Whatcom County Obituaries
Surnames Beginning with "E"
EARHART, Eunice (d. 1928)
EARLE, Elmer George (d. 1932)
Death Takes One of The Herald's Founders After Illness of Two MonthsE. George Earle, aged 70, secretary-treasurer of the Bellingham Publishing Company, and a pioneer newspaperman of Western Washington, died at his home, 622 Sixteenth street, at 7:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Earle's health had been failing rapidly for more than a year, but he continued his duties until about two months ago, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis. After a brief rally, he sank gradually and became unconscious Monday night as the result of a second attack. The end came peacefully.
CITY PIONEER OF 1889Mr. Earle was born June 12, 1861, at Maquoketa, Iowa, where he got his first experience in a newspaper office. After working on a weekly paper in his home town, where at 15 years of age, he learned to set type by hand and later gained experience as an editor and publisher, her purchased the publication and operated it for a few years, with profit to the community and to himself. In 1889, at the age of 28, he decided to come West, having saved a stake of $2,000 for his venture, and selected Seattle as his destination at the suggestion of a mutual friend of himself and L. S. L. Hunt, then owner and publisher of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. He was give a job as solicitor in the circulation department of the Post-Intelligencer and later was employed as a reporter. As circulation solicitor he walked over a large part of Northwest Washington, from the Olympic peninsula to the Canadian border, and was a Blaine when the great fire swept through Seattle in 1889.
Meanwhile the Fairhaven boom attracted the attention of the whole Northwest. The Fairhaven Land Company had exploited Fairhaven as the prospective terminus of the Great Northern on Puget Sound. James J. Hill was said to have invested $600,000 or $700,000 in Fairhaven property and thousands of persons flocked to the fast growing city. About that time began the development of the newspaper business in Fairhaven, in which Mr. Earle played a prominent role for many years.
The Herald, of which Mr. Earle was part owner, business manager and treasurer over a long period, was the direct successor of Fairhaven's first papers, the Plaindealer and the World. The Plaindealer was launched in 1889 by the late J. B. Edwards. It passed speedily through different ownerships and in September, 1890, appeared as the Weekly World. A part interest was acquired by Mr. Earle, who then was marine reporter for the Post-Intelligencer. His partner was O. H. Culver, now deputy collector of customs in Bellingham.
The Fairhaven Herald was launched in the spring of 1890 by the Fairhaven Land Company, with Colonel Will L. Visscher, noted journalist, author, poet and lecturer, as editor. The World and The Herald prospered for a time, but early in 1891 the boom began to decline and both papers suffered financially. In August, 1891, Mr. Culver and Mr. Earle acquired control of The Herald and consolidated the two papers. Good times continued to diminish, however, thought the publication of the morning daily Herald and of the weekly World-Herald continued, much of the time at a loss. In 1892 Mr. Culver retired, and in April, 1893, Mr. Earle sold his interest in the Herald to C. X. Larrabee.
From here Mr. Earle went to Walla Walla where he became managing editor of the Walla Walla Union. The depression became increasingly acute and in 1894 the paper suspended publication. Mr. Earle went to Coupeville, on Whidby island, then an important farming community that had been less seriously affected by the panic than other sections of the state. He bought the Coupeville times and Sun, consolidating them as the Island County Times, June 1, 1894. For more than six years he published The Times.
Meanwhile The Herald, owned by C. X. Larrabee, had been running intermittently as a weekly, in charge of various lessees. In August, 1899, Mr. Earle arranged with Mr. Larrabee to revive the paper as a daily, and in 1900 began publication of both morning and evening editions. About a year later the morning edition was discontinued. Prior to the consolidation of Whatcom and Fairhaven in 1903, controlling interest in The Herald was sold to S. A. Perkins of Tacoma, but Mr. Earle retained his stock and continued as business manager until a few years ago, when he became head of the foreign advertising department. Meanwhile, he continued as secretary-treasurer of the Bellingham Publishing Company, a position he held at the time of his death.
Mr. Earle was married June 29, 1893, to Miss Harriette M. Sweet, then a teacher in the Larrabee school. At the time he was managing editor of the Walla Walla Union. After living in Walla Walla for a year, they moved to Coupeville, and later to Fairhaven. Mrs. Earle, a woman of charm and business ability, worked beside her husband through the vicissitudes of his newspaper experience until her death, March 30, 1911.
Mr. Earle attended grade school and high school in Iowa and in his adult life became a deep student of the classics and of music, in which he found an unending delight. He was a member of the Kiwanis club, of Bellingham camp No. 383, Woodmen of the World; Whatcom lodge No. 19, Ancient Order of United Workmen, and of Knights of Pythias lodge No. 56, of Bellingham. He also was a member of the St. James Presbyterian church.
The only surviving relatives are two sisters, Mrs. Robert Mann and Mrs. Lena Stimson, of Maquoketa, Iowa. Funeral services will be held Sunday, at an hour to be fixed, under the direction of the Harlow-Hollingsworth funeral home. Mrs. Mann will attend the funeral.
(From The Bellingham Herald, June 1, 1932) Submitted by site coordinator.EASTERBROOK, Harriet (d. 1938)
Last rites will be held for Mrs. Harriet Easterbrook, 72, at the Gillies Mortuary in Sumas at 10 a.m. Saturday. Burial will be in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery. Mrs. Easterbrook died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sherman Brewer, in Seattle Monday morning. She was taken to Seattle recently to recuperate after a siege of illness. Mrs. Easterbrook was a pioneer resident of Whatcom County, coming here nearly 50 years ago. She was born in Corning, N.Y. Survivors include her husband, William, five daughters, Mrs. Brewer, Mrs. Clara Lahr, Mrs. Sam Godbout and Mrs. H. A. Kirk of Seattle and Mrs. Jack Sathammer; two sons, Robert and George, both of Sumas vicinity, two brothers in New York and a brother in Brazil, 13 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren.
(From The Deming Prospector, October 7, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.EASTMAN, Mina (d. 1909)
Mina, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eastman, died at the home of O. L. Barnheart, one and one-half miles east of Blaine, last Wednesday, at the age of 10 years, 9 months and 32(sic) days. The deceased was born in Park Rapids, Hubbard county, Minnesota, and was a member of the Baptist Sunday School there. She came to Blaine with her parents last April. For several months she has been ailing with catarrh of the stomach, which caused her death. The funeral was held at the Barnheart home Friday last, many friends and relatives attending. The schoolmates of the deceased attended in a body. Mina was a child of sweet disposition and was loved by all who knew her. She leaves to mourn her departure a father and mother, two brothers and two sisters, who have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal, February 26, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.EATON, Elizabeth (d. 1901)
EATON, George W. (d. 1901)
George W. Eaton, the Lynden pioneer, died in his home in Lynden at 11 p. m. on New Year's night, January 1, 1901. He was born in Maine fifty years ago and had been a prominent citizen of Lynden the past twelve years. During the past eight years he and his son, Will H. Eaton, the champion bicyclist and fancy poultry breeder, had been conducting the Lynden meat market, which did a large business with the shingle and logging camps throughout the county. Mr. Eaton had been in ill health the past four years and the business has been carried on by W. H. Eaton. The deceased leaves a wife and son residing in Lynden and a brother, Charles Eaton of Coupeville, Island county, who visited the patient last week but left for home on Saturday under the impression that his brother was rapidly recovering. Mrs. Eaton is also in very ill health. She is a cousin of Hon. Fenton Merrill of Lawrence. Charles Eaton arrived today from Coupeville and arrangements are being made for the funeral tomorrow.
(From The Weekly Blade, January 9, 1901) Submitted by site coordinator.EATON, William R. (d. 1905)
The body of William R. Eaton, who died in Elsinore, California, last Friday, arrived here last night at 10 o'clock. The body was accompanied by A. W. Eaton, a son of the dead man. A daughter, Mrs. George Douglas, resides at 2300 Yew street, this city. Mr. Eaton was 74 years of age. He was a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic in this state, and was a charter member of J. B. Steadman Post, No. 24, G.A.R. of this city, and the funeral will be held under its auspices this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, from the mortuary chapel of W. H. Mock & Sons, in the Slade block. Rev. George Varney, pastor of the First Baptist church, will officiate, interment following in Bay View cemetery, in the family burying ground.
(From The Morning Reveille, December 21, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.ECKERSON, Henry (d. 1904)
Succumbed to Attack of Paralysis, Sunday, Aged 82.Mr. Henry Eckerson died at his home 2311 Elizabeth street, Sunday, Feb. 21, at 4 a.m.On Thursday, Feb. 11, 1904, just after the family had enjoyed the noon lunch Mr. Eckerson was stricken with paralysis from which he was immediately helpless and speechless. Medical aid was summoned, but the stroke being profound, no permanent help could be given. He retained consciousness and recognized the family and friends up until almost the hour of his death. His passing was quiet, easy, and peaceful.Mr. Eckerson was born in 1822 at Sharron Springs, New York. It is said of him that "he was born of grand old stock; his forefathers were among the Revolutionary men." In 1848 he emigrated to Wisconsin; in 1854 he came to West Union, Iowa; in 1856 he was married to Sarah Ellen Wells. This union was blessed with three children, Miss Eva L., who is a teacher in our city schools; Mrs. Ida L. Scott, who resides in Harrisburg, Neb., and Miss Birdella E., deceased. They came to Whatcom in 1899. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W. R. Cox at the family residence, 2311 Elizabeth street, Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Clara B. Cox will conduct the music, The funeral cars will leave the north end of the court house line at 10:15.
(From The Bellingham Reveille, February 23, 1904) Copied by Merrily LawsonECKFORD, Janet(d. 1888)
ECKFORD, John (d. 1914)
John Eckford, father of Robert Eckford of this city, passed away at the home of the latter here Sunday at the ripe age of 77 years, 6 months and 3 days. For several weeks he has been growing weaker and the end was not unexpected. The funeral was held from the Free Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, Rev. N. C. Mower officiating, and the burial was made in the Blaine cemetery. John Eckford was born in McNab township, Renfrom county, Ontario, April 8, 1837. He was united in marriage to Janet Storie in the fall of 1864, to which union there were born six children, three boys and three girls. They moved to North Dakota in the spring of 1882, where they remained five and a half years. They moved to Blaine in the fall of 1887, where he has since resided. His wife departed this life August 9, 1888. There remains to mourn the loss of a father three children, William of Armstrong, B.C., Mrs. J. A. Cameron of Zion City, Ill., and Robert of this city.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 16, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.ECKLEY, Alice J. (d. 1928)
ECKLUND, Andrew (d. 1941)
ECKMAN, John E. (d. 1938)
John Emanuel Eckman, aged 61 years, passed away at a local hospital, Wednesday, May 4, following a short illness. Mr. Eckman had been a resident here for the past twenty-five years, residing at 2520 Pacific Street. He was a member of the First Lutheran Church and of Bay City Council No. 3, J. O. U. A. M. Surviving relatives are one sister, Mrs. Ella Sparks, of this city; one son, Clyde A. Eckman, Los Angeles; one brother, O. W. Eckman, Tacoma, and a number of nieces and nephews. The remains rest at the Funeral Home of Harlow-Hollingsworth where funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Harry W. Lundblad, Monday, May 9, at 1:30 p.m. Ritualistic services will be conducted by officers of Bay City Council No. 3, J. O. U. A. M. at Bay View Cemetery where interment will be made.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 5, 1938) Submitted by site coordinator.EDENS, Isabelle (d. 1909)
Mrs. Isabelle M. Eden (sic), wife of Hon. J. J. Eden, died at 7:30 Sunday morning at the family home on the Eldridge estate, Bellingham. Mrs. Eden was one of the pioneers of Northwestern Washington, coming here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eldridge, from Yreka, Cal., where she was born, December 21, 1852. She was the first white child in Northwestern Washington. Mrs. Eden came to Whatcom, as Bellingham was called, in the early days, May 25, 1853, and attended school there. She went to Olympia about 1867 to attend the school of Professor L. P. Venen. She stayed there about three years and returned to Bellingham, where she taught school for a number of years in the old Sehome school, which formerly stood on the the corner of Dock and Laurel streets.
Mrs. Eden married J. J. Eden in Bellingham February 24, 1880, and went with her husband to live on his large farm on Gumemes (sic) island. Her father died in 1892, and in the fall of 1893 she, with her husband, moved to Bellingham, and has lived ever since in the home where she passed away Sunday morning. She leaves a host of friends and was thought a great deal of for her thoughtfulness and kindness of heart, which won her way into the hearts of many. Mrs. Eden was 57 years old and is survived by her husband, three daughters, mother, brother and two nieces. Hon. J. J. Eden, her husband, was at one time a member of the legislature, representing Skagit County, and is now a trustee of the Normal school. Her three daughters are Maude, Olive and Nettie, all three of whom were at their mother's bedside when she passed away. Misses Olive and Nettie returning but a few weeks before their mother's death from Columbia college. Her brother is Hugh Eldridge, postmaster of Bellingham. Her mother, who also survives her, is Mrs. Theresa Eldridge. Mrs. May Carr and Mrs. Alice Jukes are her two surviving nieces.
For the past few years Mrs. Eden has been in poor health, suffering,from rheumatism. Her last illness lasted about five months. Last Tuesday she was brought home from St. Joseph's hospital, and since that time has gradually declined, the end coming Sunday morning. Saturday she was conscious, but during the night became unconscious. Several times she had brightening spells, but about two hours before the end she lapsed into unconsciousness for the last time. Her husband and three daughters, together with the doctors and two nurses, were at the bedside at the end. The funeral ceremonies were conducted last Wednesday under the trees at the old family home, where she was married twenty years ago. Rev. Wark officiated and Judges Kellogg and Neterer, Messrs. E. W. Purdy, Charles I. Roth, R. L. Cline and Charles Donavan were the pall bearers. Six of her former pupils at the old Sehome school in the early days of Whatcom acted as honorary pall-bearers. They were Victor Roeder, Edward McAlpin, Lew Jenkins, John Padden, John Slater and Charles Tawes. Veterans of the civil war and the members of the Women's Relief corps attended in a body. The funeral car carried the party to Bay View cemetery, where internment was made in the family plot.
(From The Ferndale Record, July 23, 1909) Submitted by site coordinator.EDENS, John J. (d. 1914)
COL. J. J. EDENS DIES Funeral services for Col. J. J. Edens, pioneer citizen of Whatcom and Skagit counties, who died at 7:30 o'clock last night, will be conducted from the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Henderson, of Eldridge Farm, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Fred A. Weil, of the Unitarian chapel, will deliver the funeral oration and a ritualistic service will be held at Bay View, where interment will be made, under the auspices of the Masons. The dead veteran was commander of the local J. B. Steedman post, G. A. R., and it is probable that the Grand Army, as well as the Masons, will attend the funeral in a body.
FUNERAL TO BE HELD SUNDAYMr. Edens had lived in the two counties since 1871. In all these years of his life was a constant effort for the upbuilding of the Northwest. It was his great desire for the G. A. R. encampment of the Washington and Alaska department to meet in Bellingham before he passed away, and to this end he devoted a great deal of time, not only in seeing that the encampment came to Bellingham, but to see to it that the encampment was a success. Together with two comrades, T. W. Gillette and O. D. McDonald, he worked untiringly last summer helping to entertain the comrades who came here by the hundreds. Mr. Edens was honored by his comrades as a delegate to the National Encampment at Detroit. He and Mr. McDonald want there together. After the encampment ended Mr. Edens gratified a long-felt desire to re-visit the scenes of his service in the civil war, and went to the southland where he spent several weeks going over the ground he covered as a soldier from '61 to '65. This trip made a strong demand on his energies and he came home only to battle with the illness that terminated last night. Standing out clean-cut above all else in his services to the public, probably is his work as regent of the Bellingham Normal. When the school was established he became a member of the first board and served continuously until last year when he declined to act longer. In the years of the struggle of that institution, the mind and energies of Mr. Edens always were available and year by year he saw the school grow to the proportions he fondly hoped would be realized. Serving with Mr. Edens on the first board of regents of the Normal were R. C. Higginson and Major Eli Wilkins, both deceased.
Mr. Edens was born in Marshall county, Kentucky, in 1840. When he was 11 years old the Edens family moved to Illinois. Two years later they went to Missouri and it was from the last named state that he enlisted for the Civil war, electing to join the Tenth Missouri cavalry. He saw plenty of active service in such conflicts as the battles of Guntown, Iuka? and Union Station and scores of others. He was mustered out of service at Chattanooga July 21, 1865. His father died at the opening of the war, and after the war ended, the farm was turned over to the young soldier. In 1867 Mr. Edens decided to go West and stopped first in Denver, then a young city. Later he went to Wyoming and a little later came to Washington, locating first at Olympia. In 1871 he entered the timber business, locating on Guemes Island, where he built and operated a mill. While living there Whatcom county was divided and Mr. Edens became the first representative to the state legislature from the new county of Skagit. Later he was sent to the state senate for one term. In 1893 Mr. Edens came to Bellingham and he lived here continuously.
On February 24, 1880, Mr. Edens took as his life's companion Isabelle Eldridge, daughter of the Hon. Edward Eldridge, and a sister of Postmaster Hugh Eldridge. Mrs. Edens passed away some five years ago. Three daughters, Mrs. C. W. Henderson, Miss Olive Edens and Miss Anette Edens, all of this city, are left and one brother, T. P. Edens, of Anacortes, and one sister, Mrs. D. L. March, of Burlington. When death came, Mr. Edens held two high places in the G. A. R. He was commander of J. B. Stedman Post, No. 74 (24), of this city, and was Patriotic Instructor of the Department of Washington and Alaska, an honor conferred upon him by the departmental commander of the encampment held here last summer. He was a member of Masonic Lodge No. 44, of this city. Funeral arrangements have not been announced.
Following were testimonials by J. J. Donovan and Dr. E. T. Mathes.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 25, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.EDWARDS, Dan J. (d. 1934)
Funeral services for Dan J. Edwards, of Kendall, aged 75 years, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Josephine Thomas, Saturday,November 24, was held in Bellingham Monday afternoon, Nov. 26, at 1:30 o'clock, with the Rev. W. G. Horn, rector of the Snohomish Episcopal church officiating, followed by ritualistic services by officers and members of Bellingham Bay lodge, No. 44 at the graveside in Bay View cemetery. Mr. Edwards had lived in the Kendall vicinity for a number of years and was a member of Osage lodge No. 102 A. F. & A. M., of Osage, Iowa. He leaves to survive him, three sons, Ed E., Fred F. and William H., all of Seattle; a daughter, Mrs. E. B. Anderson, Minneapolis, Mrs. Josephine Thomas, Kendall; two brothers, Charles, Sedgewick, Colo., Jess, Denver, Colo.; one sister, Mrs. Alice Holland, Helena Montana; 12 grandchildren, 3 great grand children and several nieces and nephews.
(From The Deming Prospector, November 30, 1934) Submitted by site coordinator.EERKES, Ernest (d. 1916)
Little Ernest Eerkes, 8 1/2 years, was riding on a bicycle homeward Thursday afternoon just before 6 o'clock. He had reached 7th and Front Streets; a buggy was slowly preceding him, and he turned sharply to the left to pass it, placing himself directly in the path of a Bellingham stage. The driver, Albert McSorley, made every effort to avoid striking him, without avail. The little boy was carried to his home, where he died a few minutes later. Funeral services were held in the Christian Reformed Church Saturday. A great crowd was in attendance, and many beautiful flowers sent, tokens of how deeply the sad accident had stirrred the community. The children of the Lynden Christian School marched to the Church in a body, four of the schoolboys, Cecil Stuurmans, Arthur Oordt, Johan De Jong and John Brink, acting as pallbearers. The Rev. E. Breen and the Rev. Gelderlos conducted the services. Ernest Eerkes was born in Lynden, and attended the Christian School. In addition to his bereaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eerkes, he is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Jerry Albers, May, Emma and Ada Eerkes, and two brothers, Herbert and Martin Eerkes.
(From The Lynden Tribune, August 17, 1916) Submitted by site coordinator.EGLINTON, Frederick G. (d. 1921)
Frederick George Eglinton, aged 23 years, passed away Monday, August 23, at the Cushman hospital, Tacoma, after an illness of several months' duration. Mr. Eglinton had been a resident of Bellingham all his life and had finished the public schools of this city. He leaves to survive him his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Eglinton, 2501 Peabody street, this city; two brothers, Jake Sinlane and Harry Eglinton, of this city; two sisters, Mrs. C. C. Stuart, Seattle, and Miss Mary Eglinton, of this city. At the time of his death Mr. Eglinton was a member of the Albert J. Hamilton post No. 7, American Legion, having enlisted in the Second company Washington C. A. C., Bellingham, which was mustered into Battery F, Sixty-fifth regiment, which saw service overseas. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon, August 28, at 2 o'clock from the parlors of Arthur C. Harlow, 1055 Elk street, and will be in charge of the officers and members of Albert J. Hamilton post No. 7, American Legion. Interment will take place at Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 27, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.EHLERS, Henry C. (d. 1924)
CLEARBROOK. - With Rev. H. M. Course of Everson officiating funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Clearbrook Presbyterian church for Mr. Henry C. Ehlers who was called at the home of his son, Fred B. Ehlers, Friday morning, May 2, at the age of 70 years, 5 months and 13 days. The coffin was banked with beautiful flowers mutely speaking the love and respect of relatives and friends. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Laura Campbell, two sons, Fred B. and James P., ten grandchildren and one nephew and niece, Mr. Fred and Miss Mamie Jacobs, all of Clearbrook. Mr. Ehler's health has been gradually failing for some time although he was confined to his bed only one week, suffering a stroke of paralysis a week previous to his calling. He was a native of Germany and came to Clearbrook in the early seventies. He was a large land owner at one time and was largely instrumental in developing several of Clearbrook's best farms. A lover of nature and possessing a brilliant mind he wrote and had published a book entitled "The Mechanism of Nature." The book proved too deep for the general reader, however. A large concourse of friends followed the remains to their last resting place in the Lakeside cemetery, which ground was donated by him from his homestead to the community years ago. The pallbearers were Messrs. Henry Egley, John McKay, Joe P. Estergreen, Andy S. Kirkman, Roy Hagin and L. Babcock with the Gillies undertaking parlors of Sumas in charge.
(From The Bellingham Herald, May 8, 1924) Submitted by site coordinator.ELENBAAS, Jacob (d. 1904)
Death has again visited the home of J. Elenbaas, where five weeks ago Monday the mother passed away to the home beyond. Monday, March 21, the youngest son, Jacob, died of pneumonia, after an illness of several weeks. The little boy was six years, two months and thirteen days old, and a bright and well liked little fellow. The funeral services were held from the Holland church here and interment made in Monominto [Monumenta] cemetery west of the city. The Rev. Bos officiated at the last sad rites. Besides the father there are five brothers and three sisters left to mourn. The afflicted father and family have the sympathy of their many friends.
(From The Pacific Pilot, March 24, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.ELENBAAS, Jacomina (d. 1904)
Miss Jacomina Elenbaas died Tuesday morning, Oct. 11th, at her home in Greenwood, south of this city, of consumption after an illness of about seven months. The funeral will be held this afternoon from the Christian Reformed Church and the remains will be interred in the Monumenta Cemetery. The Rev. Box will conduct the ceremony. Miss Elenbaas was a daughter of J. Elenbaas and was born the 28th day of October, 1887. She was born in Province Zeeland, Holland, and came to this country with her parents when a little girl. The family moved to this place from the state of Michigan three years ago. Her mother died last February of consumption and a brother died of the same disease in the month of March. The father, five brothers and two sisters are left to mourn her loss. The entire community sympathizes with these mourning ones in their sorrow.
(From The Pacific Pilot, October 13, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.ELENBAAS, Maria J. (d. 1904)
Mrs. Maria J. Elenbaas, wife of J. Elenbaas, died at her home near this city early last Saturday morning, Feb. 13th, after a long illness. Death was caused from consumption of the stomach. Mrs. Elenbaas, whose maiden named was De Regt, was born in Provincie Zeeland, Holland, in May 1856. She was married to Jacobus Elenbaas in 1882. They came to America in 1892 and located in the state of Michigan residing there nine years. They came to Lynden about three years ago. To them have been born ten children, seven sons and one daughter, all of whom with the exception of one son, are living. Mrs. Elenbaas united with the Christian Reformed Church early in life and since then with unwavering faith she has given proof of her implicit trust in the saving power of Jesus Christ. Her religion was to her a living principle to be exemplified in the every day life of all professing Christians. The funeral was held from the Christian Reformed Church here Monday afternoon. The Rev. Bos conducted the services. The body was interred in the Holland cemetery west of the city.
(From The Pacific Pilot, February 18, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.ELERDING, Ettie J. (d. 1922)
Mrs. Ettie J. Elerding aged 55 years, beloved wife of George B. Elerding, passed away at the family home at 1537 James street, Tuesday (Nov. 28, 1922) evening, after an illness of about one year. She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Mrs. Annis Wilson, 1747 James street; Mrs. Grace Houser, Route 2, and Miss Elva Elerding, at the family home; and three sons, Carl, of Everett, Claude B. of Seattle, and Ira D., of Bellingham. Mrs. Elerding was a member of the Ladies of the Maccabees and had been a resident of Bellingham for the past twenty-two years. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon, December 4, at 2:30 o'clock, at the Whitfield-Mark funeral parlors, 1146 Elk street. Mr. Baker, of the International Bible Students association, will officiate, and the Ladies of the Maccabees will have charge of the services at the grave. Interment will be in the family plot in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 30, 1922) Submitted by site coordinator.ELLIOTT, George (d. 1914)
Thursday evening, December 3, at 7:00 o'clock, George Elliott, one of the early settlers in Whatcom county, passed away at his home near Blaine. For nearly a year he was ailing and for the past 30 days had been confined to his bed so the end was not unexpected. The funeral was held at the old home and interment made at the Enterprise cemetery, Rev. Jos. Weiss, officiating.
George Elliott was born at Sutton, Mass., March 39th, 1827, and was 87 years, 8 months and 3 days old at the time of his death. His early years were spent in his native state, but at the age of 21 or 22 he moved to Omro, Wis., where he took up land and followed farming. At the age of 26 he was married to Oliva Ann Hammond, and about two years later, he and his wife moved to River Falls, Wis., where they made their home til 1883, when they moved to Blaine. Mrs. Elliott lived till 1903, when she was called home. Since that time Mr. Elliott has made is home with his daughter, Mrs. O. L. Foss, with the exception of one year that he spent with a son at the old home in Wisconsin. There were six children born to Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, Mary Frances and Henry, both of whom died before either parent, W. N. Elliott and Mrs. Sarah Lovell, of River Falls, Wis., and Mrs. Ida Foss and Mrs. H. Amanda Flint, both of Blaine. Mr. Elliott was one of nature's noblemen, and was loved and honored by all with whom he came in contact. He was quiet and unassuming, preferring rather to walk in quiet paths than to get before the public. Both he and Mrs. Elliott were always doing some little act of kindness and helping those who needed help. To know Mr. Elliott was to love him and his memory will live long in the hearts of those who knew him.
(From The Blaine Journal, December 11, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.ELLIOTT, Oliva A. (d. 1903)
MRS. ELLIOTT DIED MONDAY -- At Home of C. E. Flint After Long Illness.At her home near Blaine on March 24, 1903, Mrs. Oliva Ann Elliott, wife of George Elliott, aged 73 years 24 days, died after a protracted illness. Her maiden name was Hammond and she was born in the year 1830 at Yarmouth, Maine. In the year 1849 she moved with her parents to southern Wisconsin. In the fall of 1853 she was married to George Elliott and the following spring they moved to River Falls, Wis. near the city of St. Paul. In 1884 she with her family moved to Blaine and has lived here ever since. Mrs. Elliott was the mother of six children, four of whom are still living. The children are W. N. Elliott and Mrs. W. H. Savell, of River Falls, Wis., and Mrs. O. L. Foss and Mrs. C. E. Flint, of Blaine. Her husband survives her.
(From The Blaine Journal, March 27, 1903) Submitted by site coordinator.ELLIOTT, William J. (d. 1907)
William J. Elliott, a resident of this city for eighteen years, and local lumber salesman for the Bellingham Lumber Company for twelve years, died at the Fern Hill Sanitarium near Tacoma, last Friday, of Heart failure. Mr. Elliott was at the sanitarium about five weeks undergoing special treatment. He had been in poor health about eight months, but had been following his usual occupation up to the time he went to the sanitarium at Fern Hill. Mr. Elliott was born in St. John, New Brunswick, and was 44 years of age at the time of his death. He was a beneficiary member of Ben Hur Court No. 3, Tribe of Ben Hur, and a communicant of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. He is survived by his widow, one daughter and three sons, who reside at 1301 West Holly street. The body of Mr. Elliott arrived here from Tacoma last evening, being accompanied by Mrs. Elliott and was removed to the funeral parlors of W. H. Mock & Sons in the Maple Block. The funeral services will be conducted at St. Paul's Episcopal Church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, the rector, Rev. A. W. Cheatham officiating.
(From The Morning Reveille, March 5, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.ELLIS, Rosina (d. 1915)
Mrs. Rosina H. Ellis, former resident of Ferndale, passed away at the home of her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis of 2219 Walnut St., Bellingham on Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 7:45 a. m. at the age of 80 years. Mrs. Ellis was born in the town of Middlesex, Vermont, Sept. 9, 1835, where she resided with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pixley until the age of 21 years, when she was married to Almeron F. Ellis, they they moved to Milwaukee, Wis. They resided there until 1898 when they moved to Ferndale where her husband died in the year 1898 four days after arrival. She resided there until 1911 when she moved to Bellingham where she has resided up to the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss five sons and one daughter, Ed, Levi and John of Bellingham, Dennis of South Bellingham, Frank of Eatonville, Wash., and Mrs. Nora Smith of Portland, Ore., besides a large number of grandchildren. Funeral services were held at Ferndale. Interment was at Enterprise Cemetery beside her husband.
(From The Ferndale Record November 6, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.ELLS, Harry E. (d. 1937)
ELSBREE, George M. (d. 1926)
George Manson Elsbree, seventy-five years of age, a pioneer farmer of the Acme district died at his home Wednesday evening. Arrangements have been made for the funeral to be held Saturday at the Presbyterian church in Acme under the direction of A. C. Harlow of Bellingham with Rev. Alexander Douglas, pastor of the church officiating. The deceased is survived by his wife, five sons and two daughters. Charles F., of Tacoma; J. W., of Sumas; E. E., of Lake Stephens; A. G. and A. F., of Acme, and Mrs. M. J. Ashbourn, Culver, Indiana; and Mrs. C. C. Curry, of Spokane, and thirteen grandchildren. Image
(From the Deming Prospector, March 19, 1926)ELSBREE, Mary E. (d. 1930)
PIONEER ACME WOMAN GOES TO FINAL RESTAcme, Wash., Feb. 6. - Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Elsbree, a pioneer resident of this locality and a member of the First Presbyterian church, and of the Rebekah lodge here, died at her home on Wednesday evening, aged 73 years. Surviving relatives are two daughters, Mrs. M. J. Osborn, Culver, Ind., and Mrs. C. C. Curry, Seattle; five sons, Charles and F. Elsbree, Sumas; E. E. Elsbree, Everett; A. G. and A. F. Elsbree, Acme, and sixteen grandchildren.
(From The Deming Prospector, February 7, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.ELZEA, J. A. (d. 1903)
EMBURY, Carmi (d. 1930)
Carmi Embury, eighty-four years old, passed away August 15 and funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the John Moles funeral home with Rev. Dow De Long of the Methodist church officiating. He was a Civil war veteran and had been a resident of Bellingham for twenty-three years. Surviving him are five sons, Charles, of Adens, Washington; Clyde, Orville, George and Jesse; and one daughter, Mrs. W. G. Ferch, all of North Bellingham.
(From The Ferndale Record, August 21, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.EMMONS, Francis M. (d. 1905)
Mr. Francis M. Emmons died at his home in this city Tuesday morning, Jan. 17, 1905, at about ten o'clock, after a long illness. The funeral was held from the Mission church yesterday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. Mrs. P. M. Storrey, assisted by the Lynch G. A. R., of which he was a member. The remains were interred in the cemetery west of the city. Mr. Emmons was born in Olmstead, Lorain County, Ohio, on the 27th day of August, 1837, being sixty-seven years, five months and twenty-one days old at the time of his death. He was united in marriage with Miss Annie Grason Jan. 8, 1866, at Paulvill, Adair County, Mo. He served his country during the Civil war as a member of the 7th Missouri cavalry. The family came to this place from California five years ago and has resided here since. The deceased has been suffering for about three years with an abscess in his right side and during the past four months has been confined to his bed. Medical treatment was of no avail. A widow and seven children, six sons and one daughter, are left to mourn his loss in the home. All of the family except the daughter, Mrs. C. K. Pulsifer, who lives at Cears, Cal., were by his side when he was called away.
(From The Pacific Pilot, January 19, 1905) Submitted by site coordinator.ENGMAN, John O. (d. 1904)
J. O. Engman, a resident of Delta, died Thursday, Nov. 17th, at his home, of consumption. He had been ill about six months. The funeral was held from the Swedish Baptist church at Delta Monday and was conducted by the Rev. A. O. Olsen. Interment was made in the Lynden cemetery. His wife died about four years ago. Mr. Engman leaves four daughters to mourn his loss: Mrs. E. Markston and the Misses Martha, Edith and Elma Engman. Miss Edith lives in Seattle but came home to the funeral. Mr. Engman was born in Medelpa, Sweden, fifty-eight years ago. He was converted in the old country and was a prominent worker in the Swedish Baptist Church. He was a member and one of the deacons of the Delta Church. Mr. Engman came to this state about ten years ago and purchased a fine ranch near Delta, where he has since resided. The children are extended much sympathy in their bereavement. Mr. Engman was a good man and a respected citizen and he will be missed from the neighborhood where he had so many friends.
(From The Pacific Pilot, November 24, 1904) Submitted by site coordinator.ERGLER, Mary E. (d. 1926)
ERICKSON, Magnhild (d. 1935)
ERLANDSON, Otto A. (d. 1921)
Otto A. Erlandson, aged 57 years, passed away at the family residence, 2406 C street, Tuesday, January 25, after an illness of several months. Mr. Earlandson had resided in this city for the past fifteen years and leaves a host of friends to mourn his departure. He was a member of the Bethlehem Lutheran church, and besides Mrs. Erlandson he is survived by two sons and three daughters, Helmer and Erland Erlandson, Misses Mabel, Olga and Esther Erlandson, all of Bellingham; one brother and three sisters, Edward Erlandson, Maynard, Minn.; Mrs. Mary Reinhart, San Diego, Cal.; Mrs. Anna Holven, Long Beach, Cal., and Mrs. Amelia Johnson, Black River Falls, Wis. The remains are being cared for at the home by Harry O. Bingham, 120-122 Prospect street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, January 26, 1921) Submitted by site coordinator.ERWIN, Sarah (d. 1911)
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Erwin, who died Thursday of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. R. Devoe, from paralysis, was held from the M. E. church Friday afternoon last, Rev. C. B. Seely conducting the services. She was stricken with paralysis on Monday and remained unconscious until death ended her suffering. Sarah Austin was born in Elmira, N. Y., in 1862, removing to Iowa in 1887, and was married to T. K. Erwin in 1883. Later they moved to Nebraska and resided 20 years. Two children, Mrs. H. R. Devore (sic) and L. C. Erwin, both residing here, survive her, as well as the husband, who resides at Kelso, this state. The family removed to Blaine from Kelso last July.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 20, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.ERZ, George (d. 1917)
George Erz, an old-time citizen of this county, died at a local hospital Thursday, July 27, '17, at 10:30 o'clock after undergoing an operation. He was 63 years of age at the time of his death. For some time Mr. Erz has been failing in health, but did not give up his position as jailer at the court house until the 14th of last month, where he has been employed since his appointment by Sheriff Will D. Wallace last January. Deceased arrived in this county in the year 1890, locating at Lynden with his family where he resided, and was in the real estate business until 1911, when he came to Bellingham to reside. He was a man of sterling integrity, and it is doubtful if he had an enemy in the county. Mr. Erz is survived by his widow, two sons - Paul and George - three daughters - Mrs. Agatha Stewart, Mrs. Ben H. Loring, Mrs. Hilda Plaster - also one brother, F. J. Erz of Kalamath Falls, Or. Interment took place in Lynden cemetery last Saturday, a large concourse of friends accompanying the remains to the last resting place.
(From The Bellingham Sentinel Friday, August 3, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.
George Erz, a Lynden pioneer, died at St. Luke's hospital Thursday, following a very short illness. The funeral was held at 1:30 Saturday in Bellingham. Interment was in the Lynden cemetery, with K. of P. services. Mr. and Mrs. Erz moved to Lynden in 1890 where they lived until 1911. Both in Lynden and Bellingham he was engaged in real estate business. He also devoted some time to the invention of a window lock which he patented. For several years he was marshal of Lynden. Since the first of January, Mr. Erz had been county jailer. Besides his widow he is survived by two sons, Paul and George J., and three daughters, Mrs. Agatha Stewart, Mrs. B. H. Loring, and Mrs. Hilda Plaster, all of Bellingham, and by one brother, G. J. Erz, of Klamath Falls, Oregon.
(From The Lynden Tribune, August 2, 1917) Submitted by site coordinator.ESTIS, Della J. (d. 1911)
The body of Mrs. Robert E. Estis arrived here from Spokane last Thursday afternoon for burial, accompanied by the bereaved husband. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church Saturday afternoon, Rev. C. B Seely officiating, and the interment made in the Blaine cemetery. Della Julia Estis passed away in the Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane, on October 10th, after an illness of one month, at the age of 31 years. They had been residing in that city since last April, having moved from Burke, Idaho, where they went from here. The deceased was married to Robert E. Estis in this city four years ago last month. No children were born to this union. Besides the husband, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fayette, five brothers and five sisters are left. Out of a family of 11 children this was the first death. All of the family were present except the father, who is dangerously ill in St. Joseph's hospital in Bellingham, and one daughter, Mrs. Vina Eby, who resides in northern British Columbia at Kitsumkalum. Mrs. Estis lived in this city for many years and was beloved by all who knew her. The sorrowing husband and family have the sympathy of many friends in their bereavement.
(From The Blaine Journal, October 20, 1911) Submitted by site coordinator.EVANS, Eva (d. 1915)
After an illness extending over a period of ten or more years, part of the time suffering intense pain, Mrs. W. P. Evans died at her home last Sunday morning at one o'clock. Funeral services were conducted in the M. E. church Tuesday by the pastor, L. C. Shultz, at 10 o'clock. Interment was made in the Nooksack cemetery. Eva Dubois was born in Iowa June 11, 1875; died Aug. 8, 1915, aged 40 years, 1 month and 17 days. She was married to W. P. Evans Feb. 24, 1897, at Clay Centre Kans. To this union four children were born, Roy, Bertha, Alfred and Eugene, all living. She was converted in Clay county, Kansas, while about the ordinary duties of house work. She and her husband moved to California in 1902, living there for two years, then coming to Nooksack where they have resided ever since. Deceased was a member of the Royal Neighbors Lodge No. 4424. She leaves both parents, two sisters, five brothers, a husband, four children, many friends and neighbors to mourn her loss.
(From The Nooksack Reporter, August 13, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.EVANS, William (d. 1907)
William Evans, a well known and respected resident of this vicinity and of Whatcom county, died at his home east of Blaine last Saturday morning at 8:30 o'clock. Heart failure, brought on by old age and sickness of the last few months, was the immediate cause of his death. Funeral services were conducted at his late home on Monday afternoon by Rev. Berringer, of the Methodist church of Custer, and the interment was at the Masonic cemetery in this city; the Masonic lodge having charge of the services at the grave. Mr. Evans was born in New Town, Wicklow county, Ireland, on August 8, 1827, and was seventh in a family of ten children. At an early age his family moved to Canada and settled in Middlesex county near Toronto. When about twenty years of age Mr. Evans left Canada and moved to Minnesota, later going to Wisconsin.
When the Civil war broke out Mr. Evans enlisted in the Union army on July 16, 1861, in company H of the Sixth Wisconsin volunteers. He served with this company and regiment as a sergeant until the battle of Gettysburg at which he received a severe wound which charging with his regiment during the first day's fight. He was sent to the hospital and after recovering from his wounds was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps and was sent to Washington, D. C., where he was held as a guard in the defence of the national capital until the expiration of his term of enlistment on July 16, 1864. Mr. Evans took part in all the great conflicts in which his regiment participated, which include some of the most noted and bloody battles of the war. When discharged from the service, Mr. Evans returned to his home and on October 15, 1866, he married Miss Lucretia Sweet, in whose companionship he lived until his death. In 1873 he removed with his family to the state of Oregon, later in the same year moving to Genesee, Idaho, where he lived as a farmer until April, 1885, when he moved to Washington and the farm which is the present family home. During the Nez Perce Indian troubles in Idaho, Mr. Evans served in the militia as a first lieutenant and helped to put down the Indian wars of that period.
In politics Mr. Evans was a staunch republican and was known as a straight party man. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Masonic order. He had many friends, as was shown by the large number of people who followed his remains to their last resting place. Mr. Evans leaves a widow and ten children, five sons and five daughters, as follows: Mrs. Emma Ham, Hillyard; Mrs. William Zering, Seattle; Mrs. G. D. C. Pruner, Mrs. James Crutchley, and Miss Josephine Evans of Blaine. His sons are E. J., Lewiston, Idaho; Robert, Seattle; Clayton, Black Duck, Minnesota, and James and William who live at Blaine.
(From The Blaine Journal, November 15, 1907) Submitted by site coordinator.EVANS, William D. (d. 1930)
William D. Evans, aged 71 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Maria A. Evans and a resident of Bellingham for forty-two years, passed away at the family home, 1117 Jersey street, Saturday, August 16, after a lingering illness. Mr. Evans was a member of the Church of the Assumption and leaves to survive him, besides his widow, a son, Dr. William C. Evans, Grass Valley, Cal.; three daughters, Mrs. H. C. Jordan, Glendale, Cal.; Misses Hazel and Mabel M. Evans, city; two brothers, Eli Evans, Duvall, Wash., and Harry Evans, Brothers, Ore.; and four grandchildren. The body rests at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, Holly at Forest street, and funeral services will be held from the Church of the Assumption at 9 o'clock Tuesday, August 19, Rev. Father John O'Connell officiating, and itnerment will take place in Bay View cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, August 18, 1930) Submitted by site coordinator.EVERETT, James H. (d. 1933)
James Henry Everett, aged 84 years, passed away suddenly at the home of his daughter, 2100 Lake street, early Saturday, December 16. Mr. Everett was one of the early pioneers of this county, living here for the past forty-two years, and was engaged in farming and dairying until twenty-two years ago, when he moved to the city. Deceased was a member of the First Baptist church and for the past several years was an active deacon in his church. Surviving him are the following: One son, J. R. Everett, Okanogan, Wash.; five daughters: Pearl C. Pickett, Ollie F. Pickett, Stewartsville, Mo.; Clara B. Randall, Seattle; Ethel E. Munn, 2100 Lake street, city, and Ivah C. Deering, Cincinnati, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Belle Berryman, Plattsburg, Mo. Also one half-sister, three half-brothers, one step brother and one step-sister, all residing in the Middle West. Also ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The remains are resting at the Harlow-Hollingsworth Funeral Home, from where funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, December 16, 1933) Submitted by site coordinator.EVERETT, John T. (d. 1914)
John T. Everett, a pioneer of Whatcom county, and well known throughout this section as a prominent resident near Custer, was stricken with heart failure Saturday afternoon last and died almost instantly while driving with his wife near that place. The deceased was 68 years of age. In his younger days he drove stage on the plains and was an Indian scout with the famous Buffalo Bill, taking part in numerous fights with the red men. He was the oldest child of a family of eleven boys and four girls. Besides the wife and surviving relatives are two brothers, Henry, of Bellingham, and B. W., of Custer; five daughters and two sons, Mrs. John Aitken and Mrs. Kate Percy, of Ferndale; Mrs. Belle Hunt, of Bellingham; two daughters in Missoula, Mont.; Henry Everett, of Custer, and Johnson Everett, of Point Roberts. Miss Ethel Everett, deputy county superintendent of schools is a niece, and John Aitken, county game warden is a son-in-law. The funeral services were held at Custer Tuesday afternoon and interment made in the Enterprise cemetery.
(From The Blaine Journal, April 3, 1914) Submitted by site coordinator.EVERS, Martha A. (d. 1919)
EVERS--Mrs. Martha A. Evers, aged 75 years, passed away at a local hospital on the morning of Friday, April 25, after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Evers was a member of the Woman’s Relief Corps, of Spokane, the Emma Miller circle, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Burlington. Those who survive are the husband and three daughters, W. J. Evers, Burlington; Mrs. A. Benicke, Bellingham, R. F. D. No. 4; Mrs. Edith Omstead, Bellingham, R. F. D. No. 2, and Mrs. E. L. Miller, Salt Lake City. The remains are being cared for at the funeral parlors of Harry O. Bingham, 1310 Dock street. Funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 25, 1919) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.EVERS, William J. (d. 1924)
EVERS--William J. Evers, aged 81 years, passed away at a local hospital Saturday morning, April 12, after a lingering illness. Mr. Evers had resided in Bellingham for the past seventeen years and was a Civil war veteran and was a member of the J. B. Steedman post No. 24, Bellingham. Besides a host of friends he is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Edith Omstead, Bellingham; Mrs. Jean Miller, Seattle, and Mrs. Mary Benicke, Carson City, Nev., and five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. The remains are resting at the O. R. Hollingsworth funeral home, and funeral announcements will be made later.
(From The Bellingham Herald, April 12, 1924) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.EVERSON, Ever (d. 1915)
OLDEST SETTLER OF EVERSON IS CALLEDEver Everson, founder of the town of Everson and the first white man to settle north of the Nooksack river in Whatcom county, died at a Sumas hospital yesterday at the age of 74 years. Mr. Everson was one of the best known characters in the county and he was also one of the most popular. He took up a homestead at what is now known as Everson in 1868 and resided there until his death. Upon the advent of the railroads into the Nooksack valley he founded Everson. Throughout his residence in the valley he always had a welcome hand out for newcomers and in the early days of settlement was a great help to them in establishing themselves. He is described as being broad of mind. Mr. Everson never married, is survived by two nephews, H. Iverson, of Everson, and Iver Iverson, of Fir, Skagit county, and by two nieces, Mrs. Aune, of Seattle, and Mrs. Thompson, of Muskegon, Mich. The funeral will be held at his residence in Everson to-morrow at 10 a. m., under the direction of Undertaker, Gillies and the Rev. Borge, of Lawrence. Interment will be made in the Lawrence cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, October 12, 1915) Submitted by site coordinator.EWBANK, Ellen (d. 1922)
Mrs. Ellen Ewbank, wife of George W. Ewbank, passed away Saturday night at her home new North Bellingham at the age of 76 years. Mr. and Mrs. Ewbank had been married fifty-six years and were former residents of Bellingham. The deceased is survived by her husband, one daughter. Mrs. J. F. Uhl, two grandchildren, James F. Uhl, jr., and Mrs. H. B. Carroll, jr., of Bellingham, and one great grand-daughter, Ysabel Carroll. The funeral was held this afternoon from the Monroe parlors in Ferndale. Interment was in Woodlawn cemetery.
(From The Bellingham Herald, July 3, 1922) Submitted by Merrily Lawson.EWBANK, George W. (d. 1924)
SOLDIER IS CALLED George W. Ewbank, a veteran of the Civil war and fifteen years a Bellingham resident, died early today at the age of 80 years at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mamie Uhl. He was a member of the J. B. Steedman post, No. 24, G. A. R. and during the Civil war served in Company H, 83rd Indiana regiment. The surviving relatives are one daughter, Mrs. Mamie Uhl, and two grandchildren, Mrs. Harry B. Carroll and James F. Uhl Jr., all of Bellingham. Services will be held at Arthur C. Harlow's chapel Monday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. Canon E. B. Smith officiating. These services will be followed by the ritualistic services of the G. A. R. Interment will be made at Woodlawn cemetery. Mr. Ewbank was one of the many pioneers and Civil war veterans who attended the funeral services for Major Joseph W. Kelly, pioneer newspaper publisher at Acme a short time ago.
(From The Bellingham Herald, November 1, 1924)
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