Nebraska Letter About Francitas

, Nebraska
, August 24, 1909


          We, the undersigned, wish to say that we constituted a committee of farmers from Custer County , Nebraska , who went to Francitas , Texas and looked over the lands of the Valley Fruit Farm & Garden Company of Lincoln , Nebraska . We made this trip of inspection on behalf of ourselves, we having purchased a number of shares in the property of this company subject to the inspection of the land, and we also made this inspection on behalf of a number of our relatives; friends, and neighbors, who wished to buy some of this land provided we found it as represented by the Company.

          We take pleasure in saying that we found the land of the Company fully up to the representations made in their printed matter. We visited orange and fig groves in this section on land just similar to that of the company and have taken home with us find samples of oranges, figs and pears grown there. We are also convinced that there is no better place for the growing of small fruits and winter vegetables, because they can be grown there at the time of year when prices of such products are highest.

          Although we visited this land during the month of August and during a period of the most intense and oppressive heat that has visited the country for many years we found the weather there pleasant and delightful. We found less flies and mosquitos there than are prevalent in Nebraska at this season of the year, and were able to sleep comfortably without screens on the windows.

          Several of our number expect to make their permanent homes on the lands of this Company about Francitas and altogether we, the members of this committee, after looking over this land and the entire gulf coast country and seeing what can be done there, and what is being done in the way of fruit and vegetable growing, have purchased sixty-one contracts for farms from the Company, and we recommend this proposition and land to our friends either as a place for a home or an investment.

                                                         Yours respectfully,

                                                          Conrad Self? Arcadia , Neb.

                                                          H. H. Deney  Ansley

                                                          Fred Norden  Ansley , Neb.

                                                          Ephuer? Anderson

                                                          Floyd Worden

                                                          J. B. Houts