The Blaine Journal

Friday, January 17, 1908:

Sheriff WILLIAMS has served notice that beginning next Sunday Whatcom county will go under the lid and that saloons and theatres doing business on Sunday after that date will be prosecuted. Marshal WILSON has been notified and has in turn notified the saloon keepers of Blaine and there will be no liquors sold here next Sunday.

Friday, January 24, 1908:

While working on the Great Northern steam shovel at the ball ground Wednesday morning Otis McGUIRE was struck on the head by a flying sledge hammer and rendered unconscious. At first it was feared that the young man was very seriously injured but he is now reported as recovering. The accident occurred about 8 o'clock in the morning. The crew was preparing to move the shovel and one of the workmen was striking a piece of railroad iron in an effort to drive it into place. The sledge hammer slipped away from him and hit young McGUIRE over the left eye. He was taken home and Dr. REEDY was called. It is thought that Mr. McGUIRE will be around again in a few days.

Married, Monday, January 20, by Judge H. B. WILLIAMS, in Bellingham, Charles L. BULLOCK and Clara FAYETTE. Both of the young people are well known in Blaine and will make their home in this city.

Friday, January 31, 1908:

John B. MEAD and Nancy PENDLETON were married at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday evening. The bride is from Custer and the groom from Kansas. They leave for visits in several localities, after which they will reside in Kansas.

-Jesse POPEJOY was awakened Saturday night by hearing some one open his bedroom window. He called and shot at the party, but being but half awake and excited, he failed to hit the intruder, who lost no time about making a good get away.
-Married at the Methodist parsonage at Blaine Wednesday evening, January 29, at 8 o'clock, Mr. MEAD, of Kansas, and Mrs. PENDLETON, of Haynie. They have the best wished of their friends and neighbors.
-Jesse POPEJOY began hauling bolts for the Eclipse mill Wednesday.

-When Mr. VOSCAMP and his father came driving into Custer Tuesday morning, their team took fright at a pile of lumber which Mr. AUSTIN was having moved, and broke loose from the wagon pulling the driver out over the dashboard and into the street. He fell out on his knees and was dragged ten or twelve feet by the lines. The team succeeded in getting away from Mr. VOSCAMP, ran a short distance, and, mixing up with a stump, were caught. Nobody hurt.
-Walter BEATHUES, who was so unfortunate as to get his leg broken several weeks ago, is able to be about on crutches again.
-Clarence MANNING has moved to Custer to live.
-The Custer meat market has closed again.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank COOK departed Monday evening for Pennsylvania, where they intend making their home.
-Sherman JOHNSON has returned from and extended visit to his old home in Indiana.
-Nat BEHME is building a house on his property north of Custer.

February 7, 1908:

C. John H. DAHL this morning received word that his sister-in-law, Mrs. Ernest DAHL, had died at Rimbey, Alberta, after an illness of less than a week. The cause of her death was lagrippe and pneumonia. Mrs. DAHL was formerly a resident of Blaine and will be well and favorably remembered by her many warm friends of this city. Mr. and Mrs. DAHL and children moved to Alberta two years ago, and were highly pleased with their new home. Notwithstanding the fact that two physicians were in attendance upon her during her last illness, and everything possible was done to combat the disease, she could not rally from its effects.

-Walter BAUTHEUS took the Tuesday morning train for Glacier, where he spend (sic) a few days with his friend, Maxwell SPENCER.
-Mrs. Ray TYNER is sick with lagrippe.
-J. N. PRATT has surveyed about ten acres into town lots which he will sell.
-Ed WHALEN cut his han on the cutt-off saw Wednesday.
-J. L. JOHNSTON is doing a little repair work on his mill and is going to start up in a week or two.

-Ray WINERD and Leslie HARVEY are cutting bolts for the Eclipse Shingle Company.
-Johnny McMICHEL, of Kendall, came to Haynie Sunday. He will work with his brother, Lindsey, who is cutting shingle bolts.
-Claude WINERD is packing shingles at the Eclipse mill
-Fred FLINT is running a cook house up in the woods for Mr. NICOLL's bolt cutters and haulers.

-The home of Mrs. W. PARR, of Pleasant Valley, was entered some time the first of last week and robbed of articles of clothing and papers that are of no value to the robber and an old fashioned colts five shot revolver. The house-breaker entered the house by forcing open a back window and breaking the catch. He went thru all of the drawers in the house, taking what he wanted. In the pantry he found some wine and a little liquor which he drank and left the empty bottles on the table. He also tied up one the mattresses as tho to carry it off, but changed his mind. Taking the lamp, he lit it and set it under the parlor stand so that the chimney was close to the fringe of the stand cover, evidently with the intention of setting the place on fire. Mrs. PARR is in Snohomish with her daughter, Mrs. C. B. DAHL, so there was nobody at home. George PARR traced the robber by means of the revolver, which he tried to sell to Thomas LONG, but the boys were a little suspicious and would not buy. He then told them he had swiped it from George PARR and the next day was gone. The thief has been working around here for some time and says he ran away from the reformatory at Vancouver. The public is warned to keep an eye open for him.


Friday, February 21, 1908:

Mrs. Louis OTTESTAD went to Bellingham yesterday morning to attend the wedding of Miss Luratta HUSHART and Ray SMITH. Mr. SMITH is a former resident of Blaine.

Pleasant Valley News
-Harry TARTE, youngest son of John TARTE, is very sick with a case of lung fever.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. LEWIS, a daughter.
-George MARKWOOD and family have moved to Bellingham. Mr. MARKWOOD has been sick since last spring and goes to Bellingham for treatment.
-The old plank road thru Pleasant Valley is in very poor condition and this week a man who was hauling a load of household goods over the road ran into a hole and broke his wagon down. It required several hours of hard labor to repair the damage done the wagon. The old planking on the road has worn out and is now full of chuck holes. It is almost impossible to haul a load over the road in its present condition.

Friday, February 28, 1908:

Rodney HOLZER is confined to his home with a case of appendicitis.

Miss Pearl TUCKER has entered the Journal office and will learn the newspaper business.


Friday, March 6, 1908:

The twenty-one months old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. TAPLIN died at the family home about six o'clock yesterday evening of peritonitis.

Friday, April 3, 1908:

Mrs. Frank BICE died Saturday morning last at the home of her aunt, Mrs. BOBLETT, on Fourth street, the direct cause being blood poisoning. Mrs. BICE had not enjoyed good health for some time. The remains were shipped to Custer on Monday morning's train, where the funeral services were held by Rev. BERRINGER. The interment was made in the Enterprise cemetery. A number of friends and relatives attended the funeral from this city.

Through an oversight we omitted to mention, last week, that a baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. PRATT, on Fourth street. The event occurred on Tuesday, the 24th.

Friday, April 24, 1908:

Mildred, the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. CRAWFORD, passed away at the family home on Harrison avenue yesterday morning at 11 o'clock after an illness of a week. The cause of her death was abscess of the brain.

Friday, May 8, 1908:

Mrs. Paul HERMAN, sister of Addie ROPER, who was murdered at Blaine on January 19, 1907, was granted a decree of divorce from her husband, Paul HERMAN, by Judge KELLOGG yesterday afternoon. The pair's domestic troubles have long since been aired in the court and the granting of the decree may put an end to them. -Herald.

Friday, July 10, 1908:

Geo. W. LOY, an employee of the Great Northern near Cloverdale suffered a painful accident last week and as a result lost his right leg. LOY slipped and fell on the track just as a handcar was approaching and the car passed over his right leg, necessitating the amputation of the member in a New Westminster hospital later.

Friday, August 7, 1908:

Died of Consumption
Olive, the 19-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. PICKETT of this city, passed away last Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of her parents. The cause of her death was consumption, from which disease she had been a sufferer for nearly two years. The funeral services were held in the Baptist church Monday forenoon at 10 o'clock, Rev. J. H. BERRINGER, of Custer, conducting the same, and the burial made in the Blaine cemetery.

Rev. and Mrs. C. H. BURDICK and family departed Wednesday morning for their home at Prophetstown, Ill., after an enjoyable visit in this city with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. WILSON. Mrs. BURDICK has been here since the first of the year, and Mr. BURDICK arrived the latter part of June. Both are well pleased with the country and regretted to depart.

A 10-pound baby girl arrived Monday morning to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. S. SHAW. Mother and babe are both doing well. Of course, it is needless to state that this little girl is a little the nicest one in the city.

Friday, September 11, 1908:

Fred SMITH, who formerly resided here with his parents, died last night at St. Luke's hospital in Bellingham of consumption on his twenty-second birthday. He was brought to that city ten days ago from Denver, Colorado, very weak and beyond hope of recovery. The family is now living in Bellingham. The funeral will be held there tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and the remains will be taken to Seattle for cremation.

Friday, September 25, 1908:

Death Claims An Old Settler
The death of Mrs. H. Bond occurred at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. E. M. Adams, in Bellingham, on the 5th of this month, at the age of 79 years and 3 months. Mrs. Bond was born in Indiana and moved to Chaplin, Minn, in 1857, being united in marriage to Hezekiah Bond in 1858. Her husband enlisted in the civil war and died in the military prison in 1864. She came to Blaine with her daughter in 1887, and since that time has resided in this county. Two children survive her, Dr. S. Bond, of Anoka, Minn., and Mrs. E. M. Adams, of Bellingham, wife of the deputy state labor inspector.

Friday, October 2, 1908:

Oldest Mason in State Dead
Rev. Le CLAIR, for 70 years a member of the Masonic order, died at Lynden Sunday at the ripe age of 96 years. For 40 years the deceased was a frontier preacher in the service of the Methodist church and led an active live. Rev. LeCLAIR was the oldest Mason in the stat of Washington at the time of his death and probably in the United States.

Friday, October 16, 1908:

Mrs. A. BUCHAN passed away Tuesday at her home just this side of Custer after suffering three years from paralysis. The body was brought here to be prepared for burial and was shipped to her old home at Worthington, Minn., yesterday morning where interment will take place. The body was accompanied by her son, W. H. BUCHAN.

Friday, November 13, 1908:

The body of Mrs. P. G. WILSON will arrive on this afternoon's train from Seattle and the funeral services will be held from the Congregational church and burial made in the Blaine cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON were former residents here, he having been the manager of the fertilizer plant before it burned. Mrs. WILSON's death occurred at Seattle on Monday.

Mrs. WILLIAMS Suicides
Like a thunderbolt from a clear sky was the news received here yesterday morning that Mrs. Andrew WILLIAMS, wife of Sheriff WILLIAMS, had committed suicide Wednesday night by shooting herself. Mr. WILLIAMS enjoys a very wide acquaintance here and this sad affair coming on top of the recent bereavement of the family in the loss of their daughter makes it an exceedingly hard burden to bear. Mrs. WILLIAMS has been prostrated since the death of her daughter and in spite of everything that the family could do it was evident that she must be taken to the asylum. This she fought against and led up to the tragedy. She slipped away from the family while supper was being eaten and made her way to the court house four blocks away, where she secured a revolver. Jailor McCADDON heard the shot and soon afterward found the poor woman, death having resulted instantly. Mr. WILLIAMS has the heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends here in his trouble.

Copied by Susan Nahas, 2009

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