Francitas Businesses |
Francitas Land & Improvement Company and Gibson Hardware & Furniture ![]() ![]() |
Interior of Gibson Hardware ![]()
Hardware & Furniture Co. - Francitas, Texas 1920
Shipment tag for equipment sent to Gibson Hardware and Furniture Company
- Francitas, Texas |
Merchants & Planters Lumber Co. ![]()
J. F. Willis Sometimes called "Judge" for short. He is manager of the Merchants and Planters Lumber company and has sold more lumber probably than any other one man in this section of the state this year. He sleeps only when he isn't talking, and no one ever saw him asleep yet. And he certainly is original and belongs right where he is. Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911 Clinton Munger Formerly of Fairbury, is getting so rich he thinks automobiles. He is head book-keeper in the lumber yard, and since coming here has managed to annex to himself a house, and a lot of chickens and a fine garden. The only time he ever talks is when he boosts the country, and he is always blowing his clarinet when he isn't doing something else.
Francitas Bee, November 23,
1911 |
Notice to Contractors Sealed bids for the erection of a one story bank to be built at Francitas, Texas, will be received on or before noon April 10, 1911, bids to include either gray or red face brick and samples of brick to be used must be furnished. Certified check for $100 to accompany each bid same to be forfeited by the successful bidder in case of failure to properly prosecute the work. Plans and specifications may be seen in the office of the Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Co., Francitas, Texas. Bids to be addressed to F. T. Dimick, care of G. J. Phelps, Francitas, Texas. Right to reject any and all bids reserved.--Francitas Bee, March 23, 1911 First State Bank, Francitas, Texas
First State Bank of Francitas The illustration gives a good idea of the appearance of the First State Bank. The building is 24 by 56 feet with the banking room proper 24 by 40 feet with a 14 foot ceiling. A directors' room, cloak room, vault and toilet are in the rear. Behind them is a store room or office 16 by 24 feet divided from the banking room by a brick wall. The building is of the best quality of common brick faced on the front and west with a beautiful shade of maroon pressed brick laid in white mortar. The building is located on the corner of Avenue J and Lincoln boulevard and it is certainly a credit to the city. F. T. Dimick, cashier, with a quarter of a century experience, is in charge of the bank, having decided to go into business at the time of the opening. Mr. Dimick thoroughly understands his business. He is "safe and sound" and under his able management the institution has prospered beyond his expectations of those who founded it. The place Mr. Dimick occupies in the estimation of his friends is best shown in the fact that he intended to organize the bank the stock was subscribed immediately. The other officers of the bank are: G. J. Phelps, president; A. P. Ward, vice-president; Will Clark, W. K. Rose and the officers constitute the board of directors. Francitas Bee, November 23, 1911
First State Bank of Francitas
Francitas Bee, December 21,
The First State Bank - Francitas, Texas - 1918
A. T. Kellogg's Cotton Gin & Ice Plant Under Construction ![]()
A. T. Kellogg's Cotton Gin and Ice Plant |
Joines Brothers General Merchandise Photo courtesy of Albina Joines ![]()
In their new building Joins Brothers have opened up with a complete
stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes and general
merchandise. These young men have a general store at LaWard and
Francitas is fortunate that they have located here. Joins Bros. have put up a nice two story building in the block north of the Nebraska Inn and they have stocked it with a first class line of goods, the dry goods department being especially needed here.
they will do a good business goes without saying as they have a
reputation over this portion of
Francitas Bee, March 23, 1911
Francitas Bee, December 7, 1911
Interior of Joines Store |
Penrod & Baer ![]() Francitas Bee, April 13, 1911 |
W. L. McLendon of Sterling, Neb., arrived Sunday to make Francitas his home. He expects a car of household goods within a few days and his family will join him as soon as he constructs a house. Mr. McLendon moved here with the intention of starting a bakery. He expects a friend from Lincoln, Neb., shortly to construct a business house for his use. Francitas Bee, February 2, 1911 W. L. McLendon Opens the Home Bakery and Starts Off With Big Business. Francitas has its own bakery and confectionery store and it is owned and managed by an experienced baker and candy maker, W. L. McLendon formerly of Sterling, Neb. Mr. McLendon came to Francitas some weeks ago and has already demonstrated that he has all the qualities of a "sticker." It was a long time before he could secure a suitable building for his oven and shop, but he persevered and he is now located in one of the Minniear buildings. Mr. McLendon invites the people of Francitas to inspect his bakery at any time as he believes the public is entitled to see how its bread is made and under what conditions. The new bakery is a neat and up to date establishment and it is a credit as well as a great convenience to the entire city. Francitas Bee, March 23, 1911 FOR SALE Five acre tract No. 725 and lot 14 block 96. It is good. No lakes and no white spots. Black sandy loam and black clay sub soil. Bakery for sale cheap. Object of sale other business. W. L. McLendon, Francitas, Texas.
Francitas Bee, May 18, 1911 |
2015 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs |
Created Oct. 5, 2015 |
Updated Oct. 9, 2015 |