Francitas Historical Marker Dedication
Francitas, Texas

The Best Opportunity
in the Land of Opportunity


Historical Marker Dedication

1918 Tour of Francitas

Facts About Francitas

Francitas Article - Handbook of Texas

Francitas Buildings

Francitas Businesses

Francitas Library Club

Francitas Newspaper Articles

Francitas Obituaries

Francitas Pictures

Francitas Promotion Newspaper
Francitas School
Francitas Union Church
Funk Family
Joines Family

LaBauve Cemetery - Francitas

Ladies' Aid Song

Letter About Francitas

Maher Information
John Gillespie Maher at Find A Grave

M. K. & T. Railroad Schedule

Schwind & Maher Francitas, Texas Booklet

Schwind Biography & Family Information

Story of Francitas, Texas
by Actual People Living Here - c late 1913
This information was taken from four newspaper size pages printed for the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company by the Francitas Bee. The pages are not dated, but one article is a reprint from the September 18, 1913 issue of the Bee. There are quite a few pictures, but the pictures were scanned from a copy of the original, so the picture quality is not the best.
The pages were loaned for scanning by Ruth H. Pierce
and the Blessing Historical Foundation.

Valley Fruit Farm & Garden Company

We'll Show You The Way To a Home



Opening Weekend of Francitas, December 9, 1910

Picture courtesy of Palacios Area Historical Association Museum
& volunteers Shirlee and Richard.

Taken December 10, 1910, Francitas, Texas







Francitas Celebration
The Palacios Beacon
, December 22, 1911


Francitas Celebration

The young but growing and enterprising town of Francitas , just across the border in Jackson county, celebrated the first anniversary of its founding on the four days from the 9th to the 12th, the exact anniversary day being the 10th. Beside a throng of visitors from neighboring towns, there were some two hundred or more from Nebraska , who came to participate in the celebration of building a Nebraska town on Texas soil. In town building and developing the country our Francitas neighbors are setting a pace which others will have to hustle to keep up with. They are demonstrating what can be done to Texas , and further that it doesn't have a life-time to do it.

The Palacios Beacon, December 22, 1911


Brochure courtesy of

Katie Hutto
City by the Sea Museum







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All rights reserved

Jun. 2, 2012
Jun. 2, 2012