Whatcom County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "F"
FABER, Catherine (d. 1918)
Catherine J. Faber, who passed to the Great Beyond January 3, 1918, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James H. Milhollin, was born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, Dec. 18, 1840. In her early childhood the family moved to Galena, Ill., where they resided for a few years. They moved to Iowa, where she lived until July 24, 1862, when she was married to Nicholas Faber, whose death occurred less than four months ago. Some time after her marriage they moved to St. Paul, Minn. They lived at Champlin until 1905, when they came to Blaine, Wash., and made their home here since.
Her father, John Kinser, was a man of strong personality and independence of character, from whom she inherited many traits that made her a force in the communities she lived in. No one was more willing to render assistance in times of sickness and trouble, as many can testify. She was ever ready to help those in distress and comfort those in sorrow. During the early days of the Women's Relief Corps she took an active part in the work of that organization. She was for many years a Rebekah and was a member of Anoka, (Minn.) lodge at the time of her death. She had been a student of Christian Science for some years and was devoted to that faith. The dominating trait of her character was to be useful.
She was the mother of five children, Harry F., Minnie C. (now Mrs. James H. Milhollin), John, Fred N., and A. J. Faber, only two of whom survive - Mrs. Milhollin of Blaine and A. J. Faber of Seattle. She is also survived by one brother, A. S. Kinser of Silverton, Oregon, and two sisters, Mrs. Mabel Reed of Bellvue, Iowa and Miss Hannah Kinser of Anoka, Minn., and six grand-children.
(From The Blaine Journal, January 11, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.FABER, Nicholas (d. 1917)
Nicholas Faber, one of Blaine's old and respected pioneers, passed away at his home here Saturday at 11:30 p. m. His death was not unexpected for he had been in feeble health for some time, but his indomitable energy and will power bore him up until about four weeks ago. Few men have had the experiences that were his. Born in Luxenburg (sic) May 24, 1840, he was left an orphan before he was ten years old, and in 1852 came to America with his older brothers and located in St. Paul, Minn. The Mississippi river then was the great artery of traffic through which poured the tide of immigration then flowing into the country, and he worked as cabin boy for some time on the steamboats running between St. Paul and St. Louis. One of his experiences as a mere boy, was working on the grade of the first railroad between St. Paul and Anoka, on which the St. Paul and Pacific, now the Great Northern, later built, for which he and his fellow workers never received their pay.
During the period immediately preceding the Civil war he clerked in a store in St. Louis and was familiar with many of the scenes described in "The Crisis." When war broke out he enlisted in Co. A, first regiment, Missouri Sappers and Miners, at the first call for three months' troops. Later he re-enlisted in the New York Marines and was captured and imprisoned in Libby prison for some time. In 1862 he married Miss Catherine J. Kinser. To this union five children were born, Harry F., Minnie C. (now Mrs. James H. Milhollin), John, who died in infancy; Fred N. and A. J. Of these only two are living, Mrs. James H. Milhollin of Blaine and A. J. Faber of Seattle. In 1866 he moved to Champlin, Minnesota, and started a small general store. This business grew and he conducted it for more than twenty years. He held the office of postmaster of Champlin, Minn., for many years.
He visited Blaine in 1887 and demonstrated his faith in the future of the country by buying the lots on which the family home now is. He moved to Blaine in 1905, where he has since resided. Though he had small opportunity for schooling, he acquired a good practical education, was a great reader and student of history. He possessed rare qualities that endeared him to those who knew him. Foremost among these were benevolence, charity, kindliness, strong and lasting friendship.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, Mrs. Catherine J. Faber, one daughter, Mrs. James H. Milhollin of Blaine, one son, A. J. Faber, of Seattle, and six grandchildren, Clayton and Hew Milhollin, Mrs. Minnie Pagel of Minneapolis, Minn., Myron Faber of Anoka, Minn., and Sylvia and Nicholas J. Faber. The funeral was held Monday from the family residence, Rev. J. Fletcher Long of the M. E. church officiating, assisted by the local lodge of Odd Fellows, who conducted the services at the cemetery. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful.
(From The Blaine Journal September 14, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.FAGG, Clarence W. (d. 1913)
Clarence W. Fagg, aged 60 years, passed away at the family residence, corner of Spruce street and Silver Beach avenue, Sunday, October 26, after an illness of one year. Mr. Fagg, with his family, has resided at Bellingham for the past four years. He was a member of the First Christian church, of the Modern Woodmen of America, holding his membership at Arlington, Neb., and of the Loyal Order of Moose of Bellingham. Those who survive are: Mrs. Fagg and four daughters, Mrs. John Church, Mrs. A. L. Miller, Miss Leila Fagg, of Bellingham, and Mrs. E. E. Stockmyer, of Seattle. The funeral service will be held Tuesday, October 28, from the Silver Beach Methodist church at 2 o'clock p. m., Rev. Otho H. Williams officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery, under the direction of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 27, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.FANCY, Simeon E. (d. 1918)
Simeon Edward Fancy, aged 82 years, passed away at the family home, 1403 I street, on the morning of Monday, May 27. Mr. Fancy was born in Nova Scotia and came to this city twenty-seven years ago and engaged in the contracting business, until ill-health caused him to retire about six years ago, but only for the past month has he been confined to his bed. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, one daughter, Mrs. C. P. Hunt, of Spokane, and two sons, Chester Fancy, of Vancouver, B. C., and J. W. Fancy, of Spokane, all of whom were with him at the time of his death. He was a member of J. B. Steedman post No. 24, of this city, being a veteran of the Civil war, having served with the Second Maine for the entire duration of the war. He was also a lieutenant in Company A, Third regiment Oregon National Guard. He was a member of Temple lodge No. 3, A. O. U. W., of The Dalles, Ore., and of the Knights of Pythias, of this city. He was baptised in the Church of England in his former home in Nova Scotia. The body is being cared for at the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, and funeral announcements will be made at a later date.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 27, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.FARGO, Jesse (d. 1890)
FARLEY, Sarah F. (d. 1931)
FARMER, James (d. 1872)
A man by the name of James Farmer was shot and killed last Monday evening in the Bellingham Bay Coal Company's saloon at Sehome by the bar tender, Wm. Jarmen. From all the information we can gather it seems that the deceased and another man, who was with him at the time of the shooting, had been endeavoring for a day or two previous to have a difficulty with the bar keeper, and that on the night in question, when he desired them to leave, so he could close the saloon, the deceased refused to do so. Upon this Jarmen undertook to put Farmer out by force, when the latter, upon resorting to the use of a club, was shot by the former. The ball entered the shoulder, breaking the collar bone, and ranging downwards, produced a fatal wound from which the man died in about fifteen minutes afterwards. Jarmen was under arrest at the time the steamer left, and was to have had an examination on Tuesday evening last.
(From The Olympia Transcript, January 27, 1872, p. 2) Submitted by site coordinator.FARNUM, William H. (d. 1900)
On Saturday last, Mr. I. M. Scott received the sad intelligence that his adopted son, William Henry Farnum was instantly killed in a landslide near Hamilton, Skagit county. The information reaching him but few hours after the occurrence, Mr. Scott started at once for the scene of the accident, returning on the afternoon train Monday. Funeral services were held at the cemetery, conducted by R. D. Nevius, D. D., of Christ Church. The deceased was born at Hot Springs, Arkansas, May 3rd, 1875; after the death of his mother at Surrey, B. C., in 1884, and when but nine years of age, he (with a younger brother) was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Scott, with whom he found the home, the death of his mother had seemed to deprive him of. It may be said without hesitation, to the credit of the living and the dead, that the former were rewarded with true filial love, devotion and obedience, and the latter never missed a father's and mother's loving care. No idle tongue ever brought evil tidings of William Scott, the name he was generally known by, always industrious and kindly disposed he enjoyed the good will of all who knew him, and the enmity of none. His love and devotion to his foster mother could have been no greater had he been of her flesh and blood, and that love and devotion was well requited by her love for him and her tender soliciting for his welfare and happiness.
The father, O. T. Farnum, after securing his two boys in a comfortable home, emigrated to Alaska where he has since continuously resided, visiting his boys once in the sixteen years they have been with Mr. and Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Scott thank their neighbors and friends for the many expressions of sympathy, and the many kindnesses of which they were the recipients during their recent bereavement. It was the office of living hands to do that which we could hardly do for ourselves, and it make us feel doubly greatfull when we think of the tender thoughtful manner in which those acts were performed. It is in the trials of life which make all of us realize our dependence upon one another.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 23, 1900) Submitted by site coordinator.FARNUNG, Peter (d. 1904),
Peter Farnung was born in Brussells, Coer Hesse, Germany, Aug. 28, 1831. His ancestors emigrated from France as early as the year 1770, his grandfather at one time acting as colonel in the French army. He was one of twelve children. As early as the year 1854 he left his native land in company with his sister Flora, to try his fortune in America. Landing in New York he went to work for W. H. Lee, a relative of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate leader. In 1856 he was married to Margaretta Martin, afterward moving to Ohio, and from there to West Virginia, and later to Bellingham, arriving here in the fall of 1898. The deceased leaves a widow, three sons and three daughters to mourn his loss-Mrs. Jaques and M. F. Farnung, who conduct a confectionery in this city; Florence, who has been residing with her parents, Charles M. and George H. Farnung, both in the barber business in this place; and John P. Farnung, who is now in California. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock today from the funeral parlors of W. H. Mock & Son, Rev. Todd of the Trinity M. E. church officiating. The remains will be interred in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Daily Reveille, January 28, 1904) Copied by Merrily LawsonFARR, James E. (d. 1917)
James Emory Farr, aged 70 years, residing at 1111 Lenora court, passed away at the family residence on the morning of Tuesday, August 14, after an illness of several months. Mr. Farr was a member of the South Bellingham Methodist church and is survived by Mrs. Farr, one daughter and two sons, Mrs. L. L. Rose, of Bellingham, and Norman H. Farr, of South Bend, Ind., also three sisters and one brother residing in Detroit, Mich.; one sister in Chicago and one brother in New York city. The remains are being cared for at the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham 1315 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 14, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.FAULKNER, Emma S. (d. 1933)
Emma Sarah Faulkner, aged 53, widow of the late James Edward Faulkner, passed away at her home, 901 1/2 State street, early Saturday, December 16, after an illness of about a year's duration. Mrs. Faulkner was born in Ottawa, Canada, and came to this country thirty-four years ago, making her home in Bellingham for the past twenty-eight years. Deceased was a member of the Episcopal church of Ottawa and of Sehome chapter No. 17, O. E. S., of Bellingham. Mrs. Faulkner leaves to mourn her passing a large circle of friends and the following relatives: One son, James K. Faulkner; one daughter, Mrs. R. M. King, both of this city; two sisters, Mrs. C. H. H. Sweetapple, Olds, Alberta; Mrs. Fenton Merrill, Elizabeth, N. J.; and one brother, Brooks Hethrington, Ottawa. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, where funeral services will be held Sunday, December 17, at 2:30 p. m. with the Rev. John R. Macartney officiating. The ritualistic services of the O. E. E. will be read by the officers of Sehome chapter No. 17. Cremation will follow. Pallbearers will be E. M. Hawkins, John McCush, J. E. Van Cleve, John Hogberg, R. B. Richardson and W. M. Seeger.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 16, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.FAULKNER, James E. (d. 1932)
James Edward Faulkner, aged 68 years, passed away at his home, 903 State street, Tuesday morning May 24, (1932). Mr. Faulkner had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty years and leaves to survive him his widow, Mrs. Emma S. Faulkner; one son, J. K. Faulkner, and one daughter, Mrs. R. M. King, all of this city. At the time of his death Mr. Faulkner was a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, F. & A.M. and Lafayette Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite, Valley of Bellingham. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, Holly at Forest street, where funeral services will be held Thursday, May 26, at 2 o'clock. Christian Science service. The officers and member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44 will also give their ritualistic service at the chapel. Cremation will follow. Honorary pallbearers will be: W. C. Willox, John McCush, John L. Hoberg, O. M. Sheppard, C. A. Morse and R. W. McIntyre.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 25, 1932)FAULKNER, John N. (d. 1911)
FAULKNER-- Joshua Nerse Faulkner, aged 80 years, a veteran of the Civil war, passed away at the family home at Alki, this county, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock, death being due to the infirmities of age. Mr. Faulkner came to Whatcom county four years ago from Crawford county, Wisconsin. He is survived by his widow, Mary E. Faulkner, six sons, Robert, Joseph, Alfred and Edgar Faulkner, all residing at the family home, Hiram R. Faulkner, of Fulton, Ill., and Scott Faulkner, whose home is in Silverton, Ore., also four daughters, Mrs. Calista M. Potts, of Blue River, Wis.; Mrs Sarah J. Salmon, residing in the State of Wisconsin; Mrs. Mary E. Hanks, of Silverton, Ore., and Mrs. Gertrude Poston, of St. John, Ore. Mr. Faulkner served as a private in Company D, Sixth Regiment, Wisconsin Veteran volunteers, during the Civil war, and belonged to J. B. Steedman Post No. 24, G.A.R., of this city. The body of the dead soldier lies at the parlors of Mock & Hill, 1055 Elk street. Funeral arrangements will be announced when the absent relatives have been heard from.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 23, 1911) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FAUPEL, Amelia (d. 1932)
Funeral services for Amelia Faupel, aged 63 years, beloved wife of John Faupel, who passed away at the family home, Fourteenth and Broad streets, Thursday, November 3, after a lingering illness, will be held from the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home, 210 Prospect street, Sunday, November 6, at 2 p. m., with Rev. C. Zimmerman, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, officiating, and interment will be made in the family plot in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. Faupel had been a resident of Bellingham for the past thirty-three years, and was a member of the German Lutheran church of Germany and the Royal Neighbors of America. Aside from the many friends who will mourn her passing, she leaves to survive her, her husband and two daughters, Mrs. Bertha Haun, of Virginia, and Mrs. Minnie Veino, of Seattle, and one son, Fred Faupel, of this city. She also leaves to survive her seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 4, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.FAYETTE, Paul J. (d. 1911)
Paul Jasper Fayette, aged 61 years, died at St. Joseph's hospital in Bellingham Tuesday of last week from cancer, having been confined to his bed for several weeks. The body was brought to this city Thursday afternoon and funeral services were held from the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. C. B. Seely, the same afternoon. Interment was made in the family lot in the Blaine cemetery. The deceased resided in this city for more than 18 years and reared to manhood and womanhood a family of six daughters and five sons, all of whom, with the mother, survive him except the eldest daughter, Mrs. Robert E. Estis, whose death occurred only two weeks ago, and whose funeral the father was unable to attend. The children left are Mrs. Vina Eby of Kitsumkalum, B. C., Mrs. Ida Gilbert, the Misses Minnie and Martha of this city, and Mrs. Clara Bullock of Seattle, and Joseph, Edward, Nelson and Fred of this city, and George of Glacier, this county. The bereaved wife and children have the heartfelt sympathy of many friends in their double bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 27, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.FAZON, Albert T. (d. 1925)
Veteran of Civil War Passes Away at Age of 94.Albert T. Fazon, of 2000 C street, aged 94 years and six months, died about 2:30 Friday afternoon, shortly after his arrival at the St. Joseph's hospital. Dr. Lyle A. Greenwood, attending physician, said the end came as the result of complications of an illness of more than a year's duration with advancing age. The deceased was a veteran of the Civil war. He came to this section of the country almost a half century ago, and has been a resident of Whatcom county for the past forty years. For several years he has lived with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Fazon, in the C street home. Surviving relatives are: Two sons, William J., of Riverton, Wyo., and Charles A., of Bellingham; three grand-daughters, Vila Fazon, of Tacoma, and Jesse and Jean Fazon of city city (sic); and one cousin, Emma Neale, of Washington, D.C. The body is being prepared for bureal (sic) at the Arthur C. Harlow undertaking parlors. Funeral announcements are being withheld, pending word from relatives, who have been notified of the death.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 18, 1925) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FAZON, Henry H. (d. 1906)
Funeral of H. H. Fazon.The body of the late Henry H. Fazon, who died at Tuscon (sic), Ariz., October 20, of tuberculosis, reached the city yesterday, being accompanied by the widow, Mrs. Kittke Fazon, a brother, William J. Fazon, of Cleveland, Okla., and H. F. Sorg, the former business partner of Mr. Fazon. The surviving relatives are the father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Fazon, of this city, his wife and two brothers, Charles A. Fazon, who resides here, and William J. Fazon, of Cleveland, Okla. Mr. Fazon was a member of Seattle Aerie No. 1, Fraternal Order of Eagles and a member in good standing of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The funeral was held from the mortuary chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons, 1055 Elk street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the services being conducted under the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. Interment was made in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 31, 1906) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FEENHOUSE, Cornelius (d. 1917)
A large gathering of friends, teachers and schoolmates attended the funeral services Tuesday afternoon for Cornelius Feenhouse, who passed away Sunday following an attack of measles. The Rev. C. Heines of Seattle conducted the services which were held at the home and at the Reformed Church on Grover Street. The classmates of Cornelius, who was in his first year at the high school, attended the services in a body. Pallbearers were Bradford Knapp, Walter Gaskill, Gerrit Vandekamp, Dowie De Jong, John De Jong, and Morris Le Compte. A special choir composed of Henry Lindout, Catherine Lindout, Gerrit Schuyleman and Alitea Landaal sang during the services accompanied by Minnie Schuyleman on the organ. Many beautiful floral pieces were sent by the many friends of Cornelius who was universally like for his many good qualities. He was born in Alto, Wisconsin on Oct. 5, 1902. The Feenhouse family moved to Ferndale in 1906, and to Lynden in 1911. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Feenhouse, and his brother and sister, Henry and Miss Henrietta Feenhouse.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 8, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.FEENHOUSE, Eli (d. 1912)
The Grim Reaper has again entered the community, and taken from its midst Eli Feenhouse, who departed this life Monday morning after only a weeks' illness with pneumonia. Mr. Feenhouse was born May 19, 1889, in Brandon, Wisconsin, and would have been twenty-three years of age next May. Six years ago, he came to Ferndale with his parents where they resided until a few months ago, then they moved to Lynden. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Feenhouse, two brothers and one sister besides a large circle of friends. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Brouwer at the home, and later at the Reformed church, at 11 o'clock this morning. Rev. P. J. Hoekenga, of the Christian Reformed church, also spoke in the Holland language at the service held in Rev. Brouwer's church. The deceased was a young man of exemplary character, of kindly disposition, and had many friends, who mourn his loss. The funeral services were attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends who regret his untimely death. The remains were laid to rest in Monumenta cemetery.
(From The Lynden Tribune, January 11, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.FELMLEY, David E. (d. 1938)
FELMLEY, John D. (d. 1908)
J. D. Felmley died at the age of 82 years at an early hour yesterday, at the home of his son, D. E. Felmley. Mr. Felmley came to this state twenty-six years ago, and to the county seventeen years ago. He was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania. The body lies at the funeral parlors of A. B. Maulsby in the Irving Block, 1319 Dock, where the funeral services will be held today at 1 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Merritt officiating. Members of the G. A. R. are requested to attend the service.
(From The Morning Reveille, March 18, 1908) Submitted by site coordinator.FELTS, Nancy (d. 1947)
Nancy Felts, age 83 years, of Route 1, Ferndale, passed away Thursday, August 7, at (a) local hospital. She had been a resident of the county for the past eleven years, and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. E. O. Bass, of Route 1, Bellingham, and Mrs. E. H. Bass, of Route 1, Ferndale; one son, Frank L. King, of Bellingham; eight grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren, and two great-great-grandchildren; one brother Ben Pendleton, of Aurora, Missouri, and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be conducted at the Monroe Mortuary in Ferndale, Tuesday, August 12, at 2 p.m. with Rev. C. G. Albertson officiating. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 11, 1947) Submitted by Reg Rittenberg.FERGUSON, Thomas B. (d. 1932)
Attributed to a heart attack, death came suddenly Saturday to Thomas Beer Ferguson, well-known resident of Eureka addition, at his home, 2101 Kentucky street. His body was discovered at 5 p.m. by R. K. Bellman, 2110 Kentucky street after Mrs. Ferguson had appealed to him to look for her husband. The body lay beside a fence on which Mr. Ferguson had been working, some distance from the house. Detective Fred Benson investigated for the police department. He learned that Mr. Ferguson had complained of feeling ill after eating a hearty lunch. Apparently he had been dead about two hours. Mr. Ferguson, who had lived in Bellingham twenty-four years, is survived by his widow, Mrs. Teresa Ferguson; one daughter, Mrs. W. L. Lyon, Norton, Conn.; one son, William H. Ferguson, Seattle; three brothers and one sister, residing in the East. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home at 2 p. m. Tuesday, Rev. T. DeWitt Tanner, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church, will officiate. Cremation will follow. Pallbearers will be Henry Schroeder, James Quinn, Lew Stenger, Al Stanton, W. H. Wimer and R. K. Bellman.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 2, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.FERRIS, John B. (d. 1913)
JOHN B. FERRIS DEAD AT AGE OF 82 YEARS John B. Ferris died Tuesday morning at 6:30 o'clock at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Budde, on Martin street at the ripe age of 82 years, following a sickness of several weeks from dropsy. The funeral services were held from the home yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Rev. R. I. Case, formerly of this city, but now of Lynden officiating. The deceased was born in Chester, New York, in 1831, and grew to manhood there. In 1857 he was married to Elizabeth Taylor. To this union one child was born, a daughter. Mrs. Ferris died shortly after the close of the Civil war, and the deceased and daughter worked their way west, residing in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Dakota before coming to Blaine in the year 1902. A daughter, Mrs. Florence B. Budde, one grandson, C. A. Budde, both of this city, and three sisters who reside in New York state, survive him.
(From The Blaine Journal, July 11, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.FESENBECK, Louis A. (d. 1914)
Louis Albert Fesenbeck, aged 40 years, passed away at Aberdeen, Wash., January 9, death being due to typhoid fever. Mr. Fesenbeck was a former resident of this city, having first came here more than twenty years ago. He is survived by four sisters, Mrs. P. H. Hansen, Mrs. C. W. Taylor and Mrs. J. W. Jones, residents of this city, and Mrs. J. M. Kessler, whose home is in Seattle. Mr. Fesenbeck was a member of Bellingham lodge No. 11, Knights of Pythias, and Mount Vernon Homestead No. 298, Brotherhood of American Yeomen. The body of Mr. Fesebeck was brought to Bellingham Monday evening, and the funeral will be held from the chapel of Mock & Harlow, 1051-1055 Elk street, Wednesday forenoon, January 14, at 10 o'clock, the Rev. James M. Wilson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, South Bellingham, officiating. The funeral will be held under the auspices of the order Knights of Pythias, interment to be in Bay View cemetery, where the Pythian burial service will be conducted by the lodge to which Mr. Fesenbeck belonged. All members of the above fraternities have been requested to attend the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 13, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.FIELD, Egbert K. (d. 1940)
Egbert K. Field, aged 70 years, passed away at his home, 2221 D Street, Saturday November 30, following a long illness. Mr. Field has resided here for the past year, previous to which he resided at Ferndale for twenty six years and for a number of years was postmaster there. Deceased was a member of the Ferndale Lodge No. 764, F. & A. M., the Scottish Rite Bodies and the Shrine, also of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Surviving relatives are his widow, Jennie, at home; two sons, Kercheval Field at Seattle, and Alfred at Ferndale; two daughters, Alice Bailey and Gladys Berwick of this city, and ten grandchildren. The remains are at the funeral home of Harlow-Hollingsworth where services will be conducted by the Rev. Clifford L. Samuelson, followed by the ritualistic services of Ferndale Lodge F. & A. M., Monday, December 2 at 1:30 p.m. Cremation.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 30, 1940)FIELD, O. T. (d. 1940)
Rev. O. T. Field, aged 72 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Ellen B. Field, passed away at the family home, 310 Gladstone Street, this city, Thursday afternoon, November 28, after an extended illness. Rev. Field had resided in Bellingham for the past twelve years, and was a minister of the Methodist Church for the past forty years, and served the last twelve years as pastor of the Gladstone Methodist Church and was a member of the Whatcom County Ministerial Association. Surviving relatives besides Mrs. Field, include four sons, Oliver T. Field, of Eugene, Ore., Milton W. Field, Bellingham, Stanley W. Field, Lynden, Wash., Wesley A. Field, Bellingham; three grandsons, Terry Field, Naches, Wash., Bobby and John Field Bellingham; also two brothers and one sister; numerous nieces and nephews residing in Norway. Rev. Field rests at the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home. Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon, December 2 at 2 o'clock, from the Gladstone Methodist Church, with Rev. Stanley G. Logan, of Everett, Wash., officiating, assisted by Rev. Ernest Anderson of Vashon Island. Casketbearers will be Oliver, Milton, Stanley and Wesley Field, sons of Rev. Field and John Winther and Paul Johnson. Mr. Field will lie in state at the Gladstone Methodist Church, Gladstone and Franklin Streets from 10:30 a. m. until service time.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 30, 1940)FILLBROOK, Benjamin (d. 1905)
Benjamin Fillbrook, aged 76 years, died at St. Luke's hospital, last evening at 5 o'clock. His death was due to a complication of diseases. Mr. Fillbrook was a resident of Olga, Orcas Island, having lived there for fifteen years. He came to this city for medical treatment about two weeks ago. He was a veteran of the civil war, and a retired non-commissioned officer of the regular army, having served in the army for thirty years. The body lies at the private receiving rooms of W. H. Mock & Sons, where it is being prepared for shipment to his island home, interment to take place there.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, September 6, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.FILLHOUER, George (d. 1922)
The sudden death of George Fillhouer, Bellingham pioneer, who was found dead on the floor of his poultry house on his farm near Laurel yesterday noon by his wife, was due to apoplexy, reports Dr. Max Mehlig, county coroner, who investigated the case yesterday afternoon. Missing her husband, Mrs. Fillhouer called for him, and getting no response, entered the poultry house and found him near the door. Mr. Fillhouer was 59 years of age and had lived on his farm, three-quarters of a mile up the Axton road, east of the Guide Meridian, for about three years. He had resided in Bellingham thirty years. He is survived by his widow; three sons, Walter, of San Francisco; Oscar, of Seattle, and Herbert, of Broken Arrow, Okla.; also by one grandchild, three sisters and one brother residing in the East and one nephew, Corwin Slentz, of Bellingham. Arthur C. Harlow has the body.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 4, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.FINKBONNER Christian C. (d. 1876)
It is with the saddest emotions we undertake the task of chronicling the death of one of the most esteemed citizens of this County, C. C. Finkboner, who departed this life at his residence in Sehome, on last Wednesday morning, the 18th inst., at 9 o'clock. His death was most sudden and unexpected, and his physicians state the immediate cause to be an attack of heart disease, terminating his eventful career without struggle or pain. Of Mr. Finkboner's early history or place of birth we have been able to learn but little, except that he came to this Coast from Jacksonville, Illinois, and as early as 1854 was engaged in the commission business at San Francisco. In 1858 he removed to this place with a stock of goods and engaged in business during the gold excitement, this being then the disembarking depot for the Fraser River gold mines. He subsequently clerked for Richards & Hyatt, served as Indian sub-agent and contributed much towards pacifying and civilizing the Indians in the early history of this county; still later he served as member of the Legislature and also Inspector of Customs; and died in the service of the Bellingham Bay Coal Company. The Company suspended business on Thursday, and the people generally turned out to attend the funeral services in the afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Harrison. The interment, however, was delayed until Friday afternoon to await the arrival of expected relatives, when his remains were escorted to the grave by a numerous train of sympathetic friends. Six pioneer citizens who knew him long and intimately, namely, John A. Tennant, Thomas Wynn, John R. Davis, John Fravel, Henry Roeder, and Edward Eldridge, acted as the pall bearers. He was a man of noble and generous impulse and as such is much lamented by the community.
(From The Bellingham Bay Mail, October 21, 1876) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FINSTAD, Hans A. (d. 1923)
Hans A. Finstad, an early settler in East Mountain View, died Sunday in a Bellingham hospital, after an illness lasting many months. He had been in the hospital about a week before the end came, having previously made his home with the Fred Kellman family in Mountain View. Mr. Finstad would have been 73 years of age in August. He was a native of Norway and, as a grown man about 30 years ago he came to Mountain View from Norway with a brother, Ole, who died February, 1920. Both were unmarried.
The ranch now farmed by J. C. Curry was cleared and developed by the Finstad brothers and they built good buildings on the place and brought it to a high state of cultivation. The brothers worked hard and were thrifty and Han Finstad left an estate said to be quite valuable. Throughout the Mountain View and Ferndale districts, Mr. Finstad was widely known and respected and six old friends from Mountain View acted as pall bearers at his funeral, held Tuesday afternoon from Monroe's. E. S. Bartruff, Fred Kellman, Dennis O'Rourke, J. C. Curry, Isaac Pearson and J. L. Wigen were pall bearers. The service was conducted by Major A. F. Palmer and interment was made in Mountain View cemetery. The surviving relatives are one sister and a niece in St. Ansgar, Iowa, and two nephews and two nieces in New Auburn, Wisconsin.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 20, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.FISCHER, Bertha (d. 1920)
Bellingham Benefactor Answers Final Summons. Mrs. Edward Fishcher, pioneer Bellingham woman and one of this city's benefactors, died yesterday at 1:30 p. m. at the home of her brother, Bruce Cornwall, in San Francisco, whom she had been visiting for about a month. Her death had been forecasted in messages received by Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Gamwell. It is understood that the funeral will occur in San Francisco. Mrs. Fischer was one of this city's most prominent women and also one of its heavy property owners. She owned the Fischer block at West Holly and Dock streets, a half interest in the Sunset building at Elk and Holly streets, and other valuable property, including a beautiful home at Garden and Ivy streets, and stock in the Bellingham Bay Improvement company.Gave Tract to City. She and her brother, Bruce Cornwall, presented Cornwall park, a tract of sixty acres to the city. It is one of the community's most popular recreation centers and plans are under way to make it a stopping place for motor tourists. Mrs. Fischer was a member of the Monday club, was one of the signers of the application for a Red Cross charter in this city and always showed a keen interest in community affairs. She was the daughter of the late P. B. Cornwall, and came to Bellingham in 1889 with her husband, who for years was in charge of the land department of the Bellingham Bay Improvement company, of which Mr. Cornwall was president.
Mrs. Fischer was a native of California, but though her love for that state was strong, her interest in Bellingham led her to reside here. She often visited California, however, and left Bellingham about a month ago to spend the winter there, expecting to return to this city next spring.
Aside from her brother, Bruce Cornwall, Mrs. Fischer is survived by a nephew, Pierre Moore, of San Francisco, who has visited Bellingham.Friend Pays Tribute. One of Mrs. Fischer's warmest friends was J. J. Donovan. In a tribute to her today Mr. Donovan says.
"Mrs. Edward Fischer, who left here a few weeks ago in excellent health, died suddenly in San Francisco yesterday, the 24th.
"Mrs. Fischer was the daughter of the late Hon. P. B. Cornwall and came here in 1889 with her husband, who for many years was head of the land department of the Bellingham Bay Improvement company.
"Her death is a shock to all the pioneers who knew her worth and deeply mourn her passing. As a member of the Monday club she contributed much of value to the intellectual life of the city. Her first home, at the corner of Chestnut and Garden, and her late one, built at the corner of Garden and Ivy, were centers of social life.
"In conjunction with Mrs. P. B. Cornwall and her brother, Bruce, she dedicated Cornwall Memorial park to the people of the city.
"She was one of the signers making application for a charter for Bellingham chapter, American Red Cross, in February, 1917, and was closely identified with the work of the chapter after its organization.
"A woman of travel, culture and wide acquaintance, she was retiring and quiet in her manner. She will be sorely missed by her friends who knew and loved her here and in California. Her work is done but her memory lives and her life goes on in the land beyond the Great Divide."
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 25, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.FISHER, Flora (d. 1938)
FISHER, Merlyn W. (d. 1933)
FISHER, Ruth A. (d. 1920)
Funeral services will be conducted at Knapp's Parlors Friday afternoon at one o'clock for the late Mrs. William A. Fisher, who passed away on Wednesday morning at her home. The Rev. W. O. Benadom will conduct the services, and interment will be at Portland, Oregon. Mrs. Fisher's death came as a result of pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. She had been ill less than a week. The news was a shock to the community in which she had a wide circle of friends. Schools were closed Wednesday afternoon. Besides her husband, superintendent of Lynden's schools, she is survived by one son, William, jr., and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. William Rees of Portland, who have been in Lynden for the past week.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 4, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.
Lynden schools were closed on Friday, the day of the funeral services held at Knapp's Parlors for the late Mrs. William A. Fisher. Rev. W. O. Benadom conducted the services in the presence of a crowd of friends that taxed the capacity of the rooms. A quartet composed of Mrs. Harry Fountain, Mrs. R. L. Averill, F. E. Knapp and E. Edson sang during the services. Many beautiful floral pieces sent by Lynden organizations and individuals were grouped at the front of the big room. Rev. Benadom, in his sermon, told of the splendid character of Mrs. Fisher and dwelt upon her many good qualities, expressing the sympathy of the community for the relatives. Ruth Alice Rees Fisher was born Feb. 22, 1893 at Indianapolis, Indiana. She was married to William A. Fisher May 30, 1913 at Portland. She was a member of the Methodist Church nearly all her life. Besides her husband, she leaves one son and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. William Rees of Portland.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 11, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.FISK, Ida M. (d. 1939)
FITE, Morris S. (d. 1914)
EVERSON PIONEER DEAD AT 83 YEARS Closing his eyes when the old year was due in just a few more hours to give way to the new, Morris S. Fite, sr., 83 years and 10 months old, a pioneer resident of the Nooksack valley, died at the family home near Everson yesterday evening. Mrs. Fite died twenty-two years ago and the body of the husband will be laid to rest at her side in the Nooksack cemetery. Funeral services will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the residence. Mr. Fite was a native of Kentucky. At an early age he removed to Kansas and later came West, settling in the Nooksack valley at Everson in 1885. He has lived there ever since, and was one of the early school teachers of the county. There are six sons and one daughter surviving, besides a number of grandchildren. Four of the sons live in Anacortes.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 1, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.FIZER, Electa (d. 1911)
The funeral service for Mrs. Electa Fizer, whose death occurred Thursday, April 20, will be held Sunday, April 28, at 2 o'clock p.m. from the funeral parlors of Undertaker Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, Rev. G. C. Squire, pastor of the Silver Beach M. E. church officiating. Interment will be made in Bay View cemetery. Mrs. Fizer has been a resident of Bellingham for the past eleven years, and is survived by one son, Mr. Paul Fizer, residence Bellingham; one daughter, Mrs. Raymond Bell, of Somers, Mont.; mother, one sister and three brothers, all residing in the East. The funeral car will leave the corner of Prospect and Central avenue at 1:45 for the convenience of the family.
(From the Bellingham Herald, April 22, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.FLANAGAN, William B. (d. 1922)
WM. B. FLANAGAN IS DROWNED; BODY IS RECOVERED Seized with cramps while wading off the Portage, near Gooseberry point Lummi reservation, yesterday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock, William b. Flanagan, for seventeen years an employee of the Bellingham Publishing company and for the last en years its advertising clerk, was drowned in sight of his wife and friend, L. H. Parberry, freight foreman for the Great Northern railway. The body was recovered at 6:10 a. m. today by Fred Knuppenborg, owner of the tug boat "82," who was rowing near the site of the tragedy as Arthur Hook and his assistant, Neil Alexander, of the Emergency Diving company, were preparing to put on their diving suits in quest of the remains. The body lay in three feet of water, twenty feet off shore and about 200 feet from where Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan and Mr. Parberry and his family had been picnicking. The appearance of the corpse indicated that Mr. Flanagan had been attacked with cramps.It was shortly after the picnic lunch that Mr. Flanagan put on his bathing suit and waded into the shallows of Hales pass, south of the portage, until he was up to his waist. As he waded leisurely out he exchanged remarks with his wife and Mr. Parberry. Suddenly, when perhaps 300 feet from shore, he disappeared beneath the surface, but in a moment he was seen again, swimming toward Lummi island, across the channel. Puzzled by the course taken, Mrs. Flanagan and Mr. Parberry called to him to return. He gave no indication that he heard them, but presently he called for help. Almost immediately he sank again and did not reappear. It is believed the strong ebb tide them flowing carried him out into deeper water. The pass is regarded as a treacherous channel, its waters being very cold and agitated by currents and rip tides. It is thought that possibly Flanagan stepped into a hole before being under the first time.
Mr. Flanagan was 31 years of age. He was born at Nooksack and had lived in Bellingham about eighteen years, residing recently at 1700 Grant street. For a short time he resided in Sumas. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Hazel B. Flanagan; parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Flanagan, of Coronado, Cal., and two sisters, Mrs. M. J. Moran, of Montrose, Mich, and Miss Ethel Flanagan, of Coronado, Cal. He was a member of the Church of the Assumption, the Knights of Columbus and of the American Legion, Albert J. Hamilton post. He enlisted in the American army of the late war being attached to Battery c, Thirty-seventh field artillery, A brother, Larry Flanagan, died at Camp Lewis while in the army. Mr. Flanagan had numerous friends in and around Bellingham and was well liked. As an employee of the Bellingham Publishing company he had worked up from a minor position in the composing room to the important position he held at death. Funeral announcements will be made by the Harry O. Bingham service parlors after word has been received from the father, to whom a telegram was sent last night.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 5, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.FLEMING, Perry C. (d. 1909)
Perry Commodore Fleming, a well-known resident of Deming, this county, where he had resided for nine years, died at the home of his son, P. C. Fleming, at Upper Sumas, British Columbia, this morning at 9 o'clock, death being due to peritonitis. Mr. Fleming is survived by his widow, Charlotte Fleming, who was at his bedside when the end came; five sons, Henry Fleming, of Cable, Wisconsin; Edward H. Fleming, Kingston, Idaho; Martin Fleming, a resident of Elma, Wash.; P. C. Fleming, of Upper Sumas and Homer T. Fleming of Straiton, B. C. There are also two daughters, Mrs. Charlotte Allard, of Seattle, and Mrs. Luella Ortwein, of Maple Falls, Wash. Mr. Fleming was a veteran of the Civil War, serving throughout the war as a private of Company C, Twenty-third Regiment, Michigan Volunteer Infantry. The body of Mr. Fleming was brought down from British Columbia last evening by George W. Mock, and now lies at the private reception room of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple Block. Funeral announcements will appear hereafter.
(From The Morning Reveille, May 22, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.FLOCKOI, Margarette (d. 1918)
FLOCKOI, Peter (d. 1930)
FLOWERS, Louis R. (d. 1936)
Louis R. Flowers, who founded the Blaine Journal in 1884, passed away at his home in Mount Vernon early Thursday morning, Dec. 10. He was 75 years of age. Funeral services were held Saturday with publishers of the Skagit papers acting as pallbearers. Two weekly papers in the Pacific Northwest were established by Mr. Flowers, and at various times he was publisher of nearly half a dozen more. He was publisher of the Burlington Journal until 1929 when he suffered a nervous breakdown from which he never recovered.
(From the Blaine Journal, December 17, 1936) Submitted by site coordinator.FOLEY, T. J. (d. 1896)
FOLKERTS, Fred (d. 1912)
Fred Folkerts was fatally injured last Thursday by the explosion of a box of dynamite caps, and died at St. Luke's hospital the next day. The accident occurred at the place of J. Isebrand, recently purchased from Dr. George Paschtat, and Mr. Isebrand, who was near at the time of the explosion, was also seriously injured, but is recovering. Thee two men had been blasting stumps and were putting their dynamite and caps away for the night. Mr. Folkerts was removing a box of the caps which exploded, presumably from a spark from his pipe. He is survived by a wife. Mr. Folkerts was born on June 9, 1876, and was married to Miss Marie Meyers in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Folkerts moved to Northwood from Iowa in 1910. Three sisters and one brother residing in Iowa and two sisters in Minnesota also survive him.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 7, 1912) Submitted by site coordinator.FOLLETT, David E. (d. 1917)
David E. Follett, age 79 years, passed away at the family residence, 319 Carolina street, on the evening of Friday, November 30, after an illness of several months. Mr. Follett had resided in Bellingham and Whatcom county for forty-five years. He was a member of J. B. Steedman Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and the Ladies of the G. A. R. He is survived by Mrs. Follett, four sons and three daughters; Elver E., Walter J., Edward and Leon Follett, of Seattle; Mrs. Minnie R. Hardan, North Bellingham, Mrs. Henry Lauckhart, Bellingham and Mrs. Shirley Algyer, Wellington, Wash. Funeral services will be held Monday, December 3rd at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. Paul Ashby, pastor of the South Bellingham M. E. church officiating in connection with the ritualistic burial service of the G.A.R.
(From The American Reveille, December 2, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.
FOLLMAN, Anna M. (d. 1942)
FOLLMAN, Joe P. (d. 1915)
Only meager details of the drowning of Joe P. Follman, son of Mrs. A. M. Follman, 1330 Grant street, at Astoria, Sunday afternoon, have been received here. It is understood that the lad was a member of a party of pleasure seekers when the accident which resulted in his death occurred. The dead boy is well known in Bellingham and was a member of the Whatcom high school football team several years ago. He was 22 years of age, and had been in the employ of the Hammond Lumber company, of Astoria for two years. He was a member of the local Elks' lodge. He is survived by his mother and two brothers, Henry Follman, catcher for the Elks baseball team, and Charles Follman, of San Francisco. The body will be brought to Bellingham for burial here. Charles Follman is now on his way to Bellingham from San Francisco.
(From The American Reveille, June 29, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.FOLLIS, William (d. 1918)
Funeral services were held last Wednesday for the late William Follis, who passed away November 25, at Glendale at the age of 88. Mr. Follis was born in Cavan Co., Ireland. At the age of 17, he emigrated to the United States, landing at New Orleans. From there he settled in Illinois for a number of years, later moving to Kansas. In 1888 he came to Lynden, and has made his home here since with his son, W. T. Follis. He leaves to mourn his loss, three sons, W. T., John and Joe Follis, and two daughters, Mrs. Ed McClelland of Bellingham, Mrs. R. C. McKee, and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.
(From The Lynden Tribune, December 5, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.FOLZ, Michael (d. 1913)
After an illness of several months Mr. Michael Folz died at his home in this city early Saturday morning, May 24, at the age of 78 years, 11 months and 27 days. Mr. Folz was an honored and respected member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and of the Masonic fraternity. The funeral services were held at Knapp's undertaking rooms at ten o'clock Monday morning, the Rev. G. J. Brouwer officiating at the services, which were in charge of Lynch Post, No. 42 G. A. R., the members of which, with members of the Masonic fraternity, escorted the remains to the depot. Mr. Folz will be buried at his former home at Howard Lake, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Jones accompanied the remains east. The deceased came to Lynden about four years ago, and was numbered among the city's most honored and respected citizens. He was a man of the highest type of honor and his life was governed by a lofty sense of duty. At all time, and under all circumstances he walked in the well-beaten path of righteousness. He was just and upright father, a sincere friend, a courteous and obliging neighbor; a man who endeavored always to perform every duty - to his God, his country, his family, his lodge, his neighbor and himself, - honestly, faithfully and well.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 29, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.
FORBES, Robert (d. 1917)
ROBERT FORBES IS CALLED BY DEATH Within less than twenty-four hours after he was stricken with apoplexy, while playing golf on the Bellingham Golf and Country club's grounds, with A. W. Deming Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Robert Forbes, superintendent of all the Pacific American Fisheries company's Alaska canneries and prominently identified in the upbuilding of the company's shipbuilding industry, died at his home, 1705 Knox avenue, yesterday afternoon at 1:20 o'clock, surrounded by all the members of his family and a number of his business associates. Shortly after he was stricken Mr. Forbes rallied slightly, but soon relapsed and at 3 o'clock yesterday morning became unconscious and remained in that state until his death. Mr. Forbes, who was one of the most likeable of men and one of the most industrious and capable, had been associated with the Pacific American Fisheries since 1906, when he became superintendent of that company's Chilkoot inlet cannery, and in 1911 was promoted to the superintendency of all its Alaska canneries, now numbering seven. He was a stockholder in the company and none of its officials was more loved by its employees than he. In all things, declares President E. B. Deming, he was a big man. Mr. Forbes is survived by his widow and three sons, Robert jr., 20 years old, a sergeant in the Ninth company, coast artillery, stationed at Fort Casey, who was released in time to be with his father before his death; John, aged 10 years, and Richard, aged 4.One of the first cannery men in the country, his activity in that line starting in Texas with beef canning many years ago, Mr. Forbes was connected with the salmon packing industry for more than thirty years. Born in Lavaca, Tex., March 7, 1859, he attended school until 17 years of age and then went to Galveston, where later he became a broker. In 1886 he went to Astoria and engaged in the fishing and canning business. Disposing of his business there, Mr. Forbes went to Chilkoot, Alaska, and organized the Chilkoot Packing company. In 1902 he investigated the salmon industry in Siberia, but this work being interrupted by the Japanese-Russian war, he returned to America, and going to Aberdeen he once more became identified with the Grays Harbor Packing company, which he had organized in 1890. Becoming connected with the local company in 1906, he took charge of its Chilkoot plant and in 1908 built its Excustion inlet cannery, remaining in charge there until 1914, when he became general superintendent of the Alaska canneries.
Mr. Forbes was an active Mason and Elk. He is the fourth prominent stockholder of the Pacific American Fisheries to be called by death since 1915. In that year Frank Deming and John Cudahy passed away and last Summer William Gould died while on a visit to Bellingham. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at the residence at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Dr. R. Marshall Harrison officiating. Burial will take place in the mausoleum under the direction of Harry O. Bingham.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 23, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.FORD, Louis J. (d. 1940)
FORREST, John T. (d. 1921)
FOSS, Leslie (d. 1900)
FOSTER, Charles R. (d. 1931)
WAR VETERAN DIES Charles R. Foster, who served in the United States navy in the Civil war, died Thursday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bernice Bryant, 2515 Meridian street, after two months' illness. He was 88 years of age and had lived here twenty-two years. In the Civil war Mr. Foster received his training on the battleship Old Ironsides. He was a member of J. B. Steedman post No. 24, G. A. R., of Bellingham, and of Evergreen lodge No. 2, A. O. U. W., of Seattle. Mr. Foster is survived by Mrs. Bryant, two grandchildren, Mrs. Nina A. Foster and Mrs. Clyde F. Bryant, city, and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Harlow-Hollingsworth chapel Monday, March 16, at 11 a. m., with the Rev. James M. Wilson officiating. Burial will follow in Lake View cemetery, Seattle.
(From The Bellingham Herald, March 13, 1931) Submitted by site coordinator.FOSTER, Eliza J. (d. 1920)
Eliza J. Foster passed away on Nov. 10th and was buried on Friday, Nov. 12th from the M. E. church, Rev. Congdon of Sumas officiating. Eliza Jane Egan was born in Ontario, Canada, and at her death was 67 years, 8 months and 10 days old. She came to Blaine in 1886 and spent practically all the intervening time here. In 1893 she was married to Peter Foster here, who preceded her in death in 1917. She leaves an adopted brother, Alex Egan, and two nieces, Mrs. Alma Widman and Mrs. Anna Gibson of Seattle. Being a past matron of the Order Eastern Star, that lodge took part in the funeral service.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 19, 1920) Submitted by site coordinator.FOSTER, George W. (d. 1904)
George W. Foster, aged 74 years, died at his residence in Eureka addition at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. An invalid daughter who made her home with him is the only relative residing in this state. He was a veteran of the civil war. The funeral will be held at the funeral parlors of W. H. Mock & Son this afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspices of J. B. Steedman Post No. 24 G. A. R. All members of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. are requested to be present. Interment will be in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 12, 1904) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FOSTER, John H. (d. 1911)
John Hineson Foster, aged 78 years, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Maude F. M. Pearson, 1616 Tenth street, South Bellingham, last night at 9 o’clock, death being due to the infirmities of old age. Mr. Foster came to this city in November, 1910, from Detroit, Mich. He was a veteran of the civil war, serving as a fireman on the U.S.S. North Carolina and U.S.S. Tallapoosa, and belonged to Orcutt post No. 79, Grand Army of the Republic, at Kalamazoo, Mich. Mr. Foster was a widower, and is survived by three daughters -- Mrs. Maude E. M. Pearson, of South Bellingham; Mrs. Fred I. Hunt, of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Clara Avery, of Lansing, Mich.; also one son, William Foster, who resides at Grand Rapids, Mich. Funeral services will be conducted at the residence, 1610 Tenth street, South Bellingham, Friday afternoon, August 11, at 2 o’clock. Rev. Edward J. Smith, pastor of the Fairhaven Methodist Episcopal church, will be the officiating clergyman. Interment is to take place in Bay View cemetery under the direction of Mock & Hill, 1055 Elk street, and at the grave the burial services according to the ritual of the Grand Army of the Republic, will be conducted by C. R. Apperson post No. 59, of South Bellingham. All veterans of the Civil war have been requested to attend the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 9, 1911) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FOSTER, Peter (d. 1917)
Peter Foster passed into that long sleep at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The end came as if he had dropped into a natural sleep. He had been suffering from cancer of the jaw for some time, but only took to his bed a few days before the final summons came. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Congregation church, Rev. Congdon officiating, being put off to await the arrival of the daughter from Milwaukee, and the burial will be made in the Blaine cemetery.
Peter Foster was born in Ontario, Canada, Oct. 5, 1851. When but a lad he crossed the boundary line into Michigan and spent many years in that state before coming to Blaine in the year 1888. At that time there was no Blaine, the only settlement being at Semiahmoo. He built a mill on the spit and at times had been interested in a number of mills in this section. On Oct. 5, 1892, he was united in marriage to Miss Eliza J. Egan in Blaine and they have made this city their home ever since with the exception of about four years spent in Vancouver from 1907 to 1911. He was the last of a family of ten children. He was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and was one of the original Masons of this section. Besides the bereaved wife, a daughter by a former marriage, Mrs. A. N. Rhoda of Milwaukee, Wis., survives.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 26, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.FOSTER, Sydney (d. 1892)
FOUNTAIN, Charles L. (d. 1883)
FOUTS, Martha June (d. 1915)
Mrs. Martha June (Sullivan) Fouts age 72 passed away at the family home, 1814 "G" Street, Sunday September 5, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Fouts was one of the early pioneers of Whatcom County, having come here with her family September 1, 1873. She is survived by her husband William Henry Fouts; four daughters and one son, Mrs. John Stenger, Mrs. Thomas Penny, Mrs. Edith Dress of Bellingham; Mrs P. A. Tharaldson, of Phoenix, Arizona, and son Walter Fouts of Bellingham. Funeral services will be held Tuesday September 7, at 2:30 p.m. from the Bingham funeral parlor 1319 Dock St. Interment will be at the family plot of Bayview Cemetery. The funeral car will leave from the Fouts residence at 2:15 p.m. for the convenience of relatives.
Submitted by John Rauch
Pioneer Woman of Bellingham, Who Came to This city When It Was a Village, Passes Away After More Than Year's Illness. Mrs. Martha Fouts, widow of W. H. Fouts, and one of the oldest pioneers in Whatcom county died at her home at 1814 G street yesterday about 3 p. m., after an illness of more than a year. She had been a resident of the county forty-two years and was accounted one of the sterling pioneer women of this city, having been identified with its growth since Bellingham was a village. Although she was well known by the public she never sought publicity and never held a public office. Mrs. Fouts was born in Van Buren county, Iowa, in 1843, when that state was a territory. In 1863 she was married to W. H. Fouts and ten years later, left her home in Hopeville, Iowa, to follow her husband to Puget Sound, where he had preceded her two years before. On arrival on the coast she took up her residence with her husband in the Captain Pickett building on Bancroft street, between D and E streets. Mrs. Fouts is survived by her husband, three daughters, Mrs. John Stenger and Mrs. Rilla Penny, of this city, and Mrs. Grace Thoraldson, of Phoenix, Ariz., and one son, Walter, of Bellingham. The funeral will be held at Bingham's parlors at 2:50 p.m. tomorrow, the Rev. Fred Alban Weil officiating. It is expected that it will be one of the largest attended funerals ever held in the city, owing to the prominence of Mrs. Fouts.
(From the Bellingham Herald, September 6, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.FOUTS, Walter (d. 1940)
FOUTS, William Henry (d. 1924)
Funeral services for William Henry Fouts, veteran schoolmaster and one of the city's most widely known pioneers, died suddenly at his home of 1814 "G" St. on January 25, 1924. Services will be held Sunday 2:30 p.m. at Hollingsworth funeral home. Mr Fouts was born May 4, 1843 in Morgan County, Ohio. When a child he moved with his family to Clark County, Iowa where he met and married Martha June Sullivan on Oct. 31, 1863. In 1871 they moved to Olympia, Washington Territory and he taught school, then coming to Whatcom County in 1873. He spent 35 years in the teaching profession in Whatcom, Skagit, and Island counties. The first school building he taught at here in Whatcom was at the corner of "D" and Clinton Streets. He is survived by four daughters and one son: Mrs. Clara Stenger, Mrs. Rilla Penny, Mrs. Edith Dress of Bellingham, and Grace Tharaldson of Phoenix, and son Walter Fouts of Bellingham.
Submitted by John RauchFOUTS, William Lemon (d. 1912)
Funeral of William Lemon Fouts, Whatcom County pioneer, passed away at the home of his son William Henry Fouts, 1814 "G" street, Monday morning Nov. 11, 1912. Services will be held at the chapel of Mock & Hill 1051-1055 Elk St. Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Interment will take place at the family plot at Bayview cemetery. Mr. Fouts was born in Morgan County, Ohio on September 1, 1820. He is survived by one son, William Henry Fouts of Bellingham, five grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. He has resided here more than 25 years, coming here from Clark County, Iowa.
Submitted by John RauchFOX, Carrie O. (d. 1926)
The funeral services for Mrs. Carrie Ola Fox, wife of W. L. Fox, held in the M. E. church here Sunday afternoon, were largely attended by the friends of the family. Rev. J. E. Noftsinger of the Baptist church at Mount Vernon, officiated. The casket rested among a profusion of beautiful flowers and set pieces. Undertaker Harlow of Bellingham had charge of the arrangements, assisted by F. M. Perkins of the Blaine Mortuary and H. B. Potter of this city. The pallbearers, old friends of the family, were John Merritt, Robert Gilday, Lester Livingston, Don Wilson, Clayton Milhollin and Hale Smith. Burial was made in the family plot in the Blaine cemetery.
Carrie Ola Roberts was born Sept. 23, 1860 in Iowa, and was married to William L. Fox Oct. 13, 1886, moving to Nebraska, where they lived four years. They came west to Blaine in 1890 and resided here until 1915, when they moved to Mount Vernon, later moving to Bellingham. Besides her husband, there is left one daughter, Mrs. D. E. Clark, of Bellingham, and one son, William Leslie Fox, of Mount Vernon, also one sister, Mrs. Mary C. Campbell of Ferndale, and three brothers, Wm. G. Roberts and T. E. Roberts of Iowa, and J. H. Roberts of Kansas. Deceased was a member of the pioneer club in Blaine, the Columbia club, and the Eastern Star lodge of Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, September 23, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.FOX, Elizabeth H. (d. 1913)
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Fox died in Seattle at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary J. Bushnell, Nov. 16th 1913, at the age of 91 years and 21 days. Mrs. Fox was born Oct. 23, 1822 in Bucks Co., Pa., where she lived until the age of 25 years when she married Jacob Fox and they moved to Trenton, N. J. In the spring of 1857 they moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where they remained until the spring of 1882 when Mr. and Mrs. Fox and three sons, daughter and family came west to what was then Washington territory. After living in Seattle one year Mr. and Mrs. Fox and two sons, John J. and James L. Fox, moved to Ferndale, Wash., where she lived until last August, when owing to ill health she was taken to Seattle to the home of her daughter. Her husband, Jacob Fox, died in 1891. There were six children from the union, four of whom are still living, Geo. W. Fox, John J. Fox and James L. Fox, of Whatcom county and Mrs. Mary J. Bushnell, of Seattle. In early life she united with the Presbyterian church and led a Christian life. She was a good woman, a good mother and was a loved by all. In April 1912, she had a paralytic stroke and another one in July of this year, after which time they grew worse until the end came. There are eleven grandchildren and two great grandchildren living.
(From The Ferndale Record, December 5, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.FOX, Esther (d. 1925)
Little Esther Fox the three-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fox, of Glacier, was instantly killed Monday afternoon when she fell from the driver's seat of [a] truck which was being operated by her fourteen year old brother Drury Fox. The little girl had fallen asleep on the driver's seat and when Drury attempted to place her head on his lap he lost control of the wheel, the machine swerved from the road, went into the ditch throwing the little girl from the seat to the ground. It is not definitely known as to whether death was caused by her head striking a rock or from being struck and crushed by the rear wheel. Roy Fox the father, is employed as the operator of a grader on the Mt. Baker Highway, and Drury, the son, usually drove a one-ton truck to being his father home at the end of the day. On Monday the little three year old girl wanted to go along and he allowed her to do so. When some distance from Glacier, the child became drowsy, and went to sleep. At this point the brother attempted to place her head in his lap to put her in a more comfortable position and then the appalling accident happened. The parents, two brothers and a sister survive her. The body was cared for by Gillies, of Sumas.
(From The Deming Prospector, October 16, 1925) Submitted by site coordinator.FOX, Jacob (d. 1928)
JACOB FOX IS KILLED IN ACCIDENT AT HOME Jacob Fox, for forty-five years a well-known resident of the Enterprise district, was killed last Saturday morning in an accident on his farm. While hauling wood on a sled to his house, in some way unknown to his family, he was thrown beneath the runners of a sled, and fatally injured. No one saw the accident. It is believed that while riding the sled down an incline, he must have been thrown beneath the runners. Dr. G. R. Bice investigated the accident and found Mr. Fox dead on his arrival. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the parlors of George A. Monroe, Rev. Jorgenson of the Custer Methodist church officiating. Interment took place in the Enterprise cemetery. Mr. Fox was known as one of the respected homesteaders of the Enterprise district, where he resided for many years. He planted one of the first orchards and has always been known as an experienced orchardist. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Celinda Fox; four sons, Albert of Pullman; Archie and Jesse of Bellingham and Blaine of Yakima; three daughters, Mrs. Ella Martin and Mrs. Ida Fields, of Bellingham, and Mrs. Gertrude Morgan of Seattle; also four grandchildren.
(From The Ferndale Record, January 12, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator
FOX, John J. (d. 1924)
John J. Fox, 65 years of age, who has lived in the Mountain View district for forty-one years, died Monday night in a Bellingham Sanitarium. Mr. Fox came to this county in 1883 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox, who took up ranching on Mountain View. Mr. Fox has lived ever since on the same property, since his father's death he has farmed part of it. Those surviving the deceased are: his widow, Mrs. Olive Fox, who he married thirty years ago; four daughters and a son, Mrs. Bertha Huggard of Bellingham, Mrs. Jennie Gravelind of North Bellingham, Mrs. Viola Talman of Ferndale, and Miss Rosamond of Mountain View, and a son Herbert of Mountain View. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. E. K. Bushnell of Seattle; two brothers, George W. of Alaska and James L. of Bellingham. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon from the Methodist church, interment in the Mountain View cemetery. The Rev. H. L. Allen officiated. The George Monroe undertaking parlors had charge of the service.
(From The Ferndale Record, September 4, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.FOX, Mary M. (d. 1907)
Mrs. Mary M. Fox, who died at their home on Fourth street in this city Sunday, March 3, was born in Northumberland county, Pennsylvania in 1830 and was, at the time of her death in her seventy-sixth year. In 1849 she was married to Henry Fox and in 1866 they moved to Iowa, where they lived for thirteen years, moving to Nebraska in 1879. Mr. Fox died in 1886 and Mrs. Fox came to Blaine in 1900. Mrs. Fox leaves nine children to mourn her loss; two daughters in Nebraska, two in Salt Lake, Utah, one in California and four sons, H. H. Fox, of Portland, Oregon, W. L., Frank G. and J. B. Fox of Blaine. "Grandma" Fox had many good friends among her acquaintances in Blaine, who hastened to offer their sympathy and assistance during her short sickness. She had reached her allotted time and last Sunday night passed away. The remains were taken to Nebraska by W. L. Fox and will be interred by the side of her husband.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 8, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.FOX, Oliver (d. 1890)
FOX, William D. (d. 1920)
William Dury Fox, aged 77 years 8 months and 23 days, passed away at the home of his son, Roy Fox, at Glacier, Friday morning at 4 o'clock. Mr. Fox was born in Niagara county, N.Y. Staying there till reaching manhood and was a Civil war veteran, a member of Company 28, New York Infantry, being honorably discharged at the close of the war. He has been a resident of Glacier for the past 13 years and leaves to mourn his loss three sons, Roy, of Glacier; Frank, of Chesaw, Wash., Williary Dury, of Centralia, and Fred, living in Michigan. Mr. Fox was a devout Christian gentleman and will be missed by a host of friends and neighbors. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock p.m. Sunday, June 13, at the church in Maple Falls, Rev. Gilmer, of Sumas, officiating. Interment will be made in Maple Falls cemetery, under the direction of J. C. Gillies.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 12, 1920) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FRACK, Nancy (d. 1923)
Mrs. P. J. Frack passed away Sunday night at 11 o'clock in a Bellingham hospital, following two major operations, the first on Friday and the second at 5 o'clock Sunday evening. She was taken to the hospital Friday and news of her death came as a distinct shock to the hundreds of friends in Ferndale and Mountain View, where she had resided 24 years. Appendicitis developed Friday and Mr. Frack was taken to Bellingham to have an operation that day. Her condition was not satisfactory following the operation and the second operation Sunday was performed in hopes of saving her life.
All Ferndale felt keenly the loss of a respected and loved citizen. Expressions of regret were universal and sincere. Mrs. Frack had endeared herself to the community through her devotion to the many branches of the work she undertook and it is said of her that no woman ever gave more unselfishly of her time and talents to the civic work of her district than Mrs. Frack. During the strenuous years of the world war, she was president of the Red Cross auxiliary in the Mountain View district, where she then lived on their farm. She was the very heart and soul of the Red Cross there, friends declare, and her capacity for work and administration was seemingly limitless. She carried the heavy burden of this work in addition to sending her only son into the army service.
Of late years she had not been well and strong, but had nevertheless, accepted responsible committee assignments in the work of the Auxiliary of Kulshan Post, American Legion. Mrs. Frack helped found and build the auxiliary here. In the work of the Ladies Aid of the Congregational church she was also identified. While a resident of this community, Mrs. Frack attended the Congregational church. She joined the grange several years ago and was a member of the Ferndale Grange at the time of her death.
Mrs. Frack was born Dec. 18, 1872, in Indiana. She was married to P. J. Frack on Sept. 14, 1892, at Pratt, Kansas. Melvin H. Frack, of Ferndale, is the only surviving child, and there are three grandchildren. In addition to the husband, Mrs. Frack leaves four brothers and one sister to mourn her loss. Three brothers, Victor, William and Sherman Campbell, reside in Kansas. The fourth, Robert Campbell, resides on Vancouver Island. Mrs. C. R. Crosby, of Spokane, is the only sister. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the Congregational church, with Rev. A. F. Palmer officiating. The remains were laid at rest in Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 10, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.FRANKLIN, Marguerite A. (d. 1936)
Marguerite A. Franklin, aged 78 years, beloved wife of Mr. Robert Franklin, 2330 Dean Avenue, this city, passed away at a local hospital Wednesday morning, May 20, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Franklin had resided in Bellingham for the past thirty-five years and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and leaves to survive, besides her husband, five sons and two daughters, Mr. J. E. Franklin, of Lynden, Wash.; Mr. L. R. Franklin, Alameda, Calif.; Mr. C. E. Franklin, Seattle; and Mr. W. H. and Mr. Fred W. Franklin, city; Mrs. Ruth Vanoy, Lakespur, Calif., and Miss Eva Franklin, Ventura, Calif.; also one sister, Mrs. Agnes Packer Lester, Prairie, Minn.; eleven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Private funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, May 23, at 2:30 o'clock from the Bingham-Dahlquist Funeral Home, 210 Prospect Street, with Rev. James M. Wilson, pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church officiating. Interment will be made in Woodlawn Cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 21, 1936)FRASIER, Ruth (d. 1911)
The funeral services of Miss Ruth Frasier, were held at the family residence, Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Services were conducted by Rev. Rinehart, a former pastor of the M. E. Church, of Lynden - who is a warm friend of the family. The house and yard were filled to overflowing with friends, who were there to pay a last tribute to a girl who was loved and respected by all who knew her. Miss Ruth Frasier was born in Petaluma, Cal., Jan. 15, 1892, and died in Bellingham, Feb. 27, 1911 - at the age of 19 years. The following relatives are left to mourn her loss: Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Frasier, of Lynden; Mr. Chester Frasier, of Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Pym?, of Bellingham; Leslie and Sarah Frasier, of Lynden.
(From The Lynden Tribune, March 26, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.FRAVEL, John H. (d. 1905)
John Henry Fravel Dies, Aged Seventy-Three Years First Came to Bellingham Bay in 1858—Was on the Frazer River During the gold Excitement—Assisted in the Construction of First Telegraph Lines in the Northwest.Another of the old pioneers departed when John Henry Fravel expired at the family residence, 2415 Utter street, at a late hour last night. Deceased first came to Whatcom in 1858 and in the same year went to the Fraser river, carried by the tidal wave of the gold excitement. For the next twelve years he was engaged in the construction of telegraph lines in parts of Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. He helped to build the first telegraph line north of Portland, Oregon, for the Collins Overland Telegraph Company. In 1871 or '72 he settled at Samish, at a point now known as Fravel. There he and his family resided until 1899 when all moved into Bellingham. Deceased was born May 3, 1832, at Woodstock, Shenandoah Valley, West Virginia. With his parents he moved to Columbus, Ohio, in 1838, and crossed the plains to California in 1849, where he engaged in mining until 1858. He leaves a wife, six children and a nephew, S. E. Barrett, local agent for the LaConner Trading & Transportation Company. The children Lottie, Mason, Thomas, Blanch, Rebecca and Gladys reside with their mother. One brother lives in the East. The oldest daughter, Lottie May Fravel, is bookkeeper at the Fair Department store. The body is at A. R. Maulsby's funeral parlors and the funeral arrangements will be announced later.
(From the Bellingham Reveille, March 18, 1905) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.FRAZINE, Sadie J. (d. 1935)
Sadie Johanna Frazine (Mrs. O. G. Frazine), who has been ill at her home for the past several years passed away at her home Tuesday afternoon, November 19th. Mrs. Frazine was well known and highly respected in the community. Many remember her from the time she was actively engaged in business here at the Journal-Press office. She was a woman of a sweet disposition and never complained of the cross she bore for so many years. During her long illness these principles were upheld until the time of her demise. Mrs. Frazine was a woman of exceptional character and always willing to lend her wholehearted support to any worthy cause. To mourn her passing are her husband, Ora G. Frazine; a daughter, Mrs. June Wheeler; her mother, Mrs. Anna Artman and several sisters and brothers in Wisconsin and in the east. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the family in their bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 21, 1935) Submitted by John Rausch, typed by Merrily Lawson.FREDEN, Elma T. (d. 1921)
NORTH PRAIRIE, Sept. 1. - The scores of friends of Mrs. Emil Freden were sadly grieved to hear of her passing Sunday afternoon at 2 p. m. at their residence on Meridian street in Bellingham. Elma T. Engman was born in Sweden, May 21, 1887, and with her parents and three sisters, they came to America 28 years ago and settled on a farm at Delta where she lived until several years ago when she went to Bellingham. She was married to Emil Freden May 7, 1912. To this union two sons were born, Gordon, 8 years and Lloyd, 5 years old. She was a member of the Swedish Evangelical Mission church and was an active and faithful worker until her health failed. Funeral services will be held from Wickman-Whitfield parlors Wednesday at 2 p. m., with Rev. Philbald, pastor of the mission church officiating. Interment will be at the family plot at the Lynden cemetery. She is survived by the husband, Emil Freden, two sons, Gordon and Lloyd; two sisters, Mrs. E. Markstrom of Delta; Mrs. F. Ericson of Bellingham; an aunt, Mrs. J. Froberg, of Delta, besides a host of friends, who deeply mourn her loss. Gone but not forgotten.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 2, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.
FREEMAN, John (d. 1931)
After an illness of several months John Freeman, aged 88, passed away Sunday, November 1, 1931, at his home on California creek, near Blaine in Whatcom county, Washington. He was born in Iceland May 28, 1843 and came to America in 1882. For the past 28 years he has been a resident of Blaine where he had made a host of friends. Funeral services were held Wednesday from the family home. Interment was made in the family plot at the California creek cemetery. The pallbearers were his three sons, Chris, Lewis and Carl Freeman and three son-in-laws, Oscar Fillhouer, Herbert Bogan and Frank Fosberg. Rev. Clarence B. Seely and Rev. F. A. Frederickson, officiated. He leaves to mourn him, his wife, Sigurlang Freeman, three daughters, Mrs. F. W. Fosberg, Mrs. O. W. Fillhouer and Mrs. H. R. Bogan and four sons, Valdimar Johnson, Chris, Lewis and Carl Freeman.
(From The Blaine Journal-Press, November 12, 1931) Submitted by Dianne BirdFREESE, Catherine (d. 1913)
Was a Former ResidentThe following clipping is from the New Westminster Columbian. Mrs. Freese formerly resided in Blaine and was well known by many of the older resident. She came to Blaine from San Francisco and resided here 12 years before removing to New Westminster:
Mrs. Catherine Freese, one of the eldest residents in the city, passed away this morning at the age of 75 years. Gathered at the bedside were her three daughters and four of her grandchildren. She also leaves a number of great-grandchildren, there being now three generation in the family. It was a coincidence that she passed away on the 56th anniversary of her wedding. She was the wife of John Freese, who died in this city nineteen years ago. Deceased was a native of Ireland, and came here from San Francisco above 25 years ago, and has resided here ever since. She has been in ill health for the past two months and death was not unexpected. She passed away this morning at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. J. C. Armstrong, 63 Merrivale street, in the presence of her three daughters and four of her grandchildren. Her daughters are Mrs. C. E. Lewis, Mrs. J. C. Armstrong and Miss M. Freese. The funeral will be held on Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St. Peter's Cathedral to the Roman Catholic cemetery, Rev. Father Lardou officiating.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 7, 1913) Submitted by site coordinator.FRITCHIE, Alice L. (d. 1903)
ALICE FRITCHIE CALLED AWAYOn Monday night Miss Alice Lucy, the fifteen year old daughter of Captain and Mrs. Fritchie passed away after a long and painful illness of two years. The young lady was well known in Blaine where she and her parents have lived many years. The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon under the supervision of B. H. Potter. The house and church were decorated profusely with flowers and foliage. A short service was held at the house when the casket was taken to the Congregational church and service and sermon given by Rev. Hutton. The interment was in the Blaine cemetery. School boys, the class mates of Miss Fritchie, acted as pall bearers, Paul Crilly, Clifford Hazen, Lawrence Cogswell and John Blake. There were also four girl honorary pall bearers. They were Misses Gertie Quirt, Minnie Dell, Eva Taplin and Grace Taylor.Alice was one of those beautiful characters whose every act and word is for others. She suffered terrible pain for two years before rest came but she never complained. He last words were an inquiry as to a lady who has visited her during her illness and who she loved dearly. Alice said, "Mamma I wish she would not come to see me. It grieves her so to see me suffer, and the doctor said she could not stand it." Her gentle life was and is a help to all that knew her.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 3, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.FRITZ, John C. (d. 1909)
John Charles Fritz, son of Mrs. N. Dufner, died at his home near Lynden last Friday, May 14, aged 21 years, three months and nine days. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Fairview school house, Rev. Fulcher officiating, and the burial was in Lynden cemetery. John Fritz was born in Seattle, but came to Lynden many years ago and had many friends and acquaintances here. By trade he was a printer and for a long time up until a year or two ago was a compositor on the Tribune. He quit the Tribune soon after the first appearance of the disease and has been a sufferer ever since. About that time, with his mother he went to Arizona hoping to regain his health, but he did not stay long. Homesickness overcame him, and he declared to his friends that he would rather die in Lynden among friends than to live among strangers. Since that time he has been an invalid. Among those from out of town who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Neher, Mrs. John Neher, Mrs. John Neher, Mrs. Angeline Neher, Mrs. Geo. _ale, Mrs. L. Stenger and Howard Hawk of Bellingham; Mrs. Duffner's sister, Mrs. August Arlit, of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Neuman, of Sumas and Mrs. J. Canister, of Seattle.
(From The Lynden Tribune, May 20, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.FRITZ, Peter (d. 1904)
Peter Fritz was born in Germany Oct. 1, 1849. When a small child he came with his parents, to this country and they made their home at Fredericksburg, Texas. He was married at Austin, Texas, Nov. 22, 1886. They resided there for about a year, then coming to this state. They resided in Seattle and Whatcom before coming to Lynden about six years ago. This place has since been their home. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz were the parents of four children, John, William, Arthur and Herbert. Arthur died last July but the other three sons and widow are left to mourn the loss of a loving father and husband. Five brothers and one sister living in Arizona and Texas are also mourning his death.
Mr. Fritz had been suffering with heart trouble for a number of years and was subject to sudden attacks. Last Wednesday evening, May 4th, he was taken suddenly ill and died in less than two hours. The funeral was held from the home Saturday morning. Rev. Rinehart conducted the services, assisted by the Modern Woodmen and Fraternal Union lodges of which he was a member. Mr. Fritz was a man who was good to his family and neighbors. He was always honest and upright in all his dealings and had many friends as was plainly shown by the large crowd that paid their last respects to him Saturday. The floral tributes at the funeral were handsome and numerous.
(From The Pacific Pilot, May 12, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.FROST, Ernest (d. 1903)
Young Man Loses His Life While Boating on Wiser Lake. Ernest Frost was drowned in Wiser Lake, near Lynden, Saturday afternoon, while boating on the water with his wife, brother and sister. The boat was a light one, and when they were some distance from shore, water began pouring through a leak in one end of the boat, and the occupants rushed to the other end, capsizing the craft and throwing them all into the water. Their cries for help soon attracted the attention of Mrs. G. H. Griffith, who called her husband, who assisted in rescuing the two women when they were nearly exhausted with their struggles to keep afloat. The brother of Frost also reached shore in safety, but Frost himself was unable to swim, and sank before anyone was able to reach him. The body was recovered about two hours afterward.
Mr. Frost was about 27 years of age, and lived a short distance from Lynden, coming to this country only a short time ago from Iowa. Funeral services were held at Wiser at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
(From The Daily Reveille, December 29, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.FROST, Lena D. (d. 1918)
Mrs. Lena Drury Frost, aged 49 years, who resided at 917 Forest street, Bellingham, passed away at the Kulshan hospital, Sumas, on the morning of Tuesday, September 3, after an illness of only a few days. Mrs. Frost was a member of the Christian church of Slater, Mo. She is survived by four brothers and two sisters; James Bigelow, Rudolph Bigelow and Edward Bigelow, residing in Texas; John Bigelow of Nissa, Ore.; Mrs. Thomas Goodman, Gilliam, Mo., and Mrs. J. C. Cummings, 622 High street, Bellingham; also one niece, Mrs. Paul Gooding, of Bellingham. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, September 4, at 2 o'clock p. m. from the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1319 Dock street, with Rev. W. F. Reagor, pastor of the First Christian church, officiating. Interment will be made in the Lynden cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 3, 1918) Submitted by site coordinator.FROTHINGHAM, Margaret A. (d. 1923)
Only a few days after the celebration of her fifty-fifth wedding anniversary, Mrs. William Frothingham passed away at her home in Lynden at the age of 73 years. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at Knapp's parlors, with Rev. D. A. Storey in charge.
Margaret Ann Hale was born at Hope, Ind., January 22, 1850, and was married to William Frothingham October 25, 1868. They lived in Kansas until 1920, when they came to Washington. A year after coming to the state they arrived in Lynden and had since made their home here. Mrs. Frothingham was a sincere, devoted Christian, having been converted when a child. She joined the Methodist Episcopal church and was an earnest member of that organization; although for some time she had been unable, on account of poor health, to attend public services. Mrs. Frothingham leaves to mourn her loss her husband, William Frothingham, of Lynden; two sisters, Mrs. Frances Dean, of Wichita, Kan., and Mrs. Lede Moorman, of Braymer, Mo.; one brother, Wisdom Hale, of Ottawa, Kan.; three daughters, Mrs. Henry Luft, of Great Bend, Kan.; Mrs. O. B. McCune, of Wichita, Kan., and Mrs. D. B. Lamoreaux, of Wiser lake, and seven grandchildren, Mrs. G. L. Russell, of Emporia, Kan.; Melvin, Stella and Orainda McCune, of Wichita, Kan., and Elma, William and Bonnard Lamoreaux, of Wiser lake.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 9, 1923) Submitted by site coordinator.FROTHINGHAM, William M. (d. 1928)
William M. Frothingham, 84, Lynden's last G. A. R. member passed away Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. D. B. Lamoreux, after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Sunday from Knapp and Knapp's Funeral Parlor and burial was made in the Lynden cemetery. Mr. Frothingham was born in Louisville, Kentucky, on August 18, 1844. He was left an orphan when a child and placed in the care of an aunt at Madison, Indiana. Enlisting in the Union Army in February, 1862, he served for three years, nine months and twenty-seven days.
Fighting under Generals Smith, Sherman, Banks and Grant, the young soldier was in several of the major engagements of the war. At Corinth he received his first and only wound, being shot in the left leg below the knee. He received his final discharge from the army on December 6, 1865. In 1868 he was married to Margaret Ann Hale and they moved to Missouri. Taking advantage of the special offer made to soldiers, Mr. Frothingham filed on a homestead in Ness County, Kansas, in 1885. Allowed to deduct the time of his service from the time required to prove upon his homestead, he received title to the land in less that a year. The Frothinghams lived in Kansas until 1920 when they came to Lynden. Mrs. Frothingham died in 1924 soon after their golden wedding anniversary. Since coming to Lynden, Mr. Frothingham had been an active member of the G. A. R. and had constituted the sole member of Lynch Post since last November. He was a member of the Methodist Church. Besides Mrs. Lamoreux, Mr. Frothingham is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Lula Luft, Great Bend, Kansas; and Mrs. Nora McCeene, Wichita, Kansas. The old soldier leaves many friends in Lynden to mourn his passing.
(From The Lynden Tribune, November 8, 1928) Submitted by site coordinator.FULLNER, Max W. (d. 1937)
Max William Fullner, aged 36 years, 11 months, and 8 days, passed away at his home, Everson Route 2, Saturday February 13. Mr. Fullner leaves to survive, his wife Thelma; one daughter, Sharon Elizabeth; two sons, John Lawrence and Max William Jr.; his father, Carl Fullner, of Route No. 2, Everson; five sisters, Agnes Fullner, of Everson; Edith, of Pasadena, Cal.; Mrs. Neta Robertson, of Burbank, Cal.; Mrs. Emma McMurphy, of Mackay, Idaho; Mrs. Annie Belco, of Mount Vernon; five brothers, Otto, William, Emil and Paul, all of Route No. 2, Everson, and Franz, of Pomona, Cal., besides many friends who will mourn his passing. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, February 17, at 1:30 p. m. at the Lynden Methodist church with Rev. C. Zimmerman, of Bellingham, and Rev. Merle Ramage, of Everson, officiating. Burial will follow in the Greenacres Memorial Park under the direction of the Gillies Mortuary Home.
(From The Bellingham Herald, February 15, 1937) Relative Sharon DemmertFUREY, Victorine (d. 1935)
FURTWANGLER, Emma (d. 1926)
Mrs. Emma Furtwangler, aged 52 years, beloved wife of Albert Furtwangler, passed away at the home of her sister, Mrs. Grace Staff, 619 West Illinois street, early Monday morning, September 6. Mrs. Furtwangelr (sic) had been a resident of Seattle for the past thirty-five years, and had been in Bellingham for the past six weeks visiting at the home of her sister. She was a member of the Catholic church of Georgetown, and besides her husband and sister mentioned is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Elsie Bailey, and three sons, William, Arthur and Albert, all of Seattle; three brothers, A. Schaab, Seattle; George Schaab, San Francisco, and Lawrence Schaab in Germany, and also two grandchildren. The body is resting at the Harlow mortuary home Holly and Forest streets, and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, September 6, 1926) Submitted by site coordinator.
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