Thursday, January 2, 1890:
We suppose O. L. FOSS and Ida ELIOTT are one at the present moment, as we noticed their names among the applicants for license to wed last week. During 1890 several miles of sidewalk and streets will be built in Blaine: a new school building, a new city building, a new wharf and a new hotel beside a large number of business buildings and hundreds of new residences to accommodate the 1,500 or 1,800 population which we will have here on January 1st 1891. We have heard it intimated this week that Mr. Hanson BERTHISON and Miss Lida HAWLEY were married in Lynden on Christmas day. Work has been commenced on the new town building. Lots were purchased near the corner of Fourth and H streets, and the new building will be finished as soon as possible. It will be 18x36 in size and will be used for city offices and jail. We understand that it is the intention of the trustees to soon purchase two more lots in the same locality, which will give ample room for the fine city buildings which will be constructed there in a few years. Mrs. C. C. SMITH is quite ill with a combination of erysipeias and neuralgia. Mr. L. LIVINGSTONE received a pile of brick, thrown from a wagon, on his ankle one day last week, which lamed him considerably. During the past week Chas. R. MOULTON has sold to Lewis E. ROSE and Chas. WARREN, of Sacramento, Cal., ten acres of the John WAGNER, place just east of Blaine, and also to Mr. WARREN the s. w. 1/4 of n. e. 1/4, sec. 29 tp. 40 n. r. 1 e. A Christmas party was given by the people of Haynie at the residence of Mr. George PENNINGTON on Christmas night. A bountiful supper was spread by the ladies, and all went home feeling that they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves, says a participant. The Journal this week received a neat box filled with most delicious cake. In the box was a little slip of paper upon which was written "Bert and Addie." We learn upon investigation, that Bert and Addie were married on Christmas day in Seattle by the Rev. James EVA, and are now Mr. and Mrs. Albert WEST. They have returned to Blaine to receive the congratulation of their friends, and to make their future home, and the Journal is glad of it, and hopes they may always be among the happiest of married people. The bride's name was Miss Addie STEEN.
A wedding supper was held at 6:30 New Years day at the residence of E. A.
BOBBLETTE, in honor of Annie ROBERTS and Frank WILLIAMS of Panora, Iowa.
One of the features of the evening was the eating of black walnuts, that
were raised on E. A. BOBLETT's place. The walnuts were given to him 14 years
ago in Iowa by Chas. ROSBRUGH to plant in Blaine. He is now reaping his harvest.
An oyster supper was indulged in by Mr. and Mrs. BOBLETT, Edward ROBERTS,
Mr. and Mrs. GOTT and family, Mike and Chas. ROSBRUGH. Rev. A. WARREN rendered
his services on the occasion. The newly married couple will soon call Blaine
their home.
Below is a partial list of the buildings commenced and finished or nearly
finished, inside of Blaine, during the year 1889. Among then are some structures
which would do credit to any town. The CAIN mansion and KINGSLEY villa among
the residences, and the International building, the STEAUBLI building, KING's
hall, MARTIN's STEEN's and the JOHNSON building being among the larger and
better business buildings completed.
Thursday, January 9, 1890: Mrs. Ann BOND returned last evening from Minnesota, where she has been visiting for several months. A. P. HERRING wishes to announce that he now has a fine team and is ready to do all kinds of hauling, at reasonable rates. Light and heavy hauling done at any time of day or night. Barn at foot of B street. At the annual election of the W. R. C., January 4th, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Anna KINGSLEY; Sen. Vice President, Mrs. DAVIES; Jun. Vice President, Mrs. UPSON; Secretary, Mrs. Dr. KING; Treasurer, Mrs. Mary MILHOLLIN; Guard, Mrs. HUGHES; Con., Mrs. McDONALD; Asst. Guard, Mrs. SMITH; Assist. Con., Flora DAVIES. Prof. GRIFFIN is visiting his mother and sister, the latter being very sick at D. S. MILLER's residence. To Mr. A. P. HERRING, late of Michigan, belongs the honor of putting up the first building in Blaine for 1890. The structure is his transfer barn at the foot of B street. J. F. PARROTT, J. W. MARR, Arthur BARRACKLAW and William TAYLOR have spent several days in Blaine visiting during the past week, but returned to Seattle by the steamer Brick her last trip. The instruments for the Blaine Cornet band have arrived, and they give complete satisfaction. There are fifteen of them, including drums, and they were purchased through the music house of GRIFFIN & CALHOON, of Sehome. Thos. OXFORD, of Ferndale, has been engaged as instructor, and will give the band a course of weekly lessons extending over three months. Mr. Geo. P. PERLEY came very near casting up his final accounts last Sunday. He had just returned home from a hearty supper at Dr. KING's and after reaching home was troubled somewhat with a cough. Going to a shelf where sat a bottle of cough syrup he poured out, as he supposed, a generous teaspoonful of the soothing liquid and swallowed it. Then he noticed immediately that he had taken the medicine from an aconite bottle instead of the cough syrup, and there was breathless excitement in the household in an instant. Mr. Geo. TERRY, who happened to be present, ran for one physician and Father PERLEY for another, and in less than twenty minutes Drs. KING and REEVES were both present. In the mean time the family had been administering the remedies at hand, and had surfeited the gentleman with lard and mustard water and those things, together with his hearty supper, undoubtedly saved his life, for his stomach was completely emptied, and probably the generous supply of clam chowder carried up every drop of the deadly drug. In that short twenty minutes which elapsed before danger was past Mr. PERLEY, who is a methodical man, arranged all his earthly business affairs and prepared as far as possible for the fate for which only good reason could look. It was a close call. A poison fatal in twenty minutes, with no antidote as is aconite seldom spares its victim, and Mr. PERLEY's recovery is considered almost a miracle. Inspector REILLY, of Whatcom, had noticed several times lately a man hire a horse at a livery stable in that place and ride out of town towards the north, and he did the same one day last week. After the man had been gone a sufficient length of time Inspectors REILLY and BUCHANAN procured a buggy and took the road toward Nooksack crossing, and just before reaching the crossing they met their man in the road with a large gunny sack filled with something on his horse. They stopped the man, and upon looking through his baggage discovered that he had a large quantity of opium on board. Man and opium were both taken over to Port Townsend, from where Mr. BUCHANAN returned home last evening. It is here with all its discouraging effects, and a dozen people are already down with it. We mean the Russian influenza which is making a tour around the world. The first case we heard of, which was very pronounced, was that of Will HAMLEY, who gave out on his way home from town and was obliged to take to a bed at Mr. HARVEY's where he lay for several days in a dangerous condition. Jerry MERRELL also came down very suddenly one day last week and has been since confined to his home. A number of men at MOORE's mill have been badly effected. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. WESTCOTT have been down with it. Grandma WHITCOMB has been a sufferer and the Journal force has been decreased by half by the dread epidemic.
FOSS-ELLIOTT - On New Year's day, 1890, a quiet wedding was celebrated at
the residence of Mr. M. H. UPSON on California creek. The contracting parties
being Mr. O. L. FOSS and Miss I. M. ELLIOTT, both of Blaine. Both parties
are well known, and highly esteemed in the community. The bride and groom
were very neatly attired for the occasion, and as the wedding march was being
played on the organ, entered the room where a few intimate friends were gathered
to witness the proceedings. Miss Day BUTLER of Drayton Heights acted as bride's
maid, and Mr. Edward FOSS, brother of the groom, acted as groom's man. The
ceremony was performed at 12:30 p. m. by the Rev. Geo. BAKER, after which
those present sat down to a most sumptuous dinner which was greatly enjoyed
by everyone. Early in the evening the happy pair departed for their future
home near Delta. They left the house under showers of rice, and were followed
with the best wishes of all present.
-Mr. CISSNA, of Edison, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. BYERS. -A ten year old daughter of Mr. BATSTONE, narrowly escaped being killed by the kick of a two year old colt a few days ago. -H. A. SMITH received a severe kick from the mother of this colt nearly a year ago. -Mr. GRIFFITH of Ten-mile visited friends, and attended church, last Sunday. Thursday, January 16, 1890: The International hotel has a new landlord, a Mr. W. H. HILL, from Bellingham bay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCALL are the happy parents of a ten-pound boy who came to their home on January 10th, 1890. Reynolds post, G. A. R., held their annual election January 4th, at which O. D. McDONALD was elected commander; S. V., A. L. SMITH; J. V., M. ROSBRUGH; Chaplain, R. M. ROGERS; Surgeon, C. C. SMITH; O. D., S. P. HUGHES; O. G. Chas PAUL; Q. M., W. DEMENT; Adjutant; D. P. GREELEY; S. M., J. BARBER. Dr. REEVES was called suddenly to Custer Tuesday by the dangerous illness of Miss Kate EVERETT, who reports as out of danger when he returned to Blaine. Mr. S. McCLAIN, lately from Seattle, has purchased valuable property on the water front near F street, and also lots on E street during the past week. We understand that he intends opening a flour and feed business here soon. Mr. OTLY's family had a little unpleasant experience with fire one evening last week, when some clothing hanging in the chamber caught fire from a lighted candle, but was fortunately extinguished before serious damage was done. During the past week Mr. P. NEILSON has sold to John PETERSON his fourteen-acre tract near Ferndale, and has purchased twenty acres of Mr. PETERSON's place three miles east of Blaine. Mr. PETERSON will move upon his Ferndale place the first of next month. Mr. Jas. HAZELTINE has sold to a sawmill firm five acres of his place on the British side along the shore west of Blaine, B. C. Thos. HOOKWAY, of New Westminster, has also purchased two and one-half acres upon which he proposes to erect a summer resort hotel. Work is going briskly forward on the new bank building. A neat new front has been put in, and the LOOMIS Brothers have about finished the vault. Mr. HURLBURT, the cashier is here, and Mr. CORNISH would have been here, but was called back to Oregon by the death of one of his children, and will remain there until ready to bring his family with him. We are informed that the upper story and back of the bank building will be fitted up as a residence for the family of Mr. CORNISH, who will arrive as soon as it is ready for them. Mr. E. M. ADAMS informs us that contracts have been let for clearing all the streets of Plymouth City, and the work will be pushed forward at once. The old ELWOOD house has been fitted up and will be occupied by the overseer of the work. Thursday, January 23, 1890: Wm. HEDGE, lately from Winterset, Iowa, but now a resident of Whatcom county, was a passenger by the steamer Starr to Blaine Sunday. W. J. TRAPHAGEN, representing RATHBORN, SARD & CO., stove makers, was a visitor to Blaine this week. Mr. EDWARDS has the ELWOOD mill ready to start up and work will be commenced as soon as the weather clears up a little. He says he will put in a sticker and stave machine and make sash and barrel staves soon after the mill commences running. The First Bank of Blaine makes its announcement in the Journal to-day. It was opened for business Tuesday with a capital of $25,000. It will be a great convenience to the people. N. A. CORNISH is president; H. C. CONDON Vice president and F. T. HURLBURT cashier. The Chief Clerk of the house of representatives of the state of Washington has united his fortunes for life with those of one of Lynden's estimable young ladies. Their pretty wedding announcement bears the names of Charles E. CLINE and Rebecca I. LANNING and is dated Kent, Washington, December 29th, 1890. They have the Journal's sincere congratulations. STOOPS' sawmill has commenced to turn out lumber at its new location at the head of E street. Charles UPSON is in Sumner, this state, where he has gone into the employ of the Sumner Manufacturing Co. He likes Sumner very much, and expects to remain there several months. To-day we publish the professional card of Mr. Oval PIRKEY, attorney at law, who has taken up his residence among us and hung out his shingle at his office in the Blaine Bank. He is lately from Montana, but more lately from Port Townsend and comes well recommended as a lawyer and a man. J. N. RUCKER is logging off the windfalls on the CLARK Investment Co's tract, and finds many thousand feet of good timber there. A. WARREN is also putting in some good timber on the Blaine water front, hauled from his place on regular Minnesota logging sleds. This is a good time to get in logs which are difficult to reach on the bear (sic) ground, and this would be a good time to clear the Blaine townsite of available logs instead of burning them next summer, which will be done if they are not saved now. John R. MILLER has been very ill with an unusually severe case of influenza, but is now recovering. Yesterday the house of Mr. MORTON on the Langley road over in Surrey, B. C., caught fire from the stovepipe and was burned to the ground. Most of the household goods were removed. Mr. MORTON was confined to her bed at the time with a little babe only a few days old in her arms. She was removed to a neighbor's.
LEWIS-OSBORN - On January 15th, 1890, at of office of Justice WILLIAMS in
Whatcom, Rev. A. LEWIS, of Lewis Center to Dora B. OSBORN, of Whatcom. The
newly married pair came directly to Lewis Center and took up their residence
at the cosy house prepared there by the groom. The have the congratulations
of many friends in northern Whatcom county and in Blaine, and the Journal
extends its hearty good wishes for future happiness and prosperity.
-Dave ARMAND has returned from Victoria where he has been in search of work. -W. R. PARKINS had to dismiss his school at Enterprise, last week, on account of the influenza, but will resume today. -P. C. JAMES is suffering from a broken rib, the result of a fall while sowing clover see. -Josiah WHITE who has been rusticating among friends around the bay, will return to his duties on steamer Idaho. Thursday, January 30, 1890: W. J. GILLESPIE is now doing business as a real estate and insurance agent in an office by himself on Washington avenue opposite the bank. C. C. McDONALD, lately from Puyallup, has taken the management of CAIN Brothers store. Blaine welcomes young men of his stamp to its community. To-day we publish the professional card of Drs. KING and CLARK, who have formed a partnership for the practice of medicine in Blaine and vicinity. They make a good team. A. W. STEEN has strung out materials for a three-plank walk all around the block on which is located his store and residence. STEEN evidently takes the lead in sidewalk building in Blaine. We take pleasure in announcing this week that on Sunday evening next at the M. E. church will be commenced at series of revival meetings. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Joseph MARTIN, a noted evangelist from the east, assisted by his wife, and to the meetings everyone is cordially invited. In Whatcom on January 21st, Mrs. W. D. JENKINS died, after a long and painful illness, leaving a family of small children to mourn her loss. There is nothing more sad than the death of a mother with a flock of little ones to mourn her loss and miss her tender teachings. The whole community sympathizes with the sorrowing family. Sorrow crowds heavily upon people sometimes, and often it seems as though the burden was too heavy to endure. Only a few months ago Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY, of Lynden, lost her husband, and now come word to her that on the 21st of this month her youngest son Leo HAWLEY, who had been in California for some months for his health, had passed away. A young man just of age and his mother's hope and pride, the sorrow is truly a heavy one. The Journal extends its sympathy to the friends of the good young man who is gone. A man named George RUTHERFARD at Chilliwack, B. C. became crazy from influenza a week or so ago and went to two of his neighbors named Burrows IRWIN and John SEGERS and shot them, and then went home and killed himself. Necktie sociable next Saturday evening, February 1st, at King's hall, beginning at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of the Blaine Cornet Band. Go along, and have a good time and get a new necktie. Ladies will please bring baskets each supplied with luncheon for two, and also bring two neckties. F. F. FOSTER's building is being fitted up for a drugstore which is soon to be opened therein. Thursday, February 6, 1890: Wm. R. McCRACKEN one of Pt. Townsend's business young men, invested in Blaine property this week. Chas. SHUERT and J. B. SLOAN, of Arlington, Oregon, were visitors to Blaine this week, and purchasers of Blaine property. We are informed that the house of representatives have decided to arrange for two normal schools, one east of the mountains and one west of the mountains, the one in the west being located at Lynden. CAIN Brothers now own the International hotel. A. E. MEAD and O. D. McDONALD have been appointed notaries. J. L. WALWORTH cut his foot quite severely with an ax one day last week. The Haynie people are likely to lose their postoffice for failure to patronize it. J. W. LOCKART, a Port Townsend rustler, was the fortunate purchaser of Blaine real estate this week. John FOUTH, of Delta, has been a visitor to Blaine this week. He is talking a visiting South America before long. Messrs. ROSBRUGH, Levin JOHNSON and B. N. KINGSLEY have added sidewalks to those already laid in Blaine during the past week. Geo. PAINE and Robt. BROWN from Stanwood came to Blaine to see the boom get started this week, and while here secured some valuable property.
-Mrs. RATCLIFF has returned from a three weeks visit on California creek. -Joe MORSMAN is the owner of a team of horses and is teaming in Whatcom. -Miss Emma HOSKINS, who has been at home for some time, on account of ill health, returned to Lynden on Saturday to commence the next term at the Normal. -Mr. COSS, of Whatcom, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. FULGEM. -Mrs. FOX fell on the ice a few days ago and sprained her wrist badly. J. N. LINDSEY and James CAIN are attending court in Whatcom this week. Thursday, February 13, 1890: Mr. PERLEY's new residence is fast nearing completion. Mr. GRAVES is now plastering it. Mr. Alvia BROCKWAY, who used to live in Blaine, but is now connected with the N. P. express Co., at Tacoma, was a visitor to this place last week. He will take a trip back to Minnesota in a few days but not to remain there. B. F. DAVIS, of Ellensburg, has been an investor in Blaine real estate this week. A. B. FARNSWORTH, successful White River hop raiser has been in Blaine this week investigating our prospects. L. S. COLE, lately from Arlington, Dakota, has this week secured an interest in Blaine, and we hope to number him among our citizens soon. Mr. S. F. SMITH, lately from Seattle, is now living on the old ELWOOD place at the mouth of California creek, where he has secured a valuable piece of acre property. A. GILFILLAN is now building for Mr. Thos. BUNBURY a nice cottage on the latter's property in the east part of town. Mr BUNBURY has lately returned from California more satisfied to remain in Blaine. G. W. BRITAIN, of Port Townsend, has made up his mind this week that the International City is a good place to stop, and will bring his family here in a few days, having rented a house on Fourth street. Our attention has been called to the fact that in our list of buildings for last year we omitted the residence of Mr. Albert WEST. It was an oversight, and his was one of the neatest cottages constructed in '89. During the past week Mr. D. R. McELMON has sold of Blaine, B. C. property twenty-nine lots, valued at $2, 445. The transfers were made to parties in Seattle, Fairhaven, Port Townsend and other places. W. J. GILLESPIE has been appointed a notary public under the new law. Inspector BUCHANAN has just made a capture of four chinamen and their white leader. Mr. L. B. FRAKER, civil engineer, from Waseon, Ohio, has been in Blaine this week, and may do some professional work for the town. Sidewalk building is progressing rapidly and within the next week all important points in Blaine can be reached without going in the mud. N. V. CHANDLER, from Jackson, Minnesota, is looking over the Puget sound country and came to Blaine to-day to visit his old friend W. H. GILBERT. F. W. SCOTT, a merchant, of Schuyler, Neb., has this week chosen Blaine as his future home, and will soon bring his family here and open a business house.
-Maggie McHEFFEY has gone on a visit to her sister in Vancouver, B. C. -Wm. WHEELAND purchased 20 acres of land one mile east of the bay at $18 per acre and will build a home on it in the spring. -John GISHER and family visited the 'old folks at home' on the 9th. ----Bob BABLER Thursday, February 20, 1890: The SAULSBURY place on Dakota creek has been sold to Seattle parties at $50 per acre. A citizen of Custer this week received a letter which has been in the Ferndale postoffice three years for him. Capt. Chas. HUNT has sold lots on Semiahmoo spit to a man from Seattle named KALSEN. Mr. KALSEN, we are informed, will at once put in a steam ferry to run between Blaine, Semiahmoo and Drayton. Mrs. Marion BARRACKLAW is very sick. W. H. PINCKNEY, from Seattle, has opened a real estate office in the STEAUBLI building, next to the postoffice. The family of N. A. CORNISH, consisting of wife, daughter and son, arrived in Blaine Sunday morning by the steamer Starr. Mr. WARREN's Washington Hotel opens this morning with A. B. TAYLOR as landlord. We predict the success of the new enterprise. HASELTINE & COWARD publish their building advertisement in this week's Journal. They have just finished fitting up the inside of BROWN's drugstore on Washington avenue, and have also done much other work in different localities. Little Frank DEMENT unluckily severed the end of his left fore-finger by a stroke of a pocket knife one day this week. He wrapped up the wound himself, but unfortunately lost the end of the finger in the wood box, so he will always be short just that much. H. F. BROWN, lately from Iowa, has just opened a drugstore on Washington avenue, which makes a second one for Blaine. Thursday, February 27, 1890: P. NEILSON is preparing to build near the corner of Fifth and G street. I. LIVINGSTONE has laid a neat and substantial side-walk in front of his C street home. W. W. CARTER has sold the past week a portion of his farm east of Blaine, cleared land, for $80 per acre. E. A. BOBLETT has commenced the construction of a business building on Harrison avenue near Cherry street. J. L. STANNARD and A. L. STANNARD, STANNARD Bros., civil engineers, have located in Blaine, and have been doing some lot locating and street work the past week. They will be a valuable addition to our citizenship, and will have plenty of business to engage their attention. D. S. MILLER informs us that a large and substantial wharf is to be built out from his place just as soon as the weather settles and spring opens in earnest, Mr. MILLER will purchase a steam pile driver to do the work, and promises that the new wharf shall be a credit to the International City. It will be one thousand feet shorter than the old wharf. Born to the wife of B. W. EVERETT, of Custer, February 20th, 1890, a son. DUNN & DAVIES have commenced the construction of a store building in the Clark addition. James CLAYTON, of Mountain View, has been in Blaine this week attending the revival meeting. F. McCALL has bought twenty acres of J. R. THOMAS' place two miles east of Blaine, paying therefor $50 per acre. Mr. Geo. GARDNER, the railroad contractor, has been in Blaine this week on business. He says the Cornwall railroad will be built into the International City before long. W. H. PINCKNEY & Co. make their announcement in another column in such striking form as to make it impossible to miss seeing it. Plymouth City is their offer to the public now, and other valuable property. We forgot to note last week, the arrival of Mr. C. O. PERLEY and bride, just from Massachusetts. The steamer Brick came in with flags flying in honor of the occasion. Their new residence is almost completed for their occupancy. Mrs. R. M. PENDLETON is very sick with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. John GARDNER, from Tacoma, have taken up their residence in Blaine during the past week. J. W. TANNER has lumber on the ground for a business building near the corner of H and Third streets to be built 24x36, two stories high. Miss Georgia POWELL, daughter of Mrs. M. T. GEE, arrived in Blaine from Minneapolis, Sunday. She will make her future home in the International City. A. B. CAMPBELL and S. R. EVA are a new firm of architects and builders lately from Seattle, who have located in Blaine and are prepared to do work in their line. Mr. Geo. V. HAMMOND and H. C. HAMMOND, Tacoma capitalists, accompanied by their wives, are spending several days in Blaine, and judiciously investing in Blaine real estate. L. R. FLOWERS, editor and publisher of the Port Townsend Call, is visiting friends in Blaine this week. Mr. FLOWERS was the first editor of the Journal, and since his visit here of over a year ago he sees many striking changes in the International City. The Knights of Pythias held a meeting last week, and determined to call a future meeting for the organization of a lodge in Blaine. They desire the Journal to state that they will hold a meeting to that end at Dr. KING's office Saturday evening, March 8th. All members of the order in this place and vicinity are requested to be present. Jesse FARGO, lately from River Falls, Wisconsin, paid the Journal a visit this week. He is looking for a farm to purchase, and is pleased with the country. Mr. M. MANIVAL has lately finished a residence for Mr. R. M. PENDLETON. It is a frame structure 18x26 feet in size, two stories high, and very comfortably built. Mr. MANIVAL has also finished a house for himself on his farm four miles east of Blaine.
Blaine, Washington,
February 1st, 1890.
The partnership existing between W. M. JOHNSON and George TERRY, doing business
under the firm name of JOHNSON & TERRY, has this day been mutually dissolved,
W. M. JOHNSON retiring and George TERRY assuming all liabilities and collecting
-Joe CROSS is rather under the weather. Too much hard work Joe. Thursday, March 6, 1890: C. G. SLAYDON, lately from Michigan, a civil engineer, is now a resident of Blaine. A new school district has been established just east of Hall's Prairie to be known as Glenwood district. E. H. COWING, a leading fruit dealer and canner, of San Francisco last week purchased $1500 worth of real estate of A. W. STEEN. The Reveille is sorry to learn that John H. JONES, of Lummi, lost his barn, his three horses, all his hay, his wagon and farming implements by fire last week. He was burning logs and the sparks from the cedar bush ignited the building. Loss about $500 and no insurance. D. S. MILLER proposes to construct a $10,000 wharf from Shaw's point to deep water, provided the citizens of that part of the town will raise one-half the cost of construction. The wharf would be built twenty feet wide, and very strong, with a dock at deep water one hundred feet long by fifty feet wide, with a good warehouse upon it. Such a wharf would be a good investment to every lot holder in that part of town, and Mr. MILLER ought to have no trouble to raise the required amount, especially as several extensive holders are interested. Five large buildings are planned for construction on E street immediately. N. A. CORNISH and the CAIN Brothers will build a large business house on the corner of Second and E street just back of the bank. L. R. FLOWERS has commenced the construction of a double two-story building 50x60. J. J. RUTLEDGE has engaged lumber for a building, and the CAIN Bros. have commenced operations on a three-story building 50x90 at the corner of Fourth and E streets, and another party, whose name we are respected not to mention at present, will also put up a large building. Inspector BUCHANAN has sold eighty acres of his Custer farm for $3,000. Wm. PATTERSON sold eighty acres of his Dakota creek farm for $40 per acre. Mrs. Willard WILDER, of Hall's Prairie, presented her husband with a young Valentine. A steam ferry is expected to make its appearance at any time now in our harbor. Mr. L. C. KJELDSON is now up sound endeavoring to purchase a boat suitable for the purpose. Alex. CHARLES, living four miles north east of Ferndale, lost his house, furniture and clothing by fire on Tuesday morning. The children narrowly escaped being burned. The total loss is about $1000; insurance, $350. Mr. Thos. HARVEY arrived in Blaine last Thursday from Michigan. His family accompanied him. Mr. HARVEY is a first class photographic artist, and will in a short time open a gallery here. He has already ordered lumber and will erect a building suitable for his business. The Journal job office has arrived from the obliging type and press dealers, Messrs. TATUM & BOWEN, of Portland, and next week will be ready to do job printing of all kinds. Mr. Ross LOCKE, lately from Toledo, Ohio, will have mechanical charge of the Journal news and job office. Mr. LOCKE has had a wide experience in newspaper and all other lines of printing, and has also been a newspaper writer of no mean ability, coming from a family of publishers and literary people. He is a nephew of D. R. LOCKE, (Nasby) and we believe will successfully fill the position he assumes. QUIRT Bros. advertises their new restaurant in this issue of the Journal. Chas. R. MOULTON has purchased the PERRY tract at the mouth of California creek. Mr. ACHILLES has purchased lots in STEEN's addition during the past two weeks. Mr. H. B. WILLIAMS, of Whatcom, has been appointed receiver for the Blaine Land company.
MOORE & WILLIARD will put in a large quantity of timber on the Drayton side of the harbor in which work they will employ seventeen or eighteen men. Mr. HENSPETER at Birch Bay will put in a large number of logs and employ quite a force of men in the work. Mr. UPSON will also continue to run his camp on California creek, and J. N. RUCKER will probably start his logging business in a few weeks. On Dakota creek Didlev ANDERSON is putting in logs quite extensively, and quite a force is employed constantly at STOOP's mill just east of Blaine, where they are turning out some very fine lumber, with orders ahead for all they can make. J. N. LINDSEY will soon open up a camp on the B. C. side of the line where he will log the timber off Mr. McMILLAN's land and others, and will employ a large number of men. There will be about one hundred people employed about these camps and thousands of dollars will be paid out monthly in wages to them. Men in the woods will receive about $40 to $50 per month and board and teamsters $75 to $80 and board. The four sawmills will also employ about forty men, so it will be seen that the lumber business will be quite important in this section, and much of the product will be consumed right here. Mr. S. WADE, architect, lately from Colorado, is arranging plans for a new residence for DEXTER and KAGEY, on the south side of the harbor. The building will be 40x45 feet on the ground and two stories high, with an observatory tower surmounting. It is expected to have the new building ready for occupancy before the close of the present year. Mr. Chas. HUNT is building a new residence at the corner of A and First streets. Banker CORNISH and his associates have bought James KENNEY's place on Dakota creek for $40 per acre. John MERRETT, son of John M. MERRETT, of the MERRETT house, has just arrived in Blaine from Minnesota. KILDALL Bros., of Lynden, are contemplating putting in a telephone system in the International City this spring. MISSIMER & QUIRT have opened an intelligence office in Blaine this week. Thursday, March 13, 1890: I. M. SCOTT is preparing to build a large business building on his Harrison avenue lots. Mr. E. CRABB has been a purchaser of Harrison avenue real estate this week. Frank FINDLEY has relinquished eighty acres of land near the head of California creek to Frank ROGERS for $1200. Mr. Frank McCALL has purchased two lots in the Clark Investment Co's addition for $800. He will at once put up a $600 building upon them. J. B. BUTCHART informs us that the Journal was in error last week in calling the new school district east of Hall's Prairie "Glenwood." He says it should have been Sydenham. J. D. NASH, wife and family, arrived in Blaine yesterday from Grandin, Missouri. They are old friends of Capt. GREELEY, and intent to make this their future home. Others will follow from their old home. Many friends will rejoice with Mrs. M. C. HAWLEY in the fact that she has won the suit for title to her Lynden property to which usurpers were pretending to lay claim. The court gives Mrs. HAWLEY the land at Lynden and $700 damages and $300 attorney's fees. Mr. F. McCALL has resigned his position as telegraph operator for the Postal Telegraph company, and Mr. Elmer MISSIMER has been reinstated in his old position and looks as natural as ever at the keyboard. Mr. McCALL will engage in other business in Blaine, and the town will not lose him. Many people in Blaine will be surprised and pained to hear that Dr. ROSTEL, who spent several weeks in this place doing dental work a few years ago, was drowned in the Chehalis river a few weeks ago. While sailing in a small boat the boom is supposed to have struck him and knocked him over board or have injured him so that he fell overboard. He was alone at the time. SMITH, BENNETT & KING will be the name of a new firm who have leased the entire building known as King's hall. The lower portion will be fitted up as a temperance billiard and pool room. Candies, nuts, cigars and tobacco will also be kept for sale. The boys will endeavor to have some amusement going all at the hall as often as once a week, and enjoy themselves without whiskey or gambling. Tuesday while the men were blasting out stumps near MARTIN's new building a large fragment was blown upward and fell on the roof crashing through it breaking two rafters and lodging on the joist above the chamber ceiling. Mr. R. S. JACKSON was inside just before the explosion, and started to retire to a safe distance, but seeing that the fuse was about burned away, returned to the front room. The stump came straight down above his head, and tore a hole in the roof as big as a door and would have smashed him and it not had its fall broken by the joists. B. F. HURD is building a residence on Boblett street in the east part of town. The International mill company has commenced laying iron water pipes to supply their mill. H. B. POTTER has commenced the construction of a good sized business building on H. street. W. J. GILLESPIE has sold his Washington avenue property and will locate at the corner of Fourth and H streets. W. L. MINTURN the Sehome hardware man has been quite an extensive purchaser of Blaine real estate this week. Myron W. SCOTT, of Whatcom, an attorney and valuable citizen, died last Saturday of pneumonia. He was a Christian gentleman. Mr. E. GALER, of Custer, informs us that BROWN Bros.' tie camp has been removed from Custer to Mr. BICE's place on California creek, five miles southeast of Blaine. Geo. STANARD and wife, lately from Iowa, have arrived in Blaine. They are the parents of the STANARD Brothers civil engineers, who have now taken up their residence here. Mr. S. WADE has gone to Colorado to settle up his business prepatory to bringing his family to Blaine. When he returns he will push the hotel project to an early completion. A. J. HAYWARD, a former resident of Blaine, died at Orange, California, on Tuesday, February 4th. This will be a surprise to his many friends here, who thought him on a sure road to recovery. Mr. Joseph CROSS in going from town to Captain GREELEY's on Thursday night, walked off the embankment on B street, it being very dark at the time. He sustained some severe bruises, but will soon be around again. People in Blaine and vicinity who would like to become members of a Baptist church are requested to leave their names at the Journal office. Steps will be taken in a few weeks for the organization of a church on that denomination in Blaine. S. P. HUGHES is preparing to plat thirty-five acres of valuable water front property on his homestead immediately adjoining the townsite of Blaine. The work will be commenced next week by STANNARD Bros. and completed as soon as possible. The young men of Blaine are making strenuous efforts to organize a military company. Other towns throughout the state have their military company and it is a good advertisement for a town. The boys should be encouraged, and the "Blaine Guards" should become part of the state militia. An effort is being made to establish a post office in Blaine, B. C. If a suitable person can be found to take charge of the same we are told that there will be no trouble to secure it. A post office there would be a great convenience not only citizens of Blaine, B. C., but to the people of Blaine, Washington, and we hope there will be no delay in securing it. W. L. ROGERS last week sold to Geo. H. HOOLEDGE, of Tacoma, 34 1/2 acres two and a half miles east of Blaine at $100 per acre. Thursday, March 20, 1890: G. W. HUNT, a Seattle contractor, has taken up his residence in Blaine during the past week. The new boat which arrived by the steamer Sehome last Saturday night was for Mrs. M. L. DORR. It is what is known as a "working boat" and was made in Seattle by the firm of CLARK & BARTLETT, boat builders. It is a fast craft, and will be named "Blaine Journal." Last Saturday the CHESTNUT place at Drayton, containing about 290 acres of land was sold to C. T. MOORE and Mr. CRAIGEN for $29,000 cash. This is the largest single sale yet made in the International City, though we hear rumors of much larger offers. The world is beginning to find out that there is soon to be built at this point one of the great cities of the coast. In ninety days when active railroad work begins on a great transcontinental line which will terminate here they will be sure of it. The steamer Brick will commence Monday, March 24th, to make daily trips between Blaine and Bellingham Bay, leaving Blaine for the bay as soon as convenient after her arrival here. She will also return here to-morrow and leave for Bellingham Bay Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Capt. TARTE is about to make some very desirable improvements in the passenger accommodations of the boat and she will offer a very desirable means of passage between the bay cities and the International City. She is one of the safest boats on the sound and has the most careful captain, and with the new arrangements will afford a very comfortable accommodation to passengers. E. M. ADAMS now walks by the aid of crutches, having stepped on a sharp nail which penetrated his foot an inch or two. McCRACKEN, BUCKLEY & Co. are a new real estate firm lately formed for business in Blaine. They are recently from Port Townsend. People in Blaine and vicinity who would like to become members of a Baptist church are requested to leave their names at the Journal office. Steps will be taken in a few weeks for the organization of a church of that denomination in Blaine. Last Saturday night the steamer Sehome tore away a large portion of the Blaine dock. They will probably finish it this week, and then a scow will come very handy as a place on which to unload goods from the steamers. A new dock is very necessary. The Webster Investment Co. is the name of a new real estate firm composed of Jas. WEBSTER, formerly of Seattle; J. M. SHARP, lately of Fairhaven, and Oscar GARD, of Tacoma, who have opened an office in Mr. BERTRAND's old stand on the Blaine wharf. They are good rustlers, and no doubt will do a good business. A new girl baby came to the house of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. GOTT Tuesday. SMITH, BENNETT & KING have opened a real estate office in the King building. W. H. COWRIE, STARE & Co. have purchased the EDWARDS & GILFILLAN saw mill; consideration $5150. New machinery will be added and extensive improvements made.
This week the KINGSLEY's move out of their old house, in which they have
spent nineteen years, and into the new which is just completed. The old house
will be torn down and moved away, and the new will become the scene of
comfortable home life. The new house is one of the most elegant and complete
in Whatcom county, and will have cost furnished something like $6000. The
house stands on quite a high raise of ground and from its upper porticos
can be had a fine view of the harbor and the bay. It is built in the form
of a cross and stands on solid foundations of brick. It fronts to the south
on Kingsley avenue and Georgia street. The front of the building is adorned
with two commodious porches and a bay window all bearing evidences of the
skill of the workmen who did the building. At the front door is an entry
way which leads into a hall 7x15 in size. At the right of the hall is the
parlor 14x17, in front of which is a large bay window.The hall leads back into the dining room, which is in the north side of the house and occupies a space of 12x16 feet. Off the dining room is a porch at the back of the east wing of the house, and a door leads from the dining room into the east wing in which is a beautiful light bedroom 14x14. A pantry and stair closet also open into the dining room, and a door at the west side leads into the kitchen which occupies the west wing of the house with a door leading out on to the front piazza. At the north side of the kitchen is the ice room and wash room 7x14, with a door to the north leading to the pump room and wood house, the latter being a building 16x24. Returning to the hall one is impressed with the beautiful hard oil finish wainscotting, and the stair railing leading to the chambers above is one of the most elegant pieces of wood working we ever beheld. At the right of the head of the stairs is the chamber sitting room 12x15. A door opens south upon a small portico surmounting the bay window. A door leads from the sitting room into a spare bedroom 14x14, which room also has a door on the south side leading to the large porch. There is a large spare bed room at the head of the stairs in the back of the house, and immediately leading off from the hall is a bath room 7x8. At the left of the hallway above the stairs is a large bedroom 14x14, which also has a large porch running along its south side and a door communicating with it. Messrs. HASELTINE & COWARD did the carpenter work on the house, and it is a credit to their skill. Mr. Edward LAMAR did the painting which adds much to the elegance of the work. C. G. COLE, of Whatcom, furnished and carpeted it and FULLER & KAGAY decorated the windows and hung the pictures. The whole house is carpeted with the best brussels, except the kitchen and dining room, bath room and ice room, the first and last mentioned having painted floors and the other two handsome oil cloth. A fine collection of paintings, etchings and engravings adorn the walls, and altogether the KINGSLEY home will be a most cosy and delightful one. Chas. HUNT is building a new residence at the corner of A and First streets. Thursday, March 27, 1890: Miss Lottie THOMAS has received an Estey organ from the firm of GRIFFIN & CALHOON, Sehome. A. V. BELL, of Seattle, was in town over Sunday, looking after his property interests here. J. R. THOMAS is getting lumber on the ground for his new residence near the corner of Fourth and Martin streets. Mrs. D. S. KAUBLE and Mrs. Lee WOODY, of Lynden, were purchasers of Blaine real estate during the past week. The Methodists of Blaine are about to build a parsonage at the corner of Fourth and G streets on lots donated by CAIN brothers. W. E. COLLINS, of Sehome, has been in Blaine pretty much for the past two weeks. He is figuring on putting in a sash, door and blind factory at this place. E. M. ADAMS has been building a neat picket fence around the grounds of Mrs. BOND's residence on C street. He has also laid down a good sidewalk in front. Clem PUARIEA, of Lynden, spent a day or two in Blaine during the past week. He is an expert book keeper and expects soon to move to Blaine to reside permanently. Little Mabel Ray HARVEY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John HARVEY, died on Sunday morning, March 23d, 1890, at 9 a. m., of scarlet fever. She was three years, eight months and eleven days old at the time of her death. A. N. CAVE, the Lynden real estate man, has opened an office in Blaine. A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. WILLYARD on Friday, the 21st of this month. R. W. WILLIAMS and E. K. MATLOCK, prominent citizens of Skagit county, have been purchasers of Blaine realty this week. HALL & McFARLAND, who bought the RUNGE tract, returned Saturday evening. They have commenced clearing and will plat as soon as circumstances will permit. J. T. SHAW, of the Pacific hotel, Lynden, arrived from Blaine Sunday. Besides investing in property, Mr. SHAW reports having contracted for the manufacture of 6,000,000 brick. -Press. C. H. SHANK purchased property last week in Blaine to the amount of $12,000, and Simon KILDALL and Willie STEVENS made purchases, to the amount of $9,500. W. H. DOBBS, of the Press, has also secured interests for $1,700 in Blaine and Drayton. -Press. Yesterday over forty passengers tried to come to Blaine by the steamer Brick but could not all come of course. Some of them were so anxious to come here that they chartered the tug Seattle and came in her. The Brick also left a large number to-day who desired to come. J. J. RUTLEDGE has perfected plans for a three story brick building fifty feet front and seventy feet deep, on the corner of Fourth and E streets. BAKER, LORING & SHANK is the name of a new real estate firm now located at the corner of Washington avenue and H streets. They are recently from Lynden. J. A. MARTIN and P. FOSTER promise to put up the first brick building in Blaine. It will be three stories high and seventy-five feet front, and will be located at the corner of Martin street and Harrison avenue. Arthur REYNOLDS, assistant cashier of the Guthrie County National Bank, located at Panora, Iowa, was in the city last week. Mr. REYNOLDS is a friend of H. F. BROWN, the Washington avenue druggist, and is much impressed with the many advantages presented by Blaine. Mrs. W. J. GILLESPIE left to-day on the steamer for Seattle in response to a telegram announcing the sickness of Mrs. W. L. CHURCH, jr., of Dungeness. Mr. C. RILEY, of Seattle, has opened a real estate office in BROWN's drug store. He has purchased property here and his faith in the International City is unlimited. M. C. WYNKOOP has returned from his visit to Pennsylvania. He left his little son with the little one's grandmother in the east. Mr. WYNKOOP visited Johnstown while on his trip. Mrs. Addie E. FRYE and daughter Nellie, from Fort Scott, Kansas, arrived in Blaine last Friday evening, to visit their old neighbor Capt. GREELEY. They expect to spend the summer visiting the various points of interest about Puget Sound. The Free Masons of Blaine met last Friday night and perfected arrangements for organization. They met again Monday night and selected Steaubli hall as the place of future meetings, which hall they have rented and will fit up into a lodge room to be used until their own building is completed. They expect to put up a large two-story building for their permanent home, and a meeting will be held to-morrow evening to select the site for the new building, which will be somewhere between Fourth street and the water front.
Blaine, Wash., March 24, 1890.
We, the undersigned, have this day entered into a co-partnership for the
purpose of buying, selling, and transferring real estate, under the firm
name of McELMON & McCALL.Dated this 24th day of March A. D., 1890 D. R. McELMON, Frank McCALL
Along toward midnight on the 18th, the family heard Mr. FARGO rise from his bed an go out of doors. They did not remain awake long, but in the morning when they went to his room to call him they found it vacant. Going out to search for him they soon found his dead, cold body in an outhouse, where it had probably been from the midnight hour. Justice WEST held an inquest on the 19th, and the jury found that Jesse FARGO came to his death from some unknown cause. It seems that he had a persentiment well founded, that he was soon to die, for Mr. John RADCLIFFE says that about a week prior to his death Mr. FARGO told him that he had had a stroke of paralysis about two months ago, and that when he died it would be sudden. No one would know it, and he himself would not know it five minutes before his death. He leaves some grown up children in the east. He was buried in the Blaine cemetery on the 20th. Thursday, April 3, 1890: ---BIRCH BAY---
-CREASY's new dwelling, 20x30, two stories high, with and L 14x28 feet, which
is set up on the hill, cannot be hid any longer, and is an additional mark
of the pushing industry of that worthy family.-Col. Thomas WATERBERRY, who was in 1855, U. S. GRANT's superior officer, is very low with a complication of kidney disease and asthma at the home of M. DUKES. -O. M. LEE, who drives the finest team in the county, while hauling a load of hay last week, broke the king bolt of his wagon, and the team ran away to Drayton harbor, about seven miles. No damage. -Martin PETERSON sold his twenty acres of land fronting on our bay, for $75 per acre, to a Mr. SMITH. ---Frank JAMES W. HAMLEY is building a large addition on his cottage in Boblet's addition and will fit it up for a first class lodging house for gentlemen. It has been agreed to consolidate the towns of Whatcom and Sehome under the name of New Whatcom, covering four miles square and five miles of water front, with a population of 6,000. Fairhaven and Bellingham will be consolidated under the name of Fairhaven, with a population of 2,000. Petitions have been numerously signed for both incorporations. The county commissioners meet in special session April 14, to decide on the boundaries of the towns under the new incorporation act. There will be a fight between the new towns as to the boundary between them. Fairhaven wants part of Sehome and New Whatcom wants its south boundary to cover Bellingham as far south as Bellingham wharf. --Cor. P.I. Geo. CHANDLER, of Portland, was investing in Blaine dirt the first of the week. S. W. HUTCHCRAFT has made some good investments in Blaine realty, and will become a permanent resident. Mr. Emmet McDONALD is fitting up a room in GEE's building on H street for a confectionery store. His establishment presents a very neat appearance. Miss D. M. GAMMON, of Lynden, is preparing to organize an art class in Blaine, and expects to commence work soon. She is eminently fitted for the work, and should be able to raise a large class here. SMITH & MILLER are fitting up a first class restaurant in CORNISH's new building near the corner of Washington avenue and D street, next to the bank. They also have fitted up apartments above for lodgers. Stock books, etc., have arrived for the founding of the First National Bank of Blaine. For particulars enquire of N. A. CORNISH, of the First Bank. It is expected that the First National will be ready for business inside of sixty days. CAIN Bros. are expecting every hour the arrival of a pile driver which will proceed to enlarge the dock of their wharf and repair damages. A railing will be put on and a tramway from the dock to the shore; and freight will hereafter be hauled in on a car provided for that purpose. A few weeks ago a smuggler named Andrew A. HOLT was killed on board his own sloop, The Alaska, near Seattle while resisting arrest. Last week the sloop was sent up among the islands between Blaine and Port Townsend to do patrol duty and watch for smugglers who have been passing through that way. STOCKWELL & DEMING is the name of a new firm who have come to Blaine and opened a first-class restaurant in a large tent at the corner of D street and Washington avenue. A large number of people are now taking their meals there, and speak highly of the entertainment furnished. Dr. CLARK has nearly finished a neat cottage on Clark street, in Clark Land Co.'s addition. FAGER & SHROEDER have commenced the construction of a two-story building 24x50 on Martin street. F. G. BOWER has returned from Seattle, where he has been living for several months past. G. W. TODD, the genial clerk of the International, is making many friends among the vast number who stop daily at that hostelry. We are informed that the contract has been let for the completion of D. S. MILLER's wharf, which is to be got under way at once and work rushed to completion. Martin PETERSON, of Birch Bay, has branched out as a pilot, and offers his services to any one desirous of looking over the different beautiful locations surrounding Blaine, either by land or water. He is familiar with all the surroundings and is a safe man on water. Subscriptions were commenced Monday by Levin JOHNSON for a Sunday school library for the M. E. Sunday school. A hundred and fifty dollars was subscribed before night. Parties who subscribed can pay the same to Mr. JOHNSON, or to Mr. BARNES, at the drug store. H. F. BROWN, the Washington avenue druggist, in connection with J. A. GRESHAM, of Seattle, have leased ground on the present site of the Pioneer Meat Market, of CAIN Bros., and will immediately commence the erection of a double store building, 40x42 feet. When completed, Mr. BROWN will occupy one room with his drug store, while Mr.GRESHAM will put in a first-class stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., in the other room. L. SCHROEDER, of Seattle, is building on Martin street, and will locate here permanently. Mr. H. GUINTHER, a tonsorial artist of meritorious ability, has opened a barber shop in the International Hotel. DUNN & DAVIES, the hardware men, are moving into their 22x80 store room, on H street, Clark Investment Co.'s addition. I. B. SLOAN and family of Arlington, Oregon, have located in Blaine. Mr. SLOAN will go into business as soon as he can get a building in readiness. GILFILLAN & POPPLE now have on hand all kinds of moldings, brackets, etc., which they will furnish to housebuilders and furnishers at reasonable rates. The Washington hotel on Fourth avenue is being doubled in size. BERRY & FISHER are doing the work, and when it is finished the house will be prepared to accommodate a large number of guests. Mr. Wallace DEMENT has just finished on D street where it intersects Washington avenue, a fine wagon bridge, which will be a great advantage to the occupants of D street. The work was done by subscription. A. E. MEAD went to New Westminster Sunday to meet his family. Mr. and Mrs. MEAD returned to-day by the steamer Brick. Messrs. N. BAIRD and W. W. RADCLIFFE are in the city representing a large electric light company. They have about completed arrangements by which they will within the next four months, under the name of the Blaine Electric Light and Power Company, place a $50,000 plant here, with conditions that the plant shall be enlarged within a few months to $75,000. The company has investigated, and will adopt the best system of street lights and light the whole International City. Mrs. C. C. WILSON, of Anacortes, will open a restaurant here in a short time. Mr. Albert JOHNSON has returned to Blaine from Minnesota, and will now reside here. Mr. MORSLANDER is putting up a tent restaurant on Washington avenue, near the corner of H street. J. N. LINDSEY has commenced the construction of a store building 50x100, two stories, on H street, on the Clark Land Co.'s tract. J. J. RUTLEDGE has commenced the erection of a three-story frame building 50x52 in size, on the corner of Washington avenue and E streets. Mr. W. THIBAUDEAU, the popular civil engineer of New Westminster, B. C., is at the International Hotel. He comes here to lay out some 1200 acres in town lots adjoining Blaine, Washington, on the British side. Look out for A. W. CUSTER. He will open up to-morrow morning in the post office building with a fine line of samples of clothing, all of the best quality for the prices asked. Call on him and buy a suit while he is here. He will only remain two days. Both departments of the Blaine school commenced Monday, though half the pupils in town were not aware of the fact until it had transpired. Miss Anna JACOBS takes charge of the primary department and Miss Carrie G. HAMMOND of the higher department. J. I. MARTIN, brother of Rev. Joseph MARTIN, the evangelist, has arrived in Blaine from Nebraska. His family came in last week on the steamer Brick. Zenas MARTIN, a son of Rev. Joseph MARTIN has also arrived here from the same state. The party was composed of about twelve persons, representing three families. C. G. SLAYTON and Matthew HARVEY have returned from their trip up sound where they have been to purchase machinery for their brick and tile yard. Their plant will be located on Steen's addition between Seventh and Eighth streets. Their machinery will turn out 30,000 brick per day, and they will employ a large number of men. Work in already progressing on the ground, and they expect to burn a kiln of brick at and early day, and a large amount of drain tile during the season.
The Puyallup Citizen of March 28th, 1890, says:At the parlors of the Puyallup hotel a few friends gathered on Tuesday evening to witness the marriage of Miss Lucy P. WEBB, of Tacoma, to Mr. C. C. McDONALD, now of Blaine. Rev. T. J. MASSEY performed the ceremony in his matchless style at a few moments after seven o'clock, and after a pleasant hour's chat the guests departed with congratulations and the best of wishes for the happy couple. Mrs. McDONALD is a handsome, pleasant and intelligent lady, and is highly regarded by all who knew her, while gentlemanly, jovial, wholesouled 'Mac,' as he is called, is esteemed by all Puyallupites, and counts his well-wishers by the score. They left for Blaine yesterday afternoon, where Mr. McDONALD holds a good position. The Citizen joins in wishing them all the happiness obtainable.
Notice is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the firm name of EDWARDS & GILFILLAN, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.The business will be continued by Mr. James PARKE at the place of business heretofore occupied by the old firm. Witness our hands and seals this 2nd day of April, 1890. Fletcher EDWARDS, Alexander GILFILLAN. ---CLOSING OUT SALE--- The stock of goods formerly belonging to J. C. BERTRAND, the old Pioneer store, will be sold at a reduction of 50 per cent. Call and secure bargains early.
Notice of intention to present a petition asking for the incorporation of
the town of Blaine.Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the following petition will be presented to the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the County of Whatcom, at the city of Whatcom and in the state of Washington, at a special meeting of said board commencing on the 16th day of April, A. D. 1890, and that said petition will be presented to said Board on the 17th day of April, A. D. 1890, at the usual hour of meeting, or so soon thereafter as the matter can be heard. We, the undersigned, qualified electors of said county and residents within the limits hereinafter set forth and described, do most respectfully represent to your honorable body and petition you as follows: .........
Thursday, April 10, 1890: Blaine now has a night police force. C. A. WILSON, of Spokane Falls, was buying Blaine realty this week. Senator Thos. PAYNE, of Mt. Vernon, is looking over his Blaine interests. C. C. HIXSON, clerk of the superior court, has been in Blaine this week to see the boom and carry away some of it. H. J. McGREGOR, who has the contracts for driving piles for MILLER's wharf and repairing the old one, is in town. W. M. GAMBLE, who is connected with the Custer Clothing Co., returned to his home in Sehome Monday sick with inflammation of the bowels. Mrs. C. E. YOUNG, lately from Arlington, Oregon, is organizing a music class in Blaine. She will give lessons on piano, organ or guitar. She can be found at the First Bank building. Terms reasonable. J. B. WILLIAMS, of the Whatcom Bulletin, is in town. Nearly $100,000 worth of real estate changed hands in Blaine last week. R. C. ROBERTS, of Racine, Wis., showed his business sagacity Saturday by investing in Blaine dirt. M. S. WOLFF, of Seattle, sold nearly 300 shares of building and loan association stock in Blaine last week. PAUL & BERTRAND have bought F. F. FOSTER's lot and building on Washington avenue for $2800. The building was worth about $800. Geo. SMITH, who bought 22 acres of land on Birch Bay some time ago for $75 per acre, sold it last week to PIERSON and PARKINSON for $150 per acre. James BUCHANAN is building on the Blaine wharf a hotel building 26x75 feet in size and two stories high. He has already rented it to parties who will fit it up and occupy it. After a long and discouraging illness Mrs. Robert Pendleton, of Union neighborhood, died last Saturday, April 5th, 1890. She was buried on Sunday, at 10 a. m., and a large number of sorrowing friends followed her remains to the grave. Last Sunday afternoon a Presbyterian church was organized in Blaine by the Rev. J. A. STAYT. Fourteen members were secured to start with, and the new church feels encouraged at the future outlook. Rev. STAYT spoke cheerfully of the progress of the Presbyterian church in the county during the past few months. Where is a little less than twelve months the number of churches has increased from one to six. Mr. STAYT will occupy the pulpit of the new church, and a tabernacle will be secured in which to hold regular services. Mrs. E. W. TODD will soon join her husband in Blaine. The PERLEY five lots on E street were sold again this week for $7,500. L. D. HAY, of Arlington, Oregon, bought property here this week. Mrs. HORTON has bought three lots of Wm. CLUFF on E street for $3,200. G. BERKMAN, proprietor of the Clarendon hotel, Pt. Townsend, was in town Friday. PERLEY Brothers have a large force of men at work underdraining the Clark Investment Co's tract. Ross LOCKE, of the Journal, attended a meeting of the Typographical Union at Whatcom, Saturday. FISCHER & BERRY are building a business office on Washington avenue next to PERLEY's real estate office. W. L. ROGERS has purchased both light and heavy vehicles, and is prepared to do all kinds of teaming in a satisfactory manner. C. R. GRIFFIN, of San Francisco, took orders for 130 suits of clothes in Blaine, and his business in gents' furnishings ran up to over $4,000. FISCHER & BERRY have the contract for erecting a livery stable on Washington avenue, 60x100, three stories high. Livery is what we need. Benson JOHN got his arm caught in the planer at STOOP's mill this week, and received a huge gash just below the elbow. It might have been worse, but it is bad enough. Twelve people arrived in Blaine from Fairmount, Minnesota, this week, including Geo. KEELER and family, Mr. CROSS and family, Will and Lex BIRD, Jas. LUTRELL and others.
A short time ago the family of N. L. ACKLES moved into the Terry building.
When they arrived in Blaine, they had a little son Thomas Loyd ACKLES, who
had been sick for some time, and on Friday, April 4th, 1890, at 3:30 p.m.
the little one died of pneumonia. He was buried on Saturday, Rev. W. M. LUDWICK
preaching the funeral sermon.
Mr. A. C. RICE and family arrived in Blaine last week from Sheridan county Nebraska, and as there was no houses to be had, they went into a tent on Washington avenue, where they were very comfortable, considering everything, but they too had a little sick baby who developed a very severe case of measles and died about midnight. The little one was buried this afternoon. There was a short funeral service held at the tent by Rev. LUDWICK. These people have had a sorrowful introduction, indeed, to our new country, and need the sympathy of our people. We hope the people of Blaine will greet the new comers and let them know that their lot is cast among Christians.
Custer, April 8, 1890.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ed. BROWN's youngest child is quite sick.-J. J. BROWN is still confined to his room with the "grippe." -The Enterprise school closed last week with an entertainment at night. -BROWN Bros. have moved their tie camp near Ferndale. -W. H. GILBERT started to Seattle to-day on a business trip. He seems to have considerable faith in our part of the country, for he has bought 320 acre, in this locality beside some lots in Blaine.
W. H. KING, F. H. BENNETT, E. B. SMITH Photographer HARVEY is building a gallery and residence at the corner of Harrison avenue and Boblett street. He expects to be ready for business in about two weeks. The largest baby of the International City came to Mr. and Mrs. James VARET, Dr. KING says, Monday morning, April 7th, 1890. It was a girl and weighed fourteen pounds. J. A. MARTIN wishes us to inform suffering house-seekers that he has tents for sale or for rent. Foundations ready to pitch on. Call at his store on Boblett street and buy a roof. Miss Ella SWEET, lately from Minnesota, wishes the Journal to inform the ladies of Blaine that she is prepared to do dressmaking among families, and expects to open a shop in a short time. For the present she is stopping at the KINGSLEY residence. The TARTE Brothers have purchased the little steamer Seattle, and now have a large force of carpenters at work fitting her up. They expect to have her engaged in active service on the Blaine Semiahmoo and Drayton ferry line by the first of next week. The law for final proofs says that notice must be published in the newspaper nearest the land. We are sorry that it is necessary to remind some of our citizens of this, but they should know that their proofs are not legal unless this part of the law is complied with. About all the steamboat companies doing business on the Sound have raised passenger and freight rates during the past week. Passengers now have to pay about double what they did formerly. Capt. TARTE, of the steamer Brick, however, has not raised freight or passenger rates, and does not intend to. Work has been commenced at clearing and grading E street from the wharf to Eighth street. Mr. Angus McCLELLAND has the contract and the work will be rushed through to a completion as soon as possible. When the grading is done the street will be either planked or graveled and eight-foot side walks built on either side. Mr. McCLELLAND is an experienced Westminster and Vancouver contractor, and the work will undoubtedly be done in a workmanlike and satisfactory manner. By the way, it may not be generally known, but while Blaine has the prettyest lying townsite on the northwest coast, every east and west street runs to a hill with only a gentle grade from which can be obtained sufficient gravel to surface all the streets, and then this eminence affords one of the most sightly and accessible residence situations imaginable, from which the city below, the harbor, the bay, the gulf islands and the mountains are in full view. Jas. KING has built a restaurant adjoining his lodging house on D street. Geo. McCAULEY has opened a lodging house and restaurant in the Lamar-Potter building on H street. The International Hotel has a new landlord in W. H. TAYLOR lately from California, and one of the best known hosts on the coast. A. J. BOYD from Chadron, Neb., is now a resident of Blaine. J. D. LEEDY and J. MOFFETT just from the Black Hills, take up their residence in Blaine this week. George McCHEFFY, of Birch Bay, while driving a team of oxen the other day met with a severe accident. He has but one leg and in some way the chain was caught around his anckle and he was thrown down and under the sled. The oxen then ran away and dragged him a hundred and fifty yards or more, lacerating his limb terribly and only stopping at the bars, when Mr. McCHEFFY was extracted. He was very badly injured and will be laid up several weeks.
Thursday, April 17, 1890:
Birch Bay, April 13, 1890.On Sunday evening BRUNS Bros'. team ran away throwing Pete BLACK, the driver out of the wagon, fracturing his skull and bruising him up generally, from which it is thought he can not recover. The wagon was also badly demolished.
A. F. and A. M.
International Lodge A. F. and A. M. was organized Tuesday evening by Mr.
J. AUSTIN of Lynden. There were over twenty-five Masons in attendance. The
following officers were elected:N. A. CORNISH, W. M. O. D. McDONALD, S. W. W. J. GILLESPIE, J. W. F. HURLBERT, Secretary A. L. JOHNSON, S. D. J. WAGAER, J. D. It is expected that the lodge will begin business with twenty-five to thirty members. They will at once build a $5,000 temple, but the site for the new building has not yet been determined upon, but will be in a few days. J. NETERER, a Kansas attorney has been a visitor to Blaine this week. Miss Dora TYSON, of Seattle, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. WILSON of Blaine. Alex. PARRETT, lately from Fowler, Ind., is preparing to open a shoe shop in Blaine. Leo DESSUP will erect a two story building on the corner of D street and Washington avenue in a short time. R. S. CLARK, the Seattle boat builder, is in the International City, and only two days ago we heard him talking with a contractor about constructing five new cottages in Semiahmoo immediately. BARNS & CO. have secured the services of Mr. GILBRIDE an expert prescription clerk for their Blaine drug store. Mr. GILBRIDE is a graduate of San Francisco pharmaceutical college, had had a experience of six years in the drug trade, and prescriptions filled by him can be relied upon. Mr. E. RAY, an experienced photograph operator has just arrived from the east and has taken charge of the photograph studio just established by Mr. E. BAILEY, of Seattle at G street and Washington avenue where they are prepared to do any thing in their line in the best of style. Pictures finished in Seattle. HELLER & McGREGOR are about to build two wharves in Blaine. One for Byron KINGSLEY, $10,300, and a second for Dave MILLER to cost $12,500. The result is that Blaine will come near being the residence of these active young men. The Whatcom wharf builders may perhaps be able to explain how Blaine can build two wharves in one summer, and Whatcom one wharf in ten summers. Messrs. HUGHES, BOBLETT and WARREN are interested in the KINGSLEY wharf. --Reveille. On Monday, April 14th, 1890, the Episcopalians of Blaine and vicinity met in this city and organized as a church society, and arranged to build a church edifice. Dean WILSON, from Old Tacoma officiated as leader on the occasion. Jas. WEBSTER, W. C. HAMMOND, S. R. EVA, F. J. HURLBURT and J. J. RUTLEDGE were elected vestrymen. The wardens are Jas. WEBSTER, senior warden, and S. R. EVA junior warden. They will construct a new church building, as they have already secured three lots for the site on the corner of D and Fourth streets. All children are cordially invited to the Sunday school on Sunday next at the old school house, where the superintendent, Mr. S. R. EVA will be pleased to meet them and organize the classes with the assistance of the ladies of Christ's Church immediately after the morning service. The services will be held every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. until further notice. Mrs. W. M. LUBWICK is visiting with friends in Skagit county. J. N. LINDSEY has changed the location of his new building to Washington avenue. FAGRE & SHROEDER have commenced the construction of their large new building on Martin street. C. C. McKAY will occupy part of the three story building now being erected in the rear of the bank, with a first class hotel. He will probably be open for business about the 10th of May. Mr. Obie TYSON, who has been traveling over the United States considerably lately, arrived in Blaine last week and is stopping at the residence of Mr. R. WILSON. He likes this country and will make it his home. Consul J. H. HAWTHORNTHWAIT: of Nanaimo has been visiting Blaine this week looking after his property interests. He says a U. S. consular agency is likely to be established in the B. C. portion of the International City. The schooner, Rose Oleson came in last Friday loaded with HARVEY & SLAYTON's brick yard machinery. While here she was chartered for a cargo of lath and lime which will arrive to-day. The probability is that she will be kept engaged in the Blaine trade for some time. DAVIS, MORTON & HAMLEY have commenced work on Martin street opening a new brick yard. They will use improved machinery, and produce a counterpart of the St. Louis pressed brick, so it will not be their fault if the people of Blaine do not have some excellent material for the construction of a substantial city. The following notice appeared in New Westminster Truth last week: "Luka GRAUNEN, a stone cutter by trade. When last heard of about eighteen months ago was working on a stone hotel being erected in Calgary, N. W. T. Your uncle Thomas BUNBURY, of Blaine, Washington State, is anxious to hear from you and it will be to your interest to communicate with him at once." Star of the Northwest lodge, I. O. G. T., was organized in Blaine last Tuesday evening with C. A. OSTRUM, C. T.; Mrs. C. A. DAVIES, V. T.; Mrs. C. A. OSTRUM, S. J. T.; J. H. KENDALL, secretary; Mrs. S. A. RICE, assistant secretary; A. C. RICE, F. S.; L. JOHNSON, T.; W. M. LUDWICK, chaplain; V. D. TOMLINSON, M.; Miss Ethel K. McELMON, D. M.; Miss Flora DAVIES, I. G.; A. JOHNSON, S.; J. C. TOMLINSON, P. C. T.; John RADCLIFFE, L. D.; R. S. JACKSON, correspondent. Regular meetings will be held hereafter on Wednesday evenings. A. L. JOHNSON is building a tin shop on E street. The Journal has an apology to make this week for a neglect which occurred last week in not mentioning the delightful Easter service at the M. E. church. The auditorium of the building was neatly decorated for the occasion with suitable mottos, etc., and as for the exercises they passed off very pleasantly. The superintendent read the scripture lesson for 1 Cor. 12-17 20 51 58, response by school. Mr. WENTZ gave a reading "The Witness of the Resurrection." Miss EVES spoke the "Rising Day Star." Song "Just Beyond the River," by Misses Laura OSTROM and Jessie DAVIES. Miss Flora DAVIES gave a recitation, "Through Death to Life." Miss Cora BARRACLAW spoke "Spread the Glorious Tidings." The school sang "Tell It Out." Miss Dora OSTROM gave a recitation called "The Little Missionary." Mrs. KINGSLEY's class of girls gave the recitation "Come Over and Help Us," and sang "The Call for Reapers." Mr. MOUNCE's class of boys gave the recitation "The Kingdom Coming," and Mrs. OSTROM closed the programme with "The Missionary Call." Two little girls then took up a collection and over $50 was secured for the missionary fund. All the children did so well in their different parts that it is difficult for one to select from among them one upon whom to make more favorable commendation than the others, and the teachers and superintendent have reason to feel proud of their success. Albert WEST is building a new house on Boblett street. M. W. ERICKSON is building a cottage on Harrison avenue. Mrs. C. C. PAUL has gone on an extended visit to friends in Minnesota. A. B. CAMPBELL and E. SARGENT are building cottages on Blaine avenue. D. S. MILLER is building a real estate office at the corner of Third and Cherry streets. J. C. TOMLINSON & Co., late of Tacoma have opened a real estate office on Washington avenue. R. S. CLARK is advertising the ALBERTSON place which will be sold at auction in Whatcom on May 8th. J. KRATZERT and Geo. VERGAVE are fitting up a bakery on Fourth avenue between H and Martin streets. ROBERTS Brothers will soon open a drugstore at Harrison and Cherry streets, for which they will build a store 24x60. C. T. MOORE is preparing to build several small cottages and two fine residences on the Drayton side, and it is expected that the contracts will be let in a few days. FRASER & KANDY is the name of a new firm who have opened a small furniture shop near the iron post. They will soon move up into the city and into larger quarters. Marshall RADCLIFFE Monday night ran three Seattle crooks out of the city and invited them to stay away. They took the road toward Whatcom and have not been seen since. Mr. P. A. C. ARMFELT, lately from Nanaimo, B. C., but now agent for White Rock City, B. C. just across from us, has arrived in Blaine, and will hereafter reside here. FABIAN & MELVILLE, architects, have drawn plans and specifications for J. N. LINDSEY's three story building on the corner of Martin street and Washington avenue, which will be a handsome one, and J. J. RUTLEDGE's three story building on the corner of E street and Washington avenue. In connection with this work a Journal reporter was shown the plans for a handsome residence building to be erected on the Drayton side by Chas. T. MOORE, FABIAN & MELVILLE, by their ability, gentlemanly conduct and strict attention to business are making many friends and we predict for them plenty of work in the future.
Ed. Blaine Journal: - Please insert the following bit of news for the benefit
of the friends and patrons of the Northwest Normal School. It still lives
and the spring term will begin April 21st., and we would be glad to have
a large number of young people from Blaine and vicinity with us on that day.
Some of the ladies of Lynden have espoused the cause of the Normal and are
doing noble work. Now look for the school to prosper.Very respectfully, J. R. BRADLEY.
The accurate geographical location of the city of Blaine is too well known all over the country to necessitate a description here. But it might be mentioned, for the benefit of persons in the far east who have never studied the maps of the sound country, or who have never given their attention to the location of this particular town, that Blaine is located on the northeast shore of Semiahmoo Bay, in the northwest corner of Whatcom county. Whatcom county is the northwest county in the state, therefore, Blaine is situated in the extreme northwest corner of the United States, one of her corporate lines being the international boundary line. The city is attractively laid out on the table land overlooking the beautiful Semiahmoo Bay and beyond to the west, the far famed Gulf of Georgia, and presents a metropolitan appearance to passengers coming in on the steamers, and leaves a lasting impression on the minds of strangers, even before they arrive in the city. After a few minutes walk up the wharf (if you prefer not to take a Gurney) you reach Washington avenue, the principal street, and you are then greeted with the hustle and confusion of everyday metropolitan life, together with the rattle of lumber and the echo of hundreds of hammers on the building now in course of construction. The city is fairly represented in all branches of business and the merchants are not afraid to carry stocks that would excite the envy of any Seattle merchant. The hotels are always crowded with strangers who are anxious to invest in town property, and are doing so as fast as possible. Following are a few of the many buildings now in the course of erection: J. N. LINDSEY, 3 story, 50 x 100, 60 rooms, situated on the corner of Washington ave. and Martin st., probable cost $8,000, to be occupied as lodging house. W. J. GILLISPEE, 2 story, 45 x 60, on corner of Washington ave. and Martin st., to be occupied as store room below and offices on second floor, to cost $5,000. Messrs. CONRAD & CRANDLE 50x80, 2 story, on Martin street, to be occupied as store and lodging house. J. W. WAINER, 24x50, 2 story on Martin st., occupied as restaurant and lodging house. FAIGRE & SCHROEDER, 24x50, 2 story, on Martin st., occupied as store and lodging house. J. W. HOLLINSHEAD, 60x100, 3 story, on corner of Clark and Washington ave., occupied as a fine livery stable, and cost of $7,000. Dr. THOMPSON, 24x50, 2 story, Martin st., occupied as a drug store. C. R. MOULTON, 22x40, 2 story, on Washington ave., occupied by store and offices. J. W. WINGER, 24x50, 2 story, of Martin street, real estate office. G. P. PERLEY a fine barn to cost $1,500, back of Clark st. E. F. MILLER has just completed a fine 2 story building on Washington ave., and uses the second story as a lodging house, and in the first story runs as fine a restaurant as any on the sound, and is ably assisted by his estimable wife. J. J. RUTLEDGE is building a fine 3 story, 52x60 on corner of E and Washington ave., to cost $7,000, and will be fitted up with a fine plate glass front and all the modern improvements. N. A. CORNISH 125 feet front by 80 feet, 3 story, on E., between Washington ave. and 2nd street, occupied by bank, stores and offices. CAIN Bros., 50x90, 3 story, cor. 4th and E st., cost $10,000. BAIRD & HAY, 50x60, three story, corner Second and E st; cost $8,000. Mr. FLOWERS, 24x60, corner Third and E, two story; cost $6,000. Mr. LAPOINT, 25x40, Washington avenue; occupied as real estate offices, Jas. BUCHANAN, 25x75, three story lodging house, opposite E street wharf. J. H. MILHOLLIN, $4,000, residence on Washington ave. It is reported that the Fairhaven & Southern railroad have reached a point within three miles of the British line and are working towards Blaine, as fast as money and men can do it. Also that the Canadian Pacific engineers are surveying a right of way from Ladner's Landing around the water front via Mud Bay to the city, and citizens are assured that the C. P. road will be in before fall. Among the prominent real estate firms whom the reporter had the pleasure of calling upon may be mentioned: HAMMOND & McKELLER, office on Washington avenue, opposite the E street wharf, who have the sole agency of the Blaine addition to Drayton and the Park addition to Blaine, together with a large list of acreage and inside property, thus giving the would be purchaser one of the finest lists imaginable to select from. They are very accommodating and genial gentlemen and take great pleasure in showing the stranger around whether he buys or not. W. H. PINCKNEY & Co. office on corner of H street and Washington avenue, represented by Mr. POWER, have a fine list of inside property both in Blaine and Drayton, also some very fine acreage property. The CLARK Investment Co., comprised of C. O. and G. P. PERLEY and G. W. CLARK are part owners of the townsite besides having a large list of all kinds of property. This company have built a neat office 16x26 on the corner of H street and Washington avenue, where some of the company will always be found to transact any business that may come to them. Frank THOMPSON & Co. who have an office on H street, next to Washington avenue, represent large real estate interests and can find the most particular man what he wants in the way of town lots or acreage. J. R. GRIFFIN, with an office on Washington avenue between H and Martin streets, has lately put Millers Park addition to Blaine on the market, which is some of the choice property of the town, and he and his corps of clerks are kept busy from morning till night making deeds, building contracts etc. The Professor is a live wide awake business man, but the property he is handling will sell itself without any effort on his part whatever. W. I. BAKER & Co. office on Washington avenue, between H and Martin streets, will sell you anything you want in the real estate line from a single lot up to a whole section. Messrs. WARD, MEAD & MOUNT, general real estate and insurance brokers with an office on H street near Washington avenue are prepared to give you anything in their line and guarantee perfect satisfaction. With two lines of railroad and a good steamship line running into the city, Blaine is sure to be one of the coming large cities of the sound - it would not be fair to say "the city," but one of them. Parties desiring any information regarding the city of Blaine or surrounding country, will do well to write any of the above named real estate firms who are perfectly reliable and would be glad to favor strangers in any way possible. J. C. BERTRAND is building a large addition to his residence on D street. Geo. F. SMITH bought $5,000 worth of real estate in Miller's addition this week. City Clerk THOMPSON this week took a census of Blaine, and found 1577 people here. A year ago there were about 500, and population will tribble (sic) itself again before snow flies. A petition is being circulated for the appointment of John H. MILHOLLIN as tide flat appraiser for Whatcom county. It is being largely signed. Last week the steamer Advance made her first trip up the Nooksack. She broke her shaft when a short distance below the landing which delayed her three days. Friday she unloaded her freight and in the evening returned to Whatcom. The Advance is a fine little boat and will no doubt do good service on the river. -Lynden Press. Mr. Peter HARKNESS left yesterday morning on the steamer Brick, for Blaine where he will take charge of the telegraph office. Mr. HARKNESS is an excellent operator, and always does everything he can to accommodate the patrons of the office over which he has charge. He carries with him the best wishes of every one on the bay. -Bulletin. The telegraph office has been removed by Operator HARKNESS from the water front to the corner of H street and Washington avenue. Thursday, April 24, 1890:
-Rev. MARTIN and wife expect to commence meetings in our church soon. Rev. KINDRED and WELLS will assist. -Mr. LACK is taking orders for patent bee hives. -Mrs. PIOT of Lynden has been spending a few days in Mountain View. -Mr. L. FOX has moved his family to Kingsburrow, where he is working in the mill. E. C. STILLWELL has just finished a large ditching machine for Wm. BROWN, of Hall's Prairie. J. N. LINDSEY and Marion CAIN are now selling Mrs. STANLEY's beautiful Grand View addition to Blaine, one of the most delightful residence locations on the coast. Mr. R. NEVINS, Jr., and L. C. WOODMAN, civil engineers, have opened an office in the Ross building near the CAIN sawmill where they are ready to do business in their line. Bids will be called for in a few days for slashing 120 acres of the Drayton townsite. Wharves will be built and water works constructed there in a few weeks, and the town will boom with a big B. The carpenters of Blaine are to hold a meeting to-morrow, Friday evening, at the Blaine school house to take preliminary steps toward organizing a union of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America. All good carpenters are invited. The International City has raised what we believe to be the largest bonus for railroads ever raised by a single city. Not less than 1200 acres of good land which is today worth not less than $1,160,000 has been subscribed as bonus to the Fairhaven & Southern, the Union Pacific and the Drayton, Lynden & Spokane railroad companies. We believe no other town from San Diego to Sitka can make so good a showing. W. J. GILLESPIE is building a barn on Steen street. J. WIFFLER is putting up a business building on Third street near Boblett. A Mr. WAITE is building a cottage on Washington avenue near Steen street. W. DORWARD, a Sehome contractor and builder came to Blaine Thursday to make it his future home. A. W. STEEN is building quite an extensive addition to his store, as he was becoming crowded for room. W. W. CARTER is putting lumber on the ground for a building on Martin street in Martin's addition 24x40 two stories. The Champion Clothing House, just opened on Washington avenue, have an elegant stock of goods and will sell at bedrock prices. F. F. FOSTER is building a store room near the corner of F and Washington avenue which will be occupied by a clothing firm in about ten days. Mr. E. J. BAILY, the Seattle photographer, has opened a branch gallery on Washington avenue which is now open. All work will be finished in his Seattle gallery. John P. STUART, of Traer, Iowa, has secured the contract for plastering Cain's new store on E street, likewise the Cornish building and several private residences. Inspector BUCHANAN says tons of powder is being hauled out on the line between Whatcom and the Nooksack and the woods will roar again in a few days with the falling trees and the roaring stumps. O. D. McDONALD, S. P. HUGHES, J. BARBER, Mrs. M. H. UPSON and Mrs. B. N. KINGSLEY leave to-day for the Grand army and Relief Corps gathering in Ellensburg. It is expected that these will be the grandest meetings of the kind ever held in Washington. There will be no illegal voting allowed at the coming city elections. W. L. AMES and W. H. T. BARNES arrived in Blaine from Seattle Sunday night. Mr. H. MAHAN has sold his two lots and residence on Harrison avenue to Mr. WARREN for $2,000. Eugene FIELD the Semiahmoo cooper is manufacturing large numbers of salmon barrels at his shop these days. NEVINS and STEEL will issue shortly a fine lithographic map of Blaine, showing birds-eye view, from the harbor. S. WADE has returned from Colorado with his family, and will at once have his 125 acres south of the harbor slashed and cleared. Mr. Geo. PERLEY is having a Yankee grader made for street work by CONRAD & CRANDAL and E. C. STILLWELL. It is a daisy and levels the hummocks like a cyclone. Geo. E. HARTSON, the successful editor of the Mt. Vernon News, was a surprise visitor to Blaine this week. He says the solid city on the river is flourishing. A large piece of cedar stump came through a Journal office window in a very ungentlemanly manner this morning, and very abruptly interrupted Mr. Ross LOCKE at his work, though it did not injure him any. The machinery for HARVEY & SLAYTON's brick and tile yard has been placed on the ground. Thus Blaine secures an institution which would be a desirable acquisition for any city. McQUARRIE & GRIGER have opened a merchant tailor establishment in the post office basement, where gentlemen can get a suit of clothes which will fit them. A New Westminster tug, Tuesday brought in a large scow load of lumber for William GIRBRITCH, a portion a which he will use for building a large hotel at White Rock City, and the balance for sale to consumers. The WEBSTER Investment Co. has a new member who first made his appearance at the residence of Mr. John SHARP Sunday night. Dr. KING says the new member is too small to have more than a voice in the business, so Mrs. SHARP will take care of him for a few years yet. A little daughter of Mr. Geo. McCAULEY is quite sick with the measles. STANNARD Bros. have platted six additions to Blaine in the last six weeks, and they say that in nearly every one of them they have run across railroad bonus reserves. Last Friday evening a meeting was held at the M. E. church for the purpose of commencing the organization of a Young Men's Christian Association in Blaine. Proper committees were appointed to complete arrangements and to solicit aid for the construction of a building and etc., and another meeting will be held Monday evening next. The canvassing committee met with a flattering success, and after the organization is completed, arrangements will at once be made to secure a site and erect a suitable building for library, reading room, etc. It is the intention to have their own quarters before fall. Northwest Review - Messrs. COHOON & SEELY have opened a new grocery store at Blaine. They were in the city last week and, using the Review as their criterion, purchased their stock at the RISDON-CAHN Co. Thursday they loaded the old Eliza Anderson down until her smokestack got afoul her rudder, with one of the best-selected stocks of groceries ever taken to Whatcom county. The boys are live and energetic young men from away down east, where they shoot shad with a rail and shear sheep with a shingle. We will gamble that they will "get there." They are discounters. The steamer Seattle, of Blaine, made its appearance in our harbor last week, owned by the TARTE Bros., W. R. TARTE captain and A. A. TARTE engineer. She will commence running for a passenger ferry between different points in the International City in a few days, or as soon as she receives her passenger license. She has been remodeled and repaired, and is now a neat little boat. She has two cabins for passengers, both neatly upholstered and tastily painted, and will accommodate forty or fifty on a pinch. The dimensions of the boat are forty-two feet keel and twelve foot beam, and she will be one of the most desirable conveniences of the International City. The Drayton, Lynden & Spokane railroad company has rented the KIRBY building and CLARK's house in Semiahmoo for offices, and next week will occupy them for business. Work will commence soon after the survey, and old Semiahmoo will hum. R. S. CLARK states that a new wharf will be built out to deep water at the inner point of the spit. The railroad company will construct a wharf at the east line of the town of Drayton and R. A. BUTLER will complete steamer water works and landing at Drayton sawmill. Mr. CLARK also informs us that a large hotel will be built in Semiahmoo with a popular Seattle hotel man at the reception desk. Journal Supplement - No date, single sheet, one side: The GILSONs from Sehome have opened with a stock of millinery in the post office building. BAIRD & HOY are preparing to build at the corner of E and Second streets a frame building 50x50, two stories. L. W. CENTER, lately of Sehome has built a real estate office for himself on Washington avenue near G street. There will be preaching at Excelsior on the first Sabbath in every month at 11 o'clock A.M. by Rev. T. J. HARLING. Joseph JEISNER, who lives on the boundary line two miles back from salt water on the B. C. side, this week sold twenty acres of his farm for $2000. W. W. CARTER is now offering the Gem addition on easy terms. Large lots at low price, with $25 down, balance in 1, 2 and 3 months, interest ten per cent. GRESHEM & WORRELL, have opened a new store in the Johnson & Terry building on D street, where you will find a fine stock of Clothing, boots, shoes, furnished goods, hats, caps, etc. The City Bakery, corner of F street and Washington avenue is now ready to supply Bread Cakes and Pies and all kinds of bakers' goods. Cakes, etc. made to order. All orders promptly filled. Geo. W. HOLT, Proprietor. Wm ROHART last week sold forty acres of his farm on the British side to J. T. MOODY and D. L. FOX, of Seattle, receiving therefore $150 per acre. Mr. ROHART also sold an eighty to F. X. SHRINER for $125 per acre, on the British side; $16,000 is quite a sum to pay for 120 acres of land, and the purchasers will make good money out of it too. A. W. STEEN has bought forty acres of O. L. FOSS eight miles east of Blaine, and Mr. FOSS has moved down to Blaine to live, having bought a residence site in Steen's addition. Blaine is glad to receive such men as Mr. FOSS to her citizenship. Mr. Jas. BUCHANAN started for Seattle to buy furniture for his new Golden Gate Hotel, but found he could do better nearer home, so he purchased his goods of C. G. COLE, of Whatcom, a Journal advertiser, and saved money and time. L. W. DAVID, recently from Chicago, has bought Mr. McELMON's jewelry business and is fitting up with a fine line of goods in McELMON's building on Washington avenue. The south store room Mr. DAVID will have filled with pianos, organs and sewing-machines, which he will carry in addition to his jewelry business. We are informed that the PERLEY Brothers have purchased the HAMLEY homestead three miles east of Blaine, together with its excellent water privileges, and will turn the water privileges over to a company which it is proposed to form, to put in a powerful system of water works for Blaine, through a reservoir of supply and pipe system. HELLER & McGREGOR's pile driver arrived in Blaine Monday and on Wednesday morning commenced driving piles for D. S. MILLER's wharf, which they are under contract to finish in sixty days. Mr. McGREGOR, informs us that he will have two pile-drivers at work soon, and also build on ocean dock for CAIN's wharf 50x200 in size. COLLINS & KINGHORN's driver also came in at the same time, and has commenced work on the KINGSLEY wharf which they are under contract to finish in thirty days.
Finance committee - G. A. R., S. P. HUGHES, chairman; C. C. SMITH and M. ROSBRUGH. Women's Relief Corps, Mrs. S. P. HUGHES, Mrs. Ann BOND and Mrs. Geo. DAVIES. Citizens, B. N. KINGSLEY, F. B. THOMAS, E. S. CLARK. Location Committee - Mrs. S. P. HUGHES, Mrs. Dr. KING, Mrs. Mary MILHOLLIN. It is proposed to at once take the necessary steps to establish a first-class hospital on a broad and practical plan, and the necessity for it is now seriously felt. This ought to be the work of the whole community, and the whole community will undoubtedly take hold and help the cause along. While the Grand Army will have exclusive charge of the institution it will be for the benefit of the whole community, and we hope it will be hurried through to completion. The City Laundry, on Fourth street, near the M. E. church, has lately increased its facilities, and is now prepared to turn out fine work, under the management of Mr. J. BURNLEY. In the case of John ELWOOD vs. Mr. BOLE for the possession of the townsite of Blaine, B. C., the court did not confirm the title of Mr. BOLE, as we copied from a New Westminster paper, but has the case under consideration. The court, however, does make good the deeds of purchasers, and has charge of the proceeds of sales, until the case is settled. Thursday, May 1, 1890: McDONALD Bros. are putting up a building on the Blaine wharf. Mr. GLENN is building a house near the corner of B and First streets. J. S. JOHNSON is putting up a business building near the corner of E and Third streets. J. WAGNER is building a two-story business building 25x50 on Harrison avenue. C. K. JENNER and wife of Seattle have been interested visitors to Blaine during the past week. Jas. and Will. PLASTER, lately from Duluth, Minn., are building a residence on B street near First. Wm. RADCLIFFE is building him a residence near the corner of Third street and Rue International. G. W. BOWEN, who owns a fine farm near Lynden, has been in Blaine this week. He will sell out and come here to live. The household of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. WILSON was blessed Monday morning, April 28th, 1890, by the arrival of an eleven-pound boy. Mr. C. G. SLAYTON will build a large brick business building on Martin street east of the gulch. This makes the fourth proposed brick structure for Blaine this season. Mr. E. G. GARNER, from Crown Point, Ind., has taken up his residence in Blaine. William and Robert BROWN are putting up a store building on Harrison avenue near Alder street. Harrison avenue has been opened through the KINGSLEY place to the water front. Now it is a handsome street and as it will come out at the shore end of their new wharf they hope to make a good business street of it. W. M. JOHNSON, of Seattle, has been in Blaine during this week. He arrived in Whatcom last Friday and came through overland by Mr. FOX's team. He says the Fairhaven & Southern has established camps several miles this side of Ferndale, and has a store in that village, and lively work is being done. The surveying crew of the Drayton, Lynden & Spokane railroad company came in Tuesday and will camp over under the Drayton Heights. There were eleven men in the party, and they were under the charge of Chief Engineer Geo. A. KLINE, lately from Milwaukee and St. Paul. They will push the survey forward with expedition. We have seen the plans and elevations of the RUTLEDGE block, which is located at the corner of E and Washington avenue, and it is a beauty. Three stories with a high basement underneath and a handsome observatory at the corner making an excellent view from the top of it and also making the corner elegant and substantial. CAMPBELL & EVA are the builders and MELVILLE & FABIAN the architects. One of the best improvements we have heard of in the past week is the building of a bridge across the mouth of Campbell creek between Blaine and White Rock City, to be built by Walter GERBRICH. This bridge will afford a nice drive way from Blaine to White Rock City, and will be extensively patronized by the public. This removes every obstacle to the making of Blaine, B. C. or White Rock City a convenient place to transfer passengers from one side to the other. Now for a postoffice either at Blaine, B. C., or at White Rock City, or at both. The work of building the Fairhaven & Southern railroad through Blaine has commenced in earnest. The sub-contractors, OTTSEN & Co., established a camp Tuesday on Boblett street near the residence of Mr. J. WEST, and to-day are actively engaged in slashing out the right-of-way one hundred feet wide. They have the contract for slashing and grading one mile, commencing at the international boundary and working south, and expect to have the work finished and ready for the ties and iron in about sixty days. They have already made quite an opening in the timber south of Boblett street.
L. JOHNSON was elected secretary for the meeting. The committee for soliciting funds reported thirteen lots secured. The committee report was accepted and the committee continued. The committee on membership reported that they had found twenty who would join. The report was received, the committee continued and enlarged to nine members. In connection with the report of the committee on correspondence an interesting letter was read from Secretary Carter of the Seattle association and then the constitution of the national Y. M. C. A. committee was read. When the meeting adjourned, next Tuesday evening, May 6th at 8 o'clock was set for the next meeting, when it is expected that a membership of fifty will be reported, and other interesting information given. Any young men in Blaine who will join the association are invited to hand in their names to the Journal office, or to give them to any member of the membership committee. The prospect is that Blaine will soon have a strong association with a first class building of its own in which to meet and establish its reading room and gymnasium. No place on the Sound is attracting any more attention just at the present than the town of Blaine. This place is sure to become a town of considerable importance. Favorably situated, with one of the best agricultural sections back of it of any in the state, fine harbor, soon to have at least one railroad, perhaps two, this place seems to have foundation to it. The present activity here, we think, is not so much the result of tremendous effort on the part of a few real estate men to boom the town at all hazards, but because of the honest conviction on the part of the people that Blaine is to be one of the important Sound towns. We like the principal on which they are building. They are bidding for good, honest and upright citizens. To such they offer special inducements. The saloon and its elements is not invited nor wanted. This is about the only town on the Sound in which the saloon has not rushed in and thrown out at every street corner its miserable sign. While this town is enjoying a phenomenal growth, the saloon element has constituted no part of it. Should any one desire further information in regard to Blaine, Bros. CAIN, BOBLETT or WARREN will be glad to furnish it. -Seattle District Journal. On an invitation of several Baptists in Blaine and vicinity Rev. A. B. BANKS, of Tacoma, president of the state Baptist association, and Rev. E. G. WHEELER, general Sunday-school missionary for Oregon, Washington and Idaho, came to this place last Sunday and organized a Baptist church and Sunday-school. The meeting was held in the blue front building near the International hotel and twelve names were handed in as members of the church. Mr. BANKS, coming unannounced did not preach a sermon, but made a few pleasant remarks and read the church rules and government, which were subscribed to by the members who then received the hand of fellowship from Messrs, WHEELER and BANKS. The officers of the church elected J. T. RADCLIFFE, secretary and J. W. DORR deacon. A Sunday school was then organized by Mr. WHEELER, with J. W. DORR as superintendent, J. RADCLIFFE assistant, Miss Alice LIVINGSTONE secretary and Mrs. M. L. DORR Treasurer. The school will be opened next Sunday, May 4th, in the blue front at the corner of C and Washington ave., at 2 p. m., and all the children are invited. The lesson for next Sunday commences at Luke 8, 41 and concludes the chapter. Children and teachers are requested to bring Bibles. Liman J. KENYON, a late arrival in Blaine, is building a house near the east end of Boblett street. W. L. CHURCH, jun., and wife of Dungeness, are this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. GILLLESPIE. Miss Nellie CHAPMAN, late of Crown Point, Indiana, arrived in Blaine last Friday to make her future home. Last Friday J. H. ROBERTSON, wife and two children from Crown Pt., Indiana, arrived in Blaine. Mr. ROBERTSON is a brother of Frank ROBERTSON. Yesterday, Drs. VANZANT and REEVES amputated Mr. E. ACHILLES' left leg just above the ankle, as an old sore upon his foot seemed to be shattering his whole constitution. The operation was successfully done, and to-day Mr. ACHILLES is reported resting easy. Duncan McKINNON and J. R. STOCKWELL are building near the corner of D street and Washington avenue a hotel building 24x50 two stories. H. B. STRAND, of Sehome, has this week procured large property interests in Blaine centering on C street and Washington avenue. In a few days he will commence active operations there, laying out streets, building sidewalks, etc. The C street wharf will be completed, and a sawmill will be placed on the foundation out near deep water. This is good news for the International City, as Mr. STRAND is an active man wherever he goes, and will add to the business progress of the place. Mr. F. L. ROBERTSON is just completing at the corner of Cherry street and Harrison avenue a fine business building. It contains an elegant store room below 24x50 in size, and back of this are living rooms 34x24, both in first and second story. In the front part of the building on the second floor are three rooms, intended for business purposes. The building is well furnished and a credit to that part of the city.
Journal Supplement
W. W. WINGER is building a store building between Third and Fourth on Martin
MOUNCE Bros., are putting up a business building at the corner of Third and Martin streets. W. J. GILLESPIE's store building between Third and Washington avenue is about completed. CARNICLE Bros. are constructing a double office building 24x40 near the corner of H and Washington avenue. HOLLAND & McFARLAND have just completed them a real estate office at the corner of H and Washington avenue.
On Saturday the bride and groom came to Blaine and took up their residence in their new home east of town and in the evening the Blaine Cornet band went out and tendered them a serenade which was gracefully responded to by the new couple. The Journal extends congratulations and kind wishes for future happiness to Mr. and Mrs. BUNBURY. J. R. MILLER and Hale SMITH are preparing to build a livery stable 24x60 on Harrison avenue between Cherry and Boblett streets. Rev. J. WICHER and wife, from North Canyonville, Oregon, arrived in Blaine by the steamer Brick to-day. HARRIS & STODDART have opened a Cheapside establishment in a large tent near the International hotel where can be found a large stock of jewelry, clocks, watches, notions, boots and shoes and other goods which can be bought at low prices. The carpenters and joiners of Blaine met last Friday evening, as per announcement, W. DORWARD in the chair, G. H. WEST, secretary, and organized a union, with C. J. McGUIRE, president; A. GILFILLAN, vice-president; J. W. KELLER financial secretary; Charles POPPLE, treasurer; A. T. HAZELTINE preceptor; H. B. POTTER, conductor, and J. E. MITCHELL, warden. There were 26 members enrolled,and a charter has been sent for, which is expected to arrive in a short time. J. W. HOLLINGSHEAD has commenced the construction of what is the largest building in Blaine at present on the corner of Washington avenue and Clark street. It is to be 60x100 in size, with three stories in front and four stories in the rear. It will loom up in great shape when completed. Thursday, May 8, 1890: Mrs. B. N. KINGSLEY is visiting with her sister in Astoria, Oregon. Wm. BAIRD and John MERRIT have just finished a cottage on H street. Mrs. M. H. UPSON is visiting her daughter, Mrs. STEWART in Sumner. Mr. J. H. HASELTINE is building a business house at the foot of G street on the water front. H. F. BROWN has lately taken into partnership Mr. H. FOX in his drug business. Mr. FOX is lately from Nebraska. Will and Harry FOX, Hardware dealers late from Platt Center, Nebraska, have taken up their residence in Blaine. F. F. FOSTER is building himself a cottage on Fourth street near Steen street. His family will soon arrive from Seattle and occupy it. DUNN & DAVIES have sold out their hardware business to Terance MARTIN, lately from Fargo, Dakota, who will continue the business. F. W. SCOTT, who was in Blaine last February, returned last week and has opened the New York Raquet store in the post-office building. Mr. J. McCLANAHAN is now running a regular tri-weekly stage between Blaine and Lynden. A large number of people travel that route lately. Mrs. Minda ROBINSON, of Custer, well known in Blaine, has gone on an extended visit east, but her friends hope not to make her home there. Mrs. A. M. BLUE and her sister, Mrs. E. ROBERTS, both from Panora, Iowa, and sisters of E. A. BOBLETT, arrived in Blaine last Sunday to permanently reside. W. L. CUSACK, a traveling man from Victoria, was run over and killed by the cars in New Westminster last Thursday. His death was the result of his persistently boarding trains while in motion, against the repeated warnings of his friends. Messrs George REYNOLDS and John GALBRAITH, financiers, from Panora, Iowa, were visitors to Blaine during the past week, having come here to see the International City and their old friends Ed. ROBERTS and H. F. BROWN. J. D. WALKER is building a summer house on his lots in the Miller Park addition. W. H. PINCKNEY is putting in a foundation for a building 24x100 on the E street wharf. Mr. H. LOOMIS has built himself a cottage on B street and has moved in to it with his family. B. N. KINGSLEY is putting up a real estate office at the corner of Kingsley avenue and Harrison street. It is reported that a sawmill and a brewery will be constructed at the mouth of California creek this summer. BAKER & LORING are building a real estate office at Drayton, and Mrs. C. M. MALTBY is putting up a lodging house. O. D. McDONALD was elected at Ellensburg an alternate to the national G. A. R. encampment to be held in Boston this summer. BROWN & FOX have commenced the construction on Washington avenue opposite their present store of a store building 20x40 two stories. Dr. C. E. FOWLER has permanently located in Blaine, and opened his dental parlors in the basement below the postoffice, where he will give attention to all who desire his services. Fourteen members of the LOOMIS family met at the residence of H. LOOMIS in Blaine last Sunday, which was the most of the name who have been together for thirty years. The engineers of the Drayton, Lynden & Spokane Falls railroad have been sounding the channel this week, and laying out wharves for their yards, etc. on the south side of the harbor. John F. STAINTON has purchased the blacksmith shop at the foot of D street which he has enlarged, and is now prepared to do all kinds of work in his line neatly and quickly. HOLLAND & McFARLAND have reserved a block on their water front near the mouth of Dakota creek for a sash, door and blind factory which it is expected will be placed upon it by Tacoma parties. Wm. H. RADCLIFFE has forwarded his bond to U. S. Marshal BROWN of Tacoma, who will in a few days appoint him deputy U. S. marshal with his headquarters in Blaine. Mr. RADCLIFFE has also been appointed constable for Blaine precinct, and is now better prepared to deal with law-breakers, having the authority of the county so to do. Mr. J. H. HAWTHORNTHWAIT has bought 180 acres more water front adjoining White Rock City. Mr. HAWTHORNTHWAIT was here investigating his holdings early this week and while here his company let the contract for slashing eighty acres of their land adjoining Blaine, B. C. We learn, that it is their intention also to put out a wharf near the white rock.
The prospect is that the sale of stamps for the present quarter will reach $525. There were during the month of April $158.90 worth of stamps sold, while for the previous month the sales were $57 less. In April 1889, only $35.90 worth were sold. Besides the stamps sold there were during last month 156 registered letters sent, and probably as many postal notes issued. It is expected that the money order service will begin in a few days and soon the office will be supplied with new fittings more in keeping with the enormous business of the International City. Postmaster BARNES will do his best to meet every demand of the public for convenient service in the office, and will endeavor to keep fully up with the progress of the city.
Blaine, Wash., May 8, 1890.
The general public is hereby notified that I have bought the interest of
G. R. STOCKWELL in the new hotel building now being erected near the intersection
of D street and Washington avenue, in the town of Blaine, and the sole
proprietary interest is now vested in myself.Duncan McKINNON. A man named NESTER is putting up a store building on E street. CAIN Brothers will at once double the size of their building at Fourth and E. We took a stroll over to the new brick yard of SLAYTON & HARVEY on Martin street Tuesday, and found them just commencing operations with their new machine from the Adrain, Mich., factory. They have a fine plant, and it is well worth a visit from one who has never seen such work done before. The machinery is run by a 25 horse power engine, which is kept in steam by a forty-horse boiler. Water is secured from a pond and from a new sixty-foot well. The clay is ground between rollers and fed to the machine which cuts it up with knives and runs it out a steady stream of properly tempered clay upon the cutting machine, which then divides it into brick of proper size. Yesterday a full force of fifteen men were rushing things, and huge ricks of brick were beginning to appear on the yard, which is a level piece of ground containing eight city lots. The big machine was spouting brick like a huge sausage grinder and everything presented an active appearance. O. B. MILLION is foreman of the yard and W. H. SHAFFNER engineer. It is expected to have a large kiln of brick burned by the first of June.
In the fourth month of 1889 there were sent from the Blaine office 247 messages, at a cost to the senders of $80.89. In 1890 during the last month (April) there were forwarded 90 messages per day, or 1406 messages in all, at a cost of something over $500. So it will be seen that while Blaine in advancing in everything else it is also reaching ahead in the telegraph business until it is becoming one of the important points along the line. Operator HARKNESS informs us that the company will here-after keep a regular line repairer stationed here, and the office service will be kept first class, with a boy to deliver messages to all parts of the city. Thursday, May 15, 1890: Dr. W. A. KING has commenced the construction of his new residence on Fourth street. Misses Winnie and Josie DORR, of Wiser Lake, are visiting their cousin Kate DORR, of Blaine. N. V. WICKERSHAM, of Park, has been in Blaine this week looking over his property interests. Mrs. M. A. UPSON has returned home from Sumner, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Wm. STEWART. Miss Hattie SHAW, accompanied by her brother Freddie, came over to Blaine on the Lynden stage yesterday. D. R. McELMON spent Sunday in Vancouver visiting his children, who are now attending school in that city. Mrs. A. ROSS, of Lynden, came to Blaine the last of last week to take up her residence here. Mr. ROSS is largely interested here. W. A. O'BAR, of Port Townsend, has been in Blaine this week and has made arrangements while here to have a building put up on his Washington avenue lots. The Puget Mill Co.'s steamer, Goliah, came in early Monday morning with a large tow of lumber for the E street wharf, and a large force of men is now at work laying down the planking. W. H. RADCLIFFE has filed a contest upon the GOODNOWE land, which lies in a strip east from Third street along the International boundary line for a mile, and then has an ell of eighty acres. Mr. RADCLIFFE thinks he has a good prospect of winning his case. BLAINE'S FIRST CITY ELECTION
Mrs. J. C. TOMLINSON arrived in Blaine last Friday from Tacoma. MILLER & LEWIS have just finished a store building aat the foot of Steen street on the Clark Investment Co.'s tract. The Y.M.C.A. held a meeting last evening and decided to hold regular devotional exercises every Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian tabernacle on G street, commencing with next Sunday at 3 p. m. DORWARD & CENTER have commenced the construction on the corner of F and Third streets of a first class laundry, which will be run on scientific and mechanical principle. The building will be three stories and 24x50 in size. Our readers have noticed ere this that Dr. E. A. REEVES has taken a partner in his medical practice. Dr. E. W. BURKE, a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Keokuk, Iowa, is the man, and his services will be a valuable acquisition to Blaine. He is a young man, and comes among us to make a permanent home.
A Sunday school will be organized at the Tabernacle at 10 o'clock next Sunday morning. We have just received a large supply of Sunday school literature and shall have a live and paper for every scholar every Sunday. The young people of Blaine between the age of three and eighty-three are cordially invited to unite with and take part in the school. The subject of next Sunday's lesson is, "Feeding the Multitude." J. A. STAYT Robt. GARDINER, of Seattle, is looking after his Blaine interests this week. The Blaine carpenters adopted the nine-hour system this morning. Blaine will have three transcontinental railroad before eighteen months rolls around. Wm. HARRISON for being drunk and disorderly was fined $5 and costs by Justice WEST. Miss Anna MORRISON, late of Nebraska, arrived in Blaine this week to make her future home. D. R. McELMON and J. McLEAN have both been appointed notaries public for British Columbia. Capt. John IRVING, president of the C. P. N. Co., has bought a large tract of land at White Rock City, B. C. Last Sunday the Congregational church was organized in Blaine with 18 members, C. H. STOLTENBURG, Deacon and Thos. SAVINGS, J. D. A Sunday school was organized with Miss Day BUTLER as Superintendent. Services were held as per announcement in last week's Journal, and will be held regularly hereafter. Thursday, May 22, 1890: N. L. ACKLES is building a residence on Garfield street. Frank McCALL is building a new cottage on Steen street. Miss Mary BROWN, of Hall's Prairie is very low with Pneumonia. Mr. UPSON is building a store 24 1/2 x 60 two stories on Harrison avenue. Richard PARR has lately made extensive improvements on his Custer farm. The Blaine jail has been full of drunk and disorderlies this week. J. A. MARTIN is moving into his new store at the corner of Harrison and Martin streets. A. W. STEEN now has a fine delivery wagon running for his store with Allen HARVEY as driver. Mrs. L. W. DAVID, wife of our enterprising jeweler, arrived in Blaine this week from the east. The Blaine physicians have adapted the fee bill of the Whatcom County Medical association. J. P. OHLSON is building a store 24x40, two stories, near the corner of Harrison and Cherry streets. Chas. HAHNEMAN is building a neat meat shop at the corner of H street & Washington avenue. JENKINS & FIGAT are putting up a residence building between C and D streets near Washington avenue. W. H. NEWMAN and wife, of Seattle, have been on a visit to Jas. WEBSTER this week and speak well of Blaine and its future. Geo. PIPER, a Seattle journalist, is investigating the International City and visiting his friend Senator Thos. PAINE. L. H. CARVER, C. E. arrived in Blaine yesterday and is now platting the Birch Bay townsite. He has been in the employ of the U. P. Mrs. CARVER accompanies him. G. J. KAUDY & Co. are doing an extensive business in the manufacture of store and office fixtures at the foot of G street. The appearance of the jail yard is being much improved by the chain gang with is employed clearing it up and sawing wood. Contractor McCLELLAND has opened Martin street clear through to the old Hall''s Prairie road. The drive way of the bridge near the brick yard is completed, and the graded street presents a fine appearance. John PFEIFFER has been in Blaine this week from Sehome. He could not find his F street property until piloted to it by a friend, among the many new buildings which have sprung up since his last visit. Mr. A. L. SMITH has returned from his extended visit to Wis. He was accompanied by his daughters, Mrs. A. DOUGLAS and Miss Marietta SMITH. He has lost none of his faith in Blaine by his long visit away. DORWARD & SENTER have got their steam laundry about completed and expect the machinery to arrive almost any day. Mr. J. A. DOWARD (sic) and family came in to day and he will have charge of the new institution. During the past week or two the contract has been let for slashing off the whole front of the Drayton townsite. The several buildings going up there are beginning to loom up very prominently and things promise to hum there in a few weeks. The Knights of Pythias held a meeting last evening and completed their organization. One week from Saturday W. D. JENKINS, of Whatcom, will be here and install the officers of the new lodge, and there will also be a supper the same evening. Friday morning we noticed that a pile driver is at work on the new Birch Bay wharf, and has already two or three hundred feet of piles driven. The telegraph poles are also set for the line to that point, and things are fast shaping themselves for the establishment of a city there. While Mr. J. J. RUTLEDGE was inspecting the basement of his new three story building yesterday, came near receiving a serious injury. A brick fell from the top of the building and came near striking him on the head. He would undoubtedly have been killed had it struck him. Blaine's freight business has steadily grown from about 75 tons per week received during the winter until it has now reached the amount of 212 tons for the week ending May 17. Mr. QUIRT informs us that the business had steadily increased and the prospect is that it will continue to do so. The new city council met Monday evening to discuss the future programme of public work, and to partially prepare for future meetings. Mr. S. P. HUGHES has gone to Olympia for the charter of incorporation and is expected back this evening, when another meeting will probably be held.
A meeting was called rather suddenly last evening for further steps for a
board of trade. However, there was a good attendance in Masonic hall, and
the utmost good feeling displayed. Pleasant speeches were made by Messrs.
-James SMITH cut his foot quite badly a few days ago while working in the tie camp, but is able to cook again. -W. H. GILBERT has traded his horse team for oxen. Mr. Lyle HICKS, of Custer, has added a fine five-acre field to his already quite extensive clearing since our previous visit to Custer. Mr. C. H. SHANK started to Lynden Sunday morning with a small buggy. When about half way there the horse kicked the dash-board out of the buggy and kicked Mr. SHANK in the breast, bruising him up somewhat. He resigned and walked the rest of the way leaving the horse to meditate in a farmer's barn. Last Thursday as the stage team of Mr. Thos, WHITE, driven by his brother Alfred, was preparing to leave the ferry boat at Westminster, the ferryman required that they be backed off and in trying to do so they became excited and fell overboard into the river and were drowned. The team was valued at $450. Mr. WHITE thinks the city of New Westminster will pay the loss. James WEBSTER has progressed nicely with his oatmeal mill enterprise. A site has been secured of A. N. CORNISH on Dakota creek and others promise to subscribe liberally to the institution. Mr. WEBSTER will go to Tacoma and other points Saturday and arrange plans for the new mill, and when he returns active operation will be begun. The people of Blaine should receive this new enterprise with generosity. It will be one of the best institutions for Blaine that could be secured. Fairhaven & Southern officials promise the people of Ferndale that they shall have an opportunity on the Fourth of July to ride from that village to Fairhaven on the construction train. The draw pier is about in at the crossing of the Nooksack at that point, and dirt is being thrown up on both sides of the river. Men are working on nearly every mile between that point and Blaine, a large camp being located at Custer. Ties are piled up along the right-of way, and good progress is being made.
-Mr. and Mrs. RICHARDSON from east of the river, and in Mountain View looking for a place to locate. -Rev. KINDRED went to East Sound Saturday at attend quarterly meeting. -Mrs. TRIP, Rev. WELL's sister, was severely bruised from being thrown from a wagon on her way to church. -The infant son of Charlie and Maggie BATSTONE was buried Monday May 5th, in our cemetery.
The engineers of the Drayton, Lynden & Spokane railroad have moved several miles farther east, and are now at the LOOMIS homestead. We are informed that the present survey is the permanent location of the road and the contracts will be let in a few days for the construction of the whole line from this harbor to Lynden, and that cars will be running before close of the year. Lynden has raised a bonus of $45,000 for the road. The depot grounds have been selected in that city, and lively times are expected all along the line. Thursday, May 29, 1890: Dr. G. D. DEMENT is building an addition on his residence. Mr. GILDAY is building himself a residence on Fourth avenue. F. W. STEVENS is constructing a boarding house at Adelia and Harrison. ALLEN & ALEXANDER have constructed a good sized business building on Martin street. Mrs. W. L. FOX and little son arrived on the Sehome Tuesday, to join her husband here. J. WIFFLER is having constructed on Boblett street, Millar's tract, a business building 24x50 two stories. Henry C. CARRIG, of Platte Centre, Neb., has arrived in Blaine, and will probably locate here permanently. Mrs. Susan TOMBS and her daughter Hester were dangerously burned with coal oil in Whatcom Monday morning. The seventh annual reunion of the Washington Pioneer Association will be held in Seattle on June 3d and 9th, 1890. J. F. PETERSON, of Seattle, has just commenced the construction of a business building on Martin street, 25x50, two stories. A. H. PRATT, representing the Puget Mill Co., has been a visitor to Blaine this week. This city has been a large customer of his company this season. Mr. FARMER and family have just arrived in Blaine from Bay City, Michigan. Mrs. FARMER is quite ill. They live near the corner of Steen and Blaine streets. Mr. W. E. COLLINS, who is building the KINGSLEY wharf, had the misfortune to fall from a scaffold last Saturday and shatter his wrist. Dr. CLARK reduced the fracture, and Mr. COLLINS went to Whatcom the next day. Frank ROBERTSON is building him a residence on Harrison avenue. Mr. J. GARDNER is building a residence at Drayton. G. W. HUNT is building a house near the corner of F and Fifth streets. GRESHAM & WORRELL, the clothing men, are putting up a store building on Washington avenue 24x50 two stories. G. W. SIVYER has commenced near the corner of Martin and Blaine streets the construction of a business building three stories 24x48. CONRAD & CRANDAL are building an opera house near the corner of Washington avenue and Martin streets, which they intend to fit up in good style. O. P. PERLEY, from Broken Bow, Neb., is visiting his cousins George and Charles PERLEY, of Blaine, and may remain in the International City some time. G. W. CLARK and wife, from Lynn, Mass., via. San Francisco, arrived in Blaine by the steamer Sehome Tuesday. Mr. CLARK was more than satisfied with Blaine's progress. Jas. M. HOLLAND has been appointed agent in Blaine for the Northern Pacific railroad, thus giving Blaine even advantages with other places in securing traveling privileges. D. S. MILLER has a force of men at work grubbing out and preparing to grade Cherry street. His wharf which leads up to that street, is nearing completion and will make an important street of it. J. B. SMITH and daughter late of Bay county, Michigan, arrived in Blaine this week to make their home. Mr. SMITH acknowledged that he was astonished and pleased to find so important and promising city as Blaine. Yesterday morning a huge white seal was seen floating on a log far out in Semiahmoo bay. While the people were observing him with their glasses he slid off into the water and disappeared. The E street wharf has been re-planked from one end to the other, and yesterday morning the Collins pile driver commenced putting in the dock, which it has been decided to make three hundred feet front instead of two hundred. Piles nearly sixty feet long are required for the front of the wharf. Whatcom, May 25. - Alexander McCOSH and Mrs. Frank WINANS were drowned to-day at noon by the capsizing of a Lake Whatcom pleasure boat. F. DRAKE and wife were saved by the steamer Geneva. The party dropped an oar and upset the boat in trying to pick it up. McCOSH and Mrs. WINANS went down in fifty feet of water and dragging has failed to find the bodies yet. Mrs. WINANS' husband is now on the way to San Francisco and doesn't know of the disaster. McCOSH leaves a wife and three children in Dakota. The Washington Transfer company commenced clearing lots this morning at the corner of F and Third streets, upon which they will build a stable 50x70. Pupils in the Blaine schools are sitting three in a seat, there are pupils enough for four teachers to attend to, the windows are broken out, the outhouses need attention. Blaine needs a new school building. None of the Blaine school trustees have any children to send to school and one of them is in an eastern state. The whole board seems to have lost interest in the matter, and a large number of people in Blaine the same, and still they expect civilized people to come to Blaine to make a home. Yesterday Dan McKELLER and BAIRD took to saddle and went out to where construction work is progressing on the railway between here and New Westminster. They found 300 men at work. The grade is finished to within four miles of Blaine, and the slashers are now camped a mile and a half north of Blaine, and working rapidly this way. The graders are blowing stumps clear over the tops of the surrounding forest. It is a strange coincidence that both ships loaded with iron for the railroad north from Blaine have put into the Falkland islands, off the east coast of Patigonia for repairs. They are expected to arrive in good season however. W. J. GILLESPIE has just commenced the construction on the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street of a three -story, 45x60 building which will contain two stores on the lower floor, nine offices on the second floor and a hall 45x45 and two ante-rooms on the third story. Yesterday Master Willie WOLTEN was drawing his little sister and cousin in a small wagon on the E street wharf. The wagon ran too near the edge, and by some movement of the children was tipped over and both the little ones fell off the wharf. The cousin struck on her side and was little injured, but the other little one went into the mud up to her neck, and as the Irishman said, was "in head first." As soon as the other little girl saw the predicament of her cousin she seized the child by the dress and pulled her out of the mud though not till the other was nearly smothered to death. They will travel not quite so near the edge next time.
Thursday, June 5, 1890: Hary (sic) DARCEY is fitting up a bath house just west of the sawmill on E street. PASSAGE & WOOD are building a laundry on H street near the M. E. church. C. H. NORTON has returned to Blaine from Salinas City, for a two month's stay. P. MAXWELL is fitting up the building formerly occupied by GEE's meat market, on Washington avenue, for a shoe shop. Mr. McCAULEY dedicated his hotel on Decoration day, by putting up a neat sign and naming it the "Garfield House." Mr. J. F. STAYTON has enlarged his black-smith shop to 24x32 which gives him more room in which to conduct his growing business. Mr. TODD, formerly clerk of the International hotel, has returned from a trip to Kansas city and will probably go into the boot and shoe business here. Mr. H. O. WARD, lately editor of the Goodrich Sentinel, of Lynn county, Kansas, has joined the Journal force, and will make Blaine his future home. Rev. Dr. MALLORY, of Nebraska, father of Mrs. Dr. REEVES arrived in Blaine Tuesday. He thinks of locating here. He will preach in the M. E. church Sunday evening. The venerable Geo. W. FLEMING, of Vancouver, B. C. has been visiting his son-in-law, D. R. McELMON this week. He is quite surprised at the many changes in Blaine since his last visit. There will be a meeting of Oddfellows at the real estate office of BRITTAIN & ADAMS on Saturday evening next at 7:30 o'clock. All Oddfellows are requested to attend. A Lodge is about to be organized. Thursday will be their regular meeting night. Last week the Blaine grammarschool under care of Miss Carrie HAMMOND, moved out into the street with a prospect of having to take up quarters under one of the bridges or in the woods. However the Presbyterians came to the rescue, and this week school is going forward in the tabernacle. What has become of the project to construct a new building for our schools? Our friend A. WARREN Proprietor of the Central Blaine addition had his heart made glad by the arrival of several of his friends who are now guests with him at the Washington Hotel, among whom are two nephews, Professor Geo. S. HOPKINS late in charge of the Commercial department of the Olympian Collegiate Institute. And C. A. RONDLE of a furniture house in the East.
Last Saturday night International Lodge No. 57, K. of P. was organized in
Blaine. Among the organizers were:
James BARNES, P. M. Thursday, June 12, 1890: Mr. WOOD is building him a small house on Alder street. The poles for the Electric lights have been strung along the streets. Ed EVANS is having a two-story residence constructed on Blaine street. Work was commenced yesterday on the M. E. parsonage, corner of G and Fourth street. Mr. GILFILLAN is building himself a nice two-story residence between Third and B streets. J. M. HARVEY is building a neat 1 1/2 story residence at the corner of Boblett and Blaine streets. Mr. EVA has commenced work on the Episcopal rectory at the corner of Fourth and D streets. BOTTOMS & LARSEN have put them up a carpenter shop near the corner of Fourth and E Streets. W. H. HOTCHKISS has purchased the Queen Chop house of Mr. MILLER, and is giving good satisfaction. GILFILLAN & POPPLE have bought out the Anacortes lumber yards and the same will at once be moved to Blaine. Rev. O. E. OLANDER, of LaConner, will preach in the M. E. Church in Blaine Monday evening next at 7:30. Mr. E. B. FRUM, who has been acting for some time as foreman for GILFILLAN & POPPLE, has gone to Oregon to visit his family. Messrs. ROGERS and BIDWELL of Broken Bow, Nebraska, arrived in Blaine this week, and will probably make this their future home. The funeral services of little Mabel HARVEY will be held at the Free Methodist chapel next sabbath, June 15 at 11 o'clock a. m. While lifting a heavy box of books last week, N. A. CORNISH very severely wrenched himself, and has since been confined to his room. Geo. W. CAIN has been in Seattle the past few days, on a business trip. He says the city has nearly recovered from the fire of a year ago. Foundations are being laid on Blaine avenue near Boblett street, for the new Free Methodist church, which will be a building 30x50 in size. Marshall RADCLIFFE scooped in two or three drunks Monday, and they will spend a few of these balmy June-time days fixing up our streets. Wm. BENNET is having constructed, near Third and Boblett streets, a building 22x30 two-stories, which he will use for a blacksmith shop. He will also put up a residence near by. Several bears have been seen around Blaine, lately. They ought to be caged. H. M. BYERLY, of Fairhaven is in the city trying to corral a contract for street grading. Harry YAGER and W. N. MEARS of the Northern Pacific railroad came in on the Sehome to-day. BORN - In Blaine, Friday, June 6th, at 12 p. m., to Capt. A. M. ROBEY and Josephene C. ROBEY, his wife, a son. Mother and boy are doing well. Whatcom county has another new paper, the Nooksack Reporter. It is fully up to the city it represents in appearance and we hope it will live many years. L. WALKER is the publisher. John KALLSON and George SHAY gave a dance last Friday night at the school house in Semiahmoo. It was attended by the young folks from Ferndale, Birch Bay, Point Roberts and Blaine. A pleasant time is reported. F. A. PRIESTER, of Chicago, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, B. H. BURNS [BRUNS?] of Birch Bay, has returned to his eastern home. Supervisor JENKINS has received word from Washington that Senator SQUIRE has induced the census department to raise the fee of enumerators to three cents per capita instead of two as heretofore allowed. GRESHAM & WORRELL have moved into their new store building on Washington avenue, near the bridge, and are now ready to clothe every male inhabitant in Whatcom county. See them before the census taker sees you. The Semiahmoo Indians recognize the ring found on the body washed ashore at Point Roberts last week, as one belonging to Louise, a daughter of Old Joe, who with her husband, August, was drowned last fall, while crossing Semiahmoo bay. Mr. S. WADE has about completed his new residence on the Drayton side. He has just had forty acres slashed over there, and has made quite an opening in the woods. Messrs. DEXTER & KAGEY have also done considerate slashing lately on their property. James PARK, owner of the ELWOOD sawmill, came to Blaine Sunday, to look after his interests here. He says it is his intention to refit the old mill and make a first-class establishment of it. Mr. PARK is owner of a large amount of fine property in this neighborhood, and has unlimited faith in the future of our city. FISHER & BERRY, the architects, have just completed plans for a neat residence for W. R. COHOON. The building will be located near Fourth on H street, and will be an ornament to that locality. It will be a nine room cottage, 1 1/2 stories, with dormer windows and an attic, and will have an elegant appearance. The Sons of Veterans will meet at the school house to-night for the purpose of organizing. All sons are urgently requested to be present. Dan McKELLAR and Mr. CORNISH returned overland yesterday from a trip to the Bay. Dan brought his thorough bred cochin-china trotting horse back with him. We have been informed that as soon as the electric light plant is in operation, so that the parties can get power, if practicable, a corset factory will be started in Blaine. Assistant Postmaster General CLARKSON will be in Blaine in a few days. He established a new post-office at Saxon Baker precinct. Mr. CLARKSON is a relative of James and John MILHOLLIN. Citizens of Blaine should turn out Tuesday evening next and attend the meeting at the school house, for the purpose of organizing a cemetery association, which has never been done. Plats will be at the meeting. Reserved seats for the opening of the new opera house are on sale at BARNES & CO's drug store, at $1.00 each. We hope that our citizens will appreciate the efforts of Messrs. CONRAD & CRANDLE to furnish them with a suitable place of entertainment and patronize the opening performances accordingly. Blaine now has four brick yards in active operation. We visited KENNEDY & BUCKLIN's yard, Tuesday and they were making some excellent brick with first class clay, mixed with sand, thus making a hard durable article. They employ nine men and have just burned a kiln of 100,000, and are building another. Mr. SHAW, close by, also has about six men employed, and is turning out a good article. Thos. BUNBERY has four men at work, and says he will use all his product to construct brick buildings on his land east of Blaine, and the Blaine Brick and Tile Company has fifteen men. Thus it will be seen that there are over thirty men employed in the brick making industry in Blaine. We received a telegram to-day from Mr. DORR, the proprietor of the Journal, that construction had been commenced this morning at Lynden, on the D. L. & S. R. R. Active work will be commenced at Blaine next Monday morning, and work will be pushed in both directions. Mr. McKELLAR informs us that camps along the line of the Fairhaven & Southern railroad are thickly established and more coming. The grading on each side of the Nooksack river is all completed and the piling all in for the drawbridge over the river. The F & S expect to be in Blaine before the New Westminster division gets here and are working hard to that effect. Last Saturday as Mr. H. LOOMIS and wife, and a friend and wife, were riding out on the road near California creek the wagon struck a stump while it sloughed into a mudhole and threw the ladies out upon the ground, the wagon running over Mrs. LOOMIS' ankle and injuring her severely. Mr. Loomis is now radically in favor of good roads. A Journal reporter visited the new opera house on Harrison avenue, one day this week. He found work on that structure progressing finely. The structure is 25x114 and will have seating capacity of 800. It will contain a stage 25x28, with four private boxes and two commodious dressing rooms. The several sets of elegant scenery will be put in as soon as practicable. CONRAD & CRANDLE the gentlemanly proprietors will give our citizens some fine entertainment.
-Mr. GRIFFIN of Ferndale bough an eighty of McDONGLE and has commenced slashing. LOPOS [LOPAS?], SMITH, FOX and others, are also adding to their improved land. Our lands are gradually raising in value, though there has been no boom excitement, several tracts have been sold lately and others waiting to find out the owners. -Rev. DRAKE, Presiding Elder of the M. E. Church will preach in Mountain View, Saturday evening, the Quarterly meeting will be held in Ferndale. -We are glad to hear our nearest town Ferndale has not been granted a liquor license, and we believe Sam BARRET of Ferndale Merchants, deserves great credit in his untiring efforts, to prohibit the sale of intoxicants. -The Good Templers lodge is also a prospering aid, we say let the good work go on, and there will not be so many mothers go down to a grave of sorrow, from the evils of the dram shop. -H. A. SMITH has an outfit for the hay field and is at the service of those wanting hay cut. -Mrs. POTTER has gone to Illinois to visit friends and relatives. -Mrs. SHIELDT and Mr. HINTY of Enterprise, visited Mr. LOPAS on Tuesday. -Mrs. KINDRED has a fine boy, Mother and child doing well. ---Itemizer.
Mr. McKIN's force will make a cut about a fourth of a mile in length, and just south of it is a seventeen foot fill of several hundred yards and a four hundred foot bridge. There will be in all 16,000 yards of dirt to move. OTTEN & CO. have completed about half a mile of grading in Blaine, which gives the right-of-way quite railroady appearance. By the time our readers peruse these lines the sale of the Fairhaven & Southern will probably be recorded, and the purchaser will be the Great Northern company. Thus making Blaine the virtual western terminus of that great line. The work of grading and bridging around Bellingham bay is going on day and night and Sundays, and if the whole line is not graded and bridged from Blaine to Fairhaven by August first we miss our guess. Thursday, June 19, 1890: The Palace restaurant has moved into the Opera House building. A little child of Mr. NASH is very low with spinal meningtis and diabetes insipitus. Alfred POPPLE and Mr. SNYDER arrived in Blaine last week. They are from Fairmount. All ye lovers of dogs must now pay taxes on the same and probably but a $4.00 collar for a two-bit dog. J. M. HOWARD, left for Nebraska, Sunday, to close up his business prepatory to returning to Blaine. McQUAIRRIE & YEIGER have moved their tailor shop from the Steaubli building to the Gillespie building, on H street. C. W. SARGENT, a graduate of the Philadelphia college of pharmacy, is now employed in Barnes & Co.'s drug store. O. D. McDONALD's little boy is pretty sick with measles. Frank THOMPSON's mother and sister left on the North Pacific Sunday, to visit his brother, J. M. THOMPSON of Seattle. C. A. STILLWELL and family left Thursday for Peoria, Ill., by way of California. They will visit around until spring when they will return to Blaine. Peter CAIN, traveling customs inspector was sent here Tuesday, to relieve Mr. BUCHANAN in his absence attendant upon U. S. court business. W. A. McCLELLAN commenced active work on E street Tuesday morning and the work of grading will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. Mr. Chip SMART, a cousin of Mr. STEEN, and agent of the Puget Sound and Alaska Steam ship company has been in Blaine this week doing business with our merchants. Mr. HOYT returned to-day on the Sehome. He will remove his family to Blaine in a short time. Mr. H. F. BROWN and family leave Sunday, for Salt Lake City. Mr. BROWN has sold his interest in the drug store to Dr. CLARK. We regret to see Mr. BROWN and his estimable wife leave Blaine. Jas. BUCHANAN was subpoenaed (sic) before the U. S. court to testify in the case of the Opium smugglers whom he captured last November, and left yesterday morning for Seattle where court is in session. Miss GILLIETT of South I street, Tacoma will be here on a visit with her friends to Jas. NELESTE, and is thinking of opening a private school to teach Music, Painting, French and German, if she can get sufficient number of scholars. Among the results of Mrs. ST. JOHNS visit to Blaine may be mentioned a large increase to the membership of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and the Young Men's Christian Association also the initial movement to-wards the organization of a Young Woman's society auxiliary to the Y.M.C.A. and an increase of interest, on the part of many to in regard to temperance and personal christian life. The council would only be doing justice to themselves if they would resolve themselves into a committee of the whole and hunt a suitable building in which to hold council meetings. The school house is good enough for children but our city fathers should not be compelled to under go the tortures, hardships and exposures that fall to the lot of children who must of necessity occupy the school building.
-Messrs. EVERETT & GILBERT are pulling stumps along the right-of-way. They pull cheaper than power if not faster. -R. R. work progressing rapidly along the line north of Custer. -BROWN Bros., are still making ties here. Thursday, June 26, 1890: A. W. STEEN, Rev. MOORE, Matthew HARVEY, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert WEST have gone to Eastern Washington to attend Free Methodist conference.
-The BRUNS wharf is nearing completion and there will probably be another wharf built on the east side of the bay in the near future. From BRUNS wharf around the beach four miles is the finest road in the country. -L. MARTINSON and daughter returned from Seattle on Friday's steamer, after a pleasant business trip of about a week in the Queen city. -The Birch Bay school directors were fortunate in securing the accomplished Miss FENTON as teacher. J. H. KIRKPATRICK is teaching in Pleasant Valley. Nate BAIRD has been spending a few days in Vancouver, this week. D. C. SHAW and his daughter Harriet and his son Fred have gone to Whatcom. L. P. ECKSTEIN, one of New Westminster's energetic young business men, is a visitor to Blaine this week. Mrs. M. E. CLUNE has purchased the PATTERSON homestead on Dakota creek from HOLLAND & McFARLAND. They lady came to Blaine recently from Ellensburg and has been living on the SCOTT place east of here for some months. The check valve at the Cain mill, leaked hot water into the pump and when the hose was attached Monday, by F. E. BROWN, a great steam (sic) of boiling water flew out and struck his hat rim just in front of his forehead and scalded his whole face quite severely. The people of Blaine are likely soon to have an opportunity of listening to a series of lectures by the famous India missionary, Rev. W. J. GLADWIN, who will be here on July 6th and speak on some of the interesting subjects with which he is familiar at the M. E. church on the morning of that day. Mr. J. F. STAYNTON is disabled with a very sore hand from which he is unable to work in his shop. Dan McKELLAR has been in Vancouver this week to meet his mother, whom he expected to arrive from the east. Mr. A. BEHME is constructing a business building near the corner of E and Fourth streets, two stories 24x50 in size. The men taken to Whatcom last week for selling whiskey to Indians, were fined $100 each and placed in jail at Whatcom. Work horses at auction at Ferndale. Here is a chance to procure a good team. Sale on Saturday at 1 p. m. J. D. WHEELER, auctioneer. W. E. STUBBS, the veteran traveling man of the Pacific coast, has been visiting this week at the home of his friend Judge RUTLEDGE. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. CORNISH, lately from Greenwood, Nebraska, and parents of N. A. CORNISH, have been visiting their son the past week. Mr. John McMILLEN, of Hamilton, North Dakota, arrived in Blaine during the past week, and is contemplating making this his future home. J. R. DWIRE sold whiskey to Indians and was arrested and fined $25 and cost, $49 in all, Monday, and refusing to pay now ornaments the bastile. Mr. M. A. BARRACKLAW [BARRICLOW] is engaged in repairing and fixing the old Elwood sawmill for the reception of a new engine, boiler and other machinery, prepatory to making it a mill of larger capacity by James PARK, its owner. C. F. STOOPS is up sound to procure new machinery for his sawmill. He has lately been adding room to his buildings and his brother Jesse STOOPS has put in a turning lathe and saws and is now prepared to manufacture furniture etc. Governor SEMPLE has received a telegram from GRIFFITH & Co., that they will be ready to light Blaine by the first of August. The plant has arrived, and will be set up almost immediately. The location of the power house has been fixed near the corner of Ninth and G streets, the lots have been cleared, and the building will be erected at once, work commencing this week. All the poles have been smoothed off ready for painting, and so soon as the city council locates the places where they shall be located they will be set it. Mr. Elmer MISSIMER and wife left Sunday, for a tour in the eastern states. Mr. MISSIMER goes strictly on business, but takes his wife along to see the eastern shores and the cities of the plains. They take with them various products of this country to exhibit to their friends. Mr. J. FOUTH has arrived in Blaine from Whatcom and is now clearing his lots in Blaine, B. C. Myron STOCKWELL informed a Gazette reporter that there is a large logging camp situated five miles up the North Fork of the Nooksack busily engaged in getting out timbers for the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern Railroad company bridge at the Forks, and also that the rock cut of the same road on the upper Nooksack is nearly finished. -Gazette. While working at a large tree in Martin's addition Tuesday, an axe being used by one of the men slipped from the handle and struck a Frenchman named Joseph ST. ARNO in the side of the jaw, and glancing downward buried itself in the lower part of his neck almost touching the jugular vein as it passed and cutting a deep gash from the cheek downward and in the base of the neck. Drs. REEVES & BURKE were called and sewed up and dressed the wound, and Mr. GERRISH for whom the man was working, informs us that he is resting quite easy to-day. Last Friday morning Mr. F. W. STEVENS took his two little boys, Roy and Eddie, out for a drive, when the horse getting the line under his tail commenced running and kicking. One of the lines broke and Mr. STEVENS was thrown to the ground where he was dragged for some distance badly tearing his clothes and bruising him. The other line slipped from his grasp, thus leaving the two boys to their fate. Eddie was thrown out and severely cut and Roy soon followed, and was thrown between the wheels, where he clung, the wheels nearly severing one of his ears from his head. The beast at last ran into a load of rails driven by Mr. Dennis GETCHELL and was stopped without further injury to its unfortunate passengers, who will not soon forget their morning ride. Thursday, July 3, 1890: H. B. DAY is building a four-room house 24x28 on his Clark street lots. Thos. WHITE has lately been purchasing considerable fine stock for his farm near Birch Bay. FISCHER & BERRY have commenced work on Mr. COHOON's new house on H street. The Metropolitan Hotel, formerly the Palace restaurant, has displayed a very attractive sign on the bay front. H. B. STRAND and family of Sehome, are now residing at their summer home on California creek. P. C. McPHERSON, of Seattle, is in Blaine to spend the 4th with his sister Mrs. John H. MILHOLLIN. J. F. Thompson lately of Maquoketa, Iowa, is visiting Blaine, this week. He will probably spend the summer on Puget Sound. J. C. WELCOME has opened a harness and saddlery establishment in the Martin building on Boblett street. It is a branch of the Pacific Harness company. MARRIED: -At the residence of the bride's parents, in Custer, Wash., on June 30th, Elmer D. SMITH to Emma GILBERT both of Blaine. Rev. Levin JOHNSON officiating. Messrs. Vernon, Frank and Albert STAYTON, sons of C. G. STAYTON, have arrived in Blaine from Michigan, and are now engaged in the construction of the new Free Methodist church, which is being built of brick. G. H. HOLLEDGE, of Tacoma, arrived in Blaine Tuesday to look after his property interests here. He is an enthusiastic believer in the future of the International City. E. A. CURTIS from Portland, is in Blaine looking after the interests of water works. Last Sunday eleven prisoners were in the city jail. Each one was fined. Three paid up, and the balance lent their assistance in repairing Dakota creek road, under the guardianship of Officer BAIRD. BORN - On July 1st, 1890, to Mr. and Mrs. John H. MILHOLLIN, of Blaine, Washington, a daughter. Mother and child both doing nicely. Mr. Louis SHAFFNER who was in Blaine about eighteen months ago, but returned to his home in Nebraska, arrived in the International City again Sunday morning, after having driven with two teams all the way from Nebraska. He has been nearly a year on the road, having stopped for a time in Oregon. His family is now located here and this will be their future home. Miss Kate ISENSEE and Alex. ANDERSON were married by Rev. DIMON at the residence of H. B. STRAND on Wednesday. Mrs. ANDERSON is a sister of P. M. ISENSEE, and one of Whatcom's most accomplished young ladies, while Mr. ANDERSON is well known as a member of the firm of Spiers & Anderson, and one of our best citizens. -Bellingham Bay Reveille.
B. FABIAN, J. A. MELVILLE Blaine, Wash., July 1, 1890.
On entering the front nearest the corner of Fourth and E streets, one finds himself in the dry goods department, a store room of 25x90 in size, with a balcony all around, thus giving double shelf room. At the right as you enter is the notions department, which is fitted with neat show cases and contains everything from a spool of thread to a fine pair of kid gloves. Next comes the entrance to the grocery department which passes through an archway into that room. There, at the south of the archway, is the department of ribbons, laces and silks; next dress goods, then haberdashery, then cotton and table linens. On the left of dry goods department on entering is the gents' furnishing goods department, then comes a wall space equal to the arched doorway opposite upon which will be hung a large mirror; then comes dress-goods, muslins, etc., ginghams, prints and cretounes. At the south end of the store is a stairway with a landing and two wing flights leading to the balcony. At the landing will be hung a huge mirror, shipped from New York, which will cost $400. The balcony is furnished with a full set of shelving the whole length of both sides, and in it may be found a grand stock of hats, straw goods, house furnishing goods, gents' gloves, shirting cloths, carpets, curtains, spreads, table cloths, oil cloths, bedding and clothing. This department is presided over by W. C. HAMMOND, assisted by D. H. MOORE, decorator, and Zenas MARTIN clerk. Back of the dry goods department is being fitted up an elegant office which will be presided over by Mr. A. WAITE, head book-keeper, and will be occupied by the CAIN Brothers as their private room. On the left as you enter is the elegant display of bottled goods, baking powders, coffees, teas and soaps. Back of the grocery department is being built a warehouse 25x90, for the heavy goods.   In the south end of the store is the stairway leading to the balcony, which is fitted up like the one in the dry goods department, and contains on the right, groceries, and on the left, boots and shoes. C. C. McDONALD is the manager of this department, and W. C. STAYT his assistant. Over the grocery department in a room 25x50 is the carpet stock, consisting of carpets, rugs, curtains, etc., in large quantities. When the store was opened Tuesday morning, it was neatly decorated with flas ivy and flowers and presented a very elegant appearance. Mrs. C. C. McDONALD and Miss Cora POWER did the trimming of the grocery department, and it spoke well for their taste in such matters. No town in Whatcom county can boast so fine or complete a store as this and not more than five cities in the whole state can show its equal. The CAIN Brothers and Blaine should be proud. J. J. BROWN, of Custer, starts for Beaverhead county, Montana, this week for his health. He has a brother there.
Mrs. HAYWARD came to Mountain View in 1873, and has always held a high place in the hearts of the people wherever known. She lived a good life and the good deeds she has done will never be forgotten. There was not a family within her reach, who had sickness or was in sorrow, but what she was there, gratis, to do all in her power to comfort and relieve. She was alive to things pertaining to the Kingdom of Christ, urging those dear to her to prepare to meet her in eternity. She had strong consolidation in the covenant, "God makes with them that are in Jesus Christ." The funeral services took place at the Congregational church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and were conducted by Revs. KINDRED and WELLS, and was well attended by friends from far and near. She leaves an invalid husband and one daughter, Mrs. Nettie FOX, and a large circle of bereaved friends. Thursday, July 10, 1890: The steamer Sehome landed at the Miller wharf Tuesday, being the first steamer to land at the new wharf. F. A. FISH, millwright, lately from Montague, Mich., is in Blaine to assist in fitting up the Blaine Flour and Oatmeal Mills. Dr. CLARK, health officer for Blaine, has been giving the town an investigation, and suggests that those who have any sort of nuisances on their places had better look to their cleaning up. DIED - Sunday, July 6th, Olive, the daughter of L. G. and Marguerite BELOUD, aged six months, of cerebro spinal meningitis. The funeral was on Monday, Rev. LUDWICK conducting the service. The street workers on E street yesterday plowed out a portion of an Indian idol or totem pole. It was made of cedar and was in a good state of preservation being the head and face of a man carved rudely from the wood, and was probably made after they had seen the "Boston man," as a cap surmounted it, made to represent those worn by naval officers. It was buried several feet in the clay. G. B. GARD spent a few days over on Point Roberts, this week. Rev. W. J. GLADWIN, delivered a series of very interesting lectures at the M. E. Church, the first of the week. D. S. MILLER has purchased KENNEDY's two kilns of brick, and will use them this summer to build him a residence. BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. E. M. ADAMS on July 7th, 1890, an eight pound boy. Mother and baby both doing nicely. C. H. GREENE, of Sehome, an old coaster and an active business man, has been in Blaine this week. Some of his friends visited Semiahmoo in 1858, and passed through an exciting experience with the Indians there, while preparing to cross the country to the Fraser mines. Yesterday was an eventful day in Blaine; at least, there was one event which was of deep interest to every citizen. The railroad slashers have been working for some time on both sides of the line, and yesterday they met at the Rue International where it crosses Eighth street, thus opening the right of way clear through from the Nooksack to Blaine and the Fraser river. The graders will soon follow, and in a fortnight the iron will commence to go down. R. H. WORRELL, made a business trip to Seattle, the first of the week. W. H. SNYDER, of the International Post, is spending a weeks' vacation in Tacoma. The work of grading Washington avenue north of E street was commenced Monday morning. Mrs. J. W. ANGEER of Seattle, is visiting in Blaine, a guest of Mrs. C. C. McKAY, of the Arlington. Miss Alice SAVINGS returned home Saturday from Seattle where she has been attending the State University for the past year.
From Mr. John MADDEN, who had the construction in charge, we get the following statistics relative to its proportions: The wharf is 2,200 feet in length, and 20 feet wide. The flooring is of material 3 inches in thickness, and 12 inches wide. The joists are 4x12, and the caps 10x12. It is also provided with a railing 3 feet in height, with posts 10 feet apart. It contains 560 piles driven into the ground 6 to 8 feet. The warehouse is 25x100 feet, and the T or dock 80x100 feet. Mr. MADDEN worked a crew of from five to ten men, and in the marine crew six to eight men were employed, and taking into consideration the disadvantage at which they were placed on account of bad weather, the work has been pushed very rapidly. Mr. MILLER has spared neither time nor expense in his endeavors to make this a very substantial and commodious wharf, and we trust that our citizens appreciate this fact to such an extent as to contribute to it a fair patronage.
Wm. R. McCRACKEN, Henry BUCKLEY, F. S. CAHILL. Blaine, Wash., July 10, 1890. Chas. SARGEANT, who has been clerking Barnes & Co.'s drug store the past month, has severed his connection with that institution, and will immediately start for Southern California. Mr. RUSSELL, of Denver, Col., succeeds him in the store. On Mr. GERRISH's contract on Harrison avenue works Charles ST. JOHN with a span of wiry mules. He and his team have worked together on most of the railroads between here and Texas. We have not heard whether he goes on to Alaska with the Great Northern or not. Many in our town and vicinity will be shocked and pained to hear of the death, on Tuesday, of J. P. OHLSON. Only a few short weeks ago he was among us apparently as healthy as any other young man. Then he suddenly was attacked with the fatal cough, and now, after only two weeks of sickness, his body is laid low. Some of our citizens will remember the death, by consumption, of his brother and sister not long since. He was taken the same as they, and after the cough had commenced to work on him and he felt that he was going the same way, we met him on the street and he said: "I am going home to die; I shall go the same way as my sister and brother, but I am ready." And he was; his character was a loving, gentle, Christian one. We have known him six years, and he was free from the binding influences of this life.
Seattle, July 8. GILFILLAN & POPPLE, Blaine, Wash.: Get the lumber on the ground at once for the construction of a corrugated iron power house, 48x70. Eugene SEMPLE. Our readers will understand that this is the electric power house. Jas. HOLLAND is putting up a small house on Third street near Clark. A son was born to the wife of John A. DORWARD, of this city, on the 5th inst. F. H. KELLOGG, formerly of Helena, Montana, is assisting P. O. HARKNESS, in the telegraph office at this place. There will be two men here constantly, henceforth.
On Washington avenue GARDNER & Co. have a force of 25 men and 8 teams at work. The grade between F and G street is now completed, and work north of E street was commenced this week. The culvert in the gulch near F street is completed. These gentlemen have the contract of grading Washington avenue from boundary line to Cherry street, and as it requires considerable work, they estimate that it will not be completed before the expiration of about sixty days. Angus McLELLAND has the contract for the work to be done on E street, and has a force of 11 teams and 25 men at work. Mr. McLELLAND also has the contract for the work to be done on Fourth street from boundary line to water front, a distance of over 5,000 feet, and has twenty men at work clearing and grubbing, and the culvert in the gulch is nearing completion. On D street M. C. RILEY the contractor is working a force of 25 men and has the clearing and grubbing nearly completed, and expects to begin grading immediately. The lumber for the cribbing at the foot of the street is now on the ground. This street is to be graded from Washington avenue to 8th street. Mr. A. GERRISH has the contract for grading Harrison avenue from the water front to H street, and also on H street from Washington avenue to 8th street. On Harrison avenue he has a force of 25 men and 13 teams, and the work is estimated as being about half completed, on H street there are 20 men employed at clearing and grubbing, and the grade work will be commenced the latter part of the week.
He died with his faith and hope resting on Jesus. Has always been a faithful friend of mission work, especially among the Baptists, and has for years been a faithful member of the Swede Baptist Church of Dakota creek. He is most mourned by parents and three sisters all residing in this county, and numerous friends in both Sweden and this country, especially in Seattle and Blaine. The parents and sisters' grief is deep and heavy, as this is the third of the family who has died within a short time. His brother Olof died the 12th of July, 1888; his sister M. Christiana the 18th of August, 1889, and now this, the oldest brother goes the 8th of July, 1890. He was aged 35 years 2 months and 1 day.
Thursday, July 17, 1890:
J. R. MILLER is putting in a four ton wagon scale near his livery stable on Boblett street. F. C. BOIES, representing the Tacoma Blank Book Co., has been in Blaine the past day or two. W. B. BIRDSALL representing Tatum & Bowen dealers in printer's material of Portland, was in the city, Saturday. PASSAGE & BOWER have opened a bath house in connection with their laundry near the corner of H and Fourth street. J. S. SWEET, of Ashland, Oregon, president of the state normal school, has been in Blaine during the past few days looking over the prospects. Thos. J. THOMPSON of Tacoma, is in the city to conduct the organization of the Odd Fellows lodge, for the purpose of which a meeting was held last evening. A. S. FRYE, bridge contractor for the Fairhaven & Southern railroad is in the city, today, looking after the construction of a bridge across Dakota creek. The Y. M. C. A. of Blaine is fitting up elegant rooms in the CAIN block, and on Sunday held their first regular 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon meeting there, which was attended by a good company of young men, who listened to an interesting address by Rev. A. A. WATSON. The Association will fit up a reading room in connection with their elegant auditorium, and will keep on hand a good supply of reading matter which will be free to the stranger within our gates. The rooms will soon be formally opened. Mr. F. HURLBURT is having a boat built, which, for symmetry and beauty of rig, will surpass anything seen in these waters hitherto. She is to be a keel boat of 27 feet measurement, and being built for pleasure purposed will carry large canvass, namely, mainsail two jibs and gaffs and topsail with a spinaker when the wind is favorable. No doubt the young people of this city will have good times when she is afloat. Her name is not yet decided on. Several of the citizens will soon add to the flotilla and before we have time to look around we shall have a Blaine Yacht Club. CAIN Bro's sawmill is stopped owing to the lack of water, the street graders having cut off the supply. Superintendent BEHME has gone up sound in search of a party to bore an artesian well for the use of the mill, and it is expected to have it running again within a few weeks. The Baptist church break ground to-day for their new church edifice. The W. T. transfer company are expecting daily the arrival of a thousand dollar bus, to be used exclusively for the Arlington Hotel. The following officers were elected at the I. O. O. F. meeting, Monday night: E. M. ADAMS, N. G.; J. A. STAYT, V. G.; A. E. MEAD, rec. sec; J. A. MERRITT, secretary; John WHIFFLER, treasurer. This morning the new mail route between this place and Lynden will be put on. It is a semi-weekly route, and will leave here every Wednesday and Saturday morning, making the round trip in a day. At a meeting of the K of P lodge Monday evening, Messrs. CALHOON and FISHER were initiated in the first degree, and A. V. VOGT in the second rank. Mr. J. HAZELTON has commenced the erection a large building on the water front on the British side, in which will be started the first store in Blaine, B. C. The work of laying the sidewalk on the west side of E street was commenced yesterday morning. It is only a question of a few weeks when all the principal streets will be sidewalked with a substantial walk twenty feet wide, on both sides. Yesterday morning the street graders on Washington avenue, just east of the gulch, plowed up the skull and extremities of a man, which evidently belonged to some siawash warrior who some time since laid away the cares of this world. Dr. E. W. BURKE of this city, and Miss Alice EISENBRUTH of Keokuk, Iowa, were married in Puyallup, on Saturday, July 12th. They arrived here Tuesday. The Doctor has made many friends during his residence here, and the Journal joins with them in extending best wishes for the future happiness of the estimable couple. S. Y. WOOTON of Victoria, a brother-in-law of Mr. KING the temporary insane man, is in the city, in response to a telegram from Marshal RADCLIFFE. We are pleased to note that Mr. KING has much improved and is quite himself again.
-Mr. MARTINSON and three of his children had an attack of cholera morbus last week, but are getting along nicely now. -Lewis CLAY proves up on his claim this week. ---Frank JAMES. [This issue was called "Weekly Journal"] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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