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  | Pankey Cemetery |
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Surveyed by Shirley Robison
Pankey Cemetery is located in Grimes County. Take South Hwy 39 out of North Zulch go 8 miles to intersection of Hwy 39 and FM Rd. 1696 turning East. If coming from Iola going North 3 miles turn right on FM Rd. 1696, go 5.2 miles. Pankey Cemetery will be on your left side of road next to the Shiloh Baptist Church.
Albertson, Mary 5-28-1861/? stone broke in half
Albertson, I. H. 6-28-1818/1-3-1903
Alexander, Otis Columbus 6-24-1916/10-25-1995
Alexander, Marjorie Merel 2-19-1927 w/o Otis
Allen, Ida Shiflet 1-2-1890/11-6-1983
Allen, 10-5-1870/9-29-1892 s/o J. F. and F. Allen
Allen, Old Headstone not legible
Alley, Loree Harrison 10-26-1907/12-25-1982
Alley, C. T. Jake 1-9-1902/11-20-1964 h/o Loree
Anderson, Diann Richards 9-24-1943
Anderson, Thomas Jr. 12-17-1948/12-4-1988 h/o Diann
Barkley, W. Ernest 1891/1978
Barkley, L. Berence 1861/1983 w/o W. Ernest [1861 must be a typo]
Barkley, Thurman 5-14-1915/9-11-1982
3 concrete markers next to Thurman
Beard, John 1846/1846
Old Headstone not legible
Beard, Sarah 1845/1913
3 Headstones in a Row not legible
Beckman, Susie Pearl 10-29-1905/12-14-1917 buried in Yeager Plot
Beverly, Archie Clifford 8-5-1936/5-5-1992
Bodine, Floyd 8-24-1897/4-6-1981
3 Headstones in a Row not legible
Bolin, Ralph Gladney 5-4-1907/10-3-1993
Bolin, Madeline Newton w/o Ralph married 4-3-1947
Braziel, Charlie 3-8-1902/11-26-1980
Brown, Cuthal Corionous 9-21-1914/8-4-1984 Tec 4 US Army WW 2
Brown, Flora E. 6-9-1918/1-18-1991 w/o Cuthal
Brown, Walter S. 1887-1972
Brown, Nancy J. 1887/1963 w/o Walter
Brown, Ethel 8-1-1893/11-23-1956
Brown, Lula Ida 1-15-1894/11-21-1975 w/o Ethel
Brown, Abner 10-30-1916/6-22-1920
Brown, Henry 10-4-1889/8-17-1967
Brown, Fannie 6-8-1888/12-5-1976 w/o Henry
2 concrete markers in a Row
Brubaker, Jeanett Hall 4-7-1909/3-11-1989
Buckalew, George Grady 1-18-1926/9-20-2001 S1 US Navy WW 2
Campbell, Lillie 1912/2001 Funeral home marker
Carroll, Mollie 6-3-1872/5-11-1950
Carroll, Jess 7-29-1874/7-4-1958 h/o Mollie
Carroll, Louie Denton 11-1-1896/9-4-1990 US Army WW I
4 Headstones in a Row not legible
Carroll, Lula A. 1886/1972
Cleveland, R. C. 9-?-1850/10-28-1878
Corbin, Glauda 7-14-1896/10-10-1897 s/o L. B. and W. S.
Dagle, Eula 3-25-1894/3-19-1974
Daniels, E. Z. 10-29-1890/8-20-1931
Darby, W. R. 1817/18 Dec 1878 birth and death dates and corrected name from Charles Darby
Dean, Catie 3-15-1882/6-27-1966 d/o W. W. and ? not legible
Dean, J. B. 2-3-1859/4-5-1900
Dean, Mrs. S. C. 1-4-1861/1-27-1936 w/o J. B.
Dean, Albert L. 1907/1984
Dean, Johnnie A. 1887/1958
Dean, Hattie W. 1882/1964 w/o Johnnie A.
Dean, Susan Elizabeth 11-27-1883/7-5-? rest not legible
Dean, S. L. 2-10-1884/1-9-1900 d/o J. E. and S. C.
Dean, J. E. 5-10-1885/5-3-1905 s/o W. M. and M. E.
Dobbs, Linda 1949/1972 daughter
Dollor, Samson 11-27-1898/3-24-1915
Dollor, Arther 6-4-1888/8-4-1895 s/o W. M.
2 concrete markers
Dollor, M. E. 12-5-1848/4-24-1893 w/o J. W.
Drenanna, Robert E. 9-14-1904/9-19-1905 s/o R. H. and B. E.
8 concrete markers in a Row
Dydley, Tommy Cuthal 1-20-1967/9-1-1984 Buck
Ellison, Oscar Thomas 7-7-1883/6-5-1948
Ellison, Myrlie Lee 12-18-1890/10-22-1983
Headstone not legible
Ellison, Clad D. 1-4-1909/11-11-1989 US Navy Korea WW 2
Ellison, Mattie 1868-1930
3 Headstones in a Row not legible
Erkila, Vicentay 4-24-1988/4-8-1989
2 concrete markers
Erkila, Marie Yeager 1-7-1929-11-8-2002
Freeman, Hermit 3-23-1922/11-10-1972 TxPFC US Army WW 2
Freeman, Myle 2-5-1917/1-22-1922 s/o G. E. and L. B.
Freeman, Rosa 1866/1907
Old Headstone not legible
Freeman, W. C. 1855/1934
Freeman, ? 11-29-1934/3-14-1946 first name not legible
Freeman, Simes 10-3-1894/5-11-1978 Father
Freeman, Effie N. 9-20-1896/5-3-1988 Mother w/o Simes
Old Headstone not legible
Freeman, Charlie E. 11-16-1886
Freeman, Lillie B. 8-20-1889 w/o Charlie E.
Forester, Virginia Isabell 1-26-1853/3-1-1914 w/o H. R.
2 concrete markers
Forester, Annie B. Old Headstone not legible
Forester, Jeff 7-4-1882/6-22-1922
Forester, Lydia F. 11-3-1886/6-26-1916
Forester, Kenneth 5-6-1911/9-6-1911
4 concrete markers in a Row
2 Headstones not legible
Gant, J. H. not legible s/o J. P. and E. S.
concrete marker
Gant, ? not legible
Gentry, Glady 9-8-1894/2-26-1931
concrete marker
Gentry, Andrew 1862/1927
Gentry, Jester 9-9-1915/9-29-1915 s/o A. J. and V.
Gentry, Barney 12-2-1927
Gentry, Mary Lou, Hanifen, Chambers 3-1-1949 w/o Barney
Gentry, Nancy Jean 1836/1918
Gentry, R. G. 10-24-1862/9-28-1935
Gentry, Mary Annie 2-12-1873/6-25-1958
Gentry, Ralfres 2-24-1898/3-8-1898 s/o R. and M.
Glass, Inez 4-23-1929/8-25-1994 w/o Samuel
Glass, Samuel Bo 1935/2002 funeral home marker
Glass, Janice Marie 11-30-1960/12-30-1960 d/o Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Glass, Harless 11-9-1950/5-21-2002 funeral home marker
Glass, James C. 5-5-1923/9-1-1966 TxPFC HQ Co. BN 66 Armd Regt.
Glass, John Wayne 11-12-1957/3-27-1996
Glass, ? 9-20-2002 not legible funeral home marker
Glass, Edward W. 2-27-1938 married 25 years
Glass, Donna M. 8-23-1943/12-17-1996 w/o Edward W.
Glass, Gary C. 10-27-1959/PON? Headstone home made
Glass, Eury W. 8-24-1910/9-27-1997 PVT US Army WW 2
Glass, Ida Mae 1-26-1918/8-15-2001 w/o Eury W. married 60 years
Glass, Timothy 1-11-1961/2-24-1961 Our Darling Baby
Glass, Obie C. 7-14-1927/2-18-1987
Glass, Hugh 9-30-1900/5-14-1973
Glass, G. Pearl 2-28-1924/8-22-1992 Mom
Glass, Anita D. 9-16-1959/9-17-1959
Glass, Grady H. 7-28-1914/3-24-1990 A loving husband and father
Glass, Frances 5-31-1918/12-4-1979 w/o Grady H.
A loving wife and mother
Glass, Clarence 3-16-1936/3-10-1992
Glass, Lula Mae Bellew 12-14-1941 w/o Clarence
3 Headstones not legible
Glass, ? Mathew ?/9-20-2002 funeral home marker
Glass, Ashby W. 1885/1964
Glass, Tessie V. 1889/1972 w/o Ashby W.
Glass, William T. Dub 1-28-1921/6-6-1994 PFC US Army WW 2
concrete marker
Glass, Nell 4-6-1938/1-30-1973
Glass, Jesse 8-14-1934/10-18-2003
Hall, Annie H. 6-12-1855/12-15-1926
Hall, Columbus J. 7-4-1858/5-5-1943
Hall, Hannah Hill 1832/1926 w/o James W.
Old Headstone not legible
Hall, Willie G. 9-13-1891/9-29-1974
concrete marker
Hogue, Kelley 3-25-1911/3-6-1976
Isabell, Virginia 1-26-1853/3-1-1914 w/o H. B. Foester
concrete marker
Isabell, Annie B. dates not legible
Isabell, S. R. 5-29-1877/8-26-1895 w/o D. F.
Isabell, W. C. 4-10-1825/11-13-1894
Isabell, Susan 2-16-1806/12/1/1888 w/o Pendleton
Isabell, William L. 4-10-1825/12-12-1894 PVT Co.Georgia Cav. Floyds Legion CSA
Isbell, Martha Elizabeth 7-6-1852/8-18-1932
concrete marker
concrete marker
concrete marker letters G. L.
No Names 3-4-1893/3-12-1893 8 days s/o S. F. and J. T.
Headstone not legible
Isbell, Viola 5-28-1878/2-6-1878 d/o J. M. and F. E. [death year does not work]
No Names 10-22-1878/10-30-1878 Infant
concrete marker
concrete marker
Isbell, Bessie R. 1888/1943
Isbell, John C. 1884/1973 h/o Bessie R.
Isbell, Roy L. 3-2-1910/5-3-1910
concrete marker
Isbell, Minnie E. 10-6-1878/3-29-1973
Isbell, J. J. 10-8-1876/1-19-1933
Isbell, Truett Vann 2-1-1915/1-26-1970
Isbell, Laverne Wooley 3-29-1916/2-19-2000 w/o Truett Vann
Jerrell, James H. 3rd 8-26-1928/12-12-1999
Jerrell, Kathleen B. concrete marker
concrete marker
Jones, Virgil 8-20-1919/2-11-1986
Jones, Aubrey Glass 8-18-1926 w/o Virgil
Kemp, Ethel Featherstone 7-14-1892/4-21-1991
Krug, Robert Wayne 11-20-1995/1-9-2001 Baby, Our Miracle from God
Lambert, Shirley no dates funeral home marker
Lambert, Bill no dates funeral home marker
Landers, T. J. 1926/1941
Landers, Marison 8-21-1923/3-9-1928
Lassitter, Slettie Bell Zora 1886/1942
Lassitter, James Madison 1884/1959 h/o Slettie
Lawson, W. A. Buster 8-23-1913/10-1-1984 our husband and father
Lawson, Corine Ida 8-23-1916/2-15-1962 w/o W. A. our wife and mother
Lawson, Wm. Earl 7-14-1938/11-14-1938 s/o W. A. and Corine
Our Darling Baby
Lawson, Tiny Jean 2-4-1949/2-25-1949 d/o W. A. and Corine
Our Darling Baby
Lewis, Harrie Ann 10-5-1862/6-21-1954
Lewis, Johnathan 11-26-1861/10-27-1921
Lewis, George H. 5-5-1905/9-22-1993
Lewis, Bessie F. 1-9-1903/5-2-2002 w/o George H.
Lewis, John H. no dates Father
? Ray ? hard to read 5-3-1900/9-2-1900 buried by John Lewis
Marett, Z. L. not legible
Marett, B. M. 2-17-1855/5-6-1895
Marett, Mare H. not legible
2 concrete markers
Martin, R. G. 9-22-1853/1-10-1920 Robert Guyton Martin; Julia Fuchs believes he died later than March of 1920 as he was listed on the census
Martin, Claroda S. 2-12-1853/12-3-1920 Clarinda (Kate) Sadler Driskill Martin per Julia Fuchs
Maxwell, Magaret 12-21-1886/only date concrete marker w/plate d/o
Geo. and Sena. Isabell Maxwell
Meddox, Jimmy 5-10-1950/2-22-1971
Miller, Wade Hampton 3-31-1898/10-10-1962
Miller, Texanna M. 2-25-1870/8-14-1927 Our Dearest Mother
Miles, Lola 2-22-1900/9-15-1915 w/o J. E.
Headstone not legible
Mobley, Mary Upchurch 10-6-1885/4-17-1931
R.L.H. Footstone next to Mobley
Mooney, Stancel M. 11-16-1883/3-28-1957
Mooney, Beulah M. 5-31-1889/1-9-1981
Mosley, no names no dates Father and Mother
McCary, Annie Shiflet 7-11-1893/2-24-1959
McConey, George W. 2-1862/11-1937
McCoy, Claudie 12-6-1882/1-1-1887 s/o R. M. and M. C.
3 concrete markers in a Row
McDonald, Rev. John T. 11-2-1829/9-2-1892 born S.C.
McDonald, Mary E. 11-22-1833/3-2-1899 born Ala. w/o Rev. John T.
McDonald, J. A. hard to read/8-1900 32 years
McDougald, Alma Rosie 4-9-1885/4-26-1896
McDougald, A. D. 1-9-1858/3-6-1896
McDougald, Rebecca Bean 9-3-1831/9-5-? w/o A. D.
3 concret markers in a Row
McGinty, Gayle M. 11-14-1906/1-4-1984
McGinty, Cora Jerrell 1-25-1909/1-3-1999 w/o Gayle M.
Concrete marker
McLung, Samuel Gussie no dates
4 concrete markers in a Row
McWhorther, Edwin C. 7-12-1915/9-5-1968 [name should be McWhorter?]
McWhorther, Edwin D. 6-28-1884/1-26-1966
McWhorther, W. Baxter 12-16-1881/11-12-1954
McWhorther, Dorothy Lee 2-20-1918/7-5-1919 d/o W. B. and J. R.
McWhorther, Josie Velma 11-2-1915/6-3-1917 d/o W. B. And J. R.
Old Headstone not legible
McWhorther, Myrtle 11-15-1910/2-25-1937
McWhorther, Josie P. 3-4-1881/2-21-1950 h/o Myrtle
McWhorther, John M. 1886/1936
McWhorther, Vera B. 1883/1975 w/o John M.
2 concrete markers
Newton, Lou 1869/1966
Newton, L. M. 11-21-1869/5-1918
Newton, Charles Edward 9-19-1953/3-6-1998
Newton, Marcus Andrew 4-21-1986/3-6-1998
Newton, Stanton H. 4-14-1916/5-8-1992
Newton, May Dell 4-22-1930 w/o Stanton H.
3 concrete markers
Newton, Shuby H. 1909/1976
Newton, Carroll L. 6-26-1919/6-20-1994
Newton, Alline C. 1-28-1929/12-23-1972 w/o Carroll L.
Newton, Samuel Levi 12-9-1907/5-16-1972 Tx. Army SGT Air Force WW 2
Newton, Bernice Potee 9-23-1925/4-2-1978 w/o Samuel
Norman, Howell 1892/1929 Father
Norman, Katherine Jean 2-23-1896/7-3-1918
Norman, William Samuel 6-6-1918/9-15-1918
2-13-1888/7-?-1890 Name not legible
Norman, Nancy K. 1874/1963 Mother
Norman, Julius P. 1-13-1861/3-4-1942 Woodmen of the World
Ondras, Eugene 1-25-1937 Gene
Ondras, Patricia Rigby 4-23-1947 w/o Eugene
Panker, Clotee 1906/1992
Panker, Roy C. 1904/1968
Plotts, Horace B. 12-29-1899/6-1-1974
Plotts, Eloise 3-3-1911/10-2-1980 w/o Horace B.
Plotts, Peter B. 8-1846/4-14-1940
Plotts, Annette 4-28-1871/2-5-1953 w/o Peter B.
Pointer, Johnnie Clinton 1911/1969 Father
Pointer, Billy Eugene 2-25-1946/2-1-1998 SP4 US Army Vietnam
Loving father and brother
Pointer, Sharon Eline 2-7-1947/10-10-1997 w/o Billy
Loving Mom and Wife
Post, no name 1940/1940 Infant d/o Mr. and Mrs. Tom S.
Post, Tom S. 1894/1961
Post, Aletha 1898/1980 w/o Tom S.
Post, Arbol James 8-24-1919/8-1-1986 US Army WW 2 Korea
Powell, Danielle 3-4-1978/7-31-1987
Pritchett, Thomas W. 7-24-1866/5-7-1940 Father - Dying but gone home
Pritchett, Della 4-15-1876/12-11-1965 Mother w/o Thomas W.
Pritchett, David D. 9-18-1870/8-16-1957 Father
Pritchett, Elsie Alma 1-16-1880/5-4-1950 Mother w/o David D.
Pritchett, Doris M. 4-28-1919/5-7-1930 d/o David and Elsie
Pritchett, James H. 1895/1973 Bud
Pritchett, Tula Fay 1909/1988 w/o James H.
concrete marker
Headstone not legible
Headstone not legible
Pritchett, Lettie 11-10-1888/11-8-1910 d/o D. E.
Pritchett, T. J. 8-17-1827/1-10-1903
Headstone Letter H
Reed, Francis 5-27-1928/not legible Dock
Reed, Maggie Annette 9-23-1936/12-29-1986 w/o Francis
Reed, James T. 2-6-1893/5-19-1979 PVT US Army WW 1
Reed, Laura B. 3-20-1892/12-26-1981 w/o James T.
Reed, Edward 11-14-1911/2-15-1985 US Army WW 2
Reed, Alice Maud 11-30-1911/12-16-1974 w/o Edward
Old Headstone not legible
Infants Old Headstone no names or dates
Reed, William 2-28-1916/5-14-1942
Reed, James 9-27-1923/3-11-2003 Jake
Reed, Edna Mae 12-15-1931 w/o James married 9-17-1949
Old Headstone not legible
Rice, D. E. 3-21-1862/10-14-1883
Rice, Freeman 4-22-1820/1-5-1895
3 concrete markers
Rigby, Jesse T. 2-2-1911/7-18-1972 CPL Btry.C S 73 FA BN WW 2
Rigby, Mavis Wooten 12-13-1918/12-31-1997 w/o Jesse T.
Roberson, Alveta Whinery 10-29-1911/11-25-1983
Old Headstone not legible
Russell, Homer Zack 1-5-1917/3-12-1971 PVT US Army WW 2
Sharon, J. H. 11-19-1873/2-5-1895
Shiflet, Cecil 5-3-1914/11-15-1963 Our Beloved
Shiflet, Arch 7-30-1883/6-9-1965
Shiflet, Albert 8-27-1899/8-2-1986 Dewey
Shiflet, Rosie 10-23-1905/4-21-1997 w/o Albert
Shiflet, Harroll D. 6-20-1929/1-30-2001
Shiflet, Jo Myrl 5-11-1925 w/o Harroll D.
Shiflet, J. T. 5-15-1922/12-8-1995 Daddy
Marker with the letter S next to J. T.
Shiflet, Inez E. 10-2-1892/8-27-1991
Shiflet, Grady W. 10-23-1919/10-22-1944 Tx. TECH SGT Air Corps WW 2
Shiflet, Velma stick marker no dates
Shiflet, J. R. stick marker no dates h/o Velma
Shiflet, Mamie A. 1901/196?
Shiflet, J. T. 1890/1965 Sam
Shiflet, Harlan A. 1918/1975 Strut
Old Headstone not legible
Shiflet, Ira A. 1896/1971
Shiflet, James 9-1-1925/8-23-1933 Dick
Shiflet, 5-31-1918/6-7-1918 Little Infant d/o E. A. and L. E.
Shiflet, Annie 9-17-1887/12-12-1907 w/o W. A.
Shiflet, Willie Andy 12-26-1886/2-?-1933
Shiflet, Sarah 1-11-1855/7-12-1940
Shiflet, J. W. 11-3-1858/3-19-1928 Woodmen of the World
Shiflet, Bradey Ryan 11-19-1990/12-26-1990 Papa's Little Sidekick
Shiflet, Roy Leon 8-5-1925/12-13-1984
Shiflet, Bobbie Mae 4-11-1929 w/o Roy
Shiflet, Ancil A. 9-27-1914/1-4-1998
Shiflet, Una J. 6-25-1921/1-18-1980 w/o Ancil
Shiflet, Ernest A. 9-30-1887/11-2-1997
Shiflet, Geraldine McAdams 1-2-1916/2-11-2000
Shiflet, Jesse Veron 10-29-1912/7-6-1964
Shiflet, Dave Carl 9-17-1892/8-23-1968 Tx.PVT US Army
Shiflet, Vida Devine T. Trammell 9-4-1897/4-18-1986 w/o Dave
Small, Lester 4-2-1909/1-3-1997
Small, Katie Z. 9-5-1913/4-11-1994
Smith, Charity 12-7-1806/6-2-1899 "Charity Smith, consort of JAS M SMITH, Born Duplin Co. North Carolina" [correction from Julia Fuchs]
Smith, Mary Lenoa 7-13-1933/11-18-1994
Snow, Par? H. M. 4-27-1874/11-12-1900
Snow, Susan H. 8-9-1840/2-1925
Snow, John Robert 12-26-1828/4-17-1909 PVT Co.H 59 ALA REGT.
Snow, A. D. 9-27-1881/10-30-1938 Mason
Snow, Lillie I. 10-3-1873/9-12-1915
Stephens, Ellie E. 5-2-1888/1-9-1949 CPL 360 INF 90 DIV WW 1
Old Headstone not legible
Stephens, Bobby L. 4-4-1939/9-4-1997
Stephens, Ellie Ernest 5-2-1888/1-9-1947
Stepehns, Mary Fleeice 12-13-1900/4-9-1983 w/o Ellie
concrete marker letter S
Stephens, Willie 6-1-1907/9-28-1968
Old Headstone not legible
Stephens, John M. 5-17-1925/not legible Tx.PVT 41 rest not legible
Stephens, Bessie 1903/1916 Our Little Sis
Stephens, Emma K. 8-13-1861/9-1-1957
Stephens, George D. 5-22-1865/1-10-1909
Stephens, Dilmous W. 10-9-1903/12-15-1995 married 5-19-1929
Stephens, H. Eloyce 1-5-1914/12-4-2000 w/o Dilmous
Stone, Robert Ray 12-28-1898/5-6-1899
8 concrete markers in a Row
Till, Gurie May 4-5-1910/3-11-1913
Todd, E. D. not legible s/o D. D. and M. A.
Trammel, Luther 4-25-1895/8-21-1916
Trammel, Charlie 6-17-1907/2-15-1935
Trammell, Emma 1873/1933
Trammell, J. H. 1866/1943 h/o Emma J.
Trammell, Dollie 2-14-1893/12-18-1921 d/o J. H. and F. E.
Trammell, William T. 1891/1963
Trammell, Hattie S. 8-1-1887/10-8-1943
2 Headstones not legible
Tyler, S. W. 3-6-1863/1-23-1939
Tyler, I. E. 9-3-1871/2-23-1919
Tyler, Charles Elbert 8-27-1891/5-3-1893
Upchurch, L. Brint 1894/1978
Upchurch, Esther B. no dates w/o Brint
Upchurch, Ethel Aline 8-12-1882/5-13-1961
5 concrete markers at the base of a tree
Foot marker letters I. Y.
Upchurch, Lee Wayne 5-30-1951/12-15-1951
Upchurch, Elsie M. 2-7-1896/7-13-1968
Upchurch, Henry J. 1-7-1893/7-3-1929 Woodmen of the World
Upchurch, Raymond 4-19-1920/7-2-1999 TECH.5 US Army WW 2
Upchurch, John Raymond 6-10-1885/6-8-1915
Upchurch, Mary 9-21-1858/3-26-1900
Upchurch, Riley J. 5-22-1856/7-1-1920 h/o Mary
Headstone not legible
Upchurch, Marie L. 9-15-1917 w/o Eldred A.
Upchurch, Eldred A. 5-29-1913/3-16-1981
Footstone the letter H
Upchurch, Sarah E. 1-11-1855/7-12-1940
Upchurch, J. W. 11-3-1851/3-19-1928 Woodmen of the World
Upchurch, J. J. 11-3-1827/2-9-1902
Upchurch, Clifton 1-27-1907/4-12-1969 married 12-12-1943
Upchurch, Elsie Lea 6-14-1923/2-2-1995 w/o Clifton
Vernon, Berice Reed 1921/1978
Weathery, Ella no dates
Webb, John N. 4-27-1915/9-1951
Whaley, J. L. 12-28-1884/5-7-1881 [death year must be a typo-ec]
Headstone not legible
Whinery, R. L. Bob 1932/1959
Whinery, Ray 1905/1956
White, Susie Pritchett no dates
Worsham, Mamie C. 11-27-1938/12-27-1938
Worsham, J. D. 9-11-1912/12-28-1945
Yeager, Alvin 1-5-1898/3-5-1980 Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Lillie May 7-25-1908/5-2-1994 w/o Alvin; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Nolan 7-29-1952/8-4-1932 s/o Alvin and Lillie; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, No name no dates s/o Mr. and Mrs. Yeager
Yeager, J. C. 9-8-1895/6-1-1952 Brother; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, H. R. 7-29-1869/5-14-1945 Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, John F. 11-29-1864/10-28-1929 Father let they grace be given,
That we may meet in heaven; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, John Culpepper 10-9-1812/2-9-1877 Oldest stone; dates from John R. Maxwell's cemetery books
Yeager, Harless Alvin 2-12-1928/5-19-1972 Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Leon Sr. 11-7-1935/1-28-2003 Photo from Mervin Peters
concrete marker
Yeager, Carroll F. 1895/1975 PVT US Army WW 1; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Fred H. 8-9-1899/5-12-1992 married 12-25-1938; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Rosa Lee 9-18-1904/5-16-1990 w/o Fred H.; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, E. F. 5-3-1921/6-7-1944
Yeager, Myra Ann 7-25-1899/1-16-1975
Yeager, Peter Bruce 11-23-1893/6-5-1974 h/o Myra
Yeager, James O. 2-21-1863/11-28-1942 Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, Margaret 9-21-1866/11-18-1947 w/o James O.; Photo from Mervin Peters
Yeager, ? no dates
Old Headstone not legible
Yeager, Harold L. 1-6-1923/12-25-1995 S.SGT. US Army Air Corps WW 2
Yeager, Bunyan 8-17-1890/1-29-1974
Yeager, Masceline 5-12-1893/10-7-1977 w/o Bunyan
Younts, L. J. 9-16-1930/1-25-2001
Younts, Donnie 4-13-1938 w/o J. L.
concrete marker
1 pole marker
Burials from death certificates. Submitted by Eleanor Colson.
JARRELL, Polly Ann Maddox 12 Oct 1829 05 Apr 1930 Dau of George Maddox and Rachael Bonde
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