1918 Francitas Tour
Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company

Schwind & Maher

The following pages are pictures taken on a tour made in 1918 by John Kopnicky, originally from Austria, who moved to Jackson County from Strawn Texas. He toured Francitas on a trip to visit Deutschburg and purchased 50 acres in Deutschburg.

Special thanks to Louis Kopnicky, Jr. for sharing the pictures of his grandfather's trip to Francitas.



John Kopnicky and fellow travelers.




Foreground pictures the orange park.
Buildings in background l to r

unknown, Nebraska Inn, Valley Fruit Farm and Garden Company office,
Francitas Bee building, Dr. Mackey's office (1911)

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Copyright 2005 - Present by Carol Sue Gibbs
All rights reserved

Nov. 28, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006