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TXGenWeb Project
USGenWeb Project
Added 07/16/2011
Added 06/25/2011
Added 06/15/2011
- Added articles and tombstone photos about an Anderson shooting in 1900. Thank you Vanessa Burzynski! Anderson Shooting 1900
Added 04/23/2011
Added 10/30/2010
- Added numerous cemetery listings generously provided by Sandi Costa. Thank you Sandi! Grimes Cemeteries
Added 8/11/2010
- Added link to Grimes County Spanish-American War veterans provided by Vanessa Burzynski. Thank you Vanessa!
Added 8/05/2010
- Finished adding marriages between 1908-1918. If you know of any I missed, please let me know.
Added 7/23/2010
- Finished adding marriages between 1898-1908. If you know of any I missed, please let me know.
- Slowly adding more marriages from 1908-1918.
Added 7/12/2010
- Added pictures of Navasota High School and the Navasota business district in 1919. Thank you Don Brownlee!1919 Navasota HS Photos
Added 7/10/2010
- Added pictures of the 1919 Navasota High School men's and women's basketball teams as well as the football team. Shared by Don Brownlee. Thank you Don!1919 Navasota HS Photos
Added 7/6/2010
- Added pictures of tombstones for some graves in Pleasant Hill, Salem Lutheran and St. Stanislaus Cemeteries Grimes Cemeteries Pictures taken by Emmy Bushman. Thank you! Looking for more pictures from these cemeteries including entrance photos.
- Continuing to add marriages from 1898-1908. This is slow work. I also need to add more to the marriages from 1908-1918. Grimes Vital Records
- Biographies added for James, Henry, Boland, and William Whiteside. Thank you Douglas Chojecki. Grimes Biographies
- Currently working on death certificates from 1920.
Added 5/31/2010
- Added pictures of Jesse Youens home and historical marker Grimes Historic Homes Picture taken by Bill Lehmann (Guthrie, OK) - provided to archive by Lynda Lehmann-French (2nd cousin). Thank you!
- Added pictures of Iola High School class of 1929-1930 and Iola High School class of 1953. Thank you Bob Cleveland! Grimes Photos
Added 5/23/2010
Added 4/17/2010
- A new cemetery page has been added for Independence Cemetery near Shiro. Thank you Dorris Gilliam!Independence Cemetery
Added 3/28/2010
- A link has been added to a new listing for Oakland Cemetery in Navasota. This page belongs to Vanessa Burzynski and is still being added to. Thank you Vanessa!Grimes Cemetery
Added 1/31/2010
- Added new listings for these cemeteries: Berryman, Piney Woods, Little Flock, Mason, Dedmons. Updated these cemeteries: Bryant, Sand Prairie. Grimes Cemetery
Added 1/17/2010
Added 1/16/2010
Added 1/9/2010
Added 1/8/2010
- Added Iola Cemetery Page Thank you Mervin Peters! This cemetery is listed on several death certificates as St. Louis Cemetery of Iola.
Added 1/5/2010
Added 8/7/2009
Added 8/4/2009
Added 7/9/2009
- Added new page for historic documents, pictures, etc dealing with Grimes CountyHistoric Documents
Added 6/16/2009
Added 5/29/2009
- Beginning to add pictures to the listing for Shiro Cemetery. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! Shiro Cemetery
Added 5/25/2009
- Beginning to add pictures for Stoneham Cemetery. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! This is a partial listing. Stoneham Cemetery
Added 5/12/2009
- Beginning to add pictures for St. Mary's Cemetery. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! St. Mary's Cemetery
Added 5/9/2009
- Beginning to add pictures to the Old Oakland Cemetery Listing. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! Old Oakland Cemetery
Added 5/5/2009
- Beginning to add pictures to the Martins Prairie Cemetery Listing. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! Martins Prairie Cemetery
Added 5/3/2009
- Waller Cemetery transcription and pictures. Thank you Nancy Oates Hazen! Waller Cemetery
Added 6/27/2008
Added 3/17/2008
- The cemetery page has been updated with links to cemetery transcriptions found in the TXGenWeb archives. Grimes County Cemetery
- Tana Shaffer has updated the Plantersville Cemetery listing. Thank you Tana!
- A link to cemetery photos has been added to the Shiro Cemetery page. Thank you Vanessa Burzynski!
- Several photos have been added to the Who am I? page by Carolyn Gilbert. She also added a picture of Alice Stevens Martin to the Grimes Photos page. Thank you Carolyn!
- A couple of names were added and one corrected on the World War II page
- A genealogy was added for John Edwin Reagan to the Grimes County Genealogies page. Thank you J. Yarbrough!
- Grimes County has again won the TXGenWeb county of the month for February 2008! Thank you to all of our volunteers who made this possible!
Added 11/18/2007
Added 7/19/2007
Added 6/17/2007
- Added new picture of civil war scrip to Grimes County Civil War Scrip page. Picture submitted by John W. Wilson. Thank you John!
- Added a cemetery listing and picture for a grave on the Old Johnson Ranch. Submitted by A. B. Jimenez. Thank you! Old Johnson Ranch
Added 3/14/2007
- Added biography of Sen. Esther Neveille Higgs Colson to the Grimes County Biographies page. Source articles submitted by Kathy Day. Thank you Kathy!
Added 3/13/2007
Added 3/10/2007
Added 12/20/2006
- Added page for Thomas Harrison and Eliza Jane Edwards Lacy to the Our Ancestors page. Submitted by Faye Elder. Thank you Faye!
Added 12/17/2006
- Added biography/obituary for Charity Brown to theGrimes Biographies page. Submitted by Joyce Coker. Thank you Joyce!
Added 8/27/2006
- Added genealogies for Arthur McCracken Darby, Hugh James Wells, and Samuel Andrew Jackson Pyle to the Genealogies page. Submitted by Charles Darby. Thank you Charles!
Added 8/12/2006
- Added information and family picture of Clara Fagan Bown to the Biographies page. Submitted by Shirley Marks Whitmore. Thank you Shirley!
Added 7/15/2006
- Added picture of the entrance to Fairview Cemetery in Richards. Submitted by Elsa Vorwerk & Bill Wood. Thank you Elsa and Bill! Fairview Cemetery, Richards
Added 6/17/2006
Added 6/11/2006
- Pictures of Sarah Bradley Dodson grave marker and historical marker added to the Old Bethel Cemetery page. Thank you Vanessa Burzynski!
Added 6/10/2006
- Pankey Cemetery added. Thank you Shirley Robison for your submission! The page is under construction. Pankey Cemetery
Added 4/07/2006
Added 3/19/2006
- New page for tombstone photos from the Old Bethel Cemetery added. Old Bethel Cemetery Photos Thank you Annette Foster Ditto for sharing your photos of Mosley tombstones!
Added 2/05/2006
- Membership of Zion United Methodist Church added to the Zion Methodist Church page. Thank you Charles Darby for sharing this with us!
Added 1/28/2006
- History of Zion United Methodist Church added to the Grimes County Churches page. Thank you Charles Darby for sharing this with us!
- Bracewell family reunion information posted at the Grimes County Reunions page. Thank you Russell Bracewell!
Added 1/07/2006
Added 12/22/2005
- Added the biography of James Penn Daviss to the Biographies page as well as a link on the African American page.
Added 12/20/2005
Added 11/04/2005
- Updated the Mustang Cemetery page. Contributed by Dennis Morris. Thank you Dennis!
Added 07/31/2005
- Added a Bible record for the James W. Hargrove family on the new Bible page
- Added a picture of James W. Hargrove to the Photos page
Added 07/16/2005
Added 06/01/2005
- Added a biography for Madison M. Smith. Contributed by Constance McAdams Dennis. Thank you Constance!
Added 05/07/2005
Added 04/09/2005
- Added a cemetery listing for Mustang Cemetery. Contributed by Dennis Morris, Sr. Thank you Dennis!
Added 03/02/2005
Added 12/28/2004
Added 12/23/2004
- Three links for book lookups have been added to the Grimes Look Ups page. Russell Bracewell has graciously offered to do look ups in My Hometown: the Bedias Story, Bedias Baptist Chruch Historical Moments, and J. S. Bracewell Lawyer. Thank you Russell!
Added 11/21/2004
Added 10/31/2004
Added 10/17/2004
- Added pictures of Anderson, Texas, Fanthorp Inn and Cemetery, and tombstones of Henry Fanthorp, Mark Moore Kennard, and Mary Ann Kennard to the Anderson Tour Photo page.
Added 10/16/2004
Added 09/11/2004
Added 09/06/2004
Added 08/14/2004
Added 07/26/2004
Added 07/25/2004
Added 07/24/2004
- Finished adding the 1898 newspaper items from the The Daily Examiner to the Grimes County News page.
- Added transcription of Dennis Bryant Cemetery to the Cemetery page. Submitted by Wynell Simpson.
Added 07/21/2004
- Added a new page for news abstracts from the 1898 The Daily Examiner to the Grimes County News page.
- Adding death notices found from the early The Daily Examiner and linking them to the Obituary page.
Added 07/12/2004
- Added picture of entrance to [Dennis] Bryant Cemetery to the Grimes Cemetery page. Submitted by Wynell Simpson.
- Completed addition of Courtney Cemetery pictures.
Added 07/08/2004
- Starting to add pictures of the tombstones to the Courtney Cemetery page. Submitted by Wynell Simpson. Thank you so much Wynell for your contribution! Check back often as we add pictures to the page.
Added 06/30/2004
- Added a cemetery survey for Courtney Cemetery to the Cemetery page. Submitted by Wynell Simpson.
Added 06/23/2004
- Added biography on Caleb Wallace, James Wallace, Dudley J. White, Borland Whiteside(s), Henry Whiteside(s), James Whiteside(s), and John J. Whiteside(s) to the Biographies page. Submitted by Robert L. Smith.
- Added a page of old business letterheads to the Grimes Businesses page.
- Funeral home record for a Stoneham Cemetery burial added to Grimes Cemetery page.
- A link for Metcalf Funeral Home records for some persons buried in Grimes County has been added to the Grimes Vital Records page.
Added 06/22/2004
- Added pictures of Stoneham Cemetery to the Cemetery page. Submitted by Jane Keppler.
- Added names of Grimes County World War I and World War II veterans to the Veterans page. Submitted by Vanessa Burzynski.
- Added page for John David Diserens to the Our Ancestors page. Submitted by Brenda Coon.
Added 06/21/2004
- Added a Davis/Chaney Cemetery page to the Cemetery section. This contains burial information and pictures of tombstones. Submitted by Brenda Coon.
Added 06/18/2004
Added 03/16/2004
Added 03/16/2004
- Added Steele's Grove Cemetery and partial listing for Enon Cemetery to the Cemetery page. Thank you Brenda Coon for the Enon Cemetery listings!
Added 03/14/2004
Added 02/28/2004
Added 02/06/2004
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