Below are some cemeteries located in Letcher County, Kentucky. Click on the one you wish to visit for more detailed information. Some cemeteries are completely surveyed while others are only partially surveyed (ie. only selected graves are listed).
If you would like to contribute any additional information about these cemeteries, or any other cemeteries located in Letcher County, Kentucky, please send me the information and I will be glad to add it here.
Unless otherwise noted, the following cemetery information was obtained on June 30th, 1996 by me and my sister (Brian Caudill and Carol Vandiver).
All of the information is shown as closely as possible to what is actually on the headstones, except for the names. For clarity most names are shown on a single line and in upper/lower case letters where the names might actually be on more than one line and/or in all upper case letters, etc. Some exceptions are older hand-carved headstones, or headstones where the name is part of an epitaph, etc.
When question marks (??) are used, it is because it was difficult, or impossible, to read the
information on the "video tape" which was used to record the information on the headstone -
not because the information was illegible on the headstone itself. If any information on a headstone was illegible then either dashes (--) were used, or the information was just left blank.
The "front" of a cemetery is defined as that part of a cemetery where the majority of the headstones face.
The "front row", "first row", or "row 1" is the row of headstones at the front of a cemetery.
A "row" is defined as the approximate horizontal line in which the headstones are positioned side by side.
Headstones are listed from left to right in each row.