The Blaine Journal

Thursday, July 2, 1891:

Dick the ferryman, has painted his boats for this season with brilliant red, white and blue colors and he stands ready as ever to accommodate the general public with boats.

    Considerable excitement has been caused in Blaine during the past week owing to the report that Mr. DRYSDALE would employ in his new cannery a number of Chinese. There was much discussion on the subject, and preparations were made to hold a mass meeting on Saturday evening last. Printed matter was circulated, and a man went to Whatcom to interest the citizens of the Bay in the matter. On the train up came Attorney HILL, Mayor Will D. JENKINS, Editor John DeTIERRE and others, who took an active part in the meeting.
    The opera house was crowded and overflowing with those who favored vigorous action to prevent the landing of Chinese, and some of those who favored no interference. Very earnest speeches were made on both sides, and a committee was appointed to interview Mr. DRYSDALE. Said committee interviewed him Monday and received no satisfaction, and another meeting was called for Monday evening to hear its report and take further action.
    On Monday evening the opera house was filled to the doors again, and numerous vigorous speeches were made. The predominating sentiment seemed to be that the Chinese should be kept away from this point at any hazard. The following resolutions were adopted:
    Whereas, the citizens of Whatcom county, through a feeling of pride and love of their country, have by their earnest efforts freed the county of the Chinese, and
    Whereas, it has been the established policy of the whole people of Whatcom county for the past five years to prevent the importation of any Chinese within our midst; and
    Whereas, the maintenance of that policy has been brought about at a great sacrifice; and
    Whereas, certain parties contemplate thrusting upon us without our consent and against our earnest protest these same Chinese laborers; therefore be it
    Resolved, that the citizens of Whatcom county will use every available effort to keep them clear from the shores of our country; and be it further
    Resolved, that we deplore and condemn the threatened actions of those who ignore the policy and public sentiment of Whatcom county, and who propose from purely selfish motives to re-open a vexatious question, the agitation of which threatens the peace and good order of society; and be it further
    Resolved, that if any attempt is made to land any Chinese after we have thus duly protested, that we will assemble en masse and take them without the borders of the country; and be it further
    Resolved, that we invite every citizen of our country who feels in sympathy with this movement to join in the effort.
O. D. McDONALD acted a chairman of the meeting and H. O. WARD as secretary. At 10:30 p. m. the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the president.

Sunday afternoon as Inspector BUCHANAN was riding down the wharf toward the steamer Idaho which was preparing to leave for up sound, he passed a suspicious looking individual carrying a valice and a box and coat. When the stranger arrived at the end of the dock Mr. BUCHANAN saluted him and requested to be permitted to examine the packages, one of which he had observed already was tied with the invariable whipcord of opium traffic. Upon investigation it was found that the valice and box contained 58 cans of opium, together with a set of burglars tools, and the man, who gave his name as James WILSON, was taken into custody with his contraband goods and lodged in the city jail. On Monday the case was examined before U. S. Commissioner J. F. WARD, and James WILSON was bound over to the U. S. court.
This makes the tenth man arrested by Inspector BUCHANAN in less than two years of service, and we believe no better showing can be made by an inspector.

Mr. J. H. McCAULEY, who has spent several months visiting in Pennsylvania, has returned to Blaine. He will remain here for a time and will then travel to various points of interest on the coast in hopes of benefitting his health.

-Rumor says a Catholic church is to be built in Ferndale.
-There are two new buildings going up, a drug store and a dwelling house.
-Mr. SNEATH has a fine delivery wagon.
-Mrs. John SLATER who has been seriously ill, is improving.
-Arthur COWDEN is very low with typhoid fever.
-Mr. Joseph LOPAS left on Tuesday for Idaho, where he will visit his son.
-Grandpa NORTON left for Minneapolis on Saturday.
-Mr. FULGEIM's family left for Arizona Monday, for the benefit of Mrs. FULGEIM's health.
-Mr. WILLIAMS is suffering from cancer of the liver, and is in a critical condition.

Fred KOCH has about finished his new two-story residence on Blaine avenue near Cherry street.

Constable SAWYER yesterday took to jail at Whatcom John COSTELLO, the man who lately shot John BAKER at Semiahmoo.

C. F. MEGQUIER is now in Anacortes where he is engaged on a small building contract.

There is a proposition to turn the new high school building into a seminary. A committee will shortly wait upon the citizens to lay the matter before them.

An old soldier named James CONWAY is reported very sick with sciatic rheumatism in a tent on the school section. Wallace DEMENT and some of the neighbors are kindly doing what they can to relieve him, but assistance from others would not be out of place.

Mr. DAHL has about completed his cottage on Harrison avenue.

The new residence of Mrs. A. BOND on C street is beginning to assume proportions.

John BAKER was fined $25 for selling whiskey to Indians on Monday by Justice DUNN.

Last Saturday two wagons loaded with a happy party started to go around the bay to visit the DEXTER homestead. Among the company were Mrs. E. A. BOBLETT and her mother, the aged Mrs. WHITCOM, who were sitting together on a high spring seat in the back of one of the wagons. At a rough spot in the road the seat was overturned and the two ladies were thrown backward from the wagon to the ground with teriffic force, stunning them and injuring them so badly that they were unable to ride home in the wagon and were brought across in a boat. At her extreme old age it is feared that Mrs. WHITCOM may not survive the terrible shock she received.

To the merchants and storekeepers of Whatcom county and elsewhere, and to the public:
You are hereby notified by my wife Talitha GEE, has, without just cause or provocation, left my bed and board and refuses to live with me at my home.
I therefore forbid and warn all merchants, storekeepers, and all other persons in Whatcom county and elsewhere, not to furnish or supply the said Talitha GEE with money, goods or credits, or necessaries of any kind up on my name or credit. And you are further notified that if you do so furnish or supply the same that I will in no event pay for them or in any manner become responsible therefor.
Blaine, Wash., July 2, 1891.
Note: she was also known as Tabitha

-John GISCHER is building a fine root house.
-Wm. J. LOCHABY and May E. MILNE of Seattle, spent Sunday at Geo. McHEFFEY's and have gone to Whatcom where they will be married Monday and return to Seattle. May joy go with them all along their path in life.
-Mr. BULLA closed his summer term of school the evening of the 19th, inst. with a very interesting program, which was enjoyed by a crowded house. Mr. BULLA stands at the head of first-class instructors.

Thursday, July 9, 1891:

J. W. MORGAN, M. J. HENEY and S. W. HENRY were registered at the Arlington hotel Tuesday. They came from Lynden over the Drayton, Lynden & Spokane Falls right-of-way. Mr. HENEY is a contractor and will probably bid on its construction.

Among the visitors to Blaine on the fourth were councilman CURTIS and wife, of New Westminster. Mr. CURTIS is a brother of Secretary CURTIS of the Water Co.

    Early Monday morning the steamer Michigan came into this port with supplies and a force of Chinese for the DRYSDALE cannery. We are informed that there were twenty-five men in the gang, and that they immediately took up their quarters in the old cannery.
    Close behind the Michigan, so they say, came the U. S. cutter Walcott, which lay to in the outing to see whether there was any reception given the yellow boys. As everything was quiet the cutter soon got up steam and left for Port Townsend.
    Since their arrival the Chinese have been fitting up their quarters and preparing to commence the work of packing.
    Steam was got up in the cannery for the first time Tuesday evening and again last evening, and Superintendent LORD informs us that they will be ready to commence active operations if the fish are on hand to-morrow.

Mrs. W. E. GIBSON, of Gilman, Wash., is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Wm. FOX, of Blaine.

    A week or so ago there started out of Blaine on a prospecting tour to Mt. Baker range W. H. RADCLIFFE, J. T. SHAW, E. H. THOMAS and Richard L. SMITH. At Sumas the party was reinforced by John LYNCH and Wm. GARRETT.
    The party had prospected all about the foothills of Mt. Baker, and had partly ascended the mountain itself meeting with the usual difficulties and hardships of prospectors in a rough section of country. On the 2d. they were about going into camp at the left base of Mt. Baker, when E. H. THOMAS and Richard L. SMITH took their guns and went out to look for mountain goats. After considerable climbing, in which they shot two goats, which, however, they were unable to get, they started to return to camp. When about a thousand feet from camp, and descending an old glacier gulch, Mr. SMITH who was traveling ahead with his gun held by the mussle and pushing the butt against the bank below to find a safe footing, in some way struck the hammer against a stone, discharging the ball which struck him in the muscle part of the left arm severing the auxillary artery. Immediately the blood began to pour out in torrents, and the wounded man fainted. Mr. THOMAS asked him anxiously: "Are you shot, Dick?" And just at that instant the unfortunate man fell and rolling down the side of the old glacier bank bounded from boulder to boulder until he reached the bottom nearly two hundred feet below. All this occurred in plain sight of his companion and the others of the party, but by the time they reached him, which was a dangerous and difficult task, he had nearly blead to death.
    Just before he breathed his last he seemed to be coming to himself, and asked for his father and other members of his family who live in Brannan, Wisconsin, and then regaining full consciousness, though he did not realize that he had fallen, said: "I am going to die boys, but I am glad it was me instead of one of you."
    It was a solemn occasion, and one which will never be forgotten by those who witnessed it, surrounded by the rugged mountains and the awful stillness, with the young man's soul passing away before them, who but a few moments before was cheerfully chatting with his companion.
When the end came they took him up tenderly and bore his body to the top of the ascent where they, as he had requested, rolled him in four blankets and buried him.
    A gloom fell on the whole party which they could not shake off, and they at once decided to return home. They arrived in Blaine on the evening of the 6th, worn and sad from their disastrous trip and brought the news.
    Speaking of the dead young man, Mr. RADCLIFFE said, he was the most cheerful man in the party, at every unpleasant incident he had a pleasant word, and in every way tried to divert the thoughts of the party from the hardships of the trip and its difficulties. In camp, the place best fitted to bring out men's generous manliness or their shirking selfishness, "Dick," as they called him, proved himself to be every inch a worthy companion, always bearing his part with cheerfulness and willingness, and impressing every one with the fact of his wholesouldniss of heart.
    Mr. SMITH was not very much known in Blaine, but all those who did know him remember him a s a warm-hearted well-behaved quiet young man who meddled with no one's business but his own, and made friends of everyone with whom he met. He worked here last season for a time for the publisher of this paper, and then on the Hollinshead building and the Baptist church, boarding most of the time at the Holbrook house. He was about thirty-five years old and single.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle HICKS, of Custer, visited Blaine last Sunday evening.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. G. W. BRITAIN, Thursday morning, July 9, 1891, a boy weighing 12 1/2 pounds. Mother and son both doing nicely.

Last evening at the Metropolitan hotel there was a quiet wedding, only a few friends of the contracting parties witnessing the ceremony. Councilman G. W. CONRAD, of Blaine and Mrs. Isabel ASHLEY of Des Moines were united in marriage, Rev. A. A. WATSON performing the ceremony. Councilman CONRAD received the highest vote at the late election and it is therefore certain that he will receive the congratulations of the whole community, and the Journal also wishes to offer it congratulations along with the rest.

Monday evening there arrived in Blaine from Kansas, a middle aged lady of pleasant appearance, who it was learned was Mrs. M. A. HICKS, from Wetmore, that state. Mrs. HICKS repaired to the residence of R. W. MORRISON, on B street and about 11 p.m. Justice STILLWELL called at the same place where the marriage ceremony was performed and Mr. MORRISON and Mrs. HICKS were declared man and wife. Today Prof. MORRISON is too happy to worry himself much about Chinese or any one else, and we congratulate him.

Last Saturday morning very early fire broke out in the rear of the small building belonging to Mr. E. SORENSEN, opposite the International hotel on Washington avenue. The flames soon communicated with the Piedmont saloon, which stood next to it, and both buildings were wrapped in flames. Luckily there was no wind blowing at the time, and the flames and sparks shot straight upward. The heat was quite intense, however, and several times it looked as though other surrounding buildings would also be destroyed. There was no water connection at this point, although the pipes were in, but a hole was cut in the main and a bucket brigade organized which did valiant work which resulted in saving the other buildings. Mr. SORENSEN's building and the Piedmont, however, were entirely consumed.

This morning the community was shocked to hear that Dr. G. D. DEMENT had taken poison, either by mistake or with the intent to commit suicide. Mrs. DEMENT discovered him about 9 o'clock last evening in an apparently dying condition. Dr. REEVES was sent for and soon after called in Dr. KING for consultation. Every thing was done for the relief of the sufferer, but for a long time with apparently no effect. At our latest report, however, the Dr. was resting apparently improved and his attendants hope to entirely recover him. A peculiar feature of the case is that the physicians are unable to discover just what the aged doctor has taken, but it is believed by them to be Cactus Grandiflorum, a deadly poison. He refuses to divulge the nature of the drug, and it will probably remain a secret until an analysis is had.

Thursday, July 16, 1891:

T. W. SPENCER, who has for some time been deputy customs collector at Roache Harbor, has been transferred to Blaine. Whether to remain permanently or not is not known.

Little Miss Iola M. LOOMIS met with a painful accident Tuesday evening. While at play out back of the Arlington restaurant she became frightened at a cow, and in jumping from a log struck her ankle against a large stone, fracturing the tibia bone in her leg about half way between the ankle and the knee. Dr. REEVES was called and dressed the fracture, and she is now resting quite comfortably, though still suffering much pain.

John ELWOOD has removed to New Westminster for the burial of the remains of his sister Minnie, who died and was buried on Semiahmoo spit some fourteen or fifteen years ago.

W. C. HAMMOND informs us that H. B. STRAND has made arrangements to colonize twenty-five families of Swedes on his place near Birch Bay. As these people will have more or less communication with Blaine this is a matter of interest to our city.

P. D. HARKNESS received word Tuesday that his father and sister had met with a serious runaway accident at Nooksack Crossing. Leaving the telegraph office in charge of Mr. McCALL Mr. HARKNESS hurried over to the Crossing. A telegram from him last evening states that they were very dangerously injured, especially his sister, but that he would return home this evening.

Tuesday a little child of Mr. J. GLENN went to a neighbor's well and climbed upon the cover. The cover tilted and spilled the little one, who was only a year and a half old, to the water twelve feet below. The cover then also fell in, and when Mrs. GLENN ran to the well she could see nothing of the baby, the cover completely hiding it from view. The mother screamed once or twice, but not succeeding in attracting help, she sprang in herself. The distance to the water was twelve or fifteen feet and the water four or five feet deep, but strange to say neither mother or child were seriously hurt. They were rescued from their uncomfortable position by Frank DEMENT in a short time, but the sensations of those few minutes will linger in Mrs. GLENN's mind for some time to come.

On Thursday night last, July 9, Dist. Dept. Grand Master McINTOSH of Whatcom, assisted by A. N. CAVE of Lynden, and the genial Jerry NETERER, once of Blaine, but now occasionally of Whatcom, installed the following officers of Blaine Lodge No. 80, I.O.O.F.:
A. E. MEAD, Noble Grand; Jno. W. G. MERRITT, Vice; J. B. WEBSTER, Recording Sec.; H. B. POTTER, Per.; E. M. ADAMS, Treasurer.

The cannery commenced operating Sunday by the preparing of 500 fish for the cans.

Messrs. W. H. RADCLIFFE, Geo. DILLON and H. MARTIN are now acting as night watchmen at the cannery.

   EARLY Brothers recently purchased a large tract of ground in the south part of our city for a merchant brick yard. On the 10th inst. they commenced making brick, and will have a kiln of 200,000 ready for burning by August 12th.
   They will employ a force of twelve men and will increase to fifteen about July 20th.
   They propose making at Blaine, as we have the best clay here and will ship their products to up-sound cities.
   Their capacity will be 12,000 common brick and 2,000 repressed brick per day.

J. C. BERTRAND is now employed by Mr. DRYSDALE as interpreter to buy salmon of the Indian fishermen. He is stationed at Point Roberts.

C. A. McCLENNAN, who has been customs inspector on Bellingham bay, was this week transferred to Blaine. Inspector James BUCHANAN goes to the bay to take Mr. McCLENNAN's place.

The customs authorities on both sides of the international boundary line at this point are becoming quite particular. Everything must report now. If you wish to take your best girl out riding on the B. C. side in a Blaine rig you had better go to the office of the British inspector at the St. Leonard hotel and report; also report when leaving and returning at the U. S. office here. If you are going horseback, the same, and we don't know about baby cabs and bicycles, it might be well to inquire about that, and if your old cow strays across the line she may belong to Victoria before you see her again, or Uncle Sam may have her by the horns if she doesn't report when she comes in again. There is a wall with a gate in it, sure now.

J. V. CHOWN has established a cedar camp at Birch Bay with a force of ten men. They will commence work at once getting out material for the manufacture of shingles at the big mill.

There was a grand sight out in Semiahmoo bay Sunday evening when twenty porpoises or, humpback whales, we could not tell which, went puffing and blowing by Birch Bay heading out into the gulf. Every time one of the monsters plunged forward and spouted the salt water high in the air, his tail or back fin would protrude from the water at least five feet. The spectators could hear them snort like frightened horses, though with more volume and greater force, though they were fully two miles out from shore. It was a grand sight to see them plough the water to a foam, and judging from the length exposed to view they must have been fully thirty feet in length.

District Deputy Grand Chancellor Frank T. HURLBURT of International Lodge No. 57, K. of P. installed officers Monday night, July 9, for term ending Dec. 31st, as follows:
E. F. FISCHER, C. C.; W. R. COHOON, Vice-Chancellor; Geo. TERRY, Prelate; J. B. WEBSTER, Keeper of Records and Seal; G. A. GEIGER, Master at Arms; O. C. MARTIN, Inner Guard; G. J. KAUDY, Outer Guard.

Thursday, July 23, 1891:

   Late last Thursday evening the sad news was brought to Blaine by Mr. KNUPPENBERG that Walter MOORE had been killed in MORTON Bro's sawmill on the Nicomekl river in British Columbia. The exact particulars of his sudden death are not known. He was a brother of Mrs. A. M BIGGS, the esteemed principal of the Blaine public schools, and was very much liked by those who knew him. The deceased young man, Walter Franklin MOORE, was born in Elmore, Ottawa county, Ohio, August 31st, 1863. He went to Garden City, Kansas in 1879. When he grew older he engaged with his father in stock raising. Two years ago next month, his health having failed, he came to Washington. He regained his health very rapidly, and worked the first winter at Bothell, near Seattle. A year ago last April he came to Blaine, where he has since remained. He began working in the Nicomekl sawmill about a month ago.
   The following statements are what is known of the accident:
   Mr. MOORE had gone to set some more machinery in motion by throwing on a certain belt. Just what followed no one knows. The belt was evidently placed in position. He was somehow caught by another belt near by, carried several feet and struck the floor above. The man on the next floor stood right above, and hearing the noise immediately stopped the mill, and hastening below found the young man dead.
   He had put on the belt a number of time before, and was considered by mill men as particularly sure-footed and level-headed. Every care and respect possible was given him by the MORTON Bro's and their men. Although quiet and retired in manner he appeared to have won much respect and affection. A few Sundays before his death he had in the Methodist church confessed his belief in Christ and determination to be his follower.
The funeral occurred on Saturday at the M. E. church in Blaine, and was largely attended. The sermon, preached by Rev. KINDRED was very affecting, and the floral offerings were profuse and elegant.

Geo. PERLY is considering the early construction of a three-story brick block at the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street.

They say all this smoke we are having to-day is caused by M. W. ERICKSON's big slashing, which is burning out on Boundary ridge.

It may be rather old news now, but may not be known to some of our readers that on the 11th of this month, J. F. MOUNT, a former resident of Blaine, and Miss Lillie WEBSTER, of Neosio Falls, Kansas, were married in Tacoma. Friends in Blaine will congratulate.

Capt. William REUTON, of Port Blakely, died Saturday evening at the age of 83.

Miss Mari MOORE, of Whatcom, came up Friday to attend the funeral of her cousin and foster brother, Walter MOORE.

Donald ROSS is keeping the water hot at his bath house on the Cain wharf, and if you want a good bath just stop in there of an evening and see how nice you will sleep after it.

The steamer Michigan brought in sixteen additional Chinamen for the DRYSDALE cannery Monday night. The steamer remained at the cannery during the night and then left for Victoria we are informed.

County Superintendent G. B. JOHNSON and Mr. H. PATTISON, who has recently been elected principal of the Sehome schools, were visitors to Blaine Friday. They came with the intention of making arrangements for a teachers' meeting to be held here soon, but the recent affliction of the family of Mrs. BIGGS prevented. They will be in Blaine again soon.

On Sunday last the Young Men's Christian Association held a memorial service in respect to Walter MOORE who was killed in the Nicomekl sawmill last Thursday. T. J. HARLING lead the meeting with feeling remarks upon the sudden taking of one of their number, and all the young men present spoke in a very effective way of the young man's connection with the association, his earnest devotion and his faithful testimonies.

Monday, Geo. W. SMITH, of Fairhaven, was in Blaine with photographs of the recent ascent of Mt. Baker. The pictures are certainly convincing to anyone that the LOWE party made the trip as they claimed to have done. They were taken from every stage of the journey from the Nooksack river to the dome. The crater, the glacier, the various camps, etc., and the party was photographed after the trip showing their worn out condition. They deserve credit for their grit and endurance, and the reminiscences and pictures which they have secured will be of much interest to all viewers of the ragged old peak. Mr. SMITH says they feel repaid for their hardships.

DIED - Very suddenly of cholera infantum, on Friday, July 17th, 1891, Chester L. Brittain (sic), aged 17 months and 15 days, son of G. W. and Mary B. BRITTIAN (sic), of Blaine, Washington.

We wish to express our sincerest gratitude for the kind and ready sympathy and help from so many friends when we lost Walter, our dear son and brother. We wish to include the absent father, Wm. MOORE, of Essex, Kansas, in our expressions of gratitude.
Mrs. L. MOORE and Daughters.

The I. O.G.T. will give a lawn social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McCRACKEN on G street next Tuesday evening. Refreshments ten cents. Every one invited.

Dr. McCAULEY, of Ellensburg, is in Blaine visiting Dr. BURKE. He expects to remain here about a month.

Wm. DICKERSON has just completed for COHOON and SEELY a fine large fishing boat, which was launched Monday, and is now at work upon a smaller boat for the same parties.

We have received number 3 of volume 1 of The Morning Glory a new daily paper started at Lynden with Peck MACSWAIN as editor and G. N. O'DELL as business manager. May it be as glorious as the plant for which it is named, and may it last much longer.

-T. E. SELIN went to Whatcom the other day and bought a wagon team and harness and is having his new house painted ready to move into.
-The soot caught fire in John GISSHER's chimney last Saturday evening and came near burning his house by igniting a wooden screen in the fire place.
-G. W. GATES of Courtland, N. Y. was around last week looking after things connected with W. R. CARR's estate.
-Mrs. BARRETT and daughter Dell were visiting at Geo. GRIMMETTS last week, and returned to Blaine Friday.

On Tuesday the first shipment of fresh fish was sent out of Blaine to outside customers. The shipment was small, only 500 pounds, but is all right for a beginning. These fish were forwarded by COHOON & SEELY by the Great Northern railroad to Bellingham bay parties.

Thursday, July 30, 1891:

Mr. LINDSTROM has commenced work on his new residence.

The CAIN's are building another large wood house at their residence.

F. L. OLSLAGER, accountant, of Fairhaven, has been spending a few days in Blaine.

Mr. F. HERMAN, of Fairhaven, is in Blaine, and will assume the duties of station agent. Mr. GLASSFORD will go to Minneapolis.

The Blaine Land Company, in persuance to the order of the court, on Tuesday held their election and assumed management of their own affairs. J. J. RUTLEDGE, Geo. H. WESTCOTT and W. J. GILLESPIE were elected trustees.

Ferndale is making extensive preparations for the meeting of Whatcom county veterans which will take place there on August 27th, 28th and 29th. The gathering is one of the popular ones of this part of the country and will be attended this year by not only the old soldiers, but members of the W.R.C. and the Sons of Veterans and a large number of citizens. Ferndale has always been the most successful in this gathering, and this year will outdo all her former efforts. The Fairhaven Herald has the following to say of the coming meeting: "M. M. CLOTHIER, of Ten Mile, in the Nooksack Valley, was here yesterday on business connected with the county encampment of Veterans, that is to be held at Ferndale, August 27, 28 and 29. Comrade CLOTHIER has secured for the association a spacious tent, which will be erected on the grounds to be used as an audience room, that will seat about 700 people. The grounds for the encampment - at a sightly place on the banks of the Nooksack river - have been cleared and leveled for the purpose. There will be an excellent programme of song, instrumental music, speeches, an original poem, military exercises, feasts and all other features necessary for a big time for the Veterans, Sons of Veterans, Relief Corps and their friends, and a big crowd is expected."

Mr. JOHNSTON, the school superintendent held the first of the annual school examinations at the central school building, Friday, July 24th, 1891. There were four applicants for diplomas, granting them entrance into the advance course of the Washington common schools. The four passed, doing themselves and teacher credit. They were obliged to be examined in constitution without having regularly studied it. Mr. Percy GETCHELL was ahead in mathematics, standing 90, Miss Blanche GETCHELL carried of the honors in history, 98, physiology 98 and grammar 98 per cent. Miss Flora DAVIES had the honors in constitution 78, and penmanship 90 per cent. Mr. Willie COLE stood the highest in geography 87. Seventy-five is the per cent required to pass. Miss Lottie THOMAS did not try for a diploma but among the studies she took, was ahead in spelling 94, and reading 90. In Blaine Mr. JOHNSTON has been very successful in his undertaking. In the school he has created an interest and respect for his office and a confidence and friendliness towards himself.

Three Men Shot Near Sedro



    Nearly every one has heard something of last Sunday night's tragedy at Sedro. On the surface it looks as if two sets of officers were in pursuit of the same game and had come in contact in the night time and opened upon each other with their revolvers either with malice or under a misapprehension with fatal results to two members of one set of officers, but the secret truth of the matter will probably never be know. Reports as we get them from the daily papers are that George POORE, J. E. TERRY and Z. T. HOLDEN, of Seattle, had in charge about a mile north of Sedro a number of Chinese. J. C. BAIRD and James BUCHANAN were after the same Chinese and possibly a part of the white men. The two parties met in the road a mile north of Sedro, when firing commenced, and POORE was killed, shot through near the heart, TERRY was shot through the groin and BAIRD received a scalp wound. There is no record that HOLDEN or BUCHANAN were injured.
    BAIRD and BUCHANAN were put under arrest by the civil authorities of Skagit county. A preliminary hearing was held Tuesday, but nothing was brought out definitely fixing any guilt upon anyone, except that a man had been shot to death by another man or men, and the hearing was adjourned until yesterday.
    Following is the testimony of Inspector BUCHANAN, given in the preliminary hearing Tuesday:
I live at New Whatcom. Am an inspector of customs and have been for nearly two years. I was there and had got a telegram from BAIRD to come and help get some Chinamen. I showed the telegram to the collector. When I was in Sumas I saw a man called a smuggler. I saw the same man here. I went into the woods with BAIRD to find this man TERRY. That was in the daytime. The next time was when we came out of this road on the night of the shooting. We heard the Chinamen coming. They were going toward Sumas. We hid until they turned and commenced to come down grade. Then we jumped up and called on them to halt, that we were customshouse officers. They fired three shots and then BAIRD commenced to shoot. We were quite close. They never said a word. There was no conversation. I called on them to halt as loud as I could holloa. After the shooting there was one man dead, and BAIRD was lying down near the dead man. He took a [] and a pair of knuckles out of his pocket. BAIRD thought he was shot in the breast and head. We came leisurely back to Wooley. We did not run. There is no truth in TERRY's statement that we ran. The men ahead of the Chinamen commenced to fire at us first. I received a telegram from BAIRD asking me to come here. I carried a 38-calibre revolver. We had no plan to carry out. We were just going to capture the Chinamen. We didn't know whether we would capture opium or Chinamen. When we got to the place the Chinamen came out of the woods above the track. We were below waiting to see which way they would go. When the shooting commenced we were twenty or thirty feet from them. Probably I was fifteen feet from BAIRD when the shooting began. BAIRD said, "Halt!" The white men in the lead shot first. That was nearly down at the bottom of the corduroy road. I don't remember whether the dead man had a beard or not. He was a small man. I put my hand on his face after he was dead, but can't remember how he looked. I was not so very badly excited. As the men fought they moved around a little, stepping rapidly. BAIRD and the dead man finally got together. POOR (sic) did not move more than five feet from where he was first shot. I was off to the side, perhaps ten or fifteen feet away. I did not retreat after the firing commenced. I could have gone back if I had wanted to, but I didn't. I don't think I killed him. The ball is too big for my revolver. It was necessary for me to shoot to preserve myself. I could have run, but I would rather have it in my face than in my back. We were into the shooting and had to stay. I don't think it would have done any good to retreat. Yes, I fired to kill.
    At the conclusion of the examination yesterday BAIRD and BUCHANAN were discharged, exonerated and complimented. Justice TERRY, before whom the examination took place declared his belief that BUCHANAN and BAIRD had acted only in the line of duty, and could hardly have done otherwise.
    Nate BAIRD returned from Wooley to-day, where he had been attending the examination, and says there was great satisfaction felt at the outcome among the people of Sedro and Wooly. He says one has only to look at the ground and the routes taken by the Chinese and their escorts, to be convinced that the unlucky party was a smuggling outfit. The Seattle papers, from his report, have not done themselves any credit in their reports of this matter, having endeavored all through to cover up the truth or avoid committing themselves to it. We must say that of two days' report in the Post and Telegraph we have only been able to discover that something was being kept in the background, and have been able to sift no grain of truth out of them.
    No further action will probably be taken against BAIRD and BUCHANAN.

Mr. Henry STENDER is clearing three lots on E street near Fifth.

H. C. CONDON, of Arlington, Oregon, has been in Blaine for several days lately.

Senator W. J. PARKINSON, of the Whatcom district is summering at his old home, Ballston, N. Y., and will not return to Washington before Christmas.

Saturday the Lummi Indians played another exciting game of baseball with the Blaine Base Ball Boys, which resulted in a score of 13 to 14 in favor of the Blaine boys.

C. H. HOLDEN, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, now a Chautauqua enthusiast of this state, visited Blaine last week with a view to working up their great university scheme to some extent here.

Mrs. DAVIS, widow of B. N. L. DAVIS, has just disposed of five acres of prunes for $2500. The buyer of the fruit gives this money for the fruit on the trees. Five hundred dollars per acre is pretty good profit. There are hundreds of thousands of farmers in the east who are unable to get so great a sum for the produce of a whole quarter section. -Seattle Press Times.

There is considerable talk in every direction concerning the Sedro tragedy, and there are various views expressed from Seattle to Blaine on the subject of the intent of the men who did the fatal shooting. In regard to Inspector BUCHANAN, however, who has lived near this place for eight years, it is the opinion of all who know him that whatever he did he believed he was in the line of duty, and did no shooting from malice or intent to be revenged on any one. It is believed he will be able to show that his only desire was to do his duty.

D. C. SHAW and son, of Lynden, were in Blaine yesterday.

F. T. HURLBURT has gone to Salem, Oregon for a visit of a fortnight.

J. W. CAPLES, of Forest Grove, Oregon, has been upon a visit to Blaine during the past week.

The boilers of the big shingle mill were set yesterday. Mr. CHOWN says the mill will probably be in operation by August 20th.

Last week David CRAIG the Hall's Prairie milk man, who has been supplying the Blaine people with milk, came into Blaine as usual, but while here traded off his old wagon for another old wagon and drove home. Soon after the customs authorities of Blaine, B. C., seized his whole outfit, and Mr. CRAIG came over and paid people back their money for tickets, and will go out of the milk business until we have reciprocity or commercial union.

Thursday, August 6, 1891:

Blaine, Wash., August 6, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that certain five promissory notes, each for $20, by the undersigned to J. C. BAIRD, were given for a supposed consideration, which consideration was found to be not as represented. I now therefore refuse to pay any of said five notes and hereby warn any person from purchasing the same.

G. J. KAUDY has removed his undertaking parlors and cabinet shop to H street near Washington avenue, where he will be ready to attend to the wants of customers in his line.

Rev. WELLS came on the train at Ferndale last Saturday evening and informed the Journal man that the citizens of that place are preparing for the biggest kind of time on the 27th and 28th insts., when the soldiers gather.

Mr. KAUDY has just finished for Dr. CLARK an elegant book case. It stands about eight feet high, and is finished in native cedar and redwood. All the mouldings are hand made, and there is some elegant hand carving on the case. It is elegant enough to satisfy the most fastidious taste.

Last Saturday, Mr. Wm. PARR had a disastrous runaway on the streets of Blaine. The team started near the sawmill and ran up E street. When they reached eighth street they ran down the railroad to H, then to Harrison avenue. Then to Boblet street, where they turned and took the wagon up the BENNET's blacksmith shop, and left it. The were caught in the south part of town and driven back to the wagon, which was not very badly broken. In their mad career they had destroyed a large quantity of butter and smashed seventeen dozen eggs and broke a wheel off the wagon.

J. C. BAIRD was yesterday arrested on a warrant sworn out by Z. T. HOLDEN charging him with interfering with a U. S. customs officer. He will be tried today at Seattle before U. S. Commissioner KEIFER, J. V. CHOWN and W. A. WOOLLEY went on BAIRD's bail bond. This last move of HOLDEN's looks like a bold game of bluff and may result in disaster to himself. Reliable citizens of Sumas have positively state that he was connected with TERRY in smuggling operations, and this attack upon BAIRD may result in HOLDEN's own downfall along with some other people. BAIRD may have been hasty, be he believed he was doing his duty, and it may come out more fully before this is through that he was right about it. It may be well to wait and see what this last move develops, but now the people of Blaine believe BAIRD and BUCHANAN acted in good faith. The trial today is being watched with deep interest.

Chairman PROSSER, of the harbor line commission was accompanied to Blaine this time by his wife and two children.

F. O. McDOYLE and C. B. KEANE, are today putting in a telephone line from the Arlington hotel to the E street restaurant. This is just the beginning of what is intended to be a complete telephone system for Blaine. The instrument is a new invention of Mr. McDOYLE's and is a great improvement on all other kinds.

Work is progressing nicely on the two new school buildings.

E. M. THURLOW and his mother, of Seattle, visited Blaine this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. POPPLE and Mrs. F. H. CURTIS, left this morning for Fairmont, Minnesota, where the POPPLEs will probably spend the winter. Mr. CURTIS, who has been visiting in Blaine for some time, is a sister of Mrs. POPPLE.

-Chas. BLACK lost his stable and hen-house last week by fire, whose origin is unknown; possibly by a mouse nibbling a match.
-The Blaine Shingle Mill Co., is putting in a large lot of cedar logs at HENSPETER's.
-Josiah WHITE will build a dwelling on the beach near Mr. VOGHT's this summer.
-Mrs. Retta HARDEN, of Harden, is visiting her mother Mrs. M. DUKES.
-School closed in Pleasant Valley last Friday for a one month vacation, and the directors have wisely engaged Mr. KIRKPATRICK again for the winter term.
-Birch Bay school house will be enclosed by a substantial picket fence and painted, and have a wood shed attached, Mr. OSIER having the contract.
-A. NEWMAN, who built T. E. SELINS' house, starts next Friday for Selina City, Kansas, where he lives.
-F. M. STEGALL, R. J. McLENDEN have sold their land in Pleasant Valley and will return to Blanco county, Texas, to live.
Frank JAMES.

Thursday, August 13, 1891:

The first general reception given in Lynden, was that on last Thursday, from 1 to 9 p. m., by Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY in honor of the fify-fifth anniversary of her sister, Mrs. W. H. SMITH, or familiarly known as Aunt Rachal SMITH. Over 200 people were present during the afternoon, all personal friends of Aunt Rachal and Mrs. HAWLEY. Refreshments and ice cream were served and a general good time was enjoyed. Rachael A. CRAVEN came to Lynden with Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY in June nineteen years ago, for the purpose of taking up government land, and entered the claim now owned by Mr. James O'NEIL, but single blessedness was a little lonely in those days when neighbors were so scarce, and on August 24, 1873, Miss CRAVEN was married to Henry W. SMITH in consequence of which she had to give up her homestead claim. This was, as far, as we can learn, the first white marriage that occurred in the Nooksack valley, if not the first in the country. Aunt Rachael has, however procured some land, for when they sold their old home west of town, Mr. SMITH purchased eighty acres adjoining the townsite and made the deed to his jolly and affectionate wife. -Press.

C. A. PUARIEA late of this county, but now of Tacoma, was in Blaine Monday.

-Boston's hill is gradually improving, and the farmers will appreciate its solid foundation, next winter. Mr. RADCLIFFE has the contract for corduroying the hill from top to bottom and is doing a good piece of work.
-The Misses SMITH are attending the teacher's institution at Whatcom this week.
-Born to the wife of L. FOX, August 3rd, a daughter. Mother and child are doing well.
-W. PRICE of Lynden, was in Mountain View on Saturday.
-The M. E. church north of the parsonage is looming up, the Baptist on the south has the foundation laid, and with other denominations that contemplate building, Ferndale will have the appearance of a second Brooklyn, but the population is capable of filling but one.
-The family of Mr. HUDLOW, living a mile north of Ferndale are sadly afflicted, a pair of twins died last week, a fifteen year old son and mother continued to their bed.
-The nine months old child of C. E. TAWS died of cholerainfantum last week.
-Ferndale has a new bell on the school house.
-Mr. HATCH will soon move into his new house.
-The ladies aid society are preparing to have a bazaar in October, to aid in building the Congregational church.
-Mrs. ROWLY, wife of Rev. ROWLY, who has been visiting Mrs. WELLS, left for Victoria on Friday, where she visits her daughter.
-Mrs. MAYFIELD is building a residence on the east side of the river.

BURKE - At her home in Blaine on Monday evening, August 10th, Mrs. Alice BURKE, wife of Dr. E. W. BURKE, aged 23 years.
The death of Mrs. BURKE was a shock to this community. She had lived in Blaine only little more than a year, and was of modest retiring disposition, but had found the warm regard of a large number of the people of the city. Her death was sad indeed, in all its touching surrounding circumstances. Only a little over a year ago Alice EISENBRUTH, who was a daughter of a leading family in Keokuk, Iowa, came half way across the continent to marry the man she loved, thus demonstrating the truth of her nature. They were married on July 12th, 1890, and came to Blaine to live. Last week their home was gladdened by the arrival of a little daughter, but as often is the case, the mother was too great a sufferer, and gave her life for the little one. The funeral Tuesday was attended by a large number of citizens, and Rev. KINDRED, of the M. E. church preached an encouraging funeral sermon, taking his text Matt. xxviii 6. The choir sang beautiful appropriate hymns, and many in the congregation were moved to tears. A large number of carriages followed the casket to the cemetery.

    While the past two months have been gliding away Mr. DRYSDALE has been having built on Semiahmoo spit one of the cosiest summer homes in this section. The building is Eastlake cottage style with a porch extending half way around it, and sits close beneath two large fir trees which overhang it in a sheltering fashion.
    In entering the building there is a small hall about 7x12 feet in size, which opens into the sitting room and to two bedrooms. The sitting room is 16x16, well lighted from the porch by sliding French windows, and has a handsome fireplace and mantel with fancy tile hearth, etc.
    Off the sitting room is Mrs. DRYSDALE's own private room, which is nearly as large as the sitting room and has a fireplace and also a large handsome closet.
    In the front of the house on this same floor and two bedrooms, one 12x16 and one 12x12, and off the sitting room to the back is a bedroom 10x12.
    The dining room is 12x18, and leading from the dining room is the billiard room 16x18 which opens out upon the front porch. The kitchen is 11x18, and off the kitchen are a convenient pantry and the bath room. The cooking will be done on a large range.
    Above the bath room is a large water tank and off the bath room, with an outside door leading to it, is the private closet, which is furnished with water fittings.
    There are also two back porches, to the building making it not only handsome but convenient.
    The upper floor has not yet been finished, but will be with four large bedrooms, making the house not only very neat and cosy, but large as well.
    The plan is the selection of Mrs. DRYSDALE, drawn by FISCHER & BERRY, and the builder is F. B. SCHUPP. The paper hanging and painting is done by L. E. LAMAR in his usual artistic fashion.
    The house stands where the old CLARK house used to be and is a pretty as well as comfortable location among the grove of fir trees.

Saturday there was an exciting runaway on the spit in which Mr. OSIER's boys had a buggy smashed to kindling wood.

L. M. LAPOINTE is here from Ellensburg this week.

Elwood KEAN came over from New Westminster on a visit the first of the week.

The Y. M. C. A. is organizing a full orchestra and intend to make their four o'clock Sunday afternoon meetings interesting hereafter with good music.

C. C. SMITH has bought the dray business of George SMITH and hereafter it will be attended to by G. H. ABERS. Have orders for teaming, etc., to C. C. SMITH B street or Mr. ABERS and they will be promptly attended to.

Many of our readers will remember an elderly man named Wm. CLOUGH, who made considerable money last spring in Blaine real estate, having owned lots near JOHNSON's hardware store on E street which he sold at a large profit, and bought some later on C near Fifth. He is now in Victoria hopelessly ill with gangrene and given up by the doctors. A nephew is taking care of him, and he is only expected to live a few weeks at most. His effects were taken over to Victoria last week.

Yesterday the steamer Seattle returned from the islands with the TARTE party who have been spending several weeks camping in that delightful locality. Several Blaine people were in the party and report having a delightful time. Among those who enjoyed the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas QUIRT, Mr. and Mrs. Whit. TARTE, Al TARTE, J. KLASEN, Miss May PARR, and Miss Dora WEST. The residents on the islands treated them very hospitably, and have increased the reputation of the archipelago for summer picnicking.

We had a little conversation Tuesday with Mrs. A. THURLOW, who used to live here before the town of Blaine had an existence. She left here in 1880, and has not been here since until a few days ago, and of course hardly knew the location, let alone the place which she had never seen save the old CAIN house and BOBLETT's and KINGSLEY pioneer homes were part of it. She lived on Semiahmoo spit for eight years previous to leaving this place for Seattle, which city is now her home, but had not been here long enough then to see this young city started. Nothing here was familiar to her memory but the old citizens, many of whom still remind her of pioneer days.

M. R. STAIGHT, right-of-way agent for the Great Northern, was in Blaine yesterday. He says Blaine is still a good place to stick to.

Mr. Donald ROSS now has his bath house on Cain's wharf open for customers on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and on Sunday until ten a. m.

The canners on the Fraser are complaining of a lack of fish all the time. There have been plenty here. We are informed that no less than 22,000 were caught Monday, and 6000 were shipped fresh to Seattle. It is expected that to-day's supply will be large. The fall run is expected to begin within twenty days.

While things are so quiet in our neighboring cities, things have not remained at a stand still in Blaine. E. A. BOBLET (sic) is grading several blocks of Cherry street, having otherwise improved his residence site on Garfield street, and PERLEY Brothers are grading Clark street from Washington Avenue to fourth street, and they are making a better job of it too than did the city engineer on some of the streets last summer.

We are informed this morning that Mr. DRYSDALE has determined to put up a cold storage establishment at the spit next season, which will place the cannery business and fresh fish industry on a safe basis. Fish can then be kept for days, and there will be no loss from spoiling and a regular force can then be kept busy from the beginning of the first run to the end of the season. Fresh fish can then be shipped in first class shape. Developments for the advancement of Blaine are coming forward in good shape.

Returning from the funeral Tuesday a horse driven by Mr. SEELEY and attached to a light wagon, became frightened while coming down a hill, by the breaching strap breaking and letting the vehicle run against his heels, and ran away. Mr. and Mrs. DAVID and Mrs. C. C. WILSON were in the wagon, the latter riding on the front seat with Mr. SEELEY and when the horse began kicking and running she was thrown over the dashboard and received severe injury. The frightened animal only went a short distance until it ran against the buggy of Mr. A. W. STEEN from which it took a wheel, and was then stopped. Mrs. WILSON is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances, but the shock and bruises were very severe and it will be some time before she fully recovers.

The Metropolitan hotel is conducted now by Mr. and Mrs. G. W. CONRAD. Mr. C. E. COAL (sic) and family have gone to Roach harbor, where Mr. COLE will take charge of a barrel factory for the lime company of that place.

It now behooves the men of Blaine to be awake to their credit next Wednesday, as it will not look well to allow the ladies to go to the cemetery alone with axes, brush hooks, spades, etc. to do volunteer work there. A large number of men should be at the church at 8 a. m. sharp Wednesday to see that the work of clearing up the cemetery is not left to the ladies.

The ladies of the Aid Society call on the ladies and gentlemen of Blaine to meet at the M. E. church next Wednesday morning, August 19th, at 8, and come prepared to go to the cemetery and clear it up and open drives, etc. Ladies bring dinners with you for a number, as the day will be spent in work, and there will no doubt be a large number present. Remember the hour and come prepared to help. Committee.

    Shall we have it? We hope so. It will be a great convenience to a large number of citizens if a system can be completed in the International City.
    The company says that as soon as the wire arrives they will begin work on the line running to the spit. There are also several quite extensive lines to put up in Blaine which are now partly arranged for. It is desirable that a central system be established, and no lines will be put in until it is determined whether this can be done. It ought to be possible to secure the required number of patrons, as this instrument is much cheaper, only costing about two-thirds as much as the electric machine. It is a new invention, and works without electricity, being less apt to get out of order and more easily worked.
    Blaine now has an opportunity to get a modern convenience at the lowest possible cost, and we hope not less than thirty instruments will be placed here.
    The instruments placed at the Arlington and restaurant work very well, with the exception of a slight ringing. Mr. KEANE informs us that a longer distance would obviate that difficulty. The voice can be distinctly heard four or five feet away from the instrument, no ear trumpet being required, as in other kinds.

SUMMONS Robert STEVENSON, Plaintiff vs. Elizabeth STEVENSON, Defendant. Action of Divorce.

Thursday, August 20, 1891:

Present Councilmen: BOBLETT, JOHNSON, KINGSELY, LOOMIS and TERRY, and Clerk HOYT and Attorney MEAD. Absent: Mayor CORNISH and Councilmen CONRAD and FOSTER.

    Why should Blaine not be proud of its school buildings? No city is better supplied with accommodation for its public schools than is Blaine.
    This week the Blaine Sash and Door Manufacturing Co. finished the South Ward school building, which gives us three handsome and substantial school buildings as can be found anywhere. A description of one of the two smaller buildings will suffice for those as they are both alike and the central school has already been described in this paper. the latter has seven departments, is built of brick two stories with a high basement and high roof and is a handsome building in every way, standing on a block of ground donated by A. WARREN. The ward school houses, just finished, are of brick 72x78 feet in size, with three school rooms each 25x30 in size, each of the six school rooms having three wardrobe closets containing shelves and hooks, etc. There are also hooks in the hall.
    The hall is a twenty foot octagon and is provided with water works fittings and marble lavatory.
    The buildings are surrounded by a twelve-foot octagon tower, the top of which is forty-four feet from the ground, surmounted by a flag staff. The roof of the buildings are high mansard and there is a high light attic above the school rooms. They are supplied with convenient outhouses and in fact everything to make a handsome modern school building.
    The inside is finished with native cedar natural in oil and the windows and doors were made by the Blaine Sash and Door Manufacturing Co., at their factory, and the painting was done by L. E. LAMAR.
    This gives the city fine accommodations for thirteen departments, and within the next two years the wisdom of the school board will be demonstrated in providing them.

S. L. BUTLER and C. G. HOPKINS, of Whatcom, passed through Blaine Sunday on their bicycles en route to Harrison hot springs via New Westminster. They were a little fatigued when they reached this city, but after refreshments and a little rest at the Metropolitan hotel they pursued their journey. They will spend a short time in New Westminster and Vancouver, and then take the road skirting Fraser eastward by which they will reach the springs in due season with no accident.

Mr. McKNIGHT, with his force of shingle men for the new mill, arrived from Michigan Saturday night.

A lone Chinaman stood on the depot platform this morning and took the train south. He was the paymaster, they said, for those in the cannery. Several Chinamen made an excursion to Blaine this week during a slack up in the supply of fish.

Commander WARD has received word that the railroad company will sell excursion tickets to Ferndale and return on the 26th and 27th for 90 cents the round trip. It is expected that a large number will take advantage of the rate to attend the campfire at that place on those days.

Prof. W. R. MENZIES has been in Blaine the past few days, and while here has done some good work for Dr. G. D. DEMENT, who has lately been suffering from paralysis in his right arm and hand, being unable to raise his coffee cup to his lips. Now the arm and hand are so much improved that the doctor gives an unqualified endorsement of the professor's powers.

EARLY Bros. have just burned a kiln of pressed brick of a very fine character. They are lighter in color than St. Louis pressed brick, but will make a very fine appearance when placed in buildings. They will be used principally in putting in fronts, and will be much sought after by those who desire fine work. This is another industry which has been added to Blaine this season, and it promises well.

Senator John B. ALLEN slept last night in Blaine, and this morning early arose and took a walk about over the city. He was much pleased with what he saw, and just before the train left, promised to return again and see the International City before long. The short time spent here certainly did not give the senator enough opportunity to do the situation justice. There is enough of interest about Blaine to occupy profitable a whole day, for any one who will take the trouble to come here, either by boat or rail. We could have taken the senator to the big cannery, to Point Roberts and other places, and we certainly hope he will come back here soon and become acquainted.

The Blaine Base Ball Boys and the Lummis, Saturday, had quite an exciting game of baseball, which resulted in favor of Lummi by a score of 8 to 13. The Lummies started out well, making six runs in the first innings, but the Blaine Boys gradually overcame the advantage gained by the Indians and at the seventh innings, the score stood then 7 to 8 in favor of Blaine. At this time J. P. STUART, who catching had the nail knocked off one of his fingers, making several changes necessary, which so disarranged things that the Indians had things their own way to the close. They felt good over their victory, but refused to play any more, although the Blaine Boys offered to play on the Whatcom diamond if they would do so.

T. J. HARLING has commenced the construction of a neat residence on F street near sixth. S. R. EVA is the builder.

Mr. John BARBER who has a fine claim in the Quillalute county has been visiting Blaine this week. This is his former home.

An excursion party started this morning on the steamer Seattle, for Orcas island where they will spend about one week, among the party were Chas. ROSBRUGH, Messrs BOBLETT and HOWARD and families. Mrs. ROBERTS and sister, Mrs. SCOTT and Mrs. WILLIAMS.

Yesterday quite a number of volunteers went out to the cemetery and did some good work there straightening up things. The ladies furnished a comfortable lunch and several parties went out there again today to further improve things. Now that this work has been done, we wish to suggest that this is a poor way to do as important and large a work as that. There is no reason why Blaine should not have as pretty a cemetery as any city. The city now owns it, and it is practicable for the city council to take the matter in hand and clear up the whole grounds, fence them in and seed them to some kind of lawn grass as well as set out trees, etc. The sale of lots would pay for the work, and it could be done at once. The council should put on three or four men now and have the work done now, before the fall rains and then have the sale of lots, then the cemetery would be a credit to the town instead of an eyesore as it is at present.

Miss Nannie ROPER, of Port Townsend has been visiting with her mother of this place, during the past week.

Saturday at 2 p. m. sharp there will be an exciting game of baseball between the fat men and lean men of Blaine at the baseball park. Each side will make the effort of their lives to win the game, and great sport may be expected.

There was a progressive whist party at the residence of Mayor CORNISH Monday evening. There were present Misses Laura HAMMOND, Jessie SLOAN, Nellie CORNISH, Carrie HAMMOND and Belle SIMPSON, and Messrs CHURCH, H. O. WARD, E. R. HAMMOND, F. T. HURLBURT, L. T. COLEMAN and F. S. FULLERTON. The party was given to Miss Carrie HAMMOND who was about departing for Tacoma.

Thursday, August 27, 1891:

    Last Friday evening as Dr. BURKE was coming down Fourth street, near the corner of Martin, he saw G. J. KAUDY, who stood there hatless and apparently crying like a spanked baby. The doctor asked the aggrieved young man what was the matter, and immediately KAUDY blubbered out:
"I have been robbed, are you a policeman?" although he has known Dr. BURKE well for several months. The doctor answered no, and walked down the street. KAUDY soon followed, and the news also passed down street faster than he, so that Officer McCALL soon heard it. The latter, walking up Washington avenue soon met KAUDY, who was still squalling and insisting that he had been robbed.
    His hat was off and his clothes were all covered with dust and dirt, and Mr. McCALL gave some credence to his story and went with him.
    Mr. McCALL asked him where the calamity had occurred and was informed that it was near a certain large black stump just west of the M. E. church. On the way there KAUDY stated that two medium sized tall, slim, thick set, closely shaven men with heavy black whiskers, or something to that effect, had jumped out and grabbed him by the neck and demanDed his money, and then took from him $140 and his gold watch.
    He said then men, when they had done their deed of darkness retreated to the gulch back of the old school house. The officer went with him and search the gulch, but discovered nothing and started to return to the scene of the tragedy. KAUDY then said he had run one way and the robbers the other so fast that he couldn't tell where they went. He suggested, however, that they go to the ground and see it they had not left something in their flight, which was gone, and KAUDY's hat, $1.35 in change, an old pocket book and some other trifling things were found.
    Saturday KAUDY tried to get friends to help him with money enough to get back east with, and Saturday night he hired a private conveyance to take him to New Westminster, for which place he left about midnight, whether to go east or not we do not know, but we understand that he told parties at the St. Leonard that he had "done up the Blaine people in good shape." He leaves behind a few debts we understand.

The following people from Blaine attended G. A. R. Encampment at Ferndale:
V. D. BARRACKLAW, O. PAUL, Dr. MAXON, L. SHAFFNER and wife, Mrs. GETCHELL, Mrs. BOND, Mrs. ADAMS, Wm EVANS, A. L. SMITH and family, M. ROSBRUGH, O. D. McDONALD, S. P. HUGHES and wife, Samp HUGHES, Josh HUGHES and lady, Mrs. R. A. WILSON, Mrs. B. N. KINGSLEY, Wm. BIRD, Minnie BIRD, Harry BIRD, J. F. WARD, James CAIN, W. I. BAKER, Mrs. STAYT, D. P. GREELEY. The following left by this morning's train to attend the reunion to-day:
Mr. BOBLETT and wife, Mrs. WHITCOM, Mrs. ROBERTS, C. C. WILSON. J. STEWART and lady, W. H. RADCLIFFE and family and quite a number of others. We understand that five hundred people were on the grounds to-day.

F. S. FULLERTON, E. H. THOMAS, Louis DAHL and Harry THOMAS started out Monday for a trip up amoung the mountains around Mt. Baker. They go by wagon to the mouth of Glacier creek and extend their operations from that point.

Fred BROWN and family and Jerry MERRELL and family chartered the tidy schooner Anna and left Monday for a two weeks' cruise and camp among the islands.

A large party was tendered the BIRD Brothers and Miss Minnie at the home of J. MERRIT on Washington avenue, Tuesday evening preceding their departure to their Minnesota home.

W. R. McCRACKEN left Blaine this morning for a trip to eastern Washington, where he goes to engage in the printing business. He is a fine printer, and can fill the bill in any branch of the business.

The firm now is SEELEY Bros. Mr. COHOON has sold out his interest and also his fine residence to Arthur SEELEY, and has gone east. SEELEY Brothers will continue the business in the old stand in the Lindsey block.

The Blaine schools will commence on Monday, September 7th, with the same corps of teachers as before, with the addition of Miss Amanda ELLIOTT, as assistant primary teacher. Miss BALL and Mrs. KUPPENBERG have exchanged grades.

Geo. SMITH and family left Sunday for their home in Minnesota. Dr. E. W. BURKE and his infant daughter accompanied the SMITH family, and will go to the doctor's old home in Keokuk, Iowa. Mr. SMITH if a son of C. C. SMITH of this place, and has large real estate interests in Minnesota.

A Blaine officer who was anxious to serve papers on a party who was on the B. C. side of the line, the other day went down to the iron post and engaged him in conversatio about two bears which are tied there, and by adroitly keeping his attention off the line got him to carry his body voluntarily south of the magic meridian, and then surprised him by serving the papers on him then and there.

Assistant Secretary of the U. S. Treasury O. L. SPAULDING and Special Agents A. L. TINGLEY and Chas. MULKEY, dropped in on Collector BRADSHAW at Port Townsend last week to see in what kind of order he kept his house. It is almost unnecessary to state that they found the floors all swept and the furniture dusted, and everything tidy. In other words, the money collected from all sources was found properly credited and deposited with the sub-treasury, and all accountings full and correct, and went away more than satisfied. "Duty," has been Collector BRADSHAW's motto. We heard a prominent official say not long since that more smugglers had been captured during BRADSHAW's administration than in all of the history of the Puget sound customs service before. We do not know as to that, but we do believe that whatever fault can be found with him, it is not that his office is not conscientiously conducted, and if the government consults its best interests he will not be disturbed for any demagogical reason.

Inspector James BUCHANAN spent last night in Blaine. He accompanied Collector BRADSHAW to this place.

On Saturday, September 5th, the people of Blaine will elect one school director, for a three years term and a clerk for the ensuing term. Mr. Wm. WEST is the retiring director.

Marshal PAUL is frequently called on these days to look after miscreants hurrying northward to Canada. Four escaped jail birds from Whatcom were intercepted near Ferndale last evening, and thus escaped capture at the International city.

R. S. CLARK and wife, Miss CLARK, R. CLARK, Mrs. S. R. HARKNESS, Mrs. CONWAY and Mr. L. TRASK came up from Seattle last evening and will locate on Semiahmoo spit for a few weeks' outing. Mr. CLARK has been suffering from a five-months illness, and hopes to receive much benefit from the bracing air of the spit.

Author (sic) PERRY, an officer from McNeil's Island, the U. S. prison, was in Blaine last evening and stopped at the Metropolitan. He was in search of the smuggler named James WILSON, who had escaped, a night or two ago, from the penitentiary there. WILSON was one of the captures of James BUCHANAN.

This mornings train south had the honor of carrying an old lady of over eighty summers who was taking her first ride on the railroad. The lady referred to was Mrs. WHITCOMB, mother of Mrs. E. A. BOBLETT, of this place, and she seemed to enjoy the novelty very much. She was on her way to attend the re-union at Ferndale.

Port Townsend, Aug. 25. - Collector BRADSHAW announces the following changes and new appointments in his office: A. L. McCLINTON, night deputy, promoted deputy collector, vice Charles PEABODY, resigned; J. W. POTTER, clerk, promoted night deputy; Quincy A. BROOKS Jr., appointed clerk; Arthur KUMNER, appointed inspector. Deputy Collector SPENCER has been transferred from Blaine to Sumas, the newly made sub-port of entry. J. C. ROUTHE, of Spokane, has been appointed deputy collector at Little Dalles, and C. A. LOOMIS of Blaine, was appointed deputy collector there. A new deputy will be appointed at Roche Harbor shortly.

The other night a stranger called at the former North Star hotel on D street, owned by Mr. James KING, and wanted to stay all night. Though the house is not now run as a hotel Mrs. KING assigned him a room, and he retired for the night. Very early in the morning the man arose and left, and upon going to his room it was discovered that he had carried away some bed quilts. A boy was sent to trace him and found that he had crossed the line into British Columbia. Mrs. KING then called on Thomas McDONALD, who is stopping in the house, to pursue the fellow and recover the quilts. McDONALD followed the man along the beach and overtook him near the crossing of Campbell creek. Upon his demanding the bedding the man swore a big oath that he was on the Queen's soil the blankets were his and he needed them in his business and would not give them up. At this Mr. McDONALD resolved himself into a whole customs department and jumped on the fellow all spread out, and overcame him after quite a tussle and returned to Blaine in triumph with the blankets.

The members of the Masonic order of Blaine met Tuesday evening and re-organized International Lodge A. F. and A. M., with the following list of officers:
John B. RAMAGE, W. M.; W. J. GILLESPIE, S. W.; O. PIRKEY, J. W.; J. W. TANNER, Secretary; P. FOSTER, Treasurer; Mr. ESMOND, S. D.; John WAGNER, J. D.; T. G. STEAUBLI, Tyler; O. D. McDONALD, S.S.; W. C. HAMMOND, J. S.

-Mr. Edwin LOPAS wishes to inform his old customers that he has invested in a Steam Thresher, and will not is the future burden them by his long visits and waste of grain. He expects to start out soon to gather grain.
-Mr. FLOWERS, first editor of the Blaine Journal, and Mr. SEELY, of Blaine, spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs. SMITH.
-Rev. BRETS will not return to this circuit next year, but will go to Boston to take a three years course of study.
-Mrs. Robert McCOMB and Mrs. Frank McCOMB, of Seattle, mother and sister-in-law of Mrs. SMITH, have been in Mountainview the past week. This is Mrs. Frank McCOMB's first visit to this part of the Sound and she thinks it superior to the upper sound on account of its being more open and more agricultural land.
-Mr. ROBINS peddled a load of fish through the neighborhood that he got at Point Roberts.
-Mrs. SWIGERT, of Lynden, has been visiting Mrs. DEED.
-A big time is expected at the soldiers reunion which is to be held in Ferndale on the 26th and 27th.
-Mrs. NORTON and family are making arrangements to move to Lynden for the winter. Her son Orsy will teach in the Public School at Lynden.
-The road from the church to the school house which has so long been needed is finally cut through.
-McKELLER, FISHER and others that have purchased school lands, have been looking up thier interest and will commence to clear, now that the school section joining the Indian reserve has been sold, there is hope that the half mile of road on the reservation will be opened, and then Mountainview will have an outlet to Whatcom without going to Ferndale.
-Rev. WELLS assisted by Rev's WOLF and DIMOND, will hold meetings in the soldier's tent next Saturday and Sunday.
-Preparations are being made to build a Baptist parsonage near their church, that is now under way.

August 28, 1891
-Geo. GRIMMETT lost a fine four-year old horse last Sunday by a tree falling on him and killing him.
-About fifty of P. C. JAMES' friends gathered at his home last Monday evening to remind him that he had arrived at the fifty-ninth mile post on his path of life and bringing many presents which are highly prized by him, and the memory of the evening will always be an evergreen spot to him.
-Wm. PARR is doing lots of good work on the roads in district No. 12.
-The people of Birch Bay Precinct are unanimously opposed to bonding the county.

Thursday, September 3, 1891:

The Soldiers' reunion held in Ferndale on the 26th and 27th was, as Quartermaster WELLS intended, if it took his horse cart, cow and old shanty, a complete success. Nearly a thousand people were entertained, and all was done possible to make it pleasant for the old veterans and others. After the Whatcom State Militia and Son's of Veterans marched to the grounds below the town where a covering of two hundred feet had been prepared with seats and a platform, the day was spent in addresses and reminiscences of the war. One of the most interesting features was that of Mrs. BEAVERS of Lynden, an account of her own life in the war and also the reading of one of her own poems. Reminiscences from WARD, of Blaine, VALANDINGHAM and COLE, of Whatcom, PACKARD of Lynden and many others were excellent. A recitation by Miss HENDERSON of Whatcom was good. At five in the evening the Whatcom Militia gave a dress parade which was eagerly watched by the young people especially those raised here where they have not had the opportunity of seeing the soldiers. Four long tables were spread with, beans and hard tack, such as soldiers fare in the war, and all the delicacies women's hands could make, with additions of fruit. The camp broke up Thursday evening to meet in Whatcom next year in September, under Commander WARD of Blaine.

-School commences Monday with Mr. HAWKINS as teacher.
-Mr. LOPAS's new steam thresher is doing good work.
-Mr. FISHER who bought eighty acres of the school section has four men to work slashing.
-Mr. REEVES bouth ten acres of Mr. HAYWARD. This is the last of Mr. HAYWARD's premption claim.
-Mr. TINGLY's five year old son was badly burned in as ash heap a week ago, his feet and legs were cooked and his sufferings were so great that there was danger of lockjaw.

EARLY Bros. are shipping large quantities of brick by rail to Bellingham bay these days. They sold 70,000 pressed brick to M. McKECHNIE, who is putting up a fine brick block in Fairhaven.

Mrs. CUSTER, who lives on H street is very ill.

Mrs. M. T. GEE and her daughter Georgia POWELL left this morning for Seattle.

The steamship City of Puebla called at the cannery Tuesday evening with another large invoice of cans for the next run of fish.

Investors, look here! There is $10,000 worth of Blaine school bonds yet remaining unsold, and if you want a good investment, there you have it.

Rev. A. A. WATSON has returned from his southern trip, and will address the people at the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening at the usual hour.

A. GILLFILLIAN started this morning on an extended trip to California, and may also continue on to Nevada and Utah before he returns. He expects to be gone about two months.

Marshal PARKER a capitalist, from Omaha, and a friend of Mr. G. H. WESTCOTT, has been in Blaine the past week and may make some permanent investment here before leaving. He is in the stock business in Omaha.

On Saturday evening last Mrs. Mell SPAULDING, a trance speaker, of Seattle, gave a very good lecture on the moral teachings of spiritualism, at the Blaine opera house, which was listened to by a fair sized audience of ladies and gentlemen.

A sad case is that of Frank OAKES, who came from Michigan to Blaine, a week or two ago, hoping to benefit by the change of climate. He is now at the Metropolitan hotel, and very sick. He is the only son of a widowed mother who lives back in Michigan. He is receiving every care from Mr. and Mrs. CONRAD and his friend Mr. McKNIGHT and others.

Brick is being hauled for PERLEY Bros' new three-story block.

J. F. WARD returned last evening from a trip to Port Townsend.

E. C. STILLWELL left this morning on a trip to Oregon, where his father is reported as very ill.

Mesdames RUTLEGE, WESTCOTT and GILLESPIE are giving a clam bake to quite a company, at Semiahmoo today.

Col. SINTZ, of Fairhaven, came to Blaine last evening in his private steam launch. The little steamer is propelled by gasolene (sic), and is tied up at the Blaine wharf.

Mrs. J. S. NORTON, of Mountain View, an old Missouri friend and neighbor of the family of Hon. J. F. WARD, of this city, has been visiting the WARDs this week. She will reside in Lynden this winter where her son is employed as teacher.

Judge WINN has granted a permanent injunction prohibiting the county commissioners from finishing the plank road from Whatcom to Lynden, claiming that only the regular road fund can be used for such purpose unless by a vote of the people.

At the M. E. conference on the 31st, Rev. Geo. KINDRED was transferred from Blaine, to Dungeness, and M. H. MAHAFFIE was stationed at Blaine for the coming year. W. R. WARREN who used to preach here was appointed to Ferndale. The conference came out like men for the admission of women as lay delegates to the national conference.

School begins Monday next. All pupils belonging to the first, second, third, fourth and fifth grades, living on and north of Martin street, will attend school in the north ward building, and all pupils belonging to those grades living south of Martin street, will attend school in the south ward building, and pupils belonging to the sixth, seventh and eighth grades will attend school in the south ward building.

Every one will be sad to hear that Mrs. Ann EGAN, of Semiahmoo, is not expected to live longer than this evening at farthest. Mrs. EGAN has been ailing somewhat for a long time, but within the past week has been much worse, until last night, when she was so low that they did not expect her to live until morning. Now there is no hope at all of her recovery, a few hours at most will close the sad story and another good mother will have passed away.

Rev. Geo. KINDRED leaves tomorrow for his new field of labor at Dungeness.

Mrs. Joseph ROBERTSON, lately of Indiana, was a caller at the Journal office this week.

Blaine, Sept. 1, 1891
All those interested in organizing a Fire Company, please come to the Opera House, Friday evening.

S. G. YERKES, agent of the Puget Sound and Alaska steamship company was in Blaine last Friday.

Wm. JONES, son of Zebulon JONES, of Semiahmoo, came up on the train Sunday evening to visit his parents.

Mr. J. HERMAN and family have arrived in Blaine from Port Townsend, and will make this their future home. Mrs. HERMAN is a daughter of Mrs. ROPER, who resides on the British side.

Mr. BERRY has finished plans for a fine new residence for D. S. MILLER. Over thirty loads of rock have been already hauled for the foundation, and the work of construction will be commenced early in the spring.

Mrs. H. F. SMITH, of Mountain View, is visiting in Semiahmoo with the family of Zebulon JONES. The JONES and SMITH families were both old settlers in this part of the country, and have witnessed every improvement for the past twenty years. Mrs. SMITH has been a valued correspondent of the Journal for six years.

    Sunday evening there arrived in Blaine by the train from the south a native son of the International city, who, though not very old, only a little over sixteen, has traveled over half the world in the past three years. The traveler was F. M. CAIN, Jr., who left Blaine in June, 1888. After spending a few days about Seattle he shipped on board the bark Chas. B. Kenney, to San Francisco, from which city on the 7th of August by the ship J. B. Thomas he left for Havre, France. He was 116 days out of sight of land on this trip, reached France at last, and remained at Havre seven weeks, when he took passage to Baltimore. He remained in that city two months, and then went up to Washington, where he remained three weeks witnessing HARRISON's inaugural. He then shipped in the schooner Spotless for Cardeanes, Cuba, where he was three weeks, when he returned to Philadelphia and was in that city several weeks; and sailed thence in the schooner J. R. Roberts to Jacksonville, Florida, where he remained five weeks and then returned to Philadelphia again. He soon shipped by the bark Scotia for a voyage to Kegleria, Sicily, and thence by the same ship to Livorno, Italy, and from there to Trapani, in ballast, for a cargo of salt, which was brought to Gloucester, Massachusetts, where he remained three months, receiving the Journal while sojourning. After this he went to New York City and remained one month; thence to Johnstown, Pa., where he worked eight weeks, and to Louisville, Kentucky, where he remained two months.
    Leaving Louisville he started to St. Louis. In that city he had an accident in a railroad turntable by which he had his arm broken and his shoulder dislocated. After being laid up three weeks, and getting out he was taken down with typhoid fever and we kept in the hospital three months. He came out of the hospital August 26 last year.
    From St. Louis he went to San Antonio, Texas, and remained there two months. Then he went to work on a stock ranch near Flanders, Texas, where he remained three months, and then to Galveston, which city he left to return to Blaine about three weeks ago. By a little figuring it will be seen that Frank has traveled about the same distance as around the world twice, and though, as you see, it takes quite an extensive item to give only just an outline of his route of travel, still there is not room to say anything about the hard knocks and privations and hardships he went through.

The section hands on the railroad at this place are on a strike owing to a recent reduction of wages.

September 10, 1891:

At her home in Semiahmoo, Friday, September 4, 1891, Mrs. Ann EGAN, aged 70 years.
    For most of the good people of Blaine to go to Semiahmoo was to call at the home of Mother EGAN. Her heart was as warm and open as was her house to all her scores of friends, and many the cheering word and cup of tea has been enjoyed in her cosy dining room. The "Good Lord" put the mark of a saint upon her face, and what shone out of her countenance was only what was reflected from her heart. But Mother EGAN is gone, and her friends are left to miss her.
    Mrs. EGAN came to Semiahmoo about five years ago. She then had three daughters, but just four years ago on the very day (Sept. 4, 1887) one of them, Mrs. John A. MARTIN, died leaving the husband, the mother and the other two daughters to mourn her.
Not always do mother and daughters become so closely cemented in their affections as have these, and now that the mother has been taken their sorrow is very deep, and they have the sympathy of us all.
    As each anniversary of her daughter's death came around Mrs. EGAN passed some time in solemn meditation, and this time it found her ready to go, and so on Saturday there was a funeral in Blaine and a large company gathered in the M. E. church to pay their last respects to the good woman. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. S. DAILEY from the same text (Micah II 10) as was her husband's back in Ontario six or seven years ago. The same hymns were also sung, and her body was taken out and laid to rest in the same grave as her daughter who was buried four years ago; all at the last request of the deceased.

    The Blaine schools opened Monday with 165 pupils in attendance, 80 of which are boys and 85 girls. There are quite a number of pupils who are not attending school yet, and the list will likely be swelled before many weeks to 200 or more.
    The 6th, 7th and 8th grades, under Mrs. A. M. BIGGS, in the South building is composed of 25 pupils, 17 girls and 8 boys. Mrs. BIGGS is also principal of the schools.
    Mrs. G. C. KNUPPENBERG teaches the 4th and 5th grades in the same building, and has 28 pupils, 13 girls and 15 boys, under her charge.
    Miss Rebecca M. BALL has charge of the 2d and 3d Primary across the rotunda in the same building, and her flock is composed of 45 members, 20 girls and 25 boys. There are seats in this room for about thirty pupils, consequently a good many are sitting three in a seat.
    E. H. THOMAS is teaching the First Intermediate, 4th and 5th grades in the North building, and has under his charge 22 pupils, 7 boys and fifteen girls.
    Miss H. A. ELLIOTT in the same building is teaching the Primary department, composed of 45 pupils, 25 boys and 20 girls. Here, too, they are over crowded, sitting three in a seat. It is evident that there is something wrong with the grading. The teachers should be allowed to properly grade the pupils. There are not too many for five teachers or five departments, but to do justice they ought not be obliged to sit three in a seat. This morning a fire would have felt very comfortable in the rooms, and we understand that the directors are preparing to put in heaters.

J. W. BOGARD will take a trip to the Quileute country to see what sort of a place it is.

A new eleven-pound baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCALL yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock.

J. V. CHOWN went to Tacoma yesterday where he has partially made arrangements for the sale of the output of the big shingle mill.

F. D. BERRY, the architect, left yesterday for Tacoma, and will attend the exposition there. He may also go from Tacoma to other points, before he returns to Blaine.

Rev. MAHAFFIE, the new M. E. minister, arrived in Blaine by last evening's train, and will preach here next Sunday. He is from Seattle and is accompanied by his family.

Mr. Marshal PARKER left this morning for his home in Omaha. He is likely to be back here before long, and if he comes back he will take an active part in building up the International city.

DAHL Brothers, on Harrison avenue, are finishing up a sloop which it is said will be employed in the fishing grounds. It is 28 feet keel and 10 feet beam, and presents a very business-like appearance.

This morning about 3 o'clock fire was discovered in the confectionery store of Russell & Rafferty, corner of Washington avenue and E street, and the building was destroyed. We understand there was some insurance on both stock and building. The loss will be $700 or $800.

To-day George A. HOYT assumed the duties of deputy collector of customs at this port, which he had a perfect right to do, and for which we do not blame him, but his appointment was a fling in the teeth of the people of Blaine. It was secured to him through the direct meddling of men outside this city, and against the wish of eight-tenths of the people of Blaine. It seems that the wish of a man who registers from Fairhaven, sundry Whatcom politicians and certain defunct Blainites must be subserved. Possibly this was wise. We saw Whatcom hand over the county delegation once about a year ago. We have no more to say to-day. Time will show.

The Hon. James CUNNINGHAM and Ald. D. CURTIS, from New Westminster drove into Blaine to-day. They came via Elgin, B. C., and report that the bridge across the Nicomekl was burned last night, it is supposed by incendiary. Work has already commenced on its re-construction. Mr. CURTIS, who is a brother of our Mr. CURTIS, secretary of the water company, has been here before, but Mr. CUNNINGHAM, who has been a member of provincial parliament, dominion parliament and his city's council and mayoralty, and who has lived in New Westminster thirty years, crossed the boundary for the first time to-day. He immediately, like a sensible man, fell in love with Blaine when he saw it, and will likely become more and more attached to it as he becomes acquainted. Mr. Cunningham says he is now taking a rest from politics.

The STOOPS shingle mill, located on Dakota creek, yesterday received its water wheel, so we are likely soon to have two mills turning out shingles as we understand the building and dam, etc., are already completed and only waiting for the power and machinery.

Is anyone interested in taking steps for the future safety of our city? If so they should turn out Saturday evening at Kingsley Hall and help to organize a fire company. With the means of the protection at hand the city should take advantage of them, as some organized effort may be necessary before long to save the city from destruction by this powerful element. Come out and help to organize.

W. W. MOTT and family, from Seattle are visiting at J. M. SHARPE's. Mr. MOTT is a brother of Mrs. SHARPE.

School commenced in Excelsior district Monday with W. W. CARTER at the helm, and we are informed about forty pupils in attendance.

Mrs. OAKES, from Muskegan, Mich., has arrived in Blaine to attend her son who is sick at the Metropolitan hotel. We understand that she found the young man improving, as he has since continued to do under his mother's care.

Blaine certainly has set the fashion in one thing, and that is the frosted windows for its school rooms. These windows soften the light of the room and prevents the pupils from looking out of the windows during hours of study and ought to be a good thing.

Only a small number from Blaine took advantage of the excursion rates to the circus yesterday, and not more than thirty or forty came over from the British side, owing to the fare being too high, and it is said to some trouble about ferriage across the Fraser river.

The school election last Saturday resulted in the choice of R. A. WILSON for director and C. C. OSTROM as clerk by fourteen majority each.

For a long time H. B. KIRBY has claimed that the location of one cannery here would attract others. He came to Blaine yesterday, and while here informed a Journal reporter that ENGLISH & WADHAMS were preparing to establish one of the largest canneries on the coast at Point Roberts.

September 17, 1891:

Mr. EVA has been building a small house in Hughes' addition for Charles GIBBLE, who expects his family in a few days.

J. W. PARKER, of Tacoma, connected with the postal service there has been visiting this week with the family of S. H. HORTON.

Wednesday evening, September 16th, 1891, at the vicarage of the Episcopal church, the Rev. P. E. HYLANDE officiating, H. O. WARD to Laura HAMMOND, both of Blaine.

An addition is being built to the sash and door factory.

We are informed that C. H. STOLTENBERG, of Custer sustains a broken arm this week.

Chas. STOOPS is reported to have discovered near Ellensburg, one of the richest quartz ledges on this coast.

M. T. GEE made the mistake of his life last week when he traded horses across the International boundary line.

    Aug. 30th, the writer took the train for Blaine, our first trip over the road, and was kindly entertained by some of Blaine's estimable ladies, Mesdames KINGSLEY, BOBLETT and BURNET. We found you city having a different aspect than last year, when grading was going on and things were torn up generally, and can now congratulate the people of Blaine on their level streets and good sidewalks. One noticeable feature was the brick churches and schoolhouses which are a great ornament and the general appearance of the place is one of beauty and neatness.
    On crossing over to the Spit we find a salmon cannery conducted by Mr. DRYSDALE, the first cannery in the county. Mr. DRYSDALE has also built a very nice dwelling house. We spent a few days with Z. JONES and family, one of the pioneers; also met the family of Mr. Vet CLARK, Mrs. CONWAY, Miss Lottie STEINWEG of Seattle and Mrs. W. E. STEINWEG of Yakima, formerly of Whatcom. These bring back memories of our first winter in Whatcom, eighteen years ago. When there was but one store, that of the Bellingham Bay Coal company in Sehome. The Whatcom hotel, kept by Mrs. D. M. JORDAN, the weekly Bellingham Bay Mail, edited by James POWER. The cabins of the coal miners, the old brick court house and a few dwelling houses composed the Bellingham bay city in '73. How anxiously we listed for the whistle of the mail boat, Libby, every Tuesday, hoping to receive word that took a month to cross the continent and come up the coast. The company's sail vessel arrived once a month from San Francisco to return laden with coal.
    At that time the families of Messers BOBLETT, KINGSLEY, CAIN and MILLER, now townsite proprietors of Blaine, lived in log cabins, along the shores of Semiahmoo bay. A few squatters here and there throughout the county did anything to get what little food they could, flour being ten dollars a barrel. Their daily subsistence included clams and ducks, beans, potatoes and Oregon butter, (Gravy made with lard).
    Those were days of privation and sorrow to some especially to those who after leaving homes of comfort in the east, _aid their all beneath the sod on the shores of Puget Sound. Oh when we listen to the new comer, "Why this is a terrible county nothing but black stumps, there is no society here and people live in nothing but shanties," and the like. We cannot refrain from referring them to our pioneer days, when the main of our society were good christian people. Sabbath services were held in different cabins instead of fine churches, when some traveled fifteen miles to attend camp meeting, when sunbonnets and shades took the places of laces and flowers. These were the times when complaints would not have been out of order, but we old settlers have seen the ups and downs of Whatcom county and thank the Giver of all good things for the advancement that has been made. -Mr. WARREN the M. E. minister who is to have charge of this district arrived on Thursday.
-Mrs. TRIP, sister of Rev. WELLS gave us a splendid sermon last Sunday, in the absence of Mr. WELLS who was quite sick.
-Quite a party of young people supplies with refreshments, surprised Charles DEED on last Friday evening, it being his 21st birthday.

The Big Shingle Mill Started.
Capacity 200,000 Daily.
    Last Friday the International shingle mill started up and sawed a few cedar blocks into shingles, and this week it has been exercising itself quite extensively. There was considerable desire manifested among visitors at the start to secure the first shingle, but Mrs. J. V. CHOWN bore the trophy home, and it will adorn her mantel shelf with a painting upon its surface.
    Tuesday a Journal representative went down to the mill to follow a shingle through it:
Regular sawlogs are used instead of bolts at present, though a bolt saw will be put in later. A log is seized by the endless chain, which runs down from the mill into the boom. The log is dragged up the incline into the mill, where it at first meets with a Perkins double drag saw which cuts it into blocks the same length as shingles. These blocks are shoved over to two rapidly revolving circular saws, called knee saws, which split the round blocks into angular pieces.
    Near these saws is another small circular saw which is used to cut bands for the bundles. All these machines are on the first floor.
    From the knee saws the blocks are placed on a carrier which carries them to the second story, where the first carrier drops them upon a second which moves them along to the Perkins ten-block machine and the hand machine, where they are sawed into shingles, the big machine cutting ten at each revolution. This is the last machine manufactured by Perkins & Co., of Grand Rapids, Michigan, unless they have made one since Supt. McKNIGHT left two weeks ago.
    On this floor are also two saw sharpening and filing machines, of latest pattern, all the machinery coming from the same firm.
    From the saws the shingles drop down to the knot saws, eight in number, manned by as many men, who put them through the trimming process, smoothing off the edges and cutting out the knots. Then they are dropped again, this time to six packers, who bunch them up; then they are placed upon the dry car, which sits upon another car, and when loaded the whole is run out to the kiln, where the dry car with its load is run into the dry house, and an empty car rolled upon the other car to go back to the packing shed again.
    The dry kiln is composed of three apartments, and is underlaid with less than 165 steam pipes, which are kept hot night and day, keeping the rooms at a temperature just below checking stage. It will hold 1,500,000 shingles, and it will take seven days to dry that number.
    The capacity of the mill is 200,000 shingles daily, but it is only expected to saw about 175,000 for the present. Thirty men are employed in and about the mill.
    The water supply for the boilers is furnished by the Blaine water works, for which pipes are laid underneath the wharf from the shore. Steam is supplied by two large tubular boilers, which were made on the sound.
    The engine which moves the machinery is a 175 horse power one, and was manufactured at Erie, Pa.
    The output of the mill will be marketed in the east, Mr. C. H. McKNIGHT, the superintendent of the mill, who kindly furnished us with the information for this article, having received a telegram from J. V. CHOWN stating that he had sold the product from now until the first of January to a Tacoma firm. The shingles will be taken from here to Tacoma by steamer, and there loaded upon the Northern Pacific cars and shipped east.
    This institution is well worth a visit from any one who likes to see machinery operated with skill.

Persons who wish to join the fire department will find the roll at KAMERER's fruit store on Washington avenue, where their signatures will be received.

September 24, 1891:

W. J. FRYE, Chinese inspector, arrived in Blaine Tuesday evening.

CAIN Brothers will open a dry goods and clothing store at Pullman, in eastern Washington.

CLARK & FOX have removed their drugstore to the TANNER building on Washington avenue.

The shingle warehouse on the CAIN dock, is taking on shape quite rapidly, and occupies a large space.

Dr. W. A. KING reports that a new girl baby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. JOHNSON Monday morning.

The street hydrants for the water works have arrived, and will soon be put in place. Then we will be ready for a fire company.

Mr. D. TAYLOR, of Nanaimo, B. C., and quite an extensive property holder in this city, was a pleasant caller at the Journal office Monday.

Last Saturday Willie ROHART shot a large wild cat near the barn at his home east of Blaine. He now has the skin of the creature as a trophy.

The largest barn of W. M. SMITH at Clover Valley, contains two hundred tons of hay, and he also has a smaller one in which is stored one hundred tons.

Many people about Blaine will be pained to hear that E. M. WILSON, the pleasant general manager and treasurer of the Fairhaven & Southern railroad company, and Mayor of Fairhaven, has been prostrated with typhoid fever for two months. We are informed, however, that he is now recovering.

The town of Cloverdale, B. C., is making quite a vigorous growth since the railroad has made it a station. Among the late improvements there we noticed the residence of Rev. B. K. McELMON and Rev. W. HICKS, and a Vancouver company is about to put up a large store building and two residences. There will also be Methodist and Presbyterian churches built soon.

Although it happened some time since, we had not heard until Monday last of the death of A. J. McLEAN, who used to teach school at Clover Valley, B. C. Mr. McLEAN had many warm friends about Blaine, and his death will be a sad surprise to them. He was taken with some lung trouble, and started some weeks ago for his home in the east, but only got as far as Montreal, where he died. Mr. McLEAN was said to be the tallest man in British Columbia, being six feet eight inches in his stocking feet.

The Machinery Arrived Which Will Perforate the Earth
    For several days E. C. POTTER, president of the company has been in the city preparing to receive the boring machinery. In the mean time he has been looking after roads and grounds where the derricks and drill will be set near Dakota creek.
    He stated that the machinery would be here soon, and it was expected several days ago, but was sidetracked at Wooley. It arrived at Blaine, however last evening, at least one car load of it, consisting of windlass, cable, drill and several hundred feet of piping.
    The rest of the machinery will be here shortly, and its operations will be watched with deep interest, not only by the people of Blaine, but by every resident of the lower Sound country.

Miss Jessie SLOAN went to Tacoma this morning to attend the exposition.

John KEANE is having a small house erected on his D street lots east of the railroad.

The shingle mill closed down yesterday to permit the placing of dogs on the log hauler.

Young man, attend the Sunday four o'clock meetings of the Y. M. C. A. They will do you good.

J. H. HUDGINS, of Waitsburg, Grand Lecturer, is spending a few days with the Masonic lodge of Blaine.

Geo. P. JAMES, constructing engineer of the Great Northern, registered at the Arlington Tuesday evening.

The city council at their special meeting Tuesday elected Frank McCALL city clerk. They sat yesterday as a board of equalization.

Two ox teams for sale. Will take in payment therefor either cash, logs, or real estate. For further particulars call on J. N. LINDSEY, of Hillsdale, or T. G. STEAUBLI, of Blaine.

-Rev. WELLS and Joseph LOPAS left Monday morning for Tacoma, to attend the Congregational association.
-Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, delegates from all over the county attended the district lodge of Good Templars held in Ferndale on the 17th and 18th and the hall was crowded to hear the gold medal contest, Miss Carrie WILLMORE, of Lynden, receiving the medal, a miss only thirteen years old. The contestants all did well. Those of the county's prominent men were: Prof. JOHNSTON and PATTISON of Whatcom; Prof. FRANKLIN of the Lynden Normal; Rev. A. WARREN of Blaine; Mr. DORR of Fairhaven; Mr. CLINE, Chief Templar of the District Lodge, of Lynden, and many others. These medal contests are considered by our best men the grandest feature of the day. The recitation of the Demorest volume are thoughts from our best authors, and while being learned by the contestants and listened to by our people, they are bound to make an impression upon the young and old that will have a tendency to order their lives aright, as Prof. FRANKLIN said before the audience Friday evening, that the old as well as the young should be taught prohibition or we would be a disgrace to the coming generation. May the time soon come when women may vote and prohibition may reign the land.
-Mr. Ira ROBINSON and sister Emma, and Miss Carrie WILLMORE of Lynden, were guests of Mrs. SMITH.
-Mr. and Mrs. HOSKINS and Mr. and Mrs. LUCE, of Fairhaven are visiting at Mr. CHARROIN's.
-A meeting of the Farmers' Alliance was held in the school house Saturday evening. They have seven members and expect to govern the next election.
-Rev. LA SOURD had charge of the quarterly meeting in Ferndale Saturday and Sunday. The church is not progressing, as Mr. WHITNEY, who is the overseer, was called east on account of the sickness of his father.
-The frame of the Baptist church is up.
-Mr. and Mrs. ROUNDS of Pike county Ill., have been spending a few days with the family of Mr. COSS.

Sept. 20th, 1891.
-K. FURGISON and family, of Ferndale, visited Josiah WHITE and lady of Birch Bay this week.
-John STEEL one of nature's noblemen, has gone to the Quilliute country prospecting for a homestead for himself and stepfather.
-Ed BROWN shot and crippled a bear last week which attacked him and lascerated his left leg and hand and would have made short work of him had not the hired man come to his assistance.
-Lu. CHRONISTER of Blaine worked the past week on P. C. JAMES' house.
-F. M. STEGALL and R. J. McLENDON and families have set to start to Texas the 22nd. May success attend them.
-Mrs. Charity SCHNEIDER sold 60 acres of her farm to H. GILBERT.
Frank JAMES.

Blaine has the best electric light systems of any town of its size on the coast. Many of the private residences and offices are supplied with incandescant lights, and the streets are lighted by seventeen great arc lights hung on cross wires over the center of the street crossings.

October 1, 1891:

For the third time this year the summit of Mount Baker has been scaled, the last party to accomplish this feat being E. S. INGHRAM, G. K. CORYELL, J. V. A. SMITH and Fred CALHOUN.

W. H. RADCLIFFE paid his first visit to New Westminster this week, and was very much pleased with the appearance of our British neighbor.

Capt. James TART and his brother John were visitors to Blaine this morning, coming on the steamer Brick. It is now some time since the Captain has visited the International City.

Hon. A. WASSON, who has been appointed collector of customs at Point (sic) Townsend, vice C. M. BRADSHAW, removed, has been sick during the past few weeks and has not yet qualified, but expects to during the coming week and enter upon the duties of the office.

I. M. SCOTT informs us that he and his neighbors have opened up a new road from STILWELL's place to the corporate limits, clearing it of stumps and leveling it a width of twenty feet. Now that they have done so much they feel that it is no more than right that the city should open the street to meet them, and it does seem as though something might be done at once so as to provide a real road into the Excelsior neighborhood at least.

Mrs. OAKES left for Michigan this morning with her sick son. He is still a very sick man.

We do congratulate the tide land commission on securing the services of our old friend T. C. AUSTIN, as assistant engineer. His name is a guarantee for good work.

Louiette FLEMING died September 26, 1891, in Blaine, aged 2 years and 4 months.

Miss LEWIS, of New Westminster, is endeavoring to get up a music and drawing class in this city. As Miss LEWIS is an artist of true merit we hope she will succeed, as (sic) if she does so she will likely make Blaine her future home.

F. CHRISTIANER, the Seattle music man, has been a visitor to the International City this week. Through the agency of Lester DAVID of this city, he has sold an elegant piano to D. DRYSDALE which was set up in the latter's residence in Semiahmoo yesterday.

News has reached Blaine that the infant child of Dr. E. W. BURKE died a short time ago at Keokuk, Iowa, of cholera infantum. Thus is the last material reminder of a sweet life broken. Friends of Dr. BURKE, in Blaine, sympathizes with him in this, his last sorrow.

The following letter has been received at the Journal office and will be of interest to the sailors of Blaine.
New Whatcom, Wash.,
Sept. 25, 1891.
Editor, Journal: - There being no official yacht club in your city, we kindly ask you if will extend through your paper a kind invitation to all yachtmen of Blaine and vicinity to attend the first annual regatta of the Bellingham Bay Yacht Club, which is to be held at Whatcom, Bellingham Bay, on Saturday, October 3rd, 1891.
The purses will amount in aggregate to about $250. All boats wishing to enter must report here on the morning of the Regatta for measurement, and during races will be under the racing rules of the Club. Entrance fee $5.00. A general good time is expected, and we hope Blaine will come and join with us. Thanking you in advance, I remain,
Yours very truly,

October 8, 1891:

Mr. Peter FOSTER has bought out J. A. MARTIN, and will hereafter conduct the business at the old stand.

Mrs. R. S. JACKSON, who has been spending the summer at Ladner's Landing, has been at home for a week.

Two electric light poles are being removed from E street to D street, thus to afford light from the depot down to the business part of town.

P. D. HARKNESS, has gone to Nooksack to be at the bedside of his father, who is reported as being very low, having never fully recovered from the injuries he received in a runaway accident some time since.

PERLEY Brothers have a force of men at work graveling Washington avenue between H and Martin streets. What is the matter with the other property holders meeting them half way and graveling or planking more of that street? PERLEY Bros. example is worthy of imitation, at least.

Parties have been in Blaine during the past week trying to work up public interest in a motor line between this city and Lynden.

Last Saturday morning Messrs. F. S. FULLERTON, Frank HURLBURT and A. L. COLMAN left in the sloop Nella for a week's cruise among the islands. They expect to bag a good load of game, as well as some curious stone and shells before they return.

E. C. POTTER the president of the oil company, returned to Blaine Saturday accompanied by his family. The machinery has been taken out to the works, and yesterday a large scow was being loaded with lumber at CAIN Bros. mill, which lumber will be towed up the creek for the purpose of building the necessary houses and erecting the derrick. Quite a number of men are now employed, and it is hoped to have active drilling operations under way shortly.

Water pipes are being laid to the M. E. parsonage.

The many friends of O. D. McDONALD will be sorry to hear that he is very sick at his home on Boblett street.

Mrs. L. A. CAMPBELL, who resides on the upper Nooksack, has been spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. DORR.

Dr. CLARK reports the arrival Sunday night at the residence of Mail Agent RHODES on E street, of an 8-pound boy. All well. E street is a daundy.

A. S. WALTERS, of Seattle, was a visitor to Blaine the first of the week. He has jumped into the field as a candidate for deputy collector. He is quite an extensive property holder in the International City.

Thursday, October 15, 1891:

Herman KING returned home from Seattle Sunday, after several months' absence.

Misses Alice and Anna KEANE left Monday for Tacoma, where their father is very ill.

Mrs. M. C. KNIGHT, who has for some time been housekeeper at the Arlington hotel, went to Seattle yesterday.

Messrs. HURLBURT, COLMAN and FULLERTON returned to-day from their trip in the islands, and report a fine time.

The tide land commission is still wrestling with the problem of how to divide the tide flats so that each shore owner shall have a chance to get a piece.

We are glad to observe that our friend Joseph KILDALL, of Lynden, has made himself a full fledged man by getting his other half fastened to him in good shape. She was Miss Mary JENKINS, daughter of J. R. JENKINS, of Whatcom, and they were married last week Tuesday. We heartily congratulate them.

Frank PENDLETON had Mr. PALMENTEER arrested for taking the sloop Ora across the line into British Columbia. PALMENTEER have bonds for his appearance at Judge DUNN's office Tuesday, and did appear, and remained half through the trial, but seemingly getting tired about that time he walked out of the court room and across the boundary line into British Columbia. The case was complicated enough to puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer, but we believe Mr. PALMENTEER was exonerated.

A new postoffice has been established at Mountain View.

People living near Hillsdale report that an organized gang of stock thieves is operating in that neighborhood.

J. C. BAIRD has been dismissed from the customs service.

The Whatcom Reveille says that one of the Twin Sisters, which is in full view from Blaine is discovered to be a mountain of iron ore.

Mr. SHAW's family have moved into and opened the Arlington restaurant, and as Mrs. SHAW has always been a success as a cook, the Arlington restaurant will probably be a success under her management.

The family of L. G. SEVERENCE, who is connected with the boring operations at this point, arrived, and expect to make their permanent home in Blaine, having faith that the prospecting will result in rich developments.

-The depot has been moved to the switch just above town, and the company will now build a permanent depot there.
-The postoffice building and the hall are now nearing completion.
-Mr. GRIFFIN contemplates building a fine residence in town.
-The evening school under the direction of W. HATCH and A. C. HAWKINS, is open Monday and Thursday evenings.
-Mr. GREEN is putting up a dwelling just out of town.
-The farmers are about through threshing. Some of the grain was damaged by the rain. The McCOMB place turned out over fifteen hundred bushels.
-Mr. HAYWARD is building a house on his ten acres.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. T. RADCLIFFE, of Blaine, spent a few days with Mr. CLAYTON's family, of Mountain View.

Several weeks ago the Journal published a letter from Superintendent OLNEY regarding the establishment of two classes of U. S. signal stations, one class to be supplied with instruments and data by the government, and the other class to be supplied with data, but instruments to be purchased at cost by the operator. Blaine has now been designated as a station of the former class, and A. H. GERRISH appointed signal officer. The government will forward him instruments, blanks and signals in a few days, and he will begin to keep a record of temperature, rainfall and velocity of the wind, and when telegraphic weather forcasts are received the U. S. signal flags will be raised. Reports will be sent from here by Mr. GERRISH, and will be distributed to all parts of the country.

Blaine Journal, October 22, 1891:

    Last week the steamer Evangel's boiler blew up at the Whatcom dock causing the death of four men and injuring several others very badly.The steamer's upper works were torn to pieces, but the hull was uninjured.
    The Evangel was for a long time the only steamer making regular trips to Blaine, and was as well known to most of us as our own houses. Capt. James TARTE run her most of the time, but Capt. BEECHER also came here in her for a number on months. The steamer has had an eventful history, which we clip, as below, from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
    "It is doubtful if there ever was another vessel built on the coast with a history as peculiar and interesting as that of the steamer Evangel.
    She was built in Seattle at the foot of Cherry street in 1882, by Rev. J. P. LUDLOW, a Baptist preacher. She was a propeller, 100 feet long, 17 feet wide, 7 feet deep and of 77 tons burden. As originally built, she was only eighty feet in length and was designed by LUDLOW as a gospel ship. LUDLOW was at the time clerk of the court in the third judicial district and had for a long time before cherished the idea of building a gospel ship for the purpose of conveying preachers and workers in the cause of Christianity around from place to place on the sound, holding services at mills, logging camps, etc., where no other opportunities for church work existed. Shortly after his appointment as clerk of the court, a rich relative died, leaving him several thousand dollars. This gave him an opportunity to put his ideas into practice, and he started to do so, and frequently express the belief that the Lord had sent the money to him for the purpose of aiding him in the undertaking.
    He made known his intentions through various channels of the churches of the country, and in a short time subscriptions began to come in from church societies all over the world to help on the work of building the ship, subscriptions having been received from Henry Ward Beecher's church at Brooklyn, and various other churches in the east especially.
    Before the vessel was finally completed, LUDLOW became interested in an Alaska mail contract. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company had been carrying the mail up to this time, but a company was formed, with John LEARY at the head, for the purpose of bidding for this mail contract, and when the time came for examining the bids the Pacific Coast Steamship Company was surprised to find that it had lose the plum. The steamship company then went to work and chartered or subsidized nearly every available boat on the coast, so the new contractors were at a loss for a vessel to put on the route to carry out their contract. They finally succeeded in purchasing a steamer named the Yaquina at Portland, which was owned by Captain HATCH. She was loaded with lime when they bought her, and was to be brought around to Seattle and delivered to them as soon as discharged, but the night after the purchase was made she took fire and was completely destroyed. The new company was determined to carry out is contract, however, and induced LUDLOW to cut his boat, then almost ready to launch, in two in the middle, and make her twenty feet longer, and put her on the Alaska route instead of using her as a gospel ship. LUDLOW returned all the contributions received from church organizations, as far as he could when he decided to divert the boat from the original object in view. Her name, Evangel, meaning good news, had already been selected and was suggested by the name "Good Tidings," which Mr. LUDLOW was advised to call her.
    When the boat was ready to launch invitations were sent out to all the churches and church societies in the surrounding country requesting their members to be present and witness the ceremony. Nearly everybody in the city and the surrounding country and towns was present on the occasion. Instead of breaking the usual bottle of wine over the bow, a little girl dressed in white was stationed on the bow, and as the vessel slid down the ways into the water the child scattered religious tracts in profusion, which fell like snowflakes. A number of old steamboatmen who witnessed the affair prophesied that the vessel would be ill-fated on account of the unusual manner of conducting the ceremonies launching her.
    When the steamer was on her way to Alaska on the first trip, the sheet-crown of her boiler burned out when a short distance north of Victoria, and she had to return to Seattle for repairs. This laid her up several weeks, and in consequence of the delay and the general ill luck, the new company gave up the mail contract and it reverted to the Pacific Coast Steamship Company. There was some suspicion that the engineer had been bribed to cripple the vessel. Just before she started out on the trip LUDLOW was offered $24,000 for her, but he refused. The object of making the offer was to keep her off the route.
    By the time the boat was put in condition again she had cost LUDLOW so much that he found it necessary to put her to work carrying freight and passengers on the Sound in order to save himself from financial ruin. Captain TARTE, LUDLOW's son-in-law, was placed in command of her, and Rev. KARNES, a broken-down minister, was a deck hand on her. The rest of the crew was made up of some of the foremost members of the Baptist church of Seattle. KARNES finally became disgusted with his lot as a roustabout, and settled on a ranch near Green lake and in time became quite wealthy. Business for the steamer was dull, and she was not successful. After dragging along for two or three years, she was chartered by Herbert F. BEECHER, of Port Townsend, son of the noted divine. BEECHER ran her about a year, but evidently was not successful, as he never paid the charter money, though suit was brought for the amount. LUDLOW became disgusted with steamboating, as it had about ruined him financially, so he sold the gospel ship to MORGAN & HASTINGS, of Port Townsend. This firm afterward dissolved and MORGAN took the boat and sold a half-interest in her to Captain Winn MANN, of Port Townsend, and those two gentlemen owned her at the time of the accident, and was running her between Port Townsend and Whatcom.
    As originally designed, she was a neat little craft with ample machinery but when lengthened out it made her too large for her power and this, no doubt, has had much to do with her ill luck, though she was regarded as a very substantial and safe boat. LUDLOW is now in Japan doing missionary work. He is described as a very eccentric man. He hated tobacco, and when a man entered his office smoking he would throw open every window and door. His younger son was named Pilgrim Stranger LUDLOW, the father giving as a reason for the odd name that he wanted to boy to be constantly reminded that he was a pilgrim and a stranger on earth, whose only home was in heaven.

    The many friends of James HARKNESS will be pained to hear of his death. About two months ago the old gentleman, who is 88 years of age, was thrown from a wagon by a runaway team and pretty badly shaken up. He was a wonderful hardy man, being of sturdy Scotch stock. While his step has been slow and feeble for a number of years, all the fire and vim of youth would spring up in the old man when his plans or wishes were interfered with, and he imagined himself as young as ever. He was kind to his children, having a farm full of them; about sixteen, we believe. By industry he made of the the best farms in the county at Nooksack Crossing, and for years ran the hotel. Everyone who has visited the crossing kindly remember the old man, for his young actions and indomitable will could not be overlooked. He was a champion of road bonds, and expressed a hope a short time ago to live to see a good wagon road to the Bay. The old gentleman has taken a trip over a road where the question of supervision is out of the hands of contending factions, leaving behind him an aged wife, a large family, and a host of sorrowing friends.
    The above is clipped from the Bellingham Bay Express of last Saturday.
    The last time we saw Mr. HARKNESS he was the oldest delegate in Whatcom county Republican convention and his venerable presence was accorded the greatest respect by the whole convention.
    His son P. D. HARKNESS is a respected resident of Blaine, and a good representative of the sterling pioneer stock from which he sprang.

Whatcom, Oct. 21. - The prospect is first-class now for an electric motor line from Blaine to Lynden. The right parties have hold of the project, and if the citizens give it the proper encouragement it will go through with a rush.

-The very earnest and honest religious workers, Rev. STAYT and wife are holding a series of meetings in Pleasant Valley school house where they have attentive listeners to their sanctification lectures.
-Miss Clara PARR while riding home from Good Templars lodge at Enterprise Saturday night was thrown from her horse and severely bruised, and remained in an unconscious condition for some hours and her many friends are feeling most uneasy for fear of internal injuries.
-Charles MORGAN, always a very polite gentleman, is doubly so now and says he is glad it is a girl because he can always hire male help, but it is not so with dishwashers.
Frank JAMES.

PERLEY brothers are fitting up the store room in the GILFILLAN & TANNER building, formerly occupied by E. C. STILLWELL, prepatory to moving their stock of dry goods and groceries from Harrison avenue.

Mr. W. EDWARDS of Matia island, has been in Blaine during the past week trying to interest capitalists here in forming a company to work the Matia island stone quarries, which he says afford building stone of a superior quality. These quarries will be located nearer to Blaine than to any other city, and it is to be hoped that before many years the International City will utilize their whole output in constructing large stone blocks, which it will do if a company can be formed to take hold of it.

L. R. FLOWERS returned to Blaine Friday last, and will likely remain here.

The family of D. M. JONES, who is engaged at the boring works, arrived in Blaine Sunday evening, and will make this their permanent home.

Mr. F. T. HURLBURT departed Tuesday morning for a vacation of a month or two, he will visit friends in Oregon and may reach his home in Ontario before returning.

Messrs. George and Harry HUNTINGTON of Minneapolis train dispatcher and assistant ticket agent of the Soo & South Shore lines spent a few days in Blaine this week visiting with their uncle, Geo. F. SMITH.

Mrs. Alice ASHLEY and two children arrived Saturday night in Blaine and are visiting with her sister, Mrs. G. W. CONRAD, at the Metropolitan hotel, where they will likely spend the winter.

Mr. J. S. JOHNSTON returned Saturday evening from Spirit Lake, Iowa, where he has been for the past few months, he reports good time in that section of the country, having the largest crops they have seen for several years. With all the good times and well doing of that country, Mr. JOHNSTON says Blaine suits him the best.

SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION: James H. HAZELTON, Plaintiff, vs. Eliza HAZELTON, Defendant .... action of divorce.

Blaine Journal, October 30, 1891:

Tuesday evening a new boy arrived at the residence of J. D. NASH on A street.

Mr. PASSAGE and family leave to-day to take charge of a steam laundry in New Westminster.

Dr. E. S. CLARK left this morning for a visit to Minneapolis. He expects to be gone several months.

Under the supervision of the city council road funds are belonging to the Blaine district are being expended on H street east of the railroad. Quite a stretch of corduroy has been laid. Ditches are being dug on each side of the road to run off the water. It is proposed to corduroy and then cover the corduroy from the railway to the foot of the hill, and then the street west of the railroad will also be made passable, thus affording a good road to the cemetery. The city will also put in considerable work at once on Washington avenue and other streets.

Clarence JOHNSTON took a trip to Snohomish during the past week.

Tommy KING has indulged himself in a beautiful new $75 cornet with which he will help to swell the melody along with the Blaine band.

R. S. CLARK, who used to live here, will start the first of November for the Sandwich islands, accompanied by his wife and little son. He goes for the benefit of his health, and hopes to fully recover before returning. His lungs have been very bad since an accident which he sustained last spring, and do not improve, so he thinks the moves necessary. Mr. Clark has scores of friends who will be glad to hear of his speedy recovery in the summer isles.

Frank S. FULLERTON, who has been connected with the Journal for a year past, left by the steamer last evening for eastern Washington, where he expects to remain for some time. Frank has been a good faithful helper at this office, having run the Journal's big cylinder press and steam engine most of that time with but one slight break. He is also a good clean compositor. He has many warm friends in Blaine who will be glad to hear of any good fortune which may fall to his lot.

J. E. CAPES, of Kansas City, visited his relatives, Dr. and Mrs. CLARK yesterday.

Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Ed. HOLTZHEIMER, on California creek Tuesday evening, a fine son, Dr. REEVES attending physician.

Thursday, November 5, 1891:    [SEMI-WEEKLY]

PERLEY Bros. have opened up their grocery and boot and shoe store in the GILFILLAN-TANNER building on Washington avenue.

Last Sunday, by the falling of a large boiler at Blue Canyon coal mine, W. L. F. SUITER and Chris ALISON were crushed to death.

The body of Col. Wm. HAKES, a leading citizen of Fairhaven, was found Monday floating in Port Townsend harbor. The cause of death is unknown.

TREVIOSS & SALVADOR have opened a very attractive store in the building recently occupied by BARNHEISEL. They carry fruit, confectionery, tobacco and produce.

A county organization of the Farmer's Alliance and Industrial Union was perfected at Laurel on October 24th. Eight sub-alliances were represented at the meeting.

Will WEBSTER will hereafter have one less finger end to put in the pie, for on Monday while handling a cutting machine in JOHNSON's shop he cut off one of them, since which incident he carries his hand in a bundle.

The school board has kindly conscented to the use of one of the apartments in the North ward school building for a night school, which it is hoped to get started next week Monday under the tutelage of Prof. E. H. THOMAS.

Messrs. Lincoln GILLIS and Arthur MILLS last Saturday finished their contract for clearing fifty acres at Hall's prairie for Dr. POWELL, of Victoria. They have had a tough time of it for the past few weeks, having to dig much of the fallen timber out of standing water before they could burn it. The recent rains have reduced their profits on the work materially, but they have cleared off a fine field. They are not sorry they are through.

Sam. THOMSON, the leading Delta agriculturist, was in Blaine with his team Monday. He came away round by Custer to get here, but he went back by the Haynie road. He hopes that before long he may come directly to Blaine from his place over a good road.

Mr. E. H. THOMAS' department of the school was closed today, owing to his sickness.

Monday, November 9, 1891:    [SEMI-WEEKLY]

L. L. MOUNCE has been licensed as a local preacher of the M. E. church.

The handsome brick chimney on Mr. I. LIVINGSTONE's house, the work of Mr. Frank ORTH, is worthy of special mention.

Mr. Henry LOOMIS, is clearing up a large tract of land on his farm four miles southeast of Blaine. He now has a large force of men and teams at work.

Mrs. A. H. GERRISH has lately finished some beautiful litchen paintings and some elegant autumn bouquets at her residence on Boundary ridge. All her work shows the hand of an artist in its execution, and is well worth an inspection by those who desire such fancies.

Inspector James BUCHANAN, of Bellingham Bay, has been in Blaine the past two days, and while here rented his Golden Gate hotel to Mrs. HOTCHKISS, who will hereafter run it as a boarding house for the single men. Mr. BUCHANAN opened the Wasson administration by capturing the first opium, which he sent as his letter of introduction to the new collector.

FLINT-ELLIOTT-- Saturday, November 7th, 1891, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George ELLIOTT, near Blaine, H. Amanda ELLIOTT to Charles E. FLINT, Rev. S. DAILEY performing the ceremony. The wedding was a quiet one, only the relatives of the parties being present. The bride is one of the Blaine teachers, and the groom is lately arrived in this city from River Falls, Wisconsin, where he has been engaged in farming, and where they have been acquainted with each other from childhood, River Falls also having been the former home of the bride. The newly married couple will reside in Blaine, and they have the Journal's warmest congratulations and well wishes, as well as those of a large number of sincere friends both in Blaine and River Falls.

The Baptist church has called Rev. SANDERS, of Ferndale, who will preach in the Blaine Baptist church, commencing two weeks from next Sunday.

Saturday, November 14, 1891:   [SEMI-WEEKLY]

-The postoffice is now moved into the new building.
-The new depot is fast nearing completion.
-The school house on the East side has a new bell also patent seats and all necessary appliances.
-KENOYER & WRIGHT are soon to put their saw mill in Ferndale.
-Miss Katie COSS, who has been attending the Normal is at her home in Mountain View.
-Mrs. MILLS who has been for the past month in Pleasant Valley, is now at Mrs. ANDERSON's where she makes her home.
-The new district west of Mountain View is building a school house; also the district north. Both of these districts were taken from Mountain View.

The new sidewalk from Harrison avenue to HUGHES' place has been completed.

Last evening J. F. WARD met with an accident by which he severely sprained his ancle (sic).

W. H. JEFFERY, of Custer, who was in Blaine Tuesday, reports seeing a cougar on railroad track between here and that town.

BROWN Brothers, of Custer have finished their new store, and will soon occupy it with a $9,000 stock of goods. Other buildings will be commenced there in a short time.

Dr. W. A. KING reports a new boy at the residence of Mr. Fred BROWN on E street. He is just one year younger than the state, having been born on the 11th, admission day.

Mr. Chas. SPROAT will have to send back to his old home in England unpleasant news this week, having lost by fire all his earthly effects on his place on the British side six miles east of Blaine.

J. D. WALKER has this week been operating the Drayton mill sawing up a boom of logs which he had put in the water. The lumber, we understand, will be used in constructing fine new residences for himself and D. S. MILLER

Mr. T. SAVINGS came very nearly being killed on his place east of town a short time ago by a large stub which he was burning down, and which unexpectedly fell so near him as to lacerate his shoulder. It would have killed him instantly had it struck his head.

Mr. L. GILLIS, who is from the Pennsylvania oil regions, visited Blaine oil works Thursday, and assures us that the work being done there is of the most substantial character. Operations have been considerably delayed by bad weather, but we hope to hear some good reports from the wells in a few days.

L. L. MOUNCE has gone to Nova Scotia to settle up his father's estate. He went via New Westminster and by the C. P. train.

Prof. E. H. THOMAS Monday evening organized a night school in the north ward building with a class of fifteen and every prospect of success.

Mr. F. McCALL on Thursday sold to P. NEILSON 14 acres of land two miles east of Blaine, and 4 acres a mile east of the water front. Consideration $1,800.

C. T. MOORE and L. R. FLOWERS will go into prune raising on a large scale near Custer, setting at least ten acres to trees as soon as the ground can be got into shape.

The young New Westminster couple, John BERRY and Mary E. LAMBERT, who flew to this city of refuge last week, away from frowning parents in the Royal City, were quietly married in Blaine Saturday last, and on Wednesday went back home to be reconciled to the discomfited old folks.

Rev. T. A. HYLANDE, who was for many years rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, New York City, has spent several days this week visiting with Rev. P. E. HYLANDE, pastor of the P. E. church, of this place. Mr HYLANDE is on his way to Astoria, Oregon, where he will make his future home.

Mr. J. F. WARD has received tidings of the dangerous illness of his father and next week accompanied by his family he will start for Kansas. The G. A. R. - W. R. C. social next Tuesday evening will be in the nature of a farewell reception to Commander WARD and will be an ovation to him, [These are simply our suggestions.] as they will probably not return soon. The WARDs will be missed very much in Blaine, as they have taken a very active part in everything of a social character while they have resided here. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. WARD will also go east at the same time as the others, how long to remain there we have not learned.

Arthur DUNN, who has been visiting relatives in Nebraska, for several months past, arrived home yesterday, coming from Whatcom by special car, so as to get home quicker. His father, who waited for the ordinary train, had a picnic looking for him in the Bay City yesterday while Arthur was snug at home.

The cemetery road on H street from Boundary ridge toward the railroad, is nearly completed. The work is being done under the supervision of the Blaine street committee, and is a good job. Corduroy has been laid, ditches dug on each side, and the dirt thrown upon the corduroy. Over this is spread a liberal coat of sawdust.

W. H. SNYDER, who used to set type in Blaine has been a visitor to the International City this week.

A. L. STANNARD, who will have charge of the work of platting the tide lands for the city, arrived in Blaine Monday evening.

Wednesday, November 18, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY]

Rev. E. B. SUTTON will lecture again this evening on prohibition at the M. E. church.

A. W. ALEXANDER, who carries the mail between Blaine and Semiahmoo, frequently makes the round trip in forty minutes, crossing the ferry, and traveling two miles on his bicycle.

F. S. FULLERTON is now located at Pullman, in eastern Washington, and is employed on the Herald, of that city. W. C. HAMMOND, A. WAITE and WAGNER Bros. are also at Pullman, and all reported doing well.

The city council's action Monday evening in refusing to increase the number of street light to twenty-five we believe was wise. Blaine has less than 2000 people, and is now supporting seventeen great arc light. When Whatcom and Sehome boasted 7000 people they had only sixteen lights, and it is safe to say that there are not many cities in the country of the size of Blaine running city lights at such an expense, and the council have shown proper regard for the people's interest in this matter.

One of the most remarkable women in the county, visited New Whatcom, yesterday. Her name is Mary E. DYE. She is a widow with one son, a lad of fourteen years. Four years ago she settled on the South Fork of the Nooksack, and a twig have never been cut by a white man within five miles of her ranch. Her household goods were brought to her from Nooksack Crossing in an Indian canoe. She got a log shanty up and went to work. For six months she saw only one woman, and that was a squaw. She has now several acres cleared, a garden which is the pride of the South Fork, fruit trees started, and this year with only her son to help her she has made 157 rods of good wagon road, chopping down trees, hauling them away and grubbing. She wields an ax in a very certain and reliable way. She has pigs, cows, chickens, and her dinners are celebrated all along the river. Last fall she gave a Thanksgiving dinner to the government surveyors which pleased them mightily, and all that she set before them that was not raised on the ranch was coffee, sugar, pepper and salt. Boulder Creek empties into the Nooksack at her place, and at any time in the year, save July and August, in ten minutes time she will have a salmon or trout ready for the pan. Salmon weighing twenty pounds have been caught in the creek. Trout can be caught, from the big salmon variety to the little brook trout. -Reveille.

Mrs. W. L. CHURCH, of Port Angeles, is visiting at the residence of W. J. GILLESPIE.

J. T. SHAW returned from Westminster yesterday, which city he reports as booming, and hotels overflowing.

Rev. T. A. HYLANDE who has been visiting his brother, Rev. P. E. HYLANDE, left for Portland yesterday.

Wm. DRUMMOND, who last year was employed on various buildings in this city, but who is now living in Victoria, came to Blaine yesterday.

Mr. Orville ESPY, who formerly edited the Journal, was a caller at this office yesterday. He was surprised to find the Journal fitted up for a city of 5,000 people, as he issued it for a year to a population of fifty people, from a hand press and an outfit of 100 pounds of borgois and fifty pounds fo nonpariel. The paper under him and his predecessor, however gave the town its first habitation, and its editorials bore no uncertain sound, always representing decency and right. Mr. ESPY and wife are visiting with the family of C. H. STOLTENBERG, near Custer, and will be in Blaine in a few days to see old friends here. The ESPIES now have a cosy home on Howell street in Seattle.

Wednesday, November 25, 1891:    [SEMI-WEEKLY]

Wood will be taken at this office in payment for advertising and subscriptions.

Fairhaven is grieving because the offices of the Great Northern have been removed from that city to Seattle.

Mr. and Mrs. John AITKEN, Sr., who live near Enterprise, were blessed by the arrival of a new daughter at their house last week.

The people at Enterprise were very much shocked Monday to hear of the sudden death that morning of Mrs. Irving Holcomb. Mrs. Holcomb was a daughter of Mr. B. Ferguson.

E. E. KIGHTLINGER, who is now clerking in a Seattle hotel, was in Blaine yesterday.

S. C. TORRANCE, representing the Mosler safe company, has been in Blaine the past two days.

Saturday, November 28, 1891:   [SEMI-WEEKLY]

E. B. SMITH, who is about to start a newspaper in Ferndale, has the Journal's warmest sympathies.

Men, remember th Y. M. C. A. meeting for men only, at their rooms, corner of E and Fourth street, each Sunday at 4 p. m. You will be welcomed.

Mr. Marshal PARKER writes to Mr. WESTCOTT that he is closing up his business, and will be ready to come to Blaine in the spring and go into any legitimate enterprise.

J. M. WEISTLING, of Seattle, was in Blaine yesterday on business connected with the water works. We understand that he now offers, of behalf of his company, to put in fifteen hydrants for the city.

The people of Blaine were much annoyed Monday evening when the electric lights went out at 11 p.m. Tuesday night it was worse, the lights only burning until 9 p. m., and Wednesday night they were not lit at all. All this was caused by the fact that the supply of carcons ran out at the power house. They now have a three-months supply on hand, and the city is not likely to be left in darkness again.

Blaine people will be glad to hear of the good fortune of Chas. F. STOOPS. He left here last summer, and went to one of the Ellensburg mining districts. One day while out prospecting he slipped and fell on the edge of a gulch, and sliding down some distance uncovered a rich ledge of free milling ore which has turned out to be very rich. Mr. STOOPS has been offered $40,000 cash for a portion of his claim, retaining a tenth interest in the whole, and proposes to accept the offer. Frank ROBERTSON is now with Mr. STOOPS assisting him to work his claim. No harder working man than Charley STOOPS could have struck it rich, and we hope he will secure the full benefits of his discovery.

About thirty people very quietly filed into Mr. BOBLETT's house on Fourth street Tuesday evening last and completely surprised the good people. It was the sixty-fourth anniversary of his birth, and his friends desired to celebrate with him, which they proceeded to do in whole hearted social style, and before going they left as a reminder of their visit an easy chair just his fit exactly. Mrs. D. R. GOTT, was also the recipient of congratulations the same evening, it being her thirty-ninth birthday, she being a niece of Mr. BOBLETT.

City clerk McCALL has moved into his own house on G street.

Mrs. J. McGAHN returned Tuesday from a visit of several weeks in eastern Canada.

Mr. O. SEELEY, of Seattle, has been visiting his cousins, the SEELEY Bros., of Blaine, this week.

Saturday, December 5, 1891 -[SEMI-WEEKLY]

Miss HYLANDE, who has been teaching school on Orcas island, is now at home with her parents in Blaine.

James BUCHANAN has resigned his inspectorship of U. S. customs, for what reason, we have not learned.

Miss Hallie NOLAND left this morning for her home in Seattle, and will shortly go to Chicago and enter a preparatory missionary school from which she expects to enter some regular missionary field.

The new bell in the Indian church at Campbell creek was rung for the first time this week. We believe it is the heaviest bell at this point.

Mr. Ben. WELCHER met with a serious accident yesterday on his place north of town. He and Walter FLEMING were working on scaffold at a barn which he is building, when the scaffold went down, precipitating both men to the ground and breaking one of Mr. WELCHER's legs and spraining Mr. FLEMING's ancle (sic). Surgeons were called from Blaine and dressed their wounds.

B. F. ALLISON is about to open a wood yard on the water front between E and F streets.

State of Washington,
County of Whatcom
City of Blaine.

I, Frank McCALL, City Clerk of the City of Blaine, do hereby certify that the candidates for municipal offices of the City of Blaine to be elected at the municipal election to be held on December 8th, A. D., 1891, filed in my office on the 5th day of December, A. D., 1891, are as follows to wit:
For Mayor,
A. E. MEAD, Attorney at law, Residence Harrison Avenue, Citizens' ticket.
For Treasurer,
Lester W. DAVID, Jeweler, Residence Washington Avenue, Citizens' ticket.
W. J. GILLESPIE, real estate broker, residence H street, People's ticket.
For Assessor,
J. W. TANNER, School teacher, residence H street, Citizens' ticket.
A. H. GERRISH, book keeper, residence D street, Independent.
For Health Officer,
E. A. REEVES, Physician, residence Washington Avenue, Citizen's ticket.
E. S. CLARK, Physician, residence Clark street, People's ticket.
W. A. KING, Physician, Fourth street, Independent.
G. D. DEMENT, Physician, residence Washington Avenue, Independent.
For Councilman At Large,
C. A. LOOMIS, Insurance Agent, residence Blaine avenue.
C. A. OSTROM, clerk, residence Fourth street, People's ticket.
For Councilman,
T. A. HUNTER, Wharfinger, residence Cherry street, Citizen's ticket.
A. L. JOHNSON, Merchant, residence E street, Citizen's ticket.
James H. MILHOLLIN, Contractor, Residence C Street, Citizen's ticket.
Byron KINGSLEY, Real Estate Broker, Residence Washington Avenue, Citizen's ticket.
J. H. MERRELL, merchant, residence Martin street, People's ticket.
J. S. JOHNSTON, furrier, E street, People's ticket.
C. C. McDONALD, clerk, residence Washington avenue, People's ticket.
J. D. WALKER, miller, residence Fourth street, People's ticket.
E. A. BOBLETT, real estate broker, residence Fourth street, Independent.
J. R. THOMAS, real estate broker, residence Fourth street, Independent.
Witness my hand with the official seal of the City of Blaine annexed, this 5th day of December, A. D., 1891. Frank McCALL, City Clerk.

B. F. ALLISON is about to open a wood yard on the water front between E and F streets.

Wednesday evening, in Whatcom D. H. LONG, out of jealousy, murdered his wife and son-in-law, the latter a young man of twenty-one years named Norman HUMES, by shooting them both with a revolver. After doing the killing LONG disappeared armed with a rifle and revolver, and will probably make a desperate fight before being captured. He committed the murder in the presence of his daughter, who is described by the bay papers as being a rather weak minded girl of sixteen. LONG's jealousy seems to have been well founded.

L. W. DAVID - Jeweler.
The Arlington - Hotel.
CAIN Brothers - Real Estate.
A. L. JOHNSON - Hardware.
SEELEY Brothers - Grocers.
Wm. BENNETT - Blacksmith.
W. J. GILLESPIE - Real Estate and Insurance.
Mrs. A. GEERY - Millinery and Notions.
E. M. ADAMS - Hardware.
FOX & CLARK - Druggists.
W. A. KIGN - Physician and Surgeon.
S. H. HORTON - New York Meat Market.
E. A. REEVES - Physician and Surgeon.
P. FOSTER - Dry Goods and Groceries.
DAHL Brothers - Grocers.
BARNES & Co. - Druggists.
GARD & WARE - Feed Store.
TRAVISS & SALVADOR - Oysters, Fruit, Etc.
SHANNON & Co. - Hardware.
Blaine National - Bank.
Wm. HOMOYER - Baker.
L. E. LAMAR - Painter and Decorator.
A. E. MEAD - Attorney at Law.
C. E. FOWLER - Dentist.
D. S. RICHARDS - Blaine-Semiahmoo Ferry.
S. R. EVA - Contractor and Builder.
Mrs. A. H. GERRISH - Painting and Fancy Work.
CAIN Bros. - Sawmill.
R. J. GLENN - Meat Market.

Wednesday, December 9, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY]

Joseph HAWLEY who lived near A and Fourth streets, died this morning.

Inspector McLENNAN is recovering satisfactorily from his recent gunshot wound. It was a narrow escape.

R. S. JACKSON, who has spent the past season at Ladner's Landing, returned to Blaine Monday, and will winter here.

We met C. A. STILLWELL on the streets Monday looking very contented and happy, and we now learn that the reason for his pleasant appearance was the fact that a fine new baby girl arrived at his home at Excelsior Sunday last.

Mr. Robt. OGLESBY, one of the men who was in the recent railroad accident, at the Royal City logging camp, has been stopping at the Metropolitan hotel for over a week past. He got rather the worst usage of any of them. When those huge logs, like arrows from Brobdignag (sic), came rushing down the hill that night they jammed the tender off its trucks and smashed the locomotive cab like an eggshell, and pinned Robt. HARVEY, the engineer, and Mr. OGLESBY against the boiling boiler. The engineer, however, though mangled and roasting, could just reach the lever of the whistle, and seizing it he blew blast after blast for assistance. The train men, by the aid of jack screws, managed to liberate the engineer, but there was not sufficient of them to release Mr. OGLESBY. Some started for the camp to get more assistance, but met the men, who had heard the whistle, hurrying down to see what was the matter. So, after having one of his thighs fried fro half an hour, which he said seemed a week to him, OGESBY was also freed from his terrible position. A week ago Saturday he was brought down to Blaine, and with his friend, Gus JOHNSON, is comfortably quartered at the Metropolitan. He is still in bed, but hopes to get out in about a week. His burns are very deep, and slow healing. Engineer HARVEY is now out on crutches. They both feel that they had a narrow escape for their lives.

Editor Journal: -- We, the teachers and pupils, sincerely appreciate the commendation and encouragement received from yourself and others. May we ask further space for the announcement of the names of those pupils who stood 90 per cent or more on last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:
Eighth Grade -
Willie COLE .... 100
Blanche GETCHELL ... 100
Percy GETCHELL ... 90
Flora DAVIES ... 90
Seventh Grade -
Ella CROY ... 99
Jessie DAVIES ... 96
Effie EVANS ... 94
John SLOAN ... 90
Myrtle WEBSTER ... 93
Sixth Grade -
Willette CROY ... 93
LeRoy GETCHELL ... 90
Fifth Grade - South Side -
Ida BERTSCH ... 100
Clara STOOPS ... 99
Blanche RAMAGE ... 100
John KING ... 93
Philip SHAFFNER ... 96
Myrtle HAVERCROFT ... 96
Fourth Grade - South Side -
Charley GOTT ... 99
Bessie KNOX ... 96
North Side -
Jay BURNETT ... 100
The following are the names of the pupils neither tardy or absent during the first term of the school year:
Seventh Grade - Earnest KNOX.
Sixth Grade - Lora OSTROM, Maude KNUPPENBERG.
Fifth Grade - Mertie HAVERCROFT.
Fourth Grade - Dora SHAFFNER, Jay THOMAS, Bessie KNOX, Lee KNUPPENBERG.
---Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS.

Saturday, December 12, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY]

The public schools of the city will close on the 18th for a two weeks vacation.

W. L. MILLER was elected Mayor of Whatcom Tuesday, for which he has our commiseration.

D. R. McELMON was purchaser of the first ticket which was sold over the Great Northern from Blaine to New Westminster.

Miss Ethel McELMON and her brother Roy, who have been visiting for a time at Cloverdale, B. C., returned to Blaine Tuesday.

D. P. THOMPSON, of Portland, and one of the leading stockholders in the First National bank of this place, is stopping at the Arlington.

P. D. HARKNESS has gone to Everson to spend five or six weeks, and during his absence the Postal telegraph office will be conducted by Frank McCALL.

The Fairhaven people are making great preparations to entertain the state teacher's association, which meets in that city on December 29, 30 and 31st.

The sash and door factory is now engaged in manufacturing new pews for the Presbyterian chapel, which will be reseated throughout and probably carpeted.

The Y. M. C. A. on New Year's day will give a duck dinner and oyster supper at the Washington hotel, at which those delicious fruit will be served in every known style.

It is thought now that LONG, the Whatcom murderer has drowned himself, as his gun has been found and the word "dye" is his note left in his cabin, is now interpreted by an expert to be "drown."

Prof. J. M. HITT, is now county superintendent of schools. Prof. JOHNSON having resigned, as he is now superintendent of the combined New Whatcom schools, and his duties there consume all his time.

The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church, held a delightful social at the residence of the president of the society and the organist of the church, Mrs. F. I. ELLIS, on Washington avenue Wednesday evening.

The people near the mouth of the Fraser River have lately been bothered a great deal by high water, and it is said that a hundred head of cattle were drowned in the vicinity of Ladner's Landing Wednesday.

The sacks containing Queen Victoria's subjects' mail, going north, are sealed at the boundary line, and no unwashed Yankee paw is allowed to handle their sacred contents until they reach New Westminster.

A. McLELLAND came in on the train from the south yesterday. He says when Blaine scrip is worth a hundred cents on the dollar he will furnish an oyster supper to the outgoing and incoming city councils, which, of course, includes, also the newspaper reporters.

Thursday evening lodge No. 80 I. O. O. F. elected the following named officers for the ensuing them: J. W. G. Merritt N. G. ; H. B. POTTER, V. G.; J. B. WEBSTER, R. S.; J. PRIVETT, Per. S.; E. M. ADAMS, Treas. This lodge will soon institute a lodge of the Rebecca degree here.

C. C. McDONALD, who made a good run for the council, is a leading candidate for city marshal. Mr. McDONALD, having been a successful officer in Pierce county for several years, having been deputy sheriff there and also on the police force in Puyallup, will make a good officer for Blaine if elected.

L. E. LAMAR is making some improvements on his F street house.

Inspector McLENNAN is till progressing nicely in his recovery from the late accident.

Mrs. Wm. ROHART was down town Tuesday for the first time after a sickness of two weeks.

A. A. ANDERSON of New Westminster, has arrived in Blaine, to take charge of the cannery business.

Rev. J. E. SANDERS will preach two sermons at the Baptist church Sunday next. Every one invited to attend.

This morning the stockholders of the First National Bank met and determined to place the bank in voluntary lquidation. This is not a failure, but business has been so slack that it was thought this was the best course to pursue. All depositors and claimants will be paid in full, and upon a revival of business, the bank will again resume operations, the suspension being only temporary.

-Rev. WARREN preaches every other Sunday in the parsonage. They hope to dedicate their church before Christmas.
-Rev. WELLS gave an interesting discourse on The Two Night Schools of Ferndale, Sunday evening, showing the difference between the gambling school which has just opened, and that of Messrs. HAWKINS and HATCH, where the mind could be cultivated, instead of being brought down to a life of idleness and shame.
-Mr. DUNN, whose leg was broken by a piece of falling bark was taken to the Fairhaven hospital.
-Mrs. SMITH and two daughters, while out riding a few days ago, narrowly escaped with their lives. The horse became unmanageable, ran upon a stump turning the buggy over, throwing out and severely bruising all three. The buggy was badly broken.

Wednesday, December 16, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY]

The G. A. R. at their election Saturday night chose the following officers to serve for the ensuing year:
Commander, C. C. WILSON; Sen. Vice, A. L. SMITH; Jun. Vice, Chas. PAUL; Officer of the Day, S. P. HUGHES; Surgeon, D. P. GREELEY; O. B., L. SHAFFNER; Chaplain, M. V. B. SMITH; Q. M., A. J. LOOMIS.

W. J. PERKINS, the famous shingle mill manufacturer and inventor was a visitor to Blaine yesterday. He probably knows more about shingle mills than any other man in America, and makes them the study of his life. He came here on business connected with the CHOWN mill.

J. W. MORGAN, of Whatcom, who has been appointed receiver for the First National bank, has been in Blaine the past two days looking up the affairs of that institution. Mr. Morgan, who is one of the conservative men of this country, expresses the utmost faith in the ultimate bright future of Blaine, and believes that those who stick by the town will not be disappointed.

Saturday, December 19, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY]

To-day will buried the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. KENEDY [KENNEDY]. The baby died yesterday, aged four months.

The first copy of the Ferndale Clipper published by E. B. SMITH is at hand. It is a very neat looking six-column folio.

C. H. OSTROM has bought out E. M. ADAMS hardware business.

The W. R. C. have elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Mrs. Jennie KING, President; Mrs. Laura WILSON, Sen. Vice; Mrs. Carrie ADAMS, Jun. Vice; Mrs. Annie KINGSLEY, Sec.; Mrs. Minnie MILHOLLIN, Treas.; Mrs. D. R. GOTT, Chaplain; Mrs. Mary MILHOLLIN, Conductor; Mrs. Charlotte HUGHES, Guard; Miss Flora DAVIES, Asst. Con.; Mrs. Drucilla GILLESPIE, Asst. Guard.
--Mrs. Minnie MILHOLLIN, Secretary.

Saturday, December 26, 1891: [SEMI-WEEKLY] (fragment only)

Makes It Necessary For the Journal to Publish its Own Obituary

     For six years and nine months the Journal has fought the battles of Blaine. Its publisher in the past two years, at his own expense has sent at least 20,000 copies free to parties in the east, and at regular rates has used up advertising space which could have been used for other and paying matter, to the alue of $700, making in all a total of advertising for the benefit of the community in general, and in no sense any individual benefit to the publisher, of $1300.
     From an establishment composed of a hand press and about 300 pounds of type, all told costing about $350, the Journal plant grew until its outfit was composed of more than a thousand pounds of type, a large Hoe tapeless delivery cylinder press, large paper cutter, card cutter, etc., and its own building. It was the second newspaper in the county, with an outfit second to none. The Journal's cash advertising patronage has been very poor, however, and much of it unpaid for. Its subscribers have a large number of them neglected to pay their subcriptions.
     Paper bills are over due and cannot be met, and unless some public spirited person comes to the relief of the paper between this and next Tuesday evening, this will be the last issue of the Blaine Journal under the present management. This splendid outfit will be of no use longer to proclaim the International City to the world.
     It may be wise, but we cannot see it that way, for men who have made fortunes and men who expect to make fortunes in Blaine, to allow this grand outfit to go into disuse. Only a few dollars are necessary to be paid, either for advertising or subscriptions, to keep the paper running. It now lies with the people of Blaine to say whether it shall be done or not.
     When the Morning Journal was discontinued we abstained from allowing copies of the paper to go out to the world with the statement of that fact. This time we shall not abstain.
Blaine has been for the past nine months doling out a beggarly support to two newspapers when there was not business enough for one; now, while we deplore the necessity for it, still, we wish outside friends of the paper to know the condition we are in, and shall send them copies of this paper containing this statement, which may render us some service.
    The Journal outfit, which cost nearly $5000, and is good enough for a city of 5000 pushing, enterprising people, and is one of the best in the state, is now for sale or trade, to a stock company or to individuals; or, if some of our subscribers or advertisers will pay up, or new advertisers will come in and pay some in advance, we will go on next Wednesday and get out the Semi-Weekly Journal, as usual.
This is the first and only appeal we have ever made, and it will be the last.

Mrs. J. J. RUTLEDGE to-day received a telegram from Pt. Angeles announcing the death of her father.

Mrs. J. STEWART, of Champlin, Minn. arrived in Blaine Sunday afternoon, and will spend some time visiting with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. MERRELL.

Miss McINDOO, an old school mate of Mrs. J. A. MARTIN and Miss Jennie EGAN, is visiting those ladies for a few weeks. The lady is recently from Ontario, but her home now is Vancouver, B. C.

LONG, the murderer, gave himself up Saturday on Lummi island, where he had been hiding, and is now is jail. He tells a fine story of how he had been abused, and how he accidently shot his wife, but his daughter's account does not agree with his, so he is hardly likely to get many sympathizers.

Subscribers who have paid in advance for the Journal will receive their money back as soon as delinquent subscribers come in and pay up, or at any rate as soon as the publishers can raise the required sums to refund.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2003


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