SEC. 1 - The president shall
preside at all meetings of the club, and conduct them by a formal order
of business.
SEC. 2 - The vice-president shall, during the absence of the president,
assume her duties.
SEC. 3 - The secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings; she
shall be custodian of all reports and attend to all correspondence.
SEC. 4 - The treasurer shall take charge of all money, keep a correct
account of all money received and expended by her.
SEC. 5 - The librarian shall appoint her assistants, and it shall be her
duty to see that the library is open on Wednesday and Saturday
afternoons from two to
five o'clock
. It shall be her further duty to receive and mark all books, and take
charge of all membership cards.
SEC. 6 - The auditor shall audit all bills and accounts and make a
report of same.
SEC. 1 - Any woman sympathizing
with the object of this association may become a member on payment of
fifty cents (50c), yearly dues.
SEC. 1 - The regular meetings of
this club shall be held once in two weeks. They shall begin the first
Tuesday of October. All new officers shall take charge at the last
meeting of the year. Five members shall make a quorum.
SEC. 2 - All officers shall be
elected at the time provided for in the constitution, except in case of
death or resignation, when vacancy shall be filled by the board, until
such time as an election is held.
SEC 1 - Amendments may be made
to the bylaws in accordance with the rule laid down in the constitution.