Francitas Library Club



At some point the Francitas Library building was
moved adjacent to the Baptist Church and was
used for visiting preachers.
(picture taken December 2006)



Francitas Library Club

April 17, 1914


Toastmistress - Mrs. G. J. Phelps

Music- Mrs. R. E. Young

Our First Banquet - Miss Helen Schwind

Our Club - Mrs. V. J. Phelps

The Husband of a Club Woman - Mrs. R. E. Young

Our Books - Mrs. W. E. Dillard

Our Club Song - Misses Phelps, Young, Kellogg, Phelps

______  ______ - Mrs. Maude Godfrey

Reading - Miss Natalie Young

Reminiscences of a Pioneer - Mrs. R. C. Young


Francitas Library Club

Francitas , Texas


1915 - 1916



Reorganized 1912

Joined State Federation 1913


Club Colors - Green and White



 President - Mrs. J. W. Dismukes

Vice-President - Mrs. G. H. Bowers

Secretary - Mrs. R. C. Young

Treasurer - Mrs. H. C. Ellis

Librarian - Mrs. Robert Gale

Auditor - Miss Faith Schwind



Mrs. G. H. Bowers

Mrs. Chas. Comstock

Mrs. J. W. Dismukes

Miss Freda Dye

Mrs. H. C. Ellis

Mrs. B. M. Funk

Mrs. Robt. Gale

Mrs. Chas. Griest

Mts. T. A. McCoy

Mrs. G. J. Phelps

Mrs. W. F. Schwind

Miss Faith Schwind

Mrs. Gus L. E. Smith

Mrs. Fred Spencer

Mrs. L. C. Stickney

Mrs. J. A. Van Doren

Mrs. J. M. Young

Mrs. R. C. Young

Miss Natalie Young


Course of Study


Mrs. Anna J. Hardwicke Pennybacker's History Used


October Fifth

Hostess - Mrs. Ellis

Social Service - Mrs. Phelps


October Nineteenth

Hostess - Mrs. Dismukes

Era of Explorers and First Settlers (French Claims to Missions) - Mrs. Van Doren


November Second

Hostess - Mrs. Bowers

Era of Explorers and First Settlers (Missions to close of Era) - Mrs. Phinney


November Sixteenth

Hostess - Miss Dye

Era of Filibusters - Mrs. Gale


November Thirtieth

Hostess - Mrs. R. C. Young

Era of Colonization - Mrs. Ellis


December Fourteenth

Hostess - Miss Young

Era of Revolution (1830 to 1835) - Miss Schwind


December Twenty-eighth



January Eleventh


Hostess - Mrs. Funk

Era of Revolution (1835 to 1836) - Mrs. Bowers


January Twenty-fifth

Hostess - Mrs. Griest

Era of the Republic (Houston's to Lamar's Administration) - Mrs. Comstock


February Eighth

Hostess - Mrs. Schwind

Era of the Republic ( Houston 's Second Administration to close of Era) - Mrs. Funk


February Twenty-second

Hostess - Mrs. Phinney

Era of State to Davis Administration - Freda Dye


March Seventh

Hostess - Mrs. Comstock

Era of State-- Davis ' Administration to Close of Era - Mrs. Spencer


March Twenty-first

Hostess - Mrs. Phelps

Review - Leader, Mrs. R. C. Young



April Fourth

Hostess - Mrs. Van Doren

Bible - Mrs. Schwind


April Eighteenth

Hostess - Mrs. Gale

Bible - Mrs. Dismukes


May Second

Hostess - Mrs. Smith

Bible - Mrs. Stickney


May Sixteenth

Hostess - Mrs. Spencer

Bird Life - Prizes Awarded


May Thirtieth

Hostess - Mrs. J. M. Young

Music - Miss Natalie Young





This association shall be known as the Francitas Library Club.


The object of this club shall be to stimulate intellectual and moral development; to promote good fellowship; to strengthen, by organization, their individual efforts for humanity and to provide good books for the library.


The officers of the club shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a librarian and an auditor, and these officers shall constitute a board.


The officers of this club shall be elected at the last meeting in February. The members of the club shall entertain the gentlemen once a year.


The constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided notice of such amendment has been given at the previous meeting.




SEC. 1 - The president shall preside at all meetings of the club, and conduct them by a formal order of business.

SEC. 2 - The vice-president shall, during the absence of the president, assume her duties.

SEC. 3 - The secretary shall keep a correct record of all meetings; she shall be custodian of all reports and attend to all correspondence.

SEC. 4 - The treasurer shall take charge of all money, keep a correct account of all money received and expended by her.

SEC. 5 - The librarian shall appoint her assistants, and it shall be her duty to see that the library is open on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from two to five o'clock . It shall be her further duty to receive and mark all books, and take charge of all membership cards.

SEC. 6 - The auditor shall audit all bills and accounts and make a report of same.


SEC. 1 - Any woman sympathizing with the object of this association may become a member on payment of fifty cents (50c), yearly dues.


SEC. 1 - The regular meetings of this club shall be held once in two weeks. They shall begin the first Tuesday of October. All new officers shall take charge at the last meeting of the year. Five members shall make a quorum.

SEC. 2 - All officers shall be elected at the time provided for in the constitution, except in case of death or resignation, when vacancy shall be filled by the board, until such time as an election is held.


SEC 1 - Amendments may be made to the bylaws in accordance with the rule laid down in the constitution.


Copyright 2005 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Mar. 18, 2005
Dec. 28, 2007