city; his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Byron, city; five aunts of whom Mrs. Will D. Pratt resides in Bellingham, and Mrs. Cena Jamieson resides in Seattle.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 8, 1938)