Fairhaven Herald
Fairhaven, Wash.

Tuesday, February 2, 1892:

Mrs. Lucinda TEN EYCK, mother of Mrs. H. H. PIERCE, died Saturday evening at the home of her daughter on High street, New Whatcom. The funeral was held from the residence yesterday afternoon. Deceased was 76 years of age and up to (a) year ago had enjoyed the best of health. She had many friends among the residents of the bay who had known her years ago in Minnesota and during the two years she has lived here.

I. O. G. T. Installation
B. W. HUNTOON, chief templar.
Stella GIBSON, vice-templar.
Henry SCHOLSS, recording secretary.
T. D. McNEIL, financial secretary.
Lena WITTER, treasurer.
A. R. DORR, past chief templar.
D. CAMERON, chaplain.
Ray HUNTOON, marshal.
Cora GIBSON, deputy marshal.
C. H. ROSS, guard.
S. E. MULLIN, sentinel.

Col. W. H. HAKES returned Sunday evening from an up-Sound trip.

O. B. IVERSON, an old resident of the bay and now of Seattle, is in town on a visit.

W. E. HUMES, of Seattle, has been employed by DORR, HADLEY & HADLEY in their law office.

The Blue Canyon Coal Company is fitting up offices in the corner rooms of the third story of the New Bellingham Bay Bank building.

Miss EVERSOLE, of the county sheriff's office, received a telegram yesterday announcing the death of her father at Bloomington, Ill. She leaves today for her home.

A serious land slide took place Sunday at the new city hall site. A quantity of earth has slipped down from the level of the excavations to the bay and may neccessitate the construction of an expensive retaining wall on that side of the lot.

D. McLEOD, the man charged with selling liquor to the Indian who killed Moses YOUNKINS, was brought before Judge WILLIAMS yesterday and placed under $500 bonds for his appearance before the federal court in Seattle on the first Tuesday in June.

Mr. J. K. ROLL will leave next week for an extended visit at his old home in New York.

Thursday, February 4, 1892:

Bishop PADDOCK met with an unfortunate accident at Ocean dock last evening about 7:30 o'clock upon his arrival from East Sound on the steamer Garland. He stepped from the steamer upon the dock and in the darkness walked into the slip and fell several feet striking heavily on the incline bottom. Fortunately he did not fall into the water. He was picked up insensible, stunned by the fall and the nervous shock. Rev. L. W. APPLEGATE, who went down to meet him, had him taken to The Fairhaven immediately. He did not come out of the swoon until after being placed in his room. Dr. THOMAS was summoned and everything possible done for the relief of the bishop. He went to East Sound Monday on a visit to the Episcopal parish.

The county commissioners yesterday vacated the plat of Port Birch, on Birch bay, and ordered the corner stakes pulled up and the ground turned into pasture land. Thus are the hopes of another Puget sound metropolis dashed to the ground.

Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the Globe Mill Company. The term of the incorporation is fifty years and William B. MARTIN, H. P. GLOVER and S. D. WYMAN are named as the trustees.

Councilman HEDGE has shaved off his mustachios and looks much younger.

The petition from Emil FRIENER, for a transfer liquor license, was granted.

A petition from John L. RISELAND, for permission to improve the streets in front of his lots on Park street, was granted.

For Sale Cheap - Span of heavy work horses. C. T. LATHROP, Eleventh and Fillmore.

Friday, February 5, 1892:

W. P. MOSS, formerly of the People's Grocery, left yesterday for Pueblo, Col., where he will engage in business.

August HEDLUND plead guilty to assault before Judge CURRY yesterday and was fined $5 and costs. He was arrested by Peter BRUHN for assaulting Louis PITTS.

Saturday, February 6, 1892:

Miss Fannie PADDOCK, daughter of Bishop PADDOCK, arrived from Tacoma yesterday morning to care for her father who is still suffering from the injuries received by his fall Wednesday evening. Miss PADDOCK has had the management of the bishop's household and has been his constant attendant since the death of her mother, in whose memory the Fannie PADDOCK hospital, in Tacoma is named. Miss PADDOCK will remain here until the bishop recovers so far as to permit his removal to Tacoma. He has not yet been able to leave his bed or to help himself in the least. It is not thought that his injuries are dangerous, but it is thought he will be confined to the hotel for several days.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A. Formed and Officers Elected
The organization of the ladies' auxiliary of the Y.M.C.A. was perfected Thursday at a large and enthusiastic meeting held at the new home of the association on Canoe street. The officers elected were: President, Mrs. T. J. PARR; vice-president, Mrs. J. M. HITT; secretary, Mrs. Geo. E. TAYLOR; treasurer, Mrs. S. B. IRISH. The ladies are to give frequent receptions at the association rooms, to which member and their friends will be invited, and in other ways make membership to the association agreeable to the young men of the city.

Wednesday, February 10, 1892:

Mr. C. H. ROBINSON, for some time past bookkeeper of the Bellingham Bay Improvement Company, has tendered his resignation, and about March 1 will depart for San Francisco, where he will engage in the real estate business. Mr. ROBINSON will be succeeded by Mr. D. Daun EGAN, late city clerk of Fairhaven. Mr. EGAN is an excellent accountant, and his many friends will rejoice to learn that he has secured this position. Mr. ROBINSON has, during is residence in New Whatcom, made a large number of friends who will regret to learn of his decision to change his residence.

Mrs. William LEMM, who died at Keeslingville last Sunday was buried yesterday afternoon. The funeral occurred from the late residence of the deceased at 1:30 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ROLL departed for Elizabeth, N. J., over the Canadian Pacific railroad yesterday, to be absent a month or more.

Thursday, February 11, 1892:

George F. ABBOTT and Minerva CAVENDER, both of Lynden, were granted license to wed yesterday.

Harry KING, who has been confined in the county jail for insanity, was yesterday released by order of Judge WINN.

Mrs. F. M. DONNELLY and little son left yesterday for a visit of a few weeks with relatives at Puyallup.

Mr. W. A. BURKHOLDER, of Portland, engineer of the lighting department of the Thomson-Houston Company, arrived yesterday to start the new Fairhaven hotel dynamo. The hotel was illuminated last night for the first time with the "juice" of its own dynamo. There are about 420 lights in the building. The new lamp makes a brilliant light and a marked improvement was observed, particularly in the dining room.

Saturday, February 13, 1892:

Indian George Brought Back
George SWILOOS, believed to be the murderer of Moses YOUNKINS, who was taken to Seattle immediately after his capture, is now in the Whatcom county jail. He arrived from Seattle yesterday morning on the City of Seattle, in charge of Deputy Sheriff EASTERBROOK. He has not yet retained an attorney, but will do so soon. He has considerable property and is going to make a hard fight to save his neck.

Mr. W. A. BRINGOLF, of Bradenburg, Mont., is visiting friends in the city.

Sunday, February 14, 1892:

Harry WHITE, who passed the forged check on Jewler STULL in New Whatcom several months ago, yesterday pleaded guilty in the superior court, and was sentenced to three months in the county jail and to pay the costs of the action.

Tuesday, February 16, 1892:

David H. LONG and George SWILOOS were arraigned in the superior court yesterday upon informations (sic) of murder in the first degree. Indian George told the court that his true name is George SWILOOS. Samuel H. PILES, of Seattle, appeared for him. He was given until February 17 to plead. David H. LONG was given until Saturday to enter his plea. He was represented by Thomas G. NEWMAN. ... jurors - Frank O'NEIL, Peter MILLS, Patrick HEALEY, L. G. BAGLEY, A. M. CHAPMAN, G. F. BLISS, J. C. TUFFREE and M. A. HAMILTON. ...

Otto ROHN was admitted to final citizenship.

William NEWTON, of Sumas, yesterday filed with the clerk of the superior court a petition to the court for permission to change his name to William MELVILLE. The reason given for asking the change is that he wants a more distinctive name. There is, he says another person in the state of the same name, which has caused him much annoyance.

John KINGSTON and J. E. SMITH filed a suit for the foreclosure of a mechanic's lien against George PARKINSON on a house in Sumas for $16.

Wednesday, February 17, 1892:

The Successful Teachers
Following are the names of the teachers who successfully passed the quarterly examination last week and secured certificates:
Second grade -- Addie M. PALMER, Lynden; Laura B. PENFIELD, New Whatcom; Cora Z. CRANDALL, Lynden; Hannah M. DILLON, New Whatcom; Lena May HOWE, New Whatcom; Etta F. CAULKIN, New Whatcom; Eva A. PENFIELD, New Whatcom; Emma WHITWORTH, Fairhaven; C. W. HAMMOND, Fairhaven; Mattie BIRD, Everson; Maude MUSGROVE, New Whatcom.
Third grade -- Clara J. MALTBY, Lynden; Mrs. Ida H. EASTLEY (sic), Sumas; A. H. MOSES, Anacortes; Henry D. EASTERLY, Sumas.

William FRIMMERSDORF, the shoemaker, having removed from Eleventh street to Harris avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, wishes his old patrons to give him a call at his new place of business.

-Messrs. David and John ALLEN arrived home last week after a six months absence in the east. Most of the time has been spent in Illinois where Mr. John ALLEN has attended a business college.
-During the past week Mr. BARTLETT removed his family from here to New Whatcom. Mr. and Mrs. BARTLETT have made many friends during their stay among us and we concur with the many friends in wishing them every success in their new home.
-Mr. BROWN commenced a three months' term of school in the village school house Monday.

New Whatcom - Fay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph RICHENDERFER, was buried yesterday afternoon, the funeral party going to the cemetery over the new electric road. The street railway company will add to its equipment a funeral car.

Friday, February 19, 1892:

The Evangel Rebuilt
The rebuilt steamer Evangel is at the Yesler wharf in Seattle receiving the finishing touches to her new deck house. She will be ready to take her run on the island mail route the first of next week fully rebuilt with a new Stell boiler, and great speed is promised. The new deck house will contain several commodious state rooms in addition to a ladies' cabin in the after end, which will be a model of neatness. Captain MANN promises a service between this city and the islands the coming summer which has never been equaled, as the new boiler and remodeled engine will be capable of driving the steamer several miles faster per hour than ever before.

Judge BROYLES, who was poisoned last Thanksgiving day by eating canned tomatoes, is now able to be out.

Miss Kathie WARDNER departs to day for Portland, where whe will enter St. Helen's academy.

Mr. J. C. McLENNAN has returned from an absence of two weeks in Vancouver and Victoria.

Saturday, February 20, 1892:

-Miss Mattie CISSNA of Ferndale, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. BYERS, in Mt. View.
-Profs. BRADLEY and FRANKLIN, of Lynden, lectured in Ferndale on prohibition one evening last week.
-The debate at the Alliance hall, in Mt. View, on Tuesday evening was on the question, "Resolved, That country life is more pleasant than city life." Harry LOPAS, George DEED, Joe LOPAS, Lizzie ANDERSON, Emma RATCLIFFE, Edith ROBINS, pupils of Mt. View school, for the affirmative; C. McCARTY, J. HOLMAN, T. PYE, G. COSS, M. PENNINGTON, S. HOLMAN, for the negative. Decided in farvor of the affirmative.

-Mrs. J. E. RYAN had a leg amputated yesterday afternoon by Dr. VAN ZANDT. The operation was made necessary by diseased bone which had been troubling her for some time.
-Mr. S. J. NASS, of Olympia, has bought the furniture and business of the Byron house of Landlord McKNIGHT, and will hereafter conduct the house. Mr. McKNIGHT will be superintendent of sewer work.

The Presbyterian social was held last evening at the residence of W. H. WELBON.

Mr. S. KILDALL, the merchant of Lynden, is at The Fairhaven.

Mr. Frank P. DOW is back from a week's trip to up-Sound cities.

Mr. Warner J. DUHRING arrived in the city last evening from Everett.

Mr. John DI TIERE, the well known New Whatcom scribe, was in the city yesterday Express-ing himself as usual upon the topics of the day.

Improving the Service
The street railway company will soon put another car on the run between Ocean dock and the court house, and two more crews. This will give the public ample service and with two relief crews will reduce the working hours of the men to about eleven hours. Cars will run from 6:45 a.m. till 11 o'clock at night. The crews now employed on the line are made up as follows:
S. E. BAUDER, motorman and Eugene STROHECKER, conductor; J. R. BARR, motorman and W. STRONG, conductor; Charles STRUT, motorman and M. G. BANKS, conductor; James BUCHANAN, motorman and C. N. HANCOCK, conductor; Charles MESSICK, motorman and A. CLARK, conductor; Mack COSGROVE, motorman and Mr. FISHER, conductor.

From Ferndale
-An effort is being made to start a creamery at this point and every farmer should encourage the enterprise as much as possible.
-Jas. ROACH will reopen his blacksmith shop on Monday.

Sunday, February 21, 1892:

Superior Court
-J. M. MILLER filed in probate a petition praying that he be appointed guardian of Gertrude HAKES, a minor heir at law of W. H. HAKES, deceased.

The engagement of Miss Katie WARDNER and Horace Barton KANE is announced.

-Grant MENDENHALL, a newsboy, fell off from E street down to the mud flats below yesterday afternoon. He was picked up unconscious but was not dangerously hurt.
-Postman COLE, of New Whatcom, is agitating the matter of a street car mail service between Fairhaven and New Whatcom. It is to be hoped that he will succeed. At present, with the train service, letters are frequently on the way between our two cities longer than it takes a letter to go from Chicago to New York.

Wednesday, February 24, 1892:

Mr. O. B. WILLIAMS, of Everett, was in the city yesterday.

Mr. M. E. DOWNS returned yesterday from a short trip to Seattle.

Mr. T. A. W. SHOCK returned yesterday from a trip to Seattle.

Mr. M. T. ARTHURS, Puget Sound manager for R. G. DUNN & Co., arrived in the city yesterday.

Mr. U. E. HICKS, of East Sound, the well-known Washington pioneer and journalist, is in the city.

Superintendent Richard JENNINGS, of the Fairhaven coal mine, came in yesterday from Jennings.

Mr. J. M. ACHESON, of the Pacific Clothing House, goes to Tacoma today, to be absent until the latter part of the week.

Mr. E. D. FINCH, formerly of the firm of DORR & FINCH, of New Whatcom, but now of the law firm of FINCH, SNOOK & FINCH of Seattle, was in New Whatcom yesterday on business, and was cordially greeted by many of his old friends on the Bay.

Mr. W. C. CHRISTOPHER goes to Seattle today, where he will engage in the insurance business with Mr. J. McL. HARVEY. They have the general agency of the Queen Fire and the Connecticut Fire Insurance companies, and have established an office in Seattle.

Jack SMITH and E. D. TAYLOR were held by Judge WILLIAMS in the sum of $100 on a charge of stealing six sacks of oysters from SPERRO, the Samish fisherman, and committed in default of bail. They were arrested by Sheriff DeLORIMER at Deadman's point Monday night.

-Mrs. B. N. McDONOUGH has been confined to her room for the past week with acute attack of neuralgia.
-Mrs. William McCLOSKEY, accompanied by her three sons, arrived from Tulalip on Tuesday last on a visit to her friends here.
-Mr. J. L. HURLEY, government farmer of the reservation, will moved into the newly fitted up building on the reserve this week.

Thursday, February 25, 1892:

Superior Court
The case of the state against A. GILFILLAN, the well-known builder and contractor of Blaine, charged with grand larceny for stealing a deed, was tried before Judge WINN in the superior court yesterday, and resulted in a verdict of acquittal in about five minutes after the jury retuned with the case. ...

New Whatcom - W. H. LESTER, of Delta, and Emma RUSSELL, of Bismark, N. D., were granted a license to wed yesterday.

Friday, February 26, 1892:

-Miss Vera McLEAN, of Seattle, is visiting friends at Custer.
-The Custer Hotel is being pushed towards completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy.
-Mrs. James KING left on Monday's train for a visit to Tacoma.
-Our school will close on Friday evening next with a public exhibition, after which Mr. W. R. PERKINS, the teacher, goes to Portland to attend school.
-The lumber is being hauled for a creamery, which will soon be in operation.
-BROWN Bros. are invoicing goods and are about to sell their stock and building to Mr. BRANEN, of Sehome. We understand Mr. B. will put up a dwelling house at once.

-Mr. GREEN, of Ellensburg, is a guest of Mr. ABBOT and will probably buy land in Mountain View.
-Mr. A. J. LIGHTHEART, of Roche Harbor, is in the neighborhood taking orders for grafting and pruning.
-Miss PENFIELD, of Whatcom, commenced school in West Mountian View on Monday. This is the first school taught in the new district. The new school house is supplied with patent seats and other needed appliances.
-Mr. F. LOYD, of Whatcom, was a guest of Mr. HAWKINS Saturday and Sunday.
-Miss Ella BOSTON is confined to the house with rheumatism.
-Mr. TINGLEY is making arrangements to open his logging camp this spring.

A Quiet Wedding
Mr. E. T. TRIMBLE, of the abstract office of BUTLER & McCARTHY, quietly went to Seattle last Saturday morning. There was nothing in his departure calculated to arouse the suspicion of his friends and nothing unusual was suspected by them until he returned yesterday morning with a bright and charming lady whom he presents to his friends as Mrs. TRIMBLE. They were married in Seattle on the 23d inst. She was Miss Lottie ATKINSON until the consummation of the happy event that made the twain one flesh. She came from Galion, Ohio, Mr. TRIMBLE's former home. Mr. TRIMBLE has a host of friends in New Whatcom and Fairhaven. He is a cousin of Miss Jennie E. ALEXANDER, of this city.

Church Incorporated
Articles of Incorporation of the Presbyterian church of Bethany, in Rome precinct, were filed with the county auditor yesterday. The incorporators are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. McCORMICK, Mr. Joseph V. PRICE, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest E. KAYER, and Mrs. Harriet STUBBS.

Mr. E. L. COWGILL goes east today over the Canadian Pacific bound for Philadelphia, whither he goes on a short business trip.

Mr. E. D. NEWHALL, of Newhall, Orcas island, came over on the Dispatch yesterday. He reports having resumed operations at the mill and thinks the outlook good for a busy season.

Mr. H. D. MERRIMAN starts today for Philadelphia, his old home, where he will sojourn for several months. Mr. MERRIMAN will do missionary work for Bellingham bay during his absence.

Miss Alice HORN and Miss Maude HORN, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. WILLIAMS, leave this morning, the former accompanied by Miss GREEN, going to British Columbia and the latter to Anacortes.

-R. H. WANSBOROUGH, of Friday Harbor, was in the city yesterday.
-The Lummi island school district will vote on a proposition Saturday to bond the district for $2000 with which to build a new school house. There are twenty-seven children enrolled, and the present school house is built of logs and is only 12x16 feet in size.

Saturday, February 27, 1892:

St. Luke's Clergy House
Rev. D. G. McKINNON, late of Seattle, has become chaplain of St. Luke's Clergy House and will make his home in that institution. There are already five patients in the hospital. Miss McCONNELL, a trained nurse from the Sedro hospital, has arrived to assist Mrs. M. A. CARSON, the head nurse. Several wards have been comfortably furnished and fitted. Among the individuals who have fitted wards are Dr. LAWRENCE, Dr. THOMAS (2), and Dr. STREETER. The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's Church have furnished a room and a committee of the ladies of the New Whatcom Presbyterian Church have selected two rooms.

S. J. KNIGHT has been appointed deputy county assessor for Fairhaven by County Assessor R. L. CLINE.

Henry TOMLINSON late agent at Ocean dock has been succeeded by Willing ELLING, who for the past three years has occupied a position in the Fairhaven Land Company's store.

-Architect BLACKWELL, of Tacoma, who designed the Lighthouse block, is in the city.
-J. J. LUND, of the Mint saloon, was arrested for gambling yesterday upon complaint of a minor named HAZEN, who alleges that he lost $10 on a game operated by LUND.

Sunday, February 28, 1892:

Bequest to St. Joseph's Hospital
Daniel RIORDAN, aged 55, of Wahl, who had been at St. Joseph's hospital some time, died on Tuesday of dropsy of the heart. Mr. RIORDAN had heard nothing from his relatives since 1863 and in appreciation of the kind treatment he had received from the Sisters sent for an attorney and made a will ten days ago giving to the hospital his improved ranch of 160 acres in the Nooksack valley, with five cows, a large amount of produce and about $800 in money. This is the first endowment the hospital has received and will aid much in future work. Mr. RIORDAN's funeral occurred yesterday at the hospital, Father Boulet officiating.

Blue Canyon Mine Sued
Susan ALLISON, widow of Christian ALLISON, who was killed at the Blue Canyon mine last November, yesterday brought a suit in the superior court by her attorney, James SESSIONS, of Tacoma, for $10,000 against the Blue Canyon Coal Mining Company. ...

Thomas DUNNE was admitted to citizenship.

John BERGMAN, the clever crook who burglarized the Lighthouse block and Central hotel last week, was arraigned before the court, and J. A. KERR was appointed to defend him.

Mr. and Mrs. SPOONER, of Chicago, the latter a daughter of Mr. C. J. PETTIBONE, now sojourning in this city, arrived at The Fairhaven yesterday and will remain a week or more. Mr. SPOONER is a merchant of Chicago, and is largely interested on the Bay.

Mr. George W. HOWE, who for a considerable time past has been in the employ of Messrs. ROEDER & ROTH in their Chuckanut office and also acting postmaster at the same place, will start tomorrow for Port Huron, Mich., via the Canadian Pacific route. Mr. HOWE has made many warm friends during his sojourn here, all of whom will regret that he does not expect to return. ...

Mrs. W. H. HAKES will remove her household to the residence lately vacated by Colonel W. L. VISSCHER.

Mrs. W. R. ALBEE and children will soon join Mr. ALBEE in California, where they will make their home.

-Mr. H. O'CONNOR, agent of the Canadian Pacific, with his sister, Mrs. BOWERS, left yesterday afternoon for a short trip to the Harrison Hot Springs.
-Mrs. Ella ERNST, of Goshen, will be brought before the court Monday morning on a charge of insanity. She was brought in yesterday and a warrant sworn out by N. P. JOHNSON.
-KILDALL Bros., who recently bought the stock of good in the Fairhaven Land Company's store, are fitting up the store recently occupied by C. G. COLE in the Holly block, and will move their goods to that location.
-The Reveille office is being moved into the building formerly occupied by the Casino theatre, which, together with the land on which it stands, has been purchased by Messrs. ADAMS & EVANS.
-C. A. HASBROUCK arrived here yesterday morning on the City of Seattle and instituted a lodge of Daughters of Rebecca in K. of P. hall last evening. Mr. HASBROUCK is grand master of the I. O. O. F. for the state of Washington and lives in Tacoma for which place he leaves this afternoon.

Tuesday, March 1, 1892:

The trial of George SWILOOS, the Lummi Indian charged with the murder of Moses YOUNKIN, was commenced before Judge WINN in the superior court yesterday morning. ... Almost the entire Lummi tribe came to town from the reservation early in the day to witness the trial of the culprit Siwash. ...
The clerk called the named of twelve jurors who took their places in the jury box as follows:
M. T. GEE, of Custer, was first examined by Maj. COLE ... he was promptly challenged and excused.
Patrick HALEY was then called to fill the vacant chair. ...
Jeff STEWART, of Rome precinct, was passed for cause.
M. A. HAMILTON, of Rome, ... excused for cause. ... and L. W. NESTELLE was called ... and was excused.
Matthew VAUGHN, of Whatcom had an opinion and was excused.
G. A. BREMNER, of Delta, was passed.
C. F. KRUGER, of Ten Mile, ... was excused.
A. M. CHAPMAN, of Fairhaven, ... was excused.
H. D. HUMPHRIES and G. F. BLISS, were both passed by the court.
Solomon ALLEN, L. G. BAGLEY, A. C. HARKNESS, George B. DORR, Frank O'NEIL and Peter SCHNEIDER ... were excused in rapid succession.
The clerk then announced that the panel was exhausted. The court, with concurrance of the prosecuting attorney ordered the clerk to use a special venire for twenty-four jurors, returnable forthwith, with the instructions that the sheriff get the jurors from remote corners of the county. The case was then continued until Wednesday morning.

Mr. M. E. DOWNS has leased Pat HENELLY's residence on 14th street.

The following are names of pupils neither absent nor tardy for the month ending Feb. 26, 1892:
Larrabee School, Room 1 - Mary HEFFNER, Belle MELLONS, Maud WORTHINGTON, Clema MICKOLSON, Minnie KRUHAFFER, Freda UHLMANN, Maud CARR, Anna PATTERSON, Mary KILBOURN, Gusta WEBBER, Mary HARNEY, Cecil BLACK, Earl HEFFNER, Elmer MEE, Carl ASBECK, Frank FOWLER, Frank JARVIS, Edward CAIN, Willie SLATTERY, Bertie LITTLE, Carl GRUE, Claud CLARK, and Warren HARTMAN.
Larrabee School, Room 2 - Emma LANGE, Ida KEEL, Ella MARSH, Edith DAY, Lulu BRILL, Bessie SCHAEFFER, Ruth VAN HOUTEN, Edward PATTERSON, Harvey BARR, Walter BLEVINS, Randolph TAYLOR and John WITTER.
Larrabee School, Room 3 - Eugene HOSKINS, Custer TAYLOR, Herbert IHRIG, Eddie COURTNEY, Charles NICHOLS, Lee WALQUIST, Ray WALQUIST, Harley DODSON, Laura IHRIG, Iora KEEL, Maggie OSIER, Nellie LEHMAN, Bessie HANNA, Carrie JARVIS, Bessie HAWKINS, Winnie MEE, Mamie KLOSTERMAN, Matie NICHOLS and Jessie IHRIG.
Larrabee School, Room 4 - Lillie DeLIERE, Lulu HENSPETER, Daisy HINMAN, Lillie LEHMAN, Ella LINDSTROM, Ethel LUCE, Valerie MAYER, Nellie MARSH, Clarice WITTER, Lloyd BLEVINS, Neddie DAVIS, Reinhart GESCHKE, Albert HANNA, Harry HAWKINS, Carl JOHNSON, John JOSEPHSON, Otto KEEL, Guy NICHOLS, Anton PETERSON, Charles ROBINSON, John SLATTERY, Thomas SLATTERY, John STEPHENSON and Harry THORNOALL.
Larrabee School, Room 5 - George DODSON, Randolph LONGSTAFF, Eddie HOSKINS, Wolcott AMES, Louis HANSEN, Ernest ROSS, John PADDEN, Belle LAMOREAUX, Mary HENSPETER, Alvira McLEOD, Cora SIMINEO, Clara THOMPSON and Lottie ABBEY.
Larrabee School, Room 6 - Albert PETERSON, Nettie LEHMAN, James WILSON and Fred WILSON.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 1 - Wendell WRIGHT, Alfred BRONKE, Leonta SMITH, Edith FULLER, Olive BRUNFIELD and Gwendoline BLACK.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 2 - Arthur LaJOICE, Gussie WELLS, Henry KINSEY, Samuel KINSEY, Leigh HAMILTON, Karl TEMPLIN, Rosse HOHL, Willie MARSHALL, Louis APPLEGATE, Roy PIERCE, Ethel ARMSTRONG, J__ _RITZ, Jessie HOPKINS, Louisa JENNIG, Susie FUFFREE, Golden WARDNER, Carrie PEARSE, Dolsina MARSHALL, Florence SLY, Clara BARKER, Nellie CUNNINGHAM, Stella GRADD, Mary MALLAHA_ and May WILLIAMS.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 3 - Hardy GETTY, Percy HART, George LaJOICE, Frank MESSER, Willie OLIVER, Hershel SIMPSON, Charles GA__Y, Mattie JOHNSON, Ray CISSNA, Otto KEEL, John SLATTERY, Alma BLANKENSHIP, Maud BARKER, Mabel BARKER, Genevieve DOWNEY, Myrtle LOY, Nettie SMITH, Blanche HOUGH, Ida BARKER and Blanche BARKER.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 4 - Elena BATEMAN, Flora FILLMORE, Sanova SIMPSON, Edith APPLEGATE, Lulu LOUX, Margaret THISTLE, Hetty LAITHE, Elsie FRIMMERSDORF, Claud BLANKENSHIP, Richard HUNTOON and Paul BARBO.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 5 - Rollie LUNKLEY, Fred AMES, Harry KEELER, Edgar WRIGHT, Harry WHA_ING, Chauncey CISSNA, Mabel GETTY, Mamie CLARK, Bertha MACKAY, Blanche SIMPSON, Ella TEMPLIN, Maud WOODIN and Flora RICE.
Fourteenth St. School, Room 6 - Sadie ABBEY, Edna AMES, Alvilde AMUNDSON, Carrie FAGAN, Blanche WOOPWORTH, Florence THISTIE, Mary MACKAY, Sophie BARBO, Annie MacLEOD, Oliver SINTZ, Winnie PIERCE, Dora DOLSEN, Lena REECE, Nellie HUNTOON, Marvin BARLOW, Ralph PIERCE, Ted WARNER and Frank LITTLE.

Wednesday, March 2, 1892:

-Mr. C. C. HOSKINS, of Fairhaven, was in the neighborhood the first of the week.
-This being the last week of the Mt. View school, the time was mostly taken up the the examination. Mr. HAWKINS has taught this school for the past sixteen months, and as good work as can be found in any of our county schools can be found in this. Five young ladies graduated last August in the common school system. The closing exercises on Friday evening were excellent. Declamations by George DEED [DEEDS], William ANDERSON, Rob SMITH, Tommie LEWIS, Carrie SMITH and Edith ROBINS. Vacation song by Carrie SMITH and Edith ROBINS; a song exercise by Charles and Lizzie SMITH. "The summing up of the sixteen months of school," an essay by Miss Emma RATCLIFF, is deserving credit. "The history of Mt. View school," by Miss Lizzie ANDERSON, was a very interesting article, especially to the early settlers and founders of the district, only one of the founders, H. A. SMITH being present. It brought to mind memories of the early pioneer days of Mt. View, when a few scattered families that had left friends and comfortable surroundings in the East to hew out homes in the grim forest of the great Northwest; times when settlers had to build roads and school houses at their own expense; when our eastern mail came but once a month, and oh, how we listened for the whistle of the old Libby, due every Tuesday afternoon at Sehome, which brought the Sound mail, and on Sabbath afternoons Sabbath school and prayer meetings were held alternately at the different log houses ... The log school house was built in the spring of '78, at that time the best in the county, Miss FOSTER, of Shelbina, Mo., being the first teacher. She is now one of the teachers in the high school of Seattle; the present teacher, Mr. HAWKINS, is the thirteenth. ...
-Married, Sunday, February 27, by Rev. WILES, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Katie COSS and Louis CHICHESTER.

I hereby give notice that on the 12th day of March, 1892, I will sell at the St. Louis hotel in Fairhaven, a certain trunk which was left there by C. E. ENGVAIL more than six months ago, unless the storage charges of $8 are paid before that date.
Frank THOLE, Proprietor St. Louis Hotel.

-Deputy Sheriff Barney ESTABROOK was out beating the bushes about Sumas yesterday, hunting for twenty-four jurors who have received no impressions of the SWILOOS case.
-The petition of Frank H. RICHARDS for letters of administration of the estate [of Moses YOUNKIN? ] with Clerk HIXSON yesterday. The petition sets forth that the value of the estate does not exceed $3,000, consisting of lots 1 and 8, block 14, valued at $2,500, and a homestead claim of 100 acres of unpatented government land.
-A deed conveying lots 7 and 8 in block 59, Fairhaven, from R. O. BLONDIN to H. W. KINNEY, was filed with the auditor yesterday. These are the vacant lots adjoining the Detrick block, corner of McKenzie avenue and Eleventh street. Consideration, $5000.

-Capt. J. W. BYRON has returned from a trip among the up-sound cities.
-Anson HEFFNER [HEFFRON?], who died Sunday, was buried yesterday.

The Premier, which has been undergoing repairs at Esquimalt, returned to her run between this city and Tacoma yesterday, in command of Captain HUGHES, who succeeds Captain O'BRIEN, who is now captain of the whaleback Whetmore.

Thursday, March 3, 1892:

The trial of the case of the State vs. George SWILOOS was taken up again yesterday morning in the superior court and another entire day consumed by counsel without getting a jury. ...
The jurors returned by the sheriff on the special venire were as follows: Edward WILSON, Peter MEYERS, S. POTTULO, G. A. CAMERON, M. A. McPHERSON, E. L. SCRIMSHER, E. W. ADAMS, James HUNTER, Thos. BEECHY, Lars MATSON, P. CREGAN, James BURKE, Geo. RAINFORD, J. N. RUCKER, N. LOOP, F. E. BRIGGS, G. B. COLEMAN, S. B. LEAR, J. A. HESTER, F. M. WATSON, Frank LUKE, T. E. BULMER, D. J. MORGAN and G. W. HANDLEY.
The eleven jurors who had been kept together since Monday in charge of a bailiff, took their places and the roll was called.
A. S. BOLCH was the first juror examined ... and was promptly excused.
Peter MILLS, ... was passed for cause. ... Mr. PILES ... was excused.
J. C. INKS, S. D. LEAR, P. H. PEYRAN and J. T. COFFMAN and J. T. TUFFRIE were excused in rapid succession ...
M. A. McPHERSON ... He was associated with Moses YOUNKINS in the Kansas Colony. ... The juror was accepted and the defense objected.
Thomas BEACHY, of New Whatcom, who was next questioned, is thus far the only juror examined who has been accepted by the defense without objection.
Patrick CREEGAN, of Anderson Creek, and James HUNTER, of Whatcom, ... were excused.
J. M. [N.] RUCKER, of Blaine, ... was excused.
P. W. HANDLY, of Sumas, is not an elector and is therefore disqualified.
James BURKE, of Anderson Creek, ... was excused.
F. E. BULMER, of Sumas, was excused on the ground that he was not a citizen.
F. E. BRIGGS, of Sumas, ... was excused.
N. LOOP, residing thirty-five miles up the Nooksack river, was passed for cause.
Lars MATSON had not taken out his second citizen papers and was excused.
Frank LOOP was excused because he is not a citizen.
Frank MAIER was excused because his name was given as Peter MEYERS on the sheriff's return.
E. W. ADAMS, of Ten-Mile, ... could render a verdict irrespective of everything.
Samuel LEAR, of Sumas, had no opinion, and was passed for cause.
Edward WILSON, of Lummi Island, had no opinion and was passed.
S. PUTULLO, of Rome precinct, had only taken out his first papers and was dismissed.
G. B. COLEMAN, of Columbia Valley, ... was excused.
I. A. HESTER, of Sumas, had only been in the state since March 1, 1891, not a year excluding the first and last days, and he was excused.
F. M. WATSON, of Keys, was the twelfth man passed for cause.
Mr. PILES excused Jeff STEWART on his first peremtory. E. L. SCRIMSHER was called to the vacant chair. He ... somehow got himself excused.
G. A. CAMERON, the last man of the twenty-four summoned, was called but did not respond. The court ordered a bench warrant to bring him into court.
There being no jurors left from which to draw, the court ordered a special venire for twelve jurors, returnable Friday morning.

-Chas. GREENFIELD left Monday for Sabetha, Kan.
-Mr. GREY and wife, of Samish lake, are in town.
-Ed BOSTON, Ella CISSNA, Will B. HATCH and Harry WYM (sic) will attend the District Lodge convention at Whatcom, Wednesday, as delegates from Ferndale Lodge No. 47, I. O. G. T.
-Harry BARRETT left for Edison Monday.
-Archie McAAUL has moved out onto the old GRANT place, about a mile north of town, where he will run a chicken ranch.

-Miss Effie MORGAN starts today for Minneapolis, Minn. to attend college in that city.
-Thomas ELLIS has just finished pulling stumps from three more acres of his ranch which he contemplates setting out to fruit trees.

Mr. P. A. WOOLLEY, owner of the site of the town bearing his name, arrived in the city last evening.

From Lummi
The Commercial hotel is being remodeled inside; many necessary improvements are being made. Mr. A. McROADEN is doing the work. ...

From Laurel
-Mr. and Mrs. GRAY of Samish, are visiting Mr. SANIER, Mr. (sic) GRAY's father.
-Miss Lena CRINK, of Whatcom is visiting at Laurel.

Friday, March 4, 1892:

Peter McARTHUR, an employe of the Great Northern railway, fell from the Skagit river bridge near Mt. Vernon on Wednesday, breaking his right arm above the elbow and fracturing three ribs. McARTHUR was taken to Providence hospital, Seattle.

J. G. CHAPPELL, of Happy Valley, who has recently recovered from a severe attack of fever, leaves today, on the Sehome to go to Grand Island, Neb. over the Union Pacific.

Dan FERGUSON, formerly superintendent of the Boston mine, is in the city.

Dr. E. L. BICKFORD, who has been confined to his residence for some weeks by a severe illness, is rapidly recovering.

Mr. A. B. CASE, of Tacoma, is registered at The Fairhaven.

Mr. A. B. TODD, of Tacoma, is a guest at The Fairhaven.

George K. FRYE and Mrs. FRYE, of Seattle, were in the city yesterday.

Saturday, March 5, 1892:

... The names of the jurors returned by the sheriff on the special venire ordered Wednesday were: Frank G. MAIER, Albert CAREY, L. McKENZIE, C. W. CASS, J. S. SMITH, O. W. RAMSDELL, E. M. THOMPSON, L. G. PHILO, S. Frank BAILEY, William BARTLETT and E. T. LOGSDON, all summoned from about Lynden and Ten Mile.
... The jurors excused on peremptory challenge by the defense are: Jeff STEWART, E. W. ADAMS, F. M. WATSON, Peter HALEY, S. D. HUMPHRIES, J. S. SMITH, G. W. BLISS, M. A. McPHERSON, Frank G. MAIER, L. McKENZIE and William BARTLETT were the only jurors excused for cause out of the last special panel returned by the sheriff.
G. W. BLISS was the eighth and last man excused on peremptory challenge. E. T. LOGSDON, a native Kentuckian, was called to take his place and passed the rigorous examination and cross examination successfully ...
The following are the names of the jurors as sworn:
... Samuel W. BUNT was the first witness called ... He testified that on the 20th of January last he was cutting wood on Edward ELDRIDGE's homestead. About 5 o'clock he quit work and started for his home at Lummi ... They went down to him this time and found it was Moses YOUNKINS. They put him on the shutter and carried him to Mr. BENNETT's house ...

-Miss Ida OLSEN, aged 26, died at Blue Canyon yesterday.
-Herman JOHNSON, an aged man residing in York addition, died yesterday.

Sunday, March 6, 1892:

... Jimmie ALLEN and Harry FREER, aged 16 and 13 respectively, proved to be exceptionally bright and clear witnesses, ... Moses YOUNKINS, Jr., of Seattle, son of the murdered man, was present and occupied a seat near Major COLE and J. A. KERR. ... John BENNETT was next sworn. He testified: "I have resided here since 1889. ..." Mrs. Ann KENNEDY's testimony ... "I conduct a small boarding house at Lummi ...
John ZETTLER was the first witness called in the afternoon ...
Jimmie ALLEN, the thirteen-year-old son of Solomon ALLEN of Lummi, was called ...

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. KIRKPATRICK are now at home in the residence recently occupied by Mr. C. D. FRANCIS.

Dr. H. A. COMPTON, one of Fairhaven's most eligible bachelors, has leased the residence on Fourteenth street, lately occupied by Mrs. HAKES.

Tuesday, March 8, 1892:

The trial of the SWILOOS murder case was resumed in the superior court yesterday morning. The forenoon was devoted to viewing the vicinity of the murder and the objects mentioned in the testimony. The afternoon was devoted to the examination of witnesses for the state. ...
Henry, the young Indian who claims that he was present when the crime was committed, and who made the confession containing the most convicting evidence against George, will be placed on the stand.
... W. N. SISSON, of Ferndale, was the first witness called ...
L. SWENSON, the New Whatcom, jeweler, was called for the purpose of identifying the watch found in George SWILOOS' after the commission of the crime, as the one belonging to Moses YOUNKIN. The witness testified that he had repaired Moses YOUNKIN's watch in May 1890 ...
Hilaire CROCKETT, the judge of the Lummi tribe, who was with Deputy Sheriff ESTABROOK, Big John and Chief Henry when George's house was searched after the murder, and the watch found, was the last witness called, ... He testified that he had known George SWILOOS over twenty years. ...

Mr. Emery McGINNIS goes to Seattle today on business.

Mr. L. L. HODGE, a capitalist of St. Paul, is in the city.

Mr. F. D. DRAKE, the saw mill man of Sumas, is in the city.

Dr. S. S. SCOVILLE, of Rat Portage, Ontario, is on the Bay the guest of his nephew, Mr. H. O'CONNOR, of New Whatcom.

Mrs. KEATON, an aged lady residing on Lenora street, was buried yesterday. The funeral was conveyed to the cemetery by street car.

List of Letters remaining uncalled for in the Fairhaven postoffice for the week ending March 5, 1892.
AMES, Walcut
CORSE, James M. (3)
CHOREN, Miss Emma
CASEY, Miss Lizzie
CAMERON, Mrs. Francis
GRANT, Hon. Mayor
HOWELL, Mrs. R. C.
LINCOLN, Dewitt C (2)
MAHON, Mrs. T. F.
MAYER, Valerie
McVEIGH, Mrs. W. A.
SCOTT, Milo E. (5)
TOMEJIN, Cathrina
TEATT, Emily A.
WARNER, Chas. H. (2)

Wednesday, March 9, 1892:

Henry WILLIAMS Tells Again His Story of George's Guilt
... Henry was called at 11:30 o'clock in the forenoon, ... Major COLE moved that owing to his deficiency in the use of English, his testimony be given in Chinook through Victor ROEDER as interpreter.
... Major Boniface HALLAM, Hilaire CROCKETT, Chief Henry and all Siwash philologists to come forward. ... They testified that they did not use Chinook now, but talked pure Siwash.
...When the court adjourned counsel for the state announced they they would conduct the examination in England. Henry then testified as follows in imperfect English - My Home Samish. I think I am 14 1/4 years old. I know George SWILOOS two or three years. ...

J. W. BLACK, N. V. HENDRICKS and Henry WORTH start Sunday next for the Alaskan gold fields to spend the coming summer, and possibly a year. ...

Mr. R. L. REID went to New Westminster yesterday.

Mr. C. V. REID has returned from a visit to Pennsylvania.

Mr. S. W. DeLACEY, for twelve years proprietor of the San Jose (Cal.) Times and now connected with the Tacoma Ledger, is in the city.

-O. H. LEE has just finished a 60x40 feet addition to his already large barn. The same party is also ditching and grubbing and otherwise improving his farm.
-L. MARTINSON will fence about thirty acres this spring for pasture.
-George GRIMMETTE has let a contract to slash forty acres of his land.
-S. C. TRACY was gladdened last week by the arrival of his brother and family from St. Paul. He will settle on our bay.
-Mrs. Minnie JULIAN and four little boys, who have been with her father and mother on our bay during the last twelve months, returned home to New Westminster on the 5th inst.
-Henry HENSPETER is running a logging camp near Semiahmoo in the interest of Blaine shingle mill.

A. C. GIFFORD has removed his City drug store from the Moran block into the fine corner room of the Holton block.

Thursday, March 10, 1892:

...Chief Henry was the first witness called the the defense. Wm. McCLOSKY was called by Mr. PILES to act as interpreter. ... "My name is Henry. I am chief of the Lummi tribe. Been chief twenty-three years. I am a Judge. I have known George SWILOOS ever since he was a boy. I know that George SWILOOS is a good man. He has 160 acres of good land on the river botton. George cleared the land himself. He has four horse, a wagon and stock. ..."
Matthias PAUL testifieth as follows:
"I live on the Lummi reservation. I have a farm ..."
HALLOM - "I am 37 years old. I am assistant carpenter of the Tulalip agency. I have know George SWILOOS fourteen years ... I am half Duwamish and half Snohomish. ..."
Wm. McCLOSKY, the interpreter took the stand as a witness: "I am a carpenter at the Tulalip reservation. I have known George SWILOOS about twenty years. ..."
Thos. JEFFERSON - "I have lived on the reservation eighteen years. I am 38 years old. I am a farmer and government policeman on the reservation. I have known George eighteen years. ... He has a wife and three children. ..."
George T. ELLIS, otherwise known as old George, a bushy-headed, squint-eyed, broad faced, venerable Siwash with scattering chin beard and mustache, was the first witness called to sustain the theory of the defense ... His examination was conducted by means of the interpreter, and he testified as follows:
"I have lived at Lummi ever since I was a boy. I was in Whatcom the day Moses YOUNKIN was killed. I came in a canoe. Landed at Sehome ..."

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben ROSS left for Montana yesterday.

Mr. Asahel DILLON, has accepted the position of bookkeeper for ROEDER & ROTH at the Chuckanut quarry.

Fred H. BILES left yesterday for Portland on his way to the mines of the Cascade region. He will join John M. CONNICK and they will spend the summer developing mining properties.

-Dr. BOOK, an extensive land holder in this vicinity, has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. CLARK. The doctor has many friends around here who are always glad to welcome him on his visits.
-What an improvement those two bridges over the sloughs, between the village and the Nooksack, will be. We are pleased to learn that Mr. McLELLAN, to whom the contract has been let, will commence work on them at once.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. FRANK arrived this week from San Diego, Cal., on an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. TUCK. ...

-Miss Rose MORGAN came up from New Whatcom Saturday and returned to her school Sunday.
-Mr. HODSON is building an addition to his house 14x24. Mr. CROOKER is doing the work, which insures that it will be done well.
-Mr. A. E. MAXON, who sold out here last fall and went to look up a better location, but could not find anything the equal of this part of the Sound country and returned here satisfied that no better land or country was to be found than Enterprise, has bargained for forty acres near Pleasant Valley school house, and has gone after his family, and will soon be welcome back by his many friends and neighbors.

-Mr. Ed BROWN, Messrs. John and B. W. EVERETT went to the Bay Monday.
-Mrs. H. W. NORTH and Mrs. LINDERMAN went to Seattle Saturday to spend a few days.
-Horrace (sic) LAMBERT came home Friday with a bad cut in his arm. He was working in the shingle mill upon Dakota creek and got caught in the saw.
-Mr. WHITMORE met with a serious accident last Friday. While sharpening a stake the axe glanced and cut his hand very badly. He went to the Bay Saturday to have it cared for.
-The Great Northern have an express office at Custer now. Mr. BRANIN, the agent, is railroad agent also. ...

Friday, March 11, 1892:

Albert DESCANUM - I have lived on the reservation since I was a boy. I was in George's house Monday when Hilaire CROCKETT and the sheriff searched the house. I went there in the forenoon. I and Solomon BALCH, and took dinner.
Miss RAMSAY, niece of John BENNETT, who lives with her uncle, was next called. ...
Wm. McDONOUGH, who conducts a store at Lummi, said that he had known George eighteen years, and so far as he knew his reputation was good.
The prisoner's wife was then called to the stand. She is a serious and sober looking klootchman. My name, said she (through the interpreter), is Felicite SWILOOS. I don't know how long I have been married, but think it about twenty years. We have had eight children. Only three are living, the oldest is 9 years old. Don't know how old the second one is. I have a baby three or four months old. ... Henry WILLIAMS did not give me a five-dollar bill. Henry never gave me a cent in his life. ...
Peter JAMES, Matthias PAUL, Albert DESCANUM and Richard SQUIQUI were called to show that the trail leading down from BENNETT's was the route usually taken by the Indians between Whatcom and Lummi. ...
George SWILOOS, the defendant, was the last witness placed on the stand in behalf of the defense. ...
My name is George SWILOOS. I don't know my age, but think I am about 40. My oldest child in 9 years old, the second 4 years and the youngest three or four months. I have been farming sixteen or seventeen years on the farm on which I now live. I have thirty acres under cultivation which I cleared myself. ... On the day Moses YOUNKIN was killed I came to town with Henry. Henry got the first bottle of whiskey at Sehome. ... I knew Moses YOUNKIN four or five years. I never had any trouble with him.

Mr. G. C. TEAL and Mr. B. W. LORING, of Lynden, are in the city.

Mr. D. McGILVRAY and wife, Mrs. ORR and Mr. W. J. PACE, of Vancouver, are at The Fairhaven. Mr. McGILVRAY is a prominent railroad contractor of British Columbia. ...

-The Anatole school will open on April 1st, with Mr. Walter CREED as teacher.
-The Laurel school will begin on Monday next. Some gentleman from the East has been engaged as teacher. ...
-Mr. Frank WALKER, school teacher at Yager, and Mr. W. P. C. ADAMS, both of Laurel, will enter into a joint discussion at Yager tonight at 7:30. ...

-C. M. McCOMB, of Seattle, was visiting his sister, Mrs. H. A. SMITH, last week. Mr. McCOMB was the first settle in Mountain View, and the person who gave it its name. He took up a claim in '73. Since some time in the eighties he had made his home in Seattle.
-Mr. LANG has a new stump puller and expects to have his place clear of stumps previous to building a nice house. He expects his parents and family from the East the coming year.
-Miss Ellen BOSTON is still suffering from rheumatism.
-Mrs. RISSER, mother of Mrs. H. MUSSER, who has been seriously ill for several months, is now convalescing.
-Miss Laura SMITH, who has been visiting schoolmates and friends in Lynden the past two weeks, returned Tuesday.

Bids will be received at the office of George N. TAYLOR, architect, until noon on Saturday for the construction of a brick and stone building on Holly street, adjoining the Lighthouse block. ...

Saturday, March 12, 1892:

Barney ESTABROOK, the deputy-sheriff, was first called. ...
George JENKINS was the next witness called. ...
Henry WILLIAMS was again called. ...

A new school district to be No. 63 has been formed out of the Anatole district No. 15 and the East Ferndale district No. 36.

Peter KIRK, promoter of the great Kirkland steel works, was in the city last evening on his way home from a trip to the islands.

-The official bond of W. H. BROOKS, filed in matter of his appointment as road overseer of district No. 17, with names of W. R. MOULTRAY and C. S. KALE as sureties was approved.
-It was ordered that Edmund S. HINCKS, draughtsman, be directed to furnish tracings of all town plats, or additions to cities or towns, recorded in the auditor's office from April 1, 1891, to date, for use of the county assessor in the preparation of assessment rolls for the year 1892.
-The clerk was directed to issue orders on the contingent fund as follows:
One to D. C. BROWN in the sum of $2, for posting notices of registration; and one to Mrs. Samuel FOWLER in the sum of $9, for care of Mrs. RICKMAN, a county charge.
-The clerk was directed to issue a warrant on the county fund in the sum of $55 to Mrs. L. M. ALEXANDER, in payment for services rendered as stenographer in taking testimony at the inquest held on the body of Moses YOUNKIN.

-W. McKEE and wife expect to leave soon on and extended trip East, to include a visit to Mr. McKEE's home in Ohio.
-Amos CASE has bought eighty acres of timber land near Lake Whatcom.
-George C. DELLINGER leaves Sunday over the Canadian Pacific for Richmond, Vermont, to be absent about six weeks.
-Dr. JAMESON and family have returned from an extended tour of the East, including a visit to his old home in Arkansas.
-G. N. MILLER, the sewer engineer who laid out the city sewerage system, is now in Everett for the purpose of building the sewers of that town.
-H. T. ROBINSON, the well-known news agent and dealer in fruits and confectionery, has sold his business, except the agency of the Seattle and out of town papers, which he will retain.
-Captain R. B. SYMINGTON leaves today for San Francisco, where he will pass a few days with his family previous to beginning work on the new hole he is to put down for the CORNWALL people in search of coal.
-George TAYLOR has plans for a single story building, 25x90, which George C. DELLINGER is to erect on the lot adjoining the Lighthouse block, on Holly street. The front will be of pressed brick and terra-cotta trimmings, with plate glass windows.
-JAMESON, the logger, is now building a two mile branch to connect his logging camp with the Bellingham Bay & British Columbia railroad at Clearbrook. ...

Sunday, March 13, 1892:

George SWILOOS Acquitted of the Charge of Murder By a Jury of His Peers
The jury returned a verdict of acquittal in the SWILOOS murder trial about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. ... Nobody had the faintest hopes that a verdict would be arrived at so soon after the retirement of the jury. ...

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. DOWNS are in Seattle.

Mrs. P. J. HENNELLY has gone to San Francisco to visit friends.

Robert WARDROP sailed for San Francisco on the last trip of the Walla Walla.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. ALLERTON are the parents of a lively daughter, born yesterday morning.

Mr. T. A. DAVIS, traveling agent of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, was in the city yesterday.

Mrs. NEAL, the patient upon whom was performed the operation of ovariatory by Dr. THOMAS at St. Luke's hospital twelve days ago, is now pronounced out of danger.

Mrs. Anette O. BECKEN, aged 27 years, died at the residence of Rev. ANDERSON, in this city, Friday night at 11:30 o'clock of consumption. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. ANDERSON, and had been sick over a year. The funeral services will be held at the Norwegian-Danish church, corner Eighteenth and Donovan, tomorrow at 10 o'clock.

        An accidental and mysterious explosion of giant powder, on Fourteenth street, shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon startled every inhabitant of Fairhaven, and made window panes all over the city rattle like snare drums. No satisfactory explanation of the cause of the explosion can be obtained. It appears that the workmen engaged in excavation the sewer trench near the corner of Douglas street were drying sticks of giant powder over an oil stove in the tool chest. Fortunately, when the explosion occurred, the men were all in the deep trench and no passers-by were near, and, therefore, no personal injuries resulted.
        The tool chest in which the explosion occurred was standing on the sidewalk on the east side of the street, just opposite the Holton row. It is said that only two sticks ignited, ... Much of the glass in the fine residences on the opposite side of the street, occupied by C. P. ATKINSON, J. R. WYLIE, Emil WEINHEIM, Albert SHERMAN and one vacant house, was shattered by the explosion. The tool chest and the sidewalk under it was slivered. Several panes of glass were broken in the school building, Frank J. HAMILTON's residence, two houses owned by Mrs. HUNTOON and the Paragon. A box containing twenty-five pounds of giant powder was laying close to where the explosion occurred but very fortunately failed to ignite. ... Mr. VOICE, the contractor of the sewer work, was not in the city at the time the explosion occurred.

In the Superior Court - Nellie E. SCOTT vs. Wm. SCOTT - divorce granted on grounds of cruelty and desertion.

Attached For Personal Injuries
On her arrival at New Whatcom last evening the steamer Wasco was attached on a writ issued by J. C. McFADDEN for J. M. MELLQUEST, who claims, $10,100.75 for personal injuries sustained while boarding the steamer as a passenger on the 30th of December last. The story of the accident, resulting in the claim for damages, is that while boarding the steamer on the date mentioned, to proceed to Anacortes, the mast head-light, which was hanging on the forestay, fell a distance of thirty-five feet and struck him on the shoulder with such force as to permanently disable him and incapacitate him from attending to his business, which is that of a traveling salesman.

The clerk was directed to issue an order on the county fund in the sum of $3 to each of the following named parties, in payment for services rendered with posse, organized by the sheriff, to guard Geo. PLACER, viz: John BROYLES, Eb STEWART, Will AUSTIN, Geo. BROWN, M. VAUGHAN, J. F. THURMAN, C. V. JOHNSON, F. KIEDEL, L. L. BALES, M. M. DEUCHIE, F. WATSON, Jim CAMPBELL, S. M. SEVIER, L. PATCHEN, D. PATCHEN, Al LUTZ, Frank BILES, John De TIERE, Andy LAWRENCE, William SENNOR.

Tuesday, March 15, 1892:

A one story frame cottage in the land Company's third addition, the property and home of George H. MEE, and its contents were totally destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The house was located on Twenty-fourth street and Broadway, and nearly half an hour elapsed before the fire department received the alarm. It was impossible to reach the burning building with the apparatus, as there is no planked street beyond Twenty-first. The engine and hose carts were taken out as far as Twenty-first and Mill, where the firemen left them and went on to the fire and assisted the bucket brigade. They succeeded in saving the adjoining cottage, owned by F. E. JOHNSTON and occupied by Mrs. C. E. ANDERSON and daughters. The fire started about 2 p.m. Mrs. MEE was filling a lamp near the stove and dropped the oil can. The oil flowing over the floor caught fire from the stove and the interior of the room was soon all aflame. The loss of the house and contents will reach $800. Insurance, $500, through Emery McGINNIS. The house adjoining, standing about ten feet distant, was damaged to the extent of about $100.

C. W. HOWARD goes to Tacoma today on business relating to the street railway consolidation.

W. H. WELBON went to Seattle yesterday to engage in the lumber business with the firm of MOSHER & McDONALD.

The MUNDY shingle mill, known as the Washington Cedar Shingle Company, is to start cutting shingles in April.

C. HOFSTETTER, the Eleventh street agent of the MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER Company, is in Seattle on a business trip.

R. L. REID departed Sunday for New Westminster, where he will enter the well-known law firm of CARBOULD, McCOLL, WILSON & CAMPBELL. Mr. REID was a pioneer in the legal profession here, and leaves many friends.

P. H. BLANKENSHIP has dismantled his saw mill in Happy Valley, and will today move it to a point on the Lake Shore road, about fourteen miles east of Fairhaven, where he has a large body of cedar timber. He will continue to make Fairhaven his principal place of business.

A large number of young men were at Ocean dock Sunday evening when the Sehome left to bid good-bye to J. W. BLACK, Henry WIRTH and N. V. HENDRICKS, who left for Port Townsend to join the steamer Mexico for Chilcat, on their way to Forty Mile Creek, on the Yukon river. These young adventurers are in search of gold, and left with the best wishes of their friends that they might return with a fortune.

Death of Sydney Foster
        Mr. R. C. VANDERFORD received a telegram from his brother last dated at Hamilton, conveying the intelligence of the death of Sydney FOSTER, of this city. Mr. FOSTER left Fairhaven on February 29 for Sauk City, expecting to remain there all summer attending to the interest of the Sauk City Land Company, of which he was secretary. Last week word was received from him that he was suffering from an attack of something like pneumonia. On Sunday, Dr. STREETER started from Sauk City in company with J. S. HOLLAND, in answer to a summons stating that he was dangerously ill. From the dispatch from Hamilton it is inferred that he died in Sauk City Sunday, and his friends are on the way to this city with the remains. It is expected that they will reach here today.
        Sydney FOSTER came to Puget Sound from Ontario several years ago. He was a pioneer in Fairhaven, coming here in 1889, and was a successful real estate dealer. He has a sister, Ada FOSTER, a teacher in Tacoma, to whom a telegram has been sent announcing her brother's death. His age was about 38 years. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity of this city, which will conduct the funeral services.

Wednesday, March 16, 1892:

The County Commissioners
The fees appearing in the report of inquest held on the body of Moses YOUNKIN, deceased, as submitted by the county coroner, were approved and warrants ordered to be issued on the county fund in payment thereof to-wit:
W. W. GARDNER - $6.00
George C. CURTIS - $6.00
M. H. GANNON - $6.00
Robert KNOX - $6.00
D. L. GREEN - $6.00
Newton LASWELL - $6.00
George M. BROWN - $3.50
John BENNETT - $2.40
Samuel W. BUNT - $2.20
Harry FREIR - $2.40
Jimmie ALLEN - $2.40
Mr. FREIR, sr - $2.40
Dr. CROSS - $2.40
Lizzie RAMSAY - $2.40
Ed McALPINE - $2.40
Donald FERGUSON - $2.20
C. L. CUDWORTH - $2.00

B. N. McDONOUGH, for provisions furnished Mr. MANN, a county charge - $7.50.
Mrs. OSBORN, for scrubbing court house floors - $2.00
R. S. BRAGG, M.D. examination of Wm MANSON, an insanity case - $10.00
H. E. HENDERSON, M.D., examination of Wm MANSON for insanity - $10.00
Dr. J. W. LAWRENCE, examination of Ella ERNST for insanity, - $10.00
Dr. J. F. CROSS, examination of Ella ERNST for insanity - $10.00
P. C. WILLIAMS, groceries supplied to Dennis JOHNSON, a county charge - $15.00

Treasurer HENDERSON Back From a Five Weeks' Trip
City Treasurer HENDERSON returned yesterday from a five weeks' pleasure trip, during which he visited his old home in Iowa and some of his numerous friends in Montana. He went east over the Canadian Pacific and came back over the Great Northern as far as Helena. From there he went to Butte and thence over the Union Pacific lines via Pocatello to Portland. ... While in Montana Mr. HENDERSON visited his Indian ward, whom he adopted years ago when he was a post trader, and she was a little dirty, half-clad waif, who wandered into his store one day and attracted his attention. He took a fancy to the little half savage child of nature and fed and clothed and virtually adopted her as his own. As a child she had all the advantages of education which the agency afforded and when she became old enough he sent her east the the Hampton school where she remained a number of years and graduated with high honors. She is a teacher now in the Indian school at Fort Belknap and is a fine appearing young lady, not only well educated in the common branches of the schools, but even accomplished in music and art. ...

Mr. W. L. GAZZAM, the well-known insurance man of Seattle, is in the city.

J. B. McMILLAN, of Blanchard, will soon place a steamer on the route between that point and Fairhaven.

Lieutenant C. L. F. KELLOGG, of Seattle arrived in the city last evening and is registered at The Fairhaven.

Mr. Thomas DIXON, of Orcas island, came into the city yesterday with a boat load of products from that place.

Mr. C. Ferris WHITE, the well-known New Whatcom architect, is now engaged in locating a mining claim up on the Baker river.

Mr. George STREETER, of Oskosh, Wis., father of Dr. STREETER, of this city, and a prominent lumberman of that city, is in town on a visit.

Mr. E. S. HUNTOON, a prominent attorney of Burlington, Iowa, with his wife, is registered at The Fairhaven. He was formerly a partner of Ben HALL, who was commissioner of patents under the CLEVELAND administration.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. KERR and Mr. ZINN, Mrs. KERR's father, start tomorrow for their former home in Newton, Iowa, via the Canadian Pacific. Mr. KERR will go as far as Chicago and return as soon as possible, probably in about fifteen days. Mrs. KERR will remain about six weeks, while Mr. ZINN will remain there during the coming summer.

-The masons began laying the foundation of the city hall yesterday.
-Mrs. M. CARSON has resigned her position as matron of St. Luke's hospital, which she only assumed temporarily while the institution was getting under way. She has been succeeded by Miss CONNELL.

Thursday, March 17, 1892:

        The Spokane Lodging House, on Seventeenth and McKenzie, owned by George F. KEINSTRA, was destroyed by fire early yesterday morning, and the lodging house adjoining, owned by PETERSON Bros., was severely damaged before the flames were extinguished. Mrs. KEINSTRA arose at 5:30 yesterday morning, intending to take the steamer for Orcas Island. She started a fire in the kitchen stove and then left the room for a short time. When she returned the room was filled with smoke and flame. She immediately gave to alarm to her sons. They hurriedly dressed, and one of them proceeded to turn in an alarm. Before this could be done the flames had burst through the roof, and the destruction of all buildings in the vicinity seemed imminent. There being no water in the building nothing could be done to quench the blaze until the fire department arrived.
        The flames spread rapidly and enveloped the entire building before water was turned on. Four streams, two from the steamer and two from the plugs, soon quenched the fire, which had spread through the upper story of the PETERSON Bros.' lodging house.
        The KIENSTRA building, which is a total loss, was insured for $1,99, and with its contents was valued at $3,000. The PETERSON Bros. building was valued at $3,000 and was insured for $2,300, with additional insurance of $500 on the furniture. The building was damaged to the extent of about $1,000. One of the hose carts was badly crippled in the run.

CITY COUNCIL: Petition of J. D. HAGAN to have liquor license transferred to J. C. LANGERT was granted.

A brief funeral service will be held over the remains of Mrs. Flora A. BLAKELEY at her late residence in the Mason block, at 1 o'clock today, conducted by Rev. W. A. MacKAY. At. 2 o'clock the casket will be placed aboard the south-bound train for shipment to Brownville, Oregon, accompanied by the bereaved husband and little Roy. Mr. BLAKELEY has been granted a ten days' leave of absence by the city council. He will be met in Portland by the parents of the deceased.

Miss Ada FOSTER, sister of the late Sydney FOSTER, arrived in this city yesterday from Tacoma and is stopping at the residence of Rev. J. C. WRIGHT.

The wife and children of W. L. F. SOUTER, who was killed at the Blue Canyon mine on the first of November, have filed a suit against the company for $10,000 damages.

-E. Y. GRASSETT, the efficient and obliging assistant city clerk, was unanimously reappointed by the city council last evening.
-R. C. HIGGINSON, the druggist, is having plans prepared for a one-story cottage to be erected at the corner of Pine and High streets.
-The funeral of the late James ROONEY was held yesterday afternoon from his late residence in the York addition. Representatives of the various labor organizations, of which the deceased was a prominent member, were present.
-TAYLOR & McINTOSH, the real estate and insurance brokers who have occupied rooms in the Bellingham Bay Bank building, moved their offices yesterday to the new de CHAMPLAIN & THOMAS building on Railroad avenue.
-The contract for the construction of the new brick and stone building adjoining the Lighthouse block, for George C. DELLENGER, was awarded to Joseph GRAYSON for $2,737. Excavation for the building has commenced.

-The Laurel school opened last Monday with a large attendance. The new school master, Mr. ARMSTRONG, seems to give general satisfaction.
-We are informed that the SEANOR and McDANNEL mill will start up this week, having received an order for 300,000 feet of lumber for street purposes in Whatcom.
-Mrs. WYMAN, of Astoria, Or., visited Laurel this week on business. This lady is engaged in the hotel business in Astoria and also has one hundred and sixty acres of fine land in Laurel at the end of the plank road. She says when business justifies it she will return to this neighborhood and start a hotel. Mrs. WYMAN came here with her husband and family about eighteen years ago, but afterwards moved to Seattle and then to Astoria, where she has resided ever since.

-Mr. TANNER has been engaged to teach the Enterprise school for another three months.
-Mr. Ed HINTZ has put in 320 rods of blind ditch this last winter. He now has his land in first-class shape.

        The alarm of fire in New Whatcom yesterday morning about 1 o'clock was caused by a fire in the small house on D street, near the corner of Fifteenth, occupied by Lillian MARION, better known as Lillian SUMMERS. A lamp was in the dining room, and is supposed to have been overturned by a cat, and as nobody was in the room at the time, the fire obtained such a headway that the assistance of the department was necessary to extinguish it. The household goods were insured for $800, on which an estimated loss of $300 was suffered. The loss on the house will not exceed $100. The owner is said to be Henry KESTNER.

Friday, March 18, 1892:

-Miss Maggie ROESSELLE is keeping house for her brothers who have rented the McCOMB ranch.
-Miss Alice SMITH is home from Forest Grove where she has been teaching. After a vacation of three weeks she will commence a summer school at Wiser lake.
-Miss Mattie CISSNA, of Ferndale, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Byers.
-Mr. and Mrs. RATCLIFF walked to Whatcom on Sunday to attend the Salvation Army.
-Born, to the wife of N. COLLINS, March 15, a pair of twin boys. This is the second pair of twin boys Mr. COLLINS has.

-Born - Friday, March 11th, to the wife of J. B. HATCH, a son.
-Mrs. A. GRIFFIN is confined to the house with "grip."

Saturday, March 19, 1892:

W. McKEE and wife leave today over the Canadian Pacific for a month's tour of the east.

Frank P. DOW goes to Orcas island this morning to visit his ranch near Pt. Thompson.

Fairhaven's first mayor E. A. TURDER(?), has opened an office as an insurance and loan broker in Seattle, ...

Mr. and Mrs. B. B. SEYMOUR have rented the HOLBROOK residence, furnished, for six months, during Mrs. HOLBROOK's absence in the east.

The funeral services over the remains of the late Sidney Foster will occur at the Congregational church at 12:15 o'clock today, after which the casket will be taken to the depot for shipment to the former home of the deceased in Ontario.

W. W. JENKINS, after an illness of over four months, died at his home in Carter's addition, Happy Valley, yesterday morning. His age was about 45 years, and he came to this city from Cleveland, Ohio. He was a Knight of Pythias and the local lodge of the order will conduct the funeral, which occurs at 2 p.m. today.

Yesterday Miss Laura KERR received a telegram announcing the sudden death of her only brother, Eugene KERR, at his home in Des Moines, Iowa, where he had for a long time been connected with a drug establishment. ...

Sunday, March 20, 1892:

W. E. THISTLE will remove with his family to San Francisco about April 14.

The engagement of Mr. D. Daun EGAN and Miss Mabel STANGROOM was announced during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. DOWNS have moved from The Fairhaven, where they have resided for the past year, and are now at home in the residence of Mr. P. J. HENNELLY. This is one of the fine residences of the Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. ALBEE departed yesterday on their journey for Santa Barbara, Cal., where Mr. ALBEE has embarked in the commission business. They will stop for a visit at Eugene, Oregon, where they will meet Mr. E. M. WILSON, who is there now visiting a sister.

Mr. J. M. TOMLINSON returned yesterday from a business trip to Blaine.

Mr. D. W. TETERS will leave this week for a prospecting tour in Montana. He will be grub-staked by C. W. WALDRON, and will be absent all summer.

Mr. William MANSON, a wealthy resident of New Westminster, and Mr. A. MORRISON, a well-known solicitor of that city, are at The Fairhaven. Mr. MANSON is one of the well-known sturdy pioneers who helped Sir James DOUGLAS make the history of British Columbia.

The funeral of M.[W.] W. JENKINS occurred yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the auspices of the Fairhaven Lodge K. of P. from the late residence of the deceased in Happy Valley. Rev. J. C. WRIGHT conducted the services. The remains, accompanied by the friends and members of the lodge, were conveyed to the cemetery by street car.

Juvenile Temple, I. O. G. T.
A juvenile temple of the I. O. G. T. was organized Saturday afternoon by Mrs. E. A. CURTIS, district superintendent of Juvenile Temples, assisted by members of the local I. O. G. T. lodge. Fairhaven Temple No. 42 is its name. After institution and initiation the following named officers were appointed and installed for the remainder of this quarter:
Chief Templar, Flora RICE; vice-templar, Maud BARKER; chaplain, Nellie SHERIDAN; secretary, Allan ARMSTRONG; assistant secretary, Clara BARKER; financial secretary, Alfred O'CONNOR; treasurer, Clyde GIBSON; marshal, Richard HUNTOON; deputy marshal, Mabel BARKER; guard, Walter ARMSTRONG; sentinel, Vernon EAGER; past chief templar, Annie SHERIDAN.

Tuesday, March 22, 1892: (very faint image)

-Frank MURPHY and Thomas HURLEY, two jewelry peddlers, were arrested Saturday evening for peddling without a license. Yesterday they were fined $25 and costs by Judge GALLAHER.
-John HAYES was fined $10 and costs for vagrancy by Judge GALLAHER yesterday.

Wednesday, March 23, 1892:

        The trial of David H. LONG, who, in a fit of desperation, shot down his unfaithful wife and his son-in-law, her guilty paramour, in New Whatcom last December, was commenced before Judge WINN in superior court yesterday morning. ... T. G. NEWMAN, of this city, who was originally retained by the defendant, has secured the assistance of James Hamilton LEWIS, one of the best known and most successful criminal lawyers of the state, while Prosecuting Attorney COLE is being assisted by __. A. FAIRCHILD, a successful attorney of New Whatcom. J. W. IVEY, of New Whatcom, is assisting the defendant's counsel in impaneling the jury. ...
        Deputy Clerk PIERCE then called twelve jurors who took their places in the box as follows:
        L. W. NESTELLE, of Fairhaven, was the first juror examined by Major COLE. He stated that when the homicide occurred he was in Michigan...
J. C. INKS, of New Whatcom, knew the defendant by sight... He was passed for cause...
Frank O'NEIL, residing in Delta precinct, ... he was excused and Peter MILES [MILLS] was called and sworn.
Solomon ALLEN, of Lummi ... He was excused and J. C. TUFFREE was called and sworn.
Peter MILLS, residing at Whatcom, ...
Jeff STEWART, of Rome precinct, was called... He was excused.
G. A. BREMNER, who was next called was one of the jurors in the SWILOOS case. He was passed for cause...
William KNIGHT, of Ten Mile precinct was born in Prussia...
M. A. HAMILTON, of Rome precinct... He was excused.
Edmund COSGROVE was then called to the vacant chair... was excused.
Peter SNYDER was next called. ... excused.
E. C. HARKNESS, of Everson, was then called...
L. G. BAGLEY, of Whatcom, ... was passed for cause...
M. VAUGHN... excused and A. S. BALCH was called to fill the box.
A. M. CHAPMAN... He was passed for cause.
M. T. GEE, of Custer... He was passed for cause.
A. S. BALCH, of Fairhaven... was passed for cause.
Patrick HALEY, of Anderson creek... He was passed for cause.
G. F. BLISS, of Ten Mile precinct...
J. T. COFFMAN, of Lynden, a native of Kentucky, was the twelfth juror passed for cause.
George B. DOOR [DORR], of Fairhaven, was called... passed for cause.
P. H. PEYRAN, of Fairhaven, was called ... excused.
S. D. HUMPHRIES, of Samish, ... passed for cause.

Charles FELCH, for the past two years freight clerk on the Fairhaven & Southern, departed for Portland yesterday.

Mr. Frank P. DOW has leased the residence near the corner of Fourteenth and Larrabee, which he will make his home and his castle. He moved his household goods yesterday.

The friends of Mr. A. B. REID, the able young lawyer who located here a few months ago expecting to remain permanently; much regret that he has been tempted by a fine offer to return to Pittsburg, Pa. A gentleman of sterling character and fine attainments he made many warm friends during his short residence in this city. His brother, Mr. C. V. REID, the well-known accountant and stenographer, who recently returned from an eastern trip expects to remain here.

Thursday, March 24, 1892:

There seems to be an impression abroad that J. D. HAGEN, late of the Elk saloon and lessee of the billiard room of the Fairhaven, who left town last week, will not return to satisfy his obligations to many mourning creditors. ...

        The empanelling of the jury for the trial of David H. LONG for murder in the first degree, was completed yesterday in the superior court. The jury selected is considerably above the average intelligence, which is perhaps due to the fact that nine of the jurors are residents of Fairhaven. The jury as finally accepted, is composed of the following:
L. W. NESTELLE, A. M. CHAPMAN, John CISSNA, C. H. ALLERTON, G. W. FRANCIS, L. M. BARDO, S. J. KNIGHT, A. S. BALCH and George B. DORR of Fairhaven; W. H. HILL and L. B. BAGLEY, of New Whatcom, and J. T. COFFMAN, of Lynden. ...
        The jurors will be kept together throughout the trial and not allowed to separate until the verdict is returned.
The following jurors were summoned on the special venire ordered by the court yesterday:
      G. W. CONRAD was first called to fill the box, and was excused for cause.
Peter MILLS was challenged by the state and S. O. LEEN was called ... excused.
C. W. McKENZIE, of Fairhaven, was passed for cause by both sides.
The defense excused G. W. WISWELL and L. M. SOUDERS was called. C. W. McKENZIE was then excused by the state.
W. P. SHEPARD, of Fairhaven, was called ...
George D. EDWARDS, of Fairhaven, was called. He had lived for some time in British Columbia, but had not abandoned his residence in Fairhaven. He had been a deputy sheriff for some time in Oregon, which fact probably was the cause of his subsequent peremptory challenge by the defense.
S. D. HUMPHRIES, of Samish, was challenged by Attorney NEWMAN, and John CISSNA, of Fairhaven was next called. ... He was passed for cause.
C. F. KRUGER was next challenged by the defense and Z. W. CHRISTOPHER, of Fairhaven, called. ... He was passed for cause.
G. A. BREMNER, who was on the jury that returned a verdict of acquittal in the SWILOOS case, was peremptorily challenged by the state, G. W. FRANCIS, of Fairhaven, was called to the vacant place. He passed the direct and cross examination without challenge for cause.
G. B. EDWARDS was challenged by the defense and W. H. HILL, a locomotive engineer, of New Whatcom, was called to the box. He was passed for cause.
J. K. THOMAS, of Fairhaven was called and passed for cause.
Patrick HALEY was excused by the defense and was succeeded in the box by L. M. BARDO, the photographer, of Fairhaven.
Colonel Z. W. CHRISTOPHER was peremptorily challenged by the state and C. H. ALLERTON, of Fairhaven, took his place. He passed a satisfactory examination and was retained on the jury.
The state exercised its sixth and last challenge by excusing J. K. THOMAS. Three jurors were called and examined before his place was filled. C. P. SHERLOCK, of Fairhaven, was first called. ... was excused for cause.
Daniel PLUMMER was then called but was excused on a question as to legal residence in Whatcom county.
S. J. KNIGHT, of Fairhaven, was the last juror called. ... was accepted without challenge.

C. S. RICE returned to Utsalady yesterday.

City Marshal J. A. BLAKELY returned yesterday from is sad visit to Oregon to take the remains of his wife to her old home for interment.

J. L. THATCHER, of this city, and Warren BURGESS, of New Whatcom, have leased the Silver Beach hotel and will open the house to the public April 1st.

The smoke stack of the MUNDY shingle mill, which was raised yesterday, fell shortly before 6 o'clock last evening with a frightful crash. No one was hurt and the damage was slight.

Friday, March 25, 1892:

... Major COLE then proceeded to open the case. He read the information, charging the defendant with the murder of his wife, Susan A. LONG on the night of December 2, ... the defendant and his wife had been married nearly twenty years. ... Another separation followed and the woman sought refuge from the wrath of her husband in the home of her married daughter. On the 2d of last December the defendant entered this daughter's home and with malice and premeditation shot down the wife, firing three bulletts into her body. ...
Frank SEVIER, who was at the time of the tragedy, a police officer, and the first person to arrive on the scene ... It was in a double house on Forest street. ... Mr. LEWIS then produced a subpoena summoning Ida HUMES, LONG's unfortunate daughter, to appear forthwith ...

--Mr. PENCE, owner of the PENCE lumber mill in this place, is spending a few days with us.
--The attendance at the district school and that on the reserve is steadily increasing. The roll at Professor BROWN's school has a total of thirty-five, more than have attended for many years before. The reservation school now numbers eighty-one.

--C. Ferris WHITE, the architect, has formed a partnership with W. T. MULLER, formerly of this city but now of Everett, and will removed to that place about April 1st. The new firm will have an office on Hewitt avenue ...
--D. J. McARTHUR & Son have moved their office from 1468 Holly street to the new De CHAMPLAIN & THOMAS building on Railroad avenue.
--ISENSEE & RAY, the new logging firm, started two men into the woods yesterday to begin clearing for camps and a skidway at their new camp on the AUSTIN claim on Lake Whatcom. This new firm controls 1,000 acres of heavily wooded land ...
--T. MATSUO, the Japanese merchant on Holly street, is selling out at cost prices.

-Mr. and Mrs. Paul P. WALSH, of Tacoma, returned home on the steamer Premier yesterday. Mrs. WALSH had been the guest of Mrs. C. HOFFSTETTER for several days.
-Mr. C. F. SWAN, went to Olympia yesterday as a delegate from New Whatcom to the district convention of the Y. M. C. A., which convenes there today.
-ALLMOND & BOYNTON, of the Anacortes American are building a fine yacht thirty-three feet long and nine feet beam with which they will compete for the pennant in yacht races here this summer.
-George P. JANES came in on yesterday's Canadian Pacific train from a three months trip in the East, the larger part of his time having been passed among the relatives in New Jersey.

-Mr. WEBER, of Kansas, who came out to sell some of his property in Mountain View, has changed his mind since comparing his condition with that of the Puget sounder, and has decided that a life in this country is worth living.
-The young people gathered at the residence of Mrs. POTTER on Monday evening for a jolly time and good supper, also to bid farewell to Fred WARSAP who takes his departure for his old home in Oswego, N. Y.

-Mr. George SUTHERLAND and his young bride expect to move into their new home the first of May.
-Mr. Frank PORTER is the proud father of a beautiful baby boy, who came as a Lenten present last Sunday morning.
-Morris G., the twelve-year-old son of Mr. Jame O'NEILL, after a long and painful illness, passed quietly away on Wednesday morning last. Services were held at the Episcopal church, eight of his little comrades acting as pall bearers ... Mr. O'NEILL is one of the oldest residents here, having come to the island some ten years ago. ...
-Mr. Luther SUTHERLAND, the genial landlord of the East Sound hotel, is already making preparations for the summer guests. ...
-Dr. W. S. BICKHAM left for his home in New Orleans on Tuesday last, to be absent two months. The doctor has built two very handsome cottages here midway between the boat landing and North Beach. There are six rooms on the ground floor and three on the second, all finished in oak and cherry. ...

ENTERPRISE - Mr. Robert SHIELDS has been hauling logs to the Ferndale mill to obtain lumber for a barn and other improvements.

-Our school is to begin April 4th, with Mr. KIRKPATRICK as teacher and a pleasant room for study.
-Mr. MAXON has bought and is clearing land one-half mile north of Custer. He will build a house soon.

-Mr. CURTIS and wife have grown tired of city life and moved up to their farm, we hope, to permanently reside.
-Oria MATHEWS has been freighting for the merchants of Lynden for the past two weeks. He expects to be thus engaged all summer.
-We regret to hear that Mr. and Mrs. WALKER will in a short time be leaving Laurel for Whatcom. Mr. WALKER has been teaching school at Yager all winter, but has lately become associated with the Alliance Journal as business manager. ...

Saturday, March 26, 1892:

In the LONG murder trial yesterday the state rested its case and the opening of the defense was made to the jury, ...
      Mrs. Anna E. HALLIN, residing at G and Thirteenth streets, was the first witness called ... She was intimately acquainted with Mrs. LONG. ...
      Miss Ella CARPENTER, aged seventeen, was next called. ...
      Miss Emma BYERS, aged fourteen years, ...
      Mrs. BRANNIN, of Keeslingville, a close neighbor of the LONG's during their residence in that place, ...
      Deputy Sheriff George M CHARLOTT, who was one of the first to arrive at the scene of the tragedy after it occurred, ...
      Allen SHEWEY, a carpenter, testified, ... "I have known LONG two or three years. ..."
      A. J. LAWRENCE, who recently was city marshal at the time of the homicide, ...
      Sheriff F. W. DeLORIMIER testified that he arrested the prisoner on Lummi island on December 19th. The witness was at the home of LONG's sister, Mrs. HATTLER, when the defendant came in with Louis STIMSON.
Mr. LEWIS then proceeded to deliver the opening of the defense which occupied more than an hour. He traced the career of the defendant from his birth. He was born in Freeport, Ill., in 1852. He moved early in life to Danville, Mo., where he married his wife. Their only child, a daughter, dwarfed in stature and of feeble mind was born there. He has a brother in an insane asylum. He came to Whatcom about four years ago and bought the property upon which he made his home, of Hugh ELDRIDGE. ... On the night of January 1, 1891, he went with his family to the Salvation Army meeting. A young man of serpent-like eyes, reddish hair and a dare-devil demeanor sat behind them. It was Norman HUMES. He became intimate with the family and seduced the weak-minded daughter. LONG came to distrust him and learned that his wife had become infatuated with him. ... The mother was anxious that HUMES should become the husband of her daughter. The father objected ... One night he was taken deathly sick. An examination of the loaf of bread of which he had eaten showed that it had been poisoned with strychnine. Last November his wife left him and went to HUMES house in Sehome. ...

Sunday, March 27, 1892:

Fireman's Relief Association
The members of the fire department desire to call the attention of the citizens of Fairhaven to the Fire Department Relief Association, which was organized a few weeks since. A constitution and by-laws have been adopted and officers for the ensuing year elected. A. J. GIBSON, president; Pat RYAN, vice-president; Frank E. BILES, secretary; H. S. ODELL, treasurer. The object of the association is to provide and care for sick and disabled firemen. Each member pays an initiation fee and monthly dues, and may receive from the funds of the association the sum of five dollars per week during disability, provided such disability does not exceed three months duration. Citizens may become honorary members of this association by paying into the fund the sum of five dollars per year. No honorary member shall be entitled to receive benefits from the funds of the association. We ask the hearty co-operation of the citizens in maintaining this association. All fire department organize relief associations, and are supported to a certain extent by the citizens. ...

The Fairhaven Yacht Club will hold a business meeting at the rooms of the Fairhaven National Bank Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock.

H. L. MERRILL, of this city, has been appointed local agent of the Guardian Assurance Company and the Sun Fire office, two of the oldest English Insurance companies now doing business.

Mr. W. M. TOLES leaves tomorrow for the east, expecting to be absent about two months combining business with pleasure in Kansas, Missouri and Michigan and spending the greater part of the time in Lansing and Marquette ...

-Judge WINN moved into his new house, on the corner of Garden and Laurel streets, yesterday afternoon.
-A marriage license was issued yesterday by the county auditor to Howard J. LEE, of New Whatcom, and Mary KILDALL, of Lynden.
-Geo. A. MOUDY, of Pilot Point, Tex., is in town looking for a desirable place to settle. He is the advance representative of quite a colony which will come here from Texas if his report is favorable. Mr. MOUDY has visited several Sound cities, but has found none to suit him so well as Bellingham Bay.

Tuesday, March 29, 1892:

  The taking of testimony in behalf of the defendant was commenced in the superior court yesterday in the trial of D. H. LONG for the murder of his wife. But two witnesses were called, Ida HUMES, the weak-minded child-widow, the daughter of LONG, and the defendant.
  ... The daughter is smaller than the average girl of sixteen. Her face is blank and expressionless. She has small features, a small round face, black hair and eyes and squirrel teeth, which are always exposed. She is far below the average child of her years in intelligence. The examination was conducted with difficulty, it being necessary to suggest as much as possible of the answers in the question
  She testified in substance as follows:
I am 16 years old. I have lived in Whatcom four years. I first met Norman HUMES at the Salvation Army. He sat behind us. When we walked home he walked with me. He came to our house frequently. He often went out with my mother and me. When I first met him his name he said was Griffin. He went away to Blaine and wrote me a letter. It was signed HUMES. He came to see me when he came back. He acted nice to me. The next day I met him on Thirteenth street. He came up to me and talked. Two or three days later I saw him at the Salvation Army. He came to our house frequently after that. Mother would put out a white rag out of the window when father was away, and Norman would come. He came whenever papa was away. At first I thought he was coming to see me, but I found out he was not. My father did not want him to come to see me. He said I was too young. [The witness was then questioned regarding the poisoning of LONG.] The first time he was poisoned was by the coffee. He drank it and it made him sick. The other time he was poisoned I cut some bread and put it on the plate. Papa eat some of it and it made him sick. I gave some to the dog and he acted like he was dying. Papa gave the dog some lard and he did not die. I saw a grain of powder shaken out of the bread.
  Do you remember an occasion about coming home to the house when your father went out to look for you and your mother?
  Yes. I and mother went to church that night. We came home and found the door locked. We then went to Norman HUMES' boarding house. The landlady came to the door, and mother told her that she wanted Norman to go to the drug store with her. They took me to Mrs. BYERLY's and ma and Norman went off together. I staid at Mrs. BYERLY's that night. The next morning I went home. Father was there, but mother was not. Father went out after her. He then came back and went after her again with HUMES. I next saw mamma at Mrs. BYERLY's. Father came and cried and begged of mother to come home. I tried to get her to come home, but she wouldn't. Then HUMES went to her and asked her to come home and she came. I was in bed. Mother said to me that I was going to be married the next day. I did not know anything about it.
  We were married by a justice of the peace at our house. We lived at my father's house in Keeslingville for a while. We afterward moved to Sehome. Father then lived all alone at his house. I threatened to tell father how mother acted with HUMES, and she whipped me with a switch and beat my head on the floor.
  One the evening mother was shot, mamma and Norman were sitting together. He had his arm around her. I tried to take his arm away from her. They were trying to make me consent to sleep with them in a large bed. I told them that was not the way to do. I was crying. Mother said she would whip me. I got up and went out the door onto the porch. I found papa there. He looked in and said, "Is this the way you do?" Both of them started for him. I was out on the porch when the shooting was done.
  ... (cross examination followed)
  ... (defendant takes the stand)
  I was born in Illinois. My father was a millright. When I was 15 years old we went to Iowa. Lived there one year and went to Missouri. In 1870 we went to Arkansas, but afterwards went back to Granby, Mo. While there I married Susan RUSSELL. I lived there eight years, and our only child was born there. From there I went to Dallas County, Texas. I followed farming and stock raising. In 1888 I came to Whatcom. We lived first in a house near the water tank. In the fall I bought a place of Hugh ELDRIDGE. The first work I did in the territory was on this place. I cleared it and put on everything I could to make it attractive. I did all kinds of work, anything I could get to do. I first met HUMES in the Salvation Army barracks. He came in and sat behind us, and tried to make himself agreeable to Ida. His name was represented to me as Griffiths. He claimed to be a school teacher. In the spring he wrote a letter to Ida from Blaine. It was poorly spelled and written, and it was signed HUMES. He came to see Ida after he came back and I thought something was wrong with him and did not want him to come to see Ida. I told my wife I was suspicious of him, and that he frequented saloons and gambling dens. One day as I was going home I passed him. He stopped me and said: Dave, why do you object to my coming to your house? I told him I did not want Ida to think of marrying. She was too young and giddy. He said he would marry her in two years.
  One Sunday he came there and I told my wife I did not want him to come any more, and he stopped coming, as I supposed. I noticed my wife got negligent about her household duties. She was frequently away from home. It looked like I couldn't please her anymore. She opposed me in everything.
  One night at supper my coffee tasted bitter. She said the coffee grounds were sour. About two weeks after she went out for a loaf of bread. She returned and took it into the pantry and cut off the end of the loaf, the piece I always preferred, and handed it to me. It tasted bitter. I was soon taken sick. I went out doors. I saw Mr. REIDENHEIMER and tried to go to him. It seemed as though I could not get my legs under me. My muscles seemed to be cramping and there was writhing in my stomach. I went into the house and went to bed. I could not lie there and crawled out and went outdoors again.
  [The witness then related how Mrs. GOAR told him about seeing Ida compromised by HUMES]
  Before my sister went to Semiahmoo she was expected to come to our house to see us one evening. My wife and Ida went away before she came. I thought it strange. My sister came. I had said to her, did you hear anything about HUMES and Ida? and related what Mr. GOAR had told, telling her I could not believe it. She said, "You will not believe anything." She then told me there were terrible rumors about Susan. She said that the neighbors said HUMES was not coming to to my house to see Ida, but to see Susan. The truth flashed upon me and I jumped up immediately to go and look for her. I told my sister to lock the door and not let them in. I went down to HALLIN's but did not find them. When I returned home I asked my sister if they had come. She said, "yes, and gone away." I said, why didn't you let them in? I didn't mean to lock her out. I didn't sleep any that night. The next morning I went out to look for my wife. About 11 o'clock Ida came home. She said she had staid at BYERLY's all night. I immediately went out again to look for Susan. I saw HUMES on Holly street and asked him where Susan was. He said he didn't know. I told him if he could find where she was, for God's sake to let me know. I walked the floor all night that night. I was in a terrible state. All I wanted to do was find Susan. The next morning I went to Fairhaven and looked everywhere for her. I met Marshal PARKER and asked him if he knew where she was. He told me that she was at the Paragon hotel. He said she was afraid I would hurt her. I went to the hotel but did not find her. Mr. BLANKENSHIP said a woman came there looking for a room to get away from her husband, but he told her that she could not have a room if there was going to be any trouble.
  I then came back to Whatcom. On the way over I saw HUMES and Ida. He came running to me and said he had found my wife. I told him that PARKER told me they had staid together at the hotel. He denied it at first but then admitted it, but said they left the light burning all night and the door open, and that she slept on the bed and he sat up in a chair. I believed him. I told him to tell my wife to come home. The next morning I went to Fairhaven to look for her, but did not find her.
  The next day I started to go to BYERS'. I met Newt LASWELL and he told me that my wife was there, and wanted me to come to her. ... Newt went with me. We found Susan upstairs. I said to her, "Why did you go away?" She said, "Why did you lock me out." I told her I did not mean to lock her out. I begged of her to come home and told her I would forgive her if she had done anything wrong. She told me she staid at the Paragon hotel. She complained I had been cruel to her. I plead with her but she would not come. The next Monday night I went again and plead with her. She said the only thing that would bring her back was to let HUMES marry Ida. I told her Ida was but a child and must go to school. About 9 o'clock at night HUMES came to my house. He said he wanted Ida. He said he was going to marry her. I told him I could not bear the idea of Ida getting married. I wanted to send her to the convent. He asked me if I would let them marry if Susan would come home. I told him I would do anything to get her back. About 12 o'clock they come home. The next day they went down and got a certificate, and in the evening they were married. They lived at our house for a time. They afterwards moved to Sehome, and Susan went with them. She said she would stay with Ida. I lived alone while she was away. It seems as if everything was lost. I could not persuade my wife to return. I went there one evening and listened under the house. I heard them plotting to forge a deed to my property and skip the country. I went to the county auditor the next day and told him not to file any deed to my property. The next evening I went there again. I heard them trying to make Ida consent to their sleeping in a large bed. I could stand it no longer. I went up. I met Ida on the back porch. I looked in and saw HUMES with his arm around my wife. It seemed as if my brain was on fire. I said is this the way you do. They both sprang at me. My life was in danger. I fired! I fired! I then ran out. It seemed to me the whole world was black. I though I would end it all and put the revolver to my head, but it would not go off. I then tried to get away from the horrible place.   
(cross examination began but interrupted by adjournment)

Richard JENNINGS, of Jennings, is at The Fairhaven.

W. C. STETSON, of STETSON & POST Mill Company of Seattle, is at The Fairhaven. He came here to purchase logs.

E. W. ROLLINS and wife, of Denver, accompanied by Walter BRUCE, of Tacoma, are at The Fairhaven. Mr. ROLLINS is president of the ROLLINS Investment Company, a corporation that has invested about $580,000 in municipal and county bonds in Whatcom county. ...

Harvey D. LAMEREAUX, brother of Mrs. J. B. BALDY, died at the latter's residence in this city Sunday morning from the effects of a broken limb. His age was 17 years and 5 months. The deceased was a brother of Mrs. J. B. BALDY, of this city, and but a few months ago was a bright and promising young man of more than usual health and activity. His home was with his father at Beavey, Clallam County, where about four months ago he received a fall which broke the left leg. The fracture never properly knit, and swelling commenced which could not be overcome, and he was brought to this city a little over a week ago, and the best medical attention was given. The death was very sudden and unlooked for. The body will be taken East for burial.

List of letters reamining uncalled for in the Fairhaven postoffice for the week ending March 26, 1892:
DUTCHER, William
GREEN, James Patten
Fairhaven Sandstone Company
HILL, Miss Laura
KLUES, Bernard
MYERS, David
NORTON, Mrs Mary
PALMER, Walter
PACHEN, Jennie
Peoples C Store
PORTER, Maggie
RAYBURN, Mrs Mattie
SMITH, Miss Ida
SMITH, Henry
Smith Collateral Bank
SLOCUM, Joshua
TRUAX, Mrs Celia
WINTER, Miss Ray
ZEHM, Fred W

Wednesday, March 30, 1892:

Many witnesses were examined and a great variety of testimony was elicited in the LONG murder trial in the superior court yesterday.
  (cross examination commenced)
  Mrs. Ella HATTER, the defendant's sister was next called and examined. She said:
  I became acquainted with Norman HUMES at Mrs. LONG's last May. She introduced us. I was friendly with Susan. We never had any trouble. She and David were happy together until HUMES came.
(blackberry party)
  One morning they passed by my house about 8 o'clock. Mrs. LONG and Norman occupied the front seat, Mrs. MORRIS and Bertha occupied the middle seat, and Ida and Frank MORRIS were sitting behind. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon they came back and stopped at my house. The children appeared very angry. They said Susan and Norman went into the woods and would not let them go, and they called to a man they thought was Dave. Susan and Norman came running out of the bushes. Susan tore her dress. Norman said if the man had been Dave he would have shot him. One warm afternoon last August I went to Dave's house. Susan came out of the hall and appeared embarrassed. I followed her into the house. As I passed by Ida's bedroom door I gave it a slight kick and it flew open against Norman HUMES face. He swore at me. I told Susan that the neighbors were talking about her. She said it was nobody's business.
  On the 9th of October, before I went to Lummi island, I went to Dave's house. Nobody was at home but David. Susan knew I was coming. She invited me. Dave told me what GAAR had told him, and said he did not believe it. I told him that he would not believe anything. I then told him that Norman was coming to see Susan instead of Ida. I told him much more. He immediately got up and went out to look for Susan. He locked the door and told me not to let her in if she came. About half an hour after she came and tried to get in. I told her Dave had locked the door, but she could get in at the window. She said no; if Dave has locked me out I will stay out. ... The next time I saw Dave was at my house on the 3rd of December. He appeared like a wild man, very pale and thin. His mind wandered. He would talk about one thing and then fly off onto something else. I was an hour getting out of him what he had done. ...
  In the redirect examination the witness related that on one occasion she heard HUMES say that if LONG took Ida to the convent he would kill him, and Susan spoke up and said she hoped to God he would. Asked about insanity in her family the witness said her brother Charley was insane at her home in Kansas in 1881 and taken to an institution in Topeka, where he was kept eight months.
  Mrs. J. MULLINS, a neighbor...testified in substance as follows:
I knew LONG and Mrs. LONG over a year. They came to our house. Then relations appeared to be happy. I knew Norman HUMES. One day last summer I went to LONG's house to get Mrs. LONG to go bathing with me. She said at first that she could not go, but finally she and LONG came with us. When we got down to the beach she called me aside and said she must go back for Norman was coming to see her. She blushed and I thought something was wrong. She went away and in about an hour she returned. Soon afterward HUMES came also. ... Sometime last August she told me that Mr. LONG had been poisoned. She told me HUMES had spent the day with her once when Mr. LONG was away.
  Mrs. PAYNE -- I knew LONG and his wife intimately. They seemed happy together. Last August I went to their house and went in without knocking. Mrs. LONG seemed confused. She then excused herself, saying that Ida's fellow was in the front room. I listened and heard her go up stairs. She came down with Norman HUMES and he went out the front door. One Sunday we stopped at LONG's to get them to go bathing. Mrs. LONG was the last to leave the house. When we got to the bank over the beach she said she would go back to lock the door. I saw HUMES near by and noticed him go back to the house with her. She staid about three-quarters of an hour.
  Ira E. RODENBURG, of Rome Precinct. -- LONG's treatment of his wife was kind and pleasant. August 24th last I saw Mrs. LONG and HUMES on Orleans street outside of town. They were in a buggy. When she saw me she put her parasol down over her face.
  Joe A. BLANKENSHIP testified to seeing HUMES join Mrs. LONG and Ida on the street.
  P. H. BLANKENSHIP -- I am proprietor of the Paragon hotel, Fairhaven. About October 10 last a young man and a lady came in about 9 o'clock in the evening and wanted a room. I asked him if he wanted a room for the two, and he said he did. I took them to room 16 and came out and shut the door. The following morning about 9 o'clock she came to my room and wanted to see me privately. She said she wanted to get the room for the day. She said she had left her husband and did not want him to find her. I told her she could not have the room. After she left LONG came there and wanted to known if his wife had been there with another man. I told him what I knew.
  Claude BLANKENSHIP, a bright looking, but timid child of 11 years, was next called. ... Mr. FAIRCHILD asked him if he knew what an oath was. The boy replied that he did not, and counsel objected to the oath being administered. Mr. LEWIS asked Claude if he knew what the truth was. "I do," he replied. He testified as follows:
    I am 11 years old. I knew Mrs. LONG by sight. I was at her house once with my cousin. I saw her at the Paragon Hotel one morning. She came to the door and asked for father.
  J. L. BYRAM -- I was clerk of the Paragon Hotel last October. On the evening of Saturday, October 10 I was out and returned about 11 o'clock. I was told by the boy in charge that a man and woman had taken room 16. I went up stairs and smelled gas escaping. I located the gas in room 16. The light was out.
  Andy BRAND -- I am working at the Cornwall mill since last June. I knew HUMES. One night when he was living at Sehome he asked me to come to his house and stay over night with him. He said I could sleep either with the old lady or the girl. He told me that he was laying for LONG and showed me a revolver.
  J. P. SMALLEY -- I knew HUMES. Last November I was at Keeslingville with an express wagon. HUMES rode down town with me. After we started he said, drive up, there's LONG; he's raising hell with me and his wife. If he does it again I'll shoot the s__ of a b__. I saw the butt of his revolver. After the shooting I took Mrs. HUMES' goods to HALLINs house.
  Mrs. Ira E. RODENBURG who was next called, was seriously ill and had to be assisted into the court room. She testified as follows:
    I knew LONG and his wife. I visited his home often. I never heard him say an unkind word to his wife. I saw Mrs. LONG with HUMES at LONG's house the first Sunday in April. Mrs. LONG introduced him as HAMES.
  Wm. LEMM, a German grocer of Keeslingville, was a German with an imperfect understanding of English. He testified as follows:
    I have known LONG two years. I got water at LONG's well. Mr. and Mrs. LONG appeared to be happy the first year I knew them. They both worked hard. Mrs. LONG worked in her garden. After she became acquainted with HUMES she lost her interest in her home. HUMES would come there often when LONG was away. As soon as LONG would go HUMES would come. He was there almost every day. Last August Mrs. LONG bought a loaf of bread of me. The next day LONG brought the bread to me and said it was poisoned. I saw something in it. I took a grain of it on my tongue. It went all through my system. We shook powder out of it. LONG often told me of his troubles. After his wife left him he appeared strange and wild.
  [The cloak of Mrs. LONG's, packed in a box by Mrs. HALLIN, was then identified by the witness.] The witness was then subjected to a trying cross-examination by Mr. FAIRCHILD. ...

-L. D. DRAKE has bought to N. E. WOOLARD house, on Garden street, and will occupy it at once.
-M. K. ALEXANDER has leased Judge CRITES' cottage on Garden street, and will occupy it at once.
-H. E. HADLEY returned yesterday from Orcas Island, where he has been attending to his property interests.
-Attorney J. W. RAYBURN is in Corvallis, Or., his former home ...
-A. H. MORRISON has severed his connection with the law firm of MORRISON & CADE, and opened an office in the new DeCHAMPLAIN & THOMAS building on Railroad avenue.
-Amos CASE, northwestern agent of the Life Indemnity and Investment Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, will soon leave for Spokane, in the interest of his company.
-H. O'CONNOR, agent of the Canadian Pacific, has leased the FISCHER house, on Garden street, and will remove at once from Dr. JAMISON's house, which the latter wishes to occupy.
-The Express announced editorially last evening the transfer of Morris McCARTY's interest in that paper to J. H. SCHIVELY, formerly of the Anacortes American, who becomes joint owner with John DeTIERE.
-Winston APPLEBY, a son of J. K. APPLEBY, of this city, graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, in St. Louis, on the 14th of this month, he has located in this town to being the practice of his profession. He has opened an office over HOAG's drug store on Holly street.
-Hon. E. M. WILSON has returned from Oregon to Tacoma, and is expected to arrive home the latter part of the week.
-W. A. WOODIN has decided to put a shingle plant in his saw mill, and will begin work on the dry house next week.
-Miss Fanny HAYES, of Eugene, Oregon, a niece of Miss Ella WILSON, arrived in the city yesterday for a visit with her grandmother and aunt.
-Councilman HEDGE leaves today for a visit of several weeks in western Montana, where he has considerable property interests. His headquarters will be at Missoula.
-Mr. D. DALTON has moved his household goods to Mt. Vernon, where he and his family have decided to locate, at least while the present activity in the building trade continues.
-W. A. HARDY has been so closely confined to the court house by the expert testimony required of him in the LONG trial, that his health has succumbed and he is now confined to his bed by la grippe.

Following are the names of the pupils neither absent nor tardy for the month ending March 25.
Larrabee School, Room 1 - Herbert WORTHINGTON, Hector McGINNIS, Villard SLOAN, Grant CLARK, Willie SLATTERY, Charlie WESTFALL, Earl HEFFNER, Carl ASBECK, Frank FOWLER, Willie FISHER, Edward CAIN, Bertie LITTLE, Onie NICHOLS, Robbie NICHOLS, Dewey CLARK, Carl GRUE, Luther CUNNINGHAM, Claud CLARK, Warren HARTMAN, Alva MOYER, Alice MURCHISON, Mary HEFFNER, Grace SHARPLESS, Maud WORTHINGTON, Freida UHLMANN, Myrtle SHARPLESS, Myrtle RIGGS, Annie PATTERSON, Florence PENNINGTON, Gusta WEBBER, Elsie SAUNDERS.
Larrabee School, Room 2 - Emma LANGE, Minnie BOGET, Ida KEEL, Bessie SCHAEFFER, Ruth VAN HOUTEN, Walter BLEVINS, Justin TABOR, John WITTER.
Larrabee School, Room 3 - Eugene HOSKINS, Custer TAYLOR, Elmer WITTER, Orrie SMITH, Ray WALQUEST, Lee WALQUEST, Harley DODSON, Rudolf AMUNDSON, Willie SMITH, Charlie NICHOLS, Laura IHRIG, Tora KEEL, Bessie HANNA, Maud PORTER, Nellie LAUDER, Carrie JARVIS, Josie LITTLE, Mamie KLOSTERMAN, Matie NICHOLS, Jessie IHRIG, Valley LEHMAN.
Larrabee School, Room 4 - Millie BOGET, Lille DeLIERE, Lulu HENSPETER, Lillie LEHMAN, Ella LINDSTROM, Ethel LUCE, Pearl MANHART, Rosella McDERMOTT, Ella RIGGS, Clarice WITTER, Guy NICHOLS, Lloyd BLEVINS, Sam CLARK, Neddie DAVIS, Reinhart GESCHKE, Albert HANNA, Harry HANKINS, Carl JOHNSON, Otto KEEL, Thomas McDERMOTT, Anton PETERSON, John STEVENSON, Thomas SLATTERY, John SLATTERY.
Larrabee School, Room 5 - Jennie WESTFALL, Dora WESTFALL, Viola CAMERSON, Myra HENSPETER, Alvira McLEOD, Cora SIMINEO, Clara THOMPSON, John PADDEN, Frank LITTLE, Louis HANSEN, George DODSON, Willie HOSKINS, Orrin SMITH, Rodolph LONGSTAFF, Hector CURRY.
Larrabee School, Room 6 - Emma B. ROLL, Nettie LEHMAN, Edith WELLMAN.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 1 - Maggie BUCHANAN, Olive BROMFIELD, Emily WARRINER, May FOREMAN, Mary JENNIG, Leonta SMITH, Bessie SLY, Christine TYNE, Alphonsine MORAN, Daisy BRONKE, Thomas BRUHN, Alfred BRONKE, Jay CISSNA, Herbert GRIFFIN, Everette HUGHES, Wendell WRIGHT, Ernest WARRINER.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 2 - Arthur LAJOICE, Henry KINSEY, Sammy KINSEY, Carl TEMPLIN, Ross HOHL, Herbert CRUTTENDEN, Willie MARSHALL, Paul GARVEY, Louis APPLEGATE, Clara GRIFFIN, Louisa JENNIG, Nellie LANGDON, Golden WARDNER, Florence HARDY, Dulsena MARSHALL, Florence SLY, Mary HURLBUT, Clara BARKER, Nellie CUNNINGHAM, Flossie LAJOICE, Mary MALLAHAN.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 3 - Alma BLANKENSHIP, Katie GALLAGHER, Myrtle LOY, Zettie SULLIVAN, Fanchon BORIE, Georgia GABEY, Earl BORIE, Hymie GRIFFIN, Hardy GETTY, George LAJOICE, Frank MESSER, Hershel SIMPSON, Willie SULLIVAN, James SHECKLER, Lawrence THOLE, Frank LONGSTAFF, Mattie JOHNSTON, Alfredo FRANCIS, Irvin SIMPSON, Thomas McCRORY.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 4 - Claud BLANKENSHIP, Fred BRUHN, Richard HUNTOON, Ernest JENNIG, Chalmer NASH, Elena BATEMAN, Flora FILLMORE, Zippie HOPKINS, Maud NASH, Sanova SIMPSON, Elsie WOODS, Edith APPLEGATE, Lulu LOUX, Margaret THISTLE, Annie GALLAGHER, Hettie LOUTHE, Elsie FRIMMERSDORF, Bertie CRUTTENDEN.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 5 - Fred AMES, Rollie LUNKLEY, Chauncy CISSNA, Lenna FRENCH, David GRIFFIN, Harry KEELER, Fred LONGSTAFF, Harry WHALING, Edgar WRIGHT, Mamie CLARK, Blanche SIMPSON, Cora SMITH, Ida SMITH, Flora RICE, Ella TEMPLIN and Maud WOODIN.
Fourteenth Street School, Room 6 - Carrie FAGAN, Sadie ABBEY, Edna AMES, Winnie PIERCE, Blanche WOODWORTH, Alvide AMUNDSON, Inez NICHOLS, Nellie HUNTOON, Bessie THISTLE, Ralph PIERCE, Marion BARLOW, Ole BJORNDAHL, John A. SEAMAN, Joel JOHANSON.

The New School House
The new school house in the York addition at the corner of Nelson and Virginia streets is rapidly approaching completion. Contractor D. E. BARTRUFF has twenty five men at work and a building very creditable to the town will soon be ready for occupancy. The galvanized cornice work is from the Fairhaven Cornice Works, while the walls of the building are of brick with light stone trimmings. The new school is to be heated throughout with the Smead system and will have a capacity of 400 scholars in the eight rooms. The total cost will be in the vicinity of $33,000.

Hotel Arrivals - The Fairhaven
V. B. HUBBELL, New York; George E. YOULE, Seattle; H. J. COLLING, Seattle; Jack HAYES, New York; Sam LASH, Whatcom; C. E. SHRYOCK, Portland; Bishop of New Westminster, New Westminster; Mrs. SILLILOE, New Westminster; B. D. SMALLY and son, Seattle; John B. AGEN, Seattle; W. C. STETSON, Seattle.

Thursday, March 31, 1892:

The defense rested its case, yesterday in the trial of D. H. LONG. ...
  John BURKE, the baker, of whom the bread was purchased which contained the poison, and of which the defendant had eaten, was placed on the stand and testified substantially as follows:   I am a baker, I know Mr. LEMM and furnished him with bread. I met Mr. LONG three or four days after the poisoning occurred and he told me about it. I also saw Mr. LEMM and he sent me over to Mrs. LONG's. I found her in the kitchen. I asked her for the bread, and after hunting awhile she said she could not find it but would as soon as her daughter came. I waited about fifteen minutes. She handed me a small piece of bread saying that it was part of the loaf. I then went back to Mr. LEMM's and Mr. LONG followed me with about a half loaf. It was home-made bread. I found some white stuff in it. I threw the little piece away. I ate a small piece which fell out of the bread and it made me feel very strange. I took it all to H. A. WHITE to analyze for me. The bread was thrown in the bay. We were taken to Mr. FAIRCHILD's office to tell what we knew about it. There were 150 loaves in that baking. ...
"Well what did you mean by telling the jury that it was home-made bread?"
"I did not mean home-made bread - that it was made at a private residence, but that it was made with different flour and different yeast. There was a bad feeling among the bakers, and I thought some of them did it to injure my business, and I was anxious to find out who it was. I did tell Mr. LEMM about it for some time for that reason. ...
H. A. WHITE - I am a druggist. Mr. BURKE gave me some particles which he said came out of bread, to analyse, and I did so. I found it to be crystalized strychnine. ...
(more cross examination and testimony from W. A. HARDY, druggist and chemist)
  C. M. ATKINS - I am a banker. I saw the defendant about the first of December. He was in the bank. He called to see about some one negotiating a deed or mortgage on his property with his name attached. He said that his wife and son-in-law were the parties who were going to do it, and asked me not to receive any such instrument. He was somewhat excited and did not sit down. He was there ten or fifteen minutes.
  S. S. WORK, cashier of the Commercial bank; C. P. WHEELER, bookkeeper of the Bellingham Bay National bank; H. A. ESTABROOKE, bookkeeper of the Columbia National bank all testified similarly to Mr. ATKINS.
  William BROWN - I know the defendant. I saw him during the month of November last. He told me of his family troubles and asked me to go and see his wife and get her to return. We met on Thirteenth street near G and walked on into Sehome. We went down Elk street in sight of the house where his wife was and he showed it to me. He again asked me to go and see her. I told him "No" for I did not desire to go into a strange man's house under such circumstances, but if I should meet her I would do what I could. I met him again about the same place the next day, and he said he was willing to let his wife have money to go back to her people. He had the appearance of an insane man. I do not, by any means, think he would have been considered rational.
  John LUBKE - I know David LONG. I got water at his place for nine months. He treated his family all right. His wife did not work much last summer. She was out a great deal. LONG was at my house on the day before the killing. He said to me, "Look out that you don't get some fellow like I have into your family." He did not look like he was in his right mind. His reputation as a law-abiding citizen was good.
  T. E. MASON - I know the defendant. I have worked with him and was in partnership with him in a couple of small contracts. He worked for me last October, and I saw then that something was wrong and his work was bad. I had to discharge him. Before that he was all right. We were at work on a job for Mr. deLORIMIER. He looked wild and bad, and I thought he was deranged.
  Joseph HANK - I worked with the defendant three or four days last October. I noticed there was something wrong with him. I saw that he was troubled, but I had no conversation with him.
  Ellery ROGERS - I have known the defendant for about three years. ...
   The next testimony introduced was that of physicians and experts upon the subject of emotional insanity. ...

Extracted by Susan Nahas


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