Whatcom Reveille
Whatcom, Whatcom County, Washington Territory

Extractions by Merrily Lawson
Friday, August 3, 1883:

Mount Baker.
And Mountains of Washington Territory.
By E. T. Coleman.

        "Mount Baker, in Whatcom County, fourteen miles south of the boundary line of the British Possessions, and thirty miles distant from Whatcom, was named by Vancouver, who first explored these coasts, in complement to his third lieutenant, Joseph BAKER, who discovered it. Its Indian name is Tukullum, or White Stone. The hight, (sic) 10,811 feet, is from a trigonometrical measurement made by Capt. LAWSON, of the United States Coast Survey ...
        "It was first ascended in August, 1868, by a party which I organized, consisting of Mr. Thomas STRATTON, Inspector of Customs of Port Townsend, Mr. John A. TENNANT, Mr. John BENNETT, Mr. David OGILVIE of Victoria, and myself. I described the journey in Harper's Magazine for November 1869 under the title of "Mountaineering on the Pacific." In the latter part of October, 1864, an earthquake shook the coast, when an immense portion of the summit, estimated to be 1000 or 1500 feet, fell in, so that the appearance of the peak was decidedly altered as seen from Victoria, Vancouver Island, it being no longer conical and sharp, but truncated ..."

Gen. Thos. T. ECKERT, the manager and executive officer of the Western Union Telegraph Company, is an Ohio man, began at the bottom of the ladder, and was once on a country newspaper.

Whatcom County News.
--Large numbers of Indians are congregated near MINKLER's mill, on the Skagit, fishing for salmon.
--Miss HANSEE, a noted worker in the cause of temperance, will visit LaConner August 3d, and lecture on that subject.
--Fires continue to rage throughout the woods, much to the discomfort if not danger of loggers and settlers in the interior.
--Joseph L. MADDOX, an old-time resident of the Sound and one of the first settlers on the Skagit River, died at his home last Tuesday. He was in town Monday, the day before his death, and was then apparently in robust health. Though we have not learned the immediate cause of death, we suppose it was a sudden attack of apoplexy, to which he was rather predisposed. Many of the old settlers, and indeed all who had ever met him, will remember Joe Maddox as a quiet, good-natured and generous man, and regret his sudden and untimely taking off.

Notices of Application to purchase Timber Land:
Isaac V. MOSSMAN of Whatcom County, Calvin H. HALE of Thurston County, Arel GOSS of Thurston County, Henry BASH of Jefferson County

Final Proof Notices filed by: Ludwig REISE, William J. BAKER, William P. MARTIN, Henry SLADE, Jacob GALER, Alexander SHEARER, Michael KELLY, Lewis K. COGSWELL, C. W. WORTHEN, Oscar L. ROSS, John W. FORST

Local Breveties.
--The new building of Ross & Co. looms up handsomely.
--Great forest fires are raging in the Nooksack country.
--Rev. J. WICHSER and wife are occupying their new residence in this city.
--W. REILLY has had a new building put up south of his present stand on the flats.
--H. H. BANKS had his face terribly poisoned on Saturday by some poisonous bush in the woods.
--Mr. Samuel STUBBS, of Seattle, is erecting a two-story building on Division street, to be used as a boot and shoe store.
--John M. KING, who had his leg so badly injured at the mill some time since, is recovering rapidly. He will have almost full use of it in time. Dr. MANLEY has charge of the case.
--Frank JACKSON has purchased A. J. ISMERT's interest in the city meat market, and as an evidence of the fact that he intends to make it a success, he advertises the business in this week's Reveille. See ad elsewhere.
--Forest fires have been hard on the JENKINS family during the past week. The home of J. R. JENKINS on Whatcom Lake was burned Sunday, and that of W. D. JENKINS was destroyed on Padden Lake in the same way.
--BLOOMQUIST's new building, opposite the Washington Hotel, will be adorned with the handsomest front in the city. A. E. JONES, architect has the work in hand, which is a sufficient guarantee that the work will be artistic.
--H. A. JUDSON, of Lynden, has recently been appointed Notary Public, and is now doing a rushing business in the way of making final proofs for the settlers in that part of the Nooksack valley. John A. TENNANT is doing the same for the settlers in the vicinity of Ferndale.
--John H. PLASTER, one of the pioneer farmers of the Nooksack, came down Tuesday to see the boys on the bay. PLASTER has one of the best farms in the valley. It is situated on the north bank of the river, about a mile below Ferndale, and is excellently adapted to either agricultural purposes or stock graising (sic).
--R. N. MCDONOUGH, of Lummi, the old pioneer merchant of the lower Nooksack, advertises in this week's Reveille. His twelve year's experience in the business and trade at Lummi, enables him to buy to suit his customers. He is doing an extensive business, and deserves the liberal patronage that is bestowed upon him. Goods, when purchased in lots of $50, will be delivered as far up the river as Ferndale. Read his ad.
--Last Saturday evening just after dark the Gazelle arrived at Whatcom en route for Seattle. Near the end of the old wharf five passengers were put afloat in a skiff to come ashore, and as soon as the Gazelle moved away the skiff sprung a leak and swamped in high tide. The party, which proved to be Messrs. MACCLUSKY and McMICKEN of Seattle, and two other men, did some very lusty yelling for help and attracted two boats to their rescue. They were picked up in a very limp condition after hanging on to the swamped boat for about twenty minutes. A joker at our elbow says the men were only saved by the strength of a firkin of butter which happened to be on the swamped boat. Let this little accident serve as a warning to those who are wreckles (sic) enough to venture out upon the water in frail unsafe boats. Such a thing might not happen again without making a "drowned" item for the Reveille.
--Col. Jack NORTH, of Ferndale, was in the city Tuesday evening. Jack says that he remembers the time, and not very long ago, either, when only one light could be seen in the town of Whatcom, as viewed from the town of Sehome at night. And now, when he can see the radiant gleams of a hundred lights and more reflected on the smooth glassy waters of the bay fronting Whatcom, and hears the sound of a hundred hammers, keeping harmonious time with the ring of anvils, saws, planes, trowels and the busy hum of industry, he feels that he has suddenly awakened from a Rip Van Winkle sleep, as it were, and is now living in another age.
--Mr. M. C. HAWLEY sent to this office last week samples of peaches raised in his orchard at Lynden, on the Nooksack, that will compare favorably either in size or flavor with any ever grown in California ...
--Hon. A. D. GILKERSON, of Salina, Kansas, visited Whatcom and the Reveille a few days this week. He came via the Northern Pacific and spoke in flattering terms of the scenery. After satisfying himself that the half has not been told about the possibilities of Whatcom, he returned to Seattle Tuesday to rusticate for a few days and rest from the busy hum of city life. In a short time he will return to his home and fold up his tent like the Arab and steer for Puget Sound.
--Misses Edith SANDERSON and Lena PENFIELD, belles of Seattle, spent the early part of the week visiting friends in this city. Messrs. T. C. AUSTIN and E. B. PARSONS accompanied them to Whatcom Lake Wednesday. Of course they visited the Reveille office, which commands the best view on Bellingham Bay.
--Chas. JACKSON, wife and family and Mrs. Capt. LOW left on Monday's boat for a pleasure trip down the east side of the Sound to Whatcom and the Nooksack. - Snohomish Eye.
--Jimmy VAN ZANDT is recovering.
--C. BAKER, of Ferndale, called on the Reveille last Tuesday.
--L. KLEIN, of Seattle, came down to take in the metropolis last week.
--Harms' bakery has removed to the tent opposite the Terminus Hotel.
--Judges McCANN and HEACOCK have charge of the real estate of New Whatcom.
--Mr. BOLTON, of Jewell County, Kansas, is casting about for a location on the bay.
--H. A. WHITE's new residence at the corner of C and 18th streets if ready for occupancy.
--Preaching at the Ferndale school house at 11 a.m. on Sunday, August 5th, by Rev. Joseph WOLFE.
--Alex CHARLES has leased and taken possession of COWDEN's hotel and Hatch's saloon both in Ferndale. CHARLES will make business boom on the south side.
--H. E. DONN has provided himself with a good team and express wagon and is now prepared to convey fishing parties to the lakes, or prospectors to the Nooksack.
--F. G. MARESCH has just bought another corner lot for which he paid $650. He now has about 20 lots, and proposes to build a fine business house in a few days.
--J. F. COCHRAN, of Seattle, has invested spare change in city property at New Whatcom. Mr. COCHRAN expresses his intention of returning to this city to reside permanently.
--E. C. PENTLAND and wife, of New Tacoma, have arrived in this city where they will in the future reside. Mr. PENTLAND will engage extensively in the real estate and land business, and has secured rooms in the Marcy block for this purpose. Knowing his indomitable pluck and enterprise, the Reveille welcomes him to a place in the business and commercial ranks of Whatcom.
--Squire REINHART's time and judicial attention was pretty well occupied last Tuesday. To begin with, an individual, John CHASE by name, was seen on the flats near town, and his strange demeanor suggested the belief that he was the "wild man of the woods" for whom the officers had been in search for several days past. Deputy sheriff LECKIE was notified and an arrest made. On being brought before Squire REINHART for examination, it was found that instead of being a "wild man," he was decidedly docile, in fact was altogether too tame. The trial developed the fact that he was a tramp-the same one that has been sponging his meals from the settlers along the road between this city and the Nooksack, and especially in the Ten Mile neighborhood. But as the complaint on which he was arrested did not embody the charge of vagrancy, he was released. In this country where the demand for labor is so great, tramps and vagrants should not be countenanced in the least. They should be given an opportunity to work, and if they do not take advantage of the offer, they should then be notified to leave the county. If they then insist upon remaining, a delegation of a few citizens who meant business could probably make the proposition so plain, forcible and painfully suggestive that they would be glad to leave as soon as they were through with them.
--Mr. Geo. BOHL, recently from Peoria, Ill., arrived on the steamer last Thursday evening, and on the day following met with a sad misfortune that will maim him for life. He left this city on Friday morning for Nooksack, taking passage on one of the freight teams. When near Chas. KING's place, the wheels of the wagon came in contact with a stump throwing Mr. BOHL violently to the ground. In falling his head and face struck on the sharp, jagged edge of a log that lay by the road side… He was brought to this city by Mr. KING, and for a while it was believe that he had sustained injuries that would soon prove fatal, but under the skill and care of Dr. MANLY, he is now recovering.
--Mrs. Anna BOWMAN, the accomplished wife of the founder of Anacortes, called on the Reveille last Thursday. Sometime this month she and a party from her beautiful island home will visit our Whatcom Lake on a pleasure excursion.
--C. H. STADELMAN and family have bout recovered from a long and severe siege of sickness. They have been under the care of Dr. MANLY.
--E. M. CUDWORTH came down from the Lynden logging camp this week, and reports the lumbering business good in that neck o' woods.
--Judge J. P. DeMATTOS will leave next week to participate in the conclave of Sir Knights at San Francisco on the 20th inst.
--Dan HARRIS has almost completed his wharf to the landing at Fairhaven. Dan is a worker.
--Harry BIGELOW is in the city looking after his extensive interests.

Baptist Church Organization.
In pursuance to a call, those holding letters from regular Baptist churches of other places, so far as known, convened in the room of Rev. J. WICHSER at Sehome, July 21st for the purpose of organizing a Baptist church, to be known as the First Babtist (sic) Church of Whatcom. One received for baptism. Afterward we repaired to the waterside… It is thought to be the first baptism in the bay.

Killed by a Falling Tree.
W. N. ROBERTS, a young man about thirty-five years old, was killed in the woods north of Ferndale last Thursday by a falling tree. He had been chopping, and felled a tree that lodged in the forks of another. For the purpose of determining upon some plan to free it from the obstructing limbs, he had occasion to pass under the suspended tree, and as he did so, the tree fell with a crash. One of the projecting branches struck him, producing death almost instantly. His companions notified the coroner and an examination was held, when the foregoing facts were elicited. Mr. ROBERTS was highly esteemed by his neighbors, and all deplore the unfortunate accident that resulted in his untimely death.

ROBERTS-At his home, six miles north of Ferndale, July 26, 1883, Joseph ROBERTS, a native of Indiana, aged 26 years. He came here only a few short months ago, a stranger, in a strange land, to make for himself a home, and by his gentlemanly bearing and his kind and courteous ways to all, he won the love and esteem of all who knew him. Oh! So sad, cut down in the morning of life, in the prime of manhood, without a moments warning.

Land Patents.
Paten's (sic) remain uncalled for at the Olympia Land Office for the following named persons:
William WALTER, Jacob ARNTZ, John W. BRUNN, Clara D. CONNICK, Thomas S. CONNEY, Jesse CAREY, J. P. FERRY, Charles F. HOLTON, Almira C. FORBES, H. F. HELMKE, Willis H. HOWARD, Wm. F. LEWISTON, Dan MCLAUGHLIN, Robt. MACK, Henry MCCUE, B. D. MINKLER, Mart NILISON, Asa POLLARD, Robert PARKER, Wm. J. ROSS, Robert RAWSON, Albert RHUDE, Victoria SEAMMON, Enoch A. SLOVER, George A. SENGER.

-Millwright BROWN will be here in a few days to superintend work on the sawmill.
-Mr. C. J. GARLAND has arrived from Oakland, California, to take charge of the mill which he has rented for a term of five years from October.
-Messrs. BARTLETT & ELDRIDGE, and the people of Bellingham generally, have signified their willingness to incorporate with Whatcom and New Whatcom under one name. Fairhaven will probably do likewise. This will be done early in October.

Cemetery Grounds.
Whatcom, W. T., July 30, 1883
Editors Reveille:
Dear Sirs:
        Please permit me to call your attention to an important public question. A few days ago, as well as in years past, our worthy townsman, Mr. John BENNETT, called my attention again to the great necessity of procuring grounds for a public cemetery, and grounds for all the towns and settlements on Bellingham Bay. Owing to the location and character of the soil, Mr. BENNETT has selected a piece of ground on the Nooksack wagon road, just north of the crossing of the north branch of the Squalicum Creek going out from Whatcom and a short distance south of Capt. BAKER's. The land refered (sic) to is owned by the B.B.C. Co., so in pursuance of the request of Mr. BENNETT, the writer recently called on Mr. P. B. CORNWALL, and made application in behalf of the Masonic Fraternity specially, and the public interest generally, to purchase, if the company would not donate, from ten to twenty acres or more of land for the above purposes. Mr. CORNWALL gave me the assurance that the will have the matter considered and give us an early answer. Presuming that our community is aware of the unpleasant situation of the county cemetery at Graveyard or Dead Man's Point on this bay, for which reason, if for no other, I deem it of utmost importance that we procure grounds for that purpose without delay, and hope that the public will take an interest in this matter so that a location may be selected to the satisfaction of the majority.
Very Respectfully,

Friday, August 10, 1883:

Items from Mann's Landing.
Mann's Landing, July 30, 1883.
Editors Reveille: -- I see news in your paper from all parts of the county except our little town, so I thought I would send you a few items.
-This place is three miles from the mouth of Skagit River, and contains one large store, two hotels, two saloons and four or five dwelling houses. The Marling House, formerly the property of John GUSTAFRAW, deceased, was sold at auction on the 28th, and was bought by Messrs. WEST & McRAE, of Saginaw, Michigan. These gentleman are looking around for a good site on which to erect a steam saw-mill.
-The farmers in this part of the county have about finished haying, and are all happy and well pleased with the abundant yield and favorable weather. The yield of hay per acre is enormous - Messrs. ABBOTT and WILSON having a double crop.
-Mr. Richard HOLYOKE and family have been spending the summer on their mammoth farm near the mouth of the River.
-The public school, in charge of Miss KELLOGG, is giving general satisfaction.
-The fine steamers, W. K. MERWIN and City of Quincy, make semi-weekly trips between here and Seattle.

Killing Deer for Trespassing.
Fidalgo, June 30, 1883.
Editors Reveille: -- I see in my last paper an account from the Northwest Enterprise, stating that two men were killing deer on Fidalgo Island, for hides only. I am one of the Fidalgo's hunters, and know better than that. We kill deer that are destroying our own and neighbor's crops, and make use of the meat, but as for killing them for hides only, it is a mistake of either the editor or the person that gave the information. Please inform them of the same in your next issue, and oblige one of your subscribers.
Yours Respectfully,
Miles FULK,
(Fidalgo Deer Hunter.)

County Commissioners' Proceedings.
Whatcom, W. T., August 6, 1883
        Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present, John J. EDENS, B. H. BRUNNS and I. DUNLAP, county commissioners; and C. DONOVAN, county clerk.
        In the matter of the petition for a county road C. KING's farm, sec. 5, tp. 38, range 3 east, to southeast corner of sec. 2, in said township, the bond being filed and approved it was ordered that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and that Chas. KING and Geo. SINGLETON be appointed viewers, who, with the county surveyor, shall meet at the house of Chas. KING on the 23d day of August, 1883, and view and survey said road.
        Petition for a county road from Ten Mile creek to boundary line was granted, and M. A. McPHERSON and J. A. DELANDER were appointed viewers, who will meet in conjunction with the county surveyor at Ten Mile creek on Friday, August 24th, 1883, to view and survey said road.
        Application of C. F. HESS for liquor license at Sterling, granted for six months.
        Petition for county road from BARTHOLOMEWs' place to D. GRIFFITH's farm on Fidalgo Island granted, and G. H. THOMAS and H. C. BARKHOUSEN appointed viewers, who, in conjunction with deputy county surveyor, A. M. WHITE, shall meet at place of beginning of said road, August 23d, and proceed to view and survey the same.
        Ordered that the petition for a road from Ten Mile creek east be rejected for want of bond and proof of posting notices.
        Ordered that the bid of JENKINS & NICKLIN, publishers of the Whatcom Reveille, to do the job printing for the ensuing year for Whatcom county at the lowest reasonable rates possible, be accepted, and a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $500 be filed.
        Ordered that the bid of James POWER to do the legal printing for one year, be accepted, and bond filed in sum of $500.
        Ordered that the viewers' report, field notes and plats of roads from Birch Bay to California creek and branch roads from the same, be accepted, approved and recorded and the road declared a public highway.
        Ordered that all the unsurveyed portion of the traveled road leading from the Ferndale ferry to Birch Bay and around the bay to the northeast corner of lot 1, sec. 23, tp 40, range 1 west, be surveyed and platted by county surveyor, and report returned to county auditor on or before the 10th day of September, 1883, said road to be known as the Birch Bay and Ferndale road.
        Ordered that Chas. KING be granted a retail license to sell liquor at Mars. Bond be fixed at $300.

Bills Allowed.
L. HOLTZHEIMER, viewing road, $4.00
Wm. RAY, viewing road, $4.00
R. E. WHITNEY, viewing road, $2.50
O. KALSO, viewing road, $2.00
R. BALL, viewing road, $2.00
G. H. JADSON, services as county Surveyor, $60.10
Jasper GATES, burying Jas. BAGLEY, $10.00
G. E. HARTSON, making maps of School districts, &c., $16.50.

        Ordered that the petition of J. S. CONNER for a change in survey of LaConner and Samish road be granted, and H. B. STEWART appointed to survey road around dwelling of Wm. WILKIE and the granary.
        Ordered that the report of viewers' plat and field notes of survey of road on east side of C. A. D'ARCY's farm be received, but said report being unfavorable to the establishment of the change petitioned for, it is ordered that said change of road be disallowed.
        Petition of M. B. COOK for the establishment of a new voting precinct be laid over for final action.
        Ordered that Oscar RUDENE, Ike JENNINGS and Wm. ARMSTRONG be appointed viewers to assess damages (if any) to the lands of M. SULLIVAN by reason of the relocating of the LaConner and Samish road.
        Ordered that Jacob JENNI, Jr., be appointed road supervisor of district No. 16.
In the matter of petition for private road by T. J. RAWLINS it is ordered that Thos. R. JONES be appointed surveyor and viewer, and Henry SOMMERS and Chas. TOLBER viewers, on condition that said RAWLINS pay all cost and expenses of viewing and surveying.
Arthur CLEAVES and C. Von PRESENTINE appointed viewers, with George SAVAGE as surveyor, to view and survey county road from Phinney's creek through the hills to the bank of Skagit River, and that said viewers meet August 31st at the place of beginning.
        In matter of petition by Alex CHARLES et. al. for a county road from the quarter post between sections 27 and 34, tp. 39, range 2 east, to the town of Whatcom, it is ordered that John H. PLASTER and Chas. MATHEWS be appointed viewers, who, with T. C. AUSTIN as viewer and surveyor, shall meet August 10th and proceed to view said road in accordance with petition.

The following bills were allowed:
J. F. DWELLEY, desk for county, $10.00
James POWER, printing, $21.00
G. E. HARTSON, salary of school Superintendent, $99.75
H. W. POOR, care of pauper, $60.00
S. D. REINHART, J. P., fees, $5.00
Stewart LECKIE, sheriff's fees, $3.15
T. J. SMITH, witness's fees, $1.00
        Action of school superintendent in transferring E. L. STEPHENSON from school district No. 31 to district No. 10, approved.
Adjourned to Thursday, August 9th.

An organization of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was organized at this place on Thursday of last week by Miss Mattie HANSEE, of Seattle. Following are the officers selected" President, Mrs. John WICHSER; Vice Presidents, Mrs. HILL and WOLFE; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. W. GARDNER; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. T. COUPE; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. A. KELLOGG; Librarian, Mrs. STADLEMAN. The Union starts out with a membership of twenty. The Reveille wishes it that full measure of success to which it is entitled.

Local Brevities:
--Mrs. BARTLETT is still at Bellingham, and may remain several days yet.
--Mr. JACKMAN cut his foot very seriously at the colony logging camp near Lynden this week.
--E. C. PENTLAND's office in the Marcy block will be the most elegantly finished of any in Whatcom County.
--Samuel STUBBS will remove his family here next week and will also open out a large stock of boots and shoes.
--Maj. Jack STRATMAN, the enterprising newsdealer, of Seattle, will accept the Reveille thanks for courtesies extended.
--The Reveille received a pleasant visit from Mr. E. BARTLETT of Bellingham yesterday. He reports great want of lumber at the Bay city.
--J. H. STENGER has just returned from a business trip to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. He reports the Upper Sound cities in a flourishing condition.
--J. A. MARTIN of MARTIN & TARTE called Monday and added his name to the Reveille family. He was on his way to Port Townsend to procure Chinese labor to operate their cannery at Semiahmoo. Work will begin on Monday.
--Mr. A. J. WEST, from Edmorse, Michigan, has purchased from Mr. MANN, of Mann's Landing, on the Skagit, a location for a saw and shingle will(sic), and will remove the necessary machinery for the same from his establishment in Michigan.
--Mrs. W. H. FOUTS sent to the Reveille office this week a bucketful of those delicious peach plums that grow so abundantly in this county ...
--H. B. McCORMICK of Mars, in this county, furnishes the Reveille the following items: "Considering the dry weather, the crops look well in this part of the country. Forest fires are still burning. Mr. Levi LONDENS had a fire too near to be comfortable. A large cedar tree burned and fell on the corner of his house. Another tree fell on Mr. Samuel LYON's house, crushing it to the ground. The writer has established a union Sunday school at Mr. NOON's farm house and it is liberally attended. Settlers are now quite busy opening a new road on the township line, between 38 and 39, tree miles east of the Telegraph road. Everybody is contented and happy.
--Mr. Robert KNOX and others have purchased the portable steam sawmill shipped here by COLLINS & WHITE, of Ten Mile, and it will be put to work immediately near the courthouse, Whatcom, where the owners have procured a site. The proprietors inform us that the sawmill will develop into a large concern. They have already purchased a large boom of logs.
--C. M. WELLINGTON's ranch on the Lake was entirely destroyed by fire last week. His stove, dishes and cooking utensils were entirely consumed. A new and better building will soon arise, "Fenix" like, from the ashes of the old.
--Samuel SWIFT, who camped in Whatcom during the Frazer River gold excitement in 1858, was a caller at the Reveille office last Tuesday. Mr. SWIFT is now a resident of Portland.
--Rev. Dr. VERNON, of La Conner, called last Monday. The Doctor is one of those liberal, broad-gauged, brainy kind of men that it affords one a pleasure to meet and talk with.
--Mr. HAWLEY, one of the enterprising merchants of Lynden, was in the city this week. Mr. HAWLEY reports business booming at the head of navigation on the Nooksack.
--Ad. SPANKENBERGER has been off on a trip up Sound for the past week. He returned on Monday, and the up Sound towns have resumed their usual quietude.
--President VILLARD states that he will keep his promise to open the Northern Pacific for through business to the Pacific Coast by September 1st, next.
--A meeting of the members of the W.C.T.U. will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. H. PENFIELD, in this city, on Tuesday, August 14th.
--James LYNCH, of Ferndale, has 20 tons of good hay for sale.
--Good saddle horse wanted by H. HOFERCAMP, Sehome.
--E. R. BRUSH has disposed of his business in Seattle, and will locate at Whatcom.
--Attorney TEELE is now occupying handsome quarters up stairs in the Marcy block.
--Messrs. CHAMBERS & MILLER have been rustling about town pretty lively during the past week.
-- Mrs. POWELL, Mrs. P. J. LAIR and Dr. TERRY and wife were callers at the Reveille office Wednesday morning.
--L. L. BALES returned last week from another prospecting tour among the mountain gorges in and around Mt. Baker. BALES says that he hasn't struck it yet, but he knows that it is there.
--J. Y. COLLINS returned on Monday evening from a trip up Sound. COLLINS is a quiet man around home, but when out on a trip he believes in making things lively. On his last trip two vessels were wrecked for his especial edification.
--Hon. Jas. POWER was a welcome caller at this office on Monday. He came up to see his old friends and transact some business at the Court House. He reports La Conner growing substantially, and is surprised at the strides Whatcom has made during the past six months.
--Dr. TERRY, recently from Bismark, (sic) D. T., has permanently located in Whatcom. The Doctor comes highly recommended as an able physician and surgeon, and will engage in the practice of his profession in this city. His card appears elsewhere in this week's Reveille.
--Dr. MANLY, Judge DeMATTOS and a Reveille representative took a tour over the Nooksack road nearly to the Crossing on Saturday. Fine houses are going up and farmes (sic) are being cleared all along the line. The party took a hearty dinner at the ranche (sic) of Mr. KALE, on the river. He reports improvements on every hand and land nearly all taken up.
--Dr. CALHOUN, of La Conner, one of the prominent men of Whatcom county, accompanied by his wife and daughters, Nellie and Maggie, came up to the county seat last Monday. The Doctor has been prominently identified with the best interest of Whatcom county for the past quarter of a century, and unlike most public men has retained the confidence of the people with whom he has been mostly associated.
--John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, Conveyancer and land agent at Ferndale, came down last Monday en route for the Skagit. Judge TENNANT is one of the earliest settlers in Whatcom county, and can produce evidence of the fact that farming and stock-raising pays on Puget Sound. Mr. TENNANT's farm, near Ferndale, is conceded to be the best improved ion Whatcom County. It is the result of labor well directed. It shows what can be done in the way of making pleasant homes in the New West.
--John TELESCANEM, Nooksack Indian, went on one of his periodical drunks Wednesday night, and by way of amusement horribly mutilated the countenance and physiognomy of Sam MOSES, another Indian, from the effects of which the latter will probably die...
--It is highly probable that the Whatcom House will change hands to-day-Mr. POWELL having disposed of his interest to Messrs BECKER, KELLY and HATCH; the two latter from Ferndale.
--A. M. GILMAN and wife, Mrs. W. L. STEINWEG and children, Mrs. W. W. GARDNER and others, left in a sloop yesterday for a few days pleasure tour among the islands of Lummi and Orcas.
--Mrs. H. HOFERCAMP, of Sehome, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Cecelia, and grandma Francis, of Victoria, B.C. paid the Reveille office a pleasant call last Monday.
--Capt. BRYANT has returned from San Francisco, where he was called a few weeks ago in consequence of the severe illness of his children, who were afflicted with diphtheria.
--Rev. J. WOLFE will preach at Ferndale Sunday morning next at 11 o'clock.

The Diagonal Road.
The petition for the diagonal road from Ferndale to Whatcom was presented to the Board of County Commissioners on Wednesday, and the prayer of the petitioners granted. John H. PLASTER and Chas. MATHEWS were appointed viewers ...

County News.
[La Conner Mail.]
-Sheriff O'LOUGHLIN appears to be quite busy at present serving papers in cases arising out of the recent failures.
-Mr. John COLLINS, of Seattle, is making arrangements to lay out a town-site on his property near Anacortes, on Fidalgo Island.
-Mr. E. BLANCHARD, of Fir, on the south fork of the Skagit, is about to build a schooner having a capacity of forty tons, to be used in a general freighting business on the Sound.
-Dr. VERNON and others are this week engaged in the laudable work of establishing a free reading room and library in town, and hope to secure for that purpose a room in the upper portion of the town hall.
-An open-air temperance and religious meeting was held at Anacortes on Sunday last, which was numerously attended. The meeting was conducted by Miss HANSEE and Rev. W. S. HARRINGTON. These good people also hold forth at La Conner this afternoon, but too late for mention in this issue.

J Banks, Bellingham
W Calkins, La Conner
E Marshall, Seattle
J A Moore, Minn
E Reynolds, New York
J B Bur, B C
N R Smith, U S Survey
J J Edens, Guemes
H C Barkhousen, Fidlgo
E Compton, Fidlgo
S H Poor, Fidlgo
H A Smith, Ferndale
E Lopez, Ferndale
J Lopes, Ferndale
H Lopez, Ferndale
L H Edelin, Seattle
B H Bruns, Birch Bay
J A Martin, Semiahmoo
J R Thomas, Semiahmoo
T B Mangan, Guemes
Dr Calhoun, w & 2d L C
J C Reed, Nooksack
J Matson, Hard Scrable
Prof Ripley & w, Seattle
Geo Johnson, Seattle
J F McNaught, Seattle
T R Pumphrey, Seattle
E L Terry, Seattle
Miss Shindler, Portland
D A Shindler, Portland
S A Townsend, N Ta'ma
J Power, La Conner
I Dunlap, La Conner
J O'Loughlin, La Con'r
A R Cost, Ohio
D P Quinn, Seattle
L Steinweg, Seattle
T Wynn, Ferndale
A Charles, Ferndale
B Roberts & w. Portla'd
F O Salberry, Cal.
F D Sprat, Michigan
J Friedlander, S F
R H Marchant, S F
G H Johnson, S F
E C Pentland & w, N Ta
John Fravel, Samish
W L Miller, city
E A Smith, Lynden
I E Colgate, Nebraska
H W Smith, Lynden
Wm Munks, Fidalgo
A Hagin, Nooksack
C L Judson, Lynden
J W Bradley, Seattle
I B Kaylor, Seattle
NESSELROAD. -Tuesday, Aug. 7th, unto the wife of John H. NESSELROAD, a daughter.

GILLMORE - NESSELROAD -July 27, 1883, at Birch Bay, W. T., by Rev. E. O. TADE, Mr. William GILMORE, of Edison, to Miss Mattie E. NESSELROAD, of Birch Bay.

Friday, August 17, 1883:

--Dr. MANLY went to Olympia Monday last on business.
--Robert KNOX says their portable sawmill will be in operation at Fairhaven in less than thirty days.
--W. REILLY returned from Seattle this week, where he has been purchasing a large stock of furniture.
--G. H. McCAULEY of Semiahmoo called Wednesday. He says he has lived on the Sound eleven years and never saw such a drouth.
--SMITH & PARSONS find it necessary to enlarge their store room and work shop in order to accommodate their rapidly increasing trace.
--Mr. and Mrs. T. J. SMITH will accept the thanks of the senior editor and family for a generous contribution of Whatcom County honey.
--BECKER, HATCH & Co., the new proprietors of the Whatcom House, start out auspiciously. The management improve things generally.
--Mr. YESLER, of Seattle, is building the largest dwelling house in the Territory. It will 80 by 100 feet in size, and two stories high above the basement.
--Treasurer COUPE called on the Reveille Monday accompanied by a bevy of pretty ladies: Miss Mollie CRANNY, of Coupeville; Miss Julia WYNN and Miss KELLOGG, of Sehome.
--E. H. MARCY has gone to Arvonia to sell off his real estate there for the purpose of additional investment in Whatcom. He is a good citizen and an intelligent gentleman.
--E. F. HEMENOVER's billiard parlor is decidedly popular as a place of resort. He is always pleasant and knows how to cater to the public taste. His bar is one of the best in the city.
--Mr. Chas. PATCHIN, of Canonville, Douglass County, Oregon, has permanently located in Whatcom, and will shortly remove his family, who are now at Seattle, to this place.
--J. J. WEISENBERGER has returned from a successful legal business trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. HINDS returned with him, and will make their home in Whatcom. Mr. HINDS will soon engage in active business here.
--Geo. CANTRELL, of Ferndale, complains of two errors in his recent communication. He says this is a Parisian rather than Italian climate, and that Jay COOKE, not GOULD, should have appeared in his communication. We please guilty to the mistake. Call and get some cigars, Mr. CANTRELL, at any time.
--P. B. CORNWALL, President of the Bellingham Bay Coal Company, will arrive here in a few days, and begin active operations on the new B.B.&B.C. railroad project. His company will probably do a large amount of work on Bellingham Bay which will be beneficial. The surveyors of the railroad are new prospecting on the Nooksack for a desirable place to cross the river.
--Messrs H. BASH, of Port Townsend, and J. C. HEATH, formerly of Atchison, Kansas, called on the Reveille Tuesday. They like the position that Bellingham Bay occupies on the map, and desire to become interested here. They predict a bright future for Whatcom. Mr. BASH has had some tide water flats experience in Port Townsend, and now holds possession with four others, of five blocks of land formerly under tide water, which is part of a donation claim. They propose building a stone wall around the property eight feet in height, and otherwise improve.
--Sir Knight J. P. DeMATTOS started to San Francisco on Monday to take part in the grand Masonic Conclave now in progress there. It is safe to say that the Judge is the most extreme northwestern member from American soil that will be at the conclave. He will return to Whatcom September 3d, and Attorney T. C. AUSTIN will occupy his office during absence and attend to all business necessary.
--By notice elsewhere it will be seen that the firm of DONOVAN & Co., real estate brokers, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. DONOVAN desires to give all his time and attention to the duties of his office as Auditor. Mr. W. H. WHITTLESEY will continue the real estate business with his usual enterprise and zeal.
--Mr. James WEED has leased the hotel at Fairhaven for the term of three years. Having also subscribed for the Reveille, he is on the highway to prosperity. He informs us that construction will soon begin on the large new saw mill at that point.
--M. PRESBERGER, of the live dry goods and grocery firm of PRESBERGER & ROSENZWEIG, has gone to San Francisco to buy a new and large supply of goods. Look out for advertisement of lower prices than ever when he returns.
--Hon. Thos. H. Cavanaugh spent the early part of the week in and about Whatcom in the exercise of his duty as inspector of land frauds. He is rather in love with Whatcom Lake and its beautiful surroundings.
--County Auditor DONOVAN informs the Reveille that 514 instruments, including deeds, etc., have been filed for record in his office since the 8th of May last. Twelve plats for new towns have also been filed during the same period.
--Rev. J. WICHSER will preach, D. V., at the Sehome school house next Sunday, the 19th, at 11 o'clock. Subject, The Church. Prayer meeting at the house of Rev. WICHSER, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock.
--Sam MOSES, the Indian who had his features disfigured last week by another noble red man, aided by fire-water, will probably get over it all right, although his best squaw don't know him yet.
--Mrs. Martha MILLER, an aged lady, recently residing with her sons on Fidalgo Island, died a few weeks since on the train near Los Angeles, while on her way East.-Mail.
--Miss Carol CROUSE, who sang with such telling effect, "For goodness' sake don't say I told you," has gone to Alaska as special correspondent of the Portland News.
--Judge HEACOCK and Billy UTTER have gone to Whatcom Lake and the Nooksack to look at a good quality of coal recently discovered.
--F. J. YOUNG, the proprietor of a saloon about one mile west of Port Blakely, was shot by George AUSTIN, his father-in-law, on Tuesday.
--Mr. J. H. STENGER has succeeded Mr. GILMAN as superintendent of the Washington Colony sawmill.
--John M. KING's leg has so far recovered as to allow him to move about the streets.
--Mrs. STADELMAN is recovering from her second spell of sickness.
--Jimmy VAN ZANDT is improving in health.
--Mr. Frank NORTHRUP will go up the Sound in a few days after lumber. See him soon if you want lumber.
--Mrs. T. J. SMITH and daughters left on Tuesday last for California. Mrs. SMITH will remain in California for a few weeks visiting friends, and her daughters will attend school at Sacramento during the coming winter.
--Andrew MORRISON cam up from La Conner with Mr. STRUVE on the special boat Wednesday to look at the Young Giant City and subscribe for the Reveille. He reports harvest in progress near La Conner and a good crop of oats.

--BANKS, BURGER & BANKS is the new real estate firm.
--J. STANFORD's new residence will soon be ready for occupancy.

Episcopal Church Meetings.
Editors Reveille:--Please announce that services of the Episcopal church will be held at Whatcom, on Sunday, the 19th of August, and at other places in the vicinity. Services may be held as desired on other days. The Missionary, Rev. R. D. NEVIUS, D.D., will be glad to hear of persons interested in the Episcopal church, who desire services in their families or neighborhoods. He may be addressed at the above names place or at La Conner. Use of Reveille Hall has been granted for services next Sunday.

Hillsdale and Neighborhood.
Editors Reveille:--I will say something about Hillsdale. It is three miles from Semiahmoo, in a pleasant neighborhood, and has some advantages to offer to the emigrant. Among these are cheap lands, as good as any in Whatcom county, and some hop lands as good as any in Western Washington. As a general thing the land is not difficult to clear, is well watered and convenient to navigation, has a dryer atmosphere than the upper Sound country, and is well adapted to growing stock…We are about half way between Whatcom and New Westminster, and nearly on an air line between the two places ... d.

Hillsdale, August 9, 1883

Albert J. ISMERT
Having sold out his interest in the meat market, has bought the Commercial Billiard Hall and Saloon, and will be glad to have his many friends call on him. ...

County Commissioners' Proceedings.
Thursday Morning, August 9, 1883
Board met as per adjournment. Present, J. J. EDENS, B. H. BRUNS and I. DUNLAP, county commissioners, and C. DONOVAN, clerk.
-Ordered that the application of J. & G. GACHES for a wharf license on fractional block 5, south of commercial street, and entering from 1st street to Swinomish Slough in La Conner, be granted.

Bills Allowed:
G. SINGLETON, services road supervisor - $6.00
C. SCRIMSCHER, services road supervisor - $6.00
Baker WILHELM, services as chairman - $6.00
E. SCRIMSCHER, services as chairman - $6.00
Thos. R. JONES, services as surveyor - $7.50
Peter PERRY, services as viewer - $3.00
Chas. HANSON, services as viewer - $3.00
Michael FRITZ, services as chairman - $3.00
E. A. SISSON, services as chairman - $2.00
J. K. JENNINGS, services as viewer - $2.00
Otto KALSO, services as viewer - $2.00
C. VOGT, services as chairman - $6.00
Alfred VOGT, services as chairman - $30.00
Jasper RUCKER, services as chairman - $4.50
Isaac DUNLAP, services attending court - $12.00
F. M. SEVIER, services as road viewer - $8.00
R. SHIELDS, services as chairman - $7.50
Capt. KEEN, services as chairman - $3.00

-Ordered that W. T. COUPE be allowed the sum of $15 for making yearly statement.
-Ordered that J. W. HARDIN be allowed and granted a license to keep a ferry at the Ferndale crossing of the Nooksack River, and the following rates of toll fixed to be charged by said HARDIN, viz: Sheep and hogs, each 5 cents; horses and cattle, each 10 cents; foot passengers, 10 cents; two horses or yoke of cattle, with wagon, 25 cents. Said license to run for the term of two years at the annual rate of $6, and that said HARDIN give a bond in the sum of $300.
-In the matter of statement of L. SWEET, late supervisor of road district No. 7, it was found that the amount due from said SWEET to the road district should be $26.49 instead of $32.99, as found at settlement made in February.
-Ordered that the liquor bond of WAYNE & MORRIS be approved.
-In the matter of the petition by A. M. WHITE and others for a county road on the west shore of Fidalgo Bay, it is ordered that Wm. ALLARD and H. C. BARKHOUSEN be appointed viewers, who, with Arthur M. WHITE as deputy county surveyor, shall meet at place of beginning of said proposed road, August 25, 1883 ...
-The county treasurer is authorized to place upon the assessment rolls of 1883, all mortgages found upon the records in favor of J. S. CONNOR, which have not been assessed ...
-Proposition of Wm. H. WHITTLESEY to purchase of the county the duplicate copies of Territorial laws of 1863, '64, '68, '69, '71, '73, '75, '77, '79 and '81 for the sum of $10, was accepted.
-Ordered that the county auditor make a demand upon D. E. GAGE and J. D. MOORE and wife, principal and sureties upon the bond for costs and expenses of the view and survey of the change in road from Skagit City south ...
-Ordered that the following named persons be granted retail liquor licenses for the period of six months at the established rates, upon their complying with the statutes, viz" A. J. ISMERT, Whatcom precinct; Chas. CELENE, Whatcom; F. E. GILKEY, Samish; EYRE & EDDY, LaConner; J. T. WILBUR, Upper Skagit; Alex. CHARLES, Ferndale; McDONALD & JEFFRIES, Upper Skagit; Wm. DEAN, Samish; M. McNAMARA, Mt. Vernon; WAYNE & MORRIS, LaConner ...
-Ordered that A. M. WHITE be allowed the sum of $35.50 out of county fund for services surveying and viewing Fidalgo and Guemes roads.
-Ordered that Henry LINSTEAD be granted retail liquor license in Mt. Vernon precinct ...
The following bills were approved and allowed:
G. H. JUDSON, services surveying road - $14.00
J. H. PLASTER, services viewer, chairman - $6.00
Chas. MATHEWS, services viewer, chairman - $6.00
Jacob JENNI, services viewer, chariman - $6.00
... The treasurer and sheriff were authorized to settle with D. KELLOGG for taxes due on lands in North Whatcom, amount $15.
-Rebate allowed W. S. JAMESON of $20 on poll tax for 1883.
-Commissioner EDENS allowed payment of $31.40, BRUNS $34 and DUNLAP $35.
-Auditor DONOVAN allowed $278.45 for fees from May 21, and $170.46 on purchasing account paid out ...

Van Wert, Iowa, Aug. 1st, 1883
Editors Reveille: -- Please send me a copy of your paper. I have been reading a copy dated June 15th, and I like it very much. I have been thinking about going West to Washington Territory, and would like to get to a good live town, as well as a good climate. Your country seems to about fill the bill.
Yours Respectfully, W. E. STONE.

Robert KNOX Caned.
On last Friday evening, notwithstanding a heavy rain storm, about sixty friends of Mr. KNOX assembled at the cottage to extend to him a parting reception. Ice cream, raspberries and cake were served after which the following resolutions were unanimously and most heartily adopted, Mayor FLOYD in the chair:
        Whereas, Our fellow townsman, Mr. Robert KNOX, with his estimable family, is about to move to Washington Territory, and
        Whereas, As a citizen and neighbor we have always found him to be a man of sterling integrity, and a true and generous friend, therefore
        Resolved, That while we sincerely regret his departure from our midst, we wish him and his family prosperity and happiness in their new home.
But the end was not yet. Elder E. CLARK made an effective and appropriate address, in which he paid a just tribute to the worth of Mr. KNOX ...
During his thirteen years' residence in this county, Mr. KNOX has made hosts of warm, true friends ... May he be as prosperous in his new home as he has been in Dickinson County. -Abilene (Kan.) Gazette

Friday, August 24, 1883:

Serious Misunderstanding.
Considerable surprise and comment was caused in Seattle last Saturday by the issuance of the following notice through Seattle papers and hand bills:
NOTICE is hereby given that on the 28th of July, 1883, the Washington Colony, a private corporation of Whatcom, W.T., passed a resolution granting to E. VANZANDT, president, $3,500; J. Y. COLLINS, treasurer, $2,000; T. C. AUSTIN, secretary, $1,000; W. H. PENFIELD, L. D. FRANK, J. H. STENGER, W. W. GARDNER, J. C. MERRIAM, E. M. CUDWORTH and R. STEARNS, directors, each $500, amounting to $3,500; W. L. BARNETT, for about two months services, $1,000; in the aggregate amounting to $11,000. That on or about the 17th inst. drafts, were drawn on the treasurer for the same. The public are hereby warned against purchasing said drafts, or any of them, as their validity will be contested in law by the creditors, stockholders and others interested.

James. F. GAZLEY, Stockholder
.         In order to give a fair and intelligible version of the difficulty, which might have been avoided by due care and a better understanding on the part of those most deeply concerned, the Reveille must go back and review the case from cause to effect.
        Mr. J. H. STINGER (sic) owned a controlling interest in Washington Colony stock and desired to have the by-laws so changed as to allow capital to represent itself. The President and Board of Directors inform us that upon certain conditions specified and agreed upon between Mr. STENGER and the minor stockholders, which were entered into for the purpose of protecting the latter against any disadvantage that might work upon them, the Directors changed the by-laws as desired. That in order to indemnify and insure themselves against loss by any breach of contract on the part of Mr. STENGER, the Board had in a meeting during his absence passed the above resolution, intending that it should never be made a matter of record as long as said agreements were kept faithfully by both parties. That said action was taken to protect the minor stockholders against such breach of contract as would subject them to serious loss by the exercise of powers granted ...
        The Directors claim that as soon as the by-laws were changed Mr. STENGER violated agreement with them by offering shares of stock for sale in a manner prohibited ...
        The Directors say this action was precipitated by Mr. STENGER's departure from the agreement, and that upon a faithful return to the same, and compliance with the obligations, the resolutions will be rescinded. They also authorize us to say that no attempt has been made by any of the Directors to realize upon or negotiate any of their orders drawn upon the treasurer for the said purposes ...
        On the other hand Judge GAZLEY, who is a stockholder and adviser of Mr. STENGER, interprets the resolution as a salary grab pure and simple, or an attempt to get what offers while a change presents ...
        Mr. J. H. STENGER will return from Seattle on the boat to-day, probably, and the changes are that when all parties thoroughly understand matters, and the causes which led to the serious misunderstanding between both parties, the breach will be closed and business amicably settled, as it should be.
        It is to be regretted that hasty action on the part of both factions -- without the proper precaution to thoroughly understand the intentions of each other has been taken ...
        The Colony has been the nucleus of Whatcom and Bellingham Bay, through which, the lower sound has been started on the high way to prosperity and wealth ...

Notice of Application to Puchase Timber Land.
... Isadore A. LEFEVRE, of Whatcom County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the NE1/4 of Section No. 19, Township No. 39 north, Range No. 3 east of the Willamette Meridian.
...Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 4th day of August, A.D. 1883. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office
... John C. CARTER, of Pierce County, Washington Territory, has this day filed in this office his application to purchase the S1/2 of NE1/34, and Lots 1 and 2 of Section No. 6, in Township No. 37 north, Range No. 3 east of the Willamette Meridian.
... Given under my hand, at my office in Olympia, W.T., this 21st day of July A.D. 1883. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register of the Land Office

Final Proof Notices.
U.S. Land Office at Olympia, W.T.
July 27, 1883 ... Ludwig REISE has filed notice of intention to make final proof before David HARKNESS. Notary Public, at his office in Nooksack, W.T. on Wednesday the 19th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6162, for the W1/2 of NW1/4; SE1/4 of NW1/4 and Lots 2 and 3 of Section 2, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: H. SEBERT, R. B. BURNS, M. KISTNER and Frank MILLER, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. Gowey, Register

July 27, 1883 ... Henry SLADE has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary, Public, at his office in Lynden, W.T. on Friday the 14th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5164, for the S1/2 of SE1/4, of Section 13, and N1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 24, Township 40 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Edward O'NEIL, C. L. JUDSON, R. E. HAWLEY and Wm. PRATT, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. Gowey, Register

July 27, 1883 ... William I. BAKER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W.T., on Thursday the 20th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5959, for the NE1/4 of Section 8, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: August KLOCKE, N. W. PRATT, Wm. P. MARTIN and Henry SLADE, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 27, 1883 ... William P. MARTIN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before H. A. JUDSON, Notary Public, at his office in Lynden, W.T., on Friday the 14 day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5916, for the NE1/4 of NW1/4; S1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 8 and SE1/4 of NE1/4 of Section 7, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: E. M. CUDWORTH, Charles CUDWORTH, George SHECKLER and George H. JUDSON, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 6, 1883 ... Jacob GALER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T. on Thursday, the 30th day of August, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6073, for the SE1/4 of Section 27, Township 40 north, Range 1 east. He names as witnesses: John CANE [CAIN], J. W. WALDO, Michael GEE and Wm. REA, all of Semiahmoo, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 9, 1883 ... Alexander SHEARER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 10th day of September, A.D. 1883 on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6264 for the SW1/4 of Section 4, Township 40 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: J. C. BERTRAND, Jas. BRIMMER, O. L. FOSS and C. W. WORTHEN, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 13, 1883 .. Michael KELLY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before C. DONOVAN, Auditor of Whatcom County, at his office in Whatcom W.T., on Monday the 3d day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5994, for the SW1/4 of Section 32, Township 39 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: Charles KING, M. DAVIE, Baker WELHEM and Edward CALLAHAN, all of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 9, 1883 ... Lewis K. COGSWELL has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 10th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6136 for the SE1/4 of NW1/4; NE1/4 of SW1/4 and W1/2 of SW1/4 of Section 2, Township 40 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: S. P. THOMAS, A. S. SHEARER, O. L. FOSS and C. W. WORTHEN, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 19, 1883 ... C. W. WORTHEN has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public, at his office, in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday the 17th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6208 for the NW1/4 and S1/2 of SE1/4 of Section 4, SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 3, Township 40 North, Range 2 East. He names as witnesses: O. L. FOSS, S. THOMPSON, Alexander SHEARER and Christian THYBERG, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 19, 1883 ... Oscar L. FOSS has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, Notary Public; at his office, in Ferndale, W.T., on Monday, the 17th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6210 for the NW1/4 of Section 8,k Township 40 North, Range 2 East. He names as witnesses: C. W. WORTHEN, Alexander SHEARER, S. THOMPSON and Christian THYBERG, all of Lyden (sic), Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

July 27, 1883 ... John W. FORST has filed notice of intention to make final proof before C. DONOVAN, County Auditor, at his office in Whatcom, W.T. on Monday the 17th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5744, for the SW1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 32, Township 41 north, Range 3 east; W1/2 and SE1/4 of NW1/4 of Section 5, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: E. M. CUDWORTH, C. CUDWORTH, J. A. DELANDER and A. BENSON, all of Lynden, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

August 10, 1883 ... Andrew C. HOWE has filed notice of intention to make final proof before D. HARKNESS, Notary Public, at his office in Nooksack, W.T., on Wednesday the 26th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6117, for the NW1/4 of Section 33, Township 40 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: Wm. PHILLIPS, Wm J. ROBINSON, Reuben FOUNTAIN and Joseph GREYSON, all of Nooksack, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

August 3, 1883 ... Valentine Victor LOWE has filed notice of intention to make final proof before James DeMATTOS, Notary Public, at his office in Whatcom, W.T., on Thursday, the 27th day of September, A.D., 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 6029 for the Lots 2 and 3; SW1/4 of SE1/4 of Section 27, and W1/2 of NE1/4 of Section 34, Township 38 north, Range 3 east. He names as witnesses: Walter SHACKLETON, Victor A. ROEDER, Charles M. WELLINGTON and Richard T. COMMONS, all of Whatcom, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

August 4, 1883 ... George CANTRELL has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge, or in his absence, the Clerk of the District Court, as his office in La Conner, W.T., on Wednesday, the 26th day of September, A.D. 1883, on Homestead application No. 2992, for the Lots 9 and 10 of section 32, Township 39 north, Range 2 east. He names as witnesses: Jonathan HARPER and F. F. LANE, of Beach and Mitchell C. BAKER and Christian BAKER, of Ferndale, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

New Advertisements.
Charles CELENE -- All kinds of wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco
W. L. GEAR -- 5 cent beer hall
Pardon O'BRIEN -- Rye and bourbon whiskies
E. HENRY -- watchmaker and jeweler
F. L. FICKE -- boots and shoes
W. L. MILLER and F. W. CHAMBERS -- real estate brokers
Fred OSER -- Staple and fancy groceries
M. C. HAWLEY -- The Pioneer Store
David SLATTERY -- stationery, tobacco and smokers' articles
D. HARKNESS -- dry goods, groceries, general merchandise
A. E. JONES -- architect and builder
MOULTRAY and LOCKWOOD -- livery, sale and feed stable
L. L. BALES -- reliable guide
C. E. FRANK -- photograph gallery
C. E. STOCKTON -- drug store
W. J. BRYANT and A. L. TEELE -- law, land and insurance
S. STUBBS -- boot and shoe store
W. H. WHITTLESEY -- real estate broker
N. F. BLOMQUIST - Chicago Boot and Shoe Store

Local Brevities
--W. L. STEINWEG's fine new residence is nearing completion.
--J. H. STENGER has been in Seattle for the past few days on business.
--Butter is retailing this city at 95 cents per roll. Eggs 45 cents per dozen.
--Caleb REINHART brought down on the steamer Idaho last Monday, a drove of 25 or 30 ponies which he will dispose of to buyers in this locality.
--Rev. Dr. NEVIUS held Episcopal services in Reveille Hall last Sunday morning and evening to good attendance, and he promised that a church should be established here with a resident minister.
--Jimmy VANZANDT is still very low, and it is feared that blood poisoning may yet be encountered. He has indeed had a long, painful siege of it, and it is sincerely hoped that the most critical period has been passed.
--Dr. VANZANDT's nephew, W. D. VANZANDT, from the Black Hills, Dakota, dropped in upon him unexpectedly last Monday. The Doctor had not seen his nephew for fifteen years, and neither knew where the other was, hence the meeting was quite a surprise party.
--Mr. A. M. GILMAN expects to engage in the milling and lumbering business soon, either at Birch bay or on the Skagit. Mr. GILMAN is an experienced man, having recently resigned the position of superintendent of the Washington Colony sawmill to engage in business for himself.
--A German named Fred ZEITER, recently employed in a logging camp on the Skagit river, was brought to LaConner last week, suffering with strangulated hernia of the abdomen, and died on Saturday last. Deceased was about 35 years of age, and is said to have a wife and children residing in St. Louis, Mo., and a brother living at 1310 Pacific street, San Francisco.--La Conner Mail.
--Rev. B. K. McELMON, Presbyterian minister, has located in this city and will engage in the Home Missionary work in this part of the Northwest. Mr. McELMON comes well recommended by Rev. R. W. HILL, Superintendent of Home Missions for Oregon, Washington Territory and Alaska. The Reveille does not court a discussion of the subject, but it is free to say that it could more cordially welcome Rev. McELMON if he came divested of the missionary title, and in capacity of pastor, plain ...
--Mr. A. L. BLAKE, Inspector and Collector of Customs, of Sehome, arrested a Chinaman at that place on Wednesday evening last, who had smuggled himself across from New Westminster, B.C., and turned him over to officer LECKIE, who put him in the Cooler. He will be taken to Port Townsend for trial, and returned to the British side at an early day ...
--If the citizens of Whatcom expect to have their city incorporated at the coming session of the legislature, they had better be taking immediate action in reference to the matter. A Charter must be prepared, and this cannot be done hastily ...
--The loggers on the Skagit have been putting in more logs this summer than ever before. GAGE employs twenty-five men, and puts in from 25,000 to 35,000 feet of logs per day with his steam engine. He will soon replace the fir rails now used on the track with maple.
--CORNWALL's corps of railroad engineers are now six miles northeast of town, and are rapidly pushing the survey in the direction of the boundary line. The preliminary line is following pretty much the same course as the old telegraph road.
--Miss Estella BRADDISH, the young lady who was so seriously injured by the explosion of the steamer Josephine, last January, has nearly recovered, and is now keeping books for Mr. BALL, merchant at Sterling, in this county.
--James WEED, who has leased the Fairhaven Hotel, arrived last Monday with furniture and household goods, and will have his hotel ready for business by the first of next week.
--Dr. MANLY returned from Olympia last Tuesday. He is now a full fledged homesteader, having secured an excellent quarter section of land twelve miles northeast of Whatcom.
--H. L. ROSS is rusticating in the Chehalis valley and Gray's Harbor country.
--Mr. CORNWALL is expected up from San Francisco next week.
--H. B. WILLIAMS is expected here on the first of September.
--Mr. GILMAN and party report a very fine trip around Lummi Island.
--Miss Lou SPAIN, of Seattle, is visiting friends in the Nooksack valley.
--It is stated that Hon. James POWER, of this county, will be a candidate for President of the Council.
--Miss STEINWEG, sister of our merchant, late of Seattle, now presides at the postoffice store in this city.
--Prof. POWELL's family returned to Seattle last Tuesday after a few weeks' "ranching" in the Nooksack valley.
--H. A. WHITE and Miss Flora AXTON will furnish the music for the ball at the Whatcom Hotel this Thursday evening.
--Mrs. PENTLAND is an accomplished musician. By the way, Whatcom has considerable musicial (sic) talent which should be utilized.
--Mr. and Mrs. CHAMBERS were callers at this office last week. They are staying at Sehome until their Whatcom residence can be built.
--Mr. PENTLAND derserves (sic) great credit for the interest he has taken in efforts to secure daily mail service for Whatcom and vicinity, and also better school advantages.
--Mr. MANGAN shipped in and disposed of a large cargo of finished lumber for building purposes in Whatcom last week, and will soon bring in another cargo from Utsalady.
--Hon. H. CLOTHIER, ex-auditor of this County, has been in the city for the past few days. Mr. CLOTHIER has many warm friends on the Bay who are always glad to welcome him.
--In our mention of the change of superintendents of the mill company last week, the Reveile (sic) should have stated that Mr. A. M. GILMAN, the former superintendent, resigned several weeks ago.
--Hon. Eugene CANFIELD is in Seattle looking after the Bellingham Bay Railway and Navigation Company's interests. His corps of engineers, in charge of E. SHEPARD, is now in the field pushing the preliminary lines of survey.
--Landladies Mrs. BECKER and Mrs. KELLY, of the Whatcom House, called on the Reveille last Friday, accompanied by the former's sister, Mrs. MANGAN. By the way the Whatcom House has improved under the new management.
--Whatcom needs and must have an express office. Mr. PENTLAND has made application for an office and agency in this city, and the Reveille sincerely hopes the application may meet with favorable consideration at the hands of the company.
--Edward O'NEIL and Mrs. Mary LEWIS were married at Lynden last Tuesday evening, and the folks had a jolly dance in the barn. About a hundred persons were present, many from Whatcom. One of the boys fainted when he found the supply of "inspiration" had run out, and was laid away carefully like the "babes in the woods."

Lost Mail.
Why Our Letters and Newspapers Never Reach Their Destination.
The Port Townsend Argus is authority for the following article. It shows conclusively that there is criminal negligence or crookedness somewhere, and some person should be held responsible for it:
Last Saturday a lot of mail matter was picked up about the mouth of the Nooksack river by an Indian woman named Mary PHILLIPS (the same who was tried here for shooting her husband on Orcas Island.) The mail consisted mostly of newspapers, some eastern and some local, bearing dates from March to June of this year. It was found in a tub made by sawing a barrel in two. The squaw first took it to the residence of Mr. CLARK near the mouth of the river, and told Mrs. CLARK and Mrs. Capt. FUZZEL who were there that she found it a long way off on the beach and there were lots of letters. She had one letter among the lot and an unsealed letter enclosing a printed circular. The ladies were loth (sic) to touch the letters and papers, knowing it to be U.S. mail. Subsequently Mr. McDONOUGH, postmaster at Lummi, about half a mile distant, learned of the find and went and took charge of the whole budget, since which time the squaw maintains that she found it in the river just above the Indian houses on the reservation, and that there were no letters except the unsealed one. We saw the mail at McDONOUGH's store, and the papers looked as though they had been in the water but a short time. Evidently, however, the squaw's story is not the same as the tale she at first told. The mail is carried from Whatcom to Lummi, Ferndale and Lynden on the same route, and was bid in at a very low rate of compensation by a man who farmed it out to siwash carriers to make a little out of it. The mail picked up was nearly all for Ferndale. Complaints have been made before about mail matter going astray, and it looks as though there was a chance now for the postal agent to look after Whatcom county mails in the interest of the people ...

Whatcom Lake.
Last Saturday, Aug. 18th, Mr. John P. BROWN, of the Department of Agriculture, visited Whatcom Lake for the purpose of taking soundings and making such observations as his time would permit ...

Whatcom County News. [La Conner Mail.]
The camp-meeting at Avon, on the Skagit, which ended last Sunday evening, was quite numerously attended. The proceedings were conducted by Presiding Elder ATWOOD, assisted by Revs. Van DEVENTER and TENNANT ...
Another delegation of Kansans are en route for Whatcom.

--Mr. BARTLETT has returned to the East for awhile.
--Mrs. Kate TIEGE died last Friday night of tumor of the brain. About two weeks ago she was brought to Dr. MANLY for treatment, and while describing her condition to him dosed (sic) away into apparent sleep. It was evident to the Doctor that she would either die or loose (sic) her mind in a short time from the effects of the tumor, and he informed her husband of the fact. In the absence of Dr. MANLY, Dr. SPERRY was called to attend her last week, but could do her no service, as the case was beyond the reach of medical skill. The case was a rare and peculiar one.

Friday, August 31, 1883:

Final Proof Notices.
August 22, 1883 ... John CONNOLLY has filed notice of intention to make final proof before John A. TENNANT, a Notary Public, at his office, in Ferndale, W.T., on Tuesday, the 13th day of November, A.D., 1883, on Pre-emption D.S. No. 5?71 for the N1/2 of SW1/4 and S1/2 of NW1/4 of Section 15, Township 39 North, Range 2 East. He names as witnesses: John PLASTER, Thomas E. BARRETT, John MATZ and Henry McCLUE, all of Ferndale, Whatcom County, W.T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

August 2, 1883 ... William H. BARKER has filed notice of intention to make final proof before the Judge ,and in his absence, the Clerk of the District Court at his office, in LaConner, on Wednesday the 17th day of October, A.D., 1883, on Homestead application No. 4554 for the Lots 1, 2, 3 and NE1/4 of SW1/4 of Section 34, and lot 4 of Section 35, Township 41 North, Range 4 East. He names as witnesses: James Pe??, L. G. VAN VA?KENBURG, S. LINDSAY and W. H. OSTERMAN, all of Nooksack, W. T. /s/ John F. GOWEY, Register

--A. J. MARTIN has started a new store at Semiahmoo.
--Whatcom people are agitating the question of electric light by private funds.
--Judge McCANN of Sehome, has gone to California on legal business which will absent him about six weeks.
--E.C. PENTLAND's 5500 pound fire and burglar proof safe has arrived, and is now in position in the Bellingham Bay Investment company's office.
--H. E. DONN says that one of his children came very nearly being shot by a random hunter last week, and asks that more care be taken by hunters.
--Messrs. CANFIELD and RICHARDS, of the B. B. R. & N. Co., came up from Seattle last Monday. Mr. RICHARDS will remain here to look after the interests of the company.
--The forest fires have been doing considerable damage on the Islands. T. B. MANGAN, of Guemes, lost 70 cords of wood and Capt. HILL, of Anacortes, places his loss at $700.
--A scheme is on foot to light the city with electric lights. It is proposed to obtain power from the mill company, and as E. C. PENTLAND has the project in hand, it is more than probably the scheme will be carried to a successful issue.
--The Reveille received a call last Friday from Miles FULK and Geo. LYN?? the famous Fidalgo deer hunters. The boys are experts in their line of business and are making lots of money at ??? hunting. They are welcome visitors ?? the Reveille headquarters.
--The ball and supper held at the Whatcom Hotel last Thursday every ?? pronounced the best yet given in ?? city. There was a good number of social people present, and the music was furnished by Mr. Henry WHITE and Miss Flora AXTON. The supper was splendid.
--The woods are full of railroad surveyors. Four corps of engineers are now in the field for the Bellingham Bay Railway & Navigation Company. Mr. Tilton SHEETS, formerly with the Northern Pacific, is now at the head of one party. E. SHEPARD and T. C. AUSTIN, engineers, are also engaged on the line.
--W. L. MILLER has gone to Wisconsin to bring his family to Whatcom to reside in the future. MILLER is a live rustler and one of the boys. Dr. T. T. MINOR has been appointed as one of the Board of Directors of the B.B.R.R. & N. Co., to act in the absence of Mr. MILLER.
--Capt. ROEDER presented the Reveille with specimens of very fine peaches last Friday. The peaches were grown in the orchard of Mrs. EDDY, a widow lady living near Nooksack crossing. Men should be ashamed to say peaches do not thrive here, while such fine fruit is raised by a woman with her own hands.
--Wm. J. HENRY has built a new two-story house, and Messrs. STEARNS, GARDNER and about a score of others are building as rapidly as lumber can be furnished. The building boom in Whatcom gathers strength as it rolls along. After the other two sawmills are completed buildings will be up with surprising rapidity.
--Mr. P. B. CORNWALL came up from San Francisco last Monday, and will remain several days. That the proposed road from this city to the boundary line will be built, is now evident, and it is further understood that work will begin at an early date. The fact that B. B. JONES, the B. B. Coal company's mining superintendent, is also here, would seem to indicate that the company intend to develop some of the rich coal mines in this county. At any rate, the citizens of Whatcom and Bellingham Bay cordially welcome Mr. CORNWALL and party, and will gladly co-operate with them in any enterprise in which they choose to invest.
--Capt. FOUTS is authority for the statement that Capt. BEECHER has perfected negotiations for the steamer Evangel to ply on the mail route from Port Townsend to Semiahmoo via Whatcom. It is hoped that something will be done soon to accommodate the Island trade. Considerable fault has been found with Capt. BEECHER, of late, and it will require an effort and time for him to again ingratiate himself into the good graces of the Islanders. Whatcom is also interested in seeing good boats and better shipping facilities afforded the trade in question.
--L. L. BALES, the irrepressible guide and hunter, has returned from another prospecting tour among the wild mountain gorges of the Olympic range. As trophy of his last exploit he brought in the claws of an enormous cinnamon bear that he succeeded in capturing after a desperate hand to hand encounter. Bales is of the opinion that it will be a cold day when he again attempts to take in a cinnamon bear with only one cartridge in reserve. A broken gun stock is the result of the last attempt.
--Mr. N. F. BLOMQUIST has one of the neatest stores on Puget Sound. The front of the building is finely carved and painted, and the outside is arranged with artistic skill. His stock of boots and shoes are in keeping. Mr. David SLATTERY has also opened out with a fine line of periodicals and will keep a general news stand. All parties desiring extra copies of the Reveille can get the same by calling on him, down town.
--Mr. Allen WEIR has associated with himself, in the publication of the Port Townsend Argas (sic), Mr. W. L. JONES, recently from Oregon. The Argas (sic) is an excellent journal, and the Reveille is gratified to note the fact that it is enjoying that degree of prosperity to which it is entitled.
--W. S. and W. S. (sic) MAYFIELD, from San Barnidino (sic) County, Cal., are recent arrivals in Whatcom, and may probably locate. Both are young men who seem to possess the pluck necessary to success in a new country. Although possessing the same name, even unto the initials, yet they are not related to each other.
--Harry WILSON, of Seattle, had the misfortune to break his leg while unloading lumber from the steamer Daisy at this place last Friday. He is now at the Whatcom Hotel, under the care of Dr. MANLY, and is doing well.
--Mr. E. C. PENTLAND, of the Bellingham Bay Investment Company, leaves today for Seattle to perfect arrangments (sic) for the establishment of a bank at this place.
--Victor ROEDER informs us that the mail found near Lummi must have been lost by some private party, who may have forgotten it by the road side. Let every effort be put forth by authorities to distribute and mail faithfully and with dispatch.
--At time of going to press, W. L. STEINWEG authorizes us to quote butter at 70 to 85 cents per roll; eggs, 40 cents per dozen; potatoes, 75 cents per bushel; dry-hides, 12 cents per pound; salt-hides, 6 cents; wool, 15 to 18 cents per pound.
--Messrs. BARNETT and TEELE spent last week in Seattle.
--J. H. HUFFMAN is very sick at the Whatcom House.
--Mrs. W. H. FOUTS has the thanks of the Reveille family man for a generous donation of Whatcom grown peaches.
--Geo. SMART and Miss STEINWEG, Mr. and Mrs. POWELL and Dr. and Mrs. TERRY start on an excursion to Lummi Island to-day for a three days' trib.
--Fred OESER has disposed of his grocery establishment to S. KIRSHBERG, recently from San Francisco. The stock will be considerably enlarged.
--J. J. POST, of the live lumber firm of STETSON & POST, Seattle, called yesterday and left his card, as will be seen in the columns of the Reveille. Those in need of lumber will do well to read his adv.
--Dr. MANLY has fitted himself up a very neat office in the Marcy block, down stairs, which has the appearance of business. Next door to is AUSTIN Bros., engineers and surveyors have done likewise.
--Mr. HATCH informs the Reveille that forfeit stakes have been put up by Wm. CANE and Lee PLASTER of Ferndale for a foot-race for $100 a side, to take place October 15th. The parties are now in training.
--The Reveille returns compliments to L. L. BALES for a magnificent pair of antlers, brought by him from the fam???? elk range on the Quineault Reserva???n, over beyond the Olympia range, and presented to this office. The present is one that is highly prized, and will be one of the conspicuous features of the collection on display in the Reveille sanctum.

Killed in a Skagit Logging Camp.
        A fatal accident occurred in one of the Skagit River logging camps on Thursday of last week, resulting in the death of C. L. FOUNTAIN, a young man 27 years of age, and a nephew of Reuben FOUNTAIN of Nooksack. The deceased was struck by a piece of timber hurled violently from a logging car, and died within a few hours after receiving the injuries. His body was taken charge of by the loggers, and brought to La Conner, and from thence to this place in a canoe, where the remains were consigned to a final resting place on Capt. ROEDER's place, near town. Much credit is due to Mr. McLEOD, who accompanied the remains to this place, for his kindly act in carrying out the last expresses wish of his friend that his body should be delivered to his uncle, Reuben FOUNTAIN. The deceased was a young man highly esteemed by his fellow workmen, and the news of his death was received with feelings of sincere sorrow by his acquaintances throughout the country.

-Messrs. SHANK & ROBINSON have put in a good stock of general merchandise at Bellingham.
-Jerome BANKS is building an office and residence.
-Capt. W. W. STANFIELD and family have arrived at Bellingham. Capt. STANFIELD will engage in the hardware business at that place.
-Mr. MANAGAN, of Chicago, has arrived, and will commence immediately to prepare the foundation for his new sawmill at Fairhaven. The machinery has been purchased in Chicago, and will be brought out as soon as through freight can be obtained over the Northern Pacific.

Important Meeting.
At the meeting held last Saturday evening at Reveille Hall, for the purpose of considering the erection of a new school house, and also the incorporation of Whatcom, Sehome, Bellingham and Fairhaven under one name, Mr. E. C. PENTLAND was elected chairman and T. G. NICKLIN secretary. After much discussion a committe (sic) of three were appointed consisting of Messrs. LECKIE, POWELL and DONOVAN, to confer with the school directors on the matter, solicit funds, and receive propositions from Pros. WOLFE and TADE. We understand that Mr. P. B. CORNWALL has kindly set apart a plot of ground for a school house on the line between Sehome and Whatcom, upon which the new building will be erected by subscriptions, immediately ...

Notice of Incorporation.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held in Reveille Hall on Friday afternoon, Aug. 31st, at two o'clock, for the purpose of appointing a committee of five whose duty it will be to draft a charter for the incorporation of Whatcom, Sehome, Bellingham and Fairhaven, all or any of the said adjacent towns, under one name and as one city. Messrs. P. B. CORNWALL, Judge HEACOCK, E. ELDRIDGE and others most vitally interested will attend the meeting. All live citizens especially invited to be present and assist in the good work.

Church Announcements.
-Preaching at Ferndale next Sabbath Sept 2nd at 11 A.M., by Rev. Jos. WOLFE.
-Preaching in Reveille Hall Sabbath evening Sept. 2nd at 7:30 P.M., by Rev. Jos. WOLFE.
-There will be Presbyterian service, D. V., by Rev. B. K. McELMON, in the Sehome school house, next Sabbath, at 7:30 p.m.

Geo A Harris, B C
H J Ames, Seattle
F A Ellis, Whidby Rd
T B Mangan & w, Gue's
T Carpenter, Calafornia (sic)
J S Benson, Goldendale
J Fox & s, Ferndale
W Grant, B C
C D Hoffman, S F
Jos Lynch, Fidaldo (sic)
A H Wampler, Birch B
G A Sampson, "
S D Reinhart, city
N F Bloomquist, wife 3 daugh's &
son, Seattle
J B Nooker, Chicago
Geo Parr, Ferndale
F Nelson, New Westmin
J B Ellis,    "
J R Jenkins, Ferndale
W R Smith & w, Seattle
W H Davis, Seattle
G A Willey, Tacoma
J B Wilson,     "
Albert Richards, S F
Frank Clark, Wis
J B Baker, N Y.
Wm Daily, Missou'a
R Evans, Seattle
J Cosgrove, Olympia
C Hibbard, Seattle
W C Kincaid, Sumner
W E Likens Rev'ille Rd
J A Barnes,     "
H W Beech, Beech
J H L Wilson, Mo
T Thomas, Seattle
Henr Minkeler, Skagit
J B Duncan, Seattle
Miss Spain, Seattle
J Harkness, Nooksack
C Hansen, Seattle
G L Freeman, Oregon
W Roe, Sumas
G W Bowen, Lynden
W Hewitt, La Conner
N W Pratt, Lynden
C Mattin, Seattle
H W Goodell & family, Nooksack

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