Jim Brown Cemetery at Uz
Photo by Brian K. Caudill - August 10, 2003
{Last Updated: May 9, 2004}
Description: The Jim Brown Cemetery at Uz (also known as the Uz Cemetery) is a medium sized cemetery located on the sharp curve on highway 588 just west of the mouth of Dry Fork above the Jim Brown House.
Location: Approximately 37° 07' 01" North Latitude and 82° 52' 47" West Longitude.
Directions: Take highway 15, just north of Whitesburg, to road 3401. Turn left on road 3401 and travel westward along Dry Fork for about 0.9 miles to highway 588. Turn right on highway 588 and head westward about 0.7 miles to the sharp righthand curve in the road. The cemetery is located on the left side of the road on the curve next to Harbor Dr.
Misc. Notes: The cemetery has a fence around it and is kept up pretty well. The gate enters from the right side of the cemetery.
(Stone Laying on Ground) Joseph E. Cornett Oct. 29, 1872 June 21, 1933 He died as he lived- a ChristianNOTE: This appears to be the original headstone of Joseph E. Cornett. It was removed from its base and laying on the ground at the front of the cemetery (June 30, 1996).
* * * Bobby Eugene Brown DEC. 12 1946 DEC. 12 1946 OUR DARLINGNOTE: Ollie Mae Sumner, wife of William H. Caudill, daughter of Elijah and Rhoda (Brashear) Sumner. She was born on Sept. 2, 1897 and died on July 11, 1953. William, husband of Ollie Mae Sumner, son of John Maggard and Polly Ann (Morgan) Caudill. He was born on Jan. 3, 1893 and died on Sept. 25, 1963.
* * * James Michael Combs SEPT. 27 1955 DEC. 11 1955 AN ANGEL
NOTE: Bertha was the daughter of Thomas "Tommy" and Susanna (Cornett) Adams.
* * * Onie Effie DAU. OF CHAS & BERTHA PERRY BORN MAR. 23, 1918 DIED OCT. 30, 1920 Our darling is at rest.NOTE: Susana, wife of Tommy Adams, daughter of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett. Thomas "Tommy" Adams, son of Watson E. and Rausa (Hogg) Adams.
* * * John Brown JUNE 29 1943 FEB. 2 1944 OUR DARLING
* * * ADAMS Tommy Susana OCT. 17, 1873 JAN. 21, 1871 JUNE 22, 1956 APR. 30, 1943 A KIND HUSBAND A KIND WIFE & FATHER & GOOD MOTHER HOW GREAT THOU ART
* * * James Elbert Adams BORN OCT. 24, 1906 DIED JULY 27, 1918 Not lost but gone before.NOTE: James was the son of Thomas "Tommy" and Susanna (Cornett) Adams. James and his brother, Watson, were killed by a train in the tunnel nearby.
* * * Watson E. Adams BORN MAY 4, 1900 DIED JULY 27, 1918 Not lost but gone before.NOTE: Watson was the son of Thomas "Tommy" and Susanna (Cornett) Adams. Watson and his brother, James, were killed by a train in the tunnel nearby.
* * * Herman Adams BORN DEC. 24, 1909 DIED DEC. 26, 1909 From mother's arms to the arms of Jesus.NOTE: Herman was the son of Thomas "Tommy" and Susanna (Cornett) Adams.
* * * MOTHER Dora Cornett MAR. 17, 1887 FEB. 20, 1977 A GOOD MOTHERNOTE: Wife of Willie Cornett, daughter of William and Margaret (Combs) Brown.
* * * FATHER Willie Cornett MAY 25, 1887 AUG. 3, 1977 HAVE FAITH IN GODNOTE: Possible first wife of Willie Cornett, if so, her maiden name was Adams.
* * * MOTHER Fannie Cornett MAY 20 1880 JUNE 12 1913 A GOOD MOTHER
* * * Elizabeth Cornett NOV. 29, 1912 MAY 21, 1913 Gone to be an angel.NOTE: Son of Benjamin Franklin and Dica (Roberts) Cornett.
* * * Edker Cornett SEPT. 11, 1910 OCT. 16, 1912 Gone to be an angel.
* * * Elma Cornett SEPT. 28, 1921 JUNE 28, 1922 Gone to be an angel.
* * * Lula Cornett JULY 1, 1915 APR. 16, 1925 She was the sunshine of our home.
* * * Elizabeth Cornett Martin JAN. 9 1904 DEC. 8 1936 Sweetly sleeping
* * * FATHER Jesse Cornett APR. 23 1875 MAR. 10 1963 AT REST
NOTE: Wife of John H. Cornett, daughter of William Van and Dicey (Combs) Dixon.
MOTHER Mollie Cornett SEPT. 6 1881 JAN. 28 1957 GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
* * * FATHER John H. Cornett NOV. 5, 1876 MAY 12, 1942 He is not dead, but sleepethNOTE: Husband of Mollie Dixon, son of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett.
* * * GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN William H. Cornett BORN SEPT. 15, 1901 DIED JAN. 17, 1937NOTE: Husband of Ollie Campbell, son of John H. and Mollie (Dixon) Cornett.
* * * Gladys Marie Cornett MAR. 3, 1923 MAR. 8, 1923 Darling we miss thee.NOTE: Daughter of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett.
* * * Robert L. Cornett JUNE 4, 1903 SEPT. 4, 1921 Not lost but one before
* * * Atha Cornett BORN OCT. 19, 1874 DIED FEB. 7, 1911
* * * FATHER John B. Cornett BORN DEC. 16, 1837 DIED OCT. 1, 1910 Christ is my hope.NOTE: Husband of Elizabeth Hayes, son of Joseph Enoch and Sarah "Sally" (Brown) Cornett.
* * * HOLY BIBLE Elizabeth Cornett NOV 28, 1847 APR 1, 1923 A tender mother and faithful friendNOTE: Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett, wife of John B. Cornett.
* * * CORNETT Martha Joseph E. DEC. 6 1879 OCT. 29 1872 JUNE 14 1967 JUNE 21 1933 GONE FROM OUR HOME NOT FROM OUR HEARTNOTE: Martha Dixon, first wife of Joseph E. Cornett, daughter of William Van and Dicey (Combs) Dixon. Joseph Enoch Cornett, husband of Martha Dixon, son of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett. Martha married second to A.C. "Archie" Craft. Joseph's original headstone was removed from its base and laying at the front of the cemetery.
* * * CURTIS, SON OF JOE & MARTHA CORNETT BORN OCT. 23, 1903 DIED DEC. 27, 1904 Darling we miss thee.NOTE: Mattie, wife of William J. Dixon, daughter of Joseph E. and Martha (Dixon) Cornett. Willie, first husband of Mattie Cornett, son of Thomas A. and Fanny (Caudill) Dixon.
* * * MAY, DAU OF J.E. & MARTHA CORNETT BORN JAN. 13, 1906 DIED OCT. 14, 1908 Darling we miss thee.
* * * J.V. JR. SON OF J.V. & RUTH CORNETT NOV. 13 - NOV 16 1939
* * * DIXON AT REST Mattie J. Willie J. FEB. 12 1908 MAR. 2 1893 OCT. 17 1993 FEB. 23 1969
* * * Carl V. Cornett JUNE 22 1941 JUNE 25 1941 Gone but not forgottenNOTE: Infant of Charlie D. and Pearlie B. (Brown) Cornett.
* * * Anna Mae Cornett DEC 19, 1932 DEC 19, 1932NOTE: Infant of Charlie D. and Pearlie B. (Brown) Cornett.
* * * Charles Ray Cornett 1925-1964 TO DIE IS GAINNOTE: Pearlie Brown, wife of Charlie D. Cornett, daughter of Doc and Harriet Brown. Charlie, husband of Pearlie Brown, son of Joseph E. and Martha (Dixon) Cornett.(Foot Plaque)
* * * CORNETT MARRIED JAN. 27, 1921 Pearlie B. Charlie D. APR 7, 1901 JAN. 10, 1902 JUNE 6, 1989 OCT. 18, 1985 IN LOVING MEMORY
NOTE: Son of Andrew Dow and Lucinda (Caudill) Hamilton.
FATHER Kirby J. Hamilton MAY 20 1913 JAN. 6 1952 OUR HOPE IS IN JESUS
* * * IN MEMORIAM Cornilia Blair NOV. 1, 1887 SEPT. 20, 1926NOTE: Second wife of John Maggard Caudill, daughter of George Washington and Sarah "Sally" (Cornett) Morgan.
* * * ----------------------- CAUDILL Just good by for awhile ----------------------- Betty Caudill JAN 27, 1896
* * * Lee Caudill NOV. 14, 1888 JUNE 27, 1939
* * * John R. Caudill MAR. 13, 1928 MAR. 13, 1928
* * * Tandy Caudill FEB. 27, 1920 FEB. 27, 1920
* * * Coy Caudill MAY 23, 1916 MAY 23, 1916
* * * William Caudill JUNE 25, 1915 JUNE 25, 1915
----------------------- * * * (Broken old stone) Polly Ann Caudill MAR. 27, 1866 NOV. 19, 1904
* * * DEWEY SON OF JOHN M & POLLY A CAUDILL APR 17, 1904 OCT 2, 1904NOTE: Son of John Maggard and Polly Ann (Morgan) Caudill.
* * * Lucinda Andrew Dow NOV. 29, 1889 MAR. 14, 1879 JUNE 16, 1981 NOV. 28, 1970 HAMILTONNOTE: Lucinda, wife of Andrew Dow Hamilton, daughter of John Maggard and Polly Ann (Morgan) Caudill. Andrew Dow, husband of Lucinda Caudill, son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth (Taylor) Hamilton.
* * * BROTHER Chester A. Hamilton MAY - 18 - 1907 MAY - 8 - 1911NOTE: Son of Andrew Dow and Lucinda (Caudill) Hamilton.
* * * Tandy B. Hamilton KENTUCKY PFC AIR CORPS WORLD WAR II JUNE 8 1927 DECEMBER 24 1947NOTE: Son of Andrew Dow and Lucinda (Caudill) Hamilton.
* * * Charles Hamilton KENTUCKY STAFF SGT 34 INF 24 INF DIV WORLD WAR II NOVEMBER 19 1915 MARCH 12 1949 BSM-PH & OLCNOTE: Son of Andrew Dow and Lucinda (Caudill) Hamilton.
* * * Christine Carol Hamilton MAR. 21, 1948 FEB. 1, 2001 IN GOD'S CARENOTE: Eulice, wife of Allen P. Hampton, duaghter of Watson G. and Sallie (Brown) Cornett.
* * * CORPL. Isaac Gibson CO.K 44 U.S.V.INF.
* * * Loretta Cornett DEC. 13 1936 DEC. 29 1936 AN ANGEL
* * * Dixie Allene Hampton BORN & DIED OCT. 6 1945 OUR DARLING
* * * Allen P. Eluice C. APR. 2, 1922 MAR. 26, 1920 NOV. 16, 1990 OCT. 30, 2003 PREIOUS LORD TAKE MY HAND HAMPTON
NOTE: Watson, husband of Sallie Brown, son of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett. Sallie, wife of Watson G. Cornett, daughter of William and Margaret (Combs) Brown.
* * * THY KINGDOM COME Watson G. Sallie JULY 16 1891 SEPT. 23 1895 APR. 13 1972 SEPT. 9 1970 CORNETT FOREVER WITH THE LORD
NOTE: "Becky", wife of Allen Webb, daughter of Jesse B. and Mary (Back) Caudill.
* * * Maze Cornett JULY 23, 1912 JULY 27, 1913 Asleep in Jesus
* * * Mamie Brown AUG. 05, 1915 SEPT. 13, 1918 Darling, we miss thee.
* * * Rebecca Webb MAR. 2, 1869 APR. 26, 1961
* * * Willie Webb MAY 11, 1909 JULY 9, 1909 Darling, we miss thee.NOTE: Infant son of Allen and Rebecca "Becky" (Caudill) Webb.
* * * George W. Adams BORN MAY 5, 1912 DIED APR. 5, 1913 AGE 11 MO. From mothers arms to the arms of JesusNOTE: Son of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" (Kincer) Adams.
* * * John Dishman Boatright APR. 23, 1910 NOV. 1, 1914 Darling, we miss thee.NOTE: Son of Henry Clinton and Doshie (Adams) Boatright.
* * * H. C. Boatright MAR. 29, 1881 SEPT. 25, 1917 Christ loved him and took him home.NOTE: Henry Clinton Boatright, first husband of Doshie Adams, son of Granville Henderson and Sarah Ann (Taylor) Boatright.
* * * Cora Boatright MAR. 28, 1908 OCT. 20, 1918 GONE TO BE AN ANGELNOTE: Daughter of Henry Clinton and Doshie (Adams) Boatright.
* * * George Henry Cornett MAR. 13, 1923 JAN. 07, 1924 From the arms of mother to the arms of Jesus.NOTE: Baby son of Henry D. and Doshie (Adams) Cornett.
* * * Henry D. Cornett Sept. 19, 1882 Jan. 19, 1938 Not lost but gone before.NOTE: Fourth husband of Doshie Adams, son of John B. and Elizabeth (Hayes) Cornett.
* * * Doshie Cornett APR. 1 1886 JULY 8 1964 MOTHER IS GONE FROM OUR HOME NOT FROM OUR HEARTNOTE: Wife of (1) Henry Clinton Boatright, (4) Henry D. Cornett, daughter of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" (Kincer) Adams.
* * * Paul Alfred Adams APR. 7, 1933 SEPT. 4, 1934 From mothers arms to Jesus.NOTE: Child of Fred and Lona (Boatright) Adams.
* * * Fred Adams JUNE 10, 1910 JULY 19, 1933 AT RESTNOTE: First husband of Lona Boatright, son of Harrison and Letitia (Sexton) Adams.
* * * Edward Garrett May 24 1922 Oct. 27 1927 He was the sunshine of our home.NOTE: Son of Benjamin Harrison and Allie (Caudill) Garrett.
* * * Baby of Harrison and Allie Garrett Another angelNOTE: Baby of Benjamin Harrison and Allie (Caudill) Garrett, born and died in 1927.
* * * Ronald and Donald Brown APR. 2, 1943 Our BabiesNOTE: Infants of Willard C. and Nancy (Standifer) Brown.
* * * BROWN Nancy S. Willard C. APR. 24 1925 MAY 18 1919 JULY 17 1971 MAR. 29 1975 GONE FROM OUR HOME NOT FROM OUR HEARTNOTE: Willard, husband of Nancy Ritter Standifer, son of Benjamin Joseph and Isabella (Lewis) Brown.
NOTE: Second wife of Benjamin Franklin Cornett, daughter of Andy and Sarah (Maggard) Mullins.
Abby Jane Cornett MAR. 10 1867 MAR. 29 1926 GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN
* * * Ruby Frazier FEB 07, 1919 FEB 27, 1925 She faltered by the wayside and the angels took her homeNOTE: Daughter of Riley and Artie (Cornett) Frazier.
* * * Rhonda Rae Frazier BORN & DIED MAR. 28 1950NOTE: First wife of William McKinley Caudill, Sr., daughter of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" (Kincer) Adams.
* * * COLLINS Robert L. Anna V. AUG. 21 1882 JAN. 11 1887 JAN. 8 1959 MAY 31 1966
* * * Willie Cornett NOV. 14, 1918 NOV. 14, 1918 Our darling
* * * CALLIE ROLE IGH WAS BO RN DEC 10 1906 DIED MAY 12 1910
* * * THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD Rebecca J. Caudill BORN JUNE 20, 1901 DIED OCT. 16, 1918 Gone but not forgotten.
* * * THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD George W. Adams BORN JULY 18 1864 DIED APR. 24 1923 Farewell My wife and children all. From you a Father Christ doth call.NOTE: George Washington Adams, husband of Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" Kincer, son of Allen and Cynthia Ann (Thornsberry) Adams.
* * * Betty E. Adams DEC. 25, 1866 JAN. 30, 1940 We trust our loss will be her gain. And that with Christ she's gone to reign.NOTE: Sarah Elizabeth "Betty" Kincer, wife of George Washington Adams, daughter of Frederic and Lydia (Adams) Kincer.
* * * AT REST William McKinley Caudill OCT. 1, 1918 NOV. 6, 1938NOTE: Son of William McKinley, Sr. and Rebecca J. "Becky" (Adams) Caudill. He was killed by Lester Amburgey with a knife.
* * * Martha M. Calhoun NOV. 10 1843 SEPT. 1 1917 AT RESTNOTE: Wife of Enoch W. Webb, daughter of Allen and Cynthia Ann (Thornsberry) Adams.
* * * MOTHER Rachel Webb ABOUT 1848 JUNE 1928
* * * FATHER Enoch W. Webb ABOUT 1845 MAR. 1929NOTE: Husband of Rachel Adams, son of Enoch A. and Susannah L. (Polly) Webb.
* * * Mary Alice Brown APR. 10 1878 JAN. 7 1955 SHE WAS THE SUNSHINE OF OUR HOMENOTE: Wife of Leslie "Bud" Brown, daughter of Enoch W. and Rachel (Adams) Webb.
* * * FATHER Leslie (Bud) Brown MAR. 28 1872 NOV. 4 1959 AT RESTNOTE: Husband of Mary Alice Webb, son of George W. and Susannah (Wells) Brown.
* * * D. F. Brown JAN. 14, 1857 MAY 24, 1931 Dear father we miss you but our love will always be deep in our hearts for youNOTE: Doctor "Doc" F. Brown, husband of Harriett Cornett, son of Benjamin and Mary (Blair) Brown.
NOTE: Wife of Fred Stamper, daughter of Henry and Sallie (Ison) Cornett.
MOTHER Lovel C. Stamper APR. 3, 1909 FEB. 2, 1957 AT REST
* * * MALARD BR OWN BORN OCT 22 1912 DEC. OCT 13 1914 AT RESTNOTE: Alvin Adams was the son of George Washington and Sarah Elizabeth (Kincer) Adams, born on March 18, 1909 and died on July 5, 1974. Mary Jane Tyree was Alvin's third wife.
* * * Alvin Mary Jane 1909-1974 1926- Asleep in Jesus ADAMS
* * * Roy Lee Combs AUG. 22, 1933 DEC. 31, 1933 A fairer bud of promise never bloomed
* * * Bettie Gean Combs DEC. 9, 1934 DEC. 9, 1934 How soon fades the tender flower.
* * * Ara Emeline Combs SEPT. 11, 1941 NOV. 7, 1941 Darling, we miss thee