Thursday, January 2, 1890:
Mrs. Eb. SMITH is quite sick. Rev. J. S. CEDERBERG will preach in the Swedish language at the Hall next Sunday at 3 o'clock P. M. Mr. J. T. SHAW has changed the name of the Bartlett house, and has gotten a beautiful new sign which proclaims to the weary traveler that the large new hotel is the Pacific House. The old Nicalaus STUHR place, north of town, shows that a dozen well-bearing apple trees a dozen years old, with a less number of peach, plum, &c. will afford a family a fair supply of fruit for the year. Why can't Lynden adopt some sort of time? Everybody is sure his time is correct now, and will recognize no authority but his own watch. Let us adopt Standard time and keep pace with the rest of the world. J. D. GARDNER in company with others has purchased 37 acres of land in section 31 adjoining Blaine, paying $100 per acre for it. This they will probably plat ere long as an addition to that thriving city.
-C. CISENA [CISSNA], of Edison, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. BYERS. -Rev. WELLS has moved his family from Lummi Island to Marietta for a few weeks, when he will move to Ferndale, and make preparations to build his house on a lot recently purchased of Mrs. GREEN. -The ten year old daughter of Mr. BATSTONE received a severe kick on the head from a two year old colt, a few days ago. Mrs. KINGDON is very sick. Stephen HILTON made a trip to the Bay cities this week. C. A. PUARIEA will soon commence teaching school in district 41. E. B. EBEY came up from Whatcom to spend the Holidays with his family. D. K. STRINGFIELD has been laid up with a cold and threatened pneumonia, but is better now. Thursday, January 9, 1890:
John KILCUP has bought a half block in Lynden. A. N. CAVE made the sale. H. W. DURKEE has started a laundry and if the business proves profitable will soon put in machinery. Our people will appreciate this new enterprise. Business Manager DOBBS has been suffering with a severe cold for about a week so this paper is edited, set up and printed by ye editor and his better half. Our public schools opened Monday after the holiday vacation. Everything is in good working order, and our schools are second to none in the country. Prof. BRADLEY has moved the Normal Book Store into the west part of the Candy Depot on Front Street. This is a better location and no doubt the book trade will be increased. A. H. STEVENS will soon open a stock of agricultural implements in the building lately vacated by W. I. BAKER. This is a branch of business which has been much needed here and will certainly prove profitable. The Sunday School at the Hall begins the new year with cheering prospects under the superintendence of P. J. LAIR. The work performed by Mrs. CEDERBERG and Mrs. KINGDOM is starting the school and, with the aid of others, in bringing it to its present stage of efficiency, is highly to be commended. Lee WOODY has been quite sick with fever. P. L. BENNETT, of Clearbrook, was one of our callers Monday. H. A. JUDSON has suffered a relapse and is once more in "la gripp's" grip. J. WEBBER was down from Nooksack last Saturday and gave the Press a pleasant call. Carl CARLMAN, of Utsalady, has bought the Professor GRIFFIN lots. He expects to move here. W. H. P. BELL, of Seattle, is in town visiting his sister, Mrs. SCHOFF, and many friends and acquaintances in Lynden.
-The new building on corner of Washington and Madison streets would be a credit to any corner in Whatcom, Sehome or other Bay cities. It will be completed and occupied in a very short time. The cost will be not less than $3,500. -A series of religious services begin tonight, at the Tuxedo school house, to be conducted by Revs. J. T. STAYT and E. H. CARMAN. -A part of the lumber is one the ground for the large three story hotel which is to be pushed to completion as fast as men an money can do it. It will cost over $6,000. -The Nooksack Land and Improvement Company is spending $20,000 in building and clearing. It is also a fact, that a round house will be built in early summer, by the R. R. company, this point being chosen as an end of a division. -A. STUART has taken the contract to haul supplies to this point for the Company. He has a good four horse team and is prepared for the worst in the shape of bad roads, which he is sure to encounter. -The contract work on the water race for P. GILLIES & Son's water power is progressing rapidly. They will have a band saw, turning lathe and other light machinery in running shape in a few days, at their old stand, and as soon as their new and increased power is established, will add a circular re-saw and planing machinery. The recent snow fall has made good sleighing and from all appearances quite an advantage is being taken of it. -Wm. B. PRITTS cut his foot quite seriously on Saturday last. It is hoped, however, that he will soon recover. -Chas. SWINHEART and wife have been guests at his father's for the past few days. They will return to Oregon at once. Jan. 6, 1890 An Observer.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Thursday, January 16, 1890: Mr. M. BARTLETT is down with pneumonia. Mr. W. E. MITTEN and wife dined at the Pacific House, Friday. Mr. MITTEN has been sick on his ranch for a few weeks past and his friends are glad to see him out again. The Washington Loan and Building Association, represented by F. BRESKE, organized a local branch in Lynden, Saturday, with about $16,000 stock. The officers are Simon KILDALL Pres.; C. H. SHANK Vice Pres.; J. S. AUSTIN Treas; A. N. CAVE Sec.; G. T. BRACKETT Atty. The members of the Advisory board are W. H. DOBBS, O. P. STEVENS, A. PIERCE, J. K. ROBINSON and J. C. ANDERSON. The Association starts out under very favorable circumstances and promises to become very popular in our community. There are few investments that are of more benefit to a town than a well conducted Loan and Building Association. Although the Washington State Loan & Building Association is just starting its career with our young and prosperous state, there is no reason why it should not soon take rank with the leading institutions of the kind in the land. There is no better state in the Union than Washington for the successful operation of institutions of this kind. We are glad to learn that Bertie BARTLETT, after under going a siege of typhoid fever, is convalescing. If a baby is born at your house, please come around and let us know the fact before the child starts to school. These are very interesting occurrences, but we can not be expected to report all these little things personally. Mr. Geo. P. PERLEY, of Blaine, took a teaspoonful of aconite a week ago Sunday, thinking he was taking cough syrup. Drs. KING and REEVES, however, were procured in less than twenty minutes and the contents of his stomach was soon removed and recovery assured. It was however considered a miraculous escape from death for Mr. PERLEY. John BROE, of B. C., has moved with his family to Lynden for the purpose of taking advantage of our schools for his children. Mr. C. A. BEAVERS is suffering from inflammation of the side. Some three weeks since while out hunting he fell and broke a couple of his ribs, and has now taken cold in the fracture.
On Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 1890, at his home near Lynden, Mr. Anthony WELLS [WILLS], aged 64. Mr. WELLS came to this place from Kansas about four years since. He was an old soldier and was sick less than two days previous to his death.
We omitted to mention the birth of a daughter to Mrs. T. M. ANDERSON, on December 18th. While out hunting last Monday a Mr. NATRES, of Nooksack, saw an object approaching him and mistaking it for a cougar, fired. It proved to be a dog belonging to Indian Job. But the bullet seems to have split and a part of it struck the Indian in the hand and broke the bones quite badly, and also lacerated the arm. We are informed that the county commissioners are seriously contemplating the purchase of a farm to be used as a county poor farm. This is a movement in the right direction. A farm purchased now and properly fitted up and run would save the county a great deal more that its cost in five years. A bill has been introduced in congress appropriating $70,000 to build a military road from Bellingham Bay north or northwest to the boundary, provided the citizens of Whatcom county will give $25,000. The county will be required to keep the road in repair in times of peace, and in return therefor will be allowed to collect tolls on the road.
Average standing of Pupils:
Room No. 2. Average in Deportment, Attendance, and Studies:
Those neither absent nor tardy during the term: Geneva PIERCE, Mirtie TROTT, Earl WOODY. O. D. NORTON, Teacher.
Room No. 2.
SMITH, SMITH &McKEE, Lynden, Wash.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Dec. 19, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Dec. 26, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Dec. 19, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 9th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 15th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 15th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 4th, 1889. Thursday, January 23, 1890: Miss Ada IZEN, formerly of Whatcom, and H. C. SMITHSON, of Portland, were married on the open dock at Seattle Jany. 16th. SMITHSON met the lady when she ran a lodging house in Whatcom, persuaded her to sell the business and go to Seattle. He then forced his wife to procure a divorce, and in due time claimed Miss IZEN, and despite her father's threats to shoot him, married him as above stated. Mr. IZEN, father of the young lady, Ada IZEN, who was so hurriedly married to H. C. SMITHSON, the real estate agent, called at the Press office last evening. Mr. IZEN was not in the happiest frame of mind in the world and denounced his son-in-law in unmeasured terms. Mr. IZEN stated that SMITHSON has three children, two girls and a boy. The boy is aged 14 years, and the girls are 10 and 11 years of age. That SMITHSON was old enough to be his new wife's father. That he was certain that SMITHSON gained control of his daughter by means of spells or incantation of a devilish nature. Many other things were said which will not be printed, as IZEN pere (sic) was very, very angry. The outlook for a fatherly blessing for the newly married couple is not very promising: on the contrary, they may frequently expect the reverse of a blessing on many occasions during the next four or five days. -Seattle Press. Hon. Geo. A. JUDSON has succeeded in securing the passage in the house of his bill locating a state normal school at Lynden. Few votes were recorded against it in the house and it is thought that it will meet with little or no opposition in the senate. Lynden will have the state normal. L. BJORKMAN is erecting a building on the South side of Front street to be used as a feed store. Since the telephone line between Lynden and Whatcom has fallen into the hands of our enterprising business men, KILDALL Brothers, we have reason to hope they will soon have connection with the Bay telephone system, so that the business men of the Bay can talk from their private offices through to Lynden. This convenience added to the line would undoubtedly make it much more profitable. A report has been brought here of a strange double murder and suicide which occurred in British Columbia between Chilliwhack and Sumas. George RUTHERFORD, an old hunter and trapper, had grown tired of being guyed and "joshed" by a couple of his neighbors, on SEIGER and Ned HALL, so he gave them fair warning to disist (sic), but they failed to profit thereby. He took his rifle one morning and went to their home and deliberately shot them both. One his way back home he called another rancher out and asked him if he - the rancher - had anything against him, and being told that he had not said "Well, you are a pretty good fellow. I have just killed two men and am now going to kill myself." When a search was made next day he was found dead in his house. Dora WELLMAN is clerking in H. A. JUDSON & Co's. store. R. A. BROWN has just returned from across the mountains where he has obtained an interest in several valuable mining claims.
In California, Jany. 21st 1890, Leo HAWLEY.
A few weeks ago Mr. HAWLEY went to California for his health, and at first it was thought the climate was benefiting him but he had gone too late to receive any lasting good.
--The "Grip" has taken hold of some in our vicinity. The families of J. NORTON, C. HOSKINS, E. LOPAS and L. MILLER have been afflicted. Mrs. MILLER is the greatest sufferer.
--The family of Rev. KINDRED spent the cold weather among the church members, as their house not being finished lets in too much cold for comfort. --Mr. Abe NORTON lately arrived from his mining claim, east of the mountains, and will spend the winter with his parents. --At the beginning of the season the Indians prophesied a cold winter on account of many white owls coming to the beach, and so far their prophesy is true.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Nov. 13th, 1889.
Thursday, January 30, 1890: Lynden is promised two new churches this year -- the Presbyterian and Baptist. Mrs. Ida I. GUIBERSON, of Kent, is visiting her parents and friends here. Miss BENSON, daughter of P. BENSON has been very sick, but is now somewhat improved. Mrs. I. LANNING met with what might have been a sad accident. During the high wind yesterday she stepped out on the back porch of the hotel, which is about five feet high, and the wind proved too great for her strength and blew her off, giving her some bruises, but not injuring her seriously. Mr. BETE, representing SPIERS & ANDERSON, was in town this week soliciting job work for the Bellingham Bay printers. Rev. L. BJORKMAN will preach in the Swedish language in place of J. S. CEDERBERG, at JUDSON's hall, 3 p.m., Sunday next. A road running west from SHANK & ROBINSON's to the cemetery is being opened. It is being slashed about forty feet wide and is now done nearly to the creek. IN MEMORIAM.
Last Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 21, a long delayed telegram announced the death of Leo Richard HAWLEY, at Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 20, at 4:30 a.m. Although not entirely unexpected, still the sad intelligence was a shock to the community in which he was so well known and loved.
Born in Cedar county, Iowa, March 28, 1867, and coming to Lynden with his parents in 1872, Leo was closely identified with the early history of this country, and many hearts are sad any many eyes are filled with tears today in memory of the young friend so early called home. ... Mrs. HAWLEY has the tender sympathy of the entire community in her deep sorrow. In the last year death has claimed husband, son, and two sisters. Thursday, February 6, 1890: The electric lights are in operation on the Bay this week. I. LANNING is again running the LANNING hotel, Mr. SMITH having gone to his farm. Pipes are being laid for the water works in Sehome and the city will soon be supplied with fresh water from Lake Whatcom. TAYLOR has sold his mill to Messrs. McKEE and TOBIASSEN. Mr. TAYLOR will saw up the logs he now has on had and in a few weeks the mill will be moved to Sumas City. Doctor Samuel N. KELLEY and Rosa BELLEW, were married in Sehome Wednesday, February 5, at the Catholic church. Dr. KELLEY is a physician of Sehome and Miss BELLEW is from Fairhaven.
--To Mr. and Mrs. John BROE, January 3, 1890, a fine daughter of regulation weight.
--To Mr. and Mrs. Captain HAWLEY, January 4, 1890, a son.
Thursday, February 20, 1890:
-Ordered that the application of PAULSON Brothers for a liquor license at Fairhaven be rejected.
-Ordered that the application of Chas. BARTLETT for a liquor license in Harrison precinct be rejected, said BARTLETT not having the consent of the owners of the premises, on which said saloon was to be conducted, on file. -Ordered that the petition of Edward L. BENTON praying that W. C. BOOTH be appointed supervisor for road district No. 43 for the year 1890, be rejected. -Ordered that the bond of Holden A. JUDSON as justice of the peace in Lynden precinct, be approved. -Ordered that Henry GRAHAM be appointed road supervisor of road district No. 4 for the year 1890. -Ordered that Allen TAYLOR be appointed supervisor of road district No. 18 for the year 1890. -Ordered that John McCASKILL be granted a license to keep and maintain a ferry on and across the Nooksack river at a point where the road known as the old Telegraph road crosses said river, for a period of two years, on condition that said McCASKILL pay the sum of ten dollars per year and furnish a $1,000 bond. The Bellingham Bay Reveille is putting in steam power. D. K. STRINGFIELD, John CULLEN and John BEGLER, all went to Blaine to see the developments of the International City. C. W. WORTHEN returned yesterday from a short time to Oakland and San Jose, California. H. F. MURPHEY has been residing upon his homestead nearly seven years and will soon advertise to make proof. Robert KACKAY, of Seattle, has purchased forty acres of land from PURIEA and will be identified at Lynden in the future. Mrs. A. E. WATERBURY, of Nooksack informs us that she will leave in a short time for a visit to her old home in Tiaga [Tioga] county, Pennsylvania. Whatcom has had another incipient fire, this time in the store of HAYES & MERRIAM. A lamp exploded in the hands of Mrs. MERRIAM in their apartments back of the store, and ignited her clothes. Mr. MERRIAM attempted to smother the flames by wrapping a blanket about her, and while so doing he became suffocated by the fumes and Mrs. MERRIAM ran towards the street and fell about 15 feet to the tide flat below. The fire was stopped but Mrs. MERRIAM died about 4 o'clock Monday morning - about 8 hours after the accident. M. R. STAIGHT, now of Whatcom, made our town a visit Tuesday. He says when he came three years ago this coming April that there were but 76 people in Lynden and the neighborhood. As we now have 800 inhabitants we think this is a good showing. As soon as the place is incorporated it will take another boom and be the best town in the county.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., April 5th, 1890.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ March 6, 1890:
Messrs. J. S. CEDERBERG and F. M. BLOOM each have shoe shops, and Mrs. John CAVE and Mrs. G. A. SCHOFF have millinery stores, while Mrs. WOODY and Miss May KILDALL attend to dressmaking.
J. S. WATTS has a neat barber shop and bathroom; Dr. F. S. WRIGHT a drug store, and L. BERKMAN has a building erected for a feed store and has ordered his stock. William RHORBACHER (sic) attends to the blacksmithing of the town. Professional men are few there being but one physician and dentist and one lawyer. The Pioneer Press seeks to keep our people posted upon the movements of the outside world and to direct attention of emigrants to this rapidly growing county and the give them facts, upon which to base a judgment of the merits of this particular place.
Real estate is handled by BEAVERS & LORING, and A. CAVE, who will take pains to show new comers the advantages of the county and assist them to find good locations.
D. K. STRINGFIELD has gone to Anacortes to contract for carpenter work. Rev. L. BERKMAN will preach in the Swedish language at 3 P. M. next Sunday in Judson's Hall. B. W. LORING has sold his farm east of town to KILDALL Bros. for $500 more than he asked for it a month ago. C. H. SHANK made a trip to Seattle this week, ostensibly to dispose of his property there and invest in Lynden and Blaine. Ander BENSON brought a load of potatoes to town yesterday and sold them out in a few moments at $1.20 per bushel. He could have sold fifty bushels if he had brought them. A boy from one of the surveyor's camps on Lake Whatcom started to Sehome one day last week and before reaching town was held up by three footpads and relieved of whatever he had that was valuable. Mrs. ROHRBACHER has purchased seven acres of the SLADE homestead lying just across the fish trap, including the improvements, for the sum of $1,500. This is $220 per acre for land that was offered for $50 one year ago, and is an index to the way this part of the county is developing. The HAWLEY case was the most important of the term and involved a great portion of the townsite of Lynden. In 1884 (sic) Charles VAN WORMER and wife owned the property. He died in 1878. Mary VAN WORMER sold all the property to Thomas PRATHER. In 1883 PRATHER conveyed this property to the plaintiff. The defendants claim they are the heirs-at-law of Charles VAN WORMER, and consequently entitled to half the property as Mrs. VAN WORMER could convey only her half. Attorney FAIRCHILD has succeeded in digging up an old statute by which upon the death of the husband or wife the community property becomes the sole property of the survivor. That statute is now repealed. It, however, serves to give Mrs. HAWLEY the land at Lynden, $700 damages, an attorney's fee of $300 and costs of suit. ---Reveille. Robert O'NEIL will soon make proof upon his claim. Park CULTER is doing some slashing for Mr. MARCEY. Fred SLADE is at H. A. JUDSON's very sick with typhoid-pneumonia. Mr. HAWK, living on the Guide Meridian road, gave us a call Monday. Mrs. J. K. ROBINSON, returned Tuesday from a visit to her sister Mrs. ROEDER. Richard HILL, of Nooksack, will soon advertise to make final proof on his homestead. Mr. HENRY has made improvements on the BAILEY property and it looks like a new place. Miss BENSON, daughter of P. BENSON, has entirely recovered from her late severe illness. Mr. ANDERSON, of STRINGFIELD & ANDERSON, went to Sehome Tuesday to work at the carpenter trade. Mr. TIDERMANN, of Tacoma, one of the foundary men has arrived and with his brother-in-law is looking for property. W. H. VANNATTA, one of the customs house officers, of British Columbia, was in town yesterday and made the Press a pleasant call. Frank MORTON met with a very painful accident last Friday. He was doing some chopping standing on a log and in some way fell off the log and struck his nose on a knot or limb, nearly cutting it off. Dr. WILBUR dressed the wound. It is a distressing accident.
-Miss Etta MORSMAN was severely bruised by being thrown from a horse on Tuesday. -A sight which we never beheld at this season in our sixteen years residence, is the burning of the forest, which at night is visible in all directions. One of the grandest sights we ever saw was a strip of timber from a mile to two miles in length, back of Lummi, which has been burning for several days. The fire in the tops of the fir trees, at night, had the appearance of a city lit with electric lights. If the dry weather continues till summer we fear there will be extensive forest fires, which we have only seen remains of. Our own neighborhood of thirteen sections has been burned over, and but little green timber can be found, and we see through the tops of burnt timber, the waters of the gulf two-and-a-half miles distant. -Mr. L. FOX has given up farming and is hauling logs for KINGSORROW's mill. -A brother of Mr. WALLACE and family arrived from Kansas last week and is pleased with the country; and again we hear others complain of our Italian climate, but this has been an exceptionally cold and blustering winter. -E. LOPAS has been furnishing Whatcom with a good share of their beef, pork and mutton the past two weeks. ITEMIZER
A large number of the students are non-resident and it is safe to say that at least $150 per week is expensed by the students. Board is from $3.50 to $4.50 per week in private families. People are constantly moving here to educate their sons and daughters. The school is recognized to be first class in every particular, and besides the healthy moral atmosphere of the town is an additional reason for selecting this place. A bill is pending in the legislature to establish a State Normal school at this place, but whether this is passed or not a good school will be maintained here, and its facilities increased as our growth may require.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Feb. 25th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Feb. 25th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Feb. 25th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Feb. 24th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Dec. 26th, 1889.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 15th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 17th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 15th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 17th, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Jan. 22, 1890. March 13, 1890: Fairhaven is anxious to incorporate but does not want to join the other Bay cities in the same city. Victor ROEDER, J. SMITH, John PETERSON, David WIGHT, of Nooksack and E. B. HILL of Fairhaven have jointly purchased a $2_00 imported Clydesdale horse for use at the Crossing. This is in keeping with the spirit that has made so many beautiful homes at the Crossing. KILDALL Bros. are contemplating putting in a telephone system in Blaine. W. W. CATHEART, of Hudson, Or., was in town a few days ago looking for a location for a logging camp. B. B. TAYLOR, agent of the State Fire Insurance company has been in town looking after the interest of his company. Dr. J. L. MARBONG, of Port Gamble, is talking of coming to Lynden to practice his profession, and will probably open a drug store, also. Messrs. WINKLER & DOUGLASS are building a carpenter shop just west of the meat market, and will soon have a place to work under shelter. A great deal is said about the crowded condition of our public schools. Can't something be done to remedy the matter? Now is a good time to take hold of the matter. Henry WIRTH, agent of the Northwestern Express Co. at Fairhaven was in town Thursday last. He has some property near town and of course want to see how the railroad is affecting it. J. L. RIEDESEL, of Battle Creek, Iowa accompanied Mr. WIRTH. R. U. LEITCH, M. D., recently of Watertown, Dakota, arrived in Lynden Tuesday and has decided to locate here and practice medicine. Dr. LEITCH comes well recommended, is a thorough student and skilled practitioner. He has found a good field and without doubt will succeed well. Steamer Skagit Chief has been fined $160 for carrying an excess of passengers. L. BERKMAN is improving his property and helping the looks of the street by taking out a large stump in front of his feed store. Allen IVES has bought the GRIGGS place. The place contains twenty acres and was sold for $2,000, which is deemed very cheap. Mr. GRIGGS and his family have gone to Oregon. Mr. GILLIS has the new canal about finished, and proposes to removed his mill a little lower down and will have a head of water of 45 horse power. He will then put in a circular saw and be ready to cut from 10,000 to 12,000 feet per day. This will also enable him to do much more with his flour and grist mill and give him many advantages over his present location. Mrs. Ida GUIBERSON went to Kent last Thursday for a visit to friends. A Mr. GOZZARD has moved to town to educate his children. He is father-in-law of Mr. UTTER, of Whatcom. E. B. EBEY came up from Chuckanut Sunday and returned Monday evening. He has charge of the Chuckanut quarry and will probably spend most of the summer on the Bay. E. EVERSON, of Nooksack, made the Press a pleasant call, Monday. Mr. EVERSON has been a resident of this state for about twenty years and is very properly called "an old settler."
Thursday, March 20, 1890 Vol. 2, No. 23 Whole No. 75 Mrs. RHORBACHER has moved to her new home in the north part of the town which she purchased from Mrs. THOMAS a few weeks ago. The lady teachers of the Lynden public school will invest their year's earnings in real estate. Simon KILDALL has purchased a baby carriage, and it would do you good to see the smile on Simon's face as he wheels his little girl around. St. Patrick's day was celebrated in Lynden by a grand ball in the Opera house, participated in by many lovers of the terpsichorean art. Miss Dora WELLMAN left yesterday for the Bay cities. Al. EBEY has gone to Chuckanut to work in the quarry with his father. Mrs. Lee WOODY and Mrs. KAUBLE left this morning for Blaine with a view of investing. Miss Edith RANDOLPH, of Seattle, is in town visiting her brother, P. B. RANDOLPH and his family. Mrs. E. J. ROBINSON has gone to Bellingham to attend her daughter, Mrs. B. F. SAIN, who is very ill. F. G. WILLIAMS and J. S. MILLER, of California, were in Lynden Saturday, and express themselves as delighted with this town and the country around. Mr. WHEELER and family accompanied by his wife's sister, Miss PUTMAN, and Mr. W. S. FOSTER, were passengers on the Edith yesterday. They will live on the farm of H. A. STEVENS, northwest of Lynden. O. P. STEVENS, one of our popular hardware men has opened a branch store in Nooksack. He has a fine stock of hardware here of all kinds, including builders' hardware and loggers' outfits, and has been doing a good business. This branch will give him control of a large part of the territory of this valley and will increase his profits and his popularity as a merchant. The present term of the public schools close Friday, and in the afternoon there will be an exhibition of the term's work. Parents are specially invited to come out and see the work of the children. March 27, 1890: Mr. PIM's [PYM] house is now completed and occupied. Dr. J. S. WRIGHT has sold his drug store to Mr. LONG, of Whatcom. It is reported that Robert O'NEIL will soon commence the erection of a saw mill upon his claim. He has a very fine piece of timber. Prof. H. J. SWIM has purchased forty acres of Mr. LOCKHART for which he pays $1,200. A good bargain, but quite an advance upon last year's prices. Dr. WILBUR will soon plat the ten acres recently bought of Mrs. SLADE and place it on the market. He talks of opening a real estate office to dispose of the addition. Rumor has it that Prof. BRADLEY has been offered $12,000 to move the normal school to Blaine. The professor keeps his counsel as to whether it will be accepted or not. Brooks RANDOLPH returned from Seattle Wednesday. He and Captain RANDOLPH, A. N. CAVE and John CAVE have located mineral claims on the north part of the school section. Together the claims mike a strip forty rods wide and a mile long. KILDALL Bros. have been having a photograph taken of the fine three-story building. Delta has its new school house about completed, and school will commence the first Monday in April. The finest vehicle in town in the new phaeton recently brought here by Mrs. GUIBERSON. She purchased it in Seattle. Frank H. WINKLER will be married in Puyallup on Thursday, 27th inst., at 7 o'clock p.m., to Miss Lottie BROWN, of that place. E. J. ROBINSON came near meeting his death last Friday. He was working in the saw mill and during a stop proceeded to file the large circular saw. At the same time the engineer was working about the engine. Mr. ROBINSON finished filing a tooth, and placed his foot upon the saw to turn it, when just as he was about to begin filing again the saw started, the engineer having accidentally opened the throttle valve. His foot slipped off the saw, fortunately, or he would have been thrown upon the saw and cut in two. It was a narrow escape, and Mr. ROBINSON says it has taught him never to file a saw when the engineer is fooling with the throttle valve.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. GILES, on March 17th, a daughter.
-W. E. MITTEN has just finished his new barn and Robert HALL is building another one.
-Mr. BAXTER is hunting for a teacher for 54 pupils 22 1/2 miles up the river.
-Mrs. BEAVERS closed her Roeder school with the finest exhibition of boy and girl talent. To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TROTT, Monday, March 24, 1890, a boy. Miss Annie PURIEA is suffering with hemorrhage of the lungs. Mrs. S. F. KILDALL's mother has gone to her ranch on the Samish. A child of W. H. TEMPLEMAN is very sick and not expected to live. M. A. FILMORE will commence the erection of a fine brick house early next month. Mrs. C. A. BEAVERS has been preaching in the M. E. church since the illness of Rev. TENNANT. J. B. DOUGLAS has taken the contract to build a neat dwelling for Clem PURIEA on Grover street. Mrs. WILLIAMS, daughter of Mrs. John THOMAS, is here from Colorado visiting her mother. W. I. BAKER has gone to Blaine where he and B. W. LORING will open a real estate office. Mrs. William PRATT returned from Seattle, Sunday, where she had been visiting. Mr. PRATT met her at Whatcom. They are now living at the ranch. John THOMAS will move to Lynden to live, and will erect a large and handsome residence in the north part of the town as soon as lumber can be purchased. He is impatient at the delay caused for want of lumber.
Primary department - Mrs. Anna ODELL, teacher. Enrollment 56.
Intermediate - Mr. O. D. NORTON, teacher. Enrollment 53; advanced 2. Miss D. J. BOWERS, principal. Enrollment 46. Thursday, April 3, 1890: John THOMAS is putting out about one hundred fruit trees on his place north of town. He commenced his house Monday. The mail stage is the only one on the route from Lynden to Whatcom now. The other drivers have sold their teams and invested in Blaine. The Baptist church has decided to build this season upon a lot on Grover street, nearly north of KILDALL Bros'. store. The building is to be not less than 24 x 36 feet. Simon F. KILDALL has been appointed a notary public. W. K. JEFFRIES, father of Mrs. P. C. WILLIAMS, is in town. C. W. WRIGHT and H. C. BERTHUSON have been appointed notaries public. J. T. SHAW went to Blaine, Tuesday, where he started a brick yard. J. O. BUZZARD has been suffering with rheumatism, or something of that sort, for a week or two. C. L. JUDSON went to Blaine one day last week and while there the boom fever seized him violently. He recovered by selling his fine gray team and investing the proceeds in town lots. BORN - To Mr. and Mrs. W. H. TEMPLEMAN, Thursday, March 27, 1890, a girl.
DIED - On April 2nd, Samuel BERG, Postmaster, at Tuxedo.
NOOKSACK - Richard HOWARD is selling 80 acres to J. GILLIS for $2,000 and will soon make a health trip to 'Frisco.
-Rev. WELLS has moved his family to Ferndale and will soon make preparations to build on his lot.
-Lizzie BUSHNELL, of Seattle, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. FOX. -Mr. MOLE, who has been teaching the Blaine school, has closed and will soon be at home. -Born to the wife of S. ROSS, Sunday, March 23rd, 1890, a son.
Room No. 1. Term ending March 21st, 1890. Average standing in attendance, studies and deportment.
Not absent during the term -- Anna WRIGHT, Harry WEBBER, Willie EATON.
D. J. GOWERS, Teacher Primary Department
Thursday, April 17, 1890: W. LOGAN has been appointed postmaster at Hillsdale. D. WARD, north of town, is preparing to build a house. Mrs. PHELPS has moved out upon her ranch north of town. Prof. BRADLEY is moving the Norman book store into the drug store. Mr. GEIGAR, late from Ohio, is a helper to Mr. SLAUGHTER on his ranch. A lodge of Knights of Pythias is to be organized at Whatcom April 21st. Whatcom is to have a musical and dramatic society called the Sunset club. Rev. L. BERKMAN will preach in the hall next Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. G. MARCY has a team of horses and doesn't go to town behind his "plugs." Mrs. C. A. BEAVERS preached an able sermon in the M. E. church Sunday evening. It is said that Prof. GRIFFIN has made $8,000 in commissions selling property in Blaine. The professor is a rustler and has made some good sales. WINKLER Bros. have leased H. A. JUDSON's hop yard. Both these young men are experienced hop raisers and will make the most out of the yard. Miss D. J. BOWERS has resigned her position as principal of our public school and gone to Blaine to teach some special studies there. We are very sorry to loose so able an instructor, but trust Miss BOWERS will only have a wider field of usefulness. This (Saturday) afternoon the board of school directors accepted the plans for the school houses to be erected in this city. Mr. A. LEE, of this city, and Mr. W. B. DAVY, of Fairhaven, were the successful contestants. There will be two buildings erected, one according to the plans submitted by Mr. LEE and the other according to the plans submitted by Mr. DAVY; both are most excellent and the buildings when erected will be a credit to the city. The directors have already purchased a block of land from Mr. W. R. EATON on which one of the buildings will be erected, but we have not learned if the site for the other has yet been selected. -Bulletin.
-Mr. KELLY's fine house is nearing completion, and when finished will be an ornament to any neighborhood. -Parties that bought land of Mr. HAGAN on which to build a saw mill have commenced work. We will soon hear the hum of the saw on the brook. -The CORNWALL surveyors encamped near Mr. GILLISE's hop house. They have stuck stakes all over this country, and more, too. -Mr. FULLER, our genial postmaster, is now a merchant at the booming city of Sumas. He also keeps groceries at the Brook. We would say success to him in his new business. -C. BAILEY is now working at Tuxedo. -OSTERMAN & ELDER are moving their stock of goods to Nooksack City. The postoffice will also be moved to the city this week. -The Second Day Adventists are building a fine church house at the city. Chas. WINKLER is laid up with a boil on his hand. C. E. CLINE has been appointed deputy assessor. B. F. KING is reported as being very sick. W. P. HAWKE will soon advertise in the Press to make proof on his claim. J. S. AUSTIN went to Blaine Tuesday on business connected with the Masonic lodge. John J. FULLER, postmaster at Clear Brook made the Press a pleasant call Tuesday. C. E. CLINE and wife have gone to housekeeping in the Greenwood cottage west of the Pacific hotel. John THOMAS and family have moved into the ROHRBACHER house, which they will occupy until their new house is ready. Mr. KATZ, of the U. S. Clothing house, Sehome, was in town Monday looking after the trade of this popular house. E. E. STEWART, representing the Dunning Stone, Marble and Granite Manufacturing company, was in town this week setting up some monuments in this part of the county. Clem PUARIEA has been employed as principal of the Lynden public school instead of Miss BOWERS, resigned. Mr. PUARIEA is a teacher of experience and ability, and no doubt will give the best of satisfaction. W. H. DOBBS went to Whatcom Thursday and Saturday telephoned that the Union Pacific railroad would come to Lynden. Articles of incorporation have been filed at Olympia authorizing the extension of that road to Blaine, and Lynden will be taken in on the route.
Dated this 1st day of April, 1890. C. A. BEAVERS, B. W. LORING. Thursday, April 24, 1890: Blaine has a lodge of the I. O. G. T. organized last week. Pete BLACK, of Blaine, was severely injured last week by being thrown from a wagon by a runaway team.
N. A. CORNISH, W. M. O. D. McDONALD, S. W. W. J. GILLESPIE, J. W. F. HURLBERT, Secretary. A. L. JOHNSON, S. D. J. WAGNER, J. D. It is expected that the lodge will begin business with twenty-five to thirty members. They will at once build a $5,000 temple, but the site for the new building has not yet been determined upon, but will be in a few days. --Blaine Journal. Mrs. C. A. BEAVERS now has entire charge of the M. E. church. JONES & MUNDELL is the name of a new real estate firm of our town. Semiahmoo is to have a $50,000 hotel commenced at once. Several hotels are in process of erection at Blaine. It is reported that Nooksack City is to have a newspaper soon. The postoffice has been moved there and with a newspaper the town will be prepared to boom. J. B. DOUGLAS has removed his office from Pacific hotel to the Ebey building, where he will be pleased to make plans and specifications for those desiring to build. Harvey SLADE had the misfortune to loose one of his fine large horses last Saturday. On the return trip from Blaine the horse took sick and before a veterinary surgeon could be called it dropped dead. The horse was worth about $200. A boom company has been organized, with a capital of $50,000, to do business at the mouth of the Nooksack. Loggers up the river will appreciate the work of the company as it will insure them that the logs will be caught and preserved for them. Our cornet band came out Saturday night and serenaded Mr. and Mrs. WINKLER and Mr. and Mrs. CLINE. The boys discoursed some fine music, which was properly appreciated by the couples thus honored. This is a very proper way of showing respect to the newly-married people, and we hope it will in time entirely supplant the hideous racket made by the tin-pan brigade which recently appeared in town. Angus NICHOLSON has been running his sawmill at Kingsboro night and day. Saturday morning at 4 o'clock he accidently, in turning from the saw, threw one of his legs back against it, and in a twinkling the disk passed through bone and flesh. It was not until noon that the surgeon reached him and amputated his leg. During these hours Mr. NICHOLSON suffered the most intense agony. His leg was taken off through the middle of the calf. -Reveille. E. EVERSON, of Nooksack, was in town Monday. W. E. LIKINS, Whatcom, has been in town the past week. A. CROGHAN, of Whatcom, paid Lynden a visit Monday. F. W. COOKE, of the B. B. & B. C. was in town Saturday. Dr. S. F. WRIGHT has located at Silverdale, Kitsap county, where he will practice his profession. G. F. BRACKETT has been appointed a notary public and went to Whatcom Tuesday to have his bond approved. I. LANNING and daughter, Mrs. GUIBERSON, went to Whatcom Tuesday and returned the same day, making the trip on horseback. G. F. BRACKETT has left the postoffice and now has his office in the Kildall block, where he is doing a good business in selling real estate. James C. SPAULDING, recently of Wisconsin, has purchased a couple of lots in Lynden and will soon move his family here to make this town his home. S. F. KILDALL made a trip to Tacoma last week. He reports the merchants complaining that business is dull on account of money being tied up in real estate. C. E. MARSHALL, a live real estate agent of Fairhaven, was in town Tuesday and expresses himself as well pleased with Lynden. Of course he is -- everyone is. They can't help it.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., Feb. 4th, 1890.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, May 8, 1890: C. E. SETZER has purchased a fine Jersey bull and will improve his stock. Brooks RANDOLPH is now proprietor of the candy depot, and it is said a Whatcom man is negotiating for the property. The contract has been let for building a commodious press room. This was necessary to make room for the new job plant. KILDALL Bros. are going to put up a bulletin board in front of their store, upon which will be written the latest telegraphic advices. Mrs. C. F. VINNUP is building a neat cottage 24x28 on the corner of Edison and 6th street. RUNYON & BRECKENRIDGE are doing the work; the building is to cost $600. The air is full of smoke now, caused by the great amount of clearing going on all around. Nearly every ranch has a crew at work slashing and burning. Let the good work go on. Until incorporation is a fixed fact it is to be hoped that all our townspeople will observe the provisions of the new law prohibiting swine running at large. Hogs look well enough in their place, but they are no ornament to the streets of a beautiful town.
Room No. 1 - Those standing 90 and above in attendance, scholarship and deportment: Carrie PALMER, Helen BERKMAN, Ida ALEXANDER, Eva KINGDON, Lottie HAGAN, Genevera PIERCE, Winnie LINDLEY, Martin ALEXANDER, Willie BENSON, Warren KINGDON, Willie EATON, John LINDLEY, Carey PALMER, Charles ROHRBACHER, Ara RUSCO, Elmer TAYLOR, Fred SHAW and Harry WEBBER. Not tardy or absent during the month: Ida ALEXANDER, Helen BERKMAN, Genevera PIERCE, Winnie LINDLEY, Martin ALEXANDER, Warren KINGDON, Chas. ROHRBACHER, Harry WEBBER. Enrollment, 41. C. A. PUARIEA, principal. Room No. 2 - Those standing 90 and above in attendance, scholarship and deportment: Jessie MUNDELL, Hattie PIERCE, Justin KINGDON, Lottie GILBERT, Wreath DURKEE, George LINDLEY, Henry KLOCKE, Pearly HALL, Gertrude HELMS, Asa PALMER. Not tardy or absent during the month: George LINDLEY, Henry KLOCKE, Johnnie TREMAIN, Bertie BARTLETT, Joel HOLBROOK, Delwin RAMSDELL, Gertrude HELMS, Pearly HALL, Myrtie TROTT, Wreath DURKEE, Justin KINGDON, Earl WOODY, Horace DEMING, Lydia TREMAIN, Lucy TAYLOR, Hattie PIERCE. Enrollment 40. O. D. NORTON, teacher. Room No. 3 - Those standing 90 and above in attendance, scholarship and deportment: Orfie TEMPLEMAN, Willie PARFIT, Winnie TEMPLEMAN, Freddie ROGERS, Roy BEZZO, Vernon FUNK, Mary PALMER, Ar_a PALMER, Fred TEMPLEMAN, Ben NACE, Freddie O'NEIL, Allie GILBERT, Birdie FUNK, Vivian SHAFFER. Enrollment, 52. Anna ODELL, teacher. Our job plant will be here in two or three weeks and will be new, complete and first-class in every particular. The officers of the Lynden Loyal Legion for the present month are: Arthur WHITNEY, captain; Emma R. ROBINSON, assistant captain; Daisey E. BOYLES, secretary. The interest in the young in the work increases from week to week. Business manager W. H. DOBBS has been making several good and fortunate investments in real estate lately. He has made one deal which nets him about $3,300. A part of the Monday is being devoted to putting an addition to the Press office and putting in a fine job outfit. Let other fortunate Lynden investors imitate this example and return their profits to Lynden. Company "I" is to be the name of Lynden's company of the state militia. It was organized last Monday night with the following named as officers: Capt. A. P. LONG; 1st Lieut., C. E. CLINE; 2nd Lieut., G. S. MILLER; 1st Sergt., W. WADE; 2nd Sergt., P. B. RANDOLPH; 3d Sergt., W. PYM; 4th Sergt., Bert WOODY. The company has a good set of officers and will be one of the best in the service.
Fred SLADE is now clerk at the Pacific house. Miss SANDERS is now clerking for KILDALL Bros. Frank GANNON has opened a real estate office in Blaine. A. P. LONG and wife came up from Whatcom last week and are now at home. Hon. W. O. WRIGHT of Freeport, Ill., is here visiting B. W. LORING and family. Ken. ROBINSON went up Sound to meet his wife and both arrived in Chuckanut Tuesday. W. H. DOBBS has opened a real estate office in Blaine in company with J. D. GARDNER. They are located in the Bank block. Mr. DAVIS, a painter, formerly of Lynden, had his leg broke below the knee while taking down a scaffold used about the new hotel at Nooksack city. Messrs. VANASSELT & HUBBARD, of the planing mill, will start for Seattle Friday. It is said Mr. HUBBARD is to be married in that city in a few days, and will bring his bride to Lynden where they will make their home. Miss Laura WELKER, of Nooksack City, made the Press a very pleasant call last Monday. Her father, Lewis WELKER, is about to start a paper at Nooksack, and Miss WELKER came to Lynden on business connected with the paper.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or in his absence the Clerk of the Superior Court at Whatcom, Wash., on Monday, June 23rd, 1890, viz: John F. ROHRBACKER .... He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: John KULP, Nels LARSEN, Chris. HAGELSTEIN, Fred JOHNS, all of Delta, Wash. T. M. REED, Jr., Register.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 23, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 24, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 30, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 30, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., March 10th, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., March 10th, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., March 4, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 9th, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 8th, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 9, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 8, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., March 21, 1890. May 15, 1890: Blaine is to have a $20,000 brewery, work to commence at once. LANNING is fencing his hotel lot. John CAVE has built a small residence near his real estate office. A. H. WAMPLER took his little boy to Seattle last week for medical treatment. Mrs. Libby WOODY is building a neat cottage, 24x24, one story high, on the south side of Front street. A. G. HYATT, of Weir, Mich., has purchased the BAZZO property. He and his family are now occupying the place. J. W. TREMEIN has an ancient newspaper dated May 6, 1829, printed at Bridgeport, Conn. It is a queer looking sheet, a gift from his father, and he prizes it highly. Steamer Edith had the misfortune to run upon the bank in crossing the bar at the mouth of the river and she soon filled and sank. Her cargo was valued at about $4,000, and the loss was estimated at about $2,500, as part was saved. The boat was raised in a few days and came up with what was saved. Our merchants lost about $600 worth of goods. Surveyors have located the new wharves at Drayton and are now locating the line of the Drayton Harbor, Lynden & Spokane Falls railroad from Blaine to this place. Contracts will be let at once and the work pushed to completion at the earliest moment possible. It is now expected the road will be inn operation on or before January 1, 1891. Farmers should prepare to raise as big a crop next year as it is possible to produce, for there will be no trouble about getting to market next summer. A man named BAKER, who has been working for Hon. W. R. MOULTRAY near Nooksack, attempted to mover over "to that bourne from which," etc., by the suicide route through the medium of poison, but people about him arrested him in his mad career and forcibly sidetracked him despite his protestations accentuated by loud profanity. Because he wants to leave the turmoil of this mundane sphere people are hinting that he is insane and want the sheriff to have him incarcerated in the bastile at Steilacoom. Harvey SLADE has purchased a new span of young horses. Ida GUIBERSON is making improvements on her property recently purchased. School commenced last Monday in Anatole district, with Miss Alice ROGERS teacher. J. H. WILLMORE has sold his twenty-three acres of bottom land to Joseph FITTS, of Tacoma, for $3,500. Theo. ANDERSON has let the contract for building a neat little cottage on Front street, just west of RANDOLPH's store. The first of the week G. A. R. members to the number of fifteen went out to the home of J. R. BIRDSELL, who is sick with pneumonia, and put in his crop for him. Old men not used to hard labor on a farm worked faithfully for their unfortunate comrade. Peck McSWAIN, once an employee of the Press, is in town. J. S. WATTS and Frank O'NEIL made proof on their claims on Monday. Robert McKAY came in from Nooksack Saturday and returned Sunday. J. M. GRIFFITH, of Yager, is going to move to Anacortes and engage in the real estate and insurance business. John J. FAUTH, Delta, has taken charge of the Bellingham restaurant in connection with the Bellingham hotel of Whatcom. J. O. BUZZARD returned Tuesday from Seattle where he has been attending the contest case instituted against his claim to land near Lynden. Benton PACKARD is in town. While scaling logs on the Samish he got his hand pinched pretty badly and has come here waiting for it to get well. Messers. BAZZO and FERRIS have returned from Gray's Harbor. Mr. BAZZO and Mr. HOOVER have taken claims and think it a fine country. Next week Ed. HOOVER and Mr. BRAZZO returns to that neck of the woods. M. P. WATSON had a very narrow escape Saturday. He was riding horse back to Whatcom and was thrown from the horse, his foot catching in the stirrup and girth. This wrenched his foot as he fell, and the injury gives him great pain. Had the horse been vicious or excitable he would not have escaped with his life.
On Thursday, May 8th, by J. M. GRIFFITH, justice of the peace, W. J. KENOYER to Miss Lucretia BARTON, both of Yager. ANNIS-LEVEY At the Pacific hotel, Whatcom, May 10th, by Judge BROYLES, Albert W. ANNIS to Addie L. LEVEY, both of Gera.
Mr. KING has been sick for many months with consumption, and for weeks his death has been expected any day. Deceased has been a resident of this county for about eight years, and in that time has earned a good reputation through his general sterling qualities. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. His mother is still alive, and with his two brothers and a sister reside in the East. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock to-day, and the remains will be buried in the Masonic cemetery.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., May 3, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., May 3, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., May 16, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 16, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 16, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 16, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 16, 1890.
Land office at Seattle, Wash., April 16, 1890. May 22, 1890: Lynden will not celebrate the fourth this year. A substantial fence has been built around the Normal school grounds. I. LANNING has bought the lot adjoining the hotel lot on the east side, and is busy fencing. The Press job plant has arrived and in the course of a week we will be able to fulfill all orders promptly. Miss Nellie PATTERSON and Mrs. RITENBERG are fencing their half block on the north side of Front street. Blaine's election was held May 13th and elected James CAIN for mayor by a majority of 43, out of a total vote of 185. A new boat has been ordered by men on the Bay to ply on the Sound. This will probably have a good effect upon freight rates. Messrs. JONES & CARLYON are about to start a monthly journal devoted to the real estate business and Whatcom county. They will make it a success as they have everything they have undertaken. Mrs. Watson SMITH, one of Lynden's experienced butter makers, has made butter from one cow for 27 years. This seems a pretty big story, but if it isn't so we'll take it back when we find out our mistake. The largest real estate deal ever recorded in Whatcom county took place on the Bay last week. Erastus BARTLETT and Mr. ELDRIDGE sold the Bellingham townsite to the Bellingham Bay company for $1,000,000. The property was placed on sale Monday morning and $250,000 worth sold that day. J. D. GARDNER was in town from Blaine Sunday. He informs the Press that the engineers and surveyors on the Drayton Harbor, Lynden & Spokane R. R. were three miles out from Blaine, that they would move came to LOMAS's ranche (sic) about Tuesday, and be through to Lynden in about two weeks. Mr. GARDNER also states that the slashing of Drayton townsite is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and everything points to a speedy clearing and grading of the line between Lynden and Drayton. An addition is being built to the Lynden restaurant. Shall we incorporate or not? Express your opinion Saturday night. The old Bellingham mill has been started after a rest of five years. O. P. STEVENS is building a warehouse for his large stock of farm machinery. Our steamboat men think the boom at the mouth of the river is an obstruction to navigation. The proprietor of the boom thinks otherwise. The steamer Triumph arrived Wednesday heavily laden with freight for our Lynden merchants. The Edith is at the machine shops at Whatcom undergoing repairs. The Triumph has been sold and the Advance is at the shops being converted into a twin screw propeller. A. ROSS has removed to Blaine. C. M. MALTBY has ordered his Press sent to Semiahmoo. H. W. PECK, of Anderson, Cal., arrived in town Tuesday. J. B. BARTON, of Alderton, Wash., was a visitor to Lynden this week. Mr. HUBBARD, of the planing mill, arrived from Seattle the first of the week. Mrs. J. T. SHAW and daughter were passengers on the Blaine stage Wednesday morning. L. BREWSTER, of Port Gamble, is in town visiting KILDALL Bros. He is much pleased with the town. Edwin PHELPS and wife, of Tuxedo, have been visiting Mrs. PHELPS on her ranche north of town the past week. N. W. LAWRENCE is circulating a petition praying for a military road from Whatcom north to the British boundary. H. T. KNOELL, Fred ZIMMERMAN and T. C. BUCK, of Tacoma, have been in town this week looking for a chance to invest. W. BARRINGER, Rock Springs, Wyo., came to town Tuesday and purchased 20 acres of land for which he paid $100 an acre. He intends to bring his family and reside on same. J. H. VANASSELT arrived in town from Seattle Wednesday. He says the new machinery for the mill has been ordered and will be here in a few days and then they will be able to fulfill all orders promptly.
By Order of Committee.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 12, 1890. May 29, 1890: ( only 1 page exists)
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 14, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 14, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 14, 1890.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ June 19, 1890:
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., (unreadable), 1890. Daniel WARD has moved into his new house. J. S. CEDERBERG's house is nearing completion. Mr. SCHLOTHER is building a large hay barn on his place. Henry SLADE has purchased the residence of C. S. POTTS. Miss E. M. CAMERON has four men at work ditching on her claim. All our friends from far and wide are cordially invited to come to Lynden and have a grand time July 4th. The encampment of the Sons of Veterans next year will be held at Puyallup at the same time as the G. A. R. encampment. Whatcom's Fourth of July committee has a great deal of trouble in raising funds. Come to Lynden where the committee has all the money it wants. Whatcom now has an overland steamboat route to Lake Whatcom. John THOMAS was down there this week and says that the Edith is going through town on wheels. A half-mile race track has been fitted up for the races July 4th. It is 60 feet wide and in excellent condition. Bring on your fast horses and let them show their speed under the most favorable circumstances.
Mrs. Libbie WOODY has moved into her new house on Front Street. A week ago Sunday Allen TAYLOR saw three deer grazing near his place. Work was commenced last Thursday on the right of way of the Drayton Harbor, Lynden & Spokane Falls railroad near Lynden, and Monday work was commenced of Drayton. Prof. H. J. SWIM and family had new potatoes for dinner June 14th, that being grandpa SWIM's seventy-eighth birthday. The potatoes were of the Snow Flake variety, the best early potato that grows. Dr. F. S. WRIGHT is in town. Chris HAGELSTEIN is on the sick list. Hon. W. I. BAKER came over from Blaine Sunday. C. SEIGLE and wife are visiting with Chris HAGELSTEIN and family. J. B. DOUGLAS and Chas. WINKLER are attending Superior court this week. Mrs. Louisa SCOFIELD is enjoying a visit from her sister, whose home is in New York. E. L. SHELLEY, who has been working on Lake Samish was in town Saturday and Sunday. Misses VANASSELT and BRIDGES, of Seattle, are in town visiting Mr. VANASSELT, of the planing mill. Ed. BEATTIE of the Bellingham Bay Express came up to Lynden, Saturday, to attend the I. O. G. T. social. William SHARP, of Nooksack City, was in town yesterday and says things are moving along nicely up there. D. D. ALEXANDER's mother, aged 77 years, came here last week to visit her son, making the trip from the East alone. Postmaster AUSTIN and wife returned from up Sound. Mr. AUSTIN attended the Grand Lodge of the A. F. & A. M. at Ellensburg and reports a fine time. P. BENSON and wife returned last week from a visit to Germany. They report having had a nice time, but are not anxious to exchange life in Washington for that in Germany. Archie BAILEY, formerly of the Press force, now with the Fairhaven Plaindealer, was in town Saturday. He had the misfortune to mash one of his fingers in a job press a couple of weeks ago and is giving him some trouble. Mrs. Levi WADE, of Bay City, Mich., has been in town since last Wednesday visiting her son and her mother, Mrs. THOMAS. She and her son Wilson WADE, left yesterday morning for Bay City. Mr. WADE expects to return to Lynden next spring. P. B. RANDOLPH returned Tuesday from the encampment of the Sons of Veterans at North Yakima. He reports having a right royal time and is well pleased with the people of the city. Mr. RANDOLPH was elected major of the Washington division, so it is now Major RANDLOPH.
-Mr. TIFFINY, of Ferndale, bought of J. FOX of Mountain View, eighty acres of land for $1800 and has a gang of men slashing one forty. -Mr. GRIFFIN, who bought an eighty of McDOUGLE, is employing slashers. -H. H. SMITH is having ten acres slashed, and others are adding to their improved land.
... on Wednesday, August 6, 1890, viz: Alfred BYE, ... witnesses ... viz: James REED, Parker BENTON, Jack DELORIMER and Charles SCHRIMSHER, all of Yager, Wash. ...
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 5, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 28, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 28, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 26, 1890.
Land Office at Seattle, Wash., May 26, 1890.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, January 15, 1891 Vol. III, No. 14 Whole No. 118 Joseph KILDALL is on the sick list. Joe PYM is confined to his room through sickness. George JUDSON and B. W. LORING left for the Bay Friday. Arthur SWIM, of the International Vidette, was in town Monday. W. I. BAKER, of Drayton Harbor, came in from Whatcom, Tuesday. Capt. MATHEWS, of Lummi, is in town renewing acquaintances with old friends. Mr. Simon KILDALL and family have been laid up with severe colds the past week. Mr. Charles RICHBAUGH, of North Lynden, is building a large addition to his house. Mrs. WYNN has been very sick for the past week or so. She is now able to be up a part of the time and her speedy recovery is anticipated. The son of Mr. Joseph NICHOLS who came to Lynden with his wife and two children about three weeks since from Nebraska, has concluded to locate here. Mr. NICHOLS is also receiving a visit from his daughter who will probably remain. Mr. S. L. TODD, of Clearbrook, was in Lynden this week soliciting aid for the family of J. R. PILGRIM who are sick and in stringent circumstances. In speaking of Clearbrook, he said they were destined to have a beautiful town there in the near future. Quite an interest is being taken in the place on account of its location at the junction of the B. B. & B. C. and Great Northern railroads. I wish to express my thanks to the people of Lynden for the liberal manner in which they have contributed to the needs of the family of J. R. PILGRIM. Six of the family are now very low with typhoid fever and pneumonia, with no help or attention, only as received from the neighbors. I must say that the people of Lynden are very liberal toward the needy. With the aid of Mr. SWIM, I have received a very liberal contribution for the family. S. L. TODD
The characters with their representatives were:
Lynden has for some time been desirous of putting its Normal school on a solid foundation by making it a state institution, with a small appropriation. Normal schools are generally, in a legislature, a subject of hilarity unless the location applying has some tangible thing to recommend it besides its natural fine location and the desire of the people for a public institution. One Normal school will bring a dozen. Every bucolic statesman rushes to the front to make buncombe for his town by introducing a bill for a Normal school. Generally the bills, after amusing the legislators for a few weeks, are all killed by general consent. The Normal school goes to the town that is earnest and active, and has given tangible evidence of its earnestness and activity by pioneering its way as an educational center. The Normal school is a pet institution of Lynden. The Bay cities ought to be in better business than in stealing their neighbors ewe lambs. Lynden came within an ace of securing the location of a state Normal school at last session of the legislature. They offer a liberal appropriation at Lynden for the institution. Times have not changed with them since the last session. -Reveille, Dec., 19.
The Fairhaven Land Co. and a few private citizens of Fairhaven have offered nine acres of land and $10,000 to secure the State Normal school at Fairhaven. Lynden offers 20 acres of land and $8,000 cash and a Normal school that is on a self sustaining basis which alone is worth $50,000 to the state at the least possible estimate. Fairhaven has a college of high grade being established by a sectarian society; also a large hospital. Lynden is at the head of navigation on the Nooksack river, is 14 miles from Whatcom and six miles from the railway with daily stages to connect with all trains. The commissioners have granted a petition to plank the wagon road from Whatcom to Lynden. When this is completed, which will be the coming summer, Lynden will be within one and one half hours' drive from Whatcom and Fairhaven. Lynden will be on the main line of the Fairhaven & Northern railroad in a few months at farthest, and will have connection will all the upper sound; Seattle and Tacoma over the Lake Shore & Eastern, and is of easy access to the whole state either by rail or by water. A more beautiful, accessible, cultured or appropriate spot than Lynden could not be selected in the state for the Normal school.
From the Daily Reveille, of Jan. 4th, we clip the following letter which is a valuable endorsement, of Lynden for the State Normal, from another part of the county: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, October 20, 1892: S. L. PALMER has begun on the cemetery bridge. Henry GOODELL is moving to town with his family. Frank BAILEY's little boy got his finger cut off last Monday. Allen EBEY has purchased J. S. AUSTIN's burl maple table. Will ROHRBADKER [ROHRBACHER?] is rapidly recovering and will be at work in about one week. W. H. GILBERT, of Custer, our next state senator from this district was in town Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. FRANCIS and Miss Mary WILSON have gone to Tacoma to meet their sister whom they are expecting from the east. A party was given at the Commercial Hotel in honor of Miss Dema GILL, last Thursday evening. Ed ROHRBACHER made his friends a short visit Sunday. He returned to Blue Canyon, where he is working, Monday morning. Prof. HITT, county supt., was in town last Thursday visiting our public school. He reports our school as the best he has visited in the county. Lynden has always been noted for her good schools and it is much to Mr. SWIM's credit to hear that the school is keeping up its reputation, and that it is now the best school in the county.
-Sumas school opened on Monday with an enrollment of 32 in the primary and 38 in the grammar department. Such pupils as were not present last year were immediately assigned to different grades and by Tuesday morning a regular program of recitation was followed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, November 3, 1892: Miss Carrie PALMER, Carrie WILMORE, Edith WHITE, Mrs. Flora JUDSON and Messrs. COVINGTON and SPAULDING returned Friday from the Epworth League convention at Anacortes. YOUNT & HAWKE have just finished a stock cabinet for the Pioneer Press office. It is a fine piece of work and shows that YOUNT & HAWKE are fine workmen. If you want any cabinet work done you should go to them.
On last Monday evening the young ladies gave a Halloween party at the residence of Mrs. F. A. JUDSON. All came in costume and masks and spent the evening until nine finding out who each other was. At nine they unmasked for supper. A very nice supper was gotten up by the young ladies. After supper Halloween games were in order such as bobbing for apples and reading fortunes. The party broke up about twelve, some going home, we dest say where some of the young men went nor what they did. The following is a list of the costumes:
Parties that have received statements of their accounts with the Pioneer Press please remember the proprietor is not working for his health. Make your remittance soon to Geo. F. BRACKETT, Lynden, Wash. Born: to Mrs. M. P. WATSON 11 pound boy. All doing well. Lester W. DAVID, of Blaine, took in the Odd Fellow's Ball last week. The Band went to Delta Wednesday night to attend the Republican rally. The band boys all unite in saying that the supper given by Charley WORTHEN was the best they had eaten for a long time. Mr. E. J. ROBINSON received a telegram yesterday stating that his son-in-law, Chas. SHANK of Seattle, is quite sick with contraction of the muscles of the heart. Mr. SHANK's many friends here hope his illness is not serious. T. C. DARNELL and J. G. WHITTIER of Whatcom have made a novel bet on the outcome of the state elections. They have secured a hand-organ, and the looser is to grind it in front of his place of business for one hour. The usual tin cup will be on hand and the proceeds to to St. Joseph's Hospital. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, March 26, 1894 (large hole in paper; this is all of interest that remains) Orrin RAMSDELL, fashionable tonsorial artist. Rev. F. S. WRIGHT, of Ten Mile, is visiting relatives and friends in town this week. Jerome AUSTIN has quit the jury business and is now talking up Point Roberts as a good fishing point for next summer. Captain LANNING is getting worse the past few days but it is hoped that the change for the worse is only temporary. Bill NYE is now where he belongs; he has stopped trying to lecture and has settled down on his North Carolina truck patch. Chas. CLINE, manager of the Lynden Creamery showed us a sample of his "Star" brand of fancy butter yesterday, which was very nice. Little Willie KING, of New Whatcom, cousin to Miss Winnie LINDLEY, of this place, while getting a drink out of a well fell in, and before help came drowned. Milo SUMNER and family left Monday morning for California. Mr. SUMNER traded his property across the river for Mr. SCOFIELD's land thirty miles south of San Diego.
SUMMONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, May 3, 1894: The Lynden Pioneer Press has changed hands, George N. ODELL being business manager and James F. SEAMAN editor. Mrs. C. W. WORTHEN was at the bay the first of the week visiting friends. A. JOHNSON, of Acme, was in town on business with J. R. BRADLEY, yesterday. Miss Lella ODELL left Lynden on Sunday to take charge of a school near Custer. James CALBRICK, living near Shortreed, B. C., was in town today purchasing supplies. M. R. STAIGHT and W. H. DOBBS went to Whatcom this morning on a business trip. Miss Eva Bell KINGDON will open a private school in the normal block next Monday, May 7. P. C. WILLIAMS went to Whatcom with a wagon load of his excellent creamery butter, yesterday. Alex. MORRISON and his sister, Babe, of Langley, B. C., were at the Lanning hotel Friday night. F. A. JUDSON & Co. have been alabasting (sic) the ceiling and side walls, and otherwise renovating their store. E. W. PURDY has been appointed county treasurer, vice Ellery ROGERS, resigned. The bond required in $100,000. Miss Mary CAVENDER, who has been in Whatcom studying music for six months past, returned home Saturday. Indian Joe Lynden is seeking the scalp of some pale face from Ferndale for the alleged theft of his khale cuitan. Miss Clara VINUP, who has a school at Goshen, spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting her parents and friends. KILDALL Bros., former residents of Lynden have secured the contract to lighter all the coal for the Bearing sea fleet from the bunkers to the ships. John MCCLANAHAN has the contract for grading from Front street to the approach to the bridge across the Nooksack river. The work is nearly completed. George BRACKETT received from TALCOTT Bros., Olympia, a few days ago, a pocket notarial seal. It weighs only eight ounces and is very convenient. Harry WELLMAN, now located at Fairhaven, arrived home last night and this morning left for Nooksack City. He will return to Lynden this evening. The family of George EATON have moved to Lawrence, a station on the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern railway. Mr. EATON, who is a sufferer from rheumatism, will go to the Harrison hot springs for a month, after which he will join his family at their new home. During George EATON's absence from the city, Charles WORTHEN will be in charge of his furniture business, and Miles RITTENBURG will superintend the picture fame department. WALLACE Bros., fishermen, have contracted with KILDALL Bros. for driving ninety 60-foot piles on the north side of Lummi island, where a large fish trap will be constructed. A boat load of nets, lines and other tackle arrived at Whatcom Monday and were taken to the fishing grounds. Louis DURR, a former pupil of the normal school in Lynden, was up from Fairhaven Tuesday. He begins teaching a school at Hollinsworth [Hollingsworth] next Monday. C. W. STARK, son of J. R. STARK, who has been absent from Lynden about two years, returned home on Friday last. He has been at Evanston, Ill., attending the theological department of the Garrett Biblical Institute. The Nooksack river has been cleared of snags, and boats are plying between Whatcom and this point. A few days ago the Indians worked a whole day destroying a snag that obstructed the channel near the reservation. George DURKEE, a former resident of this place, now living at Medford, Ore., writes to George BRACKETT that he is very much dissatisfied with that section of the country and may be expected to return to Lynden almost any day. One day last week Mrs. Jonathan LOVEALL, of Goshen, was adjudged insane and taken to the hospital at Steilacoom. Many will remember Mrs. LOVEALL as formerly Miss Missoura SLEASMAN, who resided in Lynden at one time. The aggregate number of strangers in town this week has been quite large, undoubtedly owing to the beginning of work on the railroad. Our restaurants have felt a slight change for the better in the way of transient custom. Mr. Warren GREEN, of the firm FISHER & GREEN, wholesale shoe and leather merchants of Seattle, was in town the latter part of the week on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mr. GREEN is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. SCHOFIELD. On Tuesday morning last F. B. CHANDLER started up the ROBINSON mill, which he expects to keep in motion for an indefinite period. He anticipates that the home trade this season will be sufficient to tax the mill to its utmost capacity. About twenty men will find employment in the mill and woods in consequence. C. H. BLOWERS, who owns a farm about two miles south of Lynden, and who has been absent for several years, has returned and is actively engaged in improving his place. Chas. E. CLINE has been extremely busy for several days past shipping the product of the Lynden creamery and making up his monthly statements. Among the enjoyable social events of the past week must be mentioned the duplicate whist party given last Saturday evening by Miss Eda WELLMAN at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mayor WELLMAN. Cards, music and a lunch of apples, oranges and bananas combined to make the hours pass all too quickly. Those present were Mrs. E. EDSON, Mrs. WATSON, Miss Lella ODELL and Miss Mamie MILLS, the last named lady a resident of Whatcom; Messrs. Allen EBEY, Arthur SWIM, W. H. DOBBS, George ODELL and J. F. SEAMON. To say the evening was delightfully spent but feebly expresses the feelings of the participants. The quarterly examination of teachers will be held at the Lincoln school in Whatcom, Thursday, May 10, 1894, commencing at 9 a. m. At the same time and place a competitive examination is to be held for those desiring to attend the state normal school at Ellensburg in September. This county is entitled to free scholarships for eight students. -J. M. HITT, County Superintendent.
The Stickney Home, an industrial and boarding school, supported and controlled by the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church, located on the opposite bank of the Nooksack river, about one-half mile east of Lynden, which has been established something over two years, is now in a flourishing condition under its present management. J. R. STARK is business superintendent, Mrs. STARK, matron, and Miss Alice C. STARK, tutor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday, June 14, 1894: Mr. Joseph GOODFELLOW, of Point Roberts, whose mysterious disappearance has excited so much attention, and whom it was feared had been waylaid and murdered, arrived from the east Saturday, somewhat thin and worn but recognizable. He shipped goods from Chicago to Blaine several months since. The freight arrived, but not the owner. It seems that Mr. GOODFELLOW got tied up at Grand Forks, N. D., in the Great Northern strike, and was taken ill at that point with the typhoid fever. For six weeks he lay at death's door. Upon his recovery he again started west, and arrived as per the above.
-Nels LARSEN returned last week after an absence of several months having been engaged at cooking for ANDERSON & SINGLETON's crew on the Guide Meridian road work. -Mr. BLOOMQUIST's neat little place looms up prominently near the school house. -At the school election Monday John AXLING was elected director and Mrs. LEE, clerk. Several cases of measles have been reported at Ferndale. Commercial hotel, only hotel in Lynden with board and room. Harley PACKARD is dangerously ill with an obstruction of the bowels. George EATON went to Lawrence, Tuesday, with a wagon load of beef. P. C. WILLIAMS' creamery is now making about 750 pounds of butter per week. Chas. WORTHEN returned from Spokane Saturday and reports having had a pleasant trip. B. W. HOLLOWAY, who had been in Lynden for a week, left for Friday Harbor last Monday. Miss WATERS, of Whatcom, is visiting in town this week, the guest of Miss Winnie LINDLEY. BORN - To the wife of Robt. O'NEIL, June 9, 1894, a son. Both mother and child are doing nicely. W. R. MOULTRY, of Nooksack, was in the city Tuesday evening, to listen to the MALTBY-SWIM debate. Messrs. BELL, HARKNESS and SHINN, of Everson, took in the MALTBY-SWIM debate last Tuesday night. A special dance will be given at Emmett HAWLEY's Tuesday evening next. A cordial invitation is extended. B. A. WELBON delivers a lecture on Theosophy at JUDSON's opera house this evening at 8 o'clock. All are invited. Miss Clara YOUNT attended the Grand Assembly of Daughters of Rebekah at Spokane last week, returning home Saturday. Miss Alice STARK has been suffering from the effects of a severe cold contracted during the recent floods of the Nooksack. Rev. T. J. MASSEY, presiding elder of the New Whatcom district, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last Sunday evening. The Baptist chapel at Sumas was formally dedicated on Sunday, June 10. Rev. D. D. PROPER, of Seattle, conducted the services. Miss Hannah BERKMAN is expected to return home from Seattle this week. Upon her arrival she well open dress-making parlors. W. S. FOSTER leaves for southwestern Oregon next Saturday, and will spend some time looking over the country for a favorable location. Mr. Charles TILLOSTON [TILLOTSON] and Miss Sarah E. BARGEWELL, of Columbia Valley, were married on May 31, Justice A. H. WRIGHT officiating. Quite a number of blanket boys passed through town this morning en route to Blaine, where they expect to go to work on the Blaine & Eastern. A pair of belligerent cocks attracted quite a crowd on Front street last Sunday afternoon. While the battle lasted front seats were at a premium. F. C. COLLEY goes to Blaine tomorrow on business. Thence to Whatcom to attend the populist convention Saturday and return home Sunday. Harry WIRTH, who resides at Fairhaven but owns a ranch in this vicinity, was in town the fore part of the week and returned home Wednesday. George W. EATON and family returned to Lynden on Friday last to reside. George will give his personal attention to his furniture business in the future. Prof. J. R. BRADLEY left on Tuesday to join his family in Missouri, where they have been for the past six weeks. His absence may extend over a period of two months. Will HAWKE completed a boat last week that he was building for Judge GALLAHER, of Whatcom, for use on Whatcom lake. It was launched with colors flying and due ceremony Sunday, and taken down the river Monday morning. John C. ANDERSON and Miss Anna Laura HENRY were married at Whatcom on Sunday last. Chris is well and favorably known throughout the county and Mrs. ANDERSON is one of Lynden's fairest daughters. The Press extends congratulations. George BRACKETT reports that an owl, cougar or some other wild animal was heard making the most hideous noises in the neighborhood of Fishtrap creek last night about midnight, perhaps a little later. Its blood-curdling cries were repeated at intervals for a period of an hour or more.