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Fluvanna Co., Virginia Query Page -- 1998Other Years: 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997

DATE: December 19, 1998
NAME: Carolyn Lucado Griffin
QUERY: I am seeking relatives or others who know the LUCADO/LUCKADO family. Isaac LUCADO (1752-1841) married Mabel APPLEBERRY on 2 December l802 in Fluvanna Co., VA. He was a minister at Lyle's Baptist Church where he was ordained March l808. He performed marriages for several of his older children by his first wife Sally NOELL. William LUCADO (l798-l875) married
Frances WHITE on l5 December l824. Thomas Edwin LUCADO was his second child. A double wedding took place for his sons Peter and Noel who married Susanna and Polly JOHNSON on 28 October l8l9. His children by Mabel included Wilson LUCADO and Littleberry Appleberry LUCADO who married Eliza WHITE, daughter of Pleasant and Mabel WHITE on 28 October 1830. In l820 Isaac
appeared before the Fluvanna County Court to request an increased pension for his service during the American Revolution. In l840 he was a pensioner living with his son Littleberry LUCADO. His will was prepared on l5 February l840 and was produced on 24 May l84l in court. The inventory took place on 6 August l84l in Fluvanna Co.

DATE: 8 Dec. 1998
NAME: Patrick H. Murray
QUERY: Wish to contact descendants of Susanna COCKE, dau of Pleasant andElizabeth FOWLER COCKE, who married 26 Dec 1801 Fluvanna Co. toDaniel ELLIS, Daniel grandson of John and Susanna HARDY ELLIS.

SURNAME: Stines and Payne
DATE: 3 Nov 1998
NAME: Betty Jo McDaniels
QUERY: Searching for the parents of Sarah F. Stines, birthdate/place wanted. Sarah F. Stines md 1866 Tucker W. Payne in Fluvanna Co., VA. Will share Payne family info. Betty Jo McDaniels, 2566 Va. Beach Blvd., Va. Beach, VA 23452

DATE: 29 Oct 1998
NAME: Bette Stewart
QUERY: Seeking information on the birth record of Henry Calahill THOMASborn Nov. 12, 1824 in Wilmington, Fluvanna County, VA. Father's nameJohn THOMAS (born ca1800 in VA); mother Jane THOMAS (born ca.1793 inVA). The family moved to Hennepin, Illinois in 1826. Henry's siblingsinclude: George T. THOMAS; Nancy A. THOMAS.

SURNAME: Morris and Smith
DATE: 21 Oct 1998
NAME: Betty Jo McDaniels
QUERY: Louisa C. "Kate" Morris b ca 1856 Fluvanna, d/o William T. Morris and Mary C. Allegree, md Rev. Richard Smith. When did they marry? Any children? And who were the parents of Richard Smith? Betty Jo McDaniels, 2566 Va. Beach Blvd., Va. Beach, VA 23452

SURNAME: Taylor and Spiker
DATE: 1 Sep 1998
NAME: Lloyd D. Spiker
QUERY: I'm looking for any information on the descendants of Aubry C. Taylor (b: 1870-1875 d: Unknown)m: Elizabeth Jane "Jennie" Spiker (b: 21-Jan-1876, d: Unknown); children: William Lowell Taylor (b: 1903), Harrold M. Taylor (b: 1905), Lawrence Taylor (b: 1907), Olin Taylor (b: 1908), Dorothy Taylor (b: 1910), Gladys Taylor (b: 1912), Mary Taylor (b:
1913), John Taylor (b: 1919-1920)

DATE: August 26, 1998
NAME: Pat (Richardson) Adkins
QUERY: I am looking for information about JOHN CALVIN RYALS and his wife MARY IDARICHARDSON RYALS. She was born about 1855/56.When did this couple marry? When did they die? How many children did theyhave? Any information at all about this couple would be most appreciated. Pat (Richardson) Adkins in Fla

SURNAME: Venable, Golsby, Bybel
DATE: August 23, 1998
NAME: Pat Venable
QUERY: I am looking for children of Abraham VENABLE who married Mary Golsby in1803 in Fluvanna Co. VA and John VENABLE who married Elizabeth Bybelin 1801 in Fluvanna Co.

DATE: August 15, 1998
NAME: Gordon Lilly
QUERY: Looking for information on ANNE FLEMING (probably wife of Edmund Lilly.)Also seeking information on the FIRST WIFE OF ARMINGER LILLY. He was born about 1720 and died 1802/05.Only ref. to her is DAR listing of marriage about 1751. She probably died abt 1785.

SURNAME: Venable, Eades
DATE : July 15, 1998
NAME: Pat Venable
QUERY: I am looking for the parents of William S. VENABLE b. 1804 VA he was inthe 1830 census of Fluvanna Co. VA and married Sarah W. Eades in Albemarle Co. VA in January of 1827. I am looking for children of JohnVENABLE b. 1760 Fluvanna Co. VA.

SURNAME: Bragg, Shepherd, and Baskett
DATE : July 10, 1998
NAME: Shirley Derington
QUERY: I am searching for the parents of ELIZABETH BRAGG, born about 1792, andmarried DAVID SHEPHERD in 1811 in Fluvanna County, Va. Also, am looking forthe parents of CHRISTOPHER SHEPHERD, born about 1762 and died in 1823 inFluvanna County. He married SARAH BASKETT about 1787. Any information on theBRAGG, SHEPHERD, AND BASKETT families of Fluvanna would be

SURNAME: Henley, Mayo
DATE : July 10, 1998
NAME: Rachel Grace
QUERY: Looking for information on a WILLIAM and MARY ANN HENLEY who were living inFluvanna Co VA in the 1770's. They had a son named William and one named James B. and a daughter named Mary Ann who married Benjamin Mayo. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

SURNAME: Webb and Phelps
DATE : 10 June 1998
NAME: Frank Webb
QUERY: My great-grandfather was Andrew J(ackson) WEBB. He was born in1840, probably in Fluvanna County, though definitely in Virginia (as heappears in the 1850 Fluvanna County, VA census). He served in theFluvanna Artillery as did his brother William J. WEBB (born circa.1838). Andrew was captured with the last remaining members of the unitat Waynesboro on March 2,
1865. William was killed in action onSeptember 19, 1864 near Winchester.According to the 1850 Fluvanna County, VA Census, Andrew and Williamwere sons of George and Melison WEBB (dwelling #860). According to thecensus, both George and Melison were born in Virginia. George appearsto have been born circa. 1795 to 1800 and Melison was born circa. 1795.Their other children
in addition to Andrew and William were: MariaL.(f), born circa. 1835, Catherine(f), born circa. 1829, America(f),born circa. 1837.Following the war, Andrew married a Martha PHELPS and moved to theFayette County, WV region. (He appears there in the 1880 Census).His (their) whereabouts are not clearly known between 1865 and 1880.Any info or leads on information would be

SURNAME: Black, Harlow, Thomas, Powers, Tyler, Peterson, Bartlett, Peterson, Paulson
DATE: 25 May 1997
NAME: Glenn Simon
QUERY: I am seeking information about the following people withFluvanna connections:
Jonathan BLACK (1755-1813) m. Judith HARLOW (1757-?)
George Washington BLACK (1798-1855) m. Henrietta THOMAS
William Franklin BLACK (1822-1912) m. Cary Ann POWERS (1821-1891)
William Powers BLACK (1845-1924) m. Sarah/Sallie TYLER (1859-?)
Howard Gordon BLACK (1895-1984) m. Huldah PETERSON (1895-1982)
Larkin POWERS m. Isabella BARTLEY or BARTLETT (1798-?)
Agardt PETERSON (1870-?) m. Alma PAULSON (1871-?)

SURNAME: Fitzpatrick, Bellah
DATE: 17 May 1998
NAME:Rick Backlund
QUERY: Seeking information on the family of John FITZPATRICK, Rev. War.Soldier, bornabt 1760/65 in ??? County, VA who married Sarah EAST in Fluvanna County,VA in abt 1788. John FITZPATRICK died in Fluvanna Co. VA abt 1815. Hehad 2 sons John FITZPATRICK, Jr., born March 1796? who may have servedin John Trimble's VA 1812 War Militia, died 1879 McNairy Co. TN andsecond
son Samuel FITZPATRICK. After John FITZPATRICK, Sr.'s deathwidow Sarah EAST FITZPATRICK and family moved to Smith County, TN whereJohn FITZPATRICK, Jr. married February 25, 1819 Mary BELLAH. Any leadson this line much appreciated.

SURNAME: Shepherd
DATE: 16 May 1998
NAME: Shirley Derington
QUERY: David Shepherd was born in 1792 in Fluvanna County. He marriedElizabeth Catherine ????, born 1792. His known children were:Christopher Columbus, born 1818, Mary Elizabeth, born 1820, and SarahJ., born 1826. There is another male child but have not identifiedhim. This family left Fluvanna around 1825 for Tennessee and then movedto Crawford County Arkansas by
1835. In 1845 they moved to HopkinsCounty Texas. I have seen a Fluvanna Shepherd chart that list a David,born in 1792 who married Elizabeth Bragg but it also showed David married Catherine Lilly who was born in 1832 which wouldnot match my David. I would appreciate any help.

SURNAME: Payne, Shephard, Harlowe
DATE: 12 May 1998
NAME: Shirley Payne Gibbs
QUERY: Does anyone have information on the Charles Payne (BD cir. 1860)family;His brothers were Walker, and Price Payne. He married Emma Peola Shephard, and had nine children, one of which was my father James (Jim) Andrew Payne, BD 12/16/1896, Died 10/1/1960; married Hattie Elizabeth Harlowe. All resided in the Beaver Dam area. Looking for names of parents of Charles.

SURNAME : King, Wilcher, Herndon
DATE: 15 April 1998NAME: Barbara PhillipsLandis
QUERY: I am looking for the parents and wife of Joseph KING. Joseph hada son, John W. KING b. 1838 in Fluvanna who married Hester Ellen WILCHER b. 1852. I am also trying to locate her parents as well. John and Hester had a son, Joseph Alfred KING who married Lillie Maude HERNDON. Lillie's father's name was Lemuel HERNDON, but I do not have her mother's name. Any info.
concerning these people would be greatly appreciated.

DATE: 30 Apr 98
NAME: Jim WoodruffQUERY: My 3rd great-grandfather was Benjamin Bragg of Fluvanna, and I amdescended through his son William who was born 25 Dec 1830. William married Dorinda Taylor in Powhatan. I would like any help on Benjamin.

SURNAME: Manley, Gibbs
DATE: 25 Apr 1998
NAME: Don Longworth
QUERY: I have traced one of my ancestors, Peter Manley back to Fluvanna County. Peter was born in 1808 and married Hester Eleanor Gibbs on 22March 1832. Peter and Hester had 10 children including Robert Frank Manley who I descend from. I have been looking for Peter's parents forthe last 10 years with no luck. I also do not know who Hester's parents are. If any of your
Manley researchers can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

DATE: 25 Mar 1998
NAME: Bob Reed
QUERY: Searching for the ancestors of Reuben Hughes, my direct ancestor,purportedly from Fluvanna Co. Indications are that Reuben was born circa 1740 andhad "at least" one daughter (Susannah) and likely had a couple of sons,as well. Susannah was known to have married a James French (son ofMatthew and Sarah French) circa 1789 in present-day Giles Co.,
VA.Reuben, based on limited research, was originally from northeastern VA(Culpepper or Fluvanna Co.), moved to the Haw River area of NC as ayoung man, then migrated to the Montgomery Co., VA area around the timeof the Rev. War and then shows up in the 1810 VA census (with his son,Reuben , Jr.) in Fluvanna Co. Again, any info concerning Reuben, hisancestors and/or his
descendants would be appreciated as he is one of mydirect ancestors.

DATE: 25 Mar 1998
NAME: Bob Reed
QUERY: Searching for the ancestors of Reuben Hughes, my direct ancestor,purportedly from Fluvanna Co. Indications are that Reuben was born circa 1740 andhad "at least" one daughter (Susannah) and likely had a couple of sons,as well. Susannah was known to have married a James French (son ofMatthew and Sarah French) circa 1789 in present-day Giles Co.,
VA.Reuben, based on limited research, was originally from northeastern VA(Culpepper or Fluvanna Co.), moved to the Haw River area of NC as ayoung man, then migrated to the Montgomery Co., VA area around the timeof the Rev. War and then shows up in the 1810 VA census (with his son,Reuben , Jr.) in Fluvanna Co. Again, any info concerning Reuben, hisancestors and/or his
descendants would be appreciated as he is one of mydirect ancestors.

SURNAME: Phillips and Omohundro
DATE: 23 Mar 1998
QUERY: I have been researching Vincent W. PHILLIPS b. 1829 who wasmarried in Fluvanna County in 1852 to Julia OMOHUNDRO. Among theirchildren was my great grandfather Thomas V. PHILLIPS. I would greatlyappreciate any information on Vincent or Julia. I just now found outJulia 's last name, so I have no info. on her family at all.

SURNAME: Harlow, Snead and Thomason
DATE: 10 Mar 1998
NAME: Mary Thomason-Morris
QUERY: I am tracing John B. Harlow who married Elmira Snead in 1816.Allied line: Thomason.

SURNAME: Tompkins, Goodman, Hughes
DATE: 3 Mar 98
NAME: Louise Galaska
QUERY: Please help me find the last name of Amanda E. ? (b. circa 1850), who was the second wife of Lancelot Minor TOMPKINS (b. Nov 1813) ofFluvanna Co. They were probably married around 1870 and were the parentsof Katherine "Katie" TOMPKINS (b. 1877), Fannie, and Benjamin Tompkins.Katie married Charles GOODMAN. As a young man Lancelot first married(in 1850
in Fluvanna) Elizabeth HUGHES and had children William, Sarah'"Sally", Ann E. "Ellen", and Mary/Marg Jane TOMPKINS. Elizabeth diedin childbirth in 1862 and Lancelot married AMANDA E. ?, By the 1880census, Lancelot was dead and Amanda was a widow with three youngchildren. Amanda was my husband's 2nd gr grandmother. Any help would beappreciated.

SURNAME: Armstead and Davis
DATE: 25 Feb. 1998
NAME: Roy England
QUERY: JAMES MILLER ARMSTEAD, M. JEANETTE DAVIS in Fluvanna County? hadmoved to Roane County by 1842. I am looking for his and her parents. Anyleads would be a great help.

SURNAME: Johnson, and Smith
DATE: 21 Feb 1998
NAME: L. Hurston Anderson
QUERY: Am looking for info on B. E. Johnson b 21 Apr 1827 married to E.M. F. Smith b. 12 Jun 1834. Their daughter born in Fluvanna Co 6 Nov1851 before moving to TX and marrying T. H. Anderson. We have almostnothing on them before TX.

SURNAME: Wood, Lowery, and Anderson
DATE: 18 Feb 1998
NAME: Pat Lowery Koetting
QUERY:Thomas WOOD died in 1817 intestate, Fluvanna County, Virginia.His wife is unknown. Children: Thomas WOOD Jr., John WOOD perhapsmarried Mary Unknown, Elizabeth WOOD married Matthew LOWRY Jr. (ofGoochland County, Virginia) James married Lucy ANDERSON, Nancy WOODmarried James LOWRY (they moved to Caldwell County, Kentucky abt. 1809)Joseph WOOD. The children of
Thomas WOOD Sr. were all alive in 1841.Any help would be appreciated.

SURNAME: Yeargin, Bowles, Patterson, Fletcher, Reed, Spearman, Stark,Shell, Lawrence, Bennett, and Hudson
DATE: 17 Feb 1998
NAME: Mary Ann Null
QUERY: Andrew YEARGIN come from Wales c 1735 m Oney BOWLES in GoochlandCo. 3 Jan. 1757. His sons are said to have been born in Fluvana co.Andrew was a lay preacher for the Methodist church. Hecontributedduring theRev. War & is a member of the DAR. His children were: Benjamin m SarahMORGAN PATTERSON, (Rev.) John m Elizabeth----, Jarrett Fletcher m AmeliaPATTERSON,
Andrew m Elizabeth REED, Samuel m Mary SPEARMAN, Edward mRachel STARK, James, Devereaux m Permelia SHELL, Barlett m Mary A.LAWRENCE, Williams m Rebecca BENNETT, Sarah m Burrell HUDSON.Andrew was supposedly one of six brothers who came from wales. He was acircuit rider and preached in VA.,NC,and SC.

SURNAME: Lawhorn
DATE: 3 Feb 1998
NAME: Sandra Lawhorn Green
QUERY: Interested in the surname, "Lawhorn" which may be in Fluvanna Co.1782, Heads of Families book. The name is frequently mis read so may appear as Lawhon, Lanhorn, Laugharn, Lanham, etc. It is not related to Langhorn which was a name also in the area mainly in Buckingham County.

SURNAME: Davis, and Robertson
DATE: 17 Jan 1998
NAME: James Davis
I am seeking any info on my Fluvanna County Ancestor Taliaferro Davis.He was born 1800, married Virginia Robertson July 4, 1824.... children include John, Ann, America E., James W., William{my GGrandfather}, VirginiaI have the Fluvanna County Marriage & Death Books..... This family leftVa. around 1835 and moved to Jefferson Co. MO. Taliaferro also used names
Talifa and Tolivar and Toliver. I am seeking the names of his parents and any brothers or sisters.

DATE: 8 Jan 1997
NAME: Joan Bartay
QUERY: I am very old and have been looking for the father of Peter Wade Melton for over 50 years. I am 75 years old, but do not look it or act it. I had a face life. I just want to find Peter's father before Idie. Peter was born in 1825 in Fluvanna County, Virginia. He married Martha A. Irving on 1 Aug. 1853 in Fluvanna Co. Va. and they had 10children. My grandfather
was one of the children, Charles Pierce Melton. I am sure that Peter's grandfather was Pierce Wade Melton. Peter's middle name is Wade and Charles middle name is Pierce. I have found the grandfather in the 1810 census as head of household, but it does not give the names of the sons, just their ages. I think I must be looking in the wrong place. The family came from
England to Virginia to Texas. At least one of the boys did. The remainder seem to have gone all over.

SURNAME: Williamson, Cox, Hogue/Hog
DATE: 5 Jan 98
NAME: Oscar Williamson
QUERY: Some records show my ancestor JOHN WILLIAMSON to have come from Fluvana Co. into Bedford Co. He married Prudence COX IN 1736. They also had a son John.2nd gen. John WILLIAMSON married Lucy HOGUE/HOG in 1763 in Bedford Co., VA.This John died in 1808 in Bedford Co. We need any info possible on first generation John WILLIAMSON.

SURNAME: Campbell and Riley
DATE: 1 Jan 1998
NAME:Paula Lau
QUERY: I am the great-granddaughter of Mary Jane Campbell who was born in Fluvanna County in 1876. Mary Jane Campbell was the daughter of John A. and Mary L.Campbell of Fluvanna County. John was the son of Abner Campbell and Frances Riley. Frances was the daughter of Dennis and Lucy Riley. I am seeking information about Mary L. Campbell, wife of John A., as well as
general information about the ancestors or descendents of Abner and Frances Campbell. I'd be glad to share what I've found out so far with anyone.