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  | Robert Marmaduke Hudson Family |
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Robert Marmaduke Hudson (Duke)
Born: August 18, 1880 in Wilderville, Robertson County, Texas
Died: December 28, 1931 in Courtney, Grimes County, Texas
(1) Goldie Anna Woodall, ca Sept 1900
Willis Robert Hudson - born 06 Oct 1901; died 19 Jun 1961
Eloise Hudson - born 1904; died 1971
Cary Woodall Hudson - born 13 Feb 1906; died 20 Apr 1990(2) Ila Martha Sheppard
Born: October 25, 1895
Died: February 9, 1976
Robert Marvin Hudson - born 02 Mar 1913; died 04 Apr 1964
Ebb Terrel Hudson - born 22 Mar 1915; died 01 Jun 1978
Gibson Lee Hudson - born 28 Dec 1917; died 02 May 1984
John Royal Hudson - born 30 Dec 1919; died 12 Dec 1995
George Conley Hudson - living
Harold Anderson Hudson - livingR. M. "Duke" Hudson became a member of the Texas Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish American War earning an honorable discharge in November of 1898.
In September of 1900, Duke married Goldie Anna Woodall. Within the next year, R. M. "Duke" Hudson joined the Texas Rangers and served in Company C under Captain John H. Rogers one of the "Four Great Captains". As a member of the Rangers, Duke befriended two life long friends, Frank Augustus Hamer and Captain M. E. Bailey.
Duke and Goldie found the life style of a Texas Ranger to be somewhat incompatible resulting in the two going their separate ways.
Due to the lack of a state financial budget for funding the Rangers, Duke left the organization after spending a little over 10 years as a border Ranger and an undercover agent. He spent 2 years as a Postmaster in Falls County among other trades before meeting and marrying Ila Martha Sheppard.
With a wife and a family of 4 young boys, R. M. Hudson put his bid in for the sheriff of Grimes County, Texas and was duly elected and sworn in. Duke served two terms as sheriff of Grimes County. During his tenure as sheriff, the family lived above the jailhouse with Ila ssisting by preparing meals for the prisoners. One additional child, George was born in the old jailhouse. Post sheriff, Duke & Ila bought a place in Courtney where their last son, Harold was born. The following year Duke passed away. Both Ila and Duke are buried in Oakland Cemetery, Navasota, Texas.
Became sheriff of Grimes County on 11 April 1925
Owned Courtney Grocery Company
Certificate signed by Ma Ferguson to Robert M. Hudson upon becoming sheriff of Grimes County in 1925Letter from R. M. Hudson to Antony Gabriel of Plantersville asking for support
Return letter from Antony Gabriel to R. M. Hudson
Envelope of letter to R. M. Hudson from Anton GabrielJohanna Hudson Raupe is interested in finding out any information about Antony/Anton Gabriel
Letter from W. E. Barron and others from Iola in support of R. M. Hudson
Envelope of letter to R. M. Hudson from W. E. BarronLetter from Frank Augustus Hamer in support of R. M. Hudson
Envelope of letter to R. M. Hudson from Frank Augustus HamerRobert M. Hudson hunting license, 1931
Back of hunting licenseLetter to Cary Hudson, son of Robert M. Hudson by his first marriage, from his grandmother
EnvelopeLetter from Theo Plautte to Robert M. Hudson
EnvelopeLetter from Tom Connally to Ila Hudson
Graduation Ceremonies Program from 1929 - Unknown high school
Please let us know if you know which school this is
Robert Marmaduke and Ila Martha Sheppard Hudson are buried at Oakland Cemetery, Navasota, Texas![]()
Submitted by Johanna Hudson Raupe
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Grimes County, TXGenWeb Project